path: root/src/plugins/cppeditor/quickfixes/rewritecomment.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/cppeditor/quickfixes/rewritecomment.cpp')
1 files changed, 878 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/cppeditor/quickfixes/rewritecomment.cpp b/src/plugins/cppeditor/quickfixes/rewritecomment.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ac7fede2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/cppeditor/quickfixes/rewritecomment.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,878 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2024 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
+#include "rewritecomment.h"
+#include "../cppeditortr.h"
+#include "../cppeditorwidget.h"
+#include "../cpprefactoringchanges.h"
+#include "cppquickfix.h"
+#include <cplusplus/ASTPath.h>
+#include <cplusplus/declarationcomments.h>
+#include <projectexplorer/editorconfiguration.h>
+#include <texteditor/tabsettings.h>
+#include <texteditor/textdocument.h>
+#ifdef WITH_TESTS
+#include "cppquickfix_test.h"
+#include <QtTest>
+using namespace CPlusPlus;
+using namespace TextEditor;
+using namespace Utils;
+namespace CppEditor::Internal {
+namespace {
+class ConvertCommentStyleOp : public CppQuickFixOperation
+ ConvertCommentStyleOp(const CppQuickFixInterface &interface, const QList<Token> &tokens,
+ Kind kind)
+ : CppQuickFixOperation(interface),
+ m_tokens(tokens),
+ m_kind(kind),
+ m_wasCxxStyle(m_kind == T_CPP_COMMENT || m_kind == T_CPP_DOXY_COMMENT),
+ m_isDoxygen(m_kind == T_DOXY_COMMENT || m_kind == T_CPP_DOXY_COMMENT)
+ {
+ setDescription(m_wasCxxStyle ? Tr::tr("Convert Comment to C-Style")
+ : Tr::tr("Convert Comment to C++-Style"));
+ }
+ // Turns every line of a C-style comment into a C++-style comment and vice versa.
+ // For C++ -> C, we use one /* */ comment block per line. However, doxygen
+ // requires a single comment, so there we just replace the prefix with whitespace and
+ // add the start and end comment in extra lines.
+ // For cosmetic reasons, we offer some convenience functionality:
+ // - Turn /***** ... into ////// ... and vice versa
+ // - With C -> C++, remove leading asterisks.
+ // - With C -> C++, remove the first and last line of a block if they have no content
+ // other than the comment start and end characters.
+ // - With C++ -> C, try to align the end comment characters.
+ // These are obviously heuristics; we do not guarantee perfect results for everybody.
+ // We also don't second-guess the users's selection: E.g. if there is an empty
+ // line between the tokens, then it's not the same doxygen comment, but we merge
+ // it anyway in C++ to C mode.
+ void perform() override
+ {
+ TranslationUnit * const tu = currentFile()->cppDocument()->translationUnit();
+ const QString newCommentStart = getNewCommentStart();
+ ChangeSet changeSet;
+ int endCommentColumn = -1;
+ const QChar oldFillChar = m_wasCxxStyle ? '/' : '*';
+ const QChar newFillChar = m_wasCxxStyle ? '*' : '/';
+ for (const Token &token : m_tokens) {
+ const int startPos = tu->getTokenPositionInDocument(token, textDocument());
+ const int endPos = tu->getTokenEndPositionInDocument(token, textDocument());
+ if (m_wasCxxStyle && m_isDoxygen) {
+ // Replace "///" characters with whitespace (to keep alignment).
+ // The insertion of "/*" and "*/" is done once after the loop.
+ changeSet.replace(startPos, startPos + 3, " ");
+ continue;
+ }
+ const QTextBlock firstBlock = textDocument()->findBlock(startPos);
+ const QTextBlock lastBlock = textDocument()->findBlock(endPos);
+ for (QTextBlock block = firstBlock; block.isValid() && block.position() <= endPos;
+ block = block.next()) {
+ const QString &blockText = block.text();
+ const int firstColumn = block == firstBlock ? startPos - block.position() : 0;
+ const int endColumn = block == lastBlock ? endPos - block.position()
+ : block.length();
+ // Returns true if the current line looks like "/********/" or "//////////",
+ // as is often the case at the start and end of comment blocks.
+ const auto fillChecker = [&] {
+ if (m_isDoxygen)
+ return false;
+ QString textToCheck = blockText;
+ if (block == firstBlock)
+ textToCheck.remove(0, 1);
+ if (block == lastBlock)
+ textToCheck.chop(block.length() - endColumn);
+ return Utils::allOf(textToCheck, [oldFillChar](const QChar &c)
+ { return c == oldFillChar || c == ' ';
+ }) && textToCheck.count(oldFillChar) > 2;
+ };
+ // Returns the index of the first character of actual comment content,
+ // as opposed to visual stuff like slashes, stars or whitespace.
+ const auto indexOfActualContent = [&] {
+ const int offset = block == firstBlock ? firstColumn + newCommentStart.length()
+ : firstColumn;
+ for (int i = offset, lastFillChar = -1; i < blockText.length(); ++i) {
+ if (blockText.at(i) == oldFillChar) {
+ lastFillChar = i;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!blockText.at(i).isSpace())
+ return lastFillChar + 1;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ };
+ if (fillChecker()) {
+ const QString replacement = QString(endColumn - 1 - firstColumn, newFillChar);
+ changeSet.replace(block.position() + firstColumn,
+ block.position() + endColumn - 1,
+ replacement);
+ if (m_wasCxxStyle) {
+ changeSet.replace(block.position() + firstColumn,
+ block.position() + firstColumn + 1, "/");
+ changeSet.insert(block.position() + endColumn - 1, "*");
+ endCommentColumn = endColumn - 1;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Remove leading noise or even the entire block, if applicable.
+ const bool blockIsRemovable = (block == firstBlock || block == lastBlock)
+ && firstBlock != lastBlock;
+ const auto removeBlock = [&] {
+ changeSet.remove(block.position() + firstColumn, block.position() + endColumn);
+ };
+ const int contentIndex = indexOfActualContent();
+ int removed = 0;
+ if (contentIndex == -1) {
+ if (blockIsRemovable) {
+ removeBlock();
+ continue;
+ } else if (!m_wasCxxStyle) {
+ changeSet.replace(block.position() + firstColumn,
+ block.position() + endColumn - 1, newCommentStart);
+ continue;
+ }
+ } else if (block == lastBlock && contentIndex == endColumn - 1) {
+ if (blockIsRemovable) {
+ removeBlock();
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ changeSet.remove(block.position() + firstColumn,
+ block.position() + firstColumn + contentIndex);
+ removed = contentIndex;
+ }
+ if (block == firstBlock) {
+ changeSet.replace(startPos, startPos + newCommentStart.length(),
+ newCommentStart);
+ } else {
+ // If the line starts with enough whitespace, replace it with the
+ // comment start characters, so we don't move the content to the right
+ // unnecessarily. Otherwise, insert the comment start characters.
+ if (blockText.startsWith(QString(newCommentStart.size() + removed + 1, ' '))) {
+ changeSet.replace(block.position(),
+ block.position() + newCommentStart.length(),
+ newCommentStart);
+ } else {
+ changeSet.insert(block.position(), newCommentStart);
+ }
+ }
+ if (block == lastBlock) {
+ if (m_wasCxxStyle) {
+ // This is for proper alignment of the end comment character.
+ if (endCommentColumn != -1) {
+ const int endCommentPos = block.position() + endCommentColumn;
+ if (endPos < endCommentPos)
+ changeSet.insert(endPos, QString(endCommentPos - endPos - 1, ' '));
+ }
+ changeSet.insert(endPos, " */");
+ } else {
+ changeSet.remove(endPos - 2, endPos);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_wasCxxStyle && m_isDoxygen) {
+ const int startPos = tu->getTokenPositionInDocument(m_tokens.first(), textDocument());
+ const int endPos = tu->getTokenEndPositionInDocument(m_tokens.last(), textDocument());
+ changeSet.insert(startPos, "/*!\n");
+ changeSet.insert(endPos, "\n*/");
+ }
+ changeSet.apply(textDocument());
+ }
+ QString getNewCommentStart() const
+ {
+ if (m_wasCxxStyle) {
+ if (m_isDoxygen)
+ return "/*!";
+ return "/*";
+ }
+ if (m_isDoxygen)
+ return "//!";
+ return "//";
+ }
+ const QList<Token> m_tokens;
+ const Kind m_kind;
+ const bool m_wasCxxStyle;
+ const bool m_isDoxygen;
+class MoveFunctionCommentsOp : public CppQuickFixOperation
+ enum class Direction { ToDecl, ToDef };
+ MoveFunctionCommentsOp(const CppQuickFixInterface &interface, const Symbol *symbol,
+ const QList<Token> &commentTokens, Direction direction)
+ : CppQuickFixOperation(interface), m_symbol(symbol), m_commentTokens(commentTokens)
+ {
+ setDescription(direction == Direction::ToDecl
+ ? Tr::tr("Move Function Documentation to Declaration")
+ : Tr::tr("Move Function Documentation to Definition"));
+ }
+ void perform() override
+ {
+ const CppRefactoringFilePtr file = currentFile();
+ const auto textDoc = const_cast<QTextDocument *>(file->document());
+ const int pos = file->cppDocument()->translationUnit()->getTokenPositionInDocument(
+ m_symbol->sourceLocation(), textDoc);
+ QTextCursor cursor(textDoc);
+ cursor.setPosition(pos);
+ const CursorInEditor cursorInEditor(cursor, file->filePath(), editor(),
+ editor()->textDocument());
+ const auto callback = [symbolLoc = m_symbol->toLink(), comments = m_commentTokens, file]
+ (const Link &link) {
+ moveComments(file, link, symbolLoc, comments);
+ };
+ NonInteractiveFollowSymbolMarker niMarker;
+ CppCodeModelSettings::setInteractiveFollowSymbol(false);
+ CppModelManager::followSymbol(cursorInEditor, callback, true, false,
+ FollowSymbolMode::Exact);
+ }
+ static void moveComments(
+ const CppRefactoringFilePtr &sourceFile,
+ const Link &targetLoc,
+ const Link &symbolLoc,
+ const QList<Token> &comments)
+ {
+ if (!targetLoc.hasValidTarget() || targetLoc.hasSameLocation(symbolLoc))
+ return;
+ CppRefactoringChanges changes(CppModelManager::snapshot());
+ const CppRefactoringFilePtr targetFile
+ = targetLoc.targetFilePath == symbolLoc.targetFilePath
+ ? sourceFile
+ : changes.cppFile(targetLoc.targetFilePath);
+ const Document::Ptr &targetCppDoc = targetFile->cppDocument();
+ const QList<AST *> targetAstPath = ASTPath(targetCppDoc)(
+ targetLoc.targetLine, targetLoc.targetColumn + 1);
+ if (targetAstPath.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ const AST *targetDeclAst = nullptr;
+ for (auto it = std::next(std::rbegin(targetAstPath));
+ it != std::rend(targetAstPath); ++it) {
+ AST * const node = *it;
+ if (node->asDeclaration()) {
+ targetDeclAst = node;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (targetDeclAst)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!targetDeclAst)
+ return;
+ const int insertionPos = targetCppDoc->translationUnit()->getTokenPositionInDocument(
+ targetDeclAst->firstToken(), targetFile->document());
+ const TranslationUnit * const sourceTu = sourceFile->cppDocument()->translationUnit();
+ const int sourceCommentStartPos = sourceTu->getTokenPositionInDocument(
+ comments.first(), sourceFile->document());
+ const int sourceCommentEndPos = sourceTu->getTokenEndPositionInDocument(
+ comments.last(), sourceFile->document());
+ // Manually adjust indentation, as both our built-in indenter and ClangFormat
+ // are unreliable with regards to comment continuation lines.
+ auto tabSettings = [](CppRefactoringFilePtr file) {
+ if (auto editor = file->editor())
+ return editor->textDocument()->tabSettings();
+ return ProjectExplorer::actualTabSettings(file->filePath(), nullptr);
+ };
+ const TabSettings &sts = tabSettings(sourceFile);
+ const TabSettings &tts = tabSettings(targetFile);
+ const QTextBlock insertionBlock = targetFile->document()->findBlock(insertionPos);
+ const int insertionColumn = tts.columnAt(insertionBlock.text(),
+ insertionPos - insertionBlock.position());
+ const QTextBlock removalBlock = sourceFile->document()->findBlock(sourceCommentStartPos);
+ const QTextBlock removalBlockEnd = sourceFile->document()->findBlock(sourceCommentEndPos);
+ const int removalColumn = sts.columnAt(removalBlock.text(),
+ sourceCommentStartPos - removalBlock.position());
+ const int columnOffset = insertionColumn - removalColumn;
+ QString functionDoc;
+ if (columnOffset != 0) {
+ for (QTextBlock block = removalBlock;
+ block.isValid() && block != removalBlockEnd.next();
+ block = block.next()) {
+ QString text = block.text() + QChar::ParagraphSeparator;
+ if (block == removalBlockEnd)
+ text = text.left(sourceCommentEndPos - block.position());
+ if (block == removalBlock) {
+ text = text.mid(sourceCommentStartPos - block.position());
+ } else {
+ int lineIndentColumn = sts.indentationColumn(text) + columnOffset;
+ text.replace(0,
+ TabSettings::firstNonSpace(text),
+ tts.indentationString(0, lineIndentColumn, 0, insertionBlock));
+ }
+ functionDoc += text;
+ }
+ } else {
+ functionDoc = sourceFile->textOf(sourceCommentStartPos, sourceCommentEndPos);
+ }
+ // Remove comment plus leading and trailing whitespace, including trailing newline.
+ const auto removeAtSource = [&](ChangeSet &changeSet) {
+ int removalPos = sourceCommentStartPos;
+ const QChar newline(QChar::ParagraphSeparator);
+ while (true) {
+ const int prev = removalPos - 1;
+ if (prev < 0)
+ break;
+ const QChar prevChar = sourceFile->charAt(prev);
+ if (!prevChar.isSpace() || prevChar == newline)
+ break;
+ removalPos = prev;
+ }
+ int removalEndPos = sourceCommentEndPos;
+ while (true) {
+ if (removalEndPos == sourceFile->document()->characterCount())
+ break;
+ const QChar nextChar = sourceFile->charAt(removalEndPos);
+ if (!nextChar.isSpace())
+ break;
+ ++removalEndPos;
+ if (nextChar == newline)
+ break;
+ }
+ changeSet.remove(removalPos, removalEndPos);
+ };
+ ChangeSet targetChangeSet;
+ targetChangeSet.insert(insertionPos, functionDoc);
+ targetChangeSet.insert(insertionPos, "\n");
+ targetChangeSet.insert(insertionPos, QString(insertionColumn, ' '));
+ if (targetFile == sourceFile)
+ removeAtSource(targetChangeSet);
+ const bool targetFileSuccess = targetFile->apply(targetChangeSet);
+ if (targetFile == sourceFile || !targetFileSuccess)
+ return;
+ ChangeSet sourceChangeSet;
+ removeAtSource(sourceChangeSet);
+ sourceFile->apply(sourceChangeSet);
+ }
+ const Symbol * const m_symbol;
+ const QList<Token> m_commentTokens;
+//! Converts C-style to C++-style comments and vice versa
+class ConvertCommentStyle : public CppQuickFixFactory
+#ifdef WITH_TESTS
+ static QObject* createTest();
+ void doMatch(const CppQuickFixInterface &interface,
+ TextEditor::QuickFixOperations &result) override
+ {
+ // If there's a selection, then it must entirely consist of comment tokens.
+ // If there's no selection, the cursor must be on a comment.
+ const QList<Token> &cursorTokens = interface.currentFile()->tokensForCursor();
+ if (cursorTokens.empty())
+ return;
+ if (!cursorTokens.front().isComment())
+ return;
+ // All tokens must be the same kind of comment, but we make an exception for doxygen comments
+ // that start with "///", as these are often not intended to be doxygen. For our purposes,
+ // we treat them as normal comments.
+ const auto effectiveKind = [&interface](const Token &token) {
+ if (token.kind() != T_CPP_DOXY_COMMENT)
+ return token.kind();
+ TranslationUnit * const tu = interface.currentFile()->cppDocument()->translationUnit();
+ const int startPos = tu->getTokenPositionInDocument(token, interface.textDocument());
+ const QString commentStart = interface.textAt(startPos, 3);
+ return commentStart == "///" ? T_CPP_COMMENT : T_CPP_DOXY_COMMENT;
+ };
+ const Kind kind = effectiveKind(cursorTokens.first());
+ for (int i = 1; i < cursorTokens.count(); ++i) {
+ if (effectiveKind(cursorTokens.at(i)) != kind)
+ return;
+ }
+ // Ok, all tokens are of same(ish) comment type, offer quickfix.
+ result << new ConvertCommentStyleOp(interface, cursorTokens, kind);
+ }
+//! Moves function documentation between declaration and implementation.
+class MoveFunctionComments : public CppQuickFixFactory
+#ifdef WITH_TESTS
+ static QObject* createTest();
+ void doMatch(const CppQuickFixInterface &interface,
+ TextEditor::QuickFixOperations &result) override
+ {
+ const QList<AST *> &astPath = interface.path();
+ if (astPath.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ const Symbol *symbol = nullptr;
+ MoveFunctionCommentsOp::Direction direction = MoveFunctionCommentsOp::Direction::ToDecl;
+ for (auto it = std::next(std::rbegin(astPath)); it != std::rend(astPath); ++it) {
+ if (const auto func = (*it)->asFunctionDefinition()) {
+ symbol = func->symbol;
+ direction = MoveFunctionCommentsOp::Direction::ToDecl;
+ break;
+ }
+ const auto decl = (*it)->asSimpleDeclaration();
+ if (!decl || !decl->declarator_list)
+ continue;
+ for (auto it = decl->declarator_list->begin();
+ !symbol && it != decl->declarator_list->end(); ++it) {
+ PostfixDeclaratorListAST * const funcDecls = (*it)->postfix_declarator_list;
+ if (!funcDecls)
+ continue;
+ for (auto it = funcDecls->begin(); it != funcDecls->end(); ++it) {
+ if (const auto func = (*it)->asFunctionDeclarator()) {
+ symbol = func->symbol;
+ direction = MoveFunctionCommentsOp::Direction::ToDef;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!symbol)
+ return;
+ if (const QList<Token> commentTokens = commentsForDeclaration(
+ symbol, *interface.textDocument(), interface.currentFile()->cppDocument());
+ !commentTokens.isEmpty()) {
+ result << new MoveFunctionCommentsOp(interface, symbol, commentTokens, direction);
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef WITH_TESTS
+using namespace Tests;
+class ConvertCommentStyleTest : public QObject
+private slots:
+ void test_data()
+ {
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("input");
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("expectedOutput");
+ QTest::newRow("C -> C++ / no selection / single line") << R"(
+int var1;
+/* Other comment, unaffected */
+/* Our @comment */
+/* Another unaffected comment */
+int var2;)" << R"(
+int var1;
+/* Other comment, unaffected */
+// Our comment
+/* Another unaffected comment */
+int var2;)";
+ QTest::newRow("C -> C++ / no selection / multi-line / preserved header and footer") << R"(
+ * some info
+ * more @info
+ ***************************************************/)" << R"(
+// some info
+// more info
+ QTest::newRow("C -> C++ / no selection / multi-line / non-preserved header and footer") << R"(
+ * some info
+ * more @info
+ */)" << R"(
+// some info
+// more info
+ QTest::newRow("C -> C++ / no selection / qdoc") << R"(
+ \qmlproperty string Type::element.name
+ \qmlproperty int Type::element.id
+ \brief Holds the @element name and id.
+*/)" << R"(
+//! \qmlproperty string Type::element.name
+//! \qmlproperty @int Type::element.id
+//! \brief Holds the element name and id.
+ QTest::newRow("C -> C++ / no selection / doxygen") << R"(
+/*! \class Test
+ \brief A test class.
+ A more detailed @class description.
+*/)" << R"(
+//! \class Test
+//! \brief A test class.
+//! A more detailed class description.
+ QTest::newRow("C -> C++ / selection / single line") << R"(
+int var1;
+/* Other comment, unaffected */
+@{start}/* Our comment */@{end}
+/* Another unaffected comment */
+int var2;)" << R"(
+int var1;
+/* Other comment, unaffected */
+// Our comment
+/* Another unaffected comment */
+int var2;)";
+ QTest::newRow("C -> C++ / selection / multi-line / preserved header and footer") << R"(
+ * @{start}some info
+ * more info@{end}
+ ***************************************************/)" << R"(
+// some info
+// more info
+ QTest::newRow("C -> C++ / selection / multi-line / non-preserved header and footer") << R"(
+ * some in@{end}fo
+ * more info
+ */)" << R"(
+// some info
+// more info
+ QTest::newRow("C -> C++ / selection / qdoc") << R"(
+ \qmlproperty string Type::element.name
+ \qmlproperty int Type::element.id
+ \brief Holds the element name and id.
+*/@{end})" << R"(
+//! \qmlproperty string Type::element.name
+//! \qmlproperty int Type::element.id
+//! \brief Holds the element name and id.
+ QTest::newRow("C -> C++ / selection / doxygen") << R"(
+/** Expand envi@{start}ronment variables in a string.
+ *
+ * Environment variables are accepted in the @{end}following forms:
+ * $SOMEVAR, ${SOMEVAR} on Unix and %SOMEVAR% on Windows.
+ * No escapes and quoting are supported.
+ * If a variable is not found, it is not substituted.
+ */)" << R"(
+//! Expand environment variables in a string.
+//! Environment variables are accepted in the following forms:
+//! $SOMEVAR, ${SOMEVAR} on Unix and %SOMEVAR% on Windows.
+//! No escapes and quoting are supported.
+//! If a variable is not found, it is not substituted.
+ QTest::newRow("C -> C++ / selection / multiple comments") << R"(
+@{start}/* Affected comment */
+/* Another affected comment */
+/* A third affected comment */@{end}
+/* An unaffected comment */)" << R"(
+// Affected comment
+// Another affected comment
+// A third affected comment
+/* An unaffected comment */)";
+ // FIXME: Remove adjacent newline along with last block
+ // FIXME: Use CppRefactoringFile to auto-indent continuation lines?
+ QTest::newRow("C -> C++, indented") << R"(
+struct S {
+ /*
+ * @This is an
+ * indented comment.
+ */
+ void func();
+)" << R"(
+struct S {
+ // This is an
+// indented comment.
+ void func();
+ QTest::newRow("C++ -> C / no selection / single line") << R"(
+// Other comment, unaffected
+// Our @comment
+// Another unaffected comment)" << R"(
+// Other comment, unaffected
+/* Our comment */
+// Another unaffected comment)";
+ QTest::newRow("C++ -> C / selection / single line") << R"(
+// Other comment, unaffected
+@{start}// Our comment@{end}
+// Another unaffected comment)" << R"(
+// Other comment, unaffected
+/* Our comment */
+// Another unaffected comment)";
+ QTest::newRow("C++ -> C / selection / multi-line / preserved header and footer") << R"(
+// some info
+// more info
+/////////////////////////////////////////////////////@{end})" << R"(
+/* some info */
+/* more info */
+ QTest::newRow("C++ -> C / selection / qdoc") << R"(
+@{start}//! \qmlproperty string Type::element.name
+//! \qmlproperty int Type::element.id
+//! \brief Holds the element name and id.@{end}
+)" << R"(
+ \qmlproperty string Type::element.name
+ \qmlproperty int Type::element.id
+ \brief Holds the element name and id.
+ QTest::newRow("C++ -> C / selection / doxygen") << R"(
+@{start}//! \class Test
+//! \brief A test class.
+//! A more detailed class description.@{end}
+)" << R"(
+ \class Test
+ \brief A test class.
+ A more detailed class description.
+ }
+ void test()
+ {
+ QFETCH(QString, input);
+ QFETCH(QString, expectedOutput);
+ ConvertCommentStyle factory;
+ QuickFixOperationTest(
+ {CppTestDocument::create("file.h", input.toUtf8(), expectedOutput.toUtf8())},
+ &factory);
+ }
+class MoveFunctionCommentsTest : public QObject
+private slots:
+ void test_data()
+ {
+ QTest::addColumn<QByteArrayList>("headers");
+ QTest::addColumn<QByteArrayList>("sources");
+ const QByteArrayList headersFuncDecl2Def{R"(
+// Function comment
+void @aFunction();
+)", R"(
+void aFunction();
+ const QByteArrayList sourcesFuncDecl2Def{R"(
+#include "file.h"
+void aFunction() {}
+)", R"(
+#include "file.h"
+// Function comment
+void aFunction() {}
+ QTest::newRow("function: from decl to def") << headersFuncDecl2Def << sourcesFuncDecl2Def;
+ const QByteArrayList headersFuncDef2Decl{R"(
+void aFunction();
+)", R"(
+/* function */
+/* comment */
+void aFunction();
+ const QByteArrayList sourcesFuncDef2Decl{R"(
+#include "file.h"
+/* function */
+/* comment */
+void a@Function() {}
+)", R"(
+#include "file.h"
+void aFunction() {}
+ QTest::newRow("function: from def to decl") << headersFuncDef2Decl << sourcesFuncDef2Decl;
+ const QByteArrayList headersFuncNoDef{R"(
+// Function comment
+void @aFunction();
+)", R"(
+// Function comment
+void aFunction();
+ QTest::newRow("function: no def") << headersFuncNoDef << QByteArrayList();
+ const QByteArrayList headersFuncNoDecl{R"(
+// Function comment
+inline void @aFunction() {}
+)", R"(
+// Function comment
+inline void aFunction() {}
+ QTest::newRow("function: no decl") << headersFuncNoDecl << QByteArrayList();
+ const QByteArrayList headersFuncTemplateDecl2Def{R"(
+// Function comment
+template<typename T> T @aFunction();
+template<typename T> inline T aFunction() { return T(); }
+)", R"(
+template<typename T> T aFunction();
+// Function comment
+template<typename T> inline T aFunction() { return T(); }
+ QTest::newRow("function template: from decl to def") << headersFuncTemplateDecl2Def
+ << QByteArrayList();
+ const QByteArrayList headersFuncTemplateDef2Decl{R"(
+template<typename T> T aFunction();
+// Function comment
+template<typename T> inline T @aFunction() { return T(); }
+)", R"(
+// Function comment
+template<typename T> T aFunction();
+template<typename T> inline T aFunction() { return T(); }
+ QTest::newRow("function template: from def to decl") << headersFuncTemplateDef2Decl
+ << QByteArrayList();
+ const QByteArrayList headersMemberDecl2Def{R"(
+class C {
+ /**
+ * \brief Foo::aMember
+ */
+ void @aMember();
+)", R"(
+class C {
+ void aMember();
+ const QByteArrayList sourcesMemberDecl2Def{R"(
+#include "file.h"
+void C::aMember() {}
+)", R"(
+#include "file.h"
+ * \brief Foo::aMember
+ */
+void C::aMember() {}
+ QTest::newRow("member function: from decl to def") << headersMemberDecl2Def
+ << sourcesMemberDecl2Def;
+ const QByteArrayList headersMemberDef2Decl{R"(
+class C {
+ void aMember();
+)", R"(
+class C {
+ /**
+ * \brief Foo::aMember
+ */
+ void aMember();
+ const QByteArrayList sourcesMemberDef2Decl{R"(
+#include "file.h"
+ * \brief Foo::aMember
+ */
+void C::aMember() {@}
+)", R"(
+#include "file.h"
+void C::aMember() {}
+ QTest::newRow("member function: from def to decl") << headersMemberDef2Decl
+ << sourcesMemberDef2Decl;
+ }
+ void test()
+ {
+ QFETCH(QByteArrayList, headers);
+ QFETCH(QByteArrayList, sources);
+ QList<TestDocumentPtr> documents;
+ QCOMPARE(headers.size(), 2);
+ documents << CppTestDocument::create("file.h", headers.at(0), headers.at(1));
+ if (!sources.isEmpty()) {
+ QCOMPARE(sources.size(), 2);
+ documents << CppTestDocument::create("file.cpp", sources.at(0), sources.at(1));
+ }
+ MoveFunctionComments factory;
+ QByteArray failMessage;
+ if (QByteArray(QTest::currentDataTag()) == "function template: from def to decl")
+ failMessage = "decl/def switch doesn't work for templates";
+ QuickFixOperationTest(documents, &factory, {}, {}, failMessage);
+ }
+QObject * ConvertCommentStyle::createTest() { return new ConvertCommentStyleTest; }
+QObject * MoveFunctionComments::createTest() { return new MoveFunctionCommentsTest; }
+} // namespace
+void registerRewriteCommentQuickfixes()
+ CppQuickFixFactory::registerFactory<ConvertCommentStyle>();
+ CppQuickFixFactory::registerFactory<MoveFunctionComments>();
+} // namespace CppEditor::Internal
+#ifdef WITH_TESTS
+#include <rewritecomment.moc>