path: root/src/tools/qml2puppet/qml2puppet/editor3d/selectionboxgeometry.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/tools/qml2puppet/qml2puppet/editor3d/selectionboxgeometry.cpp')
1 files changed, 427 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tools/qml2puppet/qml2puppet/editor3d/selectionboxgeometry.cpp b/src/tools/qml2puppet/qml2puppet/editor3d/selectionboxgeometry.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1198047848
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/qml2puppet/qml2puppet/editor3d/selectionboxgeometry.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0 WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
+#include "selectionboxgeometry.h"
+#include <QtQuick3DRuntimeRender/private/qssgrendermodel_p.h>
+#include <QtQuick3DRuntimeRender/private/qssgrendercontextcore_p.h>
+#include <QtQuick3DRuntimeRender/private/qssgrenderbuffermanager_p.h>
+#include <QtQuick3D/private/qquick3dmodel_p.h>
+#include <QtQuick3D/private/qquick3dscenemanager_p.h>
+#include <QtQuick3D/qquick3dobject.h>
+#include <QtQuick/qquickwindow.h>
+#include <QtCore/qvector.h>
+#include <limits>
+namespace QmlDesigner {
+namespace Internal {
+static const float floatMin = std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest();
+static const float floatMax = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
+static const QVector3D maxVec = QVector3D(floatMax, floatMax, floatMax);
+static const QVector3D minVec = QVector3D(floatMin, floatMin, floatMin);
+ : GeometryBase()
+ for (auto &connection : std::as_const(m_connections))
+ QObject::disconnect(connection);
+ m_connections.clear();
+QQuick3DNode *SelectionBoxGeometry::targetNode() const
+ return m_targetNode;
+QQuick3DNode *SelectionBoxGeometry::rootNode() const
+ return m_rootNode;
+QQuick3DViewport *SelectionBoxGeometry::view3D() const
+ return m_view3D;
+bool QmlDesigner::Internal::SelectionBoxGeometry::isEmpty() const
+ return m_isEmpty;
+void SelectionBoxGeometry::setEmpty(bool isEmpty)
+ if (m_isEmpty != isEmpty) {
+ m_isEmpty = isEmpty;
+ emit isEmptyChanged();
+ }
+QSSGBounds3 SelectionBoxGeometry::bounds() const
+ return m_bounds;
+void SelectionBoxGeometry::clearGeometry()
+ clear();
+ setStride(12); // To avoid div by zero inside QtQuick3D
+ setEmpty(true);
+void SelectionBoxGeometry::setTargetNode(QQuick3DNode *targetNode)
+ if (m_targetNode == targetNode)
+ return;
+ if (m_targetNode)
+ m_targetNode->disconnect(this);
+ m_targetNode = targetNode;
+ if (auto model = qobject_cast<QQuick3DModel *>(m_targetNode)) {
+ QObject::connect(model, &QQuick3DModel::sourceChanged,
+ this, &SelectionBoxGeometry::spatialNodeUpdateNeeded, Qt::QueuedConnection);
+ QObject::connect(model, &QQuick3DModel::geometryChanged,
+ this, &SelectionBoxGeometry::spatialNodeUpdateNeeded, Qt::QueuedConnection);
+ }
+ if (m_targetNode) {
+ QObject::connect(m_targetNode, &QQuick3DNode::parentChanged,
+ this, &SelectionBoxGeometry::spatialNodeUpdateNeeded, Qt::QueuedConnection);
+ }
+ clearGeometry();
+ emit targetNodeChanged();
+ spatialNodeUpdateNeeded();
+void SelectionBoxGeometry::setRootNode(QQuick3DNode *rootNode)
+ if (m_rootNode == rootNode)
+ return;
+ m_rootNode = rootNode;
+ emit rootNodeChanged();
+ spatialNodeUpdateNeeded();
+void SelectionBoxGeometry::setView3D(QQuick3DViewport *view)
+ if (m_view3D == view)
+ return;
+ m_view3D = view;
+ emit view3DChanged();
+ spatialNodeUpdateNeeded();
+QSSGRenderGraphObject *SelectionBoxGeometry::updateSpatialNode(QSSGRenderGraphObject *node)
+ if (m_spatialNodeUpdatePending) {
+ m_spatialNodeUpdatePending = false;
+ updateGeometry();
+ }
+ return QQuick3DGeometry::updateSpatialNode(node);
+void SelectionBoxGeometry::doUpdateGeometry()
+ // Some changes require a frame to be rendered for us to be able to calculate geometry,
+ // so defer calculations until after next frame.
+ if (m_spatialNodeUpdatePending) {
+ update();
+ return;
+ }
+ GeometryBase::doUpdateGeometry();
+ for (auto &connection : std::as_const(m_connections))
+ QObject::disconnect(connection);
+ m_connections.clear();
+ QByteArray vertexData;
+ QByteArray indexData;
+ QVector3D minBounds = maxVec;
+ QVector3D maxBounds = minVec;
+ if (m_targetNode) {
+ auto rootPriv = QQuick3DObjectPrivate::get(m_rootNode);
+ auto targetPriv = QQuick3DObjectPrivate::get(m_targetNode);
+ auto rootRN = static_cast<QSSGRenderNode *>(rootPriv->spatialNode);
+ auto targetRN = static_cast<QSSGRenderNode *>(targetPriv->spatialNode);
+ if (rootRN && targetRN) {
+ // Explicitly set local transform of root node to target node parent's global transform
+ // to avoid having to reparent the selection box. This has to be done directly on render
+ // nodes.
+ QMatrix4x4 m;
+ if (targetRN->parent) {
+ targetRN->parent->calculateGlobalVariables();
+ m = targetRN->parent->globalTransform;
+ }
+ rootRN->localTransform = m;
+ rootRN->markDirty(QSSGRenderNode::TransformDirtyFlag::TransformNotDirty);
+ rootRN->markDirty(QSSGRenderNode::DirtyFlag::TransformDirty);
+ rootRN->calculateGlobalVariables();
+ } else if (!m_spatialNodeUpdatePending) {
+ // Necessary spatial nodes do not yet exist. Defer selection box creation one frame.
+ m_spatialNodeUpdatePending = true;
+ update();
+ }
+ getBounds(m_targetNode, vertexData, indexData, minBounds, maxBounds);
+ generateVertexData(vertexData, indexData, minBounds, maxBounds);
+ // Track changes in ancestors, as they can move node without affecting node properties
+ auto parentNode = m_targetNode->parentNode();
+ while (parentNode) {
+ trackNodeChanges(parentNode);
+ parentNode = parentNode->parentNode();
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Fill some dummy data so geometry won't get rejected
+ minBounds = {};
+ maxBounds = {};
+ generateVertexData(vertexData, indexData, minBounds, maxBounds);
+ }
+ addAttribute(QQuick3DGeometry::Attribute::IndexSemantic, 0,
+ QQuick3DGeometry::Attribute::U16Type);
+ setVertexData(vertexData);
+ setIndexData(indexData);
+ setBounds(minBounds, maxBounds);
+ m_bounds = QSSGBounds3(minBounds, maxBounds);
+ setEmpty(minBounds.isNull() && maxBounds.isNull());
+void SelectionBoxGeometry::getBounds(
+ QQuick3DNode *node, QByteArray &vertexData, QByteArray &indexData,
+ QVector3D &minBounds, QVector3D &maxBounds)
+ QMatrix4x4 localTransform;
+ auto nodePriv = QQuick3DObjectPrivate::get(node);
+ auto renderNode = static_cast<QSSGRenderNode *>(nodePriv->spatialNode);
+ if (node != m_targetNode) {
+ if (renderNode) {
+ if (renderNode->flags.testFlag(QSSGRenderNode::Flag::TransformDirty))
+ renderNode->calculateLocalTransform();
+ if (renderNode->isDirty(QSSGRenderNode::DirtyFlag::TransformDirty)) {
+ renderNode->localTransform = QSSGRenderNode::calculateTransformMatrix(
+ node->position(), node->scale(), node->pivot(), node->rotation());
+ }
+ localTransform = renderNode->localTransform;
+ }
+ trackNodeChanges(node);
+ }
+ QVector3D localMinBounds = maxVec;
+ QVector3D localMaxBounds = minVec;
+ // Find bounds for children
+ QVector<QVector3D> minBoundsVec;
+ QVector<QVector3D> maxBoundsVec;
+ const auto children = node->childItems();
+ for (const auto child : children) {
+ if (auto childNode = qobject_cast<QQuick3DNode *>(child)) {
+ QVector3D newMinBounds = minBounds;
+ QVector3D newMaxBounds = maxBounds;
+ getBounds(childNode, vertexData, indexData, newMinBounds, newMaxBounds);
+ minBoundsVec << newMinBounds;
+ maxBoundsVec << newMaxBounds;
+ }
+ }
+ auto combineMinBounds = [](QVector3D &target, const QVector3D &source) {
+ target.setX(qMin(source.x(), target.x()));
+ target.setY(qMin(source.y(), target.y()));
+ target.setZ(qMin(source.z(), target.z()));
+ };
+ auto combineMaxBounds = [](QVector3D &target, const QVector3D &source) {
+ target.setX(qMax(source.x(), target.x()));
+ target.setY(qMax(source.y(), target.y()));
+ target.setZ(qMax(source.z(), target.z()));
+ };
+ auto transformCorner = [&](const QMatrix4x4 &m, QVector3D &minTarget, QVector3D &maxTarget,
+ const QVector3D &corner) {
+ QVector3D mappedCorner = m.map(corner);
+ combineMinBounds(minTarget, mappedCorner);
+ combineMaxBounds(maxTarget, mappedCorner);
+ };
+ auto transformCorners = [&](const QMatrix4x4 &m, QVector3D &minTarget, QVector3D &maxTarget,
+ const QVector3D &minCorner, const QVector3D &maxCorner) {
+ transformCorner(m, minTarget, maxTarget, minCorner);
+ transformCorner(m, minTarget, maxTarget, maxCorner);
+ transformCorner(m, minTarget, maxTarget, QVector3D(minCorner.x(), minCorner.y(), maxCorner.z()));
+ transformCorner(m, minTarget, maxTarget, QVector3D(minCorner.x(), maxCorner.y(), minCorner.z()));
+ transformCorner(m, minTarget, maxTarget, QVector3D(maxCorner.x(), minCorner.y(), minCorner.z()));
+ transformCorner(m, minTarget, maxTarget, QVector3D(minCorner.x(), maxCorner.y(), maxCorner.z()));
+ transformCorner(m, minTarget, maxTarget, QVector3D(maxCorner.x(), maxCorner.y(), minCorner.z()));
+ transformCorner(m, minTarget, maxTarget, QVector3D(maxCorner.x(), minCorner.y(), maxCorner.z()));
+ };
+ // Combine all child bounds
+ for (const auto &newBounds : std::as_const(minBoundsVec))
+ combineMinBounds(localMinBounds, newBounds);
+ for (const auto &newBounds : std::as_const(maxBoundsVec))
+ combineMaxBounds(localMaxBounds, newBounds);
+ if (qobject_cast<QQuick3DModel *>(node)) {
+ if (auto renderModel = static_cast<QSSGRenderModel *>(renderNode)) {
+ QWindow *window = static_cast<QWindow *>(m_view3D->window());
+ if (window) {
+ QSSGRef<QSSGRenderContextInterface> context;
+ context = QSSGRenderContextInterface::getRenderContextInterface(quintptr(window));
+ context = QQuick3DObjectPrivate::get(this)->sceneManager->rci;
+ if (!context.isNull()) {
+ auto bufferManager = context->bufferManager();
+ QSSGBounds3 bounds = renderModel->getModelBounds(bufferManager);
+ QSSGBounds3 bounds = bufferManager->getModelBounds(renderModel);
+ QVector3D center = bounds.center();
+ QVector3D extents = bounds.extents();
+ QVector3D localMin = center - extents;
+ QVector3D localMax = center + extents;
+ combineMinBounds(localMinBounds, localMin);
+ combineMaxBounds(localMaxBounds, localMax);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ combineMinBounds(localMinBounds, {});
+ combineMaxBounds(localMaxBounds, {});
+ }
+ if (localMaxBounds == minVec) {
+ localMinBounds = {};
+ localMaxBounds = {};
+ }
+ // Transform local space bounding box to parent space
+ transformCorners(localTransform, minBounds, maxBounds, localMinBounds, localMaxBounds);
+void SelectionBoxGeometry::generateVertexData(QByteArray &vertexData, QByteArray &indexData,
+ const QVector3D &minBounds, const QVector3D &maxBounds)
+ // Adjust bounds to reduce targetNode pixels obscuring the selection box
+ QVector3D extents = (maxBounds - minBounds) / 1000.f;
+ QVector3D minAdjBounds = minBounds - extents;
+ QVector3D maxAdjBounds = maxBounds + extents;
+ // Selection box has 8 corners with three short lines towards other corners on each corner
+ const int vertexSize = int(sizeof(float)) * 8 * 4 * 3; // 8 corners, 4 verts/corner, 3 floats/vert
+ vertexData.resize(vertexSize);
+ const int indexSize = int(sizeof(quint16)) * 8 * 3 * 2; // 8 * 3 lines, 2 vert/line
+ indexData.resize(indexSize);
+ auto dataPtr = reinterpret_cast<float *>(vertexData.data());
+ auto indexPtr = reinterpret_cast<quint16 *>(indexData.data());
+ QVector3D corners[8];
+ corners[0] = QVector3D(maxAdjBounds.x(), maxAdjBounds.y(), maxAdjBounds.z());
+ corners[1] = QVector3D(minAdjBounds.x(), maxAdjBounds.y(), maxAdjBounds.z());
+ corners[2] = QVector3D(minAdjBounds.x(), minAdjBounds.y(), maxAdjBounds.z());
+ corners[3] = QVector3D(maxAdjBounds.x(), minAdjBounds.y(), maxAdjBounds.z());
+ corners[4] = QVector3D(maxAdjBounds.x(), maxAdjBounds.y(), minAdjBounds.z());
+ corners[5] = QVector3D(minAdjBounds.x(), maxAdjBounds.y(), minAdjBounds.z());
+ corners[6] = QVector3D(minAdjBounds.x(), minAdjBounds.y(), minAdjBounds.z());
+ corners[7] = QVector3D(maxAdjBounds.x(), minAdjBounds.y(), minAdjBounds.z());
+ for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
+ *dataPtr++ = corners[i].x();
+ *dataPtr++ = corners[i].y();
+ *dataPtr++ = corners[i].z();
+ }
+ // Percentage of full box lines to show at each corner. Set to .5 for full box
+ static const float lineLen = .15f;
+ int nextVertIdx = 8;
+ // Add line from corner 'start', towards corner 'end'
+ auto addCornerLine = [&](int start, int end) {
+ QVector3D vert = corners[start] + lineLen * (corners[end] - corners[start]);
+ *dataPtr++ = vert.x(); *dataPtr++ = vert.y(); *dataPtr++ = vert.z();
+ *indexPtr++ = start; *indexPtr++ = nextVertIdx++;
+ };
+ addCornerLine(0, 1);
+ addCornerLine(0, 3);
+ addCornerLine(0, 4);
+ addCornerLine(1, 0);
+ addCornerLine(1, 2);
+ addCornerLine(1, 5);
+ addCornerLine(2, 1);
+ addCornerLine(2, 3);
+ addCornerLine(2, 6);
+ addCornerLine(3, 0);
+ addCornerLine(3, 2);
+ addCornerLine(3, 7);
+ addCornerLine(4, 0);
+ addCornerLine(4, 5);
+ addCornerLine(4, 7);
+ addCornerLine(5, 1);
+ addCornerLine(5, 4);
+ addCornerLine(5, 6);
+ addCornerLine(6, 2);
+ addCornerLine(6, 5);
+ addCornerLine(6, 7);
+ addCornerLine(7, 3);
+ addCornerLine(7, 4);
+ addCornerLine(7, 6);
+void SelectionBoxGeometry::trackNodeChanges(QQuick3DNode *node)
+ m_connections << QObject::connect(node, &QQuick3DNode::sceneScaleChanged,
+ this, &SelectionBoxGeometry::updateGeometry, Qt::QueuedConnection);
+ m_connections << QObject::connect(node, &QQuick3DNode::sceneRotationChanged,
+ this, &SelectionBoxGeometry::updateGeometry, Qt::QueuedConnection);
+ m_connections << QObject::connect(node, &QQuick3DNode::scenePositionChanged,
+ this, &SelectionBoxGeometry::updateGeometry, Qt::QueuedConnection);
+ m_connections << QObject::connect(node, &QQuick3DNode::pivotChanged,
+ this, &SelectionBoxGeometry::updateGeometry, Qt::QueuedConnection);
+void SelectionBoxGeometry::spatialNodeUpdateNeeded()
+ m_spatialNodeUpdatePending = true;
+ clearGeometry();
+ update();
+#endif // QUICK3D_MODULE