path: root/src/tools/qml2puppet/mockfiles/qt6/LightGizmo.qml
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/tools/qml2puppet/mockfiles/qt6/LightGizmo.qml')
1 files changed, 334 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tools/qml2puppet/mockfiles/qt6/LightGizmo.qml b/src/tools/qml2puppet/mockfiles/qt6/LightGizmo.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e8a25bb39d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/qml2puppet/mockfiles/qt6/LightGizmo.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0 WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
+import QtQuick 6.0
+import QtQuick3D 6.0
+import MouseArea3D 1.0
+import LightUtils 1.0
+Node {
+ id: lightGizmo
+ property View3D view3D
+ property Node targetNode: null
+ property MouseArea3D dragHelper: null
+ property color color: Qt.rgba(1, 1, 0, 1)
+ property real fadeScale: {
+ // Value indicates area where intensity is above certain percent of total brightness.
+ if (lightGizmo.targetNode instanceof SpotLight || lightGizmo.targetNode instanceof PointLight) {
+ var l = targetNode.linearFade;
+ var q = targetNode.quadraticFade;
+ var c = targetNode.constantFade;
+ var d = 20; // divisor to target intensity value. E.g. 20 = 1/20 = 5%
+ if (l === 0 && q === 0)
+ l = 1; // For pure constant fade, cone would be infinite, so pretend we have linear fade
+ // Solved from equation in shader:
+ // 1 / d = 1 / (c + (l + q * dist) * dist);
+ if (q === 0)
+ return 100 * Math.max(((d - c) / l), 1);
+ else
+ return 100 * ((Math.sqrt(4 * q * (d - c) + (l * l)) - l) / (2 * q));
+ } else {
+ return 100;
+ }
+ }
+ readonly property bool dragging: primaryArrow.dragging
+ || spotLightHandle.dragging
+ || spotLightInnerHandle.dragging
+ || spotLightFadeHandle.dragging
+ || areaHeightHandle.dragging
+ || areaWidthHandle.dragging
+ || pointLightFadeHandle.dragging
+ property point currentMousePos
+ property string currentLabel
+ property int brightnessDecimals: _generalHelper.brightnessScaler() > 10. ? 0 : 2;
+ property real brightnessMultiplier: Math.pow(10, brightnessDecimals);
+ signal propertyValueCommit(string propName)
+ signal propertyValueChange(string propName)
+ position: targetNode ? targetNode.scenePosition : Qt.vector3d(0, 0, 0)
+ visible: lightGizmo.targetNode instanceof SpotLight
+ || lightGizmo.targetNode instanceof AreaLight
+ || lightGizmo.targetNode instanceof DirectionalLight
+ || lightGizmo.targetNode instanceof PointLight
+ AutoScaleHelper {
+ id: autoScaler
+ view3D: lightGizmo.view3D
+ }
+ Node {
+ id: pointLightParts
+ rotation: lightGizmo.view3D.camera.rotation
+ visible: lightGizmo.targetNode instanceof PointLight
+ LightModel {
+ id: pointModel
+ geometryName: "Edit 3D PointLight"
+ geometryType: LightGeometry.Point
+ material: lightMaterial
+ scale: Qt.vector3d(lightGizmo.fadeScale, lightGizmo.fadeScale, lightGizmo.fadeScale)
+ }
+ FadeHandle {
+ id: pointLightFadeHandle
+ view3D: lightGizmo.view3D
+ color: (hovering || dragging) ? Qt.rgba(1, 1, 1, 1) : lightGizmo.color
+ position: lightGizmo.targetNode instanceof PointLight ? Qt.vector3d(-pointModel.scale.x, 0, 0)
+ : Qt.vector3d(0, 0, 0)
+ eulerRotation: Qt.vector3d(0, 0, -90)
+ targetNode: lightGizmo.targetNode instanceof PointLight ? lightGizmo.targetNode : null
+ active: lightGizmo.targetNode instanceof PointLight
+ dragHelper: lightGizmo.dragHelper
+ fadeScale: lightGizmo.fadeScale
+ onCurrentMousePosChanged: {
+ lightGizmo.currentMousePos = currentMousePos;
+ lightGizmo.currentLabel = currentLabel;
+ }
+ onValueChange: (propName)=> {
+ lightGizmo.propertyValueChange(propName);
+ }
+ onValueCommit: (propName)=> {
+ lightGizmo.propertyValueCommit(propName);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Node {
+ rotation: !lightGizmo.targetNode ? Qt.quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0)
+ : lightGizmo.targetNode.sceneRotation
+ Node {
+ id: spotParts
+ visible: lightGizmo.targetNode instanceof SpotLight
+ LightModel {
+ id: spotModel
+ property real coneXYScale: spotParts.visible && lightGizmo.targetNode
+ ? lightGizmo.fadeScale * Math.tan(Math.PI * lightGizmo.targetNode.coneAngle / 180)
+ : 1
+ geometryName: "Edit 3D SpotLight Cone"
+ geometryType: LightGeometry.Spot
+ material: lightMaterial
+ scale: Qt.vector3d(coneXYScale, coneXYScale,
+ spotParts.visible && lightGizmo.targetNode && lightGizmo.targetNode.coneAngle > 90
+ ? -lightGizmo.fadeScale : lightGizmo.fadeScale)
+ }
+ LightModel {
+ id: spotInnerModel
+ property real coneXYScale: spotParts.visible && lightGizmo.targetNode
+ ? lightGizmo.fadeScale * Math.tan(Math.PI * lightGizmo.targetNode.innerConeAngle / 180)
+ : 1
+ geometryName: "Edit 3D SpotLight Inner Cone"
+ geometryType: LightGeometry.Spot
+ material: lightMaterial
+ scale: Qt.vector3d(coneXYScale, coneXYScale,
+ spotParts.visible && lightGizmo.targetNode && lightGizmo.targetNode.innerConeAngle > 90
+ ? -lightGizmo.fadeScale : lightGizmo.fadeScale)
+ }
+ SpotLightHandle {
+ id: spotLightHandle
+ view3D: lightGizmo.view3D
+ color: (hovering || dragging) ? Qt.rgba(1, 1, 1, 1) : lightGizmo.color
+ position: lightGizmo.targetNode instanceof SpotLight ? Qt.vector3d(0, spotModel.scale.y, -spotModel.scale.z)
+ : Qt.vector3d(0, 0, 0)
+ targetNode: lightGizmo.targetNode instanceof SpotLight ? lightGizmo.targetNode : null
+ active: lightGizmo.targetNode instanceof SpotLight
+ dragHelper: lightGizmo.dragHelper
+ propName: "coneAngle"
+ propValue: lightGizmo.targetNode instanceof SpotLight ? targetNode.coneAngle : 0
+ onNewValueChanged: targetNode.coneAngle = newValue
+ onCurrentMousePosChanged: {
+ lightGizmo.currentMousePos = currentMousePos;
+ lightGizmo.currentLabel = currentLabel;
+ }
+ onValueChange: lightGizmo.propertyValueChange(propName)
+ onValueCommit: {
+ if (targetNode.innerConeAngle > targetNode.coneAngle)
+ targetNode.innerConeAngle = targetNode.coneAngle;
+ lightGizmo.propertyValueCommit(propName)
+ lightGizmo.propertyValueCommit(spotLightInnerHandle.propName);
+ }
+ }
+ SpotLightHandle {
+ id: spotLightInnerHandle
+ view3D: lightGizmo.view3D
+ color: (hovering || dragging) ? Qt.rgba(1, 1, 1, 1) : lightGizmo.color
+ position: lightGizmo.targetNode instanceof SpotLight ? Qt.vector3d(0, -spotInnerModel.scale.y, -spotInnerModel.scale.z)
+ : Qt.vector3d(0, 0, 0)
+ eulerRotation: Qt.vector3d(180, 0, 0)
+ targetNode: lightGizmo.targetNode instanceof SpotLight ? lightGizmo.targetNode : null
+ active: lightGizmo.targetNode instanceof SpotLight
+ dragHelper: lightGizmo.dragHelper
+ propName: "innerConeAngle"
+ propValue: lightGizmo.targetNode instanceof SpotLight ? targetNode.innerConeAngle : 0
+ onNewValueChanged: targetNode.innerConeAngle = newValue
+ onCurrentMousePosChanged: {
+ lightGizmo.currentMousePos = currentMousePos;
+ lightGizmo.currentLabel = currentLabel;
+ }
+ onValueChange: lightGizmo.propertyValueChange(propName)
+ onValueCommit: {
+ if (targetNode.coneAngle < targetNode.innerConeAngle)
+ targetNode.coneAngle = targetNode.innerConeAngle;
+ lightGizmo.propertyValueCommit(propName)
+ lightGizmo.propertyValueCommit(spotLightHandle.propName);
+ }
+ }
+ FadeHandle {
+ id: spotLightFadeHandle
+ view3D: lightGizmo.view3D
+ color: (hovering || dragging) ? Qt.rgba(1, 1, 1, 1) : lightGizmo.color
+ position: lightGizmo.targetNode instanceof SpotLight ? Qt.vector3d(spotModel.scale.x / 2, 0, -spotInnerModel.scale.z / 2)
+ : Qt.vector3d(0, 0, 0)
+ eulerRotation: Qt.vector3d(90, 0, 0)
+ targetNode: lightGizmo.targetNode instanceof SpotLight ? lightGizmo.targetNode : null
+ active: lightGizmo.targetNode instanceof SpotLight
+ dragHelper: lightGizmo.dragHelper
+ fadeScale: lightGizmo.fadeScale
+ dragScale: 2
+ onCurrentMousePosChanged: {
+ lightGizmo.currentMousePos = currentMousePos;
+ lightGizmo.currentLabel = currentLabel;
+ }
+ onValueChange: (propName)=> {
+ lightGizmo.propertyValueChange(propName);
+ }
+ onValueCommit: (propName)=> {
+ lightGizmo.propertyValueCommit(propName);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Node {
+ id: areaParts
+ visible: lightGizmo.targetNode instanceof AreaLight
+ LightModel {
+ id: areaModel
+ geometryName: "Edit 3D AreaLight"
+ geometryType: LightGeometry.Area
+ material: lightMaterial
+ scale: areaParts.visible ? Qt.vector3d(lightGizmo.targetNode.width / 2,
+ lightGizmo.targetNode.height / 2, 1)
+ .times(lightGizmo.targetNode.scale)
+ : Qt.vector3d(1, 1, 1)
+ }
+ AreaLightHandle {
+ id: areaWidthHandle
+ view3D: lightGizmo.view3D
+ color: (hovering || dragging) ? Qt.rgba(1, 1, 1, 1) : lightGizmo.color
+ position: lightGizmo.targetNode instanceof AreaLight ? Qt.vector3d(-areaModel.scale.x, 0, 0)
+ : Qt.vector3d(0, 0, 0)
+ eulerRotation: Qt.vector3d(0, 0, 90)
+ targetNode: lightGizmo.targetNode instanceof AreaLight ? lightGizmo.targetNode : null
+ active: lightGizmo.targetNode instanceof AreaLight
+ dragHelper: lightGizmo.dragHelper
+ propName: "width"
+ propValue: lightGizmo.targetNode instanceof AreaLight ? targetNode.width : 0
+ onNewValueChanged: targetNode.width = newValue
+ onCurrentMousePosChanged: {
+ lightGizmo.currentMousePos = currentMousePos;
+ lightGizmo.currentLabel = currentLabel;
+ }
+ onValueChange: lightGizmo.propertyValueChange(propName)
+ onValueCommit: lightGizmo.propertyValueCommit(propName)
+ }
+ AreaLightHandle {
+ id: areaHeightHandle
+ view3D: lightGizmo.view3D
+ color: (hovering || dragging) ? Qt.rgba(1, 1, 1, 1) : lightGizmo.color
+ position: lightGizmo.targetNode instanceof AreaLight ? Qt.vector3d(0, -areaModel.scale.y, 0)
+ : Qt.vector3d(0, 0, 0)
+ eulerRotation: Qt.vector3d(0, 0, 180)
+ targetNode: lightGizmo.targetNode instanceof AreaLight ? lightGizmo.targetNode : null
+ active: lightGizmo.targetNode instanceof AreaLight
+ dragHelper: lightGizmo.dragHelper
+ propName: "height"
+ propValue: lightGizmo.targetNode instanceof AreaLight ? targetNode.height : 0
+ onNewValueChanged: targetNode.height = newValue
+ onCurrentMousePosChanged: {
+ lightGizmo.currentMousePos = currentMousePos;
+ lightGizmo.currentLabel = currentLabel;
+ }
+ onValueChange: lightGizmo.propertyValueChange(propName)
+ onValueCommit: lightGizmo.propertyValueCommit(propName)
+ }
+ }
+ LightModel {
+ id: directionalModel
+ geometryName: "Edit 3D DirLight"
+ geometryType: LightGeometry.Directional
+ material: lightMaterial
+ visible: lightGizmo.targetNode instanceof DirectionalLight
+ scale: autoScaler.getScale(Qt.vector3d(50, 50, 50))
+ }
+ AdjustableArrow {
+ id: primaryArrow
+ eulerRotation: Qt.vector3d(-90, 0, 0)
+ targetNode: lightGizmo.targetNode
+ color: (hovering || dragging) ? Qt.rgba(1, 1, 1, 1) : lightGizmo.color
+ view3D: lightGizmo.view3D
+ active: lightGizmo.visible
+ dragHelper: lightGizmo.dragHelper
+ scale: autoScaler.getScale(Qt.vector3d(5, 5, 5))
+ length: targetNode ? Math.max(1.0, 1.0 + targetNode.brightness / _generalHelper.brightnessScaler() * 10.0) + 3 : 10
+ property real _startBrightness
+ function updateBrightness(relativeDistance, screenPos)
+ {
+ var currentValue = Math.max(0, (_startBrightness + relativeDistance * _generalHelper.brightnessScaler() / 10.0));
+ currentValue *= brightnessMultiplier;
+ currentValue = Math.round(currentValue);
+ currentValue /= brightnessMultiplier;
+ var l = Qt.locale();
+ lightGizmo.currentLabel = "brightness" + qsTr(": ") + Number(currentValue).toLocaleString(l, 'f', brightnessDecimals);
+ lightGizmo.currentMousePos = screenPos;
+ targetNode.brightness = currentValue;
+ }
+ onPressed: (mouseArea, screenPos)=> {
+ _startBrightness = targetNode.brightness;
+ updateBrightness(0, screenPos);
+ }
+ onDragged: (mouseArea, sceneRelativeDistance, relativeDistance, screenPos)=> {
+ updateBrightness(relativeDistance, screenPos);
+ lightGizmo.propertyValueChange("brightness");
+ }
+ onReleased: (mouseArea, sceneRelativeDistance, relativeDistance, screenPos)=> {
+ updateBrightness(relativeDistance, screenPos);
+ lightGizmo.propertyValueCommit("brightness");
+ }
+ }
+ DefaultMaterial {
+ id: lightMaterial
+ diffuseColor: lightGizmo.color
+ lighting: DefaultMaterial.NoLighting
+ cullMode: Material.NoCulling
+ }
+ }