path: root/src/plugins/terminal/shellintegrations/shellintegration.ps1
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/terminal/shellintegrations/shellintegration.ps1')
1 files changed, 158 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/terminal/shellintegrations/shellintegration.ps1 b/src/plugins/terminal/shellintegrations/shellintegration.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4fd978a884
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/terminal/shellintegrations/shellintegration.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+# Prevent installing more than once per session
+if (Test-Path variable:global:__VSCodeOriginalPrompt) {
+ return;
+# Disable shell integration when the language mode is restricted
+if ($ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode -ne "FullLanguage") {
+ return;
+$Global:__VSCodeOriginalPrompt = $function:Prompt
+$Global:__LastHistoryId = -1
+function Global:__VSCode-Escape-Value([string]$value) {
+ # NOTE: In PowerShell v6.1+, this can be written `$value -replace '…', { … }` instead of `[regex]::Replace`.
+ # Replace any non-alphanumeric characters.
+ [regex]::Replace($value, '[\\\n;]', { param($match)
+ # Encode the (ascii) matches as `\x<hex>`
+ -Join (
+ [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($match.Value) | ForEach-Object { '\x{0:x2}' -f $_ }
+ )
+ })
+function Global:Prompt() {
+ $FakeCode = [int]!$global:?
+ # NOTE: We disable strict mode for the scope of this function because it unhelpfully throws an
+ # error when $LastHistoryEntry is null, and is not otherwise useful.
+ Set-StrictMode -Off
+ $LastHistoryEntry = Get-History -Count 1
+ # Skip finishing the command if the first command has not yet started
+ if ($Global:__LastHistoryId -ne -1) {
+ if ($LastHistoryEntry.Id -eq $Global:__LastHistoryId) {
+ # Don't provide a command line or exit code if there was no history entry (eg. ctrl+c, enter on no command)
+ $Result = "$([char]0x1b)]633;E`a"
+ $Result += "$([char]0x1b)]633;D`a"
+ } else {
+ # Command finished command line
+ # OSC 633 ; A ; <CommandLine?> ST
+ $Result = "$([char]0x1b)]633;E;"
+ # Sanitize the command line to ensure it can get transferred to the terminal and can be parsed
+ # correctly. This isn't entirely safe but good for most cases, it's important for the Pt parameter
+ # to only be composed of _printable_ characters as per the spec.
+ if ($LastHistoryEntry.CommandLine) {
+ $CommandLine = $LastHistoryEntry.CommandLine
+ } else {
+ $CommandLine = ""
+ }
+ $Result += $(__VSCode-Escape-Value $CommandLine)
+ $Result += "`a"
+ # Command finished exit code
+ # OSC 633 ; D [; <ExitCode>] ST
+ $Result += "$([char]0x1b)]633;D;$FakeCode`a"
+ }
+ }
+ # Prompt started
+ # OSC 633 ; A ST
+ $Result += "$([char]0x1b)]633;A`a"
+ # Current working directory
+ # OSC 633 ; <Property>=<Value> ST
+ $Result += if($pwd.Provider.Name -eq 'FileSystem'){"$([char]0x1b)]633;P;Cwd=$(__VSCode-Escape-Value $pwd.ProviderPath)`a"}
+ # Before running the original prompt, put $? back to what it was:
+ if ($FakeCode -ne 0) {
+ Write-Error "failure" -ea ignore
+ }
+ # Run the original prompt
+ $Result += $Global:__VSCodeOriginalPrompt.Invoke()
+ # Write command started
+ $Result += "$([char]0x1b)]633;B`a"
+ $Global:__LastHistoryId = $LastHistoryEntry.Id
+ return $Result
+# Only send the command executed sequence when PSReadLine is loaded, if not shell integration should
+# still work thanks to the command line sequence
+if (Get-Module -Name PSReadLine) {
+ $__VSCodeOriginalPSConsoleHostReadLine = $function:PSConsoleHostReadLine
+ function Global:PSConsoleHostReadLine {
+ $tmp = $__VSCodeOriginalPSConsoleHostReadLine.Invoke()
+ # Write command executed sequence directly to Console to avoid the new line from Write-Host
+ [Console]::Write("$([char]0x1b)]633;C`a")
+ $tmp
+ }
+# Set IsWindows property
+# Set always on key handlers which map to default VS Code keybindings
+function Set-MappedKeyHandler {
+ param ([string[]] $Chord, [string[]]$Sequence)
+ try {
+ $Handler = Get-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Chord $Chord | Select-Object -First 1
+ } catch [System.Management.Automation.ParameterBindingException] {
+ # PowerShell 5.1 ships with PSReadLine 2.0.0 which does not have -Chord,
+ # so we check what's bound and filter it.
+ $Handler = Get-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Bound | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Key -eq $Chord } | Select-Object -First 1
+ }
+ if ($Handler) {
+ Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Chord $Sequence -Function $Handler.Function
+ }
+function Set-MappedKeyHandlers {
+ Set-MappedKeyHandler -Chord Ctrl+Spacebar -Sequence 'F12,a'
+ Set-MappedKeyHandler -Chord Alt+Spacebar -Sequence 'F12,b'
+ Set-MappedKeyHandler -Chord Shift+Enter -Sequence 'F12,c'
+ Set-MappedKeyHandler -Chord Shift+End -Sequence 'F12,d'
+ # Conditionally enable suggestions
+ if ($env:VSCODE_SUGGEST -eq '1') {
+ Remove-Item Env:VSCODE_SUGGEST
+ # VS Code send completions request (may override Ctrl+Spacebar)
+ Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Chord 'F12,e' -ScriptBlock {
+ Send-Completions
+ }
+ # Suggest trigger characters
+ Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Chord "-" -ScriptBlock {
+ [Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::Insert("-")
+ Send-Completions
+ }
+ }
+function Send-Completions {
+ $commandLine = ""
+ $cursorIndex = 0
+ # TODO: Since fuzzy matching exists, should completions be provided only for character after the
+ # last space and then filter on the client side? That would let you trigger ctrl+space
+ # anywhere on a word and have full completions available
+ [Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::GetBufferState([ref]$commandLine, [ref]$cursorIndex)
+ $completionPrefix = $commandLine
+ # Get completions
+ $result = "`e]633;Completions"
+ if ($completionPrefix.Length -gt 0) {
+ # Get and send completions
+ $completions = TabExpansion2 -inputScript $completionPrefix -cursorColumn $cursorIndex
+ if ($null -ne $completions.CompletionMatches) {
+ $result += ";$($completions.ReplacementIndex);$($completions.ReplacementLength);$($cursorIndex);"
+ $result += $completions.CompletionMatches | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
+ }
+ }
+ $result += "`a"
+ Write-Host -NoNewLine $result
+# Register key handlers if PSReadLine is available
+if (Get-Module -Name PSReadLine) {
+ Set-MappedKeyHandlers