path: root/src/plugins/projectexplorer/projectmanager.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/projectexplorer/projectmanager.cpp')
1 files changed, 768 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/projectexplorer/projectmanager.cpp b/src/plugins/projectexplorer/projectmanager.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e3c8e65c59b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/projectexplorer/projectmanager.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,768 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
+#include "projectmanager.h"
+#include "buildconfiguration.h"
+#include "editorconfiguration.h"
+#include "project.h"
+#include "projectexplorer.h"
+#include "projectexplorerconstants.h"
+#include "projectexplorertr.h"
+#include "projectmanager.h"
+#include "projectnodes.h"
+#include "target.h"
+#include <coreplugin/coreconstants.h>
+#include <coreplugin/editormanager/editormanager.h>
+#include <coreplugin/foldernavigationwidget.h>
+#include <coreplugin/icore.h>
+#include <coreplugin/idocument.h>
+#include <coreplugin/imode.h>
+#include <coreplugin/modemanager.h>
+#include <coreplugin/progressmanager/progressmanager.h>
+#include <coreplugin/session.h>
+#include <texteditor/texteditor.h>
+#include <utils/algorithm.h>
+#include <utils/filepath.h>
+#include <utils/qtcassert.h>
+#include <utils/stylehelper.h>
+#include <utils/qtcassert.h>
+#include <QDebug>
+#include <QMessageBox>
+#include <QPushButton>
+#ifdef WITH_TESTS
+#include <QTemporaryFile>
+#include <QTest>
+#include <vector>
+using namespace Core;
+using namespace Utils;
+using namespace ProjectExplorer::Internal;
+namespace ProjectExplorer {
+class ProjectManagerPrivate
+ void loadSession();
+ void saveSession();
+ void restoreDependencies();
+ void restoreStartupProject();
+ void restoreProjects(const FilePaths &fileList);
+ void askUserAboutFailedProjects();
+ bool recursiveDependencyCheck(const FilePath &newDep, const FilePath &checkDep) const;
+ FilePaths dependencies(const FilePath &proName) const;
+ FilePaths dependenciesOrder() const;
+ void dependencies(const FilePath &proName, FilePaths &result) const;
+ static QString windowTitleAddition(const FilePath &filePath);
+ static QString sessionTitle(const FilePath &filePath);
+ bool hasProjects() const { return !m_projects.isEmpty(); }
+ bool m_casadeSetActive = false;
+ Project *m_startupProject = nullptr;
+ QList<Project *> m_projects;
+ FilePaths m_failedProjects;
+ QMap<FilePath, FilePaths> m_depMap;
+ static QString locationInProject(const FilePath &filePath);
+static ProjectManager *m_instance = nullptr;
+static ProjectManagerPrivate *d = nullptr;
+static QString projectFolderId(Project *pro)
+ return pro->projectFilePath().toString();
+const int PROJECT_SORT_VALUE = 100;
+ m_instance = this;
+ d = new ProjectManagerPrivate;
+ connect(EditorManager::instance(), &EditorManager::editorCreated,
+ this, &ProjectManager::configureEditor);
+ connect(this, &ProjectManager::projectAdded,
+ EditorManager::instance(), &EditorManager::updateWindowTitles);
+ connect(this, &ProjectManager::projectRemoved,
+ EditorManager::instance(), &EditorManager::updateWindowTitles);
+ connect(this, &ProjectManager::projectDisplayNameChanged,
+ EditorManager::instance(), &EditorManager::updateWindowTitles);
+ EditorManager::setWindowTitleAdditionHandler(&ProjectManagerPrivate::windowTitleAddition);
+ EditorManager::setSessionTitleHandler(&ProjectManagerPrivate::sessionTitle);
+ connect(SessionManager::instance(), &SessionManager::aboutToLoadSession, this, [] {
+ d->loadSession();
+ });
+ connect(SessionManager::instance(), &SessionManager::aboutToSaveSession, this, [] {
+ d->saveSession();
+ });
+ EditorManager::setWindowTitleAdditionHandler({});
+ EditorManager::setSessionTitleHandler({});
+ delete d;
+ d = nullptr;
+ProjectManager *ProjectManager::instance()
+ return m_instance;
+bool ProjectManagerPrivate::recursiveDependencyCheck(const FilePath &newDep,
+ const FilePath &checkDep) const
+ if (newDep == checkDep)
+ return false;
+ const FilePaths depList = m_depMap.value(checkDep);
+ for (const FilePath &dependency : depList) {
+ if (!recursiveDependencyCheck(newDep, dependency))
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ * The dependency management exposes an interface based on projects, but
+ * is internally purely string based. This is suboptimal. Probably it would be
+ * nicer to map the filenames to projects on load and only map it back to
+ * filenames when saving.
+ */
+QList<Project *> ProjectManager::dependencies(const Project *project)
+ const FilePath proName = project->projectFilePath();
+ const FilePaths proDeps = d->m_depMap.value(proName);
+ QList<Project *> projects;
+ for (const FilePath &dep : proDeps) {
+ Project *pro = Utils::findOrDefault(d->m_projects, [&dep](Project *p) {
+ return p->projectFilePath() == dep;
+ });
+ if (pro)
+ projects += pro;
+ }
+ return projects;
+bool ProjectManager::hasDependency(const Project *project, const Project *depProject)
+ const FilePath proName = project->projectFilePath();
+ const FilePath depName = depProject->projectFilePath();
+ const FilePaths proDeps = d->m_depMap.value(proName);
+ return proDeps.contains(depName);
+bool ProjectManager::canAddDependency(const Project *project, const Project *depProject)
+ const FilePath newDep = project->projectFilePath();
+ const FilePath checkDep = depProject->projectFilePath();
+ return d->recursiveDependencyCheck(newDep, checkDep);
+bool ProjectManager::addDependency(Project *project, Project *depProject)
+ const FilePath proName = project->projectFilePath();
+ const FilePath depName = depProject->projectFilePath();
+ // check if this dependency is valid
+ if (!d->recursiveDependencyCheck(proName, depName))
+ return false;
+ FilePaths proDeps = d->m_depMap.value(proName);
+ if (!proDeps.contains(depName)) {
+ proDeps.append(depName);
+ d->m_depMap[proName] = proDeps;
+ }
+ emit m_instance->dependencyChanged(project, depProject);
+ return true;
+void ProjectManager::removeDependency(Project *project, Project *depProject)
+ const FilePath proName = project->projectFilePath();
+ const FilePath depName = depProject->projectFilePath();
+ FilePaths proDeps = d->m_depMap.value(proName);
+ proDeps.removeAll(depName);
+ if (proDeps.isEmpty())
+ d->m_depMap.remove(proName);
+ else
+ d->m_depMap[proName] = proDeps;
+ emit m_instance->dependencyChanged(project, depProject);
+bool ProjectManager::isProjectConfigurationCascading()
+ return d->m_casadeSetActive;
+void ProjectManager::setProjectConfigurationCascading(bool b)
+ d->m_casadeSetActive = b;
+ SessionManager::markSessionFileDirty();
+void ProjectManager::setStartupProject(Project *startupProject)
+ QTC_ASSERT((!startupProject && d->m_projects.isEmpty())
+ || (startupProject && d->m_projects.contains(startupProject)), return);
+ if (d->m_startupProject == startupProject)
+ return;
+ d->m_startupProject = startupProject;
+ if (d->m_startupProject && d->m_startupProject->needsConfiguration()) {
+ ModeManager::activateMode(Constants::MODE_SESSION);
+ ModeManager::setFocusToCurrentMode();
+ }
+ FolderNavigationWidgetFactory::setFallbackSyncFilePath(
+ startupProject ? startupProject->projectFilePath().parentDir() : FilePath());
+ emit m_instance->startupProjectChanged(startupProject);
+Project *ProjectManager::startupProject()
+ return d->m_startupProject;
+Target *ProjectManager::startupTarget()
+ return d->m_startupProject ? d->m_startupProject->activeTarget() : nullptr;
+BuildSystem *ProjectManager::startupBuildSystem()
+ Target *t = startupTarget();
+ return t ? t->buildSystem() : nullptr;
+ * Returns the RunConfiguration of the currently active target
+ * of the startup project, if such exists, or \c nullptr otherwise.
+ */
+RunConfiguration *ProjectManager::startupRunConfiguration()
+ Target *t = startupTarget();
+ return t ? t->activeRunConfiguration() : nullptr;
+void ProjectManager::addProject(Project *pro)
+ QTC_ASSERT(pro, return);
+ QTC_CHECK(!pro->displayName().isEmpty());
+ QTC_CHECK(pro->id().isValid());
+ SessionManager::markSessionFileDirty();
+ QTC_ASSERT(!d->m_projects.contains(pro), return);
+ d->m_projects.append(pro);
+ connect(pro, &Project::displayNameChanged,
+ m_instance, [pro]() { emit m_instance->projectDisplayNameChanged(pro); });
+ emit m_instance->projectAdded(pro);
+ const auto updateFolderNavigation = [pro] {
+ // destructing projects might trigger changes, so check if the project is actually there
+ if (QTC_GUARD(d->m_projects.contains(pro))) {
+ const QIcon icon = pro->rootProjectNode() ? pro->rootProjectNode()->icon() : QIcon();
+ FolderNavigationWidgetFactory::insertRootDirectory({projectFolderId(pro),
+ pro->displayName(),
+ pro->projectFilePath().parentDir(),
+ icon});
+ }
+ };
+ updateFolderNavigation();
+ configureEditors(pro);
+ connect(pro, &Project::fileListChanged, m_instance, [pro, updateFolderNavigation]() {
+ configureEditors(pro);
+ updateFolderNavigation(); // update icon
+ });
+ connect(pro, &Project::displayNameChanged, m_instance, updateFolderNavigation);
+ if (!startupProject())
+ setStartupProject(pro);
+void ProjectManager::removeProject(Project *project)
+ SessionManager::markSessionFileDirty();
+ QTC_ASSERT(project, return);
+ removeProjects({project});
+void ProjectManagerPrivate::saveSession()
+ // save the startup project
+ if (d->m_startupProject)
+ SessionManager::setSessionValue("StartupProject",
+ m_startupProject->projectFilePath().toSettings());
+ FilePaths projectFiles = Utils::transform(m_projects, &Project::projectFilePath);
+ // Restore information on projects that failed to load:
+ // don't read projects to the list, which the user loaded
+ for (const FilePath &failed : std::as_const(m_failedProjects)) {
+ if (!projectFiles.contains(failed))
+ projectFiles << failed;
+ }
+ SessionManager::setSessionValue("ProjectList",
+ Utils::transform<QStringList>(projectFiles,
+ &FilePath::toString));
+ SessionManager::setSessionValue("CascadeSetActive", m_casadeSetActive);
+ QVariantMap depMap;
+ auto i = m_depMap.constBegin();
+ while (i != m_depMap.constEnd()) {
+ QString key = i.key().toString();
+ QStringList values;
+ const FilePaths valueList = i.value();
+ for (const FilePath &value : valueList)
+ values << value.toString();
+ depMap.insert(key, values);
+ ++i;
+ }
+ SessionManager::setSessionValue(QLatin1String("ProjectDependencies"), QVariant(depMap));
+ Closes all projects
+ */
+void ProjectManager::closeAllProjects()
+ removeProjects(projects());
+const QList<Project *> ProjectManager::projects()
+ return d->m_projects;
+bool ProjectManager::hasProjects()
+ return d->hasProjects();
+bool ProjectManager::hasProject(Project *p)
+ return d->m_projects.contains(p);
+FilePaths ProjectManagerPrivate::dependencies(const FilePath &proName) const
+ FilePaths result;
+ dependencies(proName, result);
+ return result;
+void ProjectManagerPrivate::dependencies(const FilePath &proName, FilePaths &result) const
+ const FilePaths depends = m_depMap.value(proName);
+ for (const FilePath &dep : depends)
+ dependencies(dep, result);
+ if (!result.contains(proName))
+ result.append(proName);
+QString ProjectManagerPrivate::sessionTitle(const FilePath &filePath)
+ const QString sessionName = SessionManager::activeSession();
+ if (SessionManager::isDefaultSession(sessionName)) {
+ if (filePath.isEmpty()) {
+ // use single project's name if there is only one loaded.
+ const QList<Project *> projects = ProjectManager::projects();
+ if (projects.size() == 1)
+ return projects.first()->displayName();
+ }
+ } else {
+ return sessionName.isEmpty() ? Tr::tr("Untitled") : sessionName;
+ }
+ return QString();
+QString ProjectManagerPrivate::locationInProject(const FilePath &filePath)
+ const Project *project = ProjectManager::projectForFile(filePath);
+ if (!project)
+ return QString();
+ const FilePath parentDir = filePath.parentDir();
+ if (parentDir == project->projectDirectory())
+ return "@ " + project->displayName();
+ if (filePath.isChildOf(project->projectDirectory())) {
+ const FilePath dirInProject = parentDir.relativeChildPath(project->projectDirectory());
+ return "(" + dirInProject.toUserOutput() + " @ " + project->displayName() + ")";
+ }
+ // For a file that is "outside" the project it belongs to, we display its
+ // dir's full path because it is easier to read than a series of "../../.".
+ // Example: /home/hugo/GenericProject/App.files lists /home/hugo/lib/Bar.cpp
+ return "(" + parentDir.toUserOutput() + " @ " + project->displayName() + ")";
+QString ProjectManagerPrivate::windowTitleAddition(const FilePath &filePath)
+ return filePath.isEmpty() ? QString() : locationInProject(filePath);
+FilePaths ProjectManagerPrivate::dependenciesOrder() const
+ QList<QPair<FilePath, FilePaths>> unordered;
+ FilePaths ordered;
+ // copy the map to a temporary list
+ for (const Project *pro : m_projects) {
+ const FilePath proName = pro->projectFilePath();
+ const FilePaths depList = filtered(m_depMap.value(proName),
+ [this](const FilePath &proPath) {
+ return contains(m_projects, [proPath](const Project *p) {
+ return p->projectFilePath() == proPath;
+ });
+ });
+ unordered.push_back({proName, depList});
+ }
+ while (!unordered.isEmpty()) {
+ for (int i = (unordered.count() - 1); i >= 0; --i) {
+ if (unordered.at(i).second.isEmpty()) {
+ ordered << unordered.at(i).first;
+ unordered.removeAt(i);
+ }
+ }
+ // remove the handled projects from the dependency lists
+ // of the remaining unordered projects
+ for (int i = 0; i < unordered.count(); ++i) {
+ for (const FilePath &pro : std::as_const(ordered)) {
+ FilePaths depList = unordered.at(i).second;
+ depList.removeAll(pro);
+ unordered[i].second = depList;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ordered;
+QList<Project *> ProjectManager::projectOrder(const Project *project)
+ QList<Project *> result;
+ FilePaths pros;
+ if (project)
+ pros = d->dependencies(project->projectFilePath());
+ else
+ pros = d->dependenciesOrder();
+ for (const FilePath &proFile : std::as_const(pros)) {
+ for (Project *pro : projects()) {
+ if (pro->projectFilePath() == proFile) {
+ result << pro;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+Project *ProjectManager::projectForFile(const FilePath &fileName)
+ if (Project * const project = Utils::findOrDefault(ProjectManager::projects(),
+ [&fileName](const Project *p) { return p->isKnownFile(fileName); })) {
+ return project;
+ }
+ return Utils::findOrDefault(ProjectManager::projects(),
+ [&fileName](const Project *p) {
+ for (const Target * const target : p->targets()) {
+ for (const BuildConfiguration * const bc : target->buildConfigurations()) {
+ if (fileName.isChildOf(bc->buildDirectory()))
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return fileName.isChildOf(p->projectDirectory());
+ });
+Project *ProjectManager::projectWithProjectFilePath(const FilePath &filePath)
+ return Utils::findOrDefault(ProjectManager::projects(),
+ [&filePath](const Project *p) { return p->projectFilePath() == filePath; });
+void ProjectManager::configureEditor(IEditor *editor, const QString &fileName)
+ if (auto textEditor = qobject_cast<TextEditor::BaseTextEditor*>(editor)) {
+ Project *project = projectForFile(Utils::FilePath::fromString(fileName));
+ // Global settings are the default.
+ if (project)
+ project->editorConfiguration()->configureEditor(textEditor);
+ }
+void ProjectManager::configureEditors(Project *project)
+ const QList<IDocument *> documents = DocumentModel::openedDocuments();
+ for (IDocument *document : documents) {
+ if (project->isKnownFile(document->filePath())) {
+ const QList<IEditor *> editors = DocumentModel::editorsForDocument(document);
+ for (IEditor *editor : editors) {
+ if (auto textEditor = qobject_cast<TextEditor::BaseTextEditor*>(editor)) {
+ project->editorConfiguration()->configureEditor(textEditor);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void ProjectManager::removeProjects(const QList<Project *> &remove)
+ for (Project *pro : remove)
+ emit m_instance->aboutToRemoveProject(pro);
+ bool changeStartupProject = false;
+ // Delete projects
+ for (Project *pro : remove) {
+ pro->saveSettings();
+ pro->markAsShuttingDown();
+ // Remove the project node:
+ d->m_projects.removeOne(pro);
+ if (pro == d->m_startupProject)
+ changeStartupProject = true;
+ FolderNavigationWidgetFactory::removeRootDirectory(projectFolderId(pro));
+ disconnect(pro, nullptr, m_instance, nullptr);
+ emit m_instance->projectRemoved(pro);
+ }
+ if (changeStartupProject)
+ setStartupProject(hasProjects() ? projects().first() : nullptr);
+ qDeleteAll(remove);
+void ProjectManagerPrivate::restoreDependencies()
+ QMap<QString, QVariant> depMap = SessionManager::sessionValue("ProjectDependencies").toMap();
+ auto i = depMap.constBegin();
+ while (i != depMap.constEnd()) {
+ const QString &key = i.key();
+ FilePaths values;
+ const QStringList valueList = i.value().toStringList();
+ for (const QString &value : valueList)
+ values << FilePath::fromString(value);
+ m_depMap.insert(FilePath::fromString(key), values);
+ ++i;
+ }
+void ProjectManagerPrivate::askUserAboutFailedProjects()
+ FilePaths failedProjects = m_failedProjects;
+ if (!failedProjects.isEmpty()) {
+ QString fileList = FilePath::formatFilePaths(failedProjects, "<br>");
+ QMessageBox box(QMessageBox::Warning,
+ Tr::tr("Failed to restore project files"),
+ Tr::tr("Could not restore the following project files:<br><b>%1</b>").
+ arg(fileList));
+ auto keepButton = new QPushButton(Tr::tr("Keep projects in Session"), &box);
+ auto removeButton = new QPushButton(Tr::tr("Remove projects from Session"), &box);
+ box.addButton(keepButton, QMessageBox::AcceptRole);
+ box.addButton(removeButton, QMessageBox::DestructiveRole);
+ box.exec();
+ if (box.clickedButton() == removeButton)
+ m_failedProjects.clear();
+ }
+void ProjectManagerPrivate::restoreStartupProject()
+ const FilePath startupProject = FilePath::fromSettings(
+ SessionManager::sessionValue("StartupProject"));
+ if (!startupProject.isEmpty()) {
+ for (Project *pro : std::as_const(m_projects)) {
+ if (pro->projectFilePath() == startupProject) {
+ m_instance->setStartupProject(pro);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!m_startupProject) {
+ if (!startupProject.isEmpty())
+ qWarning() << "Could not find startup project" << startupProject;
+ if (hasProjects())
+ m_instance->setStartupProject(m_projects.first());
+ }
+ Loads a session, takes a session name (not filename).
+void ProjectManagerPrivate::restoreProjects(const FilePaths &fileList)
+ // indirectly adds projects to session
+ // Keep projects that failed to load in the session!
+ m_failedProjects = fileList;
+ if (!fileList.isEmpty()) {
+ ProjectExplorerPlugin::OpenProjectResult result = ProjectExplorerPlugin::openProjects(fileList);
+ if (!result)
+ ProjectExplorerPlugin::showOpenProjectError(result);
+ const QList<Project *> projects = result.projects();
+ for (const Project *p : projects)
+ m_failedProjects.removeAll(p->projectFilePath());
+ }
+void ProjectManagerPrivate::loadSession()
+ d->m_failedProjects.clear();
+ d->m_depMap.clear();
+ d->m_casadeSetActive = false;
+ // not ideal that this is in ProjectManager
+ Id modeId = Id::fromSetting(SessionManager::value(QLatin1String("ActiveMode")));
+ if (!modeId.isValid())
+ modeId = Id(Core::Constants::MODE_EDIT);
+ // find a list of projects to close later
+ const FilePaths fileList = FileUtils::toFilePathList(
+ SessionManager::sessionValue("ProjectList").toStringList());
+ const QList<Project *> projectsToRemove
+ = Utils::filtered(ProjectManager::projects(), [&fileList](Project *p) {
+ return !fileList.contains(p->projectFilePath());
+ });
+ const QList<Project *> openProjects = ProjectManager::projects();
+ const FilePaths projectPathsToLoad
+ = Utils::filtered(fileList, [&openProjects](const FilePath &path) {
+ return !Utils::contains(openProjects,
+ [&path](Project *p) { return p->projectFilePath() == path; });
+ });
+ SessionManager::addSessionLoadingSteps(projectPathsToLoad.count());
+ d->restoreProjects(projectPathsToLoad);
+ d->restoreDependencies();
+ d->restoreStartupProject();
+ // only remove old projects now that the startup project is set!
+ ProjectManager::removeProjects(projectsToRemove);
+ // Fall back to Project mode if the startup project is unconfigured and
+ // use the mode saved in the session otherwise
+ if (d->m_startupProject && d->m_startupProject->needsConfiguration())
+ modeId = Id(Constants::MODE_SESSION);
+ ModeManager::activateMode(modeId);
+ ModeManager::setFocusToCurrentMode();
+ d->m_casadeSetActive = SessionManager::sessionValue("CascadeSetActive", false).toBool();
+ // Starts a event loop, better do that at the very end
+ QMetaObject::invokeMethod(m_instance, [this] { askUserAboutFailedProjects(); });
+FilePaths ProjectManager::projectsForSessionName(const QString &session)
+ const FilePath fileName = SessionManager::sessionNameToFileName(session);
+ PersistentSettingsReader reader;
+ if (fileName.exists()) {
+ if (!reader.load(fileName)) {
+ qWarning() << "Could not restore session" << fileName.toUserOutput();
+ return {};
+ }
+ }
+ return transform(reader.restoreValue(QLatin1String("ProjectList")).toStringList(),
+ &FilePath::fromUserInput);
+#ifdef WITH_TESTS
+void ProjectExplorerPlugin::testSessionSwitch()
+ QVERIFY(SessionManager::createSession("session1"));
+ QVERIFY(SessionManager::createSession("session2"));
+ QTemporaryFile cppFile("main.cpp");
+ QVERIFY(cppFile.open());
+ cppFile.close();
+ QTemporaryFile projectFile1("XXXXXX.pro");
+ QTemporaryFile projectFile2("XXXXXX.pro");
+ struct SessionSpec {
+ SessionSpec(const QString &n, QTemporaryFile &f) : name(n), projectFile(f) {}
+ const QString name;
+ QTemporaryFile &projectFile;
+ };
+ std::vector<SessionSpec> sessionSpecs{SessionSpec("session1", projectFile1),
+ SessionSpec("session2", projectFile2)};
+ for (const SessionSpec &sessionSpec : sessionSpecs) {
+ static const QByteArray proFileContents
+ = "TEMPLATE = app\n"
+ "CONFIG -= qt\n"
+ "SOURCES = " + cppFile.fileName().toLocal8Bit();
+ QVERIFY(sessionSpec.projectFile.open());
+ sessionSpec.projectFile.write(proFileContents);
+ sessionSpec.projectFile.close();
+ QVERIFY(SessionManager::loadSession(sessionSpec.name));
+ const OpenProjectResult openResult
+ = ProjectExplorerPlugin::openProject(
+ FilePath::fromString(sessionSpec.projectFile.fileName()));
+ if (openResult.errorMessage().contains("text/plain"))
+ QSKIP("This test requires the presence of QmakeProjectManager to be fully functional");
+ QVERIFY(openResult);
+ QCOMPARE(openResult.projects().count(), 1);
+ QVERIFY(openResult.project());
+ QCOMPARE(ProjectManager::projects().count(), 1);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < 30; ++i) {
+ QVERIFY(SessionManager::loadSession("session1"));
+ QCOMPARE(SessionManager::activeSession(), "session1");
+ QCOMPARE(ProjectManager::projects().count(), 1);
+ QVERIFY(SessionManager::loadSession("session2"));
+ QCOMPARE(SessionManager::activeSession(), "session2");
+ QCOMPARE(ProjectManager::projects().count(), 1);
+ }
+ QVERIFY(SessionManager::loadSession("session1"));
+ ProjectManager::closeAllProjects();
+ QVERIFY(SessionManager::loadSession("session2"));
+ ProjectManager::closeAllProjects();
+ QVERIFY(SessionManager::deleteSession("session1"));
+ QVERIFY(SessionManager::deleteSession("session2"));
+#endif // WITH_TESTS
+} // namespace ProjectExplorer