path: root/src/plugins/cppeditor/quickfixes/movefunctiondefinition.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/cppeditor/quickfixes/movefunctiondefinition.cpp')
1 files changed, 1889 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/cppeditor/quickfixes/movefunctiondefinition.cpp b/src/plugins/cppeditor/quickfixes/movefunctiondefinition.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e6ec6a8b9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/cppeditor/quickfixes/movefunctiondefinition.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1889 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2024 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
+#include "movefunctiondefinition.h"
+#include "../cppcodestylesettings.h"
+#include "../cppeditortr.h"
+#include "../cpprefactoringchanges.h"
+#include "../insertionpointlocator.h"
+#include "../symbolfinder.h"
+#include "cppquickfix.h"
+#include "cppquickfixhelpers.h"
+#include <cplusplus/ASTPath.h>
+#include <cplusplus/CppRewriter.h>
+#include <cplusplus/Overview.h>
+using namespace CPlusPlus;
+using namespace TextEditor;
+using namespace Utils;
+#ifdef WITH_TESTS
+#include "cppquickfix_test.h"
+#include <QtTest>
+namespace CppEditor::Internal {
+namespace {
+static QString definitionSignature(
+ const CppQuickFixInterface *assist,
+ FunctionDefinitionAST *functionDefinitionAST,
+ CppRefactoringFilePtr &baseFile,
+ CppRefactoringFilePtr &targetFile,
+ Scope *scope)
+ QTC_ASSERT(assist, return QString());
+ QTC_ASSERT(functionDefinitionAST, return QString());
+ QTC_ASSERT(scope, return QString());
+ Function *func = functionDefinitionAST->symbol;
+ QTC_ASSERT(func, return QString());
+ LookupContext cppContext(targetFile->cppDocument(), assist->snapshot());
+ ClassOrNamespace *cppCoN = cppContext.lookupType(scope);
+ if (!cppCoN)
+ cppCoN = cppContext.globalNamespace();
+ SubstitutionEnvironment env;
+ env.setContext(assist->context());
+ env.switchScope(func->enclosingScope());
+ UseMinimalNames q(cppCoN);
+ env.enter(&q);
+ Control *control = assist->context().bindings()->control().get();
+ Overview oo = CppCodeStyleSettings::currentProjectCodeStyleOverview();
+ oo.showFunctionSignatures = true;
+ oo.showReturnTypes = true;
+ oo.showArgumentNames = true;
+ oo.showEnclosingTemplate = true;
+ oo.showTemplateParameters = true;
+ oo.trailingReturnType = functionDefinitionAST->declarator
+ && functionDefinitionAST->declarator->postfix_declarator_list
+ && functionDefinitionAST->declarator->postfix_declarator_list->value
+ && functionDefinitionAST->declarator->postfix_declarator_list
+ ->value->asFunctionDeclarator()
+ && functionDefinitionAST->declarator->postfix_declarator_list
+ ->value->asFunctionDeclarator()->trailing_return_type;
+ const Name *name = func->name();
+ if (name && nameIncludesOperatorName(name)) {
+ CoreDeclaratorAST *coreDeclarator = functionDefinitionAST->declarator->core_declarator;
+ const QString operatorNameText = baseFile->textOf(coreDeclarator);
+ oo.includeWhiteSpaceInOperatorName = operatorNameText.contains(QLatin1Char(' '));
+ }
+ const QString nameText = oo.prettyName(LookupContext::minimalName(func, cppCoN, control));
+ oo.showTemplateParameters = false;
+ const FullySpecifiedType tn = rewriteType(func->type(), &env, control);
+ return oo.prettyType(tn, nameText);
+class MoveFuncDefRefactoringHelper
+ enum MoveType {
+ MoveOutside,
+ MoveToCppFile,
+ MoveOutsideMemberToCppFile
+ };
+ MoveFuncDefRefactoringHelper(CppQuickFixOperation *operation, MoveType type,
+ const FilePath &toFile)
+ : m_operation(operation), m_type(type), m_changes(m_operation->snapshot())
+ {
+ m_fromFile = operation->currentFile();
+ m_toFile = (m_type == MoveOutside) ? m_fromFile : m_changes.cppFile(toFile);
+ }
+ void performMove(FunctionDefinitionAST *funcAST)
+ {
+ // Determine file, insert position and scope
+ InsertionLocation l = insertLocationForMethodDefinition(
+ funcAST->symbol, false, NamespaceHandling::Ignore,
+ m_changes, m_toFile->filePath());
+ const QString prefix = l.prefix();
+ const QString suffix = l.suffix();
+ const int insertPos = m_toFile->position(l.line(), l.column());
+ Scope *scopeAtInsertPos = m_toFile->cppDocument()->scopeAt(l.line(), l.column());
+ // construct definition
+ const QString funcDec = inlinePrefix(m_toFile->filePath(), [this] { return m_type == MoveOutside; })
+ + definitionSignature(m_operation, funcAST, m_fromFile, m_toFile,
+ scopeAtInsertPos);
+ QString funcDef = prefix + funcDec;
+ const int startPosition = m_fromFile->endOf(funcAST->declarator);
+ const int endPosition = m_fromFile->endOf(funcAST);
+ funcDef += m_fromFile->textOf(startPosition, endPosition);
+ funcDef += suffix;
+ // insert definition at new position
+ m_toFileChangeSet.insert(insertPos, funcDef);
+ m_toFile->setOpenEditor(true, insertPos);
+ // remove definition from fromFile
+ if (m_type == MoveOutsideMemberToCppFile) {
+ m_fromFileChangeSet.remove(m_fromFile->range(funcAST));
+ } else {
+ QString textFuncDecl = m_fromFile->textOf(funcAST);
+ textFuncDecl.truncate(startPosition - m_fromFile->startOf(funcAST));
+ if (textFuncDecl.left(7) == QLatin1String("inline "))
+ textFuncDecl = textFuncDecl.mid(7);
+ else
+ textFuncDecl.replace(" inline ", QLatin1String(" "));
+ textFuncDecl = textFuncDecl.trimmed() + QLatin1Char(';');
+ m_fromFileChangeSet.replace(m_fromFile->range(funcAST), textFuncDecl);
+ }
+ }
+ void applyChanges()
+ {
+ m_toFile->apply(m_toFileChangeSet);
+ m_fromFile->apply(m_fromFileChangeSet);
+ }
+ CppQuickFixOperation *m_operation;
+ MoveType m_type;
+ CppRefactoringChanges m_changes;
+ CppRefactoringFilePtr m_fromFile;
+ CppRefactoringFilePtr m_toFile;
+ ChangeSet m_fromFileChangeSet;
+ ChangeSet m_toFileChangeSet;
+class MoveFuncDefOutsideOp : public CppQuickFixOperation
+ MoveFuncDefOutsideOp(const CppQuickFixInterface &interface,
+ MoveFuncDefRefactoringHelper::MoveType type,
+ FunctionDefinitionAST *funcDef, const FilePath &cppFilePath)
+ : CppQuickFixOperation(interface, 0)
+ , m_funcDef(funcDef)
+ , m_type(type)
+ , m_cppFilePath(cppFilePath)
+ {
+ if (m_type == MoveFuncDefRefactoringHelper::MoveOutside) {
+ setDescription(Tr::tr("Move Definition Outside Class"));
+ } else {
+ const FilePath resolved = m_cppFilePath.relativePathFrom(filePath().parentDir());
+ setDescription(Tr::tr("Move Definition to %1").arg(resolved.displayName()));
+ }
+ }
+ void perform() override
+ {
+ MoveFuncDefRefactoringHelper helper(this, m_type, m_cppFilePath);
+ helper.performMove(m_funcDef);
+ helper.applyChanges();
+ }
+ FunctionDefinitionAST *m_funcDef;
+ MoveFuncDefRefactoringHelper::MoveType m_type;
+ const FilePath m_cppFilePath;
+class MoveAllFuncDefOutsideOp : public CppQuickFixOperation
+ MoveAllFuncDefOutsideOp(const CppQuickFixInterface &interface,
+ MoveFuncDefRefactoringHelper::MoveType type,
+ ClassSpecifierAST *classDef, const FilePath &cppFileName)
+ : CppQuickFixOperation(interface, 0)
+ , m_type(type)
+ , m_classDef(classDef)
+ , m_cppFilePath(cppFileName)
+ {
+ if (m_type == MoveFuncDefRefactoringHelper::MoveOutside) {
+ setDescription(Tr::tr("Definitions Outside Class"));
+ } else {
+ const FilePath resolved = m_cppFilePath.relativePathFrom(filePath().parentDir());
+ setDescription(Tr::tr("Move All Function Definitions to %1")
+ .arg(resolved.displayName()));
+ }
+ }
+ void perform() override
+ {
+ MoveFuncDefRefactoringHelper helper(this, m_type, m_cppFilePath);
+ for (DeclarationListAST *it = m_classDef->member_specifier_list; it; it = it->next) {
+ if (FunctionDefinitionAST *funcAST = it->value->asFunctionDefinition()) {
+ if (funcAST->symbol && !funcAST->symbol->isGenerated())
+ helper.performMove(funcAST);
+ }
+ }
+ helper.applyChanges();
+ }
+ MoveFuncDefRefactoringHelper::MoveType m_type;
+ ClassSpecifierAST *m_classDef;
+ const FilePath m_cppFilePath;
+class MoveFuncDefToDeclOp : public CppQuickFixOperation
+ enum Type { Push, Pull };
+ MoveFuncDefToDeclOp(const CppQuickFixInterface &interface,
+ const FilePath &fromFilePath, const FilePath &toFilePath,
+ FunctionDefinitionAST *funcAst, Function *func, const QString &declText,
+ const ChangeSet::Range &fromRange,
+ const ChangeSet::Range &toRange,
+ Type type)
+ : CppQuickFixOperation(interface, 0)
+ , m_fromFilePath(fromFilePath)
+ , m_toFilePath(toFilePath)
+ , m_funcAST(funcAst)
+ , m_func(func)
+ , m_declarationText(declText)
+ , m_fromRange(fromRange)
+ , m_toRange(toRange)
+ {
+ if (type == Type::Pull) {
+ setDescription(Tr::tr("Move Definition Here"));
+ } else if (m_toFilePath == m_fromFilePath) {
+ setDescription(Tr::tr("Move Definition to Class"));
+ } else {
+ const FilePath resolved = m_toFilePath.relativePathFrom(m_fromFilePath.parentDir());
+ setDescription(Tr::tr("Move Definition to %1").arg(resolved.displayName()));
+ }
+ }
+ void perform() override
+ {
+ CppRefactoringChanges refactoring(snapshot());
+ CppRefactoringFilePtr fromFile = refactoring.cppFile(m_fromFilePath);
+ CppRefactoringFilePtr toFile = refactoring.cppFile(m_toFilePath);
+ ensureFuncDefAstAndRange(*fromFile);
+ if (!m_funcAST)
+ return;
+ const QString wholeFunctionText = m_declarationText
+ + fromFile->textOf(fromFile->endOf(m_funcAST->declarator),
+ fromFile->endOf(m_funcAST->function_body));
+ // Replace declaration with function and delete old definition
+ ChangeSet toTarget;
+ toTarget.replace(m_toRange, wholeFunctionText);
+ if (m_toFilePath == m_fromFilePath)
+ toTarget.remove(m_fromRange);
+ toFile->setOpenEditor(true, m_toRange.start);
+ toFile->apply(toTarget);
+ if (m_toFilePath != m_fromFilePath)
+ fromFile->apply(ChangeSet::makeRemove(m_fromRange));
+ }
+ void ensureFuncDefAstAndRange(CppRefactoringFile &defFile)
+ {
+ if (m_funcAST) {
+ QTC_CHECK(m_fromRange.end > m_fromRange.start);
+ return;
+ }
+ QTC_ASSERT(m_func, return);
+ const QList<AST *> astPath = ASTPath(defFile.cppDocument())(m_func->line(),
+ m_func->column());
+ if (astPath.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ for (auto it = std::rbegin(astPath); it != std::rend(astPath); ++it) {
+ m_funcAST = (*it)->asFunctionDefinition();
+ if (!m_funcAST)
+ continue;
+ AST *astForRange = m_funcAST;
+ const auto prev = std::next(it);
+ if (prev != std::rend(astPath)) {
+ if (const auto templAst = (*prev)->asTemplateDeclaration())
+ astForRange = templAst;
+ }
+ m_fromRange = defFile.range(astForRange);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ const FilePath m_fromFilePath;
+ const FilePath m_toFilePath;
+ FunctionDefinitionAST *m_funcAST;
+ Function *m_func;
+ const QString m_declarationText;
+ ChangeSet::Range m_fromRange;
+ const ChangeSet::Range m_toRange;
+ Moves the definition of a member function outside the class or moves the definition of a member
+ function or a normal function to the implementation file.
+ */
+class MoveFuncDefOutside : public CppQuickFixFactory
+#ifdef WITH_TESTS
+ static QObject *createTest();
+ void doMatch(const CppQuickFixInterface &interface, QuickFixOperations &result) override
+ {
+ const QList<AST *> &path = interface.path();
+ SimpleDeclarationAST *classAST = nullptr;
+ FunctionDefinitionAST *funcAST = nullptr;
+ bool moveOutsideMemberDefinition = false;
+ const int pathSize = path.size();
+ for (int idx = 1; idx < pathSize; ++idx) {
+ if ((funcAST = path.at(idx)->asFunctionDefinition())) {
+ // check cursor position
+ if (idx != pathSize - 1 // Do not allow "void a() @ {..."
+ && funcAST->function_body
+ && !interface.isCursorOn(funcAST->function_body)) {
+ if (path.at(idx - 1)->asTranslationUnit()) { // normal function
+ if (idx + 3 < pathSize && path.at(idx + 3)->asQualifiedName()) // Outside member
+ moveOutsideMemberDefinition = true; // definition
+ break;
+ }
+ if (idx > 1) {
+ if ((classAST = path.at(idx - 2)->asSimpleDeclaration())) // member function
+ break;
+ if (path.at(idx - 2)->asNamespace()) // normal function in namespace
+ break;
+ }
+ if (idx > 2 && path.at(idx - 1)->asTemplateDeclaration()) {
+ if ((classAST = path.at(idx - 3)->asSimpleDeclaration())) // member template
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ funcAST = nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!funcAST || !funcAST->symbol)
+ return;
+ bool isHeaderFile = false;
+ const FilePath cppFileName = correspondingHeaderOrSource(interface.filePath(), &isHeaderFile);
+ if (isHeaderFile && !cppFileName.isEmpty()) {
+ const MoveFuncDefRefactoringHelper::MoveType type = moveOutsideMemberDefinition
+ ? MoveFuncDefRefactoringHelper::MoveOutsideMemberToCppFile
+ : MoveFuncDefRefactoringHelper::MoveToCppFile;
+ result << new MoveFuncDefOutsideOp(interface, type, funcAST, cppFileName);
+ }
+ if (classAST)
+ result << new MoveFuncDefOutsideOp(interface, MoveFuncDefRefactoringHelper::MoveOutside,
+ funcAST, FilePath());
+ return;
+ }
+//! Moves all member function definitions outside the class or to the implementation file.
+class MoveAllFuncDefOutside : public CppQuickFixFactory
+#ifdef WITH_TESTS
+ static QObject *createTest();
+ void doMatch(const CppQuickFixInterface &interface, QuickFixOperations &result) override
+ {
+ ClassSpecifierAST * const classAST = astForClassOperations(interface);
+ if (!classAST)
+ return;
+ // Determine if the class has at least one function definition
+ bool classContainsFunctions = false;
+ for (DeclarationListAST *it = classAST->member_specifier_list; it; it = it->next) {
+ if (FunctionDefinitionAST *funcAST = it->value->asFunctionDefinition()) {
+ if (funcAST->symbol && !funcAST->symbol->isGenerated()) {
+ classContainsFunctions = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!classContainsFunctions)
+ return;
+ bool isHeaderFile = false;
+ const FilePath cppFileName = correspondingHeaderOrSource(interface.filePath(), &isHeaderFile);
+ if (isHeaderFile && !cppFileName.isEmpty()) {
+ result << new MoveAllFuncDefOutsideOp(interface,
+ MoveFuncDefRefactoringHelper::MoveToCppFile,
+ classAST, cppFileName);
+ }
+ result << new MoveAllFuncDefOutsideOp(interface, MoveFuncDefRefactoringHelper::MoveOutside,
+ classAST, FilePath());
+ }
+//! Moves the definition of a function to its declaration, with the cursor on the definition.
+class MoveFuncDefToDeclPush : public CppQuickFixFactory
+#ifdef WITH_TESTS
+ static QObject *createTest();
+ void doMatch(const CppQuickFixInterface &interface, QuickFixOperations &result) override
+ {
+ const QList<AST *> &path = interface.path();
+ AST *completeDefAST = nullptr;
+ FunctionDefinitionAST *funcAST = nullptr;
+ const int pathSize = path.size();
+ for (int idx = 1; idx < pathSize; ++idx) {
+ if ((funcAST = path.at(idx)->asFunctionDefinition())) {
+ AST *enclosingAST = path.at(idx - 1);
+ if (enclosingAST->asClassSpecifier())
+ return;
+ // check cursor position
+ if (idx != pathSize - 1 // Do not allow "void a() @ {..."
+ && funcAST->function_body
+ && !interface.isCursorOn(funcAST->function_body)) {
+ completeDefAST = enclosingAST->asTemplateDeclaration() ? enclosingAST : funcAST;
+ break;
+ }
+ funcAST = nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!funcAST || !funcAST->symbol)
+ return;
+ const CppRefactoringChanges refactoring(interface.snapshot());
+ const CppRefactoringFilePtr defFile = interface.currentFile();
+ const ChangeSet::Range defRange = defFile->range(completeDefAST);
+ // Determine declaration (file, range, text);
+ ChangeSet::Range declRange;
+ QString declText;
+ FilePath declFilePath;
+ Function *func = funcAST->symbol;
+ if (Class *matchingClass = isMemberFunction(interface.context(), func)) {
+ // Dealing with member functions
+ const QualifiedNameId *qName = func->name()->asQualifiedNameId();
+ for (Symbol *symbol = matchingClass->find(qName->identifier());
+ symbol; symbol = symbol->next()) {
+ Symbol *s = symbol;
+ if (func->enclosingScope()->asTemplate()) {
+ if (const Template *templ = s->type()->asTemplateType()) {
+ if (Symbol *decl = templ->declaration()) {
+ if (decl->type()->asFunctionType())
+ s = decl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!s->name()
+ || !qName->identifier()->match(s->identifier())
+ || !s->type()->asFunctionType()
+ || !s->type().match(func->type())
+ || s->asFunction()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ declFilePath = matchingClass->filePath();
+ const CppRefactoringFilePtr declFile = refactoring.cppFile(declFilePath);
+ ASTPath astPath(declFile->cppDocument());
+ const QList<AST *> path = astPath(s->line(), s->column());
+ for (int idx = path.size() - 1; idx > 0; --idx) {
+ AST *node = path.at(idx);
+ if (SimpleDeclarationAST *simpleDecl = node->asSimpleDeclaration()) {
+ if (simpleDecl->symbols && !simpleDecl->symbols->next) {
+ declRange = declFile->range(simpleDecl);
+ declText = declFile->textOf(simpleDecl);
+ declText.remove(-1, 1); // remove ';' from declaration text
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!declText.isEmpty())
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if (Namespace *matchingNamespace = isNamespaceFunction(interface.context(), func)) {
+ // Dealing with free functions
+ bool isHeaderFile = false;
+ declFilePath = correspondingHeaderOrSource(interface.filePath(), &isHeaderFile);
+ if (isHeaderFile)
+ return;
+ const CppRefactoringFilePtr declFile = refactoring.cppFile(declFilePath);
+ const LookupContext lc(declFile->cppDocument(), interface.snapshot());
+ const QList<LookupItem> candidates = lc.lookup(func->name(), matchingNamespace);
+ for (const LookupItem &candidate : candidates) {
+ if (Symbol *s = candidate.declaration()) {
+ if (s->asDeclaration()) {
+ ASTPath astPath(declFile->cppDocument());
+ const QList<AST *> path = astPath(s->line(), s->column());
+ for (AST *node : path) {
+ if (SimpleDeclarationAST *simpleDecl = node->asSimpleDeclaration()) {
+ declRange = declFile->range(simpleDecl);
+ declText = declFile->textOf(simpleDecl);
+ declText.remove(-1, 1); // remove ';' from declaration text
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!declText.isEmpty()) {
+ declText.prepend(inlinePrefix(declFilePath));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!declFilePath.isEmpty() && !declText.isEmpty())
+ result << new MoveFuncDefToDeclOp(interface,
+ interface.filePath(),
+ declFilePath,
+ funcAST, func, declText,
+ defRange, declRange, MoveFuncDefToDeclOp::Push);
+ }
+//! Moves the definition of a function to its declaration, with the cursor on the declaration.
+class MoveFuncDefToDeclPull : public CppQuickFixFactory
+#ifdef WITH_TESTS
+ static QObject *createTest();
+ void doMatch(const CppQuickFixInterface &interface, QuickFixOperations &result) override
+ {
+ const QList<AST *> &path = interface.path();
+ for (auto it = std::rbegin(path); it != std::rend(path); ++it) {
+ SimpleDeclarationAST * const simpleDecl = (*it)->asSimpleDeclaration();
+ if (!simpleDecl)
+ continue;
+ const auto prev = std::next(it);
+ if (prev != std::rend(path) && (*prev)->asStatement())
+ return;
+ if (!simpleDecl->symbols || !simpleDecl->symbols->value || simpleDecl->symbols->next)
+ return;
+ Declaration * const decl = simpleDecl->symbols->value->asDeclaration();
+ if (!decl)
+ return;
+ Function * const funcDecl = decl->type()->asFunctionType();
+ if (!funcDecl)
+ return;
+ if (funcDecl->isSignal() || funcDecl->isPureVirtual() || funcDecl->isFriend())
+ return;
+ // Is there a definition?
+ SymbolFinder symbolFinder;
+ Function * const funcDef = symbolFinder.findMatchingDefinition(decl, interface.snapshot(),
+ true);
+ if (!funcDef)
+ return;
+ QString declText = interface.currentFile()->textOf(simpleDecl);
+ declText.chop(1); // semicolon
+ declText.prepend(inlinePrefix(interface.filePath(), [funcDecl] {
+ return !funcDecl->enclosingScope()->asClass();
+ }));
+ result << new MoveFuncDefToDeclOp(interface, funcDef->filePath(), decl->filePath(), nullptr,
+ funcDef, declText, {},
+ interface.currentFile()->range(simpleDecl),
+ MoveFuncDefToDeclOp::Pull);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef WITH_TESTS
+using namespace Tests;
+class MoveFuncDefOutsideTest : public QObject
+private slots:
+ /// Check: Move definition from header to cpp.
+ void testMemberFuncToCpp()
+ {
+ QList<TestDocumentPtr> testDocuments;
+ QByteArray original;
+ QByteArray expected;
+ // Header File
+ original =
+ "class Foo {\n"
+ " inline int numbe@r() const\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " return 5;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " void bar();\n"
+ "};\n";
+ expected =
+ "class Foo {\n"
+ " int number() const;\n"
+ "\n"
+ " void bar();\n"
+ "};\n";
+ testDocuments << CppTestDocument::create("file.h", original, expected);
+ // Source File
+ original =
+ "#include \"file.h\"\n";
+ expected =
+ "#include \"file.h\"\n"
+ "\n"
+ "int Foo::number() const\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " return 5;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ ;
+ testDocuments << CppTestDocument::create("file.cpp", original, expected);
+ MoveFuncDefOutside factory;
+ QuickFixOperationTest(testDocuments, &factory);
+ }
+ void testMemberFuncToCppInsideNS()
+ {
+ QList<TestDocumentPtr> testDocuments;
+ QByteArray original;
+ QByteArray expected;
+ // Header File
+ original =
+ "namespace SomeNamespace {\n"
+ "class Foo {\n"
+ " int ba@r()\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " return 5;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "};\n"
+ "}\n";
+ expected =
+ "namespace SomeNamespace {\n"
+ "class Foo {\n"
+ " int ba@r();\n"
+ "};\n"
+ "}\n";
+ testDocuments << CppTestDocument::create("file.h", original, expected);
+ // Source File
+ original =
+ "#include \"file.h\"\n"
+ "namespace SomeNamespace {\n"
+ "\n"
+ "}\n";
+ expected =
+ "#include \"file.h\"\n"
+ "namespace SomeNamespace {\n"
+ "\n"
+ "int Foo::bar()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " return 5;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "}\n";
+ testDocuments << CppTestDocument::create("file.cpp", original, expected);
+ MoveFuncDefOutside factory;
+ QuickFixOperationTest(testDocuments, &factory);
+ }
+ /// Check: Move definition outside class
+ void testMemberFuncOutside1()
+ {
+ QByteArray original =
+ "class Foo {\n"
+ " void f1();\n"
+ " inline int f2@() const\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " return 1;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " void f3();\n"
+ " void f4();\n"
+ "};\n"
+ "\n"
+ "void Foo::f4() {}\n";
+ QByteArray expected =
+ "class Foo {\n"
+ " void f1();\n"
+ " int f2@() const;\n"
+ " void f3();\n"
+ " void f4();\n"
+ "};\n"
+ "\n"
+ "int Foo::f2() const\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " return 1;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "void Foo::f4() {}\n";
+ MoveFuncDefOutside factory;
+ QuickFixOperationTest(singleDocument(original, expected), &factory);
+ }
+ /// Check: Move definition outside class
+ void testMemberFuncOutside2()
+ {
+ QList<TestDocumentPtr> testDocuments;
+ QByteArray original;
+ QByteArray expected;
+ // Header File
+ original =
+ "class Foo {\n"
+ " void f1();\n"
+ " int f2@()\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " return 1;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " void f3();\n"
+ "};\n";
+ expected =
+ "class Foo {\n"
+ " void f1();\n"
+ " int f2();\n"
+ " void f3();\n"
+ "};\n"
+ "\n"
+ "inline int Foo::f2()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " return 1;\n"
+ "}\n";
+ testDocuments << CppTestDocument::create("file.h", original, expected);
+ // Source File
+ original =
+ "#include \"file.h\"\n"
+ "void Foo::f1() {}\n"
+ "void Foo::f3() {}\n";
+ expected = original;
+ testDocuments << CppTestDocument::create("file.cpp", original, expected);
+ MoveFuncDefOutside factory;
+ QuickFixOperationTest(testDocuments, &factory, ProjectExplorer::HeaderPaths(), 1);
+ }
+ /// Check: Move definition from header to cpp (with namespace).
+ void testMemberFuncToCppNS()
+ {
+ QList<TestDocumentPtr> testDocuments;
+ QByteArray original;
+ QByteArray expected;
+ // Header File
+ original =
+ "namespace MyNs {\n"
+ "class Foo {\n"
+ " inline int numbe@r() const\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " return 5;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "};\n"
+ "}\n";
+ expected =
+ "namespace MyNs {\n"
+ "class Foo {\n"
+ " int number() const;\n"
+ "};\n"
+ "}\n";
+ testDocuments << CppTestDocument::create("file.h", original, expected);
+ // Source File
+ original =
+ "#include \"file.h\"\n";
+ expected =
+ "#include \"file.h\"\n"
+ "\n"
+ "int MyNs::Foo::number() const\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " return 5;\n"
+ "}\n";
+ testDocuments << CppTestDocument::create("file.cpp", original, expected);
+ MoveFuncDefOutside factory;
+ QuickFixOperationTest(testDocuments, &factory);
+ }
+ /// Check: Move definition from header to cpp (with namespace + using).
+ void testMemberFuncToCppNSUsing()
+ {
+ QList<TestDocumentPtr> testDocuments;
+ QByteArray original;
+ QByteArray expected;
+ // Header File
+ original =
+ "namespace MyNs {\n"
+ "class Foo {\n"
+ " inline int numbe@r() const\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " return 5;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "};\n"
+ "}\n";
+ expected =
+ "namespace MyNs {\n"
+ "class Foo {\n"
+ " int number() const;\n"
+ "};\n"
+ "}\n";
+ testDocuments << CppTestDocument::create("file.h", original, expected);
+ // Source File
+ original =
+ "#include \"file.h\"\n"
+ "using namespace MyNs;\n";
+ expected =
+ "#include \"file.h\"\n"
+ "using namespace MyNs;\n"
+ "\n"
+ "int Foo::number() const\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " return 5;\n"
+ "}\n";
+ testDocuments << CppTestDocument::create("file.cpp", original, expected);
+ MoveFuncDefOutside factory;
+ QuickFixOperationTest(testDocuments, &factory);
+ }
+ /// Check: Move definition outside class with Namespace
+ void testMemberFuncOutsideWithNs()
+ {
+ QByteArray original =
+ "namespace MyNs {\n"
+ "class Foo {\n"
+ " inline int numbe@r() const\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " return 5;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "};}\n";
+ QByteArray expected =
+ "namespace MyNs {\n"
+ "class Foo {\n"
+ " int number() const;\n"
+ "};\n"
+ "\n"
+ "int Foo::number() const\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " return 5;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n}\n";
+ MoveFuncDefOutside factory;
+ QuickFixOperationTest(singleDocument(original, expected), &factory);
+ }
+ /// Check: Move free function from header to cpp.
+ void testFreeFuncToCpp()
+ {
+ QList<TestDocumentPtr> testDocuments;
+ QByteArray original;
+ QByteArray expected;
+ // Header File
+ original =
+ "int numbe@r() const\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " return 5;\n"
+ "}\n";
+ expected =
+ "int number() const;\n"
+ ;
+ testDocuments << CppTestDocument::create("file.h", original, expected);
+ // Source File
+ original =
+ "#include \"file.h\"\n";
+ expected =
+ "#include \"file.h\"\n"
+ "\n"
+ "int number() const\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " return 5;\n"
+ "}\n";
+ testDocuments << CppTestDocument::create("file.cpp", original, expected);
+ MoveFuncDefOutside factory;
+ QuickFixOperationTest(testDocuments, &factory);
+ }
+ /// Check: Move free function from header to cpp (with namespace).
+ void testFreeFuncToCppNS()
+ {
+ QList<TestDocumentPtr> testDocuments;
+ QByteArray original;
+ QByteArray expected;
+ // Header File
+ original =
+ "namespace MyNamespace {\n"
+ "int numbe@r() const\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " return 5;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "}\n";
+ expected =
+ "namespace MyNamespace {\n"
+ "int number() const;\n"
+ "}\n";
+ testDocuments << CppTestDocument::create("file.h", original, expected);
+ // Source File
+ original =
+ "#include \"file.h\"\n";
+ expected =
+ "#include \"file.h\"\n"
+ "\n"
+ "int MyNamespace::number() const\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " return 5;\n"
+ "}\n";
+ testDocuments << CppTestDocument::create("file.cpp", original, expected);
+ MoveFuncDefOutside factory;
+ QuickFixOperationTest(testDocuments, &factory);
+ }
+ /// Check: Move Ctor with member initialization list (QTCREATORBUG-9157).
+ void testCtorWithInitialization1()
+ {
+ QList<TestDocumentPtr> testDocuments;
+ QByteArray original;
+ QByteArray expected;
+ // Header File
+ original =
+ "class Foo {\n"
+ "public:\n"
+ " Fo@o() : a(42), b(3.141) {}\n"
+ "private:\n"
+ " int a;\n"
+ " float b;\n"
+ "};\n";
+ expected =
+ "class Foo {\n"
+ "public:\n"
+ " Foo();\n"
+ "private:\n"
+ " int a;\n"
+ " float b;\n"
+ "};\n";
+ testDocuments << CppTestDocument::create("file.h", original, expected);
+ // Source File
+ original ="#include \"file.h\"\n";
+ expected =
+ "#include \"file.h\"\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Foo::Foo() : a(42), b(3.141) {}\n"
+ ;
+ testDocuments << CppTestDocument::create("file.cpp", original, expected);
+ MoveFuncDefOutside factory;
+ QuickFixOperationTest(testDocuments, &factory);
+ }
+ /// Check: Move Ctor with member initialization list (QTCREATORBUG-9462).
+ void testCtorWithInitialization2()
+ {
+ QList<TestDocumentPtr> testDocuments;
+ QByteArray original;
+ QByteArray expected;
+ // Header File
+ original =
+ "class Foo\n"
+ "{\n"
+ "public:\n"
+ " Fo@o() : member(2)\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " int member;\n"
+ "};\n";
+ expected =
+ "class Foo\n"
+ "{\n"
+ "public:\n"
+ " Foo();\n"
+ "\n"
+ " int member;\n"
+ "};\n";
+ testDocuments << CppTestDocument::create("file.h", original, expected);
+ // Source File
+ original ="#include \"file.h\"\n";
+ expected =
+ "#include \"file.h\"\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Foo::Foo() : member(2)\n"
+ "{\n"
+ "}\n"
+ ;
+ testDocuments << CppTestDocument::create("file.cpp", original, expected);
+ MoveFuncDefOutside factory;
+ QuickFixOperationTest(testDocuments, &factory);
+ }
+ /// Check if definition is inserted right after class for move definition outside
+ void testAfterClass()
+ {
+ QList<TestDocumentPtr> testDocuments;
+ QByteArray original;
+ QByteArray expected;
+ // Header File
+ original =
+ "class Foo\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " Foo();\n"
+ " void a@() {}\n"
+ "};\n"
+ "\n"
+ "class Bar {};\n";
+ expected =
+ "class Foo\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " Foo();\n"
+ " void a();\n"
+ "};\n"
+ "\n"
+ "inline void Foo::a() {}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "class Bar {};\n";
+ testDocuments << CppTestDocument::create("file.h", original, expected);
+ // Source File
+ original =
+ "#include \"file.h\"\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Foo::Foo()\n"
+ "{\n\n"
+ "}\n";
+ expected = original;
+ testDocuments << CppTestDocument::create("file.cpp", original, expected);
+ MoveFuncDefOutside factory;
+ QuickFixOperationTest(testDocuments, &factory, ProjectExplorer::HeaderPaths(), 1);
+ }
+ /// Check if whitespace is respected for operator functions
+ void testRespectWsInOperatorNames1()
+ {
+ QByteArray original =
+ "class Foo\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " Foo &opera@tor =() {}\n"
+ "};\n";
+ QByteArray expected =
+ "class Foo\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " Foo &operator =();\n"
+ "};\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Foo &Foo::operator =() {}\n"
+ ;
+ MoveFuncDefOutside factory;
+ QuickFixOperationTest(singleDocument(original, expected), &factory);
+ }
+ /// Check if whitespace is respected for operator functions
+ void testRespectWsInOperatorNames2()
+ {
+ QByteArray original =
+ "class Foo\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " Foo &opera@tor=() {}\n"
+ "};\n";
+ QByteArray expected =
+ "class Foo\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " Foo &operator=();\n"
+ "};\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Foo &Foo::operator=() {}\n"
+ ;
+ MoveFuncDefOutside factory;
+ QuickFixOperationTest(singleDocument(original, expected), &factory);
+ }
+ void testMacroUses()
+ {
+ QByteArray original =
+ "#define CONST const\n"
+ "#define VOLATILE volatile\n"
+ "class Foo\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " int fu@nc(int a, int b) CONST VOLATILE\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " return 42;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "};\n";
+ QByteArray expected =
+ "#define CONST const\n"
+ "#define VOLATILE volatile\n"
+ "class Foo\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " int func(int a, int b) CONST VOLATILE;\n"
+ "};\n"
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ // const volatile become lowercase: QTCREATORBUG-12620
+ "int Foo::func(int a, int b) const volatile\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " return 42;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ ;
+ MoveFuncDefOutside factory;
+ QuickFixOperationTest(singleDocument(original, expected), &factory,
+ ProjectExplorer::HeaderPaths(), 0, "QTCREATORBUG-12314");
+ }
+ void testTemplate()
+ {
+ QByteArray original =
+ "template<class T>\n"
+ "class Foo { void fu@nc() {} };\n";
+ QByteArray expected =
+ "template<class T>\n"
+ "class Foo { void fu@nc(); };\n"
+ "\n"
+ "template<class T>\n"
+ "void Foo<T>::func() {}\n";
+ ;
+ MoveFuncDefOutside factory;
+ QuickFixOperationTest(singleDocument(original, expected), &factory);
+ }
+ void testMemberFunctionTemplate()
+ {
+ const QByteArray original = R"(
+struct S {
+ template<typename In>
+ void @foo(In in) { (void)in; }
+ const QByteArray expected = R"(
+struct S {
+ template<typename In>
+ void foo(In in);
+template<typename In>
+void S::foo(In in) { (void)in; }
+ MoveFuncDefOutside factory;
+ QuickFixOperationTest(singleDocument(original, expected), &factory);
+ }
+ void testTemplateSpecializedClass()
+ {
+ QByteArray original = R"(
+template<typename T> class base {};
+class base<int>
+ void @bar() {}
+ QByteArray expected = R"(
+template<typename T> class base {};
+class base<int>
+ void bar();
+void base<int>::bar() {}
+ MoveFuncDefOutside factory;
+ QuickFixOperationTest(singleDocument(original, expected), &factory);
+ }
+ void testUnnamedTemplate()
+ {
+ QByteArray original =
+ "template<typename T, typename>\n"
+ "class Foo { void fu@nc() {} };\n";
+ QByteArray expected =
+ "template<typename T, typename>\n"
+ "class Foo { void fu@nc(); };\n"
+ "\n"
+ "template<typename T, typename T2>\n"
+ "void Foo<T, T2>::func() {}\n";
+ ;
+ MoveFuncDefOutside factory;
+ QuickFixOperationTest(singleDocument(original, expected), &factory);
+ }
+ void testMemberFuncToCppStatic()
+ {
+ QList<TestDocumentPtr> testDocuments;
+ QByteArray original;
+ QByteArray expected;
+ // Header File
+ original =
+ "class Foo {\n"
+ " static inline int numbe@r() const\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " return 5;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " void bar();\n"
+ "};\n";
+ expected =
+ "class Foo {\n"
+ " static int number() const;\n"
+ "\n"
+ " void bar();\n"
+ "};\n";
+ testDocuments << CppTestDocument::create("file.h", original, expected);
+ // Source File
+ original =
+ "#include \"file.h\"\n";
+ expected =
+ "#include \"file.h\"\n"
+ "\n"
+ "int Foo::number() const\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " return 5;\n"
+ "}\n";
+ testDocuments << CppTestDocument::create("file.cpp", original, expected);
+ MoveFuncDefOutside factory;
+ QuickFixOperationTest(testDocuments, &factory);
+ }
+ void testMemberFuncToCppWithInlinePartOfName()
+ {
+ QList<TestDocumentPtr> testDocuments;
+ QByteArray original;
+ QByteArray expected;
+ // Header File
+ original =
+ "class Foo {\n"
+ " static inline int numbe@r_inline () const\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " return 5;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " void bar();\n"
+ "};\n";
+ expected =
+ "class Foo {\n"
+ " static int number_inline () const;\n"
+ "\n"
+ " void bar();\n"
+ "};\n";
+ testDocuments << CppTestDocument::create("file.h", original, expected);
+ // Source File
+ original =
+ "#include \"file.h\"\n";
+ expected =
+ "#include \"file.h\"\n"
+ "\n"
+ "int Foo::number_inline() const\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " return 5;\n"
+ "}\n";
+ testDocuments << CppTestDocument::create("file.cpp", original, expected);
+ MoveFuncDefOutside factory;
+ QuickFixOperationTest(testDocuments, &factory);
+ }
+ void testMixedQualifiers()
+ {
+ QList<TestDocumentPtr> testDocuments;
+ QByteArray original;
+ QByteArray expected;
+ // Header File
+ original = R"(
+struct Base {
+ virtual auto func() const && noexcept -> void = 0;
+struct Derived : public Base {
+ auto @func() const && noexcept -> void override {}
+ expected = R"(
+struct Base {
+ virtual auto func() const && noexcept -> void = 0;
+struct Derived : public Base {
+ auto func() const && noexcept -> void override;
+ testDocuments << CppTestDocument::create("file.h", original, expected);
+ // Source File
+ original = "#include \"file.h\"\n";
+ expected = R"DELIM(#include "file.h"
+auto Derived::func() const && noexcept -> void {}
+ testDocuments << CppTestDocument::create("file.cpp", original, expected);
+ MoveFuncDefOutside factory;
+ QuickFixOperationTest(testDocuments, &factory);
+ }
+class MoveAllFuncDefOutsideTest : public QObject
+private slots:
+ void testMemberFuncToCpp()
+ {
+ QList<TestDocumentPtr> testDocuments;
+ QByteArray original;
+ QByteArray expected;
+ // Header File
+ original =
+ "class Foo {@\n"
+ " int numberA() const\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " return 5;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " int numberB() const\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " return 5;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "};\n";
+ expected =
+ "class Foo {\n"
+ " int numberA() const;\n"
+ " int numberB() const;\n"
+ "};\n";
+ testDocuments << CppTestDocument::create("file.h", original, expected);
+ // Source File
+ original =
+ "#include \"file.h\"\n";
+ expected =
+ "#include \"file.h\"\n"
+ "\n"
+ "int Foo::numberA() const\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " return 5;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "int Foo::numberB() const\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " return 5;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ ;
+ testDocuments << CppTestDocument::create("file.cpp", original, expected);
+ MoveAllFuncDefOutside factory;
+ QuickFixOperationTest(testDocuments, &factory);
+ }
+ void testMemberFuncOutside()
+ {
+ QByteArray original =
+ "class F@oo {\n"
+ " int f1()\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " return 1;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " int f2() const\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " return 2;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "};\n";
+ QByteArray expected =
+ "class Foo {\n"
+ " int f1();\n"
+ " int f2() const;\n"
+ "};\n"
+ "\n"
+ "int Foo::f1()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " return 1;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "int Foo::f2() const\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " return 2;\n"
+ "}\n";
+ MoveAllFuncDefOutside factory;
+ QuickFixOperationTest(singleDocument(original, expected), &factory);
+ }
+ void testDoNotTriggerOnBaseClass()
+ {
+ QByteArray original =
+ "class Bar;\n"
+ "class Foo : public Ba@r {\n"
+ " int f1()\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " return 1;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "};\n";
+ MoveAllFuncDefOutside factory;
+ QuickFixOperationTest(singleDocument(original, ""), &factory);
+ }
+ void testClassWithBaseClass()
+ {
+ QByteArray original =
+ "class Bar;\n"
+ "class Fo@o : public Bar {\n"
+ " int f1()\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " return 1;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "};\n";
+ QByteArray expected =
+ "class Bar;\n"
+ "class Foo : public Bar {\n"
+ " int f1();\n"
+ "};\n"
+ "\n"
+ "int Foo::f1()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " return 1;\n"
+ "}\n";
+ MoveAllFuncDefOutside factory;
+ QuickFixOperationTest(singleDocument(original, expected), &factory);
+ }
+ /// Check: Do not take macro expanded code into account (QTCREATORBUG-13900)
+ void testIgnoreMacroCode()
+ {
+ QByteArray original =
+ "#define FAKE_Q_OBJECT int bar() {return 5;}\n"
+ "class Fo@o {\n"
+ " int f1()\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " return 1;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "};\n";
+ QByteArray expected =
+ "#define FAKE_Q_OBJECT int bar() {return 5;}\n"
+ "class Foo {\n"
+ " int f1();\n"
+ "};\n"
+ "\n"
+ "int Foo::f1()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " return 1;\n"
+ "}\n";
+ MoveAllFuncDefOutside factory;
+ QuickFixOperationTest(singleDocument(original, expected), &factory);
+ }
+class MoveFuncDefToDeclTest : public QObject
+private slots:
+ void test_data()
+ {
+ QTest::addColumn<QByteArrayList>("headers");
+ QTest::addColumn<QByteArrayList>("sources");
+ QByteArray originalHeader;
+ QByteArray expectedHeader;
+ QByteArray originalSource;
+ QByteArray expectedSource;
+ originalHeader =
+ "class Foo {\n"
+ " inline int @number() const;\n"
+ "};\n";
+ expectedHeader =
+ "class Foo {\n"
+ " inline int number() const {return 5;}\n"
+ "};\n";
+ originalSource =
+ "#include \"file.h\"\n"
+ "\n"
+ "int Foo::num@ber() const {return 5;}\n";
+ expectedSource =
+ "#include \"file.h\"\n"
+ "\n\n";
+ QTest::newRow("member function, two files") << QByteArrayList{originalHeader, expectedHeader}
+ << QByteArrayList{originalSource, expectedSource};
+ originalSource =
+ "class Foo {\n"
+ " inline int @number() const;\n"
+ "};\n"
+ "\n"
+ "int Foo::num@ber() const\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " return 5;\n"
+ "}\n";
+ expectedSource =
+ "class Foo {\n"
+ " inline int number() const\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " return 5;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "};\n\n\n";
+ QTest::newRow("member function, one file") << QByteArrayList()
+ << QByteArrayList{originalSource, expectedSource};
+ originalHeader =
+ "namespace MyNs {\n"
+ "class Foo {\n"
+ " inline int @number() const;\n"
+ "};\n"
+ "}\n";
+ expectedHeader =
+ "namespace MyNs {\n"
+ "class Foo {\n"
+ " inline int number() const\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " return 5;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "};\n"
+ "}\n";
+ originalSource =
+ "#include \"file.h\"\n"
+ "\n"
+ "int MyNs::Foo::num@ber() const\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " return 5;\n"
+ "}\n";
+ expectedSource = "#include \"file.h\"\n\n\n";
+ QTest::newRow("member function, two files, namespace")
+ << QByteArrayList{originalHeader, expectedHeader}
+ << QByteArrayList{originalSource, expectedSource};
+ originalHeader =
+ "namespace MyNs {\n"
+ "class Foo {\n"
+ " inline int numbe@r() const;\n"
+ "};\n"
+ "}\n";
+ expectedHeader =
+ "namespace MyNs {\n"
+ "class Foo {\n"
+ " inline int number() const\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " return 5;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "};\n"
+ "}\n";
+ originalSource =
+ "#include \"file.h\"\n"
+ "using namespace MyNs;\n"
+ "\n"
+ "int Foo::num@ber() const\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " return 5;\n"
+ "}\n";
+ expectedSource =
+ "#include \"file.h\"\n"
+ "using namespace MyNs;\n"
+ "\n\n";
+ QTest::newRow("member function, two files, namespace with using-directive")
+ << QByteArrayList{originalHeader, expectedHeader}
+ << QByteArrayList{originalSource, expectedSource};
+ originalSource =
+ "namespace MyNs {\n"
+ "class Foo {\n"
+ " inline int @number() const;\n"
+ "};\n"
+ "\n"
+ "int Foo::numb@er() const\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " return 5;\n"
+ "}"
+ "\n}\n";
+ expectedSource =
+ "namespace MyNs {\n"
+ "class Foo {\n"
+ " inline int number() const\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " return 5;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "};\n\n\n}\n";
+ QTest::newRow("member function, one file, namespace")
+ << QByteArrayList() << QByteArrayList{originalSource, expectedSource};
+ originalHeader = "int nu@mber() const;\n";
+ expectedHeader =
+ "inline int number() const\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " return 5;\n"
+ "}\n";
+ originalSource =
+ "#include \"file.h\"\n"
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "int numb@er() const\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " return 5;\n"
+ "}\n";
+ expectedSource = "#include \"file.h\"\n\n\n\n";
+ QTest::newRow("free function") << QByteArrayList{originalHeader, expectedHeader}
+ << QByteArrayList{originalSource, expectedSource};
+ originalHeader =
+ "namespace MyNamespace {\n"
+ "int n@umber() const;\n"
+ "}\n";
+ expectedHeader =
+ "namespace MyNamespace {\n"
+ "inline int number() const\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " return 5;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "}\n";
+ originalSource =
+ "#include \"file.h\"\n"
+ "\n"
+ "int MyNamespace::nu@mber() const\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " return 5;\n"
+ "}\n";
+ expectedSource =
+ "#include \"file.h\"\n"
+ "\n\n";
+ QTest::newRow("free function, namespace") << QByteArrayList{originalHeader, expectedHeader}
+ << QByteArrayList{originalSource, expectedSource};
+ originalHeader =
+ "class Foo {\n"
+ "public:\n"
+ " Fo@o();\n"
+ "private:\n"
+ " int a;\n"
+ " float b;\n"
+ "};\n";
+ expectedHeader =
+ "class Foo {\n"
+ "public:\n"
+ " Foo() : a(42), b(3.141) {}\n"
+ "private:\n"
+ " int a;\n"
+ " float b;\n"
+ "};\n";
+ originalSource =
+ "#include \"file.h\"\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Foo::F@oo() : a(42), b(3.141) {}"
+ ;
+ expectedSource ="#include \"file.h\"\n\n";
+ QTest::newRow("constructor") << QByteArrayList{originalHeader, expectedHeader}
+ << QByteArrayList{originalSource, expectedSource};
+ originalSource =
+ "struct Foo\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " void f@oo();\n"
+ "} bar;\n"
+ "void Foo::fo@o()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " return;\n"
+ "}";
+ expectedSource =
+ "struct Foo\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " void foo()\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " return;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "} bar;\n";
+ QTest::newRow("QTCREATORBUG-10303") << QByteArrayList()
+ << QByteArrayList{originalSource, expectedSource};
+ originalSource =
+ "struct Base {\n"
+ " virtual int foo() = 0;\n"
+ "};\n"
+ "struct Derived : Base {\n"
+ " int @foo() override;\n"
+ "};\n"
+ "\n"
+ "int Derived::fo@o()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " return 5;\n"
+ "}\n";
+ expectedSource =
+ "struct Base {\n"
+ " virtual int foo() = 0;\n"
+ "};\n"
+ "struct Derived : Base {\n"
+ " int foo() override\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " return 5;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "};\n\n\n";
+ QTest::newRow("overridden virtual") << QByteArrayList()
+ << QByteArrayList{originalSource, expectedSource};
+ originalSource =
+ "template<class T>\n"
+ "class Foo { void @func(); };\n"
+ "\n"
+ "template<class T>\n"
+ "void Foo<T>::fu@nc() {}\n";
+ expectedSource =
+ "template<class T>\n"
+ "class Foo { void fu@nc() {} };\n\n\n";
+ QTest::newRow("class template") << QByteArrayList()
+ << QByteArrayList{originalSource, expectedSource};
+ originalSource =
+ "class Foo\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " template<class T>\n"
+ " void @func();\n"
+ "};\n"
+ "\n"
+ "template<class T>\n"
+ "void Foo::fu@nc() {}\n";
+ expectedSource =
+ "class Foo\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " template<class T>\n"
+ " void func() {}\n"
+ "};\n\n\n";
+ QTest::newRow("function template") << QByteArrayList()
+ << QByteArrayList{originalSource, expectedSource};
+ }
+ void test()
+ {
+ QFETCH(QByteArrayList, headers);
+ QFETCH(QByteArrayList, sources);
+ QVERIFY(headers.isEmpty() || headers.size() == 2);
+ QVERIFY(sources.size() == 2);
+ QByteArray &declDoc = !headers.empty() ? headers.first() : sources.first();
+ const int declCursorPos = declDoc.indexOf('@');
+ QVERIFY(declCursorPos != -1);
+ const int defCursorPos = sources.first().lastIndexOf('@');
+ QVERIFY(defCursorPos != -1);
+ QVERIFY(declCursorPos != defCursorPos);
+ declDoc.remove(declCursorPos, 1);
+ QList<TestDocumentPtr> testDocuments;
+ if (!headers.isEmpty())
+ testDocuments << CppTestDocument::create("file.h", headers.first(), headers.last());
+ testDocuments << CppTestDocument::create("file.cpp", sources.first(), sources.last());
+ MoveFuncDefToDeclPush pushFactory;
+ QuickFixOperationTest(testDocuments, &pushFactory);
+ declDoc.insert(declCursorPos, '@');
+ sources.first().remove(defCursorPos, 1);
+ testDocuments.clear();
+ if (!headers.isEmpty())
+ testDocuments << CppTestDocument::create("file.h", headers.first(), headers.last());
+ testDocuments << CppTestDocument::create("file.cpp", sources.first(), sources.last());
+ MoveFuncDefToDeclPull pullFactory;
+ QuickFixOperationTest(testDocuments, &pullFactory);
+ }
+ void testMacroUses()
+ {
+ QByteArray original =
+ "#define CONST const\n"
+ "#define VOLATILE volatile\n"
+ "class Foo\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " int func(int a, int b) CONST VOLATILE;\n"
+ "};\n"
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "int Foo::fu@nc(int a, int b) CONST VOLATILE"
+ "{\n"
+ " return 42;\n"
+ "}\n";
+ QByteArray expected =
+ "#define CONST const\n"
+ "#define VOLATILE volatile\n"
+ "class Foo\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " int func(int a, int b) CONST VOLATILE\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " return 42;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "};\n\n\n\n";
+ MoveFuncDefToDeclPush factory;
+ QuickFixOperationTest(singleDocument(original, expected), &factory,
+ ProjectExplorer::HeaderPaths(), 0, "QTCREATORBUG-12314");
+ }
+QObject *MoveFuncDefOutside::createTest()
+ return new MoveFuncDefOutsideTest;
+QObject *MoveAllFuncDefOutside::createTest()
+ return new MoveAllFuncDefOutsideTest;
+QObject *MoveFuncDefToDeclPush::createTest()
+ return new MoveFuncDefToDeclTest;
+QObject *MoveFuncDefToDeclPull::createTest()
+ return new QObject; // The test for the push factory handled both cases.
+#endif // WITH_TESTS
+} // namespace
+void registerMoveFunctionDefinitionQuickfixes()
+ CppQuickFixFactory::registerFactory<MoveFuncDefOutside>();
+ CppQuickFixFactory::registerFactory<MoveAllFuncDefOutside>();
+ CppQuickFixFactory::registerFactory<MoveFuncDefToDeclPush>();
+ CppQuickFixFactory::registerFactory<MoveFuncDefToDeclPull>();
+} // namespace CppEditor::Internal
+#ifdef WITH_TESTS
+#include <movefunctiondefinition.moc>