diff options
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205 files changed, 57244 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 0000000..4ccd714
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+ Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+ parties under the terms of this License.
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+ the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+ customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form with such
+ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+ 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+ 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+ 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
+ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+ `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cb2e3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+Qt Script Generator labs package, version 0.1
+The Qt Script Generator is a tool that generates Qt bindings for Qt Script.
+1) Build the generator: cd path/to/this/project/generator, qmake && make
+2) Run the generator (without arguments)
+ This will generate C++ files in path/to/this/project/generated_cpp
+ and documentation in path/to/this/project/doc
+3) Build the bindings plugins: cd path/to/this/project/qtbindings, qmake && make
+ The plugins will be put under path/to/this/project/plugins
+4) To use the plugins in your application, add the plugins path to the library paths
+ (QCoreApplication::setLibraryPaths()), then call QScriptEngine::importExtension()
+ (plugin keys are "qt.core", "qt.gui", etc).
+There is a simple script interpreter / launcher in path/to/this/project/qtbindings/qs_eval
+that imports all the bindings. You can use it to run the examples found in
+path/to/this/project/examples. E.g., with the examples directory being the working directory:
+../qtbindings/qs_eval/qs_eval CollidingMice.qs
+See the generated doc/index.html for more information.
+Have fun!
diff --git a/doc/classic.css b/doc/classic.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ff9e7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/classic.css
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+ margin-left: 1cm;
+ text-indent: -1cm;
+ color: #004faf;
+ text-decoration: none
+ color: #672967;
+ text-decoration: none
+ color: #661100;
+ text-decoration: none
+ color: #661100;
+ text-decoration: none
+ color: #995500;
+ text-decoration: none
+ color: #995500;
+ text-decoration: none
+ font-family: sans-serif
+ font-family: sans-serif
+ background: #ffffff;
+ color: black
+table tr.odd {
+ background: #f0f0f0;
+ color: black;
+table tr.even {
+ background: #e4e4e4;
+ color: black;
+table.annotated th {
+ padding: 3px;
+ text-align: left
+table.annotated td {
+ padding: 3px;
+table tr pre
+ padding-top: none;
+ padding-bottom: none;
+ padding-left: none;
+ padding-right: none;
+ border: none;
+ background: none
+ background: #a2c511;
+ color: black
+body pre
+ padding: 0.2em;
+ border: #e7e7e7 1px solid;
+ background: #f1f1f1;
+ color: black
+span.preprocessor, span.preprocessor a
+ color: darkblue;
+ color: darkred;
+ font-style: italic
+ color: darkgreen;
+ text-align: center
+ font-size: 0.8em
+ font-size: 0.65em
diff --git a/examples/AnalogClock.qs b/examples/AnalogClock.qs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c2fe5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/AnalogClock.qs
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+function AnalogClock(parent) {
+, parent);
+ var timer = new QTimer(this);
+ timer.timeout.connect(this, "update()");
+ timer.start(1000);
+ this.setWindowTitle("Analog Clock");
+ this.resize(200, 200);
+AnalogClock.prototype = new QWidget();
+AnalogClock.prototype.paintEvent = function() {
+ var side = Math.min(this.width, this.height);
+ var time = new Date();
+ var painter = new QPainter();
+ painter.begin(this);
+ painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing);
+ painter.translate(this.width / 2, this.height / 2);
+ painter.scale(side / 200.0, side / 200.0);
+ painter.setPen(new QPen(Qt.NoPen));
+ painter.setBrush(new QBrush(AnalogClock.hourColor));
+ painter.rotate(30.0 * ((time.getHours() + time.getMinutes() / 60.0)));
+ painter.drawConvexPolygon(AnalogClock.hourHand);
+ painter.drawLine(0, 0, 100, 100);
+ painter.restore();
+ painter.setPen(AnalogClock.hourColor);
+ for (var i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {
+ painter.drawLine(88, 0, 96, 0);
+ painter.rotate(30.0);
+ }
+ painter.setPen(new QPen(Qt.NoPen));
+ painter.setBrush(new QBrush(AnalogClock.minuteColor));
+ painter.rotate(6.0 * (time.getMinutes() + time.getSeconds() / 60.0));
+ painter.drawConvexPolygon(AnalogClock.minuteHand);
+ painter.restore();
+ painter.setPen(AnalogClock.minuteColor);
+ for (var j = 0; j < 60; ++j) {
+ if ((j % 5) != 0)
+ painter.drawLine(92, 0, 96, 0);
+ painter.rotate(6.0);
+ }
+ painter.end();
+AnalogClock.hourColor = new QColor(127, 0, 127);
+AnalogClock.minuteColor = new QColor(0, 127, 127, 191);
+AnalogClock.hourHand = new QPolygon([new QPoint(7, 8),
+ new QPoint(-7, 8),
+ new QPoint(0, -40)]);
+AnalogClock.minuteHand = new QPolygon([new QPoint(7, 8),
+ new QPoint(-7, 8),
+ new QPoint(0, -70)]);
+var clock = new AnalogClock();;
diff --git a/examples/BasicDrawing.qs b/examples/BasicDrawing.qs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4a427b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/BasicDrawing.qs
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+function tr(s) { return s; }
+function RenderArea(parent)
+, parent);
+ this.shape = RenderArea.Polygon;
+ this.antialiased = false;
+ this.transformed = false;
+ this.pen = new QPen();
+ this.brush = new QBrush();
+ this.pixmap = new QPixmap("images/qt-logo.png");
+ this.setBackgroundRole(QPalette.Base);
+ this.autoFillBackground = true;
+RenderArea.prototype = new QWidget();
+RenderArea.Line = 0;
+RenderArea.Points = 1;
+RenderArea.Polyline = 2;
+RenderArea.Polygon = 3;
+RenderArea.Rect = 4;
+RenderArea.RoundedRect = 5;
+RenderArea.Ellipse = 6;
+RenderArea.Arc = 7;
+RenderArea.Chord = 8;
+RenderArea.Pie = 9;
+RenderArea.Path = 10;
+RenderArea.Text = 11;
+RenderArea.Pixmap = 12;
+RenderArea.prototype.getMinimumSizeHint = function()
+ return new QSize(100, 100);
+RenderArea.prototype.getSizeHint = function()
+ return new QSize(400, 200);
+RenderArea.prototype.setShape = function(shape)
+ this.shape = shape;
+ this.update();
+RenderArea.prototype.setPen = function(pen)
+ this.pen = pen;
+ this.update();
+RenderArea.prototype.setBrush = function(brush)
+ this.brush = brush;
+ this.update();
+RenderArea.prototype.setAntialiased = function(antialiased)
+ this.antialiased = antialiased;
+ this.update();
+RenderArea.prototype.setTransformed = function(transformed)
+ this.transformed = transformed;
+ this.update();
+RenderArea.prototype.paintEvent = function(/* event */)
+ if (RenderArea.points == undefined) {
+ RenderArea.points = new QPolygon();
+ RenderArea.points.append(new QPoint(10, 80));
+ RenderArea.points.append(new QPoint(20, 10));
+ RenderArea.points.append(new QPoint(80, 30));
+ RenderArea.points.append(new QPoint(90, 70));
+ }
+ var rect = new QRect(10, 20, 80, 60);
+ var path = new QPainterPath();
+ path.moveTo(20, 80);
+ path.lineTo(20, 30);
+ path.cubicTo(80, 0, 50, 50, 80, 80);
+ var startAngle = 20 * 16;
+ var arcLength = 120 * 16;
+ var painter = new QPainter();
+ painter.begin(this);
+ painter.setPen(this.pen);
+ painter.setBrush(this.brush);
+ if (this.antialiased) {
+ painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing, true);
+ painter.translate(+0.5, +0.5);
+ }
+ for (var x = 0; x < this.width; x += 100) {
+ for (var y = 0; y < this.height; y += 100) {
+ painter.translate(x, y);
+ if (this.transformed) {
+ painter.translate(50, 50);
+ painter.rotate(60.0);
+ painter.scale(0.6, 0.9);
+ painter.translate(-50, -50);
+ }
+ switch (this.shape) {
+ case RenderArea.Line:
+ painter.drawLine(rect.bottomLeft(), rect.topRight());
+ break;
+ case RenderArea.Points:
+ painter.drawPoints(RenderArea.points);
+ break;
+ case RenderArea.Polyline:
+ painter.drawPolyline(RenderArea.points);
+ break;
+ case RenderArea.Polygon:
+ painter.drawPolygon(RenderArea.points);
+ break;
+ case RenderArea.Rect:
+ painter.drawRect(rect);
+ break;
+ case RenderArea.RoundedRect:
+ painter.drawRoundedRect(rect, 25, 25, Qt.RelativeSize);
+ break;
+ case RenderArea.Ellipse:
+ painter.drawEllipse(rect);
+ break;
+ case RenderArea.Arc:
+ painter.drawArc(rect, startAngle, arcLength);
+ break;
+ case RenderArea.Chord:
+ painter.drawChord(rect, startAngle, arcLength);
+ break;
+ case RenderArea.Pie:
+ painter.drawPie(rect, startAngle, arcLength);
+ break;
+ case RenderArea.Path:
+ painter.drawPath(path);
+ break;
+ case RenderArea.Text:
+ // ### overload issue
+ //painter.drawText(rect, Qt.AlignCenter, tr("Qt by\nTrolltech"));
+ painter.drawText(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height, Qt.AlignCenter, tr("Qt by\nTrolltech"), undefined);
+ break;
+ case RenderArea.Pixmap:
+ painter.drawPixmap(10, 10, this.pixmap);
+ }
+ painter.restore();
+ }
+ }
+ painter.setPen(this.palette.dark().color());
+ painter.setBrush(Qt.NoBrush);
+ painter.drawRect(0, 0, this.width - 1, this.height - 1);
+ painter.end();
+function Window(parent)
+, parent);
+ this.renderArea = new RenderArea();
+ this.shapeComboBox = new QComboBox();
+ var icon = new QIcon(); // ### working around addItem() overload issue
+ this.shapeComboBox.addItem(icon, tr("Polygon"), RenderArea.Polygon);
+ this.shapeComboBox.addItem(icon, tr("Rectangle"), RenderArea.Rect);
+ this.shapeComboBox.addItem(icon, tr("Rounded Rectangle"), RenderArea.RoundedRect);
+ this.shapeComboBox.addItem(icon, tr("Ellipse"), RenderArea.Ellipse);
+ this.shapeComboBox.addItem(icon, tr("Pie"), RenderArea.Pie);
+ this.shapeComboBox.addItem(icon, tr("Chord"), RenderArea.Chord);
+ this.shapeComboBox.addItem(icon, tr("Path"), RenderArea.Path);
+ this.shapeComboBox.addItem(icon, tr("Line"), RenderArea.Line);
+ this.shapeComboBox.addItem(icon, tr("Polyline"), RenderArea.Polyline);
+ this.shapeComboBox.addItem(icon, tr("Arc"), RenderArea.Arc);
+ this.shapeComboBox.addItem(icon, tr("Points"), RenderArea.Points);
+ this.shapeComboBox.addItem(icon, tr("Text"), RenderArea.Text);
+ this.shapeComboBox.addItem(icon, tr("Pixmap"), RenderArea.Pixmap);
+ this.shapeLabel = new QLabel(tr("&Shape:"));
+ this.shapeLabel.setBuddy(this.shapeComboBox);
+ this.penWidthSpinBox = new QSpinBox();
+ this.penWidthSpinBox.setRange(0, 20);
+ this.penWidthSpinBox.specialValueText = tr("0 (cosmetic pen)");
+ this.penWidthLabel = new QLabel(tr("Pen &Width:"));
+ this.penWidthLabel.setBuddy(this.penWidthSpinBox);
+ this.penStyleComboBox = new QComboBox();
+ this.penStyleComboBox.addItem(tr("Solid"), Qt.SolidLine);
+ this.penStyleComboBox.addItem(tr("Dash"), Qt.DashLine);
+ this.penStyleComboBox.addItem(tr("Dot"), Qt.DotLine);
+ this.penStyleComboBox.addItem(tr("Dash Dot"), Qt.DashDotLine);
+ this.penStyleComboBox.addItem(tr("Dash Dot Dot"), Qt.DashDotDotLine);
+ this.penStyleComboBox.addItem(tr("None"), Qt.NoPen);
+ this.penStyleLabel = new QLabel(tr("&Pen Style:"));
+ this.penStyleLabel.setBuddy(this.penStyleComboBox);
+ this.penCapComboBox = new QComboBox();
+ this.penCapComboBox.addItem(tr("Flat"), Qt.FlatCap);
+ this.penCapComboBox.addItem(tr("Square"), Qt.SquareCap);
+ this.penCapComboBox.addItem(tr("Round"), Qt.RoundCap);
+ this.penCapLabel = new QLabel(tr("Pen &Cap:"));
+ this.penCapLabel.setBuddy(this.penCapComboBox);
+ this.penJoinComboBox = new QComboBox();
+ this.penJoinComboBox.addItem(tr("Miter"), Qt.MiterJoin);
+ this.penJoinComboBox.addItem(tr("Bevel"), Qt.BevelJoin);
+ this.penJoinComboBox.addItem(tr("Round"), Qt.RoundJoin);
+ this.penJoinLabel = new QLabel(tr("Pen &Join:"));
+ this.penJoinLabel.setBuddy(this.penJoinComboBox);
+ this.brushStyleComboBox = new QComboBox();
+ this.brushStyleComboBox.addItem(tr("Linear Gradient"),
+ Qt.LinearGradientPattern);
+ this.brushStyleComboBox.addItem(tr("Radial Gradient"),
+ Qt.RadialGradientPattern);
+ this.brushStyleComboBox.addItem(tr("Conical Gradient"),
+ Qt.ConicalGradientPattern);
+ this.brushStyleComboBox.addItem(tr("Texture"), Qt.TexturePattern);
+ this.brushStyleComboBox.addItem(tr("Solid"), Qt.SolidPattern);
+ this.brushStyleComboBox.addItem(tr("Horizontal"), Qt.HorPattern);
+ this.brushStyleComboBox.addItem(tr("Vertical"), Qt.VerPattern);
+ this.brushStyleComboBox.addItem(tr("Cross"), Qt.CrossPattern);
+ this.brushStyleComboBox.addItem(tr("Backward Diagonal"), Qt.BDiagPattern);
+ this.brushStyleComboBox.addItem(tr("Forward Diagonal"), Qt.FDiagPattern);
+ this.brushStyleComboBox.addItem(tr("Diagonal Cross"), Qt.DiagCrossPattern);
+ this.brushStyleComboBox.addItem(tr("Dense 1"), Qt.Dense1Pattern);
+ this.brushStyleComboBox.addItem(tr("Dense 2"), Qt.Dense2Pattern);
+ this.brushStyleComboBox.addItem(tr("Dense 3"), Qt.Dense3Pattern);
+ this.brushStyleComboBox.addItem(tr("Dense 4"), Qt.Dense4Pattern);
+ this.brushStyleComboBox.addItem(tr("Dense 5"), Qt.Dense5Pattern);
+ this.brushStyleComboBox.addItem(tr("Dense 6"), Qt.Dense6Pattern);
+ this.brushStyleComboBox.addItem(tr("Dense 7"), Qt.Dense7Pattern);
+ this.brushStyleComboBox.addItem(tr("None"), Qt.NoBrush);
+ this.brushStyleLabel = new QLabel(tr("&Brush Style:"));
+ this.brushStyleLabel.setBuddy(this.brushStyleComboBox);
+ this.otherOptionsLabel = new QLabel(tr("Other Options:"));
+ this.antialiasingCheckBox = new QCheckBox(tr("&Antialiasing"));
+ this.transformationsCheckBox = new QCheckBox(tr("&Transformations"));
+ this.shapeComboBox["activated(int)"].connect(
+ this, this.shapeChanged);
+ this.penWidthSpinBox["valueChanged(int)"].connect(
+ this, this.penChanged);
+ this.penStyleComboBox["activated(int)"].connect(
+ this, this.penChanged);
+ this.penCapComboBox["activated(int)"].connect(
+ this, this.penChanged);
+ this.penJoinComboBox["activated(int)"].connect(
+ this, this.penChanged);
+ this.brushStyleComboBox["activated(int)"].connect(
+ this, this.brushChanged);
+ this.antialiasingCheckBox["toggled(bool)"].connect(
+ this.renderArea, this.renderArea.setAntialiased);
+ this.transformationsCheckBox["toggled(bool)"].connect(
+ this.renderArea, this.renderArea.setTransformed);
+ var mainLayout = new QGridLayout();
+ mainLayout.setColumnStretch(0, 1);
+ mainLayout.setColumnStretch(3, 1);
+ mainLayout.addWidget(this.renderArea, 0, 0, 1, 4);
+ mainLayout.setRowMinimumHeight(1, 6);
+ mainLayout.addWidget(this.shapeLabel, 2, 1, Qt.AlignRight);
+ mainLayout.addWidget(this.shapeComboBox, 2, 2);
+ mainLayout.addWidget(this.penWidthLabel, 3, 1, Qt.AlignRight);
+ mainLayout.addWidget(this.penWidthSpinBox, 3, 2);
+ mainLayout.addWidget(this.penStyleLabel, 4, 1, Qt.AlignRight);
+ mainLayout.addWidget(this.penStyleComboBox, 4, 2);
+ mainLayout.addWidget(this.penCapLabel, 5, 1, Qt.AlignRight);
+ mainLayout.addWidget(this.penCapComboBox, 5, 2);
+ mainLayout.addWidget(this.penJoinLabel, 6, 1, Qt.AlignRight);
+ mainLayout.addWidget(this.penJoinComboBox, 6, 2);
+ mainLayout.addWidget(this.brushStyleLabel, 7, 1, Qt.AlignRight);
+ mainLayout.addWidget(this.brushStyleComboBox, 7, 2);
+ mainLayout.setRowMinimumHeight(8, 6);
+ mainLayout.addWidget(this.otherOptionsLabel, 9, 1, Qt.AlignRight);
+ mainLayout.addWidget(this.antialiasingCheckBox, 9, 2);
+ mainLayout.addWidget(this.transformationsCheckBox, 10, 2);
+ this.setLayout(mainLayout);
+ this.shapeChanged();
+ this.penChanged();
+ this.brushChanged();
+ this.antialiasingCheckBox.checked = true;
+ this.windowTitle = tr("Basic Drawing");
+Window.prototype = new QWidget();
+Window.prototype.shapeChanged = function()
+ var shape = this.shapeComboBox.itemData(this.shapeComboBox.currentIndex);
+ this.renderArea.setShape(shape);
+Window.prototype.penChanged = function()
+ var width = this.penWidthSpinBox.value;
+ var style = this.penStyleComboBox.itemData(
+ this.penStyleComboBox.currentIndex);
+ var cap = this.penCapComboBox.itemData(
+ this.penCapComboBox.currentIndex);
+ var join = this.penJoinComboBox.itemData(
+ this.penJoinComboBox.currentIndex);
+ this.renderArea.setPen(new QPen(new QColor(, width, style, cap, join));
+Window.prototype.brushChanged = function()
+ var style = Qt.BrushStyle(this.brushStyleComboBox.itemData(
+ this.brushStyleComboBox.currentIndex));
+ if (style == Qt.LinearGradientPattern) {
+ var linearGradient = new QLinearGradient(0, 0, 100, 100);
+ // ### working around issue with Qt.GlobalColor
+ linearGradient.setColorAt(0.0, new QColor(Qt.white));
+ linearGradient.setColorAt(0.2, new QColor(;
+ linearGradient.setColorAt(1.0, new QColor(;
+ this.renderArea.setBrush(new QBrush(linearGradient));
+ } else if (style == Qt.RadialGradientPattern) {
+ var radialGradient = new QRadialGradient(50, 50, 50, 70, 70);
+ radialGradient.setColorAt(0.0, new QColor(Qt.white));
+ radialGradient.setColorAt(0.2, new QColor(;
+ radialGradient.setColorAt(1.0, new QColor(;
+ this.renderArea.setBrush(new QBrush(radialGradient));
+ } else if (style == Qt.ConicalGradientPattern) {
+ var conicalGradient = new QConicalGradient(50, 50, 150);
+ conicalGradient.setColorAt(0.0, new QColor(Qt.white));
+ conicalGradient.setColorAt(0.2, new QColor(;
+ conicalGradient.setColorAt(1.0, new QColor(;
+ this.renderArea.setBrush(new QBrush(conicalGradient));
+ } else if (style == Qt.TexturePattern) {
+ this.renderArea.setBrush(new QBrush(new QPixmap("images/brick.png")));
+ } else {
+ this.renderArea.setBrush(new QBrush(new QColor(, style));
+ }
+var win = new Window();;
diff --git a/examples/CalendarWidget.qs b/examples/CalendarWidget.qs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f9f876
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/CalendarWidget.qs
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+function tr(s) { return s; }
+function CalendarWidget(parent) {
+, parent);
+ this.createPreviewGroupBox();
+ this.createGeneralOptionsGroupBox();
+ this.createDatesGroupBox();
+ this.createTextFormatsGroupBox();
+ var layout = new QGridLayout();
+ layout.addWidget(this.previewGroupBox, 0, 0);
+ layout.addWidget(this.generalOptionsGroupBox, 0, 1);
+ layout.addWidget(this.datesGroupBox, 1, 0);
+ layout.addWidget(this.textFormatsGroupBox, 1, 1);
+ layout.sizeConstraint = QLayout.SetFixedSize;
+ this.setLayout(layout);
+ this.previewLayout.setRowMinimumHeight(0, this.calendar.sizeHint.height());
+ this.previewLayout.setColumnMinimumWidth(0, this.calendar.sizeHint.width());
+ this.setWindowTitle(tr("Calendar Widget"));
+CalendarWidget.prototype = new QWidget();
+CalendarWidget.prototype.localeChanged = function(index) {
+ this.calendar.setLocale(this.localeCombo.itemData(index));
+CalendarWidget.prototype.firstDayChanged = function(index) {
+ this.calendar.firstDayOfWeek = this.firstDayCombo.itemData(index);
+CalendarWidget.prototype.selectionModeChanged = function(index) {
+ this.calendar.selectionMode = this.selectionModeCombo.itemData(index);
+CalendarWidget.prototype.horizontalHeaderChanged = function(index) {
+ this.calendar.horizontalHeaderFormat = this.horizontalHeaderCombo.itemData(index);
+CalendarWidget.prototype.verticalHeaderChanged = function(index) {
+ this.calendar.verticalHeaderFormat = this.verticalHeaderCombo.itemData(index);
+CalendarWidget.prototype.selectedDateChanged = function() {
+ this.currentDateEdit.setDate(this.calendar.selectedDate);
+CalendarWidget.prototype.minimumDateChanged = function(date) {
+ this.calendar.minimumDate = date;
+ this.maximumDateEdit.setDate(this.calendar.maximumDate);
+CalendarWidget.prototype.maximumDateChanged = function(date) {
+ this.calendar.setMaximumDate(date);
+ this.minimumDateEdit.setDate(this.calendar.minimumDate);
+CalendarWidget.prototype.weekdayFormatChanged = function() {
+ var format = new QTextCharFormat();
+ format.setForeground(new QBrush(this.weekdayColorCombo.itemData(this.weekdayColorCombo.currentIndex)));
+ this.calendar.setWeekdayTextFormat(Qt.DayOfWeek.Monday, format);
+ this.calendar.setWeekdayTextFormat(Qt.DayOfWeek.Tuesday, format);
+ this.calendar.setWeekdayTextFormat(Qt.DayOfWeek.Wednesday, format);
+ this.calendar.setWeekdayTextFormat(Qt.DayOfWeek.Thursday, format);
+ this.calendar.setWeekdayTextFormat(Qt.DayOfWeek.Friday, format);
+CalendarWidget.prototype.weekendFormatChanged = function() {
+ var format = new QTextCharFormat();
+ format.setForeground(new QBrush(this.weekendColorCombo.itemData(this.weekendColorCombo.currentIndex)));
+ this.calendar.setWeekdayTextFormat(Qt.DayOfWeek.Saturday, format);
+ this.calendar.setWeekdayTextFormat(Qt.DayOfWeek.Sunday, format);
+CalendarWidget.prototype.reformatHeaders = function() {
+ var text = this.headerTextFormatCombo.currentText;
+ var format = new QTextCharFormat();
+ if (text == tr("Bold")) {
+ format.setFontWeight(QFont.Bold);
+ } else if (text == tr("Italic")) {
+ format.setFontItalic(true);
+ } else if (text == tr("Green")) {
+ format.setForeground(new QBrush(new QColor(;
+ }
+ this.calendar.setHeaderTextFormat(format);
+CalendarWidget.prototype.reformatCalendarPage = function() {
+ var mayFirstFormat = new QTextCharFormat();
+ if (this.mayFirstCheckBox.isChecked)
+ mayFirstFormat.setForeground(new QBrush(new QColor(;
+ var firstFridayFormat = new QTextCharFormat();
+ if (this.firstFridayCheckBox.isChecked)
+ firstFridayFormat.setForeground(new QBrush(new QColor(;
+ var date = new Date(this.calendar.yearShown(), this.calendar.monthShown(), 1); //fixme
+ this.calendar.setDateTextFormat(new Date(date.year, 5, 1), mayFirstFormat);
+ date.setDate(date.year, date.month, 1);
+ //fixme
+ // while (date.dayOfWeek != Qt.Friday)
+ // date = date.addDays(1);
+ this.calendar.setDateTextFormat(date, firstFridayFormat);
+CalendarWidget.prototype.createPreviewGroupBox = function() {
+ this.previewGroupBox = new QGroupBox(tr("Preview"));
+ this.calendar = new QCalendarWidget();
+ this.calendar.minimumDate = new Date(1900, 1, 1);
+ this.calendar.maximumDate = new Date(3000, 1, 1);
+ this.calendar.setGridVisible(true);
+ this.calendar.currentPageChanged.connect(this, this.reformatCalendarPage);
+ this.previewLayout = new QGridLayout();
+ this.previewLayout.addWidget(this.calendar, 0, 0, Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignCenter);
+ this.previewGroupBox.setLayout(this.previewLayout);
+CalendarWidget.prototype.createGeneralOptionsGroupBox = function() {
+ this.generalOptionsGroupBox = new QGroupBox(tr("General Options"));
+ this.localeCombo = new QComboBox();
+ var curLocaleIndex = -1;
+ var index = 0;
+ for (var lang in QLocale.Language) {
+ var countries = QLocale.countriesForLanguage(lang);
+ for (var country in countries) {
+ var label = QLocale.languageToString(lang);
+ label += "/";
+ label += QLocale.countryToString(country);
+ var locale = new QLocale(lang, country);
+ if (this.locale().language() == lang && this.locale().country() == country)
+ curLocaleIndex = index;
+ localeCombo.addItem(label, locale);
+ ++index;
+ }
+ }
+ if (curLocaleIndex != -1)
+ localeCombo.setCurrentIndex(curLocaleIndex);
+ this.localeLabel = new QLabel(tr("&Locale"));
+ this.localeLabel.setBuddy(this.localeCombo);
+ this.firstDayCombo = new QComboBox();
+ this.firstDayCombo.addItem(null, tr("Sunday"), Qt.DayOfWeek.Sunday);
+ this.firstDayCombo.addItem(null, tr("Monday"), Qt.DayOfWeek.Monday);
+ this.firstDayCombo.addItem(null, tr("Tuesday"), Qt.DayOfWeek.Tuesday);
+ this.firstDayCombo.addItem(null, tr("Wednesday"), Qt.DayOfWeek.Wednesday);
+ this.firstDayCombo.addItem(null, tr("Thursday"), Qt.DayOfWeek.Thursday);
+ this.firstDayCombo.addItem(null, tr("Friday"), Qt.DayOfWeek.Friday);
+ this.firstDayCombo.addItem(null, tr("Saturday"), Qt.DayOfWeek.Saturday);
+ this.firstDayLabel = new QLabel(tr("Wee&k starts on:"));
+ this.firstDayLabel.setBuddy(this.firstDayCombo);
+ this.selectionModeCombo = new QComboBox();
+ this.selectionModeCombo.addItem(null, tr("Single selection"),
+ QCalendarWidget.SelectionMode.SingleSelection);
+ this.selectionModeCombo.addItem(null, tr("None"), QCalendarWidget.SelectionMode.NoSelection);
+ this.selectionModeLabel = new QLabel(tr("&Selection mode:"));
+ this.selectionModeLabel.setBuddy(this.selectionModeCombo);
+ this.gridCheckBox = new QCheckBox(tr("&Grid"));
+ this.gridCheckBox.setChecked(this.calendar.gridVisible);
+ this.navigationCheckBox = new QCheckBox(tr("&Navigation bar"));
+ this.navigationCheckBox.setChecked(true);
+ this.horizontalHeaderCombo = new QComboBox();
+ this.horizontalHeaderCombo.addItem(null, tr("Single letter day names"),
+ QCalendarWidget.HorizontalHeaderFormat.SingleLetterDayNames);
+ this.horizontalHeaderCombo.addItem(null, tr("Short day names"),
+ QCalendarWidget.HorizontalHeaderFormat.ShortDayNames);
+ this.horizontalHeaderCombo.addItem(null, tr("None"),
+ QCalendarWidget.HorizontalHeaderFormat.NoHorizontalHeader);
+ this.horizontalHeaderCombo.setCurrentIndex(1);
+ this.horizontalHeaderLabel = new QLabel(tr("&Horizontal header:"));
+ this.horizontalHeaderLabel.setBuddy(this.horizontalHeaderCombo);
+ this.verticalHeaderCombo = new QComboBox();
+ this.verticalHeaderCombo.addItem(null, tr("ISO week numbers"),
+ QCalendarWidget.VerticalHeaderFormat.ISOWeekNumbers);
+ this.verticalHeaderCombo.addItem(null, tr("None"), QCalendarWidget.VerticalHeaderFormat.NoVerticalHeader);
+ this.verticalHeaderLabel = new QLabel(tr("&Vertical header:"));
+ this.verticalHeaderLabel.setBuddy(this.verticalHeaderCombo);
+ this.localeCombo.currentIndexChanged.connect(this, this.localeChanged);
+ this.firstDayCombo.currentIndexChanged.connect(this, this.firstDayChanged);
+ this.selectionModeCombo.currentIndexChanged.connect(this, this.selectionModeChanged);
+ this.gridCheckBox.toggled.connect(this, this.calendar.setGridVisible);
+ this.navigationCheckBox.toggled.connect(this, this.calendar.setNavigationBarVisible);
+ this.horizontalHeaderCombo.currentIndexChanged.connect(this, this.horizontalHeaderChanged);
+ this.verticalHeaderCombo.currentIndexChanged.connect(this, "verticalHeaderChanged");
+ var checkBoxLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
+ checkBoxLayout.addWidget(this.gridCheckBox, 0, Qt.AlignmentFlag(1)); //FIXME
+ checkBoxLayout.addStretch();
+ checkBoxLayout.addWidget(this.navigationCheckBox, 0, Qt.AlignmentFlag(1)); //FIXME
+ var outerLayout = new QGridLayout();
+ outerLayout.addWidget(this.localeLabel, 0, 0);
+ outerLayout.addWidget(this.localeCombo, 0, 1);
+ outerLayout.addWidget(this.firstDayLabel, 1, 0);
+ outerLayout.addWidget(this.firstDayCombo, 1, 1);
+ outerLayout.addWidget(this.selectionModeLabel, 2, 0);
+ outerLayout.addWidget(this.selectionModeCombo, 2, 1);
+ outerLayout.addLayout(checkBoxLayout, 3, 0, 1, 2);
+ outerLayout.addWidget(this.horizontalHeaderLabel, 4, 0);
+ outerLayout.addWidget(this.horizontalHeaderCombo, 4, 1);
+ outerLayout.addWidget(this.verticalHeaderLabel, 5, 0);
+ outerLayout.addWidget(this.verticalHeaderCombo, 5, 1);
+ this.generalOptionsGroupBox.setLayout(outerLayout);
+ this.firstDayChanged(this.firstDayCombo.currentIndex);
+ this.selectionModeChanged(this.selectionModeCombo.currentIndex);
+ this.horizontalHeaderChanged(this.horizontalHeaderCombo.currentIndex);
+ this.verticalHeaderChanged(this.verticalHeaderCombo.currentIndex);
+CalendarWidget.prototype.createDatesGroupBox = function() {
+ this.datesGroupBox = new QGroupBox(tr("Dates"));
+ this.minimumDateEdit = new QDateEdit();
+ this.minimumDateEdit.displayFormat = "MMM d, yyyy";
+ this.minimumDateEdit.setDateRange(this.calendar.minimumDate,
+ this.calendar.maximumDate);
+ this.minimumDateEdit.setDate(this.calendar.minimumDate);
+ this.minimumDateLabel = new QLabel(tr("&Minimum Date:"));
+ this.minimumDateLabel.setBuddy(this.minimumDateEdit);
+ this.currentDateEdit = new QDateEdit();
+ this.currentDateEdit.displayFormat = "MMM d, yyyy";
+ this.currentDateEdit.setDate(this.calendar.selectedDate);
+ this.currentDateEdit.setDateRange(this.calendar.minimumDate,
+ this.calendar.maximumDate);
+ this.currentDateLabel = new QLabel(tr("&Current Date:"));
+ this.currentDateLabel.setBuddy(this.currentDateEdit);
+ this.maximumDateEdit = new QDateEdit();
+ this.maximumDateEdit.displayFormat = "MMM d, yyyy";
+ this.maximumDateEdit.setDateRange(this.calendar.minimumDate,
+ this.calendar.maximumDate);
+ this.maximumDateEdit.setDate(this.calendar.maximumDate);
+ this.maximumDateLabel = new QLabel(tr("Ma&ximum Date:"));
+ this.maximumDateLabel.setBuddy(this.maximumDateEdit);
+ this.currentDateEdit.dateChanged.connect(this, this.calendar.setSelectedDate);
+ this.calendar.selectionChanged.connect(this, this.selectedDateChanged);
+ this.minimumDateEdit.dateChanged.connect(this, this.minimumDateChanged);
+ this.maximumDateEdit.dateChanged.connect(this, this.maximumDateChanged);
+ var dateBoxLayout = new QGridLayout();
+ dateBoxLayout.addWidget(this.currentDateLabel, 1, 0);
+ dateBoxLayout.addWidget(this.currentDateEdit, 1, 1);
+ dateBoxLayout.addWidget(this.minimumDateLabel, 0, 0);
+ dateBoxLayout.addWidget(this.minimumDateEdit, 0, 1);
+ dateBoxLayout.addWidget(this.maximumDateLabel, 2, 0);
+ dateBoxLayout.addWidget(this.maximumDateEdit, 2, 1);
+ dateBoxLayout.setRowStretch(3, 1);
+ this.datesGroupBox.setLayout(dateBoxLayout);
+CalendarWidget.prototype.createTextFormatsGroupBox = function() {
+ this.textFormatsGroupBox = new QGroupBox(tr("Text Formats"));
+ this.weekdayColorCombo = this.createColorComboBox();
+ this.weekdayColorCombo.setCurrentIndex(this.weekdayColorCombo.findText(tr("Black")));
+ this.weekdayColorLabel = new QLabel(tr("&Weekday color:"));
+ this.weekdayColorLabel.setBuddy(this.weekdayColorCombo);
+ this.weekendColorCombo = this.createColorComboBox();
+ this.weekendColorCombo.setCurrentIndex(this.weekendColorCombo.findText(tr("Red")));
+ this.weekendColorLabel = new QLabel(tr("Week&end color:"));
+ this.weekendColorLabel.setBuddy(this.weekendColorCombo);
+ this.headerTextFormatCombo = new QComboBox();
+ this.headerTextFormatCombo.addItem(tr("Bold"));
+ this.headerTextFormatCombo.addItem(tr("Italic"));
+ this.headerTextFormatCombo.addItem(tr("Plain"));
+ this.headerTextFormatLabel = new QLabel(tr("&Header text:"));
+ this.headerTextFormatLabel.setBuddy(this.headerTextFormatCombo);
+ this.firstFridayCheckBox = new QCheckBox(tr("&First Friday in blue"));
+ this.mayFirstCheckBox = new QCheckBox(tr("May &1 in red"));
+ this.weekdayColorCombo.currentIndexChanged.connect(this, this.weekdayFormatChanged);
+ this.weekendColorCombo.currentIndexChanged.connect(this, this.weekendFormatChanged);
+ this.headerTextFormatCombo.currentIndexChanged.connect(this, this.reformatHeaders);
+ this.firstFridayCheckBox.toggled.connect(this, this.reformatCalendarPage);
+ this.mayFirstCheckBox.toggled.connect(this, this.reformatCalendarPage);
+ var checkBoxLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
+ checkBoxLayout.addWidget(this.firstFridayCheckBox, 0, Qt.AlignmentFlag(1));
+ checkBoxLayout.addStretch();
+ checkBoxLayout.addWidget(this.mayFirstCheckBox, 0, Qt.AlignmentFlag(1));
+ var outerLayout = new QGridLayout();
+ outerLayout.addWidget(this.weekdayColorLabel, 0, 0);
+ outerLayout.addWidget(this.weekdayColorCombo, 0, 1);
+ outerLayout.addWidget(this.weekendColorLabel, 1, 0);
+ outerLayout.addWidget(this.weekendColorCombo, 1, 1);
+ outerLayout.addWidget(this.headerTextFormatLabel, 2, 0);
+ outerLayout.addWidget(this.headerTextFormatCombo, 2, 1);
+ outerLayout.addLayout(checkBoxLayout, 3, 0, 1, 2);
+ this.textFormatsGroupBox.setLayout(outerLayout);
+ this.weekdayFormatChanged();
+ this.weekendFormatChanged();
+ this.reformatHeaders();
+ this.reformatCalendarPage();
+CalendarWidget.prototype.createColorComboBox = function() {
+ var comboBox = new QComboBox();
+ comboBox.addItem(null, tr("Red"), new QColor(;
+ comboBox.addItem(null, tr("Blue"), new QColor(;
+ comboBox.addItem(null, tr("Black"), new QColor(;
+ comboBox.addItem(null, tr("Magenta"), new QColor(Qt.magenta));
+ return comboBox;
+var calendarWidget = new CalendarWidget(null);;
diff --git a/examples/CollidingMice.qs b/examples/CollidingMice.qs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4d85cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/CollidingMice.qs
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+function Mouse(parent) {
+, parent);
+ this.angle = 0;
+ this.speed = 0;
+ this.mouseEyeDirection = 0;
+ var adjust = 0.5;
+ this._boundingRect = new QRectF(-20 - adjust, -22 - adjust,
+ 40 + adjust, 83 + adjust);
+ this.boundingRect = function() { return this._boundingRect; };
+ this._shape = new QPainterPath();
+ this._shape.addRect(-10, -20, 20, 40);
+ this.shape = function() { return this._shape; }
+ this._brush = new QBrush(Qt.SolidPattern);
+ this._tail = new QPainterPath(new QPointF(0, 20));
+ this._tail.cubicTo(-5, 22, -5, 22, 0, 25);
+ this._tail.cubicTo(5, 27, 5, 32, 0, 30);
+ this._tail.cubicTo(-5, 32, -5, 42, 0, 35);
+ this._pupilRect1 = new QRectF(-8 + this.mouseEyeDirection, -17, 4, 4);
+ this._pupilRect2 = new QRectF(4 + this.mouseEyeDirection, -17, 4, 4);
+ this.color = new QColor(Math.random()*256, Math.random()*256,
+ Math.random()*256);
+ this.rotate(Math.random()*360);
+ var timer = new QTimer(this);
+ timer.singleShot = false;
+ timer.timeout.connect(this, function() { this.move(); });
+ timer.start(1000 / 33);
+Mouse.prototype = new QGraphicsItem();
+Mouse.prototype.paint = function(painter, styleOptionGraphicsItem, widget) {
+ // Body
+ painter.setBrush(new QBrush(this.color));
+ painter.drawEllipse(-10, -20, 20, 40);
+ // Eyes
+ this._brush.setColor(Qt.white);
+ painter.setBrush(this._brush);
+ painter.drawEllipse(-10, -17, 8, 8);
+ painter.drawEllipse(2, -17, 8, 8);
+ // Nose
+ this._brush.setColor(;
+ painter.setBrush(this._brush);
+ painter.drawEllipse(-2, -22, 4, 4);
+ // Pupils
+ painter.drawEllipse(this._pupilRect1);
+ painter.drawEllipse(this._pupilRect2);
+ // Ears
+ // if (this.scene().collidingItems(this).length == 0) FIXME: const QGraphicsItem*
+ if (this.scene().items(this.pos()).length == 1)
+ this._brush.setColor(Qt.darkYellow);
+ else
+ this._brush.setColor(;
+ painter.setBrush(this._brush);
+ painter.drawEllipse(-17, -12, 16, 16);
+ painter.drawEllipse(1, -12, 16, 16);
+ // Tail
+ painter.setBrush(Qt.NoBrush);
+ painter.drawPath(this._tail);
+Mouse.prototype.move = function() {
+ // Don't move too far away
+ var lineToCenter = new QLineF(Mouse.origo, this.mapFromScene(0, 0));
+ if (lineToCenter.length() > 150) {
+ var angleToCenter = Math.acos(lineToCenter.dx()
+ / lineToCenter.length());
+ if (lineToCenter.dy() < 0)
+ angleToCenter = Mouse.TWO_PI - angleToCenter;
+ angleToCenter = Mouse.normalizeAngle((Math.PI - angleToCenter)
+ + Math.PI / 2);
+ if (angleToCenter < Math.PI && angleToCenter > Math.PI / 4) {
+ // Rotate left
+ this.angle += (this.angle < -Math.PI / 2) ? 0.25 : -0.25;
+ } else if (angleToCenter >= Math.PI
+ && angleToCenter < (Math.PI + Math.PI / 2
+ + Math.PI / 4)) {
+ // Rotate right
+ this.angle += (this.angle < Math.PI / 2) ? 0.25 : -0.25;
+ }
+ } else if (Math.sin(this.angle) < 0) {
+ this.angle += 0.25;
+ } else if (Math.sin(this.angle) > 0) {
+ this.angle -= 0.25;
+ }
+ // Try not to crash with any other mice
+ var polygon = new QPolygonF(
+ [ this.mapToScene(0, 0),
+ this.mapToScene(-30, -50),
+ this.mapToScene(30, -50) ] );
+ var dangerMice = this.scene().items(polygon);
+ for (var i = 0; i < dangerMice.length; ++i) {
+ var item = dangerMice[i];
+ if (item == this)
+ continue;
+ var lineToMouse = new QLineF(Mouse.origo,
+ this.mapFromItem(item, 0, 0));
+ var angleToMouse = Math.acos(lineToMouse.dx()
+ / lineToMouse.length());
+ if (lineToMouse.dy() < 0)
+ angleToMouse = Mouse.TWO_PI - angleToMouse;
+ angleToMouse = Mouse.normalizeAngle((Math.PI - angleToMouse)
+ + Math.PI / 2);
+ if (angleToMouse >= 0 && angleToMouse < (Math.PI / 2)) {
+ // Rotate right
+ this.angle += 0.5;
+ } else if (angleToMouse <= Mouse.TWO_PI
+ && angleToMouse > (Mouse.TWO_PI - Math.PI / 2)) {
+ // Rotate left
+ this.angle -= 0.5;
+ }
+ }
+ // Add some random movement
+ if (dangerMice.length < 1 && Math.random() < 0.1) {
+ if (Math.random() > 0.5)
+ this.angle += Math.random() / 5;
+ else
+ this.angle -= Math.random() / 5;
+ }
+ this.speed += (-50 + Math.random() * 100) / 100.0;
+ var dx = Math.sin(this.angle) * 10;
+ this.mouseEyeDirection = (Math.abs(dx / 5) < 1) ? 0 : dx / 5;
+ this.rotate(dx);
+ this.setPos(this.mapToParent(0, -(3 + Math.sin(this.speed) * 3)));
+Mouse.normalizeAngle = function(angle) {
+ while (angle < 0)
+ angle += Mouse.TWO_PI;
+ while (angle > Mouse.TWO_PI)
+ angle -= Mouse.TWO_PI;
+ return angle;
+Mouse.TWO_PI = Math.PI * 2;
+Mouse.origo = new QPointF(0, 0);
+function CollidingMice(parent) {
+, parent);
+ var scene = new QGraphicsScene(this);
+ scene.setSceneRect(-300, -300, 600, 600);
+ scene.itemIndexMethod = QGraphicsScene.NoIndex;
+ for (var i = 0; i < CollidingMice.MOUSE_COUNT; ++i) {
+ var mouse = new Mouse(this);
+ mouse.setPos(Math.sin((i * 6.28) / CollidingMice.MOUSE_COUNT) * 200,
+ Math.cos((i * 6.28) / CollidingMice.MOUSE_COUNT) * 200);
+ scene.addItem(mouse);
+ }
+ var view = new QGraphicsView(scene, this);
+ view.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing);
+ view.backgroundBrush = new QBrush(new QPixmap("images/cheese.png"));
+ view.cacheMode = new QGraphicsView.CacheMode(QGraphicsView.CacheBackground);
+ view.dragMode = QGraphicsView.ScrollHandDrag;
+ view.viewportUpdateMode = QGraphicsView.FullViewportUpdate;
+ var layout = new QGridLayout();
+ layout.addWidget(view, 0, 0);
+ this.setLayout(layout);
+ this.setWindowTitle("Colliding Mice");
+ this.resize(400, 300);
+CollidingMice.prototype = new QWidget();
+CollidingMice.MOUSE_COUNT = 7;
+var collidingMice = new CollidingMice(null);;
diff --git a/examples/ConcentricCircles.qs b/examples/ConcentricCircles.qs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f20a22b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/ConcentricCircles.qs
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+function tr(s) { return s; }
+function CircleWidget(parent)
+, parent);
+ this.floatBased = false;
+ this.antialiased = false;
+ this.frameNo = 0;
+ this.setBackgroundRole(QPalette.Base);
+ this.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding);
+CircleWidget.prototype = new QWidget();
+CircleWidget.prototype.setFloatBased = function(floatBased)
+ this.floatBased = floatBased;
+ this.update();
+CircleWidget.prototype.setAntialiased = function(antialiased)
+ this.antialiased = antialiased;
+ this.update();
+CircleWidget.prototype.getMinimumSizeHint = function()
+ return new QSize(50, 50);
+CircleWidget.prototype.getSizeHint = function()
+ return new QSize(180, 180);
+CircleWidget.prototype.nextAnimationFrame = function()
+ ++this.frameNo;
+ this.update();
+CircleWidget.prototype.paintEvent = function(/* event */)
+ var painter = new QPainter();
+ painter.begin(this);
+ painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing, this.antialiased);
+ painter.translate(this.width / 2, this.height / 2);
+ for (var diameter = 0; diameter < 256; diameter += 9) {
+ var delta = Math.abs((this.frameNo % 128) - diameter / 2);
+ var alpha = 255 - (delta * delta) / 4 - diameter;
+ if (alpha > 0) {
+ painter.setPen(new QPen(new QColor(0, diameter / 2, 127, alpha), 3));
+ if (this.floatBased) {
+ painter.drawEllipse(new QRectF(-diameter / 2.0, -diameter / 2.0,
+ diameter, diameter));
+ } else {
+ painter.drawEllipse(new QRect(-diameter / 2, -diameter / 2,
+ diameter, diameter));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ painter.end();
+function Window(parent)
+, parent);
+ var aliasedLabel = this.createLabel(tr("Aliased"));
+ var antialiasedLabel = this.createLabel(tr("Antialiased"));
+ var intLabel = this.createLabel(tr("Int"));
+ var floatLabel = this.createLabel(tr("Float"));
+ var layout = new QGridLayout();
+ layout.addWidget(aliasedLabel, 0, 1);
+ layout.addWidget(antialiasedLabel, 0, 2);
+ layout.addWidget(intLabel, 1, 0);
+ layout.addWidget(floatLabel, 2, 0);
+ var timer = new QTimer(this);
+ for (var i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
+ for (var j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
+ var cw = new CircleWidget();
+ cw.setAntialiased(j != 0);
+ cw.setFloatBased(i != 0);
+ timer.timeout.connect(
+ cw, cw.nextAnimationFrame);
+ layout.addWidget(cw, i + 1, j + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ timer.start(100);
+ this.setLayout(layout);
+ this.windowTitle = tr("Concentric Circles");
+Window.prototype = new QWidget();
+Window.prototype.createLabel = function(text)
+ var label = new QLabel(text);
+ label.alignment = Qt.AlignCenter;
+ label.margin = 2;
+ label.setFrameStyle(QFrame.Box | QFrame.Sunken);
+ return label;
+var win = new Window();;
diff --git a/examples/DigitalClock.qs b/examples/DigitalClock.qs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86e9b37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/DigitalClock.qs
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+function tr(s) { return s; }
+function DigitalClock(parent)
+, parent);
+ this.segmentStyle = QLCDNumber.Filled;
+ var timer = new QTimer(this);
+ timer.timeout.connect(this, this.showTime);
+ timer.start(1000);
+ this.showTime();
+ this.windowTitle = tr("Digital Clock");
+ this.resize(150, 60);
+DigitalClock.prototype = new QLCDNumber();
+DigitalClock.prototype.showTime = function()
+ var time = QTime.currentTime();
+ var format = "hh";
+ format += ((time.second() % 2) == 0) ? " " : ":";
+ format += "mm";
+ var text = time.toString(format);
+ this.display(text);
+var clock = new DigitalClock(5); // ### fixme;
diff --git a/examples/ImageComposition.qs b/examples/ImageComposition.qs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7270ad7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/ImageComposition.qs
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+function tr(s) { return s; }
+function ImageComposer(parent)
+, parent);
+ this.sourceButton = new QToolButton();
+ this.sourceButton.setIconSize(ImageComposer.resultSize);
+ this.operatorComboBox = new QComboBox();
+ this.addOp(QPainter.CompositionMode_SourceOver, tr("SourceOver"));
+ this.addOp(QPainter.CompositionMode_DestinationOver, tr("DestinationOver"));
+ this.addOp(QPainter.CompositionMode_Clear, tr("Clear"));
+ this.addOp(QPainter.CompositionMode_Source, tr("Source"));
+ this.addOp(QPainter.CompositionMode_Destination, tr("Destination"));
+ this.addOp(QPainter.CompositionMode_SourceIn, tr("SourceIn"));
+ this.addOp(QPainter.CompositionMode_DestinationIn, tr("DestinationIn"));
+ this.addOp(QPainter.CompositionMode_SourceOut, tr("SourceOut"));
+ this.addOp(QPainter.CompositionMode_DestinationOut, tr("DestinationOut"));
+ this.addOp(QPainter.CompositionMode_SourceAtop, tr("SourceAtop"));
+ this.addOp(QPainter.CompositionMode_DestinationAtop, tr("DestinationAtop"));
+ this.addOp(QPainter.CompositionMode_Xor, tr("Xor"));
+ this.destinationButton = new QToolButton();
+ this.destinationButton.setIconSize(ImageComposer.resultSize);
+ this.equalLabel = new QLabel(tr("="));
+ this.resultLabel = new QLabel();
+ this.resultLabel.minimumWidth = ImageComposer.resultSize.width();
+ this.sourceButton["clicked()"].connect(this, this.chooseSource);
+ this.operatorComboBox["activated(int)"].connect(
+ this, this.recalculateResult);
+ this.destinationButton["clicked()"].connect(
+ this, this.chooseDestination);
+ var mainLayout = new QGridLayout();
+ mainLayout.addWidget(this.sourceButton, 0, 0, 3, 1);
+ mainLayout.addWidget(this.operatorComboBox, 1, 1);
+ mainLayout.addWidget(this.destinationButton, 0, 2, 3, 1);
+ mainLayout.addWidget(this.equalLabel, 1, 3);
+ mainLayout.addWidget(this.resultLabel, 0, 4, 3, 1);
+ mainLayout.sizeConstraint = QLayout.SetFixedSize;
+ this.setLayout(mainLayout);
+ this.sourceImage = new QImage();
+ this.destinationImage = new QImage();
+ this.resultImage = new QImage(ImageComposer.resultSize, QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
+ this.loadImage("images/butterfly.png", "sourceImage", this.sourceButton);
+ this.loadImage("images/checker.png", "destinationImage", this.destinationButton);
+ this.windowTitle = tr("Image Composition");
+ImageComposer.resultSize = new QSize(200, 200);
+ImageComposer.prototype = new QWidget();
+ImageComposer.prototype.chooseSource = function()
+ this.chooseImage(tr("Choose Source Image"), "sourceImage", this.sourceButton);
+ImageComposer.prototype.chooseDestination = function()
+ this.chooseImage(tr("Choose Destination Image"), "destinationImage", this.destinationButton);
+ImageComposer.prototype.recalculateResult = function()
+ var mode = this.currentMode();
+ var painter = new QPainter(this.resultImage);
+ painter.setCompositionMode(QPainter.CompositionMode_Source);
+ painter.fillRect(this.resultImage.rect(), new QBrush(new QColor(Qt.transparent)));
+ painter.setCompositionMode(QPainter.CompositionMode_SourceOver);
+ painter.drawImage(0, 0, this.destinationImage);
+ painter.setCompositionMode(mode);
+ painter.drawImage(0, 0, this.sourceImage);
+ painter.setCompositionMode(QPainter.CompositionMode_DestinationOver);
+ painter.fillRect(this.resultImage.rect(), new QBrush(new QColor(Qt.white)));
+ painter.end();
+ this.resultLabel.setPixmap(QPixmap.fromImage(this.resultImage));
+ImageComposer.prototype.addOp = function(mode, name)
+ this.operatorComboBox.addItem(name, mode);
+ImageComposer.prototype.chooseImage = function(title, property, button)
+ var fileName = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(this, title);
+ if (!fileName.isEmpty())
+ loadImage(fileName, property, button);
+ImageComposer.prototype.loadImage = function(fileName, property, button)
+ var image = new QImage(fileName);
+ var fixedImage = new QImage(ImageComposer.resultSize, QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
+ var painter = new QPainter(fixedImage);
+ painter.setCompositionMode(QPainter.CompositionMode_Source);
+ painter.fillRect(fixedImage.rect(), new QBrush(new QColor(Qt.transparent)));
+ painter.setCompositionMode(QPainter.CompositionMode_SourceOver);
+ painter.drawImage(this.imagePos(image), image);
+ painter.end();
+ button.icon = new QIcon(QPixmap.fromImage(fixedImage));
+ this[property] = fixedImage;
+ this.recalculateResult();
+ImageComposer.prototype.currentMode = function()
+ return this.operatorComboBox.itemData(this.operatorComboBox.currentIndex);
+ImageComposer.prototype.imagePos = function(image)
+ return new QPoint((ImageComposer.resultSize.width() - image.width()) / 2,
+ (ImageComposer.resultSize.height() - image.height()) / 2);
+var composer = new ImageComposer();;
diff --git a/examples/LineEdits.qs b/examples/LineEdits.qs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38dbd6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/LineEdits.qs
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+function tr(s) { return s; }
+function Window(parent) {
+, parent);
+ var echoGroup = new QGroupBox(tr("Echo"));
+ var echoLabel = new QLabel(tr("Mode:"));
+ var echoComboBox = new QComboBox();
+ echoComboBox.addItem(tr("Normal"));
+ echoComboBox.addItem(tr("Password"));
+ echoComboBox.addItem(tr("PasswordEchoOnEdit"));
+ echoComboBox.addItem(tr("No Echo"));
+ this.echoLineEdit = new QLineEdit();
+ this.echoLineEdit.setFocus();
+ var validatorGroup = new QGroupBox(tr("Validator"));
+ var validatorLabel = new QLabel(tr("Type:"));
+ var validatorComboBox = new QComboBox();
+ validatorComboBox.addItem(tr("No validator"));
+ validatorComboBox.addItem(tr("Integer validator"));
+ validatorComboBox.addItem(tr("Double validator"));
+ this.validatorLineEdit = new QLineEdit();
+ var alignmentGroup = new QGroupBox(tr("Alignment"));
+ var alignmentLabel = new QLabel(tr("Type:"));
+ var alignmentComboBox = new QComboBox();
+ alignmentComboBox.addItem(tr("Left"));
+ alignmentComboBox.addItem(tr("Centered"));
+ alignmentComboBox.addItem(tr("Right"));
+ this.alignmentLineEdit = new QLineEdit();
+ var inputMaskGroup = new QGroupBox(tr("Input mask"));
+ var inputMaskLabel = new QLabel(tr("Type:"));
+ var inputMaskComboBox = new QComboBox;
+ inputMaskComboBox.addItem(tr("No mask"));
+ inputMaskComboBox.addItem(tr("Phone number"));
+ inputMaskComboBox.addItem(tr("ISO date"));
+ inputMaskComboBox.addItem(tr("License key"));
+ this.inputMaskLineEdit = new QLineEdit();
+ var accessGroup = new QGroupBox(tr("Access"));
+ var accessLabel = new QLabel(tr("Read-only:"));
+ var accessComboBox = new QComboBox;
+ accessComboBox.addItem(tr("False"));
+ accessComboBox.addItem(tr("True"));
+ this.accessLineEdit = new QLineEdit();
+ echoComboBox["activated(int)"].connect(
+ this, "echoChanged");
+ validatorComboBox["activated(int)"].connect(
+ this, "validatorChanged");
+ alignmentComboBox["activated(int)"].connect(
+ this, "alignmentChanged");
+ inputMaskComboBox["activated(int)"].connect(
+ this, "inputMaskChanged");
+ accessComboBox["activated(int)"].connect(
+ this, "accessChanged");
+ var echoLayout = new QGridLayout;
+ echoLayout.addWidget(echoLabel, 0, 0);
+ echoLayout.addWidget(echoComboBox, 0, 1);
+ echoLayout.addWidget(this.echoLineEdit, 1, 0, 1, 2);
+ echoGroup.setLayout(echoLayout);
+ var validatorLayout = new QGridLayout;
+ validatorLayout.addWidget(validatorLabel, 0, 0);
+ validatorLayout.addWidget(validatorComboBox, 0, 1);
+ validatorLayout.addWidget(this.validatorLineEdit, 1, 0, 1, 2);
+ validatorGroup.setLayout(validatorLayout);
+ var alignmentLayout = new QGridLayout;
+ alignmentLayout.addWidget(alignmentLabel, 0, 0);
+ alignmentLayout.addWidget(alignmentComboBox, 0, 1);
+ alignmentLayout.addWidget(this.alignmentLineEdit, 1, 0, 1, 2);
+ alignmentGroup.setLayout(alignmentLayout);
+ var inputMaskLayout = new QGridLayout;
+ inputMaskLayout.addWidget(inputMaskLabel, 0, 0);
+ inputMaskLayout.addWidget(inputMaskComboBox, 0, 1);
+ inputMaskLayout.addWidget(this.inputMaskLineEdit, 1, 0, 1, 2);
+ inputMaskGroup.setLayout(inputMaskLayout);
+ var accessLayout = new QGridLayout;
+ accessLayout.addWidget(accessLabel, 0, 0);
+ accessLayout.addWidget(accessComboBox, 0, 1);
+ accessLayout.addWidget(this.accessLineEdit, 1, 0, 1, 2);
+ accessGroup.setLayout(accessLayout);
+ var layout = new QGridLayout;
+ layout.addWidget(echoGroup, 0, 0);
+ layout.addWidget(validatorGroup, 1, 0);
+ layout.addWidget(alignmentGroup, 2, 0);
+ layout.addWidget(inputMaskGroup, 0, 1);
+ layout.addWidget(accessGroup, 1, 1);
+ this.setLayout(layout);
+ this.setWindowTitle(tr("Line Edits"));
+Window.prototype = new QWidget();
+Window.prototype.echoChanged = function(index) {
+ switch (index) {
+ case 0:
+ this.echoLineEdit.echoMode = QLineEdit.Normal;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ this.echoLineEdit.echoMode = QLineEdit.Password;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ this.echoLineEdit.echoMode = QLineEdit.PasswordEchoOnEdit;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ this.echoLineEdit.echoMode = QLineEdit.NoEcho;
+ break;
+ }
+Window.prototype.validatorChanged = function(index) {
+ switch (index) {
+ case 0:
+ this.validatorLineEdit.setValidator(null);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ this.validatorLineEdit.setValidator(
+ new QIntValidator(this.validatorLineEdit));
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ this.validatorLineEdit.setValidator(
+ new QDoubleValidator(-999.0, 999.0, 2, this.validatorLineEdit));
+ break;
+ }
+ this.validatorLineEdit.clear();
+Window.prototype.alignmentChanged = function(index) {
+ switch (index) {
+ case 0:
+ this.alignmentLineEdit.alignment = Qt.Alignment(Qt.AlignLeft);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ this.alignmentLineEdit.alignment = Qt.Alignment(Qt.AlignCenter);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ this.alignmentLineEdit.alignment = Qt.Alignment(Qt.AlignRight);
+ }
+Window.prototype.inputMaskChanged = function(index)
+ switch (index) {
+ case 0:
+ this.inputMaskLineEdit.inputMask = "";
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ this.inputMaskLineEdit.inputMask = "+99 99 99 99 99;_";
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ this.inputMaskLineEdit.inputMask = "0000-00-00";
+ this.inputMaskLineEdit.text = "00000000";
+ this.inputMaskLineEdit.cursorPosition = 0;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ this.inputMaskLineEdit.inputMask = ">AAAAA-AAAAA-AAAAA-AAAAA-AAAAA;#";
+ }
+Window.prototype.accessChanged = function(index) {
+ switch (index) {
+ case 0:
+ this.accessLineEdit.readOnly = false;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ this.accessLineEdit.readOnly = true;
+ }
+var win = new Window(null);;
diff --git a/examples/PainterPaths.qs b/examples/PainterPaths.qs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21d081f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/PainterPaths.qs
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+function tr(s) { return s; }
+function RenderArea(path, parent)
+, parent);
+ this.path = path;
+ this.penWidth = 1;
+ this.rotationAngle = 0;
+ this.setBackgroundRole(QPalette.Base);
+RenderArea.prototype = new QWidget();
+RenderArea.prototype.getMinimumSizeHint = function()
+ return new QSize(50, 50);
+RenderArea.prototype.getSizeHint = function()
+ return new QSize(100, 100);
+RenderArea.prototype.setFillRule = function(rule)
+ this.path.setFillRule(rule);
+ this.update();
+RenderArea.prototype.setFillGradient = function(color1, color2)
+ this.fillColor1 = color1;
+ this.fillColor2 = color2;
+ this.update();
+RenderArea.prototype.setPenWidth = function(width)
+ this.penWidth = width;
+ this.update();
+RenderArea.prototype.setPenColor = function(color)
+ this.penColor = color;
+ this.update();
+RenderArea.prototype.setRotationAngle = function(degrees)
+ this.rotationAngle = degrees;
+ this.update();
+RenderArea.prototype.paintEvent = function()
+ var painter = new QPainter();
+ painter.begin(this);
+ painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing);
+ painter.scale(this.width / 100.0, this.height / 100.0);
+ painter.translate(50.0, 50.0);
+ painter.rotate(-this.rotationAngle);
+ painter.translate(-50.0, -50.0);
+ painter.setPen(new QPen(this.penColor, this.penWidth, Qt.SolidLine, Qt.RoundCap,
+ Qt.RoundJoin));
+ var gradient = new QLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 100);
+ gradient.setColorAt(0.0, this.fillColor1);
+ gradient.setColorAt(1.0, this.fillColor2);
+ painter.setBrush(new QBrush(gradient));
+ painter.drawPath(this.path);
+ painter.end();
+function Window(parent)
+, parent);
+ var rectPath = new QPainterPath();
+ rectPath.moveTo(20.0, 30.0);
+ rectPath.lineTo(80.0, 30.0);
+ rectPath.lineTo(80.0, 70.0);
+ rectPath.lineTo(20.0, 70.0);
+ rectPath.closeSubpath();
+ var roundRectPath = new QPainterPath();
+ roundRectPath.moveTo(80.0, 35.0);
+ roundRectPath.arcTo(70.0, 30.0, 10.0, 10.0, 0.0, 90.0);
+ roundRectPath.lineTo(25.0, 30.0);
+ roundRectPath.arcTo(20.0, 30.0, 10.0, 10.0, 90.0, 90.0);
+ roundRectPath.lineTo(20.0, 65.0);
+ roundRectPath.arcTo(20.0, 60.0, 10.0, 10.0, 180.0, 90.0);
+ roundRectPath.lineTo(75.0, 70.0);
+ roundRectPath.arcTo(70.0, 60.0, 10.0, 10.0, 270.0, 90.0);
+ roundRectPath.closeSubpath();
+ var ellipsePath = new QPainterPath();
+ ellipsePath.moveTo(80.0, 50.0);
+ ellipsePath.arcTo(20.0, 30.0, 60.0, 40.0, 0.0, 360.0);
+ var piePath = new QPainterPath();
+ piePath.moveTo(50.0, 50.0);
+ piePath.arcTo(20.0, 30.0, 60.0, 40.0, 60.0, 240.0);
+ piePath.closeSubpath();
+ var polygonPath = new QPainterPath();
+ polygonPath.moveTo(10.0, 80.0);
+ polygonPath.lineTo(20.0, 10.0);
+ polygonPath.lineTo(80.0, 30.0);
+ polygonPath.lineTo(90.0, 70.0);
+ polygonPath.closeSubpath();
+ var groupPath = new QPainterPath();
+ groupPath.moveTo(60.0, 40.0);
+ groupPath.arcTo(20.0, 20.0, 40.0, 40.0, 0.0, 360.0);
+ groupPath.moveTo(40.0, 40.0);
+ groupPath.lineTo(40.0, 80.0);
+ groupPath.lineTo(80.0, 80.0);
+ groupPath.lineTo(80.0, 40.0);
+ groupPath.closeSubpath();
+ var textPath = new QPainterPath();
+ var timesFont = new QFont("Times", 50);
+ timesFont.setStyleStrategy(QFont.ForceOutline);
+ textPath.addText(10, 70, timesFont, tr("Qt"));
+ var bezierPath = new QPainterPath();
+ bezierPath.moveTo(20, 30);
+ bezierPath.cubicTo(80, 0, 50, 50, 80, 80);
+ var starPath = new QPainterPath();
+ starPath.moveTo(90, 50);
+ for (var i = 1; i < 5; ++i) {
+ starPath.lineTo(50 + 40 * Math.cos(0.8 * i * Math.PI),
+ 50 + 40 * Math.sin(0.8 * i * Math.PI));
+ }
+ starPath.closeSubpath();
+ this.renderAreas = new Array(Window.NumRenderAreas);
+ this.renderAreas[0] = new RenderArea(rectPath);
+ this.renderAreas[1] = new RenderArea(roundRectPath);
+ this.renderAreas[2] = new RenderArea(ellipsePath);
+ this.renderAreas[3] = new RenderArea(piePath);
+ this.renderAreas[4] = new RenderArea(polygonPath);
+ this.renderAreas[5] = new RenderArea(groupPath);
+ this.renderAreas[6] = new RenderArea(textPath);
+ this.renderAreas[7] = new RenderArea(bezierPath);
+ this.renderAreas[8] = new RenderArea(starPath);
+ this.fillRuleComboBox = new QComboBox();
+ this.fillRuleComboBox.addItem(tr("Odd Even"), Qt.OddEvenFill);
+ this.fillRuleComboBox.addItem(tr("Winding"), Qt.WindingFill);
+ this.fillRuleLabel = new QLabel(tr("Fill &Rule:"));
+ this.fillRuleLabel.setBuddy(this.fillRuleComboBox);
+ this.fillColor1ComboBox = new QComboBox();
+ this.populateWithColors(this.fillColor1ComboBox);
+ this.fillColor1ComboBox.setCurrentIndex(
+ this.fillColor1ComboBox.findText("mediumslateblue"));
+ this.fillColor2ComboBox = new QComboBox();
+ this.populateWithColors(this.fillColor2ComboBox);
+ this.fillColor2ComboBox.setCurrentIndex(
+ this.fillColor2ComboBox.findText("cornsilk"));
+ this.fillGradientLabel = new QLabel(tr("&Fill Gradient:"));
+ this.fillGradientLabel.setBuddy(this.fillColor1ComboBox);
+ this.fillToLabel = new QLabel(tr("to"));
+ this.fillToLabel.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed);
+ this.penWidthSpinBox = new QSpinBox();
+ this.penWidthSpinBox.setRange(0, 20);
+ this.penWidthLabel = new QLabel(tr("&Pen Width:"));
+ this.penWidthLabel.setBuddy(this.penWidthSpinBox);
+ this.penColorComboBox = new QComboBox();
+ this.populateWithColors(this.penColorComboBox);
+ this.penColorComboBox.setCurrentIndex(
+ this.penColorComboBox.findText("darkslateblue"));
+ this.penColorLabel = new QLabel(tr("Pen &Color:"));
+ this.penColorLabel.setBuddy(this.penColorComboBox);
+ this.rotationAngleSpinBox = new QSpinBox();
+ this.rotationAngleSpinBox.setRange(0, 359);
+ this.rotationAngleSpinBox.wrapping = true;
+ this.rotationAngleSpinBox.suffix = "\xB0";
+ this.rotationAngleLabel = new QLabel(tr("&Rotation Angle:"));
+ this.rotationAngleLabel.setBuddy(this.rotationAngleSpinBox);
+ this.fillRuleComboBox["activated(int)"].connect(
+ this, this.fillRuleChanged);
+ this.fillColor1ComboBox["activated(int)"].connect(
+ this, this.fillGradientChanged);
+ this.fillColor2ComboBox["activated(int)"].connect(
+ this, this.fillGradientChanged);
+ this.penColorComboBox["activated(int)"].connect(
+ this, this.penColorChanged);
+ for (var i = 0; i < Window.NumRenderAreas; ++i) {
+ this.penWidthSpinBox["valueChanged(int)"].connect(
+ this.renderAreas[i], this.renderAreas[i].setPenWidth);
+ this.rotationAngleSpinBox["valueChanged(int)"].connect(
+ this.renderAreas[i], this.renderAreas[i].setRotationAngle);
+ }
+ var topLayout = new QGridLayout();
+ for (var i = 0; i < Window.NumRenderAreas; ++i)
+ topLayout.addWidget(this.renderAreas[i], i / 3, i % 3);
+ var mainLayout = new QGridLayout();
+ mainLayout.addLayout(topLayout, 0, 0, 1, 4);
+ mainLayout.addWidget(this.fillRuleLabel, 1, 0);
+ mainLayout.addWidget(this.fillRuleComboBox, 1, 1, 1, 3);
+ mainLayout.addWidget(this.fillGradientLabel, 2, 0);
+ mainLayout.addWidget(this.fillColor1ComboBox, 2, 1);
+ mainLayout.addWidget(this.fillToLabel, 2, 2);
+ mainLayout.addWidget(this.fillColor2ComboBox, 2, 3);
+ mainLayout.addWidget(this.penWidthLabel, 3, 0);
+ mainLayout.addWidget(this.penWidthSpinBox, 3, 1, 1, 3);
+ mainLayout.addWidget(this.penColorLabel, 4, 0);
+ mainLayout.addWidget(this.penColorComboBox, 4, 1, 1, 3);
+ mainLayout.addWidget(this.rotationAngleLabel, 5, 0);
+ mainLayout.addWidget(this.rotationAngleSpinBox, 5, 1, 1, 3);
+ this.setLayout(mainLayout);
+ this.fillRuleChanged();
+ this.fillGradientChanged();
+ this.penColorChanged();
+ this.penWidthSpinBox.value = 2;
+ this.windowTitle = tr("Painter Paths");
+Window.NumRenderAreas = 9;
+Window.prototype = new QWidget();
+Window.prototype.fillRuleChanged = function()
+ var rule = Qt.FillRule(this.currentItemData(this.fillRuleComboBox));
+ for (var i = 0; i < Window.NumRenderAreas; ++i)
+ this.renderAreas[i].setFillRule(rule);
+Window.prototype.fillGradientChanged = function()
+ var color1 = this.currentItemData(this.fillColor1ComboBox);
+ var color2 = this.currentItemData(this.fillColor2ComboBox);
+ for (var i = 0; i < Window.NumRenderAreas; ++i)
+ this.renderAreas[i].setFillGradient(color1, color2);
+Window.prototype.penColorChanged = function()
+ var color = this.currentItemData(this.penColorComboBox);
+ for (var i = 0; i < Window.NumRenderAreas; ++i)
+ this.renderAreas[i].setPenColor(color);
+Window.prototype.populateWithColors = function(comboBox)
+ var colorNames = QColor.colorNames();
+ for (var i = 0; i < colorNames.length; ++i) {
+ var name = colorNames[i];
+ comboBox.addItem(name, new QColor(name));
+ }
+Window.prototype.currentItemData = function(comboBox)
+ return comboBox.itemData(comboBox.currentIndex);
+var win = new Window();;
diff --git a/examples/RSSListing.qs b/examples/RSSListing.qs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..489fef5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/RSSListing.qs
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+function tr(s) { return s; }
+function RSSListing(parent)
+, parent);
+ this.xml = new QXmlStreamReader();
+ this.currentTag = "";
+ this.linkString = "";
+ this.titleString = "";
+ this.connectionId = -1;
+ this.lineEdit = new QLineEdit(this);
+ this.lineEdit.text = "";
+ this.fetchButton = new QPushButton(tr("Fetch"), this);
+ this.abortButton = new QPushButton(tr("Abort"), this);
+ this.abortButton.enabled = false;
+ this.treeWidget = new QTreeWidget(this);
+ this.treeWidget["itemActivated(QTreeWidgetItem*, int)"].connect(
+ this, this.itemActivated);
+ var headerLabels = new Array();
+ headerLabels.push(tr("Title"));
+ headerLabels.push(tr("Link"));
+ this.treeWidget.setHeaderLabels(headerLabels);
+ this.treeWidget.header().setResizeMode(QHeaderView.ResizeToContents);
+ this.http = new QHttp(this);
+ this.http.readyRead.connect(this, this.readData);
+ this.http.requestFinished.connect(this, this.finished);
+ this.lineEdit.returnPressed.connect(this, this.fetch);
+ this.fetchButton.clicked.connect(this, this.fetch);
+ this.abortButton.clicked.connect(this.http, this.http.abort);
+ var layout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
+ var hboxLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
+ // ### working around problem with addWidget() binding
+ hboxLayout.addWidget(this.lineEdit, 0, Qt.AlignLeft);
+ hboxLayout.addWidget(this.fetchButton, 0, Qt.AlignLeft);
+ hboxLayout.addWidget(this.abortButton, 0, Qt.AlignLeft);
+ layout.addLayout(hboxLayout);
+ layout.addWidget(this.treeWidget, 0, Qt.AlignLeft);
+ this.windowTitle = tr("RSS listing example");
+ this.resize(640,480);
+RSSListing.prototype = new QWidget();
+RSSListing.prototype.fetch = function()
+ this.lineEdit.readOnly = true;
+ this.fetchButton.enabled = false;
+ this.abortButton.enabled = true;
+ this.treeWidget.clear();
+ this.xml.clear();
+ var url = new QUrl(this.lineEdit.text);
+ this.http.setHost(;
+ this.connectionId = this.http.get(url.path());
+RSSListing.prototype.readData = function(resp)
+ if (resp.statusCode() != 200)
+ this.http.abort();
+ else {
+ this.xml.addData(this.http.readAll());
+ this.parseXml();
+ }
+RSSListing.prototype.finished = function(id, error)
+ if (error) {
+ print("Received error during HTTP fetch."); // ### qWarning()
+ this.lineEdit.readOnly = false;
+ this.abortButton.enabled = false;
+ this.fetchButton.enabled = true;
+ } else if (id == this.connectionId) {
+ this.lineEdit.readOnly = false;
+ this.abortButton.enabled = false;
+ this.fetchButton.enabled = true;
+ }
+RSSListing.prototype.parseXml = function()
+ while (!this.xml.atEnd()) {
+ this.xml.readNext();
+ if (this.xml.isStartElement()) {
+ if ( == "item")
+ this.linkString = this.xml.attributes().value("rss:about").toString();
+ this.currentTag =;
+ } else if (this.xml.isEndElement()) {
+ if ( == "item") {
+ var item = new QTreeWidgetItem();
+ item.setText(0, this.titleString);
+ item.setText(1, this.linkString);
+ this.treeWidget.addTopLevelItem(item);
+ this.titleString = "";
+ this.linkString = "";
+ }
+ } else if (this.xml.isCharacters() && !this.xml.isWhitespace()) {
+ if (this.currentTag == "title")
+ this.titleString += this.xml.text().toString();
+ else if (this.currentTag == "link")
+ this.linkString += this.xml.text().toString();
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.xml.hasError() && (this.xml.error() != QXmlStreamReader.PrematureEndOfDocumentError)) {
+ print("XML ERROR:", this.xml.lineNumber() + ":", this.xml.errorString());
+ this.http.abort();
+ }
+RSSListing.prototype.itemActivated = function(item)
+ QDesktopServices.openUrl(new QUrl(item.text(1)));
+var rsslisting = new RSSListing();;
diff --git a/examples/Screenshot.qs b/examples/Screenshot.qs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ead2a32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/Screenshot.qs
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+function tr(s) { return s; }
+function Screenshot(parent) {
+, parent);
+ this.screenshotLabel = new QLabel();
+ this.screenshotLabel.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding);
+ this.screenshotLabel.alignment = Qt.Alignment(Qt.AlignCenter);
+ this.screenshotLabel.setMinimumSize(240, 160);
+ this.createOptionsGroupBox();
+ this.createButtonsLayout();
+ this.mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout();
+ this.mainLayout.addWidget(this.screenshotLabel,0 ,0);
+ this.mainLayout.addWidget(this.optionsGroupBox,0 ,0);
+ this.mainLayout.addLayout(this.buttonsLayout);
+ this.setLayout(this.mainLayout);
+ this.shootScreen();
+ this.delaySpinBox.setValue(5);
+ this.windowIcon = new QIcon("classpath:com/trolltech/images/qt-logo.png");
+ this.windowTitle = tr("Screenshot");
+ this.resize(300, 200);
+Screenshot.prototype = new QWidget();
+Screenshot.prototype.resizeEvent = function(event) {
+ var scaledSize = this.originalPixmap.size();
+ scaledSize.scale(this.screenshotLabel.size, Qt.AspectRatioMode.KeepAspectRatio);
+ if (this.screenshotLabel.pixmap != null
+ || scaledSize != this.screenshotLabel.pixmap.size())
+ this.updateScreenshotLabel();
+Screenshot.prototype.newScreenshot = function() {
+ if ( this.hideThisWindowCheckBox.checked)
+ this.hide();
+ this.newScreenshotButton.setDisabled(true);
+ // QTimer.singleShot(this.delaySpinBox.value * 1000,
+ // this, this.shootScreen);
+ var singleShot = new QTimer();
+ singleShot.singleShot = true;
+ singleShot.timeout.connect(this, this.shootScreen);
+ singleShot.start(this.delaySpinBox.value * 1000);
+Screenshot.prototype.saveScreenshot = function() {
+ var format = "png";
+ var initialPath = QDir.currentPath() + tr("/untitled.") + format;
+ var filter = tr(format.toUpperCase() + " Files (*." + format + ");;All Files (*)");
+ var fileName = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save As"), initialPath, filter, null, null);
+ // new QFileDialog.Option.Filter(filter)); //FIXME
+ if (fileName != "")
+; //, format); //FIXME
+Screenshot.prototype.shootScreen = function() {
+ if ( this.delaySpinBox.value != 0)
+ QApplication.beep();
+ this.originalPixmap = null;
+ this.originalPixmap = QPixmap.grabWindow(
+ QApplication.desktop().winId());
+ this.updateScreenshotLabel();
+ this.newScreenshotButton.enabled = true;
+ if (this.hideThisWindowCheckBox.checked)
+Screenshot.prototype.updateCheckBox = function() {
+ if (this.delaySpinBox.value)
+ this.hideThisWindowCheckBox.setDisabled(true);
+ else
+ this.hideThisWindowCheckBox.setDisabled(false);
+Screenshot.prototype.createOptionsGroupBox = function() {
+ this.optionsGroupBox = new QGroupBox(tr("Options"));
+ this.delaySpinBox = new QSpinBox();
+ this.delaySpinBox.suffix = tr(" s");
+ this.delaySpinBox.maximum = 60;
+ this.delaySpinBox.valueChanged.connect(this, this.updateCheckBox);
+ this.delaySpinBoxLabel = new QLabel(tr("Screenshot Delay:"));
+ this.hideThisWindowCheckBox = new QCheckBox(tr("Hide This Window"));
+ this.optionsGroupBoxLayout = new QGridLayout();
+ this.optionsGroupBoxLayout.addWidget(this.delaySpinBoxLabel, 0, 0);
+ this.optionsGroupBoxLayout.addWidget(this.delaySpinBox, 0, 1);
+ this.optionsGroupBoxLayout.addWidget(this.hideThisWindowCheckBox, 1, 0, 1, 2);
+ this.optionsGroupBox.setLayout(this.optionsGroupBoxLayout);
+Screenshot.prototype.createButtonsLayout = function() {
+ this.newScreenshotButton = this.createButton(tr("New Screenshot"), this,
+ this.newScreenshot);
+ this.saveScreenshotButton = this.createButton(tr("Save Screenshot"), this,
+ this.saveScreenshot);
+ this.quitScreenshotButton = this.createButton(tr("Quit"), this, this.close);
+ this.buttonsLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
+ this.buttonsLayout.addStretch();
+ this.buttonsLayout.addWidget(this.newScreenshotButton, 0, 0);
+ this.buttonsLayout.addWidget(this.saveScreenshotButton, 0, 0);
+ this.buttonsLayout.addWidget(this.quitScreenshotButton, 0, 0);
+Screenshot.prototype.createButton = function(text, receiver, member) {
+ var button = new QPushButton(text);
+ button.clicked.connect(receiver, member);
+ return button;
+Screenshot.prototype.updateScreenshotLabel = function() {
+ this.screenshotLabel.setPixmap(this.originalPixmap.scaled(this.screenshotLabel.size,
+ Qt.KeepAspectRatio,
+ Qt.SmoothTransformation));
+var screenshot = new Screenshot(null);
diff --git a/examples/StandardDialogs.qs b/examples/StandardDialogs.qs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c852cb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/StandardDialogs.qs
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+function tr(s) { return s; }
+function Dialog(parent)
+, parent);
+ this.errorMessageDialog = new QErrorMessage(this);
+ var frameStyle = QFrame.Sunken | QFrame.Panel;
+ this.integerLabel = new QLabel;
+ this.integerLabel.setFrameStyle(frameStyle);
+ var integerButton =
+ new QPushButton(tr("QInputDialog::get&Integer()"));
+ this.doubleLabel = new QLabel;
+ this.doubleLabel.setFrameStyle(frameStyle);
+ var doubleButton =
+ new QPushButton(tr("QInputDialog::get&Double()"));
+ this.itemLabel = new QLabel;
+ this.itemLabel.setFrameStyle(frameStyle);
+ var itemButton = new QPushButton(tr("QInputDialog::getIte&m()"));
+ this.textLabel = new QLabel;
+ this.textLabel.setFrameStyle(frameStyle);
+ var textButton = new QPushButton(tr("QInputDialog::get&Text()"));
+ this.colorLabel = new QLabel;
+ this.colorLabel.setFrameStyle(frameStyle);
+ var colorButton = new QPushButton(tr("QColorDialog::get&Color()"));
+ this.fontLabel = new QLabel;
+ this.fontLabel.setFrameStyle(frameStyle);
+ var fontButton = new QPushButton(tr("QFontDialog::get&Font()"));
+ this.directoryLabel = new QLabel;
+ this.directoryLabel.setFrameStyle(frameStyle);
+ var directoryButton =
+ new QPushButton(tr("QFileDialog::getE&xistingDirectory()"));
+ this.openFilePaths = ".";
+ this.openFileNameLabel = new QLabel;
+ this.openFileNameLabel.setFrameStyle(frameStyle);
+ var openFileNameButton =
+ new QPushButton(tr("QFileDialog::get&OpenFileName()"));
+ this.openFileNamesLabel = new QLabel;
+ this.openFileNamesLabel.setFrameStyle(frameStyle);
+ var openFileNamesButton =
+ new QPushButton(tr("QFileDialog::&getOpenFileNames()"));
+ this.saveFileNameLabel = new QLabel;
+ this.saveFileNameLabel.setFrameStyle(frameStyle);
+ var saveFileNameButton =
+ new QPushButton(tr("QFileDialog::get&SaveFileName()"));
+ this.criticalLabel = new QLabel;
+ this.criticalLabel.setFrameStyle(frameStyle);
+ var criticalButton =
+ new QPushButton(tr("QMessageBox::critica&l()"));
+ this.informationLabel = new QLabel;
+ this.informationLabel.setFrameStyle(frameStyle);
+ var informationButton =
+ new QPushButton(tr("QMessageBox::i&nformation()"));
+ this.questionLabel = new QLabel;
+ this.questionLabel.setFrameStyle(frameStyle);
+ var questionButton =
+ new QPushButton(tr("QMessageBox::&question()"));
+ this.warningLabel = new QLabel;
+ this.warningLabel.setFrameStyle(frameStyle);
+ var warningButton = new QPushButton(tr("QMessageBox::&warning()"));
+ this.errorLabel = new QLabel;
+ this.errorLabel.setFrameStyle(frameStyle);
+ var errorButton =
+ new QPushButton(tr("QErrorMessage::show&M&essage()"));
+ integerButton["clicked()"].connect(this, this.setInteger);
+ doubleButton["clicked()"].connect(this, this.setDouble);
+ itemButton["clicked()"].connect(this, this.setItem);
+ textButton["clicked()"].connect(this, this.setText);
+ colorButton["clicked()"].connect(this, this.setColor);
+ fontButton["clicked()"].connect(this, this.setFont);
+ directoryButton["clicked()"].connect(
+ this, this.setExistingDirectory);
+ openFileNameButton["clicked()"].connect(
+ this, this.setOpenFileName);
+ openFileNamesButton["clicked()"].connect(
+ this, this.setOpenFileNames);
+ saveFileNameButton["clicked()"].connect(
+ this, this.setSaveFileName);
+ criticalButton["clicked()"].connect(this, this.criticalMessage);
+ informationButton["clicked()"].connect(
+ this, this.informationMessage);
+ questionButton["clicked()"].connect(this, this.questionMessage);
+ warningButton["clicked()"].connect(this, this.warningMessage);
+ errorButton["clicked()"].connect(this, this.errorMessage);
+ this.useNative = new QCheckBox(this);
+ this.useNative.text = tr("Use native file dialog");
+ this.useNative.checked = true;
+ var layout = new QGridLayout;
+ layout.setColumnStretch(1, 1);
+ layout.setColumnMinimumWidth(1, 250);
+ layout.addWidget(integerButton, 0, 0);
+ layout.addWidget(this.integerLabel, 0, 1);
+ layout.addWidget(doubleButton, 1, 0);
+ layout.addWidget(this.doubleLabel, 1, 1);
+ layout.addWidget(itemButton, 2, 0);
+ layout.addWidget(this.itemLabel, 2, 1);
+ layout.addWidget(textButton, 3, 0);
+ layout.addWidget(this.textLabel, 3, 1);
+ layout.addWidget(colorButton, 4, 0);
+ layout.addWidget(this.colorLabel, 4, 1);
+ layout.addWidget(fontButton, 5, 0);
+ layout.addWidget(this.fontLabel, 5, 1);
+ layout.addWidget(directoryButton, 6, 0);
+ layout.addWidget(this.directoryLabel, 6, 1);
+ layout.addWidget(openFileNameButton, 7, 0);
+ layout.addWidget(this.openFileNameLabel, 7, 1);
+ layout.addWidget(openFileNamesButton, 8, 0);
+ layout.addWidget(this.openFileNamesLabel, 8, 1);
+ layout.addWidget(saveFileNameButton, 9, 0);
+ layout.addWidget(this.saveFileNameLabel, 9, 1);
+ layout.addWidget(criticalButton, 10, 0);
+ layout.addWidget(this.criticalLabel, 10, 1);
+ layout.addWidget(informationButton, 11, 0);
+ layout.addWidget(this.informationLabel, 11, 1);
+ layout.addWidget(questionButton, 12, 0);
+ layout.addWidget(this.questionLabel, 12, 1);
+ layout.addWidget(warningButton, 13, 0);
+ layout.addWidget(this.warningLabel, 13, 1);
+ layout.addWidget(errorButton, 14, 0);
+ layout.addWidget(this.errorLabel, 14, 1);
+ layout.addWidget(this.useNative, 15, 0);
+ this.setLayout(layout);
+ this.windowTitle = tr("Standard Dialogs");
+Dialog.MESSAGE = tr("<p>Message boxes have a caption, a text, "
+ + "and any number of buttons, each with standard or custom texts."
+ + "<p>Click a button to close the message box. Pressing the Esc button "
+ + "will activate the detected escape button (if any).");
+Dialog.prototype = new QDialog();
+Dialog.prototype.setInteger = function()
+ var i = QInputDialog.getInteger(this, tr("QInputDialog::getInteger()"),
+ tr("Percentage:"), 25, 0, 100, 1, Qt.WindowFlags(0));
+ if (i != null)
+ this.integerLabel.text = i;
+Dialog.prototype.setDouble = function()
+ var d = QInputDialog.getDouble(this, tr("QInputDialog::getDouble()"),
+ tr("Amount:"), 37.56, -10000, 10000, 2, Qt.WindowFlags(0));
+ if (d != null)
+ this.doubleLabel.text = d;
+Dialog.prototype.setItem = function()
+ var items = new Array(tr("Spring"), tr("Summer"), tr("Fall"), tr("Winter"));
+ var item = QInputDialog.getItem(this, tr("QInputDialog::getItem()"),
+ tr("Season:"), items, 0, false, Qt.WindowFlags(0));
+ if (item != null & item.length != 0)
+ this.itemLabel.text = item;
+Dialog.prototype.setText = function()
+ var text = QInputDialog.getText(this, tr("QInputDialog::getText()"),
+ tr("User name:"), QLineEdit.Normal,
+ QDir.home().dirName(), Qt.WindowFlags(0));
+ if (text != null && text.length != 0)
+ this.textLabel.text = text;
+Dialog.prototype.setColor = function()
+ var color = QColorDialog.getColor(new QColor(, this);
+ if (color.isValid()) {
+ this.colorLabel.text =;
+ this.colorLabel.palette = new QPalette(color);
+ this.colorLabel.autoFillBackground = true;
+ }
+Dialog.prototype.setFont = function()
+ var font = QFontDialog.getFont(new QFont(this.fontLabel.text), this);
+ if (font != null) {
+ this.fontLabel.text = font.key();
+ this.fontLabel.font = font;
+ }
+Dialog.prototype.setExistingDirectory = function()
+ var options = QFileDialog.DontResolveSymlinks | QFileDialog.ShowDirsOnly;
+ if (!this.useNative.checked)
+ options |= QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog;
+ var directory = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(this,
+ tr("QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory()"),
+ this.directoryLabel.text,
+ QFileDialog.Options(options));
+ if (directory.length != 0)
+ this.directoryLabel.text = directory;
+Dialog.prototype.setOpenFileName = function()
+ var options = 0;
+ if (!this.useNative.checked)
+ options |= QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog;
+ var selectedFilter;
+ var fileName = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(this,
+ tr("QFileDialog::getOpenFileName()"),
+ this.openFileNameLabel.text,
+ tr("All Files (*);;Text Files (*.txt)"),
+ selectedFilter,
+ QFileDialog.Options(options));
+ if (fileName.length != 0)
+ this.openFileNameLabel.text = fileName;
+Dialog.prototype.setOpenFileNames = function()
+ var options = 0;
+ if (!this.useNative.checked)
+ options |= QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog;
+ var selectedFilter;
+ var files = QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames(
+ this, tr("QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames()"),
+ this.openFilesPath,
+ tr("All Files (*);;Text Files (*.txt)"),
+ selectedFilter,
+ options);
+ if (files.length != 0) {
+ this.openFilesPath = files[0];
+ this.openFileNamesLabel.text = "[" + files.join(", ") + "]";
+ }
+Dialog.prototype.setSaveFileName = function()
+ var options = 0;
+ if (!this.useNative.checked)
+ options |= QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog;
+ var selectedFilter;
+ var fileName = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(this,
+ tr("QFileDialog::getSaveFileName()"),
+ this.saveFileNameLabel.text,
+ tr("All Files (*);;Text Files (*.txt)"),
+ selectedFilter,
+ options);
+ if (fileName.length != 0)
+ this.saveFileNameLabel.text = fileName;
+Dialog.prototype.criticalMessage = function()
+ var reply = QMessageBox.critical(this, tr("QMessageBox::critical()"),
+ Dialog.MESSAGE, QMessageBox.StandardButtons(QMessageBox.Abort, QMessageBox.Retry, QMessageBox.Ignore));
+ if (reply == QMessageBox.Abort)
+ this.criticalLabel.text = tr("Abort");
+ else if (reply == QMessageBox.Retry)
+ this.criticalLabel.text = tr("Retry");
+ else
+ this.criticalLabel.text = tr("Ignore");
+Dialog.prototype.informationMessage = function()
+ var reply = QMessageBox.information(this, tr("QMessageBox::information()"), Dialog.MESSAGE);
+ if (reply == QMessageBox.Ok)
+ this.informationLabel.text = tr("OK");
+ else
+ this.informationLabel.text = tr("Escape");
+Dialog.prototype.questionMessage = function()
+ var reply = QMessageBox.question(this, tr("QMessageBox::question()"),
+ Dialog.MESSAGE, QMessageBox.StandardButtons(QMessageBox.Yes, QMessageBox.No, QMessageBox.Cancel));
+ if (reply == QMessageBox.Yes)
+ this.questionLabel.text = tr("Yes");
+ else if (reply == QMessageBox.No)
+ this.questionLabel.text = tr("No");
+ else
+ this.questionLabel.text = tr("Cancel");
+Dialog.prototype.warningMessage = function()
+ var msgBox = new QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Warning, tr("QMessageBox::warning()"),
+ Dialog.MESSAGE, 0, this);
+ msgBox.addButton(tr("Save &Again"), QMessageBox.AcceptRole);
+ msgBox.addButton(tr("&Continue"), QMessageBox.RejectRole);
+ if (msgBox.exec() == QMessageBox.AcceptRole)
+ this.warningLabel.text = tr("Save Again");
+ else
+ this.warningLabel.text = tr("Continue");
+Dialog.prototype.errorMessage = function()
+ this.errorMessageDialog.showMessage(
+ tr("This dialog shows and remembers error messages. "
+ + "If the checkbox is checked (as it is by default), "
+ + "the shown message will be shown again, "
+ + "but if the user unchecks the box the message "
+ + "will not appear again if QErrorMessage::showMessage() "
+ + "is called with the same message."));
+ this.errorLabel.text = tr("If the box is unchecked, the message "
+ + "won't appear again.");
+(function() {
+ var translatorFileName = "qt_";
+ translatorFileName += QLocale.system().name();
+ var translator = new QTranslator(qApp);
+ if (translator.load(translatorFileName, QLibraryInfo.location(QLibraryInfo.TranslationsPath)))
+ qApp.installTranslator(translator);
+ var dialog = new Dialog();
+ return dialog.exec();
diff --git a/examples/StreamBookmarks.qs b/examples/StreamBookmarks.qs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f23552
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/StreamBookmarks.qs
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+function tr(s) { return s; }
+function XbelWriter(treeWidget)
+ this.treeWidget = treeWidget;
+ this.setAutoFormatting(true);
+XbelWriter.prototype = new QXmlStreamWriter();
+XbelWriter.prototype.writeFile = function(device)
+ this.setDevice(device);
+ this.writeStartDocument();
+ this.writeDTD("<!DOCTYPE xbel>");
+ this.writeStartElement("xbel");
+ this.writeAttribute("version", "1.0");
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.treeWidget.topLevelItemCount; ++i)
+ this.writeItem(this.treeWidget.topLevelItem(i));
+ this.writeEndDocument();
+ return true;
+XbelWriter.prototype.writeItem = function(item)
+ var tagName =, Qt.UserRole);
+ if (tagName == "folder") {
+ var folded = !item.isExpanded();
+ this.writeStartElement(tagName);
+ this.writeAttribute("folded", folded ? "yes" : "no");
+ this.writeTextElement("title", item.text(0));
+ for (var i = 0; i < item.childCount(); ++i)
+ this.writeItem(item.child(i));
+ this.writeEndElement();
+ } else if (tagName == "bookmark") {
+ this.writeStartElement(tagName);
+ if (item.text(1) != "")
+ this.writeAttribute("href", item.text(1));
+ this.writeTextElement("title", item.text(0));
+ this.writeEndElement();
+ } else if (tagName == "separator") {
+ this.writeEmptyElement(tagName);
+ }
+function XbelReader(treeWidget)
+ this.treeWidget = treeWidget;
+ var style =;
+ this.folderIcon = new QIcon();
+ this.folderIcon.addPixmap(style.standardPixmap(QStyle.SP_DirClosedIcon),
+ QIcon.Normal, QIcon.Off);
+ this.folderIcon.addPixmap(style.standardPixmap(QStyle.SP_DirOpenIcon),
+ QIcon.Normal, QIcon.On);
+ this.bookmarkIcon = new QIcon();
+ this.bookmarkIcon.addPixmap(style.standardPixmap(QStyle.SP_FileIcon));
+XbelReader.prototype = new QXmlStreamReader();
+ = function(device)
+ this.setDevice(device);
+ while (!this.atEnd()) {
+ this.readNext();
+ if (this.isStartElement()) {
+ if ( == "xbel" && this.attributes().value("version") == "1.0")
+ this.readXBEL();
+ else
+ this.raiseError(tr("The file is not an XBEL version 1.0 file."));
+ }
+ }
+ return this.error() == QXmlStreamReader.NoError;
+XbelReader.prototype.readUnknownElement = function()
+ while (!this.atEnd()) {
+ this.readNext();
+ if (this.isEndElement())
+ break;
+ if (this.isStartElement())
+ this.readUnknownElement();
+ }
+XbelReader.prototype.readXBEL = function()
+// Q_ASSERT(isStartElement() && name() == "xbel");
+ while (!this.atEnd()) {
+ this.readNext();
+ if (this.isEndElement())
+ break;
+ if (this.isStartElement()) {
+ if ( == "folder")
+ this.readFolder(null);
+ else if (name() == "bookmark")
+ this.readBookmark(null);
+ else if (name() == "separator")
+ this.readSeparator(null);
+ else
+ this.readUnknownElement();
+ }
+ }
+XbelReader.prototype.readTitle = function(item)
+// Q_ASSERT(isStartElement() && name() == "title");
+ var title = this.readElementText();
+ item.setText(0, title);
+XbelReader.prototype.readSeparator = function(item)
+ var separator = this.createChildItem(item);
+ separator.setFlags(Qt.ItemFlags(item.flags() & ~Qt.ItemIsSelectable));
+ separator.setText(0, "---" /*QString(30, 0xB7)*/);
+ this.readElementText();
+XbelReader.prototype.readFolder = function(item)
+// Q_ASSERT(isStartElement() && name() == "folder");
+ var folder = this.createChildItem(item);
+ var folded = (this.attributes().value("folded") != "no");
+ folder.setExpanded(!folded);
+ while (!this.atEnd()) {
+ this.readNext();
+ if (this.isEndElement())
+ break;
+ if (this.isStartElement()) {
+ if ( == "title")
+ this.readTitle(folder);
+ else if ( == "folder")
+ this.readFolder(folder);
+ else if ( == "bookmark")
+ this.readBookmark(folder);
+ else if ( == "separator")
+ this.readSeparator(folder);
+ else
+ this.readUnknownElement();
+ }
+ }
+XbelReader.prototype.readBookmark = function(item)
+// Q_ASSERT(isStartElement() && name() == "bookmark");
+ var bookmark = this.createChildItem(item);
+ bookmark.setFlags(Qt.ItemFlags(bookmark.flags() | Qt.ItemIsEditable));
+ bookmark.setIcon(0, this.bookmarkIcon);
+ bookmark.setText(0, tr("Unknown title"));
+ bookmark.setText(1, this.attributes().value("href"));
+ while (!this.atEnd()) {
+ this.readNext();
+ if (this.isEndElement())
+ break;
+ if (this.isStartElement()) {
+ if ( == "title")
+ this.readTitle(bookmark);
+ else
+ this.readUnknownElement();
+ }
+ }
+XbelReader.prototype.createChildItem = function(item)
+ var childItem;
+ if (item) {
+ childItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(item);
+ } else {
+// ### childItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(this.treeWidget);
+ childItem = new QTreeWidgetItem();
+ this.treeWidget.addTopLevelItem(childItem);
+ }
+ childItem.setData(0, Qt.UserRole,;
+ return childItem;
+function MainWindow()
+ var labels = new Array();
+ labels.push(tr("Title"));
+ labels.push(tr("Location"));
+ this.treeWidget = new QTreeWidget();
+ this.treeWidget.header().setResizeMode(QHeaderView.Stretch);
+ this.treeWidget.setHeaderLabels(labels);
+ this.setCentralWidget(this.treeWidget);
+ this.createActions();
+ this.createMenus();
+ this.statusBar().showMessage(tr("Ready"));
+ this.windowTitle = tr("QXmlStream Bookmarks");
+ this.resize(480, 320);
+MainWindow.prototype = new QMainWindow();
+ = function()
+ var fileName =
+ QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open Bookmark File"),
+ QDir.currentPath(),
+ tr("XBEL Files (*.xbel *.xml)"));
+ if (fileName == "")
+ return;
+ this.treeWidget.clear();
+ var file = new QFile(fileName);
+ if (!, QIODevice.Text))) {
+ QMessageBox.warning(this, tr("QXmlStream Bookmarks"),
+ tr("Cannot read file %1:\n%2.")
+ .arg(fileName)
+ .arg(file.errorString()));
+ return;
+ }
+ var reader = new XbelReader(this.treeWidget);
+ if (! {
+ QMessageBox.warning(this, tr("QXmlStream Bookmarks"),
+ tr("Parse error in file " + fileName + " at line " + reader.lineNumber()
+ + ", column " + reader.columnNumber() + ":\n" + reader.errorString()));
+ } else {
+ this.statusBar().showMessage(tr("File loaded"), 2000);
+ }
+MainWindow.prototype.saveAs = function()
+ var fileName =
+ QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save Bookmark File"),
+ QDir.currentPath(),
+ tr("XBEL Files (*.xbel *.xml)"));
+ if (fileName == "")
+ return;
+ var file = new QFile(fileName);
+ if (!, QIODevice.Text))) {
+ QMessageBox.warning(this, tr("QXmlStream Bookmarks"),
+ tr("Cannot write file %1:\n%2.")
+ .arg(fileName)
+ .arg(file.errorString()));
+ return;
+ }
+ var writer = new XbelWriter(this.treeWidget);
+ if (writer.writeFile(file))
+ this.statusBar().showMessage(tr("File saved"), 2000);
+MainWindow.prototype.about = function()
+ QMessageBox.about(this, tr("About QXmlStream Bookmarks"),
+ tr("The <b>QXmlStream Bookmarks</b> example demonstrates how to use Qt's QXmlStream classes to read and write XML documents."));
+MainWindow.prototype.createActions = function()
+ this.openAct = new QAction(tr("&Open..."), this);
+ this.openAct.shortcut = tr("Ctrl+O");
+ this.openAct.triggered.connect(this,;
+ this.saveAsAct = new QAction(tr("&Save As..."), this);
+ this.saveAsAct.shortcut = tr("Ctrl+S");
+ this.saveAsAct.triggered.connect(this, this.saveAs);
+ this.exitAct = new QAction(tr("E&xit"), this);
+ this.exitAct.shortcut = tr("Ctrl+Q");
+ this.exitAct.triggered.connect(this, this.close);
+ this.aboutAct = new QAction(tr("&About"), this);
+ this.aboutAct.triggered.connect(this, this.about);
+ this.aboutQtAct = new QAction(tr("About &Qt"), this);
+// ### this.aboutQtAct.triggered.connect(QApplication.aboutQt);
+ this.aboutQtAct.triggered.connect(qApp.aboutQt);
+MainWindow.prototype.createMenus = function()
+ this.fileMenu = this.menuBar().addMenu(tr("&File"));
+// ### working around bug in QMenu.prototype.addAction
+ QMenu.prototype.addAction = QWidget.prototype.addAction;
+ this.fileMenu.addAction(this.openAct);
+ this.fileMenu.addAction(this.saveAsAct);
+ this.fileMenu.addAction(this.exitAct);
+ this.menuBar().addSeparator();
+ this.helpMenu = this.menuBar().addMenu(tr("&Help"));
+ this.helpMenu.addAction(this.aboutAct);
+ this.helpMenu.addAction(this.aboutQtAct);
+var mainWin = new MainWindow();;;
diff --git a/examples/Transformations.qs b/examples/Transformations.qs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eeba209
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/Transformations.qs
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+function tr(s) { return s; }
+Operation = { NoTransformation: 0, Rotate: 1, Scale: 2, Translate: 3 };
+function RenderArea(parent)
+, parent);
+ var newFont = new QFont(this.font);
+ newFont.setPixelSize(12);
+ this.font = newFont;
+ var fontMetrics = new QFontMetrics(newFont);
+ this.xBoundingRect = fontMetrics.boundingRect(tr("x"));
+ this.yBoundingRect = fontMetrics.boundingRect(tr("y"));
+ this.shape = new QPainterPath();
+ this.operations = new Array();
+RenderArea.prototype = new QWidget();
+RenderArea.prototype.setOperations = function(operations)
+ this.operations = operations;
+ this.update();
+RenderArea.prototype.setShape = function(shape)
+ this.shape = shape;
+ this.update();
+RenderArea.prototype.getMinimumSizeHint = function()
+ return new QSize(182, 182);
+RenderArea.prototype.getSizeHint = function()
+ return new QSize(232, 232);
+RenderArea.prototype.paintEvent = function(event)
+ var painter = new QPainter();
+ painter.begin(this);
+ painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing);
+ painter.fillRect(event.rect(), new QBrush(new QColor(Qt.white)));
+ painter.translate(66, 66);
+ this.transformPainter(painter);
+ this.drawShape(painter);
+ painter.restore();
+ this.drawOutline(painter);
+ this.transformPainter(painter);
+ this.drawCoordinates(painter);
+ painter.end();
+RenderArea.prototype.drawCoordinates = function(painter)
+ painter.setPen(new QColor(;
+ painter.drawLine(0, 0, 50, 0);
+ painter.drawLine(48, -2, 50, 0);
+ painter.drawLine(48, 2, 50, 0);
+ painter.drawText(60 - this.xBoundingRect.width() / 2,
+ 0 + this.xBoundingRect.height() / 2, tr("x"));
+ painter.drawLine(0, 0, 0, 50);
+ painter.drawLine(-2, 48, 0, 50);
+ painter.drawLine(2, 48, 0, 50);
+ painter.drawText(0 - this.yBoundingRect.width() / 2,
+ 60 + this.yBoundingRect.height() / 2, tr("y"));
+RenderArea.prototype.drawOutline = function(painter)
+ painter.setPen(new QPen(new QColor(Qt.darkGreen)));
+ painter.setPen(new QPen(Qt.DashLine));
+ painter.setBrush(new QBrush(Qt.NoBrush));
+ painter.drawRect(0, 0, 100, 100);
+RenderArea.prototype.drawShape = function(painter)
+ painter.fillPath(this.shape, new QColor(;
+RenderArea.prototype.transformPainter = function(painter)
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.operations.length; ++i) {
+ switch (this.operations[i]) {
+ case Operation.Translate:
+ painter.translate(50, 50);
+ break;
+ case Operation.Scale:
+ painter.scale(0.75, 0.75);
+ break;
+ case Operation.Rotate:
+ painter.rotate(60);
+ break;
+ case Operation.NoTransformation:
+ default:
+ ;
+ }
+ }
+function Window(parent)
+, parent);
+ this.originalRenderArea = new RenderArea();
+ this.shapeComboBox = new QComboBox();
+ this.shapeComboBox.addItem(tr("Clock"));
+ this.shapeComboBox.addItem(tr("House"));
+ this.shapeComboBox.addItem(tr("Text"));
+ this.shapeComboBox.addItem(tr("Truck"));
+ var layout = new QGridLayout();
+ layout.addWidget(this.originalRenderArea, 0, 0);
+ layout.addWidget(this.shapeComboBox, 1, 0);
+ this.transformedRenderAreas = new Array(Window.NumTransformedAreas);
+ this.operationComboBoxes = new Array(Window.NumTransformedAreas);
+ for (var i = 0; i < Window.NumTransformedAreas; ++i) {
+ this.transformedRenderAreas[i] = new RenderArea();
+ this.operationComboBoxes[i] = new QComboBox;
+ this.operationComboBoxes[i].addItem(tr("No transformation"));
+ this.operationComboBoxes[i].addItem(tr("Rotate by 60\xB0"));
+ this.operationComboBoxes[i].addItem(tr("Scale to 75%"));
+ this.operationComboBoxes[i].addItem(tr("Translate by (50, 50)"));
+ this.operationComboBoxes[i]["activated(int)"].connect(
+ this, this.operationChanged);
+ layout.addWidget(this.transformedRenderAreas[i], 0, i + 1);
+ layout.addWidget(this.operationComboBoxes[i], 1, i + 1);
+ }
+ this.setLayout(layout);
+ this.setupShapes();
+ this.shapeSelected(0);
+ this.windowTitle = tr("Transformations");
+Window.prototype = new QWidget();
+Window.NumTransformedAreas = 3;
+Window.prototype.setupShapes = function()
+ var truck = new QPainterPath();
+ truck.setFillRule(Qt.WindingFill);
+ truck.moveTo(0.0, 87.0);
+ truck.lineTo(0.0, 60.0);
+ truck.lineTo(10.0, 60.0);
+ truck.lineTo(35.0, 35.0);
+ truck.lineTo(100.0, 35.0);
+ truck.lineTo(100.0, 87.0);
+ truck.lineTo(0.0, 87.0);
+ truck.moveTo(17.0, 60.0);
+ truck.lineTo(55.0, 60.0);
+ truck.lineTo(55.0, 40.0);
+ truck.lineTo(37.0, 40.0);
+ truck.lineTo(17.0, 60.0);
+ truck.addEllipse(17.0, 75.0, 25.0, 25.0);
+ truck.addEllipse(63.0, 75.0, 25.0, 25.0);
+ var clock = new QPainterPath();
+ clock.addEllipse(-50.0, -50.0, 100.0, 100.0);
+ clock.addEllipse(-48.0, -48.0, 96.0, 96.0);
+ clock.moveTo(0.0, 0.0);
+ clock.lineTo(-2.0, -2.0);
+ clock.lineTo(0.0, -42.0);
+ clock.lineTo(2.0, -2.0);
+ clock.lineTo(0.0, 0.0);
+ clock.moveTo(0.0, 0.0);
+ clock.lineTo(2.732, -0.732);
+ clock.lineTo(24.495, 14.142);
+ clock.lineTo(0.732, 2.732);
+ clock.lineTo(0.0, 0.0);
+ var house = new QPainterPath();
+ house.moveTo(-45.0, -20.0);
+ house.lineTo(0.0, -45.0);
+ house.lineTo(45.0, -20.0);
+ house.lineTo(45.0, 45.0);
+ house.lineTo(-45.0, 45.0);
+ house.lineTo(-45.0, -20.0);
+ house.addRect(15.0, 5.0, 20.0, 35.0);
+ house.addRect(-35.0, -15.0, 25.0, 25.0);
+ var text = new QPainterPath();
+ font = new QFont();
+ font.setPixelSize(50);
+ var fontBoundingRect = new QFontMetrics(font).boundingRect(tr("Qt"));
+ text.addText(-new QPointF(, font, tr("Qt"));
+ this.shapes = new Array();
+ this.shapes.push(clock);
+ this.shapes.push(house);
+ this.shapes.push(text);
+ this.shapes.push(truck);
+ this.shapeComboBox["activated(int)"].connect(
+ this, this.shapeSelected);
+Window.prototype.operationChanged = function()
+ var operations = new Array();
+ for (var i = 0; i < Window.NumTransformedAreas; ++i) {
+ var index = this.operationComboBoxes[i].currentIndex;
+ operations.push(index);
+ this.transformedRenderAreas[i].setOperations(operations.slice());
+ }
+Window.prototype.shapeSelected = function(index)
+ var shape = this.shapes[index];
+ this.originalRenderArea.setShape(shape);
+ for (var i = 0; i < Window.NumTransformedAreas; ++i)
+ this.transformedRenderAreas[i].setShape(shape);
+var win = new Window();;
diff --git a/examples/WebKitPlugins.html b/examples/WebKitPlugins.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9146696
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/WebKitPlugins.html
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<h1>My Nifty Plugin</h1>
+<object type="application/x-qtform" width="400" height="400">
+ <param name="form" value=""/>
+ <param name="script" value=""/>
diff --git a/examples/WebKitPlugins.qs b/examples/WebKitPlugins.qs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cea1a21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/WebKitPlugins.qs
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+function getArgumentValue(name, names, values, from)
+ var i = (from == undefined) ? 0 : from;
+ for ( ; i < names.length; ++i) {
+ if (names[i] == name)
+ return values[i];
+ }
+ return undefined;
+// Plugin class
+function MyWebPlugin(formUrl, scriptUrl, parent)
+, parent);
+ this.initialized = false;
+ this.formReply = this.downloadFile(formUrl, this.formDownloaded);
+ if (scriptUrl == undefined)
+ this.script = "";
+ else
+ this.scriptReply = this.downloadFile(scriptUrl, this.scriptDownloaded);
+MyWebPlugin.prototype = new QWidget();
+MyWebPlugin.prototype.downloadFile = function(url, callback)
+ if (this.accessManager == undefined)
+ this.accessManager = new QNetworkAccessManager();
+ var reply = this.accessManager.get(new QNetworkRequest(url));
+ reply.finished.connect(this, callback);
+ return reply;
+MyWebPlugin.prototype.formDownloaded = function()
+ var loader = new QUiLoader();
+ this.form = loader.load(this.formReply);
+ var layout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
+ layout.addWidget(this.form, 0, Qt.AlignCenter);
+ this.initialize();
+MyWebPlugin.prototype.scriptDownloaded = function()
+ var stream = new QTextStream(this.scriptReply);
+ this.script = stream.readAll();
+ this.initialize();
+MyWebPlugin.prototype.initialize = function()
+ if (this.initialized)
+ return;
+ if ((this.form == undefined) || (this.script == undefined))
+ return;
+ var ctor = eval(this.script);
+ if (typeof ctor != "function")
+ return;
+ this.instance = new ctor(this.form);
+ this.initialized = true;
+// QWebPluginFactory subclass
+function MyWebPluginFactory(parent)
+, parent);
+MyWebPluginFactory.prototype = new QWebPluginFactory();
+MyWebPluginFactory.prototype.create = function(mimeType, url, argumentNames, argumentValues)
+ if (mimeType != "application/x-qtform")
+ return null;
+ var formUrl = getArgumentValue("form", argumentNames, argumentValues);
+ var scriptUrl = getArgumentValue("script", argumentNames, argumentValues);
+ if (formUrl == undefined)
+ return null;
+ return new MyWebPlugin(new QUrl(formUrl), new QUrl(scriptUrl));
+// Main
+var view = new QWebView();
+view.settings().setAttribute(QWebSettings.PluginsEnabled, true);
+var factory = new MyWebPluginFactory();;
+view.load(new QUrl("WebKitPlugins.html"));;
diff --git a/examples/Wiggly.qs b/examples/Wiggly.qs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..796fa09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/Wiggly.qs
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+function tr(s) { return s; }
+function WigglyWidget(parent)
+, parent);
+ this.setBackgroundRole(QPalette.Midlight);
+ this.autoFillBackground = true;
+ var newFont = new QFont(this.font);
+ newFont.setPointSize(newFont.pointSize() + 20);
+ this.font = newFont;
+ this.step = 0;
+ this.timer = new QBasicTimer();
+ this.timer.start(60, this);
+WigglyWidget.sineTable = new Array(0, 38, 71, 92, 100, 92, 71, 38, 0, -38, -71, -92, -100, -92, -71, -38);
+WigglyWidget.prototype = new QWidget();
+WigglyWidget.prototype.paintEvent = function(/* event */)
+ var metrics = new QFontMetrics(this.font);
+ var x = (this.width - metrics.width(this.text)) / 2;
+ var y = (this.height + metrics.ascent() - metrics.descent()) / 2;
+ var color = new QColor();
+ var painter = new QPainter();
+ painter.begin(this);
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.text.length; ++i) {
+ var index = (this.step + i) % 16;
+ color.setHsv((15 - index) * 16, 255, 191);
+ painter.setPen(new QPen(color));
+ painter.drawText(x, y - ((WigglyWidget.sineTable[index] * metrics.height()) / 400),
+ this.text[i]);
+ x += metrics.width(this.text[i]);
+ }
+ painter.end();
+WigglyWidget.prototype.timerEvent = function(event)
+ if (event.timerId() == this.timer.timerId()) {
+ ++this.step;
+ this.update();
+ } else {
+// QWidget::timerEvent(event);
+// ### this.super_timerEvent(event);
+ }
+WigglyWidget.prototype.setText = function(newText)
+ this.text = newText;
+function Dialog(parent)
+, parent);
+ var wigglyWidget = new WigglyWidget();
+ var lineEdit = new QLineEdit();
+ var layout = new QVBoxLayout();
+ // ### workaround
+ layout.addWidget(wigglyWidget, 0, Qt.AlignLeft);
+ layout.addWidget(lineEdit, 0, Qt.AlignLeft);
+ this.setLayout(layout);
+ lineEdit.textChanged.connect(
+ wigglyWidget, wigglyWidget.setText);
+ lineEdit.text = tr("Hello world!");
+ this.windowTitle = tr("Wiggly");
+ this.resize(360, 145);
+Dialog.prototype = new QDialog();
+var dialog = new Dialog();;
diff --git a/examples/frank.xbel b/examples/frank.xbel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07a9463
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/frank.xbel
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
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+<xbel version="1.0">
+ <folder folded="yes">
+ <title>Literate Programming</title>
+ <bookmark href="">
+ <title>Synopsis of Literate Programming</title>
+ </bookmark>
+ <bookmark href="">
+ <title>Literate Programming: Propaganda and Tools</title>
+ </bookmark>
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+ <title>POD is not Literate Programming</title>
+ </bookmark>
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+ </bookmark>
+ <bookmark href="">
+ <title>Program comprehension and code reading bibliography</title>
+ </bookmark>
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+ <title>Elucidative Programming</title>
+ </bookmark>
+ <bookmark href="">
+ <title>AVL Trees (TexiWeb)</title>
+ </bookmark>
+ <bookmark href="">
+ <title>Literate Programming on Wikiverse</title>
+ </bookmark>
+ <bookmark href="">
+ <title>Physically Based Rendering: From Theory to Implementation</title>
+ </bookmark>
+ </folder>
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+ <folder folded="yes">
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+ <bookmark href="">
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+ </bookmark>
+ <bookmark href="">
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+ </bookmark>
+ </folder>
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+ <bookmark href="">
+ <title>The Almighty Thud</title>
+ </bookmark>
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+ </bookmark>
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+ </bookmark>
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+ <title>The Source Code is the Design</title>
+ </bookmark>
+ <bookmark href="">
+ <title>What is Software Design?</title>
+ </bookmark>
+ <bookmark href="">
+ <title>How To Write Unmaintainable Code</title>
+ </bookmark>
+ <bookmark href="">
+ <title>Self Documenting Program Code Remains a Distant Goal</title>
+ </bookmark>
+ <bookmark href="">
+ <title>Place Tab A in Slot B</title>
+ </bookmark>
+ <bookmark href="">
+ <title>UML Reference Card</title>
+ </bookmark>
+ </folder>
+ <folder folded="yes">
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+ <bookmark href="">
+ <title>The TeX User's Group</title>
+ </bookmark>
+ <bookmark href="">
+ <title>MikTeX website</title>
+ </bookmark>
+ <bookmark href="">
+ <title>MetaPost website</title>
+ </bookmark>
+ <bookmark href="">
+ <title>HEVEA is a quite complete and fast LATEX to HTML translator</title>
+ </bookmark>
+ </folder>
+ <folder folded="no">
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+ <bookmark href="">
+ <title>Adobe - The postscript and PDF standards</title>
+ </bookmark>
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+ </bookmark>
+ <bookmark href="">
+ <title>Adobe Acrobat Software Development Kit</title>
+ </bookmark>
+ </folder>
+ <folder folded="yes">
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+ <bookmark href="">
+ <title>Guide to Special Collections (Columbia University)</title>
+ </bookmark>
+ <bookmark href="">
+ <title>Literary Criticism on the Web from the Internet Public Library</title>
+ </bookmark>
+ <bookmark href="">
+ <title>Victorian Web.</title>
+ </bookmark>
+ <bookmark href="">
+ <title>Voice of the Shuttle.</title>
+ </bookmark>
+ <bookmark href="">
+ <title>Modernist Journals Project</title>
+ </bookmark>
+ <bookmark href="">
+ <title>Museum of American Poetics</title>
+ </bookmark>
+ <bookmark href="">
+ <title>Modern American Poetry</title>
+ </bookmark>
+ <bookmark href="">
+ <title></title>
+ </bookmark>
+ <bookmark href="">
+ <title>Literary History</title>
+ </bookmark>
+ <bookmark href="">
+ <title>Literary Encyclopedia</title>
+ </bookmark>
+ <separator/>
+ <bookmark href="">
+ <title>The University of California Press</title>
+ </bookmark>
+ <bookmark href="">
+ <title>Wright American Fiction, 1851-1875</title>
+ </bookmark>
+ <bookmark href="">
+ <title>Documenting the American South: Beginnings to 1920</title>
+ </bookmark>
+ <bookmark href="">
+ <title>Electronic Text Center at the University of Virginia</title>
+ </bookmark>
+ <bookmark href="">
+ <title>The Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture</title>
+ </bookmark>
+ <bookmark href="">
+ <title>Alex Catalogue of Electronic Texts.</title>
+ </bookmark>
+ </folder>
diff --git a/examples/images/brick.png b/examples/images/brick.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87e7df5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/images/brick.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/examples/images/butterfly.png b/examples/images/butterfly.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3e050e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/images/butterfly.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/examples/images/checker.png b/examples/images/checker.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..546609d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/images/checker.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/examples/images/cheese.png b/examples/images/cheese.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4d70c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/images/cheese.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/examples/images/qt-logo.png b/examples/images/qt-logo.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36a07f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/images/qt-logo.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/examples/jennifer.xbel b/examples/jennifer.xbel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f7810b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/jennifer.xbel
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE xbel>
+<xbel version="1.0">
+ <folder folded="no">
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+ <bookmark href="">
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+ <folder folded="no">
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+ <bookmark href="">
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+ <bookmark href="">
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+ <separator/>
+ <bookmark href="">
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+ </bookmark>
+ <bookmark href="">
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+ </bookmark>
+ <separator/>
+ <bookmark href="">
+ <title>Trésor de la Langue Française informatisé</title>
+ </bookmark>
+ <bookmark href="">
+ <title>Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française</title>
+ </bookmark>
+ <bookmark href="">
+ <title>Dictionnaire des synonymes</title>
+ </bookmark>
+ </folder>
diff --git a/generator/abstractmetabuilder.cpp b/generator/abstractmetabuilder.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3862b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/abstractmetabuilder.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2552 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "abstractmetabuilder.h"
+#include "reporthandler.h"
+#include "ast.h"
+#include "binder.h"
+#include "control.h"
+#include "default_visitor.h"
+#include "dumptree.h"
+#include "lexer.h"
+#include "parser.h"
+#include "tokens.h"
+#include <QtCore/QDebug>
+#include <QtCore/QFile>
+#include <QtCore/QFileInfo>
+#include <QtCore/QTextCodec>
+#include <QtCore/QTextStream>
+#include <QtCore/QVariant>
+static QString strip_template_args(const QString &name)
+ int pos = name.indexOf('<');
+ return pos < 0 ? name : name.left(pos);
+static QHash<QString, QString> *operator_names;
+QString rename_operator(const QString &oper)
+ QString op = oper.trimmed();
+ if (!operator_names) {
+ operator_names = new QHash<QString, QString>;
+ operator_names->insert("+", "add");
+ operator_names->insert("-", "subtract");
+ operator_names->insert("*", "multiply");
+ operator_names->insert("/", "divide");
+ operator_names->insert("%", "modulo");
+ operator_names->insert("&", "and");
+ operator_names->insert("|", "or");
+ operator_names->insert("^", "xor");
+ operator_names->insert("~", "negate");
+ operator_names->insert("<<", "shift_left");
+ operator_names->insert(">>", "shift_right");
+ // assigments
+ operator_names->insert("=", "assign");
+ operator_names->insert("+=", "add_assign");
+ operator_names->insert("-=", "subtract_assign");
+ operator_names->insert("*=", "multiply_assign");
+ operator_names->insert("/=", "divide_assign");
+ operator_names->insert("%=", "modulo_assign");
+ operator_names->insert("&=", "and_assign");
+ operator_names->insert("|=", "or_assign");
+ operator_names->insert("^=", "xor_assign");
+ operator_names->insert("<<=", "shift_left_assign");
+ operator_names->insert(">>=", "shift_right_assign");
+ // Logical
+ operator_names->insert("&&", "logical_and");
+ operator_names->insert("||", "logical_or");
+ operator_names->insert("!", "not");
+ // incr/decr
+ operator_names->insert("++", "increment");
+ operator_names->insert("--", "decrement");
+ // compare
+ operator_names->insert("<", "less");
+ operator_names->insert(">", "greater");
+ operator_names->insert("<=", "less_or_equal");
+ operator_names->insert(">=", "greater_or_equal");
+ operator_names->insert("!=", "not_equal");
+ operator_names->insert("==", "equal");
+ // other
+ operator_names->insert("[]", "subscript");
+ operator_names->insert("->", "pointer");
+ }
+ if (!operator_names->contains(op)) {
+ TypeDatabase *tb = TypeDatabase::instance();
+ TypeParser::Info typeInfo = TypeParser::parse(op);
+ QString cast_to_name = typeInfo.qualified_name.join("::");
+ TypeEntry *te = tb->findType(cast_to_name);
+ if ((te && te->codeGeneration() == TypeEntry::GenerateNothing)
+ || tb->isClassRejected(cast_to_name)) {
+ return QString();
+ } else if (te) {
+ return "operator_cast_" + typeInfo.qualified_name.join("_");
+ } else {
+ ReportHandler::warning(QString("unknown operator '%1'").arg(op));
+ return "operator " + op;
+ }
+ }
+ return "operator_" + operator_names->value(op);
+ : m_current_class(0)
+void AbstractMetaBuilder::checkFunctionModifications()
+ TypeDatabase *types = TypeDatabase::instance();
+ SingleTypeEntryHash entryHash = types->entries();
+ QList<TypeEntry *> entries = entryHash.values();
+ foreach (TypeEntry *entry, entries) {
+ if (entry == 0)
+ continue;
+ if (!entry->isComplex() || entry->codeGeneration() == TypeEntry::GenerateNothing)
+ continue;
+ ComplexTypeEntry *centry = static_cast<ComplexTypeEntry *>(entry);
+ FunctionModificationList modifications = centry->functionModifications();
+ foreach (FunctionModification modification, modifications) {
+ QString signature = modification.signature;
+ QString name = signature.trimmed();
+ name = name.mid(0, signature.indexOf("("));
+ AbstractMetaClass *clazz = m_meta_classes.findClass(centry->qualifiedCppName());
+ if (clazz == 0)
+ continue;
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList functions = clazz->functions();
+ bool found = false;
+ QStringList possibleSignatures;
+ foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *function, functions) {
+ if (function->minimalSignature() == signature && function->implementingClass() == clazz) {
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (function->originalName() == name)
+ possibleSignatures.append(function->minimalSignature() + " in " + function->implementingClass()->name());
+ }
+ if (!found) {
+ QString warning
+ = QString("signature '%1' for function modification in '%2' not found. Possible candidates: %3")
+ .arg(signature)
+ .arg(clazz->qualifiedCppName())
+ .arg(possibleSignatures.join(", "));
+ ReportHandler::warning(warning);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+AbstractMetaClass *AbstractMetaBuilder::argumentToClass(ArgumentModelItem argument)
+ AbstractMetaClass *returned = 0;
+ bool ok = false;
+ AbstractMetaType *type = translateType(argument->type(), &ok);
+ if (ok && type != 0 && type->typeEntry() != 0 && type->typeEntry()->isComplex()) {
+ const TypeEntry *entry = type->typeEntry();
+ returned = m_meta_classes.findClass(entry->name());
+ }
+ delete type;
+ return returned;
+ * Checks the argument of a hash function and flags the type if it is a complex type
+ */
+void AbstractMetaBuilder::registerHashFunction(FunctionModelItem function_item)
+ ArgumentList arguments = function_item->arguments();
+ if (arguments.size() == 1) {
+ if (AbstractMetaClass *cls = argumentToClass(
+ cls->setHasHashFunction(true);
+ }
+ * Check if a class has a debug stream operator that can be used as toString
+ */
+void AbstractMetaBuilder::registerToStringCapability(FunctionModelItem function_item)
+ ArgumentList arguments = function_item->arguments();
+ if (arguments.size() == 2) {
+ if (>type().toString() == "QDebug"){
+ ArgumentModelItem arg =;
+ if (AbstractMetaClass *cls = argumentToClass(arg)) {
+ if (arg->type().indirections() < 2) {
+ cls->setToStringCapability(function_item);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void AbstractMetaBuilder::traverseCompareOperator(FunctionModelItem item) {
+ ArgumentList arguments = item->arguments();
+ if (arguments.size() == 2 && item->accessPolicy() == CodeModel::Public) {
+ AbstractMetaClass *comparer_class = argumentToClass(;
+ AbstractMetaClass *compared_class = argumentToClass(;
+ if (comparer_class != 0 && compared_class != 0) {
+ AbstractMetaClass *old_current_class = m_current_class;
+ m_current_class = comparer_class;
+ AbstractMetaFunction *meta_function = traverseFunction(item);
+ if (meta_function != 0 && !meta_function->isInvalid()) {
+ // Strip away first argument, since that is the containing object
+ AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = meta_function->arguments();
+ arguments.pop_front();
+ meta_function->setArguments(arguments);
+ meta_function->setFunctionType(AbstractMetaFunction::GlobalScopeFunction);
+ meta_function->setOriginalAttributes(meta_function->attributes());
+ setupFunctionDefaults(meta_function, comparer_class);
+ comparer_class->addFunction(meta_function);
+ } else if (meta_function != 0) {
+ delete meta_function;
+ }
+ m_current_class = old_current_class;
+ }
+ }
+void AbstractMetaBuilder::traverseStreamOperator(FunctionModelItem item)
+ ArgumentList arguments = item->arguments();
+ if (arguments.size() == 2 && item->accessPolicy() == CodeModel::Public) {
+ AbstractMetaClass *streamClass = argumentToClass(;
+ AbstractMetaClass *streamedClass = argumentToClass(;
+ if (streamClass != 0 && streamedClass != 0
+ && (streamClass->name() == "QDataStream" || streamClass->name() == "QTextStream")) {
+ AbstractMetaClass *old_current_class = m_current_class;
+ m_current_class = streamedClass;
+ AbstractMetaFunction *streamFunction = traverseFunction(item);
+ if (streamFunction != 0 && !streamFunction->isInvalid()) {
+ QString name = item->name();
+ streamFunction->setFunctionType(AbstractMetaFunction::GlobalScopeFunction);
+ if (name.endsWith("<<"))
+ streamFunction->setName("writeTo");
+ else
+ streamFunction->setName("readFrom");
+ // Strip away last argument, since that is the containing object
+ AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = streamFunction->arguments();
+ arguments.pop_back();
+ streamFunction->setArguments(arguments);
+ *streamFunction += AbstractMetaAttributes::Final;
+ *streamFunction += AbstractMetaAttributes::Public;
+ streamFunction->setOriginalAttributes(streamFunction->attributes());
+ streamFunction->setType(0);
+ setupFunctionDefaults(streamFunction, streamedClass);
+ streamedClass->addFunction(streamFunction);
+ streamedClass->typeEntry()->addExtraInclude(streamClass->typeEntry()->include());
+ m_current_class = old_current_class;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void AbstractMetaBuilder::fixQObjectForScope(TypeDatabase *types,
+ NamespaceModelItem scope)
+ foreach (ClassModelItem item, scope->classes()) {
+ QString qualified_name = item->qualifiedName().join("::");
+ TypeEntry *entry = types->findType(qualified_name);
+ if (entry) {
+ if (isQObject(qualified_name) && entry->isComplex()) {
+ ((ComplexTypeEntry *) entry)->setQObject(true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (NamespaceModelItem item, scope->namespaceMap().values()) {
+ if (scope != item)
+ fixQObjectForScope(types, item);
+ }
+static bool class_less_than(AbstractMetaClass *a, AbstractMetaClass *b)
+ return a->name() < b->name();
+void AbstractMetaBuilder::sortLists()
+ qSort(m_meta_classes.begin(), m_meta_classes.end(), class_less_than);
+ foreach (AbstractMetaClass *cls, m_meta_classes) {
+ cls->sortFunctions();
+ }
+bool AbstractMetaBuilder::build()
+ Q_ASSERT(!m_file_name.isEmpty());
+ QFile file(m_file_name);
+ if (!
+ return false;
+ QTextStream stream(&file);
+ stream.setCodec(QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8"));
+ QByteArray contents = stream.readAll().toUtf8();
+ file.close();
+ Control control;
+ Parser p(&control);
+ pool __pool;
+ TranslationUnitAST *ast = p.parse(contents, contents.size(), &__pool);
+ CodeModel model;
+ Binder binder(&model, p.location());
+ m_dom =;
+ pushScope(model_dynamic_cast<ScopeModelItem>(m_dom));
+ QHash<QString, ClassModelItem> typeMap = m_dom->classMap();
+ // fix up QObject's in the type system..
+ TypeDatabase *types = TypeDatabase::instance();
+ fixQObjectForScope(types, model_dynamic_cast<NamespaceModelItem>(m_dom));
+ // Start the generation...
+ foreach (ClassModelItem item, typeMap.values()) {
+ AbstractMetaClass *cls = traverseClass(item);
+ addAbstractMetaClass(cls);
+ }
+ QHash<QString, NamespaceModelItem> namespaceMap = m_dom->namespaceMap();
+ foreach (NamespaceModelItem item, namespaceMap.values()) {
+ AbstractMetaClass *meta_class = traverseNamespace(item);
+ if (meta_class)
+ m_meta_classes << meta_class;
+ }
+ // Some trickery to support global-namespace enums...
+ QHash<QString, EnumModelItem> enumMap = m_dom->enumMap();
+ m_current_class = 0;
+ foreach (EnumModelItem item, enumMap) {
+ AbstractMetaEnum *meta_enum = traverseEnum(item, 0, QSet<QString>());
+ if (meta_enum) {
+ QString package = meta_enum->typeEntry()->javaPackage();
+ QString globalName = TypeDatabase::globalNamespaceClassName(meta_enum->typeEntry());
+ AbstractMetaClass *global = m_meta_classes.findClass(package + "." + globalName);
+ if (!global) {
+ ComplexTypeEntry *gte = new ObjectTypeEntry(globalName);
+ gte->setTargetLangPackage(meta_enum->typeEntry()->javaPackage());
+ gte->setCodeGeneration(meta_enum->typeEntry()->codeGeneration());
+ global = createMetaClass();
+ global->setTypeEntry(gte);
+ *global += AbstractMetaAttributes::Final;
+ *global += AbstractMetaAttributes::Public;
+ *global += AbstractMetaAttributes::Fake;
+ m_meta_classes << global;
+ }
+ global->addEnum(meta_enum);
+ meta_enum->setEnclosingClass(global);
+ meta_enum->typeEntry()->setQualifier(globalName);
+ }
+ }
+ // Go through all typedefs to see if we have defined any
+ // specific typedefs to be used as classes.
+ TypeAliasList typeAliases = m_dom->typeAliases();
+ foreach (TypeAliasModelItem typeAlias, typeAliases) {
+ AbstractMetaClass *cls = traverseTypeAlias(typeAlias);
+ addAbstractMetaClass(cls);
+ }
+ foreach (AbstractMetaClass *cls, m_meta_classes) {
+ if (!cls->isInterface() && !cls->isNamespace()) {
+ setupInheritance(cls);
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (AbstractMetaClass *cls, m_meta_classes) {
+ cls->fixFunctions();
+ if (cls->typeEntry() == 0) {
+ ReportHandler::warning(QString("class '%1' does not have an entry in the type system")
+ .arg(cls->name()));
+ } else {
+ if (!cls->hasConstructors() && !cls->isFinalInCpp() && !cls->isInterface() && !cls->isNamespace())
+ cls->addDefaultConstructor();
+ }
+ if (cls->isAbstract() && !cls->isInterface()) {
+ cls->typeEntry()->setLookupName(cls->typeEntry()->targetLangName() + "$ConcreteWrapper");
+ }
+ }
+ QList<TypeEntry *> entries = TypeDatabase::instance()->entries().values();
+ foreach (const TypeEntry *entry, entries) {
+ if (entry->isPrimitive())
+ continue;
+ if ((entry->isValue() || entry->isObject())
+ && !entry->isString()
+ && !entry->isChar()
+ && !entry->isContainer()
+ && !entry->isCustom()
+ && !entry->isVariant()
+ && !m_meta_classes.findClass(entry->qualifiedCppName())) {
+ ReportHandler::warning(QString("type '%1' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.")
+ .arg(entry->qualifiedCppName()));
+ }
+ if (entry->isEnum()) {
+ QString pkg = entry->javaPackage();
+ QString name = (pkg.isEmpty() ? QString() : pkg + ".")
+ + ((EnumTypeEntry *) entry)->javaQualifier();
+ AbstractMetaClass *cls = m_meta_classes.findClass(name);
+ if (!cls) {
+ ReportHandler::warning(QString("namespace '%1' for enum '%2' is not declared")
+ .arg(name).arg(entry->targetLangName()));
+ } else {
+ AbstractMetaEnum *e = cls->findEnum(entry->targetLangName());
+ if (!e)
+ ReportHandler::warning(QString("enum '%1' is specified in typesystem, "
+ "but not declared")
+ .arg(entry->qualifiedCppName()));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ FunctionList hash_functions = m_dom->findFunctions("qHash");
+ foreach (FunctionModelItem item, hash_functions) {
+ registerHashFunction(item);
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ FunctionList hash_functions = m_dom->findFunctions("operator<<");
+ foreach (FunctionModelItem item, hash_functions) {
+ registerToStringCapability(item);
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ FunctionList compare_operators = m_dom->findFunctions("operator==")
+ + m_dom->findFunctions("operator<=")
+ + m_dom->findFunctions("operator>=")
+ + m_dom->findFunctions("operator<")
+ + m_dom->findFunctions("operator>");
+ foreach (FunctionModelItem item, compare_operators) {
+ traverseCompareOperator(item);
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ FunctionList stream_operators = m_dom->findFunctions("operator<<") + m_dom->findFunctions("operator>>");
+ foreach (FunctionModelItem item, stream_operators) {
+ traverseStreamOperator(item);
+ }
+ }
+ figureOutEnumValues();
+ figureOutDefaultEnumArguments();
+ checkFunctionModifications();
+ foreach (AbstractMetaClass *cls, m_meta_classes) {
+ setupEquals(cls);
+ setupComparable(cls);
+ setupClonable(cls);
+ }
+ dumpLog();
+ sortLists();
+ return true;
+void AbstractMetaBuilder::addAbstractMetaClass(AbstractMetaClass *cls)
+ if (!cls)
+ return;
+ cls->setOriginalAttributes(cls->attributes());
+ if (cls->typeEntry()->isContainer()) {
+ m_templates << cls;
+ } else {
+ m_meta_classes << cls;
+ if (cls->typeEntry()->designatedInterface()) {
+ AbstractMetaClass *interface = cls->extractInterface();
+ m_meta_classes << interface;
+ ReportHandler::debugSparse(QString(" -> interface '%1'").arg(interface->name()));
+ }
+ }
+AbstractMetaClass *AbstractMetaBuilder::traverseNamespace(NamespaceModelItem namespace_item)
+ QString namespace_name = (!m_namespace_prefix.isEmpty() ? m_namespace_prefix + "::" : QString()) + namespace_item->name();
+ NamespaceTypeEntry *type = TypeDatabase::instance()->findNamespaceType(namespace_name);
+ if (TypeDatabase::instance()->isClassRejected(namespace_name)) {
+ m_rejected_classes.insert(namespace_name, GenerationDisabled);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (!type) {
+ ReportHandler::warning(QString("namespace '%1' does not have a type entry")
+ .arg(namespace_name));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ AbstractMetaClass *meta_class = createMetaClass();
+ meta_class->setTypeEntry(type);
+ *meta_class += AbstractMetaAttributes::Public;
+ m_current_class = meta_class;
+ ReportHandler::debugSparse(QString("namespace '%1.%2'")
+ .arg(meta_class->package())
+ .arg(namespace_item->name()));
+ traverseEnums(model_dynamic_cast<ScopeModelItem>(namespace_item), meta_class, namespace_item->enumsDeclarations());
+ traverseFunctions(model_dynamic_cast<ScopeModelItem>(namespace_item), meta_class);
+// traverseClasses(model_dynamic_cast<ScopeModelItem>(namespace_item));
+ pushScope(model_dynamic_cast<ScopeModelItem>(namespace_item));
+ m_namespace_prefix = currentScope()->qualifiedName().join("::");
+ ClassList classes = namespace_item->classes();
+ foreach (ClassModelItem cls, classes) {
+ AbstractMetaClass *mjc = traverseClass(cls);
+ addAbstractMetaClass(mjc);
+ }
+ // Go through all typedefs to see if we have defined any
+ // specific typedefs to be used as classes.
+ TypeAliasList typeAliases = namespace_item->typeAliases();
+ foreach (TypeAliasModelItem typeAlias, typeAliases) {
+ AbstractMetaClass *cls = traverseTypeAlias(typeAlias);
+ addAbstractMetaClass(cls);
+ }
+ // Traverse namespaces recursively
+ QList<NamespaceModelItem> inner_namespaces = namespace_item->namespaceMap().values();
+ foreach (const NamespaceModelItem &ni, inner_namespaces) {
+ AbstractMetaClass *mjc = traverseNamespace(ni);
+ addAbstractMetaClass(mjc);
+ }
+ m_current_class = 0;
+ popScope();
+ m_namespace_prefix = currentScope()->qualifiedName().join("::");
+ if (!type->include().isValid()) {
+ QFileInfo info(namespace_item->fileName());
+ type->setInclude(Include(Include::IncludePath, info.fileName()));
+ }
+ return meta_class;
+struct Operator
+ enum Type { Plus, ShiftLeft, None };
+ Operator() : type(None) { }
+ int calculate(int x) {
+ switch (type) {
+ case Plus: return x + value;
+ case ShiftLeft: return x << value;
+ case None: return x;
+ }
+ return x;
+ }
+ Type type;
+ int value;
+Operator findOperator(QString *s) {
+ const char *names[] = {
+ "+",
+ "<<"
+ };
+ for (int i=0; i<Operator::None; ++i) {
+ QString name = QLatin1String(names[i]);
+ QString str = *s;
+ int splitPoint = str.indexOf(name);
+ if (splitPoint > 0) {
+ bool ok;
+ QString right = str.mid(splitPoint + name.length());
+ Operator op;
+ op.value = right.toInt(&ok);
+ if (ok) {
+ op.type = Operator::Type(i);
+ *s = str.left(splitPoint).trimmed();
+ return op;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return Operator();
+int AbstractMetaBuilder::figureOutEnumValue(const QString &stringValue,
+ int oldValuevalue,
+ AbstractMetaEnum *meta_enum,
+ AbstractMetaFunction *meta_function)
+ if (stringValue.isEmpty())
+ return oldValuevalue;
+ QStringList stringValues = stringValue.split("|");
+ int returnValue = 0;
+ bool matched = false;
+ for (int i=0; i<stringValues.size(); ++i) {
+ QString s =;
+ bool ok;
+ int v;
+ Operator op = findOperator(&s);
+ if (s.length() > 0 && == QLatin1Char('0'))
+ v = s.toUInt(&ok, 0);
+ else
+ v = s.toInt(&ok);
+ if (ok) {
+ matched = true;
+ } else if (m_enum_values.contains(s)) {
+ v = m_enum_values[s]->value();
+ matched = true;
+ } else {
+ AbstractMetaEnumValue *ev = 0;
+ if (meta_enum && (ev = meta_enum->values().find(s))) {
+ v = ev->value();
+ matched = true;
+ } else if (meta_enum && (ev = meta_enum->enclosingClass()->findEnumValue(s, meta_enum))) {
+ v = ev->value();
+ matched = true;
+ } else {
+ if (meta_enum)
+ ReportHandler::warning("unhandled enum value: " + s + " in "
+ + meta_enum->enclosingClass()->name() + "::"
+ + meta_enum->name());
+ else
+ ReportHandler::warning("unhandled enum value: Unknown enum");
+ }
+ }
+ if (matched)
+ returnValue |= op.calculate(v);
+ }
+ if (!matched) {
+ QString warn = QString("unmatched enum %1").arg(stringValue);
+ if (meta_function != 0) {
+ warn += QString(" when parsing default value of '%1' in class '%2'")
+ .arg(meta_function->name())
+ .arg(meta_function->implementingClass()->name());
+ }
+ ReportHandler::warning(warn);
+ returnValue = oldValuevalue;
+ }
+ return returnValue;
+void AbstractMetaBuilder::figureOutEnumValuesForClass(AbstractMetaClass *meta_class,
+ QSet<AbstractMetaClass *> *classes)
+ AbstractMetaClass *base = meta_class->baseClass();
+ if (base != 0 && !classes->contains(base))
+ figureOutEnumValuesForClass(base, classes);
+ if (classes->contains(meta_class))
+ return;
+ AbstractMetaEnumList enums = meta_class->enums();
+ foreach (AbstractMetaEnum *e, enums) {
+ if (!e)
+ ReportHandler::warning("bad enum in class " + meta_class->name());
+ AbstractMetaEnumValueList lst = e->values();
+ int value = 0;
+ for (int i=0; i<lst.size(); ++i) {
+ value = figureOutEnumValue(>stringValue(), value, e);
+ value++;
+ }
+ // Check for duplicate values...
+ EnumTypeEntry *ete = e->typeEntry();
+ if (!ete->forceInteger()) {
+ QHash<int, AbstractMetaEnumValue *> entries;
+ foreach (AbstractMetaEnumValue *v, lst) {
+ bool vRejected = ete->isEnumValueRejected(v->name());
+ AbstractMetaEnumValue *current = entries.value(v->value());
+ if (current) {
+ bool currentRejected = ete->isEnumValueRejected(current->name());
+ if (!currentRejected && !vRejected) {
+ ReportHandler::warning(
+ QString("duplicate enum values: %1::%2, %3 and %4 are %5, already rejected: (%6)")
+ .arg(meta_class->name())
+ .arg(e->name())
+ .arg(v->name())
+ .arg(entries[v->value()]->name())
+ .arg(v->value())
+ .arg(ete->enumValueRejections().join(", ")));
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!vRejected)
+ entries[v->value()] = v;
+ }
+ // Entries now contain all the original entries, no
+ // rejected ones... Use this to generate the enumValueRedirection table.
+ foreach (AbstractMetaEnumValue *reject, lst) {
+ if (!ete->isEnumValueRejected(reject->name()))
+ continue;
+ AbstractMetaEnumValue *used = entries.value(reject->value());
+ if (!used) {
+ ReportHandler::warning(
+ QString::fromLatin1("Rejected enum has no alternative...: %1::%2\n")
+ .arg(meta_class->name())
+ .arg(reject->name()));
+ continue;
+ }
+ ete->addEnumValueRedirection(reject->name(), used->name());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ *classes += meta_class;
+void AbstractMetaBuilder::figureOutEnumValues()
+ // Keep a set of classes that we already traversed. We use this to
+ // enforce that we traverse base classes prior to subclasses.
+ QSet<AbstractMetaClass *> classes;
+ foreach (AbstractMetaClass *c, m_meta_classes) {
+ figureOutEnumValuesForClass(c, &classes);
+ }
+void AbstractMetaBuilder::figureOutDefaultEnumArguments()
+ foreach (AbstractMetaClass *meta_class, m_meta_classes) {
+ foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *meta_function, meta_class->functions()) {
+ foreach (AbstractMetaArgument *arg, meta_function->arguments()) {
+ QString expr = arg->defaultValueExpression();
+ if (expr.isEmpty())
+ continue;
+ if (!meta_function->replacedDefaultExpression(meta_function->implementingClass(),
+ arg->argumentIndex()+1).isEmpty()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ QString new_expr = expr;
+ if (arg->type()->isEnum()) {
+ QStringList lst = expr.split(QLatin1String("::"));
+ if (lst.size() == 1) {
+ QVector<AbstractMetaClass *> classes(1, meta_class);
+ AbstractMetaEnum *e = 0;
+ while (!classes.isEmpty() && e == 0) {
+ if (classes.front() != 0) {
+ classes << classes.front()->baseClass();
+ AbstractMetaClassList interfaces = classes.front()->interfaces();
+ foreach (AbstractMetaClass *interface, interfaces)
+ classes << interface->primaryInterfaceImplementor();
+ e = classes.front()->findEnumForValue(expr);
+ }
+ classes.pop_front();
+ }
+ if (e != 0) {
+ new_expr = QString("%1.%2")
+ .arg(e->typeEntry()->qualifiedTargetLangName())
+ .arg(expr);
+ } else {
+ ReportHandler::warning("Cannot find enum constant for value '" + expr + "' in '" + meta_class->name() + "' or any of its super classes");
+ }
+ } else if (lst.size() == 2) {
+ AbstractMetaClass *cl = m_meta_classes.findClass(;
+ if (!cl) {
+ ReportHandler::warning("missing required class for enums: " +;
+ continue;
+ }
+ new_expr = QString("%1.%2.%3")
+ .arg(cl->typeEntry()->qualifiedTargetLangName())
+ .arg(arg->type()->name())
+ .arg(;
+ } else {
+ ReportHandler::warning("bad default value passed to enum " + expr);
+ }
+ } else if(arg->type()->isFlags()) {
+ const FlagsTypeEntry *flagsEntry =
+ static_cast<const FlagsTypeEntry *>(arg->type()->typeEntry());
+ EnumTypeEntry *enumEntry = flagsEntry->originator();
+ AbstractMetaEnum *meta_enum = m_meta_classes.findEnum(enumEntry);
+ if (!meta_enum) {
+ ReportHandler::warning("unknown required enum " + enumEntry->qualifiedCppName());
+ continue;
+ }
+ int value = figureOutEnumValue(expr, 0, meta_enum, meta_function);
+ new_expr = QString::number(value);
+ } else if (arg->type()->isPrimitive()) {
+ AbstractMetaEnumValue *value = 0;
+ if (expr.contains("::"))
+ value = m_meta_classes.findEnumValue(expr);
+ if (!value)
+ value = meta_class->findEnumValue(expr, 0);
+ if (value) {
+ new_expr = QString::number(value->value());
+ } else if (expr.contains(QLatin1Char('+'))) {
+ new_expr = QString::number(figureOutEnumValue(expr, 0, 0));
+ }
+ }
+ arg->setDefaultValueExpression(new_expr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+AbstractMetaEnum *AbstractMetaBuilder::traverseEnum(EnumModelItem enum_item, AbstractMetaClass *enclosing, const QSet<QString> &enumsDeclarations)
+ // Skipping private enums.
+ if (enum_item->accessPolicy() == CodeModel::Private) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ QString qualified_name = enum_item->qualifiedName().join("::");
+ TypeEntry *type_entry = TypeDatabase::instance()->findType(qualified_name);
+ QString enum_name = enum_item->name();
+ QString class_name;
+ if (m_current_class)
+ class_name = m_current_class->typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName();
+ if (TypeDatabase::instance()->isEnumRejected(class_name, enum_name)) {
+ m_rejected_enums.insert(qualified_name, GenerationDisabled);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (!type_entry || !type_entry->isEnum()) {
+ QString context = m_current_class ? m_current_class->name() : QLatin1String("");
+ ReportHandler::warning(QString("enum '%1' does not have a type entry or is not an enum")
+ .arg(qualified_name));
+ m_rejected_enums.insert(qualified_name, NotInTypeSystem);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ AbstractMetaEnum *meta_enum = createMetaEnum();
+ if ( enumsDeclarations.contains(qualified_name)
+ || enumsDeclarations.contains(enum_name)) {
+ meta_enum->setHasQEnumsDeclaration(true);
+ }
+ meta_enum->setTypeEntry((EnumTypeEntry *) type_entry);
+ switch (enum_item->accessPolicy()) {
+ case CodeModel::Public: *meta_enum += AbstractMetaAttributes::Public; break;
+ case CodeModel::Protected: *meta_enum += AbstractMetaAttributes::Protected; break;
+// case CodeModel::Private: *meta_enum += AbstractMetaAttributes::Private; break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ ReportHandler::debugMedium(QString(" - traversing enum %1").arg(meta_enum->fullName()));
+ foreach (EnumeratorModelItem value, enum_item->enumerators()) {
+ AbstractMetaEnumValue *meta_enum_value = createMetaEnumValue();
+ meta_enum_value->setName(value->name());
+ // Deciding the enum value...
+ meta_enum_value->setStringValue(value->value());
+ meta_enum->addEnumValue(meta_enum_value);
+ ReportHandler::debugFull(" - " + meta_enum_value->name() + " = "
+ + meta_enum_value->value());
+ // Add into global register...
+ if (enclosing)
+ m_enum_values[enclosing->name() + "::" + meta_enum_value->name()] = meta_enum_value;
+ else
+ m_enum_values[meta_enum_value->name()] = meta_enum_value;
+ }
+ m_enums << meta_enum;
+ return meta_enum;
+AbstractMetaClass *AbstractMetaBuilder::traverseTypeAlias(TypeAliasModelItem typeAlias)
+ QString class_name = strip_template_args(typeAlias->name());
+ QString full_class_name = class_name;
+ // we have an inner class
+ if (m_current_class) {
+ full_class_name = strip_template_args(m_current_class->typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName())
+ + "::" + full_class_name;
+ }
+ // If we haven't specified anything for the typedef, then we don't care
+ ComplexTypeEntry *type = TypeDatabase::instance()->findComplexType(full_class_name);
+ if (type == 0)
+ return 0;
+ if (type->isObject())
+ static_cast<ObjectTypeEntry *>(type)->setQObject(isQObject(strip_template_args(typeAlias->type().qualifiedName().join("::"))));
+ AbstractMetaClass *meta_class = createMetaClass();
+ meta_class->setTypeAlias(true);
+ meta_class->setTypeEntry(type);
+ meta_class->setBaseClassNames(QStringList() << typeAlias->type().qualifiedName().join("::"));
+ *meta_class += AbstractMetaAttributes::Public;
+ // Set the default include file name
+ if (!type->include().isValid()) {
+ QFileInfo info(typeAlias->fileName());
+ type->setInclude(Include(Include::IncludePath, info.fileName()));
+ }
+ return meta_class;
+AbstractMetaClass *AbstractMetaBuilder::traverseClass(ClassModelItem class_item)
+ QString class_name = strip_template_args(class_item->name());
+ QString full_class_name = class_name;
+ // we have inner an class
+ if (m_current_class) {
+ full_class_name = strip_template_args(m_current_class->typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName())
+ + "::" + full_class_name;
+ }
+ ComplexTypeEntry *type = TypeDatabase::instance()->findComplexType(full_class_name);
+ RejectReason reason = NoReason;
+ if (full_class_name == "QMetaTypeId") {
+ // QtScript: record which types have been declared
+ int lpos = class_item->name().indexOf('<');
+ int rpos = class_item->name().lastIndexOf('>');
+ if ((lpos != -1) && (rpos != -1)) {
+ QString declared_typename = class_item->name().mid(lpos+1, rpos - lpos-1);
+ m_qmetatype_declared_typenames.insert(declared_typename);
+ }
+ }
+ if (TypeDatabase::instance()->isClassRejected(full_class_name)) {
+ reason = GenerationDisabled;
+ } else if (!type) {
+ TypeEntry *te = TypeDatabase::instance()->findType(full_class_name);
+ if (te && !te->isComplex())
+ reason = RedefinedToNotClass;
+ else
+ reason = NotInTypeSystem;
+ } else if (type->codeGeneration() == TypeEntry::GenerateNothing) {
+ reason = GenerationDisabled;
+ }
+ if (reason != NoReason) {
+ m_rejected_classes.insert(full_class_name, reason);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (type->isObject()) {
+ ((ObjectTypeEntry *)type)->setQObject(isQObject(full_class_name));
+ }
+ AbstractMetaClass *meta_class = createMetaClass();
+ meta_class->setTypeEntry(type);
+ meta_class->setBaseClassNames(class_item->baseClasses());
+ *meta_class += AbstractMetaAttributes::Public;
+ AbstractMetaClass *old_current_class = m_current_class;
+ m_current_class = meta_class;
+ if (type->isContainer()) {
+ ReportHandler::debugSparse(QString("container: '%1'").arg(full_class_name));
+ } else {
+ ReportHandler::debugSparse(QString("class: '%1'").arg(meta_class->fullName()));
+ }
+ TemplateParameterList template_parameters = class_item->templateParameters();
+ QList<TypeEntry *> template_args;
+ template_args.clear();
+ for (int i=0; i<template_parameters.size(); ++i) {
+ const TemplateParameterModelItem &param =;
+ TemplateArgumentEntry *param_type = new TemplateArgumentEntry(param->name());
+ param_type->setOrdinal(i);
+ template_args.append(param_type);
+ }
+ meta_class->setTemplateArguments(template_args);
+ parseQ_Property(meta_class, class_item->propertyDeclarations());
+ traverseFunctions(model_dynamic_cast<ScopeModelItem>(class_item), meta_class);
+ traverseEnums(model_dynamic_cast<ScopeModelItem>(class_item), meta_class, class_item->enumsDeclarations());
+ traverseFields(model_dynamic_cast<ScopeModelItem>(class_item), meta_class);
+ // Inner classes
+ {
+ QList<ClassModelItem> inner_classes = class_item->classMap().values();
+ foreach (const ClassModelItem &ci, inner_classes) {
+ AbstractMetaClass *cl = traverseClass(ci);
+ if (cl) {
+ cl->setEnclosingClass(meta_class);
+ m_meta_classes << cl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Go through all typedefs to see if we have defined any
+ // specific typedefs to be used as classes.
+ TypeAliasList typeAliases = class_item->typeAliases();
+ foreach (TypeAliasModelItem typeAlias, typeAliases) {
+ AbstractMetaClass *cls = traverseTypeAlias(typeAlias);
+ if (cls != 0) {
+ cls->setEnclosingClass(meta_class);
+ addAbstractMetaClass(cls);
+ }
+ }
+ m_current_class = old_current_class;
+ // Set the default include file name
+ if (!type->include().isValid()) {
+ QFileInfo info(class_item->fileName());
+ type->setInclude(Include(Include::IncludePath, info.fileName()));
+ }
+ return meta_class;
+AbstractMetaField *AbstractMetaBuilder::traverseField(VariableModelItem field, const AbstractMetaClass *cls)
+ QString field_name = field->name();
+ QString class_name = m_current_class->typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName();
+ // Ignore friend decl.
+ if (field->isFriend())
+ return 0;
+ if (field->accessPolicy() == CodeModel::Private)
+ return 0;
+ if (TypeDatabase::instance()->isFieldRejected(class_name, field_name)) {
+ m_rejected_fields.insert(class_name + "::" + field_name, GenerationDisabled);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ AbstractMetaField *meta_field = createMetaField();
+ meta_field->setName(field_name);
+ meta_field->setEnclosingClass(cls);
+ bool ok;
+ TypeInfo field_type = field->type();
+ AbstractMetaType *meta_type = translateType(field_type, &ok);
+ if (!meta_type || !ok) {
+ ReportHandler::warning(QString("skipping field '%1::%2' with unmatched type '%3'")
+ .arg(m_current_class->name())
+ .arg(field_name)
+ .arg(TypeInfo::resolveType(field_type, currentScope()->toItem()).qualifiedName().join("::")));
+ delete meta_field;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ meta_field->setType(meta_type);
+ uint attr = 0;
+ if (field->isStatic())
+ attr |= AbstractMetaAttributes::Static;
+ CodeModel::AccessPolicy policy = field->accessPolicy();
+ if (policy == CodeModel::Public)
+ attr |= AbstractMetaAttributes::Public;
+ else if (policy == CodeModel::Protected)
+ attr |= AbstractMetaAttributes::Protected;
+ else
+ attr |= AbstractMetaAttributes::Private;
+ meta_field->setAttributes(attr);
+ return meta_field;
+void AbstractMetaBuilder::traverseFields(ScopeModelItem scope_item, AbstractMetaClass *meta_class)
+ foreach (VariableModelItem field, scope_item->variables()) {
+ AbstractMetaField *meta_field = traverseField(field, meta_class);
+ if (meta_field) {
+ meta_field->setOriginalAttributes(meta_field->attributes());
+ meta_class->addField(meta_field);
+ }
+ }
+void AbstractMetaBuilder::setupFunctionDefaults(AbstractMetaFunction *meta_function, AbstractMetaClass *meta_class)
+ // Set the default value of the declaring class. This may be changed
+ // in fixFunctions later on
+ meta_function->setDeclaringClass(meta_class);
+ // Some of the queries below depend on the implementing class being set
+ // to function properly. Such as function modifications
+ meta_function->setImplementingClass(meta_class);
+ if (meta_function->name() == "operator_equal")
+ meta_class->setHasEqualsOperator(true);
+ if (!meta_function->isFinalInTargetLang()
+ && meta_function->isRemovedFrom(meta_class, TypeSystem::TargetLangCode)) {
+ *meta_function += AbstractMetaAttributes::FinalInCpp;
+ }
+void AbstractMetaBuilder::traverseFunctions(ScopeModelItem scope_item, AbstractMetaClass *meta_class)
+ foreach (FunctionModelItem function, scope_item->functions()) {
+ AbstractMetaFunction *meta_function = traverseFunction(function);
+ if (meta_function) {
+ meta_function->setOriginalAttributes(meta_function->attributes());
+ if (meta_class->isNamespace())
+ *meta_function += AbstractMetaAttributes::Static;
+ if (QPropertySpec *read = meta_class->propertySpecForRead(meta_function->name())) {
+ if (read->type() == meta_function->type()->typeEntry()) {
+ *meta_function += AbstractMetaAttributes::PropertyReader;
+ meta_function->setPropertySpec(read);
+// printf("%s is reader for %s\n",
+// qPrintable(meta_function->name()),
+// qPrintable(read->name()));
+ }
+ } else if (QPropertySpec *write =
+ meta_class->propertySpecForWrite(meta_function->name())) {
+ if (write->type() == meta_function->arguments().at(0)->type()->typeEntry()) {
+ *meta_function += AbstractMetaAttributes::PropertyWriter;
+ meta_function->setPropertySpec(write);
+// printf("%s is writer for %s\n",
+// qPrintable(meta_function->name()),
+// qPrintable(write->name()));
+ }
+ } else if (QPropertySpec *reset =
+ meta_class->propertySpecForReset(meta_function->name())) {
+ *meta_function += AbstractMetaAttributes::PropertyResetter;
+ meta_function->setPropertySpec(reset);
+// printf("%s is resetter for %s\n",
+// qPrintable(meta_function->name()),
+// qPrintable(reset->name()));
+ }
+ bool isInvalidDestructor = meta_function->isDestructor() && meta_function->isPrivate();
+ bool isInvalidConstructor = meta_function->isConstructor()
+ && (meta_function->isPrivate() || meta_function->isInvalid());
+ if ((isInvalidDestructor || isInvalidConstructor)
+ && !meta_class->hasNonPrivateConstructor()) {
+ *meta_class += AbstractMetaAttributes::Final;
+ } else if (meta_function->isConstructor() && !meta_function->isPrivate()) {
+ *meta_class -= AbstractMetaAttributes::Final;
+ meta_class->setHasNonPrivateConstructor(true);
+ }
+ // Classes with virtual destructors should always have a shell class
+ // (since we aren't registering the destructors, we need this extra check)
+ if (meta_function->isDestructor() && !meta_function->isFinal())
+ meta_class->setForceShellClass(true);
+ if (!meta_function->isDestructor()
+ && !meta_function->isInvalid()
+ && (!meta_function->isConstructor() || !meta_function->isPrivate())) {
+ if (meta_class->typeEntry()->designatedInterface() && !meta_function->isPublic()
+ && !meta_function->isPrivate()) {
+ QString warn = QString("non-public function '%1' in interface '%2'")
+ .arg(meta_function->name()).arg(meta_class->name());
+ ReportHandler::warning(warn);
+ meta_function->setVisibility(AbstractMetaClass::Public);
+ }
+ setupFunctionDefaults(meta_function, meta_class);
+ if (meta_function->isSignal() && meta_class->hasSignal(meta_function)) {
+ QString warn = QString("signal '%1' in class '%2' is overloaded.")
+ .arg(meta_function->name()).arg(meta_class->name());
+ ReportHandler::warning(warn);
+ }
+ if (meta_function->isSignal() && !meta_class->isQObject()) {
+ QString warn = QString("signal '%1' in non-QObject class '%2'")
+ .arg(meta_function->name()).arg(meta_class->name());
+ ReportHandler::warning(warn);
+ }
+ meta_class->addFunction(meta_function);
+ } else if (meta_function->isDestructor() && !meta_function->isPublic()) {
+ meta_class->setHasPublicDestructor(false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+bool AbstractMetaBuilder::setupInheritance(AbstractMetaClass *meta_class)
+ Q_ASSERT(!meta_class->isInterface());
+ if (m_setup_inheritance_done.contains(meta_class))
+ return true;
+ m_setup_inheritance_done.insert(meta_class);
+ QStringList base_classes = meta_class->baseClassNames();
+ TypeDatabase *types = TypeDatabase::instance();
+ // we only support our own containers and ONLY if there is only one baseclass
+ if (base_classes.size() == 1 && base_classes.first().count('<') == 1) {
+ QStringList scope = meta_class->typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName().split("::");
+ scope.removeLast();
+ for (int i=scope.size(); i>=0; --i) {
+ QString prefix = i > 0 ? QStringList(scope.mid(0, i)).join("::") + "::" : QString();
+ QString complete_name = prefix + base_classes.first();
+ TypeParser::Info info = TypeParser::parse(complete_name);
+ QString base_name = info.qualified_name.join("::");
+ AbstractMetaClass *templ = 0;
+ foreach (AbstractMetaClass *c, m_templates) {
+ if (c->typeEntry()->name() == base_name) {
+ templ = c;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (templ == 0)
+ templ = m_meta_classes.findClass(base_name);
+ if (templ) {
+ setupInheritance(templ);
+ inheritTemplate(meta_class, templ, info);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ ReportHandler::warning(QString("template baseclass '%1' of '%2' is not known")
+ .arg(base_classes.first())
+ .arg(meta_class->name()));
+ return false;
+ }
+ int primary = -1;
+ int primaries = 0;
+ for (int i=0; i<base_classes.size(); ++i) {
+ if (types->isClassRejected(
+ continue;
+ TypeEntry *base_class_entry = types->findType(;
+ if (!base_class_entry) {
+ ReportHandler::warning(QString("class '%1' inherits from unknown base class '%2'")
+ .arg(meta_class->name()).arg(;
+ }
+ // true for primary base class
+ else if (!base_class_entry->designatedInterface()) {
+ if (primaries > 0) {
+ ReportHandler::warning(QString("class '%1' has multiple primary base classes"
+ " '%2' and '%3'")
+ .arg(meta_class->name())
+ .arg(
+ .arg(base_class_entry->name()));
+ return false;
+ }
+ primaries++;
+ primary = i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (primary >= 0) {
+ AbstractMetaClass *base_class = m_meta_classes.findClass(;
+ if (!base_class) {
+ ReportHandler::warning(QString("unknown baseclass for '%1': '%2'")
+ .arg(meta_class->name())
+ .arg(;
+ return false;
+ }
+ meta_class->setBaseClass(base_class);
+ if (meta_class->typeEntry()->designatedInterface() != 0 && meta_class->isQObject()) {
+ ReportHandler::warning(QString("QObject extended by interface type '%1'. This is not supported and the generated Java code will not compile.")
+ .arg(meta_class->name()));
+ } else if (meta_class->typeEntry()->designatedInterface() != 0 && base_class != 0 && !base_class->isInterface()) {
+ ReportHandler::warning(QString("object type '%1' extended by interface type '%2'. The resulting API will be less expressive than the original.")
+ .arg(base_class->name())
+ .arg(meta_class->name()));
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i=0; i<base_classes.size(); ++i) {
+ if (types->isClassRejected(
+ continue;
+ if (i != primary) {
+ AbstractMetaClass *base_class = m_meta_classes.findClass(;
+ if (base_class == 0) {
+ ReportHandler::warning(QString("class not found for setup inheritance '%1'").arg(;
+ return false;
+ }
+ setupInheritance(base_class);
+ QString interface_name = InterfaceTypeEntry::interfaceName(base_class->name());
+ AbstractMetaClass *iface = m_meta_classes.findClass(interface_name);
+ if (!iface) {
+ ReportHandler::warning(QString("unknown interface for '%1': '%2'")
+ .arg(meta_class->name())
+ .arg(interface_name));
+ return false;
+ }
+ meta_class->addInterface(iface);
+ AbstractMetaClassList interfaces = iface->interfaces();
+ foreach (AbstractMetaClass *iface, interfaces)
+ meta_class->addInterface(iface);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+void AbstractMetaBuilder::traverseEnums(ScopeModelItem scope_item, AbstractMetaClass *meta_class, const QStringList &enumsDeclarations)
+ EnumList enums = scope_item->enums();
+ foreach (EnumModelItem enum_item, enums) {
+ AbstractMetaEnum *meta_enum = traverseEnum(enum_item, meta_class, QSet<QString>::fromList(enumsDeclarations));
+ if (meta_enum) {
+ meta_enum->setOriginalAttributes(meta_enum->attributes());
+ meta_class->addEnum(meta_enum);
+ meta_enum->setEnclosingClass(meta_class);
+ }
+ }
+AbstractMetaFunction *AbstractMetaBuilder::traverseFunction(FunctionModelItem function_item)
+ QString function_name = function_item->name();
+ QString class_name = m_current_class->typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName();
+ if (TypeDatabase::instance()->isFunctionRejected(class_name, function_name)) {
+ m_rejected_functions.insert(class_name + "::" + function_name, GenerationDisabled);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ Q_ASSERT(function_item->functionType() == CodeModel::Normal
+ || function_item->functionType() == CodeModel::Signal
+ || function_item->functionType() == CodeModel::Slot);
+ if (function_item->isFriend())
+ return 0;
+ QString cast_type;
+ if (function_name.startsWith("operator")) {
+ function_name = rename_operator(function_name.mid(8));
+ if (function_name.isEmpty()) {
+ m_rejected_functions.insert(class_name + "::" + function_name,
+ GenerationDisabled);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (function_name.contains("_cast_"))
+ cast_type = function_name.mid(14).trimmed();
+ }
+ AbstractMetaFunction *meta_function = createMetaFunction();
+ meta_function->setConstant(function_item->isConstant());
+ ReportHandler::debugMedium(QString(" - %2()").arg(function_name));
+ meta_function->setName(function_name);
+ meta_function->setOriginalName(function_item->name());
+ if (function_item->isAbstract())
+ *meta_function += AbstractMetaAttributes::Abstract;
+ if (!meta_function->isAbstract())
+ *meta_function += AbstractMetaAttributes::Native;
+ if (!function_item->isVirtual())
+ *meta_function += AbstractMetaAttributes::Final;
+ if (function_item->isInvokable())
+ *meta_function += AbstractMetaAttributes::Invokable;
+ if (function_item->isStatic()) {
+ *meta_function += AbstractMetaAttributes::Static;
+ *meta_function += AbstractMetaAttributes::Final;
+ }
+ // Access rights
+ if (function_item->accessPolicy() == CodeModel::Public)
+ *meta_function += AbstractMetaAttributes::Public;
+ else if (function_item->accessPolicy() == CodeModel::Private)
+ *meta_function += AbstractMetaAttributes::Private;
+ else
+ *meta_function += AbstractMetaAttributes::Protected;
+ QString stripped_class_name = class_name;
+ int cc_pos = stripped_class_name.lastIndexOf("::");
+ if (cc_pos > 0)
+ stripped_class_name = stripped_class_name.mid(cc_pos + 2);
+ TypeInfo function_type = function_item->type();
+ if (function_name.startsWith('~')) {
+ meta_function->setFunctionType(AbstractMetaFunction::DestructorFunction);
+ meta_function->setInvalid(true);
+ } else if (strip_template_args(function_name) == stripped_class_name) {
+ meta_function->setFunctionType(AbstractMetaFunction::ConstructorFunction);
+ meta_function->setName(m_current_class->name());
+ } else {
+ bool ok;
+ AbstractMetaType *type = 0;
+ if (!cast_type.isEmpty()) {
+ TypeInfo info;
+ info.setQualifiedName(QStringList(cast_type));
+ type = translateType(info, &ok);
+ } else {
+ type = translateType(function_type, &ok);
+ }
+ if (!ok) {
+ ReportHandler::warning(QString("skipping function '%1::%2', unmatched return type '%3'")
+ .arg(class_name)
+ .arg(function_item->name())
+ .arg(function_item->type().toString()));
+ m_rejected_functions[class_name + "::" + function_name] =
+ UnmatchedReturnType;
+ meta_function->setInvalid(true);
+ return meta_function;
+ }
+ meta_function->setType(type);
+ if (function_item->functionType() == CodeModel::Signal)
+ meta_function->setFunctionType(AbstractMetaFunction::SignalFunction);
+ else if (function_item->functionType() == CodeModel::Slot)
+ meta_function->setFunctionType(AbstractMetaFunction::SlotFunction);
+ }
+ ArgumentList arguments = function_item->arguments();
+ AbstractMetaArgumentList meta_arguments;
+ int first_default_argument = 0;
+ for (int i=0; i<arguments.size(); ++i) {
+ ArgumentModelItem arg =;
+ bool ok;
+ AbstractMetaType *meta_type = translateType(arg->type(), &ok);
+ if (!meta_type || !ok) {
+ ReportHandler::warning(QString("skipping function '%1::%2', "
+ "unmatched parameter type '%3'")
+ .arg(class_name)
+ .arg(function_item->name())
+ .arg(arg->type().toString()));
+ m_rejected_functions[class_name + "::" + function_name] =
+ UnmatchedArgumentType;
+ meta_function->setInvalid(true);
+ return meta_function;
+ }
+ AbstractMetaArgument *meta_argument = createMetaArgument();
+ meta_argument->setType(meta_type);
+ meta_argument->setName(arg->name());
+ meta_argument->setArgumentIndex(i);
+ meta_arguments << meta_argument;
+ }
+ meta_function->setArguments(meta_arguments);
+ // Find the correct default values
+ for (int i=0; i<arguments.size(); ++i) {
+ ArgumentModelItem arg =;
+ AbstractMetaArgument *meta_arg =;
+ if (arg->defaultValue()) {
+ QString expr = arg->defaultValueExpression();
+ if (!expr.isEmpty())
+ meta_arg->setOriginalDefaultValueExpression(expr);
+ expr = translateDefaultValue(arg, meta_arg->type(), meta_function, m_current_class, i);
+ if (expr.isEmpty()) {
+ first_default_argument = i;
+ } else {
+ meta_arg->setDefaultValueExpression(expr);
+ }
+ if (meta_arg->type()->isEnum() || meta_arg->type()->isFlags()) {
+ m_enum_default_arguments
+ << QPair<AbstractMetaArgument *, AbstractMetaFunction *>(meta_arg, meta_function);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If we where not able to translate the default argument make it
+ // reset all default arguments before this one too.
+ for (int i=0; i<first_default_argument; ++i)
+ meta_arguments[i]->setDefaultValueExpression(QString());
+ if (ReportHandler::debugLevel() == ReportHandler::FullDebug)
+ foreach(AbstractMetaArgument *arg, meta_arguments)
+ ReportHandler::debugFull(" - " + arg->toString());
+ return meta_function;
+AbstractMetaType *AbstractMetaBuilder::translateType(const TypeInfo &_typei, bool *ok, bool resolveType, bool resolveScope)
+ Q_ASSERT(ok);
+ *ok = true;
+ // 1. Test the type info without resolving typedefs in case this is present in the
+ // type system
+ TypeInfo typei;
+ if (resolveType) {
+ bool ok;
+ AbstractMetaType *t = translateType(_typei, &ok, false, resolveScope);
+ if (t != 0 && ok)
+ return t;
+ }
+ if (!resolveType)
+ typei = _typei;
+ else {
+ // Go through all parts of the current scope (including global namespace)
+ // to resolve typedefs. The parser does not properly resolve typedefs in
+ // the global scope when they are referenced from inside a namespace.
+ // This is a work around to fix this bug since fixing it in resolveType
+ // seemed non-trivial
+ int i = m_scopes.size() - 1;
+ while (i >= 0) {
+ typei = TypeInfo::resolveType(_typei,>toItem());
+ if (typei.qualifiedName().join("::") != _typei.qualifiedName().join("::"))
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (typei.isFunctionPointer()) {
+ *ok = false;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ TypeParser::Info typeInfo = TypeParser::parse(typei.toString());
+ if (typeInfo.is_busted) {
+ *ok = false;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // 2. Handle pointers specified as arrays with unspecified size
+ bool array_of_unspecified_size = false;
+ if (typeInfo.arrays.size() > 0) {
+ array_of_unspecified_size = true;
+ for (int i=0; i<typeInfo.arrays.size(); ++i)
+ array_of_unspecified_size = array_of_unspecified_size &&;
+ if (!array_of_unspecified_size) {
+ TypeInfo newInfo;
+ //newInfo.setArguments(typei.arguments());
+ newInfo.setIndirections(typei.indirections());
+ newInfo.setConstant(typei.isConstant());
+ newInfo.setFunctionPointer(typei.isFunctionPointer());
+ newInfo.setQualifiedName(typei.qualifiedName());
+ newInfo.setReference(typei.isReference());
+ newInfo.setVolatile(typei.isVolatile());
+ AbstractMetaType *elementType = translateType(newInfo, ok);
+ if (!ok)
+ return 0;
+ for (int i=typeInfo.arrays.size()-1; i>=0; --i) {
+ QString s =;
+ bool ok;
+ int elems = s.toInt(&ok);
+ if (!ok)
+ return 0;
+ AbstractMetaType *arrayType = createMetaType();
+ arrayType->setArrayElementCount(elems);
+ arrayType->setArrayElementType(elementType);
+ arrayType->setTypeEntry(new ArrayTypeEntry(elementType->typeEntry()));
+ decideUsagePattern(arrayType);
+ elementType = arrayType;
+ }
+ return elementType;
+ } else {
+ typeInfo.indirections += typeInfo.arrays.size();
+ }
+ }
+ QStringList qualifier_list = typeInfo.qualified_name;
+ if (qualifier_list.isEmpty()) {
+ ReportHandler::warning(QString("horribly broken type '%1'").arg(_typei.toString()));
+ *ok = false;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ QString qualified_name = qualifier_list.join("::");
+ QString name = qualifier_list.takeLast();
+ // 3. Special case 'void' type
+ if (name == "void" && typeInfo.indirections == 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // 4. Special case QFlags (include instantiation in name)
+ if (qualified_name == "QFlags")
+ qualified_name = typeInfo.toString();
+ // 5. Try to find the type
+ const TypeEntry *type = TypeDatabase::instance()->findType(qualified_name);
+ // 6. No? Try looking it up as a flags type
+ if (!type)
+ type = TypeDatabase::instance()->findFlagsType(qualified_name);
+ // 7. No? Try looking it up as a container type
+ if (!type)
+ type = TypeDatabase::instance()->findContainerType(name);
+ // 8. No? Check if the current class is a template and this type is one
+ // of the parameters.
+ if (type == 0 && m_current_class != 0) {
+ QList<TypeEntry *> template_args = m_current_class->templateArguments();
+ foreach (TypeEntry *te, template_args) {
+ if (te->name() == qualified_name)
+ type = te;
+ }
+ }
+ // 9. Try finding the type by prefixing it with the current
+ // context and all baseclasses of the current context
+ if (!type && !TypeDatabase::instance()->isClassRejected(qualified_name) && m_current_class != 0 && resolveScope) {
+ QStringList contexts;
+ contexts.append(m_current_class->qualifiedCppName());
+ contexts.append(currentScope()->qualifiedName().join("::"));
+ TypeInfo info = typei;
+ bool subclasses_done = false;
+ while (!contexts.isEmpty() && type == 0) {
+ //type = TypeDatabase::instance()->findType( + "::" + qualified_name);
+ bool ok;
+ info.setQualifiedName(QStringList() << << qualified_name);
+ AbstractMetaType *t = translateType(info, &ok, true, false);
+ if (t != 0 && ok)
+ return t;
+ ClassModelItem item = m_dom->findClass(;
+ if (item != 0)
+ contexts += item->baseClasses();
+ contexts.pop_front();
+ // 10. Last resort: Special cased prefix of Qt namespace since the meta object implicitly inherits this, so
+ // enum types from there may be addressed without any scope resolution in properties.
+ if (contexts.size() == 0 && !subclasses_done) {
+ contexts << "Qt";
+ subclasses_done = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!type) {
+ *ok = false;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Used to for diagnostics later...
+ m_used_types << type;
+ // These are only implicit and should not appear in code...
+ Q_ASSERT(!type->isInterface());
+ AbstractMetaType *meta_type = createMetaType();
+ meta_type->setTypeEntry(type);
+ meta_type->setIndirections(typeInfo.indirections);
+ meta_type->setReference(typeInfo.is_reference);
+ meta_type->setConstant(typeInfo.is_constant);
+ meta_type->setOriginalTypeDescription(_typei.toString());
+ decideUsagePattern(meta_type);
+ if (meta_type->typeEntry()->isContainer()) {
+ ContainerTypeEntry::Type container_type = static_cast<const ContainerTypeEntry *>(type)->type();
+ if (container_type == ContainerTypeEntry::StringListContainer) {
+ TypeInfo info;
+ info.setQualifiedName(QStringList() << "QString");
+ AbstractMetaType *targ_type = translateType(info, ok);
+ Q_ASSERT(*ok);
+ Q_ASSERT(targ_type);
+ meta_type->addInstantiation(targ_type);
+ meta_type->setInstantiationInCpp(false);
+ } else {
+ foreach (const TypeParser::Info &ta, typeInfo.template_instantiations) {
+ TypeInfo info;
+ info.setConstant(ta.is_constant);
+ info.setReference(ta.is_reference);
+ info.setIndirections(ta.indirections);
+ info.setFunctionPointer(false);
+ info.setQualifiedName(ta.instantiationName().split("::"));
+ AbstractMetaType *targ_type = translateType(info, ok);
+ if (!(*ok)) {
+ delete meta_type;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ meta_type->addInstantiation(targ_type);
+ }
+ }
+ if (container_type == ContainerTypeEntry::ListContainer
+ || container_type == ContainerTypeEntry::VectorContainer
+ || container_type == ContainerTypeEntry::StringListContainer) {
+ Q_ASSERT(meta_type->instantiations().size() == 1);
+ }
+ }
+ return meta_type;
+void AbstractMetaBuilder::decideUsagePattern(AbstractMetaType *meta_type)
+ const TypeEntry *type = meta_type->typeEntry();
+ if (type->isPrimitive() && (meta_type->actualIndirections() == 0
+ || (meta_type->isConstant() && meta_type->isReference() && meta_type->indirections() == 0))) {
+ meta_type->setTypeUsagePattern(AbstractMetaType::PrimitivePattern);
+ } else if (type->isVoid()) {
+ meta_type->setTypeUsagePattern(AbstractMetaType::NativePointerPattern);
+ } else if (type->isString()
+ && meta_type->indirections() == 0
+ && (meta_type->isConstant() == meta_type->isReference()
+ || meta_type->isConstant())) {
+ meta_type->setTypeUsagePattern(AbstractMetaType::StringPattern);
+ } else if (type->isChar()
+ && meta_type->indirections() == 0
+ && meta_type->isConstant() == meta_type->isReference()) {
+ meta_type->setTypeUsagePattern(AbstractMetaType::CharPattern);
+ } else if (type->isJObjectWrapper()
+ && meta_type->indirections() == 0
+ && meta_type->isConstant() == meta_type->isReference()) {
+ meta_type->setTypeUsagePattern(AbstractMetaType::JObjectWrapperPattern);
+ } else if (type->isVariant()
+ && meta_type->indirections() == 0
+ && meta_type->isConstant() == meta_type->isReference()) {
+ meta_type->setTypeUsagePattern(AbstractMetaType::VariantPattern);
+ } else if (type->isEnum() && meta_type->actualIndirections() == 0) {
+ meta_type->setTypeUsagePattern(AbstractMetaType::EnumPattern);
+ } else if (type->isObject()
+ && meta_type->indirections() == 0
+ && meta_type->isReference()) {
+ if (((ComplexTypeEntry *) type)->isQObject())
+ meta_type->setTypeUsagePattern(AbstractMetaType::QObjectPattern);
+ else
+ meta_type->setTypeUsagePattern(AbstractMetaType::ObjectPattern);
+ } else if (type->isObject()
+ && meta_type->indirections() == 1) {
+ if (((ComplexTypeEntry *) type)->isQObject())
+ meta_type->setTypeUsagePattern(AbstractMetaType::QObjectPattern);
+ else
+ meta_type->setTypeUsagePattern(AbstractMetaType::ObjectPattern);
+ // const-references to pointers can be passed as pointers
+ if (meta_type->isReference() && meta_type->isConstant()) {
+ meta_type->setReference(false);
+ meta_type->setConstant(false);
+ }
+ } else if (type->isContainer() && meta_type->indirections() == 0) {
+ meta_type->setTypeUsagePattern(AbstractMetaType::ContainerPattern);
+ } else if (type->isTemplateArgument()) {
+ } else if (type->isFlags()
+ && meta_type->indirections() == 0
+ && (meta_type->isConstant() == meta_type->isReference())) {
+ meta_type->setTypeUsagePattern(AbstractMetaType::FlagsPattern);
+ } else if (type->isArray()) {
+ meta_type->setTypeUsagePattern(AbstractMetaType::ArrayPattern);
+ } else if (type->isThread()) {
+ Q_ASSERT(meta_type->indirections() == 1);
+ meta_type->setTypeUsagePattern(AbstractMetaType::ThreadPattern);
+ } else if (type->isValue()
+ && meta_type->indirections() == 0
+ && (meta_type->isConstant() == meta_type->isReference()
+ || !meta_type->isReference())) {
+ meta_type->setTypeUsagePattern(AbstractMetaType::ValuePattern);
+ } else {
+ meta_type->setTypeUsagePattern(AbstractMetaType::NativePointerPattern);
+ ReportHandler::debugFull(QString("native pointer pattern for '%1'")
+ .arg(meta_type->cppSignature()));
+ }
+QString AbstractMetaBuilder::translateDefaultValue(ArgumentModelItem item, AbstractMetaType *type,
+ AbstractMetaFunction *fnc, AbstractMetaClass *implementing_class,
+ int argument_index)
+ QString function_name = fnc->name();
+ QString class_name = implementing_class->name();
+ QString replaced_expression = fnc->replacedDefaultExpression(implementing_class, argument_index + 1);
+ if (fnc->removedDefaultExpression(implementing_class, argument_index +1))
+ return "";
+ if (!replaced_expression.isEmpty())
+ return replaced_expression;
+ QString expr = item->defaultValueExpression();
+ if (type->isPrimitive()) {
+ if (type->name() == "boolean") {
+ if (expr == "false" || expr=="true") {
+ return expr;
+ } else {
+ bool ok = false;
+ int number = expr.toInt(&ok);
+ if (ok && number)
+ return "true";
+ else
+ return "false";
+ }
+ } else if (expr == "ULONG_MAX") {
+ return "Long.MAX_VALUE";
+ } else if (expr == "QVariant::Invalid") {
+ return QString::number(QVariant::Invalid);
+ } else {
+ // This can be an enum or flag so I need to delay the
+ // translation untill all namespaces are completly
+ // processed. This is done in figureOutEnumValues()
+ return expr;
+ }
+ } else if (type != 0 && (type->isFlags() || type->isEnum())) {
+ // Same as with enum explanation above...
+ return expr;
+ } else {
+ // constructor or functioncall can be a bit tricky...
+ if (expr == "QVariant()" || expr == "QModelIndex()") {
+ return "null";
+ } else if (expr == "QString()") {
+ return "null";
+ } else if (expr.endsWith(")") && expr.contains("::")) {
+ TypeEntry *typeEntry = TypeDatabase::instance()->findType(expr.left(expr.indexOf("::")));
+ if (typeEntry)
+ return typeEntry->qualifiedTargetLangName() + "." + expr.right(expr.length() - expr.indexOf("::") - 2);
+ } else if (expr.endsWith(")") && type->isValue()) {
+ int pos = expr.indexOf("(");
+ TypeEntry *typeEntry = TypeDatabase::instance()->findType(expr.left(pos));
+ if (typeEntry)
+ return "new " + typeEntry->qualifiedTargetLangName() + expr.right(expr.length() - pos);
+ else
+ return expr;
+ } else if (expr == "0") {
+ return "null";
+ } else if (type->isObject() || type->isValue() || expr.contains("::")) { // like Qt::black passed to a QColor
+ TypeEntry *typeEntry = TypeDatabase::instance()->findType(expr.left(expr.indexOf("::")));
+ expr = expr.right(expr.length() - expr.indexOf("::") - 2);
+ if (typeEntry) {
+ return "new " + type->typeEntry()->qualifiedTargetLangName() +
+ "(" + typeEntry->qualifiedTargetLangName() + "." + expr + ")";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ QString warn = QString("unsupported default value '%3' of argument in function '%1', class '%2'")
+ .arg(function_name).arg(class_name).arg(item->defaultValueExpression());
+ ReportHandler::warning(warn);
+ return QString();
+bool AbstractMetaBuilder::isQObject(const QString &qualified_name)
+ if (qualified_name == "QObject")
+ return true;
+ ClassModelItem class_item = m_dom->findClass(qualified_name);
+ if (!class_item) {
+ QStringList names = qualified_name.split(QLatin1String("::"));
+ NamespaceModelItem ns = model_dynamic_cast<NamespaceModelItem>(m_dom);
+ for (int i=0; i<names.size() - 1 && ns; ++i)
+ ns = ns->namespaceMap().value(;
+ if (ns && names.size() >= 2)
+ class_item = ns->findClass( - 1));
+ }
+ bool isqobject = class_item && class_item->extendsClass("QObject");
+ if (class_item && !isqobject) {
+ QStringList baseClasses = class_item->baseClasses();
+ for (int i=0; i<baseClasses.count(); ++i) {
+ isqobject = isQObject(;
+ if (isqobject)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return isqobject;
+bool AbstractMetaBuilder::isEnum(const QStringList &qualified_name)
+ CodeModelItem item = m_dom->model()->findItem(qualified_name, m_dom->toItem());
+ return item && item->kind() == _EnumModelItem::__node_kind;
+AbstractMetaType *AbstractMetaBuilder::inheritTemplateType(const QList<AbstractMetaType *> &template_types,
+ AbstractMetaType *meta_type, bool *ok)
+ if (ok != 0)
+ *ok = true;
+ if (!meta_type || (!meta_type->typeEntry()->isTemplateArgument() && !meta_type->hasInstantiations()))
+ return meta_type ? meta_type->copy() : 0;
+ AbstractMetaType *returned = meta_type->copy();
+ returned->setOriginalTemplateType(meta_type->copy());
+ if (returned->typeEntry()->isTemplateArgument()) {
+ const TemplateArgumentEntry *tae = static_cast<const TemplateArgumentEntry *>(returned->typeEntry());
+ // If the template is intantiated with void we special case this as rejecting the functions that use this
+ // parameter from the instantiation.
+ if (template_types.size() <= tae->ordinal() ||>ordinal())->typeEntry()->name() == "void") {
+ if (ok != 0)
+ *ok = false;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ AbstractMetaType *t = returned->copy();
+ t->setTypeEntry(>ordinal())->typeEntry());
+ t->setIndirections(>ordinal())->indirections() + t->indirections()
+ ? 1
+ : 0);
+ decideUsagePattern(t);
+ delete returned;
+ returned = inheritTemplateType(template_types, t, ok);
+ if (ok != 0 && !(*ok))
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (returned->hasInstantiations()) {
+ QList<AbstractMetaType *> instantiations = returned->instantiations();
+ for (int i=0; i<instantiations.count(); ++i) {
+ instantiations[i] = inheritTemplateType(template_types,, ok);
+ if (ok != 0 && !(*ok))
+ return 0;
+ }
+ returned->setInstantiations(instantiations);
+ }
+ return returned;
+bool AbstractMetaBuilder::inheritTemplate(AbstractMetaClass *subclass,
+ const AbstractMetaClass *template_class,
+ const TypeParser::Info &info)
+ QList<TypeParser::Info> targs = info.template_instantiations;
+ QList<AbstractMetaType *> template_types;
+ foreach (const TypeParser::Info &i, targs) {
+ TypeEntry *t = TypeDatabase::instance()->findType(i.qualified_name.join("::"));
+ if (t != 0) {
+ AbstractMetaType *temporary_type = createMetaType();
+ temporary_type->setTypeEntry(t);
+ temporary_type->setConstant(i.is_constant);
+ temporary_type->setReference(i.is_reference);
+ temporary_type->setIndirections(i.indirections);
+ template_types << temporary_type;
+ }
+ }
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList funcs = subclass->functions();
+ foreach (const AbstractMetaFunction *function, template_class->functions()) {
+ if (function->isModifiedRemoved(TypeSystem::All))
+ continue;
+ AbstractMetaFunction *f = function->copy();
+ f->setArguments(AbstractMetaArgumentList());
+ bool ok = true;
+ AbstractMetaType *ftype = function->type();
+ f->setType(inheritTemplateType(template_types, ftype, &ok));
+ if (!ok) {
+ delete f;
+ continue;
+ }
+ foreach (AbstractMetaArgument *argument, function->arguments()) {
+ AbstractMetaType *atype = argument->type();
+ AbstractMetaArgument *arg = argument->copy();
+ arg->setType(inheritTemplateType(template_types, atype, &ok));
+ if (!ok)
+ break;
+ f->addArgument(arg);
+ }
+ if (!ok) {
+ delete f;
+ continue ;
+ }
+ // There is no base class in java to inherit from here, so the
+ // template instantiation is the class that implements the function..
+ f->setImplementingClass(subclass);
+ // We also set it as the declaring class, since the superclass is
+ // supposed to disappear. This allows us to make certain function modifications
+ // on the inherited functions.
+ f->setDeclaringClass(subclass);
+ if (f->isConstructor() && subclass->isTypeAlias()) {
+ f->setName(subclass->name());
+ } else if (f->isConstructor()) {
+ delete f;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // if the instantiation has a function named the same as an existing
+ // function we have shadowing so we need to skip it.
+ bool found = false;
+ for (int i=0; i<funcs.size(); ++i) {
+ if (>name() == f->name()) {
+ found = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (found) {
+ delete f;
+ continue;
+ }
+ ComplexTypeEntry *te = subclass->typeEntry();
+ FunctionModificationList mods = function->modifications(template_class);
+ for (int i=0; i<mods.size(); ++i) {
+ FunctionModification mod =;
+ mod.signature = f->minimalSignature();
+ // If we ever need it... Below is the code to do
+ // substitution of the template instantation type inside
+ // injected code..
+#if 0
+ if (mod.modifiers & Modification::CodeInjection) {
+ for (int j=0; j<template_types.size(); ++j) {
+ CodeSnip &snip = mod.snips.last();
+ QString code = snip.code();
+ code.replace(QString::fromLatin1("$$QT_TEMPLATE_%1$$").arg(j),
+ snip.codeList.clear();
+ snip.addCode(code);
+ }
+ }
+ te->addFunctionModification(mod);
+ }
+ subclass->addFunction(f);
+ }
+ // Clean up
+ foreach (AbstractMetaType *type, template_types) {
+ delete type;
+ }
+ {
+ subclass->setTemplateBaseClass(template_class);
+ subclass->setInterfaces(template_class->interfaces());
+ subclass->setBaseClass(template_class->baseClass());
+ }
+ return true;
+void AbstractMetaBuilder::parseQ_Property(AbstractMetaClass *meta_class, const QStringList &declarations)
+ for (int i=0; i<declarations.size(); ++i) {
+ QString p =;
+ QStringList l = p.split(QLatin1String(" "));
+ QStringList qualifiedScopeName = currentScope()->qualifiedName();
+ bool ok = false;
+ AbstractMetaType *type = 0;
+ QString scope;
+ for (int j=qualifiedScopeName.size(); j>=0; --j) {
+ scope = j > 0 ? QStringList(qualifiedScopeName.mid(0, j)).join("::") + "::" : QString();
+ TypeInfo info;
+ info.setQualifiedName((scope +"::"));
+ type = translateType(info, &ok);
+ if (type != 0 && ok) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (type == 0 || !ok) {
+ ReportHandler::warning(QString("Unable to decide type of property: '%1' in class '%2'")
+ .arg(>name()));
+ continue;
+ }
+ QString typeName = scope +;
+ QPropertySpec *spec = new QPropertySpec(type->typeEntry());
+ spec->setName(;
+ spec->setIndex(i);
+ for (int pos=2; pos+1<l.size(); pos+=2) {
+ if ( == QLatin1String("READ"))
+ spec->setRead(;
+ else if ( == QLatin1String("WRITE"))
+ spec->setWrite(;
+ else if ( == QLatin1String("DESIGNABLE"))
+ spec->setDesignable(;
+ else if ( == QLatin1String("RESET"))
+ spec->setReset(;
+ }
+ meta_class->addPropertySpec(spec);
+ delete type;
+ }
+static void hide_functions(const AbstractMetaFunctionList &l) {
+ foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *f, l) {
+ FunctionModification mod;
+ mod.signature = f->minimalSignature();
+ mod.modifiers = FunctionModification::Private;
+ ((ComplexTypeEntry *) f->implementingClass()->typeEntry())->addFunctionModification(mod);
+ }
+static void remove_function(AbstractMetaFunction *f) {
+ FunctionModification mod;
+ mod.removal = TypeSystem::All;
+ mod.signature = f->minimalSignature();
+ ((ComplexTypeEntry *) f->implementingClass()->typeEntry())->addFunctionModification(mod);
+static AbstractMetaFunctionList filter_functions(const AbstractMetaFunctionList &lst, QSet<QString> *signatures)
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList functions;
+ foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *f, lst) {
+ QString signature = f->minimalSignature();
+ int start = signature.indexOf(QLatin1Char('(')) + 1;
+ int end = signature.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char(')'));
+ signature = signature.mid(start, end - start);
+ if (signatures->contains(signature)) {
+ remove_function(f);
+ continue;
+ }
+ (*signatures) << signature;
+ functions << f;
+ }
+ return functions;
+void AbstractMetaBuilder::setupEquals(AbstractMetaClass *cls)
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList equals;
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList nequals;
+ QString op_equals = QLatin1String("operator_equal");
+ QString op_nequals = QLatin1String("operator_not_equal");
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList functions = cls->queryFunctions(AbstractMetaClass::ClassImplements
+ | AbstractMetaClass::NotRemovedFromTargetLang);
+ foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *f, functions) {
+ if (f->name() == op_equals)
+ equals << f;
+ else if (f->name() == op_nequals)
+ nequals << f;
+ }
+ if (equals.size() || nequals.size()) {
+ if (!cls->hasHashFunction()) {
+ ReportHandler::warning(QString::fromLatin1("Class '%1' has equals operators but no qHash() function")
+ .arg(cls->name()));
+ }
+ hide_functions(equals);
+ hide_functions(nequals);
+ // We only need == if we have both == and !=, and one == for
+ // each signature type, like QDateTime::==(QDate) and (QTime)
+ // if such a thing exists...
+ QSet<QString> func_signatures;
+ cls->setEqualsFunctions(filter_functions(equals, &func_signatures));
+ cls->setNotEqualsFunctions(filter_functions(nequals, &func_signatures));
+ }
+void AbstractMetaBuilder::setupComparable(AbstractMetaClass *cls)
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList greater;
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList greaterEquals;
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList less;
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList lessEquals;
+ QString op_greater = QLatin1String("operator_greater");
+ QString op_greater_eq = QLatin1String("operator_greater_or_equal");
+ QString op_less = QLatin1String("operator_less");
+ QString op_less_eq = QLatin1String("operator_less_or_equal");
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList functions = cls->queryFunctions(AbstractMetaClass::ClassImplements
+ | AbstractMetaClass::NotRemovedFromTargetLang);
+ foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *f, functions) {
+ if (f->name() == op_greater)
+ greater << f;
+ else if (f->name() == op_greater_eq)
+ greaterEquals << f;
+ else if (f->name() == op_less)
+ less << f;
+ else if (f->name() == op_less_eq)
+ lessEquals << f;
+ }
+ bool hasEquals = cls->equalsFunctions().size() || cls->notEqualsFunctions().size();
+ // Conditions for comparable is:
+ // >, ==, < - The basic case
+ // >, == - Less than becomes else case
+ // <, == - Greater than becomes else case
+ // >=, <= - if (<= && >=) -> equal
+ bool mightBeComparable = greater.size() || greaterEquals.size() || less.size() || lessEquals.size()
+ || greaterEquals.size() == 1 || lessEquals.size() == 1;
+ if (mightBeComparable) {
+ QSet<QString> signatures;
+ // We only hide the original functions if we are able to make a compareTo() method
+ bool wasComparable = false;
+ // The three upper cases, prefer the <, == approach
+ if (hasEquals && (greater.size() || less.size())) {
+ cls->setLessThanFunctions(filter_functions(less, &signatures));
+ cls->setGreaterThanFunctions(filter_functions(greater, &signatures));
+ filter_functions(greaterEquals, &signatures);
+ filter_functions(lessEquals, &signatures);
+ wasComparable = true;
+ } else if (hasEquals && (greaterEquals.size() || lessEquals.size())) {
+ cls->setLessThanEqFunctions(filter_functions(lessEquals, &signatures));
+ cls->setGreaterThanEqFunctions(filter_functions(greaterEquals, &signatures));
+ wasComparable = true;
+ } else if (greaterEquals.size() == 1 || lessEquals.size() == 1) {
+ cls->setGreaterThanEqFunctions(greaterEquals);
+ cls->setLessThanEqFunctions(lessEquals);
+ filter_functions(less, &signatures);
+ filter_functions(greater, &signatures);
+ wasComparable = true;
+ }
+ if (wasComparable) {
+ hide_functions(greater);
+ hide_functions(greaterEquals);
+ hide_functions(less);
+ hide_functions(lessEquals);
+ }
+ }
+void AbstractMetaBuilder::setupClonable(AbstractMetaClass *cls)
+ QString op_assign = QLatin1String("operator_assign");
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList functions = cls->queryFunctions(AbstractMetaClass::ClassImplements);
+ foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *f, functions) {
+ if ((f->name() == op_assign || f->isConstructor()) && f->isPublic()) {
+ AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = f->arguments();
+ if (arguments.size() == 1) {
+ if (cls->typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName() ==>type()->typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName()) {
+ if (cls->typeEntry()->isValue()) {
+ cls->setHasCloneOperator(true);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void write_reject_log_file(const QString &name,
+ const QMap<QString, AbstractMetaBuilder::RejectReason> &rejects)
+ QFile f(name);
+ if (! | QIODevice::Text)) {
+ ReportHandler::warning(QString("failed to write log file: '%1'")
+ .arg(f.fileName()));
+ return;
+ }
+ QTextStream s(&f);
+ for (int reason=0; reason<AbstractMetaBuilder::NoReason; ++reason) {
+ s << QString(72, '*') << endl;
+ switch (reason) {
+ case AbstractMetaBuilder::NotInTypeSystem:
+ s << "Not in type system";
+ break;
+ case AbstractMetaBuilder::GenerationDisabled:
+ s << "Generation disabled by type system";
+ break;
+ case AbstractMetaBuilder::RedefinedToNotClass:
+ s << "Type redefined to not be a class";
+ break;
+ case AbstractMetaBuilder::UnmatchedReturnType:
+ s << "Unmatched return type";
+ break;
+ case AbstractMetaBuilder::UnmatchedArgumentType:
+ s << "Unmatched argument type";
+ break;
+ default:
+ s << "unknown reason";
+ break;
+ }
+ s << endl;
+ for (QMap<QString, AbstractMetaBuilder::RejectReason>::const_iterator it = rejects.constBegin();
+ it != rejects.constEnd(); ++it) {
+ if (it.value() != reason)
+ continue;
+ s << " - " << it.key() << endl;
+ }
+ s << QString(72, '*') << endl << endl;
+ }
+void AbstractMetaBuilder::dumpLog()
+ write_reject_log_file("mjb_rejected_classes.log", m_rejected_classes);
+ write_reject_log_file("mjb_rejected_enums.log", m_rejected_enums);
+ write_reject_log_file("mjb_rejected_functions.log", m_rejected_functions);
+ write_reject_log_file("mjb_rejected_fields.log", m_rejected_fields);
+AbstractMetaClassList AbstractMetaBuilder::classesTopologicalSorted() const
+ AbstractMetaClassList res;
+ AbstractMetaClassList classes = m_meta_classes;
+ qSort(classes);
+ QSet<AbstractMetaClass*> noDependency;
+ QHash<AbstractMetaClass*, QSet<AbstractMetaClass* >* > hash;
+ foreach (AbstractMetaClass *cls, classes) {
+ QSet<AbstractMetaClass* > *depends = new QSet<AbstractMetaClass* >();
+ if (cls->baseClass())
+ depends->insert(cls->baseClass());
+ foreach (AbstractMetaClass *interface, cls->interfaces()) {
+ AbstractMetaClass *impl = interface->primaryInterfaceImplementor();
+ if (impl == cls)
+ continue;
+ depends->insert(impl);
+ }
+ if (depends->empty()) {
+ noDependency.insert(cls);
+ } else {
+ hash.insert(cls, depends);
+ }
+ }
+ while (!noDependency.empty()) {
+ foreach (AbstractMetaClass *cls, noDependency.values()) {
+ if(!cls->isInterface())
+ res.append(cls);
+ noDependency.remove(cls);
+ QHashIterator<AbstractMetaClass*, QSet<AbstractMetaClass* >* > i(hash);
+ while (i.hasNext()) {
+ i.value()->remove(cls);
+ if (i.value()->empty()) {
+ AbstractMetaClass *key = i.key();
+ noDependency.insert(key);
+ hash.remove(key);
+ delete(i.value());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!noDependency.empty() || !hash.empty()) {
+ qWarning("dependency graph was cyclic.");
+ }
+ return res;
diff --git a/generator/abstractmetabuilder.h b/generator/abstractmetabuilder.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e756614
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/abstractmetabuilder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "codemodel.h"
+#include "abstractmetalang.h"
+#include "typesystem.h"
+#include "typeparser.h"
+#include <QtCore/QSet>
+class AbstractMetaBuilder
+ enum RejectReason {
+ NotInTypeSystem,
+ GenerationDisabled,
+ RedefinedToNotClass,
+ UnmatchedArgumentType,
+ UnmatchedReturnType,
+ NoReason
+ };
+ AbstractMetaBuilder();
+ virtual ~AbstractMetaBuilder() {};
+ AbstractMetaClassList classes() const { return m_meta_classes; }
+ AbstractMetaClassList classesTopologicalSorted() const;
+ FileModelItem model() const { return m_dom; }
+ void setModel(FileModelItem item) { m_dom = item; }
+ ScopeModelItem popScope() { return m_scopes.takeLast(); }
+ void pushScope(ScopeModelItem item) { m_scopes << item; }
+ ScopeModelItem currentScope() const { return m_scopes.last(); }
+ QString fileName() const { return m_file_name; }
+ void setFileName(const QString &fileName) { m_file_name = fileName; }
+ void dumpLog();
+ bool build();
+ void figureOutEnumValuesForClass(AbstractMetaClass *meta_class, QSet<AbstractMetaClass *> *classes);
+ int figureOutEnumValue(const QString &name, int value, AbstractMetaEnum *meta_enum, AbstractMetaFunction *meta_function = 0);
+ void figureOutEnumValues();
+ void figureOutDefaultEnumArguments();
+ void addAbstractMetaClass(AbstractMetaClass *cls);
+ AbstractMetaClass *traverseTypeAlias(TypeAliasModelItem item);
+ AbstractMetaClass *traverseClass(ClassModelItem item);
+ bool setupInheritance(AbstractMetaClass *meta_class);
+ AbstractMetaClass *traverseNamespace(NamespaceModelItem item);
+ AbstractMetaEnum *traverseEnum(EnumModelItem item, AbstractMetaClass *enclosing, const QSet<QString> &enumsDeclarations);
+ void traverseEnums(ScopeModelItem item, AbstractMetaClass *parent, const QStringList &enumsDeclarations);
+ void traverseFunctions(ScopeModelItem item, AbstractMetaClass *parent);
+ void traverseFields(ScopeModelItem item, AbstractMetaClass *parent);
+ void traverseStreamOperator(FunctionModelItem function_item);
+ void traverseCompareOperator(FunctionModelItem item);
+ AbstractMetaFunction *traverseFunction(FunctionModelItem function);
+ AbstractMetaField *traverseField(VariableModelItem field, const AbstractMetaClass *cls);
+ void checkFunctionModifications();
+ void registerHashFunction(FunctionModelItem function_item);
+ void registerToStringCapability(FunctionModelItem function_item);
+ void parseQ_Property(AbstractMetaClass *meta_class, const QStringList &declarations);
+ void setupEquals(AbstractMetaClass *meta_class);
+ void setupComparable(AbstractMetaClass *meta_class);
+ void setupClonable(AbstractMetaClass *cls);
+ void setupFunctionDefaults(AbstractMetaFunction *meta_function, AbstractMetaClass *meta_class);
+ QString translateDefaultValue(ArgumentModelItem item, AbstractMetaType *type,
+ AbstractMetaFunction *fnc, AbstractMetaClass *,
+ int argument_index);
+ AbstractMetaType *translateType(const TypeInfo &type, bool *ok, bool resolveType = true, bool resolveScope = true);
+ void decideUsagePattern(AbstractMetaType *type);
+ bool inheritTemplate(AbstractMetaClass *subclass,
+ const AbstractMetaClass *template_class,
+ const TypeParser::Info &info);
+ AbstractMetaType *inheritTemplateType(const QList<AbstractMetaType *> &template_types, AbstractMetaType *meta_type, bool *ok = 0);
+ bool isQObject(const QString &qualified_name);
+ bool isEnum(const QStringList &qualified_name);
+ void fixQObjectForScope (TypeDatabase *types,
+ NamespaceModelItem item);
+ // QtScript
+ QSet<QString> qtMetaTypeDeclaredTypeNames() const
+ { return m_qmetatype_declared_typenames; }
+ AbstractMetaClass *argumentToClass(ArgumentModelItem);
+ virtual AbstractMetaClass *createMetaClass() = 0;
+ virtual AbstractMetaEnum *createMetaEnum() = 0;
+ virtual AbstractMetaEnumValue *createMetaEnumValue() = 0;
+ virtual AbstractMetaField *createMetaField() = 0;
+ virtual AbstractMetaFunction *createMetaFunction() = 0;
+ virtual AbstractMetaArgument *createMetaArgument() = 0;
+ virtual AbstractMetaType *createMetaType() = 0;
+ void sortLists();
+ QString m_file_name;
+ AbstractMetaClassList m_meta_classes;
+ AbstractMetaClassList m_templates;
+ FileModelItem m_dom;
+ QSet<const TypeEntry *> m_used_types;
+ QMap<QString, RejectReason> m_rejected_classes;
+ QMap<QString, RejectReason> m_rejected_enums;
+ QMap<QString, RejectReason> m_rejected_functions;
+ QMap<QString, RejectReason> m_rejected_fields;
+ QList<AbstractMetaEnum *> m_enums;
+ QList<QPair<AbstractMetaArgument *, AbstractMetaFunction *> > m_enum_default_arguments;
+ QHash<QString, AbstractMetaEnumValue *> m_enum_values;
+ AbstractMetaClass *m_current_class;
+ QList<ScopeModelItem> m_scopes;
+ QString m_namespace_prefix;
+ QSet<AbstractMetaClass *> m_setup_inheritance_done;
+ // QtScript
+ QSet<QString> m_qmetatype_declared_typenames;
diff --git a/generator/abstractmetalang.cpp b/generator/abstractmetalang.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59006ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/abstractmetalang.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1957 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "abstractmetalang.h"
+#include "reporthandler.h"
+ * AbstractMetaType
+ */
+AbstractMetaType *AbstractMetaType::copy() const
+ AbstractMetaType *cpy = new AbstractMetaType;
+ cpy->setTypeUsagePattern(typeUsagePattern());
+ cpy->setConstant(isConstant());
+ cpy->setReference(isReference());
+ cpy->setIndirections(indirections());
+ cpy->setInstantiations(instantiations());
+ cpy->setArrayElementCount(arrayElementCount());
+ cpy->setOriginalTypeDescription(originalTypeDescription());
+ cpy->setOriginalTemplateType(originalTemplateType() ? originalTemplateType()->copy() : 0);
+ cpy->setArrayElementType(arrayElementType() ? arrayElementType()->copy() : 0);
+ cpy->setTypeEntry(typeEntry());
+ return cpy;
+QString AbstractMetaType::cppSignature() const
+ QString s;
+ if (isConstant())
+ s += "const ";
+ s += typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName();
+ if (hasInstantiationInCpp()) {
+ QList<AbstractMetaType *> types = instantiations();
+ s += "<";
+ for (int i=0; i<types.count(); ++i) {
+ if (i > 0)
+ s += ", ";
+ s +=>cppSignature();
+ }
+ s += " >";
+ }
+ if (actualIndirections()) {
+ s += ' ';
+ if (indirections())
+ s += QString(indirections(), '*');
+ if (isReference())
+ s += '&';
+ }
+ return s;
+ * AbstractMetaArgument
+ */
+AbstractMetaArgument *AbstractMetaArgument::copy() const
+ AbstractMetaArgument *cpy = new AbstractMetaArgument;
+ cpy->setName(AbstractMetaVariable::name());
+ cpy->setDefaultValueExpression(defaultValueExpression());
+ cpy->setType(type()->copy());
+ cpy->setArgumentIndex(argumentIndex());
+ return cpy;
+QString AbstractMetaArgument::argumentName() const
+ QString n = AbstractMetaVariable::name();
+ if (n.isEmpty()) {
+ return QString("arg__%2").arg(m_argument_index + 1);
+ }
+ return n;
+QString AbstractMetaArgument::indexedName() const
+ QString n = AbstractMetaVariable::name();
+ if (n.isEmpty())
+ return argumentName();
+ return QString("%1%2").arg(n).arg(m_argument_index);
+QString AbstractMetaArgument::name() const
+ Q_ASSERT_X(0, "AbstractMetaArgument::name()", "use argumentName() or indexedName() instead");
+ return QString();
+ * AbstractMetaFunction
+ */
+ qDeleteAll(m_arguments);
+ delete m_type;
+ * Indicates that this function has a modification that removes it
+ */
+bool AbstractMetaFunction::isModifiedRemoved(int types) const
+ FunctionModificationList mods = modifications(implementingClass());
+ foreach (FunctionModification mod, mods) {
+ if (!mod.isRemoveModifier())
+ continue;
+ if ((mod.removal & types) == types)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool AbstractMetaFunction::needsCallThrough() const
+ if (ownerClass()->isInterface())
+ return false;
+ if (referenceCounts(implementingClass()).size() > 0)
+ return true;
+ if (argumentsHaveNativeId() || !isStatic())
+ return true;
+ foreach (const AbstractMetaArgument *arg, arguments()) {
+ if (arg->type()->isArray() || arg->type()->isTargetLangEnum() || arg->type()->isTargetLangFlags())
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (type() && (type()->isArray() || type()->isTargetLangEnum() || type()->isTargetLangFlags()))
+ return true;
+ for (int i=-1; i<=arguments().size(); ++i) {
+ TypeSystem::Ownership owner = this->ownership(implementingClass(), TypeSystem::TargetLangCode, i);
+ if (owner != TypeSystem::InvalidOwnership)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool AbstractMetaFunction::needsSuppressUncheckedWarning() const
+ for (int i=-1; i<=arguments().size(); ++i) {
+ QList<ReferenceCount> referenceCounts = this->referenceCounts(implementingClass(), i);
+ foreach (ReferenceCount referenceCount, referenceCounts) {
+ if (referenceCount.action != ReferenceCount::Set)
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+QString AbstractMetaFunction::marshalledName() const
+ QString returned = "__qt_" + name();
+ AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = this->arguments();
+ foreach (const AbstractMetaArgument *arg, arguments) {
+ returned += "_";
+ if (arg->type()->isNativePointer()) {
+ returned += "nativepointer";
+ } else if (arg->type()->isIntegerEnum() || arg->type()->isIntegerFlags()) {
+ returned += "int";
+ } else {
+ returned += arg->type()->name().replace("[]", "_3").replace(".", "_");
+ }
+ }
+ return returned;
+bool AbstractMetaFunction::operator<(const AbstractMetaFunction &other) const
+ uint result = compareTo(&other);
+ return result & NameLessThan;
+ Returns a mask of CompareResult describing how this function is
+ compares to another function
+uint AbstractMetaFunction::compareTo(const AbstractMetaFunction *other) const
+ uint result = 0;
+ // Enclosing class...
+ if (ownerClass() == other->ownerClass()) {
+ result |= EqualImplementor;
+ }
+ // Attributes
+ if (attributes() == other->attributes()) {
+ result |= EqualAttributes;
+ }
+ // Compare types
+ AbstractMetaType *t = type();
+ AbstractMetaType *ot = other->type();
+ if ((!t && !ot) || ((t && ot && t->name() == ot->name()))) {
+ result |= EqualReturnType;
+ }
+ // Compare names
+ int cmp = originalName().compare(other->originalName());
+ if (cmp < 0) {
+ result |= NameLessThan;
+ } else if (cmp == 0) {
+ result |= EqualName;
+ }
+ // compare name after modification...
+ cmp = modifiedName().compare(other->modifiedName());
+ if (cmp == 0)
+ result |= EqualModifiedName;
+ // Compare arguments...
+ AbstractMetaArgumentList min_arguments;
+ AbstractMetaArgumentList max_arguments;
+ if (arguments().size() < other->arguments().size()) {
+ min_arguments = arguments();
+ max_arguments = other->arguments();
+ } else {
+ min_arguments = other->arguments();
+ max_arguments = arguments();
+ }
+ int min_count = min_arguments.size();
+ int max_count = max_arguments.size();
+ bool same = true;
+ for (int i=0; i<max_count; ++i) {
+ if (i < min_count) {
+ const AbstractMetaArgument *min_arg =;
+ const AbstractMetaArgument *max_arg =;
+ if (min_arg->type()->name() != max_arg->type()->name()
+ && (min_arg->defaultValueExpression().isEmpty() || max_arg->defaultValueExpression().isEmpty())) {
+ same = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (>defaultValueExpression().isEmpty()) {
+ same = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (same)
+ result |= min_count == max_count ? EqualArguments : EqualDefaultValueOverload;
+ return result;
+AbstractMetaFunction *AbstractMetaFunction::copy() const
+ AbstractMetaFunction *cpy = new AbstractMetaFunction;
+ cpy->setName(name());
+ cpy->setOriginalName(originalName());
+ cpy->setOwnerClass(ownerClass());
+ cpy->setImplementingClass(implementingClass());
+ cpy->setInterfaceClass(interfaceClass());
+ cpy->setFunctionType(functionType());
+ cpy->setAttributes(attributes());
+ cpy->setDeclaringClass(declaringClass());
+ if (type())
+ cpy->setType(type()->copy());
+ cpy->setConstant(isConstant());
+ cpy->setOriginalAttributes(originalAttributes());
+ foreach (AbstractMetaArgument *arg, arguments())
+ cpy->addArgument(arg->copy());
+ Q_ASSERT((!type() && !cpy->type())
+ || (type()->instantiations() == cpy->type()->instantiations()));
+ return cpy;
+QStringList AbstractMetaFunction::introspectionCompatibleSignatures(const QStringList &resolvedArguments) const
+ AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = this->arguments();
+ if (arguments.size() == resolvedArguments.size()) {
+ return (QStringList() << QMetaObject::normalizedSignature((name() + "(" + resolvedArguments.join(",") + ")").toUtf8().constData()));
+ } else {
+ QStringList returned;
+ AbstractMetaArgument *argument =;
+ QStringList minimalTypeSignature = argument->type()->minimalSignature().split("::");
+ for (int i=0; i<minimalTypeSignature.size(); ++i) {
+ returned += introspectionCompatibleSignatures(QStringList(resolvedArguments)
+ << QStringList(minimalTypeSignature.mid(minimalTypeSignature.size() - i - 1)).join("::"));
+ }
+ return returned;
+ }
+QString AbstractMetaFunction::signature() const
+ QString s(m_original_name);
+ s += "(";
+ for (int i=0; i<m_arguments.count(); ++i) {
+ if (i > 0)
+ s += ", ";
+ AbstractMetaArgument *a =;
+ s += a->type()->cppSignature();
+ // We need to have the argument names in the qdoc files
+ s += " ";
+ s += a->argumentName();
+ }
+ s += ")";
+ if (isConstant())
+ s += " const";
+ return s;
+int AbstractMetaFunction::actualMinimumArgumentCount() const
+ AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = this->arguments();
+ int count = 0;
+ for (int i=0; i<arguments.size(); ++i && ++count) {
+ if (argumentRemoved(i + 1)) --count;
+ else if (!>defaultValueExpression().isEmpty()) break;
+ }
+ return count;
+// Returns reference counts for argument at idx, or all arguments if idx == -2
+QList<ReferenceCount> AbstractMetaFunction::referenceCounts(const AbstractMetaClass *cls, int idx) const
+ QList<ReferenceCount> returned;
+ FunctionModificationList mods = this->modifications(cls);
+ foreach (FunctionModification mod, mods) {
+ QList<ArgumentModification> argument_mods = mod.argument_mods;
+ foreach (ArgumentModification argument_mod, argument_mods) {
+ if (argument_mod.index != idx && idx != -2)
+ continue;
+ returned += argument_mod.referenceCounts;
+ }
+ }
+ return returned;
+QString AbstractMetaFunction::replacedDefaultExpression(const AbstractMetaClass *cls, int key) const
+ FunctionModificationList modifications = this->modifications(cls);
+ foreach (FunctionModification modification, modifications) {
+ QList<ArgumentModification> argument_modifications = modification.argument_mods;
+ foreach (ArgumentModification argument_modification, argument_modifications) {
+ if (argument_modification.index == key
+ && !argument_modification.replaced_default_expression.isEmpty()) {
+ return argument_modification.replaced_default_expression;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return QString();
+bool AbstractMetaFunction::removedDefaultExpression(const AbstractMetaClass *cls, int key) const
+ FunctionModificationList modifications = this->modifications(cls);
+ foreach (FunctionModification modification, modifications) {
+ QList<ArgumentModification> argument_modifications = modification.argument_mods;
+ foreach (ArgumentModification argument_modification, argument_modifications) {
+ if (argument_modification.index == key
+ && argument_modification.removed_default_expression) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool AbstractMetaFunction::resetObjectAfterUse(int argument_idx) const
+ const AbstractMetaClass *cls = declaringClass();
+ FunctionModificationList modifications = this->modifications(cls);
+ foreach (FunctionModification modification, modifications) {
+ QList<ArgumentModification> argumentModifications = modification.argument_mods;
+ foreach (ArgumentModification argumentModification, argumentModifications) {
+ if (argumentModification.index == argument_idx && argumentModification.reset_after_use)
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+QString AbstractMetaFunction::nullPointerDefaultValue(const AbstractMetaClass *mainClass, int argument_idx) const
+ Q_ASSERT(nullPointersDisabled(mainClass, argument_idx));
+ const AbstractMetaClass *cls = mainClass;
+ if (cls == 0)
+ cls = implementingClass();
+ do {
+ FunctionModificationList modifications = this->modifications(cls);
+ foreach (FunctionModification modification, modifications) {
+ QList<ArgumentModification> argument_modifications = modification.argument_mods;
+ foreach (ArgumentModification argument_modification, argument_modifications) {
+ if (argument_modification.index == argument_idx
+ && argument_modification.no_null_pointers) {
+ return argument_modification.null_pointer_default_value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cls = cls->baseClass();
+ } while (cls != 0 && mainClass == 0); // Once when mainClass != 0, or once for all base classes of implementing class
+ return QString();
+bool AbstractMetaFunction::nullPointersDisabled(const AbstractMetaClass *mainClass, int argument_idx) const
+ const AbstractMetaClass *cls = mainClass;
+ if (cls == 0)
+ cls = implementingClass();
+ do {
+ FunctionModificationList modifications = this->modifications(cls);
+ foreach (FunctionModification modification, modifications) {
+ QList<ArgumentModification> argument_modifications = modification.argument_mods;
+ foreach (ArgumentModification argument_modification, argument_modifications) {
+ if (argument_modification.index == argument_idx
+ && argument_modification.no_null_pointers) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cls = cls->baseClass();
+ } while (cls != 0 && mainClass == 0); // Once when mainClass != 0, or once for all base classes of implementing class
+ return false;
+QString AbstractMetaFunction::conversionRule(TypeSystem::Language language, int key) const
+ FunctionModificationList modifications = this->modifications(declaringClass());
+ foreach (FunctionModification modification, modifications) {
+ QList<ArgumentModification> argument_modifications = modification.argument_mods;
+ foreach (ArgumentModification argument_modification, argument_modifications) {
+ if (argument_modification.index != key)
+ continue;
+ foreach (CodeSnip snip, argument_modification.conversion_rules) {
+ if (snip.language == language && !snip.code().isEmpty())
+ return snip.code();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return QString();
+QString AbstractMetaFunction::argumentReplaced(int key) const
+ FunctionModificationList modifications = this->modifications(declaringClass());
+ foreach (FunctionModification modification, modifications) {
+ QList<ArgumentModification> argument_modifications = modification.argument_mods;
+ foreach (ArgumentModification argument_modification, argument_modifications) {
+ if (argument_modification.index == key && !argument_modification.replace_value.isEmpty()) {
+ return argument_modification.replace_value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return "";
+bool AbstractMetaFunction::argumentRemoved(int key) const
+ FunctionModificationList modifications = this->modifications(declaringClass());
+ foreach (FunctionModification modification, modifications) {
+ QList<ArgumentModification> argument_modifications = modification.argument_mods;
+ foreach (ArgumentModification argument_modification, argument_modifications) {
+ if (argument_modification.index == key) {
+ if (argument_modification.removed) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool AbstractMetaFunction::isVirtualSlot() const
+ FunctionModificationList modifications = this->modifications(declaringClass());
+ foreach (FunctionModification modification, modifications) {
+ if (modification.isVirtualSlot())
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool AbstractMetaFunction::disabledGarbageCollection(const AbstractMetaClass *cls, int key) const
+ FunctionModificationList modifications = this->modifications(cls);
+ foreach (FunctionModification modification, modifications) {
+ QList<ArgumentModification> argument_modifications = modification.argument_mods;
+ foreach (ArgumentModification argument_modification, argument_modifications) {
+ if (argument_modification.index != key)
+ continue;
+ foreach (TypeSystem::Ownership ownership, argument_modification.ownerships.values()) {
+ if (ownership == TypeSystem::CppOwnership)
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool AbstractMetaFunction::isDeprecated() const
+ FunctionModificationList modifications = this->modifications(declaringClass());
+ foreach (FunctionModification modification, modifications) {
+ if (modification.isDeprecated())
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+TypeSystem::Ownership AbstractMetaFunction::ownership(const AbstractMetaClass *cls, TypeSystem::Language language, int key) const
+ FunctionModificationList modifications = this->modifications(cls);
+ foreach (FunctionModification modification, modifications) {
+ QList<ArgumentModification> argument_modifications = modification.argument_mods;
+ foreach (ArgumentModification argument_modification, argument_modifications) {
+ if (argument_modification.index == key)
+ return argument_modification.ownerships.value(language, TypeSystem::InvalidOwnership);
+ }
+ }
+ return TypeSystem::InvalidOwnership;
+bool AbstractMetaFunction::isRemovedFromAllLanguages(const AbstractMetaClass *cls) const
+ return isRemovedFrom(cls, TypeSystem::All);
+bool AbstractMetaFunction::isRemovedFrom(const AbstractMetaClass *cls, TypeSystem::Language language) const
+ FunctionModificationList modifications = this->modifications(cls);
+ foreach (FunctionModification modification, modifications) {
+ if ((modification.removal & language) == language)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+QString AbstractMetaFunction::typeReplaced(int key) const
+ FunctionModificationList modifications = this->modifications(declaringClass());
+ foreach (FunctionModification modification, modifications) {
+ QList<ArgumentModification> argument_modifications = modification.argument_mods;
+ foreach (ArgumentModification argument_modification, argument_modifications) {
+ if (argument_modification.index == key
+ && !argument_modification.modified_type.isEmpty()) {
+ return argument_modification.modified_type;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return QString();
+QString AbstractMetaFunction::minimalSignature() const
+ if (!m_cached_minimal_signature.isEmpty())
+ return m_cached_minimal_signature;
+ QString minimalSignature = originalName() + "(";
+ AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = this->arguments();
+ for (int i=0; i<arguments.count(); ++i) {
+ AbstractMetaType *t =>type();
+ if (i > 0)
+ minimalSignature += ",";
+ minimalSignature += t->minimalSignature();
+ }
+ minimalSignature += ")";
+ if (isConstant())
+ minimalSignature += "const";
+ minimalSignature = QMetaObject::normalizedSignature(minimalSignature.toLocal8Bit().constData());
+ m_cached_minimal_signature = minimalSignature;
+ return minimalSignature;
+FunctionModificationList AbstractMetaFunction::modifications(const AbstractMetaClass *implementor) const
+ Q_ASSERT(implementor);
+ return implementor->typeEntry()->functionModifications(minimalSignature());
+bool AbstractMetaFunction::hasModifications(const AbstractMetaClass *implementor) const
+ FunctionModificationList mods = modifications(implementor);
+ return mods.count() > 0;
+QString AbstractMetaFunction::modifiedName() const
+ if (m_cached_modified_name.isEmpty()) {
+ FunctionModificationList mods = modifications(implementingClass());
+ foreach (FunctionModification mod, mods) {
+ if (mod.isRenameModifier()) {
+ m_cached_modified_name = mod.renamedToName;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_cached_modified_name.isEmpty())
+ m_cached_modified_name = name();
+ }
+ return m_cached_modified_name;
+QString AbstractMetaFunction::targetLangSignature(bool minimal) const
+ QString s;
+ // Attributes...
+ if (!minimal) {
+#if 0 // jambi
+ if (isPublic()) s += "public ";
+ else if (isProtected()) s += "protected ";
+ else if (isPrivate()) s += "private ";
+// if (isNative()) s += "native ";
+// else
+ if (isFinalInTargetLang()) s += "final ";
+ else if (isAbstract()) s += "abstract ";
+ if (isStatic()) s += "static ";
+ // Return type
+ if (type())
+ s += type()->name() + " ";
+ else
+ s += "void ";
+ }
+ s += modifiedName();
+ s += "(";
+ int j = 0;
+ for (int i=0; i<m_arguments.size(); ++i) {
+ if (argumentRemoved(i+1))
+ continue;
+ if (j != 0) {
+ s += ",";
+ if (!minimal)
+ s += QLatin1Char(' ');
+ }
+ s +=>type()->name();
+ if (!minimal) {
+ s += " ";
+ s +=>argumentName();
+ }
+ ++j;
+ }
+ s += ")";
+ return s;
+bool function_sorter(AbstractMetaFunction *a, AbstractMetaFunction *b)
+ return a->signature() < b->signature();
+ * AbstractMetaClass
+ */
+ qDeleteAll(m_functions);
+ qDeleteAll(m_fields);
+/*AbstractMetaClass *AbstractMetaClass::copy() const
+ AbstractMetaClass *cls = new AbstractMetaClass;
+ cls->setAttributes(attributes());
+ cls->setBaseClass(baseClass());
+ cls->setTypeEntry(typeEntry());
+ foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *function, functions()) {
+ AbstractMetaFunction *copy = function->copy();
+ function->setImplementingClass(cls);
+ cls->addFunction(copy);
+ }
+ cls->setEnums(enums());
+ foreach (const AbstractMetaField *field, fields()) {
+ AbstractMetaField *copy = field->copy();
+ copy->setEnclosingClass(cls);
+ cls->addField(copy);
+ }
+ cls->setInterfaces(interfaces());
+ return cls;
+ * Returns true if this class is a subclass of the given class
+ */
+bool AbstractMetaClass::inheritsFrom(const AbstractMetaClass *cls) const
+ Q_ASSERT(cls != 0);
+ const AbstractMetaClass *clazz = this;
+ while (clazz != 0) {
+ if (clazz == cls)
+ return true;
+ clazz = clazz->baseClass();
+ }
+ return false;
+ * Constructs an interface based on the functions and enums in this
+ * class and returns it...
+ */
+AbstractMetaClass *AbstractMetaClass::extractInterface()
+ Q_ASSERT(typeEntry()->designatedInterface());
+ if (m_extracted_interface == 0) {
+ AbstractMetaClass *iface = new AbstractMetaClass;
+ iface->setAttributes(attributes());
+ iface->setBaseClass(0);
+ iface->setPrimaryInterfaceImplementor(this);
+ iface->setTypeEntry(typeEntry()->designatedInterface());
+ foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *function, functions()) {
+ if (!function->isConstructor())
+ iface->addFunction(function->copy());
+ }
+// iface->setEnums(enums());
+// setEnums(AbstractMetaEnumList());
+ foreach (const AbstractMetaField *field, fields()) {
+ if (field->isPublic()) {
+ AbstractMetaField *new_field = field->copy();
+ new_field->setEnclosingClass(iface);
+ iface->addField(new_field);
+ }
+ }
+ m_extracted_interface = iface;
+ addInterface(iface);
+ }
+ return m_extracted_interface;
+ * Returns a list of all the functions with a given name
+ */
+AbstractMetaFunctionList AbstractMetaClass::queryFunctionsByName(const QString &name) const
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList returned;
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList functions = this->functions();
+ foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *function, functions) {
+ if (function->name() == name)
+ returned.append(function);
+ }
+ return returned;
+ * Returns all reference count modifications for any function in the class
+ */
+QList<ReferenceCount> AbstractMetaClass::referenceCounts() const
+ QList<ReferenceCount> returned;
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList functions = this->functions();
+ foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *function, functions) {
+ returned += function->referenceCounts(this);
+ }
+ return returned;
+ * Returns a list of all the functions retrieved during parsing which should
+ * be added to the Java API.
+ */
+AbstractMetaFunctionList AbstractMetaClass::functionsInTargetLang() const
+ int default_flags = NormalFunctions | Visible | NotRemovedFromTargetLang;
+ // Interfaces don't implement functions
+ default_flags |= isInterface() ? 0 : ClassImplements;
+ // Only public functions in final classes
+ // default_flags |= isFinal() ? WasPublic : 0;
+ int public_flags = isFinal() ? WasPublic : 0;
+ // Constructors
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList returned = queryFunctions(Constructors | default_flags | public_flags);
+ // Final functions
+ returned += queryFunctions(FinalInTargetLangFunctions | NonStaticFunctions | default_flags | public_flags);
+ // Virtual functions
+ returned += queryFunctions(VirtualInTargetLangFunctions | NonStaticFunctions | default_flags | public_flags);
+ // Static functions
+ returned += queryFunctions(StaticFunctions | default_flags | public_flags);
+ // Empty, private functions, since they aren't caught by the other ones
+ returned += queryFunctions(Empty | Invisible);
+ return returned;
+AbstractMetaFunctionList AbstractMetaClass::virtualFunctions() const
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList list = functionsInShellClass();
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList returned;
+ foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *f, list) {
+ if (!f->isFinalInCpp() || f->isVirtualSlot())
+ returned += f;
+ }
+ return returned;
+AbstractMetaFunctionList AbstractMetaClass::nonVirtualShellFunctions() const
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList list = functionsInShellClass();
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList returned;
+ foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *f, list) {
+ if (f->isFinalInCpp() && !f->isVirtualSlot())
+ returned += f;
+ }
+ return returned;
+ * Returns a list of all functions that should be declared and implemented in
+ * the shell class which is generated as a wrapper on top of the actual C++ class
+ */
+AbstractMetaFunctionList AbstractMetaClass::functionsInShellClass() const
+ // Only functions and only protected and public functions
+ int default_flags = NormalFunctions | Visible | WasVisible | NotRemovedFromShell;
+ // All virtual functions
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList returned = queryFunctions(VirtualFunctions | default_flags);
+ // All functions explicitly set to be implemented by the shell class
+ // (mainly superclass functions that are hidden by other declarations)
+ returned += queryFunctions(ForcedShellFunctions | default_flags);
+ // All functions explicitly set to be virtual slots
+ returned += queryFunctions(VirtualSlots | default_flags);
+ return returned;
+ * Returns a list of all functions that require a public override function to
+ * be generated in the shell class. This includes all functions that were originally
+ * protected in the superclass.
+ */
+AbstractMetaFunctionList AbstractMetaClass::publicOverrideFunctions() const
+ return queryFunctions(NormalFunctions | WasProtected | FinalInCppFunctions | NotRemovedFromTargetLang)
+ + queryFunctions(Signals | WasProtected | FinalInCppFunctions | NotRemovedFromTargetLang);
+AbstractMetaFunctionList AbstractMetaClass::virtualOverrideFunctions() const
+ return queryFunctions(NormalFunctions | NonEmptyFunctions | Visible | VirtualInCppFunctions | NotRemovedFromShell) +
+ queryFunctions(Signals | NonEmptyFunctions | Visible | VirtualInCppFunctions | NotRemovedFromShell);
+void AbstractMetaClass::sortFunctions()
+ qSort(m_functions.begin(), m_functions.end(), function_sorter);
+void AbstractMetaClass::setFunctions(const AbstractMetaFunctionList &functions)
+ m_functions = functions;
+ // Functions must be sorted by name before next loop
+ sortFunctions();
+ QString currentName;
+ bool hasVirtuals = false;
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList final_functions;
+ foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *f, m_functions) {
+ f->setOwnerClass(this);
+ m_has_virtual_slots |= f->isVirtualSlot();
+ m_has_virtuals |= !f->isFinal() || f->isVirtualSlot();
+ m_has_nonpublic |= !f->isPublic();
+ // If we have non-virtual overloads of a virtual function, we have to implement
+ // all the overloads in the shell class to override the hiding rule
+ if (currentName == f->name()) {
+ hasVirtuals = hasVirtuals || !f->isFinal();
+ if (f->isFinal())
+ final_functions += f;
+ } else {
+ if (hasVirtuals && final_functions.size() > 0) {
+ foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *final_function, final_functions) {
+ *final_function += AbstractMetaAttributes::ForceShellImplementation;
+ QString warn = QString("hiding of function '%1' in class '%2'")
+ .arg(final_function->name()).arg(name());
+ ReportHandler::warning(warn);
+ }
+ }
+ hasVirtuals = !f->isFinal();
+ final_functions.clear();
+ if (f->isFinal())
+ final_functions += f;
+ currentName = f->name();
+ }
+ }
+#ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG
+ bool duplicate_function = false;
+ for (int j=0; j<m_functions.size(); ++j) {
+ FunctionModificationList mods =>modifications(>implementingClass());
+ bool removed = false;
+ foreach (const FunctionModification &mod, mods) {
+ if (mod.isRemoveModifier()) {
+ removed = true;
+ break ;
+ }
+ }
+ if (removed)
+ continue ;
+ for (int i=0; i<m_functions.size() - 1; ++i) {
+ if (j == i)
+ continue;
+ mods =>modifications(>implementingClass());
+ bool removed = false;
+ foreach (const FunctionModification &mod, mods) {
+ if (mod.isRemoveModifier()) {
+ removed = true;
+ break ;
+ }
+ }
+ if (removed)
+ continue ;
+ uint cmp =>compareTo(;
+ if ((cmp & AbstractMetaFunction::EqualName) && (cmp & AbstractMetaFunction::EqualArguments)) {
+ printf("%s.%s mostly equal to %s.%s\n",
+ qPrintable(>implementingClass()->typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName()),
+ qPrintable(>signature()),
+ qPrintable(>implementingClass()->typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName()),
+ qPrintable(>signature()));
+ duplicate_function = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //Q_ASSERT(!duplicate_function);
+bool AbstractMetaClass::hasFieldAccessors() const
+ foreach (const AbstractMetaField *field, fields()) {
+ if (field->getter() || field->setter())
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool AbstractMetaClass::hasDefaultToStringFunction() const
+ foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *f, queryFunctionsByName("toString")) {
+ if (f->actualMinimumArgumentCount() == 0) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+void AbstractMetaClass::addFunction(AbstractMetaFunction *function)
+ function->setOwnerClass(this);
+ if (!function->isDestructor()) {
+ m_functions << function;
+ qSort(m_functions.begin(), m_functions.end(), function_sorter);
+ }
+ m_has_virtual_slots |= function->isVirtualSlot();
+ m_has_virtuals |= !function->isFinal() || function->isVirtualSlot();
+ m_has_nonpublic |= !function->isPublic();
+bool AbstractMetaClass::hasSignal(const AbstractMetaFunction *other) const
+ if (!other->isSignal())
+ return false;
+ foreach (const AbstractMetaFunction *f, functions()) {
+ if (f->isSignal() && f->compareTo(other) & AbstractMetaFunction::EqualName)
+ return other->modifiedName() == f->modifiedName();
+ }
+ return false;
+QString AbstractMetaClass::name() const
+ return QString(m_type_entry->targetLangName()).replace("::", "_");
+bool AbstractMetaClass::hasFunction(const QString &str) const
+ foreach (const AbstractMetaFunction *f, functions())
+ if (f->name() == str)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+/* Returns true if this class has one or more functions that are
+ protected. If a class has protected members we need to generate a
+ shell class with public accessors to the protected functions, so
+ they can be called from the native functions.
+bool AbstractMetaClass::hasProtectedFunctions() const {
+ foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *func, m_functions) {
+ if (func->isProtected())
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool AbstractMetaClass::generateShellClass() const
+ return m_force_shell_class ||
+ (!isFinal()
+ && (hasVirtualFunctions()
+ || hasProtectedFunctions()
+ || hasFieldAccessors()));
+QPropertySpec *AbstractMetaClass::propertySpecForRead(const QString &name) const
+ for (int i=0; i<m_property_specs.size(); ++i)
+ if (name ==>read())
+ return;
+ return 0;
+QPropertySpec *AbstractMetaClass::propertySpecForWrite(const QString &name) const
+ for (int i=0; i<m_property_specs.size(); ++i)
+ if (name ==>write())
+ return;
+ return 0;
+QPropertySpec *AbstractMetaClass::propertySpecForReset(const QString &name) const
+ for (int i=0; i<m_property_specs.size(); ++i) {
+ if (name ==>reset())
+ return;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static bool functions_contains(const AbstractMetaFunctionList &l, const AbstractMetaFunction *func)
+ foreach (const AbstractMetaFunction *f, l) {
+ if ((f->compareTo(func) & AbstractMetaFunction::PrettySimilar) == AbstractMetaFunction::PrettySimilar)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+AbstractMetaField::AbstractMetaField() : m_getter(0), m_setter(0), m_class(0)
+ delete m_setter;
+ delete m_getter;
+ushort painters; // refcount
+AbstractMetaField *AbstractMetaField::copy() const
+ AbstractMetaField *returned = new AbstractMetaField;
+ returned->setEnclosingClass(0);
+ returned->setAttributes(attributes());
+ returned->setName(name());
+ returned->setType(type()->copy());
+ returned->setOriginalAttributes(originalAttributes());
+ return returned;
+static QString upCaseFirst(const QString &str) {
+ Q_ASSERT(!str.isEmpty());
+ QString s = str;
+ s[0] =;
+ return s;
+static AbstractMetaFunction *createXetter(const AbstractMetaField *g, const QString &name, uint type) {
+ AbstractMetaFunction *f = new AbstractMetaFunction;
+ f->setName(name);
+ f->setOriginalName(name);
+ f->setOwnerClass(g->enclosingClass());
+ f->setImplementingClass(g->enclosingClass());
+ f->setDeclaringClass(g->enclosingClass());
+ uint attr = AbstractMetaAttributes::Native
+ | AbstractMetaAttributes::Final
+ | type;
+ if (g->isStatic())
+ attr |= AbstractMetaAttributes::Static;
+ if (g->isPublic())
+ attr |= AbstractMetaAttributes::Public;
+ else if (g->isProtected())
+ attr |= AbstractMetaAttributes::Protected;
+ else
+ attr |= AbstractMetaAttributes::Private;
+ f->setAttributes(attr);
+ f->setOriginalAttributes(attr);
+ FieldModificationList mods = g->modifications();
+ foreach (FieldModification mod, mods) {
+ if (mod.isRenameModifier())
+ f->setName(mod.renamedTo());
+ if (mod.isAccessModifier()) {
+ if (mod.isPrivate())
+ f->setVisibility(AbstractMetaAttributes::Private);
+ else if (mod.isProtected())
+ f->setVisibility(AbstractMetaAttributes::Protected);
+ else if (mod.isPublic())
+ f->setVisibility(AbstractMetaAttributes::Public);
+ else if (mod.isFriendly())
+ f->setVisibility(AbstractMetaAttributes::Friendly);
+ }
+ }
+ return f;
+FieldModificationList AbstractMetaField::modifications() const
+ FieldModificationList mods = enclosingClass()->typeEntry()->fieldModifications();
+ FieldModificationList returned;
+ foreach (FieldModification mod, mods) {
+ if ( == name())
+ returned += mod;
+ }
+ return returned;
+const AbstractMetaFunction *AbstractMetaField::setter() const
+ if (m_setter == 0) {
+ m_setter = createXetter(this,
+ "set" + upCaseFirst(name()),
+ AbstractMetaAttributes::SetterFunction);
+ AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments;
+ AbstractMetaArgument *argument = new AbstractMetaArgument;
+ argument->setType(type()->copy());
+ argument->setName(name());
+ arguments.append(argument);
+ m_setter->setArguments(arguments);
+ }
+ return m_setter;
+const AbstractMetaFunction *AbstractMetaField::getter() const
+ if (m_getter == 0) {
+ m_getter = createXetter(this,
+ name(),
+ AbstractMetaAttributes::GetterFunction);
+ m_getter->setType(type());
+ }
+ return m_getter;
+bool AbstractMetaClass::hasConstructors() const
+ return queryFunctions(Constructors).size() != 0;
+void AbstractMetaClass::addDefaultConstructor()
+ AbstractMetaFunction *f = new AbstractMetaFunction;
+ f->setName(name());
+ f->setOwnerClass(this);
+ f->setFunctionType(AbstractMetaFunction::ConstructorFunction);
+ f->setArguments(AbstractMetaArgumentList());
+ f->setDeclaringClass(this);
+ uint attr = AbstractMetaAttributes::Native;
+ attr |= AbstractMetaAttributes::Public;
+ f->setAttributes(attr);
+ f->setImplementingClass(this);
+ f->setOriginalAttributes(f->attributes());
+ addFunction(f);
+bool AbstractMetaClass::hasFunction(const AbstractMetaFunction *f) const
+ return functions_contains(m_functions, f);
+/* Goes through the list of functions and returns a list of all
+ functions matching all of the criteria in \a query.
+ */
+AbstractMetaFunctionList AbstractMetaClass::queryFunctions(uint query) const
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList functions;
+ foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *f, m_functions) {
+ if ((query & VirtualSlots) && !f->isVirtualSlot())
+ continue;
+ if ((query & NotRemovedFromTargetLang) && f->isRemovedFrom(f->implementingClass(), TypeSystem::TargetLangCode)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ((query & NotRemovedFromTargetLang) && !f->isFinal() && f->isRemovedFrom(f->declaringClass(), TypeSystem::TargetLangCode)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ((query & NotRemovedFromShell) && f->isRemovedFrom(f->implementingClass(), TypeSystem::ShellCode)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ((query & NotRemovedFromShell) && !f->isFinal() && f->isRemovedFrom(f->declaringClass(), TypeSystem::ShellCode)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ((query & Visible) && f->isPrivate()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ((query & VirtualInTargetLangFunctions) && f->isFinalInTargetLang()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ((query & Invisible) && !f->isPrivate()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ((query & Empty) && !f->isEmptyFunction()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ((query & WasPublic) && !f->wasPublic()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ((query & WasVisible) && f->wasPrivate()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ((query & WasProtected) && !f->wasProtected()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ((query & ClassImplements) && f->ownerClass() != f->implementingClass()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ((query & Inconsistent) && (f->isFinalInTargetLang() || !f->isFinalInCpp() || f->isStatic())) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ((query & FinalInTargetLangFunctions) && !f->isFinalInTargetLang()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ((query & FinalInCppFunctions) && !f->isFinalInCpp()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ((query & VirtualInCppFunctions) && f->isFinalInCpp()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ((query & Signals) && (!f->isSignal())) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ((query & ForcedShellFunctions)
+ && (!f->isForcedShellImplementation()
+ || !f->isFinal())) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ((query & Constructors) && (!f->isConstructor()
+ || f->ownerClass() != f->implementingClass())
+ || f->isConstructor() && (query & Constructors) == 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Destructors are never included in the functions of a class currently
+ /*
+ if ((query & Destructors) && (!f->isDestructor()
+ || f->ownerClass() != f->implementingClass())
+ || f->isDestructor() && (query & Destructors) == 0) {
+ continue;
+ }*/
+ if ((query & VirtualFunctions) && (f->isFinal() || f->isSignal() || f->isStatic())) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ((query & StaticFunctions) && (!f->isStatic() || f->isSignal())) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ((query & NonStaticFunctions) && (f->isStatic())) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ((query & NonEmptyFunctions) && (f->isEmptyFunction())) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ((query & NormalFunctions) && (f->isSignal())) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ((query & AbstractFunctions) && !f->isAbstract()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ functions << f;
+ }
+// qDebug() << "queried" << m_type_entry->qualifiedCppName() << "got" << functions.size() << "out of" << m_functions.size();
+ return functions;
+bool AbstractMetaClass::hasInconsistentFunctions() const
+ return cppInconsistentFunctions().size() > 0;
+bool AbstractMetaClass::hasSignals() const
+ return cppSignalFunctions().size() > 0;
+ * Adds the specified interface to this class by adding all the
+ * functions in the interface to this class.
+ */
+void AbstractMetaClass::addInterface(AbstractMetaClass *interface)
+ Q_ASSERT(!m_interfaces.contains(interface));
+ m_interfaces << interface;
+ if (m_extracted_interface != 0 && m_extracted_interface != interface)
+ m_extracted_interface->addInterface(interface);
+ foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *function, interface->functions())
+ if (!hasFunction(function) && !function->isConstructor()) {
+ AbstractMetaFunction *cpy = function->copy();
+ cpy->setImplementingClass(this);
+ // Setup that this function is an interface class.
+ cpy->setInterfaceClass(interface);
+ *cpy += AbstractMetaAttributes::InterfaceFunction;
+ // Copy the modifications in interface into the implementing classes.
+ FunctionModificationList mods = function->modifications(interface);
+ foreach (const FunctionModification &mod, mods) {
+ m_type_entry->addFunctionModification(mod);
+ }
+ // It should be mostly safe to assume that when we implement an interface
+ // we don't "pass on" pure virtual functions to our sublcasses...
+// *cpy -= AbstractMetaAttributes::Abstract;
+ addFunction(cpy);
+ }
+void AbstractMetaClass::setInterfaces(const AbstractMetaClassList &interfaces)
+ m_interfaces = interfaces;
+AbstractMetaEnum *AbstractMetaClass::findEnum(const QString &enumName)
+ foreach (AbstractMetaEnum *e, m_enums) {
+ if (e->name() == enumName)
+ return e;
+ }
+ if (typeEntry()->designatedInterface())
+ return extractInterface()->findEnum(enumName);
+ return 0;
+/*! Recursivly searches for the enum value named \a enumValueName in
+ this class and its superclasses and interfaces. Values belonging to
+ \a meta_enum are excluded from the search.
+AbstractMetaEnumValue *AbstractMetaClass::findEnumValue(const QString &enumValueName, AbstractMetaEnum *meta_enum)
+ foreach (AbstractMetaEnum *e, m_enums) {
+ if (e == meta_enum)
+ continue;
+ foreach (AbstractMetaEnumValue *v, e->values()) {
+ if (v->name() == enumValueName)
+ return v;
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeEntry()->designatedInterface())
+ return extractInterface()->findEnumValue(enumValueName, meta_enum);
+ if (baseClass() != 0)
+ return baseClass()->findEnumValue(enumValueName, meta_enum);
+ return 0;
+ * Searches through all of this class' enums for a value matching the
+ * name \a enumValueName. The name is excluding the class/namespace
+ * prefix. The function recursivly searches interfaces and baseclasses
+ * of this class.
+ */
+AbstractMetaEnum *AbstractMetaClass::findEnumForValue(const QString &enumValueName)
+ foreach (AbstractMetaEnum *e, m_enums) {
+ foreach (AbstractMetaEnumValue *v, e->values()) {
+ if (v->name() == enumValueName)
+ return e;
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeEntry()->designatedInterface())
+ return extractInterface()->findEnumForValue(enumValueName);
+ if (baseClass() != 0)
+ return baseClass()->findEnumForValue(enumValueName);
+ return 0;
+static void add_extra_include_for_type(AbstractMetaClass *meta_class, const AbstractMetaType *type)
+ if (type == 0)
+ return;
+ Q_ASSERT(meta_class != 0);
+ const TypeEntry *entry = (type ? type->typeEntry() : 0);
+ if (entry != 0 && entry->isComplex()) {
+ const ComplexTypeEntry *centry = static_cast<const ComplexTypeEntry *>(entry);
+ ComplexTypeEntry *class_entry = meta_class->typeEntry();
+ if (class_entry != 0 && centry->include().isValid())
+ class_entry->addExtraInclude(centry->include());
+ }
+ if (type->hasInstantiations()) {
+ QList<AbstractMetaType *> instantiations = type->instantiations();
+ foreach (AbstractMetaType *instantiation, instantiations)
+ add_extra_include_for_type(meta_class, instantiation);
+ }
+static void add_extra_includes_for_function(AbstractMetaClass *meta_class, const AbstractMetaFunction *meta_function)
+ Q_ASSERT(meta_class != 0);
+ Q_ASSERT(meta_function != 0);
+ add_extra_include_for_type(meta_class, meta_function->type());
+ AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = meta_function->arguments();
+ foreach (AbstractMetaArgument *argument, arguments)
+ add_extra_include_for_type(meta_class, argument->type());
+void AbstractMetaClass::fixFunctions()
+ if (m_functions_fixed)
+ return;
+ else
+ m_functions_fixed = true;
+ AbstractMetaClass *super_class = baseClass();
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList funcs = functions();
+// printf("fix functions for %s\n", qPrintable(name()));
+ if (super_class != 0)
+ super_class->fixFunctions();
+ int iface_idx = 0;
+ while (super_class || iface_idx < interfaces().size()) {
+// printf(" - base: %s\n", qPrintable(super_class->name()));
+ // Since we always traverse the complete hierarchy we are only
+ // interrested in what each super class implements, not what
+ // we may have propagated from their base classes again.
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList super_funcs;
+ if (super_class) {
+ // Super classes can never be final
+ if (super_class->isFinalInTargetLang()) {
+ ReportHandler::warning("Final class '" + super_class->name() + "' set to non-final, as it is extended by other classes");
+ *super_class -= AbstractMetaAttributes::FinalInTargetLang;
+ }
+ super_funcs = super_class->queryFunctions(AbstractMetaClass::ClassImplements);
+ } else {
+ super_funcs = interfaces().at(iface_idx)->queryFunctions(AbstractMetaClass::NormalFunctions);
+ }
+ QSet<AbstractMetaFunction *> funcs_to_add;
+ for (int sfi=0; sfi<super_funcs.size(); ++sfi) {
+ AbstractMetaFunction *sf =;
+ if (sf->isRemovedFromAllLanguages(sf->implementingClass()))
+ continue;
+ // we generally don't care about private functions, but we have to get the ones that are
+ // virtual in case they override abstract functions.
+ bool add = (sf->isNormal() || sf->isSignal() || sf->isEmptyFunction());
+ for (int fi=0; fi<funcs.size(); ++fi) {
+ AbstractMetaFunction *f =;
+ if (f->isRemovedFromAllLanguages(f->implementingClass()))
+ continue;
+ uint cmp = f->compareTo(sf);
+ if (cmp & AbstractMetaFunction::EqualModifiedName) {
+// printf(" - %s::%s similar to %s::%s %x vs %x\n",
+// qPrintable(sf->implementingClass()->typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName()),
+// qPrintable(sf->name()),
+// qPrintable(f->implementingClass()->typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName()),
+// qPrintable(f->name()),
+// sf->attributes(),
+// f->attributes());
+ add = false;
+ if (cmp & AbstractMetaFunction::EqualArguments) {
+// if (!(cmp & AbstractMetaFunction::EqualReturnType)) {
+// ReportHandler::warning(QString("%1::%2 and %3::%4 differ in retur type")
+// .arg(sf->implementingClass()->name())
+// .arg(sf->name())
+// .arg(f->implementingClass()->name())
+// .arg(f->name()));
+// }
+ // Same function, propegate virtual...
+ if (!(cmp & AbstractMetaFunction::EqualAttributes)) {
+ if (!f->isEmptyFunction()) {
+ if (!sf->isFinalInCpp() && f->isFinalInCpp()) {
+ *f -= AbstractMetaAttributes::FinalInCpp;
+ // printf(" --- inherit virtual\n");
+ }
+ if (!sf->isFinalInTargetLang() && f->isFinalInTargetLang()) {
+ *f -= AbstractMetaAttributes::FinalInTargetLang;
+ // printf(" --- inherit virtual\n");
+ }
+ if (!f->isFinalInTargetLang() && f->isPrivate()) {
+ f->setFunctionType(AbstractMetaFunction::EmptyFunction);
+ f->setVisibility(AbstractMetaAttributes::Protected);
+ *f += AbstractMetaAttributes::FinalInTargetLang;
+ ReportHandler::warning(QString("private virtual function '%1' in '%2'")
+ .arg(f->signature())
+ .arg(f->implementingClass()->name()));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (f->visibility() != sf->visibility()) {
+ QString warn = QString("visibility of function '%1' modified in class '%2'")
+ .arg(f->name()).arg(name());
+ ReportHandler::warning(warn);
+ // If new visibility is private, we can't
+ // do anything. If it isn't, then we
+ // prefer the parent class's visibility
+ // setting for the function.
+ if (!f->isPrivate() && !sf->isPrivate())
+ f->setVisibility(sf->visibility());
+ // Private overrides of abstract functions have to go into the class or
+ // the subclasses will not compile as non-abstract classes.
+ // But they don't need to be implemented, since they can never be called.
+ if (f->isPrivate() && sf->isAbstract()) {
+ f->setFunctionType(AbstractMetaFunction::EmptyFunction);
+ f->setVisibility(sf->visibility());
+ *f += AbstractMetaAttributes::FinalInTargetLang;
+ *f += AbstractMetaAttributes::FinalInCpp;
+ }
+ }
+ // Set the class which first declares this function, afawk
+ f->setDeclaringClass(sf->declaringClass());
+ if (sf->isFinalInTargetLang() && !sf->isPrivate() && !f->isPrivate() && !sf->isStatic() && !f->isStatic()) {
+ // Shadowed funcion, need to make base class
+ // function non-virtual
+ if (f->implementingClass() != sf->implementingClass() && f->implementingClass()->inheritsFrom(sf->implementingClass())) {
+ // Check whether the superclass method has been redefined to non-final
+ bool hasNonFinalModifier = false;
+ bool isBaseImplPrivate = false;
+ FunctionModificationList mods = sf->modifications(sf->implementingClass());
+ foreach (FunctionModification mod, mods) {
+ if (mod.isNonFinal()) {
+ hasNonFinalModifier = true;
+ break;
+ } else if (mod.isPrivate()) {
+ isBaseImplPrivate = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!hasNonFinalModifier && !isBaseImplPrivate) {
+ ReportHandler::warning(QString::fromLatin1("Shadowing: %1::%2 and %3::%4; Java code will not compile")
+ .arg(sf->implementingClass()->name())
+ .arg(sf->signature())
+ .arg(f->implementingClass()->name())
+ .arg(f->signature()));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (cmp & AbstractMetaFunction::EqualDefaultValueOverload) {
+ AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments;
+ if (f->arguments().size() < sf->arguments().size())
+ arguments = sf->arguments();
+ else
+ arguments = f->arguments();
+ for (int i=0; i<arguments.size(); ++i)
+ arguments[i]->setDefaultValueExpression(QString());
+ }
+ // Otherwise we have function shadowing and we can
+ // skip the thing...
+ } else if (cmp & AbstractMetaFunction::EqualName && !sf->isSignal()) {
+ // In the case of function shadowing where the function name has been altered to
+ // avoid conflict, we don't copy in the original.
+ add = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (add)
+ funcs_to_add << sf;
+ }
+ foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *f, funcs_to_add)
+ funcs << f->copy();
+ if (super_class)
+ super_class = super_class->baseClass();
+ else
+ iface_idx++;
+ }
+ bool hasPrivateConstructors = false;
+ bool hasPublicConstructors = false;
+ foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *func, funcs) {
+ FunctionModificationList mods = func->modifications(this);
+ foreach (const FunctionModification &mod, mods) {
+ if (mod.isRenameModifier()) {
+// qDebug() << name() << func->originalName() << func << " from "
+// << func->implementingClass()->name() << "renamed to" << mod.renamedTo();
+ func->setName(mod.renamedTo());
+ }
+ }
+ // Make sure class is abstract if one of the functions is
+ if (func->isAbstract()) {
+ (*this) += AbstractMetaAttributes::Abstract;
+ (*this) -= AbstractMetaAttributes::Final;
+ }
+ if (func->isConstructor()) {
+ if (func->isPrivate())
+ hasPrivateConstructors = true;
+ else
+ hasPublicConstructors = true;
+ }
+ // Make sure that we include files for all classes that are in use
+ if (!func->isRemovedFrom(this, TypeSystem::ShellCode))
+ add_extra_includes_for_function(this, func);
+ }
+ if (hasPrivateConstructors && !hasPublicConstructors) {
+ (*this) += AbstractMetaAttributes::Abstract;
+ (*this) -= AbstractMetaAttributes::Final;
+ }
+ foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *f1, funcs) {
+ foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *f2, funcs) {
+ if (f1 != f2) {
+ uint cmp = f1->compareTo(f2);
+ if ((cmp & AbstractMetaFunction::EqualName)
+ && !f1->isFinalInCpp()
+ && f2->isFinalInCpp()) {
+ *f2 += AbstractMetaAttributes::FinalOverload;
+// qDebug() << f2 << f2->implementingClass()->name() << "::" << f2->name() << f2->arguments().size() << " vs " << f1 << f1->implementingClass()->name() << "::" << f1->name() << f1->arguments().size();
+// qDebug() << " " << f2;
+// AbstractMetaArgumentList f2Args = f2->arguments();
+// foreach (AbstractMetaArgument *a, f2Args)
+// qDebug() << " " << a->type()->name() << a->name();
+// qDebug() << " " << f1;
+// AbstractMetaArgumentList f1Args = f1->arguments();
+// foreach (AbstractMetaArgument *a, f1Args)
+// qDebug() << " " << a->type()->name() << a->name();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ setFunctions(funcs);
+QString AbstractMetaType::minimalSignature() const
+ QString minimalSignature;
+ if (isConstant())
+ minimalSignature += "const ";
+ minimalSignature += typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName();
+ if (hasInstantiations()) {
+ QList<AbstractMetaType *> instantiations = this->instantiations();
+ minimalSignature += "<";
+ for (int i=0;i<instantiations.size();++i) {
+ if (i > 0)
+ minimalSignature += ",";
+ minimalSignature +=>minimalSignature();
+ }
+ minimalSignature += ">";
+ }
+ if (isReference())
+ minimalSignature += "&";
+ for (int j=0; j<indirections(); ++j)
+ minimalSignature += "*";
+ return minimalSignature;
+bool AbstractMetaType::hasNativeId() const
+ return (isQObject() || isValue() || isObject()) && typeEntry()->isNativeIdBased();
+ * Other stuff...
+ */
+AbstractMetaEnum *AbstractMetaClassList::findEnum(const EnumTypeEntry *entry) const
+ Q_ASSERT(entry->isEnum());
+ QString qualified_name = entry->qualifiedCppName();
+ int pos = qualified_name.lastIndexOf("::");
+ QString enum_name;
+ QString class_name;
+ if (pos > 0) {
+ enum_name = qualified_name.mid(pos + 2);
+ class_name = qualified_name.mid(0, pos);
+ } else {
+ enum_name = qualified_name;
+ class_name = TypeDatabase::globalNamespaceClassName(entry);
+ }
+ AbstractMetaClass *meta_class = findClass(class_name);
+ if (!meta_class) {
+ ReportHandler::warning(QString("AbstractMeta::findEnum(), unknown class '%1' in '%2'")
+ .arg(class_name).arg(entry->qualifiedCppName()));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return meta_class->findEnum(enum_name);
+AbstractMetaEnumValue *AbstractMetaEnumValueList::find(const QString &name) const
+ for (int i=0; i<size(); ++i) {
+ if (name == at(i)->name())
+ return at(i);
+ }
+ return 0;
+AbstractMetaEnumValue *AbstractMetaClassList::findEnumValue(const QString &name) const
+ QStringList lst = name.split(QLatin1String("::"));
+ Q_ASSERT_X(lst.size() == 2, "AbstractMetaClassList::findEnumValue()", "Expected qualified enum");
+ QString prefixName =;
+ QString enumName =;
+ AbstractMetaClass *cl = findClass(prefixName);
+ if (cl)
+ return cl->findEnumValue(enumName, 0);
+ ReportHandler::warning(QString("no matching enum '%1'").arg(name));
+ return 0;
+ * Searches the list after a class that mathces \a name; either as
+ * C++, Java base name or complete Java package.class name.
+ */
+AbstractMetaClass *AbstractMetaClassList::findClass(const QString &name) const
+ if (name.isEmpty())
+ return 0;
+ foreach (AbstractMetaClass *c, *this) {
+ if (c->qualifiedCppName() == name)
+ return c;
+ }
+ foreach (AbstractMetaClass *c, *this) {
+ if (c->fullName() == name)
+ return c;
+ }
+ foreach (AbstractMetaClass *c, *this) {
+ if (c->name() == name)
+ return c;
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/generator/abstractmetalang.h b/generator/abstractmetalang.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a69b406
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/abstractmetalang.h
@@ -0,0 +1,920 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "codemodel.h"
+#include "typesystem.h"
+#include <QSet>
+#include <QStringList>
+#include <QTextStream>
+class AbstractMeta;
+class AbstractMetaClass;
+class AbstractMetaField;
+class AbstractMetaFunction;
+class AbstractMetaType;
+class AbstractMetaVariable;
+class AbstractMetaArgument;
+class AbstractMetaEnumValue;
+class AbstractMetaEnum;
+class QPropertySpec;
+typedef QList<AbstractMetaField *> AbstractMetaFieldList;
+typedef QList<AbstractMetaArgument *> AbstractMetaArgumentList;
+typedef QList<AbstractMetaFunction *> AbstractMetaFunctionList;
+class AbstractMetaClassList : public QList<AbstractMetaClass *>
+ AbstractMetaClass *findClass(const QString &name) const;
+ AbstractMetaEnumValue *findEnumValue(const QString &string) const;
+ AbstractMetaEnum *findEnum(const EnumTypeEntry *entry) const;
+class AbstractMetaAttributes
+ AbstractMetaAttributes() : m_attributes(0) { };
+ enum Attribute {
+ None = 0x00000000,
+ Private = 0x00000001,
+ Protected = 0x00000002,
+ Public = 0x00000004,
+ Friendly = 0x00000008,
+ Visibility = 0x0000000f,
+ Native = 0x00000010,
+ Abstract = 0x00000020,
+ Static = 0x00000040,
+ FinalInTargetLang = 0x00000080,
+ FinalInCpp = 0x00000100,
+ ForceShellImplementation = 0x00000200,
+ GetterFunction = 0x00000400,
+ SetterFunction = 0x00000800,
+ FinalOverload = 0x00001000,
+ InterfaceFunction = 0x00002000,
+ PropertyReader = 0x00004000,
+ PropertyWriter = 0x00008000,
+ PropertyResetter = 0x00010000,
+ Fake = 0x00020000,
+ Invokable = 0x00040000,
+ Final = FinalInTargetLang | FinalInCpp
+ };
+ uint attributes() const { return m_attributes; }
+ void setAttributes(uint attributes) { m_attributes = attributes; }
+ uint originalAttributes() const { return m_originalAttributes; }
+ void setOriginalAttributes(uint attributes) { m_originalAttributes = attributes; }
+ uint visibility() const { return m_attributes & Visibility; }
+ void setVisibility(uint visi) { m_attributes = (m_attributes & ~Visibility) | visi; }
+ void operator+=(Attribute attribute) { m_attributes |= attribute; }
+ void operator-=(Attribute attribute) { m_attributes &= ~attribute; }
+ bool isNative() const { return m_attributes & Native; }
+ bool isFinal() const { return (m_attributes & Final) == Final; }
+ bool isFinalInTargetLang() const { return m_attributes & FinalInTargetLang; }
+ bool isFinalInCpp() const { return m_attributes & FinalInCpp; }
+ bool isAbstract() const { return m_attributes & Abstract; }
+ bool isStatic() const { return m_attributes & Static; }
+ bool isForcedShellImplementation() const { return m_attributes & ForceShellImplementation; }
+ bool isInterfaceFunction() const { return m_attributes & InterfaceFunction; }
+ bool isFinalOverload() const { return m_attributes & FinalOverload; }
+ bool isInvokable() const { return m_attributes & Invokable; }
+ bool isPropertyReader() const { return m_attributes & PropertyReader; }
+ bool isPropertyWriter() const { return m_attributes & PropertyWriter; }
+ bool isPropertyResetter() const { return m_attributes & PropertyResetter; }
+ bool isPrivate() const { return m_attributes & Private; }
+ bool isProtected() const { return m_attributes & Protected; }
+ bool isPublic() const { return m_attributes & Public; }
+ bool isFriendly() const { return m_attributes & Friendly; }
+ bool wasPrivate() const { return m_originalAttributes & Private; }
+ bool wasProtected() const { return m_originalAttributes & Protected; }
+ bool wasPublic() const { return m_originalAttributes & Public; }
+ bool wasFriendly() const { return m_originalAttributes & Friendly; }
+ uint m_attributes;
+ uint m_originalAttributes;
+class AbstractMetaType
+ enum TypeUsagePattern {
+ InvalidPattern,
+ PrimitivePattern,
+ FlagsPattern,
+ EnumPattern,
+ ValuePattern,
+ StringPattern,
+ CharPattern,
+ ObjectPattern,
+ QObjectPattern,
+ NativePointerPattern,
+ ContainerPattern,
+ VariantPattern,
+ JObjectWrapperPattern,
+ ArrayPattern,
+ ThreadPattern
+ };
+ AbstractMetaType() :
+ m_type_entry(0),
+ m_array_element_count(0),
+ m_array_element_type(0),
+ m_original_template_type(0),
+ m_pattern(InvalidPattern),
+ m_constant(false),
+ m_reference(false),
+ m_cpp_instantiation(true),
+ m_indirections(0),
+ m_reserved(0)
+ {
+ }
+ QString package() const { return m_type_entry->javaPackage(); }
+ QString name() const { return m_type_entry->targetLangName(); }
+ QString fullName() const { return m_type_entry->qualifiedTargetLangName(); }
+ void setTypeUsagePattern(TypeUsagePattern pattern) { m_pattern = pattern; }
+ TypeUsagePattern typeUsagePattern() const { return m_pattern; }
+ // true when use pattern is container
+ bool hasInstantiations() const { return !m_instantiations.isEmpty(); }
+ void addInstantiation(AbstractMetaType *inst) { m_instantiations << inst; }
+ void setInstantiations(const QList<AbstractMetaType *> &insts) { m_instantiations = insts; }
+ QList<AbstractMetaType *> instantiations() const { return m_instantiations; }
+ void setInstantiationInCpp(bool incpp) { m_cpp_instantiation = incpp; }
+ bool hasInstantiationInCpp() const { return hasInstantiations() && m_cpp_instantiation; }
+ QString minimalSignature() const;
+ // true when the type is a QtJambiObject subclass
+ bool hasNativeId() const;
+ // returns true if the typs is used as a non complex primitive, no & or *'s
+ bool isPrimitive() const { return m_pattern == PrimitivePattern; }
+ // returns true if the type is used as an enum
+ bool isEnum() const { return m_pattern == EnumPattern; }
+ // returns true if the type is used as a QObject *
+ bool isQObject() const { return m_pattern == QObjectPattern; }
+ // returns true if the type is used as an object, e.g. Xxx *
+ bool isObject() const { return m_pattern == ObjectPattern; }
+ // returns true if the type is used as an array, e.g. Xxx[42]
+ bool isArray() const { return m_pattern == ArrayPattern; }
+ // returns true if the type is used as a value type (X or const X &)
+ bool isValue() const { return m_pattern == ValuePattern; }
+ // returns true for more complex types...
+ bool isNativePointer() const { return m_pattern == NativePointerPattern; }
+ // returns true if the type was originally a QString or const QString & or equivalent for QLatin1String
+ bool isTargetLangString() const { return m_pattern == StringPattern; }
+ // returns true if the type was originally a QChar or const QChar &
+ bool isTargetLangChar() const { return m_pattern == CharPattern; }
+ // return true if the type was originally a QVariant or const QVariant &
+ bool isVariant() const { return m_pattern == VariantPattern; }
+ // return true if the type was originally a JObjectWrapper or const JObjectWrapper &
+ bool isJObjectWrapper() const { return m_pattern == JObjectWrapperPattern; }
+ // returns true if the type was used as a container
+ bool isContainer() const { return m_pattern == ContainerPattern; }
+ // returns true if the type was used as a flag
+ bool isFlags() const { return m_pattern == FlagsPattern; }
+ // returns true if the type was used as a thread
+ bool isThread() const { return m_pattern == ThreadPattern; }
+ bool isConstant() const { return m_constant; }
+ void setConstant(bool constant) { m_constant = constant; }
+ bool isReference() const { return m_reference; }
+ void setReference(bool ref) { m_reference = ref; }
+ // Returns true if the type is to be implemented using Java enums, e.g. not plain ints.
+ bool isTargetLangEnum() const { return isEnum() && !((EnumTypeEntry *) typeEntry())->forceInteger(); }
+ bool isIntegerEnum() const { return isEnum() && !isTargetLangEnum(); }
+ // Returns true if the type is to be implemented using Java QFlags, e.g. not plain ints.
+ bool isTargetLangFlags() const {
+ return isFlags() && !((FlagsTypeEntry *) typeEntry())->forceInteger(); }
+ bool isIntegerFlags() const { return isFlags() && !isTargetLangFlags(); }
+ int actualIndirections() const { return m_indirections + (isReference() ? 1 : 0); }
+ int indirections() const { return m_indirections; }
+ void setIndirections(int indirections) { m_indirections = indirections; }
+ void setArrayElementCount(int n) { m_array_element_count = n; }
+ int arrayElementCount() const { return m_array_element_count; }
+ AbstractMetaType *arrayElementType() const { return m_array_element_type; }
+ void setArrayElementType(AbstractMetaType *t) { m_array_element_type = t; }
+ QString cppSignature() const;
+ AbstractMetaType *copy() const;
+ const TypeEntry *typeEntry() const { return m_type_entry; }
+ void setTypeEntry(const TypeEntry *type) { m_type_entry = type; }
+ void setOriginalTypeDescription(const QString &otd) { m_original_type_description = otd; }
+ QString originalTypeDescription() const { return m_original_type_description; }
+ void setOriginalTemplateType(const AbstractMetaType *type) { m_original_template_type = type; }
+ const AbstractMetaType *originalTemplateType() const { return m_original_template_type; }
+ const TypeEntry *m_type_entry;
+ QList <AbstractMetaType *> m_instantiations;
+ QString m_package;
+ QString m_original_type_description;
+ int m_array_element_count;
+ AbstractMetaType *m_array_element_type;
+ const AbstractMetaType *m_original_template_type;
+ TypeUsagePattern m_pattern;
+ uint m_constant : 1;
+ uint m_reference : 1;
+ uint m_cpp_instantiation : 1;
+ int m_indirections : 4;
+ uint m_reserved : 25; // unused
+class AbstractMetaVariable
+ AbstractMetaVariable() : m_type(0) { }
+ AbstractMetaType *type() const { return m_type; }
+ void setType(AbstractMetaType *type) { m_type = type; }
+ QString name() const { return m_name; }
+ void setName(const QString &name) { m_name = name; }
+ QString m_name;
+ AbstractMetaType *m_type;
+class AbstractMetaArgument : public AbstractMetaVariable
+ AbstractMetaArgument() : m_argument_index(0) { };
+ QString defaultValueExpression() const { return m_expression; }
+ void setDefaultValueExpression(const QString &expr) { m_expression = expr; }
+ QString originalDefaultValueExpression() const { return m_original_expression; }
+ void setOriginalDefaultValueExpression(const QString &expr) { m_original_expression = expr; }
+ QString toString() const { return type()->name() + " " + AbstractMetaVariable::name() +
+ (m_expression.isEmpty() ? "" : " = " + m_expression); }
+ int argumentIndex() const { return m_argument_index; }
+ void setArgumentIndex(int argIndex) { m_argument_index = argIndex; }
+ QString argumentName() const;
+ QString indexedName() const;
+ AbstractMetaArgument *copy() const;
+ // Just to force people to call argumentName() And indexedName();
+ QString name() const;
+ QString m_expression;
+ QString m_original_expression;
+ int m_argument_index;
+class AbstractMetaField : public AbstractMetaVariable, public AbstractMetaAttributes
+ AbstractMetaField();
+ ~AbstractMetaField();
+ const AbstractMetaClass *enclosingClass() const { return m_class; }
+ void setEnclosingClass(const AbstractMetaClass *cls) { m_class = cls; }
+ const AbstractMetaFunction *getter() const;
+ const AbstractMetaFunction *setter() const;
+ FieldModificationList modifications() const;
+ AbstractMetaField *copy() const;
+ mutable AbstractMetaFunction *m_getter;
+ mutable AbstractMetaFunction *m_setter;
+ const AbstractMetaClass *m_class;
+class AbstractMetaFunction : public AbstractMetaAttributes
+ enum FunctionType {
+ ConstructorFunction,
+ DestructorFunction,
+ NormalFunction,
+ SignalFunction,
+ EmptyFunction,
+ SlotFunction,
+ GlobalScopeFunction
+ };
+ enum CompareResult {
+ EqualName = 0x00000001,
+ EqualArguments = 0x00000002,
+ EqualAttributes = 0x00000004,
+ EqualImplementor = 0x00000008,
+ EqualReturnType = 0x00000010,
+ EqualDefaultValueOverload = 0x00000020,
+ EqualModifiedName = 0x00000040,
+ NameLessThan = 0x00001000,
+ PrettySimilar = EqualName | EqualArguments,
+ Equal = 0x0000001f,
+ NotEqual = 0x00001000
+ };
+ AbstractMetaFunction()
+ : m_function_type(NormalFunction),
+ m_type(0),
+ m_class(0),
+ m_implementing_class(0),
+ m_declaring_class(0),
+ m_interface_class(0),
+ m_property_spec(0),
+ m_constant(false),
+ m_invalid(false)
+ {
+ }
+ ~AbstractMetaFunction();
+ QString name() const { return m_name; }
+ void setName(const QString &name) { m_name = name; }
+ QString originalName() const { return m_original_name.isEmpty() ? name() : m_original_name; }
+ void setOriginalName(const QString &name) { m_original_name = name; }
+ QString modifiedName() const;
+ QString minimalSignature() const;
+ QStringList possibleIntrospectionCompatibleSignatures() const;
+ QString marshalledName() const;
+ // true if one or more of the arguments are of QtJambiObject subclasses
+ bool argumentsHaveNativeId() const
+ {
+ foreach (const AbstractMetaArgument *arg, m_arguments) {
+ if (arg->type()->hasNativeId())
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool isModifiedRemoved(int types = TypeSystem::All) const;
+ AbstractMetaType *type() const { return m_type; }
+ void setType(AbstractMetaType *type) { m_type = type; }
+ // The class that has this function as a member.
+ const AbstractMetaClass *ownerClass() const { return m_class; }
+ void setOwnerClass(const AbstractMetaClass *cls) { m_class = cls; }
+ // The first class in a hierarchy that declares the function
+ const AbstractMetaClass *declaringClass() const { return m_declaring_class; }
+ void setDeclaringClass(const AbstractMetaClass *cls) { m_declaring_class = cls; }
+ // The class that actually implements this function
+ const AbstractMetaClass *implementingClass() const { return m_implementing_class; }
+ void setImplementingClass(const AbstractMetaClass *cls) { m_implementing_class = cls; }
+ bool needsCallThrough() const;
+ AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments() const { return m_arguments; }
+ void setArguments(const AbstractMetaArgumentList &arguments) { m_arguments = arguments; }
+ void addArgument(AbstractMetaArgument *argument) { m_arguments << argument; }
+ int actualMinimumArgumentCount() const;
+ void setInvalid(bool on) { m_invalid = on; }
+ bool isInvalid() const { return m_invalid; }
+ bool isDeprecated() const;
+ bool isDestructor() const { return functionType() == DestructorFunction; }
+ bool isConstructor() const { return functionType() == ConstructorFunction; }
+ bool isNormal() const { return functionType() == NormalFunction || isSlot() || isInGlobalScope(); }
+ bool isInGlobalScope() const { return functionType() == GlobalScopeFunction; }
+ bool isSignal() const { return functionType() == SignalFunction; }
+ bool isSlot() const { return functionType() == SlotFunction; }
+ bool isEmptyFunction() const { return functionType() == EmptyFunction; }
+ FunctionType functionType() const { return m_function_type; }
+ void setFunctionType(FunctionType type) { m_function_type = type; }
+ QStringList introspectionCompatibleSignatures(const QStringList &resolvedArguments = QStringList()) const;
+ QString signature() const;
+ QString targetLangSignature(bool minimal = false) const;
+ bool shouldReturnThisObject() const { return QLatin1String("this") == argumentReplaced(0); }
+ bool shouldIgnoreReturnValue() const { return QLatin1String("void") == argumentReplaced(0); }
+ bool isConstant() const { return m_constant; }
+ void setConstant(bool constant) { m_constant = constant; }
+ QString toString() const { return m_name; }
+ uint compareTo(const AbstractMetaFunction *other) const;
+ bool operator <(const AbstractMetaFunction &a) const;
+ AbstractMetaFunction *copy() const;
+ QString replacedDefaultExpression(const AbstractMetaClass *cls, int idx) const;
+ bool removedDefaultExpression(const AbstractMetaClass *cls, int idx) const;
+ QString conversionRule(TypeSystem::Language language, int idx) const;
+ QList<ReferenceCount> referenceCounts(const AbstractMetaClass *cls, int idx = -2) const;
+ bool nullPointersDisabled(const AbstractMetaClass *cls = 0, int argument_idx = 0) const;
+ QString nullPointerDefaultValue(const AbstractMetaClass *cls = 0, int argument_idx = 0) const;
+ bool resetObjectAfterUse(int argument_idx) const;
+ // Returns whether garbage collection is disabled for the argument in any context
+ bool disabledGarbageCollection(const AbstractMetaClass *cls, int key) const;
+ // Returns the ownership rules for the given argument in the given context
+ TypeSystem::Ownership ownership(const AbstractMetaClass *cls, TypeSystem::Language language, int idx) const;
+ bool isVirtualSlot() const;
+ QString typeReplaced(int argument_index) const;
+ bool isRemovedFromAllLanguages(const AbstractMetaClass *) const;
+ bool isRemovedFrom(const AbstractMetaClass *, TypeSystem::Language language) const;
+ bool argumentRemoved(int) const;
+ QString argumentReplaced(int key) const;
+ bool needsSuppressUncheckedWarning() const;
+ bool hasModifications(const AbstractMetaClass *implementor) const;
+ FunctionModificationList modifications(const AbstractMetaClass *implementor) const;
+ // If this function stems from an interface, this returns the
+ // interface that declares it.
+ const AbstractMetaClass *interfaceClass() const { return m_interface_class; }
+ void setInterfaceClass(const AbstractMetaClass *cl) { m_interface_class = cl; }
+ void setPropertySpec(QPropertySpec *spec) { m_property_spec = spec; }
+ QPropertySpec *propertySpec() const { return m_property_spec; }
+ QString m_name;
+ QString m_original_name;
+ mutable QString m_cached_minimal_signature;
+ mutable QString m_cached_modified_name;
+ FunctionType m_function_type;
+ AbstractMetaType *m_type;
+ const AbstractMetaClass *m_class;
+ const AbstractMetaClass *m_implementing_class;
+ const AbstractMetaClass *m_declaring_class;
+ const AbstractMetaClass *m_interface_class;
+ QPropertySpec *m_property_spec;
+ AbstractMetaArgumentList m_arguments;
+ uint m_constant : 1;
+ uint m_invalid : 1;
+class AbstractMetaEnumValue
+ AbstractMetaEnumValue()
+ : m_value_set(false), m_value(0)
+ {
+ }
+ int value() const { return m_value; }
+ void setValue(int value) { m_value_set = true; m_value = value; }
+ QString stringValue() const { return m_string_value; }
+ void setStringValue(const QString &v) { m_string_value = v; }
+ QString name() const { return m_name; }
+ void setName(const QString &name) { m_name = name; }
+ bool isValueSet() const { return m_value_set; }
+ QString m_name;
+ QString m_string_value;
+ bool m_value_set;
+ int m_value;
+class AbstractMetaEnumValueList : public QList<AbstractMetaEnumValue *>
+ AbstractMetaEnumValue *find(const QString &name) const;
+class AbstractMetaEnum : public AbstractMetaAttributes
+ AbstractMetaEnum() : m_type_entry(0), m_class(0), m_has_qenums_declaration(false) {}
+ AbstractMetaEnumValueList values() const { return m_enum_values; }
+ void addEnumValue(AbstractMetaEnumValue *enumValue) { m_enum_values << enumValue; }
+ QString name() const { return m_type_entry->targetLangName(); }
+ QString qualifier() const { return m_type_entry->javaQualifier(); }
+ QString package() const { return m_type_entry->javaPackage(); }
+ QString fullName() const { return package() + "." + qualifier() + "." + name(); }
+ // Has the enum been declared inside a Q_ENUMS() macro in its enclosing class?
+ void setHasQEnumsDeclaration(bool on) { m_has_qenums_declaration = on; }
+ bool hasQEnumsDeclaration() const { return m_has_qenums_declaration; }
+ EnumTypeEntry *typeEntry() const { return m_type_entry; }
+ void setTypeEntry(EnumTypeEntry *entry) { m_type_entry = entry; }
+ AbstractMetaClass *enclosingClass() const { return m_class; }
+ void setEnclosingClass(AbstractMetaClass *c) { m_class = c; }
+ AbstractMetaEnumValueList m_enum_values;
+ EnumTypeEntry *m_type_entry;
+ AbstractMetaClass *m_class;
+ uint m_has_qenums_declaration : 1;
+ uint m_reserved : 31;
+typedef QList<AbstractMetaEnum *> AbstractMetaEnumList;
+class AbstractMetaClass : public AbstractMetaAttributes
+ enum FunctionQueryOption {
+ Constructors = 0x000001, // Only constructors
+ //Destructors = 0x000002, // Only destructors. Not included in class.
+ VirtualFunctions = 0x000004, // Only virtual functions (virtual in both TargetLang and C++)
+ FinalInTargetLangFunctions = 0x000008, // Only functions that are non-virtual in TargetLang
+ FinalInCppFunctions = 0x000010, // Only functions that are non-virtual in C++
+ ClassImplements = 0x000020, // Only functions implemented by the current class
+ Inconsistent = 0x000040, // Only inconsistent functions (inconsistent virtualness in TargetLang/C++)
+ StaticFunctions = 0x000080, // Only static functions
+ Signals = 0x000100, // Only signals
+ NormalFunctions = 0x000200, // Only functions that aren't signals
+ Visible = 0x000400, // Only public and protected functions
+ ForcedShellFunctions = 0x000800, // Only functions that are overridden to be implemented in the shell class
+ WasPublic = 0x001000, // Only functions that were originally public
+ WasProtected = 0x002000, // Only functions that were originally protected
+ NonStaticFunctions = 0x004000, // No static functions
+ Empty = 0x008000, // Empty overrides of abstract functions
+ Invisible = 0x010000, // Only private functions
+ VirtualInCppFunctions = 0x020000, // Only functions that are virtual in C++
+ NonEmptyFunctions = 0x040000, // Only functions with JNI implementations
+ VirtualInTargetLangFunctions = 0x080000, // Only functions which are virtual in TargetLang
+ AbstractFunctions = 0x100000, // Only abstract functions
+ WasVisible = 0x200000, // Only functions that were public or protected in the original code
+ NotRemovedFromTargetLang = 0x400000, // Only functions that have not been removed from TargetLang
+ NotRemovedFromShell = 0x800000, // Only functions that have not been removed from the shell class
+ VirtualSlots = 0x1000000 // Only functions that are set as virtual slots in the type system
+ };
+ AbstractMetaClass()
+ : m_namespace(false),
+ m_qobject(false),
+ m_has_virtuals(false),
+ m_has_nonpublic(false),
+ m_has_virtual_slots(false),
+ m_has_nonprivateconstructor(false),
+ m_functions_fixed(false),
+ m_has_public_destructor(true),
+ m_force_shell_class(false),
+ m_has_hash_function(false),
+ m_has_equals_operator(false),
+ m_has_clone_operator(false),
+ m_is_type_alias(false),
+ m_enclosing_class(0),
+ m_base_class(0),
+ m_template_base_class(0),
+ m_extracted_interface(0),
+ m_primary_interface_implementor(0),
+ m_type_entry(0),
+ m_qDebug_stream_function(0)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual ~AbstractMetaClass();
+ AbstractMetaClass *extractInterface();
+ void fixFunctions();
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList functions() const { return m_functions; }
+ void setFunctions(const AbstractMetaFunctionList &functions);
+ void addFunction(AbstractMetaFunction *function);
+ bool hasFunction(const AbstractMetaFunction *f) const;
+ bool hasFunction(const QString &str) const;
+ bool hasSignal(const AbstractMetaFunction *f) const;
+ bool hasConstructors() const;
+ void addDefaultConstructor();
+ bool hasNonPrivateConstructor() const { return m_has_nonprivateconstructor; }
+ void setHasNonPrivateConstructor(bool on) { m_has_nonprivateconstructor = on; }
+ bool hasPublicDestructor() const { return m_has_public_destructor; }
+ void setHasPublicDestructor(bool on) { m_has_public_destructor = on; }
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList queryFunctionsByName(const QString &name) const;
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList queryFunctions(uint query) const;
+ inline AbstractMetaFunctionList allVirtualFunctions() const;
+ inline AbstractMetaFunctionList allFinalFunctions() const;
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList functionsInTargetLang() const;
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList functionsInShellClass() const;
+ inline AbstractMetaFunctionList cppInconsistentFunctions() const;
+ inline AbstractMetaFunctionList cppSignalFunctions() const;
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList publicOverrideFunctions() const;
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList virtualOverrideFunctions() const;
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList virtualFunctions() const;
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList nonVirtualShellFunctions() const;
+ AbstractMetaFieldList fields() const { return m_fields; }
+ void setFields(const AbstractMetaFieldList &fields) { m_fields = fields; }
+ void addField(AbstractMetaField *field) { m_fields << field; }
+ AbstractMetaEnumList enums() const { return m_enums; }
+ void setEnums(const AbstractMetaEnumList &enums) { m_enums = enums; }
+ void addEnum(AbstractMetaEnum *e) { m_enums << e; }
+ AbstractMetaEnum *findEnum(const QString &enumName);
+ AbstractMetaEnum *findEnumForValue(const QString &enumName);
+ AbstractMetaEnumValue *findEnumValue(const QString &enumName, AbstractMetaEnum *meta_enum);
+ AbstractMetaClassList interfaces() const { return m_interfaces; }
+ void addInterface(AbstractMetaClass *interface);
+ void setInterfaces(const AbstractMetaClassList &interface);
+ QString fullName() const { return package() + "." + name(); }
+ QString name() const;
+ QString baseClassName() const { return m_base_class ? m_base_class->name() : QString(); }
+ AbstractMetaClass *baseClass() const { return m_base_class; }
+ void setBaseClass(AbstractMetaClass *base_class) { m_base_class = base_class; }
+ const AbstractMetaClass *enclosingClass() const { return m_enclosing_class; }
+ void setEnclosingClass(AbstractMetaClass *cl) { m_enclosing_class = cl; }
+ QString package() const { return m_type_entry->javaPackage(); }
+ bool isInterface() const { return m_type_entry->isInterface(); }
+ bool isNamespace() const { return m_type_entry->isNamespace(); }
+ bool isQObject() const { return m_type_entry->isQObject(); }
+ bool isQtNamespace() const { return isNamespace() && name() == "Qt"; }
+ QString qualifiedCppName() const { return m_type_entry->qualifiedCppName(); }
+ bool hasInconsistentFunctions() const;
+ bool hasSignals() const;
+ bool inheritsFrom(const AbstractMetaClass *other) const;
+ void setForceShellClass(bool on) { m_force_shell_class = on; }
+ bool generateShellClass() const;
+ bool hasVirtualSlots() const { return m_has_virtual_slots; }
+ bool hasVirtualFunctions() const { return !isFinal() && m_has_virtuals; }
+ bool hasProtectedFunctions() const;
+ QList<TypeEntry *> templateArguments() const { return m_template_args; }
+ void setTemplateArguments(const QList<TypeEntry *> &args) { m_template_args = args; }
+ bool hasFieldAccessors() const;
+ // only valid during metajavabuilder's run
+ QStringList baseClassNames() const { return m_base_class_names; }
+ void setBaseClassNames(const QStringList &names) { m_base_class_names = names; }
+ AbstractMetaClass *primaryInterfaceImplementor() const { return m_primary_interface_implementor; }
+ void setPrimaryInterfaceImplementor(AbstractMetaClass *cl) { m_primary_interface_implementor = cl; }
+ const ComplexTypeEntry *typeEntry() const { return m_type_entry; }
+ ComplexTypeEntry *typeEntry() { return m_type_entry; }
+ void setTypeEntry(ComplexTypeEntry *type) { m_type_entry = type; }
+ void setHasHashFunction(bool on) { m_has_hash_function = on; }
+ bool hasHashFunction() const { return m_has_hash_function; }
+ void setToStringCapability(FunctionModelItem fun) { m_qDebug_stream_function= fun; }
+ FunctionModelItem hasToStringCapability() const { return m_qDebug_stream_function; }
+ virtual bool hasDefaultToStringFunction() const;
+ void setHasEqualsOperator(bool on) { m_has_equals_operator = on; }
+ bool hasEqualsOperator() const { return m_has_equals_operator; }
+ void setHasCloneOperator(bool on) { m_has_clone_operator = on; }
+ bool hasCloneOperator() const { return m_has_clone_operator; }
+ void addPropertySpec(QPropertySpec *spec) { m_property_specs << spec; }
+ QList<QPropertySpec *> propertySpecs() const { return m_property_specs; }
+ QPropertySpec *propertySpecForRead(const QString &name) const;
+ QPropertySpec *propertySpecForWrite(const QString &name) const;
+ QPropertySpec *propertySpecForReset(const QString &name) const;
+ QList<ReferenceCount> referenceCounts() const;
+ void setEqualsFunctions(const AbstractMetaFunctionList &lst) { m_equals_functions = lst; }
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList equalsFunctions() const { return m_equals_functions; }
+ void setNotEqualsFunctions(const AbstractMetaFunctionList &lst) { m_nequals_functions = lst; }
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList notEqualsFunctions() const { return m_nequals_functions; }
+ void setLessThanFunctions(const AbstractMetaFunctionList &lst) { m_less_than_functions = lst; }
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList lessThanFunctions() const { return m_less_than_functions; }
+ void setGreaterThanFunctions(const AbstractMetaFunctionList &lst) { m_greater_than_functions = lst; }
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList greaterThanFunctions() const { return m_greater_than_functions; }
+ void setLessThanEqFunctions(const AbstractMetaFunctionList &lst) { m_less_than_eq_functions = lst; }
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList lessThanEqFunctions() const { return m_less_than_eq_functions; }
+ void setGreaterThanEqFunctions(const AbstractMetaFunctionList &lst) { m_greater_than_eq_functions = lst; }
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList greaterThanEqFunctions() const { return m_greater_than_eq_functions; }
+ void sortFunctions();
+ const AbstractMetaClass *templateBaseClass() const { return m_template_base_class; }
+ void setTemplateBaseClass(const AbstractMetaClass *cls) { m_template_base_class = cls; }
+ void setTypeAlias(bool typeAlias) { m_is_type_alias = typeAlias; }
+ bool isTypeAlias() const { return m_is_type_alias; }
+ uint m_namespace : 1;
+ uint m_qobject : 1;
+ uint m_has_virtuals : 1;
+ uint m_has_nonpublic : 1;
+ uint m_has_virtual_slots : 1;
+ uint m_has_nonprivateconstructor : 1;
+ uint m_functions_fixed : 1;
+ uint m_has_public_destructor : 1;
+ uint m_force_shell_class : 1;
+ uint m_has_hash_function : 1;
+ uint m_has_equals_operator : 1;
+ uint m_has_clone_operator :1;
+ uint m_is_type_alias : 1;
+ uint m_reserved : 19;
+ const AbstractMetaClass *m_enclosing_class;
+ AbstractMetaClass *m_base_class;
+ const AbstractMetaClass *m_template_base_class;
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList m_functions;
+ AbstractMetaFieldList m_fields;
+ AbstractMetaEnumList m_enums;
+ AbstractMetaClassList m_interfaces;
+ AbstractMetaClass *m_extracted_interface;
+ AbstractMetaClass *m_primary_interface_implementor;
+ QList<QPropertySpec *> m_property_specs;
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList m_equals_functions;
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList m_nequals_functions;
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList m_less_than_functions;
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList m_greater_than_functions;
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList m_less_than_eq_functions;
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList m_greater_than_eq_functions;
+ QStringList m_base_class_names;
+ QList<TypeEntry *> m_template_args;
+ ComplexTypeEntry *m_type_entry;
+ FunctionModelItem m_qDebug_stream_function;
+class QPropertySpec {
+ QPropertySpec(const TypeEntry *type)
+ : m_type(type),
+ m_index(-1)
+ {
+ }
+ const TypeEntry *type() const { return m_type; }
+ QString name() const { return m_name; }
+ void setName(const QString &name) { m_name = name; }
+ QString read() const { return m_read; }
+ void setRead(const QString &read) { m_read = read; }
+ QString write() const { return m_write; }
+ void setWrite(const QString &write) { m_write = write; }
+ QString designable() const { return m_designable; }
+ void setDesignable(const QString &designable) { m_designable = designable; }
+ QString reset() const { return m_reset; }
+ void setReset(const QString &reset) { m_reset = reset; }
+ int index() const { return m_index; }
+ void setIndex(int index) { m_index = index; }
+ QString m_name;
+ QString m_read;
+ QString m_write;
+ QString m_designable;
+ QString m_reset;
+ const TypeEntry *m_type;
+ int m_index;
+inline AbstractMetaFunctionList AbstractMetaClass::allVirtualFunctions() const
+ return queryFunctions(VirtualFunctions
+ | NotRemovedFromTargetLang);
+inline AbstractMetaFunctionList AbstractMetaClass::allFinalFunctions() const
+ return queryFunctions(FinalInTargetLangFunctions
+ | FinalInCppFunctions
+ | NotRemovedFromTargetLang);
+inline AbstractMetaFunctionList AbstractMetaClass::cppInconsistentFunctions() const
+ return queryFunctions(Inconsistent
+ | NormalFunctions
+ | Visible
+ | NotRemovedFromTargetLang);
+inline AbstractMetaFunctionList AbstractMetaClass::cppSignalFunctions() const
+ return queryFunctions(Signals
+ | Visible
+ | NotRemovedFromTargetLang);
diff --git a/generator/asttoxml.cpp b/generator/asttoxml.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f972b81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/asttoxml.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "asttoxml.h"
+#include "control.h"
+#include "parser.h"
+#include "binder.h"
+#include <QXmlStreamWriter>
+#include <QTextStream>
+#include <QTextCodec>
+#include <QFile>
+void astToXML(QString name) {
+ QFile file(name);
+ if (!
+ return;
+ QTextStream stream(&file);
+ stream.setCodec(QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8"));
+ QByteArray contents = stream.readAll().toUtf8();
+ file.close();
+ Control control;
+ Parser p(&control);
+ pool __pool;
+ TranslationUnitAST *ast = p.parse(contents, contents.size(), &__pool);
+ CodeModel model;
+ Binder binder(&model, p.location());
+ FileModelItem dom =;
+ QFile outputFile;
+ if (!, QIODevice::WriteOnly))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ QXmlStreamWriter s( &outputFile);
+ s.setAutoFormatting( true );
+ s.writeStartElement("code");
+ QHash<QString, NamespaceModelItem> namespaceMap = dom->namespaceMap();
+ foreach (NamespaceModelItem item, namespaceMap.values()) {
+ writeOutNamespace(s, item);
+ }
+ QHash<QString, ClassModelItem> typeMap = dom->classMap();
+ foreach (ClassModelItem item, typeMap.values()) {
+ writeOutClass(s, item);
+ }
+ s.writeEndElement();
+void writeOutNamespace(QXmlStreamWriter &s, NamespaceModelItem &item) {
+ s.writeStartElement("namespace");
+ s.writeAttribute("name", item->name());
+ QHash<QString, NamespaceModelItem> namespaceMap = item->namespaceMap();
+ foreach (NamespaceModelItem item, namespaceMap.values()) {
+ writeOutNamespace(s, item);
+ }
+ QHash<QString, ClassModelItem> typeMap = item->classMap();
+ foreach (ClassModelItem item, typeMap.values()) {
+ writeOutClass(s, item);
+ }
+ QHash<QString, EnumModelItem> enumMap = item->enumMap();
+ foreach (EnumModelItem item, enumMap.values()) {
+ writeOutEnum(s, item);
+ }
+ s.writeEndElement();
+void writeOutEnum(QXmlStreamWriter &s, EnumModelItem &item) {
+ QString qualified_name = item->qualifiedName().join("::");
+ s.writeStartElement("enum");
+ s.writeAttribute("name", qualified_name);
+ EnumeratorList enumList = item->enumerators();
+ for(int i=0; i < enumList.size() ; i++) {
+ s.writeStartElement("enumerator");
+ if( !enumList[i]->value().isEmpty() )
+ s.writeAttribute("value", enumList[i]->value());
+ s.writeCharacters(enumList[i]->name());
+ s.writeEndElement();
+ }
+ s.writeEndElement();
+void writeOutFunction(QXmlStreamWriter &s, FunctionModelItem &item) {
+ QString qualified_name = item->qualifiedName().join("::");
+ s.writeStartElement("function");
+ s.writeAttribute("name", qualified_name);
+ ArgumentList arguments = item->arguments();
+ for(int i=0; i < arguments.size() ; i++) {
+ s.writeStartElement("argument");
+ s.writeAttribute("type", arguments[i]->type().qualifiedName().join("::"));
+ s.writeEndElement();
+ }
+ s.writeEndElement();
+void writeOutClass(QXmlStreamWriter &s, ClassModelItem &item) {
+ QString qualified_name = item->qualifiedName().join("::");
+ s.writeStartElement("class");
+ s.writeAttribute("name", qualified_name);
+ QHash<QString, EnumModelItem> enumMap = item->enumMap();
+ foreach (EnumModelItem item, enumMap.values()) {
+ writeOutEnum(s, item);
+ }
+ QHash<QString, FunctionModelItem> functionMap = item->functionMap();
+ foreach (FunctionModelItem item, functionMap.values()) {
+ writeOutFunction(s, item);
+ }
+ QHash<QString, ClassModelItem> typeMap = item->classMap();
+ foreach (ClassModelItem item, typeMap.values()) {
+ writeOutClass(s, item);
+ }
+ s.writeEndElement();
diff --git a/generator/asttoxml.h b/generator/asttoxml.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fa641b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/asttoxml.h
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#ifndef ASTTOXML
+#define ASTTOXML
+#include "codemodel.h"
+#include <QString>
+#include <QXmlStreamWriter>
+void astToXML(const QString name);
+void writeOutNamespace(QXmlStreamWriter &s, NamespaceModelItem &item);
+void writeOutEnum(QXmlStreamWriter &s, EnumModelItem &item);
+void writeOutFunction(QXmlStreamWriter &s, FunctionModelItem &item);
+void writeOutClass(QXmlStreamWriter &s, ClassModelItem &item);
+#endif // ASTTOXML
diff --git a/generator/build_all.txt b/generator/build_all.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3cbcd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/build_all.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ <load-typesystem name="typesystem_core.xml" generate="yes" />
+ <load-typesystem name="typesystem_gui.xml" generate="yes" />
+ <load-typesystem name="typesystem_sql.xml" generate="yes" />
+ <load-typesystem name="typesystem_opengl.xml" generate="yes" />
+ <load-typesystem name="typesystem_svg.xml" generate="yes" />
+ <load-typesystem name="typesystem_network.xml" generate="yes" />
+ <load-typesystem name="typesystem_xml.xml" generate="yes" />
+ <load-typesystem name="typesystem_phonon.xml" generate="yes" />
+ <load-typesystem name="typesystem_webkit.xml" generate="yes" />
+ <load-typesystem name="typesystem_xmlpatterns.xml" generate="yes" />
+ <load-typesystem name="typesystem_uitools.xml" generate="yes" />
diff --git a/generator/build_core.txt b/generator/build_core.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c757e80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/build_core.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ <load-typesystem name="typesystem_core.xml" generate="yes" />
+ <load-typesystem name="typesystem_gui.xml" generate="no" />
diff --git a/generator/build_gui.txt b/generator/build_gui.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa99996
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/build_gui.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ <load-typesystem name="typesystem_core.xml" generate="no" />
+ <load-typesystem name="typesystem_gui.xml" generate="yes" />
diff --git a/generator/build_network.txt b/generator/build_network.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cb4750
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/build_network.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ <load-typesystem name="typesystem_core.xml" generate="no" />
+ <load-typesystem name="typesystem_network.xml" generate="yes" />
diff --git a/generator/build_opengl.txt b/generator/build_opengl.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..477ba84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/build_opengl.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ <load-typesystem name="typesystem_core.xml" generate="no" />
+ <load-typesystem name="typesystem_gui.xml" generate="no" />
+ <load-typesystem name="typesystem_opengl.xml" generate="yes" />
diff --git a/generator/build_phonon.txt b/generator/build_phonon.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc62d2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/build_phonon.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ <load-typesystem name="typesystem_core.xml" generate="no" />
+ <load-typesystem name="typesystem_gui.xml" generate="no" />
+ <load-typesystem name="typesystem_phonon.xml" generate="yes" />
diff --git a/generator/build_sql.txt b/generator/build_sql.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cd2d78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/build_sql.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ <load-typesystem name="typesystem_core.xml" generate="no" />
+ <load-typesystem name="typesystem_gui.xml" generate="no" />
+ <load-typesystem name="typesystem_sql.xml" generate="yes" />
diff --git a/generator/build_svg.txt b/generator/build_svg.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ac97d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/build_svg.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ <load-typesystem name="typesystem_core.xml" generate="no" />
+ <load-typesystem name="typesystem_xml.xml" generate="no" />
+ <load-typesystem name="typesystem_gui.xml" generate="no" />
+ <load-typesystem name="typesystem_svg.xml" generate="yes" />
diff --git a/generator/build_typesystem.txt b/generator/build_typesystem.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3442478
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/build_typesystem.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+<typesystem package="" default-superclass="com.trolltech.qt.QtJambiObject">
+ <load-typesystem name=":/trolltech/generator/typesystem_core.txt" generate="no" />
+ <rejection class="QDataStream"/>
+ <rejection class="MetaJavaBuilder" field-name="m_used_types" />
+ <rejection class="MetaJavaBuilder" function-name="figureOutEnumValuesForClass" />
+ <rejection class="JavaGenerator" function-name="retrieveModifications" />
+ <rejection class="JavaGenerator" function-name="setupForFunction" />
+ <object-type name="JuicDataGenerator">
+ <include file-name="juicdatagenerator.h" location="local" />
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="MetaInfoGenerator">
+ <include file-name="metainfogenerator.h" location="local" />
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="ReportHandler">
+ <include file-name="reporthandler.h" location="local" />
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="CppGenerator">
+ <include file-name="cppgenerator.h" location="local" />
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="CppHeaderGenerator">
+ <include file-name="cppheadergenerator.h" location="local" />
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="CppImplGenerator">
+ <include file-name="cppimplgenerator.h" location="local" />
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="Generator">
+ <include file-name="generator.h" location="local" />
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="JavaGenerator">
+ <modify-function signature="translateType(const MetaJavaType *, Generator::Option option)">
+ <replace-default-expression index="2" with="Option.NoOption" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <include file-name="javagenerator.h" location="local" />
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="MetaJavaArgument">
+ <include file-name="metajava.h" location="local" />
+ </object-type>
+ <interface-type name="MetaJavaAttributes"/>
+ <object-type name="MetaJavaBuilder">
+ <include file-name="metajavabuilder.h" location="local" />
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="MetaJavaClass">
+ <include file-name="metajava.h" location="local" />
+ <modify-function signature="package() const">
+ <rename to="packageName" />
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="MetaJavaEnum">
+ <include file-name="metajava.h" location="local" />
+ <modify-function signature="package() const">
+ <rename to="packageName" />
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="MetaJavaEnumValue">
+ <include file-name="metajava.h" location="local" />
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="MetaJavaField">
+ <include file-name="metajava.h" location="local" />
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="MetaJavaFunction">
+ <include file-name="metajava.h" location="local" />
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="MetaJavaType">
+ <include file-name="metajava.h" location="local" />
+ <modify-function signature="package() const">
+ <rename to="packageName" />
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="MetaJavaVariable">
+ <include file-name="metajava.h" location="local" />
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="Preprocess">
+ <include file-name="main.h" location="local" />
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="TypeParser">
+ <include file-name="typeparser.h" location="local" />
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="ArrayTypeEntry">
+ <include file-name="typesystem.h" location="local"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="CharTypeEntry">
+ <include file-name="typesystem.h" location="local"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="ComplexTypeEntry">
+ <include file-name="typesystem.h" location="local"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="ContainerTypeEntry">
+ <include file-name="typesystem.h" location="local"/>
+ <modify-function signature="type() const">
+ <rename to="containerType" />
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="EnumTypeEntry">
+ <include file-name="typesystem.h" location="local"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="FlagsTypeEntry">
+ <include file-name="typesystem.h" location="local"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="InterfaceTypeEntry">
+ <include file-name="typesystem.h" location="local"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="NamespaceTypeEntry">
+ <include file-name="typesystem.h" location="local"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="ObjectTypeEntry">
+ <include file-name="typesystem.h" location="local"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="PrimitiveTypeEntry">
+ <include file-name="typesystem.h" location="local"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="StringTypeEntry">
+ <include file-name="typesystem.h" location="local"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="TemplateArgumentEntry">
+ <include file-name="typesystem.h" location="local"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="ThreadTypeEntry">
+ <include file-name="typesystem.h" location="local"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="TypeEntry">
+ <include file-name="typesystem.h" location="local"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="ValueTypeEntry">
+ <include file-name="typesystem.h" location="local"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="VariantTypeEntry">
+ <include file-name="typesystem.h" location="local"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="VoidTypeEntry">
+ <include file-name="typesystem.h" location="local"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="TypeDatabase">
+ <include file-name="typesystem.h" location="local"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <value-type name="CodeSnip">
+ <include file-name="typesystem.h" location="local"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="CustomFunction">
+ <include file-name="typesystem.h" location="local"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="FieldModification">
+ <include file-name="typesystem.h" location="local"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="FunctionModification">
+ <include file-name="typesystem.h" location="local"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="Include">
+ <include file-name="typesystem.h" location="local"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="TypeRejection">
+ <include file-name="typesystem.h" location="local"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="TypeParser::Info">
+ <include file-name="typeparser.h" location="local"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="MetaJavaClassList">
+ <inject-code class="shell-declaration">
+ QList&lt;MetaJavaClass *&gt; &amp;operator=(const QList&lt;MetaJavaClass *&gt; &amp;other)
+ {
+ return ((QList&lt;MetaJavaClass *&gt; *)this)-&gt;operator=(other);
+ }
+ </inject-code>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="MetaJavaEnumValueList">
+ <inject-code class="shell-declaration">
+ QList&lt;MetaJavaEnumValue *&gt; &amp;operator=(const QList&lt;MetaJavaEnumValue *&gt; &amp;other)
+ {
+ return ((QList&lt;MetaJavaEnumValue *&gt; *)this)-&gt;operator=(other);
+ }
+ </inject-code>
+ </value-type>
+ <enum-type name="CodeSnip::Language"/>
+ <enum-type name="CodeSnip::Position"/>
+ <enum-type name="ContainerTypeEntry::Type"/>
+ <enum-type name="FieldModification::Modifiers"/>
+ <enum-type name="FunctionModification::Modifiers"/>
+ <enum-type name="FunctionModification::DisableGarbageCollectionArgument"/>
+ <enum-type name="Include::IncludeType"/>
+ <enum-type name="TypeEntry::CodeGeneration"/>
+ <enum-type name="TypeEntry::Type"/>
+ <enum-type name="MetaJavaAttributes::Attribute"/>
+ <enum-type name="MetaJavaBuilder::RejectReason"/>
+ <enum-type name="MetaJavaClass::FunctionQueryOption"/>
+ <enum-type name="MetaJavaFunction::CompareResult" force-integer="yes">
+ <reject-enum-value name="NotEqual"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="MetaJavaFunction::FunctionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="MetaJavaFunction::FunctionContext"/>
+ <enum-type name="MetaJavaType::TypeUsagePattern"/>
+ <enum-type name="Generator::Option"/>
+ <enum-type name="ReportHandler::DebugLevel"/>
diff --git a/generator/build_uitools.txt b/generator/build_uitools.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a947238
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/build_uitools.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ <load-typesystem name="typesystem_core.xml" generate="no" />
+ <load-typesystem name="typesystem_gui.xml" generate="no" />
+ <load-typesystem name="typesystem_uitools.xml" generate="yes" />
diff --git a/generator/build_webkit.txt b/generator/build_webkit.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86696b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/build_webkit.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ <load-typesystem name="typesystem_core.xml" generate="no" />
+ <load-typesystem name="typesystem_gui.xml" generate="no" />
+ <load-typesystem name="typesystem_network.xml" generate="no" />
+ <load-typesystem name="typesystem_webkit.xml" generate="yes" />
diff --git a/generator/build_xml.txt b/generator/build_xml.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c501a86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/build_xml.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ <load-typesystem name="typesystem_core.xml" generate="no" />
+ <load-typesystem name="typesystem_xml.xml" generate="yes" />
diff --git a/generator/build_xmlpatterns.txt b/generator/build_xmlpatterns.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..564e139
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/build_xmlpatterns.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ <load-typesystem name="typesystem_core.xml" generate="no" />
+ <load-typesystem name="typesystem_xmlpatterns.xml" generate="yes" />
diff --git a/generator/classgenerator.cpp b/generator/classgenerator.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d974b4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/classgenerator.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1817 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "classgenerator.h"
+#include "fileout.h"
+#include <QtCore/QDir>
+#include <QtCore/QMetaType>
+#include <qdebug.h>
+ClassGenerator::ClassGenerator(PriGenerator *pri, SetupGenerator *setup) :
+ priGenerator(pri),
+ setupGenerator(setup)
+QString ClassGenerator::fileNameForClass(const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class) const
+ return QString("qtscript_%1.cpp").arg(meta_class->name());
+bool ClassGenerator::shouldGenerate(const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class) const
+ uint cg = meta_class->typeEntry()->codeGeneration();
+ return (cg & TypeEntry::GenerateCode) != 0;
+static QString normalizedType(const AbstractMetaType *type)
+ QString str = QString::fromLatin1(QMetaObject::normalizedType(type->cppSignature().toLatin1()));
+ if (str.endsWith(QLatin1Char('&')))
+ str.chop(1);
+ else if (str.startsWith("const ")) {
+ if (str.endsWith('*') || type->hasInstantiations() || type->typeEntry()->isValue())
+ str.remove(0, 6);
+ }
+ if (str == QLatin1String("QBool")) // ### hack
+ str = QLatin1String("bool");
+ return str;
+ Returns true if the class \a meta_class inherits from QObject,
+ otherwise returns false.
+static bool isQObjectBased(const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class)
+ while (meta_class) {
+ if (meta_class->name() == QLatin1String("QObject"))
+ return true;
+ meta_class = meta_class->baseClass();
+ }
+ return false;
+ Returns true if any of the given \a enums has been declared with
+static bool hasQEnums(const AbstractMetaEnumList &enums)
+ for (int i = 0; i < enums.size(); ++i) {
+ if (>hasQEnumsDeclaration())
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ Returns true if any of the given \a enums has a QFlags class
+ associated with it.
+static bool hasFlags(const AbstractMetaEnumList &enums)
+ for (int i = 0; i < enums.size(); ++i) {
+ FlagsTypeEntry *flags =>typeEntry()->flags();
+ if (flags)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+static bool isSequenceType(const AbstractMetaType *tp)
+ return tp->isContainer() && (tp->instantiations().size() == 1);
+static AbstractMetaFunction *findDefaultConstructor(const AbstractMetaFunctionList &ctors)
+ for (int i = 0; i < ctors.size(); ++i) {
+ if (>actualMinimumArgumentCount() == 0)
+ return;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static AbstractMetaFunctionList findConstructors(const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class)
+ return meta_class->queryFunctions(AbstractMetaClass::Constructors
+ | AbstractMetaClass::WasPublic
+ | AbstractMetaClass::NotRemovedFromTargetLang);
+ Returns true if \a meta_class has a default constructor, false
+ otherwise.
+bool hasDefaultConstructor(const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class)
+ return findDefaultConstructor(findConstructors(meta_class)) != 0;
+ Given the list of \a functions, creates a mapping from # of
+ arguments to list of functions.
+static QMap<int, AbstractMetaFunctionList> createArgcToFunctionsMap(
+ const AbstractMetaFunctionList &functions)
+ QMap<int, AbstractMetaFunctionList> result;
+ for (int i = 0; i < functions.size(); ++i) {
+ AbstractMetaFunction *func =;
+ int argc = func->arguments().size();
+ for (int k = argc; k > 0; --k) {
+ if (func->argumentRemoved(k))
+ --argc;
+ }
+ for (int j = func->actualMinimumArgumentCount(); j <= argc; ++j)
+ result[j].append(func);
+ }
+ return result;
+ Returns the name of the QScriptValue function to use to test if
+ a value is of the given \a typeName, or an empty string if there
+ is no such function.
+static QString builtinTypeTesterFunction(const QString &typeName)
+ if (typeName == QLatin1String("QString"))
+ return QLatin1String("isString");
+ else if (typeName == QLatin1String("double"))
+ return QLatin1String("isNumber");
+ else if (typeName == QLatin1String("int"))
+ return QLatin1String("isNumber");
+ else if (typeName == QLatin1String("uint"))
+ return QLatin1String("isNumber");
+ else if (typeName == QLatin1String("bool"))
+ return QLatin1String("isBoolean");
+ else if (typeName == QLatin1String("QVariant"))
+ return QLatin1String("isVariant");
+// else if (typeName == QLatin1String("QDateTime"))
+// return QLatin1String("isDate");
+ else if (typeName == QLatin1String("QRegExp"))
+ return QLatin1String("isRegExp");
+ else if (typeName == QLatin1String("QObject*"))
+ return QLatin1String("isQObject");
+ return QString();
+ Writes the code injections for the class \a meta_class that should
+ be injected at position \a pos.
+static void writeInjectedCode(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class,
+ CodeSnip::Position pos)
+ CodeSnipList code_snips = meta_class->typeEntry()->codeSnips();
+ foreach (const CodeSnip &cs, code_snips) {
+ if ((cs.language == TypeSystem::NativeCode) && (cs.position == pos)) {
+ s << cs.code() << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ Writes the code injections for the function \a fun of the class \a
+ meta_class that should be injected at position \a pos.
+static void writeInjectedCode(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class,
+ const AbstractMetaFunction *fun, CodeSnip::Position pos)
+ FunctionModificationList mods = fun->modifications(meta_class);
+ foreach (const FunctionModification &mod, mods) {
+ if (!mod.isCodeInjection())
+ continue;
+ foreach (const CodeSnip &cs, mod.snips) {
+ if ((cs.language == TypeSystem::NativeCode) && (cs.position == pos)) {
+ s << cs.code() << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Writes a boolean expression that checks if the actual arguments are
+ compatible with what the function expects. This is used to resolve
+ ambiguous calls.
+static void writeArgumentTypeTests(QTextStream &stream, const AbstractMetaFunction *fun,
+ const AbstractMetaArgumentList &arguments, int argc, int indent)
+ QString indentStr(indent, QLatin1Char(' '));
+ int j = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++j) {
+ if (fun->argumentRemoved(j+1))
+ continue;
+ if (i > 0)
+ stream << endl << indentStr << "&& ";
+ const AbstractMetaType *argType = 0;
+ QString typeName = fun->typeReplaced(j+1);
+ if (typeName.isEmpty()) {
+ AbstractMetaArgument *arg =;
+ argType = arg->type();
+ typeName = normalizedType(argType);
+ }
+ QString scriptArg = QString::fromLatin1("context->argument(%0)").arg(i);
+ if (argType && isSequenceType(argType)) {
+ stream << scriptArg << ".isArray()";
+ } else {
+ QString tester = builtinTypeTesterFunction(typeName);
+ if (!tester.isEmpty()) {
+ stream << scriptArg << "." << tester << "()";
+ } else if (typeName.endsWith('*')) {
+ stream << "qscriptvalue_cast<" << typeName << ">(" << scriptArg << ")";
+ } else {
+ // typeid-based test
+ stream << "(qMetaTypeId<" << typeName;
+ if (typeName.endsWith(QLatin1Char('>')))
+ stream << " ";
+ stream << ">() == " << scriptArg << ".toVariant().userType())";
+ }
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
+ Returns the name of the QScriptValue function to use to convert a
+ value is of the given \a typeName, or an empty string if there is no
+ such function.
+static QString builtinConversionFunction(const QString &typeName)
+ if (typeName == QLatin1String("QString"))
+ return QLatin1String("toString");
+ else if (typeName == QLatin1String("double"))
+ return QLatin1String("toNumber");
+ else if (typeName == QLatin1String("int"))
+ return QLatin1String("toInt32");
+ else if (typeName == QLatin1String("uint"))
+ return QLatin1String("toUInt32");
+ else if (typeName == QLatin1String("bool"))
+ return QLatin1String("toBoolean");
+ else if (typeName == QLatin1String("QVariant"))
+ return QLatin1String("toVariant");
+ else if (typeName == QLatin1String("QDateTime"))
+ return QLatin1String("toDateTime");
+ else if (typeName == QLatin1String("QRegExp"))
+ return QLatin1String("toRegExp");
+ else if (typeName == QLatin1String("QObject*"))
+ return QLatin1String("toQObject");
+ return QString();
+ Generates script arguments --> C++ types conversion, in preparation
+ for calling the native function we are binding.
+static int writePrepareArguments(QTextStream &stream, const AbstractMetaFunction *fun,
+ const AbstractMetaArgumentList &arguments,
+ int scriptArgc, int indent)
+ if (arguments.size() == 0) {
+ Q_ASSERT(scriptArgc == 0);
+ return 0; // nothing to do
+ }
+ QString indentStr(indent, QLatin1Char(' '));
+ int j = 0;
+ for (int scriptArgIndex = 0; j < arguments.size(); ++j) {
+ const AbstractMetaArgument *arg =;
+ bool isOptional = !arg->defaultValueExpression().isEmpty();
+ if (isOptional && (scriptArgIndex == scriptArgc))
+ break;
+ QString conv = fun->conversionRule(TypeSystem::NativeCode, j+1);
+ QString actualIn = QString::fromLatin1("context->argument(%0)").arg(scriptArgIndex);
+ QString actualOut = QString::fromLatin1("_q_arg%0").arg(j);
+ if (!conv.isEmpty()) {
+ // custom conversion
+ conv.replace(QString::fromLatin1("%in%"), actualIn);
+ conv.replace(QString::fromLatin1("%out%"), actualOut);
+ conv.replace(QString::fromLatin1("%this%"), QString::fromLatin1("_q_self"));
+ stream << conv;
+ } else {
+ const AbstractMetaType *argType = 0;
+ QString typeName = fun->typeReplaced(j+1);
+ if (typeName.isEmpty()) {
+ argType = arg->type();
+ typeName = normalizedType(argType);
+ }
+ stream << indentStr << typeName << " " << actualOut;
+ QString converter;
+ // ### generalize the QSet check (we should check if the type has push_back())
+ bool useToSequence = argType && isSequenceType(argType) && !argType->name().startsWith("Set");
+ if (useToSequence) {
+ stream << ";" << endl;
+ stream << indentStr << "qScriptValueToSequence(";
+ } else {
+ stream << " = ";
+ converter = builtinConversionFunction(typeName);
+ if (converter.isEmpty()) {
+ // generic conversion
+ stream << "qscriptvalue_cast<" << typeName;
+ if (typeName.endsWith(QLatin1Char('>')))
+ stream << " ";
+ stream << ">(";
+ }
+ }
+ stream << actualIn;
+ if (useToSequence) {
+ stream << ", " << actualOut << ")";
+ } else {
+ if (converter.isEmpty()) {
+ stream << ")"; // close qscriptvalue_cast
+ } else {
+ stream << "." << converter << "()";
+ }
+ }
+ stream << ";" << endl;
+ }
+ if (!fun->argumentRemoved(j+1))
+ ++scriptArgIndex;
+ }
+ return j;
+ Writes the arguments that are passed to the native function we are
+ binding. Those arguments must have been prepared already in variables
+ _q_arg0, _q_arg1, .. in the generated code.
+static void writeArguments(QTextStream &stream, int count)
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ if (i > 0)
+ stream << ", ";
+ stream << "_q_arg" << i;
+ }
+ Writes a constructor call.
+static void writeConstructorCallAndReturn(QTextStream &stream, const AbstractMetaFunction *fun,
+ int scriptArgc, const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class,
+ int indent)
+ QString indentStr(indent, QLatin1Char(' '));
+ writeInjectedCode(stream, meta_class, fun, CodeSnip::Beginning);
+ AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = fun->arguments();
+ Q_ASSERT(arguments.size() >= scriptArgc);
+ int nativeArgc = writePrepareArguments(stream, fun, arguments, scriptArgc, indent);
+ stream << indentStr;
+ if (meta_class->generateShellClass()) {
+ stream << "QtScriptShell_" << meta_class->name();
+ } else {
+ stream << meta_class->qualifiedCppName();
+ }
+ bool useNew = meta_class->typeEntry()->isObject() || !hasDefaultConstructor(meta_class);
+ if (useNew)
+ stream << "*";
+ stream << " _q_cpp_result";
+ if (useNew) {
+ stream << " = new ";
+ if (meta_class->generateShellClass())
+ stream << "QtScriptShell_" << meta_class->name();
+ else
+ stream << meta_class->qualifiedCppName();
+ }
+ if (useNew || (nativeArgc != 0)) {
+ stream << "(";
+ writeArguments(stream, nativeArgc);
+ stream << ")";
+ }
+ stream << ";" << endl;
+ stream << indentStr << "QScriptValue _q_result = context->engine()->new";
+ if (isQObjectBased(meta_class))
+ stream << "QObject";
+ else
+ stream << "Variant";
+ stream << "(context->thisObject(), ";
+ if (!isQObjectBased(meta_class))
+ stream << "qVariantFromValue(";
+ if (meta_class->generateShellClass()) {
+ stream << "(" << meta_class->qualifiedCppName();
+ if (useNew)
+ stream << "*";
+ stream << ")";
+ }
+ stream << "_q_cpp_result";
+ if (isQObjectBased(meta_class))
+ stream << ", QScriptEngine::AutoOwnership";
+ else
+ stream << ")";
+ stream << ");" << endl;
+ if (meta_class->generateShellClass()) {
+ stream << indentStr << "_q_cpp_result";
+ if (useNew)
+ stream << "->";
+ else
+ stream << ".";
+ stream << "__qtscript_self = _q_result;" << endl;
+ }
+ writeInjectedCode(stream, meta_class, fun, CodeSnip::End);
+ stream << indentStr << "return _q_result;" << endl;
+ Returns true if the given \a typeName has a QScriptValue constructor
+ we can use, false otherwise.
+static bool hasScriptValueConstructor(const QString &typeName)
+ return (typeName == QLatin1String("bool"))
+ || (typeName == QLatin1String("int"))
+ || (typeName == QLatin1String("uint"))
+ || (typeName == QLatin1String("double"))
+ || (typeName == QLatin1String("QString"));
+ Writes a function call.
+static void writeFunctionCallAndReturn(QTextStream &stream, const AbstractMetaFunction *fun,
+ int scriptArgc, const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class,
+ int indent)
+ QString indentStr(indent, QLatin1Char(' '));
+ AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = fun->arguments();
+ Q_ASSERT(arguments.size() >= scriptArgc);
+ writeInjectedCode(stream, meta_class, fun, CodeSnip::Beginning);
+ int nativeArgc = writePrepareArguments(stream, fun, arguments, scriptArgc, indent);
+ bool returnThisObject = fun->shouldReturnThisObject();
+ bool ignoreReturnValue = returnThisObject || fun->shouldIgnoreReturnValue();
+ stream << indentStr;
+ AbstractMetaType *retType = fun->type();
+ bool constCastResult = false;
+ if (retType && !ignoreReturnValue) {
+ QString rsig = retType->cppSignature();
+ QString typeName = normalizedType(retType);
+ stream << typeName << " _q_result = ";
+ constCastResult = rsig.endsWith('*') && rsig.startsWith("const ");
+ if (constCastResult)
+ stream << "const_cast<" << typeName << ">(";
+ }
+ if (!fun->isStatic()) {
+ // ### the friendly check should be enough...
+ if (fun->isFriendly()
+ || ((fun->name() == QLatin1String("operator_equal"))
+ && ((meta_class->name() == QLatin1String("QPoint"))
+ || (meta_class->name() == QLatin1String("QPointF"))
+ || (meta_class->name() == QLatin1String("QRect"))
+ || (meta_class->name() == QLatin1String("QRectF"))
+ || (meta_class->name() == QLatin1String("QSize"))
+ || (meta_class->name() == QLatin1String("QSizeF"))))) {
+ stream << fun->originalName() << "(";
+ stream << "*_q_self, ";
+ } else {
+ stream << "_q_self->";
+ stream << fun->originalName() << "(";
+ }
+ } else {
+ stream << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << "::";
+ stream << fun->originalName() << "(";
+ }
+ writeArguments(stream, nativeArgc);
+ if (constCastResult)
+ stream << ")";
+ stream << ");" << endl;
+ writeInjectedCode(stream, meta_class, fun, CodeSnip::End);
+ // write return statement
+ stream << indentStr;
+ if (returnThisObject) {
+ stream << "return context->thisObject();";
+ } else {
+ QString conv = fun->conversionRule(TypeSystem::NativeCode, 0);
+ if (!conv.isEmpty()) {
+ // custom conversion
+ conv.replace(QString::fromLatin1("%in%"), "_q_result");
+ conv.replace(QString::fromLatin1("%out%"), "_q_convertedResult");
+ stream << conv;
+ stream << "return qScriptValueFromValue(context->engine(), _q_convertedResult);";
+ } else {
+ stream << "return ";
+ if (retType) {
+ if (isSequenceType(retType))
+ stream << "qScriptValueFromSequence";
+ else if (hasScriptValueConstructor(normalizedType(retType)))
+ stream << "QScriptValue";
+ else
+ stream << "qScriptValueFromValue";
+ stream << "(context->engine(), _q_result);";
+ } else {
+ stream << "context->engine()->undefinedValue();";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ stream << endl;
+ Returns true if the given function \a fun is operator>>() or
+ operator<<() that streams from/to a Q{Data,Text}Stream, false
+ otherwise.
+static bool isSpecialStreamingOperator(const AbstractMetaFunction *fun)
+ return ((fun->functionType() == AbstractMetaFunction::GlobalScopeFunction)
+ && (fun->arguments().size() == 1)
+ && (((fun->originalName() == "operator>>") && (fun->modifiedName() == "readFrom"))
+ || ((fun->originalName() == "operator<<") && (fun->modifiedName() == "writeTo"))));
+ Generates code that uses Q{Data,Text}Stream operator>>() or
+ operator<<() to read/write an instance of meta_class.
+static void writeStreamingOperatorCall(QTextStream &stream, const AbstractMetaFunction *fun,
+ const AbstractMetaClass */*meta_class*/, int indent)
+ QString indentStr(indent, QLatin1Char(' '));
+ QString streamClassName = fun->arguments().at(0)->type()->name();
+ stream << indentStr << streamClassName << "* _q_arg0 = qscriptvalue_cast<"
+ << streamClassName << "*>(context->argument(0));" << endl;
+ stream << indentStr << "operator";
+ if (fun->modifiedName() == "readFrom")
+ stream << ">>";
+ else
+ stream << "<<";
+ stream << "(*_q_arg0, *_q_self);" << endl;
+ stream << indentStr << "return context->engine()->undefinedValue();" << endl;
+ Writes the constructor forwarding for \a meta_class.
+static void writeConstructorForwarding(QTextStream &stream,
+ const AbstractMetaFunctionList &functions,
+ const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class)
+#if 0
+ stream << "/** signatures:" << endl;
+ foreach (const AbstractMetaFunction *fun, functions) {
+ stream << " * " << fun->signature() << endl;
+ }
+ stream << " */" << endl;
+ if (/*meta_class->isAbstract() ||*/ (functions.size() == 0)) {
+ stream << " return context->throwError(QScriptContext::TypeError," << endl
+ << " QString::fromLatin1(\"" << meta_class->name()
+ << " cannot be constructed\"));" << endl;
+ } else {
+ stream << " if (context->thisObject().strictlyEquals(context->engine()->globalObject())) {" << endl
+ << " return context->throwError(QString::fromLatin1(\""
+ << meta_class->name() << "(): Did you forget to construct with 'new'?\"));" << endl
+ << " }" << endl;
+ writeInjectedCode(stream, meta_class, CodeSnip::Constructor);
+ QMap<int, AbstractMetaFunctionList> argcToFunctions;
+ argcToFunctions = createArgcToFunctionsMap(functions);
+ int argcMin = argcToFunctions.keys().first();
+ int argcMax = argcToFunctions.keys().last();
+ bool needElse = false;
+ for (int i = argcMin; i <= argcMax; ++i) {
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList funcs = argcToFunctions.value(i);
+ if (funcs.isEmpty())
+ continue;
+ if (needElse)
+ stream << " else ";
+ else
+ stream << " ";
+ needElse = true;
+ stream << "if (context->argumentCount() == " << i << ") {" << endl;
+ if ((funcs.size() == 1) || (i == 0)) {
+ AbstractMetaFunction *fun =;
+ const int indent = 8;
+ writeConstructorCallAndReturn(stream, fun, i, meta_class, indent);
+ } else {
+ // handle overloads
+ for (int j = 0; j < funcs.size(); ++j) {
+ AbstractMetaFunction *fun =;
+ stream << " ";
+ if (j > 0)
+ stream << "} else ";
+ stream << "if (";
+ AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = fun->arguments();
+ const int indent = 12;
+ writeArgumentTypeTests(stream, fun, arguments, i, indent);
+ stream << ") {" << endl;
+ writeConstructorCallAndReturn(stream, fun, i, meta_class, indent);
+ }
+ stream << " }" << endl;
+ }
+ stream << " }";
+ }
+ stream << endl;
+// writeThrowAmbiguityError(stream, meta_class, 0, signatures.toList());
+ }
+ Returns a list of enum \a values that are actually unique.
+ */
+QList<int> uniqueEnumValueIndexes(const AbstractMetaEnumValueList &values)
+ QMap<int, int> map;
+ for (int i = 0; i < values.count(); ++i) {
+ AbstractMetaEnumValue *val =;
+ if (!map.contains(val->value()))
+ map.insert(val->value(), i);
+ }
+ return map.values();
+ */
+static bool isContiguousEnum(const QList<int> &indexes, const AbstractMetaEnumValueList &values)
+ if (indexes.isEmpty())
+ return false;
+ int prev =>value();
+ for (int i = 1; i < indexes.size(); ++i) {
+ int curr =>value();
+ if (curr != prev + 1)
+ return false;
+ prev = curr;
+ }
+ return true;
+static void writeCreateEnumClassHelper(QTextStream &stream)
+ stream << "static QScriptValue qtscript_create_enum_class_helper(" << endl
+ << " QScriptEngine *engine," << endl
+ << " QScriptEngine::FunctionSignature construct," << endl
+ << " QScriptEngine::FunctionSignature valueOf," << endl
+ << " QScriptEngine::FunctionSignature toString)" << endl
+ << "{" << endl
+ << " QScriptValue proto = engine->newObject();" << endl
+ << " proto.setProperty(QString::fromLatin1(\"valueOf\")," << endl
+ << " engine->newFunction(valueOf), QScriptValue::SkipInEnumeration);" << endl
+ << " proto.setProperty(QString::fromLatin1(\"toString\")," << endl
+ << " engine->newFunction(toString), QScriptValue::SkipInEnumeration);" << endl
+ << " return engine->newFunction(construct, proto, 1);" << endl
+ << "}" << endl << endl;
+static void writeCreateFlagsClassHelper(QTextStream &stream)
+ stream << "static QScriptValue qtscript_create_flags_class_helper(" << endl
+ << " QScriptEngine *engine," << endl
+ << " QScriptEngine::FunctionSignature construct," << endl
+ << " QScriptEngine::FunctionSignature valueOf," << endl
+ << " QScriptEngine::FunctionSignature toString," << endl
+ << " QScriptEngine::FunctionSignature equals)" << endl
+ << "{" << endl
+ << " QScriptValue proto = engine->newObject();" << endl
+ << " proto.setProperty(QString::fromLatin1(\"valueOf\")," << endl
+ << " engine->newFunction(valueOf), QScriptValue::SkipInEnumeration);" << endl
+ << " proto.setProperty(QString::fromLatin1(\"toString\")," << endl
+ << " engine->newFunction(toString), QScriptValue::SkipInEnumeration);" << endl
+ << " proto.setProperty(QString::fromLatin1(\"equals\")," << endl
+ << " engine->newFunction(equals), QScriptValue::SkipInEnumeration);" << endl
+ << " return engine->newFunction(construct, proto);" << endl
+ << "}" << endl << endl;
+ Writes the enum \a enom belonging to the class \a meta_class to the
+ given \a stream.
+ */
+static void writeEnumClass(QTextStream &stream, const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class,
+ const AbstractMetaEnum *enom)
+ QString qualifiedEnumName = meta_class->qualifiedCppName() + "::" + enom->name();
+ QString qtScriptEnumName = meta_class->name() + "_" + enom->name();
+ stream << "//" << endl;
+ stream << "// " << qualifiedEnumName << endl;
+ stream << "//" << endl << endl;
+ // determine unique values (aliases will cause switch statement to not compile)
+ AbstractMetaEnumValueList values = enom->values();
+ QList<int> uniqueIndexes = uniqueEnumValueIndexes(values);
+ bool contiguous = isContiguousEnum(uniqueIndexes, values);
+ // write arrays of values and keys
+ stream << "static const " << qualifiedEnumName
+ << " qtscript_" << qtScriptEnumName << "_values[] = {" << endl;
+ for (int i = 0; i < uniqueIndexes.size(); ++i) {
+ stream << " ";
+ if (i > 0)
+ stream << ", ";
+ stream << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << "::" <<>name() << endl;
+ }
+ stream << "};" << endl << endl;
+ stream << "static const char * const qtscript_" << qtScriptEnumName << "_keys[] = {" << endl;
+ for (int i = 0; i < uniqueIndexes.size(); ++i) {
+ stream << " ";
+ if (i > 0)
+ stream << ", ";
+ stream << "\"" <<>name() << "\"" << endl;
+ }
+ stream << "};" << endl << endl;
+ // write toString helper
+ stream << "static QString qtscript_"
+ << qtScriptEnumName << "_toStringHelper"
+ << "(" << qualifiedEnumName << " value)" << endl;
+ stream << "{" << endl;
+ if (enom->hasQEnumsDeclaration() && (meta_class->qualifiedCppName() != "QTransform")) {
+ stream << " const QMetaObject *meta = qtscript_" << meta_class->name() << "_metaObject();" << endl;
+ stream << " int idx = meta->indexOfEnumerator(\"" << enom->name() << "\");" << endl;
+ stream << " Q_ASSERT(idx != -1);" << endl;
+ stream << " QMetaEnum menum = meta->enumerator(idx);" << endl;
+ stream << " return QString::fromLatin1(menum.valueToKey(value));" << endl;
+ } else {
+ if (contiguous) {
+ stream << " if ((value >= " << meta_class->qualifiedCppName()
+ << "::" <<>name() << ")"
+ << " && (value <= " << meta_class->qualifiedCppName()
+ << "::" <<>name() << "))" << endl
+ << " return qtscript_" << qtScriptEnumName << "_keys[static_cast<int>(value)];" << endl;
+ } else {
+ stream << " for (int i = 0; i < " << uniqueIndexes.size() << "; ++i) {" << endl
+ << " if (qtscript_" << qtScriptEnumName << "_values[i] == value)" << endl
+ << " return QString::fromLatin1(qtscript_" << qtScriptEnumName << "_keys[i]);" << endl
+ << " }" << endl;
+ }
+ stream << " return QString();" << endl;
+ }
+ stream << "}" << endl << endl;
+ // write QScriptValue <--> C++ conversion functions
+ stream << "static QScriptValue qtscript_"
+ << qtScriptEnumName << "_toScriptValue("
+ << "QScriptEngine *engine, const " << qualifiedEnumName << " &value)" << endl
+ << "{" << endl
+ << " QScriptValue clazz = engine->globalObject().property(QString::fromLatin1(\""
+ << meta_class->name() << "\"));" << endl
+// << " QScriptValue enumClazz =\""
+// << enom->name() << "\"));" << endl
+ << " return" << qtScriptEnumName << "_toStringHelper(value));" << endl
+ << "}" << endl << endl;
+ stream << "static void qtscript_"
+ << qtScriptEnumName << "_fromScriptValue("
+ << "const QScriptValue &value, " << qualifiedEnumName << " &out)" << endl
+ << "{" << endl
+ << " out = qvariant_cast<" << qualifiedEnumName << ">(value.toVariant());" << endl
+ << "}" << endl << endl;
+ // write constructor
+ stream << "static QScriptValue qtscript_construct_"
+ << qtScriptEnumName
+ << "(QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *engine)" << endl;
+ stream << "{" << endl;
+ stream << " int arg = context->argument(0).toInt32();" << endl;
+ if (enom->hasQEnumsDeclaration() && (meta_class->qualifiedCppName() != "QTransform")) {
+ stream << " const QMetaObject *meta = qtscript_" << meta_class->name() << "_metaObject();" << endl;
+ stream << " int idx = meta->indexOfEnumerator(\"" << enom->name() << "\");" << endl;
+ stream << " Q_ASSERT(idx != -1);" << endl;
+ stream << " QMetaEnum menum = meta->enumerator(idx);" << endl;
+ stream << " if (menum.valueToKey(arg) != 0)" << endl;
+ stream << " return qScriptValueFromValue(engine, static_cast<"
+ << qualifiedEnumName << ">(arg));" << endl;
+ } else {
+ if (contiguous) {
+ stream << " if ((arg >= " << meta_class->qualifiedCppName()
+ << "::" <<>name() << ")"
+ << " && (arg <= " << meta_class->qualifiedCppName()
+ << "::" <<>name() << "))" << endl;
+ stream << " return qScriptValueFromValue(engine, static_cast<"
+ << qualifiedEnumName << ">(arg));" << endl;
+ } else {
+ stream << " for (int i = 0; i < " << uniqueIndexes.size() << "; ++i) {" << endl
+ << " if (qtscript_" << qtScriptEnumName << "_values[i] == arg)" << endl;
+ stream << " return qScriptValueFromValue(engine, static_cast<"
+ << qualifiedEnumName << ">(arg));" << endl;
+ stream << " }" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ stream << " return context->throwError(QString::fromLatin1(\""
+ << enom->name() << "(): invalid enum value (%0)\").arg(arg));" << endl;
+ stream << "}" << endl;
+ stream << endl;
+ // write prototype.valueOf()
+ stream << "static QScriptValue qtscript_" << qtScriptEnumName
+ << "_valueOf(QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *engine)" << endl;
+ stream << "{" << endl;
+ stream << " " << qualifiedEnumName << " value = "
+ << "qscriptvalue_cast<" << qualifiedEnumName
+ << ">(context->thisObject());" << endl;
+ stream << " return QScriptValue(engine, static_cast<int>(value));" << endl;
+ stream << "}" << endl;
+ stream << endl;
+ // write prototype.toString()
+ stream << "static QScriptValue qtscript_" << qtScriptEnumName
+ << "_toString(QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *engine)" << endl;
+ stream << "{" << endl;
+ stream << " " << qualifiedEnumName << " value = "
+ << "qscriptvalue_cast<" << qualifiedEnumName
+ << ">(context->thisObject());" << endl;
+ stream << " return QScriptValue(engine, qtscript_" << qtScriptEnumName << "_toStringHelper(value));" << endl;
+ stream << "}" << endl;
+ stream << endl;
+ // write class creation function
+ stream << "static QScriptValue qtscript_create_"
+ << qtScriptEnumName
+ << "_class(QScriptEngine *engine, QScriptValue &clazz)" << endl;
+ stream << "{" << endl;
+ stream << " QScriptValue ctor = qtscript_create_enum_class_helper(" << endl
+ << " engine, qtscript_construct_" << qtScriptEnumName << "," << endl
+ << " qtscript_" << qtScriptEnumName << "_valueOf, qtscript_"
+ << qtScriptEnumName << "_toString);" << endl;
+ stream << " qScriptRegisterMetaType<" << qualifiedEnumName << ">(engine, "
+ << "qtscript_" << qtScriptEnumName << "_toScriptValue," << endl
+ << " qtscript_" << qtScriptEnumName << "_fromScriptValue,"
+ << "\"prototype\")));" << endl;
+ // enum values are properties of the constructor
+ stream << " for (int i = 0; i < " << uniqueIndexes.size() << "; ++i) {" << endl
+ << " clazz.setProperty(QString::fromLatin1(qtscript_"
+ << qtScriptEnumName << "_keys[i])," << endl
+ << " engine->newVariant(qVariantFromValue(qtscript_"
+ << qtScriptEnumName << "_values[i]))," << endl
+ << " QScriptValue::ReadOnly | QScriptValue::Undeletable);" << endl
+ << " }" << endl;
+ stream << " return ctor;" << endl;
+ stream << "}" << endl;
+ stream << endl;
+ // write flags class too, if any
+ FlagsTypeEntry *flags = enom->typeEntry()->flags();
+ if (!flags)
+ return;
+ QString qualifiedFlagsName = meta_class->qualifiedCppName() + "::" + flags->targetLangName();
+ QString qtScriptFlagsName = meta_class->name() + "_" + flags->targetLangName();
+ stream << "//" << endl;
+ stream << "// " << qualifiedFlagsName << endl;
+ stream << "//" << endl << endl;
+ // write QScriptValue <--> C++ conversion functions
+ stream << "static QScriptValue qtscript_"
+ << qtScriptFlagsName << "_toScriptValue("
+ << "QScriptEngine *engine, const " << qualifiedFlagsName << " &value)" << endl
+ << "{" << endl
+ << " return engine->newVariant(qVariantFromValue(value));" << endl
+ << "}" << endl << endl;
+ stream << "static void qtscript_"
+ << qtScriptFlagsName << "_fromScriptValue("
+ << "const QScriptValue &value, " << qualifiedFlagsName << " &out)" << endl
+ << "{" << endl
+ << " QVariant var = value.toVariant();" << endl
+ << " if (var.userType() == qMetaTypeId<" << qualifiedFlagsName << ">())" << endl
+ << " out = qvariant_cast<" << qualifiedFlagsName << ">(var);" << endl
+ << " else if (var.userType() == qMetaTypeId<" << qualifiedEnumName << ">())" << endl
+ << " out = qvariant_cast<" << qualifiedEnumName << ">(var);" << endl
+ << " else" << endl
+ << " out = 0;" << endl
+ << "}" << endl << endl;
+ // write constructor
+ stream << "static QScriptValue qtscript_construct_"
+ << qtScriptFlagsName
+ << "(QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *engine)" << endl;
+ stream << "{" << endl;
+ stream << " " << qualifiedFlagsName << " result = 0;" << endl;
+ stream << " if ((context->argumentCount() == 1) && context->argument(0).isNumber()) {" << endl;
+ stream << " result = static_cast<" << qualifiedFlagsName << ">(context->argument(0).toInt32());" << endl;
+ stream << " } else {" << endl;
+ stream << " for (int i = 0; i < context->argumentCount(); ++i) {" << endl;
+ stream << " QVariant v = context->argument(i).toVariant();" << endl;
+ stream << " if (v.userType() != qMetaTypeId<" << qualifiedEnumName << ">()) {" << endl;
+ stream << " return context->throwError(QScriptContext::TypeError," << endl
+ << " QString::fromLatin1(\"" << flags->targetLangName()
+ << "(): argument %0 is not of type " << enom->name() << "\").arg(i));" << endl;
+ stream << " }" << endl;
+ stream << " result |= qvariant_cast<" << qualifiedEnumName
+ << ">(v);" << endl;
+ stream << " }" << endl;
+ stream << " }" << endl;
+ stream << " return engine->newVariant(qVariantFromValue(result));" << endl;
+ stream << "}" << endl;
+ stream << endl;
+ // write prototype.valueOf()
+ stream << "static QScriptValue qtscript_" << qtScriptFlagsName
+ << "_valueOf(QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *engine)" << endl;
+ stream << "{" << endl;
+ stream << " " << qualifiedFlagsName << " value = "
+ << "qscriptvalue_cast<" << qualifiedFlagsName
+ << ">(context->thisObject());" << endl;
+ stream << " return QScriptValue(engine, static_cast<int>(value));" << endl;
+ stream << "}" << endl;
+ stream << endl;
+ // write prototype.toString()
+ stream << "static QScriptValue qtscript_" << qtScriptFlagsName
+ << "_toString(QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *engine)" << endl;
+ stream << "{" << endl;
+ stream << " " << qualifiedFlagsName << " value = "
+ << "qscriptvalue_cast<" << qualifiedFlagsName
+ << ">(context->thisObject());" << endl;
+ stream << " QString result;" << endl;
+ stream << " for (int i = 0; i < " << uniqueIndexes.size() << "; ++i) {" << endl
+ << " if ((value & qtscript_" << qtScriptEnumName << "_values[i])"
+ << " == qtscript_" << qtScriptEnumName << "_values[i]) {" << endl
+ << " if (!result.isEmpty())" << endl
+ << " result.append(QString::fromLatin1(\",\"));" << endl
+ << " result.append(QString::fromLatin1(qtscript_" << qtScriptEnumName << "_keys[i]));" << endl
+ << " }" << endl
+ << " }" << endl
+ << " return QScriptValue(engine, result);" << endl
+ << "}" << endl
+ << endl;
+ // write prototype.equals()
+ stream << "static QScriptValue qtscript_" << qtScriptFlagsName
+ << "_equals(QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *engine)" << endl
+ << "{" << endl
+ << " QVariant thisObj = context->thisObject().toVariant();" << endl
+ << " QVariant otherObj = context->argument(0).toVariant();" << endl
+ << " return QScriptValue(engine, ((thisObj.userType() == otherObj.userType()) &&" << endl
+ << " (thisObj.value<" << qualifiedFlagsName << ">() == otherObj.value<" << qualifiedFlagsName << ">())));" << endl
+ << "}" << endl << endl;
+ // write class creation function
+ stream << "static QScriptValue qtscript_create_" << qtScriptFlagsName << "_class(QScriptEngine *engine)" << endl;
+ stream << "{" << endl;
+ stream << " QScriptValue ctor = qtscript_create_flags_class_helper(" << endl
+ << " engine, qtscript_construct_" << qtScriptFlagsName
+ << ", qtscript_" << qtScriptFlagsName << "_valueOf," << endl
+ << " qtscript_" << qtScriptFlagsName << "_toString, qtscript_"
+ << qtScriptFlagsName << "_equals);" << endl;
+ stream << " qScriptRegisterMetaType<" << qualifiedFlagsName << ">(engine, "
+ << "qtscript_" << qtScriptFlagsName << "_toScriptValue," << endl
+ << " qtscript_" << qtScriptFlagsName << "_fromScriptValue,"
+ << "\"prototype\")));" << endl;
+ stream << " return ctor;" << endl;
+ stream << "}" << endl;
+ stream << endl;
+ Declares the given \a typeName if it hasn't been declared already,
+ and adds it to the set of registered type names.
+void maybeDeclareMetaType(QTextStream &stream, const QString &typeName,
+ QSet<QString> &registeredTypeNames)
+ QString name = typeName;
+ if (name.endsWith(QLatin1Char('&')))
+ name.chop(1);
+ if (registeredTypeNames.contains(name) || (QMetaType::type(typeName.toLatin1()) != 0))
+ return;
+ if (name.contains(QLatin1Char(','))) {
+ // need to expand the Q_DECLARE_METATYPE macro manually,
+ // otherwise the compiler will choke
+ stream << "template <> \\" << endl
+ << "struct QMetaTypeId< " << name << " > \\" << endl
+ << "{ \\" << endl
+ << " enum { Defined = 1 }; \\" << endl
+ << " static int qt_metatype_id() \\" << endl
+ << " { \\" << endl
+ << " static QBasicAtomicInt metatype_id = Q_BASIC_ATOMIC_INITIALIZER(0); \\" << endl
+ << " if (!metatype_id) \\" << endl
+ << " metatype_id = qRegisterMetaType< " << name << " >(\"" << name << "\"); \\" << endl
+ << " return metatype_id; \\" << endl
+ << " } \\" << endl
+ << "};" << endl;
+ } else {
+ stream << "Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(" << name << ")" << endl;
+ }
+ registeredTypeNames << name;
+ Declares the given \a type recursively (i.e. subtypes of a composite
+ type are also declared).
+static void declareTypeRecursive(QTextStream &stream, const AbstractMetaType *type,
+ QSet<QString> &registeredTypeNames)
+ if (!type)
+ return;
+ QList<AbstractMetaType *> subTypes = type->instantiations();
+ for (int i = 0; i < subTypes.size(); ++i)
+ declareTypeRecursive(stream,, registeredTypeNames);
+ QString typeName = normalizedType(type);
+ if (typeName == QLatin1String("QStringList<QString>"))
+ return; // ### wtf...
+ maybeDeclareMetaType(stream, typeName, registeredTypeNames);
+ Declares the types associated with the given \a functions.
+void declareFunctionMetaTypes(QTextStream &stream, const AbstractMetaFunctionList &functions,
+ QSet<QString> &registeredTypeNames)
+ for (int i = 0; i < functions.size(); ++i) {
+ AbstractMetaFunction *fun =;
+ if (isSpecialStreamingOperator(fun)) {
+ maybeDeclareMetaType(stream, fun->arguments().at(0)->type()->name() + "*",
+ registeredTypeNames);
+ continue;
+ }
+ AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = fun->arguments();
+ for (int j = 0; j < arguments.size(); ++j) {
+ if (fun->argumentRemoved(j+1))
+ continue;
+ QString repl = fun->typeReplaced(j+1);
+ if (!repl.isEmpty()) {
+ maybeDeclareMetaType(stream, repl, registeredTypeNames);
+ } else {
+ const AbstractMetaArgument *arg =;
+ declareTypeRecursive(stream, arg->type(), registeredTypeNames);
+ }
+ }
+ QString retRepl = fun->typeReplaced(0);
+ if (!retRepl.isEmpty())
+ maybeDeclareMetaType(stream, retRepl, registeredTypeNames);
+ else
+ declareTypeRecursive(stream, fun->type(), registeredTypeNames);
+ }
+ Returns true if we don't care about the given enum \a enom,
+ false otherwise.
+static bool shouldIgnoreEnum(const AbstractMetaEnum *enom)
+ return !enom->wasPublic() || (enom->name() == "enum_1");
+ Declares the types associated with the enums of the given \a
+ meta_class.
+void declareEnumMetaTypes(QTextStream &stream, const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class,
+ QSet<QString> &registeredTypeNames)
+ AbstractMetaEnumList enums = meta_class->enums();
+ for (int i = 0; i < enums.size(); ++i) {
+ const AbstractMetaEnum *enom =;
+ if (shouldIgnoreEnum(enom))
+ continue;
+ maybeDeclareMetaType(stream, QString::fromLatin1("%0::%1")
+ .arg(meta_class->qualifiedCppName()).arg(enom->name()),
+ registeredTypeNames);
+ FlagsTypeEntry *flags = enom->typeEntry()->flags();
+ if (flags) {
+ maybeDeclareMetaType(stream, QString::fromLatin1("QFlags<%0::%1>")
+ .arg(meta_class->qualifiedCppName()).arg(enom->name()),
+ registeredTypeNames);
+ }
+ }
+ Returns the maximum function length among \a functions.
+static int maxFunctionLength(const AbstractMetaFunctionList &functions)
+ int result = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < functions.size(); ++i)
+ result = qMax(result,>arguments().size());
+ return result;
+ Writes a prototype/static function.
+static void writeFunctionForwarding(QTextStream &stream, const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class,
+ const AbstractMetaFunctionList &functions)
+#if 0
+ stream << "/** signatures:" << endl;
+ foreach (const AbstractMetaFunction *fun, functions) {
+ stream << " * " << fun->signature() << endl;
+ }
+ stream << " */" << endl;
+ QMap<int, AbstractMetaFunctionList> argcToFunctions;
+ argcToFunctions = createArgcToFunctionsMap(functions);
+ QSet<QString> signatures;
+ int argcMin = argcToFunctions.keys().first();
+ int argcMax = argcToFunctions.keys().last();
+ for (int i = argcMin; i <= argcMax; ++i) {
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList funcs = argcToFunctions.value(i);
+ if (funcs.isEmpty())
+ continue;
+ stream << " if (context->argumentCount() == " << i << ") {" << endl;
+ if (funcs.size() == 1) {
+ AbstractMetaFunction *fun =;
+ const int indent = 8;
+ // special case for Q{Data,Text}Stream streaming operators
+ if (isSpecialStreamingOperator(fun))
+ writeStreamingOperatorCall(stream, fun, meta_class, indent);
+ else
+ writeFunctionCallAndReturn(stream, fun, i, meta_class, indent);
+ signatures.insert(fun->targetLangSignature());
+ } else {
+ // handle overloads
+ QStringList sigs;
+ for (int j = 0; j < funcs.size(); ++j) {
+ AbstractMetaFunction *fun =;
+ sigs.append(fun->signature());
+ stream << " ";
+ if (j > 0)
+ stream << "} else ";
+ stream << "if (";
+ AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = fun->arguments();
+ const int indent = 12;
+ writeArgumentTypeTests(stream, fun, arguments, i, indent);
+ stream << ") {" << endl;
+ writeFunctionCallAndReturn(stream, fun, i, meta_class, indent);
+ signatures.insert(fun->targetLangSignature());
+ }
+ stream << " }" << endl;
+ }
+ stream << " }" << endl;
+ }
+static void writePrototypeCall(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class,
+ const QMap<QString, AbstractMetaFunctionList> &nameToFunctions,
+ int prototypeFunctionsOffset)
+ s << "static QScriptValue qtscript_" << meta_class->name()
+ << "_prototype_call(QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *)" << endl
+ << "{" << endl;
+ s << "#if QT_VERSION > 0x040400" << endl;
+ s << " Q_ASSERT(context->callee().isFunction());" << endl
+ << " uint _id = context->callee().data().toUInt32();" << endl;
+ s << "#else" << endl
+ << " uint _id;" << endl
+ << " if (context->callee().isFunction())" << endl
+ << " _id = context->callee().data().toUInt32();" << endl
+ << " else" << endl
+ << " _id = 0xBABE0000 + " << nameToFunctions.size() << ";" << endl;
+ s << "#endif" << endl;
+ s << " Q_ASSERT((_id & 0xFFFF0000) == 0xBABE0000);" << endl
+ << " _id &= 0x0000FFFF;" << endl;
+ // cast the thisObject to C++ type
+ s << " ";
+ if (meta_class->hasProtectedFunctions())
+ s << "qtscript_";
+ s << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << "* _q_self = ";
+ if (meta_class->hasProtectedFunctions())
+ s << "reinterpret_cast<qtscript_" << meta_class->name() << "*>(";
+ s << "qscriptvalue_cast<" << meta_class->qualifiedCppName()
+ << "*>(context->thisObject())";
+ if (meta_class->hasProtectedFunctions())
+ s << ")";
+ s << ";" << endl
+ << " if (!_q_self) {" << endl
+ << " return context->throwError(QScriptContext::TypeError," << endl
+ << " QString::fromLatin1(\"" << meta_class->name()
+ << ".%0(): this object is not a " << meta_class->name() << "\")" << endl
+ << " .arg(qtscript_" << meta_class->name() << "_function_names[_id+1]));" << endl
+ << " }" << endl << endl;
+ s << " switch (_id) {" << endl;
+ QMap<QString, AbstractMetaFunctionList>::const_iterator it;
+ int index = 0;
+ for (it = nameToFunctions.constBegin(); it != nameToFunctions.constEnd(); ++it) {
+ s << " case " << index << ":" << endl;
+ writeFunctionForwarding(s, meta_class, it.value());
+ s << " break;" << endl << endl;
+ ++index;
+ }
+ if (!meta_class->hasDefaultToStringFunction()) {
+ s << " case " << index << ": {" << endl;
+ s << " QString result";
+ FunctionModelItem fun = meta_class->hasToStringCapability();
+ if (fun) {
+ int indirections = fun->arguments().at(1)->type().indirections();
+ QString deref = QLatin1String(indirections == 0 ? "*" : "");
+ s << ";" << endl
+ << " QDebug d(&result);" << endl
+ << " d << " << deref << "_q_self;" << endl;
+ } else {
+ // ### FIXME: can cause compile error
+// s << "=QString(\"" << meta_class->name() << "(0x%1)\").arg((int)_q_self, 0, 16);" << endl;
+ s << " = QString::fromLatin1(\"" << meta_class->name() << "\");" << endl;
+ }
+ s << " return QScriptValue(context->engine(), result);" << endl
+ << " }" << endl << endl;
+ }
+ s << " default:" << endl
+ << " Q_ASSERT(false);" << endl
+ << " }" << endl;
+ s << " return qtscript_" << meta_class->name() << "_throw_ambiguity_error_helper(context," << endl
+ << " qtscript_" << meta_class->name()
+ << "_function_names[_id+" << prototypeFunctionsOffset << "]," << endl
+ << " qtscript_" << meta_class->name()
+ << "_function_signatures[_id+" << prototypeFunctionsOffset << "]);" << endl;
+ s << "}" << endl << endl;
+static void writeStaticCall(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class,
+ const AbstractMetaFunctionList &constructors,
+ const QMap<QString, AbstractMetaFunctionList> &nameToFunctions)
+ s << "static QScriptValue qtscript_" << meta_class->name()
+ << "_static_call(QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *)" << endl
+ << "{" << endl;
+ s << " uint _id = context->callee().data().toUInt32();" << endl
+ << " Q_ASSERT((_id & 0xFFFF0000) == 0xBABE0000);" << endl
+ << " _id &= 0x0000FFFF;" << endl;
+ s << " switch (_id) {" << endl;
+ s << " case 0:" << endl;
+ writeConstructorForwarding(s, constructors, meta_class);
+ s << " break;" << endl << endl;
+ QMap<QString, AbstractMetaFunctionList>::const_iterator it;
+ int index = 1;
+ for (it = nameToFunctions.constBegin(); it != nameToFunctions.constEnd(); ++it) {
+ s << " case " << index << ":" << endl;
+ writeFunctionForwarding(s, meta_class, it.value());
+ s << " break;" << endl << endl;
+ ++index;
+ }
+ s << " default:" << endl
+ << " Q_ASSERT(false);" << endl
+ << " }" << endl;
+ s << " return qtscript_" << meta_class->name() << "_throw_ambiguity_error_helper(context," << endl
+ << " qtscript_" << meta_class->name() << "_function_names[_id]," << endl
+ << " qtscript_" << meta_class->name() << "_function_signatures[_id]);" << endl;
+ s << "}" << endl << endl;
+ Writes the include defined by \a inc to \a stream.
+void writeInclude(QTextStream &stream, const Include &inc)
+ if (
+ return;
+ if (inc.type == Include::TargetLangImport)
+ return;
+ stream << "#include ";
+ if (inc.type == Include::IncludePath)
+ stream << "<";
+ else
+ stream << "\"";
+ stream <<;
+ if (inc.type == Include::IncludePath)
+ stream << ">";
+ else
+ stream << "\"";
+ stream << endl;
+static void writeHelperFunctions(QTextStream &stream, const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class)
+ stream << "static QScriptValue qtscript_" << meta_class->name() << "_throw_ambiguity_error_helper(" << endl
+ << " QScriptContext *context, const char *functionName, const char *signatures)" << endl
+ << "{" << endl
+ << " QStringList lines = QString::fromLatin1(signatures).split(QLatin1Char('\\n'));" << endl
+ << " QStringList fullSignatures;" << endl
+ << " for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i)" << endl
+ << " fullSignatures.append(QString::fromLatin1(\"%0(%1)\").arg(functionName).arg(;" << endl
+ << " return context->throwError(QString::fromLatin1(\"QFile::%0(): could not find a function match; candidates are:\\n%1\")" << endl
+ << " .arg(functionName).arg(fullSignatures.join(QLatin1String(\"\\n\"))));" << endl
+ << "}" << endl << endl;
+void writeQtScriptQtBindingsLicense(QTextStream &stream)
+ stream
+ << "/****************************************************************************" << endl
+ << "**" << endl
+ << "** Copyright (C) 2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved." << endl
+ << "**" << endl
+ << "** This file is part of the Qt Script Qt Bindings project on Trolltech Labs." << endl
+ << "**" << endl
+ << "** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public" << endl
+ << "** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation" << endl
+ << "** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of" << endl
+ << "** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU" << endl
+ << "** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:" << endl
+ << "**" << endl
+ << "**" << endl
+ << "** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please" << endl
+ << "** review the following information:" << endl
+ << "** or contact the" << endl
+ << "** sales department at" << endl
+ << "**" << endl
+ << "** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE" << endl
+ << "**" << endl
+ << "****************************************************************************/" << endl
+ << endl;
+ Finds the functions in \a meta_class that we actually want to
+ generate bindings for.
+void findPrototypeAndStaticFunctions(
+ const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class,
+ QMap<QString, AbstractMetaFunctionList> &nameToPrototypeFunctions,
+ QMap<QString, AbstractMetaFunctionList> &nameToStaticFunctions)
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList functions = meta_class->functionsInTargetLang();
+ for (int i = 0; i < functions.size(); ++i) {
+ AbstractMetaFunction* func =;
+ if (!func->isNormal())
+ continue;
+ if (func->wasProtected())
+ continue;
+ if (func->declaringClass() != meta_class)
+ continue; // function inherited through prototype
+ if (func->isPropertyReader() || func->isPropertyWriter())
+ continue; // no point in including property accessors
+ if (func->isSlot() || func->isSignal() || func->isInvokable())
+ continue; // no point in including signals and slots
+ QMap<QString, AbstractMetaFunctionList> &map =
+ func->isStatic() ? nameToStaticFunctions : nameToPrototypeFunctions;
+ map[func->modifiedName()].append(func);
+ }
+static void writeFunctionSignaturesString(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunctionList &functions)
+ s << "\"";
+ for (int i = 0; i < functions.size(); ++i) {
+ if (i > 0)
+ s << "\\n";
+ QString sig =>targetLangSignature();
+ sig = sig.mid(sig.indexOf('(') + 1);
+ sig.chop(1);
+ s << sig;
+ }
+ s << "\"";
+ Writes the whole native binding for the class \a meta_class.
+void ClassGenerator::write(QTextStream &stream, const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class)
+ if (meta_class->name() == "Global") // ### hmmmmmm
+ return;
+ if (FileOut::license)
+ writeQtScriptQtBindingsLicense(stream);
+ // write common includes
+ stream << "#include <QtScript/QScriptEngine>" << endl;
+ stream << "#include <QtScript/QScriptContext>" << endl;
+ stream << "#include <QtScript/QScriptValue>" << endl;
+ stream << "#include <QtCore/QStringList>" << endl;
+ stream << "#include <QtCore/QDebug>" << endl;
+ stream << "#include <qmetaobject.h>" << endl;
+ stream << endl;
+ // write class-specific includes
+ {
+ Include inc = meta_class->typeEntry()->include();
+ writeInclude(stream, inc);
+ }
+ {
+ IncludeList includes = meta_class->typeEntry()->extraIncludes();
+ qSort(includes.begin(), includes.end());
+ foreach (const Include &i, includes) {
+ writeInclude(stream, i);
+ }
+ }
+ stream << endl;
+ if (meta_class->generateShellClass()) {
+ stream << "#include \"qtscriptshell_" << meta_class->name() << ".h\"" << endl;
+ stream << endl;
+ }
+ AbstractMetaEnumList enums = meta_class->enums();
+ {
+ // kill the enums we don't care about
+ AbstractMetaEnumList::iterator it;
+ for (it = enums.begin(); it != enums.end(); ) {
+ if (shouldIgnoreEnum(*it))
+ it = enums.erase(it);
+ else
+ ++it;
+ }
+ }
+ // find constructors
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList ctors = findConstructors(meta_class);
+ bool hasDefaultCtor = findDefaultConstructor(ctors) != 0;
+ // find interesting functions
+ QMap<QString, AbstractMetaFunctionList> nameToPrototypeFunctions;
+ QMap<QString, AbstractMetaFunctionList> nameToStaticFunctions;
+ findPrototypeAndStaticFunctions(meta_class, nameToPrototypeFunctions, nameToStaticFunctions);
+ int staticFunctionsOffset = 1;
+ int prototypeFunctionsOffset = staticFunctionsOffset + nameToStaticFunctions.size();
+ // write table of function names
+ stream << "static const char * const qtscript_"
+ << meta_class->name() << "_function_names[] = {" << endl;
+ stream << " \"" << meta_class->name() << "\"" << endl;
+ {
+ QMap<QString, AbstractMetaFunctionList>::const_iterator it;
+ stream << " // static" << endl;
+ for (it = nameToStaticFunctions.constBegin(); it != nameToStaticFunctions.constEnd(); ++it) {
+ stream << " , ";
+ stream << "\"" << it.key() << "\"" << endl;
+ }
+ stream << " // prototype" << endl;
+ for (it = nameToPrototypeFunctions.constBegin(); it != nameToPrototypeFunctions.constEnd(); ++it) {
+ QString functionName = it.key();
+ QString scriptName = functionName;
+ if (functionName == QLatin1String("operator_equal"))
+ scriptName = QLatin1String("equals");
+ stream << " , ";
+ stream << "\"" << scriptName << "\"" << endl;
+ }
+ if (!meta_class->hasDefaultToStringFunction())
+ stream << " , \"toString\"" << endl;
+ }
+ stream << "};" << endl << endl;
+ // write table of function signatures
+ stream << "static const char * const qtscript_"
+ << meta_class->name() << "_function_signatures[] = {" << endl;
+ stream << " ";
+ writeFunctionSignaturesString(stream, ctors);
+ stream << endl;
+ {
+ QMap<QString, AbstractMetaFunctionList>::const_iterator it;
+ stream << " // static" << endl;
+ for (it = nameToStaticFunctions.constBegin(); it != nameToStaticFunctions.constEnd(); ++it) {
+ stream << " , ";
+ writeFunctionSignaturesString(stream, it.value());
+ stream << endl;
+ }
+ stream << " // prototype" << endl;
+ for (it = nameToPrototypeFunctions.constBegin(); it != nameToPrototypeFunctions.constEnd(); ++it) {
+ stream << " , ";
+ writeFunctionSignaturesString(stream, it.value());
+ stream << endl;
+ }
+ if (!meta_class->hasDefaultToStringFunction())
+ stream << "\"\"" << endl;
+ }
+ stream << "};" << endl << endl;
+ if (meta_class->hasProtectedFunctions()) {
+ // write a friendly class
+ stream << "class qtscript_" << meta_class->name()
+ << " : public " << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << endl;
+ stream << "{" << endl;
+ for (int x = 0; x < 2; ++x) {
+ QMap<QString, AbstractMetaFunctionList> &map =
+ x ? nameToStaticFunctions : nameToPrototypeFunctions;
+ QMap<QString, AbstractMetaFunctionList>::const_iterator it;
+ for (it = map.constBegin(); it != map.constEnd(); ++it) {
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList functions = it.value();
+ for (int i = 0; i < functions.size(); ++i) {
+ if (>isProtected()) {
+ stream << " friend QScriptValue qtscript_" << meta_class->name()
+ << "_" << it.key();
+ if (>isStatic())
+ stream << "_static";
+ stream << "(QScriptContext *, QScriptEngine *);" << endl;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ stream << "};" << endl;
+ stream << endl;
+ }
+ writeHelperFunctions(stream, meta_class);
+ // write metaobject getter if we need it
+ if (hasQEnums(enums) && (meta_class->qualifiedCppName() != "QTransform")) {
+ if (meta_class->qualifiedCppName() == "Qt") {
+ stream << "struct qtscript_Qt_metaObject_helper : private QObject" << endl
+ << "{" << endl
+ << " static const QMetaObject *get()" << endl
+ << " { return &static_cast<qtscript_Qt_metaObject_helper*>(0)->staticQtMetaObject; }" << endl
+ << "};" << endl << endl;
+ }
+ stream << "static const QMetaObject *qtscript_" << meta_class->name() << "_metaObject()" << endl
+ << "{" << endl
+ << " return ";
+ if (meta_class->qualifiedCppName() == "Qt")
+ stream << "qtscript_Qt_metaObject_helper::get()";
+ else
+ stream << "&" << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << "::staticMetaObject";
+ stream << ";" << endl
+ << "}" << endl << endl;
+ }
+ // write metatype declarations
+ {
+ QSet<QString> registeredTypeNames = m_qmetatype_declared_typenames;
+ if (!meta_class->isNamespace()) {
+ if (meta_class->typeEntry()->isValue() && hasDefaultCtor)
+ maybeDeclareMetaType(stream, meta_class->qualifiedCppName(), registeredTypeNames);
+ else
+ registeredTypeNames << meta_class->qualifiedCppName();
+ maybeDeclareMetaType(stream, meta_class->qualifiedCppName() + "*", registeredTypeNames);
+ }
+ if (meta_class->generateShellClass()) {
+ if (meta_class->typeEntry()->isValue()) {
+ maybeDeclareMetaType(stream, "QtScriptShell_" + meta_class->name(),
+ registeredTypeNames);
+ }
+ maybeDeclareMetaType(stream, "QtScriptShell_" + meta_class->name() + "*",
+ registeredTypeNames);
+ }
+ declareEnumMetaTypes(stream, meta_class, registeredTypeNames);
+ for (int x = 0; x < 2; ++x) {
+ QMap<QString, AbstractMetaFunctionList> &map =
+ x ? nameToStaticFunctions : nameToPrototypeFunctions;
+ QMap<QString, AbstractMetaFunctionList>::const_iterator it;
+ for (it = map.constBegin(); it != map.constEnd(); ++it) {
+ declareFunctionMetaTypes(stream, it.value(), registeredTypeNames);
+ }
+ }
+ declareFunctionMetaTypes(stream, ctors, registeredTypeNames);
+ if (meta_class->baseClass() != 0) {
+ maybeDeclareMetaType(stream, meta_class->baseClass()->qualifiedCppName()
+ + QLatin1String("*"), registeredTypeNames);
+ }
+ foreach (AbstractMetaClass *iface, meta_class->interfaces()) {
+ AbstractMetaClass *impl = iface->primaryInterfaceImplementor();
+ maybeDeclareMetaType(stream, impl->qualifiedCppName() + QLatin1String("*"),
+ registeredTypeNames);
+ }
+ // ### hackety hack
+ if (meta_class->name().endsWith("Gradient"))
+ maybeDeclareMetaType(stream, "QGradient", registeredTypeNames);
+ stream << endl;
+ }
+ writeInjectedCode(stream, meta_class, CodeSnip::Beginning);
+ // write enum classes
+ if (!enums.isEmpty()) {
+ writeCreateEnumClassHelper(stream);
+ if (hasFlags(enums))
+ writeCreateFlagsClassHelper(stream);
+ for (int i = 0; i < enums.size(); ++i) {
+ const AbstractMetaEnum *enom =;
+ writeEnumClass(stream, meta_class, enom);
+ }
+ }
+ stream << "//" << endl;
+ stream << "// " << meta_class->name() << endl;
+ stream << "//" << endl << endl;
+ if (!meta_class->isNamespace()) {
+ if (!nameToPrototypeFunctions.isEmpty() || !meta_class->hasDefaultToStringFunction())
+ writePrototypeCall(stream, meta_class, nameToPrototypeFunctions, prototypeFunctionsOffset);
+ }
+ writeStaticCall(stream, meta_class, ctors, nameToStaticFunctions);
+ if (isQObjectBased(meta_class)) {
+ // write C++ <--> script conversion functions
+ stream << "static QScriptValue qtscript_" << meta_class->name() << "_toScriptValue(QScriptEngine *engine, "
+ << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << "* const &in)" << endl
+ << "{" << endl
+ << " return engine->newQObject(in, QScriptEngine::QtOwnership, QScriptEngine::PreferExistingWrapperObject);" << endl
+ << "}" << endl << endl;
+ stream << "static void qtscript_" << meta_class->name() << "_fromScriptValue(const QScriptValue &value, "
+ << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << "* &out)" << endl
+ << "{" << endl
+ << " out = qobject_cast<" << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << "*>(value.toQObject());" << endl
+ << "}" << endl << endl;
+ }
+ //
+ // write exported function that creates the QtScript class
+ //
+ stream << "QScriptValue qtscript_create_" << meta_class->name()
+ << "_class(QScriptEngine *engine)" << endl;
+ stream << "{" << endl;
+ // write lengths array
+ stream << " static const int function_lengths[] = {" << endl;
+ stream << " " << maxFunctionLength(ctors) << endl;
+ {
+ QMap<QString, AbstractMetaFunctionList>::const_iterator it;
+ stream << " // static" << endl;
+ for (it = nameToStaticFunctions.constBegin(); it != nameToStaticFunctions.constEnd(); ++it) {
+ stream << " , " << maxFunctionLength(it.value()) << endl;
+ }
+ stream << " // prototype" << endl;
+ for (it = nameToPrototypeFunctions.constBegin(); it != nameToPrototypeFunctions.constEnd(); ++it) {
+ stream << " , " << maxFunctionLength(it.value()) << endl;
+ }
+ if (!meta_class->hasDefaultToStringFunction())
+ stream << " , 0" << endl;
+ }
+ stream << " };" << endl;
+ // setup prototype
+ if (!meta_class->isNamespace()) {
+ stream << " engine->setDefaultPrototype(qMetaTypeId<"
+ << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << "*>(), QScriptValue());" << endl;
+ stream << " QScriptValue proto = engine->newVariant(qVariantFromValue(("
+ << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << "*)0));" << endl;
+ bool havePrototypePrototype = false;
+ if (meta_class->baseClass() != 0) {
+ stream << " proto.setPrototype(engine->defaultPrototype(qMetaTypeId<"
+ << meta_class->baseClass()->qualifiedCppName() << "*>()));" << endl;
+ havePrototypePrototype = true;
+ }
+ foreach (AbstractMetaClass *iface, meta_class->interfaces()) {
+ AbstractMetaClass *impl = iface->primaryInterfaceImplementor();
+ if (impl == meta_class)
+ continue;
+ if (!havePrototypePrototype) {
+ stream << " proto.setPrototype(engine->defaultPrototype(qMetaTypeId<"
+ << impl->qualifiedCppName() << "*>()));" << endl;
+ havePrototypePrototype = true;
+ } else {
+ // alternative would be to copy the properties from the secondary
+ // prototype to the primary prototype.
+ stream << " proto.setProperty(QString::fromLatin1(\"__"
+ << impl->name() << "__\")," << endl
+ << " engine->defaultPrototype(qMetaTypeId<"
+ << impl->qualifiedCppName() << "*>())," << endl
+ << " QScriptValue::SkipInEnumeration);" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!nameToPrototypeFunctions.isEmpty()) {
+ QMap<QString, AbstractMetaFunctionList>::const_iterator it;
+ int count = nameToPrototypeFunctions.size();
+ if (!meta_class->hasDefaultToStringFunction())
+ ++count;
+ stream << " for (int i = 0; i < " << count << "; ++i) {" << endl
+ << " QScriptValue fun = engine->newFunction(qtscript_"
+ << meta_class->name() << "_prototype_call, function_lengths[i+"
+ << prototypeFunctionsOffset << "]);" << endl
+ << " fun.setData(QScriptValue(engine, uint(0xBABE0000 + i)));" << endl
+ << " proto.setProperty(QString::fromLatin1(qtscript_"
+ << meta_class->name() << "_function_names[i+" << prototypeFunctionsOffset << "])," << endl
+ << " fun, QScriptValue::SkipInEnumeration);" << endl
+ << " }" << endl;
+ }
+ writeInjectedCode(stream, meta_class, CodeSnip::PrototypeInitialization);
+ stream << endl;
+ // register the prototype
+// stream << " qDebug() << \"registering " << meta_class->name() << " prototype\";" << endl;
+ if (meta_class->typeEntry()->isValue() && hasDefaultCtor) {
+ stream << " engine->setDefaultPrototype(qMetaTypeId<"
+ << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << ">(), proto);" << endl;
+ }
+ if (isQObjectBased(meta_class)) {
+ stream << " qScriptRegisterMetaType<" << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << "*>(engine, qtscript_"
+ << meta_class->name() << "_toScriptValue, " << endl << " qtscript_"
+ << meta_class->name() << "_fromScriptValue, proto);" << endl;
+ } else {
+ stream << " engine->setDefaultPrototype(qMetaTypeId<"
+ << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << "*>(), proto);" << endl;
+ }
+ stream << endl;
+ } else {
+ stream << " QScriptValue proto = QScriptValue();" << endl;
+ }
+ // setup constructor
+ stream << " QScriptValue ctor = engine->newFunction(qtscript_" << meta_class->name()
+ << "_static_call, proto, function_lengths[0]);" << endl;
+ stream << " ctor.setData(QScriptValue(engine, uint(0xBABE0000 + 0)));" << endl;
+ if (!nameToStaticFunctions.isEmpty()) {
+ // static functions
+ QMap<QString, AbstractMetaFunctionList>::const_iterator it;
+ stream << " for (int i = 0; i < " << nameToStaticFunctions.size() << "; ++i) {" << endl
+ << " QScriptValue fun = engine->newFunction(qtscript_" << meta_class->name()
+ << "_static_call," << endl
+ << " function_lengths[i+" << staticFunctionsOffset << "]);" << endl
+ << " fun.setData(QScriptValue(engine, uint(0xBABE0000 + i+1)));" << endl
+ << " ctor.setProperty(QString::fromLatin1(qtscript_"
+ << meta_class->name() << "_function_names[i+" << staticFunctionsOffset << "])," << endl
+ << " fun, QScriptValue::SkipInEnumeration);" << endl
+ << " }" << endl;
+ }
+ stream << endl;
+ // enums and flags classes
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < enums.size(); ++i) {
+ const AbstractMetaEnum *enom =;
+ stream << " ctor.setProperty(QString::fromLatin1(\""
+ << enom->name() << "\")," << endl
+ << " qtscript_create_" << meta_class->name()
+ << "_" << enom->name() << "_class(engine, ctor));" << endl;
+ FlagsTypeEntry *flags = enom->typeEntry()->flags();
+ if (flags) {
+ stream << " ctor.setProperty(QString::fromLatin1(\""
+ << flags->targetLangName() << "\")," << endl
+ << " qtscript_create_" << meta_class->name()
+ << "_" << flags->targetLangName() << "_class(engine));" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ writeInjectedCode(stream, meta_class, CodeSnip::ConstructorInitialization);
+ stream << " return ctor;" << endl;
+ stream << "}" << endl;
+ writeInjectedCode(stream, meta_class, CodeSnip::End);
+ QString pro_file_name = meta_class->package().replace(".", "_") + "/" + meta_class->package().replace(".", "_") + ".pri";
+ priGenerator->addSource(pro_file_name, fileNameForClass(meta_class));
+ setupGenerator->addClass(meta_class);
diff --git a/generator/classgenerator.h b/generator/classgenerator.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2116ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/classgenerator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "generator.h"
+#include "metaqtscript.h"
+#include "prigenerator.h"
+#include "setupgenerator.h"
+class ClassGenerator : public Generator
+ public:
+ ClassGenerator(PriGenerator *pri, SetupGenerator *setup);
+ virtual QString fileNameForClass(const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class) const;
+ virtual QString subDirectoryForClass(const AbstractMetaClass *cls) const
+ {
+ return "generated_cpp/" + cls->package().replace(".", "_") + "/";
+ }
+ virtual bool shouldGenerate(const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class) const;
+ void write(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class);
+ private:
+ PriGenerator *priGenerator;
+ SetupGenerator *setupGenerator;
+ QStringList describeFunctons;
diff --git a/generator/customtypes.cpp b/generator/customtypes.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7ff835
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/customtypes.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "customtypes.h"
+#include "metajava.h"
+#include <QtCore/QDebug>
+#include <QtCore/QTextStream>
+void QModelIndexTypeEntry::generateCppJavaToQt(QTextStream &s,
+ const AbstractMetaType *,
+ const QString &env_name,
+ const QString &qt_name,
+ const QString &java_name) const
+ s << "QModelIndex " << qt_name << " = qtjambi_to_QModelIndex(" << env_name << ", "
+ << java_name << ")";
+void QModelIndexTypeEntry::generateCppQtToJava(QTextStream &s,
+ const AbstractMetaType *,
+ const QString &env_name,
+ const QString &qt_name,
+ const QString &java_name) const
+ s << "jobject " << java_name << " = qtjambi_from_QModelIndex(" << env_name << ", "
+ << qt_name << ")";
diff --git a/generator/customtypes.h b/generator/customtypes.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20b87aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/customtypes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "typesystem.h"
+class QModelIndexTypeEntry : public CustomTypeEntry
+ QModelIndexTypeEntry() : CustomTypeEntry("QModelIndex")
+ {
+ setCodeGeneration(GenerateNothing);
+ }
+ virtual QString javaPackage() const { return "com.trolltech.qt.core"; }
+ virtual bool isValue() const { return true; }
+ virtual void generateCppJavaToQt(QTextStream &s,
+ const AbstractMetaType *java_type,
+ const QString &env_name,
+ const QString &qt_name,
+ const QString &java_name) const;
+ virtual void generateCppQtToJava(QTextStream &s,
+ const AbstractMetaType *java_type,
+ const QString &env_name,
+ const QString &qt_name,
+ const QString &java_name) const;
diff --git a/generator/docgenerator.cpp b/generator/docgenerator.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbac1d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/docgenerator.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "docgenerator.h"
+#include "fileout.h"
+QString DocGenerator::fileNameForClass(const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class) const
+ return QString::fromLatin1("%0.html").arg(meta_class->name().toLower());
+QString DocGenerator::subDirectoryForClass(const AbstractMetaClass *) const
+ return QString::fromLatin1("doc");
+static void writeDocumentHeader(QTextStream &s, const QString &title)
+ s << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?>" << endl
+ << "<!DOCTYPE html" << endl
+ << " PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" \"DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd\">" << endl
+ << "<html xmlns=\"\" xml:lang=\"en\" lang=\"en\">" << endl
+ << "<head>" << endl
+ << " <title>" << title << "</title>" << endl
+ << " <link href=\"classic.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" />" << endl
+ << "</head>" << endl
+ << "<body>" << endl;
+static void writeDocumentFooter(QTextStream &s)
+ s << "</body>" << endl
+ << "</html>" << endl;
+static bool classLessThan(const AbstractMetaClass *c1, const AbstractMetaClass *c2)
+ return c1->name() < c2->name();
+bool DocGenerator::shouldGenerate(const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class) const
+ uint cg = meta_class->typeEntry()->codeGeneration();
+ return (cg & TypeEntry::GenerateCode) != 0;
+void DocGenerator::generate()
+ Generator::generate();
+ QHash<QString, QList<const AbstractMetaClass*> > packHash;
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_classes.size(); ++i) {
+ const AbstractMetaClass *cls =;
+ packHash[cls->package()].append(cls);
+ }
+ // package pages
+ QHash<QString, QList<const AbstractMetaClass*> >::const_iterator it;
+ for (it = packHash.constBegin(); it != packHash.constEnd(); ++it) {
+ QString package = it.key();
+ QList<const AbstractMetaClass*> classesInPackage = it.value();
+ qSort(classesInPackage.begin(), classesInPackage.end(), classLessThan);
+ FileOut file(m_out_dir + "/doc/" + package.split(".").join("_") + ".html");
+ writeDocumentHeader(, package + " Package");
+ << "<h1 align=\"center\">" << package << " Package</h1>" << endl;
+ << "<h2>Classes</h2>" << endl
+ << "<p><table width=\"100%\" class=\"annotated\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\">" << endl;
+ for (int i = 0; i < classesInPackage.size(); ++i) {
+ const AbstractMetaClass *cls =;
+ if (cls->name() == "Global")
+ continue; /// ### fixme
+ << "<tr valign=\"top\" class=\"";
+ if (i & 1)
+ << "odd";
+ else
+ << "even";
+ << "\"><th><a href=\"" << fileNameForClass(cls) << "\">" << cls->name()
+ << "</a></th></tr>" << endl;
+ }
+ << "</table></p>" << endl;
+ writeDocumentFooter(;
+ }
+ // all classes page
+ {
+ FileOut file(m_out_dir + "/doc/classes.html");
+ writeDocumentHeader(, "Classes");
+ << "<h1 align=\"center\">Classes</h1>" << endl
+ << "<p><table width=\"100%\" class=\"annotated\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\">" << endl;
+ AbstractMetaClassList sortedClasses = m_classes;
+ qSort(sortedClasses.begin(), sortedClasses.end(), classLessThan);
+ for (int i = 0; i < sortedClasses.size(); ++i) {
+ const AbstractMetaClass *cls =;
+ if (cls->name() == "Global")
+ continue; /// ### fixme
+ << "<tr valign=\"top\" class=\"";
+ if (i & 1)
+ << "odd";
+ else
+ << "even";
+ << "\"><th><a href=\"" << fileNameForClass(cls) << "\">" << cls->name()
+ << "</a></th></tr>" << endl;
+ }
+ << "</table></p>" << endl;
+ writeDocumentFooter(;
+ }
+ // index.html
+ {
+ FileOut file(m_out_dir + "/doc/index.html");
+ writeDocumentHeader(, "Qt Bindings Reference Documentation");
+ << "<h1 align=\"center\">Qt Script Qt Bindings Reference Documentation</h1>" << endl;
+ << "<h3>Packages</h3>" << endl;
+ << "<ul>" << endl;
+ QStringList sortedPackages = packHash.keys();
+ qSort(sortedPackages.begin(), sortedPackages.end());
+ for (int i = 0; i < sortedPackages.size(); ++i) {
+ QString pkg =;
+ << "<li><b><a href=\"" << pkg.split(".").join("_") << ".html\">"
+ << pkg << "</a></b></li>" << endl;
+ }
+ << "</ul>" << endl;
+ << "<h3><a href=\"classes.html\">All Classes</a></h3>" << endl;
+ << "<h3><a href=\"../examples\">Examples</a></h3>" << endl;
+ << "<h3>Getting Started</h3>" << endl
+ << "<p>Using the Qt API in Qt Script is very similar to C++." << endl
+ << "<pre>var f = new QFile(\"foo.txt\");</pre>" << endl
+ << "C++ enum values are mapped to properties of the script constructor function; e.g. " << endl
+ << "QIODevice::ReadOnly becomes QIODevice.ReadOnly.</p>" << endl
+ << "<pre> QIODevice.OpenMode(QIODevice.ReadOnly));</pre>" << endl
+ << "<p>Each C++ flag type is mapped to a property of the script constructor function; e.g. " << endl
+ << "QIODevice::OpenMode becomes QIODevice.OpenMode. Such a property is a constructor function " << endl
+ << "that takes one or more enum values and constructs a flags instance by OR'ing the arguments " << endl
+ << "together.</p>" << endl
+ << "<pre>var ts = new QTextStream(f);" << endl
+ << "ts.writeString(\"Boo\");</pre>" << endl
+ << "<p>C++ streaming operators are normally mapped to readT() and writeT() functions.</p>" << endl
+ << "<pre>f.close();</pre>" << endl
+ << "<p>In Qt Script, all objects are allocated on the heap; objects that are no longer " << endl
+ << "referenced are garbage collected sometime in the future; therefore, make sure to " << endl
+ << "explicitly free up resources if you can. (Without the call to close(), the underlying " << endl
+ << "file would remain open until the file object is garbage collected.)</p>" << endl
+ ;
+ << "<h3><a href=\"\">Qt Reference Documentation</a></h3>" << endl;
+ writeDocumentFooter(;
+ }
+static bool shouldIgnoreEnum(const AbstractMetaEnum *enom)
+ return !enom->wasPublic() || (enom->name() == "enum_1");
+// in classgenerator.cpp
+void findPrototypeAndStaticFunctions(
+ const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class,
+ QMap<QString, AbstractMetaFunctionList> &nameToPrototypeFunctions,
+ QMap<QString, AbstractMetaFunctionList> &nameToStaticFunctions);
+QList<int> uniqueEnumValueIndexes(const AbstractMetaEnumValueList &values);
+static void writeFunction(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *fun)
+ s << "<li><div class=\"fn\"/><b>" << fun->targetLangSignature() << "</b></li>" << endl;
+void DocGenerator::write(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class)
+ QString title = meta_class->name();
+ title.append(" ");
+ if (meta_class->isNamespace())
+ title.append("Namespace");
+ else
+ title.append("Class");
+ title.append(" Reference");
+ writeDocumentHeader(s, title);
+ s << "<h1 align=\"center\">" << title << "</h1>" << endl;
+ s << "<h3 align=\"center\">[<a href=\"";
+ s << meta_class->package().split(".").join("_") << ".html";
+ s << "\">";
+ s << meta_class->package();
+ s << "</a> package]</h3>" << endl;
+ if (meta_class->baseClass()) {
+ s << "<p>Inherits <a href=\"" << fileNameForClass(meta_class->baseClass()) << "\">"
+ << meta_class->baseClass()->name() << "</a>.</p>" << endl;
+ } else if (!meta_class->interfaces().isEmpty()) {
+ AbstractMetaClass *iface = meta_class->interfaces().first();
+ AbstractMetaClass *impl = iface->primaryInterfaceImplementor();
+ if (impl != meta_class) {
+ s << "<p>Inherits <a href=\"" << fileNameForClass(impl) << "\">"
+ << impl->name() << "</a>.</p>" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList ctors;
+ ctors = meta_class->queryFunctions(AbstractMetaClass::Constructors
+ | AbstractMetaClass::WasPublic
+ | AbstractMetaClass::NotRemovedFromTargetLang);
+ QMap<QString, AbstractMetaFunctionList> nameToPrototypeFunctions;
+ QMap<QString, AbstractMetaFunctionList> nameToStaticFunctions;
+ findPrototypeAndStaticFunctions(meta_class, nameToPrototypeFunctions, nameToStaticFunctions);
+ s << "<h3>Constructor</h3>" << endl;
+ if (!ctors.isEmpty()) {
+ s << "<ul>" << endl;
+ for (int i = 0; i < ctors.size(); ++i) {
+ writeFunction(s,;
+ }
+ s << "</ul>" << endl;
+ } else {
+ s << "<p>This class has no public constructors. Calling the constructor function will cause a TypeError.</p>";
+ }
+ s << "<h3>Constructor Properties</h3>" << endl;
+ s << "<ul>" << endl;
+ s << "<li><b>prototype</b>: The " << meta_class->name() << " prototype object</li>" << endl;
+ if (!nameToStaticFunctions.isEmpty()) {
+ QMap<QString, AbstractMetaFunctionList>::const_iterator it;
+ for (it = nameToStaticFunctions.constBegin(); it != nameToStaticFunctions.constEnd(); ++it) {
+ writeFunction(s, it.value().first());
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ AbstractMetaEnumList enums = meta_class->enums();
+ for (int i = 0; i < enums.size(); ++i) {
+ const AbstractMetaEnum *enom =;
+ if (shouldIgnoreEnum(enom))
+ continue;
+ AbstractMetaEnumValueList values = enom->values();
+ QList<int> indexes = uniqueEnumValueIndexes(values);
+ for (int j = 0; j < indexes.size(); ++j) {
+ AbstractMetaEnumValue *val =;
+ s << "<li><b>" << val->name();
+ if (!val->stringValue().isEmpty())
+ s << " = " << val->stringValue();
+ s << "</b></li>" << endl;
+ }
+ s << "<li><b>" << enom->name() << "( value )</b></li>" << endl;
+ FlagsTypeEntry *flags = enom->typeEntry()->flags();
+ if (flags)
+ s << "<li><b>" << flags->flagsName() << "( value1, value2, ... )</b></li>" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ s << "</ul>" << endl;
+ if (!nameToPrototypeFunctions.isEmpty()) {
+ s << "<h3>Prototype Object Properties</h3>" << endl;
+ if (meta_class->baseClass()) {
+ s << "<p>The " << meta_class->name() << " prototype object inherits properties from the "
+ << "<a href=\"" << fileNameForClass(meta_class->baseClass()) << "\">"
+ << meta_class->baseClass()->name() << "</a> prototype object and "
+ << "also has the following properties.</p>" << endl;
+ }
+ s << "<ul>" << endl;
+ QMap<QString, AbstractMetaFunctionList>::const_iterator it;
+ for (it = nameToPrototypeFunctions.constBegin(); it != nameToPrototypeFunctions.constEnd(); ++it) {
+ writeFunction(s, it.value().first());
+ }
+ s << "</ul>" << endl;
+ }
+ if (!meta_class->isNamespace()) {
+ s << "<h3>Instance Properties</h3>" << endl;
+ {
+ QList<QPropertySpec *> props = meta_class->propertySpecs();
+ if (!props.isEmpty()) {
+ s << "<p>" << meta_class->name() << " objects inherit properties from the "
+ << meta_class->name() << " prototype object and also have the following properties.</p>" << endl;
+ s << "<ul>" << endl;
+ for (int i = 0; i < props.size(); ++i) {
+ s << "<li><div class=\"fn\"/><b>" <<>name() << "</b></li>" << endl;
+ }
+ s << "</ul>" << endl;
+ } else {
+ s << "<p>" << meta_class->name() << " objects have no special properties beyond those "
+ << "inherited from the " << meta_class->name() << " prototype object.</p>" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ writeDocumentFooter(s);
diff --git a/generator/docgenerator.h b/generator/docgenerator.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b75ec0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/docgenerator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "generator.h"
+class DocGenerator : public Generator
+ DocGenerator();
+ virtual bool shouldGenerate(const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class) const;
+ virtual void generate();
+ virtual QString fileNameForClass(const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class) const;
+ virtual QString subDirectoryForClass(const AbstractMetaClass *cls) const;
+ virtual void write(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class);
diff --git a/generator/fileout.cpp b/generator/fileout.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9fce2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/fileout.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "fileout.h"
+#include "reporthandler.h"
+#include <QFileInfo>
+#include <QDir>
+bool FileOut::dummy = false;
+bool FileOut::diff = false;
+bool FileOut::license = false;
+#ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
+const char* colorDelete = "\033[31m";
+const char* colorAdd = "\033[32m";
+const char* colorInfo = "\033[36m";
+const char* colorReset = "\033[0m";
+const char* colorDelete = "";
+const char* colorAdd = "";
+const char* colorInfo = "";
+const char* colorReset = "";
+FileOut::FileOut(QString n):
+ name(n),
+ stream(&tmp),
+ isDone(false)
+static int* lcsLength(QList<QByteArray> a, QList<QByteArray> b) {
+ const int height = a.size() + 1;
+ const int width = b.size() + 1;
+ int *res = new int[width * height];
+ for (int row=0; row<height; row++) {
+ res[width * row] = 0;
+ }
+ for (int col=0; col<width; col++) {
+ res[col] = 0;
+ }
+ for (int row=1; row<height; row++) {
+ for (int col=1; col<width; col++) {
+ if (a[row-1] == b[col-1])
+ res[width * row + col] = res[width * (row-1) + col-1] + 1;
+ else
+ res[width * row + col] = qMax(res[width * row + col-1],
+ res[width * (row-1) + col]);
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+enum Type {Add, Delete, Unchanged};
+struct Unit
+ Unit(Type type, int pos) :
+ type(type),
+ start(pos),
+ end(pos)
+ {}
+ Type type;
+ int start;
+ int end;
+ void print(QList<QByteArray> a, QList<QByteArray> b){
+ {
+ if (type == Unchanged) {
+ if ((end - start) > 9) {
+ for (int i = start; i <= start+2; i++)
+ printf(" %s\n", a[i].data());
+ printf("%s=\n= %d more lines\n=%s\n", colorInfo, end - start - 6, colorReset);
+ for (int i = end-2; i <= end; i++)
+ printf(" %s\n", a[i].data());
+ }
+ else
+ for (int i = start; i <= end; i++)
+ printf(" %s\n", a[i].data());
+ }
+ else if(type == Add) {
+ printf("%s", colorAdd);
+ for (int i = start; i <= end; i++){
+ printf("+ %s\n", b[i].data());
+ }
+ printf("%s", colorReset);
+ }
+ else if (type == Delete) {
+ printf("%s", colorDelete);
+ for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) {
+ printf("- %s\n", a[i].data());
+ }
+ printf("%s", colorReset);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static QList<Unit*> *unitAppend(QList<Unit*> *res, Type type, int pos)
+ if (res == 0) {
+ res = new QList<Unit*>;
+ res->append(new Unit(type, pos));
+ return res;
+ }
+ Unit *last = res->last();
+ if (last->type == type) {
+ last->end = pos;
+ } else {
+ res->append(new Unit(type, pos));
+ }
+ return res;
+static QList<Unit*> *diffHelper(int *lcs, QList<QByteArray> a, QList<QByteArray> b, int row, int col) {
+ if (row>0 && col>0 && (a[row-1] == b[col-1])) {
+ return unitAppend(diffHelper(lcs, a, b, row-1, col-1), Unchanged, row-1);
+ }
+ else {
+ int width = b.size()+1;
+ if ((col > 0) && ((row==0) ||
+ lcs[width * row + col-1] >= lcs[width * (row-1) + col]))
+ {
+ return unitAppend(diffHelper(lcs, a, b, row, col-1), Add, col-1);
+ }
+ else if((row > 0) && ((col==0) ||
+ lcs[width * row + col-1] < lcs[width * (row-1) + col])){
+ return unitAppend(diffHelper(lcs, a, b, row-1, col), Delete, row-1);;
+ }
+ }
+ delete lcs;
+ return 0;
+static void diff(QList<QByteArray> a, QList<QByteArray> b) {
+ QList<Unit*> *res = diffHelper(lcsLength(a, b), a, b, a.size(), b.size());
+ for (int i=0; i < res->size(); i++) {
+ Unit *unit = res->at(i);
+ unit->print(a, b);
+ delete(unit);
+ }
+ delete(res);
+bool FileOut::done() {
+ Q_ASSERT( !isDone );
+ isDone = true;
+ bool fileEqual = false;
+ QFile fileRead(name);
+ QFileInfo info(fileRead);
+ stream.flush();
+ QByteArray original;
+ if (info.exists() && (diff || (info.size() == tmp.size()))) {
+ if ( ! ) {
+ ReportHandler::warning(QString("failed to open file '%1' for reading")
+ .arg(fileRead.fileName()));
+ return false;
+ }
+ original = fileRead.readAll();
+ fileRead.close();
+ fileEqual = (original == tmp);
+ }
+ if( !fileEqual ) {
+ if( !FileOut::dummy ) {
+ QDir dir(info.absolutePath());
+ if (!dir.mkpath(dir.absolutePath())) {
+ ReportHandler::warning(QString("unable to create directory '%1'")
+ .arg(dir.absolutePath()));
+ return false;
+ }
+ QFile fileWrite(name);
+ if (! {
+ ReportHandler::warning(QString("failed to open file '%1' for writing")
+ .arg(fileWrite.fileName()));
+ return false;
+ }
+ stream.setDevice(&fileWrite);
+ stream << tmp;
+ }
+ if (diff) {
+ printf("%sFile: %s%s\n", colorInfo, qPrintable(name), colorReset);
+ ::diff(original.split('\n'), tmp.split('\n'));
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
diff --git a/generator/fileout.h b/generator/fileout.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6102d43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/fileout.h
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#ifndef FILEOUT_H
+#define FILEOUT_H
+#include <QObject>
+#include <QFile>
+#include <QTextStream>
+class FileOut : public QObject
+ QByteArray tmp;
+ QString name;
+ FileOut(QString name);
+ ~FileOut()
+ {
+ if( !isDone )
+ done();
+ }
+ bool done();
+ QTextStream stream;
+ static bool dummy;
+ static bool diff;
+ static bool license;
+ private:
+ bool isDone;
+#endif // FILEOUT_H
diff --git a/generator/ b/generator/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c49fbe0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+xsltproc --stringparam source $PWD/typesystem_core-qtscript.xml merge.xsl typesystem_core-common.xml > typesystem_core.xml
+xsltproc --stringparam source $PWD/typesystem_gui-qtscript.xml merge.xsl typesystem_gui-common.xml > typesystem_gui.xml
+xsltproc --stringparam source $PWD/typesystem_svg-qtscript.xml merge.xsl typesystem_svg-common.xml > typesystem_svg.xml
+xsltproc --stringparam source $PWD/typesystem_network-qtscript.xml merge.xsl typesystem_network-common.xml > typesystem_network.xml
+xsltproc --stringparam source $PWD/typesystem_opengl-qtscript.xml merge.xsl typesystem_opengl-common.xml > typesystem_opengl.xml
+xsltproc --stringparam source $PWD/typesystem_xml-qtscript.xml merge.xsl typesystem_xml-common.xml > typesystem_xml.xml
+xsltproc --stringparam source $PWD/typesystem_sql-qtscript.xml merge.xsl typesystem_sql-common.xml > typesystem_sql.xml
+xsltproc --stringparam source $PWD/typesystem_phonon-qtscript.xml merge.xsl typesystem_phonon-common.xml > typesystem_phonon.xml
+xsltproc --stringparam source $PWD/typesystem_webkit-qtscript.xml merge.xsl typesystem_webkit-common.xml > typesystem_webkit.xml
+xsltproc --stringparam source $PWD/typesystem_xmlpatterns-qtscript.xml merge.xsl typesystem_xmlpatterns-common.xml > typesystem_xmlpatterns.xml
+# ./generator qtscript_masterinclude.h typesystem_core.xml --diff
diff --git a/generator/generator.cpp b/generator/generator.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..570fcc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/generator.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "generator.h"
+#include "reporthandler.h"
+#include "fileout.h"
+#include <QDir>
+#include <QFile>
+#include <QFileInfo>
+ m_num_generated = 0;
+ m_num_generated_written = 0;
+ m_out_dir = ".";
+void Generator::generate()
+ if (m_classes.size() == 0) {
+ ReportHandler::warning(QString("%1: no java classes, skipping")
+ .arg(metaObject()->className()));
+ return;
+ }
+ foreach (AbstractMetaClass *cls, m_classes) {
+ if (!shouldGenerate(cls))
+ continue;
+ QString fileName = fileNameForClass(cls);
+ ReportHandler::debugSparse(QString("generating: %1").arg(fileName));
+ FileOut fileOut(outputDirectory() + "/" + subDirectoryForClass(cls) + "/" + fileName);
+ write(, cls);
+ if( fileOut.done() )
+ ++m_num_generated_written;
+ ++m_num_generated;
+ }
+void Generator::printClasses()
+ QTextStream s(stdout);
+ AbstractMetaClassList classes = m_classes;
+ qSort(classes);
+ foreach (AbstractMetaClass *cls, classes) {
+ if (!shouldGenerate(cls))
+ continue;
+ write(s, cls);
+ s << endl << endl;
+ }
+void Generator::verifyDirectoryFor(const QFile &file)
+ QDir dir = QFileInfo(file).dir();
+ if (!dir.exists()) {
+ if (!dir.mkpath(dir.absolutePath()))
+ ReportHandler::warning(QString("unable to create directory '%1'")
+ .arg(dir.absolutePath()));
+ }
+QString Generator::subDirectoryForClass(const AbstractMetaClass *) const
+ Q_ASSERT(false);
+ return QString();
+QString Generator::fileNameForClass(const AbstractMetaClass *) const
+ Q_ASSERT(false);
+ return QString();
+void Generator::write(QTextStream &, const AbstractMetaClass *)
+ Q_ASSERT(false);
+bool Generator::hasDefaultConstructor(const AbstractMetaType *type)
+ QString full_name = type->typeEntry()->qualifiedTargetLangName();
+ QString class_name = type->typeEntry()->targetLangName();
+ foreach (const AbstractMetaClass *java_class, m_classes) {
+ if (java_class->typeEntry()->qualifiedTargetLangName() == full_name) {
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList functions = java_class->functions();
+ foreach (const AbstractMetaFunction *function, functions) {
+ if (function->arguments().size() == 0 && function->name() == class_name)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
diff --git a/generator/generator.h b/generator/generator.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09e7991
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/generator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#ifndef GENERATOR_H
+#define GENERATOR_H
+#include "metajava.h"
+#include "typesystem.h"
+#include "codemodel.h"
+#include <QObject>
+#include <QFile>
+class Generator : public QObject
+ Q_PROPERTY(QString outputDirectory READ outputDirectory WRITE setOutputDirectory);
+ enum Option {
+ NoOption = 0x00000000,
+ BoxedPrimitive = 0x00000001,
+ ExcludeConst = 0x00000002,
+ ExcludeReference = 0x00000004,
+ UseNativeIds = 0x00000008,
+ EnumAsInts = 0x00000010,
+ SkipName = 0x00000020,
+ NoCasts = 0x00000040,
+ SkipReturnType = 0x00000080,
+ OriginalName = 0x00000100,
+ ShowStatic = 0x00000200,
+ UnderscoreSpaces = 0x00000400,
+ ForceEnumCast = 0x00000800,
+ ArrayAsPointer = 0x00001000,
+ VirtualCall = 0x00002000,
+ SkipTemplateParameters = 0x00004000,
+ SkipAttributes = 0x00008000,
+ OriginalTypeDescription = 0x00010000,
+ SkipRemovedArguments = 0x00020000,
+ IncludeDefaultExpression = 0x00040000,
+ NoReturnStatement = 0x00080000,
+ NoBlockedSlot = 0x00100000,
+ SuperCall = 0x00200000,
+ GlobalRefJObject = 0x00100000,
+ ForceValueType = ExcludeReference | ExcludeConst
+ };
+ Generator();
+ void setClasses(const AbstractMetaClassList &classes) { m_classes = classes; }
+ AbstractMetaClassList classes() const { return m_classes; }
+ QString outputDirectory() const { return m_out_dir; }
+ void setOutputDirectory(const QString &outDir) { m_out_dir = outDir; }
+ virtual void generate();
+ void printClasses();
+ int numGenerated() { return m_num_generated; }
+ int numGeneratedAndWritten() { return m_num_generated_written; }
+ virtual bool shouldGenerate(const AbstractMetaClass *) const { return true; }
+ virtual QString subDirectoryForClass(const AbstractMetaClass *java_class) const;
+ virtual QString fileNameForClass(const AbstractMetaClass *java_class) const;
+ virtual void write(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *java_class);
+ bool hasDefaultConstructor(const AbstractMetaType *type);
+ // QtScript
+ void setQtMetaTypeDeclaredTypeNames(const QSet<QString> &names)
+ { m_qmetatype_declared_typenames = names; }
+ QSet<QString> qtMetaTypeDeclaredTypeNames() const
+ { return m_qmetatype_declared_typenames; }
+ void verifyDirectoryFor(const QFile &file);
+ AbstractMetaClassList m_classes;
+ int m_num_generated;
+ int m_num_generated_written;
+ QString m_out_dir;
+ // QtScript
+ QSet<QString> m_qmetatype_declared_typenames;
+class Indentor {
+ Indentor():
+ indent(0)
+ {}
+ int indent;
+class Indentation {
+ Indentation(Indentor &indentor):
+ indentor(indentor)
+ {
+ indentor.indent++;
+ }
+ ~Indentation()
+ {
+ indentor.indent--;
+ }
+ Indentor &indentor;
+inline QTextStream &operator <<(QTextStream &s, const Indentor &indentor)
+ for (int i=0; i<indentor.indent; ++i)
+ s << " ";
+ return s;
+#endif // GENERATOR_H
diff --git a/generator/generator.pri b/generator/generator.pri
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8a651a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/generator.pri
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+mac:CONFIG -= app_bundle
+unix:CONFIG += debug_and_release
+CONFIG += console
+RESOURCES += generator.qrc
+ QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -wd4996
+ QMAKE_CFLAGS += -wd4996
+# Input
+ $$GENERATORPATH/generator.h \
+ $$GENERATORPATH/main.h \
+ $$GENERATORPATH/reporthandler.h \
+ $$GENERATORPATH/typeparser.h \
+ $$GENERATORPATH/typesystem.h \
+ $$GENERATORPATH/asttoxml.h \
+ $$GENERATORPATH/fileout.h \
+ $$GENERATORPATH/generatorset.h \
+ $$GENERATORPATH/metajava.h \
+ $$GENERATORPATH/customtypes.h \
+ $$GENERATORPATH/abstractmetabuilder.h \
+ $$GENERATORPATH/abstractmetalang.h \
+ $$GENERATORPATH/prigenerator.h \
+ $$GENERATORPATH/generator.cpp \
+ $$GENERATORPATH/main.cpp \
+ $$GENERATORPATH/reporthandler.cpp \
+ $$GENERATORPATH/typeparser.cpp \
+ $$GENERATORPATH/typesystem.cpp \
+ $$GENERATORPATH/asttoxml.cpp \
+ $$GENERATORPATH/fileout.cpp \
+ $$GENERATORPATH/generatorset.cpp \
+ $$GENERATORPATH/metajava.cpp \
+ $$GENERATORPATH/customtypes.cpp \
+ $$GENERATORPATH/abstractmetabuilder.cpp \
+ $$GENERATORPATH/abstractmetalang.cpp \
+ $$GENERATORPATH/prigenerator.cpp \
+QT = core xml
+ {
+ QMAKE_CFLAGS -= -Zm200
+mac {
+ contains(QT_CONFIG, x86):contains(QT_CONFIG, ppc):CONFIG += x86 ppc
+ CONFIG -= precompile_header
diff --git a/generator/ b/generator/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6eac5ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# Input
+ generatorsetqtscript.h \
+ metaqtscriptbuilder.h \
+ metaqtscript.h \
+ classgenerator.h \
+ shellgenerator.h \
+ shellimplgenerator.h \
+ shellheadergenerator.h \
+ setupgenerator.h \
+ docgenerator.h
+ generatorsetqtscript.cpp \
+ metaqtscriptbuilder.cpp \
+ metaqtscript.cpp \
+ classgenerator.cpp \
+ shellgenerator.cpp \
+ shellimplgenerator.cpp \
+ shellheadergenerator.cpp \
+ setupgenerator.cpp \
+ docgenerator.cpp
+CONFIG -= debug
+CONFIG += release
diff --git a/generator/generator.qrc b/generator/generator.qrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..249ecb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/generator.qrc
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<!DOCTYPE RCC><RCC version="1.0">
+<qresource prefix="/trolltech/generator/">
+<file alias="typesystem_core.txt">typesystem_core.xml</file>
+<file alias="typesystem_gui.txt">typesystem_gui.xml</file>
+<file alias="typesystem_sql.txt">typesystem_sql.xml</file>
+<file alias="typesystem_opengl.txt">typesystem_opengl.xml</file>
+<file alias="typesystem_svg.txt">typesystem_svg.xml</file>
+<file alias="typesystem_network.txt">typesystem_network.xml</file>
+<file alias="typesystem_xml.txt">typesystem_xml.xml</file>
+<file alias="typesystem_phonon.txt">typesystem_phonon.xml</file>
+<file alias="typesystem_webkit.txt">typesystem_webkit.xml</file>
+<file alias="typesystem_xmlpatterns.txt">typesystem_xmlpatterns.xml</file>
diff --git a/generator/generatorset.cpp b/generator/generatorset.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7191626
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/generatorset.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "generatorset.h"
+GeneratorSet::GeneratorSet() :
+ outDir(".."),
+ printStdout(false)
+bool GeneratorSet::readParameters(const QMap<QString, QString> args) {
+ if (args.contains("output-directory")) {
+ outDir = args.value("output-directory");
+ }
+ printStdout = args.contains("print-stdout");
+ return !(args.contains("help") || args.contains("h") || args.contains("?"));
diff --git a/generator/generatorset.h b/generator/generatorset.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..190e19e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/generatorset.h
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include <QObject>
+#include <QString>
+#include <QStringList>
+#include <QMap>
+class GeneratorSet : public QObject
+ public:
+ GeneratorSet();
+ virtual QString usage() = 0;
+ virtual bool readParameters(const QMap<QString, QString> args) = 0;
+ virtual void buildModel(const QString pp_file) = 0;
+ virtual void dumpObjectTree() = 0;
+ virtual QString generate() = 0;
+ static GeneratorSet *getInstance();
+ QString outDir;
+ bool printStdout;
+#endif // GENERATOR_SET_H
diff --git a/generator/generatorsetqtscript.cpp b/generator/generatorsetqtscript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03d88d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/generatorsetqtscript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "generatorsetqtscript.h"
+#include "reporthandler.h"
+#include "classgenerator.h"
+#include "shellheadergenerator.h"
+#include "shellimplgenerator.h"
+#include "docgenerator.h"
+GeneratorSet *GeneratorSet::getInstance() {
+ return new GeneratorSetQtScript();
+QString GeneratorSetQtScript::usage() {
+ QString usage =
+ "QtScript:\n"
+ " --nothing-to-report-yet \n";
+ return usage;
+bool GeneratorSetQtScript::readParameters(const QMap<QString, QString> args) {
+ return GeneratorSet::readParameters(args);
+void GeneratorSetQtScript::buildModel(const QString pp_file) {
+ // Building the code inforamation...
+ ReportHandler::setContext("MetaJavaBuilder");
+ builder.setFileName(pp_file);
+void GeneratorSetQtScript::dumpObjectTree() {
+QString GeneratorSetQtScript::generate() {
+ AbstractMetaClassList classes = builder.classesTopologicalSorted();
+ QSet<QString> declaredTypeNames = builder.qtMetaTypeDeclaredTypeNames();
+ PriGenerator priGenerator;
+ priGenerator.setOutputDirectory(outDir);
+ SetupGenerator setupGenerator;
+ setupGenerator.setOutputDirectory(outDir);
+ setupGenerator.setQtMetaTypeDeclaredTypeNames(declaredTypeNames);
+ ClassGenerator classGenerator(&priGenerator, &setupGenerator);
+ classGenerator.setOutputDirectory(outDir);
+ classGenerator.setClasses(classes);
+ classGenerator.setQtMetaTypeDeclaredTypeNames(declaredTypeNames);
+ classGenerator.generate();
+ ShellImplGenerator shellImplGenerator(&priGenerator);
+ shellImplGenerator.setOutputDirectory(outDir);
+ shellImplGenerator.setClasses(classes);
+ shellImplGenerator.setQtMetaTypeDeclaredTypeNames(declaredTypeNames);
+ shellImplGenerator.generate();
+ ShellHeaderGenerator shellHeaderGenerator(&priGenerator);
+ shellHeaderGenerator.setOutputDirectory(outDir);
+ shellHeaderGenerator.setClasses(classes);
+ shellHeaderGenerator.generate();
+ DocGenerator docGenerator;
+ docGenerator.setOutputDirectory(outDir);
+ docGenerator.setClasses(classes);
+ docGenerator.generate();
+ priGenerator.generate();
+ setupGenerator.generate();
+ return QString("Classes in typesystem: %1\n"
+ "Generated:\n"
+ " - classes...: %2 (%3)\n"
+ " - header....: %4 (%5)\n"
+ " - impl......: %6 (%7)\n"
+ " - modules...: %8 (%9)\n"
+ " - pri.......: %10 (%11)\n"
+ )
+ .arg(builder.classes().size())
+ .arg(classGenerator.numGenerated())
+ .arg(classGenerator.numGeneratedAndWritten())
+ .arg(shellHeaderGenerator.numGenerated())
+ .arg(shellHeaderGenerator.numGeneratedAndWritten())
+ .arg(shellImplGenerator.numGenerated())
+ .arg(shellImplGenerator.numGeneratedAndWritten())
+ .arg(setupGenerator.numGenerated())
+ .arg(setupGenerator.numGeneratedAndWritten())
+ .arg(priGenerator.numGenerated())
+ .arg(priGenerator.numGeneratedAndWritten());
diff --git a/generator/generatorsetqtscript.h b/generator/generatorsetqtscript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87236eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/generatorsetqtscript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "generatorset.h"
+#include "metaqtscriptbuilder.h"
+class GeneratorSetQtScript : public GeneratorSet
+ GeneratorSetQtScript();
+ QString usage();
+ bool readParameters(const QMap<QString, QString> args);
+ void buildModel(const QString pp_file);
+ void dumpObjectTree();
+ QString generate( );
+ MetaQtScriptBuilder builder;
diff --git a/generator/main.cpp b/generator/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcf1d27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "main.h"
+#include "asttoxml.h"
+#include "reporthandler.h"
+#include "typesystem.h"
+#include "generatorset.h"
+#include "fileout.h"
+#include <QDir>
+void displayHelp(GeneratorSet *generatorSet);
+#include <QDebug>
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ GeneratorSet *gs = GeneratorSet::getInstance();
+ QString default_file = "qtscript_masterinclude.h";
+ QString default_system = "build_all.txt";
+ QString fileName;
+ QString typesystemFileName;
+ QString pp_file = ".preprocessed.tmp";
+ QStringList rebuild_classes;
+ QMap<QString, QString> args;
+ int argNum = 0;
+ for (int i=1; i<argc; ++i) {
+ QString arg(argv[i]);
+ arg = arg.trimmed();
+ if( arg.startsWith("--") ) {
+ int split = arg.indexOf("=");
+ if( split > 0 )
+ args[arg.mid(2).left(split-2)] = arg.mid(split + 1).trimmed();
+ else
+ args[arg.mid(2)] = QString();
+ } else if( arg.startsWith("-")) {
+ args[arg.mid(1)] = QString();
+ } else {
+ argNum++;
+ args[QString("arg-%1").arg(argNum)] = arg;
+ }
+ }
+ if (args.contains("no-suppress-warnings")) {
+ TypeDatabase *db = TypeDatabase::instance();
+ db->setSuppressWarnings(false);
+ }
+ if (args.contains("debug-level")) {
+ QString level = args.value("debug-level");
+ if (level == "sparse")
+ ReportHandler::setDebugLevel(ReportHandler::SparseDebug);
+ else if (level == "medium")
+ ReportHandler::setDebugLevel(ReportHandler::MediumDebug);
+ else if (level == "full")
+ ReportHandler::setDebugLevel(ReportHandler::FullDebug);
+ }
+ if (args.contains("dummy")) {
+ FileOut::dummy = true;
+ }
+ if (args.contains("diff")) {
+ FileOut::diff = true;
+ }
+ if (args.contains("license"))
+ FileOut::license = true;
+ if (args.contains("rebuild-only")) {
+ QStringList classes = args.value("rebuild-only").split(",", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
+ TypeDatabase::instance()->setRebuildClasses(classes);
+ }
+ fileName = args.value("arg-1");
+ typesystemFileName = args.value("arg-2");
+ if (args.contains("arg-3"))
+ displayHelp(gs);
+ if (fileName.isEmpty())
+ fileName = default_file;
+ if (typesystemFileName.isEmpty())
+ typesystemFileName = default_system;
+ if (fileName.isEmpty() || typesystemFileName.isEmpty() )
+ displayHelp(gs);
+ if (!gs->readParameters(args))
+ displayHelp(gs);
+ if (!TypeDatabase::instance()->parseFile(typesystemFileName))
+ qFatal("Cannot parse file: '%s'", qPrintable(typesystemFileName));
+ if (!Preprocess::preprocess(fileName, pp_file, args.value("include-paths"))) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Preprocessor failed on file: '%s'\n", qPrintable(fileName));
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (args.contains("ast-to-xml")) {
+ astToXML(pp_file);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ gs->buildModel(pp_file);
+ if (args.contains("dump-object-tree")) {
+ gs->dumpObjectTree();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ printf("%s\n", qPrintable(gs->generate()));
+ printf("Done, %d warnings (%d known issues)\n", ReportHandler::warningCount(),
+ ReportHandler::suppressedCount());
+void displayHelp(GeneratorSet* generatorSet) {
+#if defined(Q_OS_WIN32)
+ char path_splitter = ';';
+ char path_splitter = ':';
+ printf("Usage:\n generator [options] header-file typesystem-file\n\n");
+ printf("Available options:\n\n");
+ printf("General:\n");
+ printf(" --debug-level=[sparse|medium|full] \n"
+ " --dump-object-tree \n"
+ " --help, -h or -? \n"
+ " --no-suppress-warnings \n"
+ " --output-directory=[dir] \n"
+ " --include-paths=<path>[%c<path>%c...] \n"
+ " --print-stdout \n",
+ path_splitter, path_splitter);
+ printf("%s", qPrintable( generatorSet->usage()));
+ exit(0);
diff --git a/generator/main.h b/generator/main.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1314b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/main.h
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#ifndef MAIN_H
+#define MAIN_H
+#include "pp.h"
+#include <QFile>
+#include <QDir>
+struct Preprocess
+ static bool preprocess(const QString &sourceFile, const QString &targetFile, const QString &commandLineIncludes = QString())
+ {
+ rpp::pp_environment env;
+ rpp::pp preprocess(env);
+ rpp::pp_null_output_iterator null_out;
+ const char *ppconfig = ":/trolltech/generator/parser/rpp/pp-qt-configuration";
+ QFile file(ppconfig);
+ if (! {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Preprocessor configuration file not found '%s'\n", ppconfig);
+ return false;
+ }
+ QByteArray ba = file.readAll();
+ file.close();
+ preprocess.operator() (ba.constData(), ba.constData() + ba.size(), null_out);
+ QStringList includes;
+ includes << QString(".");
+#if defined(Q_OS_WIN32)
+ char *path_splitter = ";";
+ char *path_splitter = ":";
+ // Environment INCLUDE
+ QString includePath = getenv("INCLUDE");
+ if (!includePath.isEmpty())
+ includes += includePath.split(path_splitter);
+ // Includes from the command line
+ if (!commandLineIncludes.isEmpty())
+ includes += commandLineIncludes.split(path_splitter);
+ // Include Qt
+ QString qtdir = getenv ("QTDIR");
+ if (qtdir.isEmpty()) {
+ qWarning("QTDIR environment variable not set. This may cause problems with finding the necessary include files.");
+ } else {
+ qtdir += "/include";
+ includes << (qtdir + "/QtXml");
+ includes << (qtdir + "/QtNetwork");
+ includes << (qtdir + "/QtCore");
+ includes << (qtdir + "/QtGui");
+ includes << (qtdir + "/QtOpenGL");
+ includes << qtdir;
+ }
+ foreach (QString include, includes)
+ preprocess.push_include_path(QDir::convertSeparators(include).toStdString());
+ QString currentDir = QDir::current().absolutePath();
+ QFileInfo sourceInfo(sourceFile);
+ QDir::setCurrent(sourceInfo.absolutePath());
+ std::string result;
+ result.reserve (20 * 1024); // 20K
+ result += "# 1 \"builtins\"\n";
+ result += "# 1 \"";
+ result += sourceFile.toStdString();
+ result += "\"\n";
+ preprocess.file (sourceInfo.fileName().toStdString(),
+ rpp::pp_output_iterator<std::string> (result));
+ QDir::setCurrent(currentDir);
+ QFile f(targetFile);
+ if (! | QIODevice::Text)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to write preprocessed file: %s\n", qPrintable(targetFile));
+ }
+ f.write(result.c_str(), result.length());
+ return true;
+ }
+#endif // MAIN_H
diff --git a/generator/merge.xsl b/generator/merge.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0b7eaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/merge.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""
+ version="1.0">
+ <xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes"/>
+ <xsl:param name="lang" />
+ <xsl:param name="source" />
+ <xsl:template match="processing-instruction()" />
+ <xsl:template match="/typesystem">
+ <xsl:copy>
+ <xsl:for-each select="@*">
+ <xsl:copy>
+ <xsl:value-of select="." />
+ </xsl:copy>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ <xsl:for-each select="document($source)/typesystem/@*">
+ <xsl:copy>
+ <xsl:value-of select="." />
+ </xsl:copy>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ <xsl:variable name="other" select="document($source)/typesystem/*[not(self::object-type | self::value-type | self::interface-type | self::namespace-type)]" />
+ <xsl:if test="$other">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$lang != ''">
+ <xsl:element name="language">
+ <xsl:attribute name="name" ><xsl:value-of select="$lang" /></xsl:attribute>
+ <xsl:copy-of select="$other" />
+ </xsl:element>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:copy-of select="$other" />
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="node()" />
+ </xsl:copy>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="/typesystem/*[self::object-type | self::value-type | self::interface-type | self::namespace-type]">
+ <xsl:variable name="name" select="name()" />
+ <xsl:copy>
+ <xsl:for-each select="@*">
+ <xsl:copy>
+ <xsl:value-of select="." />
+ </xsl:copy>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="node()" />
+ <xsl:variable name="other" select="document($source)/typesystem/*[name() = $name][@name = current()/@name]" />
+ <xsl:if test="$other">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$lang != ''">
+ <xsl:element name="language">
+ <xsl:attribute name="name" ><xsl:value-of select="$lang" /></xsl:attribute>
+ <xsl:copy-of select="$other/node()" />
+ </xsl:element>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:copy-of select="$other/node()" />
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:copy>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <!-- Plain identity transform. -->
+ <xsl:template match="@*|node()">
+ <xsl:copy>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="@*"/>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="node()"/>
+ </xsl:copy>
+ </xsl:template>
diff --git a/generator/metajava.cpp b/generator/metajava.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39e13e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/metajava.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "metajava.h"
diff --git a/generator/metajava.h b/generator/metajava.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ec478e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/metajava.h
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#ifndef METAJAVA_H
+#define METAJAVA_H
+#include "abstractmetalang.h"
+class MetaJavaClass;
+class MetaJavaField;
+class MetaJavaFunction;
+class MetaJavaType;
+class MetaJavaVariable;
+class MetaJavaArgument;
+class MetaJavaEnumValue;
+class MetaJavaEnum;
+class MetaJavaType : public AbstractMetaType
+class MetaJavaArgument : public AbstractMetaArgument
+class MetaJavaField : public AbstractMetaField
+class MetaJavaFunction : public AbstractMetaFunction
+class MetaJavaEnumValue : public AbstractMetaEnumValue
+class MetaJavaEnum : public AbstractMetaEnum
+class MetaJavaClass : public AbstractMetaClass
+#endif // METAJAVA_H
diff --git a/generator/metaqtscript.cpp b/generator/metaqtscript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..699d4c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/metaqtscript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "metaqtscript.h"
+bool MetaQtScriptClass::hasDefaultToStringFunction() const
+ return 0 < queryFunctionsByName("toString").size();
diff --git a/generator/metaqtscript.h b/generator/metaqtscript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf209b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/metaqtscript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "abstractmetalang.h"
+class MetaQtScriptClass;
+class MetaQtScriptField;
+class MetaQtScriptFunction;
+class MetaQtScriptType;
+class MetaQtScriptVariable;
+class MetaQtScriptArgument;
+class MetaQtScriptEnumValue;
+class MetaQtScriptEnum;
+class MetaQtScriptType : public AbstractMetaType
+class MetaQtScriptArgument : public AbstractMetaArgument
+class MetaQtScriptField : public AbstractMetaField
+class MetaQtScriptFunction : public AbstractMetaFunction
+class MetaQtScriptEnumValue : public AbstractMetaEnumValue
+class MetaQtScriptEnum : public AbstractMetaEnum
+class MetaQtScriptClass : public AbstractMetaClass
+ virtual bool hasDefaultToStringFunction() const;
diff --git a/generator/metaqtscriptbuilder.cpp b/generator/metaqtscriptbuilder.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8c13b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/metaqtscriptbuilder.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "metaqtscriptbuilder.h"
diff --git a/generator/metaqtscriptbuilder.h b/generator/metaqtscriptbuilder.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bd5feb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/metaqtscriptbuilder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "abstractmetabuilder.h"
+#include "metaqtscript.h"
+class MetaQtScriptBuilder : public AbstractMetaBuilder
+ protected:
+ virtual MetaQtScriptClass *createMetaClass()
+ {
+ return new MetaQtScriptClass();
+ };
+ virtual MetaQtScriptEnum *createMetaEnum()
+ {
+ return new MetaQtScriptEnum();
+ };
+ virtual MetaQtScriptEnumValue *createMetaEnumValue()
+ {
+ return new MetaQtScriptEnumValue();
+ };
+ virtual MetaQtScriptField *createMetaField()
+ {
+ return new MetaQtScriptField();
+ };
+ virtual MetaQtScriptFunction *createMetaFunction()
+ {
+ return new MetaQtScriptFunction();
+ };
+ virtual MetaQtScriptArgument *createMetaArgument()
+ {
+ return new MetaQtScriptArgument();
+ };
+ virtual MetaQtScriptType *createMetaType()
+ {
+ return new MetaQtScriptType();
+ };
diff --git a/generator/parser/ast.cpp b/generator/parser/ast.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..156eb08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/ast.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "ast.h"
+#include "lexer.h"
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
+QString AST::toString(TokenStream *stream) const
+ const Token &tk = stream->token((int) start_token);
+ const Token &end_tk = stream->token ((int) end_token);
+ return QString::fromLatin1(tk.text + tk.position, end_tk.position - tk.position);
diff --git a/generator/parser/ast.h b/generator/parser/ast.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c213b21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/ast.h
@@ -0,0 +1,882 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#ifndef AST_H
+#define AST_H
+#include "smallobject.h"
+#include "list.h"
+class QString;
+#define DECLARE_AST_NODE(k) \
+ enum { __node_kind = Kind_##k };
+class TokenStream;
+struct AccessSpecifierAST;
+struct AsmDefinitionAST;
+struct BaseClauseAST;
+struct BaseSpecifierAST;
+struct BinaryExpressionAST;
+struct CastExpressionAST;
+struct ClassMemberAccessAST;
+struct ClassSpecifierAST;
+struct CompoundStatementAST;
+struct ConditionAST;
+struct ConditionalExpressionAST;
+struct CppCastExpressionAST;
+struct CtorInitializerAST;
+struct DeclarationAST;
+struct DeclarationStatementAST;
+struct DeclaratorAST;
+struct DeleteExpressionAST;
+struct DoStatementAST;
+struct ElaboratedTypeSpecifierAST;
+struct EnumSpecifierAST;
+struct EnumeratorAST;
+struct ExceptionSpecificationAST;
+struct ExpressionAST;
+struct ExpressionOrDeclarationStatementAST;
+struct ExpressionStatementAST;
+struct ForStatementAST;
+struct FunctionCallAST;
+struct FunctionDefinitionAST;
+struct IfStatementAST;
+struct IncrDecrExpressionAST;
+struct InitDeclaratorAST;
+struct InitializerAST;
+struct InitializerClauseAST;
+struct LabeledStatementAST;
+struct LinkageBodyAST;
+struct LinkageSpecificationAST;
+struct MemInitializerAST;
+struct NameAST;
+struct NamespaceAST;
+struct NamespaceAliasDefinitionAST;
+struct NewDeclaratorAST;
+struct NewExpressionAST;
+struct NewInitializerAST;
+struct NewTypeIdAST;
+struct OperatorAST;
+struct OperatorFunctionIdAST;
+struct ParameterDeclarationAST;
+struct ParameterDeclarationClauseAST;
+struct PostfixExpressionAST;
+struct PrimaryExpressionAST;
+struct PtrOperatorAST;
+struct PtrToMemberAST;
+struct ReturnStatementAST;
+struct SimpleDeclarationAST;
+struct SimpleTypeSpecifierAST;
+struct SizeofExpressionAST;
+struct StatementAST;
+struct StringLiteralAST;
+struct SubscriptExpressionAST;
+struct SwitchStatementAST;
+struct TemplateArgumentAST;
+struct TemplateDeclarationAST;
+struct TemplateParameterAST;
+struct ThrowExpressionAST;
+struct TranslationUnitAST;
+struct TryBlockStatementAST;
+struct TypeIdAST;
+struct TypeIdentificationAST;
+struct TypeParameterAST;
+struct TypeSpecifierAST;
+struct TypedefAST;
+struct UnaryExpressionAST;
+struct UnqualifiedNameAST;
+struct UsingAST;
+struct UsingDirectiveAST;
+struct WhileStatementAST;
+struct WinDeclSpecAST;
+struct QPropertyAST;
+struct QEnumsAST;
+struct AST
+ enum NODE_KIND
+ {
+ Kind_UNKNOWN = 0,
+ Kind_AccessSpecifier,
+ Kind_AsmDefinition,
+ Kind_BaseClause,
+ Kind_BaseSpecifier,
+ Kind_BinaryExpression,
+ Kind_CastExpression,
+ Kind_ClassMemberAccess,
+ Kind_ClassSpecifier,
+ Kind_CompoundStatement,
+ Kind_Condition,
+ Kind_ConditionalExpression,
+ Kind_CppCastExpression,
+ Kind_CtorInitializer,
+ Kind_DeclarationStatement,
+ Kind_Declarator,
+ Kind_DeleteExpression,
+ Kind_DoStatement,
+ Kind_ElaboratedTypeSpecifier,
+ Kind_EnumSpecifier,
+ Kind_Enumerator,
+ Kind_ExceptionSpecification,
+ Kind_ExpressionOrDeclarationStatement,
+ Kind_ExpressionStatement,
+ Kind_ForStatement,
+ Kind_FunctionCall,
+ Kind_FunctionDefinition,
+ Kind_IfStatement,
+ Kind_IncrDecrExpression,
+ Kind_InitDeclarator,
+ Kind_Initializer,
+ Kind_InitializerClause,
+ Kind_LabeledStatement,
+ Kind_LinkageBody,
+ Kind_LinkageSpecification,
+ Kind_MemInitializer,
+ Kind_Name,
+ Kind_Namespace,
+ Kind_NamespaceAliasDefinition,
+ Kind_NewDeclarator,
+ Kind_NewExpression,
+ Kind_NewInitializer,
+ Kind_NewTypeId,
+ Kind_Operator,
+ Kind_OperatorFunctionId,
+ Kind_ParameterDeclaration,
+ Kind_ParameterDeclarationClause,
+ Kind_PostfixExpression,
+ Kind_PrimaryExpression,
+ Kind_PtrOperator,
+ Kind_PtrToMember,
+ Kind_ReturnStatement,
+ Kind_SimpleDeclaration,
+ Kind_SimpleTypeSpecifier,
+ Kind_SizeofExpression,
+ Kind_StringLiteral,
+ Kind_SubscriptExpression,
+ Kind_SwitchStatement,
+ Kind_TemplateArgument,
+ Kind_TemplateDeclaration,
+ Kind_TemplateParameter,
+ Kind_ThrowExpression,
+ Kind_TranslationUnit,
+ Kind_TryBlockStatement,
+ Kind_TypeId,
+ Kind_TypeIdentification,
+ Kind_TypeParameter,
+ Kind_Typedef,
+ Kind_UnaryExpression,
+ Kind_UnqualifiedName,
+ Kind_Using,
+ Kind_UsingDirective,
+ Kind_WhileStatement,
+ Kind_WinDeclSpec,
+ Kind_QPropertyAST,
+ Kind_ForwardDeclarationSpecifier,
+ Kind_QEnumsAST,
+ };
+ QString toString(TokenStream *stream) const;
+ int kind;
+ std::size_t start_token;
+ std::size_t end_token;
+struct TypeSpecifierAST: public AST
+ const ListNode<std::size_t> *cv;
+struct StatementAST: public AST
+struct ExpressionAST: public AST
+struct DeclarationAST: public AST
+struct AccessSpecifierAST: public DeclarationAST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(AccessSpecifier)
+ const ListNode<std::size_t> *specs;
+struct AsmDefinitionAST: public DeclarationAST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(AsmDefinition)
+ const ListNode<std::size_t> *cv;
+struct BaseClauseAST: public AST // ### kill me
+ const ListNode<BaseSpecifierAST*> *base_specifiers;
+struct BaseSpecifierAST: public AST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(BaseSpecifier)
+ std::size_t virt;
+ std::size_t access_specifier;
+ NameAST *name;
+struct BinaryExpressionAST: public ExpressionAST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(BinaryExpression)
+ std::size_t op;
+ ExpressionAST *left_expression;
+ ExpressionAST *right_expression;
+struct CastExpressionAST: public ExpressionAST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(CastExpression)
+ TypeIdAST *type_id;
+ ExpressionAST *expression;
+struct ClassMemberAccessAST: public ExpressionAST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(ClassMemberAccess)
+ std::size_t op;
+ NameAST *name;
+struct ClassSpecifierAST: public TypeSpecifierAST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(ClassSpecifier)
+ WinDeclSpecAST *win_decl_specifiers;
+ std::size_t class_key;
+ NameAST *name;
+ BaseClauseAST *base_clause;
+ const ListNode<DeclarationAST*> *member_specs;
+struct ForwardDeclarationSpecifierAST: public TypeSpecifierAST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(ForwardDeclarationSpecifier)
+ std::size_t class_key;
+ NameAST *name;
+ BaseClauseAST *base_clause;
+struct CompoundStatementAST: public StatementAST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(CompoundStatement)
+ const ListNode<StatementAST*> *statements;
+struct ConditionAST: public AST
+ TypeSpecifierAST *type_specifier;
+ DeclaratorAST *declarator;
+ ExpressionAST *expression;
+struct ConditionalExpressionAST: public ExpressionAST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(ConditionalExpression)
+ ExpressionAST *condition;
+ ExpressionAST *left_expression;
+ ExpressionAST *right_expression;
+struct CppCastExpressionAST: public ExpressionAST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(CppCastExpression)
+ std::size_t op;
+ TypeIdAST *type_id;
+ ExpressionAST *expression;
+ const ListNode<ExpressionAST*> *sub_expressions;
+struct CtorInitializerAST: public AST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(CtorInitializer)
+ std::size_t colon;
+ const ListNode<MemInitializerAST*> *member_initializers;
+struct DeclarationStatementAST: public StatementAST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(DeclarationStatement)
+ DeclarationAST *declaration;
+struct DeclaratorAST: public AST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(Declarator)
+ const ListNode<PtrOperatorAST*> *ptr_ops;
+ DeclaratorAST *sub_declarator;
+ NameAST *id;
+ ExpressionAST *bit_expression;
+ const ListNode<ExpressionAST*> *array_dimensions;
+ ParameterDeclarationClauseAST *parameter_declaration_clause;
+ const ListNode<std::size_t> *fun_cv;
+ ExceptionSpecificationAST *exception_spec;
+struct DeleteExpressionAST: public ExpressionAST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(DeleteExpression)
+ std::size_t scope_token;
+ std::size_t delete_token;
+ std::size_t lbracket_token;
+ std::size_t rbracket_token;
+ ExpressionAST *expression;
+struct DoStatementAST: public StatementAST
+ StatementAST *statement;
+ ExpressionAST *expression;
+struct ElaboratedTypeSpecifierAST: public TypeSpecifierAST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(ElaboratedTypeSpecifier)
+ std::size_t type;
+ NameAST *name;
+struct EnumSpecifierAST: public TypeSpecifierAST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(EnumSpecifier)
+ NameAST *name;
+ const ListNode<EnumeratorAST*> *enumerators;
+struct EnumeratorAST: public AST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(Enumerator)
+ std::size_t id;
+ ExpressionAST *expression;
+struct ExceptionSpecificationAST: public AST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(ExceptionSpecification)
+ std::size_t ellipsis;
+ const ListNode<TypeIdAST*> *type_ids;
+struct ExpressionOrDeclarationStatementAST: public StatementAST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(ExpressionOrDeclarationStatement)
+ StatementAST *expression;
+ StatementAST *declaration;
+struct ExpressionStatementAST: public StatementAST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(ExpressionStatement)
+ ExpressionAST *expression;
+struct FunctionCallAST: public ExpressionAST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(FunctionCall)
+ ExpressionAST *arguments;
+struct FunctionDefinitionAST: public DeclarationAST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(FunctionDefinition)
+ const ListNode<std::size_t> *storage_specifiers;
+ const ListNode<std::size_t> *function_specifiers;
+ TypeSpecifierAST *type_specifier;
+ InitDeclaratorAST *init_declarator;
+ StatementAST *function_body;
+ WinDeclSpecAST *win_decl_specifiers;
+struct ForStatementAST: public StatementAST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(ForStatement)
+ StatementAST *init_statement;
+ ConditionAST *condition;
+ ExpressionAST *expression;
+ StatementAST *statement;
+struct IfStatementAST: public StatementAST
+ ConditionAST *condition;
+ StatementAST *statement;
+ StatementAST *else_statement;
+struct IncrDecrExpressionAST: public ExpressionAST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(IncrDecrExpression)
+ std::size_t op;
+struct InitDeclaratorAST: public AST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(InitDeclarator)
+ DeclaratorAST *declarator;
+ InitializerAST *initializer;
+struct InitializerAST: public AST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(Initializer)
+ InitializerClauseAST *initializer_clause;
+ ExpressionAST *expression;
+struct InitializerClauseAST: public AST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(InitializerClause)
+ ExpressionAST *expression;
+struct LabeledStatementAST: public StatementAST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(LabeledStatement)
+struct LinkageBodyAST: public AST
+ const ListNode<DeclarationAST*> *declarations;
+struct LinkageSpecificationAST: public DeclarationAST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(LinkageSpecification)
+ std::size_t extern_type;
+ LinkageBodyAST *linkage_body;
+ DeclarationAST *declaration;
+struct MemInitializerAST: public AST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(MemInitializer)
+ NameAST *initializer_id;
+ ExpressionAST *expression;
+struct NameAST: public AST
+ bool global;
+ const ListNode<UnqualifiedNameAST*> *qualified_names;
+ UnqualifiedNameAST *unqualified_name;
+struct NamespaceAST: public DeclarationAST
+ std::size_t namespace_name;
+ LinkageBodyAST *linkage_body;
+struct NamespaceAliasDefinitionAST: public DeclarationAST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(NamespaceAliasDefinition)
+ std::size_t namespace_name;
+ NameAST *alias_name;
+struct NewDeclaratorAST: public AST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(NewDeclarator)
+ PtrOperatorAST *ptr_op;
+ NewDeclaratorAST *sub_declarator;
+ const ListNode<ExpressionAST*> *expressions;
+struct NewExpressionAST: public ExpressionAST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(NewExpression)
+ std::size_t scope_token;
+ std::size_t new_token;
+ ExpressionAST *expression;
+ TypeIdAST *type_id;
+ NewTypeIdAST *new_type_id;
+ NewInitializerAST *new_initializer;
+struct NewInitializerAST: public AST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(NewInitializer)
+ ExpressionAST *expression;
+struct NewTypeIdAST: public AST
+ TypeSpecifierAST *type_specifier;
+ NewInitializerAST *new_initializer;
+ NewDeclaratorAST *new_declarator;
+struct OperatorAST: public AST
+ std::size_t op;
+ std::size_t open;
+ std::size_t close;
+struct OperatorFunctionIdAST: public AST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(OperatorFunctionId)
+ OperatorAST *op;
+ TypeSpecifierAST *type_specifier;
+ const ListNode<PtrOperatorAST*> *ptr_ops;
+struct ParameterDeclarationAST: public AST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(ParameterDeclaration)
+ TypeSpecifierAST *type_specifier;
+ DeclaratorAST *declarator;
+ ExpressionAST *expression;
+struct ParameterDeclarationClauseAST: public AST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(ParameterDeclarationClause)
+ const ListNode<ParameterDeclarationAST*> *parameter_declarations;
+ std::size_t ellipsis;
+struct PostfixExpressionAST: public ExpressionAST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(PostfixExpression)
+ TypeSpecifierAST *type_specifier;
+ ExpressionAST *expression;
+ const ListNode<ExpressionAST*> *sub_expressions;
+struct PrimaryExpressionAST: public ExpressionAST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(PrimaryExpression)
+ StringLiteralAST *literal;
+ std::size_t token;
+ StatementAST *expression_statement;
+ ExpressionAST *sub_expression;
+ NameAST *name;
+struct PtrOperatorAST: public AST
+ const ListNode<std::size_t> *cv;
+ std::size_t op;
+ PtrToMemberAST *mem_ptr;
+struct PtrToMemberAST: public AST
+struct ReturnStatementAST: public StatementAST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(ReturnStatement)
+ ExpressionAST *expression;
+struct SimpleDeclarationAST: public DeclarationAST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(SimpleDeclaration)
+ const ListNode<std::size_t> *storage_specifiers;
+ const ListNode<std::size_t> *function_specifiers;
+ TypeSpecifierAST *type_specifier;
+ const ListNode<InitDeclaratorAST*> *init_declarators;
+ WinDeclSpecAST *win_decl_specifiers;
+struct SimpleTypeSpecifierAST: public TypeSpecifierAST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(SimpleTypeSpecifier)
+ const ListNode<std::size_t> *integrals;
+ std::size_t type_of;
+ TypeIdAST *type_id;
+ ExpressionAST *expression;
+ NameAST *name;
+struct SizeofExpressionAST: public ExpressionAST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(SizeofExpression)
+ std::size_t sizeof_token;
+ TypeIdAST *type_id;
+ ExpressionAST *expression;
+struct StringLiteralAST: public AST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(StringLiteral)
+ const ListNode<std::size_t> *literals;
+struct SubscriptExpressionAST: public ExpressionAST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(SubscriptExpression)
+ ExpressionAST *subscript;
+struct SwitchStatementAST: public StatementAST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(SwitchStatement)
+ ConditionAST *condition;
+ StatementAST *statement;
+struct TemplateArgumentAST: public AST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(TemplateArgument)
+ TypeIdAST *type_id;
+ ExpressionAST *expression;
+struct TemplateDeclarationAST: public DeclarationAST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(TemplateDeclaration)
+ std::size_t exported;
+ const ListNode<TemplateParameterAST*> *template_parameters;
+ DeclarationAST* declaration;
+struct TemplateParameterAST: public AST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(TemplateParameter)
+ TypeParameterAST *type_parameter;
+ ParameterDeclarationAST *parameter_declaration;
+struct ThrowExpressionAST: public ExpressionAST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(ThrowExpression)
+ std::size_t throw_token;
+ ExpressionAST *expression;
+struct TranslationUnitAST: public AST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(TranslationUnit)
+ const ListNode<DeclarationAST*> *declarations;
+struct TryBlockStatementAST: public StatementAST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(TryBlockStatement)
+struct TypeIdAST: public AST
+ TypeSpecifierAST *type_specifier;
+ DeclaratorAST *declarator;
+struct TypeIdentificationAST: public ExpressionAST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(TypeIdentification)
+ std::size_t typename_token;
+ NameAST *name;
+ ExpressionAST *expression;
+struct TypeParameterAST: public AST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(TypeParameter)
+ std::size_t type;
+ NameAST *name;
+ TypeIdAST *type_id;
+ const ListNode<TemplateParameterAST*> *template_parameters;
+ NameAST *template_name;
+struct TypedefAST: public DeclarationAST
+ TypeSpecifierAST *type_specifier;
+ const ListNode<InitDeclaratorAST*> *init_declarators;
+struct UnaryExpressionAST: public ExpressionAST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(UnaryExpression)
+ std::size_t op;
+ ExpressionAST *expression;
+struct UnqualifiedNameAST: public AST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(UnqualifiedName)
+ std::size_t tilde;
+ std::size_t id;
+ OperatorFunctionIdAST *operator_id;
+ const ListNode<TemplateArgumentAST*> *template_arguments;
+struct UsingAST: public DeclarationAST
+ std::size_t type_name;
+ NameAST *name;
+struct UsingDirectiveAST: public DeclarationAST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(UsingDirective)
+ NameAST *name;
+struct WhileStatementAST: public StatementAST
+ DECLARE_AST_NODE(WhileStatement)
+ ConditionAST *condition;
+ StatementAST *statement;
+struct WinDeclSpecAST: public AST
+ std::size_t specifier;
+ std::size_t modifier;
+struct QPropertyAST : public DeclarationAST
+struct QEnumsAST : public DeclarationAST
+template <class _Tp>
+_Tp *CreateNode(pool *memory_pool)
+ _Tp *node = reinterpret_cast<_Tp*>(memory_pool->allocate(sizeof(_Tp)));
+ node->kind = _Tp::__node_kind;
+ return node;
+template <class _Tp>
+_Tp ast_cast(AST *item)
+ if (item && static_cast<_Tp>(0)->__node_kind == item->kind)
+ return static_cast<_Tp>(item);
+ return 0;
+#endif // AST_H
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/binder.cpp b/generator/parser/binder.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b41758a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/binder.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,906 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "binder.h"
+#include "lexer.h"
+#include "control.h"
+#include "symbol.h"
+#include "codemodel_finder.h"
+#include "class_compiler.h"
+#include "compiler_utils.h"
+#include "tokens.h"
+#include "dumptree.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <qdebug.h>
+Binder::Binder(CodeModel *__model, LocationManager &__location, Control *__control)
+ : _M_model(__model),
+ _M_location(__location),
+ _M_token_stream(&_M_location.token_stream),
+ _M_control(__control),
+ _M_current_function_type(CodeModel::Normal),
+ type_cc(this),
+ name_cc(this),
+ decl_cc(this)
+ _M_qualified_types["char"] = QString();
+ _M_qualified_types["double"] = QString();
+ _M_qualified_types["float"] = QString();
+ _M_qualified_types["int"] = QString();
+ _M_qualified_types["long"] = QString();
+ _M_qualified_types["short"] = QString();
+ _M_qualified_types["void"] = QString();
+FileModelItem Binder::run(AST *node)
+ FileModelItem old = _M_current_file;
+ _M_current_access = CodeModel::Public;
+ _M_current_file = model()->create<FileModelItem>();
+ updateItemPosition (_M_current_file->toItem(), node);
+ visit(node);
+ FileModelItem result = _M_current_file;
+ _M_current_file = old; // restore
+ return result;
+ScopeModelItem Binder::currentScope()
+ if (_M_current_class)
+ return model_static_cast<ScopeModelItem>(_M_current_class);
+ else if (_M_current_namespace)
+ return model_static_cast<ScopeModelItem>(_M_current_namespace);
+ return model_static_cast<ScopeModelItem>(_M_current_file);
+TemplateParameterList Binder::changeTemplateParameters(TemplateParameterList templateParameters)
+ TemplateParameterList old = _M_current_template_parameters;
+ _M_current_template_parameters = templateParameters;
+ return old;
+CodeModel::FunctionType Binder::changeCurrentFunctionType(CodeModel::FunctionType functionType)
+ CodeModel::FunctionType old = _M_current_function_type;
+ _M_current_function_type = functionType;
+ return old;
+CodeModel::AccessPolicy Binder::changeCurrentAccess(CodeModel::AccessPolicy accessPolicy)
+ CodeModel::AccessPolicy old = _M_current_access;
+ _M_current_access = accessPolicy;
+ return old;
+NamespaceModelItem Binder::changeCurrentNamespace(NamespaceModelItem item)
+ NamespaceModelItem old = _M_current_namespace;
+ _M_current_namespace = item;
+ return old;
+ClassModelItem Binder::changeCurrentClass(ClassModelItem item)
+ ClassModelItem old = _M_current_class;
+ _M_current_class = item;
+ return old;
+FunctionDefinitionModelItem Binder::changeCurrentFunction(FunctionDefinitionModelItem item)
+ FunctionDefinitionModelItem old = _M_current_function;
+ _M_current_function = item;
+ return old;
+int Binder::decode_token(std::size_t index) const
+ return _M_token_stream->kind(index);
+CodeModel::AccessPolicy Binder::decode_access_policy(std::size_t index) const
+ switch (decode_token(index))
+ {
+ case Token_class:
+ return CodeModel::Private;
+ case Token_struct:
+ case Token_union:
+ return CodeModel::Public;
+ default:
+ return CodeModel::Public;
+ }
+CodeModel::ClassType Binder::decode_class_type(std::size_t index) const
+ switch (decode_token(index))
+ {
+ case Token_class:
+ return CodeModel::Class;
+ case Token_struct:
+ return CodeModel::Struct;
+ case Token_union:
+ return CodeModel::Union;
+ default:
+ std::cerr << "** WARNING unrecognized class type" << std::endl;
+ }
+ return CodeModel::Class;
+const NameSymbol *Binder::decode_symbol(std::size_t index) const
+ return _M_token_stream->symbol(index);
+void Binder::visitAccessSpecifier(AccessSpecifierAST *node)
+ const ListNode<std::size_t> *it = node->specs;
+ if (it == 0)
+ return;
+ it = it->toFront();
+ const ListNode<std::size_t> *end = it;
+ do
+ {
+ switch (decode_token(it->element))
+ {
+ default:
+ break;
+ case Token_public:
+ changeCurrentAccess(CodeModel::Public);
+ changeCurrentFunctionType(CodeModel::Normal);
+ break;
+ case Token_protected:
+ changeCurrentAccess(CodeModel::Protected);
+ changeCurrentFunctionType(CodeModel::Normal);
+ break;
+ case Token_private:
+ changeCurrentAccess(CodeModel::Private);
+ changeCurrentFunctionType(CodeModel::Normal);
+ break;
+ case Token_signals:
+ changeCurrentAccess(CodeModel::Protected);
+ changeCurrentFunctionType(CodeModel::Signal);
+ break;
+ case Token_slots:
+ changeCurrentFunctionType(CodeModel::Slot);
+ break;
+ }
+ it = it->next;
+ }
+ while (it != end);
+void Binder::visitSimpleDeclaration(SimpleDeclarationAST *node)
+ visit(node->type_specifier);
+ if (const ListNode<InitDeclaratorAST*> *it = node->init_declarators)
+ {
+ it = it->toFront();
+ const ListNode<InitDeclaratorAST*> *end = it;
+ do
+ {
+ InitDeclaratorAST *init_declarator = it->element;
+ declare_symbol(node, init_declarator);
+ it = it->next;
+ }
+ while (it != end);
+ }
+void Binder::declare_symbol(SimpleDeclarationAST *node, InitDeclaratorAST *init_declarator)
+ DeclaratorAST *declarator = init_declarator->declarator;
+ while (declarator && declarator->sub_declarator)
+ declarator = declarator->sub_declarator;
+ NameAST *id = declarator->id;
+ if (! declarator->id)
+ {
+ std::cerr << "** WARNING expected a declarator id" << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ CodeModelFinder finder(model(), this);
+ ScopeModelItem symbolScope = finder.resolveScope(id, currentScope());
+ if (! symbolScope)
+ {
+ std::cerr << "** WARNING scope not found for symbol:"
+ << qPrintable( << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (decl_cc.isFunction())
+ {
+ FunctionModelItem fun = model()->create<FunctionModelItem>();
+ updateItemPosition (fun->toItem(), node);
+ fun->setAccessPolicy(_M_current_access);
+ fun->setFunctionType(_M_current_function_type);
+ fun->setName(;
+ fun->setAbstract(init_declarator->initializer != 0);
+ fun->setConstant(declarator->fun_cv != 0);
+ fun->setTemplateParameters(_M_current_template_parameters);
+ applyStorageSpecifiers(node->storage_specifiers, model_static_cast<MemberModelItem>(fun));
+ applyFunctionSpecifiers(node->function_specifiers, fun);
+ // build the type
+ TypeInfo typeInfo = CompilerUtils::typeDescription(node->type_specifier,
+ declarator,
+ this);
+ fun->setType(qualifyType(typeInfo, symbolScope->qualifiedName()));
+ fun->setVariadics (decl_cc.isVariadics ());
+ // ... and the signature
+ foreach (DeclaratorCompiler::Parameter p, decl_cc.parameters())
+ {
+ ArgumentModelItem arg = model()->create<ArgumentModelItem>();
+ arg->setType(qualifyType(p.type, _M_context));
+ arg->setName(;
+ arg->setDefaultValue(p.defaultValue);
+ if (p.defaultValue)
+ arg->setDefaultValueExpression(p.defaultValueExpression);
+ fun->addArgument(arg);
+ }
+ fun->setScope(symbolScope->qualifiedName());
+ symbolScope->addFunction(fun);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ VariableModelItem var = model()->create<VariableModelItem>();
+ updateItemPosition (var->toItem(), node);
+ var->setTemplateParameters(_M_current_template_parameters);
+ var->setAccessPolicy(_M_current_access);
+ var->setName(;
+ TypeInfo typeInfo = CompilerUtils::typeDescription(node->type_specifier,
+ declarator,
+ this);
+ if (declarator != init_declarator->declarator
+ && init_declarator->declarator->parameter_declaration_clause != 0)
+ {
+ typeInfo.setFunctionPointer (true);
+ (init_declarator->declarator);
+ foreach (DeclaratorCompiler::Parameter p, decl_cc.parameters())
+ typeInfo.addArgument(p.type);
+ }
+ var->setType(qualifyType(typeInfo, _M_context));
+ applyStorageSpecifiers(node->storage_specifiers, model_static_cast<MemberModelItem>(var));
+ var->setScope(symbolScope->qualifiedName());
+ symbolScope->addVariable(var);
+ }
+void Binder::visitFunctionDefinition(FunctionDefinitionAST *node)
+ Q_ASSERT(node->init_declarator != 0);
+ ScopeModelItem scope = currentScope();
+ InitDeclaratorAST *init_declarator = node->init_declarator;
+ DeclaratorAST *declarator = init_declarator->declarator;
+ // in the case of "void (func)()" or "void ((func))()" we need to
+ // skip to the inner most. This is in line with how the declarator
+ // node is generated in 'parser.cpp'
+ while (declarator && declarator->sub_declarator)
+ declarator = declarator->sub_declarator;
+ Q_ASSERT(declarator->id);
+ CodeModelFinder finder(model(), this);
+ ScopeModelItem functionScope = finder.resolveScope(declarator->id, scope);
+ if (! functionScope)
+ {
+ std::cerr << "** WARNING scope not found for function definition:"
+ << qPrintable( << std::endl
+ << "\tdefinition *ignored*"
+ << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ FunctionDefinitionModelItem
+ old = changeCurrentFunction(_M_model->create<FunctionDefinitionModelItem>());
+ _M_current_function->setScope(functionScope->qualifiedName());
+ updateItemPosition (_M_current_function->toItem(), node);
+ Q_ASSERT(declarator->id->unqualified_name != 0);
+ QString unqualified_name =;
+ _M_current_function->setName(unqualified_name);
+ TypeInfo tmp_type = CompilerUtils::typeDescription(node->type_specifier,
+ declarator, this);
+ _M_current_function->setType(qualifyType(tmp_type, _M_context));
+ _M_current_function->setAccessPolicy(_M_current_access);
+ _M_current_function->setFunctionType(_M_current_function_type);
+ _M_current_function->setConstant(declarator->fun_cv != 0);
+ _M_current_function->setTemplateParameters(_M_current_template_parameters);
+ applyStorageSpecifiers(node->storage_specifiers,
+ model_static_cast<MemberModelItem>(_M_current_function));
+ applyFunctionSpecifiers(node->function_specifiers,
+ model_static_cast<FunctionModelItem>(_M_current_function));
+ _M_current_function->setVariadics (decl_cc.isVariadics ());
+ foreach (DeclaratorCompiler::Parameter p, decl_cc.parameters())
+ {
+ ArgumentModelItem arg = model()->create<ArgumentModelItem>();
+ arg->setType(qualifyType(p.type, functionScope->qualifiedName()));
+ arg->setName(;
+ arg->setDefaultValue(p.defaultValue);
+ if (p.defaultValue)
+ arg->setDefaultValueExpression(p.defaultValueExpression);
+ _M_current_function->addArgument(arg);
+ }
+ functionScope->addFunctionDefinition(_M_current_function);
+ FunctionModelItem prototype = model_static_cast<FunctionModelItem>(_M_current_function);
+ FunctionModelItem declared = functionScope->declaredFunction(prototype);
+ // try to find a function declaration for this definition..
+ if (! declared)
+ {
+ functionScope->addFunction(prototype);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ applyFunctionSpecifiers(node->function_specifiers, declared);
+ // fix the function type and the access policy
+ _M_current_function->setAccessPolicy(declared->accessPolicy());
+ _M_current_function->setFunctionType(declared->functionType());
+ }
+ changeCurrentFunction(old);
+void Binder::visitTemplateDeclaration(TemplateDeclarationAST *node)
+ const ListNode<TemplateParameterAST*> *it = node->template_parameters;
+ if (it == 0) {
+ // QtScript: we want to visit the declaration still, so that
+ // e.g. QMetaTypeId<Foo> is added to the code model
+ visit(node->declaration);
+ return;
+ }
+ TemplateParameterList savedTemplateParameters = changeTemplateParameters(TemplateParameterList());
+ it = it->toFront();
+ const ListNode<TemplateParameterAST*> *end = it;
+ TemplateParameterList templateParameters;
+ do {
+ TemplateParameterAST *parameter = it->element;
+ TypeParameterAST *type_parameter = parameter->type_parameter;
+ NameAST *name;
+ if (!type_parameter) {
+ // A hacky hack to work around missing support for parameter declarations in
+ // templates. We just need the to get the name of the variable, since we
+ // aren't actually compiling these anyway. We are still not supporting much
+ // more, but we are refusing to fail for a few more declarations
+ if (parameter->parameter_declaration == 0 ||
+ parameter->parameter_declaration->declarator == 0 ||
+ parameter->parameter_declaration->declarator->id == 0) {
+ /*std::cerr << "** WARNING template declaration not supported ``";
+ Token const &tk = _M_token_stream->token ((int) node->start_token);
+ Token const &end_tk = _M_token_stream->token ((int) node->declaration->start_token);
+ std::cerr << std::string (&tk.text[tk.position], (end_tk.position) - tk.position) << "''"
+ << std::endl << std::endl;*/
+ changeTemplateParameters(savedTemplateParameters);
+ return;
+ }
+ name = parameter->parameter_declaration->declarator->id;
+ } else {
+ int tk = decode_token(type_parameter->type);
+ if (tk != Token_typename && tk != Token_class)
+ {
+ /*std::cerr << "** WARNING template declaration not supported ``";
+ Token const &tk = _M_token_stream->token ((int) node->start_token);
+ Token const &end_tk = _M_token_stream->token ((int) node->declaration->start_token);
+ std::cerr << std::string (&tk.text[tk.position], (end_tk.position) - tk.position) << "''"
+ << std::endl << std::endl;*/
+ changeTemplateParameters(savedTemplateParameters);
+ return;
+ }
+ assert(tk == Token_typename || tk == Token_class);
+ name = type_parameter->name;
+ }
+ TemplateParameterModelItem p = model()->create<TemplateParameterModelItem>();
+ p->setName(;
+ _M_current_template_parameters.append(p);
+ it = it->next;
+ } while (it != end);
+ visit(node->declaration);
+ changeTemplateParameters(savedTemplateParameters);
+void Binder::visitTypedef(TypedefAST *node)
+ const ListNode<InitDeclaratorAST*> *it = node->init_declarators;
+ if (it == 0)
+ return;
+ it = it->toFront();
+ const ListNode<InitDeclaratorAST*> *end = it;
+ do
+ {
+ InitDeclaratorAST *init_declarator = it->element;
+ it = it->next;
+ Q_ASSERT(init_declarator->declarator != 0);
+ // the name
+ (init_declarator->declarator);
+ QString alias_name = ();
+ if (alias_name.isEmpty ())
+ {
+ std::cerr << "** WARNING anonymous typedef not supported! ``";
+ Token const &tk = _M_token_stream->token ((int) node->start_token);
+ Token const &end_tk = _M_token_stream->token ((int) node->end_token);
+ std::cerr << std::string (&tk.text[tk.position], end_tk.position - tk.position) << "''"
+ << std::endl << std::endl;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // build the type
+ TypeInfo typeInfo = CompilerUtils::typeDescription (node->type_specifier,
+ init_declarator->declarator,
+ this);
+ DeclaratorAST *decl = init_declarator->declarator;
+ while (decl && decl->sub_declarator)
+ decl = decl->sub_declarator;
+ if (decl != init_declarator->declarator
+ && init_declarator->declarator->parameter_declaration_clause != 0)
+ {
+ typeInfo.setFunctionPointer (true);
+ (init_declarator->declarator);
+ foreach (DeclaratorCompiler::Parameter p, decl_cc.parameters())
+ typeInfo.addArgument(p.type);
+ }
+ ScopeModelItem scope = currentScope();
+ DeclaratorAST *declarator = init_declarator->declarator;
+ CodeModelFinder finder(model(), this);
+ ScopeModelItem typedefScope = finder.resolveScope(declarator->id, scope);
+ TypeAliasModelItem typeAlias = model ()->create<TypeAliasModelItem> ();
+ updateItemPosition (typeAlias->toItem (), node);
+ typeAlias->setName (alias_name);
+ typeAlias->setType (qualifyType (typeInfo, currentScope ()->qualifiedName ()));
+ typeAlias->setScope (typedefScope->qualifiedName());
+ _M_qualified_types[typeAlias->qualifiedName().join(".")] = QString();
+ currentScope ()->addTypeAlias (typeAlias);
+ }
+ while (it != end);
+void Binder::visitNamespace(NamespaceAST *node)
+ bool anonymous = (node->namespace_name == 0);
+ ScopeModelItem scope = currentScope();
+ NamespaceModelItem old;
+ if (! anonymous)
+ {
+ QString name = decode_symbol(node->namespace_name)->as_string();
+ QStringList qualified_name = scope->qualifiedName();
+ qualified_name += name;
+ NamespaceModelItem ns =
+ model_safe_cast<NamespaceModelItem>(_M_model->findItem(qualified_name,
+ _M_current_file->toItem()));
+ if (!ns)
+ {
+ ns = _M_model->create<NamespaceModelItem>();
+ updateItemPosition (ns->toItem(), node);
+ ns->setName(name);
+ ns->setScope(scope->qualifiedName());
+ }
+ old = changeCurrentNamespace(ns);
+ _M_context.append(name);
+ }
+ DefaultVisitor::visitNamespace(node);
+ if (! anonymous)
+ {
+ Q_ASSERT(scope->kind() == _CodeModelItem::Kind_Namespace
+ || scope->kind() == _CodeModelItem::Kind_File);
+ _M_context.removeLast();
+ if (NamespaceModelItem ns = model_static_cast<NamespaceModelItem>(scope))
+ {
+ ns->addNamespace(_M_current_namespace);
+ }
+ changeCurrentNamespace(old);
+ }
+void Binder::visitForwardDeclarationSpecifier(ForwardDeclarationSpecifierAST *node)
+ if (
+ return;
+ ScopeModelItem scope = currentScope();
+ _M_qualified_types[(scope->qualifiedName() + name_cc.qualifiedName()).join(".") ] = QString();
+void Binder::visitClassSpecifier(ClassSpecifierAST *node)
+ ClassCompiler class_cc(this);
+ if (
+ {
+ // anonymous not supported
+ return;
+ }
+ Q_ASSERT(node->name != 0 && node->name->unqualified_name != 0);
+ ScopeModelItem scope = currentScope();
+ ClassModelItem old = changeCurrentClass(_M_model->create<ClassModelItem>());
+ updateItemPosition (_M_current_class->toItem(), node);
+ _M_current_class->setName(;
+ QStringList baseClasses = class_cc.baseClasses(); TypeInfo info;
+ for (int i=0; i<baseClasses.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ info.setQualifiedName("::"));
+ baseClasses[i] = qualifyType(info, scope->qualifiedName()).qualifiedName().join("::");
+ }
+ _M_current_class->setBaseClasses(baseClasses);
+ _M_current_class->setClassType(decode_class_type(node->class_key));
+ _M_current_class->setTemplateParameters(_M_current_template_parameters);
+ if (! _M_current_template_parameters.isEmpty())
+ {
+ QString name = _M_current_class->name();
+ name += "<";
+ for (int i = 0; i<_M_current_template_parameters.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (i != 0)
+ name += ",";
+ name +=>name();
+ }
+ name += ">";
+ _M_current_class->setName(name);
+ }
+ CodeModel::AccessPolicy oldAccessPolicy = changeCurrentAccess(decode_access_policy(node->class_key));
+ CodeModel::FunctionType oldFunctionType = changeCurrentFunctionType(CodeModel::Normal);
+ _M_current_class->setScope(scope->qualifiedName());
+ _M_qualified_types[_M_current_class->qualifiedName().join(".")] = QString();
+ scope->addClass(_M_current_class);
+ _M_context.append(;
+ visitNodes(this, node->member_specs);
+ _M_context.removeLast();
+ changeCurrentClass(old);
+ changeCurrentAccess(oldAccessPolicy);
+ changeCurrentFunctionType(oldFunctionType);
+void Binder::visitLinkageSpecification(LinkageSpecificationAST *node)
+ DefaultVisitor::visitLinkageSpecification(node);
+void Binder::visitUsing(UsingAST *node)
+ DefaultVisitor::visitUsing(node);
+void Binder::visitEnumSpecifier(EnumSpecifierAST *node)
+ CodeModelFinder finder(model(), this);
+ ScopeModelItem scope = currentScope();
+ ScopeModelItem enumScope = finder.resolveScope(node->name, scope);
+ QString name =;
+ if (name.isEmpty())
+ {
+ // anonymous enum
+ QString key = _M_context.join("::");
+ int current = ++_M_anonymous_enums[key];
+ name += QLatin1String("enum_");
+ name += QString::number(current);
+ }
+ _M_current_enum = model()->create<EnumModelItem>();
+ _M_current_enum->setAccessPolicy(_M_current_access);
+ updateItemPosition (_M_current_enum->toItem(), node);
+ _M_current_enum->setName(name);
+ _M_current_enum->setScope(enumScope->qualifiedName());
+ _M_qualified_types[_M_current_enum->qualifiedName().join(".")] = QString();
+ enumScope->addEnum(_M_current_enum);
+ DefaultVisitor::visitEnumSpecifier(node);
+ _M_current_enum = 0;
+static QString strip_preprocessor_lines(const QString &name)
+ QStringList lst = name.split("\n");
+ QString s;
+ for (int i=0; i<lst.size(); ++i) {
+ if (!'#'))
+ s +=;
+ }
+ return s.trimmed();
+void Binder::visitEnumerator(EnumeratorAST *node)
+ Q_ASSERT(_M_current_enum != 0);
+ EnumeratorModelItem e = model()->create<EnumeratorModelItem>();
+ updateItemPosition (e->toItem(), node);
+ e->setName(decode_symbol(node->id)->as_string());
+ if (ExpressionAST *expr = node->expression)
+ {
+ const Token &start_token = _M_token_stream->token((int) expr->start_token);
+ const Token &end_token = _M_token_stream->token((int) expr->end_token);
+ e->setValue(strip_preprocessor_lines(QString::fromUtf8(&start_token.text[start_token.position],
+ (int) (end_token.position - start_token.position)).trimmed()).remove(' '));
+ }
+ _M_current_enum->addEnumerator(e);
+void Binder::visitUsingDirective(UsingDirectiveAST *node)
+ DefaultVisitor::visitUsingDirective(node);
+void Binder::visitQEnums(QEnumsAST *node)
+ const Token &start = _M_token_stream->token((int) node->start_token);
+ const Token &end = _M_token_stream->token((int) node->end_token);
+ QStringList enum_list = QString::fromLatin1(start.text + start.position,
+ end.position - start.position).split(' ');
+ ScopeModelItem scope = currentScope();
+ for (int i=0; i<enum_list.size(); ++i)
+ scope->addEnumsDeclaration(;
+void Binder::visitQProperty(QPropertyAST *node)
+ const Token &start = _M_token_stream->token((int) node->start_token);
+ const Token &end = _M_token_stream->token((int) node->end_token);
+ QString property = QString::fromLatin1(start.text + start.position,
+ end.position - start.position);
+ _M_current_class->addPropertyDeclaration(property);
+void Binder::applyStorageSpecifiers(const ListNode<std::size_t> *it, MemberModelItem item)
+ if (it == 0)
+ return;
+ it = it->toFront();
+ const ListNode<std::size_t> *end = it;
+ do
+ {
+ switch (decode_token(it->element))
+ {
+ default:
+ break;
+ case Token_friend:
+ item->setFriend(true);
+ break;
+ case Token_auto:
+ item->setAuto(true);
+ break;
+ case Token_register:
+ item->setRegister(true);
+ break;
+ case Token_static:
+ item->setStatic(true);
+ break;
+ case Token_extern:
+ item->setExtern(true);
+ break;
+ case Token_mutable:
+ item->setMutable(true);
+ break;
+ }
+ it = it->next;
+ }
+ while (it != end);
+void Binder::applyFunctionSpecifiers(const ListNode<std::size_t> *it, FunctionModelItem item)
+ if (it == 0)
+ return;
+ it = it->toFront();
+ const ListNode<std::size_t> *end = it;
+ do
+ {
+ switch (decode_token(it->element))
+ {
+ default:
+ break;
+ case Token_inline:
+ item->setInline(true);
+ break;
+ case Token_virtual:
+ item->setVirtual(true);
+ break;
+ case Token_explicit:
+ item->setExplicit(true);
+ break;
+ case Token_Q_INVOKABLE:
+ item->setInvokable(true);
+ break;
+ }
+ it = it->next;
+ }
+ while (it != end);
+TypeInfo Binder::qualifyType(const TypeInfo &type, const QStringList &context) const
+ // ### Potentially improve to use string list in the name table to
+ if (context.size() == 0)
+ {
+ // ### We can assume that this means global namespace for now...
+ return type;
+ }
+ else if (_M_qualified_types.contains(type.qualifiedName().join(".")))
+ {
+ return type;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ QStringList expanded = context;
+ expanded << type.qualifiedName();
+ if (_M_qualified_types.contains(expanded.join(".")))
+ {
+ TypeInfo modified_type = type;
+ modified_type.setQualifiedName(expanded);
+ return modified_type;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CodeModelItem scope = model ()->findItem (context, _M_current_file->toItem ());
+ if (ClassModelItem klass = model_dynamic_cast<ClassModelItem> (scope))
+ {
+ foreach (QString base, klass->baseClasses ())
+ {
+ QStringList ctx = context;
+ ctx.removeLast();
+ ctx.append (base);
+ TypeInfo qualified = qualifyType (type, ctx);
+ if (qualified != type)
+ return qualified;
+ }
+ }
+ QStringList copy = context;
+ copy.removeLast();
+ return qualifyType(type, copy);
+ }
+ }
+void Binder::updateItemPosition(CodeModelItem item, AST *node)
+ QString filename;
+ int line, column;
+ assert (node != 0);
+ _M_location.positionAt (_M_token_stream->position(node->start_token), &line, &column, &filename);
+ item->setFileName (filename);
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/binder.h b/generator/parser/binder.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c2a273
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/binder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#ifndef BINDER_H
+#define BINDER_H
+#include "default_visitor.h"
+#include "codemodel.h"
+#include "type_compiler.h"
+#include "name_compiler.h"
+#include "declarator_compiler.h"
+class TokenStream;
+class LocationManager;
+class Control;
+struct NameSymbol;
+class Binder: protected DefaultVisitor
+ Binder(CodeModel *__model, LocationManager &__location, Control *__control = 0);
+ virtual ~Binder();
+ inline TokenStream *tokenStream() const { return _M_token_stream; }
+ inline CodeModel *model() const { return _M_model; }
+ ScopeModelItem currentScope();
+ FileModelItem run(AST *node);
+// utils
+ TypeInfo qualifyType(const TypeInfo &type, const QStringList &context) const;
+ virtual void visitAccessSpecifier(AccessSpecifierAST *);
+ virtual void visitClassSpecifier(ClassSpecifierAST *);
+ virtual void visitEnumSpecifier(EnumSpecifierAST *);
+ virtual void visitEnumerator(EnumeratorAST *);
+ virtual void visitFunctionDefinition(FunctionDefinitionAST *);
+ virtual void visitLinkageSpecification(LinkageSpecificationAST *);
+ virtual void visitNamespace(NamespaceAST *);
+ virtual void visitSimpleDeclaration(SimpleDeclarationAST *);
+ virtual void visitTemplateDeclaration(TemplateDeclarationAST *);
+ virtual void visitTypedef(TypedefAST *);
+ virtual void visitUsing(UsingAST *);
+ virtual void visitUsingDirective(UsingDirectiveAST *);
+ virtual void visitQProperty(QPropertyAST *);
+ virtual void visitForwardDeclarationSpecifier(ForwardDeclarationSpecifierAST *);
+ virtual void visitQEnums(QEnumsAST *);
+ int decode_token(std::size_t index) const;
+ const NameSymbol *decode_symbol(std::size_t index) const;
+ CodeModel::AccessPolicy decode_access_policy(std::size_t index) const;
+ CodeModel::ClassType decode_class_type(std::size_t index) const;
+ CodeModel::FunctionType changeCurrentFunctionType(CodeModel::FunctionType functionType);
+ CodeModel::AccessPolicy changeCurrentAccess(CodeModel::AccessPolicy accessPolicy);
+ NamespaceModelItem changeCurrentNamespace(NamespaceModelItem item);
+ ClassModelItem changeCurrentClass(ClassModelItem item);
+ FunctionDefinitionModelItem changeCurrentFunction(FunctionDefinitionModelItem item);
+ TemplateParameterList changeTemplateParameters(TemplateParameterList templateParameters);
+ void declare_symbol(SimpleDeclarationAST *node, InitDeclaratorAST *init_declarator);
+ void applyStorageSpecifiers(const ListNode<std::size_t> *storage_specifiers, MemberModelItem item);
+ void applyFunctionSpecifiers(const ListNode<std::size_t> *it, FunctionModelItem item);
+ void updateItemPosition(CodeModelItem item, AST *node);
+ CodeModel *_M_model;
+ LocationManager &_M_location;
+ TokenStream *_M_token_stream;
+ Control *_M_control;
+ CodeModel::FunctionType _M_current_function_type;
+ CodeModel::AccessPolicy _M_current_access;
+ FileModelItem _M_current_file;
+ NamespaceModelItem _M_current_namespace;
+ ClassModelItem _M_current_class;
+ FunctionDefinitionModelItem _M_current_function;
+ EnumModelItem _M_current_enum;
+ QStringList _M_context;
+ TemplateParameterList _M_current_template_parameters; // ### check me
+ QHash<QString, QString> _M_qualified_types;
+ QHash<QString, int> _M_anonymous_enums;
+ TypeCompiler type_cc;
+ NameCompiler name_cc;
+ DeclaratorCompiler decl_cc;
+#endif // BINDER_H
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/class_compiler.cpp b/generator/parser/class_compiler.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a88295
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/class_compiler.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "class_compiler.h"
+#include "lexer.h"
+#include "binder.h"
+ClassCompiler::ClassCompiler(Binder *binder)
+ : _M_binder (binder),
+ _M_token_stream(binder->tokenStream ()),
+ name_cc(_M_binder),
+ type_cc(_M_binder)
+void ClassCompiler::run(ClassSpecifierAST *node)
+ _M_name =;
+ _M_base_classes.clear();
+ visit(node);
+void ClassCompiler::visitClassSpecifier(ClassSpecifierAST *node)
+ visit(node->base_clause);
+void ClassCompiler::visitBaseSpecifier(BaseSpecifierAST *node)
+ QString name =;
+ if (! name.isEmpty())
+ _M_base_classes.append(name);
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/class_compiler.h b/generator/parser/class_compiler.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a83400e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/class_compiler.h
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include <QtCore/qglobal.h>
+#include <QtCore/QStringList>
+#include "default_visitor.h"
+#include "name_compiler.h"
+#include "type_compiler.h"
+class TokenStream;
+class Binder;
+class ClassCompiler: protected DefaultVisitor
+ ClassCompiler(Binder *binder);
+ virtual ~ClassCompiler();
+ inline QString name() const { return _M_name; }
+ inline QStringList baseClasses() const { return _M_base_classes; }
+ void run(ClassSpecifierAST *node);
+ virtual void visitClassSpecifier(ClassSpecifierAST *node);
+ virtual void visitBaseSpecifier(BaseSpecifierAST *node);
+ Binder *_M_binder;
+ TokenStream *_M_token_stream;
+ QString _M_name;
+ QStringList _M_base_classes;
+ NameCompiler name_cc;
+ TypeCompiler type_cc;
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/codemodel.cpp b/generator/parser/codemodel.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d8d78e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/codemodel.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,951 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "codemodel.h"
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ : _M_creation_id(0)
+ _M_globalNamespace = create<NamespaceModelItem>();
+void CodeModel::wipeout()
+ _M_globalNamespace = create<NamespaceModelItem>();
+ _M_files.clear();
+FileList CodeModel::files() const
+ return _M_files.values();
+NamespaceModelItem CodeModel::globalNamespace() const
+ return _M_globalNamespace;
+void CodeModel::addFile(FileModelItem item)
+ _M_creation_id = 0; // reset the creation id
+ _M_files.insert(item->name(), item);
+void CodeModel::removeFile(FileModelItem item)
+ QHash<QString, FileModelItem>::Iterator it = _M_files.find(item->name());
+ if (it != _M_files.end() && it.value() == item)
+ _M_files.erase(it);
+FileModelItem CodeModel::findFile(const QString &name) const
+ return _M_files.value(name);
+QHash<QString, FileModelItem> CodeModel::fileMap() const
+ return _M_files;
+CodeModelItem CodeModel::findItem(const QStringList &qualifiedName, CodeModelItem scope) const
+ for (int i=0; i<qualifiedName.size(); ++i) {
+ // ### Extend to look for members etc too.
+ const QString &name =;
+ if (NamespaceModelItem ns = model_dynamic_cast<NamespaceModelItem>(scope))
+ {
+ if (NamespaceModelItem tmp_ns = ns->findNamespace(name)) {
+ scope = tmp_ns;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ScopeModelItem ss = model_dynamic_cast<ScopeModelItem>(scope))
+ {
+ if (ClassModelItem cs = ss->findClass(name))
+ {
+ scope = cs;
+ }
+ else if (EnumModelItem es = ss->findEnum(name))
+ {
+ if (i == qualifiedName.size () - 1)
+ return es->toItem();
+ }
+ else if (TypeAliasModelItem tp = ss->findTypeAlias(name))
+ {
+ if (i == qualifiedName.size () - 1)
+ return tp->toItem ();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // If we don't find the name in the scope chain we
+ // need to return an empty item to indicate failure...
+ return CodeModelItem();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return scope;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TypeInfo TypeInfo::combine (const TypeInfo &__lhs, const TypeInfo &__rhs)
+ TypeInfo __result = __lhs;
+ __result.setConstant (__result.isConstant () || __rhs.isConstant ());
+ __result.setVolatile (__result.isVolatile () || __rhs.isVolatile ());
+ __result.setReference (__result.isReference () || __rhs.isReference ());
+ __result.setIndirections (__result.indirections () + __rhs.indirections ());
+ __result.setArrayElements (__result.arrayElements () + __rhs.arrayElements ());
+ return __result;
+TypeInfo TypeInfo::resolveType (TypeInfo const &__type, CodeModelItem __scope)
+ CodeModel *__model = __scope->model ();
+ Q_ASSERT (__model != 0);
+ CodeModelItem __item = __model->findItem (__type.qualifiedName (), __scope);
+ // Copy the type and replace with the proper qualified name. This
+ // only makes sence to do if we're actually getting a resolved
+ // type with a namespace. We only get this if the returned type
+ // has more than 2 entries in the qualified name... This test
+ // could be improved by returning if the type was found or not.
+ TypeInfo otherType(__type);
+ if (__item && __item->qualifiedName().size() > 1) {
+ otherType.setQualifiedName(__item->qualifiedName());
+ }
+ if (TypeAliasModelItem __alias = model_dynamic_cast<TypeAliasModelItem> (__item))
+ return resolveType (TypeInfo::combine (__alias->type (), otherType), __scope);
+ return otherType;
+QString TypeInfo::toString() const
+ QString tmp;
+ tmp += m_qualifiedName.join("::");
+ if (isConstant())
+ tmp += QLatin1String(" const");
+ if (isVolatile())
+ tmp += QLatin1String(" volatile");
+ if (indirections())
+ tmp += QString(indirections(), QLatin1Char('*'));
+ if (isReference())
+ tmp += QLatin1Char('&');
+ if (isFunctionPointer())
+ {
+ tmp += QLatin1String(" (*)(");
+ for (int i=0; i<m_arguments.count(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (i != 0)
+ tmp += QLatin1String(", ");
+ tmp +=;
+ }
+ tmp += QLatin1String(")");
+ }
+ foreach (QString elt, arrayElements ())
+ {
+ tmp += QLatin1String ("[");
+ tmp += elt;
+ tmp += QLatin1String ("]");
+ }
+ return tmp;
+bool TypeInfo::operator==(const TypeInfo &other)
+ if (arrayElements().count() != other.arguments().count())
+ return false;
+#if defined (RXX_CHECK_ARRAY_ELEMENTS) // ### it'll break
+ for (int i=0; i<arrayElements().count(); ++i)
+ {
+ QString elt1 = arrayElements ().at (i).trimmed ();
+ QString elt2 = other.arrayElements ().at (i).trimmed ();
+ if (elt1 != elt2)
+ return false;
+ }
+ return flags == other.flags
+ && m_qualifiedName == other.m_qualifiedName
+ && (!m_functionPointer || m_arguments == other.m_arguments);
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+_CodeModelItem::_CodeModelItem(CodeModel *model, int kind)
+ : _M_model(model),
+ _M_kind(kind),
+ _M_startLine(0),
+ _M_startColumn(0),
+ _M_endLine(0),
+ _M_endColumn(0),
+ _M_creation_id(0)
+CodeModelItem _CodeModelItem::toItem() const
+ return CodeModelItem(const_cast<_CodeModelItem*>(this));
+int _CodeModelItem::kind() const
+ return _M_kind;
+void _CodeModelItem::setKind(int kind)
+ _M_kind = kind;
+QStringList _CodeModelItem::qualifiedName() const
+ QStringList q = scope();
+ if (!name().isEmpty())
+ q += name();
+ return q;
+QString _CodeModelItem::name() const
+ return _M_name;
+void _CodeModelItem::setName(const QString &name)
+ _M_name = name;
+QStringList _CodeModelItem::scope() const
+ return _M_scope;
+void _CodeModelItem::setScope(const QStringList &scope)
+ _M_scope = scope;
+QString _CodeModelItem::fileName() const
+ return _M_fileName;
+void _CodeModelItem::setFileName(const QString &fileName)
+ _M_fileName = fileName;
+FileModelItem _CodeModelItem::file() const
+ return model()->findFile(fileName());
+void _CodeModelItem::getStartPosition(int *line, int *column)
+ *line = _M_startLine;
+ *column = _M_startColumn;
+void _CodeModelItem::setStartPosition(int line, int column)
+ _M_startLine = line;
+ _M_startColumn = column;
+void _CodeModelItem::getEndPosition(int *line, int *column)
+ *line = _M_endLine;
+ *column = _M_endColumn;
+void _CodeModelItem::setEndPosition(int line, int column)
+ _M_endLine = line;
+ _M_endColumn = column;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+QStringList _ClassModelItem::baseClasses() const
+ return _M_baseClasses;
+void _ClassModelItem::setBaseClasses(const QStringList &baseClasses)
+ _M_baseClasses = baseClasses;
+TemplateParameterList _ClassModelItem::templateParameters() const
+ return _M_templateParameters;
+void _ClassModelItem::setTemplateParameters(const TemplateParameterList &templateParameters)
+ _M_templateParameters = templateParameters;
+void _ClassModelItem::addBaseClass(const QString &baseClass)
+ _M_baseClasses.append(baseClass);
+void _ClassModelItem::removeBaseClass(const QString &baseClass)
+ _M_baseClasses.removeAt(_M_baseClasses.indexOf(baseClass));
+bool _ClassModelItem::extendsClass(const QString &name) const
+ return _M_baseClasses.contains(name);
+void _ClassModelItem::setClassType(CodeModel::ClassType type)
+ _M_classType = type;
+CodeModel::ClassType _ClassModelItem::classType() const
+ return _M_classType;
+void _ClassModelItem::addPropertyDeclaration(const QString &propertyDeclaration)
+ _M_propertyDeclarations << propertyDeclaration;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+FunctionModelItem _ScopeModelItem::declaredFunction(FunctionModelItem item)
+ FunctionList function_list = findFunctions(item->name());
+ foreach (FunctionModelItem fun, function_list)
+ {
+ if (fun->isSimilar(item))
+ return fun;
+ }
+ return FunctionModelItem();
+ClassList _ScopeModelItem::classes() const
+ return _M_classes.values();
+TypeAliasList _ScopeModelItem::typeAliases() const
+ return _M_typeAliases.values();
+VariableList _ScopeModelItem::variables() const
+ return _M_variables.values();
+FunctionList _ScopeModelItem::functions() const
+ return _M_functions.values();
+void _ScopeModelItem::addEnumsDeclaration(const QString &enumsDeclaration)
+ _M_enumsDeclarations << enumsDeclaration;
+FunctionDefinitionList _ScopeModelItem::functionDefinitions() const
+ return _M_functionDefinitions.values();
+EnumList _ScopeModelItem::enums() const
+ return _M_enums.values();
+void _ScopeModelItem::addClass(ClassModelItem item)
+ QString name = item->name();
+ int idx = name.indexOf("<");
+ if (idx > 0)
+ _M_classes.insert(name.left(idx), item);
+ _M_classes.insert(name, item);
+void _ScopeModelItem::addFunction(FunctionModelItem item)
+ _M_functions.insert(item->name(), item);
+void _ScopeModelItem::addFunctionDefinition(FunctionDefinitionModelItem item)
+ _M_functionDefinitions.insert(item->name(), item);
+void _ScopeModelItem::addVariable(VariableModelItem item)
+ _M_variables.insert(item->name(), item);
+void _ScopeModelItem::addTypeAlias(TypeAliasModelItem item)
+ _M_typeAliases.insert(item->name(), item);
+void _ScopeModelItem::addEnum(EnumModelItem item)
+ _M_enums.insert(item->name(), item);
+void _ScopeModelItem::removeClass(ClassModelItem item)
+ QHash<QString, ClassModelItem>::Iterator it = _M_classes.find(item->name());
+ if (it != _M_classes.end() && it.value() == item)
+ _M_classes.erase(it);
+void _ScopeModelItem::removeFunction(FunctionModelItem item)
+ QMultiHash<QString, FunctionModelItem>::Iterator it = _M_functions.find(item->name());
+ while (it != _M_functions.end() && it.key() == item->name()
+ && it.value() != item)
+ {
+ ++it;
+ }
+ if (it != _M_functions.end() && it.value() == item)
+ {
+ _M_functions.erase(it);
+ }
+void _ScopeModelItem::removeFunctionDefinition(FunctionDefinitionModelItem item)
+ QMultiHash<QString, FunctionDefinitionModelItem>::Iterator it = _M_functionDefinitions.find(item->name());
+ while (it != _M_functionDefinitions.end() && it.key() == item->name()
+ && it.value() != item)
+ {
+ ++it;
+ }
+ if (it != _M_functionDefinitions.end() && it.value() == item)
+ {
+ _M_functionDefinitions.erase(it);
+ }
+void _ScopeModelItem::removeVariable(VariableModelItem item)
+ QHash<QString, VariableModelItem>::Iterator it = _M_variables.find(item->name());
+ if (it != _M_variables.end() && it.value() == item)
+ _M_variables.erase(it);
+void _ScopeModelItem::removeTypeAlias(TypeAliasModelItem item)
+ QHash<QString, TypeAliasModelItem>::Iterator it = _M_typeAliases.find(item->name());
+ if (it != _M_typeAliases.end() && it.value() == item)
+ _M_typeAliases.erase(it);
+void _ScopeModelItem::removeEnum(EnumModelItem item)
+ QHash<QString, EnumModelItem>::Iterator it = _M_enums.find(item->name());
+ if (it != _M_enums.end() && it.value() == item)
+ _M_enums.erase(it);
+ClassModelItem _ScopeModelItem::findClass(const QString &name) const
+ return _M_classes.value(name);
+VariableModelItem _ScopeModelItem::findVariable(const QString &name) const
+ return _M_variables.value(name);
+TypeAliasModelItem _ScopeModelItem::findTypeAlias(const QString &name) const
+ return _M_typeAliases.value(name);
+EnumModelItem _ScopeModelItem::findEnum(const QString &name) const
+ return _M_enums.value(name);
+FunctionList _ScopeModelItem::findFunctions(const QString &name) const
+ return _M_functions.values(name);
+FunctionDefinitionList _ScopeModelItem::findFunctionDefinitions(const QString &name) const
+ return _M_functionDefinitions.values(name);
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+NamespaceList _NamespaceModelItem::namespaces() const
+ return _M_namespaces.values();
+void _NamespaceModelItem::addNamespace(NamespaceModelItem item)
+ _M_namespaces.insert(item->name(), item);
+void _NamespaceModelItem::removeNamespace(NamespaceModelItem item)
+ QHash<QString, NamespaceModelItem>::Iterator it = _M_namespaces.find(item->name());
+ if (it != _M_namespaces.end() && it.value() == item)
+ _M_namespaces.erase(it);
+NamespaceModelItem _NamespaceModelItem::findNamespace(const QString &name) const
+ return _M_namespaces.value(name);
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TypeInfo _ArgumentModelItem::type() const
+ return _M_type;
+void _ArgumentModelItem::setType(const TypeInfo &type)
+ _M_type = type;
+bool _ArgumentModelItem::defaultValue() const
+ return _M_defaultValue;
+void _ArgumentModelItem::setDefaultValue(bool defaultValue)
+ _M_defaultValue = defaultValue;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool _FunctionModelItem::isSimilar(FunctionModelItem other) const
+ if (name() != other->name())
+ return false;
+ if (isConstant() != other->isConstant())
+ return false;
+ if (isVariadics() != other->isVariadics())
+ return false;
+ if (arguments().count() != other->arguments().count())
+ return false;
+ // ### check the template parameters
+ for (int i=0; i<arguments().count(); ++i)
+ {
+ ArgumentModelItem arg1 = arguments().at(i);
+ ArgumentModelItem arg2 = other->arguments().at(i);
+ if (arg1->type() != arg2->type())
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ArgumentList _FunctionModelItem::arguments() const
+ return _M_arguments;
+void _FunctionModelItem::addArgument(ArgumentModelItem item)
+ _M_arguments.append(item);
+void _FunctionModelItem::removeArgument(ArgumentModelItem item)
+ _M_arguments.removeAt(_M_arguments.indexOf(item));
+CodeModel::FunctionType _FunctionModelItem::functionType() const
+ return _M_functionType;
+void _FunctionModelItem::setFunctionType(CodeModel::FunctionType functionType)
+ _M_functionType = functionType;
+bool _FunctionModelItem::isVariadics() const
+ return _M_isVariadics;
+void _FunctionModelItem::setVariadics(bool isVariadics)
+ _M_isVariadics = isVariadics;
+bool _FunctionModelItem::isVirtual() const
+ return _M_isVirtual;
+void _FunctionModelItem::setVirtual(bool isVirtual)
+ _M_isVirtual = isVirtual;
+bool _FunctionModelItem::isInline() const
+ return _M_isInline;
+void _FunctionModelItem::setInline(bool isInline)
+ _M_isInline = isInline;
+bool _FunctionModelItem::isExplicit() const
+ return _M_isExplicit;
+void _FunctionModelItem::setExplicit(bool isExplicit)
+ _M_isExplicit = isExplicit;
+bool _FunctionModelItem::isAbstract() const
+ return _M_isAbstract;
+void _FunctionModelItem::setAbstract(bool isAbstract)
+ _M_isAbstract = isAbstract;
+// Qt
+bool _FunctionModelItem::isInvokable() const
+ return _M_isInvokable;
+void _FunctionModelItem::setInvokable(bool isInvokable)
+ _M_isInvokable = isInvokable;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TypeInfo _TypeAliasModelItem::type() const
+ return _M_type;
+void _TypeAliasModelItem::setType(const TypeInfo &type)
+ _M_type = type;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CodeModel::AccessPolicy _EnumModelItem::accessPolicy() const
+ return _M_accessPolicy;
+void _EnumModelItem::setAccessPolicy(CodeModel::AccessPolicy accessPolicy)
+ _M_accessPolicy = accessPolicy;
+EnumeratorList _EnumModelItem::enumerators() const
+ return _M_enumerators;
+void _EnumModelItem::addEnumerator(EnumeratorModelItem item)
+ _M_enumerators.append(item);
+void _EnumModelItem::removeEnumerator(EnumeratorModelItem item)
+ _M_enumerators.removeAt(_M_enumerators.indexOf(item));
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+QString _EnumeratorModelItem::value() const
+ return _M_value;
+void _EnumeratorModelItem::setValue(const QString &value)
+ _M_value = value;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TypeInfo _TemplateParameterModelItem::type() const
+ return _M_type;
+void _TemplateParameterModelItem::setType(const TypeInfo &type)
+ _M_type = type;
+bool _TemplateParameterModelItem::defaultValue() const
+ return _M_defaultValue;
+void _TemplateParameterModelItem::setDefaultValue(bool defaultValue)
+ _M_defaultValue = defaultValue;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ScopeModelItem _ScopeModelItem::create(CodeModel *model)
+ ScopeModelItem item(new _ScopeModelItem(model));
+ return item;
+ClassModelItem _ClassModelItem::create(CodeModel *model)
+ ClassModelItem item(new _ClassModelItem(model));
+ return item;
+NamespaceModelItem _NamespaceModelItem::create(CodeModel *model)
+ NamespaceModelItem item(new _NamespaceModelItem(model));
+ return item;
+FileModelItem _FileModelItem::create(CodeModel *model)
+ FileModelItem item(new _FileModelItem(model));
+ return item;
+ArgumentModelItem _ArgumentModelItem::create(CodeModel *model)
+ ArgumentModelItem item(new _ArgumentModelItem(model));
+ return item;
+FunctionModelItem _FunctionModelItem::create(CodeModel *model)
+ FunctionModelItem item(new _FunctionModelItem(model));
+ return item;
+FunctionDefinitionModelItem _FunctionDefinitionModelItem::create(CodeModel *model)
+ FunctionDefinitionModelItem item(new _FunctionDefinitionModelItem(model));
+ return item;
+VariableModelItem _VariableModelItem::create(CodeModel *model)
+ VariableModelItem item(new _VariableModelItem(model));
+ return item;
+TypeAliasModelItem _TypeAliasModelItem::create(CodeModel *model)
+ TypeAliasModelItem item(new _TypeAliasModelItem(model));
+ return item;
+EnumModelItem _EnumModelItem::create(CodeModel *model)
+ EnumModelItem item(new _EnumModelItem(model));
+ return item;
+EnumeratorModelItem _EnumeratorModelItem::create(CodeModel *model)
+ EnumeratorModelItem item(new _EnumeratorModelItem(model));
+ return item;
+TemplateParameterModelItem _TemplateParameterModelItem::create(CodeModel *model)
+ TemplateParameterModelItem item(new _TemplateParameterModelItem(model));
+ return item;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TypeInfo _MemberModelItem::type() const
+ return _M_type;
+void _MemberModelItem::setType(const TypeInfo &type)
+ _M_type = type;
+CodeModel::AccessPolicy _MemberModelItem::accessPolicy() const
+ return _M_accessPolicy;
+void _MemberModelItem::setAccessPolicy(CodeModel::AccessPolicy accessPolicy)
+ _M_accessPolicy = accessPolicy;
+bool _MemberModelItem::isStatic() const
+ return _M_isStatic;
+void _MemberModelItem::setStatic(bool isStatic)
+ _M_isStatic = isStatic;
+bool _MemberModelItem::isConstant() const
+ return _M_isConstant;
+void _MemberModelItem::setConstant(bool isConstant)
+ _M_isConstant = isConstant;
+bool _MemberModelItem::isVolatile() const
+ return _M_isVolatile;
+void _MemberModelItem::setVolatile(bool isVolatile)
+ _M_isVolatile = isVolatile;
+bool _MemberModelItem::isAuto() const
+ return _M_isAuto;
+void _MemberModelItem::setAuto(bool isAuto)
+ _M_isAuto = isAuto;
+bool _MemberModelItem::isFriend() const
+ return _M_isFriend;
+void _MemberModelItem::setFriend(bool isFriend)
+ _M_isFriend = isFriend;
+bool _MemberModelItem::isRegister() const
+ return _M_isRegister;
+void _MemberModelItem::setRegister(bool isRegister)
+ _M_isRegister = isRegister;
+bool _MemberModelItem::isExtern() const
+ return _M_isExtern;
+void _MemberModelItem::setExtern(bool isExtern)
+ _M_isExtern = isExtern;
+bool _MemberModelItem::isMutable() const
+ return _M_isMutable;
+void _MemberModelItem::setMutable(bool isMutable)
+ _M_isMutable = isMutable;
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/codemodel.h b/generator/parser/codemodel.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de521aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/codemodel.h
@@ -0,0 +1,748 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#ifndef CODEMODEL_H
+#define CODEMODEL_H
+#include "codemodel_fwd.h"
+#include <codemodel_pointer.h>
+#include <QtCore/QHash>
+#include <QtCore/QList>
+#include <QtCore/QString>
+#include <QtCore/QStringList>
+#include <QtCore/QVector>
+#define DECLARE_MODEL_NODE(k) \
+ enum { __node_kind = Kind_##k }; \
+ typedef CodeModelPointer<k##ModelItem> Pointer;
+template <class _Target, class _Source>
+_Target model_static_cast(_Source item)
+ typedef typename _Target::Type * _Target_pointer;
+ _Target ptr (static_cast<_Target_pointer>(;
+ return ptr;
+class CodeModel
+ enum AccessPolicy
+ {
+ Public,
+ Protected,
+ Private
+ };
+ enum FunctionType
+ {
+ Normal,
+ Signal,
+ Slot
+ };
+ enum ClassType
+ {
+ Class,
+ Struct,
+ Union
+ };
+ CodeModel();
+ virtual ~CodeModel();
+ template <class _Target> _Target create()
+ {
+ typedef typename _Target::Type _Target_type;
+ _Target result = _Target_type::create(this);
+ result->setCreationId(_M_creation_id++);
+ return result;
+ }
+ FileList files() const;
+ NamespaceModelItem globalNamespace() const;
+ void addFile(FileModelItem item);
+ void removeFile(FileModelItem item);
+ FileModelItem findFile(const QString &name) const;
+ QHash<QString, FileModelItem> fileMap() const;
+ CodeModelItem findItem(const QStringList &qualifiedName, CodeModelItem scope) const;
+ void wipeout();
+ QHash<QString, FileModelItem> _M_files;
+ NamespaceModelItem _M_globalNamespace;
+ std::size_t _M_creation_id;
+ CodeModel(const CodeModel &other);
+ void operator = (const CodeModel &other);
+class TypeInfo
+ TypeInfo(const TypeInfo &other)
+ : flags(other.flags),
+ m_qualifiedName(other.m_qualifiedName),
+ m_arrayElements(other.m_arrayElements),
+ m_arguments(other.m_arguments)
+ {
+ }
+ TypeInfo():
+ flags (0) {}
+ QStringList qualifiedName() const { return m_qualifiedName; }
+ void setQualifiedName(const QStringList &qualified_name) { m_qualifiedName = qualified_name; }
+ bool isConstant() const { return m_constant; }
+ void setConstant(bool is) { m_constant = is; }
+ bool isVolatile() const { return m_volatile; }
+ void setVolatile(bool is) { m_volatile = is; }
+ bool isReference() const { return m_reference; }
+ void setReference(bool is) { m_reference = is; }
+ int indirections() const { return m_indirections; }
+ void setIndirections(int indirections) { m_indirections = indirections; }
+ bool isFunctionPointer() const { return m_functionPointer; }
+ void setFunctionPointer(bool is) { m_functionPointer = is; }
+ QStringList arrayElements() const { return m_arrayElements; }
+ void setArrayElements(const QStringList &arrayElements) { m_arrayElements = arrayElements; }
+ QList<TypeInfo> arguments() const { return m_arguments; }
+ void setArguments(const QList<TypeInfo> &arguments);
+ void addArgument(const TypeInfo &arg) { m_arguments.append(arg); }
+ bool operator==(const TypeInfo &other);
+ bool operator!=(const TypeInfo &other) { return !(*this==other); }
+ // ### arrays and templates??
+ QString toString() const;
+ static TypeInfo combine (const TypeInfo &__lhs, const TypeInfo &__rhs);
+ static TypeInfo resolveType (TypeInfo const &__type, CodeModelItem __scope);
+ union
+ {
+ uint flags;
+ struct
+ {
+ uint m_constant: 1;
+ uint m_volatile: 1;
+ uint m_reference: 1;
+ uint m_functionPointer: 1;
+ uint m_indirections: 6;
+ uint m_padding: 22;
+ };
+ };
+ QStringList m_qualifiedName;
+ QStringList m_arrayElements;
+ QList<TypeInfo> m_arguments;
+class _CodeModelItem: public QSharedData
+ enum Kind
+ {
+ /* These are bit-flags resembling inheritance */
+ Kind_Scope = 0x1,
+ Kind_Namespace = 0x2 | Kind_Scope,
+ Kind_Member = 0x4,
+ Kind_Function = 0x8 | Kind_Member,
+ KindMask = 0xf,
+ /* These are for classes that are not inherited from */
+ FirstKind = 0x8,
+ Kind_Argument = 1 << FirstKind,
+ Kind_Class = 2 << FirstKind | Kind_Scope,
+ Kind_Enum = 3 << FirstKind,
+ Kind_Enumerator = 4 << FirstKind,
+ Kind_File = 5 << FirstKind | Kind_Namespace,
+ Kind_FunctionDefinition = 6 << FirstKind | Kind_Function,
+ Kind_TemplateParameter = 7 << FirstKind,
+ Kind_TypeAlias = 8 << FirstKind,
+ Kind_Variable = 9 << FirstKind | Kind_Member
+ };
+ virtual ~_CodeModelItem();
+ int kind() const;
+ QStringList qualifiedName() const;
+ QString name() const;
+ void setName(const QString &name);
+ QStringList scope() const;
+ void setScope(const QStringList &scope);
+ QString fileName() const;
+ void setFileName(const QString &fileName);
+ FileModelItem file() const;
+ void getStartPosition(int *line, int *column);
+ void setStartPosition(int line, int column);
+ void getEndPosition(int *line, int *column);
+ void setEndPosition(int line, int column);
+ inline std::size_t creationId() const { return _M_creation_id; }
+ inline void setCreationId(std::size_t creation_id) { _M_creation_id = creation_id; }
+ inline CodeModel *model() const { return _M_model; }
+ CodeModelItem toItem() const;
+ _CodeModelItem(CodeModel *model, int kind);
+ void setKind(int kind);
+ CodeModel *_M_model;
+ int _M_kind;
+ int _M_startLine;
+ int _M_startColumn;
+ int _M_endLine;
+ int _M_endColumn;
+ std::size_t _M_creation_id;
+ QString _M_name;
+ QString _M_fileName;
+ QStringList _M_scope;
+ _CodeModelItem(const _CodeModelItem &other);
+ void operator = (const _CodeModelItem &other);
+class _ScopeModelItem: public _CodeModelItem
+ static ScopeModelItem create(CodeModel *model);
+ ClassList classes() const;
+ EnumList enums() const;
+ FunctionDefinitionList functionDefinitions() const;
+ FunctionList functions() const;
+ TypeAliasList typeAliases() const;
+ VariableList variables() const;
+ void addClass(ClassModelItem item);
+ void addEnum(EnumModelItem item);
+ void addFunction(FunctionModelItem item);
+ void addFunctionDefinition(FunctionDefinitionModelItem item);
+ void addTypeAlias(TypeAliasModelItem item);
+ void addVariable(VariableModelItem item);
+ void removeClass(ClassModelItem item);
+ void removeEnum(EnumModelItem item);
+ void removeFunction(FunctionModelItem item);
+ void removeFunctionDefinition(FunctionDefinitionModelItem item);
+ void removeTypeAlias(TypeAliasModelItem item);
+ void removeVariable(VariableModelItem item);
+ ClassModelItem findClass(const QString &name) const;
+ EnumModelItem findEnum(const QString &name) const;
+ FunctionDefinitionList findFunctionDefinitions(const QString &name) const;
+ FunctionList findFunctions(const QString &name) const;
+ TypeAliasModelItem findTypeAlias(const QString &name) const;
+ VariableModelItem findVariable(const QString &name) const;
+ void addEnumsDeclaration(const QString &enumsDeclaration);
+ QStringList enumsDeclarations() const { return _M_enumsDeclarations; }
+ inline QHash<QString, ClassModelItem> classMap() const { return _M_classes; }
+ inline QHash<QString, EnumModelItem> enumMap() const { return _M_enums; }
+ inline QHash<QString, TypeAliasModelItem> typeAliasMap() const { return _M_typeAliases; }
+ inline QHash<QString, VariableModelItem> variableMap() const { return _M_variables; }
+ inline QMultiHash<QString, FunctionDefinitionModelItem> functionDefinitionMap() const { return _M_functionDefinitions; }
+ inline QMultiHash<QString, FunctionModelItem> functionMap() const { return _M_functions; }
+ FunctionModelItem declaredFunction(FunctionModelItem item);
+ _ScopeModelItem(CodeModel *model, int kind = __node_kind)
+ : _CodeModelItem(model, kind) {}
+ QHash<QString, ClassModelItem> _M_classes;
+ QHash<QString, EnumModelItem> _M_enums;
+ QHash<QString, TypeAliasModelItem> _M_typeAliases;
+ QHash<QString, VariableModelItem> _M_variables;
+ QMultiHash<QString, FunctionDefinitionModelItem> _M_functionDefinitions;
+ QMultiHash<QString, FunctionModelItem> _M_functions;
+ _ScopeModelItem(const _ScopeModelItem &other);
+ void operator = (const _ScopeModelItem &other);
+ QStringList _M_enumsDeclarations;
+class _ClassModelItem: public _ScopeModelItem
+ static ClassModelItem create(CodeModel *model);
+ QStringList baseClasses() const;
+ void setBaseClasses(const QStringList &baseClasses);
+ void addBaseClass(const QString &baseClass);
+ void removeBaseClass(const QString &baseClass);
+ TemplateParameterList templateParameters() const;
+ void setTemplateParameters(const TemplateParameterList &templateParameters);
+ bool extendsClass(const QString &name) const;
+ void setClassType(CodeModel::ClassType type);
+ CodeModel::ClassType classType() const;
+ void addPropertyDeclaration(const QString &propertyDeclaration);
+ QStringList propertyDeclarations() const { return _M_propertyDeclarations; }
+ _ClassModelItem(CodeModel *model, int kind = __node_kind)
+ : _ScopeModelItem(model, kind), _M_classType(CodeModel::Class) {}
+ QStringList _M_baseClasses;
+ TemplateParameterList _M_templateParameters;
+ CodeModel::ClassType _M_classType;
+ QStringList _M_propertyDeclarations;
+ _ClassModelItem(const _ClassModelItem &other);
+ void operator = (const _ClassModelItem &other);
+class _NamespaceModelItem: public _ScopeModelItem
+ static NamespaceModelItem create(CodeModel *model);
+ NamespaceList namespaces() const;
+ void addNamespace(NamespaceModelItem item);
+ void removeNamespace(NamespaceModelItem item);
+ NamespaceModelItem findNamespace(const QString &name) const;
+ inline QHash<QString, NamespaceModelItem> namespaceMap() const { return _M_namespaces; };
+ _NamespaceModelItem(CodeModel *model, int kind = __node_kind)
+ : _ScopeModelItem(model, kind) {}
+ QHash<QString, NamespaceModelItem> _M_namespaces;
+ _NamespaceModelItem(const _NamespaceModelItem &other);
+ void operator = (const _NamespaceModelItem &other);
+class _FileModelItem: public _NamespaceModelItem
+ static FileModelItem create(CodeModel *model);
+ _FileModelItem(CodeModel *model, int kind = __node_kind)
+ : _NamespaceModelItem(model, kind) {}
+ _FileModelItem(const _FileModelItem &other);
+ void operator = (const _FileModelItem &other);
+class _ArgumentModelItem: public _CodeModelItem
+ static ArgumentModelItem create(CodeModel *model);
+ TypeInfo type() const;
+ void setType(const TypeInfo &type);
+ bool defaultValue() const;
+ void setDefaultValue(bool defaultValue);
+ QString defaultValueExpression() const { return _M_defaultValueExpression; }
+ void setDefaultValueExpression(const QString &expr) { _M_defaultValueExpression = expr; }
+ _ArgumentModelItem(CodeModel *model, int kind = __node_kind)
+ : _CodeModelItem(model, kind), _M_defaultValue(false) {}
+ TypeInfo _M_type;
+ QString _M_defaultValueExpression;
+ bool _M_defaultValue;
+ _ArgumentModelItem(const _ArgumentModelItem &other);
+ void operator = (const _ArgumentModelItem &other);
+class _MemberModelItem: public _CodeModelItem
+ bool isConstant() const;
+ void setConstant(bool isConstant);
+ bool isVolatile() const;
+ void setVolatile(bool isVolatile);
+ bool isStatic() const;
+ void setStatic(bool isStatic);
+ bool isAuto() const;
+ void setAuto(bool isAuto);
+ bool isFriend() const;
+ void setFriend(bool isFriend);
+ bool isRegister() const;
+ void setRegister(bool isRegister);
+ bool isExtern() const;
+ void setExtern(bool isExtern);
+ bool isMutable() const;
+ void setMutable(bool isMutable);
+ CodeModel::AccessPolicy accessPolicy() const;
+ void setAccessPolicy(CodeModel::AccessPolicy accessPolicy);
+ TemplateParameterList templateParameters() const
+ { return _M_templateParameters; }
+ void setTemplateParameters(const TemplateParameterList &templateParameters)
+ { _M_templateParameters = templateParameters; }
+ TypeInfo type() const;
+ void setType(const TypeInfo &type);
+ _MemberModelItem(CodeModel *model, int kind)
+ : _CodeModelItem(model, kind),
+ _M_accessPolicy(CodeModel::Public),
+ _M_flags(0)
+ {}
+ TemplateParameterList _M_templateParameters;
+ TypeInfo _M_type;
+ CodeModel::AccessPolicy _M_accessPolicy;
+ union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ uint _M_isConstant: 1;
+ uint _M_isVolatile: 1;
+ uint _M_isStatic: 1;
+ uint _M_isAuto: 1;
+ uint _M_isFriend: 1;
+ uint _M_isRegister: 1;
+ uint _M_isExtern: 1;
+ uint _M_isMutable: 1;
+ };
+ uint _M_flags;
+ };
+class _FunctionModelItem: public _MemberModelItem
+ static FunctionModelItem create(CodeModel *model);
+ ArgumentList arguments() const;
+ void addArgument(ArgumentModelItem item);
+ void removeArgument(ArgumentModelItem item);
+ CodeModel::FunctionType functionType() const;
+ void setFunctionType(CodeModel::FunctionType functionType);
+ bool isVirtual() const;
+ void setVirtual(bool isVirtual);
+ bool isInline() const;
+ void setInline(bool isInline);
+ bool isExplicit() const;
+ void setExplicit(bool isExplicit);
+ bool isInvokable() const; // Qt
+ void setInvokable(bool isInvokable); // Qt
+ bool isAbstract() const;
+ void setAbstract(bool isAbstract);
+ bool isVariadics() const;
+ void setVariadics(bool isVariadics);
+ bool isSimilar(FunctionModelItem other) const;
+ _FunctionModelItem(CodeModel *model, int kind = __node_kind)
+ : _MemberModelItem(model, kind),
+ _M_functionType(CodeModel::Normal),
+ _M_flags(0)
+ {}
+ ArgumentList _M_arguments;
+ CodeModel::FunctionType _M_functionType;
+ union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ uint _M_isVirtual: 1;
+ uint _M_isInline: 1;
+ uint _M_isAbstract: 1;
+ uint _M_isExplicit: 1;
+ uint _M_isVariadics: 1;
+ uint _M_isInvokable : 1; // Qt
+ };
+ uint _M_flags;
+ };
+ _FunctionModelItem(const _FunctionModelItem &other);
+ void operator = (const _FunctionModelItem &other);
+class _FunctionDefinitionModelItem: public _FunctionModelItem
+ DECLARE_MODEL_NODE(FunctionDefinition)
+ static FunctionDefinitionModelItem create(CodeModel *model);
+ _FunctionDefinitionModelItem(CodeModel *model, int kind = __node_kind)
+ : _FunctionModelItem(model, kind) {}
+ _FunctionDefinitionModelItem(const _FunctionDefinitionModelItem &other);
+ void operator = (const _FunctionDefinitionModelItem &other);
+class _VariableModelItem: public _MemberModelItem
+ static VariableModelItem create(CodeModel *model);
+ _VariableModelItem(CodeModel *model, int kind = __node_kind)
+ : _MemberModelItem(model, kind)
+ {}
+ _VariableModelItem(const _VariableModelItem &other);
+ void operator = (const _VariableModelItem &other);
+class _TypeAliasModelItem: public _CodeModelItem
+ static TypeAliasModelItem create(CodeModel *model);
+ TypeInfo type() const;
+ void setType(const TypeInfo &type);
+ _TypeAliasModelItem(CodeModel *model, int kind = __node_kind)
+ : _CodeModelItem(model, kind) {}
+ TypeInfo _M_type;
+ _TypeAliasModelItem(const _TypeAliasModelItem &other);
+ void operator = (const _TypeAliasModelItem &other);
+class _EnumModelItem: public _CodeModelItem
+ static EnumModelItem create(CodeModel *model);
+ CodeModel::AccessPolicy accessPolicy() const;
+ void setAccessPolicy(CodeModel::AccessPolicy accessPolicy);
+ EnumeratorList enumerators() const;
+ void addEnumerator(EnumeratorModelItem item);
+ void removeEnumerator(EnumeratorModelItem item);
+ _EnumModelItem(CodeModel *model, int kind = __node_kind)
+ : _CodeModelItem(model, kind),
+ _M_accessPolicy(CodeModel::Public)
+ {}
+ CodeModel::AccessPolicy _M_accessPolicy;
+ EnumeratorList _M_enumerators;
+ _EnumModelItem(const _EnumModelItem &other);
+ void operator = (const _EnumModelItem &other);
+class _EnumeratorModelItem: public _CodeModelItem
+ static EnumeratorModelItem create(CodeModel *model);
+ QString value() const;
+ void setValue(const QString &value);
+ _EnumeratorModelItem(CodeModel *model, int kind = __node_kind)
+ : _CodeModelItem(model, kind) {}
+ QString _M_value;
+ _EnumeratorModelItem(const _EnumeratorModelItem &other);
+ void operator = (const _EnumeratorModelItem &other);
+class _TemplateParameterModelItem: public _CodeModelItem
+ DECLARE_MODEL_NODE(TemplateParameter)
+ static TemplateParameterModelItem create(CodeModel *model);
+ TypeInfo type() const;
+ void setType(const TypeInfo &type);
+ bool defaultValue() const;
+ void setDefaultValue(bool defaultValue);
+ _TemplateParameterModelItem(CodeModel *model, int kind = __node_kind)
+ : _CodeModelItem(model, kind), _M_defaultValue(false) {}
+ TypeInfo _M_type;
+ bool _M_defaultValue;
+ _TemplateParameterModelItem(const _TemplateParameterModelItem &other);
+ void operator = (const _TemplateParameterModelItem &other);
+template <class _Target, class _Source>
+_Target model_safe_cast(_Source item)
+ typedef typename _Target::Type * _Target_pointer;
+ typedef typename _Source::Type * _Source_pointer;
+ _Source_pointer source =;
+ if (source && source->kind() == _Target_pointer(0)->__node_kind)
+ {
+ _Target ptr(static_cast<_Target_pointer>(source));
+ return ptr;
+ }
+ return _Target();
+template <typename _Target, typename _Source>
+_Target model_dynamic_cast(_Source item)
+ typedef typename _Target::Type * _Target_pointer;
+ typedef typename _Source::Type * _Source_pointer;
+ _Source_pointer source =;
+ if (source && (source->kind() == _Target_pointer(0)->__node_kind
+ || (int(_Target_pointer(0)->__node_kind) <= int(_CodeModelItem::KindMask)
+ && ((source->kind() & _Target_pointer(0)->__node_kind)
+ == _Target_pointer(0)->__node_kind))))
+ {
+ _Target ptr(static_cast<_Target_pointer>(source));
+ return ptr;
+ }
+ return _Target();
+#endif // CODEMODEL_H
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/codemodel_finder.cpp b/generator/parser/codemodel_finder.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ddb36b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/codemodel_finder.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "codemodel_finder.h"
+#include "codemodel.h"
+#include "binder.h"
+CodeModelFinder::CodeModelFinder(CodeModel *model, Binder *binder)
+ : _M_model(model),
+ _M_binder (binder),
+ _M_token_stream(binder->tokenStream ()),
+ name_cc(_M_binder),
+ _M_resolve_policy(ResolveItem)
+ScopeModelItem CodeModelFinder::resolveScope(NameAST *name, ScopeModelItem scope)
+ Q_ASSERT(scope != 0);
+ ResolvePolicy saved_resolve_policy = _M_resolve_policy;
+ _M_resolve_policy = ResolveScope;
+ ScopeModelItem old = changeCurrentScope(scope);
+ visit(name);
+ ScopeModelItem result = _M_current_scope;
+ changeCurrentScope(old); // restore
+ _M_resolve_policy = saved_resolve_policy;
+ return result;
+ScopeModelItem CodeModelFinder::changeCurrentScope(ScopeModelItem scope)
+ ScopeModelItem old = _M_current_scope;
+ _M_current_scope = scope;
+ return old;
+void CodeModelFinder::visitName(NameAST *node)
+ visitNodes(this, node->qualified_names);
+ if (_M_resolve_policy == ResolveItem)
+ visit(node->unqualified_name);
+void CodeModelFinder::visitUnqualifiedName(UnqualifiedNameAST *node)
+ if (!_M_current_scope)
+ {
+ // nothing to do
+ return;
+ }
+ QString id =;
+ if (ClassModelItem klass = _M_current_scope->findClass(id))
+ {
+ _M_current_scope = klass;
+ }
+ else if (NamespaceModelItem parentNamespace = model_safe_cast<NamespaceModelItem>(_M_current_scope))
+ {
+ NamespaceModelItem ns = parentNamespace->findNamespace(id);
+ _M_current_scope = model_static_cast<ScopeModelItem>(ns);
+ }
+ else if (FileModelItem file = model_safe_cast<FileModelItem>(_M_current_scope))
+ {
+ NamespaceModelItem ns = file->findNamespace(id);
+ _M_current_scope = model_static_cast<ScopeModelItem>(ns);
+ }
+ }
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/codemodel_finder.h b/generator/parser/codemodel_finder.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12b84ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/codemodel_finder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "default_visitor.h"
+#include "codemodel_fwd.h"
+#include "name_compiler.h"
+class TokenStream;
+class Binder;
+class CodeModelFinder: protected DefaultVisitor
+ enum ResolvePolicy
+ {
+ ResolveScope,
+ ResolveItem
+ };
+ CodeModelFinder(CodeModel *model, Binder *binder);
+ virtual ~CodeModelFinder();
+ ScopeModelItem resolveScope(NameAST *name, ScopeModelItem scope);
+ inline CodeModel *model() const { return _M_model; }
+ virtual void visitName(NameAST *node);
+ virtual void visitUnqualifiedName(UnqualifiedNameAST *node);
+ ScopeModelItem changeCurrentScope(ScopeModelItem scope);
+ CodeModel *_M_model;
+ Binder *_M_binder;
+ TokenStream *_M_token_stream;
+ NameCompiler name_cc;
+ ScopeModelItem _M_current_scope;
+ ResolvePolicy _M_resolve_policy;
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/codemodel_fwd.h b/generator/parser/codemodel_fwd.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1072d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/codemodel_fwd.h
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include <codemodel_pointer.h>
+#include <QtCore/QList>
+// forward declarations
+class CodeModel;
+class _ArgumentModelItem;
+class _ClassModelItem;
+class _CodeModelItem;
+class _EnumModelItem;
+class _EnumeratorModelItem;
+class _FileModelItem;
+class _FunctionDefinitionModelItem;
+class _FunctionModelItem;
+class _NamespaceModelItem;
+class _ScopeModelItem;
+class _TemplateParameterModelItem;
+class _TypeAliasModelItem;
+class _VariableModelItem;
+class _MemberModelItem;
+class TypeInfo;
+typedef CodeModelPointer<_ArgumentModelItem> ArgumentModelItem;
+typedef CodeModelPointer<_ClassModelItem> ClassModelItem;
+typedef CodeModelPointer<_CodeModelItem> CodeModelItem;
+typedef CodeModelPointer<_EnumModelItem> EnumModelItem;
+typedef CodeModelPointer<_EnumeratorModelItem> EnumeratorModelItem;
+typedef CodeModelPointer<_FileModelItem> FileModelItem;
+typedef CodeModelPointer<_FunctionDefinitionModelItem> FunctionDefinitionModelItem;
+typedef CodeModelPointer<_FunctionModelItem> FunctionModelItem;
+typedef CodeModelPointer<_NamespaceModelItem> NamespaceModelItem;
+typedef CodeModelPointer<_ScopeModelItem> ScopeModelItem;
+typedef CodeModelPointer<_TemplateParameterModelItem> TemplateParameterModelItem;
+typedef CodeModelPointer<_TypeAliasModelItem> TypeAliasModelItem;
+typedef CodeModelPointer<_VariableModelItem> VariableModelItem;
+typedef CodeModelPointer<_MemberModelItem> MemberModelItem;
+typedef QList<ArgumentModelItem> ArgumentList;
+typedef QList<ClassModelItem> ClassList;
+typedef QList<CodeModelItem> ItemList;
+typedef QList<EnumModelItem> EnumList;
+typedef QList<EnumeratorModelItem> EnumeratorList;
+typedef QList<FileModelItem> FileList;
+typedef QList<FunctionDefinitionModelItem> FunctionDefinitionList;
+typedef QList<FunctionModelItem> FunctionList;
+typedef QList<NamespaceModelItem> NamespaceList;
+typedef QList<ScopeModelItem> ScopeList;
+typedef QList<TemplateParameterModelItem> TemplateParameterList;
+typedef QList<TypeAliasModelItem> TypeAliasList;
+typedef QList<VariableModelItem> VariableList;
+typedef QList<MemberModelItem> MemberList;
+#endif // CODEMODEL_FWD_H
diff --git a/generator/parser/codemodel_pointer.h b/generator/parser/codemodel_pointer.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a7433f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/codemodel_pointer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2006 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include <QtCore/QSharedData>
+// Since the atomic API changed in 4.4 we need to hack a little here
+// to make it work with both 4.3 and 4.4 until that is not required
+#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040400
+# include <QtCore/qatomic.h>
+template <class T> class CodeModelPointer: public QAtomicPointer<T>
+template <class T> class CodeModelPointer
+#endif // QT_VERSION >= 0x040400
+ typedef T Type;
+#if QT_VERSION < 0x040400
+ inline T &operator*() { return *d; }
+ inline const T &operator*() const { return *d; }
+ inline T *operator->() { return d; }
+ inline const T *operator->() const { return d; }
+ inline operator T *() { return d; }
+ inline operator const T *() const { return d; }
+ inline T *data() { return d; }
+ inline const T *data() const { return d; }
+ inline const T *constData() const { return d; }
+ inline bool operator==(const CodeModelPointer<T> &other) const { return d == other.d; }
+ inline bool operator!=(const CodeModelPointer<T> &other) const { return d != other.d; }
+ inline bool operator==(const T *ptr) const { return d == ptr; }
+ inline bool operator!=(const T *ptr) const { return d != ptr; }
+ inline CodeModelPointer() { d = 0; }
+ inline ~CodeModelPointer() { if (d && !d->ref.deref()) delete d; }
+ explicit CodeModelPointer(T *data);
+ inline CodeModelPointer(const CodeModelPointer<T> &o) : d(o.d) { if (d) d->ref.ref(); }
+ inline CodeModelPointer<T> & operator=(const CodeModelPointer<T> &o) {
+ if (o.d != d) {
+ T *x = o.d;
+ if (x) x->ref.ref();
+ x = qAtomicSetPtr(&d, x);
+ if (x && !x->ref.deref())
+ delete x;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline CodeModelPointer &operator=(T *o) {
+ if (o != d) {
+ T *x = o;
+ if (x) x->ref.ref();
+ x = qAtomicSetPtr(&d, x);
+ if (x && !x->ref.deref())
+ delete x;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline bool operator!() const { return !d; }
+ T *d;
+#else // QT_VERSION < 0x040400
+ inline CodeModelPointer(T *value = 0) : QAtomicPointer<T>(value) {}
+ inline CodeModelPointer &operator=(T *o) {
+ QAtomicPointer<T>::operator=(o);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline T *data() { return (T *) *this; }
+ inline const T *data() const { return (const T *) *this; }
+ inline const T *constData() const { return (const T *) *this; }
+#if QT_VERSION < 0x040400
+template <class T>
+Q_INLINE_TEMPLATE CodeModelPointer<T>::CodeModelPointer(T *adata) : d(adata)
+{ if (d) d->ref.ref(); }
diff --git a/generator/parser/compiler_utils.cpp b/generator/parser/compiler_utils.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bb6e32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/compiler_utils.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "compiler_utils.h"
+#include "type_compiler.h"
+#include "name_compiler.h"
+#include "declarator_compiler.h"
+#include "ast.h"
+#include "binder.h"
+TypeInfo CompilerUtils::typeDescription(TypeSpecifierAST *type_specifier, DeclaratorAST *declarator, Binder *binder)
+ TypeCompiler type_cc (binder);
+ DeclaratorCompiler decl_cc (binder);
+ (type_specifier);
+ (declarator);
+ TypeInfo typeInfo;
+ typeInfo.setQualifiedName (type_cc.qualifiedName ());
+ typeInfo.setConstant (type_cc.isConstant ());
+ typeInfo.setVolatile (type_cc.isVolatile ());
+ typeInfo.setReference (decl_cc.isReference ());
+ typeInfo.setIndirections (decl_cc.indirection ());
+ typeInfo.setArrayElements (decl_cc.arrayElements ());
+ return typeInfo;
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f29c77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/compiler_utils.h
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include <utility>
+#include "codemodel.h"
+class QString;
+class QStringList;
+struct TypeSpecifierAST;
+struct DeclaratorAST;
+class TokenStream;
+class Binder;
+namespace CompilerUtils
+TypeInfo typeDescription(TypeSpecifierAST *type_specifier, DeclaratorAST *declarator, Binder *binder);
+} // namespace CompilerUtils
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/control.cpp b/generator/parser/control.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46a58a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/control.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "control.h"
+#include "lexer.h"
+ : current_context(0),
+ _M_skipFunctionBody(false),
+ _M_lexer(0),
+ _M_parser(0)
+ pushContext();
+ declareTypedef(findOrInsertName("__builtin_va_list",
+ strlen("__builtin_va_list")), 0);
+ popContext();
+ Q_ASSERT(current_context == 0);
+Lexer *Control::changeLexer(Lexer *lexer)
+ Lexer *old = _M_lexer;
+ _M_lexer = lexer;
+ return old;
+Parser *Control::changeParser(Parser *parser)
+ Parser *old = _M_parser;
+ _M_parser = parser;
+ return old;
+Type *Control::lookupType(const NameSymbol *name) const
+ Q_ASSERT(current_context != 0);
+ return current_context->resolve(name);
+void Control::declare(const NameSymbol *name, Type *type)
+ //printf("*** Declare:");
+ //printSymbol(name);
+ //putchar('\n');
+ Q_ASSERT(current_context != 0);
+ current_context->bind(name, type);
+void Control::pushContext()
+ // printf("+Context\n");
+ Context *new_context = new Context;
+ new_context->parent = current_context;
+ current_context = new_context;
+void Control::popContext()
+ // printf("-Context\n");
+ Q_ASSERT(current_context != 0);
+ Context *old_context = current_context;
+ current_context = current_context->parent;
+ delete old_context;
+void Control::declareTypedef(const NameSymbol *name, Declarator *d)
+ // printf("declared typedef:");
+ // printSymbol(name);
+ // printf("\n");
+ stl_typedef_table.insert(name, d);
+bool Control::isTypedef(const NameSymbol *name) const
+ // printf("is typedef:");
+ // printSymbol(name);
+ // printf("= %d\n", (stl_typedef_table.find(name) != stl_typedef_table.end()));
+ return stl_typedef_table.contains(name);
+QList<Control::ErrorMessage> Control::errorMessages () const
+ return _M_error_messages;
+void Control::clearErrorMessages ()
+ _M_error_messages.clear ();
+void Control::reportError (const ErrorMessage &errmsg)
+ _M_error_messages.append(errmsg);
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/control.h b/generator/parser/control.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01fbdea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/control.h
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#ifndef CONTROL_H
+#define CONTROL_H
+#include "symbol.h"
+#include "smallobject.h"
+#include <QtCore/QHash>
+struct Declarator;
+struct Type;
+class Lexer;
+class Parser;
+struct Context
+ Context *parent;
+ inline void bind(const NameSymbol *name, Type *type)
+ { symbol_table.insert(name, type); }
+ inline Type *resolve(const NameSymbol *name) const
+ {
+ if (Type *type = symbol_table.value(name))
+ return type;
+ else if (parent)
+ return parent->resolve(name);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ typedef QHash<const NameSymbol*, Type*> symbol_table_t;
+ symbol_table_t symbol_table;
+class Control
+ class ErrorMessage
+ {
+ public:
+ ErrorMessage ():
+ _M_line (0),
+ _M_column (0) {}
+ inline int line () const { return _M_line; }
+ inline void setLine (int line) { _M_line = line; }
+ inline int column () const { return _M_column; }
+ inline void setColumn (int column) { _M_column = column; }
+ inline QString fileName () const { return _M_fileName; }
+ inline void setFileName (const QString &fileName) { _M_fileName = fileName; }
+ inline QString message () const { return _M_message; }
+ inline void setMessage (const QString &message) { _M_message = message; }
+ private:
+ int _M_line;
+ int _M_column;
+ QString _M_fileName;
+ QString _M_message;
+ };
+ Control();
+ ~Control();
+ inline bool skipFunctionBody() const { return _M_skipFunctionBody; }
+ inline void setSkipFunctionBody(bool skip) { _M_skipFunctionBody = skip; }
+ Lexer *changeLexer(Lexer *lexer);
+ Parser *changeParser(Parser *parser);
+ Lexer *currentLexer() const { return _M_lexer; }
+ Parser *currentParser() const { return _M_parser; }
+ Context *current_context;
+ inline Context *currentContext() const
+ { return current_context; }
+ void pushContext();
+ void popContext();
+ Type *lookupType(const NameSymbol *name) const;
+ void declare(const NameSymbol *name, Type *type);
+ inline const NameSymbol *findOrInsertName(const char *data, size_t count)
+ { return name_table.findOrInsert(data, count); }
+ void declareTypedef(const NameSymbol *name, Declarator *d);
+ bool isTypedef(const NameSymbol *name) const;
+ void reportError (const ErrorMessage &errmsg);
+ QList<ErrorMessage> errorMessages () const;
+ void clearErrorMessages ();
+ NameTable name_table;
+ QHash<const NameSymbol*, Declarator*> stl_typedef_table;
+ bool _M_skipFunctionBody;
+ Lexer *_M_lexer;
+ Parser *_M_parser;
+ QList<ErrorMessage> _M_error_messages;
+#endif // CONTROL_H
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/declarator_compiler.cpp b/generator/parser/declarator_compiler.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2127c57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/declarator_compiler.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "declarator_compiler.h"
+#include "name_compiler.h"
+#include "type_compiler.h"
+#include "compiler_utils.h"
+#include "lexer.h"
+#include "binder.h"
+#include "tokens.h"
+#include <qdebug.h>
+DeclaratorCompiler::DeclaratorCompiler(Binder *binder)
+ : _M_binder (binder), _M_token_stream (binder->tokenStream ())
+void DeclaratorCompiler::run(DeclaratorAST *node)
+ _M_id.clear();
+ _M_parameters.clear();
+ _M_array.clear();
+ _M_function = false;
+ _M_reference = false;
+ _M_variadics = false;
+ _M_indirection = 0;
+ if (node)
+ {
+ NameCompiler name_cc(_M_binder);
+ DeclaratorAST *decl = node;
+ while (decl && decl->sub_declarator)
+ decl = decl->sub_declarator;
+ Q_ASSERT (decl != 0);
+ _M_id =;
+ _M_function = (node->parameter_declaration_clause != 0);
+ if (node->parameter_declaration_clause && node->parameter_declaration_clause->ellipsis)
+ _M_variadics = true;
+ visitNodes(this, node->ptr_ops);
+ visit(node->parameter_declaration_clause);
+ if (const ListNode<ExpressionAST*> *it = node->array_dimensions)
+ {
+ it->toFront();
+ const ListNode<ExpressionAST*> *end = it;
+ do
+ {
+ QString elt;
+ if (ExpressionAST *expr = it->element)
+ {
+ const Token &start_token = _M_token_stream->token((int) expr->start_token);
+ const Token &end_token = _M_token_stream->token((int) expr->end_token);
+ elt += QString::fromUtf8(&start_token.text[start_token.position],
+ (int) (end_token.position - start_token.position)).trimmed();
+ }
+ _M_array.append (elt);
+ it = it->next;
+ }
+ while (it != end);
+ }
+ }
+void DeclaratorCompiler::visitPtrOperator(PtrOperatorAST *node)
+ std::size_t op = _M_token_stream->kind(node->op);
+ switch (op)
+ {
+ case '&':
+ _M_reference = true;
+ break;
+ case '*':
+ ++_M_indirection;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (node->mem_ptr)
+ {
+#if defined(__GNUC__)
+#warning "ptr to mem -- not implemented"
+ }
+void DeclaratorCompiler::visitParameterDeclaration(ParameterDeclarationAST *node)
+ Parameter p;
+ TypeCompiler type_cc(_M_binder);
+ DeclaratorCompiler decl_cc(_M_binder);
+ =;
+ p.type = CompilerUtils::typeDescription(node->type_specifier, node->declarator, _M_binder);
+ if (node->expression != 0)
+ {
+ const Token &start = _M_token_stream->token((int) node->expression->start_token);
+ const Token &end = _M_token_stream->token((int) node->expression->end_token);
+ int length = (int) (end.position - start.position);
+ p.defaultValueExpression = QString();
+ QString source = QString::fromUtf8(&start.text[start.position], length).trimmed();
+ QStringList list = source.split("\n");
+ for (int i=0; i<list.size(); ++i) {
+ if (!"#"))
+ p.defaultValueExpression +=;
+ }
+ p.defaultValue = p.defaultValueExpression.size() > 0;
+ }
+ _M_parameters.append(p);
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/declarator_compiler.h b/generator/parser/declarator_compiler.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e2d24c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/declarator_compiler.h
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "default_visitor.h"
+#include "codemodel.h"
+#include <QtCore/QString>
+#include <QtCore/QList>
+class TokenStream;
+class Binder;
+class DeclaratorCompiler: protected DefaultVisitor
+ struct Parameter
+ {
+ TypeInfo type;
+ QString name;
+ QString defaultValueExpression;
+ bool defaultValue;
+ Parameter(): defaultValue(false) {}
+ };
+ DeclaratorCompiler(Binder *binder);
+ void run(DeclaratorAST *node);
+ inline QString id() const { return _M_id; }
+ inline QStringList arrayElements() const { return _M_array; }
+ inline bool isFunction() const { return _M_function; }
+ inline bool isVariadics() const { return _M_variadics; }
+ inline bool isReference() const { return _M_reference; }
+ inline int indirection() const { return _M_indirection; }
+ inline QList<Parameter> parameters() const { return _M_parameters; }
+ virtual void visitPtrOperator(PtrOperatorAST *node);
+ virtual void visitParameterDeclaration(ParameterDeclarationAST *node);
+ Binder *_M_binder;
+ TokenStream *_M_token_stream;
+ bool _M_function;
+ bool _M_reference;
+ bool _M_variadics;
+ int _M_indirection;
+ QString _M_id;
+ QStringList _M_array;
+ QList<Parameter> _M_parameters;
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/default_visitor.cpp b/generator/parser/default_visitor.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04cb05c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/default_visitor.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,459 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "default_visitor.h"
+void DefaultVisitor::visitAccessSpecifier(AccessSpecifierAST *)
+ // nothing to do
+void DefaultVisitor::visitAsmDefinition(AsmDefinitionAST *)
+ // nothing to do
+void DefaultVisitor::visitBaseClause(BaseClauseAST *node)
+ visitNodes(this, node->base_specifiers);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitBaseSpecifier(BaseSpecifierAST *node)
+ visit(node->name);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitBinaryExpression(BinaryExpressionAST *node)
+ visit(node->left_expression);
+ visit(node->right_expression);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitCastExpression(CastExpressionAST *node)
+ visit(node->type_id);
+ visit(node->expression);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitClassMemberAccess(ClassMemberAccessAST *node)
+ visit(node->name);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitClassSpecifier(ClassSpecifierAST *node)
+ visit(node->win_decl_specifiers);
+ visit(node->name);
+ visit(node->base_clause);
+ visitNodes(this, node->member_specs);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitCompoundStatement(CompoundStatementAST *node)
+ visitNodes(this, node->statements);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitCondition(ConditionAST *node)
+ visit(node->type_specifier);
+ visit(node->declarator);
+ visit(node->expression);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpressionAST *node)
+ visit(node->condition);
+ visit(node->left_expression);
+ visit(node->right_expression);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitCppCastExpression(CppCastExpressionAST *node)
+ visit(node->type_id);
+ visit(node->expression);
+ visitNodes(this, node->sub_expressions);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitCtorInitializer(CtorInitializerAST *node)
+ visitNodes(this, node->member_initializers);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitDeclarationStatement(DeclarationStatementAST *node)
+ visit(node->declaration);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitDeclarator(DeclaratorAST *node)
+ visit(node->sub_declarator);
+ visitNodes(this, node->ptr_ops);
+ visit(node->id);
+ visit(node->bit_expression);
+ visitNodes(this, node->array_dimensions);
+ visit(node->parameter_declaration_clause);
+ visit(node->exception_spec);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitDeleteExpression(DeleteExpressionAST *node)
+ visit(node->expression);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitDoStatement(DoStatementAST *node)
+ visit(node->statement);
+ visit(node->expression);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitElaboratedTypeSpecifier(ElaboratedTypeSpecifierAST *node)
+ visit(node->name);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitEnumSpecifier(EnumSpecifierAST *node)
+ visit(node->name);
+ visitNodes(this, node->enumerators);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitEnumerator(EnumeratorAST *node)
+ visit(node->expression);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitExceptionSpecification(ExceptionSpecificationAST *node)
+ visitNodes(this, node->type_ids);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitExpressionOrDeclarationStatement(ExpressionOrDeclarationStatementAST *node)
+ visit(node->expression);
+ visit(node->declaration);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatementAST *node)
+ visit(node->expression);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitForStatement(ForStatementAST *node)
+ visit(node->init_statement);
+ visit(node->condition);
+ visit(node->expression);
+ visit(node->statement);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitFunctionCall(FunctionCallAST *node)
+ visit(node->arguments);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitFunctionDefinition(FunctionDefinitionAST *node)
+ visit(node->type_specifier);
+ visit(node->init_declarator);
+ visit(node->function_body);
+ visit(node->win_decl_specifiers);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitIfStatement(IfStatementAST *node)
+ visit(node->condition);
+ visit(node->statement);
+ visit(node->else_statement);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitIncrDecrExpression(IncrDecrExpressionAST *)
+ // nothing to do
+void DefaultVisitor::visitInitDeclarator(InitDeclaratorAST *node)
+ visit(node->declarator);
+ visit(node->initializer);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitInitializer(InitializerAST *node)
+ visit(node->initializer_clause);
+ visit(node->expression);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitInitializerClause(InitializerClauseAST *node)
+ visit(node->expression);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatementAST *)
+ // nothing to do
+void DefaultVisitor::visitLinkageBody(LinkageBodyAST *node)
+ visitNodes(this, node->declarations);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitLinkageSpecification(LinkageSpecificationAST *node)
+ visit(node->linkage_body);
+ visit(node->declaration);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitMemInitializer(MemInitializerAST *node)
+ visit(node->initializer_id);
+ visit(node->expression);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitName(NameAST *node)
+ visitNodes(this, node->qualified_names);
+ visit(node->unqualified_name);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitNamespace(NamespaceAST *node)
+ visit(node->linkage_body);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitNamespaceAliasDefinition(NamespaceAliasDefinitionAST *node)
+ visit(node->alias_name);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitNewDeclarator(NewDeclaratorAST *node)
+ visit(node->ptr_op);
+ visit(node->sub_declarator);
+ visitNodes(this, node->expressions);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitNewExpression(NewExpressionAST *node)
+ visit(node->expression);
+ visit(node->type_id);
+ visit(node->new_type_id);
+ visit(node->new_initializer);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitNewInitializer(NewInitializerAST *node)
+ visit(node->expression);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitNewTypeId(NewTypeIdAST *node)
+ visit(node->type_specifier);
+ visit(node->new_initializer);
+ visit(node->new_declarator);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitOperator(OperatorAST *)
+ // nothing to do
+void DefaultVisitor::visitOperatorFunctionId(OperatorFunctionIdAST *node)
+ visit(node->op);
+ visit(node->type_specifier);
+ visitNodes(this, node->ptr_ops);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitParameterDeclaration(ParameterDeclarationAST *node)
+ visit(node->type_specifier);
+ visit(node->declarator);
+ visit(node->expression);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitParameterDeclarationClause(ParameterDeclarationClauseAST *node)
+ visitNodes(this, node->parameter_declarations);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitPostfixExpression(PostfixExpressionAST *node)
+ visit(node->type_specifier);
+ visit(node->expression);
+ visitNodes(this, node->sub_expressions);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitPrimaryExpression(PrimaryExpressionAST *node)
+ visit(node->literal);
+ visit(node->expression_statement);
+ visit(node->sub_expression);
+ visit(node->name);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitPtrOperator(PtrOperatorAST *node)
+ visit(node->mem_ptr);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitPtrToMember(PtrToMemberAST *)
+ // nothing to do
+void DefaultVisitor::visitReturnStatement(ReturnStatementAST *node)
+ visit(node->expression);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitSimpleDeclaration(SimpleDeclarationAST *node)
+ visit(node->type_specifier);
+ visitNodes(this, node->init_declarators);
+ visit(node->win_decl_specifiers);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitSimpleTypeSpecifier(SimpleTypeSpecifierAST *node)
+ visit(node->name);
+ visit(node->type_id);
+ visit(node->expression);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitSizeofExpression(SizeofExpressionAST *node)
+ visit(node->type_id);
+ visit(node->expression);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitStringLiteral(StringLiteralAST *)
+ // nothing to do
+void DefaultVisitor::visitSubscriptExpression(SubscriptExpressionAST *node)
+ visit(node->subscript);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitSwitchStatement(SwitchStatementAST *node)
+ visit(node->condition);
+ visit(node->statement);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitTemplateArgument(TemplateArgumentAST *node)
+ visit(node->type_id);
+ visit(node->expression);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitTemplateDeclaration(TemplateDeclarationAST *node)
+ visitNodes(this, node->template_parameters);
+ visit(node->declaration);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitTemplateParameter(TemplateParameterAST *node)
+ visit(node->type_parameter);
+ visit(node->parameter_declaration);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitThrowExpression(ThrowExpressionAST *node)
+ visit(node->expression);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitTranslationUnit(TranslationUnitAST *node)
+ visitNodes(this, node->declarations);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitTryBlockStatement(TryBlockStatementAST *)
+ // nothing to do
+void DefaultVisitor::visitTypeId(TypeIdAST *node)
+ visit(node->type_specifier);
+ visit(node->declarator);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitTypeIdentification(TypeIdentificationAST *node)
+ visit(node->name);
+ visit(node->expression);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitTypeParameter(TypeParameterAST *node)
+ visit(node->name);
+ visit(node->type_id);
+ visitNodes(this, node->template_parameters);
+ visit(node->template_name);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitTypedef(TypedefAST *node)
+ visit(node->type_specifier);
+ visitNodes(this, node->init_declarators);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitUnaryExpression(UnaryExpressionAST *node)
+ visit(node->expression);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitUnqualifiedName(UnqualifiedNameAST *node)
+ visit(node->operator_id);
+ visitNodes(this, node->template_arguments);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitUsing(UsingAST *node)
+ visit(node->name);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitUsingDirective(UsingDirectiveAST *node)
+ visit(node->name);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitWhileStatement(WhileStatementAST *node)
+ visit(node->condition);
+ visit(node->statement);
+void DefaultVisitor::visitWinDeclSpec(WinDeclSpecAST *)
+ // nothing to do
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/default_visitor.h b/generator/parser/default_visitor.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75daa2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/default_visitor.h
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "visitor.h"
+class DefaultVisitor: public Visitor
+ DefaultVisitor() {}
+ virtual void visitAccessSpecifier(AccessSpecifierAST *);
+ virtual void visitAsmDefinition(AsmDefinitionAST *);
+ virtual void visitBaseClause(BaseClauseAST *);
+ virtual void visitBaseSpecifier(BaseSpecifierAST *);
+ virtual void visitBinaryExpression(BinaryExpressionAST *);
+ virtual void visitCastExpression(CastExpressionAST *);
+ virtual void visitClassMemberAccess(ClassMemberAccessAST *);
+ virtual void visitClassSpecifier(ClassSpecifierAST *);
+ virtual void visitCompoundStatement(CompoundStatementAST *);
+ virtual void visitCondition(ConditionAST *);
+ virtual void visitConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpressionAST *);
+ virtual void visitCppCastExpression(CppCastExpressionAST *);
+ virtual void visitCtorInitializer(CtorInitializerAST *);
+ virtual void visitDeclarationStatement(DeclarationStatementAST *);
+ virtual void visitDeclarator(DeclaratorAST *);
+ virtual void visitDeleteExpression(DeleteExpressionAST *);
+ virtual void visitDoStatement(DoStatementAST *);
+ virtual void visitElaboratedTypeSpecifier(ElaboratedTypeSpecifierAST *);
+ virtual void visitEnumSpecifier(EnumSpecifierAST *);
+ virtual void visitEnumerator(EnumeratorAST *);
+ virtual void visitExceptionSpecification(ExceptionSpecificationAST *);
+ virtual void visitExpressionOrDeclarationStatement(ExpressionOrDeclarationStatementAST *);
+ virtual void visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatementAST *);
+ virtual void visitForStatement(ForStatementAST *);
+ virtual void visitFunctionCall(FunctionCallAST *);
+ virtual void visitFunctionDefinition(FunctionDefinitionAST *);
+ virtual void visitIfStatement(IfStatementAST *);
+ virtual void visitIncrDecrExpression(IncrDecrExpressionAST *);
+ virtual void visitInitDeclarator(InitDeclaratorAST *);
+ virtual void visitInitializer(InitializerAST *);
+ virtual void visitInitializerClause(InitializerClauseAST *);
+ virtual void visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatementAST *);
+ virtual void visitLinkageBody(LinkageBodyAST *);
+ virtual void visitLinkageSpecification(LinkageSpecificationAST *);
+ virtual void visitMemInitializer(MemInitializerAST *);
+ virtual void visitName(NameAST *);
+ virtual void visitNamespace(NamespaceAST *);
+ virtual void visitNamespaceAliasDefinition(NamespaceAliasDefinitionAST *);
+ virtual void visitNewDeclarator(NewDeclaratorAST *);
+ virtual void visitNewExpression(NewExpressionAST *);
+ virtual void visitNewInitializer(NewInitializerAST *);
+ virtual void visitNewTypeId(NewTypeIdAST *);
+ virtual void visitOperator(OperatorAST *);
+ virtual void visitOperatorFunctionId(OperatorFunctionIdAST *);
+ virtual void visitParameterDeclaration(ParameterDeclarationAST *);
+ virtual void visitParameterDeclarationClause(ParameterDeclarationClauseAST *);
+ virtual void visitPostfixExpression(PostfixExpressionAST *);
+ virtual void visitPrimaryExpression(PrimaryExpressionAST *);
+ virtual void visitPtrOperator(PtrOperatorAST *);
+ virtual void visitPtrToMember(PtrToMemberAST *);
+ virtual void visitReturnStatement(ReturnStatementAST *);
+ virtual void visitSimpleDeclaration(SimpleDeclarationAST *);
+ virtual void visitSimpleTypeSpecifier(SimpleTypeSpecifierAST *);
+ virtual void visitSizeofExpression(SizeofExpressionAST *);
+ virtual void visitStringLiteral(StringLiteralAST *);
+ virtual void visitSubscriptExpression(SubscriptExpressionAST *);
+ virtual void visitSwitchStatement(SwitchStatementAST *);
+ virtual void visitTemplateArgument(TemplateArgumentAST *);
+ virtual void visitTemplateDeclaration(TemplateDeclarationAST *);
+ virtual void visitTemplateParameter(TemplateParameterAST *);
+ virtual void visitThrowExpression(ThrowExpressionAST *);
+ virtual void visitTranslationUnit(TranslationUnitAST *);
+ virtual void visitTryBlockStatement(TryBlockStatementAST *);
+ virtual void visitTypeId(TypeIdAST *);
+ virtual void visitTypeIdentification(TypeIdentificationAST *);
+ virtual void visitTypeParameter(TypeParameterAST *);
+ virtual void visitTypedef(TypedefAST *);
+ virtual void visitUnaryExpression(UnaryExpressionAST *);
+ virtual void visitUnqualifiedName(UnqualifiedNameAST *);
+ virtual void visitUsing(UsingAST *);
+ virtual void visitUsingDirective(UsingDirectiveAST *);
+ virtual void visitWhileStatement(WhileStatementAST *);
+ virtual void visitWinDeclSpec(WinDeclSpecAST *);
+ typedef void (Visitor::*visitor_fun_ptr)(AST *);
+ static visitor_fun_ptr _S_table[];
+#endif // VISITOR_H
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/dumptree.cpp b/generator/parser/dumptree.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98b94d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/dumptree.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "dumptree.h"
+#include <QtCore/QString>
+#include <QtCore/qdebug.h>
+static char const * const names[] = {
+ 0,
+ "AccessSpecifier",
+ "AsmDefinition",
+ "BaseClause",
+ "BaseSpecifier",
+ "BinaryExpression",
+ "CastExpression",
+ "ClassMemberAccess",
+ "ClassSpecifier",
+ "CompoundStatement",
+ "Condition",
+ "ConditionalExpression",
+ "CppCastExpression",
+ "CtorInitializer",
+ "DeclarationStatement",
+ "Declarator",
+ "DeleteExpression",
+ "DoStatement",
+ "ElaboratedTypeSpecifier",
+ "EnumSpecifier",
+ "Enumerator",
+ "ExceptionSpecification",
+ "ExpressionOrDeclarationStatement",
+ "ExpressionStatement",
+ "ForStatement",
+ "FunctionCall",
+ "FunctionDefinition",
+ "IfStatement",
+ "IncrDecrExpression",
+ "InitDeclarator",
+ "Initializer",
+ "InitializerClause",
+ "LabeledStatement",
+ "LinkageBody",
+ "LinkageSpecification",
+ "MemInitializer",
+ "Name",
+ "Namespace",
+ "NamespaceAliasDefinition",
+ "NewDeclarator",
+ "NewExpression",
+ "NewInitializer",
+ "NewTypeId",
+ "Operator",
+ "OperatorFunctionId",
+ "ParameterDeclaration",
+ "ParameterDeclarationClause",
+ "PostfixExpression",
+ "PrimaryExpression",
+ "PtrOperator",
+ "PtrToMember",
+ "ReturnStatement",
+ "SimpleDeclaration",
+ "SimpleTypeSpecifier",
+ "SizeofExpression",
+ "StringLiteral",
+ "SubscriptExpression",
+ "SwitchStatement",
+ "TemplateArgument",
+ "TemplateDeclaration",
+ "TemplateParameter",
+ "ThrowExpression",
+ "TranslationUnit",
+ "TryBlockStatement",
+ "TypeId",
+ "TypeIdentification",
+ "TypeParameter",
+ "Typedef",
+ "UnaryExpression",
+ "UnqualifiedName",
+ "Using",
+ "UsingDirective",
+ "WhileStatement",
+ "WinDeclSpec"
+void DumpTree::visit(AST *node)
+ static int indent = 0;
+ if (node)
+ qDebug() << QString(indent * 2, ' ').toLatin1().constData() << names[node->kind]
+ << '[' << node->start_token << ", " << node->end_token << ']';
+ ++indent;
+ DefaultVisitor::visit(node);
+ --indent;
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/dumptree.h b/generator/parser/dumptree.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15af535
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/dumptree.h
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#ifndef DUMPTREE_H
+#define DUMPTREE_H
+#include "default_visitor.h"
+class DumpTree: protected DefaultVisitor
+ DumpTree();
+ void dump(AST *node) { visit(node); }
+ virtual void visit(AST *node);
+#endif // DUMPTREE_H
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/include/stdarg.h b/generator/parser/include/stdarg.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3650f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/include/stdarg.h
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of $PRODUCT$.
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#ifndef __STDARG
+#define __STDARG
+#if !defined(_VA_LIST) && !defined(__VA_LIST_DEFINED)
+#define _VA_LIST
+typedef char *__va_list;
+static float __va_arg_tmp;
+typedef __va_list va_list;
+#define va_start(list, start) ((void)0)
+#define __va_arg(list, mode, n) ((void)0)
+#define _bigendian_va_arg(list, mode, n) ((void)0)
+#define _littleendian_va_arg(list, mode, n) ((void)0)
+#define va_end(list) ((void)0)
+#define va_arg(list, mode) ((void)0)
+typedef void *__gnuc_va_list;
diff --git a/generator/parser/lexer.cpp b/generator/parser/lexer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..455f70d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/lexer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1868 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "lexer.h"
+#include "tokens.h"
+#include "control.h"
+#include <cctype>
+#include <iostream>
+scan_fun_ptr Lexer::s_scan_keyword_table[] = {
+ &Lexer::scanKeyword0, &Lexer::scanKeyword0,
+ &Lexer::scanKeyword2, &Lexer::scanKeyword3,
+ &Lexer::scanKeyword4, &Lexer::scanKeyword5,
+ &Lexer::scanKeyword6, &Lexer::scanKeyword7,
+ &Lexer::scanKeyword8, &Lexer::scanKeyword9,
+ &Lexer::scanKeyword10, &Lexer::scanKeyword11,
+ &Lexer::scanKeyword12, &Lexer::scanKeyword13,
+ &Lexer::scanKeyword14, &Lexer::scanKeyword0,
+ &Lexer::scanKeyword16
+void LocationManager::extract_line(int offset, int *line, QString *filename) const
+ *line = 0;
+ if (token_stream.size () < 1)
+ return;
+ const unsigned char *begin_buffer = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(token_stream[0].text);
+ const unsigned char *cursor = begin_buffer + offset;
+ ++cursor; // skip '#'
+ if (std::isspace(*cursor) && std::isdigit(*(cursor + 1)))
+ {
+ ++cursor;
+ char buffer[1024], *cp = buffer;
+ do {
+ *cp++ = *cursor++;
+ } while (std::isdigit(*cursor));
+ *cp = '\0';
+ int l = strtol(buffer, 0, 0);
+ Q_ASSERT(std::isspace(*cursor));
+ ++cursor;
+ Q_ASSERT(*cursor == '"');
+ ++cursor;
+ cp = buffer;
+ while (*cursor && *cursor != '"') {
+ *cp++ = *cursor++;
+ }
+ *cp = '\0';
+ Q_ASSERT(*cursor == '"');
+ ++cursor;
+ *filename = buffer;
+ *line = l;
+ // printf("filename: %s line: %d\n", buffer, line);
+ }
+void LocationManager::positionAt(std::size_t offset, int *line, int *column,
+ QString *filename) const
+ int ppline, ppcolumn;
+ line_table.positionAt(offset, &ppline, &ppcolumn);
+ int base_line;
+ extract_line((int) line_table[ppline-1], &base_line, filename);
+ int line2, column2;
+ location_table.positionAt((int) line_table[ppline-1], &line2, &column2);
+ location_table.positionAt(offset, line, column);
+ *line = base_line + *line - line2 - 1;
+scan_fun_ptr Lexer::s_scan_table[256];
+bool Lexer::s_initialized = false;
+void Lexer::tokenize(const char *contents, std::size_t size)
+ if (!s_initialized)
+ initialize_scan_table();
+ token_stream.resize(1024);
+ token_stream[0].kind = Token_EOF;
+ token_stream[0].text = contents;
+ index = 1;
+ cursor = (const unsigned char *) contents;
+ begin_buffer = (const unsigned char *) contents;
+ end_buffer = cursor + size;
+ location_table.resize(1024);
+ location_table[0] = 0;
+ location_table.current_line = 1;
+ line_table.resize(1024);
+ line_table[0] = 0;
+ line_table.current_line = 1;
+ do {
+ if (index == token_stream.size())
+ token_stream.resize(token_stream.size() * 2);
+ Token *current_token = &token_stream[(int) index];
+ current_token->text = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(begin_buffer);
+ current_token->position = cursor - begin_buffer;
+ (this->*s_scan_table[*cursor])();
+ current_token->size = cursor - begin_buffer - current_token->position;
+ } while (cursor < end_buffer);
+ if (index == token_stream.size())
+ token_stream.resize(token_stream.size() * 2);
+ Q_ASSERT(index < token_stream.size());
+ token_stream[(int) index].position = cursor - begin_buffer;
+ token_stream[(int) index].kind = Token_EOF;
+void Lexer::reportError(const QString& msg)
+ int line, column;
+ QString fileName;
+ std::size_t tok = token_stream.cursor();
+ _M_location.positionAt(token_stream.position(tok),
+ &line, &column, &fileName);
+ Control::ErrorMessage errmsg;
+ errmsg.setLine(line + 1);
+ errmsg.setColumn(column);
+ errmsg.setFileName(fileName);
+ errmsg.setMessage(QLatin1String("** LEXER ERROR ") + msg);
+ control->reportError(errmsg);
+void Lexer::initialize_scan_table()
+ s_initialized = true;
+ for (int i=0; i<256; ++i)
+ {
+ if (isspace(i))
+ s_scan_table[i] = &Lexer::scan_white_spaces;
+ else if (isalpha(i) || i == '_')
+ s_scan_table[i] = &Lexer::scan_identifier_or_keyword;
+ else if (isdigit(i))
+ s_scan_table[i] = &Lexer::scan_int_constant;
+ else
+ s_scan_table[i] = &Lexer::scan_invalid_input;
+ }
+ s_scan_table[int('L')] = &Lexer::scan_identifier_or_literal;
+ s_scan_table[int('\n')] = &Lexer::scan_newline;
+ s_scan_table[int('#')] = &Lexer::scan_preprocessor;
+ s_scan_table[int('\'')] = &Lexer::scan_char_constant;
+ s_scan_table[int('"')] = &Lexer::scan_string_constant;
+ s_scan_table[int('.')] = &Lexer::scan_int_constant;
+ s_scan_table[int('!')] = &Lexer::scan_not;
+ s_scan_table[int('%')] = &Lexer::scan_remainder;
+ s_scan_table[int('&')] = &Lexer::scan_and;
+ s_scan_table[int('(')] = &Lexer::scan_left_paren;
+ s_scan_table[int(')')] = &Lexer::scan_right_paren;
+ s_scan_table[int('*')] = &Lexer::scan_star;
+ s_scan_table[int('+')] = &Lexer::scan_plus;
+ s_scan_table[int(',')] = &Lexer::scan_comma;
+ s_scan_table[int('-')] = &Lexer::scan_minus;
+ s_scan_table[int('/')] = &Lexer::scan_divide;
+ s_scan_table[int(':')] = &Lexer::scan_colon;
+ s_scan_table[int(';')] = &Lexer::scan_semicolon;
+ s_scan_table[int('<')] = &Lexer::scan_less;
+ s_scan_table[int('=')] = &Lexer::scan_equal;
+ s_scan_table[int('>')] = &Lexer::scan_greater;
+ s_scan_table[int('?')] = &Lexer::scan_question;
+ s_scan_table[int('[')] = &Lexer::scan_left_bracket;
+ s_scan_table[int(']')] = &Lexer::scan_right_bracket;
+ s_scan_table[int('^')] = &Lexer::scan_xor;
+ s_scan_table[int('{')] = &Lexer::scan_left_brace;
+ s_scan_table[int('|')] = &Lexer::scan_or;
+ s_scan_table[int('}')] = &Lexer::scan_right_brace;
+ s_scan_table[int('~')] = &Lexer::scan_tilde;
+ s_scan_table[0] = &Lexer::scan_EOF;
+void Lexer::scan_preprocessor()
+ if (line_table.current_line == line_table.size())
+ line_table.resize(line_table.current_line * 2);
+ line_table[(int) line_table.current_line++] = (cursor - begin_buffer);
+ while (*cursor && *cursor != '\n')
+ ++cursor;
+ if (*cursor != '\n')
+ reportError("expected newline");
+void Lexer::scan_char_constant()
+ const unsigned char *begin = cursor;
+ ++cursor;
+ while (*cursor && *cursor != '\'')
+ {
+ if (*cursor == '\n')
+ reportError("did not expect newline");
+ if (*cursor == '\\')
+ ++cursor;
+ ++cursor;
+ }
+ if (*cursor != '\'')
+ reportError("expected \'");
+ ++cursor;
+ token_stream[(int) index].extra.symbol =
+ control->findOrInsertName((const char*) begin, cursor - begin);
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_char_literal;
+void Lexer::scan_string_constant()
+ const unsigned char *begin = cursor;
+ ++cursor;
+ while (*cursor && *cursor != '"')
+ {
+ if (*cursor == '\n')
+ reportError("did not expect newline");
+ if (*cursor == '\\')
+ ++cursor;
+ ++cursor;
+ }
+ if (*cursor != '"')
+ reportError("expected \"");
+ ++cursor;
+ token_stream[(int) index].extra.symbol =
+ control->findOrInsertName((const char*) begin, cursor - begin);
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_string_literal;
+void Lexer::scan_newline()
+ if (location_table.current_line == location_table.size())
+ location_table.resize(location_table.current_line * 2);
+ location_table[(int) location_table.current_line++] = (cursor - begin_buffer);
+ ++cursor;
+void Lexer::scan_white_spaces()
+ while (isspace(*cursor))
+ {
+ if (*cursor == '\n')
+ scan_newline();
+ else
+ ++cursor;
+ }
+void Lexer::scan_identifier_or_literal()
+ switch (*(cursor + 1))
+ {
+ case '\'':
+ ++cursor;
+ scan_char_constant();
+ break;
+ case '\"':
+ ++cursor;
+ scan_string_constant();
+ break;
+ default:
+ scan_identifier_or_keyword();
+ break;
+ }
+void Lexer::scan_identifier_or_keyword()
+ const unsigned char *skip = cursor;
+ while (isalnum(*skip) || *skip== '_')
+ ++skip;
+ int n = skip - cursor;
+ Token *current_token = &token_stream[(int) index];
+ (this->*s_scan_keyword_table[n < 17 ? n : 0])();
+ if (current_token->kind == Token_identifier)
+ {
+ current_token->extra.symbol =
+ control->findOrInsertName((const char*) cursor, n);
+ }
+ cursor = skip;
+void Lexer::scan_int_constant()
+ if (*cursor == '.' && !std::isdigit(*(cursor + 1)))
+ {
+ scan_dot();
+ return;
+ }
+ const unsigned char *begin = cursor;
+ while (isalnum(*cursor) || *cursor == '.')
+ ++cursor;
+ token_stream[(int) index].extra.symbol =
+ control->findOrInsertName((const char*) begin, cursor - begin);
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_number_literal;
+void Lexer::scan_not()
+ /*
+ '!' ::= not
+ '!=' ::= not_equal
+ */
+ ++cursor;
+ if (*cursor == '=')
+ {
+ ++cursor;
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_not_eq;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = '!';
+ }
+void Lexer::scan_remainder()
+ /*
+ '%' ::= remainder
+ '%=' ::= remainder_equal
+ */
+ ++cursor;
+ if (*cursor == '=')
+ {
+ ++cursor;
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_assign;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = '%';
+ }
+void Lexer::scan_and()
+ /*
+ '&&' ::= and_and
+ '&' ::= and
+ '&=' ::= and_equal
+ */
+ ++cursor;
+ if (*cursor == '=')
+ {
+ ++cursor;
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_assign;
+ }
+ else if (*cursor == '&')
+ {
+ ++cursor;
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_and;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = '&';
+ }
+void Lexer::scan_left_paren()
+ ++cursor;
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = '(';
+void Lexer::scan_right_paren()
+ ++cursor;
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = ')';
+void Lexer::scan_star()
+ /*
+ '*' ::= star
+ '*=' ::= star_equal
+ */
+ ++cursor;
+ if (*cursor == '=')
+ {
+ ++cursor;
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_assign;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = '*';
+ }
+void Lexer::scan_plus()
+ /*
+ '+' ::= plus
+ '++' ::= incr
+ '+=' ::= plus_equal
+ */
+ ++cursor;
+ if (*cursor == '=')
+ {
+ ++cursor;
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_assign;
+ }
+ else if (*cursor == '+')
+ {
+ ++cursor;
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_incr;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = '+';
+ }
+void Lexer::scan_comma()
+ ++cursor;
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = ',';
+void Lexer::scan_minus()
+ /*
+ '-' ::= minus
+ '--' ::= decr
+ '-=' ::= minus_equal
+ '->' ::= left_arrow
+ */
+ ++cursor;
+ if (*cursor == '=')
+ {
+ ++cursor;
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_assign;
+ }
+ else if (*cursor == '-')
+ {
+ ++cursor;
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_decr;
+ }
+ else if (*cursor == '>')
+ {
+ ++cursor;
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_arrow;
+ if (*cursor == '*')
+ {
+ ++cursor;
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_ptrmem;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = '-';
+ }
+void Lexer::scan_dot()
+ /*
+ '.' ::= dot
+ '...' ::= ellipsis
+ */
+ ++cursor;
+ if (*cursor == '.' && *(cursor + 1) == '.')
+ {
+ cursor += 2;
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_ellipsis;
+ }
+ else if (*cursor == '.' && *(cursor + 1) == '*')
+ {
+ cursor += 2;
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_ptrmem;
+ }
+ else
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = '.';
+void Lexer::scan_divide()
+ /*
+ '/' ::= divide
+ '/=' ::= divide_equal
+ */
+ ++cursor;
+ if (*cursor == '=')
+ {
+ ++cursor;
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_assign;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = '/';
+ }
+void Lexer::scan_colon()
+ ++cursor;
+ if (*cursor == ':')
+ {
+ ++cursor;
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_scope;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = ':';
+ }
+void Lexer::scan_semicolon()
+ ++cursor;
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = ';';
+void Lexer::scan_less()
+ /*
+ '<' ::= less
+ '<<' ::= left_shift
+ '<<=' ::= left_shift_equal
+ '<=' ::= less_equal
+ */
+ ++cursor;
+ if (*cursor == '=')
+ {
+ ++cursor;
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_leq;
+ }
+ else if (*cursor == '<')
+ {
+ ++cursor;
+ if (*cursor == '=')
+ {
+ ++cursor;
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_assign;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_shift;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = '<';
+ }
+void Lexer::scan_equal()
+ /*
+ '=' ::= equal
+ '==' ::= equal_equal
+ */
+ ++cursor;
+ if (*cursor == '=')
+ {
+ ++cursor;
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_eq;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = '=';
+ }
+void Lexer::scan_greater()
+ /*
+ '>' ::= greater
+ '>=' ::= greater_equal
+ '>>' ::= right_shift
+ '>>=' ::= right_shift_equal
+ */
+ ++cursor;
+ if (*cursor == '=')
+ {
+ ++cursor;
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_geq;
+ }
+ else if (*cursor == '>')
+ {
+ ++cursor;
+ if (*cursor == '=')
+ {
+ ++cursor;
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_assign;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_shift;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = '>';
+ }
+void Lexer::scan_question()
+ ++cursor;
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = '?';
+void Lexer::scan_left_bracket()
+ ++cursor;
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = '[';
+void Lexer::scan_right_bracket()
+ ++cursor;
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = ']';
+void Lexer::scan_xor()
+ /*
+ '^' ::= xor
+ '^=' ::= xor_equal
+ */
+ ++cursor;
+ if (*cursor == '=')
+ {
+ ++cursor;
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_assign;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = '^';
+ }
+void Lexer::scan_left_brace()
+ ++cursor;
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = '{';
+void Lexer::scan_or()
+ /*
+ '|' ::= or
+ '|=' ::= or_equal
+ '||' ::= or_or
+ */
+ ++cursor;
+ if (*cursor == '=')
+ {
+ ++cursor;
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_assign;
+ }
+ else if (*cursor == '|')
+ {
+ ++cursor;
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_or;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = '|';
+ }
+void Lexer::scan_right_brace()
+ ++cursor;
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = '}';
+void Lexer::scan_tilde()
+ ++cursor;
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = '~';
+void Lexer::scan_EOF()
+ ++cursor;
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_EOF;
+void Lexer::scan_invalid_input()
+ QString errmsg("invalid input: %1");
+ errmsg.arg(int(*cursor));
+ reportError(errmsg);
+ ++cursor;
+void LocationTable::positionAt(std::size_t offset, int max_line,
+ int *line, int *column) const
+ if (!(line && column && max_line != 0))
+ return;
+ int first = 0;
+ int len = max_line;
+ int half;
+ int middle;
+ while (len > 0)
+ {
+ half = len >> 1;
+ middle = first;
+ middle += half;
+ if (lines[middle] < offset)
+ {
+ first = middle;
+ ++first;
+ len = len - half - 1;
+ }
+ else
+ len = half;
+ }
+ *line = std::max(first, 1);
+ *column = (int) (offset - lines[*line - 1] - 1);
+ if (*column < 0)
+ {
+ *column = 0;
+ }
+void Lexer::scanKeyword0()
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_identifier;
+void Lexer::scanKeyword2()
+ switch (*cursor)
+ {
+ case 'i':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'f')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_if;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'o')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_do;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'o':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'r')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_or;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_identifier;
+void Lexer::scanKeyword3()
+ switch (*cursor)
+ {
+ case 'a':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'n' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'd')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_and;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 's' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'm')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_asm;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'f':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'o' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'r')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_for;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'i':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'n' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 't')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_int;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'e' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'w')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_new;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'o' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 't')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_not;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'r' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'y')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_try;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'x':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'o' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'r')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_xor;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_identifier;
+void Lexer::scanKeyword4()
+ switch (*cursor)
+ {
+ case 'a':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'u' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 't' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'o')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_auto;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'c':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'a' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 's' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'e')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_case;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'h' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'a' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'r')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_char;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'b':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'o' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'o' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'l')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_bool;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'e':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'l' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 's' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'e')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_else;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'm' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'i' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 't')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_emit;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'n' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'u' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'm')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_enum;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'g':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'o' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 't' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'o')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_goto;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'l':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'o' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'n' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'g')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_long;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'h' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'i' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 's')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_this;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'o' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'i' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'd')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_void;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_identifier;
+void Lexer::scanKeyword5()
+ switch (*cursor)
+ {
+ case 'c':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'a' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 't' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'c' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'h')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_catch;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'l' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'a' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 's' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 's')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_class;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'o' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'm' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'p' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'l')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_compl;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'o' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'n' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 's' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 't')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_const;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'b':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'i' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 't' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'o' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'r')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_bitor;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'r' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'e' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'a' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'k')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_break;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'f':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'l' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'o' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'a' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 't')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_float;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'o':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'r' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == '_' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'e' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'q')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_or_eq;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'h' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'o' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'r' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 't')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_short;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'l' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'o' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 't' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 's')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_slots;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'u':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'n' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'i' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'o' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'n')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_union;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 's' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'i' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'n' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'g')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_using;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'h' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'r' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'o' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'w')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_throw;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'w':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'h' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'i' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'l' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'e')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_while;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_identifier;
+void Lexer::scanKeyword6()
+ switch (*cursor)
+ {
+ case 'a':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'n' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'd' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == '_' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'e' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 'q')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_and_eq;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'b':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'i' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 't' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'a' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'n' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 'd')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_bitand;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'e':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'x' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'p' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'o' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'r' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 't')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_export;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'x' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 't' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'e' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'r' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 'n')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_extern;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'e' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'l' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'e' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 't' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 'e')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_delete;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'o' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'u' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'b' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'l' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 'e')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_double;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'f':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'r' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'i' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'e' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'n' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 'd')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_friend;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'i':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'n' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'l' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'i' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'n' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 'e')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_inline;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'K':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == '_' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'D' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'C' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'O' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 'P')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_K_DCOP;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'o' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 't' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == '_' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'e' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 'q')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_not_eq;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'p':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'u' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'b' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'l' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'i' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 'c')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_public;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'i' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'g' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'n' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'e' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 'd')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_signed;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'i' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'z' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'e' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'o' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 'f')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_sizeof;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 't' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'a' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 't' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'i' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 'c')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_static;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 't' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'r' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'u' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'c' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 't')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_struct;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'w' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'i' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 't' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'c' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 'h')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_switch;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'e' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 't' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'u' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'r' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 'n')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_return;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'y' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'p' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'e' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'i' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 'd')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_typeid;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'x':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'o' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'r' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == '_' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'e' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 'q')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_xor_eq;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'k':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == '_' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'd' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'c' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'o' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 'p')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_k_dcop;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_identifier;
+void Lexer::scanKeyword7()
+ switch (*cursor)
+ {
+ case 'd':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'e' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'f' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'a' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'u' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 'l' &&
+ *(cursor + 6) == 't')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_default;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'm':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'u' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 't' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'a' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'b' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 'l' &&
+ *(cursor + 6) == 'e')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_mutable;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'p':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'r' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'i' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'v' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'a' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 't' &&
+ *(cursor + 6) == 'e')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_private;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'i' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'g' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'n' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'a' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 'l' &&
+ *(cursor + 6) == 's')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_signals;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'y' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'p' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'e' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'd' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 'e' &&
+ *(cursor + 6) == 'f')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_typedef;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'i' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'r' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 't' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'u' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 'a' &&
+ *(cursor + 6) == 'l')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_virtual;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'Q':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == '_' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'E' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'N' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'U' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 'M' &&
+ *(cursor + 6) == 'S')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_Q_ENUMS;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_identifier;
+void Lexer::scanKeyword8()
+ switch (*cursor)
+ {
+ case '_':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == '_' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 't' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'y' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'p' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 'e' &&
+ *(cursor + 6) == 'o' &&
+ *(cursor + 7) == 'f')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token___typeof;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'c':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'o' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'n' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 't' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'i' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 'n' &&
+ *(cursor + 6) == 'u' &&
+ *(cursor + 7) == 'e')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_continue;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'e':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'x' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'p' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'l' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'i' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 'c' &&
+ *(cursor + 6) == 'i' &&
+ *(cursor + 7) == 't')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_explicit;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'o':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'p' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'e' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'r' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'a' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 't' &&
+ *(cursor + 6) == 'o' &&
+ *(cursor + 7) == 'r')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_operator;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'Q':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == '_' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'O' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'B' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'J' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 'E' &&
+ *(cursor + 6) == 'C' &&
+ *(cursor + 7) == 'T')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_Q_OBJECT;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'e' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'g' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'i' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 's' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 't' &&
+ *(cursor + 6) == 'e' &&
+ *(cursor + 7) == 'r')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_register;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'u':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'n' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 's' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'i' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'g' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 'n' &&
+ *(cursor + 6) == 'e' &&
+ *(cursor + 7) == 'd')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_unsigned;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'e' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'm' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'p' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'l' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 'a' &&
+ *(cursor + 6) == 't' &&
+ *(cursor + 7) == 'e')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_template;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'y' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'p' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'e' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'n' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 'a' &&
+ *(cursor + 6) == 'm' &&
+ *(cursor + 7) == 'e')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_typename;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'o' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'l' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'a' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 't' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 'i' &&
+ *(cursor + 6) == 'l' &&
+ *(cursor + 7) == 'e')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_volatile;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_identifier;
+void Lexer::scanKeyword9()
+ switch (*cursor)
+ {
+ case 'p':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'r' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'o' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 't' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'e' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 'c' &&
+ *(cursor + 6) == 't' &&
+ *(cursor + 7) == 'e' &&
+ *(cursor + 8) == 'd')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_protected;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'a' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'm' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'e' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 's' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 'p' &&
+ *(cursor + 6) == 'a' &&
+ *(cursor + 7) == 'c' &&
+ *(cursor + 8) == 'e')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_namespace;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_identifier;
+void Lexer::scanKeyword10()
+ switch (*cursor)
+ {
+ case 'c':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'o' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'n' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 's' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 't' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == '_' &&
+ *(cursor + 6) == 'c' &&
+ *(cursor + 7) == 'a' &&
+ *(cursor + 8) == 's' &&
+ *(cursor + 9) == 't')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_const_cast;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'Q':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == '_' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'P' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'R' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'O' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 'P' &&
+ *(cursor + 6) == 'E' &&
+ *(cursor + 7) == 'R' &&
+ *(cursor + 8) == 'T' &&
+ *(cursor + 9) == 'Y')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_Q_PROPERTY;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_identifier;
+void Lexer::scanKeyword11()
+ switch (*cursor)
+ {
+ case 'Q':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == '_' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'I' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'N' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'V' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 'O' &&
+ *(cursor + 6) == 'K' &&
+ *(cursor + 7) == 'A' &&
+ *(cursor + 8) == 'B' &&
+ *(cursor + 9) == 'L' &&
+ *(cursor + 10) == 'E')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_Q_INVOKABLE;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 't' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'a' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 't' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'i' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 'c' &&
+ *(cursor + 6) == '_' &&
+ *(cursor + 7) == 'c' &&
+ *(cursor + 8) == 'a' &&
+ *(cursor + 9) == 's' &&
+ *(cursor + 10) == 't')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_static_cast;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_identifier;
+void Lexer::scanKeyword12()
+ switch (*cursor)
+ {
+ case 'd':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'y' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'n' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'a' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'm' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 'i' &&
+ *(cursor + 6) == 'c' &&
+ *(cursor + 7) == '_' &&
+ *(cursor + 8) == 'c' &&
+ *(cursor + 9) == 'a' &&
+ *(cursor + 10) == 's' &&
+ *(cursor + 11) == 't')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_dynamic_cast;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_identifier;
+void Lexer::scanKeyword13()
+ switch (*cursor)
+ {
+ case '_':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == '_' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'a' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 't' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 't' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 'r' &&
+ *(cursor + 6) == 'i' &&
+ *(cursor + 7) == 'b' &&
+ *(cursor + 8) == 'u' &&
+ *(cursor + 9) == 't' &&
+ *(cursor + 10) == 'e' &&
+ *(cursor + 11) == '_' &&
+ *(cursor + 12) == '_')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token___attribute__;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_identifier;
+void Lexer::scanKeyword14()
+ switch (*cursor)
+ {
+ case 'k':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == '_' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'd' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'c' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 'o' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 'p' &&
+ *(cursor + 6) == '_' &&
+ *(cursor + 7) == 's' &&
+ *(cursor + 8) == 'i' &&
+ *(cursor + 9) == 'g' &&
+ *(cursor + 10) == 'n' &&
+ *(cursor + 11) == 'a' &&
+ *(cursor + 12) == 'l' &&
+ *(cursor + 13) == 's')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_k_dcop_signals;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_identifier;
+void Lexer::scanKeyword16()
+ switch (*cursor)
+ {
+ case 'r':
+ if (*(cursor + 1) == 'e' &&
+ *(cursor + 2) == 'i' &&
+ *(cursor + 3) == 'n' &&
+ *(cursor + 4) == 't' &&
+ *(cursor + 5) == 'e' &&
+ *(cursor + 6) == 'r' &&
+ *(cursor + 7) == 'p' &&
+ *(cursor + 8) == 'r' &&
+ *(cursor + 9) == 'e' &&
+ *(cursor + 10) == 't' &&
+ *(cursor + 11) == '_' &&
+ *(cursor + 12) == 'c' &&
+ *(cursor + 13) == 'a' &&
+ *(cursor + 14) == 's' &&
+ *(cursor + 15) == 't')
+ {
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_reinterpret_cast;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ token_stream[(int) index++].kind = Token_identifier;
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/lexer.h b/generator/parser/lexer.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d25224
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/lexer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#ifndef LEXER_H
+#define LEXER_H
+#include "symbol.h"
+#include <QtCore/QString>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cassert>
+struct NameSymbol;
+class Lexer;
+class Control;
+typedef void (Lexer::*scan_fun_ptr)();
+class Token
+ int kind;
+ std::size_t position;
+ std::size_t size;
+ char const *text;
+ union
+ {
+ const NameSymbol *symbol;
+ std::size_t right_brace;
+ } extra;
+class LocationTable
+ LocationTable(const LocationTable &source);
+ void operator = (const LocationTable &source);
+ inline LocationTable(std::size_t size = 1024)
+ : lines(0),
+ line_count(0),
+ current_line(0)
+ {
+ resize(size);
+ }
+ inline ~LocationTable()
+ {
+ free(lines);
+ }
+ inline std::size_t size() const
+ { return line_count; }
+ void resize(std::size_t size)
+ {
+ Q_ASSERT(size > 0);
+ lines = (std::size_t*) ::realloc(lines, sizeof(std::size_t) * size);
+ line_count = size;
+ }
+ void positionAt(std::size_t offset, int *line, int *column) const
+ { positionAt(offset, (int) current_line, line, column); }
+ void positionAt(std::size_t offset, int max_line, int *line, int *column) const;
+ inline std::size_t &operator[](int index)
+ { return lines[index]; }
+ std::size_t *lines;
+ std::size_t line_count;
+ std::size_t current_line;
+ friend class Lexer;
+class TokenStream
+ TokenStream(const TokenStream &);
+ void operator = (const TokenStream &);
+ inline TokenStream(std::size_t size = 1024)
+ : tokens(0),
+ index(0),
+ token_count(0)
+ {
+ resize(size);
+ }
+ inline ~TokenStream()
+ { ::free(tokens); }
+ inline std::size_t size() const
+ { return token_count; }
+ inline std::size_t cursor() const
+ { return index; }
+ inline void rewind(int i)
+ { index = i; }
+ void resize(std::size_t size)
+ {
+ Q_ASSERT(size > 0);
+ tokens = (Token*) ::realloc(tokens, sizeof(Token) * size);
+ token_count = size;
+ }
+ inline std::size_t nextToken()
+ { return index++; }
+ inline int lookAhead(std::size_t i = 0) const
+ { return tokens[index + i].kind; }
+ inline int kind(std::size_t i) const
+ { return tokens[i].kind; }
+ inline std::size_t position(std::size_t i) const
+ { return tokens[i].position; }
+ inline const NameSymbol *symbol(std::size_t i) const
+ { return tokens[i].extra.symbol; }
+ inline std::size_t matchingBrace(std::size_t i) const
+ { return tokens[i].extra.right_brace; }
+ inline Token &operator[](int index)
+ { return tokens[index]; }
+ inline const Token &token(int index) const
+ { return tokens[index]; }
+ Token *tokens;
+ std::size_t index;
+ std::size_t token_count;
+ friend class Lexer;
+class LocationManager
+ LocationManager(LocationManager const &__other);
+ void operator = (LocationManager const &__other);
+ LocationManager (TokenStream &__token_stream,
+ LocationTable &__location_table,
+ LocationTable &__line_table):
+ token_stream (__token_stream),
+ location_table (__location_table),
+ line_table (__line_table) {}
+ void positionAt(std::size_t offset, int *line, int *column,
+ QString *filename) const;
+ void extract_line(int offset, int *line, QString *filename) const;
+ TokenStream &token_stream;
+ LocationTable &location_table;
+ LocationTable &line_table;
+class Lexer
+ Lexer(LocationManager &__location, Control *__control):
+ _M_location(__location),
+ token_stream(_M_location.token_stream),
+ location_table(_M_location.location_table),
+ line_table(_M_location.line_table),
+ control(__control) {}
+ void tokenize(const char *contents, std::size_t size);
+ LocationManager &_M_location;
+ TokenStream &token_stream;
+ LocationTable &location_table;
+ LocationTable &line_table;
+ void reportError(const QString& msg);
+ void initialize_scan_table();
+ void scan_newline();
+ void scan_white_spaces();
+ void scan_identifier_or_keyword();
+ void scan_identifier_or_literal();
+ void scan_int_constant();
+ void scan_char_constant();
+ void scan_string_constant();
+ void scan_invalid_input();
+ void scan_preprocessor();
+ // keywords
+ void scanKeyword0();
+ void scanKeyword2();
+ void scanKeyword3();
+ void scanKeyword4();
+ void scanKeyword5();
+ void scanKeyword6();
+ void scanKeyword7();
+ void scanKeyword8();
+ void scanKeyword9();
+ void scanKeyword10();
+ void scanKeyword11();
+ void scanKeyword12();
+ void scanKeyword13();
+ void scanKeyword14();
+ void scanKeyword16();
+ // operators
+ void scan_not();
+ void scan_remainder();
+ void scan_and();
+ void scan_left_paren();
+ void scan_right_paren();
+ void scan_star();
+ void scan_plus();
+ void scan_comma();
+ void scan_minus();
+ void scan_dot();
+ void scan_divide();
+ void scan_colon();
+ void scan_semicolon();
+ void scan_less();
+ void scan_equal();
+ void scan_greater();
+ void scan_question();
+ void scan_left_bracket();
+ void scan_right_bracket();
+ void scan_xor();
+ void scan_left_brace();
+ void scan_or();
+ void scan_right_brace();
+ void scan_tilde();
+ void scan_EOF();
+ Control *control;
+ const unsigned char *cursor;
+ const unsigned char *begin_buffer;
+ const unsigned char *end_buffer;
+ std::size_t index;
+ static scan_fun_ptr s_scan_table[];
+ static scan_fun_ptr s_scan_keyword_table[];
+ static bool s_initialized;
+#endif // LEXER_H
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/list.cpp b/generator/parser/list.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a67072f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/list.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "list.h"
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/list.h b/generator/parser/list.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e25a6d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/list.h
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#ifndef FASTLIST_H
+#define FASTLIST_H
+#include "smallobject.h"
+template <typename Tp>
+struct ListNode
+ Tp element;
+ int index;
+ mutable const ListNode<Tp> *next;
+ static ListNode *create(const Tp &element, pool *p)
+ {
+ ListNode<Tp> *node = new (p->allocate(sizeof(ListNode))) ListNode();
+ node->element = element;
+ node->index = 0;
+ node->next = node;
+ return node;
+ }
+ static ListNode *create(const ListNode *n1, const Tp &element, pool *p)
+ {
+ ListNode<Tp> *n2 = ListNode::create(element, p);
+ n2->index = n1->index + 1;
+ n2->next = n1->next;
+ n1->next = n2;
+ return n2;
+ }
+ inline ListNode<Tp>() { }
+ inline const ListNode<Tp> *at(int index) const
+ {
+ const ListNode<Tp> *node = this;
+ while (index != node->index)
+ node = node->next;
+ return node;
+ }
+ inline bool hasNext() const
+ { return index < next->index; }
+ inline int count() const
+ { return 1 + toBack()->index; }
+ inline const ListNode<Tp> *toFront() const
+ { return toBack()->next; }
+ inline const ListNode<Tp> *toBack() const
+ {
+ const ListNode<Tp> *node = this;
+ while (node->hasNext())
+ node = node->next;
+ return node;
+ }
+template <class Tp>
+inline const ListNode<Tp> *snoc(const ListNode<Tp> *list,
+ const Tp &element, pool *p)
+ if (!list)
+ return ListNode<Tp>::create(element, p);
+ return ListNode<Tp>::create(list->toBack(), element, p);
+#endif // FASTLIST_H
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/name_compiler.cpp b/generator/parser/name_compiler.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf6c000
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/name_compiler.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "name_compiler.h"
+#include "type_compiler.h"
+#include "declarator_compiler.h"
+#include "lexer.h"
+#include "symbol.h"
+#include "binder.h"
+#include <QtCore/qdebug.h>
+NameCompiler::NameCompiler(Binder *binder)
+ : _M_binder (binder), _M_token_stream (binder->tokenStream ())
+QString NameCompiler::decode_operator(std::size_t index) const
+ const Token &tk = _M_token_stream->token((int) index);
+ return QString::fromUtf8(&tk.text[tk.position], (int) tk.size);
+QString NameCompiler::internal_run(AST *node)
+ _M_name.clear();
+ visit(node);
+ return name();
+void NameCompiler::visitUnqualifiedName(UnqualifiedNameAST *node)
+ QString tmp_name;
+ if (node->tilde)
+ tmp_name += QLatin1String("~");
+ if (node->id)
+ tmp_name += _M_token_stream->symbol(node->id)->as_string();
+ if (OperatorFunctionIdAST *op_id = node->operator_id)
+ {
+#if defined(__GNUC__)
+#warning "NameCompiler::visitUnqualifiedName() -- implement me"
+ if (op_id->op && op_id->op->op)
+ {
+ tmp_name += QLatin1String("operator");
+ tmp_name += decode_operator(op_id->op->op);
+ if (op_id->op->close)
+ tmp_name += decode_operator(op_id->op->close);
+ }
+ else if (op_id->type_specifier)
+ {
+#if defined(__GNUC__)
+#warning "don't use an hardcoded string as cast' name"
+ Token const &tk = _M_token_stream->token ((int) op_id->start_token);
+ Token const &end_tk = _M_token_stream->token ((int) op_id->end_token);
+ tmp_name += QString::fromLatin1 (&tk.text[tk.position],
+ (int) (end_tk.position - tk.position)).trimmed ();
+ }
+ }
+ _M_name += tmp_name;
+ if (node->template_arguments)
+ {
+ // ### cleanup
+ _M_name.last() += QLatin1String("<");
+ visitNodes(this, node->template_arguments);
+ _M_name.last().truncate(_M_name.last().count() - 1); // remove the last ','
+ _M_name.last() += QLatin1String(">");
+ }
+void NameCompiler::visitTemplateArgument(TemplateArgumentAST *node)
+ if (node->type_id && node->type_id->type_specifier)
+ {
+ TypeCompiler type_cc(_M_binder);
+ DeclaratorCompiler decl_cc(_M_binder);
+ if (type_cc.isConstant())
+ _M_name.last() += "const ";
+ QStringList q = type_cc.qualifiedName ();
+ if (q.count () == 1)
+ {
+#if defined (RXX_RESOLVE_TYPEDEF) // ### it'll break :(
+ TypeInfo tp;
+ tp.setQualifiedName (q);
+ tp = TypeInfo::resolveType (tp, _M_binder->currentScope ()->toItem ());
+ q = tp.qualifiedName ();
+ if (CodeModelItem item = _M_binder->model ()->findItem (q, _M_binder->currentScope ()->toItem ()))
+ {
+ if (item->name () == q.last ())
+ q = item->qualifiedName ();
+ }
+ }
+ _M_name.last() += q.join("::");
+ if (decl_cc.isReference())
+ _M_name.last() += "&";
+ if (decl_cc.indirection())
+ _M_name.last() += QString(decl_cc.indirection(), '*');
+ _M_name.last() += QLatin1String(",");
+ }
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/name_compiler.h b/generator/parser/name_compiler.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0e0272
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/name_compiler.h
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "default_visitor.h"
+#include <QtCore/QStringList>
+class TokenStream;
+class Binder;
+class NameCompiler: protected DefaultVisitor
+ NameCompiler(Binder *binder);
+ void run(NameAST *node) { internal_run(node); }
+ void run(UnqualifiedNameAST *node) { internal_run(node); }
+ QString name() const { return _M_name.join("::"); }
+ QStringList qualifiedName() const { return _M_name; }
+ virtual void visitUnqualifiedName(UnqualifiedNameAST *node);
+ virtual void visitTemplateArgument(TemplateArgumentAST *node);
+ QString internal_run(AST *node);
+ QString decode_operator(std::size_t index) const;
+ Binder *_M_binder;
+ TokenStream *_M_token_stream;
+ QStringList _M_name;
+#endif // NAME_COMPILER_H
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/parser.cpp b/generator/parser/parser.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f9e227
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/parser.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,4420 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+// c++ support
+#include "parser.h"
+#include "tokens.h"
+#include "lexer.h"
+#include "control.h"
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <iostream>
+#define ADVANCE(tk, descr) \
+{ \
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() != tk) { \
+ tokenRequiredError(tk); \
+ return false; \
+ } \
+ token_stream.nextToken(); \
+#define ADVANCE_NR(tk, descr) \
+ do { \
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() != tk) { \
+ tokenRequiredError(tk); \
+ } \
+ else \
+ token_stream.nextToken(); \
+ } while (0)
+#define CHECK(tk) \
+ do { \
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() != tk) { \
+ return false; \
+ } \
+ token_stream.nextToken(); \
+ } while (0)
+#define UPDATE_POS(_node, start, end) \
+ do { \
+ (_node)->start_token = start; \
+ (_node)->end_token = end; \
+ } while (0)
+Parser::Parser(Control *c)
+ : _M_location(token_stream, location_table, line_table),
+ control(c),
+ lexer(_M_location, control)
+ _M_block_errors = false;
+void Parser::advance()
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+TranslationUnitAST *Parser::parse(const char *contents,
+ std::size_t size, pool *p)
+ _M_block_errors = false;
+ _M_pool = p;
+ lexer.tokenize(contents, size);
+ token_stream.nextToken(); // skip the first token
+ Lexer *oldLexer = control->changeLexer (&lexer);
+ Parser *oldParser = control->changeParser (this);
+ TranslationUnitAST *ast = 0;
+ parseTranslationUnit(ast);
+ control->changeLexer (oldLexer);
+ control->changeParser (oldParser);
+ return ast;
+bool Parser::parseWinDeclSpec(WinDeclSpecAST *&node)
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() != Token_identifier)
+ return false;
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ const NameSymbol *name_symbol = token_stream.symbol(token_stream.cursor());
+ QString name = name_symbol->as_string();
+ if (name != QLatin1String("__declspec"))
+ return false;
+ std::size_t specifier = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() != '(')
+ return false;
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() != Token_identifier)
+ return false;
+ std::size_t modifier = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() != ')')
+ return false;
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ node = CreateNode<WinDeclSpecAST>(_M_pool);
+ node->specifier = specifier;
+ node->modifier = modifier;
+ UPDATE_POS(node, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ return true;
+void Parser::tokenRequiredError(int token)
+ QString err;
+ err += "expected token ";
+ err += "``";
+ err += token_name(token);
+ err += "'' found ``";
+ err += token_name(token_stream.lookAhead());
+ err += "''";
+ reportError(err);
+void Parser::syntaxError()
+ QString err;
+ err += "unexpected token ";
+ err += "``";
+ err += token_name(token_stream.lookAhead());
+ err += "''";
+ reportError(err);
+void Parser::reportError(const QString& msg)
+ if (!_M_block_errors)
+ {
+ int line, column;
+ QString fileName;
+ std::size_t tok = token_stream.cursor();
+ location().positionAt(token_stream.position(tok),
+ &line, &column, &fileName);
+ Control::ErrorMessage errmsg;
+ errmsg.setLine(line + 1);
+ errmsg.setColumn(column);
+ errmsg.setFileName(fileName);
+ errmsg.setMessage(QLatin1String("** PARSER ERROR ") + msg);
+ control->reportError(errmsg);
+ }
+bool Parser::skipUntil(int token)
+ while (token_stream.lookAhead())
+ {
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == token)
+ return true;
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ }
+ return false;
+bool Parser::skipUntilDeclaration()
+ while (token_stream.lookAhead())
+ {
+ switch(token_stream.lookAhead())
+ {
+ case ';':
+ case '~':
+ case Token_scope:
+ case Token_identifier:
+ case Token_operator:
+ case Token_char:
+ case Token_wchar_t:
+ case Token_bool:
+ case Token_short:
+ case Token_int:
+ case Token_long:
+ case Token_signed:
+ case Token_unsigned:
+ case Token_float:
+ case Token_double:
+ case Token_void:
+ case Token_extern:
+ case Token_namespace:
+ case Token_using:
+ case Token_typedef:
+ case Token_asm:
+ case Token_template:
+ case Token_export:
+ case Token_const: // cv
+ case Token_volatile: // cv
+ case Token_public:
+ case Token_protected:
+ case Token_private:
+ case Token_signals: // Qt
+ case Token_slots: // Qt
+ return true;
+ default:
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool Parser::skipUntilStatement()
+ while (token_stream.lookAhead())
+ {
+ switch(token_stream.lookAhead())
+ {
+ case ';':
+ case '{':
+ case '}':
+ case Token_const:
+ case Token_volatile:
+ case Token_identifier:
+ case Token_case:
+ case Token_default:
+ case Token_if:
+ case Token_switch:
+ case Token_while:
+ case Token_do:
+ case Token_for:
+ case Token_break:
+ case Token_continue:
+ case Token_return:
+ case Token_goto:
+ case Token_try:
+ case Token_catch:
+ case Token_throw:
+ case Token_char:
+ case Token_wchar_t:
+ case Token_bool:
+ case Token_short:
+ case Token_int:
+ case Token_long:
+ case Token_signed:
+ case Token_unsigned:
+ case Token_float:
+ case Token_double:
+ case Token_void:
+ case Token_class:
+ case Token_struct:
+ case Token_union:
+ case Token_enum:
+ case Token_scope:
+ case Token_template:
+ case Token_using:
+ return true;
+ default:
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool Parser::skip(int l, int r)
+ int count = 0;
+ while (token_stream.lookAhead())
+ {
+ int tk = token_stream.lookAhead();
+ if (tk == l)
+ ++count;
+ else if (tk == r)
+ --count;
+ else if (l != '{' && (tk == '{' || tk == '}' || tk == ';'))
+ return false;
+ if (count == 0)
+ return true;
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ }
+ return false;
+bool Parser::parseName(NameAST *&node, bool acceptTemplateId)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ WinDeclSpecAST *winDeclSpec = 0;
+ parseWinDeclSpec(winDeclSpec);
+ NameAST *ast = CreateNode<NameAST>(_M_pool);
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_scope)
+ {
+ ast->global = true;
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ }
+ std::size_t idx = token_stream.cursor();
+ while (true)
+ {
+ UnqualifiedNameAST *n = 0;
+ if (!parseUnqualifiedName(n))
+ return false;
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_scope)
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ ast->qualified_names
+ = snoc(ast->qualified_names, n, _M_pool);
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_template)
+ {
+ /// skip optional template #### @todo CHECK
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Q_ASSERT(n != 0);
+ if (!acceptTemplateId)
+ {
+ token_stream.rewind((int) n->start_token);
+ parseUnqualifiedName(n, false);
+ }
+ ast->unqualified_name = n;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (idx == token_stream.cursor())
+ return false;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseTranslationUnit(TranslationUnitAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ TranslationUnitAST *ast = CreateNode<TranslationUnitAST>(_M_pool);
+ while (token_stream.lookAhead())
+ {
+ std::size_t startDecl = token_stream.cursor();
+ DeclarationAST *declaration = 0;
+ if (parseDeclaration(declaration))
+ {
+ ast->declarations =
+ snoc(ast->declarations, declaration, _M_pool);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // error recovery
+ if (startDecl == token_stream.cursor())
+ {
+ // skip at least one token
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ }
+ skipUntilDeclaration();
+ }
+ }
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseDeclaration(DeclarationAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ switch(token_stream.lookAhead())
+ {
+ case ';':
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ return true;
+ case Token_extern:
+ return parseLinkageSpecification(node);
+ case Token_namespace:
+ return parseNamespace(node);
+ case Token_using:
+ return parseUsing(node);
+ case Token_typedef:
+ return parseTypedef(node);
+ case Token_asm:
+ return parseAsmDefinition(node);
+ case Token_Q_ENUMS:
+ return parseQ_ENUMS(node);
+ case Token_template:
+ case Token_export:
+ return parseTemplateDeclaration(node);
+ default:
+ {
+ const ListNode<std::size_t> *cv = 0;
+ parseCvQualify(cv);
+ const ListNode<std::size_t> *storageSpec = 0;
+ parseStorageClassSpecifier(storageSpec);
+ parseCvQualify(cv);
+ TypeSpecifierAST *spec = 0;
+ if (parseEnumSpecifier(spec)
+ || parseClassSpecifier(spec)
+ || parseForwardDeclarationSpecifier(spec))
+ {
+ parseCvQualify(cv);
+ spec->cv = cv;
+ const ListNode<InitDeclaratorAST*> *declarators = 0;
+ parseInitDeclaratorList(declarators);
+ ADVANCE(';', ";");
+ SimpleDeclarationAST *ast =
+ CreateNode<SimpleDeclarationAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->storage_specifiers = storageSpec;
+ ast->type_specifier = spec;
+ ast->init_declarators = declarators;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ } // end switch
+ token_stream.rewind((int) start);
+ return parseDeclarationInternal(node);
+bool Parser::parseLinkageSpecification(DeclarationAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ CHECK(Token_extern);
+ LinkageSpecificationAST *ast = CreateNode<LinkageSpecificationAST>(_M_pool);
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_string_literal)
+ {
+ ast->extern_type = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ }
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == '{')
+ {
+ parseLinkageBody(ast->linkage_body);
+ }
+ else if (!parseDeclaration(ast->declaration))
+ {
+ reportError(("Declaration syntax error"));
+ }
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseLinkageBody(LinkageBodyAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ CHECK('{');
+ LinkageBodyAST *ast = CreateNode<LinkageBodyAST>(_M_pool);
+ while (token_stream.lookAhead())
+ {
+ int tk = token_stream.lookAhead();
+ if (tk == '}')
+ break;
+ std::size_t startDecl = token_stream.cursor();
+ DeclarationAST *declaration = 0;
+ if (parseDeclaration(declaration))
+ {
+ ast->declarations = snoc(ast->declarations, declaration, _M_pool);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // error recovery
+ if (startDecl == token_stream.cursor())
+ {
+ // skip at least one token
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ }
+ skipUntilDeclaration();
+ }
+ }
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() != '}')
+ reportError(("} expected"));
+ else
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseNamespace(DeclarationAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ CHECK(Token_namespace);
+ std::size_t namespace_name = 0;
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_identifier)
+ {
+ namespace_name = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ }
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == '=')
+ {
+ // namespace alias
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ NameAST *name = 0;
+ if (parseName(name))
+ {
+ ADVANCE(';', ";");
+ NamespaceAliasDefinitionAST *ast
+ = CreateNode<NamespaceAliasDefinitionAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->namespace_name = namespace_name;
+ ast->alias_name = name;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ reportError(("namespace expected"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (token_stream.lookAhead() != '{')
+ {
+ reportError(("{ expected"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ NamespaceAST *ast = CreateNode<NamespaceAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->namespace_name = namespace_name;
+ parseLinkageBody(ast->linkage_body);
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseUsing(DeclarationAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ CHECK(Token_using);
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_namespace)
+ return parseUsingDirective(node);
+ UsingAST *ast = CreateNode<UsingAST>(_M_pool);
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_typename)
+ {
+ ast->type_name = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ }
+ if (!parseName(ast->name))
+ return false;
+ ADVANCE(';', ";");
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseUsingDirective(DeclarationAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ CHECK(Token_namespace);
+ NameAST *name = 0;
+ if (!parseName(name))
+ {
+ reportError(("Namespace name expected"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ ADVANCE(';', ";");
+ UsingDirectiveAST *ast = CreateNode<UsingDirectiveAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->name = name;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseOperatorFunctionId(OperatorFunctionIdAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ CHECK(Token_operator);
+ OperatorFunctionIdAST *ast = CreateNode<OperatorFunctionIdAST>(_M_pool);
+ if (!parseOperator(ast->op))
+ {
+ ast->op = 0;
+ // parse cast operator
+ const ListNode<std::size_t> *cv = 0;
+ parseCvQualify(cv);
+ if (!parseSimpleTypeSpecifier(ast->type_specifier))
+ {
+ syntaxError();
+ return false;
+ }
+ parseCvQualify(cv);
+ ast->type_specifier->cv = cv;
+ PtrOperatorAST *ptr_op = 0;
+ while (parsePtrOperator(ptr_op))
+ ast->ptr_ops = snoc(ast->ptr_ops, ptr_op, _M_pool);
+ }
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseTemplateArgumentList(const ListNode<TemplateArgumentAST*> *&node,
+ bool reportError)
+ TemplateArgumentAST *templArg = 0;
+ if (!parseTemplateArgument(templArg))
+ return false;
+ node = snoc(node, templArg, _M_pool);
+ while (token_stream.lookAhead() == ',')
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ if (!parseTemplateArgument(templArg))
+ {
+ if (reportError)
+ {
+ syntaxError();
+ break;
+ }
+ node = 0;
+ return false;
+ }
+ node = snoc(node, templArg, _M_pool);
+ }
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseTypedef(DeclarationAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ CHECK(Token_typedef);
+ TypeSpecifierAST *spec = 0;
+ if (!parseTypeSpecifierOrClassSpec(spec))
+ {
+ reportError(("Need a type specifier to declare"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ const ListNode<InitDeclaratorAST*> *declarators = 0;
+ if (!parseInitDeclaratorList(declarators))
+ {
+ //reportError(("Need an identifier to declare"));
+ //return false;
+ }
+ ADVANCE(';', ";");
+ TypedefAST *ast = CreateNode<TypedefAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->type_specifier = spec;
+ ast->init_declarators = declarators;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseAsmDefinition(DeclarationAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ ADVANCE(Token_asm, "asm");
+ const ListNode<std::size_t> *cv = 0;
+ parseCvQualify(cv);
+#if defined(__GNUC__)
+#warning "implement me"
+ skip('(', ')');
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ ADVANCE(';', ";");
+ AsmDefinitionAST *ast = CreateNode<AsmDefinitionAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->cv = cv;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseTemplateDeclaration(DeclarationAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ std::size_t exported = 0;
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_export)
+ {
+ exported = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ }
+ CHECK(Token_template);
+ const ListNode<TemplateParameterAST*> *params = 0;
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == '<')
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ parseTemplateParameterList(params);
+ ADVANCE('>', ">");
+ }
+ DeclarationAST *declaration = 0;
+ if (!parseDeclaration(declaration))
+ {
+ reportError(("expected a declaration"));
+ }
+ TemplateDeclarationAST *ast = CreateNode<TemplateDeclarationAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->exported = exported;
+ ast->template_parameters = params;
+ ast->declaration = declaration;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseOperator(OperatorAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ OperatorAST *ast = CreateNode<OperatorAST>(_M_pool);
+ switch(token_stream.lookAhead())
+ {
+ case Token_new:
+ case Token_delete:
+ {
+ ast->op = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == '['
+ && token_stream.lookAhead(1) == ']')
+ {
+ ast->open = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ ast->close = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case '+':
+ case '-':
+ case '*':
+ case '/':
+ case '%':
+ case '^':
+ case '&':
+ case '|':
+ case '~':
+ case '!':
+ case '=':
+ case '<':
+ case '>':
+ case ',':
+ case Token_assign:
+ case Token_shift:
+ case Token_eq:
+ case Token_not_eq:
+ case Token_leq:
+ case Token_geq:
+ case Token_and:
+ case Token_or:
+ case Token_incr:
+ case Token_decr:
+ case Token_ptrmem:
+ case Token_arrow:
+ ast->op = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == '('
+ && token_stream.lookAhead(1) == ')')
+ {
+ ast->op = ast->open = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ ast->close = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ }
+ else if (token_stream.lookAhead() == '['
+ && token_stream.lookAhead(1) == ']')
+ {
+ ast->op = ast->open = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ ast->close = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseCvQualify(const ListNode<std::size_t> *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ int tk;
+ while (0 != (tk = token_stream.lookAhead())
+ && (tk == Token_const || tk == Token_volatile))
+ {
+ node = snoc(node, token_stream.cursor(), _M_pool);
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ }
+ return start != token_stream.cursor();
+bool Parser::parseSimpleTypeSpecifier(TypeSpecifierAST *&node,
+ bool onlyIntegral)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ bool isIntegral = false;
+ bool done = false;
+ const ListNode<std::size_t> *integrals = 0;
+ while (!done)
+ {
+ switch(token_stream.lookAhead())
+ {
+ case Token_char:
+ case Token_wchar_t:
+ case Token_bool:
+ case Token_short:
+ case Token_int:
+ case Token_long:
+ case Token_signed:
+ case Token_unsigned:
+ case Token_float:
+ case Token_double:
+ case Token_void:
+ integrals = snoc(integrals, token_stream.cursor(), _M_pool);
+ isIntegral = true;
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ break;
+ default:
+ done = true;
+ }
+ }
+ SimpleTypeSpecifierAST *ast = CreateNode<SimpleTypeSpecifierAST>(_M_pool);
+ if (isIntegral)
+ {
+ ast->integrals = integrals;
+ }
+ else if (token_stream.lookAhead() == Token___typeof)
+ {
+ ast->type_of = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == '(')
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ std::size_t saved = token_stream.cursor();
+ parseTypeId(ast->type_id);
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() != ')')
+ {
+ ast->type_id = 0;
+ token_stream.rewind((int) saved);
+ parseUnaryExpression(ast->expression);
+ }
+ ADVANCE(')', ")");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ parseUnaryExpression(ast->expression);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (onlyIntegral)
+ {
+ token_stream.rewind((int) start);
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!parseName(ast->name, true))
+ {
+ ast->name = 0;
+ token_stream.rewind((int) start);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parsePtrOperator(PtrOperatorAST *&node)
+ int tk = token_stream.lookAhead();
+ if (tk != '&' && tk != '*'
+ && tk != Token_scope && tk != Token_identifier)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ PtrOperatorAST *ast = CreateNode<PtrOperatorAST>(_M_pool);
+ switch (token_stream.lookAhead())
+ {
+ case '&':
+ case '*':
+ ast->op = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ break;
+ case Token_scope:
+ case Token_identifier:
+ {
+ if (!parsePtrToMember(ast->mem_ptr))
+ {
+ token_stream.rewind((int) start);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ Q_ASSERT(0);
+ break;
+ }
+ parseCvQualify(ast->cv);
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseTemplateArgument(TemplateArgumentAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ TypeIdAST *typeId = 0;
+ ExpressionAST *expr = 0;
+ if (!parseTypeId(typeId) || (token_stream.lookAhead() != ','
+ && token_stream.lookAhead() != '>'))
+ {
+ token_stream.rewind((int) start);
+ if (!parseLogicalOrExpression(expr, true))
+ return false;
+ }
+ TemplateArgumentAST *ast = CreateNode<TemplateArgumentAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->type_id = typeId;
+ ast->expression = expr;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseTypeSpecifier(TypeSpecifierAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ const ListNode<std::size_t> *cv = 0;
+ parseCvQualify(cv);
+ TypeSpecifierAST *ast = 0;
+ if (!parseElaboratedTypeSpecifier(ast) && !parseSimpleTypeSpecifier(ast))
+ {
+ token_stream.rewind((int) start);
+ return false;
+ }
+ parseCvQualify(cv);
+ ast->cv = cv;
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseDeclarator(DeclaratorAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ DeclaratorAST *ast = CreateNode<DeclaratorAST>(_M_pool);
+ DeclaratorAST *decl = 0;
+ NameAST *declId = 0;
+ PtrOperatorAST *ptrOp = 0;
+ while (parsePtrOperator(ptrOp))
+ {
+ ast->ptr_ops = snoc(ast->ptr_ops, ptrOp, _M_pool);
+ }
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == '(')
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ if (!parseDeclarator(decl))
+ return false;
+ ast->sub_declarator = decl;
+ CHECK(')');
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == ':')
+ {
+ // unnamed bitfield
+ }
+ else if (parseName(declId, true))
+ {
+ ast->id = declId;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ token_stream.rewind((int) start);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == ':')
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ if (!parseConstantExpression(ast->bit_expression))
+ {
+ reportError(("Constant expression expected"));
+ }
+ goto update_pos;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ bool isVector = true;
+ while (token_stream.lookAhead() == '[')
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ ExpressionAST *expr = 0;
+ parseCommaExpression(expr);
+ ADVANCE(']', "]");
+ ast->array_dimensions = snoc(ast->array_dimensions, expr, _M_pool);
+ isVector = true;
+ }
+ bool skipParen = false;
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_identifier
+ && token_stream.lookAhead(1) == '('
+ && token_stream.lookAhead(2) == '(')
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ skipParen = true;
+ }
+ int tok = token_stream.lookAhead();
+ if (ast->sub_declarator
+ && !(isVector || tok == '(' || tok == ','
+ || tok == ';' || tok == '='))
+ {
+ token_stream.rewind((int) start);
+ return false;
+ }
+ std::size_t index = token_stream.cursor();
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == '(')
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ ParameterDeclarationClauseAST *params = 0;
+ if (!parseParameterDeclarationClause(params))
+ {
+ token_stream.rewind((int) index);
+ goto update_pos;
+ }
+ ast->parameter_declaration_clause = params;
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() != ')')
+ {
+ token_stream.rewind((int) index);
+ goto update_pos;
+ }
+ token_stream.nextToken(); // skip ')'
+ parseCvQualify(ast->fun_cv);
+ parseExceptionSpecification(ast->exception_spec);
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == Token___attribute__)
+ {
+ parse_Attribute__();
+ }
+ }
+ if (skipParen)
+ {
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() != ')')
+ {
+ reportError(("')' expected"));
+ }
+ else
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ }
+ }
+ update_pos:
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseAbstractDeclarator(DeclaratorAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ DeclaratorAST *ast = CreateNode<DeclaratorAST>(_M_pool);
+ DeclaratorAST *decl = 0;
+ PtrOperatorAST *ptrOp = 0;
+ while (parsePtrOperator(ptrOp))
+ {
+ ast->ptr_ops = snoc(ast->ptr_ops, ptrOp, _M_pool);
+ }
+ int index = (int) token_stream.cursor();
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == '(')
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ if (!parseAbstractDeclarator(decl))
+ {
+ token_stream.rewind((int) index);
+ goto label1;
+ }
+ ast->sub_declarator = decl;
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() != ')')
+ {
+ token_stream.rewind((int) start);
+ return false;
+ }
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ }
+ else if (token_stream.lookAhead() == ':')
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ if (!parseConstantExpression(ast->bit_expression))
+ {
+ ast->bit_expression = 0;
+ reportError(("Constant expression expected"));
+ }
+ goto update_pos;
+ }
+ label1:
+ {
+ bool isVector = true;
+ while (token_stream.lookAhead() == '[')
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ ExpressionAST *expr = 0;
+ parseCommaExpression(expr);
+ ADVANCE(']', "]");
+ ast->array_dimensions = snoc(ast->array_dimensions, expr, _M_pool);
+ isVector = true;
+ }
+ int tok = token_stream.lookAhead();
+ if (ast->sub_declarator
+ && !(isVector || tok == '(' || tok == ','
+ || tok == ';' || tok == '='))
+ {
+ token_stream.rewind((int) start);
+ return false;
+ }
+ int index = (int) token_stream.cursor();
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == '(')
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ ParameterDeclarationClauseAST *params = 0;
+ if (!parseParameterDeclarationClause(params))
+ {
+ token_stream.rewind((int) index);
+ goto update_pos;
+ }
+ ast->parameter_declaration_clause = params;
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() != ')')
+ {
+ token_stream.rewind((int) index);
+ goto update_pos;
+ }
+ token_stream.nextToken(); // skip ')'
+ parseCvQualify(ast->fun_cv);
+ parseExceptionSpecification(ast->exception_spec);
+ }
+ }
+ update_pos:
+ if (token_stream.cursor() == start)
+ return false;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseEnumSpecifier(TypeSpecifierAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ CHECK(Token_enum);
+ NameAST *name = 0;
+ parseName(name);
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() != '{')
+ {
+ token_stream.rewind((int) start);
+ return false;
+ }
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ EnumSpecifierAST *ast = CreateNode<EnumSpecifierAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->name = name;
+ EnumeratorAST *enumerator = 0;
+ if (parseEnumerator(enumerator))
+ {
+ ast->enumerators = snoc(ast->enumerators, enumerator, _M_pool);
+ while (token_stream.lookAhead() == ',')
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ if (!parseEnumerator(enumerator))
+ {
+ //reportError(("Enumerator expected"));
+ break;
+ }
+ ast->enumerators = snoc(ast->enumerators, enumerator, _M_pool);
+ }
+ }
+ ADVANCE_NR('}', "}");
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseTemplateParameterList(const ListNode<TemplateParameterAST*> *&node)
+ TemplateParameterAST *param = 0;
+ if (!parseTemplateParameter(param))
+ return false;
+ node = snoc(node, param, _M_pool);
+ while (token_stream.lookAhead() == ',')
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ if (!parseTemplateParameter(param))
+ {
+ syntaxError();
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ node = snoc(node, param, _M_pool);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseTemplateParameter(TemplateParameterAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ TemplateParameterAST *ast = CreateNode<TemplateParameterAST>(_M_pool);
+ int tk = token_stream.lookAhead();
+ if ((tk == Token_class || tk == Token_typename || tk == Token_template)
+ && parseTypeParameter(ast->type_parameter))
+ {
+ // nothing to do
+ }
+ else if (!parseParameterDeclaration(ast->parameter_declaration))
+ return false;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseTypeParameter(TypeParameterAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ TypeParameterAST *ast = CreateNode<TypeParameterAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->type = start;
+ switch(token_stream.lookAhead())
+ {
+ case Token_class:
+ case Token_typename:
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken(); // skip class
+ // parse optional name
+ if(parseName(ast->name, true))
+ {
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == '=')
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ if(!parseTypeId(ast->type_id))
+ {
+ //syntaxError();
+ token_stream.rewind((int) start);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (token_stream.lookAhead() != ','
+ && token_stream.lookAhead() != '>')
+ {
+ token_stream.rewind((int) start);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case Token_template:
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken(); // skip template
+ ADVANCE('<', "<");
+ if (!parseTemplateParameterList(ast->template_parameters))
+ return false;
+ ADVANCE('>', ">");
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_class)
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ // parse optional name
+ if (parseName(ast->name, true))
+ {
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == '=')
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ if (!parseTypeId(ast->type_id))
+ {
+ syntaxError();
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == '=')
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ parseName(ast->template_name, true);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ } // end switch
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseStorageClassSpecifier(const ListNode<std::size_t> *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ int tk;
+ while (0 != (tk = token_stream.lookAhead())
+ && (tk == Token_friend || tk == Token_auto
+ || tk == Token_register || tk == Token_static
+ || tk == Token_extern || tk == Token_mutable))
+ {
+ node = snoc(node, token_stream.cursor(), _M_pool);
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ }
+ return start != token_stream.cursor();
+bool Parser::parseFunctionSpecifier(const ListNode<std::size_t> *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ int tk;
+ while (0 != (tk = token_stream.lookAhead())
+ && (tk == Token_inline || tk == Token_virtual
+ || tk == Token_explicit || tk == Token_Q_INVOKABLE))
+ {
+ node = snoc(node, token_stream.cursor(), _M_pool);
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ }
+ return start != token_stream.cursor();
+bool Parser::parseTypeId(TypeIdAST *&node)
+ /// @todo implement the AST for typeId
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ TypeSpecifierAST *spec = 0;
+ if (!parseTypeSpecifier(spec))
+ {
+ token_stream.rewind((int) start);
+ return false;
+ }
+ DeclaratorAST *decl = 0;
+ parseAbstractDeclarator(decl);
+ TypeIdAST *ast = CreateNode<TypeIdAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->type_specifier = spec;
+ ast->declarator = decl;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseInitDeclaratorList(const ListNode<InitDeclaratorAST*> *&node)
+ InitDeclaratorAST *decl = 0;
+ if (!parseInitDeclarator(decl))
+ return false;
+ node = snoc(node, decl, _M_pool);
+ while (token_stream.lookAhead() == ',')
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ if (!parseInitDeclarator(decl))
+ {
+ syntaxError();
+ break;
+ }
+ node = snoc(node, decl, _M_pool);
+ }
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseParameterDeclarationClause(ParameterDeclarationClauseAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ ParameterDeclarationClauseAST *ast
+ = CreateNode<ParameterDeclarationClauseAST>(_M_pool);
+ if (!parseParameterDeclarationList(ast->parameter_declarations))
+ {
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == ')')
+ goto good;
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_ellipsis
+ && token_stream.lookAhead(1) == ')')
+ {
+ ast->ellipsis = token_stream.cursor();
+ goto good;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ good:
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_ellipsis)
+ {
+ ast->ellipsis = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ }
+ /// @todo add ellipsis
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseParameterDeclarationList(const ListNode<ParameterDeclarationAST*> *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ ParameterDeclarationAST *param = 0;
+ if (!parseParameterDeclaration(param))
+ {
+ token_stream.rewind((int) start);
+ return false;
+ }
+ node = snoc(node, param, _M_pool);
+ while (token_stream.lookAhead() == ',')
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_ellipsis)
+ break;
+ if (!parseParameterDeclaration(param))
+ {
+ token_stream.rewind((int) start);
+ return false;
+ }
+ node = snoc(node, param, _M_pool);
+ }
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseParameterDeclaration(ParameterDeclarationAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ const ListNode<std::size_t> *storage = 0;
+ parseStorageClassSpecifier(storage);
+ // parse decl spec
+ TypeSpecifierAST *spec = 0;
+ if (!parseTypeSpecifier(spec))
+ {
+ token_stream.rewind((int) start);
+ return false;
+ }
+ int index = (int) token_stream.cursor();
+ DeclaratorAST *decl = 0;
+ if (!parseDeclarator(decl))
+ {
+ token_stream.rewind((int) index);
+ // try with abstract declarator
+ parseAbstractDeclarator(decl);
+ }
+ ExpressionAST *expr = 0;
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == '=')
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ if (!parseLogicalOrExpression(expr,true))
+ {
+ //reportError(("Expression expected"));
+ }
+ }
+ ParameterDeclarationAST *ast = CreateNode<ParameterDeclarationAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->type_specifier = spec;
+ ast->declarator = decl;
+ ast->expression = expr;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parse_Attribute__() {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ ADVANCE('(', "(");
+ ExpressionAST *expr = 0;
+ parseExpression(expr);
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() != ')')
+ {
+ reportError(("')' expected"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ }
+ return true;
+QString Parser::tokenText(AST *ast) const
+ if (ast == 0) return QString();
+ int start_token = ast->start_token;
+ int end_token = ast->end_token;
+ Token const &tk = token_stream.token (start_token);
+ Token const &end_tk = token_stream.token(end_token);
+ return QString::fromLatin1 (&tk.text[tk.position],(int) (end_tk.position - tk.position)).trimmed();
+bool Parser::parseForwardDeclarationSpecifier(TypeSpecifierAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ int kind = token_stream.lookAhead();
+ if (kind != Token_class && kind != Token_struct && kind != Token_union)
+ return false;
+ std::size_t class_key = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ NameAST *name = 0;
+ if (!parseName(name, false)) {
+ token_stream.rewind((int) start);
+ return false;
+ }
+ BaseClauseAST *bases = 0;
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == ':')
+ {
+ if (!parseBaseClause(bases))
+ {
+ token_stream.rewind((int) start);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() != ';')
+ {
+ token_stream.rewind((int) start);
+ return false;
+ }
+ ForwardDeclarationSpecifierAST *ast = CreateNode<ForwardDeclarationSpecifierAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->class_key = class_key;
+ ast->name = name;
+ ast->base_clause = bases;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseClassSpecifier(TypeSpecifierAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ int kind = token_stream.lookAhead();
+ if (kind != Token_class && kind != Token_struct && kind != Token_union)
+ return false;
+ std::size_t class_key = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ WinDeclSpecAST *winDeclSpec = 0;
+ parseWinDeclSpec(winDeclSpec);
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == Token___attribute__) {
+ parse_Attribute__();
+ }
+ while (token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_identifier
+ && token_stream.lookAhead(1) == Token_identifier)
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ }
+ NameAST *name = 0;
+ parseName(name, true);
+ BaseClauseAST *bases = 0;
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == ':')
+ {
+ if (!parseBaseClause(bases))
+ {
+ skipUntil('{');
+ }
+ }
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() != '{')
+ {
+ token_stream.rewind((int) start);
+ return false;
+ }
+ ADVANCE('{', "{");
+ ClassSpecifierAST *ast = CreateNode<ClassSpecifierAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->win_decl_specifiers = winDeclSpec;
+ ast->class_key = class_key;
+ ast->name = name;
+ ast->base_clause = bases;
+ while (token_stream.lookAhead())
+ {
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == '}')
+ break;
+ std::size_t startDecl = token_stream.cursor();
+ DeclarationAST *memSpec = 0;
+ if (!parseMemberSpecification(memSpec))
+ {
+ if (startDecl == token_stream.cursor())
+ token_stream.nextToken(); // skip at least one token
+ skipUntilDeclaration();
+ }
+ else
+ ast->member_specs = snoc(ast->member_specs, memSpec, _M_pool);
+ }
+ ADVANCE_NR('}', "}");
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseAccessSpecifier(DeclarationAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ const ListNode<std::size_t> *specs = 0;
+ bool done = false;
+ while (!done)
+ {
+ switch(token_stream.lookAhead())
+ {
+ case Token_signals:
+ case Token_slots:
+ case Token_k_dcop:
+ case Token_k_dcop_signals:
+ case Token_public:
+ case Token_protected:
+ case Token_private:
+ specs = snoc(specs, token_stream.cursor(), _M_pool);
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ break;
+ default:
+ done = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!specs)
+ return false;
+ ADVANCE(':', ":");
+ AccessSpecifierAST *ast = CreateNode<AccessSpecifierAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->specs = specs;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseMemberSpecification(DeclarationAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == ';')
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_Q_OBJECT || token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_K_DCOP)
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (parseTypedef(node))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (parseUsing(node))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (parseTemplateDeclaration(node))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (parseAccessSpecifier(node))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (parseQ_PROPERTY(node))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (parseQ_ENUMS(node))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ token_stream.rewind((int) start);
+ const ListNode<std::size_t> *cv = 0;
+ parseCvQualify(cv);
+ const ListNode<std::size_t> *storageSpec = 0;
+ parseStorageClassSpecifier(storageSpec);
+ parseCvQualify(cv);
+ TypeSpecifierAST *spec = 0;
+ if (parseEnumSpecifier(spec) || parseClassSpecifier(spec))
+ {
+ parseCvQualify(cv);
+ spec->cv = cv;
+ const ListNode<InitDeclaratorAST*> *declarators = 0;
+ parseInitDeclaratorList(declarators);
+ ADVANCE(';', ";");
+ SimpleDeclarationAST *ast = CreateNode<SimpleDeclarationAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->type_specifier = spec;
+ ast->init_declarators = declarators;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+ }
+ token_stream.rewind((int) start);
+ return parseDeclarationInternal(node);
+bool Parser::parseCtorInitializer(CtorInitializerAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ CHECK(':');
+ CtorInitializerAST *ast = CreateNode<CtorInitializerAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->colon = start;
+ if (!parseMemInitializerList(ast->member_initializers))
+ {
+ reportError(("Member initializers expected"));
+ }
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseElaboratedTypeSpecifier(TypeSpecifierAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ int tk = token_stream.lookAhead();
+ if (tk == Token_class ||
+ tk == Token_struct ||
+ tk == Token_union ||
+ tk == Token_enum ||
+ tk == Token_typename)
+ {
+ std::size_t type = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ NameAST *name = 0;
+ if (parseName(name, true))
+ {
+ ElaboratedTypeSpecifierAST *ast
+ = CreateNode<ElaboratedTypeSpecifierAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->type = type;
+ ast->name = name;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ token_stream.rewind((int) start);
+ return false;
+bool Parser::parseExceptionSpecification(ExceptionSpecificationAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ CHECK(Token_throw);
+ ADVANCE('(', "(");
+ ExceptionSpecificationAST *ast
+ = CreateNode<ExceptionSpecificationAST>(_M_pool);
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_ellipsis)
+ {
+ ast->ellipsis = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ parseTypeIdList(ast->type_ids);
+ }
+ ADVANCE(')', ")");
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseEnumerator(EnumeratorAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ CHECK(Token_identifier);
+ std::size_t id = token_stream.cursor() - 1;
+ EnumeratorAST *ast = CreateNode<EnumeratorAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->id = id;
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == '=')
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ if (!parseConstantExpression(ast->expression))
+ {
+ reportError(("Constant expression expected"));
+ }
+ }
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseInitDeclarator(InitDeclaratorAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ DeclaratorAST *decl = 0;
+ if (!parseDeclarator(decl))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead(0) == Token_asm)
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ skip('(', ')');
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ }
+ InitializerAST *init = 0;
+ parseInitializer(init);
+ InitDeclaratorAST *ast = CreateNode<InitDeclaratorAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->declarator = decl;
+ ast->initializer = init;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseBaseClause(BaseClauseAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ CHECK(':');
+ BaseSpecifierAST *baseSpec = 0;
+ if (!parseBaseSpecifier(baseSpec))
+ return false;
+ BaseClauseAST *ast = CreateNode<BaseClauseAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->base_specifiers = snoc(ast->base_specifiers, baseSpec, _M_pool);
+ while (token_stream.lookAhead() == ',')
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ if (!parseBaseSpecifier(baseSpec))
+ {
+ reportError(("Base class specifier expected"));
+ break;
+ }
+ ast->base_specifiers = snoc(ast->base_specifiers, baseSpec, _M_pool);
+ }
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseInitializer(InitializerAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ int tk = token_stream.lookAhead();
+ if (tk != '=' && tk != '(')
+ return false;
+ InitializerAST *ast = CreateNode<InitializerAST>(_M_pool);
+ if (tk == '=')
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ if (!parseInitializerClause(ast->initializer_clause))
+ {
+ reportError(("Initializer clause expected"));
+ }
+ }
+ else if (tk == '(')
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ parseCommaExpression(ast->expression);
+ CHECK(')');
+ }
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseMemInitializerList(const ListNode<MemInitializerAST*> *&node)
+ MemInitializerAST *init = 0;
+ if (!parseMemInitializer(init))
+ return false;
+ node = snoc(node, init, _M_pool);
+ while (token_stream.lookAhead() == ',')
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ if (!parseMemInitializer(init))
+ break;
+ node = snoc(node, init, _M_pool);
+ }
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseMemInitializer(MemInitializerAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ NameAST *initId = 0;
+ if (!parseName(initId, true))
+ {
+ reportError(("Identifier expected"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ ADVANCE('(', "(");
+ ExpressionAST *expr = 0;
+ parseCommaExpression(expr);
+ ADVANCE(')', ")");
+ MemInitializerAST *ast = CreateNode<MemInitializerAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->initializer_id = initId;
+ ast->expression = expr;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseTypeIdList(const ListNode<TypeIdAST*> *&node)
+ TypeIdAST *typeId = 0;
+ if (!parseTypeId(typeId))
+ return false;
+ node = snoc(node, typeId, _M_pool);
+ while (token_stream.lookAhead() == ',')
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ if (parseTypeId(typeId))
+ {
+ node = snoc(node, typeId, _M_pool);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ reportError(("Type id expected"));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseBaseSpecifier(BaseSpecifierAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ BaseSpecifierAST *ast = CreateNode<BaseSpecifierAST>(_M_pool);
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_virtual)
+ {
+ ast->virt = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ int tk = token_stream.lookAhead();
+ if (tk == Token_public || tk == Token_protected
+ || tk == Token_private)
+ {
+ ast->access_specifier = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int tk = token_stream.lookAhead();
+ if (tk == Token_public || tk == Token_protected
+ || tk == Token_private)
+ {
+ ast->access_specifier = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ }
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_virtual)
+ {
+ ast->virt = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ }
+ }
+ if (!parseName(ast->name, true))
+ reportError(("Class name expected"));
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseInitializerClause(InitializerClauseAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ InitializerClauseAST *ast = CreateNode<InitializerClauseAST>(_M_pool);
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == '{')
+ {
+#if defined(__GNUC__)
+#warning "implement me"
+ if (skip('{','}'))
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ else
+ reportError(("} missing"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!parseAssignmentExpression(ast->expression))
+ {
+ //reportError(("Expression expected"));
+ }
+ }
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parsePtrToMember(PtrToMemberAST *&node)
+#if defined(__GNUC__)
+#warning "implemente me (AST)"
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ std::size_t global_scope = 0;
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_scope)
+ {
+ global_scope = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ }
+ UnqualifiedNameAST *name = 0;
+ while (token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_identifier)
+ {
+ if (!parseUnqualifiedName(name))
+ break;
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_scope
+ && token_stream.lookAhead(1) == '*')
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ PtrToMemberAST *ast = CreateNode<PtrToMemberAST>(_M_pool);
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_scope)
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ }
+ token_stream.rewind((int) start);
+ return false;
+bool Parser::parseUnqualifiedName(UnqualifiedNameAST *&node,
+ bool parseTemplateId)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ std::size_t tilde = 0;
+ std::size_t id = 0;
+ OperatorFunctionIdAST *operator_id = 0;
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_identifier)
+ {
+ id = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ }
+ else if (token_stream.lookAhead() == '~'
+ && token_stream.lookAhead(1) == Token_identifier)
+ {
+ tilde = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken(); // skip ~
+ id = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken(); // skip classname
+ }
+ else if (token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_operator)
+ {
+ if (!parseOperatorFunctionId(operator_id))
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ UnqualifiedNameAST *ast = CreateNode<UnqualifiedNameAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->tilde = tilde;
+ ast->id = id;
+ ast->operator_id = operator_id;
+ if (parseTemplateId && !tilde)
+ {
+ std::size_t index = token_stream.cursor();
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == '<')
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ // optional template arguments
+ parseTemplateArgumentList(ast->template_arguments);
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == '>')
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ast->template_arguments = 0;
+ token_stream.rewind((int) index);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseStringLiteral(StringLiteralAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() != Token_string_literal)
+ return false;
+ StringLiteralAST *ast = CreateNode<StringLiteralAST>(_M_pool);
+ while (token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_string_literal)
+ {
+ ast->literals = snoc(ast->literals, token_stream.cursor(), _M_pool);
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ }
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseExpressionStatement(StatementAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ ExpressionAST *expr = 0;
+ parseCommaExpression(expr);
+ ADVANCE(';', ";");
+ ExpressionStatementAST *ast = CreateNode<ExpressionStatementAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->expression = expr;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseStatement(StatementAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ switch(token_stream.lookAhead())
+ {
+ case Token_while:
+ return parseWhileStatement(node);
+ case Token_do:
+ return parseDoStatement(node);
+ case Token_for:
+ return parseForStatement(node);
+ case Token_if:
+ return parseIfStatement(node);
+ case Token_switch:
+ return parseSwitchStatement(node);
+ case Token_try:
+ return parseTryBlockStatement(node);
+ case Token_case:
+ case Token_default:
+ return parseLabeledStatement(node);
+ case Token_break:
+ case Token_continue:
+#if defined(__GNUC__)
+#warning "implement me"
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ ADVANCE(';', ";");
+ return true;
+ case Token_goto:
+#if defined(__GNUC__)
+#warning "implement me"
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ ADVANCE(Token_identifier, "identifier");
+ ADVANCE(';', ";");
+ return true;
+ case Token_return:
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ ExpressionAST *expr = 0;
+ parseCommaExpression(expr);
+ ADVANCE(';', ";");
+ ReturnStatementAST *ast = CreateNode<ReturnStatementAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->expression = expr;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ }
+ return true;
+ case '{':
+ return parseCompoundStatement(node);
+ case Token_identifier:
+ if (parseLabeledStatement(node))
+ return true;
+ break;
+ }
+ return parseExpressionOrDeclarationStatement(node);
+bool Parser::parseExpressionOrDeclarationStatement(StatementAST *&node)
+ bool blocked = block_errors(true);
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ StatementAST *decl_ast = 0;
+ bool maybe_amb = parseDeclarationStatement(decl_ast);
+ maybe_amb &= token_stream.kind(token_stream.cursor() - 1) == ';';
+ std::size_t end = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.rewind((int) start);
+ StatementAST *expr_ast = 0;
+ maybe_amb &= parseExpressionStatement(expr_ast);
+ maybe_amb &= token_stream.kind(token_stream.cursor() - 1) == ';';
+ if (maybe_amb)
+ {
+ Q_ASSERT(decl_ast != 0 && expr_ast != 0);
+ ExpressionOrDeclarationStatementAST *ast
+ = CreateNode<ExpressionOrDeclarationStatementAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->declaration = decl_ast;
+ ast->expression = expr_ast;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ token_stream.rewind((int) std::max(end, token_stream.cursor()));
+ node = decl_ast;
+ if (!node)
+ node = expr_ast;
+ }
+ block_errors(blocked);
+ if (!node)
+ syntaxError();
+ return node != 0;
+bool Parser::parseCondition(ConditionAST *&node, bool initRequired)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ ConditionAST *ast = CreateNode<ConditionAST>(_M_pool);
+ TypeSpecifierAST *spec = 0;
+ if (parseTypeSpecifier(spec))
+ {
+ ast->type_specifier = spec;
+ std::size_t declarator_start = token_stream.cursor();
+ DeclaratorAST *decl = 0;
+ if (!parseDeclarator(decl))
+ {
+ token_stream.rewind((int) declarator_start);
+ if (!initRequired && !parseAbstractDeclarator(decl))
+ decl = 0;
+ }
+ if (decl && (!initRequired || token_stream.lookAhead() == '='))
+ {
+ ast->declarator = decl;
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == '=')
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ parseExpression(ast->expression);
+ }
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ token_stream.rewind((int) start);
+ if (!parseCommaExpression(ast->expression))
+ return false;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseWhileStatement(StatementAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ ADVANCE(Token_while, "while");
+ ADVANCE('(' , "(");
+ ConditionAST *cond = 0;
+ if (!parseCondition(cond))
+ {
+ reportError(("condition expected"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ ADVANCE(')', ")");
+ StatementAST *body = 0;
+ if (!parseStatement(body))
+ {
+ reportError(("statement expected"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ WhileStatementAST *ast = CreateNode<WhileStatementAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->condition = cond;
+ ast->statement = body;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseDoStatement(StatementAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ ADVANCE(Token_do, "do");
+ StatementAST *body = 0;
+ if (!parseStatement(body))
+ {
+ reportError(("statement expected"));
+ //return false;
+ }
+ ADVANCE_NR(Token_while, "while");
+ ADVANCE_NR('(' , "(");
+ ExpressionAST *expr = 0;
+ if (!parseCommaExpression(expr))
+ {
+ reportError(("expression expected"));
+ //return false;
+ }
+ ADVANCE_NR(')', ")");
+ ADVANCE_NR(';', ";");
+ DoStatementAST *ast = CreateNode<DoStatementAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->statement = body;
+ ast->expression = expr;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseForStatement(StatementAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ ADVANCE(Token_for, "for");
+ ADVANCE('(', "(");
+ StatementAST *init = 0;
+ if (!parseForInitStatement(init))
+ {
+ reportError(("for initialization expected"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ ConditionAST *cond = 0;
+ parseCondition(cond);
+ ADVANCE(';', ";");
+ ExpressionAST *expr = 0;
+ parseCommaExpression(expr);
+ ADVANCE(')', ")");
+ StatementAST *body = 0;
+ if (!parseStatement(body))
+ return false;
+ ForStatementAST *ast = CreateNode<ForStatementAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->init_statement = init;
+ ast->condition = cond;
+ ast->expression = expr;
+ ast->statement = body;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseForInitStatement(StatementAST *&node)
+ if (parseDeclarationStatement(node))
+ return true;
+ return parseExpressionStatement(node);
+bool Parser::parseCompoundStatement(StatementAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ CHECK('{');
+ CompoundStatementAST *ast = CreateNode<CompoundStatementAST>(_M_pool);
+ while (token_stream.lookAhead())
+ {
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == '}')
+ break;
+ std::size_t startStmt = token_stream.cursor();
+ StatementAST *stmt = 0;
+ if (!parseStatement(stmt))
+ {
+ if (startStmt == token_stream.cursor())
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ skipUntilStatement();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ast->statements = snoc(ast->statements, stmt, _M_pool);
+ }
+ }
+ ADVANCE_NR('}', "}");
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseIfStatement(StatementAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ ADVANCE(Token_if, "if");
+ ADVANCE('(' , "(");
+ IfStatementAST *ast = CreateNode<IfStatementAST>(_M_pool);
+ ConditionAST *cond = 0;
+ if (!parseCondition(cond))
+ {
+ reportError(("condition expected"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ ADVANCE(')', ")");
+ StatementAST *stmt = 0;
+ if (!parseStatement(stmt))
+ {
+ reportError(("statement expected"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ ast->condition = cond;
+ ast->statement = stmt;
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_else)
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ if (!parseStatement(ast->else_statement))
+ {
+ reportError(("statement expected"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseSwitchStatement(StatementAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ ADVANCE(Token_switch, "switch");
+ ADVANCE('(' , "(");
+ ConditionAST *cond = 0;
+ if (!parseCondition(cond))
+ {
+ reportError(("condition expected"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ ADVANCE(')', ")");
+ StatementAST *stmt = 0;
+ if (!parseCompoundStatement(stmt))
+ {
+ syntaxError();
+ return false;
+ }
+ SwitchStatementAST *ast = CreateNode<SwitchStatementAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->condition = cond;
+ ast->statement = stmt;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseLabeledStatement(StatementAST *&node)
+ switch(token_stream.lookAhead())
+ {
+ case Token_identifier:
+ case Token_default:
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead(1) == ':')
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ StatementAST *stmt = 0;
+ if (parseStatement(stmt))
+ {
+ node = stmt;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case Token_case:
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ ExpressionAST *expr = 0;
+ if (!parseConstantExpression(expr))
+ {
+ reportError(("expression expected"));
+ }
+ else if (token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_ellipsis)
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ ExpressionAST *expr2 = 0;
+ if (!parseConstantExpression(expr2))
+ {
+ reportError(("expression expected"));
+ }
+ }
+ ADVANCE(':', ":");
+ StatementAST *stmt = 0;
+ if (parseStatement(stmt))
+ {
+ node = stmt;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool Parser::parseBlockDeclaration(DeclarationAST *&node)
+ switch(token_stream.lookAhead())
+ {
+ case Token_typedef:
+ return parseTypedef(node);
+ case Token_using:
+ return parseUsing(node);
+ case Token_asm:
+ return parseAsmDefinition(node);
+ case Token_namespace:
+ return parseNamespaceAliasDefinition(node);
+ }
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ const ListNode<std::size_t> *cv = 0;
+ parseCvQualify(cv);
+ const ListNode<std::size_t> *storageSpec = 0;
+ parseStorageClassSpecifier(storageSpec);
+ parseCvQualify(cv);
+ TypeSpecifierAST *spec = 0;
+ if (!parseTypeSpecifierOrClassSpec(spec))
+ { // replace with simpleTypeSpecifier?!?!
+ token_stream.rewind((int) start);
+ return false;
+ }
+ parseCvQualify(cv);
+ spec->cv = cv;
+ const ListNode<InitDeclaratorAST*> *declarators = 0;
+ parseInitDeclaratorList(declarators);
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() != ';')
+ {
+ token_stream.rewind((int) start);
+ return false;
+ }
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ SimpleDeclarationAST *ast = CreateNode<SimpleDeclarationAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->type_specifier = spec;
+ ast->init_declarators = declarators;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseNamespaceAliasDefinition(DeclarationAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ CHECK(Token_namespace);
+ NamespaceAliasDefinitionAST *ast
+ = CreateNode<NamespaceAliasDefinitionAST>(_M_pool);
+ ADVANCE(Token_identifier, "identifier");
+ ast->namespace_name = token_stream.cursor() - 1;
+ ADVANCE('=', "=");
+ if (!parseName(ast->alias_name))
+ {
+ reportError(("Namespace name expected"));
+ }
+ ADVANCE(';', ";");
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseDeclarationStatement(StatementAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ DeclarationAST *decl = 0;
+ if (!parseBlockDeclaration(decl))
+ return false;
+ DeclarationStatementAST *ast = CreateNode<DeclarationStatementAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->declaration = decl;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseDeclarationInternal(DeclarationAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ // that is for the case '__declspec(dllexport) int ...' or
+ // '__declspec(dllexport) inline int ...', etc.
+ WinDeclSpecAST *winDeclSpec = 0;
+ parseWinDeclSpec(winDeclSpec);
+ const ListNode<std::size_t> *funSpec = 0;
+ bool hasFunSpec = parseFunctionSpecifier(funSpec);
+ const ListNode<std::size_t> *cv = 0;
+ parseCvQualify(cv);
+ const ListNode<std::size_t> *storageSpec = 0;
+ bool hasStorageSpec = parseStorageClassSpecifier(storageSpec);
+ if (hasStorageSpec && !hasFunSpec)
+ hasFunSpec = parseFunctionSpecifier(funSpec);
+ // that is for the case 'friend __declspec(dllexport) ....'
+ parseWinDeclSpec(winDeclSpec);
+ if (!cv)
+ parseCvQualify(cv);
+ int index = (int) token_stream.cursor();
+ NameAST *name = 0;
+ if (parseName(name, true) && token_stream.lookAhead() == '(')
+ {
+ // no type specifier, maybe a constructor or a cast operator??
+ token_stream.rewind((int) index);
+ InitDeclaratorAST *declarator = 0;
+ if (parseInitDeclarator(declarator))
+ {
+ switch(token_stream.lookAhead())
+ {
+ case ';':
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ SimpleDeclarationAST *ast
+ = CreateNode<SimpleDeclarationAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->storage_specifiers = storageSpec;
+ ast->function_specifiers = funSpec;
+ ast->init_declarators = snoc(ast->init_declarators,
+ declarator, _M_pool);
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ }
+ return true;
+ case ':':
+ {
+ CtorInitializerAST *ctorInit = 0;
+ StatementAST *funBody = 0;
+ if (parseCtorInitializer(ctorInit)
+ && parseFunctionBody(funBody))
+ {
+ FunctionDefinitionAST *ast
+ = CreateNode<FunctionDefinitionAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->storage_specifiers = storageSpec;
+ ast->function_specifiers = funSpec;
+ ast->init_declarator = declarator;
+ ast->function_body = funBody;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case '{':
+ {
+ StatementAST *funBody = 0;
+ if (parseFunctionBody(funBody))
+ {
+ FunctionDefinitionAST *ast
+ = CreateNode<FunctionDefinitionAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->storage_specifiers = storageSpec;
+ ast->function_specifiers = funSpec;
+ ast->init_declarator = declarator;
+ ast->function_body = funBody;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case '(':
+ case '[':
+ // ops!! it seems a declarator
+ goto start_decl;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ start_decl:
+ token_stream.rewind((int) index);
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_const
+ && token_stream.lookAhead(1) == Token_identifier
+ && token_stream.lookAhead(2) == '=')
+ {
+ // constant definition
+ token_stream.nextToken(); // skip const
+ const ListNode<InitDeclaratorAST*> *declarators = 0;
+ if (!parseInitDeclaratorList(declarators))
+ {
+ syntaxError();
+ return false;
+ }
+ ADVANCE(';', ";");
+#if defined(__GNUC__)
+#warning "mark the ast as constant"
+ SimpleDeclarationAST *ast = CreateNode<SimpleDeclarationAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->init_declarators = declarators;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+ }
+ TypeSpecifierAST *spec = 0;
+ if (parseTypeSpecifier(spec))
+ {
+ Q_ASSERT(spec != 0);
+ if (!hasFunSpec)
+ parseFunctionSpecifier(funSpec); // e.g. "void inline"
+ spec->cv = cv;
+ const ListNode<InitDeclaratorAST*> *declarators = 0;
+ InitDeclaratorAST *decl = 0;
+ int startDeclarator = (int) token_stream.cursor();
+ bool maybeFunctionDefinition = false;
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() != ';')
+ {
+ if (parseInitDeclarator(decl) && token_stream.lookAhead() == '{')
+ {
+ // function definition
+ maybeFunctionDefinition = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ token_stream.rewind((int) startDeclarator);
+ if (!parseInitDeclaratorList(declarators))
+ {
+ syntaxError();
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ switch(token_stream.lookAhead())
+ {
+ case ';':
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ SimpleDeclarationAST *ast
+ = CreateNode<SimpleDeclarationAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->storage_specifiers = storageSpec;
+ ast->function_specifiers = funSpec;
+ ast->type_specifier = spec;
+ ast->win_decl_specifiers = winDeclSpec;
+ ast->init_declarators = declarators;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ }
+ return true;
+ case '{':
+ {
+ if (!maybeFunctionDefinition)
+ {
+ syntaxError();
+ return false;
+ }
+ StatementAST *funBody = 0;
+ if (parseFunctionBody(funBody))
+ {
+ FunctionDefinitionAST *ast
+ = CreateNode<FunctionDefinitionAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->win_decl_specifiers = winDeclSpec;
+ ast->storage_specifiers = storageSpec;
+ ast->function_specifiers = funSpec;
+ ast->type_specifier = spec;
+ ast->init_declarator = decl;
+ ast->function_body = funBody;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ } // end switch
+ }
+ syntaxError();
+ return false;
+bool Parser::skipFunctionBody(StatementAST *&)
+#if defined(__GNUC__)
+#warning "Parser::skipFunctionBody() -- implement me"
+ Q_ASSERT(0); // ### not implemented
+ return 0;
+bool Parser::parseFunctionBody(StatementAST *&node)
+ if (control->skipFunctionBody())
+ return skipFunctionBody(node);
+ return parseCompoundStatement(node);
+bool Parser::parseTypeSpecifierOrClassSpec(TypeSpecifierAST *&node)
+ if (parseClassSpecifier(node))
+ return true;
+ else if (parseEnumSpecifier(node))
+ return true;
+ else if (parseTypeSpecifier(node))
+ return true;
+ return false;
+bool Parser::parseTryBlockStatement(StatementAST *&node)
+#if defined(__GNUC__)
+#warning "implement me"
+ CHECK(Token_try);
+ StatementAST *stmt = 0;
+ if (!parseCompoundStatement(stmt))
+ {
+ syntaxError();
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() != Token_catch)
+ {
+ reportError(("catch expected"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ while (token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_catch)
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ ADVANCE('(', "(");
+ ConditionAST *cond = 0;
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_ellipsis)
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ }
+ else if (!parseCondition(cond, false))
+ {
+ reportError(("condition expected"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ ADVANCE(')', ")");
+ StatementAST *body = 0;
+ if (!parseCompoundStatement(body))
+ {
+ syntaxError();
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ node = stmt;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parsePrimaryExpression(ExpressionAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ PrimaryExpressionAST *ast = CreateNode<PrimaryExpressionAST>(_M_pool);
+ switch(token_stream.lookAhead())
+ {
+ case Token_string_literal:
+ parseStringLiteral(ast->literal);
+ break;
+ case Token_number_literal:
+ case Token_char_literal:
+ case Token_true:
+ case Token_false:
+ case Token_this:
+ ast->token = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ break;
+ case '(':
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == '{')
+ {
+ if (!parseCompoundStatement(ast->expression_statement))
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!parseExpression(ast->sub_expression))
+ return false;
+ }
+ CHECK(')');
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (!parseName(ast->name))
+ return false;
+ break;
+ }
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+ postfix-expression-internal:
+ [ expression ]
+ ( expression-list [opt] )
+ (.|->) template [opt] id-expression
+ (.|->) pseudo-destructor-name
+ ++
+ --
+bool Parser::parsePostfixExpressionInternal(ExpressionAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ switch (token_stream.lookAhead())
+ {
+ case '[':
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ ExpressionAST *expr = 0;
+ parseExpression(expr);
+ CHECK(']');
+ SubscriptExpressionAST *ast
+ = CreateNode<SubscriptExpressionAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->subscript = expr;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ }
+ return true;
+ case '(':
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ ExpressionAST *expr = 0;
+ parseExpression(expr);
+ CHECK(')');
+ FunctionCallAST *ast = CreateNode<FunctionCallAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->arguments = expr;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ }
+ return true;
+ case '.':
+ case Token_arrow:
+ {
+ std::size_t op = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ std::size_t templ = 0;
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_template)
+ {
+ templ = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ }
+ int saved = int(token_stream.cursor());
+ NameAST *name = 0;
+ if (parseName(name, true) && name->unqualified_name
+ && name->unqualified_name->template_arguments != 0
+ && token_stream.lookAhead() == '(') {
+ // a template method call
+ // ### reverse the logic
+ } else {
+ token_stream.rewind(saved);
+ name = 0;
+ if (! parseName (name, templ != 0))
+ return false;
+ }
+ ClassMemberAccessAST *ast = CreateNode<ClassMemberAccessAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->op = op;
+ ast->name = name;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ }
+ return true;
+ case Token_incr:
+ case Token_decr:
+ {
+ std::size_t op = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ IncrDecrExpressionAST *ast = CreateNode<IncrDecrExpressionAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->op = op;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ }
+ return true;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ postfix-expression:
+ simple-type-specifier ( expression-list [opt] )
+ primary-expression postfix-expression-internal*
+bool Parser::parsePostfixExpression(ExpressionAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ switch (token_stream.lookAhead())
+ {
+ case Token_dynamic_cast:
+ case Token_static_cast:
+ case Token_reinterpret_cast:
+ case Token_const_cast:
+ {
+ std::size_t castOp = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ CHECK('<');
+ TypeIdAST *typeId = 0;
+ parseTypeId(typeId);
+ CHECK('>');
+ CHECK('(');
+ ExpressionAST *expr = 0;
+ parseCommaExpression(expr);
+ CHECK(')');
+ CppCastExpressionAST *ast = CreateNode<CppCastExpressionAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->op = castOp;
+ ast->type_id = typeId;
+ ast->expression = expr;
+ ExpressionAST *e = 0;
+ while (parsePostfixExpressionInternal(e))
+ {
+ ast->sub_expressions = snoc(ast->sub_expressions, e, _M_pool);
+ }
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ }
+ return true;
+ case Token_typename:
+ {
+ std::size_t token = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ NameAST* name = 0;
+ if (!parseName(name, true))
+ return false;
+ CHECK('(');
+ ExpressionAST *expr = 0;
+ parseCommaExpression(expr);
+ CHECK(')');
+ TypeIdentificationAST *ast = CreateNode<TypeIdentificationAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->typename_token = token;
+ ast->name = name;
+ ast->expression = expr;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ }
+ return true;
+ case Token_typeid:
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ CHECK('(');
+ TypeIdAST *typeId = 0;
+ parseTypeId(typeId);
+ CHECK(')');
+ TypeIdentificationAST *ast = CreateNode<TypeIdentificationAST>(_M_pool);
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ }
+ return true;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ std::size_t saved_pos = token_stream.cursor();
+ TypeSpecifierAST *typeSpec = 0;
+ ExpressionAST *expr = 0;
+ // let's try to parse a type
+ NameAST *name = 0;
+ if (parseName(name, true))
+ {
+ Q_ASSERT(name->unqualified_name != 0);
+ bool has_template_args
+ = name->unqualified_name->template_arguments != 0;
+ if (has_template_args && token_stream.lookAhead() == '(')
+ {
+ ExpressionAST *cast_expr = 0;
+ if (parseCastExpression(cast_expr)
+ && cast_expr->kind == AST::Kind_CastExpression)
+ {
+ token_stream.rewind((int) saved_pos);
+ parsePrimaryExpression(expr);
+ goto L_no_rewind;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ token_stream.rewind((int) saved_pos);
+ L_no_rewind:
+ if (!expr && parseSimpleTypeSpecifier(typeSpec)
+ && token_stream.lookAhead() == '(')
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken(); // skip '('
+ parseCommaExpression(expr);
+ CHECK(')');
+ }
+ else if (expr)
+ {
+ typeSpec = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ typeSpec = 0;
+ token_stream.rewind((int) start);
+ if (!parsePrimaryExpression(expr))
+ return false;
+ }
+ const ListNode<ExpressionAST*> *sub_expressions = 0;
+ ExpressionAST *sub_expression = 0;
+ while (parsePostfixExpressionInternal(sub_expression))
+ sub_expressions = snoc(sub_expressions, sub_expression, _M_pool);
+ if (sub_expressions || ! expr || (typeSpec && expr))
+ {
+ PostfixExpressionAST *ast = CreateNode<PostfixExpressionAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->type_specifier = typeSpec;
+ ast->expression = expr;
+ ast->sub_expressions = sub_expressions;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ }
+ else
+ node = expr;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseUnaryExpression(ExpressionAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ switch(token_stream.lookAhead())
+ {
+ case Token_incr:
+ case Token_decr:
+ case '*':
+ case '&':
+ case '+':
+ case '-':
+ case '!':
+ case '~':
+ {
+ std::size_t op = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ ExpressionAST *expr = 0;
+ if (!parseCastExpression(expr))
+ return false;
+ UnaryExpressionAST *ast = CreateNode<UnaryExpressionAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->op = op;
+ ast->expression = expr;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ }
+ return true;
+ case Token_sizeof:
+ {
+ std::size_t sizeof_token = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ SizeofExpressionAST *ast = CreateNode<SizeofExpressionAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->sizeof_token = sizeof_token;
+ std::size_t index = token_stream.cursor();
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == '(')
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ if (parseTypeId(ast->type_id) && token_stream.lookAhead() == ')')
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken(); // skip )
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+ }
+ ast->type_id = 0;
+ token_stream.rewind((int) index);
+ }
+ if (!parseUnaryExpression(ast->expression))
+ return false;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ int token = token_stream.lookAhead();
+ if (token == Token_new
+ || (token == Token_scope && token_stream.lookAhead(1) == Token_new))
+ return parseNewExpression(node);
+ if (token == Token_delete
+ || (token == Token_scope && token_stream.lookAhead(1) == Token_delete))
+ return parseDeleteExpression(node);
+ return parsePostfixExpression(node);
+bool Parser::parseNewExpression(ExpressionAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ NewExpressionAST *ast = CreateNode<NewExpressionAST>(_M_pool);
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_scope
+ && token_stream.lookAhead(1) == Token_new)
+ {
+ ast->scope_token = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ }
+ CHECK(Token_new);
+ ast->new_token = token_stream.cursor() - 1;
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == '(')
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ parseCommaExpression(ast->expression);
+ CHECK(')');
+ }
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == '(')
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ parseTypeId(ast->type_id);
+ CHECK(')');
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ parseNewTypeId(ast->new_type_id);
+ }
+ parseNewInitializer(ast->new_initializer);
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseNewTypeId(NewTypeIdAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ TypeSpecifierAST *typeSpec = 0;
+ if (!parseTypeSpecifier(typeSpec))
+ return false;
+ NewTypeIdAST *ast = CreateNode<NewTypeIdAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->type_specifier = typeSpec;
+ parseNewDeclarator(ast->new_declarator);
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseNewDeclarator(NewDeclaratorAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ NewDeclaratorAST *ast = CreateNode<NewDeclaratorAST>(_M_pool);
+ PtrOperatorAST *ptrOp = 0;
+ if (parsePtrOperator(ptrOp))
+ {
+ ast->ptr_op = ptrOp;
+ parseNewDeclarator(ast->sub_declarator);
+ }
+ while (token_stream.lookAhead() == '[')
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ ExpressionAST *expr = 0;
+ parseExpression(expr);
+ ast->expressions = snoc(ast->expressions, expr, _M_pool);
+ ADVANCE(']', "]");
+ }
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseNewInitializer(NewInitializerAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ CHECK('(');
+ NewInitializerAST *ast = CreateNode<NewInitializerAST>(_M_pool);
+ parseCommaExpression(ast->expression);
+ CHECK(')');
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseDeleteExpression(ExpressionAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ DeleteExpressionAST *ast = CreateNode<DeleteExpressionAST>(_M_pool);
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_scope
+ && token_stream.lookAhead(1) == Token_delete)
+ {
+ ast->scope_token = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ }
+ CHECK(Token_delete);
+ ast->delete_token = token_stream.cursor() - 1;
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == '[')
+ {
+ ast->lbracket_token = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ CHECK(']');
+ ast->rbracket_token = token_stream.cursor() - 1;
+ }
+ if (!parseCastExpression(ast->expression))
+ return false;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseCastExpression(ExpressionAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == '(')
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ CastExpressionAST *ast = CreateNode<CastExpressionAST>(_M_pool);
+ if (parseTypeId(ast->type_id))
+ {
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == ')')
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ if (parseCastExpression(ast->expression))
+ {
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ token_stream.rewind((int) start);
+ return parseUnaryExpression(node);
+bool Parser::parsePmExpression(ExpressionAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ if (!parseCastExpression(node) || !node) // ### fixme
+ return false;
+ while (token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_ptrmem)
+ {
+ std::size_t op = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ ExpressionAST *rightExpr = 0;
+ if (!parseCastExpression(rightExpr))
+ return false;
+ BinaryExpressionAST *ast = CreateNode<BinaryExpressionAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->op = op;
+ ast->left_expression = node;
+ ast->right_expression = rightExpr;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseMultiplicativeExpression(ExpressionAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ if (!parsePmExpression(node))
+ return false;
+ while (token_stream.lookAhead() == '*'
+ || token_stream.lookAhead() == '/'
+ || token_stream.lookAhead() == '%')
+ {
+ std::size_t op = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ ExpressionAST *rightExpr = 0;
+ if (!parsePmExpression(rightExpr))
+ return false;
+ BinaryExpressionAST *ast = CreateNode<BinaryExpressionAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->op = op;
+ ast->left_expression = node;
+ ast->right_expression = rightExpr;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseAdditiveExpression(ExpressionAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ if (!parseMultiplicativeExpression(node))
+ return false;
+ while (token_stream.lookAhead() == '+' || token_stream.lookAhead() == '-')
+ {
+ std::size_t op = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ ExpressionAST *rightExpr = 0;
+ if (!parseMultiplicativeExpression(rightExpr))
+ return false;
+ BinaryExpressionAST *ast = CreateNode<BinaryExpressionAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->op = op;
+ ast->left_expression = node;
+ ast->right_expression = rightExpr;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseShiftExpression(ExpressionAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ if (!parseAdditiveExpression(node))
+ return false;
+ while (token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_shift)
+ {
+ std::size_t op = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ ExpressionAST *rightExpr = 0;
+ if (!parseAdditiveExpression(rightExpr))
+ return false;
+ BinaryExpressionAST *ast = CreateNode<BinaryExpressionAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->op = op;
+ ast->left_expression = node;
+ ast->right_expression = rightExpr;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseRelationalExpression(ExpressionAST *&node, bool templArgs)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ if (!parseShiftExpression(node))
+ return false;
+ while (token_stream.lookAhead() == '<'
+ || (token_stream.lookAhead() == '>' && !templArgs)
+ || token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_leq
+ || token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_geq)
+ {
+ std::size_t op = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ ExpressionAST *rightExpr = 0;
+ if (!parseShiftExpression(rightExpr))
+ return false;
+ BinaryExpressionAST *ast = CreateNode<BinaryExpressionAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->op = op;
+ ast->left_expression = node;
+ ast->right_expression = rightExpr;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseEqualityExpression(ExpressionAST *&node, bool templArgs)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ if (!parseRelationalExpression(node, templArgs))
+ return false;
+ while (token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_eq
+ || token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_not_eq)
+ {
+ std::size_t op = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ ExpressionAST *rightExpr = 0;
+ if (!parseRelationalExpression(rightExpr, templArgs))
+ return false;
+ BinaryExpressionAST *ast = CreateNode<BinaryExpressionAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->op = op;
+ ast->left_expression = node;
+ ast->right_expression = rightExpr;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseAndExpression(ExpressionAST *&node, bool templArgs)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ if (!parseEqualityExpression(node, templArgs))
+ return false;
+ while (token_stream.lookAhead() == '&')
+ {
+ std::size_t op = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ ExpressionAST *rightExpr = 0;
+ if (!parseEqualityExpression(rightExpr, templArgs))
+ return false;
+ BinaryExpressionAST *ast = CreateNode<BinaryExpressionAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->op = op;
+ ast->left_expression = node;
+ ast->right_expression = rightExpr;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseExclusiveOrExpression(ExpressionAST *&node, bool templArgs)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ if (!parseAndExpression(node, templArgs))
+ return false;
+ while (token_stream.lookAhead() == '^')
+ {
+ std::size_t op = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ ExpressionAST *rightExpr = 0;
+ if (!parseAndExpression(rightExpr, templArgs))
+ return false;
+ BinaryExpressionAST *ast = CreateNode<BinaryExpressionAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->op = op;
+ ast->left_expression = node;
+ ast->right_expression = rightExpr;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseInclusiveOrExpression(ExpressionAST *&node, bool templArgs)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ if (!parseExclusiveOrExpression(node, templArgs))
+ return false;
+ while (token_stream.lookAhead() == '|')
+ {
+ std::size_t op = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ ExpressionAST *rightExpr = 0;
+ if (!parseExclusiveOrExpression(rightExpr, templArgs))
+ return false;
+ BinaryExpressionAST *ast = CreateNode<BinaryExpressionAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->op = op;
+ ast->left_expression = node;
+ ast->right_expression = rightExpr;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseLogicalAndExpression(ExpressionAST *&node, bool templArgs)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ if (!parseInclusiveOrExpression(node, templArgs))
+ return false;
+ while (token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_and)
+ {
+ std::size_t op = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ ExpressionAST *rightExpr = 0;
+ if (!parseInclusiveOrExpression(rightExpr, templArgs))
+ return false;
+ BinaryExpressionAST *ast = CreateNode<BinaryExpressionAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->op = op;
+ ast->left_expression = node;
+ ast->right_expression = rightExpr;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseLogicalOrExpression(ExpressionAST *&node, bool templArgs)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ if (!parseLogicalAndExpression(node, templArgs))
+ return false;
+ while (token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_or)
+ {
+ std::size_t op = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ ExpressionAST *rightExpr = 0;
+ if (!parseLogicalAndExpression(rightExpr, templArgs))
+ return false;
+ BinaryExpressionAST *ast = CreateNode<BinaryExpressionAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->op = op;
+ ast->left_expression = node;
+ ast->right_expression = rightExpr;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseConditionalExpression(ExpressionAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ if (!parseLogicalOrExpression(node))
+ return false;
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == '?')
+ {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ ExpressionAST *leftExpr = 0;
+ if (!parseExpression(leftExpr))
+ return false;
+ CHECK(':');
+ ExpressionAST *rightExpr = 0;
+ if (!parseAssignmentExpression(rightExpr))
+ return false;
+ ConditionalExpressionAST *ast
+ = CreateNode<ConditionalExpressionAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->condition = node;
+ ast->left_expression = leftExpr;
+ ast->right_expression = rightExpr;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseAssignmentExpression(ExpressionAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_throw && !parseThrowExpression(node))
+ return false;
+ else if (!parseConditionalExpression(node))
+ return false;
+ while (token_stream.lookAhead() == Token_assign
+ || token_stream.lookAhead() == '=')
+ {
+ std::size_t op = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ ExpressionAST *rightExpr = 0;
+ if (!parseConditionalExpression(rightExpr))
+ return false;
+ BinaryExpressionAST *ast = CreateNode<BinaryExpressionAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->op = op;
+ ast->left_expression = node;
+ ast->right_expression = rightExpr;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseConstantExpression(ExpressionAST *&node)
+ return parseConditionalExpression(node);
+bool Parser::parseExpression(ExpressionAST *&node)
+ return parseCommaExpression(node);
+bool Parser::parseCommaExpression(ExpressionAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ if (!parseAssignmentExpression(node))
+ return false;
+ while (token_stream.lookAhead() == ',')
+ {
+ std::size_t op = token_stream.cursor();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ ExpressionAST *rightExpr = 0;
+ if (!parseAssignmentExpression(rightExpr))
+ return false;
+ BinaryExpressionAST *ast = CreateNode<BinaryExpressionAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->op = op;
+ ast->left_expression = node;
+ ast->right_expression = rightExpr;
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseThrowExpression(ExpressionAST *&node)
+ std::size_t start = token_stream.cursor();
+ CHECK(Token_throw);
+ ThrowExpressionAST *ast = CreateNode<ThrowExpressionAST>(_M_pool);
+ ast->throw_token = token_stream.cursor() - 1;
+ parseAssignmentExpression(ast->expression);
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, start, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseQ_ENUMS(DeclarationAST *&node)
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() != Token_Q_ENUMS)
+ return false;
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead(1) != '(')
+ return false;
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ int firstToken = token_stream.cursor();
+ while (token_stream.lookAhead() != ')') {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ }
+ QEnumsAST *ast = CreateNode<QEnumsAST>(_M_pool);
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, firstToken, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ return true;
+bool Parser::parseQ_PROPERTY(DeclarationAST *&node)
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead() != Token_Q_PROPERTY)
+ return false;
+ if (token_stream.lookAhead(1) != '(')
+ return false;
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ int firstToken = token_stream.cursor();
+ while (token_stream.lookAhead() != ')') {
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ }
+ QPropertyAST *ast = CreateNode<QPropertyAST>(_M_pool);
+ UPDATE_POS(ast, firstToken, token_stream.cursor());
+ node = ast;
+// const Token &t1 = token_stream[firstToken];
+// const Token &t2 = token_stream[token_stream.cursor()];
+// printf("property: %s\n",
+// qPrintable(QString::fromLatin1(t1.text + t1.position, t2.position - t1.position)));
+ token_stream.nextToken();
+ return true;
+bool Parser::block_errors(bool block)
+ bool current = _M_block_errors;
+ _M_block_errors = block;
+ return current;
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/parser.h b/generator/parser/parser.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f7d647
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/parser.h
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#ifndef PARSER_H
+#define PARSER_H
+#include "ast.h"
+#include "lexer.h"
+#include <QtCore/QString>
+class FileSymbol;
+class Control;
+class Parser
+ Parser(Control *control);
+ ~Parser();
+ LocationManager &location() { return _M_location; }
+ TranslationUnitAST *parse(const char *contents, std::size_t size, pool *p);
+ void reportError(const QString& msg);
+ void syntaxError();
+ void tokenRequiredError(int expected);
+ bool skipFunctionBody(StatementAST *&node);
+ bool parse_Attribute__();
+ bool parseAbstractDeclarator(DeclaratorAST *&node);
+ bool parseAccessSpecifier(DeclarationAST *&node);
+ bool parseAdditiveExpression(ExpressionAST *&node);
+ bool parseAndExpression(ExpressionAST *&node, bool templArgs = false);
+ bool parseAsmDefinition(DeclarationAST *&node);
+ bool parseAssignmentExpression(ExpressionAST *&node);
+ bool parseBaseClause(BaseClauseAST *&node);
+ bool parseBaseSpecifier(BaseSpecifierAST *&node);
+ bool parseBlockDeclaration(DeclarationAST *&node);
+ bool parseCastExpression(ExpressionAST *&node);
+ bool parseClassSpecifier(TypeSpecifierAST *&node);
+ bool parseForwardDeclarationSpecifier(TypeSpecifierAST *&node);
+ bool parseCommaExpression(ExpressionAST *&node);
+ bool parseCompoundStatement(StatementAST *&node);
+ bool parseCondition(ConditionAST *&node, bool initRequired = true);
+ bool parseConditionalExpression(ExpressionAST *&node);
+ bool parseConstantExpression(ExpressionAST *&node);
+ bool parseCtorInitializer(CtorInitializerAST *&node);
+ bool parseCvQualify(const ListNode<std::size_t> *&node);
+ bool parseDeclaration(DeclarationAST *&node);
+ bool parseDeclarationInternal(DeclarationAST *&node);
+ bool parseDeclarationStatement(StatementAST *&node);
+ bool parseDeclarator(DeclaratorAST *&node);
+ bool parseDeleteExpression(ExpressionAST *&node);
+ bool parseDoStatement(StatementAST *&node);
+ bool parseElaboratedTypeSpecifier(TypeSpecifierAST *&node);
+ bool parseEnumSpecifier(TypeSpecifierAST *&node);
+ bool parseEnumerator(EnumeratorAST *&node);
+ bool parseEqualityExpression(ExpressionAST *&node,
+ bool templArgs = false);
+ bool parseExceptionSpecification(ExceptionSpecificationAST *&node);
+ bool parseExclusiveOrExpression(ExpressionAST *&node,
+ bool templArgs = false);
+ bool parseExpression(ExpressionAST *&node);
+ bool parseExpressionOrDeclarationStatement(StatementAST *&node);
+ bool parseExpressionStatement(StatementAST *&node);
+ bool parseForInitStatement(StatementAST *&node);
+ bool parseForStatement(StatementAST *&node);
+ bool parseFunctionBody(StatementAST *&node);
+ bool parseFunctionSpecifier(const ListNode<std::size_t> *&node);
+ bool parseIfStatement(StatementAST *&node);
+ bool parseInclusiveOrExpression(ExpressionAST *&node,
+ bool templArgs = false);
+ bool parseInitDeclarator(InitDeclaratorAST *&node);
+ bool parseInitDeclaratorList(const ListNode<InitDeclaratorAST*> *&node);
+ bool parseInitializer(InitializerAST *&node);
+ bool parseInitializerClause(InitializerClauseAST *&node);
+ bool parseLabeledStatement(StatementAST *&node);
+ bool parseLinkageBody(LinkageBodyAST *&node);
+ bool parseLinkageSpecification(DeclarationAST *&node);
+ bool parseLogicalAndExpression(ExpressionAST *&node,
+ bool templArgs = false);
+ bool parseLogicalOrExpression(ExpressionAST *&node,
+ bool templArgs = false);
+ bool parseMemInitializer(MemInitializerAST *&node);
+ bool parseMemInitializerList(const ListNode<MemInitializerAST*> *&node);
+ bool parseMemberSpecification(DeclarationAST *&node);
+ bool parseMultiplicativeExpression(ExpressionAST *&node);
+ bool parseName(NameAST *&node, bool acceptTemplateId = false);
+ bool parseNamespace(DeclarationAST *&node);
+ bool parseNamespaceAliasDefinition(DeclarationAST *&node);
+ bool parseNewDeclarator(NewDeclaratorAST *&node);
+ bool parseNewExpression(ExpressionAST *&node);
+ bool parseNewInitializer(NewInitializerAST *&node);
+ bool parseNewTypeId(NewTypeIdAST *&node);
+ bool parseOperator(OperatorAST *&node);
+ bool parseOperatorFunctionId(OperatorFunctionIdAST *&node);
+ bool parseParameterDeclaration(ParameterDeclarationAST *&node);
+ bool parseParameterDeclarationClause(ParameterDeclarationClauseAST *&node);
+ bool parseParameterDeclarationList(const ListNode<ParameterDeclarationAST*> *&node);
+ bool parsePmExpression(ExpressionAST *&node);
+ bool parsePostfixExpression(ExpressionAST *&node);
+ bool parsePostfixExpressionInternal(ExpressionAST *&node);
+ bool parsePrimaryExpression(ExpressionAST *&node);
+ bool parsePtrOperator(PtrOperatorAST *&node);
+ bool parsePtrToMember(PtrToMemberAST *&node);
+ bool parseRelationalExpression(ExpressionAST *&node,
+ bool templArgs = false);
+ bool parseShiftExpression(ExpressionAST *&node);
+ bool parseSimpleTypeSpecifier(TypeSpecifierAST *&node,
+ bool onlyIntegral = false);
+ bool parseStatement(StatementAST *&node);
+ bool parseStorageClassSpecifier(const ListNode<std::size_t> *&node);
+ bool parseStringLiteral(StringLiteralAST *&node);
+ bool parseSwitchStatement(StatementAST *&node);
+ bool parseTemplateArgument(TemplateArgumentAST *&node);
+ bool parseTemplateArgumentList(const ListNode<TemplateArgumentAST*> *&node,
+ bool reportError = true);
+ bool parseTemplateDeclaration(DeclarationAST *&node);
+ bool parseTemplateParameter(TemplateParameterAST *&node);
+ bool parseTemplateParameterList(const ListNode<TemplateParameterAST*> *&node);
+ bool parseThrowExpression(ExpressionAST *&node);
+ bool parseTranslationUnit(TranslationUnitAST *&node);
+ bool parseTryBlockStatement(StatementAST *&node);
+ bool parseTypeId(TypeIdAST *&node);
+ bool parseTypeIdList(const ListNode<TypeIdAST*> *&node);
+ bool parseTypeParameter(TypeParameterAST *&node);
+ bool parseTypeSpecifier(TypeSpecifierAST *&node);
+ bool parseTypeSpecifierOrClassSpec(TypeSpecifierAST *&node);
+ bool parseTypedef(DeclarationAST *&node);
+ bool parseUnaryExpression(ExpressionAST *&node);
+ bool parseUnqualifiedName(UnqualifiedNameAST *&node,
+ bool parseTemplateId = true);
+ bool parseUsing(DeclarationAST *&node);
+ bool parseUsingDirective(DeclarationAST *&node);
+ bool parseWhileStatement(StatementAST *&node);
+ bool parseWinDeclSpec(WinDeclSpecAST *&node);
+ bool parseQ_PROPERTY(DeclarationAST *&node);
+ bool parseQ_ENUMS(DeclarationAST *&node);
+ bool skipUntil(int token);
+ bool skipUntilDeclaration();
+ bool skipUntilStatement();
+ bool skip(int l, int r);
+ void advance();
+ // private:
+ TokenStream token_stream;
+ LocationTable location_table;
+ LocationTable line_table;
+ bool block_errors(bool block);
+ QString tokenText(AST *) const;
+ LocationManager _M_location;
+ Control *control;
+ Lexer lexer;
+ pool *_M_pool;
+ bool _M_block_errors;
+ Parser(const Parser& source);
+ void operator = (const Parser& source);
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/r++.macros b/generator/parser/r++.macros
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..455276c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/r++.macros
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#define __attribute__(a...)
+#define __typeof__ __typeof
+#define __extension
+#define __extension__
+#define __restrict
+#define __restrict__
+#define __volatile volatile
+#define __volatile__ volatile
+#define __inline inline
+#define __inline__ inline
+#define __const const
+#define __const__ const
+#define __asm asm
+#define __asm__ asm
+#define __GNUC__ 3
+//#define __GNUC_MINOR__ 4
+#define __ROBC__ 0
+#define __ROBC_MINOR__ 1
diff --git a/generator/parser/rpp-allocator.h b/generator/parser/rpp-allocator.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cbc3c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/rpp-allocator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "rxx_allocator.h"
diff --git a/generator/parser/rpp/builtin-macros.cpp b/generator/parser/rpp/builtin-macros.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f720295
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/rpp/builtin-macros.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of $PRODUCT$.
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
diff --git a/generator/parser/rpp/pp-cctype.h b/generator/parser/rpp/pp-cctype.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d66f68c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/rpp/pp-cctype.h
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright 2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of $PRODUCT$.
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#ifndef PP_CCTYPE_H
+#define PP_CCTYPE_H
+#include <cctype>
+namespace rpp {
+inline bool pp_isalpha (int __ch)
+{ return std::isalpha ((unsigned char) __ch) != 0; }
+inline bool pp_isalnum (int __ch)
+{ return std::isalnum ((unsigned char) __ch) != 0; }
+inline bool pp_isdigit (int __ch)
+{ return std::isdigit ((unsigned char) __ch) != 0; }
+inline bool pp_isspace (int __ch)
+{ return std::isspace ((unsigned char) __ch) != 0; }
+} // namespace rpp
+#endif // PP_CCTYPE_H
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/rpp/pp-configuration b/generator/parser/rpp/pp-configuration
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15586dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/rpp/pp-configuration
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+#define __DBL_MIN_EXP__ (-1021)
+#define __FLT_MIN__ 1.17549435e-38F
+#define __CHAR_BIT__ 8
+#define __WCHAR_MAX__ 2147483647
+#define __DBL_DENORM_MIN__ 4.9406564584124654e-324
+#define __FLT_EVAL_METHOD__ 2
+#define __DBL_MIN_10_EXP__ (-307)
+#define __FINITE_MATH_ONLY__ 0
+#define __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__ 2
+#define __SHRT_MAX__ 32767
+#define __LDBL_MAX__ 1.18973149535723176502e+4932L
+#define __UINTMAX_TYPE__ long long unsigned int
+#define __linux 1
+#define __unix 1
+#define __LDBL_MAX_EXP__ 16384
+#define __linux__ 1
+#define __SCHAR_MAX__ 127
+#define __USER_LABEL_PREFIX__
+#define __STDC_HOSTED__ 1
+#define __LDBL_HAS_INFINITY__ 1
+#define __DBL_DIG__ 15
+#define __FLT_EPSILON__ 1.19209290e-7F
+#define __GXX_WEAK__ 1
+#define __LDBL_MIN__ 3.36210314311209350626e-4932L
+#define __unix__ 1
+#define __DECIMAL_DIG__ 21
+#define __gnu_linux__ 1
+#define __LDBL_HAS_QUIET_NAN__ 1
+#define __GNUC__ 4
+#define __DBL_MAX__ 1.7976931348623157e+308
+#define __DBL_HAS_INFINITY__ 1
+#define __cplusplus 1
+#define __DEPRECATED 1
+#define __DBL_MAX_EXP__ 1024
+#define __GNUG__ 4
+#define __LONG_LONG_MAX__ 9223372036854775807LL
+#define __GXX_ABI_VERSION 1002
+#define __FLT_MIN_EXP__ (-125)
+#define __DBL_MIN__ 2.2250738585072014e-308
+#define __FLT_MIN_10_EXP__ (-37)
+#define __DBL_HAS_QUIET_NAN__ 1
+#define __REGISTER_PREFIX__
+#define __NO_INLINE__ 1
+#define __i386 1
+#define __FLT_MANT_DIG__ 24
+#define __VERSION__ "4.0.2 20050808 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.0.1-4ubuntu9)"
+#define i386 1
+#define __i486__ 1
+#define unix 1
+#define __i386__ 1
+#define __SIZE_TYPE__ unsigned int
+#define __ELF__ 1
+#define __FLT_RADIX__ 2
+#define __LDBL_EPSILON__ 1.08420217248550443401e-19L
+#define __FLT_HAS_QUIET_NAN__ 1
+#define __FLT_MAX_10_EXP__ 38
+#define __LONG_MAX__ 2147483647L
+#define __FLT_HAS_INFINITY__ 1
+#define linux 1
+#define __EXCEPTIONS 1
+#define __LDBL_MANT_DIG__ 64
+#define __WCHAR_TYPE__ int
+#define __FLT_DIG__ 6
+#define __INT_MAX__ 2147483647
+#define __i486 1
+#define __FLT_MAX_EXP__ 128
+#define __DBL_MANT_DIG__ 53
+#define __WINT_TYPE__ unsigned int
+#define __LDBL_MIN_EXP__ (-16381)
+#define __LDBL_MAX_10_EXP__ 4932
+#define __DBL_EPSILON__ 2.2204460492503131e-16
+#define __tune_i486__ 1
+#define __INTMAX_MAX__ 9223372036854775807LL
+#define __FLT_DENORM_MIN__ 1.40129846e-45F
+#define __FLT_MAX__ 3.40282347e+38F
+#define __INTMAX_TYPE__ long long int
+#define __GNUC_MINOR__ 0
+#define __DBL_MAX_10_EXP__ 308
+#define __LDBL_DENORM_MIN__ 3.64519953188247460253e-4951L
+#define __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ int
+#define __LDBL_MIN_10_EXP__ (-4931)
+#define __LDBL_DIG__ 18
+#define _GNU_SOURCE 1
+#define __STDC__
diff --git a/generator/parser/rpp/pp-engine-bits.h b/generator/parser/rpp/pp-engine-bits.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cb0286
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/rpp/pp-engine-bits.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1320 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright 2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of $PRODUCT$.
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+namespace rpp {
+inline std::string pp::fix_file_path(std::string const &filename) const
+#if defined (PP_OS_WIN)
+ std::string s = filename;
+ for (std::string::iterator it = s.begin(); it != s.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ if (*it == '/')
+ *it = '\\';
+ }
+ return s;
+ return filename;
+inline bool pp::is_absolute(std::string const &filename) const
+#if defined(PP_OS_WIN)
+ return filename.length() >= 3
+ && == ':'
+ && ( == '\\' || == '/');
+ return filename.length() >= 1
+ && == '/';
+template <typename _OutputIterator>
+void pp::file (std::string const &filename, _OutputIterator __result)
+ FILE *fp = fopen (filename.c_str(), "rb");
+ if (fp != 0)
+ {
+ std::string was = env.current_file;
+ env.current_file = filename;
+ file (fp, __result);
+ env.current_file = was;
+ }
+ //else
+ //std::cerr << "** WARNING file ``" << filename << " not found!" << std::endl;
+template <typename _OutputIterator>
+void pp::file (FILE *fp, _OutputIterator __result)
+ assert (fp != 0);
+#if defined (HAVE_MMAP)
+ struct stat st;
+ fstat(FILENO (fp), &st);
+ std::size_t size = st.st_size;
+ char *buffer = 0;
+ buffer = (char *) ::mmap(0, size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, FILENO (fp), 0);
+ fclose (fp);
+ if (!buffer || buffer == (char*) -1)
+ return;
+ this->operator () (buffer, buffer + size, __result);
+ ::munmap(buffer, size);
+ std::string buffer;
+ while (!feof(fp)) {
+ char tmp[1024];
+ int read = (int) fread (tmp, sizeof(char), 1023, fp);
+ tmp[read] = '\0';
+ buffer += tmp;
+ }
+ fclose (fp);
+ this->operator () (buffer.c_str(), buffer.c_str() + buffer.size(), __result);
+template <typename _InputIterator>
+bool pp::find_header_protection (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, std::string *__prot)
+ int was = env.current_line;
+ while (__first != __last)
+ {
+ if (pp_isspace (*__first))
+ {
+ if (*__first == '\n')
+ ++env.current_line;
+ ++__first;
+ }
+ else if (_PP_internal::comment_p (__first, __last))
+ {
+ __first = skip_comment_or_divop (__first, __last);
+ env.current_line += skip_comment_or_divop.lines;
+ }
+ else if (*__first == '#')
+ {
+ __first = skip_blanks (++__first, __last);
+ env.current_line += skip_blanks.lines;
+ if (__first != __last && *__first == 'i')
+ {
+ _InputIterator __begin = __first;
+ __first = skip_identifier (__begin, __last);
+ env.current_line += skip_identifier.lines;
+ std::string __directive (__begin, __first);
+ if (__directive == "ifndef")
+ {
+ __first = skip_blanks (__first, __last);
+ env.current_line += skip_blanks.lines;
+ __begin = __first;
+ __first = skip_identifier (__first, __last);
+ env.current_line += skip_identifier.lines;
+ if (__begin != __first && __first != __last)
+ {
+ __prot->assign (__begin, __first);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ env.current_line = was;
+ return false;
+inline pp::PP_DIRECTIVE_TYPE pp::find_directive (char const *__directive, std::size_t __size) const
+ switch (__size)
+ {
+ case 2:
+ if (__directive[0] == 'i'
+ && __directive[1] == 'f')
+ return PP_IF;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ if (__directive[0] == 'e' && !strcmp (__directive, "elif"))
+ return PP_ELIF;
+ else if (__directive[0] == 'e' && !strcmp (__directive, "else"))
+ return PP_ELSE;
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ if (__directive[0] == 'i' && !strcmp (__directive, "ifdef"))
+ return PP_IFDEF;
+ else if (__directive[0] == 'u' && !strcmp (__directive, "undef"))
+ return PP_UNDEF;
+ else if (__directive[0] == 'e') {
+ if (!strcmp (__directive, "endif"))
+ return PP_ENDIF;
+ else if (!strcmp (__directive, "error"))
+ return PP_ERROR;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ if (__directive[0] == 'i' && !strcmp (__directive, "ifndef"))
+ return PP_IFNDEF;
+ else if (__directive[0] == 'd' && !strcmp (__directive, "define"))
+ return PP_DEFINE;
+ else if (__directive[0] == 'p' && !strcmp (__directive, "pragma"))
+ return PP_PRAGMA;
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ if (__directive[0] == 'i' && !strcmp (__directive, "include"))
+ return PP_INCLUDE;
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ if (__directive[0] == 'i' && !strcmp (__directive, "include_next"))
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ std::cerr << "** WARNING unknown directive '#" << __directive << "' at " << env.current_file << ":" << env.current_line << std::endl;
+inline bool pp::file_isdir (std::string const &__filename) const
+ struct stat __st;
+#if defined(PP_OS_WIN)
+ if (stat(__filename.c_str (), &__st) == 0)
+ return (__st.st_mode & _S_IFDIR) == _S_IFDIR;
+ else
+ return false;
+ if (lstat (__filename.c_str (), &__st) == 0)
+ return (__st.st_mode & S_IFDIR) == S_IFDIR;
+ else
+ return false;
+inline bool pp::file_exists (std::string const &__filename) const
+ struct stat __st;
+#if defined(PP_OS_WIN)
+ return stat(__filename.c_str (), &__st) == 0;
+ return lstat (__filename.c_str (), &__st) == 0;
+inline FILE *pp::find_include_file(std::string const &__input_filename, std::string *__filepath,
+ INCLUDE_POLICY __include_policy, bool __skip_current_path) const
+ assert (__filepath != 0);
+ assert (! __input_filename.empty());
+ __filepath->assign (__input_filename);
+ if (is_absolute (*__filepath))
+ return fopen (__filepath->c_str(), "r");
+ if (! env.current_file.empty ())
+ _PP_internal::extract_file_path (env.current_file, __filepath);
+ if (__include_policy == INCLUDE_LOCAL && ! __skip_current_path)
+ {
+ std::string __tmp (*__filepath);
+ __tmp += __input_filename;
+ if (file_exists (__tmp) && !file_isdir(__tmp))
+ {
+ __filepath->append (__input_filename);
+ return fopen (__filepath->c_str (), "r");
+ }
+ }
+ std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = include_paths.begin ();
+ if (__skip_current_path)
+ {
+ it = std::find (include_paths.begin (), include_paths.end (), *__filepath);
+ if (it != include_paths.end ())
+ ++it;
+ else
+ it = include_paths.begin ();
+ }
+ for (; it != include_paths.end (); ++it)
+ {
+ if (__skip_current_path && it == include_paths.begin())
+ continue;
+ __filepath->assign (*it);
+ __filepath->append (__input_filename);
+ if (file_exists (*__filepath) && !file_isdir(*__filepath))
+ return fopen (__filepath->c_str(), "r");
+ }
+ return 0;
+template <typename _InputIterator, typename _OutputIterator>
+_InputIterator pp::handle_directive(char const *__directive, std::size_t __size,
+ _InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result)
+ __first = skip_blanks (__first, __last);
+ PP_DIRECTIVE_TYPE d = find_directive (__directive, __size);
+ switch (d)
+ {
+ case PP_DEFINE:
+ if (! skipping ())
+ return handle_define (__first, __last);
+ break;
+ case PP_INCLUDE:
+ if (! skipping ())
+ return handle_include (d == PP_INCLUDE_NEXT, __first, __last, __result);
+ break;
+ case PP_UNDEF:
+ if (! skipping ())
+ return handle_undef(__first, __last);
+ break;
+ case PP_ELIF:
+ return handle_elif (__first, __last);
+ case PP_ELSE:
+ return handle_else (__first, __last);
+ case PP_ENDIF:
+ return handle_endif (__first, __last);
+ case PP_IF:
+ return handle_if (__first, __last);
+ case PP_IFDEF:
+ return handle_ifdef (false, __first, __last);
+ case PP_IFNDEF:
+ return handle_ifdef (true, __first, __last);
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return __first;
+template <typename _InputIterator, typename _OutputIterator>
+_InputIterator pp::handle_include (bool __skip_current_path, _InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last,
+ _OutputIterator __result)
+ if (pp_isalpha (*__first) || *__first == '_')
+ {
+ pp_macro_expander expand_include (env);
+ std::string name;
+ name.reserve (255);
+ expand_include (__first, __last, std::back_inserter (name));
+ std::string::iterator it = skip_blanks (name.begin (), name.end ());
+ assert (it != name.end () && (*it == '<' || *it == '"'));
+ handle_include (__skip_current_path, it, name.end (), __result);
+ return __first;
+ }
+ assert (*__first == '<' || *__first == '"');
+ int quote = (*__first == '"') ? '"' : '>';
+ ++__first;
+ _InputIterator end_name = __first;
+ for (; end_name != __last; ++end_name)
+ {
+ assert (*end_name != '\n');
+ if (*end_name == quote)
+ break;
+ }
+ std::string filename (__first, end_name);
+#ifdef PP_OS_WIN
+ std::replace(filename.begin(), filename.end(), '/', '\\');
+ std::string filepath;
+ FILE *fp = find_include_file (filename, &filepath, quote == '>' ? INCLUDE_GLOBAL : INCLUDE_LOCAL, __skip_current_path);
+ PP_HOOK_ON_FILE_INCLUDED (env.current_file, fp ? filepath : filename, fp);
+ if (fp != 0)
+ {
+ std::string old_file = env.current_file;
+ env.current_file = filepath;
+ int __saved_lines = env.current_line;
+ env.current_line = 1;
+ //output_line (env.current_file, 1, __result);
+ file (fp, __result);
+ // restore the file name and the line position
+ env.current_file = old_file;
+ env.current_line = __saved_lines;
+ // sync the buffer
+ _PP_internal::output_line (env.current_file, env.current_line, __result);
+ }
+#ifndef RPP_JAMBI
+// else
+// std::cerr << "*** WARNING " << filename << ": No such file or directory" << std::endl;
+ return __first;
+template <typename _InputIterator, typename _OutputIterator>
+void pp::operator () (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result)
+ std::string __prot;
+ __prot.reserve (255);
+ pp_fast_string __tmp (__prot.c_str (), __prot.size ());
+ if (find_header_protection (__first, __last, &__prot)
+ && env.resolve (&__tmp) != 0)
+ {
+ // std::cerr << "** DEBUG found header protection:" << __prot << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ env.current_line = 1;
+ char __buffer[512];
+ while (true)
+ {
+ __first = skip_blanks (__first, __last);
+ env.current_line += skip_blanks.lines;
+ if (__first == __last)
+ break;
+ else if (*__first == '#')
+ {
+ assert (*__first == '#');
+ __first = skip_blanks (++__first, __last);
+ env.current_line += skip_blanks.lines;
+ _InputIterator end_id = skip_identifier (__first, __last);
+ env.current_line += skip_identifier.lines;
+ std::size_t __size = end_id - __first;
+ assert (__size < 512);
+ char *__cp = __buffer;
+ std::copy (__first, end_id, __cp);
+ __cp[__size] = '\0';
+ end_id = skip_blanks (end_id, __last);
+ __first = skip (end_id, __last);
+ int was = env.current_line;
+ (void) handle_directive (__buffer, __size, end_id, __first, __result);
+ if (env.current_line != was)
+ {
+ env.current_line = was;
+ _PP_internal::output_line (env.current_file, env.current_line, __result);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (*__first == '\n')
+ {
+ // ### compress the line
+ *__result++ = *__first++;
+ ++env.current_line;
+ }
+ else if (skipping ())
+ __first = skip (__first, __last);
+ else
+ {
+ _PP_internal::output_line (env.current_file, env.current_line, __result);
+ __first = expand (__first, __last, __result);
+ env.current_line += expand.lines;
+ if (expand.generated_lines)
+ _PP_internal::output_line (env.current_file, env.current_line, __result);
+ }
+ }
+inline pp::pp (pp_environment &__env):
+ env (__env), expand (env)
+ iflevel = 0;
+ _M_skipping[iflevel] = 0;
+ _M_true_test[iflevel] = 0;
+inline std::back_insert_iterator<std::vector<std::string> > pp::include_paths_inserter ()
+{ return std::back_inserter (include_paths); }
+inline std::vector<std::string>::iterator pp::include_paths_begin ()
+{ return include_paths.begin (); }
+inline std::vector<std::string>::iterator pp::include_paths_end ()
+{ return include_paths.end (); }
+inline std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator pp::include_paths_begin () const
+{ return include_paths.begin (); }
+inline std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator pp::include_paths_end () const
+{ return include_paths.end (); }
+inline void pp::push_include_path (std::string const &__path)
+ if (__path.empty () || __path [__path.size () - 1] != PATH_SEPARATOR)
+ {
+ std::string __tmp (__path);
+ __tmp += PATH_SEPARATOR;
+ include_paths.push_back (__tmp);
+ }
+ else
+ include_paths.push_back (__path);
+template <typename _InputIterator>
+_InputIterator pp::handle_define (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last)
+ pp_macro macro;
+ macro.file = pp_symbol::get (env.current_file);
+ std::string definition;
+ __first = skip_blanks (__first, __last);
+ _InputIterator end_macro_name = skip_identifier (__first, __last);
+ pp_fast_string const *macro_name = pp_symbol::get (__first, end_macro_name);
+ __first = end_macro_name;
+ if (__first != __last && *__first == '(')
+ {
+ macro.function_like = true;
+ macro.formals.reserve (5);
+ __first = skip_blanks (++__first, __last); // skip '('
+ _InputIterator arg_end = skip_identifier (__first, __last);
+ if (__first != arg_end)
+ macro.formals.push_back (pp_symbol::get (__first, arg_end));
+ __first = skip_blanks (arg_end, __last);
+ if (*__first == '.')
+ {
+ macro.variadics = true;
+ while (*__first == '.')
+ ++__first;
+ }
+ while (__first != __last && *__first == ',')
+ {
+ __first = skip_blanks (++__first, __last);
+ arg_end = skip_identifier (__first, __last);
+ if (__first != arg_end)
+ macro.formals.push_back (pp_symbol::get (__first, arg_end));
+ __first = skip_blanks (arg_end, __last);
+ if (*__first == '.')
+ {
+ macro.variadics = true;
+ while (*__first == '.')
+ ++__first;
+ }
+ }
+ assert (*__first == ')');
+ ++__first;
+ }
+ __first = skip_blanks (__first, __last);
+ while (__first != __last && *__first != '\n')
+ {
+ if (*__first == '/') {
+ __first = skip_comment_or_divop(__first, __last);
+ env.current_line += skip_comment_or_divop.lines;
+ }
+ if (*__first == '\\')
+ {
+ _InputIterator __begin = __first;
+ __begin = skip_blanks (++__begin, __last);
+ if (__begin != __last && *__begin == '\n')
+ {
+ ++macro.lines;
+ __first = skip_blanks (++__begin, __last);
+ definition += ' ';
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ definition += *__first++;
+ }
+ macro.definition = pp_symbol::get (definition);
+ env.bind (macro_name, macro);
+ return __first;
+template <typename _InputIterator>
+_InputIterator pp::skip (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last)
+ pp_skip_string_literal skip_string_literal;
+ pp_skip_char_literal skip_char_literal;
+ while (__first != __last && *__first != '\n')
+ {
+ if (*__first == '/')
+ {
+ __first = skip_comment_or_divop (__first, __last);
+ env.current_line += skip_comment_or_divop.lines;
+ }
+ else if (*__first == '"')
+ {
+ __first = skip_string_literal (__first, __last);
+ env.current_line += skip_string_literal.lines;
+ }
+ else if (*__first == '\'')
+ {
+ __first = skip_char_literal (__first, __last);
+ env.current_line += skip_char_literal.lines;
+ }
+ else if (*__first == '\\')
+ {
+ __first = skip_blanks (++__first, __last);
+ env.current_line += skip_blanks.lines;
+ if (__first != __last && *__first == '\n')
+ {
+ ++__first;
+ ++env.current_line;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ ++__first;
+ }
+ return __first;
+inline bool pp::test_if_level()
+ bool result = !_M_skipping[iflevel++];
+ _M_skipping[iflevel] = _M_skipping[iflevel - 1];
+ _M_true_test[iflevel] = false;
+ return result;
+inline int pp::skipping() const
+{ return _M_skipping[iflevel]; }
+template <typename _InputIterator>
+_InputIterator pp::eval_primary(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, Value *result)
+ bool expect_paren = false;
+ int token;
+ __first = next_token (__first, __last, &token);
+ switch (token)
+ {
+ result->set_long (token_value);
+ break;
+ result->set_ulong (token_uvalue);
+ break;
+ __first = next_token (__first, __last, &token);
+ if (token == '(')
+ {
+ expect_paren = true;
+ __first = next_token (__first, __last, &token);
+ }
+ if (token != TOKEN_IDENTIFIER)
+ {
+ std::cerr << "** WARNING expected ``identifier'' found:" << char(token) << std::endl;
+ result->set_long (0);
+ break;
+ }
+ result->set_long (env.resolve (token_text->c_str (), token_text->size ()) != 0);
+ next_token (__first, __last, &token); // skip '('
+ if (expect_paren)
+ {
+ _InputIterator next = next_token (__first, __last, &token);
+ if (token != ')')
+ std::cerr << "** WARNING expected ``)''" << std::endl;
+ else
+ __first = next;
+ }
+ break;
+ result->set_long (0);
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ __first = eval_primary (__first, __last, result);
+ result->set_long (- result->l);
+ return __first;
+ case '+':
+ __first = eval_primary (__first, __last, result);
+ return __first;
+ case '!':
+ __first = eval_primary (__first, __last, result);
+ result->set_long (result->is_zero ());
+ return __first;
+ case '(':
+ __first = eval_constant_expression(__first, __last, result);
+ next_token (__first, __last, &token);
+ if (token != ')')
+ std::cerr << "** WARNING expected ``)'' = " << token << std::endl;
+ else
+ __first = next_token(__first, __last, &token);
+ break;
+ default:
+ result->set_long (0);
+ }
+ return __first;
+template <typename _InputIterator>
+_InputIterator pp::eval_multiplicative(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, Value *result)
+ __first = eval_primary(__first, __last, result);
+ int token;
+ _InputIterator next = next_token (__first, __last, &token);
+ while (token == '*' || token == '/' || token == '%')
+ {
+ Value value;
+ __first = eval_primary(next, __last, &value);
+ if (token == '*')
+ result->op_mult (value);
+ else if (token == '/')
+ {
+ if (value.is_zero ())
+ {
+ std::cerr << "** WARNING division by zero" << std::endl;
+ result->set_long (0);
+ }
+ else
+ result->op_div (value);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (value.is_zero ())
+ {
+ std::cerr << "** WARNING division by zero" << std::endl;
+ result->set_long (0);
+ }
+ else
+ result->op_mod (value);
+ }
+ next = next_token (__first, __last, &token);
+ }
+ return __first;
+template <typename _InputIterator>
+_InputIterator pp::eval_additive(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, Value *result)
+ __first = eval_multiplicative(__first, __last, result);
+ int token;
+ _InputIterator next = next_token (__first, __last, &token);
+ while (token == '+' || token == '-')
+ {
+ Value value;
+ __first = eval_multiplicative(next, __last, &value);
+ if (token == '+')
+ result->op_add (value);
+ else
+ result->op_sub (value);
+ next = next_token (__first, __last, &token);
+ }
+ return __first;
+template <typename _InputIterator>
+_InputIterator pp::eval_shift(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, Value *result)
+ __first = eval_additive(__first, __last, result);
+ int token;
+ _InputIterator next = next_token (__first, __last, &token);
+ while (token == TOKEN_LT_LT || token == TOKEN_GT_GT)
+ {
+ Value value;
+ __first = eval_additive (next, __last, &value);
+ if (token == TOKEN_LT_LT)
+ result->op_lhs (value);
+ else
+ result->op_rhs (value);
+ next = next_token (__first, __last, &token);
+ }
+ return __first;
+template <typename _InputIterator>
+_InputIterator pp::eval_relational(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, Value *result)
+ __first = eval_shift(__first, __last, result);
+ int token;
+ _InputIterator next = next_token (__first, __last, &token);
+ while (token == '<'
+ || token == '>'
+ || token == TOKEN_LT_EQ
+ || token == TOKEN_GT_EQ)
+ {
+ Value value;
+ __first = eval_shift(next, __last, &value);
+ switch (token)
+ {
+ default:
+ assert (0);
+ break;
+ case '<':
+ result->op_lt (value);
+ break;
+ case '>':
+ result->op_gt (value);
+ break;
+ case TOKEN_LT_EQ:
+ result->op_le (value);
+ break;
+ case TOKEN_GT_EQ:
+ result->op_ge (value);
+ break;
+ }
+ next = next_token (__first, __last, &token);
+ }
+ return __first;
+template <typename _InputIterator>
+_InputIterator pp::eval_equality(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, Value *result)
+ __first = eval_relational(__first, __last, result);
+ int token;
+ _InputIterator next = next_token (__first, __last, &token);
+ while (token == TOKEN_EQ_EQ || token == TOKEN_NOT_EQ)
+ {
+ Value value;
+ __first = eval_relational(next, __last, &value);
+ if (token == TOKEN_EQ_EQ)
+ result->op_eq (value);
+ else
+ result->op_ne (value);
+ next = next_token (__first, __last, &token);
+ }
+ return __first;
+template <typename _InputIterator>
+_InputIterator pp::eval_and(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, Value *result)
+ __first = eval_equality(__first, __last, result);
+ int token;
+ _InputIterator next = next_token (__first, __last, &token);
+ while (token == '&')
+ {
+ Value value;
+ __first = eval_equality(next, __last, &value);
+ result->op_bit_and (value);
+ next = next_token (__first, __last, &token);
+ }
+ return __first;
+template <typename _InputIterator>
+_InputIterator pp::eval_xor(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, Value *result)
+ __first = eval_and(__first, __last, result);
+ int token;
+ _InputIterator next = next_token (__first, __last, &token);
+ while (token == '^')
+ {
+ Value value;
+ __first = eval_and(next, __last, &value);
+ result->op_bit_xor (value);
+ next = next_token (__first, __last, &token);
+ }
+ return __first;
+template <typename _InputIterator>
+_InputIterator pp::eval_or(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, Value *result)
+ __first = eval_xor(__first, __last, result);
+ int token;
+ _InputIterator next = next_token (__first, __last, &token);
+ while (token == '|')
+ {
+ Value value;
+ __first = eval_xor(next, __last, &value);
+ result->op_bit_or (value);
+ next = next_token (__first, __last, &token);
+ }
+ return __first;
+template <typename _InputIterator>
+_InputIterator pp::eval_logical_and(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, Value *result)
+ __first = eval_or(__first, __last, result);
+ int token;
+ _InputIterator next = next_token (__first, __last, &token);
+ while (token == TOKEN_AND_AND)
+ {
+ Value value;
+ __first = eval_or(next, __last, &value);
+ result->op_and (value);
+ next = next_token (__first, __last, &token);
+ }
+ return __first;
+template <typename _InputIterator>
+_InputIterator pp::eval_logical_or(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, Value *result)
+ __first = eval_logical_and (__first, __last, result);
+ int token;
+ _InputIterator next = next_token (__first, __last, &token);
+ while (token == TOKEN_OR_OR)
+ {
+ Value value;
+ __first = eval_logical_and(next, __last, &value);
+ result->op_or (value);
+ next = next_token (__first, __last, &token);
+ }
+ return __first;
+template <typename _InputIterator>
+_InputIterator pp::eval_constant_expression(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, Value *result)
+ __first = eval_logical_or(__first, __last, result);
+ int token;
+ _InputIterator next = next_token (__first, __last, &token);
+ if (token == '?')
+ {
+ Value left_value;
+ __first = eval_constant_expression(next, __last, &left_value);
+ __first = skip_blanks (__first, __last);
+ __first = next_token(__first, __last, &token);
+ if (token == ':')
+ {
+ Value right_value;
+ __first = eval_constant_expression(__first, __last, &right_value);
+ *result = !result->is_zero () ? left_value : right_value;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::cerr << "** WARNING expected ``:'' = " << int (token) << std::endl;
+ *result = left_value;
+ }
+ }
+ return __first;
+template <typename _InputIterator>
+_InputIterator pp::eval_expression (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, Value *result)
+ return __first = eval_constant_expression (skip_blanks (__first, __last), __last, result);
+template <typename _InputIterator>
+_InputIterator pp::handle_if (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last)
+ if (test_if_level())
+ {
+ pp_macro_expander expand_condition (env);
+ std::string condition;
+ condition.reserve (255);
+ expand_condition (skip_blanks (__first, __last), __last, std::back_inserter (condition));
+ Value result;
+ result.set_long (0);
+ eval_expression(condition.c_str (), condition.c_str () + condition.size (), &result);
+ _M_true_test[iflevel] = !result.is_zero ();
+ _M_skipping[iflevel] = result.is_zero ();
+ }
+ return __first;
+template <typename _InputIterator>
+_InputIterator pp::handle_else (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator /*__last*/)
+ if (iflevel == 0 && !skipping ())
+ {
+ std::cerr << "** WARNING #else without #if" << std::endl;
+ }
+ else if (iflevel > 0 && _M_skipping[iflevel - 1])
+ {
+ _M_skipping[iflevel] = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _M_skipping[iflevel] = _M_true_test[iflevel];
+ }
+ return __first;
+template <typename _InputIterator>
+_InputIterator pp::handle_elif (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last)
+ assert(iflevel > 0);
+ if (iflevel == 0 && !skipping())
+ {
+ std::cerr << "** WARNING #else without #if" << std::endl;
+ }
+ else if (!_M_true_test[iflevel] && !_M_skipping[iflevel - 1])
+ {
+ Value result;
+ __first = eval_expression(__first, __last, &result);
+ _M_true_test[iflevel] = !result.is_zero ();
+ _M_skipping[iflevel] = result.is_zero ();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _M_skipping[iflevel] = true;
+ }
+ return __first;
+template <typename _InputIterator>
+_InputIterator pp::handle_endif (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator /*__last*/)
+ if (iflevel == 0 && !skipping())
+ {
+ std::cerr << "** WARNING #endif without #if" << std::endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _M_skipping[iflevel] = 0;
+ _M_true_test[iflevel] = 0;
+ --iflevel;
+ }
+ return __first;
+template <typename _InputIterator>
+_InputIterator pp::handle_ifdef (bool check_undefined, _InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last)
+ if (test_if_level())
+ {
+ _InputIterator end_macro_name = skip_identifier (__first, __last);
+ std::size_t __size;
+#if defined(__SUNPRO_CC)
+ std::distance (__first, end_macro_name, __size);
+ __size = std::distance (__first, end_macro_name);
+ assert (__size < 256);
+ char __buffer [256];
+ std::copy (__first, end_macro_name, __buffer);
+ bool value = env.resolve (__buffer, __size) != 0;
+ __first = end_macro_name;
+ if (check_undefined)
+ value = !value;
+ _M_true_test[iflevel] = value;
+ _M_skipping[iflevel] = !value;
+ }
+ return __first;
+template <typename _InputIterator>
+_InputIterator pp::handle_undef(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last)
+ __first = skip_blanks (__first, __last);
+ _InputIterator end_macro_name = skip_identifier (__first, __last);
+ assert (end_macro_name != __first);
+ std::size_t __size;
+#if defined(__SUNPRO_CC)
+ std::distance (__first, end_macro_name, __size);
+ __size = std::distance (__first, end_macro_name);
+ assert (__size < 256);
+ char __buffer [256];
+ std::copy (__first, end_macro_name, __buffer);
+ pp_fast_string const __tmp (__buffer, __size);
+ env.unbind (&__tmp);
+ __first = end_macro_name;
+ return __first;
+template <typename _InputIterator>
+char pp::peek_char (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last)
+ if (__first == __last)
+ return 0;
+ return *++__first;
+template <typename _InputIterator>
+_InputIterator pp::next_token (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, int *kind)
+ __first = skip_blanks (__first, __last);
+ if (__first == __last)
+ {
+ *kind = 0;
+ return __first;
+ }
+ char ch = *__first;
+ char ch2 = peek_char (__first, __last);
+ switch (ch)
+ {
+ case '/':
+ if (ch2 == '/' || ch2 == '*')
+ {
+ __first = skip_comment_or_divop (__first, __last);
+ return next_token (__first, __last, kind);
+ }
+ ++__first;
+ *kind = '/';
+ break;
+ case '<':
+ ++__first;
+ if (ch2 == '<')
+ {
+ ++__first;
+ *kind = TOKEN_LT_LT;
+ }
+ else if (ch2 == '=')
+ {
+ ++__first;
+ *kind = TOKEN_LT_EQ;
+ }
+ else
+ *kind = '<';
+ return __first;
+ case '>':
+ ++__first;
+ if (ch2 == '>')
+ {
+ ++__first;
+ *kind = TOKEN_GT_GT;
+ }
+ else if (ch2 == '=')
+ {
+ ++__first;
+ *kind = TOKEN_GT_EQ;
+ }
+ else
+ *kind = '>';
+ return __first;
+ case '!':
+ ++__first;
+ if (ch2 == '=')
+ {
+ ++__first;
+ *kind = TOKEN_NOT_EQ;
+ }
+ else
+ *kind = '!';
+ return __first;
+ case '=':
+ ++__first;
+ if (ch2 == '=')
+ {
+ ++__first;
+ *kind = TOKEN_EQ_EQ;
+ }
+ else
+ *kind = '=';
+ return __first;
+ case '|':
+ ++__first;
+ if (ch2 == '|')
+ {
+ ++__first;
+ *kind = TOKEN_OR_OR;
+ }
+ else
+ *kind = '|';
+ return __first;
+ case '&':
+ ++__first;
+ if (ch2 == '&')
+ {
+ ++__first;
+ *kind = TOKEN_AND_AND;
+ }
+ else
+ *kind = '&';
+ return __first;
+ default:
+ if (pp_isalpha (ch) || ch == '_')
+ {
+ _InputIterator end = skip_identifier (__first, __last);
+ _M_current_text.assign (__first, end);
+ token_text = &_M_current_text;
+ __first = end;
+ if (*token_text == "defined")
+ *kind = TOKEN_DEFINED;
+ else
+ }
+ else if (pp_isdigit (ch))
+ {
+ _InputIterator end = skip_number (__first, __last);
+ std::string __str (__first, __last);
+ char ch = __str [__str.size () - 1];
+ if (ch == 'u' || ch == 'U')
+ {
+ token_uvalue = strtoul (__str.c_str (), 0, 0);
+ *kind = TOKEN_UNUMBER;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ token_value = strtol (__str.c_str (), 0, 0);
+ *kind = TOKEN_NUMBER;
+ }
+ __first = end;
+ }
+ else
+ *kind = *__first++;
+ }
+ return __first;
+} // namespace rpp
+#endif // PP_ENGINE_BITS_H
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/rpp/pp-engine.h b/generator/parser/rpp/pp-engine.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8e0d52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/rpp/pp-engine.h
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright 2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of $PRODUCT$.
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#ifndef PP_ENGINE_H
+#define PP_ENGINE_H
+namespace rpp {
+struct Value
+ enum Kind {
+ Kind_Long,
+ Kind_ULong,
+ };
+ Kind kind;
+ union {
+ long l;
+ unsigned long ul;
+ };
+ inline bool is_ulong () const { return kind == Kind_ULong; }
+ inline void set_ulong (unsigned long v)
+ {
+ ul = v;
+ kind = Kind_ULong;
+ }
+ inline void set_long (long v)
+ {
+ l = v;
+ kind = Kind_Long;
+ }
+ inline bool is_zero () const { return l == 0; }
+#define PP_DEFINE_BIN_OP(name, op) \
+ inline Value &name (const Value &other) \
+ { \
+ if (is_ulong () || other.is_ulong ()) \
+ set_ulong (ul op other.ul); \
+ else \
+ set_long (l op other.l); \
+ return *this; \
+ }
+ PP_DEFINE_BIN_OP(op_add, +)
+ PP_DEFINE_BIN_OP(op_sub, -)
+ PP_DEFINE_BIN_OP(op_mult, *)
+ PP_DEFINE_BIN_OP(op_div, /)
+ PP_DEFINE_BIN_OP(op_mod, %)
+ PP_DEFINE_BIN_OP(op_lhs, <<)
+ PP_DEFINE_BIN_OP(op_rhs, >>)
+ PP_DEFINE_BIN_OP(op_lt, <)
+ PP_DEFINE_BIN_OP(op_gt, >)
+ PP_DEFINE_BIN_OP(op_le, <=)
+ PP_DEFINE_BIN_OP(op_ge, >=)
+ PP_DEFINE_BIN_OP(op_eq, ==)
+ PP_DEFINE_BIN_OP(op_ne, !=)
+ PP_DEFINE_BIN_OP(op_bit_and, &)
+ PP_DEFINE_BIN_OP(op_bit_or, |)
+ PP_DEFINE_BIN_OP(op_bit_xor, ^)
+ PP_DEFINE_BIN_OP(op_and, &&)
+ PP_DEFINE_BIN_OP(op_or, ||)
+class pp
+ pp_environment &env;
+ pp_macro_expander expand;
+ pp_skip_identifier skip_identifier;
+ pp_skip_comment_or_divop skip_comment_or_divop;
+ pp_skip_blanks skip_blanks;
+ pp_skip_number skip_number;
+ std::vector<std::string> include_paths;
+ std::string _M_current_text;
+ enum { MAX_LEVEL = 512 };
+ int _M_skipping[MAX_LEVEL];
+ int _M_true_test[MAX_LEVEL];
+ int iflevel;
+ union
+ {
+ long token_value;
+ unsigned long token_uvalue;
+ std::string *token_text;
+ };
+ {
+ };
+ {
+ TOKEN_NUMBER = 1000,
+ };
+ {
+ PP_IF,
+ };
+ pp (pp_environment &__env);
+ inline std::back_insert_iterator<std::vector<std::string> > include_paths_inserter ();
+ inline void push_include_path (std::string const &__path);
+ inline std::vector<std::string>::iterator include_paths_begin ();
+ inline std::vector<std::string>::iterator include_paths_end ();
+ inline std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator include_paths_begin () const;
+ inline std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator include_paths_end () const;
+ template <typename _InputIterator>
+ inline _InputIterator eval_expression (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, Value *result);
+ template <typename _OutputIterator>
+ void file (std::string const &filename, _OutputIterator __result);
+ template <typename _OutputIterator>
+ void file (FILE *fp, _OutputIterator __result);
+ template <typename _InputIterator, typename _OutputIterator>
+ void operator () (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result);
+ inline bool file_isdir (std::string const &__filename) const;
+ inline bool file_exists (std::string const &__filename) const;
+ FILE *find_include_file (std::string const &__filename, std::string *__filepath,
+ INCLUDE_POLICY __include_policy, bool __skip_current_path = false) const;
+ inline int skipping() const;
+ bool test_if_level();
+ inline std::string fix_file_path (std::string const &filename) const;
+ inline bool is_absolute (std::string const &filename) const;
+ PP_DIRECTIVE_TYPE find_directive (char const *__directive, std::size_t __size) const;
+ template <typename _InputIterator>
+ bool find_header_protection (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, std::string *__prot);
+ template <typename _InputIterator>
+ _InputIterator skip (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last);
+ template <typename _InputIterator>
+ _InputIterator eval_primary(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, Value *result);
+ template <typename _InputIterator>
+ _InputIterator eval_multiplicative(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, Value *result);
+ template <typename _InputIterator>
+ _InputIterator eval_additive(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, Value *result);
+ template <typename _InputIterator>
+ _InputIterator eval_shift(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, Value *result);
+ template <typename _InputIterator>
+ _InputIterator eval_relational(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, Value *result);
+ template <typename _InputIterator>
+ _InputIterator eval_equality(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, Value *result);
+ template <typename _InputIterator>
+ _InputIterator eval_and(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, Value *result);
+ template <typename _InputIterator>
+ _InputIterator eval_xor(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, Value *result);
+ template <typename _InputIterator>
+ _InputIterator eval_or(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, Value *result);
+ template <typename _InputIterator>
+ _InputIterator eval_logical_and(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, Value *result);
+ template <typename _InputIterator>
+ _InputIterator eval_logical_or(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, Value *result);
+ template <typename _InputIterator>
+ _InputIterator eval_constant_expression(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, Value *result);
+ template <typename _InputIterator, typename _OutputIterator>
+ _InputIterator handle_directive(char const *__directive, std::size_t __size,
+ _InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result);
+ template <typename _InputIterator, typename _OutputIterator>
+ _InputIterator handle_include(bool skip_current_path, _InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last,
+ _OutputIterator __result);
+ template <typename _InputIterator>
+ _InputIterator handle_define (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last);
+ template <typename _InputIterator>
+ _InputIterator handle_if (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last);
+ template <typename _InputIterator>
+ _InputIterator handle_else (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last);
+ template <typename _InputIterator>
+ _InputIterator handle_elif (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last);
+ template <typename _InputIterator>
+ _InputIterator handle_endif (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last);
+ template <typename _InputIterator>
+ _InputIterator handle_ifdef (bool check_undefined, _InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last);
+ template <typename _InputIterator>
+ _InputIterator handle_undef(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last);
+ template <typename _InputIterator>
+ inline char peek_char (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last);
+ template <typename _InputIterator>
+ _InputIterator next_token (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, int *kind);
+} // namespace rpp
+#endif // PP_ENGINE_H
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/rpp/pp-environment.h b/generator/parser/rpp/pp-environment.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ee10e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/rpp/pp-environment.h
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright 2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of $PRODUCT$.
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include <vector>
+#include <cstring>
+namespace rpp {
+class pp_environment
+ typedef std::vector<pp_macro*>::const_iterator const_iterator;
+ pp_environment ():
+ current_line (0),
+ _M_hash_size (4093)
+ {
+ _M_base = (pp_macro **) memset (new pp_macro* [_M_hash_size], 0, _M_hash_size * sizeof (pp_macro*));
+ }
+ ~pp_environment ()
+ {
+ for (std::size_t i = 0; i < _M_macros.size (); ++i)
+ delete _M_macros [i];
+ delete [] _M_base;
+ }
+ const_iterator first_macro () const { return _M_macros.begin (); }
+ const_iterator last_macro () const { return _M_macros.end (); }
+ inline void bind (pp_fast_string const *__name, pp_macro const &__macro)
+ {
+ std::size_t h = hash_code (*__name) % _M_hash_size;
+ pp_macro *m = new pp_macro (__macro);
+ m->name = __name;
+ m->next = _M_base [h];
+ m->hash_code = h;
+ _M_base [h] = m;
+ _M_macros.push_back (m);
+ if (_M_macros.size() == _M_hash_size)
+ rehash();
+ }
+ inline void unbind (pp_fast_string const *__name)
+ {
+ if (pp_macro *m = resolve (__name))
+ m->hidden = true;
+ }
+ inline void unbind (char const *__s, std::size_t __size)
+ {
+ pp_fast_string __tmp (__s, __size);
+ unbind (&__tmp);
+ }
+ inline pp_macro *resolve (pp_fast_string const *__name) const
+ {
+ std::size_t h = hash_code (*__name) % _M_hash_size;
+ pp_macro *it = _M_base [h];
+ while (it && it->name && it->hash_code == h && (*it->name != *__name || it->hidden))
+ it = it->next;
+ return it;
+ }
+ inline pp_macro *resolve (char const *__data, std::size_t __size) const
+ {
+ pp_fast_string const __tmp (__data, __size);
+ return resolve (&__tmp);
+ }
+ std::string current_file;
+ int current_line;
+ inline std::size_t hash_code (pp_fast_string const &s) const
+ {
+ std::size_t hash_value = 0;
+ for (std::size_t i = 0; i < s.size (); ++i)
+ hash_value = (hash_value << 5) - hash_value + (i);
+ return hash_value;
+ }
+ void rehash()
+ {
+ delete[] _M_base;
+ _M_hash_size <<= 1;
+ _M_base = (pp_macro **) memset (new pp_macro* [_M_hash_size], 0, _M_hash_size * sizeof(pp_macro*));
+ for (std::size_t index = 0; index < _M_macros.size (); ++index)
+ {
+ pp_macro *elt = _M_macros [index];
+ std::size_t h = hash_code (*elt->name) % _M_hash_size;
+ elt->next = _M_base [h];
+ elt->hash_code = h;
+ _M_base [h] = elt;
+ }
+ }
+ std::vector<pp_macro*> _M_macros;
+ pp_macro **_M_base;
+ std::size_t _M_hash_size;
+} // namespace rpp
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/rpp/pp-fwd.h b/generator/parser/rpp/pp-fwd.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0adf571
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/rpp/pp-fwd.h
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright 2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of $PRODUCT$.
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#ifndef PP_FWD_H
+#define PP_FWD_H
+namespace rpp {
+template <typename _CharT> class pp_string;
+typedef pp_string<char> pp_fast_string;
+#endif // PP_FWD_H
+} // namespace rpp
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/rpp/pp-internal.h b/generator/parser/rpp/pp-internal.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb1abde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/rpp/pp-internal.h
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright 2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of $PRODUCT$.
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#ifndef PP_INTERNAL_H
+#define PP_INTERNAL_H
+#include <algorithm>
+namespace rpp {
+namespace _PP_internal
+inline void extract_file_path (const std::string &__filename, std::string *__filepath)
+ std::size_t __index = __filename.rfind (PATH_SEPARATOR);
+ if (__index == std::string::npos)
+ *__filepath = "/";
+ else
+ __filepath->assign (__filename, 0, __index + 1);
+template <typename _OutputIterator>
+void output_line(const std::string &__filename, int __line, _OutputIterator __result)
+ std::string __msg;
+ __msg += "# ";
+ char __line_descr[16];
+ pp_snprintf (__line_descr, 16, "%d", __line);
+ __msg += __line_descr;
+ __msg += " \"";
+ if (__filename.empty ())
+ __msg += "<internal>";
+ else
+ __msg += __filename;
+ __msg += "\"\n";
+ std::copy (__msg.begin (), __msg.end (), __result);
+template <typename _InputIterator>
+inline bool comment_p (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last) /*const*/
+ if (__first == __last)
+ return false;
+ if (*__first != '/')
+ return false;
+ if (++__first == __last)
+ return false;
+ return (*__first == '/' || *__first == '*');
+struct _Compare_string: public std::binary_function<bool, pp_fast_string const *, pp_fast_string const *>
+ inline bool operator () (pp_fast_string const *__lhs, pp_fast_string const *__rhs) const
+ { return *__lhs < *__rhs; }
+struct _Equal_to_string: public std::binary_function<bool, pp_fast_string const *, pp_fast_string const *>
+ inline bool operator () (pp_fast_string const *__lhs, pp_fast_string const *__rhs) const
+ { return *__lhs == *__rhs; }
+struct _Hash_string: public std::unary_function<std::size_t, pp_fast_string const *>
+ inline std::size_t operator () (pp_fast_string const *__s) const
+ {
+ char const *__ptr = __s->begin ();
+ std::size_t __size = __s->size ();
+ std::size_t __h = 0;
+ for (std::size_t i = 0; i < __size; ++i)
+ __h = (__h << 5) - __h + __ptr [i];
+ return __h;
+ }
+} // _PP_internal
+} // namespace rpp
+#endif // PP_INTERNAL_H
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/rpp/pp-iterator.h b/generator/parser/rpp/pp-iterator.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94794b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/rpp/pp-iterator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright 2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of $PRODUCT$.
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#ifndef PP_ITERATOR_H
+#define PP_ITERATOR_H
+#include <iterator>
+namespace rpp {
+class pp_null_output_iterator
+ : public std::iterator<std::output_iterator_tag, void, void, void, void>
+ pp_null_output_iterator() {}
+ template <typename _Tp>
+ pp_null_output_iterator &operator=(_Tp const &)
+ { return *this; }
+ inline pp_null_output_iterator &operator * () { return *this; }
+ inline pp_null_output_iterator &operator ++ () { return *this; }
+ inline pp_null_output_iterator operator ++ (int) { return *this; }
+template <typename _Container>
+class pp_output_iterator
+ : public std::iterator<std::output_iterator_tag, void, void, void, void>
+ std::string &_M_result;
+ explicit pp_output_iterator(std::string &__result):
+ _M_result (__result) {}
+ inline pp_output_iterator &operator=(typename _Container::const_reference __v)
+ {
+ if (_M_result.capacity () == _M_result.size ())
+ _M_result.reserve (_M_result.capacity () << 2);
+ _M_result.push_back(__v);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline pp_output_iterator &operator * () { return *this; }
+ inline pp_output_iterator &operator ++ () { return *this; }
+ inline pp_output_iterator operator ++ (int) { return *this; }
+} // namespace rpp
+#endif // PP_ITERATOR_H
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/rpp/pp-macro-expander.h b/generator/parser/rpp/pp-macro-expander.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a3ecf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/rpp/pp-macro-expander.h
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright 2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of $PRODUCT$.
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+namespace rpp {
+struct pp_frame
+ pp_macro *expanding_macro;
+ std::vector<std::string> *actuals;
+ pp_frame (pp_macro *__expanding_macro, std::vector<std::string> *__actuals):
+ expanding_macro (__expanding_macro), actuals (__actuals) {}
+class pp_macro_expander
+ pp_environment &env;
+ pp_frame *frame;
+ pp_skip_number skip_number;
+ pp_skip_identifier skip_identifier;
+ pp_skip_string_literal skip_string_literal;
+ pp_skip_char_literal skip_char_literal;
+ pp_skip_argument skip_argument;
+ pp_skip_comment_or_divop skip_comment_or_divop;
+ pp_skip_blanks skip_blanks;
+ pp_skip_whitespaces skip_whitespaces;
+ std::string const *resolve_formal (pp_fast_string const *__name)
+ {
+ assert (__name != 0);
+ if (! frame)
+ return 0;
+ assert (frame->expanding_macro != 0);
+ std::vector<pp_fast_string const *> const formals = frame->expanding_macro->formals;
+ for (std::size_t index = 0; index < formals.size(); ++index)
+ {
+ pp_fast_string const *formal = formals[index];
+ if (*formal != *__name)
+ continue;
+ else if (frame->actuals && index < frame->actuals->size())
+ return &(*frame->actuals)[index];
+ else
+ assert (0); // internal error?
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+public: // attributes
+ int lines;
+ int generated_lines;
+ pp_macro_expander (pp_environment &__env, pp_frame *__frame = 0):
+ env (__env), frame (__frame), lines (0), generated_lines (0) {}
+ template <typename _InputIterator, typename _OutputIterator>
+ _InputIterator operator () (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result)
+ {
+ generated_lines = 0;
+ __first = skip_blanks (__first, __last);
+ lines = skip_blanks.lines;
+ while (__first != __last)
+ {
+ if (*__first == '\n')
+ {
+ *__result++ = *__first;
+ ++lines;
+ __first = skip_blanks (++__first, __last);
+ lines += skip_blanks.lines;
+ if (__first != __last && *__first == '#')
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (*__first == '#')
+ {
+ __first = skip_blanks (++__first, __last);
+ lines += skip_blanks.lines;
+ _InputIterator end_id = skip_identifier (__first, __last);
+ // ### rewrite: not safe
+ char name_buffer[512], *cp = name_buffer;
+ std::copy (__first, end_id, cp);
+ std::size_t name_size = end_id - __first;
+ name_buffer[name_size] = '\0';
+ pp_fast_string fast_name (name_buffer, name_size);
+ if (std::string const *actual = resolve_formal (&fast_name))
+ {
+ *__result++ = '\"';
+ for (std::string::const_iterator it = skip_whitespaces (actual->begin (), actual->end ());
+ it != actual->end (); ++it)
+ {
+ if (*it == '"')
+ {
+ *__result++ = '\\';
+ *__result++ = *it;
+ }
+ else if (*it == '\n')
+ {
+ *__result++ = '"';
+ *__result++ = '\n';
+ *__result++ = '"';
+ }
+ else
+ *__result++ = *it;
+ }
+ *__result++ = '\"';
+ __first = end_id;
+ }
+ else
+ *__result++ = '#'; // ### warning message?
+ }
+ else if (*__first == '\"')
+ {
+ _InputIterator next_pos = skip_string_literal (__first, __last);
+ lines += skip_string_literal.lines;
+ std::copy (__first, next_pos, __result);
+ __first = next_pos;
+ }
+ else if (*__first == '\'')
+ {
+ _InputIterator next_pos = skip_char_literal (__first, __last);
+ lines += skip_char_literal.lines;
+ std::copy (__first, next_pos, __result);
+ __first = next_pos;
+ }
+ else if (_PP_internal::comment_p (__first, __last))
+ {
+ __first = skip_comment_or_divop (__first, __last);
+ int n = skip_comment_or_divop.lines;
+ lines += n;
+ while (n-- > 0)
+ *__result++ = '\n';
+ }
+ else if (pp_isspace (*__first))
+ {
+ for (; __first != __last; ++__first)
+ {
+ if (*__first == '\n' || !pp_isspace (*__first))
+ break;
+ }
+ *__result = ' ';
+ }
+ else if (pp_isdigit (*__first))
+ {
+ _InputIterator next_pos = skip_number (__first, __last);
+ lines += skip_number.lines;
+ std::copy (__first, next_pos, __result);
+ __first = next_pos;
+ }
+ else if (pp_isalpha (*__first) || *__first == '_')
+ {
+ _InputIterator name_begin = __first;
+ _InputIterator name_end = skip_identifier (__first, __last);
+ __first = name_end; // advance
+ // search for the paste token
+ _InputIterator next = skip_blanks (__first, __last);
+ if (next != __last && *next == '#')
+ {
+ ++next;
+ if (next != __last && *next == '#')
+ __first = skip_blanks(++next, __last);
+ }
+ // ### rewrite: not safe
+ std::ptrdiff_t name_size;
+#if defined(__SUNPRO_CC)
+ std::distance (name_begin, name_end, name_size);
+ name_size = std::distance (name_begin, name_end);
+ assert (name_size >= 0 && name_size < 512);
+ char name_buffer[512], *cp = name_buffer;
+ std::size_t __size = name_end - name_begin;
+ std::copy (name_begin, name_end, cp);
+ name_buffer[__size] = '\0';
+ pp_fast_string fast_name (name_buffer, name_size);
+ if (std::string const *actual = resolve_formal (&fast_name))
+ {
+ std::copy (actual->begin (), actual->end (), __result);
+ continue;
+ }
+ static bool hide_next = false; // ### remove me
+ pp_macro *macro = env.resolve (name_buffer, name_size);
+ if (! macro || macro->hidden || hide_next)
+ {
+ hide_next = ! strcmp (name_buffer, "defined");
+ if (__size == 8 && name_buffer [0] == '_' && name_buffer [1] == '_')
+ {
+ if (! strcmp (name_buffer, "__LINE__"))
+ {
+ char buf [16];
+ char *end = buf + pp_snprintf (buf, 16, "%d", env.current_line + lines);
+ std::copy (&buf [0], end, __result);
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (! strcmp (name_buffer, "__FILE__"))
+ {
+ __result++ = '"';
+ std::copy (env.current_file.begin (), env.current_file.end (), __result); // ### quote
+ __result++ = '"';
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ std::copy (name_begin, name_end, __result);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (! macro->function_like)
+ {
+ pp_macro *m = 0;
+ if (macro->definition)
+ {
+ macro->hidden = true;
+ std::string __tmp;
+ __tmp.reserve (256);
+ pp_macro_expander expand_macro (env);
+ expand_macro (macro->definition->begin (), macro->definition->end (), std::back_inserter (__tmp));
+ generated_lines += expand_macro.lines;
+ if (! __tmp.empty ())
+ {
+ std::string::iterator __begin_id = skip_whitespaces (__tmp.begin (), __tmp.end ());
+ std::string::iterator __end_id = skip_identifier (__begin_id, __tmp.end ());
+ if (__end_id == __tmp.end ())
+ {
+ std::string __id;
+ __id.assign (__begin_id, __end_id);
+ std::size_t x;
+#if defined(__SUNPRO_CC)
+ std::distance (__begin_id, __end_id, x);
+ x = std::distance (__begin_id, __end_id);
+ m = env.resolve (__id.c_str (), x);
+ }
+ if (! m)
+ std::copy (__tmp.begin (), __tmp.end (), __result);
+ }
+ macro->hidden = false;
+ }
+ if (! m)
+ continue;
+ macro = m;
+ }
+ // function like macro
+ _InputIterator arg_it = skip_whitespaces (__first, __last);
+ if (arg_it == __last || *arg_it != '(')
+ {
+ std::copy (name_begin, name_end, __result);
+ lines += skip_whitespaces.lines;
+ __first = arg_it;
+ continue;
+ }
+ std::vector<std::string> actuals;
+ actuals.reserve (5);
+ ++arg_it; // skip '('
+ pp_macro_expander expand_actual (env, frame);
+ _InputIterator arg_end = skip_argument_variadics (actuals, macro, arg_it, __last);
+ if (arg_it != arg_end)
+ {
+ std::string actual (arg_it, arg_end);
+ actuals.resize (actuals.size() + 1);
+ actuals.back ().reserve (255);
+ expand_actual (actual.begin (), actual.end(), std::back_inserter (actuals.back()));
+ arg_it = arg_end;
+ }
+ while (arg_it != __last && *arg_end == ',')
+ {
+ ++arg_it; // skip ','
+ arg_end = skip_argument_variadics (actuals, macro, arg_it, __last);
+ std::string actual (arg_it, arg_end);
+ actuals.resize (actuals.size() + 1);
+ actuals.back ().reserve (255);
+ expand_actual (actual.begin (), actual.end(), std::back_inserter (actuals.back()));
+ arg_it = arg_end;
+ }
+ assert (arg_it != __last && *arg_it == ')');
+ ++arg_it; // skip ')'
+ __first = arg_it;
+#if 0 // ### enable me
+ assert ((macro->variadics && macro->formals.size () >= actuals.size ())
+ || macro->formals.size() == actuals.size());
+ pp_frame frame (macro, &actuals);
+ pp_macro_expander expand_macro (env, &frame);
+ macro->hidden = true;
+ expand_macro (macro->definition->begin (), macro->definition->end (), __result);
+ macro->hidden = false;
+ generated_lines += expand_macro.lines;
+ }
+ else
+ *__result++ = *__first++;
+ }
+ return __first;
+ }
+ template <typename _InputIterator>
+ _InputIterator skip_argument_variadics (std::vector<std::string> const &__actuals, pp_macro *__macro,
+ _InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last)
+ {
+ _InputIterator arg_end = skip_argument (__first, __last);
+ while (__macro->variadics && __first != arg_end && arg_end != __last && *arg_end == ','
+ && (__actuals.size () + 1) == __macro->formals.size ())
+ {
+ arg_end = skip_argument (++arg_end, __last);
+ }
+ return arg_end;
+ }
+} // namespace rpp
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/rpp/pp-macro.h b/generator/parser/rpp/pp-macro.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f7406d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/rpp/pp-macro.h
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright 2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of $PRODUCT$.
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#ifndef PP_MACRO_H
+#define PP_MACRO_H
+namespace rpp {
+struct pp_macro
+ pp_fast_string const *file;
+ pp_fast_string const *name;
+ pp_fast_string const *definition;
+ std::vector<pp_fast_string const *> formals;
+ union
+ {
+ int unsigned state;
+ struct
+ {
+ int unsigned hidden: 1;
+ int unsigned function_like: 1;
+ int unsigned variadics: 1;
+ };
+ };
+ int lines;
+ pp_macro *next;
+ std::size_t hash_code;
+ inline pp_macro():
+ file (0),
+ name (0),
+ definition (0),
+ state (0),
+ lines (0),
+ next (0),
+ hash_code (0)
+ {}
+} // namespace rpp
+#endif // PP_MACRO_H
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/rpp/pp-main.cpp b/generator/parser/rpp/pp-main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..536caf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/rpp/pp-main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright 2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of $PRODUCT$.
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include <fstream>
+#include "pp.h"
+using namespace rpp;
+#ifndef GCC_MACHINE
+# define GCC_MACHINE "i386-redhat-linux"
+#ifndef GCC_VERSION
+# define GCC_VERSION "4.1.1"
+void usage ()
+ std::cerr << "usage: rpp file.cpp" << std::endl;
+ ::exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
+void dump_macros (pp_environment &env, pp &, std::ostream &__out)
+ for (pp_environment::const_iterator it = env.first_macro (); it != env.last_macro (); ++it)
+ {
+ pp_macro const *m = *it;
+ if (m->hidden)
+ continue;
+ std::string id (m->name->begin (), m->name->end ());
+ __out << "#define " << id;
+ if (m->function_like)
+ {
+ __out << "(";
+ for (std::size_t i = 0; i < m->formals.size (); ++i)
+ {
+ if (i != 0)
+ __out << ", ";
+ pp_fast_string const *f = m->formals [i];
+ std::string name (f->begin (), f->end ());
+ __out << name;
+ }
+ if (m->variadics)
+ __out << "...";
+ __out << ")";
+ }
+ __out << "\t";
+ if (m->definition)
+ {
+ std::string def (m->definition->begin (), m->definition->end ());
+ __out << def;
+ }
+ __out << std::endl;
+ }
+int main (int, char *argv [])
+ char const *input_file = 0;
+ char const *output_file = 0;
+ char const *include_pch_file = 0;
+ bool opt_help = false;
+ bool opt_dump_macros = false;
+ bool opt_pch = false;
+ pp_environment env;
+ pp preprocess(env);
+ std::string result;
+ result.reserve (20 * 1024); // 20K
+ pp_output_iterator<std::string> out (result);
+ pp_null_output_iterator null_out;
+ preprocess.push_include_path ("/usr/include");
+ preprocess.push_include_path ("/usr/lib/gcc/" GCC_MACHINE "/" GCC_VERSION "/include");
+ preprocess.push_include_path ("/usr/include/c++/" GCC_VERSION);
+ preprocess.push_include_path ("/usr/include/c++/" GCC_VERSION "/" GCC_MACHINE);
+ std::string extra_args;
+ while (const char *arg = *++argv)
+ {
+ if (arg [0] != '-')
+ input_file = arg;
+ else if (! strcmp (arg, "-help"))
+ opt_help = true;
+ else if (! strcmp (arg, "-dM"))
+ opt_dump_macros = true;
+ else if (! strcmp (arg, "-pch"))
+ opt_pch = true;
+ else if (! strcmp (arg, "-msse"))
+ {
+ pp_macro __macro;
+ = pp_symbol::get ("__SSE__", 7);
+ env.bind (, __macro);
+ = pp_symbol::get ("__MMX__", 7);
+ env.bind (, __macro);
+ }
+ else if (! strcmp (arg, "-include"))
+ {
+ if (argv [1])
+ include_pch_file = *++argv;
+ }
+ else if (! strncmp (arg, "-o", 2))
+ {
+ arg += 2;
+ if (! arg [0] && argv [1])
+ arg = *++argv;
+ if (arg)
+ output_file = arg;
+ }
+ else if (! strncmp (arg, "-conf", 8))
+ {
+ if (argv [1])
+ preprocess.file (*++argv, null_out);
+ }
+ else if (! strncmp (arg, "-I", 2))
+ {
+ arg += 2;
+ if (! arg [0] && argv [1])
+ arg = *++argv;
+ if (arg)
+ preprocess.push_include_path (arg);
+ }
+ else if (! strncmp (arg, "-U", 2))
+ {
+ arg += 2;
+ if (! arg [0] && argv [1])
+ arg = *++argv;
+ if (arg)
+ {
+ env.unbind (arg, strlen (arg));
+ }
+ }
+ else if (! strncmp (arg, "-D", 2))
+ {
+ arg += 2;
+ if (! arg [0] && argv [1])
+ arg = *++argv;
+ if (arg)
+ {
+ pp_macro __macro;
+ char const *end = arg;
+ char const *eq = 0;
+ for (; *end; ++end)
+ {
+ if (*end == '=')
+ eq = end;
+ }
+ if (eq != 0)
+ {
+ = pp_symbol::get (arg, eq - arg);
+ __macro.definition = pp_symbol::get (eq + 1, end - (eq + 1));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ = pp_symbol::get (arg, end - arg);
+ __macro.definition = 0;
+ }
+ env.bind (, __macro);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ extra_args += " ";
+ extra_args += arg;
+ }
+ }
+ if (! input_file || opt_help)
+ {
+ usage ();
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ std::string __ifile (input_file);
+ bool is_c_file = false;
+ if (__ifile.size () > 2 && __ifile [__ifile.size () - 1] == 'c' && __ifile [__ifile.size () - 2] == '.')
+ {
+ is_c_file = true;
+ env.unbind ("__cplusplus", 11);
+ pp_macro __macro;
+ = pp_symbol::get ("__null");
+ __macro.definition = pp_symbol::get ("((void*) 0)");
+ env.bind (, __macro);
+ // turn off the pch
+ include_pch_file = 0;
+ }
+ else if (include_pch_file)
+ {
+ std::string __pch (include_pch_file);
+ __pch += ".gch/c++.conf";
+ //std::cerr << "*** pch file " << __pch << std::endl;
+ preprocess.file (__pch, null_out);
+ }
+ if (opt_dump_macros)
+ {
+ preprocess.file (input_file, null_out);
+ dump_macros (env, preprocess, std::cout);
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ preprocess.file (input_file, out);
+ if (opt_pch)
+ {
+ if (! output_file)
+ {
+ std::cerr << "*** WARNING expected a file name" << std::endl;
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ std::string __conf_file (output_file);
+ __conf_file += ".conf";
+ std::ofstream __out;
+ (__conf_file.c_str ());
+ dump_macros (env, preprocess, __out);
+ __out.close ();
+ std::string __pp_file (output_file);
+ __pp_file += ".i";
+ (__pp_file.c_str ());
+ __out.write (result.c_str (), result.size ());
+ __out.close ();
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ std::ostream *__out = &std::cout;
+ std::ofstream __ofile;
+ if (output_file)
+ {
+ std::string __output_file_name (output_file);
+ (output_file);
+ __out = &__ofile;
+ }
+ if (include_pch_file)
+ {
+ std::string __pch (include_pch_file);
+ __pch += ".gch/c++.i";
+ std::ifstream __in (__pch.c_str ());
+ char buffer [1024];
+ while ( (buffer, 1024))
+ __out->write (buffer, 1024);
+ __in.close ();
+ }
+ __out->write (result.c_str (), result.size ());
+ if (output_file)
+ __ofile.close ();
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/rpp/pp-qt-configuration b/generator/parser/rpp/pp-qt-configuration
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfdd30f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/rpp/pp-qt-configuration
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+#define __cplusplus 1
+#define __STDC__
+// Qt
+// not yet supported
+#define Q_SLOTS slots
+#define Q_SIGNALS signals
+#define Q_FLAGS(a)
+#define Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(a, b)
+#define Q_INTERFACES(a)
+#define Q_GADGET
+#define Q_OVERRIDE(a)
+#define Q_OS_OS2
+// There are symbols in Qt that exist in Debug but
+// not in release
+#define QT_NO_DEBUG
+#define QT_JAMBI_RUN
diff --git a/generator/parser/rpp/pp-scanner.h b/generator/parser/rpp/pp-scanner.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2266b3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/rpp/pp-scanner.h
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright 2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of $PRODUCT$.
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#ifndef PP_SCANNER_H
+#define PP_SCANNER_H
+namespace rpp {
+struct pp_skip_blanks
+ int lines;
+ template <typename _InputIterator>
+ _InputIterator operator () (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last)
+ {
+ lines = 0;
+ for (; __first != __last; lines += (*__first != '\n' ? 0 : 1), ++__first)
+ {
+ if (*__first == '\\')
+ {
+ _InputIterator __begin = __first;
+ ++__begin;
+ if (__begin != __last && *__begin == '\n')
+ ++__first;
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (*__first == '\n' || !pp_isspace (*__first))
+ break;
+ }
+ return __first;
+ }
+struct pp_skip_whitespaces
+ int lines;
+ template <typename _InputIterator>
+ _InputIterator operator () (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last)
+ {
+ lines = 0;
+ for (; __first != __last; lines += (*__first != '\n' ? 0 : 1), ++__first)
+ {
+ if (! pp_isspace (*__first))
+ break;
+ }
+ return __first;
+ }
+struct pp_skip_comment_or_divop
+ int lines;
+ template <typename _InputIterator>
+ _InputIterator operator () (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last)
+ {
+ enum {
+ END,
+ } state (MAYBE_BEGIN);
+ lines = 0;
+ for (; __first != __last; lines += (*__first != '\n' ? 0 : 1), ++__first)
+ {
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ default:
+ assert (0);
+ break;
+ if (*__first != '/')
+ return __first;
+ state = BEGIN;
+ break;
+ case BEGIN:
+ if (*__first == '*')
+ state = IN_COMMENT;
+ else if (*__first == '/')
+ state = IN_CXX_COMMENT;
+ else
+ return __first;
+ break;
+ case IN_COMMENT:
+ if (*__first == '*')
+ state = MAYBE_END;
+ break;
+ if (*__first == '\n')
+ return __first;
+ break;
+ case MAYBE_END:
+ if (*__first == '/')
+ state = END;
+ else if (*__first != '*')
+ state = IN_COMMENT;
+ break;
+ case END:
+ return __first;
+ }
+ }
+ return __first;
+ }
+struct pp_skip_identifier
+ int lines;
+ template <typename _InputIterator>
+ _InputIterator operator () (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last)
+ {
+ lines = 0;
+ for (; __first != __last; lines += (*__first != '\n' ? 0 : 1), ++__first)
+ {
+ if (! pp_isalnum (*__first) && *__first != '_')
+ break;
+ }
+ return __first;
+ }
+struct pp_skip_number
+ int lines;
+ template <typename _InputIterator>
+ _InputIterator operator () (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last)
+ {
+ lines = 0;
+ for (; __first != __last; lines += (*__first != '\n' ? 0 : 1), ++__first)
+ {
+ if (! pp_isalnum (*__first) && *__first != '.')
+ break;
+ }
+ return __first;
+ }
+struct pp_skip_string_literal
+ int lines;
+ template <typename _InputIterator>
+ _InputIterator operator () (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last)
+ {
+ enum {
+ } state (BEGIN);
+ lines = 0;
+ for (; __first != __last; lines += (*__first != '\n' ? 0 : 1), ++__first)
+ {
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ default:
+ assert (0);
+ break;
+ case BEGIN:
+ if (*__first != '\"')
+ return __first;
+ state = IN_STRING;
+ break;
+ case IN_STRING:
+ assert (*__first != '\n');
+ if (*__first == '\"')
+ state = END;
+ else if (*__first == '\\')
+ state = QUOTE;
+ break;
+ case QUOTE:
+ state = IN_STRING;
+ break;
+ case END:
+ return __first;
+ }
+ }
+ return __first;
+ }
+struct pp_skip_char_literal
+ int lines;
+ template <typename _InputIterator>
+ _InputIterator operator () (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last)
+ {
+ enum {
+ } state (BEGIN);
+ lines = 0;
+ for (; state != END && __first != __last; lines += (*__first != '\n' ? 0 : 1), ++__first)
+ {
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ default:
+ assert (0);
+ break;
+ case BEGIN:
+ if (*__first != '\'')
+ return __first;
+ state = IN_STRING;
+ break;
+ case IN_STRING:
+ assert (*__first != '\n');
+ if (*__first == '\'')
+ state = END;
+ else if (*__first == '\\')
+ state = QUOTE;
+ break;
+ case QUOTE:
+ state = IN_STRING;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return __first;
+ }
+struct pp_skip_argument
+ pp_skip_identifier skip_number;
+ pp_skip_identifier skip_identifier;
+ pp_skip_string_literal skip_string_literal;
+ pp_skip_char_literal skip_char_literal;
+ pp_skip_comment_or_divop skip_comment_or_divop;
+ int lines;
+ template <typename _InputIterator>
+ _InputIterator operator () (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last)
+ {
+ int depth = 0;
+ lines = 0;
+ while (__first != __last)
+ {
+ if (!depth && (*__first == ')' || *__first == ','))
+ break;
+ else if (*__first == '(')
+ ++depth, ++__first;
+ else if (*__first == ')')
+ --depth, ++__first;
+ else if (*__first == '\"')
+ {
+ __first = skip_string_literal (__first, __last);
+ lines += skip_string_literal.lines;
+ }
+ else if (*__first == '\'')
+ {
+ __first = skip_char_literal (__first, __last);
+ lines += skip_char_literal.lines;
+ }
+ else if (*__first == '/')
+ {
+ __first = skip_comment_or_divop (__first, __last);
+ lines += skip_comment_or_divop.lines;
+ }
+ else if (pp_isalpha (*__first) || *__first == '_')
+ {
+ __first = skip_identifier (__first, __last);
+ lines += skip_identifier.lines;
+ }
+ else if (pp_isdigit (*__first))
+ {
+ __first = skip_number (__first, __last);
+ lines += skip_number.lines;
+ }
+ else if (*__first == '\n')
+ {
+ ++__first;
+ ++lines;
+ }
+ else
+ ++__first;
+ }
+ return __first;
+ }
+} // namespace rpp
+#endif // PP_SCANNER_H
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/rpp/pp-string.h b/generator/parser/rpp/pp-string.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a84647
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/rpp/pp-string.h
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright 2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of $PRODUCT$.
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#ifndef PP_STRING_H
+#define PP_STRING_H
+namespace rpp {
+template <typename _CharT>
+class pp_string
+ typedef std::char_traits<_CharT> traits_type;
+ typedef std::size_t size_type;
+ _CharT const *_M_begin;
+ std::size_t _M_size;
+ inline pp_string ():
+ _M_begin (0), _M_size(0) {}
+ explicit pp_string (std::string const &__s):
+ _M_begin (__s.c_str ()), _M_size (__s.size ()) {}
+ inline pp_string (_CharT const *__begin, std::size_t __size):
+ _M_begin (__begin), _M_size (__size) {}
+ inline _CharT const *begin () const { return _M_begin; }
+ inline _CharT const *end () const { return _M_begin + _M_size; }
+ inline _CharT at (std::size_t index) const { return _M_begin [index]; }
+ inline std::size_t size () const { return _M_size; }
+ inline int compare (pp_string const &__other) const
+ {
+ size_type const __size = this->size();
+ size_type const __osize = __other.size();
+ size_type const __len = std::min (__size, __osize);
+ int __r = traits_type::compare (_M_begin, __other._M_begin, __len);
+ if (!__r)
+ __r = (int) (__size - __osize);
+ return __r;
+ }
+ inline bool operator == (pp_string const &__other) const
+ { return compare (__other) == 0; }
+ inline bool operator != (pp_string const &__other) const
+ { return compare (__other) != 0; }
+ inline bool operator < (pp_string const &__other) const
+ { return compare (__other) < 0; }
+ inline bool operator == (char const *s) const
+ {
+ std::size_t n = strlen (s);
+ if (n != _M_size)
+ return false;
+ return ! strncmp (_M_begin, s, n);
+ }
+ inline bool operator != (char const *s) const
+ { return ! operator == (s); }
+} // namespace rpp
+#endif // PP_STRING_H
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/rpp/pp-symbol.h b/generator/parser/rpp/pp-symbol.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de646df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/rpp/pp-symbol.h
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright 2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of $PRODUCT$.
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#ifndef PP_SYMBOL_H
+#define PP_SYMBOL_H
+namespace rpp {
+class pp_symbol
+ static rxx_allocator<char> &allocator_instance ()
+ {
+ static rxx_allocator<char>__allocator;
+ return __allocator;
+ }
+ static int &N()
+ {
+ static int __N;
+ return __N;
+ }
+ static pp_fast_string const *get (char const *__data, std::size_t __size)
+ {
+ ++N();
+ char *data = allocator_instance ().allocate (__size + 1);
+ memcpy(data, __data, __size);
+ data[__size] = '\0';
+ char *where = allocator_instance ().allocate (sizeof (pp_fast_string));
+ return new (where) pp_fast_string (data, __size);
+ }
+ template <typename _InputIterator>
+ static pp_fast_string const *get (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last)
+ {
+ ++N();
+ std::ptrdiff_t __size;
+#if defined(__SUNPRO_CC)
+ std::distance (__first, __last, __size);
+ __size = std::distance (__first, __last);
+ assert (__size >= 0 && __size < 512);
+ char *data = allocator_instance ().allocate (__size + 1);
+ std::copy (__first, __last, data);
+ data[__size] = '\0';
+ char *where = allocator_instance ().allocate (sizeof (pp_fast_string));
+ return new (where) pp_fast_string (data, __size);
+ }
+ static pp_fast_string const *get(std::string const &__s)
+ { return get (__s.c_str (), __s.size ()); }
+} // namespace rpp
+#endif // PP_SYMBOL_H
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/rpp/pp.h b/generator/parser/rpp/pp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ed923e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/rpp/pp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright 2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of $PRODUCT$.
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#ifndef PP_H
+#define PP_H
+#if defined(_WIN64) || defined(WIN64) || defined(__WIN64__) \
+ || defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__)
+# define PP_OS_WIN
+#include <set>
+#include <map>
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cctype>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_MMAP
+# include <sys/mman.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#if (_MSC_VER >= 1400)
+# define FILENO _fileno
+# define FILENO fileno
+#if defined (PP_OS_WIN)
+# define PATH_SEPARATOR '\\'
+# define PATH_SEPARATOR '/'
+#if defined (RPP_JAMBI)
+# include "rxx_allocator.h"
+# include "rpp-allocator.h"
+#if defined (_MSC_VER)
+# define pp_snprintf _snprintf
+# define pp_snprintf snprintf
+#include "pp-fwd.h"
+#include "pp-cctype.h"
+#include "pp-string.h"
+#include "pp-symbol.h"
+#include "pp-internal.h"
+#include "pp-iterator.h"
+#include "pp-macro.h"
+#include "pp-environment.h"
+#include "pp-scanner.h"
+#include "pp-macro-expander.h"
+#include "pp-engine.h"
+#include "pp-engine-bits.h"
+#endif // PP_H
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/rpp/preprocessor.cpp b/generator/parser/rpp/preprocessor.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cba1552
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/rpp/preprocessor.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright 2005 Harald Fernengel <>
+** This file is part of $PRODUCT$.
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "preprocessor.h"
+#include <string>
+// register callback for include hooks
+static void includeFileHook(const std::string &, const std::string &, FILE *);
+#define PP_HOOK_ON_FILE_INCLUDED(A, B, C) includeFileHook(A, B, C)
+#include "pp.h"
+using namespace rpp;
+#include <QtCore/QtCore>
+class PreprocessorPrivate
+ QByteArray result;
+ pp_environment env;
+ QStringList includePaths;
+ void initPP(pp &proc)
+ {
+ foreach(QString path, includePaths)
+ proc.push_include_path(path.toStdString());
+ }
+QHash<QString, QStringList> includedFiles;
+void includeFileHook(const std::string &fileName, const std::string &filePath, FILE *)
+ includedFiles[QString::fromStdString(fileName)].append(QString::fromStdString(filePath));
+ d = new PreprocessorPrivate;
+ includedFiles.clear();
+ delete d;
+void Preprocessor::processFile(const QString &fileName)
+ pp proc(d->env);
+ d->initPP(proc);
+ d->result.reserve(d->result.size() + 20 * 1024);
+ d->result += "# 1 \"" + fileName.toLatin1() + "\"\n"; // ### REMOVE ME
+ proc.file(fileName.toLocal8Bit().constData(), std::back_inserter(d->result));
+void Preprocessor::processString(const QByteArray &str)
+ pp proc(d->env);
+ d->initPP(proc);
+ proc(str.begin(), str.end(), std::back_inserter(d->result));
+QByteArray Preprocessor::result() const
+ return d->result;
+void Preprocessor::addIncludePaths(const QStringList &includePaths)
+ d->includePaths += includePaths;
+QStringList Preprocessor::macroNames() const
+ QStringList macros;
+ pp_environment::const_iterator it = d->env.first_macro();
+ while (it != d->env.last_macro()) {
+ const pp_macro *m = *it;
+ macros += QString::fromLatin1(m->name->begin(), m->name->size());
+ ++it;
+ }
+ return macros;
+QList<Preprocessor::MacroItem> Preprocessor::macros() const
+ QList<MacroItem> items;
+ pp_environment::const_iterator it = d->env.first_macro();
+ while (it != d->env.last_macro()) {
+ const pp_macro *m = *it;
+ MacroItem item;
+ = QString::fromLatin1(m->name->begin(), m->name->size());
+ item.definition = QString::fromLatin1(m->definition->begin(),
+ m->definition->size());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < m->formals.size(); ++i) {
+ item.parameters += QString::fromLatin1(m->formals[i]->begin(),
+ m->formals[i]->size());
+ }
+ item.isFunctionLike = m->function_like;
+ item.fileName = QString::fromLatin1(m->file->begin(), m->file->size());
+ items += item;
+ ++it;
+ }
+ return items;
+int main()
+ Preprocessor pp;
+ QStringList paths;
+ paths << "/usr/include";
+ pp.addIncludePaths(paths);
+ pp.processFile("pp-configuration");
+ pp.processFile("/usr/include/stdio.h");
+ qDebug() << pp.result();
+ return 0;
diff --git a/generator/parser/rpp/preprocessor.h b/generator/parser/rpp/preprocessor.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..448fd7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/rpp/preprocessor.h
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright 2005 Harald Fernengel <>
+** This file is part of $PRODUCT$.
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include <QtCore/qglobal.h>
+#include <QtCore/qstring.h>
+#include <QtCore/qstringlist.h>
+class QByteArray;
+class PreprocessorPrivate;
+class Preprocessor
+ Preprocessor();
+ ~Preprocessor();
+ void processFile(const QString &fileName);
+ void processString(const QByteArray &str);
+ void addIncludePaths(const QStringList &includePaths);
+ QByteArray result() const;
+ QStringList macroNames() const;
+ struct MacroItem
+ {
+ QString name;
+ QStringList parameters;
+ QString definition;
+ bool isFunctionLike;
+ QString fileName;
+ };
+ QList<MacroItem> macros() const;
+ Q_DISABLE_COPY(Preprocessor)
+ PreprocessorPrivate *d;
diff --git a/generator/parser/rpp/rpp.pri b/generator/parser/rpp/rpp.pri
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8468bcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/rpp/rpp.pri
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ $$RXXPATH/rpp/preprocessor.cpp
+ $$RXXPATH/rpp/pp-cctype.h \
+ $$RXXPATH/rpp/pp-engine-bits.h \
+ $$RXXPATH/rpp/pp-engine.h \
+ $$RXXPATH/rpp/pp-environment.h \
+ $$RXXPATH/rpp/pp-fwd.h \
+ $$RXXPATH/rpp/pp-internal.h \
+ $$RXXPATH/rpp/pp-iterator.h \
+ $$RXXPATH/rpp/pp-macro-expander.h \
+ $$RXXPATH/rpp/pp-macro.h \
+ $$RXXPATH/rpp/pp-scanner.h \
+ $$RXXPATH/rpp/pp-string.h \
+ $$RXXPATH/rpp/pp-symbol.h \
+ $$RXXPATH/rpp/pp.h \
+ $$RXXPATH/rpp/preprocessor.h
diff --git a/generator/parser/rxx.pri b/generator/parser/rxx.pri
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..867deb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/rxx.pri
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+HEADERS += $$RXXPATH/ast.h \
+ $$RXXPATH/lexer.h \
+ $$RXXPATH/list.h \
+ $$RXXPATH/parser.h \
+ $$RXXPATH/rxx_allocator.h \
+ $$RXXPATH/rpp-allocator.h \
+ $$RXXPATH/smallobject.h \
+ $$RXXPATH/tokens.h \
+ $$RXXPATH/symbol.h \
+ $$RXXPATH/control.h \
+ $$RXXPATH/visitor.h \
+ $$RXXPATH/default_visitor.h \
+ $$RXXPATH/dumptree.h \
+ $$RXXPATH/binder.h \
+ $$RXXPATH/codemodel.h \
+ $$RXXPATH/codemodel_pointer.h \
+ $$RXXPATH/codemodel_fwd.h \
+ $$RXXPATH/type_compiler.h \
+ $$RXXPATH/name_compiler.h \
+ $$RXXPATH/declarator_compiler.h \
+ $$RXXPATH/class_compiler.h \
+ $$RXXPATH/codemodel_finder.h \
+ $$RXXPATH/compiler_utils.h
+SOURCES += $$RXXPATH/ast.cpp \
+ $$RXXPATH/lexer.cpp \
+ $$RXXPATH/list.cpp \
+ $$RXXPATH/parser.cpp \
+ $$RXXPATH/smallobject.cpp \
+ $$RXXPATH/control.cpp \
+ $$RXXPATH/visitor.cpp \
+ $$RXXPATH/default_visitor.cpp \
+ $$RXXPATH/dumptree.cpp \
+ $$RXXPATH/tokens.cpp \
+ $$RXXPATH/binder.cpp \
+ $$RXXPATH/codemodel.cpp \
+ $$RXXPATH/type_compiler.cpp \
+ $$RXXPATH/name_compiler.cpp \
+ $$RXXPATH/declarator_compiler.cpp \
+ $$RXXPATH/class_compiler.cpp \
+ $$RXXPATH/codemodel_finder.cpp \
+ $$RXXPATH/compiler_utils.cpp
diff --git a/generator/parser/ b/generator/parser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f242f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# File generated by kdevelop's qmake manager.
+# -------------------------------------------
+# Subdir relative project main directory: .
+# Target is an application: r++0
+SOURCES += main.cpp
+QT = core
+TARGET = r++0
+CONFIG += debug_and_release
diff --git a/generator/parser/rxx_allocator.h b/generator/parser/rxx_allocator.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee6bddb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/rxx_allocator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <memory>
+template <class _Tp> class rxx_allocator {
+ typedef _Tp value_type;
+ typedef _Tp* pointer;
+ typedef const _Tp* const_pointer;
+ typedef _Tp& reference;
+ typedef const _Tp& const_reference;
+ typedef std::size_t size_type;
+ typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
+ static const size_type max_block_count = size_type(-1);
+ static const size_type _S_block_size = 1 << 16; // 64K
+ rxx_allocator() {
+ _M_block_index = max_block_count;
+ _M_current_index = 0;
+ _M_storage = 0;
+ _M_current_block = 0;
+ }
+ ~rxx_allocator() {
+ for (size_type index = 0; index < _M_block_index + 1; ++index)
+ delete[] _M_storage[index];
+ ::free(_M_storage);
+ }
+ pointer address(reference __val) { return &__val; }
+ const_pointer address(const_reference __val) const { return &__val; }
+ pointer allocate(size_type __n, const void* = 0) {
+ const size_type bytes = __n * sizeof(_Tp);
+ if (_M_current_block == 0
+ || _S_block_size < _M_current_index + bytes)
+ {
+ ++_M_block_index;
+ _M_storage = reinterpret_cast<char**>
+ (::realloc(_M_storage, sizeof(char*) * (1 + _M_block_index)));
+ _M_current_block = _M_storage[_M_block_index] = reinterpret_cast<char*>
+ (new char[_S_block_size]);
+#if defined(RXX_ALLOCATOR_INIT_0) // ### make it a policy
+ ::memset(_M_current_block, 0, _S_block_size);
+ _M_current_index = 0;
+ }
+ pointer p = reinterpret_cast<pointer>
+ (_M_current_block + _M_current_index);
+ _M_current_index += bytes;
+ return p;
+ }
+ void deallocate(pointer __p, size_type __n) {}
+ size_type max_size() const { return size_type(-1) / sizeof(_Tp); }
+ void contruct(pointer __p, const_reference __val) { new (__p) _Tp(__val); }
+ void destruct(pointer __p) { __p->~_Tp(); }
+ template <class _Tp1> struct rebind {
+ typedef rxx_allocator<_Tp1> other;
+ };
+ template <class _Tp1> rxx_allocator(const rxx_allocator<_Tp1> &__o) {}
+ size_type _M_block_index;
+ size_type _M_current_index;
+ char *_M_current_block;
+ char **_M_storage;
+#endif // RXX_ALLOCATOR_H
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/smallobject.cpp b/generator/parser/smallobject.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45a955f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/smallobject.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "smallobject.h"
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/smallobject.h b/generator/parser/smallobject.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0debcc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/smallobject.h
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "rxx_allocator.h"
+#include <cstring>
+class pool
+ rxx_allocator<char> __alloc;
+ inline void *allocate(std::size_t __size);
+inline void *pool::allocate(std::size_t __size)
+ return __alloc.allocate(__size);
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/symbol.h b/generator/parser/symbol.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3048355
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/symbol.h
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#ifndef SYMBOL_H
+#define SYMBOL_H
+#include <QtCore/QString>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <QtCore/QHash>
+#include <QtCore/QPair>
+struct NameSymbol
+ const char *data;
+ std::size_t count;
+ inline QString as_string() const
+ {
+ return QString::fromUtf8(data, (int) count);
+ }
+ inline bool operator == (const NameSymbol &other) const
+ {
+ return count == other.count
+ && std::strncmp(data,, count) == 0;
+ }
+ inline NameSymbol() {}
+ inline NameSymbol(const char *d, std::size_t c)
+ : data(d), count(c) {}
+ void operator = (const NameSymbol &);
+ friend class NameTable;
+inline uint qHash(const NameSymbol &r)
+ uint hash_value = 0;
+ for (std::size_t i=0; i<r.count; ++i)
+ hash_value = (hash_value << 5) - hash_value +[i];
+ return hash_value;
+inline uint qHash(const QPair<const char*, std::size_t> &r)
+ uint hash_value = 0;
+ for (std::size_t i=0; i<r.second; ++i)
+ hash_value = (hash_value << 5) - hash_value + r.first[i];
+ return hash_value;
+class NameTable
+ typedef QPair<const char *, std::size_t> KeyType;
+ typedef QHash<KeyType, NameSymbol*> ContainerType;
+ NameTable() {}
+ ~NameTable()
+ {
+ qDeleteAll(_M_storage);
+ }
+ inline const NameSymbol *findOrInsert(const char *str, std::size_t len)
+ {
+ KeyType key(str, len);
+ NameSymbol *name = _M_storage.value(key);
+ if (!name)
+ {
+ name = new NameSymbol(str, len);
+ _M_storage.insert(key, name);
+ }
+ return name;
+ }
+ inline std::size_t count() const
+ {
+ return _M_storage.size();
+ }
+ ContainerType _M_storage;
+ NameTable(const NameTable &other);
+ void operator = (const NameTable &other);
+#endif // SYMBOL_H
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/tokens.cpp b/generator/parser/tokens.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7dd1d2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/tokens.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include <QtCore/qglobal.h>
+#include "tokens.h"
+static char const * const _S_token_names[] = {
+ "K_DCOP",
+ "__attribute__",
+ "__typeof",
+ "and",
+ "and_eq",
+ "arrow",
+ "asm",
+ "assign",
+ "auto",
+ "bitand",
+ "bitor",
+ "bool",
+ "break",
+ "case",
+ "catch",
+ "char",
+ "char_literal",
+ "class",
+ "comment",
+ "compl",
+ "concat",
+ "const",
+ "const_cast",
+ "continue",
+ "decr",
+ "default",
+ "delete",
+ "do",
+ "double",
+ "dynamic_cast",
+ "ellipsis",
+ "else",
+ "emit",
+ "enum",
+ "eq",
+ "explicit",
+ "export",
+ "extern",
+ "false",
+ "float",
+ "for",
+ "friend",
+ "geq",
+ "goto",
+ "identifier",
+ "if",
+ "incr",
+ "inline",
+ "int",
+ "k_dcop",
+ "k_dcop_signals",
+ "leq",
+ "long",
+ "mutable",
+ "namespace",
+ "new",
+ "not",
+ "not_eq",
+ "number_literal",
+ "operator",
+ "or",
+ "or_eq",
+ "preproc",
+ "private",
+ "protected",
+ "ptrmem",
+ "public",
+ "register",
+ "reinterpret_cast",
+ "return",
+ "scope",
+ "shift",
+ "short",
+ "signals",
+ "signed",
+ "sizeof",
+ "slots",
+ "static",
+ "static_cast",
+ "string_literal",
+ "struct",
+ "switch",
+ "template",
+ "this",
+ "throw",
+ "true",
+ "try",
+ "typedef",
+ "typeid",
+ "typename",
+ "union",
+ "unsigned",
+ "using",
+ "virtual",
+ "void",
+ "volatile",
+ "wchar_t",
+ "while",
+ "whitespaces",
+ "xor",
+ "xor_eq",
+static char _S_printable[][2] = {
+ { char(32), '\0' },
+ { char(33), '\0' },
+ { char(34), '\0' },
+ { char(35), '\0' },
+ { char(36), '\0' },
+ { char(37), '\0' },
+ { char(38), '\0' },
+ { char(39), '\0' },
+ { char(40), '\0' },
+ { char(41), '\0' },
+ { char(42), '\0' },
+ { char(43), '\0' },
+ { char(44), '\0' },
+ { char(45), '\0' },
+ { char(46), '\0' },
+ { char(47), '\0' },
+ { char(48), '\0' },
+ { char(49), '\0' },
+ { char(50), '\0' },
+ { char(51), '\0' },
+ { char(52), '\0' },
+ { char(53), '\0' },
+ { char(54), '\0' },
+ { char(55), '\0' },
+ { char(56), '\0' },
+ { char(57), '\0' },
+ { char(58), '\0' },
+ { char(59), '\0' },
+ { char(60), '\0' },
+ { char(61), '\0' },
+ { char(62), '\0' },
+ { char(63), '\0' },
+ { char(64), '\0' },
+ { char(65), '\0' },
+ { char(66), '\0' },
+ { char(67), '\0' },
+ { char(68), '\0' },
+ { char(69), '\0' },
+ { char(70), '\0' },
+ { char(71), '\0' },
+ { char(72), '\0' },
+ { char(73), '\0' },
+ { char(74), '\0' },
+ { char(75), '\0' },
+ { char(76), '\0' },
+ { char(77), '\0' },
+ { char(78), '\0' },
+ { char(79), '\0' },
+ { char(80), '\0' },
+ { char(81), '\0' },
+ { char(82), '\0' },
+ { char(83), '\0' },
+ { char(84), '\0' },
+ { char(85), '\0' },
+ { char(86), '\0' },
+ { char(87), '\0' },
+ { char(88), '\0' },
+ { char(89), '\0' },
+ { char(90), '\0' },
+ { char(91), '\0' },
+ { char(92), '\0' },
+ { char(93), '\0' },
+ { char(94), '\0' },
+ { char(95), '\0' },
+ { char(96), '\0' },
+ { char(97), '\0' },
+ { char(98), '\0' },
+ { char(99), '\0' },
+ { char(100), '\0' },
+ { char(101), '\0' },
+ { char(102), '\0' },
+ { char(103), '\0' },
+ { char(104), '\0' },
+ { char(105), '\0' },
+ { char(106), '\0' },
+ { char(107), '\0' },
+ { char(108), '\0' },
+ { char(109), '\0' },
+ { char(110), '\0' },
+ { char(111), '\0' },
+ { char(112), '\0' },
+ { char(113), '\0' },
+ { char(114), '\0' },
+ { char(115), '\0' },
+ { char(116), '\0' },
+ { char(117), '\0' },
+ { char(118), '\0' },
+ { char(119), '\0' },
+ { char(120), '\0' },
+ { char(121), '\0' },
+ { char(122), '\0' },
+ { char(123), '\0' },
+ { char(124), '\0' },
+ { char(125), '\0' },
+ { char(126), '\0' },
+ { char(127), '\0' },
+char const *token_name(int token)
+ if (token == 0)
+ {
+ return "eof";
+ }
+ else if (token >= 32 && token <= 127)
+ {
+ return _S_printable[token - 32];
+ }
+ else if (token >= 1000)
+ {
+ return _S_token_names[token - 1000];
+ }
+ Q_ASSERT(0);
+ return 0;
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/tokens.h b/generator/parser/tokens.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d19dce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/tokens.h
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#ifndef TOKENS_H
+#define TOKENS_H
+ Token_EOF = 0,
+ Token_K_DCOP = 1000,
+ Token_Q_OBJECT,
+ Token___attribute__,
+ Token___typeof,
+ Token_and,
+ Token_and_eq,
+ Token_arrow,
+ Token_asm,
+ Token_assign,
+ Token_auto,
+ Token_bitand,
+ Token_bitor,
+ Token_bool,
+ Token_break,
+ Token_case,
+ Token_catch,
+ Token_char,
+ Token_char_literal,
+ Token_class,
+ Token_comment,
+ Token_compl,
+ Token_concat,
+ Token_const,
+ Token_const_cast,
+ Token_continue,
+ Token_decr,
+ Token_default,
+ Token_delete,
+ Token_do,
+ Token_double,
+ Token_dynamic_cast,
+ Token_ellipsis,
+ Token_else,
+ Token_emit,
+ Token_enum,
+ Token_eq,
+ Token_explicit,
+ Token_export,
+ Token_extern,
+ Token_false,
+ Token_float,
+ Token_for,
+ Token_friend,
+ Token_geq,
+ Token_goto,
+ Token_identifier,
+ Token_if,
+ Token_incr,
+ Token_inline,
+ Token_int,
+ Token_k_dcop,
+ Token_k_dcop_signals,
+ Token_leq,
+ Token_long,
+ Token_mutable,
+ Token_namespace,
+ Token_new,
+ Token_not,
+ Token_not_eq,
+ Token_number_literal,
+ Token_operator,
+ Token_or,
+ Token_or_eq,
+ Token_preproc,
+ Token_private,
+ Token_protected,
+ Token_ptrmem,
+ Token_public,
+ Token_register,
+ Token_reinterpret_cast,
+ Token_return,
+ Token_scope,
+ Token_shift,
+ Token_short,
+ Token_signals,
+ Token_signed,
+ Token_sizeof,
+ Token_slots,
+ Token_static,
+ Token_static_cast,
+ Token_string_literal,
+ Token_struct,
+ Token_switch,
+ Token_template,
+ Token_this,
+ Token_throw,
+ Token_true,
+ Token_try,
+ Token_typedef,
+ Token_typeid,
+ Token_typename,
+ Token_union,
+ Token_unsigned,
+ Token_using,
+ Token_virtual,
+ Token_void,
+ Token_volatile,
+ Token_wchar_t,
+ Token_while,
+ Token_whitespaces,
+ Token_xor,
+ Token_xor_eq,
+ Token_Q_ENUMS,
+char const *token_name(int token);
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/type_compiler.cpp b/generator/parser/type_compiler.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f83afb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/type_compiler.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+#include "type_compiler.h"
+#include "name_compiler.h"
+#include "lexer.h"
+#include "symbol.h"
+#include "tokens.h"
+#include "binder.h"
+#include <QtCore/QString>
+TypeCompiler::TypeCompiler(Binder *binder)
+ : _M_binder (binder), _M_token_stream(binder->tokenStream ())
+void TypeCompiler::run(TypeSpecifierAST *node)
+ _M_type.clear();
+ _M_cv.clear();
+ visit(node);
+ if (node && node->cv)
+ {
+ const ListNode<std::size_t> *it = node->cv->toFront();
+ const ListNode<std::size_t> *end = it;
+ do
+ {
+ int kind = _M_token_stream->kind(it->element);
+ if (! _M_cv.contains(kind))
+ _M_cv.append(kind);
+ it = it->next;
+ }
+ while (it != end);
+ }
+void TypeCompiler::visitClassSpecifier(ClassSpecifierAST *node)
+ visit(node->name);
+void TypeCompiler::visitEnumSpecifier(EnumSpecifierAST *node)
+ visit(node->name);
+void TypeCompiler::visitElaboratedTypeSpecifier(ElaboratedTypeSpecifierAST *node)
+ visit(node->name);
+void TypeCompiler::visitSimpleTypeSpecifier(SimpleTypeSpecifierAST *node)
+ if (const ListNode<std::size_t> *it = node->integrals)
+ {
+ it = it->toFront();
+ const ListNode<std::size_t> *end = it;
+ QString current_item;
+ do
+ {
+ std::size_t token = it->element;
+ current_item += token_name(_M_token_stream->kind(token));
+ current_item += " ";
+ it = it->next;
+ }
+ while (it != end);
+ _M_type += current_item.trimmed();
+ }
+ else if (node->type_of)
+ {
+ // ### implement me
+ _M_type += QLatin1String("typeof<...>");
+ }
+ visit(node->name);
+void TypeCompiler::visitName(NameAST *node)
+ NameCompiler name_cc(_M_binder);
+ _M_type = name_cc.qualifiedName();
+QStringList TypeCompiler::cvString() const
+ QStringList lst;
+ foreach (int q, cv())
+ {
+ if (q == Token_const)
+ lst.append(QLatin1String("const"));
+ else if (q == Token_volatile)
+ lst.append(QLatin1String("volatile"));
+ }
+ return lst;
+bool TypeCompiler::isConstant() const
+ return _M_cv.contains(Token_const);
+bool TypeCompiler::isVolatile() const
+ return _M_cv.contains(Token_volatile);
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/type_compiler.h b/generator/parser/type_compiler.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..100a747
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/type_compiler.h
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "default_visitor.h"
+#include <QtCore/QString>
+#include <QtCore/QStringList>
+#include <QtCore/QList>
+class TokenStream;
+class Binder;
+class TypeCompiler: protected DefaultVisitor
+ TypeCompiler(Binder *binder);
+ inline QStringList qualifiedName() const { return _M_type; }
+ inline QList<int> cv() const { return _M_cv; }
+ bool isConstant() const;
+ bool isVolatile() const;
+ QStringList cvString() const;
+ void run(TypeSpecifierAST *node);
+ virtual void visitClassSpecifier(ClassSpecifierAST *node);
+ virtual void visitEnumSpecifier(EnumSpecifierAST *node);
+ virtual void visitElaboratedTypeSpecifier(ElaboratedTypeSpecifierAST *node);
+ virtual void visitSimpleTypeSpecifier(SimpleTypeSpecifierAST *node);
+ virtual void visitName(NameAST *node);
+ Binder *_M_binder;
+ TokenStream *_M_token_stream;
+ QStringList _M_type;
+ QList<int> _M_cv;
+#endif // TYPE_COMPILER_H
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/visitor.cpp b/generator/parser/visitor.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3033f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/visitor.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "visitor.h"
+Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr Visitor::_S_table[AST::NODE_KIND_COUNT] = {
+ 0,
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitAccessSpecifier),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitAsmDefinition),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitBaseClause),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitBaseSpecifier),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitBinaryExpression),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitCastExpression),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitClassMemberAccess),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitClassSpecifier),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitCompoundStatement),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitCondition),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitConditionalExpression),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitCppCastExpression),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitCtorInitializer),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitDeclarationStatement),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitDeclarator),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitDeleteExpression),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitDoStatement),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitElaboratedTypeSpecifier),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitEnumSpecifier),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitEnumerator),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitExceptionSpecification),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitExpressionOrDeclarationStatement),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitExpressionStatement),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitForStatement),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitFunctionCall),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitFunctionDefinition),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitIfStatement),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitIncrDecrExpression),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitInitDeclarator),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitInitializer),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitInitializerClause),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitLabeledStatement),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitLinkageBody),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitLinkageSpecification),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitMemInitializer),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitName),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitNamespace),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitNamespaceAliasDefinition),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitNewDeclarator),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitNewExpression),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitNewInitializer),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitNewTypeId),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitOperator),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitOperatorFunctionId),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitParameterDeclaration),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitParameterDeclarationClause),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitPostfixExpression),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitPrimaryExpression),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitPtrOperator),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitPtrToMember),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitReturnStatement),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitSimpleDeclaration),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitSimpleTypeSpecifier),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitSizeofExpression),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitStringLiteral),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitSubscriptExpression),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitSwitchStatement),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitTemplateArgument),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitTemplateDeclaration),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitTemplateParameter),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitThrowExpression),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitTranslationUnit),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitTryBlockStatement),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitTypeId),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitTypeIdentification),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitTypeParameter),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitTypedef),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitUnaryExpression),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitUnqualifiedName),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitUsing),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitUsingDirective),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitWhileStatement),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitWinDeclSpec),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitQProperty),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitForwardDeclarationSpecifier),
+ reinterpret_cast<Visitor::visitor_fun_ptr>(&Visitor::visitQEnums)
+void Visitor::visit(AST *node)
+ if (node)
+ (this->*_S_table[node->kind])(node);
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/parser/visitor.h b/generator/parser/visitor.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34c41cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/parser/visitor.h
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roberto Raggi <>
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#ifndef VISITOR_H
+#define VISITOR_H
+#include "ast.h"
+class Visitor
+ Visitor();
+ virtual ~Visitor();
+ virtual void visit(AST *node);
+ virtual void visitAccessSpecifier(AccessSpecifierAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitAsmDefinition(AsmDefinitionAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitBaseClause(BaseClauseAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitBaseSpecifier(BaseSpecifierAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitBinaryExpression(BinaryExpressionAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitCastExpression(CastExpressionAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitClassMemberAccess(ClassMemberAccessAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitClassSpecifier(ClassSpecifierAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitCompoundStatement(CompoundStatementAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitCondition(ConditionAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpressionAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitCppCastExpression(CppCastExpressionAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitCtorInitializer(CtorInitializerAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitDeclarationStatement(DeclarationStatementAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitDeclarator(DeclaratorAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitDeleteExpression(DeleteExpressionAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitDoStatement(DoStatementAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitElaboratedTypeSpecifier(ElaboratedTypeSpecifierAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitEnumSpecifier(EnumSpecifierAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitEnumerator(EnumeratorAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitExceptionSpecification(ExceptionSpecificationAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitExpressionOrDeclarationStatement(ExpressionOrDeclarationStatementAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatementAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitForStatement(ForStatementAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitFunctionCall(FunctionCallAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitFunctionDefinition(FunctionDefinitionAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitIfStatement(IfStatementAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitIncrDecrExpression(IncrDecrExpressionAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitInitDeclarator(InitDeclaratorAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitInitializer(InitializerAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitInitializerClause(InitializerClauseAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatementAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitLinkageBody(LinkageBodyAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitLinkageSpecification(LinkageSpecificationAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitMemInitializer(MemInitializerAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitName(NameAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitNamespace(NamespaceAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitNamespaceAliasDefinition(NamespaceAliasDefinitionAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitNewDeclarator(NewDeclaratorAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitNewExpression(NewExpressionAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitNewInitializer(NewInitializerAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitNewTypeId(NewTypeIdAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitOperator(OperatorAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitOperatorFunctionId(OperatorFunctionIdAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitParameterDeclaration(ParameterDeclarationAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitParameterDeclarationClause(ParameterDeclarationClauseAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitPostfixExpression(PostfixExpressionAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitPrimaryExpression(PrimaryExpressionAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitPtrOperator(PtrOperatorAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitPtrToMember(PtrToMemberAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitReturnStatement(ReturnStatementAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitSimpleDeclaration(SimpleDeclarationAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitSimpleTypeSpecifier(SimpleTypeSpecifierAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitSizeofExpression(SizeofExpressionAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitStringLiteral(StringLiteralAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitSubscriptExpression(SubscriptExpressionAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitSwitchStatement(SwitchStatementAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitTemplateArgument(TemplateArgumentAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitTemplateDeclaration(TemplateDeclarationAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitTemplateParameter(TemplateParameterAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitThrowExpression(ThrowExpressionAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitTranslationUnit(TranslationUnitAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitTryBlockStatement(TryBlockStatementAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitTypeId(TypeIdAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitTypeIdentification(TypeIdentificationAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitTypeParameter(TypeParameterAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitTypedef(TypedefAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitUnaryExpression(UnaryExpressionAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitUnqualifiedName(UnqualifiedNameAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitUsing(UsingAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitUsingDirective(UsingDirectiveAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitWhileStatement(WhileStatementAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitWinDeclSpec(WinDeclSpecAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitQProperty(QPropertyAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitForwardDeclarationSpecifier(ForwardDeclarationSpecifierAST *) {}
+ virtual void visitQEnums(QEnumsAST *) {}
+ typedef void (Visitor::*visitor_fun_ptr)(AST *);
+ static visitor_fun_ptr _S_table[];
+template <class _Tp>
+ void visitNodes(Visitor *v, const ListNode<_Tp> *nodes)
+ {
+ if (!nodes)
+ return;
+ const ListNode<_Tp>
+ *it = nodes->toFront(),
+ *end = it;
+ do
+ {
+ v->visit(it->element);
+ it = it->next;
+ }
+ while (it != end);
+ }
+#endif // VISITOR_H
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/generator/prigenerator.cpp b/generator/prigenerator.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68a8808
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/prigenerator.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "prigenerator.h"
+#include "reporthandler.h"
+#include "fileout.h"
+void PriGenerator::addHeader(const QString &folder, const QString &header)
+ priHash[folder].headers << header;
+void PriGenerator::addSource(const QString &folder, const QString &source)
+ priHash[folder].sources << source;
+void PriGenerator::generate()
+ QHashIterator<QString, Pri> pri(priHash);
+ while (pri.hasNext()) {
+ QStringList list = pri.value().headers;
+ if (list.isEmpty())
+ continue;
+ FileOut file(m_out_dir + "/generated_cpp/" + pri.key());
+ << "HEADERS += \\\n";
+ qSort(list.begin(), list.end());
+ foreach (const QString &entry, list) {
+ << " $$PWD/" << entry << " \\\n";
+ }
+ << "\n";
+ << "SOURCES += \\\n";
+ list = pri.value().sources;
+ qSort(list.begin(), list.end());
+ foreach (const QString &entry, list) {
+ << " $$PWD/" << entry << " \\\n";
+ }
+ << "\n\n";
+ if (file.done())
+ ++m_num_generated_written;
+ ++m_num_generated;
+ }
diff --git a/generator/prigenerator.h b/generator/prigenerator.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05b44a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/prigenerator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "generator.h"
+#include <QStringList>
+#include <QHash>
+struct Pri
+ QStringList headers;
+ QStringList sources;
+class PriGenerator : public Generator
+ public:
+ virtual void generate();
+ void addHeader(const QString &folder, const QString &header);
+ void addSource(const QString &folder, const QString &source);
+ private:
+ QHash<QString, Pri> priHash;
diff --git a/generator/qtscript_masterinclude.h b/generator/qtscript_masterinclude.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d7ad64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/qtscript_masterinclude.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1134 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#define QT_NO_STL
+#include <QtCore/QtCore>
+#include <QtGui/QtGui>
+#include <QtNetwork/QtNetwork>
+#include <QtSql/QtSql>
+#include <QtSvg/QtSvg>
+#include <QtXml/QtXml>
+#include <QtUiTools/QtUiTools>
+# include <QtXmlPatterns/QtXmlPatterns>
+#ifndef QT_NO_WEBKIT
+# include <QtWebKit/QtWebKit>
+#ifndef QT_NO_PHONON
+# include <phonon/phonon>
+#include "../qtbindings/qtscript_core/qtscriptconcurrent.h"
+#ifndef QT_NO_OPENGL
+#define GL_ACCUM 0x0100
+#define GL_LOAD 0x0101
+#define GL_RETURN 0x0102
+#define GL_MULT 0x0103
+#define GL_ADD 0x0104
+/* AlphaFunction */
+#define GL_NEVER 0x0200
+#define GL_LESS 0x0201
+#define GL_EQUAL 0x0202
+#define GL_LEQUAL 0x0203
+#define GL_GREATER 0x0204
+#define GL_NOTEQUAL 0x0205
+#define GL_GEQUAL 0x0206
+#define GL_ALWAYS 0x0207
+/* AttribMask */
+#define GL_CURRENT_BIT 0x00000001
+#define GL_POINT_BIT 0x00000002
+#define GL_LINE_BIT 0x00000004
+#define GL_POLYGON_BIT 0x00000008
+#define GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE_BIT 0x00000010
+#define GL_PIXEL_MODE_BIT 0x00000020
+#define GL_LIGHTING_BIT 0x00000040
+#define GL_FOG_BIT 0x00000080
+#define GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT 0x00000100
+#define GL_ACCUM_BUFFER_BIT 0x00000200
+#define GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT 0x00000400
+#define GL_VIEWPORT_BIT 0x00000800
+#define GL_TRANSFORM_BIT 0x00001000
+#define GL_ENABLE_BIT 0x00002000
+#define GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT 0x00004000
+#define GL_HINT_BIT 0x00008000
+#define GL_EVAL_BIT 0x00010000
+#define GL_LIST_BIT 0x00020000
+#define GL_TEXTURE_BIT 0x00040000
+#define GL_SCISSOR_BIT 0x00080000
+#define GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS 0x000fffff
+/* BeginMode */
+#define GL_POINTS 0x0000
+#define GL_LINES 0x0001
+#define GL_LINE_LOOP 0x0002
+#define GL_LINE_STRIP 0x0003
+#define GL_TRIANGLES 0x0004
+#define GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP 0x0005
+#define GL_TRIANGLE_FAN 0x0006
+#define GL_QUADS 0x0007
+#define GL_QUAD_STRIP 0x0008
+#define GL_POLYGON 0x0009
+/* BlendingFactorDest */
+#define GL_ZERO 0
+#define GL_ONE 1
+#define GL_SRC_COLOR 0x0300
+#define GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR 0x0301
+#define GL_SRC_ALPHA 0x0302
+#define GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA 0x0303
+#define GL_DST_ALPHA 0x0304
+#define GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA 0x0305
+/* BlendingFactorSrc */
+/* GL_ZERO */
+/* GL_ONE */
+#define GL_DST_COLOR 0x0306
+#define GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR 0x0307
+#define GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE 0x0308
+/* Boolean */
+#define GL_TRUE 1
+#define GL_FALSE 0
+/* ClearBufferMask */
+/* ClientArrayType */
+/* ClipPlaneName */
+#define GL_CLIP_PLANE0 0x3000
+#define GL_CLIP_PLANE1 0x3001
+#define GL_CLIP_PLANE2 0x3002
+#define GL_CLIP_PLANE3 0x3003
+#define GL_CLIP_PLANE4 0x3004
+#define GL_CLIP_PLANE5 0x3005
+/* ColorMaterialFace */
+/* GL_FRONT */
+/* GL_BACK */
+/* ColorMaterialParameter */
+/* ColorPointerType */
+/* GL_BYTE */
+/* GL_SHORT */
+/* GL_INT */
+/* GL_FLOAT */
+/* GL_DOUBLE */
+/* CullFaceMode */
+/* GL_FRONT */
+/* GL_BACK */
+/* DataType */
+#define GL_BYTE 0x1400
+#define GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE 0x1401
+#define GL_SHORT 0x1402
+#define GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT 0x1403
+#define GL_INT 0x1404
+#define GL_UNSIGNED_INT 0x1405
+#define GL_FLOAT 0x1406
+#define GL_2_BYTES 0x1407
+#define GL_3_BYTES 0x1408
+#define GL_4_BYTES 0x1409
+#define GL_DOUBLE 0x140A
+/* DepthFunction */
+/* GL_NEVER */
+/* GL_LESS */
+/* GL_EQUAL */
+/* GL_LEQUAL */
+/* GL_GEQUAL */
+/* GL_ALWAYS */
+/* DrawBufferMode */
+#define GL_NONE 0
+#define GL_FRONT_LEFT 0x0400
+#define GL_FRONT_RIGHT 0x0401
+#define GL_BACK_LEFT 0x0402
+#define GL_BACK_RIGHT 0x0403
+#define GL_FRONT 0x0404
+#define GL_BACK 0x0405
+#define GL_LEFT 0x0406
+#define GL_RIGHT 0x0407
+#define GL_FRONT_AND_BACK 0x0408
+#define GL_AUX0 0x0409
+#define GL_AUX1 0x040A
+#define GL_AUX2 0x040B
+#define GL_AUX3 0x040C
+/* Enable */
+/* GL_FOG */
+/* GL_TEXTURE_1D */
+/* GL_TEXTURE_2D */
+/* GL_BLEND */
+/* GL_DITHER */
+/* GL_LIGHT0 */
+/* GL_LIGHT1 */
+/* GL_LIGHT2 */
+/* GL_LIGHT3 */
+/* GL_LIGHT4 */
+/* GL_LIGHT5 */
+/* GL_LIGHT6 */
+/* GL_LIGHT7 */
+/* GL_MAP1_VERTEX_3 */
+/* GL_MAP1_VERTEX_4 */
+/* GL_MAP1_COLOR_4 */
+/* GL_MAP1_INDEX */
+/* GL_MAP2_VERTEX_3 */
+/* GL_MAP2_VERTEX_4 */
+/* GL_MAP2_COLOR_4 */
+/* GL_MAP2_INDEX */
+/* ErrorCode */
+#define GL_NO_ERROR 0
+#define GL_INVALID_ENUM 0x0500
+#define GL_INVALID_VALUE 0x0501
+#define GL_INVALID_OPERATION 0x0502
+#define GL_STACK_OVERFLOW 0x0503
+#define GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW 0x0504
+#define GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY 0x0505
+/* FeedBackMode */
+#define GL_2D 0x0600
+#define GL_3D 0x0601
+#define GL_3D_COLOR 0x0602
+#define GL_3D_COLOR_TEXTURE 0x0603
+#define GL_4D_COLOR_TEXTURE 0x0604
+/* FeedBackToken */
+#define GL_PASS_THROUGH_TOKEN 0x0700
+#define GL_POINT_TOKEN 0x0701
+#define GL_LINE_TOKEN 0x0702
+#define GL_POLYGON_TOKEN 0x0703
+#define GL_BITMAP_TOKEN 0x0704
+#define GL_DRAW_PIXEL_TOKEN 0x0705
+#define GL_COPY_PIXEL_TOKEN 0x0706
+#define GL_LINE_RESET_TOKEN 0x0707
+/* FogMode */
+/* GL_LINEAR */
+#define GL_EXP 0x0800
+#define GL_EXP2 0x0801
+/* FogParameter */
+/* GL_FOG_END */
+/* GL_FOG_MODE */
+/* FrontFaceDirection */
+#define GL_CW 0x0900
+#define GL_CCW 0x0901
+/* GetMapTarget */
+#define GL_COEFF 0x0A00
+#define GL_ORDER 0x0A01
+#define GL_DOMAIN 0x0A02
+/* GetPixelMap */
+/* GetPointerTarget */
+/* GetTarget */
+#define GL_CURRENT_COLOR 0x0B00
+#define GL_CURRENT_INDEX 0x0B01
+#define GL_CURRENT_NORMAL 0x0B02
+#define GL_POINT_SMOOTH 0x0B10
+#define GL_POINT_SIZE 0x0B11
+#define GL_POINT_SIZE_RANGE 0x0B12
+#define GL_LINE_SMOOTH 0x0B20
+#define GL_LINE_WIDTH 0x0B21
+#define GL_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE 0x0B22
+#define GL_LINE_STIPPLE 0x0B24
+#define GL_LIST_MODE 0x0B30
+#define GL_MAX_LIST_NESTING 0x0B31
+#define GL_LIST_BASE 0x0B32
+#define GL_LIST_INDEX 0x0B33
+#define GL_POLYGON_MODE 0x0B40
+#define GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH 0x0B41
+#define GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE 0x0B42
+#define GL_EDGE_FLAG 0x0B43
+#define GL_CULL_FACE 0x0B44
+#define GL_CULL_FACE_MODE 0x0B45
+#define GL_FRONT_FACE 0x0B46
+#define GL_LIGHTING 0x0B50
+#define GL_SHADE_MODEL 0x0B54
+#define GL_COLOR_MATERIAL 0x0B57
+#define GL_FOG 0x0B60
+#define GL_FOG_INDEX 0x0B61
+#define GL_FOG_DENSITY 0x0B62
+#define GL_FOG_START 0x0B63
+#define GL_FOG_END 0x0B64
+#define GL_FOG_MODE 0x0B65
+#define GL_FOG_COLOR 0x0B66
+#define GL_DEPTH_RANGE 0x0B70
+#define GL_DEPTH_TEST 0x0B71
+#define GL_DEPTH_WRITEMASK 0x0B72
+#define GL_DEPTH_CLEAR_VALUE 0x0B73
+#define GL_DEPTH_FUNC 0x0B74
+#define GL_ACCUM_CLEAR_VALUE 0x0B80
+#define GL_STENCIL_TEST 0x0B90
+#define GL_STENCIL_FUNC 0x0B92
+#define GL_STENCIL_FAIL 0x0B94
+#define GL_STENCIL_REF 0x0B97
+#define GL_MATRIX_MODE 0x0BA0
+#define GL_NORMALIZE 0x0BA1
+#define GL_VIEWPORT 0x0BA2
+#define GL_ALPHA_TEST 0x0BC0
+#define GL_ALPHA_TEST_FUNC 0x0BC1
+#define GL_ALPHA_TEST_REF 0x0BC2
+#define GL_DITHER 0x0BD0
+#define GL_BLEND_DST 0x0BE0
+#define GL_BLEND_SRC 0x0BE1
+#define GL_BLEND 0x0BE2
+#define GL_LOGIC_OP_MODE 0x0BF0
+#define GL_INDEX_LOGIC_OP 0x0BF1
+#define GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP 0x0BF2
+#define GL_AUX_BUFFERS 0x0C00
+#define GL_DRAW_BUFFER 0x0C01
+#define GL_READ_BUFFER 0x0C02
+#define GL_SCISSOR_BOX 0x0C10
+#define GL_SCISSOR_TEST 0x0C11
+#define GL_INDEX_CLEAR_VALUE 0x0C20
+#define GL_INDEX_WRITEMASK 0x0C21
+#define GL_COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE 0x0C22
+#define GL_COLOR_WRITEMASK 0x0C23
+#define GL_INDEX_MODE 0x0C30
+#define GL_RGBA_MODE 0x0C31
+#define GL_DOUBLEBUFFER 0x0C32
+#define GL_STEREO 0x0C33
+#define GL_RENDER_MODE 0x0C40
+#define GL_POINT_SMOOTH_HINT 0x0C51
+#define GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT 0x0C52
+#define GL_FOG_HINT 0x0C54
+#define GL_TEXTURE_GEN_S 0x0C60
+#define GL_TEXTURE_GEN_T 0x0C61
+#define GL_TEXTURE_GEN_R 0x0C62
+#define GL_TEXTURE_GEN_Q 0x0C63
+#define GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_I 0x0C70
+#define GL_PIXEL_MAP_S_TO_S 0x0C71
+#define GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_R 0x0C72
+#define GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_G 0x0C73
+#define GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_B 0x0C74
+#define GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_A 0x0C75
+#define GL_PIXEL_MAP_R_TO_R 0x0C76
+#define GL_PIXEL_MAP_G_TO_G 0x0C77
+#define GL_PIXEL_MAP_B_TO_B 0x0C78
+#define GL_PIXEL_MAP_A_TO_A 0x0C79
+#define GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_I_SIZE 0x0CB0
+#define GL_PIXEL_MAP_S_TO_S_SIZE 0x0CB1
+#define GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_R_SIZE 0x0CB2
+#define GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_G_SIZE 0x0CB3
+#define GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_B_SIZE 0x0CB4
+#define GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_A_SIZE 0x0CB5
+#define GL_PIXEL_MAP_R_TO_R_SIZE 0x0CB6
+#define GL_PIXEL_MAP_G_TO_G_SIZE 0x0CB7
+#define GL_PIXEL_MAP_B_TO_B_SIZE 0x0CB8
+#define GL_PIXEL_MAP_A_TO_A_SIZE 0x0CB9
+#define GL_PACK_SWAP_BYTES 0x0D00
+#define GL_PACK_LSB_FIRST 0x0D01
+#define GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH 0x0D02
+#define GL_PACK_SKIP_ROWS 0x0D03
+#define GL_PACK_SKIP_PIXELS 0x0D04
+#define GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT 0x0D05
+#define GL_MAP_COLOR 0x0D10
+#define GL_MAP_STENCIL 0x0D11
+#define GL_INDEX_SHIFT 0x0D12
+#define GL_INDEX_OFFSET 0x0D13
+#define GL_RED_SCALE 0x0D14
+#define GL_RED_BIAS 0x0D15
+#define GL_ZOOM_X 0x0D16
+#define GL_ZOOM_Y 0x0D17
+#define GL_GREEN_SCALE 0x0D18
+#define GL_GREEN_BIAS 0x0D19
+#define GL_BLUE_SCALE 0x0D1A
+#define GL_BLUE_BIAS 0x0D1B
+#define GL_ALPHA_SCALE 0x0D1C
+#define GL_ALPHA_BIAS 0x0D1D
+#define GL_DEPTH_SCALE 0x0D1E
+#define GL_DEPTH_BIAS 0x0D1F
+#define GL_MAX_EVAL_ORDER 0x0D30
+#define GL_MAX_LIGHTS 0x0D31
+#define GL_MAX_CLIP_PLANES 0x0D32
+#define GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE 0x0D33
+#define GL_MAX_PIXEL_MAP_TABLE 0x0D34
+#define GL_SUBPIXEL_BITS 0x0D50
+#define GL_INDEX_BITS 0x0D51
+#define GL_RED_BITS 0x0D52
+#define GL_GREEN_BITS 0x0D53
+#define GL_BLUE_BITS 0x0D54
+#define GL_ALPHA_BITS 0x0D55
+#define GL_DEPTH_BITS 0x0D56
+#define GL_STENCIL_BITS 0x0D57
+#define GL_ACCUM_RED_BITS 0x0D58
+#define GL_ACCUM_GREEN_BITS 0x0D59
+#define GL_ACCUM_BLUE_BITS 0x0D5A
+#define GL_NAME_STACK_DEPTH 0x0D70
+#define GL_AUTO_NORMAL 0x0D80
+#define GL_MAP1_COLOR_4 0x0D90
+#define GL_MAP1_INDEX 0x0D91
+#define GL_MAP1_NORMAL 0x0D92
+#define GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_1 0x0D93
+#define GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_2 0x0D94
+#define GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_3 0x0D95
+#define GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_4 0x0D96
+#define GL_MAP1_VERTEX_3 0x0D97
+#define GL_MAP1_VERTEX_4 0x0D98
+#define GL_MAP2_COLOR_4 0x0DB0
+#define GL_MAP2_INDEX 0x0DB1
+#define GL_MAP2_NORMAL 0x0DB2
+#define GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_1 0x0DB3
+#define GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_2 0x0DB4
+#define GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_3 0x0DB5
+#define GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_4 0x0DB6
+#define GL_MAP2_VERTEX_3 0x0DB7
+#define GL_MAP2_VERTEX_4 0x0DB8
+#define GL_MAP1_GRID_DOMAIN 0x0DD0
+#define GL_MAP2_GRID_DOMAIN 0x0DD2
+#define GL_TEXTURE_1D 0x0DE0
+#define GL_TEXTURE_2D 0x0DE1
+/* GetTextureParameter */
+#define GL_TEXTURE_WIDTH 0x1000
+#define GL_TEXTURE_HEIGHT 0x1001
+#define GL_TEXTURE_BORDER 0x1005
+/* HintMode */
+#define GL_DONT_CARE 0x1100
+#define GL_FASTEST 0x1101
+#define GL_NICEST 0x1102
+/* HintTarget */
+/* GL_FOG_HINT */
+/* IndexPointerType */
+/* GL_SHORT */
+/* GL_INT */
+/* GL_FLOAT */
+/* GL_DOUBLE */
+/* LightModelParameter */
+/* LightName */
+#define GL_LIGHT0 0x4000
+#define GL_LIGHT1 0x4001
+#define GL_LIGHT2 0x4002
+#define GL_LIGHT3 0x4003
+#define GL_LIGHT4 0x4004
+#define GL_LIGHT5 0x4005
+#define GL_LIGHT6 0x4006
+#define GL_LIGHT7 0x4007
+/* LightParameter */
+#define GL_AMBIENT 0x1200
+#define GL_DIFFUSE 0x1201
+#define GL_SPECULAR 0x1202
+#define GL_POSITION 0x1203
+#define GL_SPOT_DIRECTION 0x1204
+#define GL_SPOT_EXPONENT 0x1205
+#define GL_SPOT_CUTOFF 0x1206
+/* InterleavedArrays */
+/* GL_V2F */
+/* GL_V3F */
+/* GL_C4UB_V2F */
+/* GL_C4UB_V3F */
+/* GL_C3F_V3F */
+/* GL_N3F_V3F */
+/* GL_C4F_N3F_V3F */
+/* GL_T2F_V3F */
+/* GL_T4F_V4F */
+/* GL_T2F_C4UB_V3F */
+/* GL_T2F_C3F_V3F */
+/* GL_T2F_N3F_V3F */
+/* GL_T2F_C4F_N3F_V3F */
+/* GL_T4F_C4F_N3F_V4F */
+/* ListMode */
+#define GL_COMPILE 0x1300
+#define GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE 0x1301
+/* ListNameType */
+/* GL_BYTE */
+/* GL_SHORT */
+/* GL_INT */
+/* GL_FLOAT */
+/* GL_2_BYTES */
+/* GL_3_BYTES */
+/* GL_4_BYTES */
+/* LogicOp */
+#define GL_CLEAR 0x1500
+#define GL_AND 0x1501
+#define GL_AND_REVERSE 0x1502
+#define GL_COPY 0x1503
+#define GL_AND_INVERTED 0x1504
+#define GL_NOOP 0x1505
+#define GL_XOR 0x1506
+#define GL_OR 0x1507
+#define GL_NOR 0x1508
+#define GL_EQUIV 0x1509
+#define GL_INVERT 0x150A
+#define GL_OR_REVERSE 0x150B
+#define GL_COPY_INVERTED 0x150C
+#define GL_OR_INVERTED 0x150D
+#define GL_NAND 0x150E
+#define GL_SET 0x150F
+/* MapTarget */
+/* GL_MAP1_COLOR_4 */
+/* GL_MAP1_INDEX */
+/* GL_MAP1_VERTEX_3 */
+/* GL_MAP1_VERTEX_4 */
+/* GL_MAP2_COLOR_4 */
+/* GL_MAP2_INDEX */
+/* GL_MAP2_VERTEX_3 */
+/* GL_MAP2_VERTEX_4 */
+/* MaterialFace */
+/* GL_FRONT */
+/* GL_BACK */
+/* MaterialParameter */
+#define GL_EMISSION 0x1600
+#define GL_SHININESS 0x1601
+#define GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE 0x1602
+#define GL_COLOR_INDEXES 0x1603
+/* MatrixMode */
+#define GL_MODELVIEW 0x1700
+#define GL_PROJECTION 0x1701
+#define GL_TEXTURE 0x1702
+/* MeshMode1 */
+/* GL_POINT */
+/* GL_LINE */
+/* MeshMode2 */
+/* GL_POINT */
+/* GL_LINE */
+/* GL_FILL */
+/* NormalPointerType */
+/* GL_BYTE */
+/* GL_SHORT */
+/* GL_INT */
+/* GL_FLOAT */
+/* GL_DOUBLE */
+/* PixelCopyType */
+#define GL_COLOR 0x1800
+#define GL_DEPTH 0x1801
+#define GL_STENCIL 0x1802
+/* PixelFormat */
+#define GL_COLOR_INDEX 0x1900
+#define GL_STENCIL_INDEX 0x1901
+#define GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT 0x1902
+#define GL_RED 0x1903
+#define GL_GREEN 0x1904
+#define GL_BLUE 0x1905
+#define GL_ALPHA 0x1906
+#define GL_RGB 0x1907
+#define GL_RGBA 0x1908
+#define GL_LUMINANCE 0x1909
+#define GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA 0x190A
+/* PixelMap */
+/* PixelStore */
+/* PixelTransfer */
+/* GL_RED_BIAS */
+/* PixelType */
+#define GL_BITMAP 0x1A00
+/* GL_BYTE */
+/* GL_SHORT */
+/* GL_INT */
+/* GL_FLOAT */
+/* PolygonMode */
+#define GL_POINT 0x1B00
+#define GL_LINE 0x1B01
+#define GL_FILL 0x1B02
+/* ReadBufferMode */
+/* GL_FRONT */
+/* GL_BACK */
+/* GL_LEFT */
+/* GL_RIGHT */
+/* GL_AUX0 */
+/* GL_AUX1 */
+/* GL_AUX2 */
+/* GL_AUX3 */
+/* RenderingMode */
+#define GL_RENDER 0x1C00
+#define GL_FEEDBACK 0x1C01
+#define GL_SELECT 0x1C02
+/* ShadingModel */
+#define GL_FLAT 0x1D00
+#define GL_SMOOTH 0x1D01
+/* StencilFunction */
+/* GL_NEVER */
+/* GL_LESS */
+/* GL_EQUAL */
+/* GL_LEQUAL */
+/* GL_GEQUAL */
+/* GL_ALWAYS */
+/* StencilOp */
+/* GL_ZERO */
+#define GL_KEEP 0x1E00
+#define GL_REPLACE 0x1E01
+#define GL_INCR 0x1E02
+#define GL_DECR 0x1E03
+/* GL_INVERT */
+/* StringName */
+#define GL_VENDOR 0x1F00
+#define GL_RENDERER 0x1F01
+#define GL_VERSION 0x1F02
+#define GL_EXTENSIONS 0x1F03
+/* TextureCoordName */
+#define GL_S 0x2000
+#define GL_T 0x2001
+#define GL_R 0x2002
+#define GL_Q 0x2003
+/* TexCoordPointerType */
+/* GL_SHORT */
+/* GL_INT */
+/* GL_FLOAT */
+/* GL_DOUBLE */
+/* TextureEnvMode */
+#define GL_MODULATE 0x2100
+#define GL_DECAL 0x2101
+/* GL_BLEND */
+/* TextureEnvParameter */
+#define GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE 0x2200
+#define GL_TEXTURE_ENV_COLOR 0x2201
+/* TextureEnvTarget */
+#define GL_TEXTURE_ENV 0x2300
+/* TextureGenMode */
+#define GL_EYE_LINEAR 0x2400
+#define GL_OBJECT_LINEAR 0x2401
+#define GL_SPHERE_MAP 0x2402
+/* TextureGenParameter */
+#define GL_TEXTURE_GEN_MODE 0x2500
+#define GL_OBJECT_PLANE 0x2501
+#define GL_EYE_PLANE 0x2502
+/* TextureMagFilter */
+#define GL_NEAREST 0x2600
+#define GL_LINEAR 0x2601
+/* TextureMinFilter */
+/* GL_LINEAR */
+/* TextureParameterName */
+#define GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER 0x2800
+#define GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER 0x2801
+#define GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S 0x2802
+#define GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T 0x2803
+/* TextureTarget */
+/* GL_TEXTURE_1D */
+/* GL_TEXTURE_2D */
+/* TextureWrapMode */
+#define GL_CLAMP 0x2900
+#define GL_REPEAT 0x2901
+/* VertexPointerType */
+/* GL_SHORT */
+/* GL_INT */
+/* GL_FLOAT */
+/* GL_DOUBLE */
+/* ClientAttribMask */
+#define GL_CLIENT_PIXEL_STORE_BIT 0x00000001
+#define GL_CLIENT_VERTEX_ARRAY_BIT 0x00000002
+#define GL_CLIENT_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS 0xffffffff
+/* polygon_offset */
+#define GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL 0x8037
+/* texture */
+#define GL_ALPHA4 0x803B
+#define GL_ALPHA8 0x803C
+#define GL_ALPHA12 0x803D
+#define GL_ALPHA16 0x803E
+#define GL_LUMINANCE4 0x803F
+#define GL_LUMINANCE8 0x8040
+#define GL_LUMINANCE12 0x8041
+#define GL_LUMINANCE16 0x8042
+#define GL_LUMINANCE4_ALPHA4 0x8043
+#define GL_LUMINANCE6_ALPHA2 0x8044
+#define GL_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8 0x8045
+#define GL_LUMINANCE12_ALPHA4 0x8046
+#define GL_LUMINANCE12_ALPHA12 0x8047
+#define GL_LUMINANCE16_ALPHA16 0x8048
+#define GL_INTENSITY 0x8049
+#define GL_INTENSITY4 0x804A
+#define GL_INTENSITY8 0x804B
+#define GL_INTENSITY12 0x804C
+#define GL_INTENSITY16 0x804D
+#define GL_R3_G3_B2 0x2A10
+#define GL_RGB4 0x804F
+#define GL_RGB5 0x8050
+#define GL_RGB8 0x8051
+#define GL_RGB10 0x8052
+#define GL_RGB12 0x8053
+#define GL_RGB16 0x8054
+#define GL_RGBA2 0x8055
+#define GL_RGBA4 0x8056
+#define GL_RGB5_A1 0x8057
+#define GL_RGBA8 0x8058
+#define GL_RGB10_A2 0x8059
+#define GL_RGBA12 0x805A
+#define GL_RGBA16 0x805B
+#define GL_TEXTURE_RED_SIZE 0x805C
+#define GL_TEXTURE_BLUE_SIZE 0x805E
+#define GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_1D 0x8063
+#define GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D 0x8064
+/* texture_object */
+#define GL_TEXTURE_PRIORITY 0x8066
+#define GL_TEXTURE_RESIDENT 0x8067
+#define GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_1D 0x8068
+#define GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D 0x8069
+/* vertex_array */
+#define GL_VERTEX_ARRAY 0x8074
+#define GL_NORMAL_ARRAY 0x8075
+#define GL_COLOR_ARRAY 0x8076
+#define GL_INDEX_ARRAY 0x8077
+#define GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY 0x8078
+#define GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY 0x8079
+#define GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_SIZE 0x807A
+#define GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_TYPE 0x807B
+#define GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_TYPE 0x807E
+#define GL_COLOR_ARRAY_SIZE 0x8081
+#define GL_COLOR_ARRAY_TYPE 0x8082
+#define GL_COLOR_ARRAY_STRIDE 0x8083
+#define GL_INDEX_ARRAY_TYPE 0x8085
+#define GL_INDEX_ARRAY_STRIDE 0x8086
+#define GL_COLOR_ARRAY_POINTER 0x8090
+#define GL_INDEX_ARRAY_POINTER 0x8091
+#define GL_V2F 0x2A20
+#define GL_V3F 0x2A21
+#define GL_C4UB_V2F 0x2A22
+#define GL_C4UB_V3F 0x2A23
+#define GL_C3F_V3F 0x2A24
+#define GL_N3F_V3F 0x2A25
+#define GL_C4F_N3F_V3F 0x2A26
+#define GL_T2F_V3F 0x2A27
+#define GL_T4F_V4F 0x2A28
+#define GL_T2F_C4UB_V3F 0x2A29
+#define GL_T2F_C3F_V3F 0x2A2A
+#define GL_T2F_N3F_V3F 0x2A2B
+#define GL_T2F_C4F_N3F_V3F 0x2A2C
+#define GL_T4F_C4F_N3F_V4F 0x2A2D
+/* Extensions */
+#define GL_EXT_vertex_array 1
+#define GL_EXT_bgra 1
+#define GL_EXT_paletted_texture 1
+#define GL_WIN_swap_hint 1
+#define GL_WIN_draw_range_elements 1
+// #define GL_WIN_phong_shading 1
+// #define GL_WIN_specular_fog 1
+/* EXT_vertex_array */
+#define GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_EXT 0x8074
+#define GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_EXT 0x8075
+#define GL_COLOR_ARRAY_EXT 0x8076
+#define GL_INDEX_ARRAY_EXT 0x8077
+#define GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY_EXT 0x8079
+#define GL_COLOR_ARRAY_SIZE_EXT 0x8081
+#define GL_COLOR_ARRAY_TYPE_EXT 0x8082
+#define GL_COLOR_ARRAY_COUNT_EXT 0x8084
+#define GL_INDEX_ARRAY_TYPE_EXT 0x8085
+#define GL_INDEX_ARRAY_COUNT_EXT 0x8087
+/* EXT_bgra */
+#define GL_BGR_EXT 0x80E0
+#define GL_BGRA_EXT 0x80E1
+/* EXT_paletted_texture */
+/* These must match the GL_COLOR_TABLE_*_SGI enumerants */
+#define GL_COLOR_INDEX1_EXT 0x80E2
+#define GL_COLOR_INDEX2_EXT 0x80E3
+#define GL_COLOR_INDEX4_EXT 0x80E4
+#define GL_COLOR_INDEX8_EXT 0x80E5
+#define GL_COLOR_INDEX12_EXT 0x80E6
+#define GL_COLOR_INDEX16_EXT 0x80E7
+/* WIN_draw_range_elements */
+/* WIN_phong_shading */
+#define GL_PHONG_WIN 0x80EA
+#define GL_PHONG_HINT_WIN 0x80EB
+/* WIN_specular_fog */
+/* For compatibility with OpenGL v1.0 */
+#include <QtOpenGL/QtOpenGL>
+#endif // QT_NO_OPENGL
diff --git a/generator/reporthandler.cpp b/generator/reporthandler.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92fb6a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/reporthandler.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "reporthandler.h"
+#include "typesystem.h"
+int ReportHandler::m_warning_count = 0;
+int ReportHandler::m_suppressed_count = 0;
+QString ReportHandler::m_context;
+ReportHandler::DebugLevel ReportHandler::m_debug_level = NoDebug;
+QSet<QString> ReportHandler::m_reported_warnings;
+void ReportHandler::warning(const QString &text)
+ QString warningText = QString("WARNING(%1) :: %2").arg(m_context).arg(text);
+ TypeDatabase *db = TypeDatabase::instance();
+ if (db && db->isSuppressedWarning(warningText)) {
+ ++m_suppressed_count;
+ } else if (!m_reported_warnings.contains(warningText)) {
+ qDebug(qPrintable(warningText));
+ ++m_warning_count;
+ m_reported_warnings.insert(warningText);
+ }
+void ReportHandler::debug(DebugLevel level, const QString &text)
+ if (m_debug_level == NoDebug)
+ return;
+ if (level <= m_debug_level)
+ qDebug(" - DEBUG(%s) :: %s", qPrintable(m_context), qPrintable(text));
diff --git a/generator/reporthandler.h b/generator/reporthandler.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a20f15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/reporthandler.h
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include <QtCore/QString>
+#include <QtCore/QSet>
+class ReportHandler
+ enum DebugLevel { NoDebug, SparseDebug, MediumDebug, FullDebug };
+ static void setContext(const QString &context) { m_context = context; }
+ static DebugLevel debugLevel() { return m_debug_level; }
+ static void setDebugLevel(DebugLevel level) { m_debug_level = level; }
+ static int warningCount() { return m_warning_count; }
+ static int suppressedCount() { return m_suppressed_count; }
+ static void warning(const QString &str);
+ static void debugSparse(const QString &str) {
+ debug(SparseDebug, str);
+ }
+ static void debugMedium(const QString &str) {
+ debug(MediumDebug, str);
+ }
+ static void debugFull(const QString &str) {
+ debug(FullDebug, str);
+ }
+ static void debug(DebugLevel level, const QString &str);
+ static int m_warning_count;
+ static int m_suppressed_count;
+ static DebugLevel m_debug_level;
+ static QString m_context;
+ static QSet<QString> m_reported_warnings;
diff --git a/generator/setupgenerator.cpp b/generator/setupgenerator.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..622d071
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/setupgenerator.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "setupgenerator.h"
+#include "reporthandler.h"
+#include "fileout.h"
+void SetupGenerator::addClass(const AbstractMetaClass *cls)
+ packHash[cls->package()].append(cls);
+void writeQtScriptQtBindingsLicense(QTextStream &stream);
+static void writeIncludes(QTextStream &stream)
+ stream << "#include <QtScript/QScriptExtensionPlugin>" << endl
+ << "#include <QtScript/QScriptValue>" << endl
+ << "#include <QtScript/QScriptEngine>" << endl;
+ stream << "#include <QtScript/QScriptClass>" << endl
+ << "#include <QtScript/QScriptString>" << endl;
+ stream << "#include <QtCore/QDebug>" << endl;
+void writeInclude(QTextStream &stream, const Include &inc);
+void maybeDeclareMetaType(QTextStream &stream, const QString &typeName,
+ QSet<QString> &registeredTypeNames);
+bool hasDefaultConstructor(const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class);
+void SetupGenerator::generate()
+ QHashIterator<QString, QList<const AbstractMetaClass*> > pack(packHash);
+ while (pack.hasNext()) {
+ QList<const AbstractMetaClass*> list = pack.value();
+ if (list.isEmpty())
+ continue;
+ QString packName = pack.key();
+ QStringList components = packName.split(".");
+ if ((components.size() > 2) && ( == "com")
+ && ( == "trolltech")) {
+ // kill com.trolltech in key
+ components.removeAt(0);
+ components.removeAt(0);
+ }
+ packName.replace(".", "_");
+ FileOut file(m_out_dir + "/generated_cpp/" + packName + "/main.cpp");
+ QTextStream &s =;
+ if (FileOut::license)
+ writeQtScriptQtBindingsLicense(s);
+ writeIncludes(s);
+ s << endl;
+ foreach (const AbstractMetaClass *cls, list)
+ writeInclude(s, cls->typeEntry()->include());
+ s << endl;
+ // declare individual class creation functions
+ foreach (const AbstractMetaClass *cls, list) {
+ s << "QScriptValue qtscript_create_" << cls->name() << "_class(QScriptEngine *engine);" << endl;
+ }
+ s << endl;
+ // write table of class names
+ {
+ s << "static const char * const qtscript_" << packName << "_class_names[] = {" << endl;
+ bool needComma = false;
+ foreach (const AbstractMetaClass *cls, list) {
+ s << " ";
+ if (needComma)
+ s << ", ";
+ s << "\"" << cls->name() << "\"" << endl;
+ needComma = true;
+ }
+ s << "};" << endl << endl;
+ }
+ // write table of function pointers
+ {
+ s << "typedef QScriptValue (*QtBindingCreator)(QScriptEngine *engine);" << endl;
+ s << "static const QtBindingCreator qtscript_" << packName << "_class_functions[] = {" << endl;
+ bool needComma = false;
+ foreach (const AbstractMetaClass *cls, list) {
+ s << " ";
+ if (needComma)
+ s << ", ";
+ s << "qtscript_create_" << cls->name() << "_class" << endl;
+ needComma = true;
+ }
+ s << "};" << endl << endl;
+ }
+ {
+ // declare meta-types
+ QSet<QString> registeredTypeNames = m_qmetatype_declared_typenames;
+ foreach (const AbstractMetaClass *cls, list) {
+ if (cls->isNamespace())
+ continue;
+ QString name = cls->qualifiedCppName();
+ if (cls->typeEntry()->isValue() && ::hasDefaultConstructor(cls))
+ maybeDeclareMetaType(s, name, registeredTypeNames);
+ maybeDeclareMetaType(s, name + "*", registeredTypeNames);
+ }
+ s << endl;
+ // write table of metatype-ids
+ s << "static const int qtscript_" << packName << "_metatype_ids[] = {" << endl;
+ for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) {
+ const AbstractMetaClass *cls =;
+ s << " ";
+ if (i > 0)
+ s << ", ";
+ if (cls->isNamespace()) {
+ s << "-1, -1";
+ } else {
+ QString name = cls->qualifiedCppName();
+ if (cls->typeEntry()->isValue() && ::hasDefaultConstructor(cls))
+ s << "qMetaTypeId<" << name << ">()";
+ else
+ s << "-1";
+ s << ", qMetaTypeId<" << name << "*>()";
+ }
+ s << endl;
+ }
+ s << "};" << endl << endl;
+ }
+ // write the fake prototype class
+ {
+ s << "class qtscript_" << packName << "_FakePrototype : public QScriptClass" << endl
+ << "{" << endl
+ << "public:" << endl
+ << " qtscript_" << packName << "_FakePrototype(QScriptEngine *engine)" << endl
+ << " : QScriptClass(engine) {}" << endl << endl
+ << " QueryFlags queryProperty(const QScriptValue &fake," << endl
+ << " const QScriptString &name, QueryFlags flags, uint *)" << endl
+ << " {" << endl
+ << " if (fake.prototype().isValid())" << endl
+ << " return 0;" << endl
+ << " int classIndex =;" << endl
+ << " const char *className = qtscript_" << packName << "_class_names[classIndex];" << endl
+// << " qDebug() << \"faking\" << className;" << endl
+ << " QScriptValue extensionObject = engine()->globalObject();" << endl
+ << " QScriptValue ctor =;" << endl
+ << " QScriptValue genuine =\"prototype\");" << endl
+ << " Q_ASSERT(genuine.isObject());" << endl
+ << " const_cast<QScriptValue&>(fake).setPrototype(genuine);" << endl
+ << " if (!" << endl
+ << " flags &= ~HandlesReadAccess;" << endl
+ << " return flags & ~HandlesWriteAccess;" << endl
+ << " }" << endl << endl
+ << " QScriptValue property(const QScriptValue &fake, "
+ << "const QScriptString &name, uint)" << endl
+ << " {" << endl
+ << " return fake.prototype().property(name, QScriptValue::ResolveLocal);" << endl
+ << " }" << endl
+ << "};" << endl << endl;
+ }
+ // write the lazy class loader
+ {
+ s << "static QScriptValue qtscript_" << packName << "_getSetClass("
+ << "QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *engine)" << endl
+ << "{" << endl
+ << " QScriptValue target = context->thisObject();" << endl
+ << " int classIndex = context->callee().data().toInt32();" << endl
+ << " const char *className = qtscript_" << packName << "_class_names[classIndex];" << endl
+ << " qDebug() << \"loading\" << className;" << endl
+ << " target.setProperty(className, QScriptValue(), "
+ << "QScriptValue::PropertyGetter|QScriptValue::PropertySetter);" << endl
+ << " if (context->argumentCount() == 1) {" << endl
+ << " target.setProperty(className, context->argument(0));" << endl
+ << " } else {" << endl
+ << " target.setProperty(className, qtscript_"
+ << packName << "_class_functions[classIndex](engine)," << endl
+ << " QScriptValue::SkipInEnumeration);" << endl
+ << " }" << endl
+ << " return;" << endl
+ << "}" << endl << endl;
+ }
+ // plugin class declaration
+ s << "class " << packName << "_ScriptPlugin : public QScriptExtensionPlugin" << endl
+ << "{" << endl
+ << "public:" << endl
+ << " QStringList keys() const;" << endl
+ << " void initialize(const QString &key, QScriptEngine *engine);" << endl
+ << "};" << endl
+ << "" << endl;
+ // keys()
+ s << "QStringList " << packName << "_ScriptPlugin::keys() const" << endl
+ << "{" << endl
+ << " QStringList list;" << endl;
+ {
+ QString key;
+ for (int i = 0; i < components.size(); ++i) {
+ if (i > 0)
+ key.append(".");
+ key.append(;
+ s << " list << QLatin1String(\"" << key << "\");" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ s << " return list;" << endl
+ << "}" << endl;
+ // initialize()
+ s << endl
+ << "void " << packName << "_ScriptPlugin::initialize(const QString &key, QScriptEngine *engine)" << endl
+ << "{";
+ {
+ QString key;
+ for (int i = 0; i < components.size(); ++i) {
+ s << endl << " ";
+ if (i > 0) {
+ key.append(".");
+ s << "} else ";
+ }
+ key.append(;
+ s << "if (key == QLatin1String(\"" << key << "\")) {";
+ }
+ }
+ s << endl << " QScriptValue extensionObject = ";
+ // ### generalize
+ if (packName == "com.trolltech.qt.phonon")
+ s << "setupPackage(\"phonon\", engine)";
+ else
+ s << "engine->globalObject()";
+ s << ";" << endl;
+ s << " qtscript_" << packName << "_FakePrototype *fakeProtoClass;" << endl
+ << " fakeProtoClass = new qtscript_" << packName << "_FakePrototype(engine);" << endl;
+ s << " for (int i = 0; i < " << list.size() << "; ++i) {" << endl
+ << " extensionObject.setProperty(qtscript_" << packName << "_class_names[i]," << endl
+ << " qtscript_" << packName << "_class_functions[i](engine)," << endl
+ << " QScriptValue::SkipInEnumeration);" << endl
+ << " QScriptValue classIndex(engine, i);" << endl
+ << " QScriptValue fakeCtor = engine->newFunction(qtscript_" << packName << "_getSetClass);" << endl
+ << " fakeCtor.setData(classIndex);" << endl
+ << " extensionObject.setProperty(qtscript_" << packName << "_class_names[i]," << endl
+ << " fakeCtor, QScriptValue::PropertyGetter|QScriptValue::PropertySetter"
+ << "|QScriptValue::SkipInEnumeration);" << endl
+ << " QScriptValue fakeProto = engine->newObject(fakeProtoClass, classIndex);" << endl
+ << " fakeProto.setPrototype(QScriptValue());" << endl
+ << " if (qtscript_" << packName << "_metatype_ids[i*2] != -1)" << endl
+ << " engine->setDefaultPrototype(qtscript_"
+ << packName << "_metatype_ids[i*2], fakeProto);" << endl
+ << " if (qtscript_" << packName << "_metatype_ids[i*2+1] != -1)" << endl
+ << " engine->setDefaultPrototype(qtscript_"
+ << packName << "_metatype_ids[i*2+1], fakeProto);" << endl
+ << " }" << endl;
+ s << " } else {" << endl
+ << " Q_ASSERT_X(false, \"" << packName << "::initialize\", qPrintable(key));" << endl
+ << " }" << endl
+ << "}" << endl;
+ s << "Q_EXPORT_STATIC_PLUGIN(" << packName << "_ScriptPlugin)" << endl
+ << "Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2(qtscript_" << packName.toLower() << ", " << packName << "_ScriptPlugin)" << endl << endl;
+ if (file.done())
+ ++m_num_generated_written;
+ ++m_num_generated;
+ }
diff --git a/generator/setupgenerator.h b/generator/setupgenerator.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7ef9e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/setupgenerator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "generator.h"
+#include "metaqtscript.h"
+class SetupGenerator : public Generator
+ public:
+ virtual void generate();
+ void addClass(const AbstractMetaClass *cls);
+ private:
+ QHash<QString, QList<const AbstractMetaClass*> > packHash;
diff --git a/generator/shellgenerator.cpp b/generator/shellgenerator.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ceae238
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/shellgenerator.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "shellgenerator.h"
+#include "reporthandler.h"
+#include "metaqtscript.h"
+bool ShellGenerator::shouldGenerate(const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class) const
+ uint cg = meta_class->typeEntry()->codeGeneration();
+ return ((cg & TypeEntry::GenerateCode) != 0) && meta_class->generateShellClass();
+void ShellGenerator::writeTypeInfo(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaType *type, Option options)
+ if ((options & OriginalTypeDescription) && !type->originalTypeDescription().isEmpty()) {
+ s << type->originalTypeDescription();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (type->isArray()) {
+ writeTypeInfo(s, type->arrayElementType(), options);
+ if (options & ArrayAsPointer) {
+ s << "*";
+ } else {
+ s << "[" << type->arrayElementCount() << "]";
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ const TypeEntry *te = type->typeEntry();
+ if (type->isConstant() && !(options & ExcludeConst))
+ s << "const ";
+ if ((options & EnumAsInts) && (te->isEnum() || te->isFlags())) {
+ s << "int";
+ } else if (te->isFlags()) {
+ s << ((FlagsTypeEntry *) te)->originalName();
+ } else {
+ s << fixCppTypeName(te->qualifiedCppName());
+ }
+ if (type->instantiations().size() > 0
+ && (!type->isContainer()
+ || (static_cast<const ContainerTypeEntry *>(te))->type() != ContainerTypeEntry::StringListContainer)) {
+ s << '<';
+ QList<AbstractMetaType *> args = type->instantiations();
+ bool nested_template = false;
+ for (int i=0; i<args.size(); ++i) {
+ if (i != 0)
+ s << ", ";
+ nested_template |=>isContainer();
+ writeTypeInfo(s,;
+ }
+ if (nested_template)
+ s << ' ';
+ s << '>';
+ }
+ s << QString(type->indirections(), '*');
+ if (type->isReference() && !(options & ExcludeReference))
+ s << "&";
+ if (!(options & SkipName))
+ s << ' ';
+void ShellGenerator::writeFunctionArguments(QTextStream &s,
+ const AbstractMetaArgumentList &arguments,
+ Option option,
+ int numArguments)
+ if (numArguments < 0) numArguments = arguments.size();
+ for (int i=0; i<numArguments; ++i) {
+ if (i != 0)
+ s << ", ";
+ AbstractMetaArgument *arg =;
+ writeTypeInfo(s, arg->type(), option);
+ if (!(option & SkipName))
+ s << " " << arg->argumentName();
+ if ((option & IncludeDefaultExpression) && !arg->originalDefaultValueExpression().isEmpty()) {
+ s << " = ";
+ QString expr = arg->originalDefaultValueExpression();
+ if (arg->type()->typeEntry()->isEnum() && expr.indexOf("::") < 0)
+ s << ((EnumTypeEntry *)arg->type()->typeEntry())->qualifier() << "::";
+ s << expr;
+ }
+ }
+ * Writes the function \a meta_function signature to the textstream \a s.
+ *
+ * The \a name_prefix can be used to give the function name a prefix,
+ * like "__public_" or "__override_" and \a classname_prefix can
+ * be used to give the class name a prefix.
+ *
+ * The \a option flags can be used to tweak various parameters, such as
+ * showing static, original vs renamed name, underscores for space etc.
+ *
+ * The \a extra_arguments list is a list of extra arguments on the
+ * form "bool static_call".
+ */
+void ShellGenerator::writeFunctionSignature(QTextStream &s,
+ const AbstractMetaFunction *meta_function,
+ const AbstractMetaClass *implementor,
+ const QString &name_prefix,
+ Option option,
+ const QString &classname_prefix,
+ const QStringList &extra_arguments,
+ int numArguments)
+// ### remove the implementor
+ AbstractMetaType *function_type = meta_function->type();
+ if (meta_function->isStatic() && (option & ShowStatic))
+ s << "static ";
+ if ((option & SkipReturnType) == 0) {
+ if (function_type) {
+ writeTypeInfo(s, function_type, option);
+ s << " ";
+ } else if (!meta_function->isConstructor()) {
+ s << "void ";
+ }
+ }
+ if (implementor) {
+ if (classname_prefix.isEmpty())
+ s << shellClassName(implementor) << "::";
+ else
+ s << classname_prefix << implementor->name() << "::";
+ }
+ QString function_name;
+ if (option & OriginalName)
+ function_name = meta_function->originalName();
+ else
+ function_name = meta_function->name();
+ if (option & UnderscoreSpaces)
+ function_name = function_name.replace(' ', '_');
+ if (meta_function->isConstructor())
+ function_name = shellClassName(meta_function->ownerClass());
+ s << name_prefix << function_name;
+ if (meta_function->attributes() & AbstractMetaAttributes::SetterFunction)
+ s << "_setter";
+ else if (meta_function->attributes() & AbstractMetaAttributes::GetterFunction)
+ s << "_getter";
+ s << "(";
+ writeFunctionArguments(s, meta_function->arguments(), option, numArguments);
+ // The extra arguments...
+ for (int i=0; i<extra_arguments.size(); ++i) {
+ if (i > 0 || meta_function->arguments().size() != 0)
+ s << ", ";
+ s <<;
+ }
+ s << ")";
+ if (meta_function->isConstant())
+ s << " const";
diff --git a/generator/shellgenerator.h b/generator/shellgenerator.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51bbafc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/shellgenerator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "generator.h"
+#include "metaqtscript.h"
+#include "prigenerator.h"
+class ShellGenerator : public Generator
+ virtual QString subDirectoryForClass(const AbstractMetaClass *cls) const
+ {
+ return "generated_cpp/" + cls->package().replace(".", "_") + "/";
+ }
+ static void writeTypeInfo(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaType *type, Option option = NoOption);
+ static void writeFunctionSignature(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *meta_function,
+ const AbstractMetaClass *implementor = 0,
+ const QString &name_prefix = QString(),
+ Option option = NoOption,
+ const QString &classname_prefix = QString(),
+ const QStringList &extra_arguments = QStringList(),
+ int numArguments = -1);
+ static void writeFunctionArguments(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaArgumentList &arguments,
+ Option option = NoOption,
+ int numArguments = -1);
+ bool shouldGenerate(const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class) const;
+ static QString shellClassName(const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class) {
+ return meta_class->generateShellClass()
+ ? "QtScriptShell_" + meta_class->name()
+ : meta_class->qualifiedCppName();
+ }
+ protected:
+ PriGenerator *priGenerator;
diff --git a/generator/shellheadergenerator.cpp b/generator/shellheadergenerator.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f74af1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/shellheadergenerator.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "shellheadergenerator.h"
+#include "fileout.h"
+#include <QtCore/QDir>
+#include <qdebug.h>
+QString ShellHeaderGenerator::fileNameForClass(const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class) const
+ return QString("qtscriptshell_%1.h").arg(meta_class->name());
+void writeQtScriptQtBindingsLicense(QTextStream &stream);
+void ShellHeaderGenerator::write(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class)
+ if (FileOut::license)
+ writeQtScriptQtBindingsLicense(s);
+ QString include_block = "QTSCRIPTSHELL_" + meta_class->name().toUpper() + "_H";
+ s << "#ifndef " << include_block << endl
+ << "#define " << include_block << endl << endl;
+ Include inc = meta_class->typeEntry()->include();
+ s << "#include ";
+ if (inc.type == Include::IncludePath)
+ s << "<";
+ else
+ s << "\"";
+ s <<;
+ if (inc.type == Include::IncludePath)
+ s << ">";
+ else
+ s << "\"";
+ s << endl << endl;
+ s << "#include <QtScript/qscriptvalue.h>" << endl << endl;
+ QString pro_file_name = meta_class->package().replace(".", "_") + "/" + meta_class->package().replace(".", "_") + ".pri";
+ if (!meta_class->generateShellClass()) {
+ s << "#endif" << endl << endl;
+ priGenerator->addHeader(pro_file_name, fileNameForClass(meta_class));
+ return ;
+ }
+ s << "class " << shellClassName(meta_class)
+ << " : public " << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << endl
+ << "{" << endl;
+ s << "public:" << endl;
+ foreach (const AbstractMetaFunction *function, meta_class->functions()) {
+ if (function->isConstructor() && !function->isPrivate()) {
+ s << " ";
+ writeFunctionSignature(s, function, 0, QString(),
+ Option(IncludeDefaultExpression | OriginalName | ShowStatic));
+ s << ";" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ s << " ~" << shellClassName(meta_class) << "();" << endl;
+ s << endl;
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList functions = meta_class->queryFunctions(
+ AbstractMetaClass:: VirtualFunctions | AbstractMetaClass::WasVisible
+ | AbstractMetaClass::NotRemovedFromTargetLang
+ );
+ for (int i = 0; i < functions.size(); ++i) {
+ s << " ";
+ writeFunctionSignature(s,, 0, QString(),
+ Option(IncludeDefaultExpression | OriginalName | ShowStatic | UnderscoreSpaces));
+ s << ";" << endl;
+ }
+ writeInjectedCode(s, meta_class);
+ s << endl << " QScriptValue __qtscript_self;" << endl;
+ s << "};" << endl << endl
+ << "#endif // " << include_block << endl;
+ priGenerator->addHeader(pro_file_name, fileNameForClass(meta_class));
+void ShellHeaderGenerator::writeInjectedCode(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class)
+ CodeSnipList code_snips = meta_class->typeEntry()->codeSnips();
+ foreach (const CodeSnip &cs, code_snips) {
+ if (cs.language == TypeSystem::ShellDeclaration) {
+ s << cs.code() << endl;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/generator/shellheadergenerator.h b/generator/shellheadergenerator.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0d501c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/shellheadergenerator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "shellgenerator.h"
+#include "metaqtscript.h"
+class ShellHeaderGenerator : public ShellGenerator
+ ShellHeaderGenerator(PriGenerator *pri)
+ {
+ priGenerator = pri;
+ }
+ virtual QString fileNameForClass(const AbstractMetaClass *cls) const;
+ void write(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class);
+ void writeInjectedCode(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class);
diff --git a/generator/shellimplgenerator.cpp b/generator/shellimplgenerator.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4cf63f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/shellimplgenerator.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "shellimplgenerator.h"
+#include "reporthandler.h"
+#include "fileout.h"
+extern void declareFunctionMetaTypes(QTextStream &stream,
+ const AbstractMetaFunctionList &functions,
+ QSet<QString> &registeredTypeNames);
+QString ShellImplGenerator::fileNameForClass(const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class) const
+ return QString("qtscriptshell_%1.cpp").arg(meta_class->name());
+static bool include_less_than(const Include &a, const Include &b)
+ return <;
+static void writeHelperCode(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *)
+ s << "#define QTSCRIPT_IS_GENERATED_FUNCTION(fun) (( & 0xFFFF0000) == 0xBABE0000)" << endl;
+ s << endl;
+void writeQtScriptQtBindingsLicense(QTextStream &stream);
+void ShellImplGenerator::write(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class)
+ if (FileOut::license)
+ writeQtScriptQtBindingsLicense(s);
+ QString pro_file_name = meta_class->package().replace(".", "_") + "/" + meta_class->package().replace(".", "_") + ".pri";
+ priGenerator->addSource(pro_file_name, fileNameForClass(meta_class));
+ s << "#include \"qtscriptshell_" << meta_class->name() << ".h\"" << endl << endl;
+ if (!meta_class->generateShellClass())
+ return;
+ s << "#include <QtScript/QScriptEngine>" << endl;
+ IncludeList list = meta_class->typeEntry()->extraIncludes();
+ qSort(list.begin(), list.end(), include_less_than);
+ foreach (const Include &inc, list) {
+ if (inc.type == Include::TargetLangImport)
+ continue;
+ s << "#include ";
+ if (inc.type == Include::LocalPath)
+ s << "\"";
+ else
+ s << "<";
+ s <<;
+ if (inc.type == Include::LocalPath)
+ s << "\"";
+ else
+ s << ">";
+ s << endl;
+ }
+ s << endl;
+ writeHelperCode(s, meta_class);
+ // find constructors
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList ctors;
+ ctors = meta_class->queryFunctions(AbstractMetaClass::Constructors
+ | AbstractMetaClass::WasVisible
+ | AbstractMetaClass::NotRemovedFromTargetLang);
+ // find member functions
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList functions = meta_class->queryFunctions(
+ AbstractMetaClass:: VirtualFunctions | AbstractMetaClass::WasVisible
+ | AbstractMetaClass::NotRemovedFromTargetLang
+ );
+ // write metatype declarations
+ {
+ QSet<QString> registeredTypeNames = m_qmetatype_declared_typenames;
+ declareFunctionMetaTypes(s, functions, registeredTypeNames);
+ s << endl;
+ }
+ // write constructors
+ foreach (const AbstractMetaFunction *ctor, ctors) {
+ s << "QtScriptShell_" << meta_class->name() << "::";
+ writeFunctionSignature(s, ctor, 0, QString(), Option(OriginalName | ShowStatic));
+ s << endl;
+ s << " : " << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << "(";
+ AbstractMetaArgumentList args = ctor->arguments();
+ for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) {
+ if (i > 0)
+ s << ", ";
+ s <<>argumentName();
+ }
+ s << ")" << " {}" << endl << endl;
+ }
+ // write destructor
+ s << "QtScriptShell_" << meta_class->name() << "::"
+ << "~QtScriptShell_" << meta_class->name() << "()"
+ << " {}" << endl << endl;
+ // write member functions
+ for (int i = 0; i < functions.size(); ++i) {
+ AbstractMetaFunction *fun =;
+ writeFunctionSignature(s, fun, meta_class, QString(),
+ Option(OriginalName | ShowStatic | UnderscoreSpaces),
+ "QtScriptShell_");
+ s << endl << "{" << endl;
+ s << " QScriptValue _q_function =\""
+ << fun->name() << "\");" << endl;
+ s << " if (!_q_function.isFunction() || QTSCRIPT_IS_GENERATED_FUNCTION(_q_function)" << endl
+ << " || (__qtscript_self.propertyFlags(\"" << fun->name() << "\") & QScriptValue::QObjectMember)) {" << endl;
+ AbstractMetaArgumentList args = fun->arguments();
+ s << " ";
+ if (fun->isAbstract()) {
+ s << "qFatal(\"" << meta_class->name() << "::" << fun->name()
+ << "() is abstract!\");" << endl;
+ } else {
+ // call the C++ implementation
+ if (fun->type())
+ s << "return ";
+ s << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << "::" << fun->originalName() << "(";
+ for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) {
+ if (i > 0)
+ s << ", ";
+ s <<>argumentName();
+ }
+ s << ");" << endl;
+ }
+ s << " } else {" << endl;
+ // call the script function
+ if (args.size() > 0)
+ s << " QScriptEngine *_q_engine = __qtscript_self.engine();" << endl;
+ s << " ";
+ if (fun->type()) {
+ s << "return qscriptvalue_cast<";
+ writeTypeInfo(s, fun->type());
+ s << ">(";
+ }
+ s << "";
+ if (args.size() > 0) {
+ s << "," << endl;
+ s << " QScriptValueList()";
+ int i = 0;
+ for (int j = 0; j < args.size(); ++j) {
+ if (fun->argumentRemoved(j+1))
+ continue;
+ s << endl << " << ";
+ s << "qScriptValueFromValue(_q_engine, ";
+ AbstractMetaType *atype =>type();
+ QString asig = atype->cppSignature();
+ bool constCastArg = asig.endsWith('*') && asig.startsWith("const ");
+ if (constCastArg)
+ s << "const_cast<" << asig.mid(6) << ">(";
+ s <<>argumentName() << ")";
+ if (constCastArg)
+ s << ")";
+ ++i;
+ }
+ }
+ s << ")";
+ if (fun->type())
+ s << ")";
+ s << ";" << endl;
+ s << " }" << endl;
+ s << "}" << endl << endl;
+ }
+void ShellImplGenerator::writeInjectedCode(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class)
+ CodeSnipList code_snips = meta_class->typeEntry()->codeSnips();
+ foreach (const CodeSnip &cs, code_snips) {
+ if (cs.language == TypeSystem::ShellCode) {
+ s << cs.code() << endl;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/generator/shellimplgenerator.h b/generator/shellimplgenerator.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa83ea1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/shellimplgenerator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "shellgenerator.h"
+#include "metaqtscript.h"
+class ShellImplGenerator : public ShellGenerator
+ ShellImplGenerator(PriGenerator *pri)
+ {
+ priGenerator = pri;
+ }
+ virtual QString fileNameForClass(const AbstractMetaClass *cls) const;
+ void write(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class);
+ void writeInjectedCode(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class);
diff --git a/generator/typeparser.cpp b/generator/typeparser.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60f07cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/typeparser.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "typeparser.h"
+#include <qdebug.h>
+#include <QStack>
+class Scanner
+ enum Token {
+ StarToken,
+ AmpersandToken,
+ LessThanToken,
+ ColonToken,
+ CommaToken,
+ OpenParenToken,
+ CloseParenToken,
+ SquareBegin,
+ SquareEnd,
+ GreaterThanToken,
+ ConstToken,
+ Identifier,
+ NoToken
+ };
+ Scanner(const QString &s)
+ : m_pos(0), m_length(s.length()), m_chars(s.constData())
+ {
+ }
+ Token nextToken();
+ QString identifier() const;
+ int m_pos;
+ int m_length;
+ int m_token_start;
+ const QChar *m_chars;
+QString Scanner::identifier() const
+ return QString(m_chars + m_token_start, m_pos - m_token_start);
+Scanner::Token Scanner::nextToken()
+ Token tok = NoToken;
+ // remove whitespace
+ while (m_pos < m_length && m_chars[m_pos] == ' ') {
+ ++m_pos;
+ }
+ m_token_start = m_pos;
+ while (m_pos < m_length) {
+ const QChar &c = m_chars[m_pos];
+ if (tok == NoToken) {
+ switch (c.toLatin1()) {
+ case '*': tok = StarToken; break;
+ case '&': tok = AmpersandToken; break;
+ case '<': tok = LessThanToken; break;
+ case '>': tok = GreaterThanToken; break;
+ case ',': tok = CommaToken; break;
+ case '(': tok = OpenParenToken; break;
+ case ')': tok = CloseParenToken; break;
+ case '[': tok = SquareBegin; break;
+ case ']' : tok = SquareEnd; break;
+ case ':':
+ tok = ColonToken;
+ Q_ASSERT(m_pos + 1 < m_length);
+ ++m_pos;
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (c.isLetterOrNumber() || c == '_')
+ tok = Identifier;
+ else
+ qFatal("Unrecognized character in lexer: %c", c.toLatin1());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (tok <= GreaterThanToken) {
+ ++m_pos;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (tok == Identifier) {
+ if (c.isLetterOrNumber() || c == '_')
+ ++m_pos;
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (tok == Identifier && m_pos - m_token_start == 5) {
+ if (m_chars[m_token_start] == 'c'
+ && m_chars[m_token_start + 1] == 'o'
+ && m_chars[m_token_start + 2] == 'n'
+ && m_chars[m_token_start + 3] == 's'
+ && m_chars[m_token_start + 4] == 't')
+ tok = ConstToken;
+ }
+ return tok;
+TypeParser::Info TypeParser::parse(const QString &str)
+ Scanner scanner(str);
+ Info info;
+ QStack<Info *> stack;
+ stack.push(&info);
+ bool colon_prefix = false;
+ bool in_array = false;
+ QString array;
+ Scanner::Token tok = scanner.nextToken();
+ while (tok != Scanner::NoToken) {
+// switch (tok) {
+// case Scanner::StarToken: printf(" - *\n"); break;
+// case Scanner::AmpersandToken: printf(" - &\n"); break;
+// case Scanner::LessThanToken: printf(" - <\n"); break;
+// case Scanner::GreaterThanToken: printf(" - >\n"); break;
+// case Scanner::ColonToken: printf(" - ::\n"); break;
+// case Scanner::CommaToken: printf(" - ,\n"); break;
+// case Scanner::ConstToken: printf(" - const\n"); break;
+// case Scanner::SquareBegin: printf(" - [\n"); break;
+// case Scanner::SquareEnd: printf(" - ]\n"); break;
+// case Scanner::Identifier: printf(" - '%s'\n", qPrintable(scanner.identifier())); break;
+// default:
+// break;
+// }
+ switch (tok) {
+ case Scanner::StarToken:
+ break;
+ case Scanner::AmpersandToken:
+>is_reference = true;
+ break;
+ case Scanner::LessThanToken:
+>template_instantiations << Info();
+ stack.push(&>template_instantiations.last());
+ break;
+ case Scanner::CommaToken:
+ stack.pop();
+>template_instantiations << Info();
+ stack.push(&>template_instantiations.last());
+ break;
+ case Scanner::GreaterThanToken:
+ stack.pop();
+ break;
+ case Scanner::ColonToken:
+ colon_prefix = true;
+ break;
+ case Scanner::ConstToken:
+>is_constant = true;
+ break;
+ case Scanner::OpenParenToken: // function pointers not supported
+ case Scanner::CloseParenToken:
+ {
+ Info i;
+ i.is_busted = true;
+ return i;
+ }
+ case Scanner::Identifier:
+ if (in_array) {
+ array = scanner.identifier();
+ } else if (colon_prefix ||>qualified_name.isEmpty()) {
+>qualified_name << scanner.identifier();
+ colon_prefix = false;
+ } else {
+>qualified_name.last().append(" " + scanner.identifier());
+ }
+ break;
+ case Scanner::SquareBegin:
+ in_array = true;
+ break;
+ case Scanner::SquareEnd:
+ in_array = false;
+>arrays += array;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ tok = scanner.nextToken();
+ }
+ return info;
+QString TypeParser::Info::instantiationName() const
+ QString s(qualified_name.join("::"));
+ if (!template_instantiations.isEmpty()) {
+ s += '<';
+ for (int i=0; i<template_instantiations.size(); ++i) {
+ if (i != 0)
+ s += ",";
+ s +=;
+ }
+ s += '>';
+ }
+ return s;
+QString TypeParser::Info::toString() const
+ QString s;
+ if (is_constant) s += "const ";
+ s += instantiationName();
+ for (int i=0; i<arrays.size(); ++i)
+ s += "[" + + "]";
+ s += QString(indirections, '*');
+ if (is_reference) s += '&';
+ return s;
diff --git a/generator/typeparser.h b/generator/typeparser.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2156f59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/typeparser.h
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include <QList>
+#include <QString>
+#include <QStringList>
+class TypeParser
+ struct Info
+ {
+ Info() : is_reference(false), is_constant(false), is_busted(false), indirections(0) { }
+ QStringList qualified_name;
+ QStringList arrays;
+ QList<Info> template_instantiations;
+ uint is_reference : 1;
+ uint is_constant : 1;
+ uint is_busted : 1;
+ uint indirections : 5;
+ QString toString() const;
+ QString instantiationName() const;
+ };
+ static Info parse(const QString &str);
+#endif // TYPEPARSER_H
diff --git a/generator/typesystem.cpp b/generator/typesystem.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67d04c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/typesystem.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1991 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "typesystem.h"
+#include "generator.h"
+#include "customtypes.h"
+#include <reporthandler.h>
+#include <QtXml>
+QString strings_Object = QLatin1String("Object");
+QString strings_String = QLatin1String("String");
+QString strings_Thread = QLatin1String("Thread");
+QString strings_char = QLatin1String("char");
+QString strings_java_lang = QLatin1String("java.lang");
+QString strings_jchar = QLatin1String("jchar");
+QString strings_jobject = QLatin1String("jobject");
+static void addRemoveFunctionToTemplates(TypeDatabase *db);
+class StackElement
+ public:
+ enum ElementType {
+ None = 0x0,
+ // Type tags (0x1, ... , 0xff)
+ ObjectTypeEntry = 0x1,
+ ValueTypeEntry = 0x2,
+ InterfaceTypeEntry = 0x3,
+ NamespaceTypeEntry = 0x4,
+ ComplexTypeEntryMask = 0xf,
+ // Non-complex type tags (0x10, 0x20, ... , 0xf0)
+ PrimitiveTypeEntry = 0x10,
+ EnumTypeEntry = 0x20,
+ TypeEntryMask = 0xff,
+ // Simple tags (0x100, 0x200, ... , 0xf00)
+ ExtraIncludes = 0x100,
+ Include = 0x200,
+ ModifyFunction = 0x300,
+ ModifyField = 0x400,
+ Root = 0x500,
+ CustomMetaConstructor = 0x600,
+ CustomMetaDestructor = 0x700,
+ ArgumentMap = 0x800,
+ SuppressedWarning = 0x900,
+ Rejection = 0xa00,
+ LoadTypesystem = 0xb00,
+ RejectEnumValue = 0xc00,
+ Template = 0xd00,
+ TemplateInstanceEnum = 0xe00,
+ Replace = 0xf00,
+ SimpleMask = 0xf00,
+ // Code snip tags (0x1000, 0x2000, ... , 0xf000)
+ InjectCode = 0x1000,
+ InjectCodeInFunction = 0x2000,
+ CodeSnipMask = 0xf000,
+ // Function modifier tags (0x010000, 0x020000, ... , 0xf00000)
+ Access = 0x010000,
+ Removal = 0x020000,
+ Rename = 0x040000,
+ ModifyArgument = 0x080000,
+ FunctionModifiers = 0xff0000,
+ // Argument modifier tags (0x01000000 ... 0xf0000000)
+ ConversionRule = 0x01000000,
+ ReplaceType = 0x02000000,
+ ReplaceDefaultExpression = 0x04000000,
+ RemoveArgument = 0x08000000,
+ DefineOwnership = 0x10000000,
+ RemoveDefaultExpression = 0x20000000,
+ NoNullPointers = 0x40000000,
+ ReferenceCount = 0x80000000,
+ ArgumentModifiers = 0xff000000
+ };
+ StackElement(StackElement *p) : entry(0), type(None), parent(p){ }
+ TypeEntry *entry;
+ ElementType type;
+ StackElement *parent;
+ union {
+ TemplateInstance *templateInstance;
+ TemplateEntry *templateEntry;
+ CustomFunction *customFunction;
+ } value;
+class Handler : public QXmlDefaultHandler
+ Handler(TypeDatabase *database, bool generate)
+ : m_database(database), m_generate(generate ? TypeEntry::GenerateAll : TypeEntry::GenerateForSubclass)
+ {
+ m_current_enum = 0;
+ current = 0;
+ tagNames["rejection"] = StackElement::Rejection;
+ tagNames["primitive-type"] = StackElement::PrimitiveTypeEntry;
+ tagNames["object-type"] = StackElement::ObjectTypeEntry;
+ tagNames["value-type"] = StackElement::ValueTypeEntry;
+ tagNames["interface-type"] = StackElement::InterfaceTypeEntry;
+ tagNames["namespace-type"] = StackElement::NamespaceTypeEntry;
+ tagNames["enum-type"] = StackElement::EnumTypeEntry;
+ tagNames["extra-includes"] = StackElement::ExtraIncludes;
+ tagNames["include"] = StackElement::Include;
+ tagNames["inject-code"] = StackElement::InjectCode;
+ tagNames["modify-function"] = StackElement::ModifyFunction;
+ tagNames["modify-field"] = StackElement::ModifyField;
+ tagNames["access"] = StackElement::Access;
+ tagNames["remove"] = StackElement::Removal;
+ tagNames["rename"] = StackElement::Rename;
+ tagNames["typesystem"] = StackElement::Root;
+ tagNames["custom-constructor"] = StackElement::CustomMetaConstructor;
+ tagNames["custom-destructor"] = StackElement::CustomMetaDestructor;
+ tagNames["argument-map"] = StackElement::ArgumentMap;
+ tagNames["suppress-warning"] = StackElement::SuppressedWarning;
+ tagNames["load-typesystem"] = StackElement::LoadTypesystem;
+ tagNames["define-ownership"] = StackElement::DefineOwnership;
+ tagNames["replace-default-expression"] = StackElement::ReplaceDefaultExpression;
+ tagNames["reject-enum-value"] = StackElement::RejectEnumValue;
+ tagNames["replace-type"] = StackElement::ReplaceType;
+ tagNames["conversion-rule"] = StackElement::ConversionRule;
+ tagNames["modify-argument"] = StackElement::ModifyArgument;
+ tagNames["remove-argument"] = StackElement::RemoveArgument;
+ tagNames["remove-default-expression"] = StackElement::RemoveDefaultExpression;
+ tagNames["template"] = StackElement::Template;
+ tagNames["insert-template"] = StackElement::TemplateInstanceEnum;
+ tagNames["replace"] = StackElement::Replace;
+ tagNames["no-null-pointer"] = StackElement::NoNullPointers;
+ tagNames["reference-count"] = StackElement::ReferenceCount;
+ }
+ bool startElement(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName,
+ const QString &qName, const QXmlAttributes &atts);
+ bool endElement(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName, const QString &qName);
+ QString errorString() const { return m_error; }
+ bool error(const QXmlParseException &exception);
+ bool fatalError(const QXmlParseException &exception);
+ bool warning(const QXmlParseException &exception);
+ bool characters(const QString &ch);
+ void fetchAttributeValues(const QString &name, const QXmlAttributes &atts,
+ QHash<QString, QString> *acceptedAttributes);
+ bool importFileElement(const QXmlAttributes &atts);
+ bool convertBoolean(const QString &, const QString &, bool);
+ TypeDatabase *m_database;
+ StackElement* current;
+ QString m_defaultPackage;
+ QString m_defaultSuperclass;
+ QString m_error;
+ TypeEntry::CodeGeneration m_generate;
+ EnumTypeEntry *m_current_enum;
+ CodeSnipList m_code_snips;
+ FunctionModificationList m_function_mods;
+ FieldModificationList m_field_mods;
+ QHash<QString, StackElement::ElementType> tagNames;
+bool Handler::error(const QXmlParseException &e)
+ qWarning("Error: line=%d, column=%d, message=%s\n",
+ e.lineNumber(), e.columnNumber(), qPrintable(e.message()));
+ return false;
+bool Handler::fatalError(const QXmlParseException &e)
+ qWarning("Fatal error: line=%d, column=%d, message=%s\n",
+ e.lineNumber(), e.columnNumber(), qPrintable(e.message()));
+ return false;
+bool Handler::warning(const QXmlParseException &e)
+ qWarning("Warning: line=%d, column=%d, message=%s\n",
+ e.lineNumber(), e.columnNumber(), qPrintable(e.message()));
+ return false;
+void Handler::fetchAttributeValues(const QString &name, const QXmlAttributes &atts,
+ QHash<QString, QString> *acceptedAttributes)
+ Q_ASSERT(acceptedAttributes != 0);
+ for (int i=0; i<atts.length(); ++i) {
+ QString key = atts.localName(i).toLower();
+ QString val = atts.value(i);
+ if (!acceptedAttributes->contains(key)) {
+ ReportHandler::warning(QString("Unknown attribute for '%1': '%2'").arg(name).arg(key));
+ } else {
+ (*acceptedAttributes)[key] = val;
+ }
+ }
+bool Handler::endElement(const QString &, const QString &localName, const QString &)
+ QString tagName = localName.toLower();
+ if(tagName == "import-file")
+ return true;
+ if (!current)
+ return true;
+ switch (current->type) {
+ case StackElement::ObjectTypeEntry:
+ case StackElement::ValueTypeEntry:
+ case StackElement::InterfaceTypeEntry:
+ case StackElement::NamespaceTypeEntry:
+ {
+ ComplexTypeEntry *centry = static_cast<ComplexTypeEntry *>(current->entry);
+ centry->setFunctionModifications(m_function_mods);
+ centry->setFieldModifications(m_field_mods);
+ centry->setCodeSnips(m_code_snips);
+ if (centry->designatedInterface()) {
+ centry->designatedInterface()->setCodeSnips(m_code_snips);
+ centry->designatedInterface()->setFunctionModifications(m_function_mods);
+ }
+ m_code_snips = CodeSnipList();
+ m_function_mods = FunctionModificationList();
+ m_field_mods = FieldModificationList();
+ }
+ break;
+ case StackElement::CustomMetaConstructor:
+ {
+ current->entry->setCustomConstructor(*current->value.customFunction);
+ delete current->value.customFunction;
+ }
+ break;
+ case StackElement::CustomMetaDestructor:
+ {
+ current->entry->setCustomDestructor(*current->value.customFunction);
+ delete current->value.customFunction;
+ }
+ break;
+ case StackElement::EnumTypeEntry:
+ m_current_enum = 0;
+ break;
+ case StackElement::Template:
+ m_database->addTemplate(current->value.templateEntry);
+ break;
+ case StackElement::TemplateInstanceEnum:
+ if(current->parent->type == StackElement::InjectCode){
+ m_code_snips.last().addTemplateInstance(current->value.templateInstance);
+ }else if(current->parent->type == StackElement::Template){
+ current->parent->value.templateEntry->addTemplateInstance(current->value.templateInstance);
+ }else if(current->parent->type == StackElement::CustomMetaConstructor || current->parent->type == StackElement::CustomMetaConstructor){
+ current->parent->value.customFunction->addTemplateInstance(current->value.templateInstance);
+ }else if(current->parent->type == StackElement::ConversionRule){
+ m_function_mods.last().argument_mods.last().conversion_rules.last().addTemplateInstance(current->value.templateInstance);
+ }else if(current->parent->type == StackElement::InjectCodeInFunction){
+ m_function_mods.last().snips.last().addTemplateInstance(current->value.templateInstance);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ StackElement *child = current;
+ current=current->parent;
+ delete(child);
+ return true;
+bool Handler::characters(const QString &ch)
+ if(current->type == StackElement::Template){
+ current->value.templateEntry->addCode(ch);
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (current->type == StackElement::CustomMetaConstructor || current->type == StackElement::CustomMetaDestructor){
+ current->value.customFunction->addCode(ch);
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (current->type == StackElement::ConversionRule){
+ m_function_mods.last().argument_mods.last().conversion_rules.last().addCode(ch);
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (current->parent){
+ if ((current->type & StackElement::CodeSnipMask) != 0) {
+ switch (current->parent->type) {
+ case StackElement::Root:
+ ((TypeSystemTypeEntry *) current->parent->entry)->snips.last().addCode(ch);
+ break;
+ case StackElement::ModifyFunction:
+ m_function_mods.last().snips.last().addCode(ch);
+ break;
+ case StackElement::NamespaceTypeEntry:
+ case StackElement::ObjectTypeEntry:
+ case StackElement::ValueTypeEntry:
+ case StackElement::InterfaceTypeEntry:
+ m_code_snips.last().addCode(ch);
+ break;
+ default:
+ Q_ASSERT(false);
+ };
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+bool Handler::importFileElement(const QXmlAttributes &atts)
+ QString fileName = atts.value("name");
+ if(fileName.isEmpty()){
+ m_error = "Required attribute 'name' missing for include-file tag.";
+ return false;
+ }
+ QFile file(fileName);
+ if (! | QIODevice::Text)) {
+ file.setFileName(":/trolltech/generator/" + fileName);
+ if (! | QIODevice::Text)) {
+ m_error = QString("Could not open file: '%1'").arg(fileName);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ QString quoteFrom = atts.value("quote-after-line");
+ bool foundFromOk = quoteFrom.isEmpty();
+ bool from = quoteFrom.isEmpty();
+ QString quoteTo = atts.value("quote-before-line");
+ bool foundToOk = quoteTo.isEmpty();
+ bool to = true;
+ QTextStream in(&file);
+ while (!in.atEnd()) {
+ QString line = in.readLine();
+ if(from && to && line.contains(quoteTo)) {
+ to = false;
+ foundToOk = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if(from && to)
+ characters(line + "\n");
+ if(!from && line.contains(quoteFrom)) {
+ from = true;
+ foundFromOk = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!foundFromOk || !foundToOk){
+ QString fromError = QString("Could not find quote-after-line='%1' in file '%2'.").arg(quoteFrom).arg(fileName);
+ QString toError = QString("Could not find quote-before-line='%1' in file '%2'.").arg(quoteTo).arg(fileName);
+ if(!foundToOk)
+ m_error = toError;
+ if(!foundFromOk)
+ m_error = fromError;
+ if(!foundFromOk && !foundToOk)
+ m_error = fromError + " " + toError;
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool Handler::convertBoolean(const QString &_value, const QString &attributeName, bool defaultValue)
+ QString value = _value.toLower();
+ if (value == "true" || value == "yes") {
+ return true;
+ } else if (value == "false" || value == "no") {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ QString warn = QString("Boolean value '%1' not supported in attribute '%2'. Use 'yes' or 'no'. Defaulting to '%3'.")
+ .arg(value).arg(attributeName).arg(defaultValue ? "yes" : "no");
+ ReportHandler::warning(warn);
+ return defaultValue;
+ }
+bool Handler::startElement(const QString &, const QString &n,
+ const QString &, const QXmlAttributes &atts)
+ QString tagName = n.toLower();
+ if(tagName == "import-file"){
+ return importFileElement(atts);
+ }
+ StackElement *element = new StackElement(current);
+ if (!tagNames.contains(tagName)) {
+ m_error = QString("Unknown tag name: '%1'").arg(tagName);
+ return false;
+ }
+ element->type = tagNames[tagName];
+ if (element->type & StackElement::TypeEntryMask) {
+ if (current->type != StackElement::Root) {
+ m_error = "Nested types not supported";
+ return false;
+ }
+ QHash<QString, QString> attributes;
+ attributes["name"] = QString();
+ switch (element->type) {
+ case StackElement::PrimitiveTypeEntry:
+ attributes["java-name"] = QString();
+ attributes["jni-name"] = QString();
+ attributes["preferred-conversion"] = "yes";
+ attributes["preferred-java-type"] = "yes";
+ break;
+ case StackElement::EnumTypeEntry:
+ attributes["flags"] = "no";
+ attributes["upper-bound"] = QString();
+ attributes["lower-bound"] = QString();
+ attributes["force-integer"] = "no";
+ attributes["extensible"] = "no";
+ break;
+ case StackElement::ObjectTypeEntry:
+ case StackElement::ValueTypeEntry:
+ attributes["force-abstract"] = QString("no");
+ attributes["deprecated"] = QString("no");
+ // fall throooough
+ case StackElement::InterfaceTypeEntry:
+ attributes["default-superclass"] = m_defaultSuperclass;
+ attributes["polymorphic-id-expression"] = QString();
+ attributes["delete-in-main-thread"] = QString("no");
+ // fall through
+ case StackElement::NamespaceTypeEntry:
+ attributes["java-name"] = QString();
+ attributes["package"] = m_defaultPackage;
+ attributes["expense-cost"] = "1";
+ attributes["expense-limit"] = "none";
+ attributes["polymorphic-base"] = QString("no");
+ attributes["generate"] = QString("yes");
+ attributes["target-type"] = QString();
+ attributes["generic-class"] = QString("no");
+ break;
+ default:
+ ; // nada
+ };
+ fetchAttributeValues(tagName, atts, &attributes);
+ QString name = attributes["name"];
+ // We need to be able to have duplicate primitive type entries, or it's not possible to
+ // cover all primitive java types (which we need to do in order to support fake
+ // meta objects)
+ if (element->type != StackElement::PrimitiveTypeEntry) {
+ TypeEntry *tmp = m_database->findType(name);
+ if (tmp != 0) {
+ ReportHandler::warning(QString("Duplicate type entry: '%1'").arg(name));
+ }
+ }
+ if (name.isEmpty()) {
+ m_error = "no 'name' attribute specified";
+ return false;
+ }
+ switch (element->type) {
+ case StackElement::PrimitiveTypeEntry:
+ {
+ QString java_name = attributes["java-name"];
+ QString jni_name = attributes["jni-name"];
+ QString preferred_conversion = attributes["preferred-conversion"].toLower();
+ QString preferred_java_type = attributes["preferred-java-type"].toLower();
+ if (java_name.isEmpty())
+ java_name = name;
+ if (jni_name.isEmpty())
+ jni_name = name;
+ PrimitiveTypeEntry *type = new PrimitiveTypeEntry(name);
+ type->setCodeGeneration(m_generate);
+ type->setTargetLangName(java_name);
+ type->setJniName(jni_name);
+ type->setPreferredConversion(convertBoolean(preferred_conversion, "preferred-conversion", true));
+ type->setPreferredTargetLangType(convertBoolean(preferred_java_type, "preferred-java-type", true));
+ element->entry = type;
+ }
+ break;
+ case StackElement::EnumTypeEntry: {
+ QStringList names = name.split(QLatin1String("::"));
+ if (names.size() == 1) {
+ m_current_enum = new EnumTypeEntry(QString(), name);
+ }
+ else
+ m_current_enum =
+ new EnumTypeEntry(QStringList(names.mid(0, names.size() - 1)).join("::"),
+ names.last());
+ element->entry = m_current_enum;
+ m_current_enum->setCodeGeneration(m_generate);
+ m_current_enum->setTargetLangPackage(m_defaultPackage);
+ m_current_enum->setUpperBound(attributes["upper-bound"]);
+ m_current_enum->setLowerBound(attributes["lower-bound"]);
+ m_current_enum->setForceInteger(convertBoolean(attributes["force-integer"], "force-integer", false));
+ m_current_enum->setExtensible(convertBoolean(attributes["extensible"], "extensible", false));
+ // put in the flags parallel...
+ if (!attributes["flags"].isEmpty() && attributes["flags"].toLower() != "no") {
+ FlagsTypeEntry *ftype = new FlagsTypeEntry("QFlags<" + name + ">");
+ ftype->setOriginator(m_current_enum);
+ ftype->setOriginalName(attributes["flags"]);
+ ftype->setCodeGeneration(m_generate);
+ QString n = ftype->originalName();
+ QStringList lst = n.split("::");
+ if (QStringList(lst.mid(0, lst.size() - 1)).join("::") != m_current_enum->javaQualifier()) {
+ ReportHandler::warning(QString("enum %1 and flags %2 differ in qualifiers")
+ .arg(m_current_enum->javaQualifier())
+ .arg(;
+ }
+ ftype->setFlagsName(lst.last());
+ m_current_enum->setFlags(ftype);
+ m_database->addFlagsType(ftype);
+ m_database->addType(ftype);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case StackElement::InterfaceTypeEntry:
+ {
+ ObjectTypeEntry *otype = new ObjectTypeEntry(name);
+ QString javaName = attributes["java-name"];
+ if (javaName.isEmpty())
+ javaName = name;
+ InterfaceTypeEntry *itype =
+ new InterfaceTypeEntry(InterfaceTypeEntry::interfaceName(javaName));
+ if (!convertBoolean(attributes["generate"], "generate", true))
+ itype->setCodeGeneration(TypeEntry::GenerateForSubclass);
+ else
+ itype->setCodeGeneration(m_generate);
+ otype->setDesignatedInterface(itype);
+ itype->setOrigin(otype);
+ element->entry = otype;
+ }
+ // fall through
+ case StackElement::NamespaceTypeEntry:
+ if (element->entry == 0) {
+ element->entry = new NamespaceTypeEntry(name);
+ }
+ // fall through
+ case StackElement::ObjectTypeEntry:
+ if (element->entry == 0) {
+ element->entry = new ObjectTypeEntry(name);
+ }
+ // fall through
+ case StackElement::ValueTypeEntry:
+ {
+ if (element->entry == 0) {
+ element->entry = new ValueTypeEntry(name);
+ }
+ ComplexTypeEntry *ctype = static_cast<ComplexTypeEntry *>(element->entry);
+ ctype->setTargetLangPackage(attributes["package"]);
+ ctype->setDefaultSuperclass(attributes["default-superclass"]);
+ ctype->setGenericClass(convertBoolean(attributes["generic-class"], "generic-class", false));
+ if (!convertBoolean(attributes["generate"], "generate", true))
+ element->entry->setCodeGeneration(TypeEntry::GenerateForSubclass);
+ else
+ element->entry->setCodeGeneration(m_generate);
+ QString javaName = attributes["java-name"];
+ if (!javaName.isEmpty())
+ ctype->setTargetLangName(javaName);
+ // The expense policy
+ QString limit = attributes["expense-limit"];
+ if (!limit.isEmpty() && limit != "none") {
+ ExpensePolicy ep;
+ ep.limit = limit.toInt();
+ ep.cost = attributes["expense-cost"];
+ ctype->setExpensePolicy(ep);
+ }
+ ctype->setIsPolymorphicBase(convertBoolean(attributes["polymorphic-base"], "polymorphic-base", false));
+ ctype->setPolymorphicIdValue(attributes["polymorphic-id-expression"]);
+ if (element->type == StackElement::ObjectTypeEntry || element->type == StackElement::ValueTypeEntry) {
+ if (convertBoolean(attributes["force-abstract"], "force-abstract", false))
+ ctype->setTypeFlags(ctype->typeFlags() | ComplexTypeEntry::ForceAbstract);
+ if (convertBoolean(attributes["deprecated"], "deprecated", false))
+ ctype->setTypeFlags(ctype->typeFlags() | ComplexTypeEntry::Deprecated);
+ }
+ if (element->type == StackElement::InterfaceTypeEntry ||
+ element->type == StackElement::ValueTypeEntry ||
+ element->type == StackElement::ObjectTypeEntry) {
+ if (convertBoolean(attributes["delete-in-main-thread"], "delete-in-main-thread", false))
+ ctype->setTypeFlags(ctype->typeFlags() | ComplexTypeEntry::DeleteInMainThread);
+ }
+ QString targetType = attributes["target-type"];
+ if (!targetType.isEmpty() && element->entry->isComplex())
+ static_cast<ComplexTypeEntry *>(element->entry)->setTargetType(targetType);
+ // ctype->setInclude(Include(Include::IncludePath, ctype->name()));
+ ctype = ctype->designatedInterface();
+ if (ctype != 0)
+ ctype->setTargetLangPackage(attributes["package"]);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ Q_ASSERT(false);
+ };
+ if (element->entry)
+ m_database->addType(element->entry);
+ else
+ ReportHandler::warning(QString("Type: %1 was rejected by typesystem").arg(name));
+ } else if (element->type != StackElement::None) {
+ bool topLevel = element->type == StackElement::Root
+ || element->type == StackElement::SuppressedWarning
+ || element->type == StackElement::Rejection
+ || element->type == StackElement::LoadTypesystem
+ || element->type == StackElement::InjectCode
+ || element->type == StackElement::Template;
+ if (!topLevel && current->type == StackElement::Root) {
+ m_error = QString("Tag requires parent: '%1'").arg(tagName);
+ return false;
+ }
+ StackElement topElement = current==0 ? StackElement(0) : *current;
+ element->entry = topElement.entry;
+ QHash<QString, QString> attributes;
+ switch (element->type) {
+ case StackElement::Root:
+ attributes["package"] = QString();
+ attributes["default-superclass"] = QString();
+ break;
+ case StackElement::LoadTypesystem:
+ attributes["name"] = QString();
+ attributes["generate"] = "yes";
+ break;
+ case StackElement::NoNullPointers:
+ attributes["default-value"] = QString();
+ break;
+ case StackElement::SuppressedWarning:
+ attributes["text"] = QString();
+ break;
+ case StackElement::ReplaceDefaultExpression:
+ attributes["with"] = QString();
+ break;
+ case StackElement::DefineOwnership:
+ attributes["class"] = "java";
+ attributes["owner"] = "";
+ break;
+ case StackElement::ModifyFunction:
+ attributes["signature"] = QString();
+ attributes["access"] = QString();
+ attributes["remove"] = QString();
+ attributes["rename"] = QString();
+ attributes["deprecated"] = QString("no");
+ attributes["associated-to"] = QString();
+ attributes["virtual-slot"] = QString("no");
+ break;
+ case StackElement::ModifyArgument:
+ attributes["index"] = QString();
+ attributes["replace-value"] = QString();
+ attributes["invalidate-after-use"] = QString("no");
+ break;
+ case StackElement::ModifyField:
+ attributes["name"] = QString();
+ attributes["write"] = "true";
+ attributes["read"] = "true";
+ break;
+ case StackElement::Access:
+ attributes["modifier"] = QString();
+ break;
+ case StackElement::Include:
+ attributes["file-name"] = QString();
+ attributes["location"] = QString();
+ break;
+ case StackElement::CustomMetaConstructor:
+ attributes["name"] = topElement.entry->name().toLower() + "_create";
+ attributes["param-name"] = "copy";
+ break;
+ case StackElement::CustomMetaDestructor:
+ attributes["name"] = topElement.entry->name().toLower() + "_delete";
+ attributes["param-name"] = "copy";
+ break;
+ case StackElement::ReplaceType:
+ attributes["modified-type"] = QString();
+ break;
+ case StackElement::InjectCode:
+ attributes["class"] = "java";
+ attributes["position"] = "beginning";
+ break;
+ case StackElement::ConversionRule:
+ attributes["class"] = "";
+ break;
+ case StackElement::RejectEnumValue:
+ attributes["name"] = "";
+ break;
+ case StackElement::ArgumentMap:
+ attributes["index"] = "1";
+ attributes["meta-name"] = QString();
+ break;
+ case StackElement::Rename:
+ attributes["to"] = QString();
+ break;
+ case StackElement::Rejection:
+ attributes["class"] = "*";
+ attributes["function-name"] = "*";
+ attributes["field-name"] = "*";
+ attributes["enum-name"] = "*";
+ break;
+ case StackElement::Removal:
+ attributes["class"] = "all";
+ break;
+ case StackElement::Template:
+ attributes["name"] = QString();
+ break;
+ case StackElement::TemplateInstanceEnum:
+ attributes["name"] = QString();
+ break;
+ case StackElement::Replace:
+ attributes["from"] = QString();
+ attributes["to"] = QString();
+ break;
+ case StackElement::ReferenceCount:
+ attributes["action"] = QString();
+ attributes["variable-name"] = QString();
+ attributes["thread-safe"] = QString("no");
+ attributes["declare-variable"] = QString();
+ attributes["access"] = QString("private");
+ attributes["conditional"] = QString("");
+ break;
+ default:
+ ; // nada
+ };
+ if (attributes.count() > 0)
+ fetchAttributeValues(tagName, atts, &attributes);
+ switch (element->type) {
+ case StackElement::Root:
+ m_defaultPackage = attributes["package"];
+ m_defaultSuperclass = attributes["default-superclass"];
+ element->type = StackElement::Root;
+ element->entry = new TypeSystemTypeEntry(m_defaultPackage);
+ TypeDatabase::instance()->addType(element->entry);
+ break;
+ case StackElement::LoadTypesystem:
+ {
+ QString name = attributes["name"];
+ if (name.isEmpty()) {
+ m_error = "No typesystem name specified";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!m_database->parseFile(name, convertBoolean(attributes["generate"], "generate", true))) {
+ m_error = QString("Failed to parse: '%1'").arg(name);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case StackElement::RejectEnumValue: {
+ if (!m_current_enum) {
+ m_error = "<reject-enum-value> node must be used inside a <enum-type> node";
+ return false;
+ }
+ QString name = attributes["name"];
+ bool added = false;
+ if (!name.isEmpty()) {
+ added = true;
+ m_current_enum->addEnumValueRejection(name);
+ }
+ } break;
+ case StackElement::ReplaceType:
+ {
+ if (topElement.type != StackElement::ModifyArgument) {
+ m_error = "Type replacement can only be specified for argument modifications";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (attributes["modified-type"].isEmpty()) {
+ m_error = "Type replacement requires 'modified-type' attribute";
+ return false;
+ }
+ m_function_mods.last().argument_mods.last().modified_type = attributes["modified-type"];
+ }
+ break;
+ case StackElement::ConversionRule:
+ {
+ if (topElement.type != StackElement::ModifyArgument) {
+ m_error = "Conversion rules can only be specified for argument modification";
+ return false;
+ }
+ static QHash<QString, TypeSystem::Language> languageNames;
+ if (languageNames.isEmpty()) {
+ languageNames["native"] = TypeSystem::NativeCode;
+ languageNames["shell"] = TypeSystem::ShellCode;
+ }
+ CodeSnip snip;
+ QString languageAttribute = attributes["class"].toLower();
+ TypeSystem::Language lang = languageNames.value(languageAttribute, TypeSystem::NoLanguage);
+ if (lang == TypeSystem::NoLanguage) {
+ m_error = QString("unsupported class attribute: '%1'").arg(languageAttribute);
+ return false;
+ }
+ snip.language = lang;
+ m_function_mods.last().argument_mods.last().conversion_rules.append(snip);
+ }
+ break;
+ case StackElement::ModifyArgument:
+ {
+ if (topElement.type != StackElement::ModifyFunction) {
+ m_error = QString::fromLatin1("argument modification requires function"
+ " modification as parent, was %1")
+ .arg(topElement.type, 0, 16);
+ return false;
+ }
+ QString index = attributes["index"];
+ if (index == "return")
+ index = "0";
+ else if (index == "this")
+ index = "-1";
+ bool ok = false;
+ int idx = index.toInt(&ok);
+ if (!ok) {
+ m_error = QString("Cannot convert '%1' to integer").arg(index);
+ return false;
+ }
+ QString replace_value = attributes["replace-value"];
+ if (!replace_value.isEmpty() && idx != 0) {
+ m_error = QString("replace-value is only supported for return values (index=0).");
+ return false;
+ }
+ ArgumentModification argumentModification = ArgumentModification(idx);
+ argumentModification.replace_value = replace_value;
+ argumentModification.reset_after_use = convertBoolean(attributes["invalidate-after-use"], "invalidate-after-use", false);
+ m_function_mods.last().argument_mods.append(argumentModification);
+ }
+ break;
+ case StackElement::NoNullPointers:
+ {
+ if (topElement.type != StackElement::ModifyArgument) {
+ m_error = "no-null-pointer requires argument modification as parent";
+ return false;
+ }
+ m_function_mods.last().argument_mods.last().no_null_pointers = true;
+ if (m_function_mods.last().argument_mods.last().index == 0) {
+ m_function_mods.last().argument_mods.last().null_pointer_default_value = attributes["default-value"];
+ } else if (!attributes["default-value"].isEmpty()) {
+ ReportHandler::warning("default values for null pointer guards are only effective for return values");
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case StackElement::DefineOwnership:
+ {
+ if (topElement.type != StackElement::ModifyArgument) {
+ m_error = "define-ownership requires argument modification as parent";
+ return false;
+ }
+ static QHash<QString, TypeSystem::Language> languageNames;
+ if (languageNames.isEmpty()) {
+ languageNames["java"] = TypeSystem::TargetLangCode;
+ languageNames["shell"] = TypeSystem::ShellCode;
+ }
+ QString classAttribute = attributes["class"].toLower();
+ TypeSystem::Language lang = languageNames.value(classAttribute, TypeSystem::NoLanguage);
+ if (lang == TypeSystem::NoLanguage) {
+ m_error = QString("unsupported class attribute: '%1'").arg(classAttribute);
+ return false;
+ }
+ static QHash<QString, TypeSystem::Ownership> ownershipNames;
+ if (ownershipNames.isEmpty()) {
+ ownershipNames["java"] = TypeSystem::TargetLangOwnership;
+ ownershipNames["c++"] = TypeSystem::CppOwnership;
+ ownershipNames["default"] = TypeSystem::DefaultOwnership;
+ }
+ QString ownershipAttribute = attributes["owner"].toLower();
+ TypeSystem::Ownership owner = ownershipNames.value(ownershipAttribute, TypeSystem::InvalidOwnership);
+ if (owner == TypeSystem::InvalidOwnership) {
+ m_error = QString("unsupported owner attribute: '%1'").arg(ownershipAttribute);
+ return false;
+ }
+ m_function_mods.last().argument_mods.last().ownerships[lang] = owner;
+ }
+ break;
+ case StackElement::SuppressedWarning:
+ if (attributes["text"].isEmpty())
+ ReportHandler::warning("Suppressed warning with no text specified");
+ else
+ m_database->addSuppressedWarning(attributes["text"]);
+ break;
+ case StackElement::ArgumentMap:
+ {
+ if (!(topElement.type & StackElement::CodeSnipMask)) {
+ m_error = "Argument maps requires code injection as parent";
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool ok;
+ int pos = attributes["index"].toInt(&ok);
+ if (!ok) {
+ m_error = QString("Can't convert position '%1' to integer")
+ .arg(attributes["position"]);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (pos <= 0) {
+ m_error = QString("Argument position %1 must be a positive number").arg(pos);
+ return false;
+ }
+ QString meta_name = attributes["meta-name"];
+ if (meta_name.isEmpty()) {
+ ReportHandler::warning("Empty meta name in argument map");
+ }
+ if (topElement.type == StackElement::InjectCodeInFunction) {
+ m_function_mods.last().snips.last().argumentMap[pos] = meta_name;
+ } else {
+ ReportHandler::warning("Argument maps are only useful for injection of code "
+ "into functions.");
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case StackElement::Removal:
+ {
+ if (topElement.type != StackElement::ModifyFunction) {
+ m_error = "Function modification parent required";
+ return false;
+ }
+ static QHash<QString, TypeSystem::Language> languageNames;
+ if (languageNames.isEmpty()) {
+ languageNames["java"] = TypeSystem::TargetLangAndNativeCode;
+ languageNames["all"] = TypeSystem::All;
+ }
+ QString languageAttribute = attributes["class"].toLower();
+ TypeSystem::Language lang = languageNames.value(languageAttribute, TypeSystem::NoLanguage);
+ if (lang == TypeSystem::NoLanguage) {
+ m_error = QString("unsupported class attribute: '%1'").arg(languageAttribute);
+ return false;
+ }
+ m_function_mods.last().removal = lang;
+ }
+ break;
+ case StackElement::Rename:
+ case StackElement::Access:
+ {
+ if (topElement.type != StackElement::ModifyField
+ && topElement.type != StackElement::ModifyFunction) {
+ m_error = "Function or field modification parent required";
+ return false;
+ }
+ Modification *mod = 0;
+ if (topElement.type == StackElement::ModifyFunction)
+ mod = &m_function_mods.last();
+ else
+ mod = &m_field_mods.last();
+ QString modifier;
+ if (element->type == StackElement::Rename) {
+ modifier = "rename";
+ QString renamed_to = attributes["to"];
+ if (renamed_to.isEmpty()) {
+ m_error = "Rename modifier requires 'to' attribute";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (topElement.type == StackElement::ModifyFunction)
+ mod->setRenamedTo(renamed_to);
+ else
+ mod->setRenamedTo(renamed_to);
+ } else {
+ modifier = attributes["modifier"].toLower();
+ }
+ if (modifier.isEmpty()) {
+ m_error = "No access modification specified";
+ return false;
+ }
+ static QHash<QString, FunctionModification::Modifiers> modifierNames;
+ if (modifierNames.isEmpty()) {
+ modifierNames["private"] = Modification::Private;
+ modifierNames["public"] = Modification::Public;
+ modifierNames["protected"] = Modification::Protected;
+ modifierNames["friendly"] = Modification::Friendly;
+ modifierNames["rename"] = Modification::Rename;
+ modifierNames["final"] = Modification::Final;
+ modifierNames["non-final"] = Modification::NonFinal;
+ }
+ if (!modifierNames.contains(modifier)) {
+ m_error = QString("Unknown access modifier: '%1'").arg(modifier);
+ return false;
+ }
+ mod->modifiers |= modifierNames[modifier];
+ }
+ break;
+ case StackElement::RemoveArgument:
+ if (topElement.type != StackElement::ModifyArgument) {
+ m_error = "Removing argument requires argument modification as parent";
+ return false;
+ }
+ m_function_mods.last().argument_mods.last().removed = true;
+ break;
+ case StackElement::ModifyField:
+ {
+ QString name = attributes["name"];
+ if (name.isEmpty())
+ break;
+ FieldModification fm;
+ = name;
+ fm.modifiers = 0;
+ QString read = attributes["read"];
+ QString write = attributes["write"];
+ if (read == "true") fm.modifiers |= FieldModification::Readable;
+ if (write == "true") fm.modifiers |= FieldModification::Writable;
+ m_field_mods << fm;
+ }
+ break;
+ case StackElement::ModifyFunction:
+ {
+ if (!(topElement.type & StackElement::ComplexTypeEntryMask)) {
+ m_error = QString::fromLatin1("Modify function requires complex type as parent"
+ ", was=%1").arg(topElement.type, 0, 16);
+ return false;
+ }
+ QString signature = attributes["signature"];
+ signature = QMetaObject::normalizedSignature(signature.toLocal8Bit().constData());
+ if (signature.isEmpty()) {
+ m_error = "No signature for modified function";
+ return false;
+ }
+ FunctionModification mod;
+ mod.signature = signature;
+ QString access = attributes["access"].toLower();
+ if (!access.isEmpty()) {
+ if (access == QLatin1String("private"))
+ mod.modifiers |= Modification::Private;
+ else if (access == QLatin1String("protected"))
+ mod.modifiers |= Modification::Protected;
+ else if (access == QLatin1String("public"))
+ mod.modifiers |= Modification::Public;
+ else if (access == QLatin1String("final"))
+ mod.modifiers |= Modification::Final;
+ else if (access == QLatin1String("non-final"))
+ mod.modifiers |= Modification::NonFinal;
+ else {
+ m_error = QString::fromLatin1("Bad access type '%1'").arg(access);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (convertBoolean(attributes["deprecated"], "deprecated", false)) {
+ mod.modifiers |= Modification::Deprecated;
+ }
+ QString remove = attributes["remove"].toLower();
+ if (!remove.isEmpty()) {
+ if (remove == QLatin1String("all"))
+ mod.removal = TypeSystem::All;
+ else if (remove == QLatin1String("java"))
+ mod.removal = TypeSystem::TargetLangAndNativeCode;
+ else {
+ m_error = QString::fromLatin1("Bad removal type '%1'").arg(remove);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ QString rename = attributes["rename"];
+ if (!rename.isEmpty()) {
+ mod.renamedToName = rename;
+ mod.modifiers |= Modification::Rename;
+ }
+ QString association = attributes["associated-to"];
+ if (!association.isEmpty())
+ mod.association = association;
+ mod.modifiers |= (convertBoolean(attributes["virtual-slot"], "virtual-slot", false) ? Modification::VirtualSlot : 0);
+ m_function_mods << mod;
+ }
+ break;
+ case StackElement::ReplaceDefaultExpression:
+ if (!(topElement.type & StackElement::ModifyArgument)) {
+ m_error = "Replace default expression only allowed as child of argument modification";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (attributes["with"].isEmpty()) {
+ m_error = "Default expression replaced with empty string. Use remove-default-expression instead.";
+ return false;
+ }
+ m_function_mods.last().argument_mods.last().replaced_default_expression = attributes["with"];
+ break;
+ case StackElement::RemoveDefaultExpression:
+ m_function_mods.last().argument_mods.last().removed_default_expression = true;
+ break;
+ case StackElement::CustomMetaConstructor:
+ case StackElement::CustomMetaDestructor:
+ {
+ CustomFunction *func = new CustomFunction(attributes["name"]);
+ func->param_name = attributes["param-name"];
+ element->value.customFunction = func;
+ }
+ break;
+ case StackElement::ReferenceCount:
+ {
+ if (topElement.type != StackElement::ModifyArgument) {
+ m_error = "reference-count must be child of modify-argument";
+ return false;
+ }
+ ReferenceCount rc;
+ rc.threadSafe = convertBoolean(attributes["thread-safe"], "thread-safe", false);
+ static QHash<QString, ReferenceCount::Action> actions;
+ if (actions.isEmpty()) {
+ actions["add"] = ReferenceCount::Add;
+ actions["add-all"] = ReferenceCount::AddAll;
+ actions["remove"] = ReferenceCount::Remove;
+ actions["set"] = ReferenceCount::Set;
+ actions["ignore"] = ReferenceCount::Ignore;
+ }
+ rc.action = actions.value(attributes["action"].toLower(), ReferenceCount::Invalid);
+ rc.variableName = attributes["variable-name"];
+ if (rc.action != ReferenceCount::Ignore && rc.variableName.isEmpty()) {
+ m_error = "variable-name attribute must be specified";
+ return false;
+ }
+ rc.declareVariable = attributes["declare-variable"];
+ rc.conditional = attributes["conditional"];
+ static QHash<QString, int> accessRights;
+ if (accessRights.isEmpty()) {
+ accessRights["private"] = ReferenceCount::Private;
+ accessRights["public"] = ReferenceCount::Public;
+ accessRights["protected"] = ReferenceCount::Protected;
+ accessRights["friendly"] = ReferenceCount::Friendly;
+ }
+ rc.access = accessRights.value(attributes["access"].toLower(), 0);
+ if (rc.access == 0) {
+ m_error = "unrecognized access value: " + attributes["access"];
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (rc.action == ReferenceCount::Invalid) {
+ m_error = "unrecognized value for action attribute. supported actions:";
+ foreach (QString action, actions.keys())
+ m_error += " " + action;
+ }
+ m_function_mods.last().argument_mods.last().referenceCounts.append(rc);
+ }
+ break;
+ case StackElement::InjectCode:
+ {
+ if (((topElement.type & StackElement::ComplexTypeEntryMask) == 0)
+ && (topElement.type != StackElement::ModifyFunction)
+ && (topElement.type != StackElement::Root)) {
+ m_error = "wrong parent type for code injection";
+ return false;
+ }
+ static QHash<QString, TypeSystem::Language> languageNames;
+ if (languageNames.isEmpty()) {
+ languageNames["java"] = TypeSystem::TargetLangCode;
+ languageNames["native"] = TypeSystem::NativeCode;
+ languageNames["shell"] = TypeSystem::ShellCode;
+ languageNames["shell-declaration"] = TypeSystem::ShellDeclaration;
+ languageNames["library-initializer"] = TypeSystem::PackageInitializer;
+ languageNames["destructor-function"] = TypeSystem::DestructorFunction;
+ languageNames["constructors"] = TypeSystem::Constructors;
+ languageNames["interface"] = TypeSystem::Interface;
+ }
+ QString className = attributes["class"].toLower();
+ if (!languageNames.contains(className)) {
+ m_error = QString("Invalid class specifier: '%1'").arg(className);
+ return false;
+ }
+ static QHash<QString, CodeSnip::Position> positionNames;
+ if (positionNames.isEmpty()) {
+ positionNames["beginning"] = CodeSnip::Beginning;
+ positionNames["end"] = CodeSnip::End;
+ // QtScript
+ positionNames["prototype-initialization"] = CodeSnip::PrototypeInitialization;
+ positionNames["constructor-initialization"] = CodeSnip::ConstructorInitialization;
+ positionNames["constructor"] = CodeSnip::Constructor;
+ }
+ QString position = attributes["position"].toLower();
+ if (!positionNames.contains(position)) {
+ m_error = QString("Invalid position: '%1'").arg(position);
+ return false;
+ }
+ CodeSnip snip;
+ snip.language = languageNames[className];
+ snip.position = positionNames[position];
+ if (snip.language == TypeSystem::Interface && topElement.type != StackElement::InterfaceTypeEntry) {
+ m_error = "Interface code injections must be direct child of an interface type entry";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (topElement.type == StackElement::ModifyFunction) {
+ FunctionModification mod = m_function_mods.last();
+ if (snip.language == TypeSystem::ShellDeclaration) {
+ m_error = "no function implementation in shell declaration in which to inject code";
+ return false;
+ }
+ m_function_mods.last().snips << snip;
+ element->type = StackElement::InjectCodeInFunction;
+ } else if (topElement.type == StackElement::Root) {
+ ((TypeSystemTypeEntry *) element->entry)->snips << snip;
+ } else if (topElement.type != StackElement::Root) {
+ m_code_snips << snip;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case StackElement::Include:
+ {
+ QString location = attributes["location"].toLower();
+ static QHash<QString, Include::IncludeType> locationNames;
+ if (locationNames.isEmpty()) {
+ locationNames["global"] = Include::IncludePath;
+ locationNames["local"] = Include::LocalPath;
+ locationNames["java"] = Include::TargetLangImport;
+ }
+ if (!locationNames.contains(location)) {
+ m_error = QString("Location not recognized: '%1'").arg(location);
+ return false;
+ }
+ Include::IncludeType loc = locationNames[location];
+ Include inc(loc, attributes["file-name"]);
+ ComplexTypeEntry *ctype = static_cast<ComplexTypeEntry *>(element->entry);
+ if (topElement.type & StackElement::ComplexTypeEntryMask) {
+ ctype->setInclude(inc);
+ } else if (topElement.type == StackElement::ExtraIncludes) {
+ ctype->addExtraInclude(inc);
+ } else {
+ m_error = "Only supported parents are complex types and extra-includes";
+ return false;
+ }
+ inc = ctype->include();
+ IncludeList lst = ctype->extraIncludes();
+ ctype = ctype->designatedInterface();
+ if (ctype != 0) {
+ ctype->setExtraIncludes(lst);
+ ctype->setInclude(inc);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case StackElement::Rejection:
+ {
+ QString cls = attributes["class"];
+ QString function = attributes["function-name"];
+ QString field = attributes["field-name"];
+ QString enum_ = attributes["enum-name"];
+ if (cls == "*" && function == "*" && field == "*" && enum_ == "*") {
+ m_error = "bad reject entry, neither 'class', 'function-name' nor "
+ "'field' specified";
+ return false;
+ }
+ m_database->addRejection(cls, function, field, enum_);
+ }
+ break;
+ case StackElement::Template:
+ element->value.templateEntry = new TemplateEntry(attributes["name"]);
+ break;
+ case StackElement::TemplateInstanceEnum:
+ if (!(topElement.type & StackElement::CodeSnipMask) &&
+ (topElement.type != StackElement::Template) &&
+ (topElement.type != StackElement::CustomMetaConstructor) &&
+ (topElement.type != StackElement::CustomMetaDestructor) &&
+ (topElement.type != StackElement::ConversionRule))
+ {
+ m_error = "Can only insert templates into code snippets, templates, custom-constructors, custom-destructors or conversion-rule.";
+ return false;
+ }
+ element->value.templateInstance = new TemplateInstance(attributes["name"]);
+ break;
+ case StackElement::Replace:
+ if (topElement.type != StackElement::TemplateInstanceEnum) {
+ m_error = "Can only insert replace rules into insert-template.";
+ return false;
+ }
+ element->parent->value.templateInstance->addReplaceRule(attributes["from"],attributes["to"]);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break; // nada
+ };
+ }
+ current = element;
+ return true;
+TypeDatabase *TypeDatabase::instance()
+ static TypeDatabase *db = new TypeDatabase();
+ return db;
+TypeDatabase::TypeDatabase() : m_suppressWarnings(true)
+ addType(new StringTypeEntry("QString"));
+ StringTypeEntry *e = new StringTypeEntry("QLatin1String");
+ e->setPreferredConversion(false);
+ addType(e);
+ e = new StringTypeEntry("QStringRef");
+ e->setPreferredConversion(false);
+ addType(e);
+ e = new StringTypeEntry("QXmlStreamStringRef");
+ e->setPreferredConversion(false);
+ addType(e);
+ addType(new CharTypeEntry("QChar"));
+ CharTypeEntry *c = new CharTypeEntry("QLatin1Char");
+ c->setPreferredConversion(false);
+ addType(c);
+ {
+ VariantTypeEntry *qvariant = new VariantTypeEntry("QVariant");
+ qvariant->setCodeGeneration(TypeEntry::GenerateNothing);
+ addType(qvariant);
+ }
+ {
+ JObjectWrapperTypeEntry *wrapper = new JObjectWrapperTypeEntry("JObjectWrapper");
+ wrapper->setCodeGeneration(TypeEntry::GenerateNothing);
+ addType(wrapper);
+ }
+ addType(new ThreadTypeEntry());
+ addType(new VoidTypeEntry());
+ // Predefined containers...
+ addType(new ContainerTypeEntry("QList", ContainerTypeEntry::ListContainer));
+ addType(new ContainerTypeEntry("QStringList", ContainerTypeEntry::StringListContainer));
+ addType(new ContainerTypeEntry("QLinkedList", ContainerTypeEntry::LinkedListContainer));
+ addType(new ContainerTypeEntry("QVector", ContainerTypeEntry::VectorContainer));
+ addType(new ContainerTypeEntry("QStack", ContainerTypeEntry::StackContainer));
+ addType(new ContainerTypeEntry("QSet", ContainerTypeEntry::SetContainer));
+ addType(new ContainerTypeEntry("QMap", ContainerTypeEntry::MapContainer));
+ addType(new ContainerTypeEntry("QHash", ContainerTypeEntry::HashContainer));
+ addType(new ContainerTypeEntry("QPair", ContainerTypeEntry::PairContainer));
+ addType(new ContainerTypeEntry("QQueue", ContainerTypeEntry::QueueContainer));
+ addType(new ContainerTypeEntry("QMultiMap", ContainerTypeEntry::MultiMapContainer));
+ // Custom types...
+ // ### QtScript: no custom handling of QModelIndex for now
+// addType(new QModelIndexTypeEntry());
+ addRemoveFunctionToTemplates(this);
+bool TypeDatabase::parseFile(const QString &filename, bool generate)
+ QFile file(filename);
+ Q_ASSERT(file.exists());
+ QXmlInputSource source(&file);
+ int count = m_entries.size();
+ QXmlSimpleReader reader;
+ Handler handler(this, generate);
+ reader.setContentHandler(&handler);
+ reader.setErrorHandler(&handler);
+ bool ok = reader.parse(&source, false);
+ int newCount = m_entries.size();
+ ReportHandler::debugSparse(QString::fromLatin1("Parsed: '%1', %2 new entries")
+ .arg(filename)
+ .arg(newCount - count));
+ return ok;
+QString PrimitiveTypeEntry::javaObjectName() const
+ static QHash<QString, QString> table;
+ if (table.isEmpty()) {
+ table["boolean"] = "Boolean";
+ table["byte"] = "Byte";
+ table["char"] = "Character";
+ table["short"] = "Short";
+ table["int"] = "Integer";
+ table["long"] = "Long";
+ table["float"] = "Float";
+ table["double"] = "Double";
+ }
+ Q_ASSERT(table.contains(targetLangName()));
+ return table[targetLangName()];
+ContainerTypeEntry *TypeDatabase::findContainerType(const QString &name)
+ QString template_name = name;
+ int pos = name.indexOf('<');
+ if (pos > 0)
+ template_name = name.left(pos);
+ TypeEntry *type_entry = findType(template_name);
+ if (type_entry && type_entry->isContainer())
+ return static_cast<ContainerTypeEntry *>(type_entry);
+ return 0;
+PrimitiveTypeEntry *TypeDatabase::findTargetLangPrimitiveType(const QString &java_name)
+ foreach (QList<TypeEntry *> entries, m_entries.values()) {
+ foreach (TypeEntry *e, entries) {
+ if (e && e->isPrimitive()) {
+ PrimitiveTypeEntry *pe = static_cast<PrimitiveTypeEntry *>(e);
+ if (pe->targetLangName() == java_name && pe->preferredConversion())
+ return pe;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+IncludeList TypeDatabase::extraIncludes(const QString &className)
+ ComplexTypeEntry *typeEntry = findComplexType(className);
+ if (typeEntry != 0)
+ return typeEntry->extraIncludes();
+ else
+ return IncludeList();
+QString Include::toString() const
+ if (type == IncludePath)
+ return "#include <" + name + '>';
+ else if (type == LocalPath)
+ return "#include \"" + name + "\"";
+ else
+ return "import " + name + ";";
+QString Modification::accessModifierString() const
+ if (isPrivate()) return "private";
+ if (isProtected()) return "protected";
+ if (isPublic()) return "public";
+ if (isFriendly()) return "friendly";
+ return QString();
+FunctionModificationList ComplexTypeEntry::functionModifications(const QString &signature) const
+ FunctionModificationList lst;
+ for (int i=0; i<m_function_mods.count(); ++i) {
+ FunctionModification mod =;
+ if (mod.signature == signature) {
+ lst << mod;
+ }
+ }
+ return lst;
+FieldModification ComplexTypeEntry::fieldModification(const QString &name) const
+ for (int i=0; i<m_field_mods.size(); ++i)
+ if ( == name)
+ return;
+ FieldModification mod;
+ = name;
+ mod.modifiers = FieldModification::Readable | FieldModification::Writable;
+ return mod;
+QString ContainerTypeEntry::javaPackage() const
+ if (m_type == PairContainer)
+ return "com.trolltech.qt";
+ return "java.util";
+QString ContainerTypeEntry::targetLangName() const
+ switch (m_type) {
+ case StringListContainer: return "List";
+ case ListContainer: return "List";
+ case LinkedListContainer: return "LinkedList";
+ case VectorContainer: return "List";
+ case StackContainer: return "Stack";
+ case QueueContainer: return "Queue";
+ case SetContainer: return "Set";
+ case MapContainer: return "SortedMap";
+ case MultiMapContainer: return "SortedMap";
+ case HashContainer: return "HashMap";
+ // case MultiHashCollectio: return "MultiHash";
+ case PairContainer: return "QPair";
+ default:
+ qWarning("bad type... %d", m_type);
+ break;
+ }
+ return QString();
+QString ContainerTypeEntry::qualifiedCppName() const
+ if (m_type == StringListContainer)
+ return "QStringList";
+ return ComplexTypeEntry::qualifiedCppName();
+QString EnumTypeEntry::javaQualifier() const
+ TypeEntry *te = TypeDatabase::instance()->findType(m_qualifier);
+ if (te != 0)
+ return te->targetLangName();
+ else
+ return m_qualifier;
+QString EnumTypeEntry::jniName() const
+ return "jint";
+QString FlagsTypeEntry::jniName() const
+ return "jint";
+void EnumTypeEntry::addEnumValueRedirection(const QString &rejected, const QString &usedValue)
+ m_enum_redirections << EnumValueRedirection(rejected, usedValue);
+QString EnumTypeEntry::enumValueRedirection(const QString &value) const
+ for (int i=0; i<m_enum_redirections.size(); ++i)
+ if ( == value)
+ return;
+ return QString();
+QString FlagsTypeEntry::qualifiedTargetLangName() const
+ return javaPackage() + "." + m_enum->javaQualifier() + "." + targetLangName();
+void TypeDatabase::addRejection(const QString &class_name, const QString &function_name,
+ const QString &field_name, const QString &enum_name)
+ TypeRejection r;
+ r.class_name = class_name;
+ r.function_name = function_name;
+ r.field_name = field_name;
+ r.enum_name = enum_name;
+ m_rejections << r;
+bool TypeDatabase::isClassRejected(const QString &class_name)
+ if (!m_rebuild_classes.isEmpty())
+ return !m_rebuild_classes.contains(class_name);
+ foreach (const TypeRejection &r, m_rejections)
+ if (r.class_name == class_name && r.function_name == "*" && r.field_name == "*" && r.enum_name == "*") {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool TypeDatabase::isEnumRejected(const QString &class_name, const QString &enum_name)
+ foreach (const TypeRejection &r, m_rejections) {
+ if (r.enum_name == enum_name
+ && (r.class_name == class_name || r.class_name == "*")) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool TypeDatabase::isFunctionRejected(const QString &class_name, const QString &function_name)
+ foreach (const TypeRejection &r, m_rejections)
+ if (r.function_name == function_name &&
+ (r.class_name == class_name || r.class_name == "*"))
+ return true;
+ return false;
+bool TypeDatabase::isFieldRejected(const QString &class_name, const QString &field_name)
+ foreach (const TypeRejection &r, m_rejections)
+ if (r.field_name == field_name &&
+ (r.class_name == class_name || r.class_name == "*"))
+ return true;
+ return false;
+FlagsTypeEntry *TypeDatabase::findFlagsType(const QString &name) const
+ FlagsTypeEntry *fte = (FlagsTypeEntry *) findType(name);
+ return fte ? fte : (FlagsTypeEntry *) m_flags_entries.value(name);
+QString TypeDatabase::globalNamespaceClassName(const TypeEntry * /*entry*/) {
+ return QLatin1String("Global");
+ * The Visual Studio 2002 compiler doesn't support these symbols,
+ * which our typedefs unforntuatly expand to.
+ */
+QString fixCppTypeName(const QString &name)
+ if (name == "long long") return "qint64";
+ else if (name == "unsigned long long") return "quint64";
+ return name;
+QString formattedCodeHelper(QTextStream &s, Indentor &indentor, QStringList &lines) {
+ bool multilineComment = false;
+ bool lastEmpty = true;
+ QString lastLine;
+ while (!lines.isEmpty()) {
+ const QString line = lines.takeFirst().trimmed();
+ if (line.isEmpty()) {
+ if (!lastEmpty)
+ s << endl;
+ lastEmpty = true;
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ lastEmpty = false;
+ }
+ if (line.startsWith("/*"))
+ multilineComment = true;
+ if (multilineComment) {
+ s << indentor;
+ if (line.startsWith("*"))
+ s << " ";
+ s << line << endl;
+ if (line.endsWith("*/"))
+ multilineComment = false;
+ } else if (line.startsWith("}")) {
+ return line;
+ } else if (line.endsWith("}")) {
+ s << indentor << line << endl;
+ return 0;
+ } else if(line.endsWith("{")) {
+ s << indentor << line << endl;
+ QString tmp;
+ {
+ Indentation indent(indentor);
+ tmp = formattedCodeHelper(s, indentor, lines);
+ }
+ if (!tmp.isNull()) {
+ s << indentor << tmp << endl;
+ }
+ lastLine = tmp;
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ s << indentor;
+ if (!lastLine.isEmpty() &&
+ !lastLine.endsWith(";") &&
+ !line.startsWith("@") &&
+ !line.startsWith("//") &&
+ !lastLine.startsWith("//") &&
+ !lastLine.endsWith("}") &&
+ !line.startsWith("{"))
+ s << " ";
+ s << line << endl;
+ }
+ lastLine = line;
+ }
+ return 0;
+QTextStream &CodeSnip::formattedCode(QTextStream &s, Indentor &indentor) const
+ QStringList lst(code().split("\n"));
+ while (!lst.isEmpty()) {
+ QString tmp = formattedCodeHelper(s, indentor, lst);
+ if (!tmp.isNull()) {
+ s << indentor << tmp << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ s.flush();
+ return s;
+QString TemplateInstance::expandCode() const{
+ TemplateEntry *templateEntry = TypeDatabase::instance()->findTemplate(m_name);
+ if(templateEntry){
+ QString res = templateEntry->code();
+ foreach(QString key, replaceRules.keys()){
+ res.replace(key, replaceRules[key]);
+ }
+ return "// TEMPLATE - " + m_name + " - START" + res + "// TEMPLATE - " + m_name + " - END";
+ }
+ else{
+ ReportHandler::warning("insert-template referring to non-existing template '" + m_name + "'");
+ }
+ return QString();
+QString CodeSnipAbstract::code() const{
+ QString res;
+ foreach(CodeSnipFragment *codeFrag, codeList){
+ res.append(codeFrag->code());
+ }
+ return res;
+QString CodeSnipFragment::code() const{
+ if(m_instance)
+ return m_instance->expandCode();
+ else
+ return m_code;
+QString FunctionModification::toString() const
+ QString str = signature + QLatin1String("->");
+ if (modifiers & AccessModifierMask) {
+ switch (modifiers & AccessModifierMask) {
+ case Private: str += QLatin1String("private"); break;
+ case Protected: str += QLatin1String("protected"); break;
+ case Public: str += QLatin1String("public"); break;
+ case Friendly: str += QLatin1String("friendly"); break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (modifiers & Final) str += QLatin1String("final");
+ if (modifiers & NonFinal) str += QLatin1String("non-final");
+ if (modifiers & Readable) str += QLatin1String("readable");
+ if (modifiers & Writable) str += QLatin1String("writable");
+ if (modifiers & CodeInjection) {
+ foreach (CodeSnip s, snips) {
+ str += QLatin1String("\n//code injection:\n");
+ str += s.code();
+ }
+ }
+ if (modifiers & Rename) str += QLatin1String("renamed:") + renamedToName;
+ if (modifiers & Deprecated) str += QLatin1String("deprecate");
+ if (modifiers & ReplaceExpression) str += QLatin1String("replace-expression");
+ return str;
+static void removeFunction(ComplexTypeEntry *e, const char *signature)
+ FunctionModification mod;
+ mod.signature = QMetaObject::normalizedSignature(signature);
+ mod.removal = TypeSystem::All;
+ e->addFunctionModification(mod);
+static void injectCode(ComplexTypeEntry *e,
+ const char *signature,
+ const QByteArray &code,
+ const ArgumentMap &args)
+ CodeSnip snip;
+ snip.language = TypeSystem::NativeCode;
+ snip.position = CodeSnip::Beginning;
+ snip.addCode(QString::fromLatin1(code));
+ snip.argumentMap = args;
+ FunctionModification mod;
+ mod.signature = QMetaObject::normalizedSignature(signature);
+ mod.snips << snip;
+ mod.modifiers = Modification::CodeInjection;
+ e->addFunctionModification(mod);
+static void addRemoveFunctionToTemplates(TypeDatabase *db)
+ ContainerTypeEntry *qvector = db->findContainerType(QLatin1String("QVector"));
+ removeFunction(qvector, "constData() const");
+ removeFunction(qvector, "data() const");
+ removeFunction(qvector, "data()");
+ removeFunction(qvector, "first()");
+ removeFunction(qvector, "last()");
+ removeFunction(qvector, "operator[](int)");
+ removeFunction(qvector, "operator[](int) const");
+ removeFunction(qvector, "operator=(QVector<T>)");
+ ContainerTypeEntry *qlist = db->findContainerType(QLatin1String("QList"));
+ removeFunction(qlist, "constData() const");
+ removeFunction(qlist, "data() const");
+ removeFunction(qlist, "data()");
+ removeFunction(qlist, "back()");
+ removeFunction(qlist, "front()");
+ removeFunction(qlist, "first()");
+ removeFunction(qlist, "last()");
+ removeFunction(qlist, "operator[](int)");
+ removeFunction(qlist, "operator[](int) const");
+ removeFunction(qlist, "operator=(QList<T>)");
+ ContainerTypeEntry *qqueue = db->findContainerType(QLatin1String("QQueue"));
+ removeFunction(qqueue, "head() const");
+ // QtScript: The next part is Java-specific, skip it for now...
+ return;
+ ArgumentMap args1;
+ args1[1] = QLatin1String("$1");
+ ArgumentMap args2 = args1;
+ args2[2] = QLatin1String("$2");
+ QByteArray code =
+ "\nif ($1 >= __qt_this->size() || $1 < 0) {"
+ "\n __jni_env->ThrowNew(__jni_env->FindClass(\"java/lang/IndexOutOfBoundsException\"),"
+ "\n QString::fromLatin1(\"Accessing container of size %3 at %4\")"
+ "\n .arg(__qt_this->size()).arg($1).toLatin1());"
+ "\n return;"
+ "\n}";
+ QByteArray code_with_return = QByteArray(code).replace("return;", "return 0;");
+ QByteArray code_index_length =
+ "\nif ($1 < 0 || $2 < 0 || ($1 + $2) >= __qt_this->size()) {"
+ "\n __jni_env->ThrowNew(__jni_env->FindClass(\"java/lang/IndexOutOfBoundsException\"),"
+ "\n QString::fromLatin1(\"Accessing container of size %3 from %4 to %5\")"
+ "\n .arg(__qt_this->size()).arg($1).arg($1+$2).toLatin1());"
+ "\n return;"
+ "\n}";
+ QByteArray code_non_empty =
+ "\nif (__qt_this->isEmpty()) {"
+ "\n __jni_env->ThrowNew(__jni_env->FindClass(\"java/lang/IndexOutOfBoundsException\"),"
+ "\n QString::fromLatin1(\"Accessing empty container...\").toLatin1());"
+ "\n return;"
+ "\n}";
+ QByteArray code_two_indices =
+ "\nif ($1 < 0 || $2 < 0 || $1 >= __qt_this->size() || $2 >= __qt_this->size()) {"
+ "\n __jni_env->ThrowNew(__jni_env->FindClass(\"java/lang/IndexOutOfBoundsException\"),"
+ "\n QString::fromLatin1(\"Accessing container of size %3 from %4 to %5\")"
+ "\n .arg(__qt_this->size()).arg($1).arg($1+$2).toLatin1());"
+ "\n return;"
+ "\n}";
+ { // QVector safty...
+ injectCode(qvector, "at(int) const", code_with_return, args1);
+ injectCode(qvector, "replace(int,T)", code, args1);
+ injectCode(qvector, "remove(int)", code, args1);
+ injectCode(qvector, "remove(int, int)", code_index_length, args2);
+ injectCode(qvector, "pop_back()", code_non_empty, ArgumentMap());
+ injectCode(qvector, "pop_front()", code_non_empty, ArgumentMap());
+ }
+ { // QList safty...
+ injectCode(qlist, "at(int) const", code_with_return, args1);
+ injectCode(qlist, "replace(int, T)", code, args1);
+ injectCode(qlist, "pop_back()", code_non_empty, ArgumentMap());
+ injectCode(qlist, "pop_front()", code_non_empty, ArgumentMap());
+ injectCode(qlist, "swap(int, int)", code_two_indices, args2);
+ injectCode(qlist, "move(int, int)", code_two_indices, args2);
+ injectCode(qlist, "removeAt(int)", code, args1);
+ injectCode(qlist, "takeAt(int)", code_with_return, args1);
+ }
diff --git a/generator/typesystem.h b/generator/typesystem.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a2b5d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/typesystem.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1201 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include <QtCore/QHash>
+#include <QtCore/QString>
+#include <QtCore/QStringList>
+#include <QtCore/QMap>
+#include <QDebug>
+class Indentor;
+class AbstractMetaType;
+class QTextStream;
+class EnumTypeEntry;
+class FlagsTypeEntry;
+extern QString strings_Object;
+extern QString strings_String;
+extern QString strings_Thread;
+extern QString strings_char;
+extern QString strings_java_lang;
+extern QString strings_jchar;
+extern QString strings_jobject;
+struct Include
+ enum IncludeType {
+ IncludePath,
+ LocalPath,
+ TargetLangImport
+ };
+ Include() : type(IncludePath) { }
+ Include(IncludeType t, const QString &nam) : type(t), name(nam) { };
+ bool isValid() { return !name.isEmpty(); }
+ IncludeType type;
+ QString name;
+ QString toString() const;
+ bool operator<(const Include &other) const { return name <; }
+typedef QList<Include> IncludeList;
+typedef QMap<int, QString> ArgumentMap;
+class TemplateInstance;
+namespace TypeSystem {
+ enum Language {
+ NoLanguage = 0x0000,
+ TargetLangCode = 0x0001,
+ NativeCode = 0x0002,
+ ShellCode = 0x0004,
+ ShellDeclaration = 0x0008,
+ PackageInitializer = 0x0010,
+ DestructorFunction = 0x0020,
+ Constructors = 0x0040,
+ Interface = 0x0080,
+ // masks
+ All = TargetLangCode
+ | NativeCode
+ | ShellCode
+ | ShellDeclaration
+ | PackageInitializer
+ | Constructors
+ | Interface
+ | DestructorFunction,
+ JavaAndNativeCode = TargetLangCode | NativeCode,
+ TargetLangAndNativeCode = TargetLangCode | NativeCode
+ };
+ enum Ownership {
+ InvalidOwnership,
+ DefaultOwnership,
+ TargetLangOwnership,
+ CppOwnership
+ };
+struct ReferenceCount
+ ReferenceCount() : threadSafe(false), access(Public) { }
+ enum Action { // 0x01 - 0xff
+ Invalid = 0x00,
+ Add = 0x01,
+ AddAll = 0x02,
+ Remove = 0x04,
+ Set = 0x08,
+ Ignore = 0x10,
+ ActionsMask = 0xff,
+ Padding = 0xffffffff
+ };
+ enum Flag { // 0x100 - 0xf00
+ ThreadSafe = 0x100,
+ Static = 0x200,
+ DeclareVariable = 0x400,
+ FlagsMask = 0xf00
+ };
+ enum Access { // 0x1000 - 0xf000
+ Private = 0x1000,
+ Protected = 0x2000,
+ Friendly = 0x3000,
+ Public = 0x4000,
+ AccessMask = 0xf000
+ };
+ Action action;
+ QString variableName;
+ QString conditional;
+ QString declareVariable;
+ uint threadSafe : 1;
+ uint access;
+class CodeSnipFragment{
+ private:
+ const QString m_code;
+ TemplateInstance *m_instance;
+ public:
+ CodeSnipFragment(const QString &code)
+ : m_code(code),
+ m_instance(0)
+ {}
+ CodeSnipFragment(TemplateInstance *instance)
+ : m_instance(instance)
+ {}
+ QString code() const;
+class CodeSnipAbstract{
+ QString code() const;
+ void addCode(const QString &code){
+ codeList.append(new CodeSnipFragment(code));
+ }
+ void addTemplateInstance(TemplateInstance *ti){
+ codeList.append(new CodeSnipFragment(ti));
+ }
+ QList<CodeSnipFragment*> codeList;
+class CustomFunction : public CodeSnipAbstract
+ public:
+ CustomFunction(const QString &n = QString()) : name(n) { }
+ QString name;
+ QString param_name;
+class TemplateEntry : public CodeSnipAbstract
+ TemplateEntry(const QString &name)
+ : m_name(name)
+ {
+ };
+ QString name() const {
+ return m_name;
+ };
+ QString m_name;
+typedef QHash<QString, TemplateEntry *> TemplateEntryHash;
+class TemplateInstance
+ public:
+ TemplateInstance(const QString &name)
+ : m_name(name)
+ {}
+ void addReplaceRule(const QString &name, const QString &value){
+ replaceRules[name]=value;
+ }
+ QString expandCode() const;
+ QString name() const {
+ return m_name;
+ }
+ private:
+ const QString m_name;
+ QHash<QString, QString> replaceRules;
+class CodeSnip : public CodeSnipAbstract
+ public:
+ enum Position {
+ Beginning,
+ End,
+ AfterThis,
+ // QtScript
+ PrototypeInitialization,
+ ConstructorInitialization,
+ Constructor
+ };
+ CodeSnip() : language(TypeSystem::TargetLangCode) { }
+ CodeSnip(TypeSystem::Language lang) : language(lang) { }
+ // Very simple, easy to make code ugly if you try
+ QTextStream &formattedCode(QTextStream &s, Indentor &indentor) const;
+ TypeSystem::Language language;
+ Position position;
+ ArgumentMap argumentMap;
+typedef QList<CodeSnip> CodeSnipList;
+struct ArgumentModification
+ ArgumentModification(int idx) : removed_default_expression(false), removed(false), no_null_pointers(false), index(idx)
+ {}
+ // Should the default expression be removed?
+ uint removed_default_expression : 1;
+ uint removed : 1;
+ uint no_null_pointers : 1;
+ uint reset_after_use : 1;
+ // The index of this argument
+ int index;
+ // Reference count flags for this argument
+ QList<ReferenceCount> referenceCounts;
+ // The text given for the new type of the argument
+ QString modified_type;
+ QString replace_value;
+ // The code to be used to construct a return value when no_null_pointers is true and
+ // the returned value is null. If no_null_pointers is true and this string is
+ // empty, then the base class implementation will be used (or a default construction
+ // if there is no implementation)
+ QString null_pointer_default_value;
+ // The text of the new default expression of the argument
+ QString replaced_default_expression;
+ // The new definition of ownership for a specific argument
+ QHash<TypeSystem::Language, TypeSystem::Ownership> ownerships;
+ // Different conversion rules
+ CodeSnipList conversion_rules;
+struct Modification {
+ enum Modifiers {
+ Private = 0x0001,
+ Protected = 0x0002,
+ Public = 0x0003,
+ Friendly = 0x0004,
+ AccessModifierMask = 0x000f,
+ Final = 0x0010,
+ NonFinal = 0x0020,
+ FinalMask = Final | NonFinal,
+ Readable = 0x0100,
+ Writable = 0x0200,
+ CodeInjection = 0x1000,
+ Rename = 0x2000,
+ Deprecated = 0x4000,
+ ReplaceExpression = 0x8000,
+ VirtualSlot = 0x10000 | NonFinal
+ };
+ Modification() : modifiers(0) { }
+ bool isAccessModifier() const { return modifiers & AccessModifierMask; }
+ Modifiers accessModifier() const { return Modifiers(modifiers & AccessModifierMask); }
+ bool isPrivate() const { return accessModifier() == Private; }
+ bool isProtected() const { return accessModifier() == Protected; }
+ bool isPublic() const { return accessModifier() == Public; }
+ bool isFriendly() const { return accessModifier() == Friendly; }
+ bool isFinal() const { return modifiers & Final; }
+ bool isNonFinal() const { return modifiers & NonFinal; }
+ bool isVirtualSlot() const { return (modifiers & VirtualSlot) == VirtualSlot; }
+ QString accessModifierString() const;
+ bool isDeprecated() const { return modifiers & Deprecated; }
+ void setRenamedTo(const QString &name) { renamedToName = name; }
+ QString renamedTo() const { return renamedToName; }
+ bool isRenameModifier() const { return modifiers & Rename; }
+ uint modifiers;
+ QString renamedToName;
+struct FunctionModification: public Modification
+ FunctionModification() : removal(TypeSystem::NoLanguage) { }
+ bool isCodeInjection() const { return modifiers & CodeInjection; }
+ bool isRemoveModifier() const { return removal != TypeSystem::NoLanguage; }
+ QString toString() const;
+ QString signature;
+ QString association;
+ CodeSnipList snips;
+ TypeSystem::Language removal;
+ QList<ArgumentModification> argument_mods;
+typedef QList<FunctionModification> FunctionModificationList;
+struct FieldModification: public Modification
+ bool isReadable() const { return modifiers & Readable; }
+ bool isWritable() const { return modifiers & Writable; }
+ QString name;
+typedef QList<FieldModification> FieldModificationList;
+struct ExpensePolicy {
+ ExpensePolicy() : limit(-1) { }
+ int limit;
+ QString cost;
+ bool isValid() const { return limit >= 0; }
+class InterfaceTypeEntry;
+class ObjectTypeEntry;
+class TypeEntry
+ enum Type {
+ PrimitiveType,
+ VoidType,
+ FlagsType,
+ EnumType,
+ TemplateArgumentType,
+ ThreadType,
+ BasicValueType,
+ StringType,
+ ContainerType,
+ InterfaceType,
+ ObjectType,
+ NamespaceType,
+ VariantType,
+ JObjectWrapperType,
+ CharType,
+ ArrayType,
+ TypeSystemType,
+ CustomType,
+ };
+ enum CodeGeneration {
+ GenerateTargetLang = 0x0001,
+ GenerateCpp = 0x0002,
+ GenerateForSubclass = 0x0004,
+ GenerateNothing = 0,
+ GenerateAll = 0xffff,
+ GenerateCode = GenerateTargetLang | GenerateCpp
+ };
+ TypeEntry(const QString &name, Type t)
+ : m_name(name),
+ m_type(t),
+ m_code_generation(GenerateAll),
+ m_preferred_conversion(true)
+ {
+ };
+ virtual ~TypeEntry() { }
+ Type type() const { return m_type; }
+ bool isPrimitive() const { return m_type == PrimitiveType; }
+ bool isEnum() const { return m_type == EnumType; }
+ bool isFlags() const { return m_type == FlagsType; }
+ bool isInterface() const { return m_type == InterfaceType; }
+ bool isObject() const { return m_type == ObjectType; }
+ bool isString() const { return m_type == StringType; }
+ bool isChar() const { return m_type == CharType; }
+ bool isNamespace() const { return m_type == NamespaceType; }
+ bool isContainer() const { return m_type == ContainerType; }
+ bool isVariant() const { return m_type == VariantType; }
+ bool isJObjectWrapper() const { return m_type == JObjectWrapperType; }
+ bool isArray() const { return m_type == ArrayType; }
+ bool isTemplateArgument() const { return m_type == TemplateArgumentType; }
+ bool isVoid() const { return m_type == VoidType; }
+ bool isThread() const { return m_type == ThreadType; }
+ bool isCustom() const { return m_type == CustomType; }
+ bool isBasicValue() const { return m_type == BasicValueType; }
+ bool isTypeSystem() const { return m_type == TypeSystemType; }
+ virtual bool preferredConversion() const { return m_preferred_conversion; }
+ virtual void setPreferredConversion(bool b) { m_preferred_conversion = b; }
+ // The type's name in C++, fully qualified
+ QString name() const { return m_name; }
+ uint codeGeneration() const { return m_code_generation; }
+ void setCodeGeneration(uint cg) { m_code_generation = cg; }
+ virtual QString qualifiedCppName() const { return m_name; }
+ // Its type's name in JNI
+ virtual QString jniName() const { return m_name; }
+ // The type's name in TargetLang
+ virtual QString targetLangName() const { return m_name; }
+ // The type to lookup when converting to TargetLang
+ virtual QString lookupName() const { return targetLangName(); }
+ // The package
+ virtual QString javaPackage() const { return QString(); }
+ virtual QString qualifiedTargetLangName() const {
+ QString pkg = javaPackage();
+ if (pkg.isEmpty()) return targetLangName();
+ return pkg + '.' + targetLangName();
+ }
+ virtual InterfaceTypeEntry *designatedInterface() const { return 0; }
+ void setCustomConstructor(const CustomFunction &func) { m_customConstructor = func; }
+ CustomFunction customConstructor() const { return m_customConstructor; }
+ void setCustomDestructor(const CustomFunction &func) { m_customDestructor = func; }
+ CustomFunction customDestructor() const { return m_customDestructor; }
+ virtual bool isValue() const { return false; }
+ virtual bool isComplex() const { return false; }
+ virtual bool isNativeIdBased() const { return false; }
+ QString m_name;
+ Type m_type;
+ uint m_code_generation;
+ CustomFunction m_customConstructor;
+ CustomFunction m_customDestructor;
+ bool m_preferred_conversion;
+typedef QHash<QString, QList<TypeEntry *> > TypeEntryHash;
+typedef QHash<QString, TypeEntry *> SingleTypeEntryHash;
+class TypeSystemTypeEntry : public TypeEntry
+ TypeSystemTypeEntry(const QString &name)
+ : TypeEntry(name, TypeSystemType)
+ {
+ };
+ QList<CodeSnip> snips;
+class ThreadTypeEntry : public TypeEntry
+ ThreadTypeEntry() : TypeEntry("QThread", ThreadType) { setCodeGeneration(GenerateNothing); }
+ QString jniName() const { return strings_jobject; }
+ QString targetLangName() const { return strings_Thread; }
+ QString javaPackage() const { return strings_java_lang; }
+class VoidTypeEntry : public TypeEntry
+ VoidTypeEntry() : TypeEntry("void", VoidType) { }
+class TemplateArgumentEntry : public TypeEntry
+ TemplateArgumentEntry(const QString &name)
+ : TypeEntry(name, TemplateArgumentType), m_ordinal(0)
+ {
+ }
+ int ordinal() const { return m_ordinal; }
+ void setOrdinal(int o) { m_ordinal = o; }
+ int m_ordinal;
+class ArrayTypeEntry : public TypeEntry
+ ArrayTypeEntry(const TypeEntry *nested_type) : TypeEntry("Array", ArrayType), m_nested_type(nested_type)
+ {
+ Q_ASSERT(m_nested_type);
+ }
+ void setNestedTypeEntry(TypeEntry *nested) { m_nested_type = nested; }
+ const TypeEntry *nestedTypeEntry() const { return m_nested_type; }
+ QString targetLangName() const { return m_nested_type->targetLangName() + "[]"; }
+ QString jniName() const
+ {
+ if (m_nested_type->isPrimitive())
+ return m_nested_type->jniName() + "Array";
+ else
+ return "jobjectArray";
+ }
+ const TypeEntry *m_nested_type;
+class PrimitiveTypeEntry : public TypeEntry
+ PrimitiveTypeEntry(const QString &name)
+ : TypeEntry(name, PrimitiveType), m_preferred_conversion(true), m_preferred_java_type(true)
+ {
+ }
+ QString targetLangName() const { return m_java_name; }
+ void setTargetLangName(const QString &targetLangName) { m_java_name = targetLangName; }
+ QString jniName() const { return m_jni_name; }
+ void setJniName(const QString &jniName) { m_jni_name = jniName; }
+ QString javaObjectFullName() const { return javaObjectPackage() + "." + javaObjectName(); }
+ QString javaObjectName() const;
+ QString javaObjectPackage() const { return strings_java_lang; }
+ virtual bool preferredConversion() const { return m_preferred_conversion; }
+ virtual void setPreferredConversion(bool b) { m_preferred_conversion = b; }
+ virtual bool preferredTargetLangType() const { return m_preferred_java_type; }
+ virtual void setPreferredTargetLangType(bool b) { m_preferred_java_type = b; }
+ QString m_java_name;
+ QString m_jni_name;
+ uint m_preferred_conversion : 1;
+ uint m_preferred_java_type : 1;
+struct EnumValueRedirection
+ EnumValueRedirection(const QString &rej, const QString &us)
+ : rejected(rej),
+ used(us)
+ {
+ }
+ QString rejected;
+ QString used;
+class EnumTypeEntry : public TypeEntry
+ EnumTypeEntry(const QString &nspace, const QString &enumName)
+ : TypeEntry(nspace.isEmpty() ? enumName : nspace + QLatin1String("::") + enumName,
+ EnumType),
+ m_flags(0),
+ m_extensible(false)
+ {
+ m_qualifier = nspace;
+ m_java_name = enumName;
+ }
+ QString javaPackage() const { return m_package_name; }
+ void setTargetLangPackage(const QString &package) { m_package_name = package; }
+ QString targetLangName() const { return m_java_name; }
+ QString javaQualifier() const;
+ QString qualifiedTargetLangName() const {
+ QString pkg = javaPackage();
+ if (pkg.isEmpty()) return javaQualifier() + '.' + targetLangName();
+ return pkg + '.' + javaQualifier() + '.' + targetLangName();
+ }
+ QString jniName() const;
+ QString qualifier() const { return m_qualifier; }
+ void setQualifier(const QString &q) { m_qualifier = q; }
+ virtual bool preferredConversion() const { return false; }
+ bool isBoundsChecked() const { return m_lower_bound.isEmpty() && m_upper_bound.isEmpty(); }
+ QString upperBound() const { return m_upper_bound; }
+ void setUpperBound(const QString &bound) { m_upper_bound = bound; }
+ QString lowerBound() const { return m_lower_bound; }
+ void setLowerBound(const QString &bound) { m_lower_bound = bound; }
+ void setFlags(FlagsTypeEntry *flags) { m_flags = flags; }
+ FlagsTypeEntry *flags() const { return m_flags; }
+ bool isExtensible() const { return m_extensible; }
+ void setExtensible(bool is) { m_extensible = is; }
+ bool isEnumValueRejected(const QString &name) { return m_rejected_enums.contains(name); }
+ void addEnumValueRejection(const QString &name) { m_rejected_enums << name; }
+ QStringList enumValueRejections() const { return m_rejected_enums; }
+ void addEnumValueRedirection(const QString &rejected, const QString &usedValue);
+ QString enumValueRedirection(const QString &value) const;
+ bool forceInteger() const { return m_force_integer; }
+ void setForceInteger(bool force) { m_force_integer = force; }
+ QString m_package_name;
+ QString m_qualifier;
+ QString m_java_name;
+ QString m_lower_bound;
+ QString m_upper_bound;
+ QStringList m_rejected_enums;
+ QList<EnumValueRedirection> m_enum_redirections;
+ FlagsTypeEntry *m_flags;
+ bool m_extensible;
+ bool m_force_integer;
+class FlagsTypeEntry : public TypeEntry
+ FlagsTypeEntry(const QString &name) : TypeEntry(name, FlagsType), m_enum(0)
+ {
+ }
+ QString qualifiedTargetLangName() const;
+ QString targetLangName() const { return m_java_name; }
+ QString jniName() const;
+ virtual bool preferredConversion() const { return false; }
+ QString originalName() const { return m_original_name; }
+ void setOriginalName(const QString &s) { m_original_name = s; }
+ QString flagsName() const { return m_java_name; }
+ void setFlagsName(const QString &name) { m_java_name = name; }
+ bool forceInteger() const { return m_enum->forceInteger(); }
+ EnumTypeEntry *originator() const { return m_enum; }
+ void setOriginator(EnumTypeEntry *e) { m_enum = e; }
+ QString javaPackage() const { return m_enum->javaPackage(); }
+ QString m_original_name;
+ QString m_java_name;
+ EnumTypeEntry *m_enum;
+class ComplexTypeEntry : public TypeEntry
+ enum TypeFlag {
+ ForceAbstract = 0x1,
+ DeleteInMainThread = 0x2,
+ Deprecated = 0x4
+ };
+ typedef QFlags<TypeFlag> TypeFlags;
+ ComplexTypeEntry(const QString &name, Type t)
+ : TypeEntry(QString(name).replace("::", "_"), t),
+ m_qualified_cpp_name(name),
+ m_qobject(false),
+ m_polymorphic_base(false),
+ m_generic_class(false),
+ m_type_flags(0)
+ {
+ Include inc;
+ = "QVariant";
+ inc.type = Include::IncludePath;
+ addExtraInclude(inc);
+ }
+ bool isComplex() const { return true; }
+ IncludeList extraIncludes() const { return m_extra_includes; }
+ void setExtraIncludes(const IncludeList &includes) { m_extra_includes = includes; }
+ void addExtraInclude(const Include &include)
+ {
+ if (!m_includes_used.value(, false)) {
+ m_extra_includes << include;
+ m_includes_used[] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ ComplexTypeEntry *copy() const
+ {
+ ComplexTypeEntry *centry = new ComplexTypeEntry(name(), type());
+ centry->setInclude(include());
+ centry->setExtraIncludes(extraIncludes());
+ centry->setFunctionModifications(functionModifications());
+ centry->setFieldModifications(fieldModifications());
+ centry->setQObject(isQObject());
+ centry->setDefaultSuperclass(defaultSuperclass());
+ centry->setCodeSnips(codeSnips());
+ centry->setTargetLangPackage(javaPackage());
+ return centry;
+ }
+ void setLookupName(const QString &name)
+ {
+ m_lookup_name = name;
+ }
+ virtual QString lookupName() const
+ {
+ return m_lookup_name.isEmpty() ? targetLangName() : m_lookup_name;
+ }
+ QString jniName() const { return strings_jobject; }
+ Include include() const { return m_include; }
+ void setInclude(const Include &inc) { m_include = inc; }
+ void setTypeFlags(TypeFlags flags)
+ {
+ m_type_flags = flags;
+ }
+ TypeFlags typeFlags() const
+ {
+ return m_type_flags;
+ }
+ CodeSnipList codeSnips() const { return m_code_snips; }
+ void setCodeSnips(const CodeSnipList &codeSnips) { m_code_snips = codeSnips; }
+ void addCodeSnip(const CodeSnip &codeSnip) { m_code_snips << codeSnip; }
+ FunctionModificationList functionModifications() const { return m_function_mods; }
+ void setFunctionModifications(const FunctionModificationList &functionModifications) {
+ m_function_mods = functionModifications;
+ }
+ void addFunctionModification(const FunctionModification &functionModification) {
+ m_function_mods << functionModification;
+ }
+ FunctionModificationList functionModifications(const QString &signature) const;
+ FieldModification fieldModification(const QString &name) const;
+ void setFieldModifications(const FieldModificationList &mods) { m_field_mods = mods; }
+ FieldModificationList fieldModifications() const { return m_field_mods; }
+ QString javaPackage() const { return m_package; }
+ void setTargetLangPackage(const QString &package) { m_package = package; }
+ bool isQObject() const { return m_qobject; }
+ void setQObject(bool qobject) { m_qobject = qobject; }
+ QString defaultSuperclass() const { return m_default_superclass; }
+ void setDefaultSuperclass(const QString &sc) { m_default_superclass = sc; }
+ virtual QString qualifiedCppName() const { return m_qualified_cpp_name; }
+ void setIsPolymorphicBase(bool on)
+ {
+ m_polymorphic_base = on;
+ }
+ bool isPolymorphicBase() const { return m_polymorphic_base; }
+ void setPolymorphicIdValue(const QString &value)
+ {
+ m_polymorphic_id_value = value;
+ }
+ QString polymorphicIdValue() const { return m_polymorphic_id_value; }
+ void setExpensePolicy(const ExpensePolicy &policy) { m_expense_policy = policy; }
+ const ExpensePolicy &expensePolicy() const { return m_expense_policy; }
+ QString targetType() const { return m_target_type; }
+ void setTargetType(const QString &code) { m_target_type = code; }
+ QString targetLangName() const { return m_java_name.isEmpty()
+ ? TypeEntry::targetLangName()
+ : m_java_name;
+ }
+ void setTargetLangName(const QString &name) { m_java_name = name; }
+ bool isGenericClass() const { return m_generic_class; }
+ void setGenericClass(bool isGeneric) { m_generic_class = isGeneric; }
+ IncludeList m_extra_includes;
+ Include m_include;
+ QHash<QString, bool> m_includes_used;
+ FunctionModificationList m_function_mods;
+ FieldModificationList m_field_mods;
+ CodeSnipList m_code_snips;
+ QString m_package;
+ QString m_default_superclass;
+ QString m_qualified_cpp_name;
+ QString m_java_name;
+ uint m_qobject : 1;
+ uint m_polymorphic_base : 1;
+ uint m_generic_class : 1;
+ QString m_polymorphic_id_value;
+ QString m_lookup_name;
+ QString m_target_type;
+ ExpensePolicy m_expense_policy;
+ TypeFlags m_type_flags;
+class ContainerTypeEntry : public ComplexTypeEntry
+ enum Type {
+ NoContainer,
+ ListContainer,
+ StringListContainer,
+ LinkedListContainer,
+ VectorContainer,
+ StackContainer,
+ QueueContainer,
+ SetContainer,
+ MapContainer,
+ MultiMapContainer,
+ HashContainer,
+ MultiHashContainer,
+ PairContainer,
+ };
+ ContainerTypeEntry(const QString &name, Type type)
+ : ComplexTypeEntry(name, ContainerType)
+ {
+ m_type = type;
+ setCodeGeneration(GenerateForSubclass);
+ }
+ Type type() const { return m_type; }
+ QString targetLangName() const;
+ QString javaPackage() const;
+ QString qualifiedCppName() const;
+ Type m_type;
+class NamespaceTypeEntry : public ComplexTypeEntry
+ NamespaceTypeEntry(const QString &name) : ComplexTypeEntry(name, NamespaceType) { }
+class ValueTypeEntry : public ComplexTypeEntry
+ ValueTypeEntry(const QString &name) : ComplexTypeEntry(name, BasicValueType) { }
+ bool isValue() const { return true; }
+ virtual bool isNativeIdBased() const { return true; }
+ ValueTypeEntry(const QString &name, Type t) : ComplexTypeEntry(name, t) { }
+class StringTypeEntry : public ValueTypeEntry
+ StringTypeEntry(const QString &name)
+ : ValueTypeEntry(name, StringType)
+ {
+ setCodeGeneration(GenerateNothing);
+ }
+ QString jniName() const { return strings_jobject; }
+ QString targetLangName() const { return strings_String; }
+ QString javaPackage() const { return strings_java_lang; }
+ virtual bool isNativeIdBased() const { return false; }
+class CharTypeEntry : public ValueTypeEntry
+ CharTypeEntry(const QString &name) : ValueTypeEntry(name, CharType)
+ {
+ setCodeGeneration(GenerateNothing);
+ }
+ QString jniName() const { return strings_jchar; }
+ QString targetLangName() const { return strings_char; }
+ QString javaPackage() const { return QString(); }
+ virtual bool isNativeIdBased() const { return false; }
+class JObjectWrapperTypeEntry: public ValueTypeEntry
+ JObjectWrapperTypeEntry(const QString &name) : ValueTypeEntry(name, JObjectWrapperType) { }
+ QString jniName() const { return strings_jobject; }
+ QString targetLangName() const { return strings_Object; }
+ QString javaPackage() const { return strings_java_lang; }
+ bool isNativeIdBased() const { return false; }
+class VariantTypeEntry: public ValueTypeEntry
+ VariantTypeEntry(const QString &name) : ValueTypeEntry(name, VariantType) { }
+ QString jniName() const { return strings_jobject; }
+ QString targetLangName() const { return strings_Object; }
+ QString javaPackage() const { return strings_java_lang; }
+ virtual bool isNativeIdBased() const { return false; }
+class InterfaceTypeEntry : public ComplexTypeEntry
+ InterfaceTypeEntry(const QString &name)
+ : ComplexTypeEntry(name, InterfaceType)
+ {
+ }
+ static QString interfaceName(const QString &name) {
+ return name + "Interface";
+ }
+ ObjectTypeEntry *origin() const { return m_origin; }
+ void setOrigin(ObjectTypeEntry *origin) { m_origin = origin; }
+ virtual bool isNativeIdBased() const { return true; }
+ virtual QString qualifiedCppName() const {
+ return ComplexTypeEntry::qualifiedCppName().left(ComplexTypeEntry::qualifiedCppName().length() - interfaceName("").length());
+ }
+ ObjectTypeEntry *m_origin;
+class ObjectTypeEntry : public ComplexTypeEntry
+ ObjectTypeEntry(const QString &name)
+ : ComplexTypeEntry(name, ObjectType), m_interface(0)
+ {
+ }
+ InterfaceTypeEntry *designatedInterface() const { return m_interface; }
+ void setDesignatedInterface(InterfaceTypeEntry *entry) { m_interface = entry; }
+ virtual bool isNativeIdBased() const { return true; }
+ InterfaceTypeEntry *m_interface;
+class CustomTypeEntry : public ComplexTypeEntry
+ CustomTypeEntry(const QString &name) : ComplexTypeEntry(name, CustomType) { }
+ virtual void generateCppJavaToQt(QTextStream &s,
+ const AbstractMetaType *java_type,
+ const QString &env_name,
+ const QString &qt_name,
+ const QString &java_name) const = 0;
+ virtual void generateCppQtToJava(QTextStream &s,
+ const AbstractMetaType *java_type,
+ const QString &env_name,
+ const QString &qt_name,
+ const QString &java_name) const = 0;
+struct TypeRejection
+ QString class_name;
+ QString function_name;
+ QString field_name;
+ QString enum_name;
+class TypeDatabase
+ TypeDatabase();
+ static TypeDatabase *instance();
+ QList<Include> extraIncludes(const QString &className);
+ inline PrimitiveTypeEntry *findPrimitiveType(const QString &name);
+ inline ComplexTypeEntry *findComplexType(const QString &name);
+ inline ObjectTypeEntry *findObjectType(const QString &name);
+ inline NamespaceTypeEntry *findNamespaceType(const QString &name);
+ ContainerTypeEntry *findContainerType(const QString &name);
+ TypeEntry *findType(const QString &name) const {
+ QList<TypeEntry *> entries = findTypes(name);
+ foreach (TypeEntry *entry, entries) {
+ if (entry != 0 &&
+ (!entry->isPrimitive() || static_cast<PrimitiveTypeEntry *>(entry)->preferredTargetLangType())) {
+ return entry;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ QList<TypeEntry *> findTypes(const QString &name) const { return m_entries.value(name); }
+ TypeEntryHash allEntries() { return m_entries; }
+ SingleTypeEntryHash entries() {
+ TypeEntryHash entries = allEntries();
+ SingleTypeEntryHash returned;
+ QList<QString> keys = entries.keys();
+ foreach(QString key, keys) {
+ returned[key] = findType(key);
+ }
+ return returned;
+ }
+ PrimitiveTypeEntry *findTargetLangPrimitiveType(const QString &java_name);
+ void addRejection(const QString &class_name, const QString &function_name,
+ const QString &field_name, const QString &enum_name);
+ bool isClassRejected(const QString &class_name);
+ bool isFunctionRejected(const QString &class_name, const QString &function_name);
+ bool isFieldRejected(const QString &class_name, const QString &field_name);
+ bool isEnumRejected(const QString &class_name, const QString &enum_name);
+ void addType(TypeEntry *e) { m_entries[e->qualifiedCppName()].append(e); }
+ SingleTypeEntryHash flagsEntries() const { return m_flags_entries; }
+ FlagsTypeEntry *findFlagsType(const QString &name) const;
+ void addFlagsType(FlagsTypeEntry *fte) { m_flags_entries[fte->originalName()] = fte; }
+ TemplateEntry *findTemplate(const QString &name) { return m_templates[name]; }
+ void addTemplate(TemplateEntry *t) { m_templates[t->name()] = t; }
+ void setSuppressWarnings(bool on) { m_suppressWarnings = on; }
+ void addSuppressedWarning(const QString &s)
+ {
+ m_suppressedWarnings.append(s);
+ }
+ bool isSuppressedWarning(const QString &s)
+ {
+ if (!m_suppressWarnings)
+ return false;
+ foreach (const QString &_warning, m_suppressedWarnings) {
+ QString warning(QString(_warning).replace("\\*", "&place_holder_for_asterisk;"));
+ QStringList segs = warning.split("*", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
+ if (segs.size() == 0)
+ continue ;
+ int i = 0;
+ int pos = s.indexOf(QString("&place_holder_for_asterisk;", "*"));
+ //qDebug() << "s == " << s << ", warning == " << segs;
+ while (pos != -1) {
+ if (i == segs.size())
+ return true;
+ pos = s.indexOf(QString("&place_holder_for_asterisk;", "*"), pos);
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ void setRebuildClasses(const QStringList &cls) { m_rebuild_classes = cls; }
+ static QString globalNamespaceClassName(const TypeEntry *te);
+ QString filename() const { return "typesystem.txt"; }
+ bool parseFile(const QString &filename, bool generate = true);
+ bool m_suppressWarnings;
+ TypeEntryHash m_entries;
+ SingleTypeEntryHash m_flags_entries;
+ TemplateEntryHash m_templates;
+ QStringList m_suppressedWarnings;
+ QList<TypeRejection> m_rejections;
+ QStringList m_rebuild_classes;
+inline PrimitiveTypeEntry *TypeDatabase::findPrimitiveType(const QString &name)
+ QList<TypeEntry *> entries = findTypes(name);
+ foreach (TypeEntry *entry, entries) {
+ if (entry != 0 && entry->isPrimitive() && static_cast<PrimitiveTypeEntry *>(entry)->preferredTargetLangType())
+ return static_cast<PrimitiveTypeEntry *>(entry);
+ }
+ return 0;
+inline ComplexTypeEntry *TypeDatabase::findComplexType(const QString &name)
+ TypeEntry *entry = findType(name);
+ if (entry != 0 && entry->isComplex())
+ return static_cast<ComplexTypeEntry *>(entry);
+ else
+ return 0;
+inline ObjectTypeEntry *TypeDatabase::findObjectType(const QString &name)
+ TypeEntry *entry = findType(name);
+ if (entry != 0 && entry->isObject())
+ return static_cast<ObjectTypeEntry *>(entry);
+ else
+ return 0;
+inline NamespaceTypeEntry *TypeDatabase::findNamespaceType(const QString &name)
+ TypeEntry *entry = findType(name);
+ if (entry != 0 && entry->isNamespace())
+ return static_cast<NamespaceTypeEntry *>(entry);
+ else
+ return 0;
+QString fixCppTypeName(const QString &name);
+#endif // TYPESYSTEM_H
diff --git a/generator/typesystem_core-common.xml b/generator/typesystem_core-common.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f05efc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/typesystem_core-common.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,1268 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <rejection class="*" function-name="d_func"/>
+ <rejection class="*" function-name="data_ptr"/>
+ <rejection class="*" function-name="detach"/>
+ <rejection class="*" function-name="isDetached"/>
+ <rejection class="*" field-name="d_ptr"/>
+ <rejection class="*" field-name="d"/>
+ <rejection class="" enum-name="QtValidLicenseForTestModule"/>
+ <rejection class="" enum-name="QtValidLicenseForDBusModule"/>
+ <rejection class="" enum-name="QtValidLicenseForSqlModule"/>
+ <rejection class="" enum-name="QtValidLicenseForOpenGLModule"/>
+ <rejection class="" enum-name="enum_1"/>
+ <rejection class="" enum-name="QtValidLicenseForXmlModule"/>
+ <rejection class="" enum-name="QtValidLicenseForXmlPatternsModule"/>
+ <rejection class="" enum-name="QtValidLicenseForActiveQtModule"/>
+ <rejection class="" enum-name="QtValidLicenseForCoreModule"/>
+ <rejection class="" enum-name="QtValidLicenseForQt3SupportLightModule"/>
+ <rejection class="" enum-name="QtValidLicenseForQt3SupportModule"/>
+ <rejection class="" enum-name="QtValidLicenseForNetworkModule"/>
+ <rejection class="" enum-name="QtValidLicenseForSvgModule"/>
+ <rejection class="" enum-name="QtValidLicenseForGuiModule"/>
+ <rejection class="" enum-name="QtValidLicenseForScriptModule"/>
+ <rejection class="" enum-name="QtValidLicenseForHelpModule"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent" enum-name="enum_1" />
+ <rejection class="QFuture::const_iterator" />
+ <rejection class="QFutureInterface" />
+ <rejection class="QFutureInterfaceBase" />
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::BlockSizeManager" />
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::ConstMemberFunctionWrapper" />
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::Exception"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::FilterKernel"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::FilteredEachKernel"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::FilteredReducedKernel"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::FunctionWrapper0"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::FunctionWrapper1"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::FunctionWrapper2"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::IntermediateResults"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::IterateKernel"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::MapKernel"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::MappedEachKernel"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::MappedReducedKernel"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::Median"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::MemberFunctionWrapper"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::MemberFunctionWrapper1"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::ReduceKernel"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::ResultItem"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::ResultIterator"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::ResultIteratorBase"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::ResultReporter"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::ResultStore"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::ResultStoreBase"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectSpecialization"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredConstMemberFunctionCall0"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredConstMemberFunctionCall1"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredConstMemberFunctionCall2"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredConstMemberFunctionCall3"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredConstMemberFunctionCall4"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredConstMemberFunctionCall5"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredConstMemberFunctionPointerCall0"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredConstMemberFunctionPointerCall1"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredConstMemberFunctionPointerCall2"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredConstMemberFunctionPointerCall3"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredConstMemberFunctionPointerCall4"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredConstMemberFunctionPointerCall5"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredFunctorCall0"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredFunctorCall1"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredFunctorCall2"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredFunctorCall3"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredFunctorCall4"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredFunctorCall5"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredFunctorPointerCall0"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredFunctorPointerCall1"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredFunctorPointerCall2"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredFunctorPointerCall3"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredFunctorPointerCall4"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredFunctorPointerCall5"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredMemberFunctionCall0"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredMemberFunctionCall1"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredMemberFunctionCall2"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredMemberFunctionCall3"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredMemberFunctionCall4"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredMemberFunctionCall5"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredMemberFunctionPointerCall0"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredMemberFunctionPointerCall1"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredMemberFunctionPointerCall2"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredMemberFunctionPointerCall3"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredMemberFunctionPointerCall4"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredMemberFunctionPointerCall5"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SequenceHolder1"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SequenceHolder2"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredConstMemberFunctionCall0"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredConstMemberFunctionCall1"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredConstMemberFunctionCall2"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredConstMemberFunctionCall3"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredConstMemberFunctionCall4"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredConstMemberFunctionCall5"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredConstMemberFunctionPointerCall0"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredConstMemberFunctionPointerCall1"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredConstMemberFunctionPointerCall2"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredConstMemberFunctionPointerCall3"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredConstMemberFunctionPointerCall4"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredConstMemberFunctionPointerCall5"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredFunctorCall0"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredFunctorCall1"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredFunctorCall2"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredFunctorCall3"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredFunctorCall4"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredFunctorCall5"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredFunctorPointerCall0"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredFunctorPointerCall1"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredFunctorPointerCall2"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredFunctorPointerCall3"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredFunctorPointerCall4"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredFunctorPointerCall5"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredMemberFunctionCall0"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredMemberFunctionCall1"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredMemberFunctionCall2"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredMemberFunctionCall3"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredMemberFunctionCall4"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredMemberFunctionCall5"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredMemberFunctionPointerCall0"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredMemberFunctionPointerCall1"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredMemberFunctionPointerCall2"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredMemberFunctionPointerCall3"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredMemberFunctionPointerCall4"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredMemberFunctionPointerCall5"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineSemaphore"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarter"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::UnhandledException"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredConstMemberFunctionCall0"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredConstMemberFunctionCall1"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredConstMemberFunctionCall2"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredConstMemberFunctionCall3"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredConstMemberFunctionCall4"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredConstMemberFunctionCall5"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredConstMemberFunctionPointerCall0"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredConstMemberFunctionPointerCall1"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredConstMemberFunctionPointerCall2"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredConstMemberFunctionPointerCall3"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredConstMemberFunctionPointerCall4"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredConstMemberFunctionPointerCall5"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredFunctorCall0"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredFunctorCall1"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredFunctorCall2"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredFunctorCall3"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredFunctorCall4"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredFunctorCall5"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredFunctorPointerCall0"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredFunctorPointerCall1"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredFunctorPointerCall2"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredFunctorPointerCall3"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredFunctorPointerCall4"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredFunctorPointerCall5"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredMemberFunctionCall0"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredMemberFunctionCall1"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredMemberFunctionCall2"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredMemberFunctionCall3"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredMemberFunctionCall4"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredMemberFunctionCall5"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredMemberFunctionPointerCall0"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredMemberFunctionPointerCall1"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredMemberFunctionPointerCall2"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredMemberFunctionPointerCall3"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredMemberFunctionPointerCall4"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredMemberFunctionPointerCall5"/>
+ <rejection class="QMdi" />
+ <rejection class="stdext" />
+ <rejection class="QAlgorithmsPrivate"/>
+ <rejection class="QAtomic"/>
+ <rejection class="QAtomicPointer"/>
+ <rejection class="QAtomicInt" />
+ <rejection class="QBasicAtomicInt" />
+ <rejection class="QBasicAtomic"/>
+ <rejection class="QBasicAtomicPointer"/>
+ <rejection class="QBitRef"/>
+ <rejection class="QCache"/>
+ <rejection class="QCharRef"/>
+ <rejection class="QDebug"/>
+ <rejection class="QExplicitlySharedDataPointer"/>
+ <rejection class="QFlag"/>
+ <rejection class="QFlags"/>
+ <rejection class="QForeachContainer"/>
+ <rejection class="QForeachContainerBase"/>
+ <rejection class="QGlobalStatic"/>
+ <rejection class="QHash"/>
+ <rejection class="QHashData"/>
+ <rejection class="QHashDummyNode"/>
+ <rejection class="QHashDummyNode"/>
+ <rejection class="QHashDummyNode"/>
+ <rejection class="QHashDummyNode"/>
+ <rejection class="QHashDummyNode"/>
+ <rejection class="QHashDummyValue"/>
+ <rejection class="QHashIterator"/>
+ <rejection class="QHashNode"/>
+ <rejection class="QHashNode"/>
+ <rejection class="QHashNode"/>
+ <rejection class="QHashNode"/>
+ <rejection class="QHashNode"/>
+ <rejection class="QInternal"/>
+ <rejection class="QLibrary"/>
+ <rejection class="QLinkedList"/>
+ <rejection class="QLinkedListData"/>
+ <rejection class="QLinkedListIterator"/>
+ <rejection class="QLinkedListNode"/>
+ <rejection class="QListData"/>
+ <rejection class="QListIterator"/>
+ <rejection class="QMap"/>
+ <rejection class="QMapData"/>
+ <rejection class="QMapIterator"/>
+ <rejection class="QMetaType"/>
+ <rejection class="QMetaTypeId"/>
+ <rejection class="QMetaProperty"/>
+ <rejection class="QMetaObject"/>
+ <rejection class="QMetaClassInfo"/>
+ <rejection class="QMetaMethod"/>
+ <rejection class="QMetaEnum"/>
+ <rejection class="QMultiHash"/>
+ <rejection class="QMultiMap"/>
+ <rejection class="QMutableHashIterator"/>
+ <rejection class="QMutableLinkedListIterator"/>
+ <rejection class="QMutableListIterator"/>
+ <rejection class="QMutableMapIterator"/>
+ <rejection class="QMutableVectorIterator"/>
+ <rejection class="QMutexLocker"/>
+ <rejection class="QNoImplicitBoolCast"/>
+ <rejection class="QObjectCleanupHandler"/>
+ <rejection class="QObjectData"/>
+ <rejection class="QObjectUserData"/>
+ <rejection class="QPluginLoader"/>
+ <rejection class="QPointer"/>
+ <rejection class="QReadLocker"/>
+ <rejection class="QResource"/>
+ <rejection class="QSet"/>
+ <rejection class="QSetIterator"/>
+ <rejection class="QSharedData"/>
+ <rejection class="QSharedDataPointer"/>
+ <rejection class="QStack"/>
+ <rejection class="QSysInfo"/>
+ <rejection class="QTextStreamManipulator"/>
+ <rejection class="QThreadStorage"/>
+ <rejection class="QThreadStorageData"/>
+ <rejection class="QTypeInfo"/>
+ <rejection class="QTypeInfo"/>
+ <rejection class="QVFbKeyData"/>
+ <rejection class="QVariantComparisonHelper"/>
+ <rejection class="QVectorData"/>
+ <rejection class="QVectorIterator"/>
+ <rejection class="QVectorTypedData"/>
+ <rejection class="QWriteLocker"/>
+ <rejection class="QtPrivate"/>
+ <rejection class="qGreater"/>
+ <rejection class="qLess"/>
+ <rejection class="std"/>
+ <rejection class="QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption"/>
+ <rejection class="QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionReturn"/>
+ <rejection class="QByteArray::Data"/>
+ <rejection class="QIntForType"/>
+ <rejection class="QList::Node"/>
+ <rejection class="QList::const_iterator"/>
+ <rejection class="QList::iterator"/>
+ <rejection class="QMetaTypeId2"/>
+ <rejection class="QMutableSetIterator"/>
+ <rejection class="QSubString"/>
+ <rejection class="QUintForType"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::internal" />
+ <rejection class="QLocale::Data" />
+ <rejection class="QGlobalStaticDeleter" />
+ <rejection class="QSharedMemory" /> <!-- Temporarily until we know how to implement it in Java -->
+ <rejection class="QVarLengthArray" />
+ <!-- DBus -->
+ <rejection class="QDBusAbstractAdaptor" />
+ <rejection class="QDBusAbstractInterface" />
+ <rejection class="QDBusArgument" />
+ <rejection class="QDBusConnection" />
+ <rejection class="QDBusConnectionInterface" />
+ <rejection class="QDBusContext" />
+ <rejection class="QDBusError" />
+ <rejection class="QDBusInterface" />
+ <rejection class="QDBusMessage" />
+ <rejection class="QDBusMetaType" />
+ <rejection class="QDBusObjectPath" />
+ <rejection class="QDBusReply" />
+ <rejection class="QDBusServer" />
+ <rejection class="QDBusSignature" />
+ <rejection class="QDBusVariant" />
+ <rejection class="_Revbidit" />
+ <rejection class="_complex" />
+ <rejection class="_exception" />
+ <rejection class="_iobuf" />
+ <rejection class="_stat" />
+ <rejection class="_wfinddata_t" />
+ <rejection class="exception" />
+ <rejection class="istreambuf_iterator" />
+ <rejection class="ostreambuf_iterator" />
+ <rejection class="reverse_bidirectional_iterator" />
+ <rejection class="reverse_iterator" />
+ <rejection class="stat" />
+ <rejection class="tm" />
+ <rejection class="QAbstractEventDispatcher" function-name="filterEvent"/>
+ <rejection class="QAbstractEventDispatcher" function-name="setEventFilter"/>
+ <rejection class="QAbstractFileEngine" function-name="beginEntryList"/>
+ <rejection class="QAbstractFileEngine" function-name="endEntryList"/>
+ <rejection class="QAbstractFileEngine" function-name="extension"/>
+ <rejection class="QCoreApplication" function-name="compressEvent"/>
+ <rejection class="QCoreApplication" function-name="eventFilter"/>
+ <rejection class="QCoreApplication" function-name="filterEvent"/>
+ <rejection class="QCoreApplication" function-name="setEventFilter"/>
+ <rejection class="QFile" function-name="setDecodingFunction"/>
+ <rejection class="QFile" function-name="setEncodingFunction"/>
+ <rejection class="QList" function-name="begin"/>
+ <rejection class="QList" function-name="constBegin"/>
+ <rejection class="QList" function-name="constEnd"/>
+ <rejection class="QList" function-name="end"/>
+ <rejection class="QList" function-name="erase"/>
+ <rejection class="QList" function-name="erase"/>
+ <rejection class="QList" function-name="free"/>
+ <rejection class="QList" function-name="fromList"/>
+ <rejection class="QList" function-name="fromSet"/>
+ <rejection class="QList" function-name="fromSet"/>
+ <rejection class="QList" function-name="insert"/>
+ <rejection class="QList" function-name="malloc"/>
+ <rejection class="QList" function-name="node_construct"/>
+ <rejection class="QList" function-name="node_copy"/>
+ <rejection class="QList" function-name="node_destruct"/>
+ <rejection class="QList" function-name="toSet"/>
+ <rejection class="QObject" function-name="receivers"/>
+ <rejection class="QObject" function-name="findChild"/>
+ <rejection class="QObject" function-name="findChildren"/>
+ <rejection class="QObject" function-name="setUserData"/>
+ <rejection class="QObject" function-name="userData"/>
+ <rejection class="QObject" function-name="destroyed"/>
+ <rejection class="QObject" function-name="connect"/>
+ <rejection class="QObject" function-name="connectNotify"/>
+ <rejection class="QObject" function-name="disconnect"/>
+ <rejection class="QObject" function-name="disconnectNotify"/>
+ <rejection class="QObject" function-name="registerUserData"/>
+ <rejection class="QObject" function-name="sender"/>
+ <rejection class="QTimer" function-name="singleShot"/>
+ <rejection class="QProcess" function-name="pid"/>
+ <rejection class="QRegion" function-name="cleanUp"/>
+ <rejection class="QSettings" function-name="registerFormat"/>
+ <rejection class="QVector" function-name="back"/>
+ <rejection class="QVector" function-name="begin"/>
+ <rejection class="QVector" function-name="constBegin"/>
+ <rejection class="QVector" function-name="constEnd"/>
+ <rejection class="QVector" function-name="end"/>
+ <rejection class="QVector" function-name="erase"/>
+ <rejection class="QVector" function-name="free"/>
+ <rejection class="QVector" function-name="front"/>
+ <rejection class="QVector" function-name="insert"/>
+ <rejection class="QVector" function-name="malloc"/>
+ <rejection class="QVector" function-name="alloc"/>
+ <rejection class="QVector" function-name="operator+="/>
+ <rejection class="QAbstractFileEngineIterator" function-name="entryInfo"/>
+ <rejection class="QAbstractFileEngineIterator" enum-name="EntryInfoType"/>
+ <rejection class="QDataStream" enum-name="ByteOrder"/>
+ <namespace-type name="Qt">
+ <modify-function signature="codecForHtml(const QByteArray &amp;)" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="mightBeRichText(const QString &amp;)" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="escape(const QString&amp;)" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="convertFromPlainText(const QString &amp;, Qt::WhiteSpaceMode)" remove="all" />
+ </namespace-type>
+ <enum-type name="QtMsgType">
+ <reject-enum-value name="QtSystemMsg" />
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QSystemSemaphore::AccessMode" />
+ <enum-type name="QSystemSemaphore::SystemSemaphoreError" />
+ <enum-type name="QTextBoundaryFinder::BoundaryReason" flags="QTextBoundaryFinder::BoundaryReasons" />
+ <enum-type name="QTextBoundaryFinder::BoundaryType" />
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractFileEngine::Extension" extensible="yes"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag" flags="QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlags"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractFileEngine::FileName"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractFileEngine::FileOwner"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractFileEngine::FileTime"/>
+ <enum-type name="QDataStream::Status"/>
+ <enum-type name="QDir::Filter" flags="QDir::Filters"/>
+ <enum-type name="QEvent::Type" extensible="yes">
+ <reject-enum-value name="ApplicationActivated"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="ApplicationDeactivated"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag" flags="QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlags"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFile::FileError"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFile::MemoryMapFlags" />
+ <enum-type name="QFile::Permission" flags="QFile::Permissions"/>
+ <enum-type name="QIODevice::OpenModeFlag" flags="QIODevice::OpenMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QLibraryInfo::LibraryLocation"/>
+ <enum-type name="QLocale::FormatType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QLocale::NumberOption" flags="QLocale::NumberOptions"/>
+ <enum-type name="QLocale::MeasurementSystem" />
+ <enum-type name="QMutex::RecursionMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QProcess::ExitStatus"/>
+ <enum-type name="QProcess::ProcessChannel"/>
+ <enum-type name="QProcess::ProcessChannelMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QProcess::ProcessError"/>
+ <enum-type name="QProcess::ProcessState"/>
+ <enum-type name="QRegExp::CaretMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QRegExp::PatternSyntax"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSettings::Format"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSettings::Scope"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSettings::Status"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSocketNotifier::Type"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSystemLocale::QueryType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextCodec::ConversionFlag" flags="QTextCodec::ConversionFlags"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextStream::FieldAlignment"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextStream::NumberFlag" flags="QTextStream::NumberFlags"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextStream::RealNumberNotation"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextStream::Status"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTimeLine::CurveShape"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTimeLine::Direction"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTimeLine::State"/>
+ <enum-type name="QUrl::FormattingOption" flags="QUrl::FormattingOptions"/>
+ <enum-type name="QUrl::ParsingMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QUuid::Variant"/>
+ <enum-type name="QUuid::Version"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::SizeHint" />
+ <enum-type name="Qt::SizeMode" />
+ <enum-type name="Qt::WindowFrameSection" />
+ <enum-type name="Qt::Axis"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::AnchorAttribute"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::ApplicationAttribute"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::ArrowType"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::AspectRatioMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::BGMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::BrushStyle"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::CaseSensitivity"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::CheckState"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::ClipOperation"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::ConnectionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::ContextMenuPolicy"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::Corner"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::DayOfWeek"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::DockWidgetAreaSizes"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::DropAction" flags="Qt::DropActions"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::FillRule"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::FocusPolicy"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::FocusReason"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::GlobalColor"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::HitTestAccuracy"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::InputMethodQuery"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::ItemFlag" flags="Qt::ItemFlags"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::ItemSelectionMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::KeyboardModifier" flags="Qt::KeyboardModifiers"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::LayoutDirection"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::MatchFlag" flags="Qt::MatchFlags"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::Modifier"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::MouseButton" flags="Qt::MouseButtons"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::Orientation" flags="Qt::Orientations"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::PenCapStyle"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::PenJoinStyle"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::PenStyle"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::ScrollBarPolicy"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::ShortcutContext"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::SortOrder"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::TextElideMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::TextFlag"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::TextFormat"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::TextInteractionFlag" flags="Qt::TextInteractionFlags"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::TimeSpec"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::ToolBarAreaSizes"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::ToolButtonStyle"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::TransformationMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::UIEffect"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::WhiteSpaceMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::WindowModality"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::WindowState" flags="Qt::WindowStates"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::WindowType" flags="Qt::WindowFlags"/>
+ <enum-type name="QDirIterator::IteratorFlag" flags="QDirIterator::IteratorFlags"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::EventPriority"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::MaskMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QCryptographicHash::Algorithm"/>
+ <enum-type name="QtConcurrent::ReduceOption" flags="QtConcurrent::ReduceOptions" />
+ <enum-type name="QtConcurrent::ThreadFunctionResult" />
+ <enum-type name="QCoreApplication::Encoding">
+ <reject-enum-value name="DefaultCodec"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::AlignmentFlag" flags="Qt::Alignment">
+ <reject-enum-value name="AlignLeading"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="AlignTrailing"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::CursorShape">
+ <reject-enum-value name="LastCursor"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::DateFormat">
+ <reject-enum-value name="LocalDate"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::ItemDataRole" force-integer="yes">
+ <reject-enum-value name="BackgroundColorRole"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="TextColorRole"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QDataStream::Version">
+ <reject-enum-value name="Qt_4_1"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="Qt_4_5"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QDir::SortFlag" flags="QDir::SortFlags">
+ <reject-enum-value name="Unsorted"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::DockWidgetArea" flags="Qt::DockWidgetAreas">
+ <reject-enum-value name="AllDockWidgetAreas"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::ImageConversionFlag" flags="Qt::ImageConversionFlags">
+ <reject-enum-value name="AutoDither"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="ColorOnly"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="DiffuseDither"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="NoAlpha"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="ThresholdAlphaDither"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::Key">
+ <reject-enum-value name="Key_Any"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QLocale::Language">
+ <reject-enum-value name="LastLanguage"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="NorwegianBokmal"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="Nynorsk"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QLocale::Country">
+ <reject-enum-value name="LastCountry"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::ToolBarArea" flags="Qt::ToolBarAreas">
+ <reject-enum-value name="AllToolBarAreas"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::WidgetAttribute">
+ <reject-enum-value name="WA_ForceAcceptDrops"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="WA_NoBackground"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="WA_MacMetalStyle"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <value-type name="QBasicTimer"/>
+ <value-type name="QByteArrayMatcher">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QByteArrayMatcher)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QDate">
+ <modify-function signature="julianToGregorian(uint,int&amp;,int&amp;,int&amp;)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setYMD(int, int, int)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QDateTime">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QDateTime)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QDir">
+ <modify-function signature="QDir(QString,QString,QFlags&lt;QDir::SortFlag&gt;,QFlags&lt;QDir::Filter&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <replace-default-expression with="SortFlag.Name, SortFlag.IgnoreCase"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QDir)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QString)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="addResourceSearchPath(QString)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QPoint"/>
+ <value-type name="QPointF"/>
+ <value-type name="QRect">
+ <modify-function signature="getCoords(int*,int*,int*,int*)const"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getRect(int*,int*,int*,int*)const"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&amp;=(QRect)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator|=(QRect)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&amp;(QRect)const"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator|(QRect)const"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="intersect(const QRect&amp;)const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="unite(const QRect&amp;)const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QRectF">
+ <modify-function signature="getCoords(double*,double*,double*,double*)const"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getRect(double*,double*,double*,double*)const"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&amp;=(QRectF)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator|=(QRectF)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&amp;(QRectF)const"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator|(QRectF)const"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="intersect(const QRectF&amp;)const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="unite(const QRectF&amp;)const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QSize">
+ <modify-function signature="operator*=(double)"> <access modifier="private"/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator/=(double)"> <access modifier="private"/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator+=(QSize)"> <access modifier="private"/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator-=(QSize)"> <access modifier="private"/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="rheight()"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="rwidth()"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QSizeF">
+ <modify-function signature="operator*=(double)"> <access modifier="private"/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator/=(double)"> <access modifier="private"/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator+=(QSizeF)"> <access modifier="private"/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator-=(QSizeF)"> <access modifier="private"/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="rheight()"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="rwidth()"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QStringMatcher">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QStringMatcher)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QTime"/>
+ <value-type name="QPersistentModelIndex">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QPersistentModelIndex)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QModelIndex)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="internalPointer()const" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QUuid">
+ <modify-function signature="QUuid(const char*)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QLocale">
+ <modify-function signature="toString(unsigned long long) const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="toString(unsigned short) const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="toString(unsigned int) const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="toUInt(QString,bool*,int)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="toULongLong(QString,bool*,int)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QLocale)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QBitArray">
+ <modify-function signature="operator[](int)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator[](int)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator[](uint)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator[](uint)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&amp;=(QBitArray)" access="private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QBitArray)" access="private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator^=(QBitArray)" access="private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator|=(QBitArray)" access="private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator~()const" access="private"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <object-type name="QDirIterator"/>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractFileEngineIterator"/>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractItemModel"/>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractListModel">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QSize" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </object-type>
+ <value-type name="QUrl">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QUrl)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QString)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="fromPunycode(const QByteArray&amp;)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="toPunycode(const QString&amp;)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QRegExp">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QRegExp)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QFileInfo">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QDateTime" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QDir" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="operator!=(const QFileInfo &amp;)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator==(const QFileInfo &amp;)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QFileInfo)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setFile(QFile)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="readLink()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </value-type>
+ <!-- <interface-type name="QFactoryInterface" java-name="QAbstractFactory" /> -->
+ <value-type name="QByteArray">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QNoImplicitBoolCast" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <!-- removed functions -->
+ <modify-function signature="begin()" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="begin()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="constBegin()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="constData()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="constEnd()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="count()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="data()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="end()" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="end()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="number(uint,int)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="number(unsigned long long,int)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator const char *()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator const void *()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator+=(const char*)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(const char*)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator[](int)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator[](int)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator[](uint)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator[](uint)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="push_back(char)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="push_back(const QByteArray&amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="push_back(const char*)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="push_front(char)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="push_front(const QByteArray&amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="push_front(const char*)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setNum(uint,int)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setNum(unsigned long long,int)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setNum(unsigned short,int)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="toLong(bool*, int) const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="toLongLong(bool*, int) const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="toShort(bool*, int) const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="toUInt(bool*, int) const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="toULong(bool*, int) const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="toULongLong(bool*, int) const" remove="all"/>
+ <!-- functions made private... -->
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QByteArray)" access="private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator+=(QByteArray)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator+=(QString)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator+=(char)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QTextBoundaryFinder">
+ <modify-function signature="QTextBoundaryFinder(QTextBoundaryFinder::BoundaryType,const QChar*,int,unsigned char*,int)" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QTextBoundaryFinder)" remove="all" />
+ </value-type>
+ <object-type name="QXmlStreamEntityResolver" />
+ <object-type name="QAbstractEventDispatcher"/>
+ <object-type name="QEventLoop"/>
+ <object-type name="QFile">
+ <modify-function signature="readLink()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="readLink(QString)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="map(long long,long long,QFile::MemoryMapFlags)" remove="all" /> <!-- Can't provide same API and performance -->
+ <modify-function signature="unmap(unsigned char*)" remove="all" /> <!-- Can't provide same API and performance -->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QIODevice"/>
+ <object-type name="QCryptographicHash"/>
+ <object-type name="QLibraryInfo"/>
+ <object-type name="QMutex"/>
+ <object-type name="QSemaphore"/>
+ <object-type name="QSocketNotifier"/>
+ <object-type name="QSystemLocale"/>
+ <object-type name="QTemporaryFile">
+ <modify-function signature="fileName()const" rename="uniqueFilename"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QMimeData">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QUrl" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTextCodec">
+ <modify-function signature="setCodecForTr(QTextCodec*)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcCodecForTr"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCodecForCStrings(QTextCodec*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcCodecForCStrings"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCodecForLocale(QTextCodec*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcCodecForLocale"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="codecForTr()">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QTextCodec()">
+ <modify-argument index="-1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="fromUnicode(const QChar*,int,QTextCodec::ConverterState*)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="toUnicode(const char*,int,QTextCodec::ConverterState*)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="toUnicode(const char*)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTextDecoder">
+ <modify-function signature="toUnicode(const char*,int)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="toUnicode(QString*,const char*,int)" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTextEncoder">
+ <modify-function signature="fromUnicode(const QChar*,int)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTimeLine"/>
+ <object-type name="QTranslator">
+ <modify-function signature="translate(const char*,const char*,const char*,int)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QWaitCondition"/>
+ <object-type name="QFileSystemWatcher">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTextCodec::ConverterState">
+ <include file-name="QTextCodec" location="global"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QBuffer">
+ <modify-function signature="buffer()">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTimer"/>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractFileEngineHandler">
+ <modify-function signature="create(const QString &amp;) const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership owner="c++" class="shell"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <!-- <object-type name="QAbstractFileEngine::MapExtensionOption" /> -->
+ <!-- <object-type name="QAbstractFileEngine::MapExtensionReturn" /> -->
+ <!-- <object-type name="QAbstractFileEngine::UnMapExtensionOption" /> -->
+ <object-type name="QAbstractFileEngine">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QDateTime" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="map(long long,long long,QFile::MemoryMapFlags)" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="unmap(unsigned char*)" remove="all" />
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QProcess">
+ <modify-function signature="readChannelMode()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setReadChannelMode(QProcess::ProcessChannelMode)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QSignalMapper">
+ <modify-function signature="mapped(const QString &amp;)">
+ <rename to="mappedString"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="mapped(int)">
+ <rename to="mappedInteger"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="mapped(QObject *)">
+ <rename to="mappedQObject"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="mapped(QWidget *)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="mapping(QWidget*)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setMapping(QObject*,QWidget*)" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QObject">
+ <modify-function signature="childEvent(QChildEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="customEvent(QEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="event(QEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="eventFilter(QObject*,QEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="timerEvent(QTimerEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="installEventFilter(QObject*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="add" variable-name="__rcEventFilters"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeEventFilter(QObject*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="remove" variable-name="__rcEventFilters"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setParent(QObject*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="deleteLater()">
+ <rename to="disposeLater"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <!--
+ <modify-function signature="inherits(const char*)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ -->
+ <modify-function signature="property(const char*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setProperty(const char*,QVariant)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QVarLengthArray" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QCoreApplication">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="argv()" remove="all" /> <!-- Obsolete -->
+ <modify-function signature="argc()" remove="all" /> <!-- Obsolete -->
+ <modify-function signature="notify(QObject*,QEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QCoreApplication(int &amp;, char **)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removePostedEvents(QObject*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removePostedEvents(QObject*,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="installTranslator(QTranslator *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="add" variable-name="__rcTranslators"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeTranslator(QTranslator *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="remove" variable-name="__rcTranslators"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="postEvent(QObject*,QEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QSettings">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="setSystemIniPath(const QString&amp;)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setUserIniPath(const QString&amp;)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QEvent" polymorphic-base="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::None"/>
+ <object-type name="QChildEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::ChildAdded || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::ChildPolished || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::ChildRemoved">
+ <modify-field name="c" read="false" write="false"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTimerEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::Timer"/>
+ <object-type name="QDynamicPropertyChangeEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::DynamicPropertyChange"/>
+ <object-type name="QDataStream">
+ <modify-function signature="setDevice(QIODevice*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcDevice"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="unsetDevice()">
+ <inject-code position="end">
+ __rcDevice = null;
+ </inject-code>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(const char*)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(unsigned int)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(unsigned long long)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(unsigned short)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(char &amp;*)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="readRawData(char*,int)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="readBytes(char&amp;*,uint&amp;)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="writeRawData(const char*,int)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="writeBytes(const char*,uint)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QFSFileEngine">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QDateTime" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTextStream">
+ <modify-function signature="QTextStream(QByteArray *, QFlags&lt;QIODevice::OpenModeFlag&gt;)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QTextStream(QString*,QFlags&lt;QIODevice::OpenModeFlag&gt;)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(QChar&amp;)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(const void*)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(unsigned int)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(unsigned long long)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(const QChar &amp;)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(unsigned long)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(signed long)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(const char*)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(unsigned short)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(unsigned long long&amp;)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(ulong&amp;)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setString(QString*,QFlags&lt;QIODevice::OpenModeFlag&gt;)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="string()const"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(signed long&amp;)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(char*)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(QByteArray&amp;)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(QString&amp;)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCodec(QTextCodec *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcCodec"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QTextStream(QIODevice *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcDevice"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setDevice(QIODevice *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcDevice"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QSystemSemaphore" />
+ <namespace-type name="QtConcurrent" target-type="class" />
+ <value-type name="QFuture" generate="no">
+ <modify-function signature="operator T() const" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(const QFuture &amp;)" remove="all" />
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QtScriptVoidFuture" java-name="QFutureVoid">
+ <modify-function signature="resultCount()const" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="isResultReadyAt(int)const" remove="all" />
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QtScriptFuture" java-name="QFuture" generic-class="yes" />
+ <object-type name="QFutureWatcherBase">
+ <modify-function signature="connectNotify(const char *)" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="disconnectNotify(const char *)" remove="all" />
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QtScriptVoidFutureWatcher" java-name="QFutureWatcherVoid" />
+ <object-type name="QFutureWatcher" generate="no">
+ <modify-function signature="future()const" remove="all" />
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QtScriptFutureWatcher" java-name="QFutureWatcher" generic-class="yes" />
+ <object-type name="QFutureSynchronizer" generate="no" />
+ <object-type name="QtScriptFutureSynchronizer" generic-class="yes" java-name="QFutureSynchronizer" />
+ <object-type name="QtScriptVoidFutureSynchronizer" java-name="QFutureSynchronizerVoid" />
+ <object-type name="QThreadPool" />
+ <object-type name="QFutureIterator" generate="no">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(const QFuture&amp;)" remove="all" />
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QtScriptFutureIterator" generic-class="yes" java-name="QFutureIterator" />
+ <object-type name="QRunnable" />
+ <value-type name="QXmlStreamAttribute"/>
+ <value-type name="QXmlStreamAttributes"/>
+ <value-type name="QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration"/>
+ <value-type name="QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration"/>
+ <value-type name="QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration"/>
+ <object-type name="QXmlStreamReader"/>
+ <object-type name="QXmlStreamWriter"/>
+ <value-type name="QModelIndex"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type 'std::*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type '*Private\*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type '*Private&amp;'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type 'QMetaObject'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type 'FILE\*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type 'QByteArray::Data\*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type 'QTSMFC'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type 'QTSMFI'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type 'QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption const\*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type 'QAbstractFileEngine::Iterator\*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type 'QDataStream::ByteOrder'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: visibility of function '*' modified in class '*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: hiding of function '*' in class '*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(CppImplGenerator) :: protected function '*' in final class '*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type 'QPointer&lt;*&gt;'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type 'QVector&lt;*&gt;'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="* private virtual function '*' in 'QAbstractListModel'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="* private virtual function '*' in 'QAbstractTableModel'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="* private virtual function '*' in 'QListWidget'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="* private virtual function '*' in 'QTreeWidget'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="* private virtual function '*' in 'QFontDialog'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="* private virtual function '*' in 'QTableWidget'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QDateTime' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QPersistentModelIndex' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QUuid' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QRect' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QTime' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QLocale' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QDir' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QPointF' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QSize' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QFileInfo' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QSizeF' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QRegExp' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QRectF' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QDate' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QPoint' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QUrl' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QFutureWatcherBase::futureInterface', unmatched return type 'QFutureInterfaceBase&amp;'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QFutureWatcherBase::futureInterface', unmatched return type 'QFutureInterfaceBase const&amp;'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QFutureWatcher::futureInterface', unmatched return type 'QFutureInterfaceBase&amp;'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QFutureWatcher::futureInterface', unmatched return type 'QFutureInterfaceBase const&amp;'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QFuture' has equals operators but no qHash() function" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: unknown operator 'T'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QFutureVoid' has equals operators but no qHash() function" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QFuture::constBegin', unmatched return type 'const_iterator'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QFuture::end', unmatched return type 'const_iterator'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QFuture::constEnd', unmatched return type 'const_iterator'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QFuture::QFuture', unmatched parameter type 'QFutureInterface&lt;T&gt;*'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QFuture::begin', unmatched return type 'const_iterator'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::blockingMapped', unmatched return type 'Sequence'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::blockingMapped', unmatched return type 'QList&lt;U&gt;'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::blockingMapped', unmatched return type 'QList&lt;MapFunctor::result_type&gt;'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::blockingMapped', unmatched return type 'OutputSequence'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::filtered', unmatched parameter type 'Iterator'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::filtered', unmatched parameter type 'Sequence const&amp;'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::filter', unmatched parameter type 'Sequence&amp;'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::startFiltered', unmatched return type 'ThreadEngineStarter&lt;Sequence::value_type&gt;'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::startFiltered', unmatched return type 'ThreadEngineStarter&lt;Iterator::value_type&gt;'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::blockingMappedReduced', unmatched return type 'V'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::blockingMappedReduced', unmatched return type 'W'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::blockingMappedReduced', unmatched return type 'ResultType'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::blockingMappedReduced', unmatched return type 'U'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::blockingFiltered', unmatched return type 'OutputSequence'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::blockingFiltered', unmatched return type 'Sequence'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::startMappedReduced', unmatched return type 'ThreadEngineStarter&lt;ResultType&gt;'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::blockingFilteredReduced', unmatched return type 'U'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::blockingFilteredReduced', unmatched return type 'V'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::blockingFilteredReduced', unmatched return type 'ResultType'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::startMap', unmatched return type 'ThreadEngineStarter&lt;void&gt;'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::startThreadEngine', unmatched return type 'ThreadEngineStarter&lt;ThreadEngine::ResultType&gt;'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::mappedReduced', unmatched parameter type 'Iterator'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::mappedReduced', unmatched parameter type 'Sequence const&amp;'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::filteredReduced', unmatched parameter type 'Iterator'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::filteredReduced', unmatched parameter type 'Sequence const&amp;'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::map', unmatched parameter type 'Iterator'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::map', unmatched parameter type 'Sequence&amp;'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::filterInternal', unmatched return type 'ThreadEngineStarter&lt;void&gt;'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::createFunctor', unmatched return type 'QtConcurrent::SelectMemberFunctor0lt;T,Class&gt;::type'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::createFunctor', unmatched return type 'SelectFunctor0&lt;T,T&gt;::type'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::mapped', unmatched parameter type 'Iterator'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::mapped', unmatched parameter type 'Sequence const&amp;'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::blockingMap', unmatched parameter type 'Iterator'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::blockingMap', unmatched parameter type 'Sequence&amp;'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::startMapped', unmatched return type 'QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarter&lt;T&gt;'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::startFilteredReduced', unmatched return type 'ThreadEngineStarter&lt;ResultType&gt;'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::run', unmatched parameter type 'Class const*'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::run', unmatched parameter type 'Class*'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::run', unmatched parameter type 'Class const&amp;'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::run', unmatched parameter type 'FunctionObject*'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::run', unmatched parameter type 'FunctionObject'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::run', unmatched parameter type 'T'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::blockingFilter', unmatched parameter type 'Sequence&amp;'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::createFunctor', unmatched return type 'QtConcurrent::SelectMemberFunctor0&lt;T,Class&gt;::type'" />
diff --git a/generator/typesystem_core-qtscript.xml b/generator/typesystem_core-qtscript.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fba6e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/typesystem_core-qtscript.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,1473 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<typesystem package="com.trolltech.qt.core">
+ <template name="core.prepare_removed_bool*_argument">
+ bool __ok;
+ bool *%out% = &amp;__ok;
+ </template>
+ <template name="core.convert_to_null_or_wrap">
+ QScriptValue %out%;
+ if (!__ok)
+ %out% = context->engine()->nullValue();
+ else
+ %out% = qScriptValueFromValue(context->engine(), %in%);
+ </template>
+ <template name="core.convert_to_null_or_primitive">
+ QScriptValue %out%;
+ if (!__ok)
+ %out% = context->engine()->nullValue();
+ else
+ %out% = QScriptValue(context->engine(), %in%);
+ </template>
+ <template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*">
+ QByteArray tmp_%out% = %in%.toString().toLatin1();
+ const char * %out% = tmp_%out%.constData();
+ </template>
+ <template name="core.convert_int_arg_and_check_range">
+ int %out% = %in%.toInt32();
+ if ((%out% &lt; 0) || (%this%-&gt;size() &lt; %out%)) {
+ return context->throwError(QScriptContext::RangeError,
+ QString::fromLatin1("%CLASS_NAME%::%FUNCTION_NAME%(): index out of range"));
+ }
+ </template>
+ <template name="core.convert_pointer_arg_and_check_null">
+ %TYPE% %out% = qscriptvalue_cast&lt;%TYPE%&gt;(%in%);
+ if (!%out%) {
+ return context->throwError(QScriptContext::TypeError,
+ QString::fromLatin1("%CLASS_NAME%::%FUNCTION_NAME%(): failed to convert argument to %TYPE%"));
+ }
+ </template>
+ <template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string">
+ QString %out% = %in%.toString();
+ </template>
+ <namespace-type name="Qt">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QTextDocument" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </namespace-type>
+ <!-- classes that aren't deemed relevant to scripts -->
+ <rejection class="QTextCodec::ConverterState"/>
+ <rejection class="QAbstractEventDispatcher"/>
+ <rejection class="QAbstractFileEngine"/>
+ <rejection class="QAbstractFileEngineHandler"/>
+ <rejection class="QAbstractFileEngineIterator"/>
+ <rejection class="QAbstractItemModel"/>
+ <rejection class="QAbstractListModel"/>
+ <rejection class="QPersistentModelIndex"/>
+ <rejection class="QFSFileEngine"/>
+ <rejection class="QMimeData"/>
+ <rejection class="QSystemLocale"/>
+ <rejection class="QFutureWatcherBase"/>
+ <rejection class="QFutureSynchronizer"/> <!-- ### problem with shell class -->
+ <namespace-type name="QtConcurrent">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="qtconcurrentreducekernel.h" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="qtconcurrentthreadengine.h" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </namespace-type>
+ <!-- ### using ECMA Date and RegExp instead for now -->
+ <rejection class="QRegExp"/>
+ <rejection class="QDate"/>
+ <rejection class="QDateTime"/>
+ <rejection class="QByteArray" function-name="contains"/>
+ <value-type name="QFileInfo">
+ <modify-function signature="QFileInfo(QFile)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QFile*"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ QFile &amp; %out% = *qscriptvalue_cast&lt;QFile*&gt;(%in%);
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setFile(QFile)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QFile*"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ QFile &amp; %out% = *qscriptvalue_cast&lt;QFile*&gt;(%in%);
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <object-type name="QTemporaryFile">
+ <modify-function signature="createLocalFile(QFile&amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QFile*"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ QFile &amp; %out% = *qscriptvalue_cast&lt;QFile*&gt;(%in%);
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <value-type name="QLocale">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QDate" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <inject-code class="native" position="beginning">
+ </inject-code>
+ <modify-function signature="toDouble(QString,bool*)const">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.prepare_removed_bool*_argument"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_to_null_or_primitive"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="toFloat(QString,bool*)const">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.prepare_removed_bool*_argument"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_to_null_or_primitive"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="toInt(QString,bool*,int)const">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.prepare_removed_bool*_argument"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_to_null_or_primitive"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="toLongLong(QString,bool*,int)const">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.prepare_removed_bool*_argument"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ QScriptValue %out%;
+ if (!__ok)
+ %out% = context->engine()->nullValue();
+ else
+ %out% = QScriptValue(context->engine(), double(%in%)).toObject();
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="toShort(QString,bool*,int)const">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.prepare_removed_bool*_argument"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_to_null_or_primitive"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="toUShort(QString,bool*,int)const">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.prepare_removed_bool*_argument"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_to_null_or_primitive"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractEventDispatcher">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QPair" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </object-type>
+ <value-type name="QBitArray">
+ <modify-function signature="at(int)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_int_arg_and_check_range">
+ <replace from="%CLASS_NAME%" to="QBitArray"/>
+ <replace from="%FUNCTION_NAME%" to="at"/>
+ </insert-template>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="clearBit(int)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_int_arg_and_check_range">
+ <replace from="%CLASS_NAME%" to="QBitArray"/>
+ <replace from="%FUNCTION_NAME%" to="clearBit"/>
+ </insert-template>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setBit(int)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_int_arg_and_check_range">
+ <replace from="%CLASS_NAME%" to="QBitArray"/>
+ <replace from="%FUNCTION_NAME%" to="setBit"/>
+ </insert-template>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setBit(int,bool)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_int_arg_and_check_range">
+ <replace from="%CLASS_NAME%" to="QBitArray"/>
+ <replace from="%FUNCTION_NAME%" to="setBit"/>
+ </insert-template>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="testBit(int)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_int_arg_and_check_range">
+ <replace from="%CLASS_NAME%" to="QBitArray"/>
+ <replace from="%FUNCTION_NAME%" to="testBit"/>
+ </insert-template>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="toggleBit(int)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_int_arg_and_check_range">
+ <replace from="%CLASS_NAME%" to="QBitArray"/>
+ <replace from="%FUNCTION_NAME%" to="toggleBit"/>
+ </insert-template>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&amp;=(QBitArray)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QBitArray)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator^=(QBitArray)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator|=(QBitArray)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <object-type name="QBuffer">
+ <!-- ### modify to return value by pointer? -->
+ <modify-function signature="buffer()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="data()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setData(const char*,int)" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QCoreApplication">
+ <modify-function signature="QCoreApplication(int &amp;, char **)" remove="all"/>
+ <!-- ### arguments() causes a warning: "QScriptValue::setProperty(arguments): cannot change flags of a native property" -->
+ <modify-function signature="arguments()" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="translate(const char*,const char*,const char*,QCoreApplication::Encoding,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="translate(const char *,const char *,const char *,QCoreApplication::Encoding)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <value-type name="QByteArray">
+ <inject-code class="native" position="beginning">
+ </inject-code>
+ <modify-function signature="QByteArray(const char*)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="QByteArray(const char*,int)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="at(int)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_int_arg_and_check_range">
+ <replace from="%CLASS_NAME%" to="QByteArray"/>
+ <replace from="%FUNCTION_NAME%" to="at"/>
+ </insert-template>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="append(const char *)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="append(QByteArray)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="append(QString)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="append(const char *)" remove="all">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="append(char)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ <rename to="appendByte"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="count(const char *)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="data()" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="endsWith(const char *)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="fill(char,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="indexOf(const char*,int)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="indexOf(char,int)const">
+ <rename to="indexOfByte"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insert(int,QByteArray)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insert(int,QString)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insert(int,const char *)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="insert(int,char)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ <rename to="insertByte"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="lastIndexOf(const char*,int)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="lastIndexOf(char,int)const">
+ <rename to="lastIndexOfByte"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="prepend(QByteArray)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="prepend(const char *)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="prepend(char)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ <rename to="prependByte"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="remove(int,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="replace(int,int,QByteArray)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="replace(int,int,const char *)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="replace(QByteArray,QByteArray)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="replace(const char*,QByteArray)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="replace(QByteArray,const char *)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="replace(QString,QByteArray)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="replace(QString,const char *)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="replace(const char *,const char *)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="replace(char,QByteArray)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="replace(char,QString)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="replace(char,const char *)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="replace(char,char)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="startsWith(const char *)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="fromRawData(const char*,int)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="number(int,int)">
+ <rename to="fromInt"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="number(uint,int)">
+ <rename to="fromUInt"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="number(qlonglong,int)">
+ <rename to="fromLongLong"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="number(qulonglong,int)">
+ <rename to="fromULongLong"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setNum(int,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ <rename to="setInt"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setNum(uint,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ <rename to="setUInt"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setNum(short,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ <rename to="setShort"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setNum(ushort,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ <rename to="setUShort"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setNum(qlonglong,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ <rename to="setLongLong"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setNum(qulonglong,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ <rename to="setULongLong"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setNum(double,char,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ <rename to="setDouble"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setNum(float,char,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ <rename to="setFloat"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="toDouble(bool*)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.prepare_removed_bool*_argument"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_to_null_or_primitive"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="toFloat(bool*)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.prepare_removed_bool*_argument"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_to_null_or_primitive"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="toInt(bool*,int)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.prepare_removed_bool*_argument"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_to_null_or_primitive"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="toUShort(bool*,int)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.prepare_removed_bool*_argument"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_to_null_or_primitive"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <object-type name="QIODevice">
+ <modify-function signature="peek(char *,qint64)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="read(char *,qint64)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="readLine(char *,qint64)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="write(const char *,qint64)" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QFile">
+ <modify-function signature="open(int,QFlags&lt;QIODevice::OpenModeFlag&gt;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="decodeName(const char*)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="map(qint64,qint64,QFile::MemoryMapFlags)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="unmap(uchar*)" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QSignalMapper">
+ <!-- ### overloads -->
+ <modify-function signature="mapping(int)const">
+ <rename to="mappingById"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="mapping(QString)const">
+ <rename to="mappingByString"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="mapping(QObject*)const">
+ <rename to="mappingByObject"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setMapping(QObject*,int)">
+ <rename to="setMappingById"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setMapping(QObject*,QString)">
+ <rename to="setMappingByString"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setMapping(QObject*,QObject*)">
+ <rename to="setMappingByObject"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QDataStream">
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(signed char&amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(signed char)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(bool)">
+ <rename to="writeBoolean"/>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(unsigned char)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ <rename to="writeByte"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(int)">
+ <rename to="writeInt"/>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(qint64)">
+ <rename to="writeLongLong"/>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(float)">
+ <rename to="writeFloat"/>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(double)">
+ <rename to="writeDouble"/>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(short)">
+ <rename to="writeShort"/>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(bool &amp;)">
+ <rename to="readBoolean"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ bool __result;
+ bool &amp; %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="void">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ bool %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(unsigned char &amp;)">
+ <rename to="readByte"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ unsigned char __result;
+ unsigned char &amp; %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="void">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ int %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(int &amp;)">
+ <rename to="readInt"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ int __result;
+ int &amp; %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="void">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ int %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(uint &amp;)">
+ <rename to="readUInt"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ uint __result;
+ uint &amp; %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="void">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ uint %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(qint64 &amp;)">
+ <rename to="readLongLong"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ qint64 __result;
+ qint64 &amp; %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="void">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ qint64 %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(unsigned long long &amp;)">
+ <rename to="readULongLong"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ unsigned long long __result;
+ unsigned long long &amp; %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="void">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ unsigned long long %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(float &amp;)">
+ <rename to="readFloat"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ float __result;
+ float &amp; %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="void">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ float %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(double &amp;)">
+ <rename to="readDouble"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ double __result;
+ double &amp; %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="void">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ double %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(short &amp;)">
+ <rename to="readShort"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ short __result;
+ short &amp; %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="void">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ short %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(unsigned short &amp;)">
+ <rename to="readUShort"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ unsigned short __result;
+ unsigned short &amp; %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="void">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ unsigned short %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTextStream">
+ <modify-function signature="setCodec(const char *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(QBool)">
+ <rename to="writeBoolean"/>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(char)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ <rename to="writeByte"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(signed int)">
+ <rename to="writeInt"/>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(qlonglong)">
+ <rename to="writeLongLong"/>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(float)">
+ <rename to="writeFloat"/>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(double)">
+ <rename to="writeDouble"/>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(signed short)">
+ <rename to="writeShort"/>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(const QByteArray&amp;)">
+ <rename to="writeByteArray"/>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(const QString&amp;)">
+ <rename to="writeString"/>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(char&amp;)">
+ <rename to="readByte"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ char __result;
+ char &amp; %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="void">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ int %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(signed short&amp;)">
+ <rename to="readShort"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ short __result;
+ short &amp; %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="void">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ short %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(signed int&amp;)">
+ <rename to="readInt"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ int __result;
+ int &amp; %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="void">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ int %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(unsigned short&amp;)">
+ <rename to="readUShort"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ unsigned short __result;
+ unsigned short &amp; %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="void">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ unsigned short %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(unsigned int&amp;)">
+ <rename to="readUInt"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ unsigned int __result;
+ unsigned int &amp; %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="void">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ unsigned int %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(qlonglong&amp;)">
+ <rename to="readLongLong"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ qlonglong __result;
+ qlonglong &amp; %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="void">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ qlonglong %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(qulonglong&amp;)">
+ <rename to="readULongLong"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ qulonglong __result;
+ qulonglong &amp; %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="void">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ qulonglong %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(float&amp;)">
+ <rename to="readFloat"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ float __result;
+ float &amp; %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="void">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ float %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(double&amp;)">
+ <rename to="readDouble"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ double __result;
+ double &amp; %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="void">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ double %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(qulonglong)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(qulonglong)" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <value-type name="QPointF">
+ <modify-function signature="rx()" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="ry()" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QPoint">
+ <modify-function signature="rx()" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="ry()" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QPixmap">
+ <modify-function signature="save(QIODevice*, const char*, int)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <object-type name="QObject">
+ <modify-function signature="property(const char*)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setProperty(const char*,QVariant)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="inherits(const char*)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QCryptographicHash">
+ <modify-function signature="addData(const char*,int)" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <value-type name="QtScriptFuture">
+ <modify-function signature="operator==(const QFuture &amp;)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QtScriptFuture"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QFuture(const QFuture &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QtScriptFuture" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <inject-code class="native">
+ </inject-code>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QtScriptVoidFuture">
+ <modify-function signature="operator==(const QFuture &amp;)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QtScriptVoidFuture"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QFuture(const QFuture &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QtScriptVoidFuture" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <object-type name="QtScriptFutureWatcher">
+ <modify-function signature="setFuture(const QFuture &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QtScriptFuture" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QtScriptVoidFutureWatcher">
+ <modify-function signature="setFuture(const QFuture &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QtScriptVoidFuture" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QtScriptFutureSynchronizer">
+ <modify-function signature="QFutureSynchronizer(const QFuture &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QtScriptFuture" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addFuture(const QFuture &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QtScriptFuture" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setFuture(const QFuture &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QtScriptFuture" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="futures()const" remove="all" />
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QtScriptVoidFutureSynchronizer">
+ <modify-function signature="QFutureSynchronizer(const QFuture &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QtScriptVoidFuture" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addFuture(const QFuture &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QtScriptVoidFuture" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setFuture(const QFuture &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QtScriptVoidFuture" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="futures()const" remove="all" />
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QtScriptFutureIterator">
+ <modify-function signature="QFutureIterator(const QFuture &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QtScriptFuture" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <!-- QXMLStream stream stuff. This was moved from QtXml to QtCore in 4.4 -->
+ <enum-type name="QXmlStreamReader::Error" />
+ <enum-type name="QXmlStreamReader::TokenType" />
+ <value-type name="QXmlStreamAttribute">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QXmlStreamAttribute)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="name()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="namespaceUri()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="prefix()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="qualifiedName()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="value()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QXmlStreamAttributes">
+ <modify-function signature="operator+(QVector&lt;QXmlStreamAttribute>)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(QVector&lt;QXmlStreamAttribute>)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(QXmlStreamAttribute)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="push_back(QXmlStreamAttribute)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="pop_back()" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="push_front(QXmlStreamAttribute)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="pop_front()" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="value(const QString &amp;, const QLatin1String &amp;)const">
+ <remove />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="value(const QLatin1String &amp;, const QLatin1String &amp;)const">
+ <remove />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="value(const QLatin1String &amp;)const">
+ <remove />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="value(QString,QString)const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="value(QString)const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="namespaceUri()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="prefix()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="name()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="publicId()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="systemId()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="name()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="notationName()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="publicId()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="systemId()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="value()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <object-type name="QXmlStreamReader">
+ <modify-function signature="QXmlStreamReader(const char*)" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="addData(const char*)" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="setEntityResolver(QXmlStreamEntityResolver*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcEntityResolver" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="name()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="documentEncoding()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="documentVersion()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="dtdName()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="dtdPublicId()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="dtdSystemId()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="namespaceUri()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="prefix()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="processingInstructionData()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="processingInstructionTarget()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="qualifiedName()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="text()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QXmlStreamWriter">
+ <modify-function signature="QXmlStreamWriter(QString *)">
+ <remove />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCodec(const char*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="writeCurrentToken(QXmlStreamReader)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QXmlStreamReader*"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ QXmlStreamReader &amp; %out% = *qscriptvalue_cast&lt;QXmlStreamReader*&gt;(%in%);
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <primitive-type name="bool"/>
+ <primitive-type name="double"/>
+ <primitive-type name="qreal"/>
+ <primitive-type name="float"/>
+ <primitive-type name="qint64"/>
+ <primitive-type name="__int64"/>
+ <primitive-type name="unsigned __int64"/>
+ <primitive-type name="unsigned long long"/>
+ <primitive-type name="long long"/>
+ <primitive-type name="qlonglong"/>
+ <primitive-type name="qulonglong"/>
+ <primitive-type name="short"/>
+ <primitive-type name="short"/>
+ <primitive-type name="signed short"/>
+ <primitive-type name="ushort"/>
+ <primitive-type name="unsigned short"/>
+ <primitive-type name="char"/>
+ <primitive-type name="signed char"/>
+ <primitive-type name="uchar"/>
+ <primitive-type name="unsigned char"/>
+ <primitive-type name="int"/>
+ <primitive-type name="signed int"/>
+ <primitive-type name="uint"/>
+ <primitive-type name="ulong"/>
+ <primitive-type name="unsigned int"/>
+ <primitive-type name="signed long"/>
+ <primitive-type name="long"/>
+ <primitive-type name="unsigned long"/>
+ <primitive-type name="WId"/>
+ <primitive-type name="Qt::HANDLE"/>
+ <primitive-type name="QVariant::Type"/>
+ <primitive-type name="QByteRef"/>
+ <primitive-type name="QBitRef"/>
+ <primitive-type name="QBool"/>
+ <primitive-type name="jobject"/>
diff --git a/generator/typesystem_core.xml b/generator/typesystem_core.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00969ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/typesystem_core.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2589 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<typesystem package="com.trolltech.qt.core"><template name="core.prepare_removed_bool*_argument">
+ bool __ok;
+ bool *%out% = &amp;__ok;
+ </template><template name="core.convert_to_null_or_wrap">
+ QScriptValue %out%;
+ if (!__ok)
+ %out% = context-&gt;engine()-&gt;nullValue();
+ else
+ %out% = qScriptValueFromValue(context-&gt;engine(), %in%);
+ </template><template name="core.convert_to_null_or_primitive">
+ QScriptValue %out%;
+ if (!__ok)
+ %out% = context-&gt;engine()-&gt;nullValue();
+ else
+ %out% = QScriptValue(context-&gt;engine(), %in%);
+ </template><template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*">
+ QByteArray tmp_%out% = %in%.toString().toLatin1();
+ const char * %out% = tmp_%out%.constData();
+ </template><template name="core.convert_int_arg_and_check_range">
+ int %out% = %in%.toInt32();
+ if ((%out% &lt; 0) || (%this%-&gt;size() &lt; %out%)) {
+ return context-&gt;throwError(QScriptContext::RangeError,
+ QString::fromLatin1("%CLASS_NAME%::%FUNCTION_NAME%(): index out of range"));
+ }
+ </template><template name="core.convert_pointer_arg_and_check_null">
+ %TYPE% %out% = qscriptvalue_cast&lt;%TYPE%&gt;(%in%);
+ if (!%out%) {
+ return context-&gt;throwError(QScriptContext::TypeError,
+ QString::fromLatin1("%CLASS_NAME%::%FUNCTION_NAME%(): failed to convert argument to %TYPE%"));
+ }
+ </template><template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string">
+ QString %out% = %in%.toString();
+ </template><rejection class="QTextCodec::ConverterState"/><rejection class="QAbstractEventDispatcher"/><rejection class="QAbstractFileEngine"/><rejection class="QAbstractFileEngineHandler"/><rejection class="QAbstractFileEngineIterator"/><rejection class="QAbstractItemModel"/><rejection class="QAbstractListModel"/><rejection class="QPersistentModelIndex"/><rejection class="QFSFileEngine"/><rejection class="QMimeData"/><rejection class="QSystemLocale"/><rejection class="QFutureWatcherBase"/><rejection class="QFutureSynchronizer"/><rejection class="QRegExp"/><rejection class="QDate"/><rejection class="QDateTime"/><rejection class="QByteArray" function-name="contains"/><enum-type name="QXmlStreamReader::Error"/><enum-type name="QXmlStreamReader::TokenType"/><primitive-type name="bool"/><primitive-type name="double"/><primitive-type name="qreal"/><primitive-type name="float"/><primitive-type name="qint64"/><primitive-type name="__int64"/><primitive-type name="unsigned __int64"/><primitive-type name="unsigned long long"/><primitive-type name="long long"/><primitive-type name="qlonglong"/><primitive-type name="qulonglong"/><primitive-type name="short"/><primitive-type name="short"/><primitive-type name="signed short"/><primitive-type name="ushort"/><primitive-type name="unsigned short"/><primitive-type name="char"/><primitive-type name="signed char"/><primitive-type name="uchar"/><primitive-type name="unsigned char"/><primitive-type name="int"/><primitive-type name="signed int"/><primitive-type name="uint"/><primitive-type name="ulong"/><primitive-type name="unsigned int"/><primitive-type name="signed long"/><primitive-type name="long"/><primitive-type name="unsigned long"/><primitive-type name="WId"/><primitive-type name="Qt::HANDLE"/><primitive-type name="QVariant::Type"/><primitive-type name="QByteRef"/><primitive-type name="QBitRef"/><primitive-type name="QBool"/><primitive-type name="jobject"/>
+ <rejection class="*" function-name="d_func"/>
+ <rejection class="*" function-name="data_ptr"/>
+ <rejection class="*" function-name="detach"/>
+ <rejection class="*" function-name="isDetached"/>
+ <rejection class="*" field-name="d_ptr"/>
+ <rejection class="*" field-name="d"/>
+ <rejection class="" enum-name="QtValidLicenseForTestModule"/>
+ <rejection class="" enum-name="QtValidLicenseForDBusModule"/>
+ <rejection class="" enum-name="QtValidLicenseForSqlModule"/>
+ <rejection class="" enum-name="QtValidLicenseForOpenGLModule"/>
+ <rejection class="" enum-name="enum_1"/>
+ <rejection class="" enum-name="QtValidLicenseForXmlModule"/>
+ <rejection class="" enum-name="QtValidLicenseForXmlPatternsModule"/>
+ <rejection class="" enum-name="QtValidLicenseForActiveQtModule"/>
+ <rejection class="" enum-name="QtValidLicenseForCoreModule"/>
+ <rejection class="" enum-name="QtValidLicenseForQt3SupportLightModule"/>
+ <rejection class="" enum-name="QtValidLicenseForQt3SupportModule"/>
+ <rejection class="" enum-name="QtValidLicenseForNetworkModule"/>
+ <rejection class="" enum-name="QtValidLicenseForSvgModule"/>
+ <rejection class="" enum-name="QtValidLicenseForGuiModule"/>
+ <rejection class="" enum-name="QtValidLicenseForScriptModule"/>
+ <rejection class="" enum-name="QtValidLicenseForHelpModule"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent" enum-name="enum_1"/>
+ <rejection class="QFuture::const_iterator"/>
+ <rejection class="QFutureInterface"/>
+ <rejection class="QFutureInterfaceBase"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::BlockSizeManager"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::ConstMemberFunctionWrapper"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::Exception"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::FilterKernel"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::FilteredEachKernel"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::FilteredReducedKernel"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::FunctionWrapper0"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::FunctionWrapper1"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::FunctionWrapper2"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::IntermediateResults"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::IterateKernel"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::MapKernel"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::MappedEachKernel"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::MappedReducedKernel"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::Median"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::MemberFunctionWrapper"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::MemberFunctionWrapper1"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::ReduceKernel"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::ResultItem"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::ResultIterator"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::ResultIteratorBase"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::ResultReporter"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::ResultStore"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::ResultStoreBase"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectSpecialization"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredConstMemberFunctionCall0"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredConstMemberFunctionCall1"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredConstMemberFunctionCall2"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredConstMemberFunctionCall3"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredConstMemberFunctionCall4"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredConstMemberFunctionCall5"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredConstMemberFunctionPointerCall0"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredConstMemberFunctionPointerCall1"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredConstMemberFunctionPointerCall2"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredConstMemberFunctionPointerCall3"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredConstMemberFunctionPointerCall4"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredConstMemberFunctionPointerCall5"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredFunctorCall0"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredFunctorCall1"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredFunctorCall2"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredFunctorCall3"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredFunctorCall4"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredFunctorCall5"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredFunctorPointerCall0"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredFunctorPointerCall1"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredFunctorPointerCall2"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredFunctorPointerCall3"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredFunctorPointerCall4"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredFunctorPointerCall5"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredMemberFunctionCall0"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredMemberFunctionCall1"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredMemberFunctionCall2"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredMemberFunctionCall3"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredMemberFunctionCall4"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredMemberFunctionCall5"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredMemberFunctionPointerCall0"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredMemberFunctionPointerCall1"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredMemberFunctionPointerCall2"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredMemberFunctionPointerCall3"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredMemberFunctionPointerCall4"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SelectStoredMemberFunctionPointerCall5"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SequenceHolder1"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::SequenceHolder2"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredConstMemberFunctionCall0"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredConstMemberFunctionCall1"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredConstMemberFunctionCall2"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredConstMemberFunctionCall3"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredConstMemberFunctionCall4"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredConstMemberFunctionCall5"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredConstMemberFunctionPointerCall0"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredConstMemberFunctionPointerCall1"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredConstMemberFunctionPointerCall2"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredConstMemberFunctionPointerCall3"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredConstMemberFunctionPointerCall4"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredConstMemberFunctionPointerCall5"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredFunctorCall0"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredFunctorCall1"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredFunctorCall2"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredFunctorCall3"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredFunctorCall4"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredFunctorCall5"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredFunctorPointerCall0"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredFunctorPointerCall1"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredFunctorPointerCall2"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredFunctorPointerCall3"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredFunctorPointerCall4"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredFunctorPointerCall5"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredMemberFunctionCall0"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredMemberFunctionCall1"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredMemberFunctionCall2"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredMemberFunctionCall3"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredMemberFunctionCall4"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredMemberFunctionCall5"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredMemberFunctionPointerCall0"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredMemberFunctionPointerCall1"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredMemberFunctionPointerCall2"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredMemberFunctionPointerCall3"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredMemberFunctionPointerCall4"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::StoredMemberFunctionPointerCall5"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineSemaphore"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarter"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::UnhandledException"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredConstMemberFunctionCall0"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredConstMemberFunctionCall1"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredConstMemberFunctionCall2"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredConstMemberFunctionCall3"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredConstMemberFunctionCall4"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredConstMemberFunctionCall5"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredConstMemberFunctionPointerCall0"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredConstMemberFunctionPointerCall1"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredConstMemberFunctionPointerCall2"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredConstMemberFunctionPointerCall3"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredConstMemberFunctionPointerCall4"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredConstMemberFunctionPointerCall5"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredFunctorCall0"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredFunctorCall1"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredFunctorCall2"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredFunctorCall3"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredFunctorCall4"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredFunctorCall5"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredFunctorPointerCall0"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredFunctorPointerCall1"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredFunctorPointerCall2"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredFunctorPointerCall3"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredFunctorPointerCall4"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredFunctorPointerCall5"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredMemberFunctionCall0"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredMemberFunctionCall1"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredMemberFunctionCall2"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredMemberFunctionCall3"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredMemberFunctionCall4"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredMemberFunctionCall5"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredMemberFunctionPointerCall0"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredMemberFunctionPointerCall1"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredMemberFunctionPointerCall2"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredMemberFunctionPointerCall3"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredMemberFunctionPointerCall4"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::VoidStoredMemberFunctionPointerCall5"/>
+ <rejection class="QMdi"/>
+ <rejection class="stdext"/>
+ <rejection class="QAlgorithmsPrivate"/>
+ <rejection class="QAtomic"/>
+ <rejection class="QAtomicPointer"/>
+ <rejection class="QAtomicInt"/>
+ <rejection class="QBasicAtomicInt"/>
+ <rejection class="QBasicAtomic"/>
+ <rejection class="QBasicAtomicPointer"/>
+ <rejection class="QBitRef"/>
+ <rejection class="QCache"/>
+ <rejection class="QCharRef"/>
+ <rejection class="QDebug"/>
+ <rejection class="QExplicitlySharedDataPointer"/>
+ <rejection class="QFlag"/>
+ <rejection class="QFlags"/>
+ <rejection class="QForeachContainer"/>
+ <rejection class="QForeachContainerBase"/>
+ <rejection class="QGlobalStatic"/>
+ <rejection class="QHash"/>
+ <rejection class="QHashData"/>
+ <rejection class="QHashDummyNode"/>
+ <rejection class="QHashDummyNode"/>
+ <rejection class="QHashDummyNode"/>
+ <rejection class="QHashDummyNode"/>
+ <rejection class="QHashDummyNode"/>
+ <rejection class="QHashDummyValue"/>
+ <rejection class="QHashIterator"/>
+ <rejection class="QHashNode"/>
+ <rejection class="QHashNode"/>
+ <rejection class="QHashNode"/>
+ <rejection class="QHashNode"/>
+ <rejection class="QHashNode"/>
+ <rejection class="QInternal"/>
+ <rejection class="QLibrary"/>
+ <rejection class="QLinkedList"/>
+ <rejection class="QLinkedListData"/>
+ <rejection class="QLinkedListIterator"/>
+ <rejection class="QLinkedListNode"/>
+ <rejection class="QListData"/>
+ <rejection class="QListIterator"/>
+ <rejection class="QMap"/>
+ <rejection class="QMapData"/>
+ <rejection class="QMapIterator"/>
+ <rejection class="QMetaType"/>
+ <rejection class="QMetaTypeId"/>
+ <rejection class="QMetaProperty"/>
+ <rejection class="QMetaObject"/>
+ <rejection class="QMetaClassInfo"/>
+ <rejection class="QMetaMethod"/>
+ <rejection class="QMetaEnum"/>
+ <rejection class="QMultiHash"/>
+ <rejection class="QMultiMap"/>
+ <rejection class="QMutableHashIterator"/>
+ <rejection class="QMutableLinkedListIterator"/>
+ <rejection class="QMutableListIterator"/>
+ <rejection class="QMutableMapIterator"/>
+ <rejection class="QMutableVectorIterator"/>
+ <rejection class="QMutexLocker"/>
+ <rejection class="QNoImplicitBoolCast"/>
+ <rejection class="QObjectCleanupHandler"/>
+ <rejection class="QObjectData"/>
+ <rejection class="QObjectUserData"/>
+ <rejection class="QPluginLoader"/>
+ <rejection class="QPointer"/>
+ <rejection class="QReadLocker"/>
+ <rejection class="QResource"/>
+ <rejection class="QSet"/>
+ <rejection class="QSetIterator"/>
+ <rejection class="QSharedData"/>
+ <rejection class="QSharedDataPointer"/>
+ <rejection class="QStack"/>
+ <rejection class="QSysInfo"/>
+ <rejection class="QTextStreamManipulator"/>
+ <rejection class="QThreadStorage"/>
+ <rejection class="QThreadStorageData"/>
+ <rejection class="QTypeInfo"/>
+ <rejection class="QTypeInfo"/>
+ <rejection class="QVFbKeyData"/>
+ <rejection class="QVariantComparisonHelper"/>
+ <rejection class="QVectorData"/>
+ <rejection class="QVectorIterator"/>
+ <rejection class="QVectorTypedData"/>
+ <rejection class="QWriteLocker"/>
+ <rejection class="QtPrivate"/>
+ <rejection class="qGreater"/>
+ <rejection class="qLess"/>
+ <rejection class="std"/>
+ <rejection class="QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption"/>
+ <rejection class="QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionReturn"/>
+ <rejection class="QByteArray::Data"/>
+ <rejection class="QIntForType"/>
+ <rejection class="QList::Node"/>
+ <rejection class="QList::const_iterator"/>
+ <rejection class="QList::iterator"/>
+ <rejection class="QMetaTypeId2"/>
+ <rejection class="QMutableSetIterator"/>
+ <rejection class="QSubString"/>
+ <rejection class="QUintForType"/>
+ <rejection class="QtConcurrent::internal"/>
+ <rejection class="QLocale::Data"/>
+ <rejection class="QGlobalStaticDeleter"/>
+ <rejection class="QSharedMemory"/> <!-- Temporarily until we know how to implement it in Java -->
+ <rejection class="QVarLengthArray"/>
+ <!-- DBus -->
+ <rejection class="QDBusAbstractAdaptor"/>
+ <rejection class="QDBusAbstractInterface"/>
+ <rejection class="QDBusArgument"/>
+ <rejection class="QDBusConnection"/>
+ <rejection class="QDBusConnectionInterface"/>
+ <rejection class="QDBusContext"/>
+ <rejection class="QDBusError"/>
+ <rejection class="QDBusInterface"/>
+ <rejection class="QDBusMessage"/>
+ <rejection class="QDBusMetaType"/>
+ <rejection class="QDBusObjectPath"/>
+ <rejection class="QDBusReply"/>
+ <rejection class="QDBusServer"/>
+ <rejection class="QDBusSignature"/>
+ <rejection class="QDBusVariant"/>
+ <rejection class="_Revbidit"/>
+ <rejection class="_complex"/>
+ <rejection class="_exception"/>
+ <rejection class="_iobuf"/>
+ <rejection class="_stat"/>
+ <rejection class="_wfinddata_t"/>
+ <rejection class="exception"/>
+ <rejection class="istreambuf_iterator"/>
+ <rejection class="ostreambuf_iterator"/>
+ <rejection class="reverse_bidirectional_iterator"/>
+ <rejection class="reverse_iterator"/>
+ <rejection class="stat"/>
+ <rejection class="tm"/>
+ <rejection class="QAbstractEventDispatcher" function-name="filterEvent"/>
+ <rejection class="QAbstractEventDispatcher" function-name="setEventFilter"/>
+ <rejection class="QAbstractFileEngine" function-name="beginEntryList"/>
+ <rejection class="QAbstractFileEngine" function-name="endEntryList"/>
+ <rejection class="QAbstractFileEngine" function-name="extension"/>
+ <rejection class="QCoreApplication" function-name="compressEvent"/>
+ <rejection class="QCoreApplication" function-name="eventFilter"/>
+ <rejection class="QCoreApplication" function-name="filterEvent"/>
+ <rejection class="QCoreApplication" function-name="setEventFilter"/>
+ <rejection class="QFile" function-name="setDecodingFunction"/>
+ <rejection class="QFile" function-name="setEncodingFunction"/>
+ <rejection class="QList" function-name="begin"/>
+ <rejection class="QList" function-name="constBegin"/>
+ <rejection class="QList" function-name="constEnd"/>
+ <rejection class="QList" function-name="end"/>
+ <rejection class="QList" function-name="erase"/>
+ <rejection class="QList" function-name="erase"/>
+ <rejection class="QList" function-name="free"/>
+ <rejection class="QList" function-name="fromList"/>
+ <rejection class="QList" function-name="fromSet"/>
+ <rejection class="QList" function-name="fromSet"/>
+ <rejection class="QList" function-name="insert"/>
+ <rejection class="QList" function-name="malloc"/>
+ <rejection class="QList" function-name="node_construct"/>
+ <rejection class="QList" function-name="node_copy"/>
+ <rejection class="QList" function-name="node_destruct"/>
+ <rejection class="QList" function-name="toSet"/>
+ <rejection class="QObject" function-name="receivers"/>
+ <rejection class="QObject" function-name="findChild"/>
+ <rejection class="QObject" function-name="findChildren"/>
+ <rejection class="QObject" function-name="setUserData"/>
+ <rejection class="QObject" function-name="userData"/>
+ <rejection class="QObject" function-name="destroyed"/>
+ <rejection class="QObject" function-name="connect"/>
+ <rejection class="QObject" function-name="connectNotify"/>
+ <rejection class="QObject" function-name="disconnect"/>
+ <rejection class="QObject" function-name="disconnectNotify"/>
+ <rejection class="QObject" function-name="registerUserData"/>
+ <rejection class="QObject" function-name="sender"/>
+ <rejection class="QTimer" function-name="singleShot"/>
+ <rejection class="QProcess" function-name="pid"/>
+ <rejection class="QRegion" function-name="cleanUp"/>
+ <rejection class="QSettings" function-name="registerFormat"/>
+ <rejection class="QVector" function-name="back"/>
+ <rejection class="QVector" function-name="begin"/>
+ <rejection class="QVector" function-name="constBegin"/>
+ <rejection class="QVector" function-name="constEnd"/>
+ <rejection class="QVector" function-name="end"/>
+ <rejection class="QVector" function-name="erase"/>
+ <rejection class="QVector" function-name="free"/>
+ <rejection class="QVector" function-name="front"/>
+ <rejection class="QVector" function-name="insert"/>
+ <rejection class="QVector" function-name="malloc"/>
+ <rejection class="QVector" function-name="alloc"/>
+ <rejection class="QVector" function-name="operator+="/>
+ <rejection class="QAbstractFileEngineIterator" function-name="entryInfo"/>
+ <rejection class="QAbstractFileEngineIterator" enum-name="EntryInfoType"/>
+ <rejection class="QDataStream" enum-name="ByteOrder"/>
+ <namespace-type name="Qt">
+ <modify-function signature="codecForHtml(const QByteArray &amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="mightBeRichText(const QString &amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="escape(const QString&amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="convertFromPlainText(const QString &amp;, Qt::WhiteSpaceMode)" remove="all"/>
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QTextDocument" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </namespace-type>
+ <enum-type name="QtMsgType">
+ <reject-enum-value name="QtSystemMsg"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QSystemSemaphore::AccessMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSystemSemaphore::SystemSemaphoreError"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextBoundaryFinder::BoundaryReason" flags="QTextBoundaryFinder::BoundaryReasons"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextBoundaryFinder::BoundaryType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractFileEngine::Extension" extensible="yes"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag" flags="QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlags"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractFileEngine::FileName"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractFileEngine::FileOwner"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractFileEngine::FileTime"/>
+ <enum-type name="QDataStream::Status"/>
+ <enum-type name="QDir::Filter" flags="QDir::Filters"/>
+ <enum-type name="QEvent::Type" extensible="yes">
+ <reject-enum-value name="ApplicationActivated"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="ApplicationDeactivated"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag" flags="QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlags"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFile::FileError"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFile::MemoryMapFlags"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFile::Permission" flags="QFile::Permissions"/>
+ <enum-type name="QIODevice::OpenModeFlag" flags="QIODevice::OpenMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QLibraryInfo::LibraryLocation"/>
+ <enum-type name="QLocale::FormatType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QLocale::NumberOption" flags="QLocale::NumberOptions"/>
+ <enum-type name="QLocale::MeasurementSystem"/>
+ <enum-type name="QMutex::RecursionMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QProcess::ExitStatus"/>
+ <enum-type name="QProcess::ProcessChannel"/>
+ <enum-type name="QProcess::ProcessChannelMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QProcess::ProcessError"/>
+ <enum-type name="QProcess::ProcessState"/>
+ <enum-type name="QRegExp::CaretMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QRegExp::PatternSyntax"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSettings::Format"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSettings::Scope"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSettings::Status"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSocketNotifier::Type"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSystemLocale::QueryType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextCodec::ConversionFlag" flags="QTextCodec::ConversionFlags"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextStream::FieldAlignment"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextStream::NumberFlag" flags="QTextStream::NumberFlags"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextStream::RealNumberNotation"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextStream::Status"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTimeLine::CurveShape"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTimeLine::Direction"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTimeLine::State"/>
+ <enum-type name="QUrl::FormattingOption" flags="QUrl::FormattingOptions"/>
+ <enum-type name="QUrl::ParsingMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QUuid::Variant"/>
+ <enum-type name="QUuid::Version"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::SizeHint"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::SizeMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::WindowFrameSection"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::Axis"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::AnchorAttribute"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::ApplicationAttribute"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::ArrowType"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::AspectRatioMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::BGMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::BrushStyle"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::CaseSensitivity"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::CheckState"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::ClipOperation"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::ConnectionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::ContextMenuPolicy"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::Corner"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::DayOfWeek"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::DockWidgetAreaSizes"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::DropAction" flags="Qt::DropActions"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::FillRule"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::FocusPolicy"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::FocusReason"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::GlobalColor"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::HitTestAccuracy"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::InputMethodQuery"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::ItemFlag" flags="Qt::ItemFlags"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::ItemSelectionMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::KeyboardModifier" flags="Qt::KeyboardModifiers"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::LayoutDirection"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::MatchFlag" flags="Qt::MatchFlags"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::Modifier"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::MouseButton" flags="Qt::MouseButtons"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::Orientation" flags="Qt::Orientations"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::PenCapStyle"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::PenJoinStyle"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::PenStyle"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::ScrollBarPolicy"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::ShortcutContext"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::SortOrder"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::TextElideMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::TextFlag"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::TextFormat"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::TextInteractionFlag" flags="Qt::TextInteractionFlags"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::TimeSpec"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::ToolBarAreaSizes"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::ToolButtonStyle"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::TransformationMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::UIEffect"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::WhiteSpaceMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::WindowModality"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::WindowState" flags="Qt::WindowStates"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::WindowType" flags="Qt::WindowFlags"/>
+ <enum-type name="QDirIterator::IteratorFlag" flags="QDirIterator::IteratorFlags"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::EventPriority"/>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::MaskMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QCryptographicHash::Algorithm"/>
+ <enum-type name="QtConcurrent::ReduceOption" flags="QtConcurrent::ReduceOptions"/>
+ <enum-type name="QtConcurrent::ThreadFunctionResult"/>
+ <enum-type name="QCoreApplication::Encoding">
+ <reject-enum-value name="DefaultCodec"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::AlignmentFlag" flags="Qt::Alignment">
+ <reject-enum-value name="AlignLeading"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="AlignTrailing"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::CursorShape">
+ <reject-enum-value name="LastCursor"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::DateFormat">
+ <reject-enum-value name="LocalDate"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::ItemDataRole" force-integer="yes">
+ <reject-enum-value name="BackgroundColorRole"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="TextColorRole"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QDataStream::Version">
+ <reject-enum-value name="Qt_4_1"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="Qt_4_5"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QDir::SortFlag" flags="QDir::SortFlags">
+ <reject-enum-value name="Unsorted"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::DockWidgetArea" flags="Qt::DockWidgetAreas">
+ <reject-enum-value name="AllDockWidgetAreas"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::ImageConversionFlag" flags="Qt::ImageConversionFlags">
+ <reject-enum-value name="AutoDither"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="ColorOnly"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="DiffuseDither"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="NoAlpha"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="ThresholdAlphaDither"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::Key">
+ <reject-enum-value name="Key_Any"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QLocale::Language">
+ <reject-enum-value name="LastLanguage"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="NorwegianBokmal"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="Nynorsk"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QLocale::Country">
+ <reject-enum-value name="LastCountry"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::ToolBarArea" flags="Qt::ToolBarAreas">
+ <reject-enum-value name="AllToolBarAreas"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="Qt::WidgetAttribute">
+ <reject-enum-value name="WA_ForceAcceptDrops"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="WA_NoBackground"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="WA_MacMetalStyle"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <value-type name="QBasicTimer"/>
+ <value-type name="QByteArrayMatcher">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QByteArrayMatcher)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QDate">
+ <modify-function signature="julianToGregorian(uint,int&amp;,int&amp;,int&amp;)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setYMD(int, int, int)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QDateTime">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QDateTime)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QDir">
+ <modify-function signature="QDir(QString,QString,QFlags&lt;QDir::SortFlag&gt;,QFlags&lt;QDir::Filter&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <replace-default-expression with="SortFlag.Name, SortFlag.IgnoreCase"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QDir)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QString)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="addResourceSearchPath(QString)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QPoint">
+ <modify-function signature="rx()" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="ry()" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QPointF">
+ <modify-function signature="rx()" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="ry()" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QRect">
+ <modify-function signature="getCoords(int*,int*,int*,int*)const"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getRect(int*,int*,int*,int*)const"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&amp;=(QRect)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator|=(QRect)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&amp;(QRect)const"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator|(QRect)const"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="intersect(const QRect&amp;)const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="unite(const QRect&amp;)const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QRectF">
+ <modify-function signature="getCoords(double*,double*,double*,double*)const"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getRect(double*,double*,double*,double*)const"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&amp;=(QRectF)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator|=(QRectF)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&amp;(QRectF)const"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator|(QRectF)const"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="intersect(const QRectF&amp;)const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="unite(const QRectF&amp;)const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QSize">
+ <modify-function signature="operator*=(double)"> <access modifier="private"/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator/=(double)"> <access modifier="private"/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator+=(QSize)"> <access modifier="private"/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator-=(QSize)"> <access modifier="private"/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="rheight()"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="rwidth()"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QSizeF">
+ <modify-function signature="operator*=(double)"> <access modifier="private"/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator/=(double)"> <access modifier="private"/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator+=(QSizeF)"> <access modifier="private"/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator-=(QSizeF)"> <access modifier="private"/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="rheight()"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="rwidth()"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QStringMatcher">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QStringMatcher)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QTime"/>
+ <value-type name="QPersistentModelIndex">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QPersistentModelIndex)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QModelIndex)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="internalPointer()const" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QUuid">
+ <modify-function signature="QUuid(const char*)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QLocale">
+ <modify-function signature="toString(unsigned long long) const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="toString(unsigned short) const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="toString(unsigned int) const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="toUInt(QString,bool*,int)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="toULongLong(QString,bool*,int)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QLocale)" remove="all"/>
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QDate" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <inject-code class="native" position="beginning">
+ </inject-code>
+ <modify-function signature="toDouble(QString,bool*)const">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.prepare_removed_bool*_argument"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_to_null_or_primitive"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="toFloat(QString,bool*)const">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.prepare_removed_bool*_argument"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_to_null_or_primitive"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="toInt(QString,bool*,int)const">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.prepare_removed_bool*_argument"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_to_null_or_primitive"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="toLongLong(QString,bool*,int)const">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.prepare_removed_bool*_argument"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ QScriptValue %out%;
+ if (!__ok)
+ %out% = context-&gt;engine()-&gt;nullValue();
+ else
+ %out% = QScriptValue(context-&gt;engine(), double(%in%)).toObject();
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="toShort(QString,bool*,int)const">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.prepare_removed_bool*_argument"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_to_null_or_primitive"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="toUShort(QString,bool*,int)const">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.prepare_removed_bool*_argument"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_to_null_or_primitive"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QBitArray">
+ <modify-function signature="operator[](int)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator[](int)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator[](uint)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator[](uint)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&amp;=(QBitArray)" access="private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QBitArray)" access="private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator^=(QBitArray)" access="private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator|=(QBitArray)" access="private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator~()const" access="private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="at(int)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_int_arg_and_check_range">
+ <replace from="%CLASS_NAME%" to="QBitArray"/>
+ <replace from="%FUNCTION_NAME%" to="at"/>
+ </insert-template>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="clearBit(int)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_int_arg_and_check_range">
+ <replace from="%CLASS_NAME%" to="QBitArray"/>
+ <replace from="%FUNCTION_NAME%" to="clearBit"/>
+ </insert-template>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setBit(int)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_int_arg_and_check_range">
+ <replace from="%CLASS_NAME%" to="QBitArray"/>
+ <replace from="%FUNCTION_NAME%" to="setBit"/>
+ </insert-template>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setBit(int,bool)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_int_arg_and_check_range">
+ <replace from="%CLASS_NAME%" to="QBitArray"/>
+ <replace from="%FUNCTION_NAME%" to="setBit"/>
+ </insert-template>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="testBit(int)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_int_arg_and_check_range">
+ <replace from="%CLASS_NAME%" to="QBitArray"/>
+ <replace from="%FUNCTION_NAME%" to="testBit"/>
+ </insert-template>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="toggleBit(int)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_int_arg_and_check_range">
+ <replace from="%CLASS_NAME%" to="QBitArray"/>
+ <replace from="%FUNCTION_NAME%" to="toggleBit"/>
+ </insert-template>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&amp;=(QBitArray)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QBitArray)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator^=(QBitArray)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator|=(QBitArray)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <object-type name="QDirIterator"/>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractFileEngineIterator"/>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractItemModel"/>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractListModel">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QSize" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </object-type>
+ <value-type name="QUrl">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QUrl)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QString)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="fromPunycode(const QByteArray&amp;)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="toPunycode(const QString&amp;)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QRegExp">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QRegExp)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QFileInfo">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QDateTime" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QDir" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="operator!=(const QFileInfo &amp;)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator==(const QFileInfo &amp;)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QFileInfo)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setFile(QFile)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="readLink()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="QFileInfo(QFile)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QFile*"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ QFile &amp; %out% = *qscriptvalue_cast&lt;QFile*&gt;(%in%);
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setFile(QFile)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QFile*"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ QFile &amp; %out% = *qscriptvalue_cast&lt;QFile*&gt;(%in%);
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <!-- <interface-type name="QFactoryInterface" java-name="QAbstractFactory" /> -->
+ <value-type name="QByteArray">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QNoImplicitBoolCast" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <!-- removed functions -->
+ <modify-function signature="begin()" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="begin()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="constBegin()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="constData()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="constEnd()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="count()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="data()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="end()" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="end()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="number(uint,int)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="number(unsigned long long,int)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator const char *()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator const void *()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator+=(const char*)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(const char*)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator[](int)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator[](int)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator[](uint)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator[](uint)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="push_back(char)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="push_back(const QByteArray&amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="push_back(const char*)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="push_front(char)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="push_front(const QByteArray&amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="push_front(const char*)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setNum(uint,int)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setNum(unsigned long long,int)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setNum(unsigned short,int)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="toLong(bool*, int) const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="toLongLong(bool*, int) const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="toShort(bool*, int) const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="toUInt(bool*, int) const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="toULong(bool*, int) const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="toULongLong(bool*, int) const" remove="all"/>
+ <!-- functions made private... -->
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QByteArray)" access="private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator+=(QByteArray)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator+=(QString)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator+=(char)" remove="all"/>
+ <inject-code class="native" position="beginning">
+ </inject-code>
+ <modify-function signature="QByteArray(const char*)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="QByteArray(const char*,int)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="at(int)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_int_arg_and_check_range">
+ <replace from="%CLASS_NAME%" to="QByteArray"/>
+ <replace from="%FUNCTION_NAME%" to="at"/>
+ </insert-template>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="append(const char *)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="append(QByteArray)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="append(QString)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="append(const char *)" remove="all">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="append(char)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ <rename to="appendByte"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="count(const char *)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="data()" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="endsWith(const char *)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="fill(char,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="indexOf(const char*,int)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="indexOf(char,int)const">
+ <rename to="indexOfByte"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insert(int,QByteArray)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insert(int,QString)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insert(int,const char *)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="insert(int,char)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ <rename to="insertByte"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="lastIndexOf(const char*,int)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="lastIndexOf(char,int)const">
+ <rename to="lastIndexOfByte"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="prepend(QByteArray)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="prepend(const char *)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="prepend(char)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ <rename to="prependByte"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="remove(int,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="replace(int,int,QByteArray)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="replace(int,int,const char *)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="replace(QByteArray,QByteArray)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="replace(const char*,QByteArray)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="replace(QByteArray,const char *)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="replace(QString,QByteArray)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="replace(QString,const char *)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="replace(const char *,const char *)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="replace(char,QByteArray)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="replace(char,QString)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="replace(char,const char *)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="replace(char,char)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="startsWith(const char *)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="fromRawData(const char*,int)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="number(int,int)">
+ <rename to="fromInt"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="number(uint,int)">
+ <rename to="fromUInt"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="number(qlonglong,int)">
+ <rename to="fromLongLong"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="number(qulonglong,int)">
+ <rename to="fromULongLong"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setNum(int,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ <rename to="setInt"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setNum(uint,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ <rename to="setUInt"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setNum(short,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ <rename to="setShort"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setNum(ushort,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ <rename to="setUShort"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setNum(qlonglong,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ <rename to="setLongLong"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setNum(qulonglong,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ <rename to="setULongLong"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setNum(double,char,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ <rename to="setDouble"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setNum(float,char,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ <rename to="setFloat"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="toDouble(bool*)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.prepare_removed_bool*_argument"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_to_null_or_primitive"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="toFloat(bool*)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.prepare_removed_bool*_argument"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_to_null_or_primitive"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="toInt(bool*,int)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.prepare_removed_bool*_argument"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_to_null_or_primitive"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="toUShort(bool*,int)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.prepare_removed_bool*_argument"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_to_null_or_primitive"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QTextBoundaryFinder">
+ <modify-function signature="QTextBoundaryFinder(QTextBoundaryFinder::BoundaryType,const QChar*,int,unsigned char*,int)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QTextBoundaryFinder)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <object-type name="QXmlStreamEntityResolver"/>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractEventDispatcher">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QPair" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QEventLoop"/>
+ <object-type name="QFile">
+ <modify-function signature="readLink()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="readLink(QString)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="map(long long,long long,QFile::MemoryMapFlags)" remove="all"/> <!-- Can't provide same API and performance -->
+ <modify-function signature="unmap(unsigned char*)" remove="all"/> <!-- Can't provide same API and performance -->
+ <modify-function signature="open(int,QFlags&lt;QIODevice::OpenModeFlag&gt;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="decodeName(const char*)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="map(qint64,qint64,QFile::MemoryMapFlags)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="unmap(uchar*)" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QIODevice">
+ <modify-function signature="peek(char *,qint64)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="read(char *,qint64)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="readLine(char *,qint64)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="write(const char *,qint64)" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QCryptographicHash">
+ <modify-function signature="addData(const char*,int)" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QLibraryInfo"/>
+ <object-type name="QMutex"/>
+ <object-type name="QSemaphore"/>
+ <object-type name="QSocketNotifier"/>
+ <object-type name="QSystemLocale"/>
+ <object-type name="QTemporaryFile">
+ <modify-function signature="fileName()const" rename="uniqueFilename"/>
+ <modify-function signature="createLocalFile(QFile&amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QFile*"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ QFile &amp; %out% = *qscriptvalue_cast&lt;QFile*&gt;(%in%);
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QMimeData">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QUrl" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTextCodec">
+ <modify-function signature="setCodecForTr(QTextCodec*)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcCodecForTr"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCodecForCStrings(QTextCodec*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcCodecForCStrings"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCodecForLocale(QTextCodec*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcCodecForLocale"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="codecForTr()">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QTextCodec()">
+ <modify-argument index="-1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="fromUnicode(const QChar*,int,QTextCodec::ConverterState*)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="toUnicode(const char*,int,QTextCodec::ConverterState*)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="toUnicode(const char*)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTextDecoder">
+ <modify-function signature="toUnicode(const char*,int)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="toUnicode(QString*,const char*,int)" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTextEncoder">
+ <modify-function signature="fromUnicode(const QChar*,int)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTimeLine"/>
+ <object-type name="QTranslator">
+ <modify-function signature="translate(const char*,const char*,const char*,int)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QWaitCondition"/>
+ <object-type name="QFileSystemWatcher">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTextCodec::ConverterState">
+ <include file-name="QTextCodec" location="global"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QBuffer">
+ <modify-function signature="buffer()">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <!-- ### modify to return value by pointer? -->
+ <modify-function signature="buffer()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="data()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setData(const char*,int)" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTimer"/>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractFileEngineHandler">
+ <modify-function signature="create(const QString &amp;) const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership owner="c++" class="shell"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <!-- <object-type name="QAbstractFileEngine::MapExtensionOption" /> -->
+ <!-- <object-type name="QAbstractFileEngine::MapExtensionReturn" /> -->
+ <!-- <object-type name="QAbstractFileEngine::UnMapExtensionOption" /> -->
+ <object-type name="QAbstractFileEngine">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QDateTime" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="map(long long,long long,QFile::MemoryMapFlags)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="unmap(unsigned char*)" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QProcess">
+ <modify-function signature="readChannelMode()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setReadChannelMode(QProcess::ProcessChannelMode)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QSignalMapper">
+ <modify-function signature="mapped(const QString &amp;)">
+ <rename to="mappedString"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="mapped(int)">
+ <rename to="mappedInteger"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="mapped(QObject *)">
+ <rename to="mappedQObject"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="mapped(QWidget *)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="mapping(QWidget*)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setMapping(QObject*,QWidget*)" remove="all"/>
+ <!-- ### overloads -->
+ <modify-function signature="mapping(int)const">
+ <rename to="mappingById"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="mapping(QString)const">
+ <rename to="mappingByString"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="mapping(QObject*)const">
+ <rename to="mappingByObject"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setMapping(QObject*,int)">
+ <rename to="setMappingById"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setMapping(QObject*,QString)">
+ <rename to="setMappingByString"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setMapping(QObject*,QObject*)">
+ <rename to="setMappingByObject"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QObject">
+ <modify-function signature="childEvent(QChildEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="customEvent(QEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="event(QEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="eventFilter(QObject*,QEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="timerEvent(QTimerEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="installEventFilter(QObject*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="add" variable-name="__rcEventFilters"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeEventFilter(QObject*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="remove" variable-name="__rcEventFilters"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setParent(QObject*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="deleteLater()">
+ <rename to="disposeLater"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <!--
+ <modify-function signature="inherits(const char*)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ -->
+ <modify-function signature="property(const char*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setProperty(const char*,QVariant)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QVarLengthArray" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="property(const char*)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setProperty(const char*,QVariant)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="inherits(const char*)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QCoreApplication">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="argv()" remove="all"/> <!-- Obsolete -->
+ <modify-function signature="argc()" remove="all"/> <!-- Obsolete -->
+ <modify-function signature="notify(QObject*,QEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QCoreApplication(int &amp;, char **)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removePostedEvents(QObject*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removePostedEvents(QObject*,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="installTranslator(QTranslator *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="add" variable-name="__rcTranslators"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeTranslator(QTranslator *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="remove" variable-name="__rcTranslators"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="postEvent(QObject*,QEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QCoreApplication(int &amp;, char **)" remove="all"/>
+ <!-- ### arguments() causes a warning: "QScriptValue::setProperty(arguments): cannot change flags of a native property" -->
+ <modify-function signature="arguments()" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="translate(const char*,const char*,const char*,QCoreApplication::Encoding,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="translate(const char *,const char *,const char *,QCoreApplication::Encoding)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QSettings">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="setSystemIniPath(const QString&amp;)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setUserIniPath(const QString&amp;)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QEvent" polymorphic-base="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::None"/>
+ <object-type name="QChildEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::ChildAdded || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::ChildPolished || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::ChildRemoved">
+ <modify-field name="c" read="false" write="false"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTimerEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::Timer"/>
+ <object-type name="QDynamicPropertyChangeEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::DynamicPropertyChange"/>
+ <object-type name="QDataStream">
+ <modify-function signature="setDevice(QIODevice*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcDevice"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="unsetDevice()">
+ <inject-code position="end">
+ __rcDevice = null;
+ </inject-code>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(const char*)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(unsigned int)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(unsigned long long)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(unsigned short)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(char &amp;*)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="readRawData(char*,int)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="readBytes(char&amp;*,uint&amp;)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="writeRawData(const char*,int)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="writeBytes(const char*,uint)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(signed char&amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(signed char)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(bool)">
+ <rename to="writeBoolean"/>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(unsigned char)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ <rename to="writeByte"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(int)">
+ <rename to="writeInt"/>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(qint64)">
+ <rename to="writeLongLong"/>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(float)">
+ <rename to="writeFloat"/>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(double)">
+ <rename to="writeDouble"/>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(short)">
+ <rename to="writeShort"/>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(bool &amp;)">
+ <rename to="readBoolean"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ bool __result;
+ bool &amp; %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="void">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ bool %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(unsigned char &amp;)">
+ <rename to="readByte"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ unsigned char __result;
+ unsigned char &amp; %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="void">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ int %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(int &amp;)">
+ <rename to="readInt"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ int __result;
+ int &amp; %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="void">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ int %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(uint &amp;)">
+ <rename to="readUInt"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ uint __result;
+ uint &amp; %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="void">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ uint %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(qint64 &amp;)">
+ <rename to="readLongLong"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ qint64 __result;
+ qint64 &amp; %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="void">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ qint64 %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(unsigned long long &amp;)">
+ <rename to="readULongLong"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ unsigned long long __result;
+ unsigned long long &amp; %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="void">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ unsigned long long %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(float &amp;)">
+ <rename to="readFloat"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ float __result;
+ float &amp; %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="void">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ float %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(double &amp;)">
+ <rename to="readDouble"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ double __result;
+ double &amp; %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="void">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ double %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(short &amp;)">
+ <rename to="readShort"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ short __result;
+ short &amp; %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="void">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ short %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(unsigned short &amp;)">
+ <rename to="readUShort"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ unsigned short __result;
+ unsigned short &amp; %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="void">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ unsigned short %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QFSFileEngine">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QDateTime" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTextStream">
+ <modify-function signature="QTextStream(QByteArray *, QFlags&lt;QIODevice::OpenModeFlag&gt;)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QTextStream(QString*,QFlags&lt;QIODevice::OpenModeFlag&gt;)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(QChar&amp;)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(const void*)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(unsigned int)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(unsigned long long)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(const QChar &amp;)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(unsigned long)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(signed long)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(const char*)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(unsigned short)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(unsigned long long&amp;)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(ulong&amp;)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setString(QString*,QFlags&lt;QIODevice::OpenModeFlag&gt;)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="string()const"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(signed long&amp;)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(char*)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(QByteArray&amp;)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(QString&amp;)"> <remove/> </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCodec(QTextCodec *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcCodec"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QTextStream(QIODevice *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcDevice"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setDevice(QIODevice *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcDevice"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCodec(const char *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(QBool)">
+ <rename to="writeBoolean"/>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(char)">
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ <rename to="writeByte"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(signed int)">
+ <rename to="writeInt"/>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(qlonglong)">
+ <rename to="writeLongLong"/>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(float)">
+ <rename to="writeFloat"/>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(double)">
+ <rename to="writeDouble"/>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(signed short)">
+ <rename to="writeShort"/>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(const QByteArray&amp;)">
+ <rename to="writeByteArray"/>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(const QString&amp;)">
+ <rename to="writeString"/>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="this"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(char&amp;)">
+ <rename to="readByte"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ char __result;
+ char &amp; %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="void">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ int %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(signed short&amp;)">
+ <rename to="readShort"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ short __result;
+ short &amp; %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="void">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ short %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(signed int&amp;)">
+ <rename to="readInt"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ int __result;
+ int &amp; %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="void">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ int %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(unsigned short&amp;)">
+ <rename to="readUShort"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ unsigned short __result;
+ unsigned short &amp; %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="void">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ unsigned short %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(unsigned int&amp;)">
+ <rename to="readUInt"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ unsigned int __result;
+ unsigned int &amp; %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="void">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ unsigned int %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(qlonglong&amp;)">
+ <rename to="readLongLong"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ qlonglong __result;
+ qlonglong &amp; %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="void">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ qlonglong %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(qulonglong&amp;)">
+ <rename to="readULongLong"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ qulonglong __result;
+ qulonglong &amp; %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="void">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ qulonglong %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(float&amp;)">
+ <rename to="readFloat"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ float __result;
+ float &amp; %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="void">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ float %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(double&amp;)">
+ <rename to="readDouble"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ double __result;
+ double &amp; %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="0" replace-value="void">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ double %out% = __result;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(qulonglong)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;&gt;(qulonglong)" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QSystemSemaphore"/>
+ <namespace-type name="QtConcurrent" target-type="class">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="qtconcurrentreducekernel.h" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="qtconcurrentthreadengine.h" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </namespace-type>
+ <value-type name="QFuture" generate="no">
+ <modify-function signature="operator T() const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(const QFuture &amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QtScriptVoidFuture" java-name="QFutureVoid">
+ <modify-function signature="resultCount()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="isResultReadyAt(int)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator==(const QFuture &amp;)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QtScriptVoidFuture"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QFuture(const QFuture &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QtScriptVoidFuture"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QtScriptFuture" java-name="QFuture" generic-class="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="operator==(const QFuture &amp;)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QtScriptFuture"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QFuture(const QFuture &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QtScriptFuture"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <inject-code class="native">
+ </inject-code>
+ </value-type>
+ <object-type name="QFutureWatcherBase">
+ <modify-function signature="connectNotify(const char *)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="disconnectNotify(const char *)" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QtScriptVoidFutureWatcher" java-name="QFutureWatcherVoid">
+ <modify-function signature="setFuture(const QFuture &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QtScriptVoidFuture"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QFutureWatcher" generate="no">
+ <modify-function signature="future()const" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QtScriptFutureWatcher" java-name="QFutureWatcher" generic-class="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="setFuture(const QFuture &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QtScriptFuture"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QFutureSynchronizer" generate="no"/>
+ <object-type name="QtScriptFutureSynchronizer" generic-class="yes" java-name="QFutureSynchronizer">
+ <modify-function signature="QFutureSynchronizer(const QFuture &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QtScriptFuture"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addFuture(const QFuture &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QtScriptFuture"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setFuture(const QFuture &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QtScriptFuture"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="futures()const" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QtScriptVoidFutureSynchronizer" java-name="QFutureSynchronizerVoid">
+ <modify-function signature="QFutureSynchronizer(const QFuture &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QtScriptVoidFuture"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addFuture(const QFuture &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QtScriptVoidFuture"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setFuture(const QFuture &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QtScriptVoidFuture"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="futures()const" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QThreadPool"/>
+ <object-type name="QFutureIterator" generate="no">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(const QFuture&amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QtScriptFutureIterator" generic-class="yes" java-name="QFutureIterator">
+ <modify-function signature="QFutureIterator(const QFuture &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QtScriptFuture"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QRunnable"/>
+ <value-type name="QXmlStreamAttribute">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QXmlStreamAttribute)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="name()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="namespaceUri()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="prefix()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="qualifiedName()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="value()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QXmlStreamAttributes">
+ <modify-function signature="operator+(QVector&lt;QXmlStreamAttribute&gt;)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(QVector&lt;QXmlStreamAttribute&gt;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(QXmlStreamAttribute)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="push_back(QXmlStreamAttribute)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="pop_back()" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="push_front(QXmlStreamAttribute)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="pop_front()" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="value(const QString &amp;, const QLatin1String &amp;)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="value(const QLatin1String &amp;, const QLatin1String &amp;)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="value(const QLatin1String &amp;)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="value(QString,QString)const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="value(QString)const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="namespaceUri()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="prefix()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="name()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="publicId()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="systemId()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="name()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="notationName()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="publicId()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="systemId()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="value()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <object-type name="QXmlStreamReader">
+ <modify-function signature="QXmlStreamReader(const char*)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="addData(const char*)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setEntityResolver(QXmlStreamEntityResolver*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcEntityResolver"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="name()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="documentEncoding()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="documentVersion()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="dtdName()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="dtdPublicId()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="dtdSystemId()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="namespaceUri()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="prefix()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="processingInstructionData()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="processingInstructionTarget()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="qualifiedName()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="text()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_stringref_to_string"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QXmlStreamWriter">
+ <modify-function signature="QXmlStreamWriter(QString *)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCodec(const char*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="writeCurrentToken(QXmlStreamReader)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QXmlStreamReader*"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ QXmlStreamReader &amp; %out% = *qscriptvalue_cast&lt;QXmlStreamReader*&gt;(%in%);
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <value-type name="QModelIndex"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type 'std::*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type '*Private\*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type '*Private&amp;'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type 'QMetaObject'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type 'FILE\*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type 'QByteArray::Data\*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type 'QTSMFC'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type 'QTSMFI'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type 'QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption const\*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type 'QAbstractFileEngine::Iterator\*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type 'QDataStream::ByteOrder'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: visibility of function '*' modified in class '*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: hiding of function '*' in class '*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(CppImplGenerator) :: protected function '*' in final class '*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type 'QPointer&lt;*&gt;'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type 'QVector&lt;*&gt;'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="* private virtual function '*' in 'QAbstractListModel'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="* private virtual function '*' in 'QAbstractTableModel'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="* private virtual function '*' in 'QListWidget'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="* private virtual function '*' in 'QTreeWidget'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="* private virtual function '*' in 'QFontDialog'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="* private virtual function '*' in 'QTableWidget'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QDateTime' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QPersistentModelIndex' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QUuid' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QRect' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QTime' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QLocale' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QDir' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QPointF' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QSize' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QFileInfo' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QSizeF' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QRegExp' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QRectF' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QDate' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QPoint' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QUrl' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QFutureWatcherBase::futureInterface', unmatched return type 'QFutureInterfaceBase&amp;'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QFutureWatcherBase::futureInterface', unmatched return type 'QFutureInterfaceBase const&amp;'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QFutureWatcher::futureInterface', unmatched return type 'QFutureInterfaceBase&amp;'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QFutureWatcher::futureInterface', unmatched return type 'QFutureInterfaceBase const&amp;'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QFuture' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: unknown operator 'T'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QFutureVoid' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QFuture::constBegin', unmatched return type 'const_iterator'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QFuture::end', unmatched return type 'const_iterator'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QFuture::constEnd', unmatched return type 'const_iterator'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QFuture::QFuture', unmatched parameter type 'QFutureInterface&lt;T&gt;*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QFuture::begin', unmatched return type 'const_iterator'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::blockingMapped', unmatched return type 'Sequence'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::blockingMapped', unmatched return type 'QList&lt;U&gt;'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::blockingMapped', unmatched return type 'QList&lt;MapFunctor::result_type&gt;'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::blockingMapped', unmatched return type 'OutputSequence'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::filtered', unmatched parameter type 'Iterator'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::filtered', unmatched parameter type 'Sequence const&amp;'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::filter', unmatched parameter type 'Sequence&amp;'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::startFiltered', unmatched return type 'ThreadEngineStarter&lt;Sequence::value_type&gt;'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::startFiltered', unmatched return type 'ThreadEngineStarter&lt;Iterator::value_type&gt;'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::blockingMappedReduced', unmatched return type 'V'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::blockingMappedReduced', unmatched return type 'W'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::blockingMappedReduced', unmatched return type 'ResultType'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::blockingMappedReduced', unmatched return type 'U'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::blockingFiltered', unmatched return type 'OutputSequence'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::blockingFiltered', unmatched return type 'Sequence'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::startMappedReduced', unmatched return type 'ThreadEngineStarter&lt;ResultType&gt;'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::blockingFilteredReduced', unmatched return type 'U'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::blockingFilteredReduced', unmatched return type 'V'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::blockingFilteredReduced', unmatched return type 'ResultType'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::startMap', unmatched return type 'ThreadEngineStarter&lt;void&gt;'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::startThreadEngine', unmatched return type 'ThreadEngineStarter&lt;ThreadEngine::ResultType&gt;'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::mappedReduced', unmatched parameter type 'Iterator'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::mappedReduced', unmatched parameter type 'Sequence const&amp;'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::filteredReduced', unmatched parameter type 'Iterator'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::filteredReduced', unmatched parameter type 'Sequence const&amp;'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::map', unmatched parameter type 'Iterator'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::map', unmatched parameter type 'Sequence&amp;'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::filterInternal', unmatched return type 'ThreadEngineStarter&lt;void&gt;'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::createFunctor', unmatched return type 'QtConcurrent::SelectMemberFunctor0lt;T,Class&gt;::type'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::createFunctor', unmatched return type 'SelectFunctor0&lt;T,T&gt;::type'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::mapped', unmatched parameter type 'Iterator'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::mapped', unmatched parameter type 'Sequence const&amp;'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::blockingMap', unmatched parameter type 'Iterator'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::blockingMap', unmatched parameter type 'Sequence&amp;'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::startMapped', unmatched return type 'QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarter&lt;T&gt;'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::startFilteredReduced', unmatched return type 'ThreadEngineStarter&lt;ResultType&gt;'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::run', unmatched parameter type 'Class const*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::run', unmatched parameter type 'Class*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::run', unmatched parameter type 'Class const&amp;'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::run', unmatched parameter type 'FunctionObject*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::run', unmatched parameter type 'FunctionObject'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::run', unmatched parameter type 'T'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::blockingFilter', unmatched parameter type 'Sequence&amp;'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QtConcurrent::createFunctor', unmatched return type 'QtConcurrent::SelectMemberFunctor0&lt;T,Class&gt;::type'"/>
diff --git a/generator/typesystem_gui-common.xml b/generator/typesystem_gui-common.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1108887
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/typesystem_gui-common.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5012 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <rejection class="*" function-name="d_func"/>
+ <rejection class="*" field-name="d_ptr"/>
+ <rejection class="*" field-name="d"/>
+ <rejection class="QWindowsCEStyle" />
+ <rejection class="QWindowsMobileStyle" />
+ <rejection class="QAbstractUndoItem"/>
+ <rejection class="QAccessibleApplication"/>
+ <rejection class="QBrushData"/>
+ <rejection class="QImageTextKeyLang"/>
+ <rejection class="QItemEditorCreator"/>
+ <rejection class="QLibrary"/>
+ <rejection class="QLinkedList"/>
+ <rejection class="QLinkedListData"/>
+ <rejection class="QLinkedListIterator"/>
+ <rejection class="QLinkedListNode"/>
+ <rejection class="QMimeSource"/>
+ <rejection class="QPainterPathPrivate"/>
+ <rejection class="QRegionData"/>
+ <rejection class="QStandardItemEditorCreator"/>
+ <rejection class="QStyleOptionQ3DockWindow"/>
+ <rejection class="QStyleOptionQ3ListView"/>
+ <rejection class="QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem"/>
+ <rejection class="QTextFrameLayoutData"/>
+ <rejection class="QUpdateLaterEvent"/>
+ <rejection class="QVFbHeader"/>
+ <rejection class="QWidgetData"/>
+ <rejection class="QWindowSurface"/>
+ <rejection class="QWindowsXPStyle"/>
+ <rejection class="QWindowsVistaStyle"/>
+ <rejection class="QWSEmbedWidget"/>
+ <rejection class="QRegion::QRegionData"/>
+ <rejection class="JObject_key" />
+ <rejection class="QAccessibleEditableTextInterface"/>
+ <rejection class="QAccessibleSimpleEditableTextInterface"/>
+ <rejection class="QAccessibleTextInterface"/>
+ <rejection class="QAccessibleValueInterface"/>
+ <rejection class="QIconEngineFactoryInterface"/>
+ <rejection class="QIconEnginePlugin"/>
+ <rejection class="QWidgetItemV2" />
+ <rejection class="QAbstractItemDelegate" function-name="operator="/>
+ <rejection class="QAccessible" function-name="installFactory"/>
+ <rejection class="QAccessible" function-name="installRootObjectHandler"/>
+ <rejection class="QAccessible" function-name="installUpdateHandler"/>
+ <rejection class="QAccessible" function-name="removeFactory"/>
+ <rejection class="QApplication" function-name="compressEvent"/>
+ <rejection class="QBrush" function-name="cleanUp"/>
+ <rejection class="QPictureIO" function-name="defineIOHandler"/>
+ <rejection class="QPolygon" function-name="putPoints"/>
+ <rejection class="QPolygon" function-name="setPoints"/>
+ <rejection class="QPolygon" function-name="setPoint"/>
+ <rejection class="QPolygon" function-name="points"/>
+ <rejection class="QPolygon" function-name="point"/>
+ <rejection class="QPrinter" function-name="printerSelectionOption"/>
+ <rejection class="QPrinter" function-name="setPrinterSelectionOption"/>
+ <rejection class="QWidget" function-name="create"/>
+ <rejection class="QWidget" function-name="find"/>
+ <rejection class="QWidget" function-name="handle"/>
+ <rejection class="QWidget" function-name="styleChange"/>
+ <rejection class="QWidget" function-name="internalWinId"/>
+ <rejection class="QActionGroup" function-name="selected"/>
+ <rejection class="QPaintEngine" function-name="fix_neg_rect"/>
+ <rejection class="QTreeModel" function-name="node"/>
+ <rejection class="QTreeModel" function-name="initializeNode"/>
+ <rejection class="QTreeModel" function-name="queryChildren"/>
+ <rejection class="QAccessible" function-name="cast_helper"/>
+ <rejection class="QAccessible2"/>
+ <rejection class="QAccessibleInterface" function-name="backgroundColor"/>
+ <rejection class="QAccessibleInterface" function-name="foregroundColor"/>
+ <rejection class="QAccessibleInterface" function-name="textInterface"/>
+ <rejection class="QAccessibleInterface" function-name="valueInterface"/>
+ <rejection class="QAccessibleInterface" function-name="tableInterface"/>
+ <rejection class="QAccessibleInterface" function-name="editableTextInterface"/>
+ <rejection class="QAccessibleInterface" function-name="cast_helper"/>
+ <rejection class="QAccessibleInterfaceEx" function-name="interface_cast"/>
+ <rejection class="QAccessibleBridgePlugin" />
+ <rejection class="QAccessibleBridgeFactoryInterface" />
+ <rejection class="QTabletEvent" field-name="mExtra"/>
+ <rejection class="QWidgetItem" field-name="wid" />
+ <rejection class="QFont" enum-name="ResolveProperties" />
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractItemDelegate::EndEditHint"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractItemView::CursorAction"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractItemView::DragDropMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractItemView::DropIndicatorPosition"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger" flags="QAbstractItemView::EditTriggers"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractItemView::ScrollHint"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractItemView::ScrollMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractItemView::SelectionBehavior"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractItemView::SelectionMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractItemView::State"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption" flags="QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOptions"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintRange"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractSlider::SliderAction"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractSlider::SliderChange"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractSpinBox::ButtonSymbols"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractSpinBox::CorrectionMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag" flags="QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabled"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAccessible::Event"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAccessible::Method"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAccessible::RelationFlag" flags="QAccessible::Relation"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAccessible::Role"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAccessible::StateFlag" flags="QAccessible::State"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAccessible::Text"/>
+ <enum-type name="QDesktopServices::StandardLocation" />
+ <enum-type name="QDirModel::Roles"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFont::Capitalization" />
+ <enum-type name="QFont::SpacingType" />
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsItem::CacheMode" />
+ <enum-type name="QMdiArea::AreaOption" flags="QMdiArea::AreaOptions"/>
+ <enum-type name="QMdiArea::WindowOrder"/>
+ <enum-type name="QMdiArea::ViewMode" />
+ <enum-type name="QFileSystemModel::Roles" />
+ <enum-type name="QFormLayout::FieldGrowthPolicy" />
+ <enum-type name="QFormLayout::FormStyle" />
+ <enum-type name="QFormLayout::ItemRole" />
+ <enum-type name="QFormLayout::RowWrapPolicy" />
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsProxyWidget::enum_1" />
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsWidget::enum_1" />
+ <enum-type name="QPlainTextEdit::LineWrapMode" />
+ <enum-type name="QPrintPreviewWidget::ViewMode" />
+ <enum-type name="QPrintPreviewWidget::ZoomMode" />
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionViewItemV4::StyleOptionVersion" />
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionViewItemV4::ViewItemPosition" />
+ <enum-type name="QMdiSubWindow::SubWindowOption" flags="QMdiSubWindow::SubWindowOptions"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAction::ActionEvent"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAction::MenuRole"/>
+ <enum-type name="QApplication::ColorSpec"/>
+ <enum-type name="QApplication::Type"/>
+ <enum-type name="QCalendarWidget::HorizontalHeaderFormat"/>
+ <enum-type name="QCalendarWidget::SelectionMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QCalendarWidget::VerticalHeaderFormat"/>
+ <enum-type name="QColor::Spec"/>
+ <enum-type name="QColormap::Mode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QComboBox::InsertPolicy"/>
+ <enum-type name="QComboBox::SizeAdjustPolicy"/>
+ <enum-type name="QCompleter::CompletionMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QCompleter::ModelSorting"/>
+ <enum-type name="QContextMenuEvent::Reason"/>
+ <enum-type name="QDataWidgetMapper::SubmitPolicy"/>
+ <enum-type name="QDateTimeEdit::Section" flags="QDateTimeEdit::Sections"/>
+ <enum-type name="QDialog::DialogCode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QDialogButtonBox::ButtonLayout"/>
+ <enum-type name="QDialogButtonBox::ButtonRole"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFileDialog::AcceptMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFileDialog::DialogLabel"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFileDialog::FileMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFileDialog::Option" flags="QFileDialog::Options"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFileDialog::ViewMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFileIconProvider::IconType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFont::Stretch"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFont::Style"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFont::StyleStrategy"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFont::Weight"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFontComboBox::FontFilter" flags="QFontComboBox::FontFilters"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFrame::Shadow" extensible="yes"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFrame::Shape"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFrame::StyleMask"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGradient::CoordinateMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGradient::Spread" lower-bound="QGradient.PadSpread" upper-bound="QGradient.RepeatSpread"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGradient::Type"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsEllipseItem::enum_1"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsItem::Extension"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemChange"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag" flags="QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlags"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsItem::enum_1"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsItemGroup::enum_1"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsLineItem::enum_1"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsPathItem::enum_1"/>
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+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsPixmapItem::enum_1"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsPolygonItem::enum_1"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsRectItem::enum_1"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsScene::ItemIndexMethod"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent::Reason"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsSimpleTextItem::enum_1"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsTextItem::enum_1"/>
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+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsView::DragMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsView::OptimizationFlag" flags="QGraphicsView::OptimizationFlags"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsView::ViewportAnchor"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsView::ViewportUpdateMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QIcon::Mode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QIcon::State"/>
+ <enum-type name="QImage::Format"/>
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+ <enum-type name="QImageWriter::ImageWriterError"/>
+ <enum-type name="QInputContext::StandardFormat"/>
+ <enum-type name="QInputMethodEvent::AttributeType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag" flags="QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags"/>
+ <enum-type name="QKeySequence::SequenceFormat"/>
+ <enum-type name="QKeySequence::SequenceMatch"/>
+ <enum-type name="QKeySequence::StandardKey"/>
+ <enum-type name="QLCDNumber::Mode"/>
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+ <enum-type name="QLayout::SizeConstraint"/>
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+ <enum-type name="QLineF::IntersectType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QListView::Flow"/>
+ <enum-type name="QListView::LayoutMode"/>
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+ <enum-type name="QListView::ResizeMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QListView::ViewMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QListWidgetItem::ItemType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QMainWindow::DockOption" flags="QMainWindow::DockOptions"/>
+ <enum-type name="QMessageBox::ButtonRole"/>
+ <enum-type name="QMessageBox::Icon"/>
+ <enum-type name="QMovie::CacheMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QMovie::MovieState"/>
+ <enum-type name="QPaintDevice::PaintDeviceMetric"/>
+ <enum-type name="QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag" flags="QPaintEngine::DirtyFlags"/>
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+ <enum-type name="QPaintEngine::PolygonDrawMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QPaintEngine::Type"/>
+ <enum-type name="QPageSetupDialog::PageSetupDialogOption" flags="QPageSetupDialog::PageSetupDialogOptions" />
+ <enum-type name="QPainter::CompositionMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QPainter::RenderHint" flags="QPainter::RenderHints"/>
+ <enum-type name="QPainterPath::ElementType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QPrintEngine::PrintEnginePropertyKey">
+ <reject-enum-value name="PPK_PaperSize" />
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QPrinter::ColorMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QPrinter::Orientation"/>
+ <enum-type name="QPrinter::OutputFormat"/>
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+ <enum-type name="QPrinter::PaperSource"/>
+ <enum-type name="QPrinter::PrintRange"/>
+ <enum-type name="QPrinter::PrinterMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QPrinter::PrinterState"/>
+ <enum-type name="QPrinter::Unit" />
+ <enum-type name="QPrinter::DuplexMode" />
+ <enum-type name="QProgressBar::Direction"/>
+ <enum-type name="QReadWriteLock::RecursionMode" />
+ <enum-type name="QRegion::RegionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QRubberBand::Shape"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSessionManager::RestartHint"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSizePolicy::Policy"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSizePolicy::PolicyFlag"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSizePolicy::ControlType" flags="QSizePolicy::ControlTypes"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStandardItem::ItemType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyle::SubControl" flags="QStyle::SubControls" extensible="yes" force-integer="yes"/>
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+ <enum-type name="QStyle::ContentsType" extensible="yes"/>
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+ <reject-enum-value name="PM_MDIFrameWidth"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="PM_MDIMinimizedWidth"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QStyle::PrimitiveElement" extensible="yes">
+ <reject-enum-value name="PE_IndicatorItemViewItemCheck" />
+ <reject-enum-value name="PE_FrameStatusBarItem" />
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QStyle::StandardPixmap" extensible="yes"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyle::StateFlag" flags="QStyle::State"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyle::SubElement" extensible="yes">
+ <reject-enum-value name="SE_ItemViewItemCheckIndicator" />
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleHintReturn::HintReturnType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleHintReturn::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleHintReturn::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleHintReturnVariant::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleHintReturnVariant::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleHintReturnMask::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleHintReturnMask::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOption::StyleOptionType"/>
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+ <enum-type name="QStyleOption::StyleOptionVersion"/>
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+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionButton::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionButton::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionComboBox::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionComboBox::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionComplex::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionComplex::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionDockWidget::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionDockWidget::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionDockWidgetV2::StyleOptionVersion"/>
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+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionFocusRect::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionFrame::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionFrame::StyleOptionVersion"/>
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+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionFrameV2::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionGraphicsItem::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionGraphicsItem::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionGroupBox::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionGroupBox::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionHeader::SectionPosition"/>
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+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionHeader::SortIndicator"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionHeader::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionHeader::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionMenuItem::CheckType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionMenuItem::MenuItemType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionMenuItem::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionMenuItem::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionProgressBar::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionProgressBar::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionProgressBarV2::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionProgressBarV2::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionRubberBand::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionRubberBand::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionSizeGrip::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionSizeGrip::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionSlider::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionSlider::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionSpinBox::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionSpinBox::StyleOptionVersion"/>
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+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionTab::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionTab::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionTab::TabPosition"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionTabBarBase::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionTabBarBase::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionTabV2::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionTabWidgetFrame::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionTabWidgetFrame::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionTitleBar::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionTitleBar::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionToolBar::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionToolBar::StyleOptionVersion"/>
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+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionToolBox::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionToolBox::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionToolButton::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionToolButton::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature" flags="QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeatures">
+ <reject-enum-value name="MenuButtonPopup"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionViewItem::Position"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionViewItem::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionViewItem::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionViewItemV2::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature" flags="QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeatures"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSystemTrayIcon::MessageIcon"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTabBar::Shape"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTabWidget::TabPosition"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTabWidget::TabShape"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTableWidgetItem::ItemType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTabletEvent::PointerType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTabletEvent::TabletDevice"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextCharFormat::UnderlineStyle"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextCharFormat::VerticalAlignment"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextCursor::MoveMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextCursor::MoveOperation"/>
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+ <enum-type name="QTextDocument::MetaInformation"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextDocument::ResourceType"/>
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+ <enum-type name="QTextEdit::LineWrapMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextFormat::ObjectTypes"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag" flags="QTextFormat::PageBreakFlags"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextFrameFormat::Position"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextFrameFormat::BorderStyle"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextItem::RenderFlag" flags="QTextItem::RenderFlags"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextLayout::CursorMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextLength::Type"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextLine::CursorPosition"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextLine::Edge"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextListFormat::Style"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextOption::Flag" flags="QTextOption::Flags"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextOption::WrapMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextOption::TabType" />
+ <enum-type name="QToolButton::ToolButtonPopupMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTreeWidgetItem::ItemType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag" flags="QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlags"/>
+ <enum-type name="QValidator::State"/>
+ <enum-type name="QWidget::RenderFlag" flags="QWidget::RenderFlags"/>
+ <enum-type name="QWorkspace::WindowOrder"/>
+ <enum-type name="QDoubleValidator::Notation"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsScene::SceneLayer" flags="QGraphicsScene::SceneLayers"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionToolBoxV2::SelectedPosition"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionToolBoxV2::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionToolBoxV2::TabPosition"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionViewItemV3::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTransform::TransformationType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTreeWidgetItem::ChildIndicatorPolicy"/>
+ <enum-type name="QWizard::WizardOption" flags="QWizard::WizardOptions"/>
+ <enum-type name="QWizard::WizardPixmap"/>
+ <enum-type name="QWizard::WizardStyle"/>
+ <enum-type name="QImageIOPlugin::Capability" flags="QImageIOPlugin::Capabilities" />
+ <enum-type name="QStackedLayout::StackingMode" />
+ <enum-type name="QWizard::WizardButton">
+ <reject-enum-value name="NStandardButtons"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="NButtons"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QAccessible::Action">
+ <reject-enum-value name="FirstStandardAction"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="LastStandardAction"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QBoxLayout::Direction">
+ <reject-enum-value name="Down"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="Up"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QClipboard::Mode">
+ <reject-enum-value name="LastMode"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton" flags="QDialogButtonBox::StandardButtons">
+ <reject-enum-value name="FirstButton"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="LastButton"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="YesAll"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="NoAll"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="Default"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="Escape"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="FlagMask"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="ButtonMask"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature" flags="QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeatures"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFont::StyleHint">
+ <reject-enum-value name="SansSerif"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="Serif"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="TypeWriter"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="Decorative"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QFontDatabase::WritingSystem">
+ <reject-enum-value name="Other"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QHeaderView::ResizeMode">
+ <reject-enum-value name="Custom"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QMessageBox::StandardButton" flags="QMessageBox::StandardButtons">
+ <reject-enum-value name="FirstButton"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="LastButton"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="YesAll"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="NoAll"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QPalette::ColorGroup">
+ <reject-enum-value name="Normal"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QPalette::ColorRole">
+ <reject-enum-value name="NColorRoles"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="Foreground"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="Background"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QPrinter::PageSize">
+ <reject-enum-value name="NPageSize"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="NPaperSize"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QSlider::TickPosition">
+ <reject-enum-value name="TicksLeft"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="TicksRight"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QStyle::StyleHint" extensible="yes">
+ <reject-enum-value name="SH_ScrollBar_StopMouseOverSlider"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QTextFormat::FormatType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextFormat::Property">
+ <reject-enum-value name="FontSizeIncrement"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="FirstFontProperty"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="LastFontProperty"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <value-type name="QTransform">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QTransform)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="map(int,int,int*,int*)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="map(double,double,double*,double*)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator*=(double)" access="private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator+=(double)" access="private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator-=(double)" access="private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator/=(double)" access="private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator*(QTransform)const" rename="multiplied" />
+ <modify-function signature="operator*=(QTransform)" access="private"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOption" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-base="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOption::SO_Default">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QStyleOption)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="init(const QWidget*)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionGraphicsItem" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionGraphicsItem::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionGraphicsItem::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionSizeGrip" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionSizeGrip::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionSizeGrip::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionButton" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionButton::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionButton::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionComboBox" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionComboBox::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionComboBox::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionComplex" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionComplex::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionComplex::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionDockWidget" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionDockWidget::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionDockWidget::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionDockWidgetV2" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionDockWidgetV2::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionDockWidgetV2::Version">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QStyleOptionDockWidget)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionFocusRect" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionFocusRect::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionFocusRect::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionFrame" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionFrame::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionFrame::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionFrameV2" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionFrameV2::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionFrameV2::Version">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QStyleOptionFrame)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionGroupBox" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionGroupBox::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionGroupBox::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionHeader" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionHeader::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionHeader::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionMenuItem" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionMenuItem::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionMenuItem::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionProgressBar" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionProgressBar::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionProgressBar::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionProgressBarV2" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionProgressBarV2::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionProgressBarV2::Version">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QStyleOptionProgressBar)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionRubberBand" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionRubberBand::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionRubberBand::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionSlider" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionSlider::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionSlider::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionSpinBox" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionSpinBox::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionSpinBox::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionTab" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionTab::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionTab::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionTabV2" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionTabV2::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionTabV2::Version">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(const QStyleOptionTab &amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionTabBarBase" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionTabBarBase::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionTabBarBase::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionTabWidgetFrame" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionTabWidgetFrame::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionTabWidgetFrame::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionTitleBar" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionTitleBar::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionTitleBar::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionToolBar" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionToolBar::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionToolBar::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionToolBox" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionToolBox::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionToolBox::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionToolBoxV2" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionToolBoxV2::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionToolBoxV2::Version">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QStyleOptionToolBox)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionToolButton" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionToolButton::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionToolButton::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionViewItem" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionViewItem::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionViewItem::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionViewItemV2" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionViewItemV2::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionViewItemV2::Version">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QStyleOptionViewItem)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionViewItemV3" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionViewItemV3::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionViewItemV3::Version">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QStyleOptionViewItem)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionViewItemV4" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionViewItemV4::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionViewItemV4::Version">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QStyleOptionViewItem)" remove="all" />
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QTextFragment" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QTextFragment)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QBitmap" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(const QPixmap &amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="QBitmap(QString,const char*)" access="private">
+ <modify-argument index="2"> <remove-default-expression/> </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="fromData(QSize,const unsigned char*,QImage::Format)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QTextInlineObject" delete-in-main-thread="yes"/>
+ <value-type name="QSizePolicy"/>
+ <value-type name="QTableWidgetSelectionRange"/>
+ <value-type name="QTextDocumentFragment" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QTextDocumentFragment)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QTextOption" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(const QTextOption &amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QTextLine" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="cursorToX(int*,QTextLine::Edge)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QTextTableFormat" delete-in-main-thread="yes"/>
+ <value-type name="QTextImageFormat" delete-in-main-thread="yes"/>
+ <value-type name="QTextFrameFormat" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="isValid()const" access="non-final"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QTextLength" delete-in-main-thread="yes"/>
+ <value-type name="QItemSelectionRange">
+ <modify-function signature="intersect(QItemSelectionRange)const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QLine"/>
+ <value-type name="QLineF"/>
+ <value-type name="QPainterPath">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QPainterPath)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QPalette">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(const QPalette&amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="QPalette(QColor, QColor, QColor, QColor, QColor, QColor, QColor)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="background()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="foreground()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="serialNumber()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QKeySequence">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QKeySequence)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator int()const" access="private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator[](uint)const" access="private"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QPicture" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QPicture)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="pictureFormat(QString)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="inputFormatList()" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="inputFormats()" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="outputFormatList()" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="outputFormats()" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QRegion" expense-limit="4096">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QRegion)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&amp;=(QRegion)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator+=(QRegion)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator-=(QRegion)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator^=(QRegion)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator|=(QRegion)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&amp;(QRegion)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator+(QRegion)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator-(QRegion)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator^(QRegion)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator|(QRegion)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="eor(QRegion)const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="intersect(QRegion)const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="subtract(QRegion)const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="unite(QRegion)const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="operator&amp;=(QRect)" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="operator+=(QRect)" remove="all" />
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QTextBlock" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QTextBlock)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setUserData(QTextBlockUserData *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QTextBlockFormat" delete-in-main-thread="yes"/>
+ <value-type name="QTextTableCellFormat" delete-in-main-thread="yes" />
+ <value-type name="QTextCharFormat" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="isValid()const" access="non-final"/>
+ <modify-function signature="anchorName()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setAnchorName(QString)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QTextFormat" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QTextFormat)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="isValid()const" access="non-final"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QTextListFormat" delete-in-main-thread="yes"/>
+ <value-type name="QPolygon">
+ <modify-function signature="QPolygon(int, const int *)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator+(QVector&lt;QPoint&gt;)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(QPoint)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(QVector&lt;QPoint&gt;)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QPolygonF">
+ <modify-function signature="operator+(QVector&lt;QPointF&gt;)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(QPointF)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(QVector&lt;QPointF&gt;)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QIcon" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QIcon)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="serialNumber()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="QIcon(QIconEngineV2 *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QIcon(QIconEngine *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QTextFrame::iterator" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <include file-name="QTextFrame" location="global"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator++(int)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator--(int)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QTextFrame::iterator)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator++()" access="private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator--()" access="private"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QTreeWidgetItemIterator" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <custom-constructor>
+ return new QTreeWidgetItemIterator(*copy);
+ </custom-constructor>
+ <custom-destructor>
+ delete copy;
+ </custom-destructor>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QTreeWidgetItemIterator)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator++(int)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator--(int)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator+=(int)" access="private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator-=(int)" access="private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator++()" access="private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator--()" access="private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator*()const" access="private"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QTextBlock::iterator" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <include file-name="QTextBlock" location="global"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator++()" access="private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator--()" access="private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator++(int)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator--(int)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <include file-name="QAbstractTextDocumentLayout" location="global"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection" delete-in-main-thread="yes"/>
+ <value-type name="QPixmap" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QPixmap)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator!()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="QPixmap(const char **)" access="private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="serialNumber()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QTextCursor" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QTextBlock" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QTextDocumentFragment" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QTextCursor)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="selectedTableCells(int*,int*,int*,int*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QTextLayout::FormatRange">
+ <include file-name="QTextLayout" location="global"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QInputMethodEvent::Attribute">
+ <include file-name="QInputMethodEvent" location="global"/>
+ <custom-constructor>
+ return new QInputMethodEvent::Attribute(copy-&gt;type, copy-&gt;start, copy-&gt;length, copy-&gt;value);
+ </custom-constructor>
+ <custom-destructor>
+ delete copy;
+ </custom-destructor>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QItemSelection" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="operator+(const QList&lt;QItemSelectionRange&gt;&amp;)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator+=(const QList&lt;QItemSelectionRange&gt;&amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator+=(const QItemSelectionRange&amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(const QList&lt;QItemSelectionRange&gt;&amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(QItemSelectionRange)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QMatrix">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QPainterPath" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="map(int,int,int*,int*)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="map(double,double,double*,double*)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QMatrix)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator*(QMatrix)const" access="private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator*=(QMatrix)" access="private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="rotate(double)" access="private" rename="rotate_private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="scale(double,double)" access="private" rename="scale_private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="shear(double,double)" access="private" rename="shear_private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="translate(double,double)" access="private" rename="translate_private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="inverted(bool*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <!-- <remove-default-expression/> -->
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <inject-code>
+ <insert-template name="core.unary_other_type">
+ <replace from="%FUNCTION_NAME" to="rotate"/>
+ <replace from="%OUT_TYPE" to="QMatrix"/>
+ <replace from="%IN_TYPE" to="double"/>
+ </insert-template>
+ <insert-template name="core.private_function_return_self">
+ <replace from="%RETURN_TYPE" to="QMatrix"/>
+ <replace from="%FUNCTION_NAME" to="scale"/>
+ <replace from="%ARGUMENTS" to="double sx, double sy"/>
+ <replace from="%ARGUMENT_NAMES" to="sx, sy"/>
+ </insert-template>
+ <insert-template name="core.private_function_return_self">
+ <replace from="%RETURN_TYPE" to="QMatrix"/>
+ <replace from="%FUNCTION_NAME" to="shear"/>
+ <replace from="%ARGUMENTS" to="double sh, double sv"/>
+ <replace from="%ARGUMENT_NAMES" to="sh, sv"/>
+ </insert-template>
+ <insert-template name="core.private_function_return_self">
+ <replace from="%RETURN_TYPE" to="QMatrix"/>
+ <replace from="%FUNCTION_NAME" to="translate"/>
+ <replace from="%ARGUMENTS" to="double dx, double dy"/>
+ <replace from="%ARGUMENT_NAMES" to="dx, dy"/>
+ </insert-template>
+ </inject-code>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QConicalGradient" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QGradient::ConicalGradient">
+ <custom-constructor>
+ return new QConicalGradient(copy-&gt;center(), copy-&gt;angle());
+ </custom-constructor>
+ <custom-destructor>
+ delete copy;
+ </custom-destructor>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QFontInfo" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <custom-constructor>
+ return new QFontInfo(*copy);
+ </custom-constructor>
+ <custom-destructor>
+ delete copy;
+ </custom-destructor>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QFontInfo)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QRadialGradient" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QGradient::RadialGradient">
+ <custom-constructor>
+ return new QRadialGradient(copy-&gt;center(), copy-&gt;radius(), copy-&gt;focalPoint());
+ </custom-constructor>
+ <custom-destructor>
+ delete copy;
+ </custom-destructor>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QPainterPath::Element">
+ <modify-field name="x" write="false"/>
+ <modify-field name="y" write="false"/>
+ <modify-field name="type" write="false"/>
+ <include file-name="QPainterPath" location="global"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator QPointF()const" access="private"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QTextEdit::ExtraSelection" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <include file-name="QTextEdit" location="global"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QFont" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QFont)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QTextTableCell" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QTextCursor" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QTextTableCell)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QImage" expense-limit="67108864" expense-cost="height()*bytesPerLine()">
+ <modify-function signature="QImage(const char *, const char *)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QImage(const char **)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QImage(const unsigned char*,int,int,int,QImage::Format)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="bits()const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="scanLine(int)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QImage(const unsigned char *, int, int, QImage::Format)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QMatrix" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="save(const QString &amp;, const char *, int) const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <rename to="private_save"/>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QImage(unsigned char*,int,int,QImage::Format)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <!--
+ <modify-function signature="QImage(QString,const char*)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ -->
+ <modify-function signature="load(QString,const char*)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="load(QIODevice*,const char*)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="loadFromData(const unsigned char*,int,const char*)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="loadFromData(QByteArray,const char*)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QImage)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setText(const char*,const char*,QString)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="text(const char*,const char*)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="fromData(QByteArray,const char*)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="fromData(const unsigned char*,int,const char*)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="serialNumber()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="textLanguages()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QColormap" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QColormap)" remove="all"/>
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QColor" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <custom-constructor>
+ return new QColormap(*copy);
+ </custom-constructor>
+ <custom-destructor>
+ delete copy;
+ </custom-destructor>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QCursor" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QPixmap" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QCursor)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QFontDatabase" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QPen">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QBrush" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QPen)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QBrush">
+ <modify-function signature="QBrush(Qt::GlobalColor, Qt::BrushStyle)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(const QBrush &amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QPixmap" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QColor">
+ <modify-function signature="QColor(QColor::Spec)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QColor)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(Qt::GlobalColor)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="QColor(const char*)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getCmyk(int*,int*,int*,int*,int*)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getCmykF(double*,double*,double*,double*,double*)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getHsv(int*,int*,int*,int*)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getHsvF(double*,double*,double*,double*)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getRgb(int*,int*,int*,int*)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getRgbF(double*,double*,double*,double*)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="dark(int)const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="light(int)const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QFontMetricsF" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <custom-constructor>
+ return new QFontMetricsF(*copy);
+ </custom-constructor>
+ <custom-destructor>
+ delete copy;
+ </custom-destructor>
+ <modify-function signature="operator!=(const QFontMetricsF &amp;)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator==(const QFontMetricsF &amp;)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="boundingRect(QRectF,int,QString,int,int*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="4">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="5">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QFontMetrics)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QFontMetricsF)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="size(int,QString,int,int*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="4">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QTextOption::Tab" />
+ <value-type name="QFontMetrics" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <custom-constructor>
+ return new QFontMetrics(*copy);
+ </custom-constructor>
+ <custom-destructor>
+ delete copy;
+ </custom-destructor>
+ <modify-function signature="operator!=(const QFontMetrics &amp;)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator==(const QFontMetrics &amp;)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="boundingRect(int,int,int,int,int,QString,int,int*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="7">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="8">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="boundingRect(QRect,int,QString,int,int*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="4">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="5">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QFontMetrics)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="size(int,QString,int,int*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="4">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QGradient" force-abstract="yes" polymorphic-base="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QGradient::NoGradient">
+ <custom-constructor>
+ Q_UNUSED(copy)
+ qWarning("Copying empty QGradient object");
+ return new QGradient();
+ </custom-constructor>
+ <custom-destructor>
+ delete copy;
+ </custom-destructor>
+ <modify-function signature="operator==(const QGradient &amp;)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QLinearGradient" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QGradient::LinearGradient">
+ <custom-constructor>
+ QLinearGradient *lg = new QLinearGradient(copy-&gt;start(), copy-&gt;finalStop());
+ lg-&gt;setSpread(copy-&gt;spread());
+ lg-&gt;setStops(copy-&gt;stops());
+ return (void *) lg;
+ </custom-constructor>
+ <custom-destructor>
+ delete copy;
+ </custom-destructor>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QPrinterInfo">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(const QPrinterInfo &amp;)" remove="all" />
+ </value-type>
+ <interface-type name="QLayoutItem"/>
+ <interface-type name="QPaintDevice"/>
+ <interface-type name="QGraphicsItem" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="setMatrix(QMatrix, bool)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="paint(QPainter*,const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem*,QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="collidesWithItem(const QGraphicsItem*,Qt::ItemSelectionMode)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="dragEnterEvent(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="dragLeaveEvent(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="dragMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="dropEvent(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="focusInEvent(QFocusEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="hoverEnterEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="hoverLeaveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="hoverMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="inputMethodEvent(QInputMethodEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="isObscuredBy(const QGraphicsItem*)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="mouseDoubleClickEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="sceneEvent(QEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="sceneEventFilter(QGraphicsItem*,QEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ <modify-argument index="2" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="wheelEvent(QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="children()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="installSceneEventFilter(QGraphicsItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <!-- Safe to ignore because items in a scene are memory managed by the scene -->
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeSceneEventFilter(QGraphicsItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <!-- Safe to ignore because items in a scene are memory managed by the scene -->
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="matrix()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="resetMatrix()" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="sceneMatrix()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setMatrix(QMatrix, bool)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </interface-type>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem(QGraphicsItem*,QGraphicsScene*)">
+ <inject-code position="end">
+ <argument-map index="1" meta-name="%1"/>
+ if (%1 != null) disableGarbageCollection();
+ </inject-code>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="matrix()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="resetMatrix()" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="sceneMatrix()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setMatrix(QMatrix, bool)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractItemView">
+ <modify-function signature="update()" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="horizontalStepsPerItem()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setHorizontalStepsPerItem(int)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setVerticalStepsPerItem(int)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="verticalStepsPerItem()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="edit(QModelIndex,QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger,QEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="3" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="selectionCommand(QModelIndex,const QEvent*)const">
+ <modify-argument index="2" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractPageSetupDialog"/>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractPrintDialog"/>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractSlider"/>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractTextDocumentLayout">
+ <modify-function signature="setPaintDevice(QPaintDevice*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcPaintDevice"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="draw(QPainter*,QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawInlineObject(QPainter*,QRectF,QTextInlineObject,int,QTextFormat)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QAccessible">
+ <modify-function signature="initialize()" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="cleanup()" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setRootObject(QObject *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="queryAccessibleInterface(QObject *)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="java" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QAccessibleBridge">
+ <modify-function signature="setRootObject(QAccessibleInterface *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="shell" owner="java" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="notifyAccessibilityUpdate(int,QAccessibleInterface*,int)">
+ <modify-argument invalidate-after-use="yes" index="2" />
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QAccessible2Interface"/>
+ <object-type name="QAccessibleTableInterface">
+ <modify-function signature="qAccessibleTableCastHelper()" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QAccessibleInterface">
+ <modify-function signature="indexOfChild(const QAccessibleInterface*)const">
+ <modify-argument invalidate-after-use="yes" index="1" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="relationTo(int,const QAccessibleInterface*,int)const">
+ <modify-argument invalidate-after-use="yes" index="2" />
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QAccessibleInterfaceEx"/>
+ <object-type name="QAccessibleObject"/>
+ <object-type name="QAccessibleObjectEx"/>
+ <object-type name="QAccessibleWidget"/>
+ <object-type name="QAccessibleWidgetEx"/>
+ <object-type name="QActionGroup" />
+ <object-type name="QCDEStyle">
+ <modify-function signature="standardIconImplementation(QStyle::StandardPixmap, const QStyleOption *, const QWidget *)const" virtual-slot="yes"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QCheckBox">
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOptionButton*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QCleanlooksStyle">
+ <modify-function signature="standardPixmap(QStyle::StandardPixmap,const QStyleOption*,const QWidget*)const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="standardIconImplementation(QStyle::StandardPixmap, const QStyleOption *, const QWidget *)const" virtual-slot="yes"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QCommonStyle">
+ <modify-function signature="standardPixmap(QStyle::StandardPixmap, const QStyleOption*,const QWidget*)const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="standardIconImplementation(QStyle::StandardPixmap, const QStyleOption *, const QWidget *)const" virtual-slot="yes"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QDataWidgetMapper">
+ <modify-function signature="addMapping(QWidget*,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="add" variable-name="__rcMappings"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addMapping(QWidget*,int,QByteArray)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="add" variable-name="__rcMappings"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeMapping(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="remove" variable-name="__rcMappings"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setItemDelegate(QAbstractItemDelegate*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcItemDelegate"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setModel(QAbstractItemModel*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcModel"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QDateEdit"/>
+ <object-type name="QDesktopServices">
+ <modify-function signature="setUrlHandler(const QString &amp;, QObject *, const char *)" access="private">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore" /> <!-- Handled in injected code -->
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QDialog">
+ <modify-function signature="setExtension(QWidget*)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="exec()" access="non-final"/>
+ <modify-function signature="extension()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="orientation()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setOrientation(Qt::Orientation)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="showExtension(bool)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QDialogButtonBox">
+ <modify-function signature="addButton(QAbstractButton*,QDialogButtonBox::ButtonRole)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeButton(QAbstractButton*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QDirModel">
+ <modify-function signature="parent()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setIconProvider(QFileIconProvider*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcIconProvider"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QDoubleValidator"/>
+ <object-type name="QFileIconProvider"/>
+ <object-type name="QWizard">
+ <!-- ### Requires correct class name in meta object -->
+ <modify-function signature="setDefaultProperty(const char *, const char *, const char *)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="addPage(QWizardPage*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setButton(QWizard::WizardButton,QAbstractButton*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setPage(int,QWizardPage*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QWizardPage">
+ <!-- ### Reduced functionality due to meta object having missing information -->
+ <modify-function signature="registerField(const QString &amp;, QWidget *, const char *, const char *)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="4">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QFocusFrame">
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOption*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setWidget(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcWidget"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <inject-code>
+ <insert-template name="gui.init_style_option">
+ <replace from="%TYPE" to="QStyleOption"/>
+ </insert-template>
+ </inject-code>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QFontComboBox"/>
+ <object-type name="QFontDialog"/>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsEllipseItem" delete-in-main-thread="yes"/>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsItemAnimation" >
+ <modify-function signature="setItem(QGraphicsItem*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcItem"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setTimeLine(QTimeLine*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcTimeLine"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsItemGroup" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="matrix()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="resetMatrix()" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="sceneMatrix()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setMatrix(QMatrix, bool)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsLineItem" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="matrix()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="resetMatrix()" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="sceneMatrix()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setMatrix(QMatrix, bool)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsPathItem" delete-in-main-thread="yes"/>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsPixmapItem" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="matrix()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="resetMatrix()" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="sceneMatrix()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setMatrix(QMatrix, bool)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsPolygonItem" delete-in-main-thread="yes"/>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsRectItem" delete-in-main-thread="yes"/>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsSimpleTextItem" delete-in-main-thread="yes"/>
+ <object-type name="QHBoxLayout"/>
+ <object-type name="QHeaderView">
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOptionHeader*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="paintSection(QPainter*,QRect,int)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <inject-code>
+ <insert-template name="gui.init_style_option">
+ <replace from="%TYPE" to="QStyleOptionHeader"/>
+ </insert-template>
+ </inject-code>
+ <modify-function signature="setModel(QAbstractItemModel*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count declare-variable="QAbstractItemView" action="set" variable-name="__rcModel"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QIconEngine">
+ <modify-function signature="paint(QPainter*,QRect,QIcon::Mode,QIcon::State)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QIconEngineV2">
+ <modify-function signature="read(QDataStream&amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="write(QDataStream&amp;)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="virtual_hook(int,void*)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="clone()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="shell" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QImageWriter">
+ <modify-function signature="setDevice(QIODevice*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcDevice"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="description()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setDescription(QString)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QInputContextFactory"/>
+ <object-type name="QIntValidator"/>
+ <object-type name="QItemDelegate">
+ <modify-function signature="doLayout(QStyleOptionViewItem,QRect*,QRect*,QRect*,bool)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawCheck(QPainter*,QStyleOptionViewItem,QRect,Qt::CheckState)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawDecoration(QPainter*,QStyleOptionViewItem,QRect,QPixmap)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawDisplay(QPainter*,QStyleOptionViewItem,QRect,QString)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawFocus(QPainter*,QStyleOptionViewItem,QRect)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="selected(QPixmap,QPalette,bool)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setItemEditorFactory(QItemEditorFactory*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcItemEditorFactory"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setEditorData(QWidget*,QModelIndex)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setModelData(QWidget*,QAbstractItemModel*,QModelIndex)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QItemEditorCreatorBase"/>
+ <object-type name="QItemEditorFactory">
+ <modify-function signature="registerEditor(QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase *)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setDefaultFactory(QItemEditorFactory *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcDefaultItemEditorFactory" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QItemSelectionModel"/>
+ <object-type name="QTreeModel"/>
+ <object-type name="QListView"/>
+ <object-type name="QColumnView">
+ <modify-function signature="setPreviewWidget(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setModel(QAbstractItemModel*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count declare-variable="QAbstractItemView" action="set" variable-name="__rcItemModel"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setSelectionModel(QItemSelectionModel*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ <reference-count declare-variable="QAbstractItemView" action="set" variable-name="__rcItemSelectionModel"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QMainWindow">
+ <modify-function signature="addDockWidget(Qt::DockWidgetArea,QDockWidget*,Qt::Orientation)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addDockWidget(Qt::DockWidgetArea,QDockWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addToolBar(QToolBar*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addToolBar(Qt::ToolBarArea,QToolBar*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertToolBar(QToolBar*,QToolBar*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertToolBarBreak(QToolBar*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeDockWidget(QDockWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeToolBar(QToolBar*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeToolBarBreak(QToolBar*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCentralWidget(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setMenuBar(QMenuBar*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setMenuWidget(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setStatusBar(QStatusBar*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QMdiArea">
+ <modify-function signature="addSubWindow(QWidget*,QFlags&lt;Qt::WindowType&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeSubWindow(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setActiveSubWindow(QMdiSubWindow*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setupViewport(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QMdiSubWindow">
+ <modify-function signature="setSystemMenu(QMenu*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setWidget(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QMenu">
+ <modify-function signature="addAction(QAction *)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="addMenu(QMenu*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="add" variable-name="__rcMenus"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertMenu(QAction*,QMenu*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="add" variable-name="__rcMenus"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertSeparator(QAction*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setActiveAction(QAction*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setDefaultAction(QAction*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setNoReplayFor(QWidget*)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOptionMenuItem*,const QAction*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addAction(QString,const QObject*,const char*,QKeySequence)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addAction(QIcon,QString,const QObject*,const char*,QKeySequence)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QMenuBar">
+ <modify-function signature="addAction(QAction *)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="addAction(QString,const QObject*,const char*)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOptionMenuItem*,const QAction*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addMenu(QMenu*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="add" variable-name="__rcMenus"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertMenu(QAction*,QMenu*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="add" variable-name="__rcMenus"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertSeparator(QAction*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setActiveAction(QAction*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCornerWidget(QWidget*,Qt::Corner) ">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QMotifStyle">
+ <modify-function signature="standardPixmap(QStyle::StandardPixmap, const QStyleOption*, const QWidget*)const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="standardIconImplementation(QStyle::StandardPixmap, const QStyleOption *, const QWidget *)const" virtual-slot="yes"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QPainterPathStroker"/>
+ <object-type name="QPictureIO">
+ <modify-function signature="QPictureIO(QIODevice*,const char*)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcDevice"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setIODevice(QIODevice*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcDevice"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QPictureIO(QString,const char*)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="format()const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <rename to="format_private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="parameters()const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <rename to="parameters_private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setFormat(const char*)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setParameters(const char*)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QPixmapCache">
+ <modify-function signature="find(QString)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="find(QString,QPixmap&amp;)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QPlastiqueStyle">
+ <modify-function signature="standardPixmap(QStyle::StandardPixmap, const QStyleOption*, const QWidget*)const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="standardIconImplementation(QStyle::StandardPixmap, const QStyleOption *, const QWidget *)const" virtual-slot="yes"/>
+ <modify-function signature="layoutSpacingImplementation(QSizePolicy::ControlType, QSizePolicy::ControlType, Qt::Orientation, const QStyleOption *, const QWidget *) const" virtual-slot="yes" />
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QPrintDialog" />
+ <object-type name="QPrintEngine"/>
+ <object-type name="QProgressBar">
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOptionProgressBar*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QPushButton">
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOptionButton*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setMenu(QMenu*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcMenu"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QReadWriteLock"/>
+ <object-type name="QRegExpValidator"/>
+ <object-type name="QScrollArea">
+ <modify-function signature="setWidget(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QSessionManager"/>
+ <object-type name="QShortcut">
+ <modify-function signature="QShortcut(QKeySequence,QWidget*,const char*,const char*,Qt::ShortcutContext)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="4">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="5">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QSizeGrip"/>
+ <object-type name="QSound"/>
+ <object-type name="QSpacerItem"/>
+ <object-type name="QStandardItem">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QStandardItem)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;(QStandardItem)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="read(QDataStream&amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="write(QDataStream&amp;)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QStatusBar">
+ <modify-function signature="addPermanentWidget(QWidget *, int)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addWidget(QWidget *, int)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeWidget(QWidget *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertPermanentWidget(int, QWidget *, int)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertWidget(int, QWidget *, int)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QStringListModel"/>
+ <object-type name="QStyleFactory"/>
+ <object-type name="QStyleHintReturn"/>
+ <object-type name="QStyleHintReturnVariant"/>
+ <object-type name="QStyleHintReturnMask"/>
+ <object-type name="QStylePainter" delete-in-main-thread="yes"/>
+ <object-type name="QSyntaxHighlighter">
+ <modify-function signature="setCurrentBlockUserData(QTextBlockUserData*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setDocument(QTextDocument*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcDocument"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QSystemTrayIcon">
+ <modify-function signature="setContextMenu(QMenu*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcContextMenu"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTableView">
+ <modify-function signature="setHorizontalHeader(QHeaderView*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setVerticalHeader(QHeaderView*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setModel(QAbstractItemModel*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count declare-variable="QAbstractItemView" action="set" variable-name="__rcItemModel"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setSelectionModel(QItemSelectionModel*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ <reference-count declare-variable="QAbstractItemView" action="set" variable-name="__rcItemSelectionModel"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="sortByColumn(int)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTextBlockGroup" delete-in-main-thread="yes"/>
+ <object-type name="QTextBlockUserData" delete-in-main-thread="yes"/>
+ <object-type name="QTextItem" delete-in-main-thread="yes"/>
+ <object-type name="QTextList" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="format()const" rename="textListFormat"/>
+ <modify-function signature="isEmpty()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTextObject" delete-in-main-thread="yes"/>
+ <object-type name="QTextObjectInterface" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="drawObject(QPainter*,QRectF,QTextDocument*,int,QTextFormat)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTimeEdit"/>
+ <object-type name="QToolBox">
+ <modify-function signature="addItem(QWidget*,QString)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addItem(QWidget*,QIcon,QString)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertItem(int,QWidget*,QIcon,QString)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertItem(int,QWidget*,QString)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCurrentWidget(QWidget*) ">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QToolButton">
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOptionToolButton*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setDefaultAction(QAction *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcDefaultAction"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setMenu(QMenu *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcMenu"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QToolTip"/>
+ <object-type name="QTreeView">
+ <modify-function signature="drawBranches(QPainter*,QRect,QModelIndex)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawRow(QPainter*,QStyleOptionViewItem,QModelIndex)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setHeader(QHeaderView*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setModel(QAbstractItemModel*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count declare-variable="QAbstractItemView" action="set" variable-name="__rcItemModel"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setSelectionModel(QItemSelectionModel*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ <reference-count declare-variable="QAbstractItemView" action="set" variable-name="__rcItemSelectionModel"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="sortByColumn(int)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QUndoCommand">
+ <modify-function signature="mergeWith(const QUndoCommand*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QUndoGroup">
+ <modify-function signature="addStack(QUndoStack*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="add" variable-name="__rcStacks"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeStack(QUndoStack*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="remove" variable-name="__rcStacks"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setActiveStack(QUndoStack*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QUndoStack"/>
+ <object-type name="QUndoView">
+ <modify-function signature="setGroup(QUndoGroup *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcGroupOrStack"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setStack(QUndoStack *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcGroupOrStack"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QUndoView(QUndoGroup *,QWidget *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcGroupOrStack"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QUndoView(QUndoStack *,QWidget *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcGroupOrStack"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QVBoxLayout"/>
+ <object-type name="QValidator" />
+ <object-type name="QWhatsThis"/>
+ <object-type name="QWidgetAction">
+ <modify-function signature="createWidget(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="shell" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QWidgetItem" />
+ <object-type name="QWindowsStyle">
+ <modify-function signature="standardPixmap(QStyle::StandardPixmap, const QStyleOption*, const QWidget*)const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="standardIconImplementation(QStyle::StandardPixmap, const QStyleOption *, const QWidget *)const" virtual-slot="yes"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QWorkspace">
+ <modify-function signature="addWindow(QWidget*,QFlags&lt;Qt::WindowType&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setActiveWindow(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QActionEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::ActionAdded || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::ActionRemoved || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::ActionChanged"/>
+ <object-type name="QClipboardEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::Clipboard"/>
+ <object-type name="QCloseEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::Close"/>
+ <object-type name="QContextMenuEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::ContextMenu"/>
+ <object-type name="QDragEnterEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::DragEnter"/>
+ <object-type name="QDragLeaveEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::DragLeave"/>
+ <object-type name="QDragMoveEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::DragMove">
+ <modify-function signature="accept()" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="ignore()" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QDropEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::Drop">
+ <modify-function signature="encodedData(const char*)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="format(int)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="provides(const char*)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QFileOpenEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::FileOpen"/>
+ <object-type name="QFocusEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::FocusIn || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::FocusOut">
+ <modify-function signature="reason()const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneContextMenu"/>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneDragEnter || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneDragLeave || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneDragMove || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneDrop">
+ <modify-function signature="setMimeData(const QMimeData *)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setSource(QWidget *)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsSceneEvent">
+ <modify-function signature="setWidget(QWidget *)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsSceneMoveEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneMove" />
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneResize" />
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsSceneHelpEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneHelp"/>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneHoverEnter || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneHoverLeave || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneHoverMove"/>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseDoubleClick || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseMove || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneMousePress || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseRelease"/>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneWheel"/>
+ <object-type name="QHelpEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::ToolTip || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::WhatsThis"/>
+ <object-type name="QHideEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::Hide"/>
+ <object-type name="QHoverEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::HoverEnter || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::HoverLeave || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::HoverMove"/>
+ <object-type name="QIconDragEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::IconDrag"/>
+ <object-type name="QInputMethodEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::InputMethod"/>
+ <object-type name="QMoveEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::Move"/>
+ <object-type name="QResizeEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::Resize"/>
+ <object-type name="QShortcutEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::Shortcut">
+ <!-- All these have const overloads that are used instead -->
+ <modify-function signature="isAmbiguous()">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="shortcutId()">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="key()">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QShowEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::Show"/>
+ <object-type name="QStatusTipEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::StatusTip"/>
+ <object-type name="QTabletEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::TabletMove || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::TabletPress || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::TabletRelease"/>
+ <object-type name="QToolBarChangeEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::ToolBarChange"/>
+ <object-type name="QWhatsThisClickedEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::WhatsThisClicked"/>
+ <object-type name="QWheelEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::Wheel"/>
+ <object-type name="QWindowStateChangeEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::WindowStateChange"/>
+ <object-type name="QDragResponseEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::DragResponse"/>
+ <object-type name="QInputEvent">
+ <modify-function signature="modifiers()const" access="non-final"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QKeyEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::KeyPress || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::KeyRelease"/>
+ <object-type name="QMouseEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::MouseMove"/>
+ <object-type name="QPaintEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::Paint"/>
+ <object-type name="QAccessibleEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::AccessibilityDescription || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::AccessibilityHelp"/>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractButton" />
+ <object-type name="QStyle">
+ <modify-function signature="standardIconImplementation(QStyle::StandardPixmap, const QStyleOption *, const QWidget *)const" virtual-slot="yes"/>
+ <modify-function signature="layoutSpacingImplementation(QSizePolicy::ControlType, QSizePolicy::ControlType, Qt::Orientation, const QStyleOption *, const QWidget *) const" virtual-slot="yes" />
+ <modify-function signature="drawComplexControl(QStyle::ComplexControl,const QStyleOptionComplex*,QPainter*,const QWidget*)const">
+ <modify-argument index="3" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawControl(QStyle::ControlElement,const QStyleOption*,QPainter*,const QWidget*)const">
+ <modify-argument index="3" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawPrimitive(QStyle::PrimitiveElement,const QStyleOption*,QPainter*,const QWidget*)const">
+ <modify-argument index="3" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="styleHint(QStyle::StyleHint,const QStyleOption*,const QWidget*,QStyleHintReturn*)const">
+ <modify-argument index="4" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawItemPixmap(QPainter*,QRect,int,QPixmap)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawItemText(QPainter*,QRect,int,QPalette,bool,QString,QPalette::ColorRole)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QColorDialog">
+ <modify-function signature="getColor(const QColor &amp;, QWidget *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-default-expression with="QColor.white"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getRgba(uint,bool*,QWidget*)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QLayout">
+ <modify-function signature="addItem(QLayoutItem*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setSpacing(int)" rename="setWidgetSpacing"/>
+ <modify-function signature="spacing()const" rename="widgetSpacing"/>
+ <modify-function signature="addWidget(QWidget *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ <reference-count variable-name="__rcWidgets" action="add"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addChildWidget(QWidget *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ <reference-count variable-name="__rcWidgets" action="add"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeWidget(QWidget *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ <reference-count variable-name="__rcWidgets" action="remove"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setAlignment(QWidget*,QFlags&lt;Qt::AlignmentFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setAlignment(QLayout*,QFlags&lt;Qt::AlignmentFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setMenuBar(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcMenuBar"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getContentsMargins(int*,int*,int*,int*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="margin()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <!-- <modify-function signature="setMargin(int)" remove="all"/> --> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QStackedLayout">
+ <modify-function signature="addItem(QLayoutItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="itemAt(int) const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addWidget(QWidget *)">
+ <rename to="addStackedWidget"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ <reference-count action="add" declare-variable="QLayout" variable-name="__rcWidgets"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertWidget(int,QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ <reference-count action="add" declare-variable="QLayout" variable-name="__rcWidgets"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCurrentWidget(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <!-- Safe to ignore because current widget must have been added to layout already -->
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QBoxLayout">
+ <modify-function signature="addWidget(QWidget *, int, QFlags&lt;Qt::AlignmentFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addItem(QLayoutItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertLayout(int, QLayout *, int)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertItem(int, QLayoutItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addSpacerItem(QSpacerItem*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertSpacerItem(int,QSpacerItem*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addLayout(QLayout *, int)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addWidget(QWidget*,int,QFlags&lt;Qt::AlignmentFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count declare-variable="QLayout" action="add" variable-name="__rcWidgets"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertWidget(int,QWidget*,int,QFlags&lt;Qt::AlignmentFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count declare-variable="QLayout" action="add" variable-name="__rcWidgets"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setStretchFactor(QWidget*,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setStretchFactor(QLayout*,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QGridLayout">
+ <modify-function signature="addWidget(QWidget *)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="addItem(QLayoutItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addItem(QLayoutItem *, int, int, int, int, QFlags&lt;Qt::AlignmentFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addLayout(QLayout *, int, int, QFlags&lt;Qt::AlignmentFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addLayout(QLayout *, int, int, int, int, QFlags&lt;Qt::AlignmentFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addWidget(QWidget*,int,int,QFlags&lt;Qt::AlignmentFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count declare-variable="QLayout" action="add" variable-name="__rcWidgets"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addWidget(QWidget*,int,int,int,int,QFlags&lt;Qt::AlignmentFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count declare-variable="QLayout" action="add" variable-name="__rcWidgets"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addWidget(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count declare-variable="QLayout" action="add" variable-name="__rcWidgets"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getItemPosition(int,int*,int*,int*,int*)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsView">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QPainterPath" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QVarLengthArray" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="setupViewport(QWidget *)" access="non-final"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setScene(QGraphicsScene*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcScene"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setupViewport(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawBackground(QPainter*,QRectF)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawForeground(QPainter*,QRectF)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawItems(QPainter*,int,QGraphicsItem**,const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <!--
+ <modify-function signature="drawItems(QPainter*,int,QGraphicsItem**,const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="shell">
+ // nothing
+ </conversion-rule>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.get_array_length">
+ <replace from="%ARRAY" to="%3"/>
+ </insert-template>
+ int __length = %out;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <replace-type modified-type="com.trolltech.qt.gui.QGraphicsItemInterface[]"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="shell">
+ <insert-template name="gui.convert_graphicsitem_array_to_java">
+ <replace from="%LENGTH" to="%2"/>
+ </insert-template>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="gui.convert_graphicsitem_array_from_java"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="4">
+ <replace-type modified-type="com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionGraphicsItem[]"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="shell">
+ <insert-template name="gui.convert_styleoptiongraphicsitem_array_to_java">
+ <replace from="%LENGTH" to="%2"/>
+ </insert-template>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="gui.convert_styleoptiongraphicsitem_array_from_java"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ -->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QInputDialog">
+ <modify-function signature="getDouble(QWidget *, const QString &amp;, const QString &amp;, double, double, double, int, bool *, QFlags&lt;Qt::WindowType&gt;)">
+ <!--
+ <rename to="getDouble_internal"/>
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ -->
+ <modify-argument index="4">
+ <remove-default-expression />
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="5">
+ <remove-default-expression />
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="6">
+ <remove-default-expression />
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="7">
+ <remove-default-expression />
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="8">
+ <remove-default-expression />
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="9">
+ <remove-default-expression />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getInteger(QWidget *, const QString &amp;, const QString &amp;, int, int, int, int, bool *, QFlags&lt;Qt::WindowType&gt;)">
+ <!--
+ <rename to="getInteger_internal"/>
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ -->
+ <modify-argument index="4">
+ <remove-default-expression />
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="5">
+ <remove-default-expression />
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="6">
+ <remove-default-expression />
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="7">
+ <remove-default-expression />
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="8">
+ <remove-default-expression />
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="9">
+ <remove-default-expression />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getItem(QWidget *, const QString &amp;, const QString &amp;, const QStringList&lt;QString&gt; &amp;, int, bool, bool *, QFlags&lt;Qt::WindowType&gt;)">
+ <!--
+ <rename to="getItem_internal"/>
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ -->
+ <modify-argument index="4">
+ <remove-default-expression />
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="5">
+ <remove-default-expression />
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="6">
+ <remove-default-expression />
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="7">
+ <remove-default-expression />
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="8">
+ <remove-default-expression />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getText(QWidget *, const QString &amp;, const QString &amp;, QLineEdit::EchoMode, const QString &amp;, bool *, QFlags&lt;Qt::WindowType&gt;)">
+ <!--
+ <rename to="getText_internal"/>
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ -->
+ <modify-argument index="4">
+ <remove-default-expression />
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="5">
+ <remove-default-expression />
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="6">
+ <remove-default-expression />
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="7">
+ <remove-default-expression />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsScene">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QVarLengthArray" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="dragEnterEvent(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="dragLeaveEvent(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="dragMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawBackground(QPainter*,QRectF)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawForeground(QPainter*,QRectF)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawItems(QPainter*,int,QGraphicsItem**,const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem*,QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="dropEvent(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="focusInEvent(QFocusEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="helpEvent(QGraphicsSceneHelpEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="inputMethodEvent(QInputMethodEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="mouseDoubleClickEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="wheelEvent(QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setActiveWindow(QGraphicsWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setStyle(QStyle*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addItem(QGraphicsItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addEllipse(const QRectF &amp;, const QPen &amp;, const QBrush &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addLine(const QLineF &amp;, const QPen &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addPath(const QPainterPath &amp;, const QPen &amp;, const QBrush &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addPixmap(const QPixmap &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addPolygon(const QPolygonF &amp;, const QPen &amp;, const QBrush &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addRect(const QRectF &amp;, const QPen &amp;, const QBrush &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addText(const QString &amp;, const QFont &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addWidget(QWidget*,QFlags&lt;Qt::WindowType&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeItem(QGraphicsItem*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="default"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setFocusItem(QGraphicsItem*,Qt::FocusReason)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcFocusItem"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QCalendarWidget">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QTextCharFormat" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="isHeaderVisible()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setHeaderVisible(bool)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="paintCell(QPainter*,QRect,QDate)const">
+ <modify-argument invalidate-after-use="yes" index="1" />
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTreeWidget">
+ <modify-function signature="dropMimeData(QTreeWidgetItem*,int,const QMimeData*,Qt::DropAction)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="isSortingEnabled()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setSortingEnabled(bool)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="indexOfTopLevelItem(QTreeWidgetItem *)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addTopLevelItem(QTreeWidgetItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="takeTopLevelItem(int)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="default"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addTopLevelItems(const QList&lt;QTreeWidgetItem*&gt; &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertTopLevelItem(int, QTreeWidgetItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertTopLevelItems(int, const QList&lt;QTreeWidgetItem*&gt; &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setHeaderItem(QTreeWidgetItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="takeTopLevelItem(int)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="default"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeItemWidget(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="default"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCurrentItem(QTreeWidgetItem*,int,QFlags&lt;QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setFirstItemColumnSpanned(const QTreeWidgetItem*,bool)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCurrentItem(QTreeWidgetItem*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCurrentItem(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setItemExpanded(const QTreeWidgetItem*,bool)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="isItemExpanded(const QTreeWidgetItem*)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setItemHidden(const QTreeWidgetItem*,bool)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="isItemHidden(const QTreeWidgetItem*)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="isItemSelected(const QTreeWidgetItem*)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setItemSelected(const QTreeWidgetItem*,bool)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setItemWidget(QTreeWidgetItem*,int,QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setModel(QAbstractItemModel*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="items(const QMimeData*)const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractItemDelegate">
+ <modify-function signature="setEditorData(QWidget*,QModelIndex)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <!-- Safe to ignore because this implementation is documented to do nothing -->
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setModelData(QWidget*,QAbstractItemModel*,QModelIndex)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="paint(QPainter*,QStyleOptionViewItem,QModelIndex)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="editorEvent(QEvent*,QAbstractItemModel*,QStyleOptionViewItem,QModelIndex)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="elidedText(QFontMetrics, int, Qt::TextElideMode, QString)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTableWidgetItem" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(const QTableWidgetItem&amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="clone() const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="shell" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="backgroundColor()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setBackgroundColor(QColor)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setTextColor(QColor)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="textColor()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;(QTableWidgetItem)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="read(QDataStream&amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="write(QDataStream&amp;)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QListWidgetItem" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;(QListWidgetItem)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="read(QDataStream&amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="write(QDataStream&amp;)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(const QListWidgetItem&amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="QListWidgetItem(QListWidget *, int)">
+ <modify-argument index="this">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QListWidgetItem(const QString &amp;, QListWidget *, int)">
+ <modify-argument index="this">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QListWidgetItem(const QIcon &amp;, const QString &amp;, QListWidget *, int)">
+ <modify-argument index="this">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="clone() const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="shell" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="backgroundColor()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setBackgroundColor(QColor)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setTextColor(QColor)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="textColor()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsTextItem"> <!-- a QObject so main-thread delete redundant -->
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QTextCursor" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="QGraphicsTextItem(QGraphicsItem*,QGraphicsScene*)">
+ <inject-code position="end">
+ <argument-map index="1" meta-name="%1"/>
+ if (%1 != null) disableGarbageCollection();
+ </inject-code>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QGraphicsTextItem(const QString &amp;,QGraphicsItem*,QGraphicsScene*)">
+ <inject-code position="end">
+ <argument-map index="2" meta-name="%2"/>
+ if (%2 != null) disableGarbageCollection();
+ </inject-code>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setDocument(QTextDocument*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcDocument"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="matrix()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="resetMatrix()" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="sceneMatrix()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setMatrix(QMatrix, bool)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QCompleter">
+ <modify-function signature="activated(const QModelIndex &amp;)">
+ <rename to="activatedIndex"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="highlighted(const QModelIndex &amp;)">
+ <rename to="highlightedIndex"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setModel(QAbstractItemModel *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcModel"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setPopup(QAbstractItemView *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setWidget(QWidget *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcWidget"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTreeWidgetItem" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;(QTreeWidgetItem)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="read(QDataStream&amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="write(QDataStream&amp;)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QTreeWidgetItem(const QTreeWidgetItem &amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(const QTreeWidgetItem&amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="QTreeWidgetItem(QTreeWidget *,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="this">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QTreeWidgetItem(QTreeWidget *,const QStringList&lt;QString&gt; &amp;,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="this">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QTreeWidgetItem(QTreeWidget *,QTreeWidgetItem *,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="this">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QTreeWidgetItem(QTreeWidgetItem *,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="this">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QTreeWidgetItem(QTreeWidgetItem *,const QStringList&lt;QString&gt; &amp;,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="this">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QTreeWidgetItem(QTreeWidgetItem *,QTreeWidgetItem *,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="this">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="clone() const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="shell" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addChild(QTreeWidgetItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addChildren(const QList&lt;QTreeWidgetItem*&gt; &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertChild(int, QTreeWidgetItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertChildren(int, const QList&lt;QTreeWidgetItem*&gt; &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeChild(QTreeWidgetItem*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="default"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="takeChild(int)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="default"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="takeChildren()">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="default"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="backgroundColor(int)const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setBackgroundColor(int, QColor)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setTextColor(int, QColor)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="textColor(int)const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QListWidget">
+ <modify-function signature="addItem(QListWidgetItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertItem(int, QListWidgetItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeItemWidget(QListWidgetItem*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="default"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCurrentItem(QListWidgetItem*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCurrentItem(QListWidgetItem*,QFlags&lt;QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setItemHidden(const QListWidgetItem*,bool)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="isItemHidden(const QListWidgetItem*)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setItemSelected(const QListWidgetItem*,bool)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="isItemSelected(const QListWidgetItem*)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="takeItem(int)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="default"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setItemWidget(QListWidgetItem*,QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setModel(QAbstractItemModel*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QWidget">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QIcon" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QMessageBox" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="actionEvent(QActionEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="changeEvent(QEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="closeEvent(QCloseEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="dropEvent(QDropEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="enterEvent(QEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="focusInEvent(QFocusEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="hideEvent(QHideEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="inputMethodEvent(QInputMethodEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="leaveEvent(QEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="moveEvent(QMoveEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="paintEvent(QPaintEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="resizeEvent(QResizeEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="showEvent(QShowEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="tabletEvent(QTabletEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="wheelEvent(QWheelEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="render(QPainter*,QPoint,QRegion,QFlags&lt;QWidget::RenderFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <!-- Removed because the render(QPainter*) overload conflicts with the identical function in QGraphicsView -->
+ <remove-default-expression />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <!--
+ <inject-code class="native">
+ extern "C" JNIEXPORT void JNICALL QTJAMBI_FUNCTION_PREFIX(Java_com_trolltech_qt_gui_QWidget__1_1qt_1QMessageBox_1setWindowTitle)
+ (JNIEnv *__jni_env,
+ jclass,
+ jlong __this_nativeId,
+ jobject title0)
+ {
+ QTJAMBI_DEBUG_TRACE("(native) entering: QMessageBox::setWindowTitle(const QString &amp; title)");
+ QString __qt_title0 = qtjambi_to_qstring(__jni_env, (jstring) title0);
+ QMessageBox *__qt_this = (QMessageBox *) qtjambi_from_jlong(__this_nativeId);
+ Q_ASSERT(__qt_this);
+ __qt_this-&gt;setWindowTitle((const QString&amp; )__qt_title0);
+ QTJAMBI_DEBUG_TRACE("(native) -&gt; leaving: QMessageBox::setWindowTitle(const QString &amp; title)");
+ }
+ </inject-code>
+ <inject-code class="native">
+ extern "C" JNIEXPORT void JNICALL QTJAMBI_FUNCTION_PREFIX(Java_com_trolltech_qt_gui_QWidget__1_1qt_1QMessageBox_1setWindowModality)
+ (JNIEnv *__jni_env,
+ jclass,
+ jlong __this_nativeId,
+ jint windowModality0)
+ {
+ Q_UNUSED(__jni_env);
+ QTJAMBI_DEBUG_TRACE("(native) entering: QMessageBox::setWindowModality(Qt::WindowModality modality)");
+ Qt::WindowModality __qt_windowModality0 = (Qt::WindowModality) windowModality0;
+ QMessageBox *__qt_this = (QMessageBox *) qtjambi_from_jlong(__this_nativeId);
+ Q_ASSERT(__qt_this);
+ __qt_this-&gt;setWindowModality((Qt::WindowModality )__qt_windowModality0);
+ QTJAMBI_DEBUG_TRACE("(native) -&gt; leaving: QMessageBox::setWindowModality(Qt::WindowModality modality)");
+ }
+ </inject-code>
+ -->
+ <modify-function signature="render(QPaintDevice *, const QPoint &amp;, const QRegion &amp;, QFlags&lt;QWidget::RenderFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="4">
+ <replace-default-expression with="RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground, RenderFlag.DrawChildren"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="render(QPainter *, const QPoint &amp;, const QRegion &amp;, QFlags&lt;QWidget::RenderFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="4">
+ <replace-default-expression with="RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground, RenderFlag.DrawChildren"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setFocusProxy(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcFocusProxy"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setInputContext(QInputContext*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setLayout(QLayout*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setParent(QWidget*,QFlags&lt;Qt::WindowType&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setParent(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setStyle(QStyle*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcStyle"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setTabOrder(QWidget*,QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getContentsMargins(int*,int*,int*,int*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addAction(QAction *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="add" variable-name="__rcActions"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertAction(QAction *, QAction *)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="add" variable-name="__rcActions"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addActions(const QList&lt;QAction *&gt; &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="add-all" variable-name="__rcActions"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertActions(QAction *, const QList&lt;QAction *&gt; &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="add-all" variable-name="__rcActions"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeAction(QAction *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="remove" variable-name="__rcActions"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="enabledChange(bool)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="fontChange(QFont)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="isEnabledToTLW()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="isTopLevel()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="paletteChange(QPalette)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setShown(bool)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="topLevelWidget()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="windowActivationChange(bool)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QMessageBox">
+ <modify-function signature="setWindowTitle(const QString &amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setWindowModality(Qt::WindowModality)" remove="all"/>
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QPixmap" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="addButton(QAbstractButton*,QMessageBox::ButtonRole)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeButton(QAbstractButton*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setDefaultButton(QPushButton*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setEscapeButton(QAbstractButton*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QMessageBox(QString,QString,QMessageBox::Icon,int,int,int,QWidget*,QFlags&lt;Qt::WindowType&gt;)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="buttonText(int)const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setButtonText(int, QString)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="standardIcon(QMessageBox::Icon)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="critical(QWidget*,QString,QString,int,int,int)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="critical(QWidget*,QString,QString,QString,QString,QString,int,int)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="information(QWidget*,QString,QString,int,int,int)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="information(QWidget*,QString,QString,QString,QString,QString,int,int)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="question(QWidget*, QString, QString, int, int, int)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="question(QWidget*, QString, QString, QString, QString, QString, int, int)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="warning(QWidget*, QString, QString, int, int, int)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="warning(QWidget*, QString, QString, QString, QString, QString, int, int)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractSpinBox">
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOptionSpinBox*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setLineEdit(QLineEdit*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <!-- Safe to ignore because the spinbox reparents the line edit -->
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTextFrame" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QTextCursor" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QImageIOHandler">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QRect" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="setFormat(const QByteArray &amp;)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setDevice(QIODevice*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcDevice"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <!--
+ <modify-function signature="read(QImage*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="com.trolltech.qt.gui.QImage"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="shell">
+ jobject %out = qtjambi_from_object(__jni_env, %in, "QImage", "com/trolltech/qt/gui/", false);
+ QtJambiLink *__link = %out != 0 ? QtJambiLink::findLink(__jni_env, %out) : 0;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ QImage *%out = (QImage *) qtjambi_to_object(__jni_env, %in);
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="0">
+ <conversion-rule class="shell">
+ // Invalidate object
+ if (__link != 0) __link-&gt;resetObject(__jni_env);
+ bool %out = (bool) %in;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ -->
+ <modify-function signature="name()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QProxyModel">
+ <modify-function signature="parent()const" remove="all"/>
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QPixmap" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QSize" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="setModel(QAbstractItemModel*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcModel"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QImageReader">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QColor" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QRect" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QSize" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QImage" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="read(QImage*) ">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setDevice(QIODevice*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcDevice"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QMovie">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QColor" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QImage" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QPixmap" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QRect" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QSize" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="cacheMode()">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setDevice(QIODevice*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcDevice"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QPageSetupDialog">
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTabWidget">
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOptionTabWidgetFrame*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <inject-code>
+ <insert-template name="gui.init_style_option">
+ <replace from="%TYPE" to="QStyleOptionTabWidgetFrame"/>
+ </insert-template>
+ </inject-code>
+ <modify-function signature="addTab(QWidget*,QIcon,QString)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addTab(QWidget*,QString)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertTab(int,QWidget*,QString)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertTab(int,QWidget*,QIcon,QString)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCornerWidget(QWidget*,Qt::Corner)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCurrentWidget(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setTabBar(QTabBar*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QDrag">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QPoint" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QPixmap" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="setMimeData(QMimeData*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="start(QFlags&lt;Qt::DropAction&gt;)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QDateTimeEdit">
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOptionSpinBox*)const" access="private" rename="initDateTimeEditStyleOption"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setCalendarWidget(QCalendarWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <!-- Safe to ignore because widget is reparented -->
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QSortFilterProxyModel">
+ <modify-function signature="parent()const" remove="all"/>
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QItemSelection" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QSize" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="setSourceModel(QAbstractItemModel *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcSourceModel"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="clear()" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="filterChanged()" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QSlider">
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOptionSlider*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QInputContext">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QTextFormat" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="setFocusWidget(QWidget*)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="filterEvent(const QEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="mouseHandler(int,QMouseEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QProgressDialog">
+ <modify-function signature="setBar(QProgressBar*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCancelButton(QPushButton*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <!-- Safe to ignore because button is reparented -->
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setLabel(QLabel*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <!-- Safe to ignore because label is reparented -->
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QLabel">
+ <modify-function signature="picture()const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <rename to="picture_private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setBuddy(QWidget *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcBuddy"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setMovie(QMovie *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcMovie"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="pixmap()const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <rename to="pixmap_private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QFileDialog">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QUrl" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="getOpenFileName(QWidget*,QString,QString,QString,QString*,QFlags&lt;QFileDialog::Option&gt;)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="4">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="5">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="6">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getOpenFileNames(QWidget*,QString,QString,QString,QString*,QFlags&lt;QFileDialog::Option&gt;)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="4">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="5">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="6">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getSaveFileName(QWidget*,QString,QString,QString,QString*,QFlags&lt;QFileDialog::Option&gt;)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="4">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="5">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="6">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setIconProvider(QFileIconProvider*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcIconProvider"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setItemDelegate(QAbstractItemDelegate*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcItemDelegate"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setProxyModel(QAbstractProxyModel*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <!-- Reparented -->
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QErrorMessage" />
+ <object-type name="QTabBar">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QIcon" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOptionTab*,int)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QStandardItemModel">
+ <modify-function signature="insertColumn(int,const QModelIndex &amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="insertRow(int,const QModelIndex &amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="parent()const" remove="all"/>
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QSize" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="appendColumn(const QList&lt;QStandardItem *&gt;&amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="takeColumn(int)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="default"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="takeRow(int)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="default"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="takeHorizontalHeaderItem(int)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="default"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="takeVerticalHeaderItem(int)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="default"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="takeItem(int,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="default"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="appendRow(const QList&lt;QStandardItem *&gt;&amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="appendRow(QStandardItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertColumn(int, const QList&lt;QStandardItem *&gt;&amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertRow(int, const QList&lt;QStandardItem *&gt;&amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertRow(int, QStandardItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setHorizontalHeaderItem(int, QStandardItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setItem(int, int, QStandardItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setItem(int, QStandardItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setItemPrototype(const QStandardItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setVerticalHeaderItem(int, QStandardItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QRadioButton">
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOptionButton*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QScrollBar">
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOptionSlider*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QClipboard">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QImage" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QPixmap" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="setMimeData(QMimeData *, QClipboard::Mode)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="text(QString&amp;,QClipboard::Mode)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractScrollArea">
+ <modify-function signature="setupViewport(QWidget *)" access="non-final"/>
+ <modify-function signature="addScrollBarWidget(QWidget*,QFlags&lt;Qt::AlignmentFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCornerWidget(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setHorizontalScrollBar(QScrollBar*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setVerticalScrollBar(QScrollBar*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setViewport(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setupViewport(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="viewportEvent(QEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QPaintEngineState">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QPainterPath" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QRubberBand">
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOptionRubberBand*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="move(int,int)" rename="moveRubberBand"/>
+ <modify-function signature="move(const QPoint &amp;)" rename="moveRubberBand"/>
+ <modify-function signature="resize(int,int)" rename="resizeRubberBand"/>
+ <modify-function signature="resize(const QSize &amp;)" rename="resizeRubberBand"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setGeometry(int,int,int,int)" rename="setRubberBandGeometry"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setGeometry(const QRect &amp;)" rename="setRubberBandGeometry"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTextLayout">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QTextOption" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTableWidget">
+ <modify-function signature="isSortingEnabled()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setSortingEnabled(bool)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setHorizontalHeaderItem(int, QTableWidgetItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setItem(int, int, QTableWidgetItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="takeHorizontalHeaderItem(int)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="default"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="takeVerticalHeaderItem(int)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="default"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="takeItem(int,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="default"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setItemPrototype(const QTableWidgetItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setVerticalHeaderItem(int, QTableWidgetItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCellWidget(int,int,QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCurrentItem(QTableWidgetItem*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCurrentItem(QTableWidgetItem*,QFlags&lt;QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setItemSelected(const QTableWidgetItem*,bool)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="isItemSelected(const QTableWidgetItem*)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setModel(QAbstractItemModel*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTextDocument">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QTextBlock" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QTextFormat" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QTextCursor" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="redo(QTextCursor*)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setDocumentLayout(QAbstractTextDocumentLayout*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="undo(QTextCursor*)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QSplitter">
+ <modify-function signature="getRange(int,int*,int*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addWidget(QWidget *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertWidget(int, QWidget *)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QGroupBox">
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOptionGroupBox*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QStackedWidget">
+ <modify-function signature="addWidget(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertWidget(int,QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeWidget(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCurrentWidget(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QSplitterHandle">
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QDial">
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOptionSlider*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QLineEdit">
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOptionFrame*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCompleter(QCompleter *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcCompleter"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setValidator(const QValidator *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcValidator"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QLCDNumber" />
+ <object-type name="QSplashScreen">
+ <modify-function signature="showMessage(const QString &amp;, int, const QColor &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <replace-default-expression with=""/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="repaint()" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="drawContents(QPainter*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QDockWidget">
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOptionDockWidget*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <inject-code>
+ <insert-template name="gui.init_style_option">
+ <replace from="%TYPE" to="QStyleOptionDockWidget"/>
+ </insert-template>
+ </inject-code>
+ <modify-function signature="setTitleBarWidget(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setWidget(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractProxyModel">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QItemSelection" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QSize" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="setSourceModel(QAbstractItemModel *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcSourceModel"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QDesktopWidget">
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QFrame">
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTextTable">
+ <modify-function signature="format() const">
+ <rename to="tableFormat"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QTextCursor" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QSpinBox">
+ <modify-function signature="valueChanged(const QString &amp;)">
+ <rename to="valueStringChanged"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTextBrowser">
+ <modify-function signature="highlighted(const QString &amp;)">
+ <rename to="highlightedString"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QDoubleSpinBox">
+ <modify-function signature="valueChanged(const QString &amp;)">
+ <rename to="valueStringChanged"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QButtonGroup">
+ <modify-function signature="buttonClicked(int)">
+ <rename to="buttonIdClicked"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="buttonPressed(int)">
+ <rename to="buttonIdPressed"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="buttonReleased(int)">
+ <rename to="buttonIdReleased"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addButton(QAbstractButton *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="add" variable-name="__rcButtons"/>
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addButton(QAbstractButton *, int)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="add" variable-name="__rcButtons"/>
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeButton(QAbstractButton *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="remove" variable-name="__rcButtons"/>
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setId(QAbstractButton *,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QToolBar">
+ <modify-function signature="addAction(QAction *)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOptionToolBar*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addAction(QIcon,QString,const QObject*,const char*)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addAction(QString,const QObject*,const char*)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addWidget(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertWidget(QAction*,QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertSeparator(QAction*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QPaintEngine">
+ <modify-function signature="begin(QPaintDevice*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="updateState(QPaintEngineState)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawTextItem(QPointF,QTextItem)">
+ <modify-argument index="2" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QVarLengthArray" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="setPaintDevice(QPaintDevice*)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-field name="state" read="false" write="false"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractTableModel">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QSize" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QGuiSignalMapper"/>
+ <object-type name="QComboBox">
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOptionComboBox*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCompleter(QCompleter*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count variable-name="__rcCompleter" action="set"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setValidator(const QValidator*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count variable-name="__rcValidator" action="set"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setItemDelegate(QAbstractItemDelegate *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setView(QAbstractItemView *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ <!-- Safe to ignore because combo box reparents view -->
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setLineEdit(QLineEdit *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ <!-- Safe to ignore because combo box reparents line edit -->
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setModel(QAbstractItemModel *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcModel"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <inject-code>
+ <insert-template name="gui.init_style_option">
+ <replace from="%TYPE" to="QStyleOptionComboBox"/>
+ </insert-template>
+ </inject-code>
+ <modify-function signature="activated(int)">&gt;
+ <rename to="activatedIndex"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="currentIndexChanged(const QString &amp;)">
+ <rename to="currentStringChanged"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="highlighted(int)">
+ <rename to="highlightedIndex"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="autoCompletion()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="autoCompletionCaseSensitivity()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setAutoCompletion(bool)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setAutoCompletionCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseSensitivity)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTextEdit">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QTextCursor" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="setDocument(QTextDocument*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcDocument"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertFromMimeData(const QMimeData*) ">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QPrinter" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="setEngines(QPrintEngine*,QPaintEngine*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcPrintEngine"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcPaintEngine"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QAction">
+ <modify-function signature="setMenu(QMenu*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcMenu"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QPainter">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QWidget" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QPainterPath" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QPixmap" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="drawText(const QPointF &amp;, const QString &amp;, int, int)" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="drawConvexPolygon(const QPoint *, int)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawConvexPolygon(const QPointF *, int)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawLines(const QLine *, int)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawLines(const QLineF *, int)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawLines(const QPoint *, int)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawLines(const QPointF *, int)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawPoints(const QPoint *, int)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawPoints(const QPointF *, int)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawPolygon(const QPoint *, int, Qt::FillRule)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawPolygon(const QPointF *, int, Qt::FillRule)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawPolyline(const QPoint *, int)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawPolyline(const QPointF *, int)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawRects(const QRect *, int)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawRects(const QRectF *, int)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawLines(const QVector&lt;QPoint&gt; &amp;)">
+ <rename to="drawLinesFromPoints"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawLines(const QVector&lt;QPointF&gt; &amp;)">
+ <rename to="drawLinesFromPointsF"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawLines(const QVector&lt;QLineF&gt; &amp;)">
+ <rename to="drawLinesF"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawRects(const QVector&lt;QRectF&gt; &amp;)">
+ <rename to="drawRectsF"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QPainter(QPaintDevice *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="begin(QPaintDevice *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="initFrom(const QWidget *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setRedirected(const QPaintDevice *, QPaintDevice *, const QPoint &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <no-null-pointer />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="restoreRedirected(const QPaintDevice *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <no-null-pointer />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawText(QRect,int,QString,QRect*)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="4">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawText(QRectF,int,QString,QRectF*)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="4">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawText(int,int,int,int,int,QString,QRect*)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="7">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="redirected(const QPaintDevice*,QPoint*)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="matrix()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="matrixEnabled()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setMatrix(QMatrix, bool)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setMatrixEnabled(bool)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QApplication">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QBasicTimer" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QFont" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QFontMetrics" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QPalette" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QIcon" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QLocale" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="QApplication(int &amp;, char **, int)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QApplication(int &amp;, char **, QApplication::Type, int)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QApplication(int &amp;, char **, bool, int)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="font(const char*)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setFont(QFont,const char*)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="palette(const char*)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setPalette(QPalette,const char*)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="overrideCursor()">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <rename to="overrideCursor_private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setInputContext(QInputContext*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setActiveWindow(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setStyle(QStyle*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QCommandLinkButton" />
+ <object-type name="QFileSystemModel">
+ <modify-function signature="setIconProvider(QFileIconProvider*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcIconProvider"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QFormLayout">
+ <modify-function signature="addRow(QWidget*,QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addRow(QLayout*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addRow(QWidget*,QLayout*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addRow(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addRow(QString,QLayout*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addRow(QString,QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
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+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertRow(int,QWidget*,QLayout*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <reference-count action="ignore" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertRow(int,QWidget*,QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <reference-count action="ignore" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertRow(int,QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertRow(int,QString,QLayout*)">
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <reference-count action="ignore" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertRow(int,QString,QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <reference-count action="ignore" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
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+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <reference-count action="ignore" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setWidget(int,QFormLayout::ItemRole,QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <reference-count action="ignore" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setItem(int,QFormLayout::ItemRole,QLayoutItem*)" access="private" rename="setItem_private">
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addItem(QLayoutItem*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsGridLayout" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="addItem(QGraphicsLayoutItem*,int,int,QFlags&lt;Qt::AlignmentFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="add" variable-name="__rcItems" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addItem(QGraphicsLayoutItem*,int,int,int,int,QFlags&lt;Qt::AlignmentFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="add" variable-name="__rcItems" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setAlignment(QGraphicsLayoutItem*,QFlags&lt;Qt::AlignmentFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsLayout" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="widgetEvent(QEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setParentLayoutItem(QGraphicsLayoutItem*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcParentLayoutItem" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <interface-type name="QGraphicsLayoutItem" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="setParentLayoutItem(QGraphicsLayoutItem*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcParentLayoutItem" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </interface-type>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsLinearLayout" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="addItem(QGraphicsLayoutItem*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="add" variable-name="__rcItems" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertItem(int,QGraphicsLayoutItem*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="add" variable-name="__rcItems" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeItem(QGraphicsLayoutItem*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="remove" variable-name="__rcItems" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setAlignment(QGraphicsLayoutItem*,QFlags&lt;Qt::AlignmentFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setStretchFactor(QGraphicsLayoutItem*,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsProxyWidget"/> <!-- a QObject so main-thread delete redundant -->
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsWidget"> <!-- a QObject so main-thread delete redundant -->
+ <!-- Duplicate function to QObject::children() to override accidental shadowing which is not present in Jambi -->
+ <modify-function signature="children()const" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="setLayout(QGraphicsLayout*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcLayout" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="changeEvent(QEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="closeEvent(QCloseEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="grabKeyboardEvent(QEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="grabMouseEvent(QEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="hideEvent(QHideEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="moveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMoveEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="paintWindowFrame(QPainter*,const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem*,QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="resizeEvent(QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="showEvent(QShowEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="ungrabKeyboardEvent(QEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="ungrabMouseEvent(QEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="windowFrameEvent(QEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setStyle(QStyle*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcStyle" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setTabOrder(QGraphicsWidget*,QGraphicsWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QPlainTextDocumentLayout" />
+ <object-type name="QPlainTextEdit">
+ <modify-function signature="setDocument(QTextDocument*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcDocument" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertFromMimeData(const QMimeData*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QPrintPreviewDialog" />
+ <object-type name="QPrintPreviewWidget" />
+ <object-type name="QStyledItemDelegate">
+ <modify-function signature="setItemEditorFactory(QItemEditorFactory*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcItemEditorFactory" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setEditorData(QWidget*,QModelIndex)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setModelData(QWidget*,QAbstractItemModel*,QModelIndex)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <interface-type name="QAccessibleFactoryInterface" java-name="QAbstractAccessibleFactory" />
+ <interface-type name="QIconEngineFactoryInterfaceV2" java-name="QAbstractIconEngineFactoryV2" />
+ <interface-type name="QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface" java-name="QAbstractImageIOHandlerFactory" />
+ <interface-type name="QInputContextFactoryInterface" java-name="QAbstractInputContextFactory" />
+ <interface-type name="QStyleFactoryInterface" java-name="QAbstractStyleFactory" />
+ <interface-type name="QTextCodecFactoryInterface" java-name="QAbstractTextCodecFactory" />
+ <interface-type name="QPictureFormatInterface" java-name="QAbstractPictureFormat" />
+ <object-type name="QIconEnginePluginV2"/>
+ <object-type name="QAccessiblePlugin"/>
+ <object-type name="QImageIOPlugin" />
+ <object-type name="QInputContextPlugin" />
+ <object-type name="QPictureFormatPlugin" />
+ <object-type name="QStylePlugin" />
+ <object-type name="QTextCodecPlugin" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QPixmap::QPixmap', unmatched parameter type 'QPixmapData*'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type '*Private&amp;'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type '*Private\*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type '*Private const\*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type 'QTextEngine\*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type 'QFontEngine\*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type 'QPixmap::Type'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type 'QInputDialog::Type'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type 'QTextFrameLayoutData\*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type 'QAbstractUndoItem\*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type '*QImageTextKeyLang*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: non-public function '*' in interface '*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: visibility of function '*' modified in class '*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: hiding of function '*' in class '*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: unsupported default value 'QVector&lt;FormatRange&gt;()' of argument in function '*', class '*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: unsupported default value 'QVariantList()' of argument in function '*', class '*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(CppImplGenerator) :: protected function '*' in final class '*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QTextLayout::QTextLayout', unmatched parameter type 'QTextEngine*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: unsupported default value of argument in function 'doAction', class 'QAccessibleInterface'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QFileDialog::QFileDialog', unmatched parameter type 'QFileDialogArgs const&amp;'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: unsupported default value '0., 0., 1000000000., 1000000000.' of argument in function 'update', class 'QAbstractTextDocumentLayout'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QWidget::windowSurface', unmatched return type 'QWindowSurface*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QWidget::setWindowSurface', unmatched parameter type 'QWindowSurface*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: enum 'QStyleOption::StyleOptionType' does not have a type entry or is not an enum"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: unhandled enum value: ~FlagMask in QMessageBox::StandardButton"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: unmatched enum ~FlagMask"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaInfoGenerator) :: class 'QGraphicsSceneEvent' inherits from polymorphic class 'QEvent', but has no polymorphic id set"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaInfoGenerator) :: class 'QInputEvent' inherits from polymorphic class 'QEvent', but has no polymorphic id set"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(JavaGenerator) :: either add or remove specified for reference count variable '__rcMenus' in 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QMenu' but not both"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(JavaGenerator) :: either add or remove specified for reference count variable '__rcMenus' in 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QMenuBar' but not both"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QBrush' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QTextFrame_iterator' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QRegion' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QPolygon' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QTextTableCell' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QTextLength' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QPalette' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QTextBlock_iterator' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QTextBlock' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QTextCursor' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QFont' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QMatrix' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QPen' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QColor' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QTransform' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QPainterPath_Element' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QPainterPath' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QItemSelection' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QKeySequence' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QLine' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QPolygonF' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QSizePolicy' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QTextFragment' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QFontMetrics' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QGradient' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QFontMetricsF' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QTextFormat' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QLineF' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QImage' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QNetworkCookie' has equals operators but no qHash() function" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QNetworkRequest' has equals operators but no qHash() function" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QPixmap::pixmapData', unmatched return type 'QPixmapData*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: object type 'QAccessible' extended by interface type 'QAbstractAccessibleFactory'. The resulting API will be less expressive than the original." />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QTextOption_Tab' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
diff --git a/generator/typesystem_gui-qtscript.xml b/generator/typesystem_gui-qtscript.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0709aa9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/typesystem_gui-qtscript.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,562 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<typesystem package="com.trolltech.qt.gui">
+ <rejection class="QAbstractTextDocumentLayout"/>
+ <rejection class="QColormap"/>
+ <rejection class="QFontDatabase"/>
+ <rejection class="QIconEngineV2"/>
+ <rejection class="QInputMethodEvent"/>
+ <rejection class="QPainterPath::Element"/>
+ <rejection class="QTextBlock::iterator"/>
+ <rejection class="QTextEdit::ExtraSelection"/>
+ <rejection class="QTextFrame::iterator"/>
+ <rejection class="QTextLayout::FormatRange"/>
+ <rejection class="QTreeWidgetItemIterator"/>
+ <!-- ### the generator uses the java name -->
+ <rejection class="QAccessibleFactoryInterface"/>
+ <rejection class="QIconEngineFactoryInterfaceV2"/>
+ <rejection class="QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface"/>
+ <rejection class="QInputContextFactoryInterface"/>
+ <rejection class="QStyleFactoryInterface"/>
+ <rejection class="QTextCodecFactoryInterface"/>
+ <rejection class="QPictureFormatInterface"/>
+ <!-- ### these don't compile -->
+ <rejection class="QAbstractProxyModel"/>
+ <rejection class="QAbstractTableModel"/> <!-- ### why is this class generated for Gui? -->
+ <rejection class="QSortFilterProxyModel"/>
+ <rejection class="QDirModel"/>
+ <rejection class="QDrag"/>
+ <rejection class="QDropEvent"/>
+ <rejection class="QFileSystemModel"/>
+ <rejection class="QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent"/>
+ <rejection class="QItemSelectionModel"/>
+ <rejection class="QItemSelectionRange"/>
+ <rejection class="QPrinterInfo"/>
+ <rejection class="QProxyModel"/>
+ <rejection class="QPrinterInfo"/> <!-- ### constructor takes QPrinter&, must become QPrinter* -->
+ <rejection class="QTextOption"/> <!-- ### nested class QTextOption::Tab -->
+ <value-type name="QTextFormat">
+ <modify-function signature="setProperty(int,QVector&lt;QTextLength&gt;)" rename="setLengthVectorProperty"/>
+ <inject-code class="native" position="constructor">
+ if ((context-&gt;argumentCount() == 1) &amp;&amp; (qMetaTypeId&lt;QTextFormat&gt;() == context-&gt;argument(0).toVariant().userType())) {
+ QTextFormat _q_arg0 = qscriptvalue_cast&lt;QTextFormat&gt;(context->argument(0));
+ QTextFormat _q_cpp_result(_q_arg0);
+ QScriptValue _q_result = context-&gt;engine()-&gt;newVariant(context-&gt;thisObject(), qVariantFromValue(_q_cpp_result));
+ return _q_result;
+ }
+ </inject-code>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QBrush">
+ <modify-function signature="QBrush(QGradient)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QGradient*"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ QGradient &amp; %out% = *qscriptvalue_cast&lt;QGradient*&gt;(%in%);
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <interface-type name="QGraphicsItem">
+ <modify-function signature="supportsExtension(QGraphicsItem::Extension)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setExtension(QGraphicsItem::Extension,QVariant)" remove="all"/>
+ </interface-type>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsItemAnimation">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QPair" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </object-type>
+ <value-type name="QFontInfo">
+ <modify-function signature="QFontInfo(QFontInfo)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QFontInfo*"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ QFontInfo &amp; %out% = *qscriptvalue_cast&lt;QFontInfo*&gt;(%in%);
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <!-- ### QFontMetrics and QFontMetricsF are value-typed but don't have default constructor -->
+ <value-type name="QFontMetrics">
+ <modify-function signature="QFontMetrics(QFontMetrics)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator==(QFontMetrics)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator!=(QFontMetrics)const" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QFontMetricsF">
+ <modify-function signature="QFontMetricsF(QFontMetricsF)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="QFontMetricsF(QFontMetrics)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator==(QFontMetricsF)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator!=(QFontMetricsF)const" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <object-type name="QFontDialog">
+ <inject-code class="native" position="beginning">
+ </inject-code>
+ <modify-function signature="getFont(bool*,QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.prepare_removed_bool*_argument"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_to_null_or_wrap"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getFont(bool*,QFont,QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.prepare_removed_bool*_argument"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_to_null_or_wrap"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getFont(bool*,QFont,QWidget*,QString)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.prepare_removed_bool*_argument"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_to_null_or_wrap"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <value-type name="QImage">
+ <modify-function signature="QImage(const char**)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="QImage(const uchar *,int,int,QImage::Format)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="QImage(const uchar *,int,int,int,QImage::Format)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="QImage(uchar *,int,int,QImage::Format)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="QImage(uchar *,int,int,int,QImage::Format)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setColorTable(const QVector&lt;uint&gt;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="loadFromData(const uchar *,int,const char *)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="fromData(const uchar *,int,const char *)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="bits()" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="scanLine(int)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="QImage(QString,const char*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="fromData(QByteArray,const char*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="load(QString,const char*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="load(QIODevice*,const char*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="loadFromData(QByteArray,const char*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="save(QString,const char*,int)const">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="save(QIODevice*,const char*,int)const">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <object-type name="QInputDialog">
+ <inject-code class="native" position="beginning">
+ </inject-code>
+ <modify-function signature="getDouble(QWidget *, const QString &amp;, const QString &amp;, double, double, double, int, bool *, QFlags&lt;Qt::WindowType&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="8">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.prepare_removed_bool*_argument"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_to_null_or_primitive"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getInteger(QWidget *, const QString &amp;, const QString &amp;, int, int, int, int, bool *, QFlags&lt;Qt::WindowType&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="8">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.prepare_removed_bool*_argument"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_to_null_or_primitive"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getItem(QWidget *, const QString &amp;, const QString &amp;, const QStringList&lt;QString&gt; &amp;, int, bool, bool *, QFlags&lt;Qt::WindowType&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="7">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.prepare_removed_bool*_argument"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_to_null_or_primitive"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getText(QWidget *, const QString &amp;, const QString &amp;, QLineEdit::EchoMode, const QString &amp;, bool *, QFlags&lt;Qt::WindowType&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="6">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.prepare_removed_bool*_argument"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_to_null_or_primitive"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QListWidgetItem">
+ <modify-function signature="read(QDataStream &amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="write(QDataStream &amp;)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="QListWidgetItem(QListWidgetItem)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QListWidgetItem)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;(QListWidgetItem)const" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTableWidgetItem">
+ <modify-function signature="read(QDataStream &amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="write(QDataStream &amp;)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="QTableWidgetItem(QTableWidgetItem)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QTableWidgetItem)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;(QTableWidgetItem)const" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTreeWidgetItem">
+ <modify-function signature="read(QDataStream &amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="write(QDataStream &amp;)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="QTreeWidgetItem(QTreeWidgetItem)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QTreeWidgetItem)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;(QTreeWidgetItem)const" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QStandardItem">
+ <modify-function signature="read(QDataStream &amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="write(QDataStream &amp;)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QStandardItem)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;(QStandardItem)const" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QPainter">
+ <modify-function signature="fontInfo()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="fontMetrics()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="begin(QPaintDevice*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_pointer_arg_and_check_null">
+ <replace from="%TYPE%" to="QPaintDevice*"/>
+ <replace from="%CLASS_NAME%" to="QPainter"/>
+ <replace from="%FUNCTION_NAME%" to="begin"/>
+ </insert-template>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QPrinter">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QPrinterInfo" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QStyle">
+ <modify-function signature="itemTextRect(QFontMetrics,QRect,int,bool,QString)const" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QWidget">
+ <modify-function signature="fontInfo()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="fontMetrics()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="sizeHint()const" rename="getSizeHint"/>
+ <modify-function signature="minimumSizeHint()const" rename="getMinimumSizeHint"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setVisible(bool)" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <!-- FIXME -->
+ <object-type name="QCalendarWidget">
+ <modify-function signature="sizeHint()const" rename="getSizeHint"/>
+ <modify-function signature="minimumSizeHint()const" rename="getMinimumSizeHint"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractItemView">
+ <!-- ### because the CursorAction enum is protected -->
+ <modify-function signature="moveCursor(QAbstractItemView::CursorAction,QFlags&lt;Qt::KeyboardModifier&gt;)" remove="all"/>
+ <inject-code class="shell-declaration">
+ QModelIndex moveCursor(QAbstractItemView::CursorAction, Qt::KeyboardModifiers)
+ { return QModelIndex(); }
+ </inject-code>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractSlider">
+ <modify-function signature="sliderChange(QAbstractSlider::SliderChange)" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QListWidget">
+ <modify-function signature="mimeData(const QList&lt;QListWidgetItem*&gt;)const" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTableWidget">
+ <modify-function signature="mimeData(const QList&lt;QTableWidgetItem*&gt;)const" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTreeWidget">
+ <modify-function signature="mimeData(const QList&lt;QTreeWidgetItem*&gt;)const" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QApplication">
+ <modify-function signature="QApplication(int&amp;,char**,QApplication::Type,int)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="QApplication(int&amp;,char**,bool,int)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="QApplication(int&amp;,char**,int)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="commitData(QSessionManager&amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="saveState(QSessionManager&amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="fontMetrics()" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setFont(QFont,const char*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setPalette(QPalette,const char*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <value-type name="QPicture">
+ <modify-function signature="setData(const char*,uint)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="load(QIODevice*,const char*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="load(QString,const char*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="save(QIODevice*,const char*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="save(QString,const char*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <object-type name="QPictureIO">
+ <modify-function signature="QPictureIO(QIODevice*,const char*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QPictureIO(QString,const char*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setFormat(const char*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setParameters(const char*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <value-type name="QPixmap">
+ <modify-function signature="loadFromData(const uchar *,uint,const char *,QFlags&lt;Qt::ImageConversionFlag&gt;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="QPixmap(QString,const char*,QFlags&lt;Qt::ImageConversionFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="load(QString,const char*,QFlags&lt;Qt::ImageConversionFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="loadFromData(QByteArray,const char*,QFlags&lt;Qt::ImageConversionFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="save(QIODevice*,const char*,int)const">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="save(QString,const char*,int)const">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QBitmap">
+ <modify-function signature="fromData(QSize,const uchar*,QImage::Format)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="QBitmap(QString,const char*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QMatrix">
+ <modify-function signature="inverted(bool*)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QTransform">
+ <modify-function signature="inverted(bool*)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
diff --git a/generator/typesystem_gui.xml b/generator/typesystem_gui.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db8ecc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/typesystem_gui.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5470 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<typesystem package="com.trolltech.qt.gui"><rejection class="QAbstractTextDocumentLayout"/><rejection class="QColormap"/><rejection class="QFontDatabase"/><rejection class="QIconEngineV2"/><rejection class="QInputMethodEvent"/><rejection class="QPainterPath::Element"/><rejection class="QTextBlock::iterator"/><rejection class="QTextEdit::ExtraSelection"/><rejection class="QTextFrame::iterator"/><rejection class="QTextLayout::FormatRange"/><rejection class="QTreeWidgetItemIterator"/><rejection class="QAccessibleFactoryInterface"/><rejection class="QIconEngineFactoryInterfaceV2"/><rejection class="QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface"/><rejection class="QInputContextFactoryInterface"/><rejection class="QStyleFactoryInterface"/><rejection class="QTextCodecFactoryInterface"/><rejection class="QPictureFormatInterface"/><rejection class="QAbstractProxyModel"/><rejection class="QAbstractTableModel"/><rejection class="QSortFilterProxyModel"/><rejection class="QDirModel"/><rejection class="QDrag"/><rejection class="QDropEvent"/><rejection class="QFileSystemModel"/><rejection class="QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent"/><rejection class="QItemSelectionModel"/><rejection class="QItemSelectionRange"/><rejection class="QPrinterInfo"/><rejection class="QProxyModel"/><rejection class="QPrinterInfo"/><rejection class="QTextOption"/>
+ <rejection class="*" function-name="d_func"/>
+ <rejection class="*" field-name="d_ptr"/>
+ <rejection class="*" field-name="d"/>
+ <rejection class="QWindowsCEStyle"/>
+ <rejection class="QWindowsMobileStyle"/>
+ <rejection class="QAbstractUndoItem"/>
+ <rejection class="QAccessibleApplication"/>
+ <rejection class="QBrushData"/>
+ <rejection class="QImageTextKeyLang"/>
+ <rejection class="QItemEditorCreator"/>
+ <rejection class="QLibrary"/>
+ <rejection class="QLinkedList"/>
+ <rejection class="QLinkedListData"/>
+ <rejection class="QLinkedListIterator"/>
+ <rejection class="QLinkedListNode"/>
+ <rejection class="QMimeSource"/>
+ <rejection class="QPainterPathPrivate"/>
+ <rejection class="QRegionData"/>
+ <rejection class="QStandardItemEditorCreator"/>
+ <rejection class="QStyleOptionQ3DockWindow"/>
+ <rejection class="QStyleOptionQ3ListView"/>
+ <rejection class="QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem"/>
+ <rejection class="QTextFrameLayoutData"/>
+ <rejection class="QUpdateLaterEvent"/>
+ <rejection class="QVFbHeader"/>
+ <rejection class="QWidgetData"/>
+ <rejection class="QWindowSurface"/>
+ <rejection class="QWindowsXPStyle"/>
+ <rejection class="QWindowsVistaStyle"/>
+ <rejection class="QWSEmbedWidget"/>
+ <rejection class="QRegion::QRegionData"/>
+ <rejection class="JObject_key"/>
+ <rejection class="QAccessibleEditableTextInterface"/>
+ <rejection class="QAccessibleSimpleEditableTextInterface"/>
+ <rejection class="QAccessibleTextInterface"/>
+ <rejection class="QAccessibleValueInterface"/>
+ <rejection class="QIconEngineFactoryInterface"/>
+ <rejection class="QIconEnginePlugin"/>
+ <rejection class="QWidgetItemV2"/>
+ <rejection class="QAbstractItemDelegate" function-name="operator="/>
+ <rejection class="QAccessible" function-name="installFactory"/>
+ <rejection class="QAccessible" function-name="installRootObjectHandler"/>
+ <rejection class="QAccessible" function-name="installUpdateHandler"/>
+ <rejection class="QAccessible" function-name="removeFactory"/>
+ <rejection class="QApplication" function-name="compressEvent"/>
+ <rejection class="QBrush" function-name="cleanUp"/>
+ <rejection class="QPictureIO" function-name="defineIOHandler"/>
+ <rejection class="QPolygon" function-name="putPoints"/>
+ <rejection class="QPolygon" function-name="setPoints"/>
+ <rejection class="QPolygon" function-name="setPoint"/>
+ <rejection class="QPolygon" function-name="points"/>
+ <rejection class="QPolygon" function-name="point"/>
+ <rejection class="QPrinter" function-name="printerSelectionOption"/>
+ <rejection class="QPrinter" function-name="setPrinterSelectionOption"/>
+ <rejection class="QWidget" function-name="create"/>
+ <rejection class="QWidget" function-name="find"/>
+ <rejection class="QWidget" function-name="handle"/>
+ <rejection class="QWidget" function-name="styleChange"/>
+ <rejection class="QWidget" function-name="internalWinId"/>
+ <rejection class="QActionGroup" function-name="selected"/>
+ <rejection class="QPaintEngine" function-name="fix_neg_rect"/>
+ <rejection class="QTreeModel" function-name="node"/>
+ <rejection class="QTreeModel" function-name="initializeNode"/>
+ <rejection class="QTreeModel" function-name="queryChildren"/>
+ <rejection class="QAccessible" function-name="cast_helper"/>
+ <rejection class="QAccessible2"/>
+ <rejection class="QAccessibleInterface" function-name="backgroundColor"/>
+ <rejection class="QAccessibleInterface" function-name="foregroundColor"/>
+ <rejection class="QAccessibleInterface" function-name="textInterface"/>
+ <rejection class="QAccessibleInterface" function-name="valueInterface"/>
+ <rejection class="QAccessibleInterface" function-name="tableInterface"/>
+ <rejection class="QAccessibleInterface" function-name="editableTextInterface"/>
+ <rejection class="QAccessibleInterface" function-name="cast_helper"/>
+ <rejection class="QAccessibleInterfaceEx" function-name="interface_cast"/>
+ <rejection class="QAccessibleBridgePlugin"/>
+ <rejection class="QAccessibleBridgeFactoryInterface"/>
+ <rejection class="QTabletEvent" field-name="mExtra"/>
+ <rejection class="QWidgetItem" field-name="wid"/>
+ <rejection class="QFont" enum-name="ResolveProperties"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractItemDelegate::EndEditHint"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractItemView::CursorAction"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractItemView::DragDropMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractItemView::DropIndicatorPosition"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger" flags="QAbstractItemView::EditTriggers"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractItemView::ScrollHint"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractItemView::ScrollMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractItemView::SelectionBehavior"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractItemView::SelectionMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractItemView::State"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption" flags="QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOptions"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintRange"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractSlider::SliderAction"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractSlider::SliderChange"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractSpinBox::ButtonSymbols"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractSpinBox::CorrectionMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag" flags="QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabled"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAccessible::Event"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAccessible::Method"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAccessible::RelationFlag" flags="QAccessible::Relation"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAccessible::Role"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAccessible::StateFlag" flags="QAccessible::State"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAccessible::Text"/>
+ <enum-type name="QDesktopServices::StandardLocation"/>
+ <enum-type name="QDirModel::Roles"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFont::Capitalization"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFont::SpacingType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsItem::CacheMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QMdiArea::AreaOption" flags="QMdiArea::AreaOptions"/>
+ <enum-type name="QMdiArea::WindowOrder"/>
+ <enum-type name="QMdiArea::ViewMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFileSystemModel::Roles"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFormLayout::FieldGrowthPolicy"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFormLayout::FormStyle"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFormLayout::ItemRole"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFormLayout::RowWrapPolicy"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsProxyWidget::enum_1"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsWidget::enum_1"/>
+ <enum-type name="QPlainTextEdit::LineWrapMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QPrintPreviewWidget::ViewMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QPrintPreviewWidget::ZoomMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionViewItemV4::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionViewItemV4::ViewItemPosition"/>
+ <enum-type name="QMdiSubWindow::SubWindowOption" flags="QMdiSubWindow::SubWindowOptions"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAction::ActionEvent"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAction::MenuRole"/>
+ <enum-type name="QApplication::ColorSpec"/>
+ <enum-type name="QApplication::Type"/>
+ <enum-type name="QCalendarWidget::HorizontalHeaderFormat"/>
+ <enum-type name="QCalendarWidget::SelectionMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QCalendarWidget::VerticalHeaderFormat"/>
+ <enum-type name="QColor::Spec"/>
+ <enum-type name="QColormap::Mode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QComboBox::InsertPolicy"/>
+ <enum-type name="QComboBox::SizeAdjustPolicy"/>
+ <enum-type name="QCompleter::CompletionMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QCompleter::ModelSorting"/>
+ <enum-type name="QContextMenuEvent::Reason"/>
+ <enum-type name="QDataWidgetMapper::SubmitPolicy"/>
+ <enum-type name="QDateTimeEdit::Section" flags="QDateTimeEdit::Sections"/>
+ <enum-type name="QDialog::DialogCode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QDialogButtonBox::ButtonLayout"/>
+ <enum-type name="QDialogButtonBox::ButtonRole"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFileDialog::AcceptMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFileDialog::DialogLabel"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFileDialog::FileMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFileDialog::Option" flags="QFileDialog::Options"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFileDialog::ViewMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFileIconProvider::IconType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFont::Stretch"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFont::Style"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFont::StyleStrategy"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFont::Weight"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFontComboBox::FontFilter" flags="QFontComboBox::FontFilters"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFrame::Shadow" extensible="yes"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFrame::Shape"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFrame::StyleMask"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGradient::CoordinateMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGradient::Spread" lower-bound="QGradient.PadSpread" upper-bound="QGradient.RepeatSpread"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGradient::Type"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsEllipseItem::enum_1"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsItem::Extension"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemChange"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag" flags="QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlags"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsItem::enum_1"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsItemGroup::enum_1"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsLineItem::enum_1"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsPathItem::enum_1"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsPixmapItem::ShapeMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsPixmapItem::enum_1"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsPolygonItem::enum_1"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsRectItem::enum_1"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsScene::ItemIndexMethod"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent::Reason"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsSimpleTextItem::enum_1"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsTextItem::enum_1"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag" flags="QGraphicsView::CacheMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsView::DragMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsView::OptimizationFlag" flags="QGraphicsView::OptimizationFlags"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsView::ViewportAnchor"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsView::ViewportUpdateMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QIcon::Mode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QIcon::State"/>
+ <enum-type name="QImage::Format"/>
+ <enum-type name="QImage::InvertMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QImageIOHandler::ImageOption"/>
+ <enum-type name="QImageReader::ImageReaderError"/>
+ <enum-type name="QImageWriter::ImageWriterError"/>
+ <enum-type name="QInputContext::StandardFormat"/>
+ <enum-type name="QInputMethodEvent::AttributeType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag" flags="QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags"/>
+ <enum-type name="QKeySequence::SequenceFormat"/>
+ <enum-type name="QKeySequence::SequenceMatch"/>
+ <enum-type name="QKeySequence::StandardKey"/>
+ <enum-type name="QLCDNumber::Mode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QLCDNumber::SegmentStyle"/>
+ <enum-type name="QLayout::SizeConstraint"/>
+ <enum-type name="QLineEdit::EchoMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QLineF::IntersectType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QListView::Flow"/>
+ <enum-type name="QListView::LayoutMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QListView::Movement"/>
+ <enum-type name="QListView::ResizeMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QListView::ViewMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QListWidgetItem::ItemType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QMainWindow::DockOption" flags="QMainWindow::DockOptions"/>
+ <enum-type name="QMessageBox::ButtonRole"/>
+ <enum-type name="QMessageBox::Icon"/>
+ <enum-type name="QMovie::CacheMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QMovie::MovieState"/>
+ <enum-type name="QPaintDevice::PaintDeviceMetric"/>
+ <enum-type name="QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag" flags="QPaintEngine::DirtyFlags"/>
+ <enum-type name="QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature" flags="QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeatures"/>
+ <enum-type name="QPaintEngine::PolygonDrawMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QPaintEngine::Type"/>
+ <enum-type name="QPageSetupDialog::PageSetupDialogOption" flags="QPageSetupDialog::PageSetupDialogOptions"/>
+ <enum-type name="QPainter::CompositionMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QPainter::RenderHint" flags="QPainter::RenderHints"/>
+ <enum-type name="QPainterPath::ElementType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QPrintEngine::PrintEnginePropertyKey">
+ <reject-enum-value name="PPK_PaperSize"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QPrinter::ColorMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QPrinter::Orientation"/>
+ <enum-type name="QPrinter::OutputFormat"/>
+ <enum-type name="QPrinter::PageOrder"/>
+ <enum-type name="QPrinter::PaperSource"/>
+ <enum-type name="QPrinter::PrintRange"/>
+ <enum-type name="QPrinter::PrinterMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QPrinter::PrinterState"/>
+ <enum-type name="QPrinter::Unit"/>
+ <enum-type name="QPrinter::DuplexMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QProgressBar::Direction"/>
+ <enum-type name="QReadWriteLock::RecursionMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QRegion::RegionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QRubberBand::Shape"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSessionManager::RestartHint"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSizePolicy::Policy"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSizePolicy::PolicyFlag"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSizePolicy::ControlType" flags="QSizePolicy::ControlTypes"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStandardItem::ItemType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyle::SubControl" flags="QStyle::SubControls" extensible="yes" force-integer="yes"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyle::ComplexControl" extensible="yes"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyle::ContentsType" extensible="yes"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyle::ControlElement" extensible="yes"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyle::PixelMetric" extensible="yes">
+ <reject-enum-value name="PM_MDIFrameWidth"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="PM_MDIMinimizedWidth"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QStyle::PrimitiveElement" extensible="yes">
+ <reject-enum-value name="PE_IndicatorItemViewItemCheck"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="PE_FrameStatusBarItem"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QStyle::StandardPixmap" extensible="yes"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyle::StateFlag" flags="QStyle::State"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyle::SubElement" extensible="yes">
+ <reject-enum-value name="SE_ItemViewItemCheckIndicator"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleHintReturn::HintReturnType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleHintReturn::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleHintReturn::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleHintReturnVariant::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleHintReturnVariant::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleHintReturnMask::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleHintReturnMask::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOption::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOption::OptionType" extensible="yes"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOption::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature" flags="QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeatures"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionButton::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionButton::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionComboBox::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionComboBox::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionComplex::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionComplex::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionDockWidget::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionDockWidget::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionDockWidgetV2::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionFocusRect::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionFocusRect::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionFrame::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionFrame::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature" flags="QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeatures"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionFrameV2::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionGraphicsItem::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionGraphicsItem::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionGroupBox::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionGroupBox::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionHeader::SectionPosition"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionHeader::SelectedPosition"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionHeader::SortIndicator"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionHeader::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionHeader::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionMenuItem::CheckType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionMenuItem::MenuItemType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionMenuItem::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionMenuItem::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionProgressBar::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionProgressBar::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionProgressBarV2::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionProgressBarV2::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionRubberBand::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionRubberBand::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionSizeGrip::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionSizeGrip::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionSlider::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionSlider::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionSpinBox::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionSpinBox::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget" flags="QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidgets"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionTab::SelectedPosition"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionTab::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionTab::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionTab::TabPosition"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionTabBarBase::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionTabBarBase::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionTabV2::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionTabWidgetFrame::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionTabWidgetFrame::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionTitleBar::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionTitleBar::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionToolBar::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionToolBar::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature" flags="QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeatures"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarPosition"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionToolBox::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionToolBox::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionToolButton::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionToolButton::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature" flags="QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeatures">
+ <reject-enum-value name="MenuButtonPopup"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionViewItem::Position"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionViewItem::StyleOptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionViewItem::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionViewItemV2::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature" flags="QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeatures"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSystemTrayIcon::MessageIcon"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTabBar::Shape"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTabWidget::TabPosition"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTabWidget::TabShape"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTableWidgetItem::ItemType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTabletEvent::PointerType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTabletEvent::TabletDevice"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextCharFormat::UnderlineStyle"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextCharFormat::VerticalAlignment"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextCursor::MoveMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextCursor::MoveOperation"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextCursor::SelectionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextDocument::FindFlag" flags="QTextDocument::FindFlags"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextDocument::MetaInformation"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextDocument::ResourceType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag" flags="QTextEdit::AutoFormatting"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextEdit::LineWrapMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextFormat::ObjectTypes"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag" flags="QTextFormat::PageBreakFlags"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextFrameFormat::Position"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextFrameFormat::BorderStyle"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextItem::RenderFlag" flags="QTextItem::RenderFlags"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextLayout::CursorMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextLength::Type"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextLine::CursorPosition"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextLine::Edge"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextListFormat::Style"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextOption::Flag" flags="QTextOption::Flags"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextOption::WrapMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextOption::TabType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QToolButton::ToolButtonPopupMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTreeWidgetItem::ItemType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag" flags="QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlags"/>
+ <enum-type name="QValidator::State"/>
+ <enum-type name="QWidget::RenderFlag" flags="QWidget::RenderFlags"/>
+ <enum-type name="QWorkspace::WindowOrder"/>
+ <enum-type name="QDoubleValidator::Notation"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsScene::SceneLayer" flags="QGraphicsScene::SceneLayers"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionToolBoxV2::SelectedPosition"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionToolBoxV2::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionToolBoxV2::TabPosition"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStyleOptionViewItemV3::StyleOptionVersion"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTransform::TransformationType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTreeWidgetItem::ChildIndicatorPolicy"/>
+ <enum-type name="QWizard::WizardOption" flags="QWizard::WizardOptions"/>
+ <enum-type name="QWizard::WizardPixmap"/>
+ <enum-type name="QWizard::WizardStyle"/>
+ <enum-type name="QImageIOPlugin::Capability" flags="QImageIOPlugin::Capabilities"/>
+ <enum-type name="QStackedLayout::StackingMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QWizard::WizardButton">
+ <reject-enum-value name="NStandardButtons"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="NButtons"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QAccessible::Action">
+ <reject-enum-value name="FirstStandardAction"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="LastStandardAction"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QBoxLayout::Direction">
+ <reject-enum-value name="Down"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="Up"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QClipboard::Mode">
+ <reject-enum-value name="LastMode"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton" flags="QDialogButtonBox::StandardButtons">
+ <reject-enum-value name="FirstButton"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="LastButton"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="YesAll"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="NoAll"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="Default"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="Escape"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="FlagMask"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="ButtonMask"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature" flags="QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeatures"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFont::StyleHint">
+ <reject-enum-value name="SansSerif"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="Serif"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="TypeWriter"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="Decorative"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QFontDatabase::WritingSystem">
+ <reject-enum-value name="Other"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QHeaderView::ResizeMode">
+ <reject-enum-value name="Custom"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QMessageBox::StandardButton" flags="QMessageBox::StandardButtons">
+ <reject-enum-value name="FirstButton"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="LastButton"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="YesAll"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="NoAll"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QPalette::ColorGroup">
+ <reject-enum-value name="Normal"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QPalette::ColorRole">
+ <reject-enum-value name="NColorRoles"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="Foreground"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="Background"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QPrinter::PageSize">
+ <reject-enum-value name="NPageSize"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="NPaperSize"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QSlider::TickPosition">
+ <reject-enum-value name="TicksLeft"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="TicksRight"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QStyle::StyleHint" extensible="yes">
+ <reject-enum-value name="SH_ScrollBar_StopMouseOverSlider"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="QTextFormat::FormatType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QTextFormat::Property">
+ <reject-enum-value name="FontSizeIncrement"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="FirstFontProperty"/>
+ <reject-enum-value name="LastFontProperty"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <value-type name="QTransform">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QTransform)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="map(int,int,int*,int*)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="map(double,double,double*,double*)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator*=(double)" access="private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator+=(double)" access="private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator-=(double)" access="private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator/=(double)" access="private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator*(QTransform)const" rename="multiplied"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator*=(QTransform)" access="private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="inverted(bool*)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOption" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-base="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOption::SO_Default">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QStyleOption)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="init(const QWidget*)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionGraphicsItem" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionGraphicsItem::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionGraphicsItem::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionSizeGrip" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionSizeGrip::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionSizeGrip::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionButton" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionButton::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionButton::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionComboBox" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionComboBox::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionComboBox::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionComplex" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionComplex::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionComplex::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionDockWidget" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionDockWidget::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionDockWidget::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionDockWidgetV2" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionDockWidgetV2::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionDockWidgetV2::Version">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QStyleOptionDockWidget)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionFocusRect" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionFocusRect::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionFocusRect::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionFrame" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionFrame::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionFrame::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionFrameV2" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionFrameV2::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionFrameV2::Version">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QStyleOptionFrame)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionGroupBox" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionGroupBox::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionGroupBox::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionHeader" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionHeader::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionHeader::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionMenuItem" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionMenuItem::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionMenuItem::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionProgressBar" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionProgressBar::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionProgressBar::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionProgressBarV2" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionProgressBarV2::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionProgressBarV2::Version">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QStyleOptionProgressBar)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionRubberBand" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionRubberBand::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionRubberBand::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionSlider" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionSlider::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionSlider::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionSpinBox" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionSpinBox::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionSpinBox::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionTab" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionTab::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionTab::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionTabV2" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionTabV2::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionTabV2::Version">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(const QStyleOptionTab &amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionTabBarBase" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionTabBarBase::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionTabBarBase::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionTabWidgetFrame" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionTabWidgetFrame::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionTabWidgetFrame::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionTitleBar" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionTitleBar::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionTitleBar::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionToolBar" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionToolBar::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionToolBar::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionToolBox" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionToolBox::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionToolBox::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionToolBoxV2" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionToolBoxV2::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionToolBoxV2::Version">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QStyleOptionToolBox)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionToolButton" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionToolButton::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionToolButton::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionViewItem" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionViewItem::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionViewItem::Version"/>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionViewItemV2" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionViewItemV2::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionViewItemV2::Version">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QStyleOptionViewItem)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionViewItemV3" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionViewItemV3::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionViewItemV3::Version">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QStyleOptionViewItem)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QStyleOptionViewItemV4" delete-in-main-thread="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type == QStyleOptionViewItemV4::Type &amp;&amp; %1-&gt;version == QStyleOptionViewItemV4::Version">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QStyleOptionViewItem)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QTextFragment" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QTextFragment)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QBitmap" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(const QPixmap &amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="QBitmap(QString,const char*)" access="private">
+ <modify-argument index="2"> <remove-default-expression/> </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="fromData(QSize,const unsigned char*,QImage::Format)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="fromData(QSize,const uchar*,QImage::Format)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="QBitmap(QString,const char*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QTextInlineObject" delete-in-main-thread="yes"/>
+ <value-type name="QSizePolicy"/>
+ <value-type name="QTableWidgetSelectionRange"/>
+ <value-type name="QTextDocumentFragment" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QTextDocumentFragment)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QTextOption" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(const QTextOption &amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QTextLine" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="cursorToX(int*,QTextLine::Edge)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QTextTableFormat" delete-in-main-thread="yes"/>
+ <value-type name="QTextImageFormat" delete-in-main-thread="yes"/>
+ <value-type name="QTextFrameFormat" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="isValid()const" access="non-final"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QTextLength" delete-in-main-thread="yes"/>
+ <value-type name="QItemSelectionRange">
+ <modify-function signature="intersect(QItemSelectionRange)const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QLine"/>
+ <value-type name="QLineF"/>
+ <value-type name="QPainterPath">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QPainterPath)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QPalette">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(const QPalette&amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="QPalette(QColor, QColor, QColor, QColor, QColor, QColor, QColor)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="background()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="foreground()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="serialNumber()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QKeySequence">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QKeySequence)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator int()const" access="private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator[](uint)const" access="private"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QPicture" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QPicture)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="pictureFormat(QString)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="inputFormatList()" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="inputFormats()" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="outputFormatList()" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="outputFormats()" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setData(const char*,uint)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="load(QIODevice*,const char*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="load(QString,const char*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="save(QIODevice*,const char*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="save(QString,const char*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QRegion" expense-limit="4096">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QRegion)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&amp;=(QRegion)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator+=(QRegion)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator-=(QRegion)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator^=(QRegion)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator|=(QRegion)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&amp;(QRegion)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator+(QRegion)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator-(QRegion)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator^(QRegion)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator|(QRegion)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="eor(QRegion)const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="intersect(QRegion)const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="subtract(QRegion)const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="unite(QRegion)const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="operator&amp;=(QRect)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator+=(QRect)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QTextBlock" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QTextBlock)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setUserData(QTextBlockUserData *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QTextBlockFormat" delete-in-main-thread="yes"/>
+ <value-type name="QTextTableCellFormat" delete-in-main-thread="yes"/>
+ <value-type name="QTextCharFormat" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="isValid()const" access="non-final"/>
+ <modify-function signature="anchorName()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setAnchorName(QString)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QTextFormat" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QTextFormat)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="isValid()const" access="non-final"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setProperty(int,QVector&lt;QTextLength&gt;)" rename="setLengthVectorProperty"/>
+ <inject-code class="native" position="constructor">
+ if ((context-&gt;argumentCount() == 1) &amp;&amp; (qMetaTypeId&lt;QTextFormat&gt;() == context-&gt;argument(0).toVariant().userType())) {
+ QTextFormat _q_arg0 = qscriptvalue_cast&lt;QTextFormat&gt;(context-&gt;argument(0));
+ QTextFormat _q_cpp_result(_q_arg0);
+ QScriptValue _q_result = context-&gt;engine()-&gt;newVariant(context-&gt;thisObject(), qVariantFromValue(_q_cpp_result));
+ return _q_result;
+ }
+ </inject-code>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QTextListFormat" delete-in-main-thread="yes"/>
+ <value-type name="QPolygon">
+ <modify-function signature="QPolygon(int, const int *)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator+(QVector&lt;QPoint&gt;)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(QPoint)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(QVector&lt;QPoint&gt;)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QPolygonF">
+ <modify-function signature="operator+(QVector&lt;QPointF&gt;)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(QPointF)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(QVector&lt;QPointF&gt;)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QIcon" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QIcon)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="serialNumber()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="QIcon(QIconEngineV2 *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QIcon(QIconEngine *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QTextFrame::iterator" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <include file-name="QTextFrame" location="global"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator++(int)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator--(int)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QTextFrame::iterator)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator++()" access="private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator--()" access="private"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QTreeWidgetItemIterator" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <custom-constructor>
+ return new QTreeWidgetItemIterator(*copy);
+ </custom-constructor>
+ <custom-destructor>
+ delete copy;
+ </custom-destructor>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QTreeWidgetItemIterator)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator++(int)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator--(int)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator+=(int)" access="private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator-=(int)" access="private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator++()" access="private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator--()" access="private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator*()const" access="private"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QTextBlock::iterator" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <include file-name="QTextBlock" location="global"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator++()" access="private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator--()" access="private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator++(int)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator--(int)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <include file-name="QAbstractTextDocumentLayout" location="global"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection" delete-in-main-thread="yes"/>
+ <value-type name="QPixmap" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QPixmap)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator!()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="QPixmap(const char **)" access="private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="serialNumber()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="loadFromData(const uchar *,uint,const char *,QFlags&lt;Qt::ImageConversionFlag&gt;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="QPixmap(QString,const char*,QFlags&lt;Qt::ImageConversionFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="load(QString,const char*,QFlags&lt;Qt::ImageConversionFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="loadFromData(QByteArray,const char*,QFlags&lt;Qt::ImageConversionFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="save(QIODevice*,const char*,int)const">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="save(QString,const char*,int)const">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QTextCursor" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QTextBlock" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QTextDocumentFragment" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QTextCursor)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="selectedTableCells(int*,int*,int*,int*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QTextLayout::FormatRange">
+ <include file-name="QTextLayout" location="global"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QInputMethodEvent::Attribute">
+ <include file-name="QInputMethodEvent" location="global"/>
+ <custom-constructor>
+ return new QInputMethodEvent::Attribute(copy-&gt;type, copy-&gt;start, copy-&gt;length, copy-&gt;value);
+ </custom-constructor>
+ <custom-destructor>
+ delete copy;
+ </custom-destructor>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QItemSelection" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="operator+(const QList&lt;QItemSelectionRange&gt;&amp;)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator+=(const QList&lt;QItemSelectionRange&gt;&amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator+=(const QItemSelectionRange&amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(const QList&lt;QItemSelectionRange&gt;&amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(QItemSelectionRange)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QMatrix">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QPainterPath" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="map(int,int,int*,int*)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="map(double,double,double*,double*)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QMatrix)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator*(QMatrix)const" access="private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator*=(QMatrix)" access="private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="rotate(double)" access="private" rename="rotate_private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="scale(double,double)" access="private" rename="scale_private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="shear(double,double)" access="private" rename="shear_private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="translate(double,double)" access="private" rename="translate_private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="inverted(bool*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <!-- <remove-default-expression/> -->
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <inject-code>
+ <insert-template name="core.unary_other_type">
+ <replace from="%FUNCTION_NAME" to="rotate"/>
+ <replace from="%OUT_TYPE" to="QMatrix"/>
+ <replace from="%IN_TYPE" to="double"/>
+ </insert-template>
+ <insert-template name="core.private_function_return_self">
+ <replace from="%RETURN_TYPE" to="QMatrix"/>
+ <replace from="%FUNCTION_NAME" to="scale"/>
+ <replace from="%ARGUMENTS" to="double sx, double sy"/>
+ <replace from="%ARGUMENT_NAMES" to="sx, sy"/>
+ </insert-template>
+ <insert-template name="core.private_function_return_self">
+ <replace from="%RETURN_TYPE" to="QMatrix"/>
+ <replace from="%FUNCTION_NAME" to="shear"/>
+ <replace from="%ARGUMENTS" to="double sh, double sv"/>
+ <replace from="%ARGUMENT_NAMES" to="sh, sv"/>
+ </insert-template>
+ <insert-template name="core.private_function_return_self">
+ <replace from="%RETURN_TYPE" to="QMatrix"/>
+ <replace from="%FUNCTION_NAME" to="translate"/>
+ <replace from="%ARGUMENTS" to="double dx, double dy"/>
+ <replace from="%ARGUMENT_NAMES" to="dx, dy"/>
+ </insert-template>
+ </inject-code>
+ <modify-function signature="inverted(bool*)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QConicalGradient" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QGradient::ConicalGradient">
+ <custom-constructor>
+ return new QConicalGradient(copy-&gt;center(), copy-&gt;angle());
+ </custom-constructor>
+ <custom-destructor>
+ delete copy;
+ </custom-destructor>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QFontInfo" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <custom-constructor>
+ return new QFontInfo(*copy);
+ </custom-constructor>
+ <custom-destructor>
+ delete copy;
+ </custom-destructor>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QFontInfo)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="QFontInfo(QFontInfo)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QFontInfo*"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ QFontInfo &amp; %out% = *qscriptvalue_cast&lt;QFontInfo*&gt;(%in%);
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QRadialGradient" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QGradient::RadialGradient">
+ <custom-constructor>
+ return new QRadialGradient(copy-&gt;center(), copy-&gt;radius(), copy-&gt;focalPoint());
+ </custom-constructor>
+ <custom-destructor>
+ delete copy;
+ </custom-destructor>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QPainterPath::Element">
+ <modify-field name="x" write="false"/>
+ <modify-field name="y" write="false"/>
+ <modify-field name="type" write="false"/>
+ <include file-name="QPainterPath" location="global"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator QPointF()const" access="private"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QTextEdit::ExtraSelection" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <include file-name="QTextEdit" location="global"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QFont" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QFont)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QTextTableCell" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QTextCursor" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QTextTableCell)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QImage" expense-limit="67108864" expense-cost="height()*bytesPerLine()">
+ <modify-function signature="QImage(const char *, const char *)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QImage(const char **)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QImage(const unsigned char*,int,int,int,QImage::Format)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="bits()const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="scanLine(int)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QImage(const unsigned char *, int, int, QImage::Format)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QMatrix" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="save(const QString &amp;, const char *, int) const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <rename to="private_save"/>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QImage(unsigned char*,int,int,QImage::Format)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <!--
+ <modify-function signature="QImage(QString,const char*)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ -->
+ <modify-function signature="load(QString,const char*)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="load(QIODevice*,const char*)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="loadFromData(const unsigned char*,int,const char*)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="loadFromData(QByteArray,const char*)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QImage)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setText(const char*,const char*,QString)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="text(const char*,const char*)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="fromData(QByteArray,const char*)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="fromData(const unsigned char*,int,const char*)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="serialNumber()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="textLanguages()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="QImage(const char**)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="QImage(const uchar *,int,int,QImage::Format)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="QImage(const uchar *,int,int,int,QImage::Format)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="QImage(uchar *,int,int,QImage::Format)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="QImage(uchar *,int,int,int,QImage::Format)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setColorTable(const QVector&lt;uint&gt;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="loadFromData(const uchar *,int,const char *)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="fromData(const uchar *,int,const char *)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="bits()" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="scanLine(int)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="QImage(QString,const char*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="fromData(QByteArray,const char*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="load(QString,const char*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="load(QIODevice*,const char*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="loadFromData(QByteArray,const char*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="save(QString,const char*,int)const">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="save(QIODevice*,const char*,int)const">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QColormap" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QColormap)" remove="all"/>
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QColor" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <custom-constructor>
+ return new QColormap(*copy);
+ </custom-constructor>
+ <custom-destructor>
+ delete copy;
+ </custom-destructor>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QCursor" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QPixmap" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QCursor)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QFontDatabase" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QPen">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QBrush" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QPen)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QBrush">
+ <modify-function signature="QBrush(Qt::GlobalColor, Qt::BrushStyle)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(const QBrush &amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QPixmap" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="QBrush(QGradient)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QGradient*"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ QGradient &amp; %out% = *qscriptvalue_cast&lt;QGradient*&gt;(%in%);
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QColor">
+ <modify-function signature="QColor(QColor::Spec)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QColor)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(Qt::GlobalColor)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="QColor(const char*)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getCmyk(int*,int*,int*,int*,int*)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getCmykF(double*,double*,double*,double*,double*)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getHsv(int*,int*,int*,int*)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getHsvF(double*,double*,double*,double*)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getRgb(int*,int*,int*,int*)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getRgbF(double*,double*,double*,double*)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="dark(int)const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="light(int)const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QFontMetricsF" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <custom-constructor>
+ return new QFontMetricsF(*copy);
+ </custom-constructor>
+ <custom-destructor>
+ delete copy;
+ </custom-destructor>
+ <modify-function signature="operator!=(const QFontMetricsF &amp;)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator==(const QFontMetricsF &amp;)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="boundingRect(QRectF,int,QString,int,int*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="4">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="5">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QFontMetrics)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QFontMetricsF)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="size(int,QString,int,int*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="4">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QFontMetricsF(QFontMetricsF)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="QFontMetricsF(QFontMetrics)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator==(QFontMetricsF)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator!=(QFontMetricsF)const" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QTextOption::Tab"/>
+ <value-type name="QFontMetrics" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <custom-constructor>
+ return new QFontMetrics(*copy);
+ </custom-constructor>
+ <custom-destructor>
+ delete copy;
+ </custom-destructor>
+ <modify-function signature="operator!=(const QFontMetrics &amp;)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator==(const QFontMetrics &amp;)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="boundingRect(int,int,int,int,int,QString,int,int*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="7">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="8">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="boundingRect(QRect,int,QString,int,int*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="4">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="5">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QFontMetrics)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="size(int,QString,int,int*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="4">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QFontMetrics(QFontMetrics)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator==(QFontMetrics)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator!=(QFontMetrics)const" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QGradient" force-abstract="yes" polymorphic-base="yes" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QGradient::NoGradient">
+ <custom-constructor>
+ Q_UNUSED(copy)
+ qWarning("Copying empty QGradient object");
+ return new QGradient();
+ </custom-constructor>
+ <custom-destructor>
+ delete copy;
+ </custom-destructor>
+ <modify-function signature="operator==(const QGradient &amp;)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QLinearGradient" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QGradient::LinearGradient">
+ <custom-constructor>
+ QLinearGradient *lg = new QLinearGradient(copy-&gt;start(), copy-&gt;finalStop());
+ lg-&gt;setSpread(copy-&gt;spread());
+ lg-&gt;setStops(copy-&gt;stops());
+ return (void *) lg;
+ </custom-constructor>
+ <custom-destructor>
+ delete copy;
+ </custom-destructor>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QPrinterInfo">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(const QPrinterInfo &amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <interface-type name="QLayoutItem"/>
+ <interface-type name="QPaintDevice"/>
+ <interface-type name="QGraphicsItem" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="setMatrix(QMatrix, bool)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="paint(QPainter*,const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem*,QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="collidesWithItem(const QGraphicsItem*,Qt::ItemSelectionMode)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="dragEnterEvent(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="dragLeaveEvent(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="dragMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="dropEvent(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="focusInEvent(QFocusEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="hoverEnterEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="hoverLeaveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="hoverMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="inputMethodEvent(QInputMethodEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="isObscuredBy(const QGraphicsItem*)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="mouseDoubleClickEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="sceneEvent(QEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="sceneEventFilter(QGraphicsItem*,QEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ <modify-argument index="2" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="wheelEvent(QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="children()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="installSceneEventFilter(QGraphicsItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <!-- Safe to ignore because items in a scene are memory managed by the scene -->
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeSceneEventFilter(QGraphicsItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <!-- Safe to ignore because items in a scene are memory managed by the scene -->
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="matrix()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="resetMatrix()" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="sceneMatrix()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setMatrix(QMatrix, bool)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="supportsExtension(QGraphicsItem::Extension)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setExtension(QGraphicsItem::Extension,QVariant)" remove="all"/>
+ </interface-type>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem(QGraphicsItem*,QGraphicsScene*)">
+ <inject-code position="end">
+ <argument-map index="1" meta-name="%1"/>
+ if (%1 != null) disableGarbageCollection();
+ </inject-code>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="matrix()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="resetMatrix()" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="sceneMatrix()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setMatrix(QMatrix, bool)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractItemView">
+ <modify-function signature="update()" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="horizontalStepsPerItem()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setHorizontalStepsPerItem(int)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setVerticalStepsPerItem(int)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="verticalStepsPerItem()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="edit(QModelIndex,QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger,QEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="3" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="selectionCommand(QModelIndex,const QEvent*)const">
+ <modify-argument index="2" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <!-- ### because the CursorAction enum is protected -->
+ <modify-function signature="moveCursor(QAbstractItemView::CursorAction,QFlags&lt;Qt::KeyboardModifier&gt;)" remove="all"/>
+ <inject-code class="shell-declaration">
+ QModelIndex moveCursor(QAbstractItemView::CursorAction, Qt::KeyboardModifiers)
+ { return QModelIndex(); }
+ </inject-code>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractPageSetupDialog"/>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractPrintDialog"/>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractSlider">
+ <modify-function signature="sliderChange(QAbstractSlider::SliderChange)" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractTextDocumentLayout">
+ <modify-function signature="setPaintDevice(QPaintDevice*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcPaintDevice"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="draw(QPainter*,QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawInlineObject(QPainter*,QRectF,QTextInlineObject,int,QTextFormat)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QAccessible">
+ <modify-function signature="initialize()" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="cleanup()" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setRootObject(QObject *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="queryAccessibleInterface(QObject *)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="java"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QAccessibleBridge">
+ <modify-function signature="setRootObject(QAccessibleInterface *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="shell" owner="java"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="notifyAccessibilityUpdate(int,QAccessibleInterface*,int)">
+ <modify-argument invalidate-after-use="yes" index="2"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QAccessible2Interface"/>
+ <object-type name="QAccessibleTableInterface">
+ <modify-function signature="qAccessibleTableCastHelper()" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QAccessibleInterface">
+ <modify-function signature="indexOfChild(const QAccessibleInterface*)const">
+ <modify-argument invalidate-after-use="yes" index="1"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="relationTo(int,const QAccessibleInterface*,int)const">
+ <modify-argument invalidate-after-use="yes" index="2"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QAccessibleInterfaceEx"/>
+ <object-type name="QAccessibleObject"/>
+ <object-type name="QAccessibleObjectEx"/>
+ <object-type name="QAccessibleWidget"/>
+ <object-type name="QAccessibleWidgetEx"/>
+ <object-type name="QActionGroup"/>
+ <object-type name="QCDEStyle">
+ <modify-function signature="standardIconImplementation(QStyle::StandardPixmap, const QStyleOption *, const QWidget *)const" virtual-slot="yes"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QCheckBox">
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOptionButton*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QCleanlooksStyle">
+ <modify-function signature="standardPixmap(QStyle::StandardPixmap,const QStyleOption*,const QWidget*)const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="standardIconImplementation(QStyle::StandardPixmap, const QStyleOption *, const QWidget *)const" virtual-slot="yes"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QCommonStyle">
+ <modify-function signature="standardPixmap(QStyle::StandardPixmap, const QStyleOption*,const QWidget*)const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="standardIconImplementation(QStyle::StandardPixmap, const QStyleOption *, const QWidget *)const" virtual-slot="yes"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QDataWidgetMapper">
+ <modify-function signature="addMapping(QWidget*,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="add" variable-name="__rcMappings"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addMapping(QWidget*,int,QByteArray)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="add" variable-name="__rcMappings"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeMapping(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="remove" variable-name="__rcMappings"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setItemDelegate(QAbstractItemDelegate*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcItemDelegate"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setModel(QAbstractItemModel*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcModel"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QDateEdit"/>
+ <object-type name="QDesktopServices">
+ <modify-function signature="setUrlHandler(const QString &amp;, QObject *, const char *)" access="private">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/> <!-- Handled in injected code -->
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QDialog">
+ <modify-function signature="setExtension(QWidget*)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="exec()" access="non-final"/>
+ <modify-function signature="extension()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="orientation()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setOrientation(Qt::Orientation)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="showExtension(bool)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QDialogButtonBox">
+ <modify-function signature="addButton(QAbstractButton*,QDialogButtonBox::ButtonRole)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeButton(QAbstractButton*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QDirModel">
+ <modify-function signature="parent()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setIconProvider(QFileIconProvider*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcIconProvider"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QDoubleValidator"/>
+ <object-type name="QFileIconProvider"/>
+ <object-type name="QWizard">
+ <!-- ### Requires correct class name in meta object -->
+ <modify-function signature="setDefaultProperty(const char *, const char *, const char *)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="addPage(QWizardPage*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setButton(QWizard::WizardButton,QAbstractButton*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setPage(int,QWizardPage*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QWizardPage">
+ <!-- ### Reduced functionality due to meta object having missing information -->
+ <modify-function signature="registerField(const QString &amp;, QWidget *, const char *, const char *)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="4">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QFocusFrame">
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOption*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setWidget(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcWidget"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <inject-code>
+ <insert-template name="gui.init_style_option">
+ <replace from="%TYPE" to="QStyleOption"/>
+ </insert-template>
+ </inject-code>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QFontComboBox"/>
+ <object-type name="QFontDialog">
+ <inject-code class="native" position="beginning">
+ </inject-code>
+ <modify-function signature="getFont(bool*,QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.prepare_removed_bool*_argument"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_to_null_or_wrap"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getFont(bool*,QFont,QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.prepare_removed_bool*_argument"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_to_null_or_wrap"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getFont(bool*,QFont,QWidget*,QString)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.prepare_removed_bool*_argument"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_to_null_or_wrap"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsEllipseItem" delete-in-main-thread="yes"/>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsItemAnimation">
+ <modify-function signature="setItem(QGraphicsItem*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcItem"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setTimeLine(QTimeLine*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcTimeLine"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QPair" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsItemGroup" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="matrix()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="resetMatrix()" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="sceneMatrix()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setMatrix(QMatrix, bool)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsLineItem" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="matrix()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="resetMatrix()" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="sceneMatrix()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setMatrix(QMatrix, bool)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsPathItem" delete-in-main-thread="yes"/>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsPixmapItem" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="matrix()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="resetMatrix()" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="sceneMatrix()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setMatrix(QMatrix, bool)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsPolygonItem" delete-in-main-thread="yes"/>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsRectItem" delete-in-main-thread="yes"/>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsSimpleTextItem" delete-in-main-thread="yes"/>
+ <object-type name="QHBoxLayout"/>
+ <object-type name="QHeaderView">
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOptionHeader*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="paintSection(QPainter*,QRect,int)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <inject-code>
+ <insert-template name="gui.init_style_option">
+ <replace from="%TYPE" to="QStyleOptionHeader"/>
+ </insert-template>
+ </inject-code>
+ <modify-function signature="setModel(QAbstractItemModel*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count declare-variable="QAbstractItemView" action="set" variable-name="__rcModel"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QIconEngine">
+ <modify-function signature="paint(QPainter*,QRect,QIcon::Mode,QIcon::State)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QIconEngineV2">
+ <modify-function signature="read(QDataStream&amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="write(QDataStream&amp;)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="virtual_hook(int,void*)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="clone()const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="shell" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QImageWriter">
+ <modify-function signature="setDevice(QIODevice*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcDevice"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="description()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setDescription(QString)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QInputContextFactory"/>
+ <object-type name="QIntValidator"/>
+ <object-type name="QItemDelegate">
+ <modify-function signature="doLayout(QStyleOptionViewItem,QRect*,QRect*,QRect*,bool)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawCheck(QPainter*,QStyleOptionViewItem,QRect,Qt::CheckState)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawDecoration(QPainter*,QStyleOptionViewItem,QRect,QPixmap)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawDisplay(QPainter*,QStyleOptionViewItem,QRect,QString)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawFocus(QPainter*,QStyleOptionViewItem,QRect)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="selected(QPixmap,QPalette,bool)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setItemEditorFactory(QItemEditorFactory*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcItemEditorFactory"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setEditorData(QWidget*,QModelIndex)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setModelData(QWidget*,QAbstractItemModel*,QModelIndex)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QItemEditorCreatorBase"/>
+ <object-type name="QItemEditorFactory">
+ <modify-function signature="registerEditor(QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase *)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setDefaultFactory(QItemEditorFactory *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcDefaultItemEditorFactory"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QItemSelectionModel"/>
+ <object-type name="QTreeModel"/>
+ <object-type name="QListView"/>
+ <object-type name="QColumnView">
+ <modify-function signature="setPreviewWidget(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setModel(QAbstractItemModel*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count declare-variable="QAbstractItemView" action="set" variable-name="__rcItemModel"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setSelectionModel(QItemSelectionModel*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ <reference-count declare-variable="QAbstractItemView" action="set" variable-name="__rcItemSelectionModel"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QMainWindow">
+ <modify-function signature="addDockWidget(Qt::DockWidgetArea,QDockWidget*,Qt::Orientation)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addDockWidget(Qt::DockWidgetArea,QDockWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addToolBar(QToolBar*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addToolBar(Qt::ToolBarArea,QToolBar*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertToolBar(QToolBar*,QToolBar*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertToolBarBreak(QToolBar*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeDockWidget(QDockWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeToolBar(QToolBar*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeToolBarBreak(QToolBar*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCentralWidget(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setMenuBar(QMenuBar*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setMenuWidget(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setStatusBar(QStatusBar*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QMdiArea">
+ <modify-function signature="addSubWindow(QWidget*,QFlags&lt;Qt::WindowType&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeSubWindow(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setActiveSubWindow(QMdiSubWindow*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setupViewport(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QMdiSubWindow">
+ <modify-function signature="setSystemMenu(QMenu*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setWidget(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QMenu">
+ <modify-function signature="addAction(QAction *)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="addMenu(QMenu*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="add" variable-name="__rcMenus"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertMenu(QAction*,QMenu*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="add" variable-name="__rcMenus"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertSeparator(QAction*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setActiveAction(QAction*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setDefaultAction(QAction*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setNoReplayFor(QWidget*)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOptionMenuItem*,const QAction*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addAction(QString,const QObject*,const char*,QKeySequence)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addAction(QIcon,QString,const QObject*,const char*,QKeySequence)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QMenuBar">
+ <modify-function signature="addAction(QAction *)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="addAction(QString,const QObject*,const char*)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOptionMenuItem*,const QAction*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addMenu(QMenu*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="add" variable-name="__rcMenus"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertMenu(QAction*,QMenu*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="add" variable-name="__rcMenus"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertSeparator(QAction*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setActiveAction(QAction*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCornerWidget(QWidget*,Qt::Corner) ">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QMotifStyle">
+ <modify-function signature="standardPixmap(QStyle::StandardPixmap, const QStyleOption*, const QWidget*)const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="standardIconImplementation(QStyle::StandardPixmap, const QStyleOption *, const QWidget *)const" virtual-slot="yes"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QPainterPathStroker"/>
+ <object-type name="QPictureIO">
+ <modify-function signature="QPictureIO(QIODevice*,const char*)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcDevice"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setIODevice(QIODevice*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcDevice"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QPictureIO(QString,const char*)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="format()const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <rename to="format_private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="parameters()const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <rename to="parameters_private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setFormat(const char*)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setParameters(const char*)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QPictureIO(QIODevice*,const char*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QPictureIO(QString,const char*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setFormat(const char*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setParameters(const char*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QPixmapCache">
+ <modify-function signature="find(QString)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="find(QString,QPixmap&amp;)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QPlastiqueStyle">
+ <modify-function signature="standardPixmap(QStyle::StandardPixmap, const QStyleOption*, const QWidget*)const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="standardIconImplementation(QStyle::StandardPixmap, const QStyleOption *, const QWidget *)const" virtual-slot="yes"/>
+ <modify-function signature="layoutSpacingImplementation(QSizePolicy::ControlType, QSizePolicy::ControlType, Qt::Orientation, const QStyleOption *, const QWidget *) const" virtual-slot="yes"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QPrintDialog"/>
+ <object-type name="QPrintEngine"/>
+ <object-type name="QProgressBar">
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOptionProgressBar*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QPushButton">
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOptionButton*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setMenu(QMenu*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcMenu"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QReadWriteLock"/>
+ <object-type name="QRegExpValidator"/>
+ <object-type name="QScrollArea">
+ <modify-function signature="setWidget(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QSessionManager"/>
+ <object-type name="QShortcut">
+ <modify-function signature="QShortcut(QKeySequence,QWidget*,const char*,const char*,Qt::ShortcutContext)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="4">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="5">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QSizeGrip"/>
+ <object-type name="QSound"/>
+ <object-type name="QSpacerItem"/>
+ <object-type name="QStandardItem">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QStandardItem)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;(QStandardItem)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="read(QDataStream&amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="write(QDataStream&amp;)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="read(QDataStream &amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="write(QDataStream &amp;)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QStandardItem)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;(QStandardItem)const" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QStatusBar">
+ <modify-function signature="addPermanentWidget(QWidget *, int)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addWidget(QWidget *, int)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeWidget(QWidget *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertPermanentWidget(int, QWidget *, int)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertWidget(int, QWidget *, int)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QStringListModel"/>
+ <object-type name="QStyleFactory"/>
+ <object-type name="QStyleHintReturn"/>
+ <object-type name="QStyleHintReturnVariant"/>
+ <object-type name="QStyleHintReturnMask"/>
+ <object-type name="QStylePainter" delete-in-main-thread="yes"/>
+ <object-type name="QSyntaxHighlighter">
+ <modify-function signature="setCurrentBlockUserData(QTextBlockUserData*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setDocument(QTextDocument*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcDocument"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QSystemTrayIcon">
+ <modify-function signature="setContextMenu(QMenu*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcContextMenu"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTableView">
+ <modify-function signature="setHorizontalHeader(QHeaderView*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setVerticalHeader(QHeaderView*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setModel(QAbstractItemModel*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count declare-variable="QAbstractItemView" action="set" variable-name="__rcItemModel"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setSelectionModel(QItemSelectionModel*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ <reference-count declare-variable="QAbstractItemView" action="set" variable-name="__rcItemSelectionModel"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="sortByColumn(int)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTextBlockGroup" delete-in-main-thread="yes"/>
+ <object-type name="QTextBlockUserData" delete-in-main-thread="yes"/>
+ <object-type name="QTextItem" delete-in-main-thread="yes"/>
+ <object-type name="QTextList" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="format()const" rename="textListFormat"/>
+ <modify-function signature="isEmpty()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTextObject" delete-in-main-thread="yes"/>
+ <object-type name="QTextObjectInterface" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="drawObject(QPainter*,QRectF,QTextDocument*,int,QTextFormat)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTimeEdit"/>
+ <object-type name="QToolBox">
+ <modify-function signature="addItem(QWidget*,QString)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addItem(QWidget*,QIcon,QString)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertItem(int,QWidget*,QIcon,QString)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertItem(int,QWidget*,QString)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCurrentWidget(QWidget*) ">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QToolButton">
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOptionToolButton*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setDefaultAction(QAction *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcDefaultAction"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setMenu(QMenu *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcMenu"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QToolTip"/>
+ <object-type name="QTreeView">
+ <modify-function signature="drawBranches(QPainter*,QRect,QModelIndex)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawRow(QPainter*,QStyleOptionViewItem,QModelIndex)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setHeader(QHeaderView*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setModel(QAbstractItemModel*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count declare-variable="QAbstractItemView" action="set" variable-name="__rcItemModel"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setSelectionModel(QItemSelectionModel*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ <reference-count declare-variable="QAbstractItemView" action="set" variable-name="__rcItemSelectionModel"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="sortByColumn(int)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QUndoCommand">
+ <modify-function signature="mergeWith(const QUndoCommand*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QUndoGroup">
+ <modify-function signature="addStack(QUndoStack*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="add" variable-name="__rcStacks"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeStack(QUndoStack*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="remove" variable-name="__rcStacks"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setActiveStack(QUndoStack*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QUndoStack"/>
+ <object-type name="QUndoView">
+ <modify-function signature="setGroup(QUndoGroup *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcGroupOrStack"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setStack(QUndoStack *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcGroupOrStack"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QUndoView(QUndoGroup *,QWidget *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcGroupOrStack"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QUndoView(QUndoStack *,QWidget *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcGroupOrStack"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QVBoxLayout"/>
+ <object-type name="QValidator"/>
+ <object-type name="QWhatsThis"/>
+ <object-type name="QWidgetAction">
+ <modify-function signature="createWidget(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="shell" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QWidgetItem"/>
+ <object-type name="QWindowsStyle">
+ <modify-function signature="standardPixmap(QStyle::StandardPixmap, const QStyleOption*, const QWidget*)const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="standardIconImplementation(QStyle::StandardPixmap, const QStyleOption *, const QWidget *)const" virtual-slot="yes"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QWorkspace">
+ <modify-function signature="addWindow(QWidget*,QFlags&lt;Qt::WindowType&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setActiveWindow(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QActionEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::ActionAdded || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::ActionRemoved || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::ActionChanged"/>
+ <object-type name="QClipboardEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::Clipboard"/>
+ <object-type name="QCloseEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::Close"/>
+ <object-type name="QContextMenuEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::ContextMenu"/>
+ <object-type name="QDragEnterEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::DragEnter"/>
+ <object-type name="QDragLeaveEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::DragLeave"/>
+ <object-type name="QDragMoveEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::DragMove">
+ <modify-function signature="accept()" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="ignore()" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QDropEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::Drop">
+ <modify-function signature="encodedData(const char*)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="format(int)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="provides(const char*)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QFileOpenEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::FileOpen"/>
+ <object-type name="QFocusEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::FocusIn || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::FocusOut">
+ <modify-function signature="reason()const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneContextMenu"/>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneDragEnter || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneDragLeave || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneDragMove || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneDrop">
+ <modify-function signature="setMimeData(const QMimeData *)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setSource(QWidget *)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsSceneEvent">
+ <modify-function signature="setWidget(QWidget *)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsSceneMoveEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneMove"/>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneResize"/>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsSceneHelpEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneHelp"/>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneHoverEnter || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneHoverLeave || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneHoverMove"/>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseDoubleClick || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseMove || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneMousePress || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseRelease"/>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneWheel"/>
+ <object-type name="QHelpEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::ToolTip || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::WhatsThis"/>
+ <object-type name="QHideEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::Hide"/>
+ <object-type name="QHoverEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::HoverEnter || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::HoverLeave || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::HoverMove"/>
+ <object-type name="QIconDragEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::IconDrag"/>
+ <object-type name="QInputMethodEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::InputMethod"/>
+ <object-type name="QMoveEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::Move"/>
+ <object-type name="QResizeEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::Resize"/>
+ <object-type name="QShortcutEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::Shortcut">
+ <!-- All these have const overloads that are used instead -->
+ <modify-function signature="isAmbiguous()">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="shortcutId()">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="key()">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QShowEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::Show"/>
+ <object-type name="QStatusTipEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::StatusTip"/>
+ <object-type name="QTabletEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::TabletMove || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::TabletPress || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::TabletRelease"/>
+ <object-type name="QToolBarChangeEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::ToolBarChange"/>
+ <object-type name="QWhatsThisClickedEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::WhatsThisClicked"/>
+ <object-type name="QWheelEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::Wheel"/>
+ <object-type name="QWindowStateChangeEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::WindowStateChange"/>
+ <object-type name="QDragResponseEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::DragResponse"/>
+ <object-type name="QInputEvent">
+ <modify-function signature="modifiers()const" access="non-final"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QKeyEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::KeyPress || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::KeyRelease"/>
+ <object-type name="QMouseEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::MouseMove"/>
+ <object-type name="QPaintEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::Paint"/>
+ <object-type name="QAccessibleEvent" polymorphic-id-expression="%1-&gt;type() == QEvent::AccessibilityDescription || %1-&gt;type() == QEvent::AccessibilityHelp"/>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractButton"/>
+ <object-type name="QStyle">
+ <modify-function signature="standardIconImplementation(QStyle::StandardPixmap, const QStyleOption *, const QWidget *)const" virtual-slot="yes"/>
+ <modify-function signature="layoutSpacingImplementation(QSizePolicy::ControlType, QSizePolicy::ControlType, Qt::Orientation, const QStyleOption *, const QWidget *) const" virtual-slot="yes"/>
+ <modify-function signature="drawComplexControl(QStyle::ComplexControl,const QStyleOptionComplex*,QPainter*,const QWidget*)const">
+ <modify-argument index="3" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawControl(QStyle::ControlElement,const QStyleOption*,QPainter*,const QWidget*)const">
+ <modify-argument index="3" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawPrimitive(QStyle::PrimitiveElement,const QStyleOption*,QPainter*,const QWidget*)const">
+ <modify-argument index="3" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="styleHint(QStyle::StyleHint,const QStyleOption*,const QWidget*,QStyleHintReturn*)const">
+ <modify-argument index="4" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawItemPixmap(QPainter*,QRect,int,QPixmap)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawItemText(QPainter*,QRect,int,QPalette,bool,QString,QPalette::ColorRole)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="itemTextRect(QFontMetrics,QRect,int,bool,QString)const" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QColorDialog">
+ <modify-function signature="getColor(const QColor &amp;, QWidget *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-default-expression with="QColor.white"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getRgba(uint,bool*,QWidget*)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QLayout">
+ <modify-function signature="addItem(QLayoutItem*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setSpacing(int)" rename="setWidgetSpacing"/>
+ <modify-function signature="spacing()const" rename="widgetSpacing"/>
+ <modify-function signature="addWidget(QWidget *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ <reference-count variable-name="__rcWidgets" action="add"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addChildWidget(QWidget *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ <reference-count variable-name="__rcWidgets" action="add"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeWidget(QWidget *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ <reference-count variable-name="__rcWidgets" action="remove"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setAlignment(QWidget*,QFlags&lt;Qt::AlignmentFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setAlignment(QLayout*,QFlags&lt;Qt::AlignmentFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setMenuBar(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcMenuBar"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getContentsMargins(int*,int*,int*,int*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="margin()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <!-- <modify-function signature="setMargin(int)" remove="all"/> --> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QStackedLayout">
+ <modify-function signature="addItem(QLayoutItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="itemAt(int) const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addWidget(QWidget *)">
+ <rename to="addStackedWidget"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ <reference-count action="add" declare-variable="QLayout" variable-name="__rcWidgets"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertWidget(int,QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ <reference-count action="add" declare-variable="QLayout" variable-name="__rcWidgets"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCurrentWidget(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <!-- Safe to ignore because current widget must have been added to layout already -->
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QBoxLayout">
+ <modify-function signature="addWidget(QWidget *, int, QFlags&lt;Qt::AlignmentFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addItem(QLayoutItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertLayout(int, QLayout *, int)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertItem(int, QLayoutItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addSpacerItem(QSpacerItem*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertSpacerItem(int,QSpacerItem*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addLayout(QLayout *, int)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addWidget(QWidget*,int,QFlags&lt;Qt::AlignmentFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count declare-variable="QLayout" action="add" variable-name="__rcWidgets"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertWidget(int,QWidget*,int,QFlags&lt;Qt::AlignmentFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count declare-variable="QLayout" action="add" variable-name="__rcWidgets"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setStretchFactor(QWidget*,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setStretchFactor(QLayout*,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QGridLayout">
+ <modify-function signature="addWidget(QWidget *)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="addItem(QLayoutItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addItem(QLayoutItem *, int, int, int, int, QFlags&lt;Qt::AlignmentFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addLayout(QLayout *, int, int, QFlags&lt;Qt::AlignmentFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addLayout(QLayout *, int, int, int, int, QFlags&lt;Qt::AlignmentFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addWidget(QWidget*,int,int,QFlags&lt;Qt::AlignmentFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count declare-variable="QLayout" action="add" variable-name="__rcWidgets"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addWidget(QWidget*,int,int,int,int,QFlags&lt;Qt::AlignmentFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count declare-variable="QLayout" action="add" variable-name="__rcWidgets"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addWidget(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count declare-variable="QLayout" action="add" variable-name="__rcWidgets"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getItemPosition(int,int*,int*,int*,int*)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsView">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QPainterPath" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QVarLengthArray" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="setupViewport(QWidget *)" access="non-final"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setScene(QGraphicsScene*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcScene"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setupViewport(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawBackground(QPainter*,QRectF)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawForeground(QPainter*,QRectF)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawItems(QPainter*,int,QGraphicsItem**,const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <!--
+ <modify-function signature="drawItems(QPainter*,int,QGraphicsItem**,const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="shell">
+ // nothing
+ </conversion-rule>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.get_array_length">
+ <replace from="%ARRAY" to="%3"/>
+ </insert-template>
+ int __length = %out;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <replace-type modified-type="com.trolltech.qt.gui.QGraphicsItemInterface[]"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="shell">
+ <insert-template name="gui.convert_graphicsitem_array_to_java">
+ <replace from="%LENGTH" to="%2"/>
+ </insert-template>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="gui.convert_graphicsitem_array_from_java"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="4">
+ <replace-type modified-type="com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionGraphicsItem[]"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="shell">
+ <insert-template name="gui.convert_styleoptiongraphicsitem_array_to_java">
+ <replace from="%LENGTH" to="%2"/>
+ </insert-template>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="gui.convert_styleoptiongraphicsitem_array_from_java"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ -->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QInputDialog">
+ <modify-function signature="getDouble(QWidget *, const QString &amp;, const QString &amp;, double, double, double, int, bool *, QFlags&lt;Qt::WindowType&gt;)">
+ <!--
+ <rename to="getDouble_internal"/>
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ -->
+ <modify-argument index="4">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="5">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="6">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="7">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="8">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="9">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getInteger(QWidget *, const QString &amp;, const QString &amp;, int, int, int, int, bool *, QFlags&lt;Qt::WindowType&gt;)">
+ <!--
+ <rename to="getInteger_internal"/>
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ -->
+ <modify-argument index="4">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="5">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="6">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="7">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="8">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="9">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getItem(QWidget *, const QString &amp;, const QString &amp;, const QStringList&lt;QString&gt; &amp;, int, bool, bool *, QFlags&lt;Qt::WindowType&gt;)">
+ <!--
+ <rename to="getItem_internal"/>
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ -->
+ <modify-argument index="4">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="5">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="6">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="7">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="8">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getText(QWidget *, const QString &amp;, const QString &amp;, QLineEdit::EchoMode, const QString &amp;, bool *, QFlags&lt;Qt::WindowType&gt;)">
+ <!--
+ <rename to="getText_internal"/>
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ -->
+ <modify-argument index="4">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="5">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="6">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="7">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <inject-code class="native" position="beginning">
+ </inject-code>
+ <modify-function signature="getDouble(QWidget *, const QString &amp;, const QString &amp;, double, double, double, int, bool *, QFlags&lt;Qt::WindowType&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="8">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.prepare_removed_bool*_argument"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_to_null_or_primitive"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getInteger(QWidget *, const QString &amp;, const QString &amp;, int, int, int, int, bool *, QFlags&lt;Qt::WindowType&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="8">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.prepare_removed_bool*_argument"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_to_null_or_primitive"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getItem(QWidget *, const QString &amp;, const QString &amp;, const QStringList&lt;QString&gt; &amp;, int, bool, bool *, QFlags&lt;Qt::WindowType&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="7">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.prepare_removed_bool*_argument"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_to_null_or_primitive"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getText(QWidget *, const QString &amp;, const QString &amp;, QLineEdit::EchoMode, const QString &amp;, bool *, QFlags&lt;Qt::WindowType&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="6">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.prepare_removed_bool*_argument"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_to_null_or_primitive"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsScene">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QVarLengthArray" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="dragEnterEvent(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="dragLeaveEvent(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="dragMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawBackground(QPainter*,QRectF)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawForeground(QPainter*,QRectF)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawItems(QPainter*,int,QGraphicsItem**,const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem*,QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="dropEvent(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="focusInEvent(QFocusEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="helpEvent(QGraphicsSceneHelpEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="inputMethodEvent(QInputMethodEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="mouseDoubleClickEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="wheelEvent(QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setActiveWindow(QGraphicsWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setStyle(QStyle*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addItem(QGraphicsItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addEllipse(const QRectF &amp;, const QPen &amp;, const QBrush &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addLine(const QLineF &amp;, const QPen &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addPath(const QPainterPath &amp;, const QPen &amp;, const QBrush &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addPixmap(const QPixmap &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addPolygon(const QPolygonF &amp;, const QPen &amp;, const QBrush &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addRect(const QRectF &amp;, const QPen &amp;, const QBrush &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addText(const QString &amp;, const QFont &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addWidget(QWidget*,QFlags&lt;Qt::WindowType&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeItem(QGraphicsItem*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="default"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setFocusItem(QGraphicsItem*,Qt::FocusReason)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcFocusItem"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QCalendarWidget">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QTextCharFormat" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="isHeaderVisible()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setHeaderVisible(bool)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="paintCell(QPainter*,QRect,QDate)const">
+ <modify-argument invalidate-after-use="yes" index="1"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="sizeHint()const" rename="getSizeHint"/>
+ <modify-function signature="minimumSizeHint()const" rename="getMinimumSizeHint"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTreeWidget">
+ <modify-function signature="dropMimeData(QTreeWidgetItem*,int,const QMimeData*,Qt::DropAction)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="isSortingEnabled()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setSortingEnabled(bool)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="indexOfTopLevelItem(QTreeWidgetItem *)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addTopLevelItem(QTreeWidgetItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="takeTopLevelItem(int)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="default"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addTopLevelItems(const QList&lt;QTreeWidgetItem*&gt; &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertTopLevelItem(int, QTreeWidgetItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertTopLevelItems(int, const QList&lt;QTreeWidgetItem*&gt; &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setHeaderItem(QTreeWidgetItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="takeTopLevelItem(int)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="default"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeItemWidget(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="default"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCurrentItem(QTreeWidgetItem*,int,QFlags&lt;QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setFirstItemColumnSpanned(const QTreeWidgetItem*,bool)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCurrentItem(QTreeWidgetItem*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCurrentItem(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setItemExpanded(const QTreeWidgetItem*,bool)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="isItemExpanded(const QTreeWidgetItem*)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setItemHidden(const QTreeWidgetItem*,bool)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="isItemHidden(const QTreeWidgetItem*)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="isItemSelected(const QTreeWidgetItem*)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setItemSelected(const QTreeWidgetItem*,bool)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setItemWidget(QTreeWidgetItem*,int,QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setModel(QAbstractItemModel*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="items(const QMimeData*)const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="mimeData(const QList&lt;QTreeWidgetItem*&gt;)const" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractItemDelegate">
+ <modify-function signature="setEditorData(QWidget*,QModelIndex)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <!-- Safe to ignore because this implementation is documented to do nothing -->
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setModelData(QWidget*,QAbstractItemModel*,QModelIndex)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="paint(QPainter*,QStyleOptionViewItem,QModelIndex)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="editorEvent(QEvent*,QAbstractItemModel*,QStyleOptionViewItem,QModelIndex)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="elidedText(QFontMetrics, int, Qt::TextElideMode, QString)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTableWidgetItem" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(const QTableWidgetItem&amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="clone() const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="shell" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="backgroundColor()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setBackgroundColor(QColor)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setTextColor(QColor)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="textColor()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;(QTableWidgetItem)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="read(QDataStream&amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="write(QDataStream&amp;)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="read(QDataStream &amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="write(QDataStream &amp;)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="QTableWidgetItem(QTableWidgetItem)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QTableWidgetItem)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;(QTableWidgetItem)const" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QListWidgetItem" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;(QListWidgetItem)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="read(QDataStream&amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="write(QDataStream&amp;)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(const QListWidgetItem&amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="QListWidgetItem(QListWidget *, int)">
+ <modify-argument index="this">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QListWidgetItem(const QString &amp;, QListWidget *, int)">
+ <modify-argument index="this">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QListWidgetItem(const QIcon &amp;, const QString &amp;, QListWidget *, int)">
+ <modify-argument index="this">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="clone() const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="shell" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="backgroundColor()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setBackgroundColor(QColor)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setTextColor(QColor)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="textColor()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="read(QDataStream &amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="write(QDataStream &amp;)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="QListWidgetItem(QListWidgetItem)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QListWidgetItem)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;(QListWidgetItem)const" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsTextItem"> <!-- a QObject so main-thread delete redundant -->
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QTextCursor" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="QGraphicsTextItem(QGraphicsItem*,QGraphicsScene*)">
+ <inject-code position="end">
+ <argument-map index="1" meta-name="%1"/>
+ if (%1 != null) disableGarbageCollection();
+ </inject-code>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QGraphicsTextItem(const QString &amp;,QGraphicsItem*,QGraphicsScene*)">
+ <inject-code position="end">
+ <argument-map index="2" meta-name="%2"/>
+ if (%2 != null) disableGarbageCollection();
+ </inject-code>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setDocument(QTextDocument*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcDocument"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="matrix()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="resetMatrix()" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="sceneMatrix()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setMatrix(QMatrix, bool)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QCompleter">
+ <modify-function signature="activated(const QModelIndex &amp;)">
+ <rename to="activatedIndex"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="highlighted(const QModelIndex &amp;)">
+ <rename to="highlightedIndex"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setModel(QAbstractItemModel *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcModel"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setPopup(QAbstractItemView *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setWidget(QWidget *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcWidget"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTreeWidgetItem" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;(QTreeWidgetItem)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="read(QDataStream&amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="write(QDataStream&amp;)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QTreeWidgetItem(const QTreeWidgetItem &amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(const QTreeWidgetItem&amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="QTreeWidgetItem(QTreeWidget *,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="this">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QTreeWidgetItem(QTreeWidget *,const QStringList&lt;QString&gt; &amp;,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="this">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QTreeWidgetItem(QTreeWidget *,QTreeWidgetItem *,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="this">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QTreeWidgetItem(QTreeWidgetItem *,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="this">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QTreeWidgetItem(QTreeWidgetItem *,const QStringList&lt;QString&gt; &amp;,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="this">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QTreeWidgetItem(QTreeWidgetItem *,QTreeWidgetItem *,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="this">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="clone() const">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="shell" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addChild(QTreeWidgetItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addChildren(const QList&lt;QTreeWidgetItem*&gt; &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertChild(int, QTreeWidgetItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertChildren(int, const QList&lt;QTreeWidgetItem*&gt; &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeChild(QTreeWidgetItem*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="default"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="takeChild(int)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="default"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="takeChildren()">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="default"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="backgroundColor(int)const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setBackgroundColor(int, QColor)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setTextColor(int, QColor)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="textColor(int)const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="read(QDataStream &amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="write(QDataStream &amp;)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="QTreeWidgetItem(QTreeWidgetItem)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QTreeWidgetItem)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;(QTreeWidgetItem)const" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QListWidget">
+ <modify-function signature="addItem(QListWidgetItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertItem(int, QListWidgetItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeItemWidget(QListWidgetItem*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="default"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCurrentItem(QListWidgetItem*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCurrentItem(QListWidgetItem*,QFlags&lt;QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setItemHidden(const QListWidgetItem*,bool)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="isItemHidden(const QListWidgetItem*)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setItemSelected(const QListWidgetItem*,bool)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="isItemSelected(const QListWidgetItem*)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="takeItem(int)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="default"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setItemWidget(QListWidgetItem*,QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setModel(QAbstractItemModel*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="mimeData(const QList&lt;QListWidgetItem*&gt;)const" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QWidget">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QIcon" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QMessageBox" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="actionEvent(QActionEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="changeEvent(QEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="closeEvent(QCloseEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="dropEvent(QDropEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="enterEvent(QEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="focusInEvent(QFocusEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="hideEvent(QHideEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="inputMethodEvent(QInputMethodEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="leaveEvent(QEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="moveEvent(QMoveEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="paintEvent(QPaintEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="resizeEvent(QResizeEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="showEvent(QShowEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="tabletEvent(QTabletEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="wheelEvent(QWheelEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="render(QPainter*,QPoint,QRegion,QFlags&lt;QWidget::RenderFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <!-- Removed because the render(QPainter*) overload conflicts with the identical function in QGraphicsView -->
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <!--
+ <inject-code class="native">
+ extern "C" JNIEXPORT void JNICALL QTJAMBI_FUNCTION_PREFIX(Java_com_trolltech_qt_gui_QWidget__1_1qt_1QMessageBox_1setWindowTitle)
+ (JNIEnv *__jni_env,
+ jclass,
+ jlong __this_nativeId,
+ jobject title0)
+ {
+ QTJAMBI_DEBUG_TRACE("(native) entering: QMessageBox::setWindowTitle(const QString &amp; title)");
+ QString __qt_title0 = qtjambi_to_qstring(__jni_env, (jstring) title0);
+ QMessageBox *__qt_this = (QMessageBox *) qtjambi_from_jlong(__this_nativeId);
+ Q_ASSERT(__qt_this);
+ __qt_this-&gt;setWindowTitle((const QString&amp; )__qt_title0);
+ QTJAMBI_DEBUG_TRACE("(native) -&gt; leaving: QMessageBox::setWindowTitle(const QString &amp; title)");
+ }
+ </inject-code>
+ <inject-code class="native">
+ extern "C" JNIEXPORT void JNICALL QTJAMBI_FUNCTION_PREFIX(Java_com_trolltech_qt_gui_QWidget__1_1qt_1QMessageBox_1setWindowModality)
+ (JNIEnv *__jni_env,
+ jclass,
+ jlong __this_nativeId,
+ jint windowModality0)
+ {
+ Q_UNUSED(__jni_env);
+ QTJAMBI_DEBUG_TRACE("(native) entering: QMessageBox::setWindowModality(Qt::WindowModality modality)");
+ Qt::WindowModality __qt_windowModality0 = (Qt::WindowModality) windowModality0;
+ QMessageBox *__qt_this = (QMessageBox *) qtjambi_from_jlong(__this_nativeId);
+ Q_ASSERT(__qt_this);
+ __qt_this-&gt;setWindowModality((Qt::WindowModality )__qt_windowModality0);
+ QTJAMBI_DEBUG_TRACE("(native) -&gt; leaving: QMessageBox::setWindowModality(Qt::WindowModality modality)");
+ }
+ </inject-code>
+ -->
+ <modify-function signature="render(QPaintDevice *, const QPoint &amp;, const QRegion &amp;, QFlags&lt;QWidget::RenderFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="4">
+ <replace-default-expression with="RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground, RenderFlag.DrawChildren"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="render(QPainter *, const QPoint &amp;, const QRegion &amp;, QFlags&lt;QWidget::RenderFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="4">
+ <replace-default-expression with="RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground, RenderFlag.DrawChildren"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setFocusProxy(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcFocusProxy"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setInputContext(QInputContext*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setLayout(QLayout*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setParent(QWidget*,QFlags&lt;Qt::WindowType&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setParent(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setStyle(QStyle*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcStyle"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setTabOrder(QWidget*,QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getContentsMargins(int*,int*,int*,int*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addAction(QAction *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="add" variable-name="__rcActions"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertAction(QAction *, QAction *)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="add" variable-name="__rcActions"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addActions(const QList&lt;QAction *&gt; &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="add-all" variable-name="__rcActions"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertActions(QAction *, const QList&lt;QAction *&gt; &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="add-all" variable-name="__rcActions"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeAction(QAction *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="remove" variable-name="__rcActions"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="enabledChange(bool)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="fontChange(QFont)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="isEnabledToTLW()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="isTopLevel()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="paletteChange(QPalette)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setShown(bool)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="topLevelWidget()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="windowActivationChange(bool)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="fontInfo()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="fontMetrics()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="sizeHint()const" rename="getSizeHint"/>
+ <modify-function signature="minimumSizeHint()const" rename="getMinimumSizeHint"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setVisible(bool)" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QMessageBox">
+ <modify-function signature="setWindowTitle(const QString &amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setWindowModality(Qt::WindowModality)" remove="all"/>
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QPixmap" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="addButton(QAbstractButton*,QMessageBox::ButtonRole)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeButton(QAbstractButton*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setDefaultButton(QPushButton*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setEscapeButton(QAbstractButton*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QMessageBox(QString,QString,QMessageBox::Icon,int,int,int,QWidget*,QFlags&lt;Qt::WindowType&gt;)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="buttonText(int)const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setButtonText(int, QString)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="standardIcon(QMessageBox::Icon)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="critical(QWidget*,QString,QString,int,int,int)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="critical(QWidget*,QString,QString,QString,QString,QString,int,int)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="information(QWidget*,QString,QString,int,int,int)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="information(QWidget*,QString,QString,QString,QString,QString,int,int)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="question(QWidget*, QString, QString, int, int, int)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="question(QWidget*, QString, QString, QString, QString, QString, int, int)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="warning(QWidget*, QString, QString, int, int, int)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="warning(QWidget*, QString, QString, QString, QString, QString, int, int)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractSpinBox">
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOptionSpinBox*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setLineEdit(QLineEdit*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <!-- Safe to ignore because the spinbox reparents the line edit -->
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTextFrame" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QTextCursor" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QImageIOHandler">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QRect" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="setFormat(const QByteArray &amp;)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setDevice(QIODevice*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcDevice"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <!--
+ <modify-function signature="read(QImage*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="com.trolltech.qt.gui.QImage"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="shell">
+ jobject %out = qtjambi_from_object(__jni_env, %in, "QImage", "com/trolltech/qt/gui/", false);
+ QtJambiLink *__link = %out != 0 ? QtJambiLink::findLink(__jni_env, %out) : 0;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ QImage *%out = (QImage *) qtjambi_to_object(__jni_env, %in);
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="0">
+ <conversion-rule class="shell">
+ // Invalidate object
+ if (__link != 0) __link-&gt;resetObject(__jni_env);
+ bool %out = (bool) %in;
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ -->
+ <modify-function signature="name()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QProxyModel">
+ <modify-function signature="parent()const" remove="all"/>
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QPixmap" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QSize" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="setModel(QAbstractItemModel*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcModel"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QImageReader">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QColor" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QRect" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QSize" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QImage" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="read(QImage*) ">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setDevice(QIODevice*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcDevice"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QMovie">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QColor" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QImage" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QPixmap" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QRect" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QSize" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="cacheMode()">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setDevice(QIODevice*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcDevice"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QPageSetupDialog">
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTabWidget">
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOptionTabWidgetFrame*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <inject-code>
+ <insert-template name="gui.init_style_option">
+ <replace from="%TYPE" to="QStyleOptionTabWidgetFrame"/>
+ </insert-template>
+ </inject-code>
+ <modify-function signature="addTab(QWidget*,QIcon,QString)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addTab(QWidget*,QString)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertTab(int,QWidget*,QString)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertTab(int,QWidget*,QIcon,QString)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCornerWidget(QWidget*,Qt::Corner)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCurrentWidget(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setTabBar(QTabBar*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QDrag">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QPoint" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QPixmap" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="setMimeData(QMimeData*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="start(QFlags&lt;Qt::DropAction&gt;)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QDateTimeEdit">
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOptionSpinBox*)const" access="private" rename="initDateTimeEditStyleOption"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setCalendarWidget(QCalendarWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <!-- Safe to ignore because widget is reparented -->
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QSortFilterProxyModel">
+ <modify-function signature="parent()const" remove="all"/>
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QItemSelection" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QSize" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="setSourceModel(QAbstractItemModel *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcSourceModel"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="clear()" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="filterChanged()" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QSlider">
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOptionSlider*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QInputContext">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QTextFormat" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="setFocusWidget(QWidget*)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="filterEvent(const QEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="mouseHandler(int,QMouseEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QProgressDialog">
+ <modify-function signature="setBar(QProgressBar*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCancelButton(QPushButton*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <!-- Safe to ignore because button is reparented -->
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setLabel(QLabel*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <!-- Safe to ignore because label is reparented -->
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QLabel">
+ <modify-function signature="picture()const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <rename to="picture_private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setBuddy(QWidget *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcBuddy"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setMovie(QMovie *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcMovie"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="pixmap()const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <rename to="pixmap_private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QFileDialog">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QUrl" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="getOpenFileName(QWidget*,QString,QString,QString,QString*,QFlags&lt;QFileDialog::Option&gt;)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="4">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="5">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="6">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getOpenFileNames(QWidget*,QString,QString,QString,QString*,QFlags&lt;QFileDialog::Option&gt;)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="4">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="5">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="6">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getSaveFileName(QWidget*,QString,QString,QString,QString*,QFlags&lt;QFileDialog::Option&gt;)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="4">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="5">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="6">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setIconProvider(QFileIconProvider*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcIconProvider"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setItemDelegate(QAbstractItemDelegate*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcItemDelegate"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setProxyModel(QAbstractProxyModel*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <!-- Reparented -->
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QErrorMessage"/>
+ <object-type name="QTabBar">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QIcon" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOptionTab*,int)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QStandardItemModel">
+ <modify-function signature="insertColumn(int,const QModelIndex &amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="insertRow(int,const QModelIndex &amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="parent()const" remove="all"/>
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QSize" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="appendColumn(const QList&lt;QStandardItem *&gt;&amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="takeColumn(int)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="default"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="takeRow(int)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="default"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="takeHorizontalHeaderItem(int)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="default"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="takeVerticalHeaderItem(int)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="default"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="takeItem(int,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="default"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="appendRow(const QList&lt;QStandardItem *&gt;&amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="appendRow(QStandardItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertColumn(int, const QList&lt;QStandardItem *&gt;&amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertRow(int, const QList&lt;QStandardItem *&gt;&amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertRow(int, QStandardItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setHorizontalHeaderItem(int, QStandardItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setItem(int, int, QStandardItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setItem(int, QStandardItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setItemPrototype(const QStandardItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setVerticalHeaderItem(int, QStandardItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QRadioButton">
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOptionButton*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QScrollBar">
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOptionSlider*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QClipboard">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QImage" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QPixmap" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="setMimeData(QMimeData *, QClipboard::Mode)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="text(QString&amp;,QClipboard::Mode)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractScrollArea">
+ <modify-function signature="setupViewport(QWidget *)" access="non-final"/>
+ <modify-function signature="addScrollBarWidget(QWidget*,QFlags&lt;Qt::AlignmentFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCornerWidget(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setHorizontalScrollBar(QScrollBar*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setVerticalScrollBar(QScrollBar*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setViewport(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setupViewport(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="viewportEvent(QEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QPaintEngineState">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QPainterPath" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QRubberBand">
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOptionRubberBand*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="move(int,int)" rename="moveRubberBand"/>
+ <modify-function signature="move(const QPoint &amp;)" rename="moveRubberBand"/>
+ <modify-function signature="resize(int,int)" rename="resizeRubberBand"/>
+ <modify-function signature="resize(const QSize &amp;)" rename="resizeRubberBand"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setGeometry(int,int,int,int)" rename="setRubberBandGeometry"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setGeometry(const QRect &amp;)" rename="setRubberBandGeometry"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTextLayout">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QTextOption" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTableWidget">
+ <modify-function signature="isSortingEnabled()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setSortingEnabled(bool)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setHorizontalHeaderItem(int, QTableWidgetItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setItem(int, int, QTableWidgetItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="takeHorizontalHeaderItem(int)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="default"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="takeVerticalHeaderItem(int)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="default"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="takeItem(int,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="return">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="default"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setItemPrototype(const QTableWidgetItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setVerticalHeaderItem(int, QTableWidgetItem *)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCellWidget(int,int,QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCurrentItem(QTableWidgetItem*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCurrentItem(QTableWidgetItem*,QFlags&lt;QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setItemSelected(const QTableWidgetItem*,bool)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="isItemSelected(const QTableWidgetItem*)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setModel(QAbstractItemModel*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="mimeData(const QList&lt;QTableWidgetItem*&gt;)const" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTextDocument">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QTextBlock" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QTextFormat" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QTextCursor" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="redo(QTextCursor*)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setDocumentLayout(QAbstractTextDocumentLayout*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="undo(QTextCursor*)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QSplitter">
+ <modify-function signature="getRange(int,int*,int*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addWidget(QWidget *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertWidget(int, QWidget *)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QGroupBox">
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOptionGroupBox*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QStackedWidget">
+ <modify-function signature="addWidget(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertWidget(int,QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeWidget(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCurrentWidget(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QSplitterHandle">
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QDial">
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOptionSlider*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QLineEdit">
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOptionFrame*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCompleter(QCompleter *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcCompleter"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setValidator(const QValidator *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcValidator"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QLCDNumber"/>
+ <object-type name="QSplashScreen">
+ <modify-function signature="showMessage(const QString &amp;, int, const QColor &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <replace-default-expression with=""/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="repaint()" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="drawContents(QPainter*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QDockWidget">
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOptionDockWidget*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <inject-code>
+ <insert-template name="gui.init_style_option">
+ <replace from="%TYPE" to="QStyleOptionDockWidget"/>
+ </insert-template>
+ </inject-code>
+ <modify-function signature="setTitleBarWidget(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setWidget(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractProxyModel">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QItemSelection" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QSize" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="setSourceModel(QAbstractItemModel *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcSourceModel"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QDesktopWidget">
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QFrame">
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTextTable">
+ <modify-function signature="format() const">
+ <rename to="tableFormat"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QTextCursor" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QSpinBox">
+ <modify-function signature="valueChanged(const QString &amp;)">
+ <rename to="valueStringChanged"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTextBrowser">
+ <modify-function signature="highlighted(const QString &amp;)">
+ <rename to="highlightedString"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QDoubleSpinBox">
+ <modify-function signature="valueChanged(const QString &amp;)">
+ <rename to="valueStringChanged"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QButtonGroup">
+ <modify-function signature="buttonClicked(int)">
+ <rename to="buttonIdClicked"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="buttonPressed(int)">
+ <rename to="buttonIdPressed"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="buttonReleased(int)">
+ <rename to="buttonIdReleased"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addButton(QAbstractButton *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="add" variable-name="__rcButtons"/>
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addButton(QAbstractButton *, int)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="add" variable-name="__rcButtons"/>
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeButton(QAbstractButton *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="remove" variable-name="__rcButtons"/>
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setId(QAbstractButton *,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QToolBar">
+ <modify-function signature="addAction(QAction *)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOptionToolBar*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addAction(QIcon,QString,const QObject*,const char*)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addAction(QString,const QObject*,const char*)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addWidget(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertWidget(QAction*,QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertSeparator(QAction*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QPaintEngine">
+ <modify-function signature="begin(QPaintDevice*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="updateState(QPaintEngineState)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawTextItem(QPointF,QTextItem)">
+ <modify-argument index="2" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QVarLengthArray" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="setPaintDevice(QPaintDevice*)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-field name="state" read="false" write="false"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractTableModel">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QSize" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QGuiSignalMapper"/>
+ <object-type name="QComboBox">
+ <modify-function signature="initStyleOption(QStyleOptionComboBox*)const">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setCompleter(QCompleter*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count variable-name="__rcCompleter" action="set"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setValidator(const QValidator*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count variable-name="__rcValidator" action="set"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setItemDelegate(QAbstractItemDelegate *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setView(QAbstractItemView *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ <!-- Safe to ignore because combo box reparents view -->
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setLineEdit(QLineEdit *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ <!-- Safe to ignore because combo box reparents line edit -->
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setModel(QAbstractItemModel *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcModel"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <inject-code>
+ <insert-template name="gui.init_style_option">
+ <replace from="%TYPE" to="QStyleOptionComboBox"/>
+ </insert-template>
+ </inject-code>
+ <modify-function signature="activated(int)">&gt;
+ <rename to="activatedIndex"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="currentIndexChanged(const QString &amp;)">
+ <rename to="currentStringChanged"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="highlighted(int)">
+ <rename to="highlightedIndex"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="autoCompletion()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="autoCompletionCaseSensitivity()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setAutoCompletion(bool)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setAutoCompletionCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseSensitivity)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTextEdit">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QTextCursor" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="setDocument(QTextDocument*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcDocument"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertFromMimeData(const QMimeData*) ">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QPrinter" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="setEngines(QPrintEngine*,QPaintEngine*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcPrintEngine"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcPaintEngine"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QPrinterInfo" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QAction">
+ <modify-function signature="setMenu(QMenu*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcMenu"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QPainter">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QWidget" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QPainterPath" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QPixmap" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="drawText(const QPointF &amp;, const QString &amp;, int, int)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="drawConvexPolygon(const QPoint *, int)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawConvexPolygon(const QPointF *, int)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawLines(const QLine *, int)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawLines(const QLineF *, int)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawLines(const QPoint *, int)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawLines(const QPointF *, int)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawPoints(const QPoint *, int)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawPoints(const QPointF *, int)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawPolygon(const QPoint *, int, Qt::FillRule)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawPolygon(const QPointF *, int, Qt::FillRule)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawPolyline(const QPoint *, int)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawPolyline(const QPointF *, int)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawRects(const QRect *, int)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawRects(const QRectF *, int)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawLines(const QVector&lt;QPoint&gt; &amp;)">
+ <rename to="drawLinesFromPoints"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawLines(const QVector&lt;QPointF&gt; &amp;)">
+ <rename to="drawLinesFromPointsF"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawLines(const QVector&lt;QLineF&gt; &amp;)">
+ <rename to="drawLinesF"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawRects(const QVector&lt;QRectF&gt; &amp;)">
+ <rename to="drawRectsF"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QPainter(QPaintDevice *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="begin(QPaintDevice *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="initFrom(const QWidget *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setRedirected(const QPaintDevice *, QPaintDevice *, const QPoint &amp;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="restoreRedirected(const QPaintDevice *)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <no-null-pointer/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawText(QRect,int,QString,QRect*)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="4">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawText(QRectF,int,QString,QRectF*)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="4">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="drawText(int,int,int,int,int,QString,QRect*)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="7">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="redirected(const QPaintDevice*,QPoint*)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="matrix()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="matrixEnabled()const" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setMatrix(QMatrix, bool)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="setMatrixEnabled(bool)" remove="all"/> <!--### Obsolete in 4.3-->
+ <modify-function signature="fontInfo()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="fontMetrics()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="begin(QPaintDevice*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_pointer_arg_and_check_null">
+ <replace from="%TYPE%" to="QPaintDevice*"/>
+ <replace from="%CLASS_NAME%" to="QPainter"/>
+ <replace from="%FUNCTION_NAME%" to="begin"/>
+ </insert-template>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QApplication">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QBasicTimer" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QFont" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QFontMetrics" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QPalette" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QIcon" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QLocale" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="QApplication(int &amp;, char **, int)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QApplication(int &amp;, char **, QApplication::Type, int)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QApplication(int &amp;, char **, bool, int)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="font(const char*)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setFont(QFont,const char*)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="palette(const char*)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setPalette(QPalette,const char*)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-default-expression/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="overrideCursor()">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ <rename to="overrideCursor_private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setInputContext(QInputContext*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setActiveWindow(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setStyle(QStyle*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="QApplication(int&amp;,char**,QApplication::Type,int)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="QApplication(int&amp;,char**,bool,int)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="QApplication(int&amp;,char**,int)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="commitData(QSessionManager&amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="saveState(QSessionManager&amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="fontMetrics()" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setFont(QFont,const char*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setPalette(QPalette,const char*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QCommandLinkButton"/>
+ <object-type name="QFileSystemModel">
+ <modify-function signature="setIconProvider(QFileIconProvider*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcIconProvider"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QFormLayout">
+ <modify-function signature="addRow(QWidget*,QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addRow(QLayout*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addRow(QWidget*,QLayout*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addRow(QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addRow(QString,QLayout*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addRow(QString,QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertRow(int,QLayout*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertRow(int,QWidget*,QLayout*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertRow(int,QWidget*,QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertRow(int,QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertRow(int,QString,QLayout*)">
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertRow(int,QString,QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setLayout(int,QFormLayout::ItemRole,QLayout*)">
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setWidget(int,QFormLayout::ItemRole,QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setItem(int,QFormLayout::ItemRole,QLayoutItem*)" access="private" rename="setItem_private">
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addItem(QLayoutItem*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsGridLayout" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="addItem(QGraphicsLayoutItem*,int,int,QFlags&lt;Qt::AlignmentFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="add" variable-name="__rcItems"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="addItem(QGraphicsLayoutItem*,int,int,int,int,QFlags&lt;Qt::AlignmentFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="add" variable-name="__rcItems"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setAlignment(QGraphicsLayoutItem*,QFlags&lt;Qt::AlignmentFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsLayout" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="widgetEvent(QEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setParentLayoutItem(QGraphicsLayoutItem*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcParentLayoutItem"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <interface-type name="QGraphicsLayoutItem" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="setParentLayoutItem(QGraphicsLayoutItem*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcParentLayoutItem"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </interface-type>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsLinearLayout" delete-in-main-thread="yes">
+ <modify-function signature="addItem(QGraphicsLayoutItem*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="add" variable-name="__rcItems"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertItem(int,QGraphicsLayoutItem*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="add" variable-name="__rcItems"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeItem(QGraphicsLayoutItem*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="remove" variable-name="__rcItems"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setAlignment(QGraphicsLayoutItem*,QFlags&lt;Qt::AlignmentFlag&gt;)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setStretchFactor(QGraphicsLayoutItem*,int)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsProxyWidget"/> <!-- a QObject so main-thread delete redundant -->
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsWidget"> <!-- a QObject so main-thread delete redundant -->
+ <!-- Duplicate function to QObject::children() to override accidental shadowing which is not present in Jambi -->
+ <modify-function signature="children()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setLayout(QGraphicsLayout*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcLayout"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="changeEvent(QEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="closeEvent(QCloseEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="grabKeyboardEvent(QEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="grabMouseEvent(QEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="hideEvent(QHideEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="moveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMoveEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="paintWindowFrame(QPainter*,const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem*,QWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="resizeEvent(QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="showEvent(QShowEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="ungrabKeyboardEvent(QEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="ungrabMouseEvent(QEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="windowFrameEvent(QEvent*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setStyle(QStyle*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcStyle"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setTabOrder(QGraphicsWidget*,QGraphicsWidget*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QPlainTextDocumentLayout"/>
+ <object-type name="QPlainTextEdit">
+ <modify-function signature="setDocument(QTextDocument*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcDocument"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertFromMimeData(const QMimeData*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QPrintPreviewDialog"/>
+ <object-type name="QPrintPreviewWidget"/>
+ <object-type name="QStyledItemDelegate">
+ <modify-function signature="setItemEditorFactory(QItemEditorFactory*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcItemEditorFactory"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setEditorData(QWidget*,QModelIndex)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setModelData(QWidget*,QAbstractItemModel*,QModelIndex)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <interface-type name="QAccessibleFactoryInterface" java-name="QAbstractAccessibleFactory"/>
+ <interface-type name="QIconEngineFactoryInterfaceV2" java-name="QAbstractIconEngineFactoryV2"/>
+ <interface-type name="QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface" java-name="QAbstractImageIOHandlerFactory"/>
+ <interface-type name="QInputContextFactoryInterface" java-name="QAbstractInputContextFactory"/>
+ <interface-type name="QStyleFactoryInterface" java-name="QAbstractStyleFactory"/>
+ <interface-type name="QTextCodecFactoryInterface" java-name="QAbstractTextCodecFactory"/>
+ <interface-type name="QPictureFormatInterface" java-name="QAbstractPictureFormat"/>
+ <object-type name="QIconEnginePluginV2"/>
+ <object-type name="QAccessiblePlugin"/>
+ <object-type name="QImageIOPlugin"/>
+ <object-type name="QInputContextPlugin"/>
+ <object-type name="QPictureFormatPlugin"/>
+ <object-type name="QStylePlugin"/>
+ <object-type name="QTextCodecPlugin"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QPixmap::QPixmap', unmatched parameter type 'QPixmapData*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type '*Private&amp;'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type '*Private\*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type '*Private const\*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type 'QTextEngine\*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type 'QFontEngine\*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type 'QPixmap::Type'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type 'QInputDialog::Type'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type 'QTextFrameLayoutData\*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type 'QAbstractUndoItem\*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type '*QImageTextKeyLang*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: non-public function '*' in interface '*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: visibility of function '*' modified in class '*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: hiding of function '*' in class '*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: unsupported default value 'QVector&lt;FormatRange&gt;()' of argument in function '*', class '*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: unsupported default value 'QVariantList()' of argument in function '*', class '*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(CppImplGenerator) :: protected function '*' in final class '*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QTextLayout::QTextLayout', unmatched parameter type 'QTextEngine*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: unsupported default value of argument in function 'doAction', class 'QAccessibleInterface'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QFileDialog::QFileDialog', unmatched parameter type 'QFileDialogArgs const&amp;'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: unsupported default value '0., 0., 1000000000., 1000000000.' of argument in function 'update', class 'QAbstractTextDocumentLayout'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QWidget::windowSurface', unmatched return type 'QWindowSurface*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QWidget::setWindowSurface', unmatched parameter type 'QWindowSurface*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: enum 'QStyleOption::StyleOptionType' does not have a type entry or is not an enum"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: unhandled enum value: ~FlagMask in QMessageBox::StandardButton"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: unmatched enum ~FlagMask"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaInfoGenerator) :: class 'QGraphicsSceneEvent' inherits from polymorphic class 'QEvent', but has no polymorphic id set"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaInfoGenerator) :: class 'QInputEvent' inherits from polymorphic class 'QEvent', but has no polymorphic id set"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(JavaGenerator) :: either add or remove specified for reference count variable '__rcMenus' in 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QMenu' but not both"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(JavaGenerator) :: either add or remove specified for reference count variable '__rcMenus' in 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QMenuBar' but not both"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QBrush' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QTextFrame_iterator' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QRegion' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QPolygon' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QTextTableCell' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QTextLength' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QPalette' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QTextBlock_iterator' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QTextBlock' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QTextCursor' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QFont' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QMatrix' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QPen' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QColor' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QTransform' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QPainterPath_Element' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QPainterPath' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QItemSelection' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QKeySequence' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QLine' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QPolygonF' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QSizePolicy' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QTextFragment' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QFontMetrics' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QGradient' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QFontMetricsF' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QTextFormat' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QLineF' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QImage' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QNetworkCookie' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QNetworkRequest' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QPixmap::pixmapData', unmatched return type 'QPixmapData*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: object type 'QAccessible' extended by interface type 'QAbstractAccessibleFactory'. The resulting API will be less expressive than the original."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QTextOption_Tab' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
diff --git a/generator/typesystem_network-common.xml b/generator/typesystem_network-common.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae169ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/typesystem_network-common.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+ <namespace-type name="QSsl">
+ <include file-name="qssl.h" location="global" />
+ </namespace-type>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractSocket::NetworkLayerProtocol" />
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractSocket::SocketError" />
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractSocket::SocketState" />
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractSocket::SocketType" />
+ <enum-type name="QFtp::Command" />
+ <enum-type name="QFtp::Error" />
+ <enum-type name="QFtp::State" />
+ <enum-type name="QFtp::TransferMode" />
+ <enum-type name="QFtp::TransferType" />
+ <enum-type name="QHostAddress::SpecialAddress" />
+ <enum-type name="QHttp::Error" />
+ <enum-type name="QHttp::State" />
+ <enum-type name="QHttp::ConnectionMode" />
+ <enum-type name="QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag" flags="QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlags" />
+ <enum-type name="QNetworkProxy::ProxyType" />
+ <enum-type name="QUdpSocket::BindFlag" flags="QUdpSocket::BindMode" />
+ <enum-type name="QUrlInfo::PermissionSpec" />
+ <enum-type name="QHostInfo::HostInfoError" />
+ <enum-type name="QSsl::KeyType" />
+ <enum-type name="QSsl::EncodingFormat" />
+ <enum-type name="QSsl::KeyAlgorithm"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSsl::AlternateNameEntryType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSsl::SslProtocol" />
+ <enum-type name="QLocalSocket::LocalSocketError" />
+ <enum-type name="QLocalSocket::LocalSocketState" />
+ <enum-type name="QNetworkAccessManager::Operation" />
+ <enum-type name="QNetworkCookie::RawForm" />
+ <enum-type name="QNetworkReply::NetworkError" />
+ <enum-type name="QNetworkRequest::Attribute" extensible="yes" />
+ <enum-type name="QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControl" />
+ <enum-type name="QNetworkRequest::KnownHeaders" />
+ <object-type name="QAbstractSocket" />
+ <object-type name="QFtp" />
+ <object-type name="QHttp">
+ <modify-function signature="closeConnection()" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTcpServer" />
+ <object-type name="QTcpSocket" />
+ <object-type name="QUdpSocket" />
+ <object-type name="QHttpHeader">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QHttpHeader)" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QLocalServer" />
+ <object-type name="QLocalSocket" />
+ <object-type name="QNetworkAccessManager">
+ <modify-function signature="setCookieJar(QNetworkCookieJar*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QNetworkCookieJar" />
+ <object-type name="QNetworkReply" />
+ <value-type name="QHostAddress">
+ <modify-function signature="QHostAddress(unsigned char*)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setAddress(unsigned char*)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QString)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QHostAddress)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QHostInfo">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QHostInfo)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="lookupHost(QString,QObject*,const char*)" access="private" />
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QHttpRequestHeader">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QHttpRequestHeader)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QHttpResponseHeader">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QHttpResponseHeader)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QNetworkAddressEntry">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QNetworkAddressEntry)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QNetworkInterface">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QNetworkInterface)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QNetworkProxy">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QNetworkProxy)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QUrlInfo">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QUrlInfo)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QIPv6Address">
+ <modify-function signature="operator[](int)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator[](int)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QAuthenticator">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QAuthenticator)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QNetworkCookie">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QNetworkCookie)" remove="all" />
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QNetworkRequest">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QNetworkRequest)" remove="all" />
+ </value-type>
+ <enum-type name="QSslError::SslError"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSslCertificate::SubjectInfo" />
+ <enum-type name="QSslSocket::SslMode" />
+ <enum-type name="QSslSocket::PeerVerifyMode" />
+ <value-type name="QSslCipher" />
+ <value-type name="QSslError" />
+ <value-type name="QSslKey" />
+ <value-type name="QSslCertificate" />
+ <value-type name="QSslConfiguration" />
+ <object-type name="QSslSocket" />
+ <suppress-warning text="*unmatched parameter type 'sockaddr const*" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QUrlInfo' has equals operators but no qHash() function" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QAuthenticator' has equals operators but no qHash() function" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QSslKey' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QSslError' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QSslCertificate' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QSslCipher' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QSslConfiguration' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <!-- For people building without SSL support -->
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace '' for enum 'SslMode' is not declared" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSslError' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors." />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSslCipher' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors." />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSslKey' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors." />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace '' for enum 'SslError' is not declared" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSslCertificate' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors." />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace '' for enum 'PeerVerifyMode' is not declared"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace '' for enum 'SubjectInfo' is not declared"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSslConfiguration' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSslSocket' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <!-- -->
diff --git a/generator/typesystem_network-qtscript.xml b/generator/typesystem_network-qtscript.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2735729
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/typesystem_network-qtscript.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<typesystem package="">
+ <!-- ### fixme -->
+ <rejection class="QSsl"/>
+ <rejection class="QHttpHeader"/>
+ <value-type name="QNetworkCookie">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QDateTime" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QSslCertificate">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QDateTime" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QHostInfo">
+ <modify-function signature="lookupHost(QString,QObject*,const char*)">
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <object-type name="QUdpSocket">
+ <modify-function signature="writeDatagram(const char*,qint64,QHostAddress,unsigned short)" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTcpServer">
+ <modify-function signature="waitForNewConnection(int,bool*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QLocalServer">
+ <modify-function signature="waitForNewConnection(int,bool*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
diff --git a/generator/typesystem_network.xml b/generator/typesystem_network.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8baf7a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/typesystem_network.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<typesystem package=""><rejection class="QSsl"/><rejection class="QHttpHeader"/>
+ <namespace-type name="QSsl">
+ <include file-name="qssl.h" location="global"/>
+ </namespace-type>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractSocket::NetworkLayerProtocol"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractSocket::SocketError"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractSocket::SocketState"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractSocket::SocketType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFtp::Command"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFtp::Error"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFtp::State"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFtp::TransferMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QFtp::TransferType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QHostAddress::SpecialAddress"/>
+ <enum-type name="QHttp::Error"/>
+ <enum-type name="QHttp::State"/>
+ <enum-type name="QHttp::ConnectionMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag" flags="QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlags"/>
+ <enum-type name="QNetworkProxy::ProxyType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QUdpSocket::BindFlag" flags="QUdpSocket::BindMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QUrlInfo::PermissionSpec"/>
+ <enum-type name="QHostInfo::HostInfoError"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSsl::KeyType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSsl::EncodingFormat"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSsl::KeyAlgorithm"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSsl::AlternateNameEntryType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSsl::SslProtocol"/>
+ <enum-type name="QLocalSocket::LocalSocketError"/>
+ <enum-type name="QLocalSocket::LocalSocketState"/>
+ <enum-type name="QNetworkAccessManager::Operation"/>
+ <enum-type name="QNetworkCookie::RawForm"/>
+ <enum-type name="QNetworkReply::NetworkError"/>
+ <enum-type name="QNetworkRequest::Attribute" extensible="yes"/>
+ <enum-type name="QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControl"/>
+ <enum-type name="QNetworkRequest::KnownHeaders"/>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractSocket"/>
+ <object-type name="QFtp"/>
+ <object-type name="QHttp">
+ <modify-function signature="closeConnection()" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTcpServer">
+ <modify-function signature="waitForNewConnection(int,bool*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QTcpSocket"/>
+ <object-type name="QUdpSocket">
+ <modify-function signature="writeDatagram(const char*,qint64,QHostAddress,unsigned short)" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QHttpHeader">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QHttpHeader)" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QLocalServer">
+ <modify-function signature="waitForNewConnection(int,bool*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QLocalSocket"/>
+ <object-type name="QNetworkAccessManager">
+ <modify-function signature="setCookieJar(QNetworkCookieJar*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QNetworkCookieJar"/>
+ <object-type name="QNetworkReply"/>
+ <value-type name="QHostAddress">
+ <modify-function signature="QHostAddress(unsigned char*)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setAddress(unsigned char*)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QString)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QHostAddress)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QHostInfo">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QHostInfo)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="lookupHost(QString,QObject*,const char*)" access="private"/>
+ <modify-function signature="lookupHost(QString,QObject*,const char*)">
+ <modify-argument index="3">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QString"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ <insert-template name="core.convert_string_arg_to_char*"/>
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QHttpRequestHeader">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QHttpRequestHeader)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QHttpResponseHeader">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QHttpResponseHeader)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QNetworkAddressEntry">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QNetworkAddressEntry)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QNetworkInterface">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QNetworkInterface)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QNetworkProxy">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QNetworkProxy)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QUrlInfo">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QUrlInfo)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QIPv6Address">
+ <modify-function signature="operator[](int)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="operator[](int)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QAuthenticator">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QAuthenticator)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QNetworkCookie">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QNetworkCookie)" remove="all"/>
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QDateTime" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QNetworkRequest">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QNetworkRequest)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <enum-type name="QSslError::SslError"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSslCertificate::SubjectInfo"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSslSocket::SslMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSslSocket::PeerVerifyMode"/>
+ <value-type name="QSslCipher"/>
+ <value-type name="QSslError"/>
+ <value-type name="QSslKey"/>
+ <value-type name="QSslCertificate">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QDateTime" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QSslConfiguration"/>
+ <object-type name="QSslSocket"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="*unmatched parameter type 'sockaddr const*"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QUrlInfo' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QAuthenticator' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QSslKey' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QSslError' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QSslCertificate' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QSslCipher' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QSslConfiguration' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <!-- For people building without SSL support -->
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace '' for enum 'SslMode' is not declared"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSslError' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSslCipher' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSslKey' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace '' for enum 'SslError' is not declared"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSslCertificate' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace '' for enum 'PeerVerifyMode' is not declared"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace '' for enum 'SubjectInfo' is not declared"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSslConfiguration' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSslSocket' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <!-- -->
diff --git a/generator/typesystem_opengl-common.xml b/generator/typesystem_opengl-common.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..585938d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/typesystem_opengl-common.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="merge.xsl"?>
+ <rejection class="QGLColormap::QGLColormapData" />
+ <rejection class="QGLWidget" function-name="setMouseTracking"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGL::FormatOption" flags="QGL::FormatOptions"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGLFormat::OpenGLVersionFlag" flags="QGLFormat::OpenGLVersionFlags"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGLFramebufferObject::Attachment" />
+ <namespace-type name="QGL">
+ <include file-name="qgl.h" location="global"/>
+ </namespace-type>
+ <value-type name="QGLColormap">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QGLColormap)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setEntries(int,const unsigned int*,int)">
+ <access modifier="private" />
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QGLFormat">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QGLFormat)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <object-type name="QGLContext">
+ <modify-function signature="chooseContext(const QGLContext*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="create(const QGLContext*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getProcAddress(QString)const">
+ <remove />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-field name="currentCtx" read="false" write="false" />
+ <modify-function signature="setDevice(QPaintDevice*)">
+ <remove />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="generateFontDisplayLists(QFont, int)" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QGLFramebufferObject"/>
+ <object-type name="QGLPixelBuffer">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QImage" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QGLWidget">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QImage" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QPixmap" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="setContext(QGLContext*,const QGLContext*,bool)">
+ <remove /> <!--- Obsolete -->
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="fontDisplayListBase(QFont, int)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setFormat(QGLFormat)" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type 'QGLColormap::QGLColormapData\*'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: visibility of function '*' modified in class '*'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: hiding of function '*' in class '*'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(CppImplGenerator) :: protected function '*' in final class '*'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QGLFormat' has equals operators but no qHash() function" />
diff --git a/generator/typesystem_opengl-qtscript.xml b/generator/typesystem_opengl-qtscript.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e64a544
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/typesystem_opengl-qtscript.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<typesystem package="com.trolltech.qt.opengl">
+ <!-- fixme -->
+ <rejection class="QGL"/>
+ <rejection class="QGLFormat"/>
diff --git a/generator/typesystem_opengl.xml b/generator/typesystem_opengl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82dd00b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/typesystem_opengl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<typesystem package="com.trolltech.qt.opengl"><rejection class="QGL"/><rejection class="QGLFormat"/>
+ <rejection class="QGLColormap::QGLColormapData"/>
+ <rejection class="QGLWidget" function-name="setMouseTracking"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGL::FormatOption" flags="QGL::FormatOptions"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGLFormat::OpenGLVersionFlag" flags="QGLFormat::OpenGLVersionFlags"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGLFramebufferObject::Attachment"/>
+ <namespace-type name="QGL">
+ <include file-name="qgl.h" location="global"/>
+ </namespace-type>
+ <value-type name="QGLColormap">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QGLColormap)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setEntries(int,const unsigned int*,int)">
+ <access modifier="private"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QGLFormat">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QGLFormat)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <object-type name="QGLContext">
+ <modify-function signature="chooseContext(const QGLContext*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="create(const QGLContext*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="getProcAddress(QString)const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-field name="currentCtx" read="false" write="false"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setDevice(QPaintDevice*)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="generateFontDisplayLists(QFont, int)" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QGLFramebufferObject"/>
+ <object-type name="QGLPixelBuffer">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QImage" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QGLWidget">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QImage" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QPixmap" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="setContext(QGLContext*,const QGLContext*,bool)">
+ <remove/> <!--- Obsolete -->
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="fontDisplayListBase(QFont, int)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setFormat(QGLFormat)" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping * unmatched *type 'QGLColormap::QGLColormapData\*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: visibility of function '*' modified in class '*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: hiding of function '*' in class '*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(CppImplGenerator) :: protected function '*' in final class '*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QGLFormat' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
diff --git a/generator/typesystem_phonon-common.xml b/generator/typesystem_phonon-common.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35e40f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/typesystem_phonon-common.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <rejection class="Phonon::ObjectDescriptionData" />
+ <rejection class="Phonon::ObjectDescriptionModelData" />
+ <rejection class="Phonon::MediaNodeDestructionHandler" />
+ <rejection class="Phonon::GlobalConfig" />
+ <rejection class="Phonon::IODeviceStream" />
+ <rejection class="Phonon::Factory" />
+ <rejection class="Phonon::Experimental" />
+ <rejection class="Phonon::ObjectDescriptionModel" />
+ <rejection class="AudioOutputAdaptor" />
+ <rejection class="*" field-name="k_ptr" />
+ <namespace-type name="Phonon" />
+ <namespace-type name="Phonon::BackendCapabilities" java-name="BackendCapabilities" />
+ <!-- ### causes moc-related linker error -->
+ <!-- <object-type name="Phonon::BackendCapabilities::Notifier" java-name="Notifier" /> -->
+ <enum-type name="Phonon::Category">
+ <reject-enum-value name="LastCategory" />
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="Phonon::DiscType" />
+ <enum-type name="Phonon::ErrorType" />
+ <enum-type name="Phonon::MetaData" />
+ <enum-type name="Phonon::ObjectDescriptionType" />
+ <enum-type name="Phonon::State" />
+ <enum-type name="Phonon::AddonInterface::AngleCommand" />
+ <enum-type name="Phonon::AddonInterface::ChapterCommand" />
+ <enum-type name="Phonon::AddonInterface::Interface" />
+ <enum-type name="Phonon::AddonInterface::NavigationCommand" />
+ <enum-type name="Phonon::AddonInterface::TitleCommand" />
+ <enum-type name="Phonon::BackendInterface::Class" />
+ <enum-type name="Phonon::EffectParameter::Hint" flags="Phonon::EffectParameter::Hints" />
+ <enum-type name="Phonon::MediaController::Feature" flags="Phonon::MediaController::Features" />
+ <enum-type name="Phonon::MediaSource::Type" />
+ <enum-type name="Phonon::VideoWidget::AspectRatio" />
+ <enum-type name="Phonon::VideoWidget::ScaleMode" />
+ <enum-type name="Phonon::VolumeFaderEffect::FadeCurve" />
+ <interface-type name="Phonon::AbstractVideoOutput" java-name="AbstractVideoOutput" />
+ <interface-type name="Phonon::AddonInterface" java-name="AbstractAddon" />
+ <interface-type name="Phonon::AudioOutputInterface" java-name="AudioOutputInterface" />
+ <interface-type name="Phonon::BackendInterface" java-name="AbstractBackend" />
+ <interface-type name="Phonon::EffectInterface" java-name="AbstractEffect" />
+ <interface-type name="Phonon::MediaNode" java-name="MediaNode" />
+ <interface-type name="Phonon::MediaObjectInterface" java-name="AbstractMediaObject" />
+ <interface-type name="Phonon::PlatformPlugin" java-name="PlatformPlugin" />
+ <interface-type name="Phonon::StreamInterface" java-name="AbstractStream" />
+ <interface-type name="Phonon::VideoWidgetInterface" java-name="AbstractVideoWidget" />
+ <interface-type name="Phonon::VolumeFaderInterface" java-name="AbstractVolumeFader" />
+ <value-type name="Phonon::EffectParameter" java-name="EffectParameter">
+ <modify-function signature="EffectParameter()" remove="all" /> <!-- internal -->
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;(const Phonon::EffectParameter &amp;)const" remove="all" /> <!-- internal -->
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;(const Phonon::EffectParameter &amp;)const" remove="all" /> <!-- internal -->
+ <modify-function signature="id()const" remove="all" /> <!-- internal -->
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(Phonon::EffectParameter)" remove="all" /> <!-- Covered by copy constructor -->
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="Phonon::MediaSource" java-name="MediaSource">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(Phonon::MediaSource)" remove="all" /> <!-- Covered by copy constructor -->
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="Phonon::Path" java-name="Path">
+ <modify-function signature="disconnect()" rename="disconnectPath" />
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(Phonon::Path)" remove="all" /> <!-- Covered by copy constructor -->
+ <modify-function signature="insertEffect(Phonon::EffectDescription,Phonon::Effect*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="add" variable-name="__rcEffects" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertEffect(Phonon::Effect*,Phonon::Effect*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="add" variable-name="__rcEffects" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeEffect(Phonon::Effect*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="remove" variable-name="__rcEffects" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="Phonon::ObjectDescription" generate="no" />
+ <value-type name="Phonon::EffectDescription" java-name="EffectDescription" />
+ <value-type name="Phonon::AudioOutputDevice" java-name="AudioOutputDevice" />
+ <object-type name="Phonon::AbstractAudioOutput" java-name="AbstractAudioOutput" />
+ <object-type name="Phonon::AbstractMediaStream" java-name="AbstractMediaStream" />
+ <object-type name="Phonon::AudioOutput" java-name="AudioOutput" />
+ <object-type name="Phonon::Effect" java-name="Effect" />
+ <object-type name="Phonon::EffectWidget" java-name="EffectWidget" />
+ <object-type name="Phonon::MediaController" java-name="MediaController" />
+ <object-type name="Phonon::MediaObject" java-name="MediaObject">
+ <modify-function signature="enqueue(const QList&lt;QUrl&gt; &amp;)" rename="enqueueUrls" />
+ <modify-function signature="setQueue(const QList&lt;QUrl&gt; &amp;)" rename="setQueueToUrls" />
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="Phonon::SeekSlider" java-name="SeekSlider">
+ <modify-function signature="setMediaObject(Phonon::MediaObject*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcMediaObject" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="Phonon::VideoPlayer" java-name="VideoPlayer" />
+ <object-type name="Phonon::VideoWidget" java-name="VideoWidget" />
+ <object-type name="Phonon::VolumeFaderEffect" java-name="VolumeFaderEffect" />
+ <object-type name="Phonon::VolumeSlider" java-name="VolumeSlider">
+ <modify-function signature="setAudioOutput(Phonon::AudioOutput*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcAudioOutput" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Final class 'AbstractAudioOutput' set to non-final, as it is extended by other classes" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'QDBus' does not have a type entry" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: private virtual function 'create(const QString &amp; name)' in 'QTextCodecPlugin'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: private virtual function 'keys() const' in 'QTextCodecPlugin'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'MediaSource' has equals operators but no qHash() function" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'Path' has equals operators but no qHash() function" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'EffectParameter' has equals operators but no qHash() function" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'Phonon_ObjectDescription' has equals operators but no qHash() function" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'EffectDescription' has equals operators but no qHash() function" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'AudioOutputDevice' has equals operators but no qHash() function" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'Phonon::operator&lt;&lt;', unmatched return type 'QDebug'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'Phonon::ObjectDescription::ObjectDescription', unmatched parameter type 'QExplicitlySharedDataPointer&lt;ObjectDescriptionData&gt; const&amp;'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::AudioOutputInterface' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors." />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.phonon.VolumeFaderEffect' for enum 'FadeCurve' is not declared" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::MediaSource' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors." />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::MediaController' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors." />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAbstractXmlForwardIterator' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors." />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: enum 'QFormLayout::FormStyle' is specified in typesystem, but not declared" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::AbstractAudioOutput' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors." />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.phonon.Phonon' for enum 'DiscType' is not declared" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::AudioOutput' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors." />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.phonon.VideoWidget' for enum 'AspectRatio' is not declared" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::Effect' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors." />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.phonon.MediaSource' for enum 'Type' is not declared" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::VolumeSlider' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors." />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::BackendInterface' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors." />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::EffectParameter' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors." />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::VideoWidget' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors." />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::StreamInterface' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors." />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.phonon.Phonon' for enum 'ErrorType' is not declared" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.phonon.VideoWidget' for enum 'ScaleMode' is not declared" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.phonon.AbstractAddon' for enum 'Interface' is not declared" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::MediaObjectInterface' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors." />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.phonon.Phonon' for enum 'MetaData' is not declared" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::Path' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors." />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.phonon.EffectParameter' for enum 'Hint' is not declared" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.phonon.MediaController' for enum 'Feature' is not declared" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::VideoPlayer' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors." />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::MediaObject' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors." />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.phonon.AbstractBackend' for enum 'Class' is not declared" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.phonon.AbstractAddon' for enum 'AngleCommand' is not declared" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.phonon.AbstractAddon' for enum 'TitleCommand' is not declared" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::VolumeFaderEffect' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors." />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::AudioOutputDevice' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors." />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::ObjectDescription' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors." />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::EffectDescription' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors." />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::VideoWidgetInterface' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors." />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::EffectInterface' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors." />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.phonon.Phonon' for enum 'State' is not declared" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::SeekSlider' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors." />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.phonon.AbstractAddon' for enum 'NavigationCommand' is not declared" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::MediaNode' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors." />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.phonon.Phonon' for enum 'Category' is not declared" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'JObjectWrapper' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors." />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::AbstractMediaStream' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors." />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::PlatformPlugin' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors." />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::AddonInterface' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors." />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.phonon.Phonon' for enum 'ObjectDescriptionType' is not declared" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.phonon.AbstractAddon' for enum 'ChapterCommand' is not declared" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::AbstractVideoOutput' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors." />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::EffectWidget' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors." />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::VolumeFaderInterface' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors." />
diff --git a/generator/typesystem_phonon-qtscript.xml b/generator/typesystem_phonon-qtscript.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7e627a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/typesystem_phonon-qtscript.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<typesystem package="com.trolltech.qt.phonon">
+ <value-type name="Phonon::AudioOutputDevice">
+ <modify-function signature="operator==(Phonon::ObjectDescription)const" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="operator!=(Phonon::ObjectDescription)const" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="fromIndex(int)" remove="all" />
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="Phonon::EffectDescription">
+ <modify-function signature="operator==(Phonon::ObjectDescription)const" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="operator!=(Phonon::ObjectDescription)const" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="fromIndex(int)" remove="all" />
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="Phonon::EffectParameter">
+ <modify-function signature="EffectParameter(Phonon::EffectParameter)" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="operator==(Phonon::EffectParameter)const" remove="all" />
+ </value-type>
diff --git a/generator/typesystem_phonon.xml b/generator/typesystem_phonon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dab9ef0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/typesystem_phonon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<typesystem package="com.trolltech.qt.phonon">
+ <rejection class="Phonon::ObjectDescriptionData"/>
+ <rejection class="Phonon::ObjectDescriptionModelData"/>
+ <rejection class="Phonon::MediaNodeDestructionHandler"/>
+ <rejection class="Phonon::GlobalConfig"/>
+ <rejection class="Phonon::IODeviceStream"/>
+ <rejection class="Phonon::Factory"/>
+ <rejection class="Phonon::Experimental"/>
+ <rejection class="Phonon::ObjectDescriptionModel"/>
+ <rejection class="AudioOutputAdaptor"/>
+ <rejection class="*" field-name="k_ptr"/>
+ <namespace-type name="Phonon"/>
+ <namespace-type name="Phonon::BackendCapabilities" java-name="BackendCapabilities"/>
+ <!-- ### causes moc-related linker error -->
+ <!-- <object-type name="Phonon::BackendCapabilities::Notifier" java-name="Notifier" /> -->
+ <enum-type name="Phonon::Category">
+ <reject-enum-value name="LastCategory"/>
+ </enum-type>
+ <enum-type name="Phonon::DiscType"/>
+ <enum-type name="Phonon::ErrorType"/>
+ <enum-type name="Phonon::MetaData"/>
+ <enum-type name="Phonon::ObjectDescriptionType"/>
+ <enum-type name="Phonon::State"/>
+ <enum-type name="Phonon::AddonInterface::AngleCommand"/>
+ <enum-type name="Phonon::AddonInterface::ChapterCommand"/>
+ <enum-type name="Phonon::AddonInterface::Interface"/>
+ <enum-type name="Phonon::AddonInterface::NavigationCommand"/>
+ <enum-type name="Phonon::AddonInterface::TitleCommand"/>
+ <enum-type name="Phonon::BackendInterface::Class"/>
+ <enum-type name="Phonon::EffectParameter::Hint" flags="Phonon::EffectParameter::Hints"/>
+ <enum-type name="Phonon::MediaController::Feature" flags="Phonon::MediaController::Features"/>
+ <enum-type name="Phonon::MediaSource::Type"/>
+ <enum-type name="Phonon::VideoWidget::AspectRatio"/>
+ <enum-type name="Phonon::VideoWidget::ScaleMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="Phonon::VolumeFaderEffect::FadeCurve"/>
+ <interface-type name="Phonon::AbstractVideoOutput" java-name="AbstractVideoOutput"/>
+ <interface-type name="Phonon::AddonInterface" java-name="AbstractAddon"/>
+ <interface-type name="Phonon::AudioOutputInterface" java-name="AudioOutputInterface"/>
+ <interface-type name="Phonon::BackendInterface" java-name="AbstractBackend"/>
+ <interface-type name="Phonon::EffectInterface" java-name="AbstractEffect"/>
+ <interface-type name="Phonon::MediaNode" java-name="MediaNode"/>
+ <interface-type name="Phonon::MediaObjectInterface" java-name="AbstractMediaObject"/>
+ <interface-type name="Phonon::PlatformPlugin" java-name="PlatformPlugin"/>
+ <interface-type name="Phonon::StreamInterface" java-name="AbstractStream"/>
+ <interface-type name="Phonon::VideoWidgetInterface" java-name="AbstractVideoWidget"/>
+ <interface-type name="Phonon::VolumeFaderInterface" java-name="AbstractVolumeFader"/>
+ <value-type name="Phonon::EffectParameter" java-name="EffectParameter">
+ <modify-function signature="EffectParameter()" remove="all"/> <!-- internal -->
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;(const Phonon::EffectParameter &amp;)const" remove="all"/> <!-- internal -->
+ <modify-function signature="operator&gt;(const Phonon::EffectParameter &amp;)const" remove="all"/> <!-- internal -->
+ <modify-function signature="id()const" remove="all"/> <!-- internal -->
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(Phonon::EffectParameter)" remove="all"/> <!-- Covered by copy constructor -->
+ <modify-function signature="EffectParameter(Phonon::EffectParameter)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator==(Phonon::EffectParameter)const" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="Phonon::MediaSource" java-name="MediaSource">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(Phonon::MediaSource)" remove="all"/> <!-- Covered by copy constructor -->
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="Phonon::Path" java-name="Path">
+ <modify-function signature="disconnect()" rename="disconnectPath"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(Phonon::Path)" remove="all"/> <!-- Covered by copy constructor -->
+ <modify-function signature="insertEffect(Phonon::EffectDescription,Phonon::Effect*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="add" variable-name="__rcEffects"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="insertEffect(Phonon::Effect*,Phonon::Effect*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="add" variable-name="__rcEffects"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="removeEffect(Phonon::Effect*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="remove" variable-name="__rcEffects"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="Phonon::ObjectDescription" generate="no"/>
+ <value-type name="Phonon::EffectDescription" java-name="EffectDescription">
+ <modify-function signature="operator==(Phonon::ObjectDescription)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator!=(Phonon::ObjectDescription)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="fromIndex(int)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="Phonon::AudioOutputDevice" java-name="AudioOutputDevice">
+ <modify-function signature="operator==(Phonon::ObjectDescription)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator!=(Phonon::ObjectDescription)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="fromIndex(int)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <object-type name="Phonon::AbstractAudioOutput" java-name="AbstractAudioOutput"/>
+ <object-type name="Phonon::AbstractMediaStream" java-name="AbstractMediaStream"/>
+ <object-type name="Phonon::AudioOutput" java-name="AudioOutput"/>
+ <object-type name="Phonon::Effect" java-name="Effect"/>
+ <object-type name="Phonon::EffectWidget" java-name="EffectWidget"/>
+ <object-type name="Phonon::MediaController" java-name="MediaController"/>
+ <object-type name="Phonon::MediaObject" java-name="MediaObject">
+ <modify-function signature="enqueue(const QList&lt;QUrl&gt; &amp;)" rename="enqueueUrls"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setQueue(const QList&lt;QUrl&gt; &amp;)" rename="setQueueToUrls"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="Phonon::SeekSlider" java-name="SeekSlider">
+ <modify-function signature="setMediaObject(Phonon::MediaObject*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcMediaObject"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="Phonon::VideoPlayer" java-name="VideoPlayer"/>
+ <object-type name="Phonon::VideoWidget" java-name="VideoWidget"/>
+ <object-type name="Phonon::VolumeFaderEffect" java-name="VolumeFaderEffect"/>
+ <object-type name="Phonon::VolumeSlider" java-name="VolumeSlider">
+ <modify-function signature="setAudioOutput(Phonon::AudioOutput*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcAudioOutput"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Final class 'AbstractAudioOutput' set to non-final, as it is extended by other classes"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'QDBus' does not have a type entry"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: private virtual function 'create(const QString &amp; name)' in 'QTextCodecPlugin'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: private virtual function 'keys() const' in 'QTextCodecPlugin'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'MediaSource' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'Path' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'EffectParameter' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'Phonon_ObjectDescription' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'EffectDescription' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'AudioOutputDevice' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'Phonon::operator&lt;&lt;', unmatched return type 'QDebug'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'Phonon::ObjectDescription::ObjectDescription', unmatched parameter type 'QExplicitlySharedDataPointer&lt;ObjectDescriptionData&gt; const&amp;'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::AudioOutputInterface' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.phonon.VolumeFaderEffect' for enum 'FadeCurve' is not declared"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::MediaSource' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::MediaController' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAbstractXmlForwardIterator' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: enum 'QFormLayout::FormStyle' is specified in typesystem, but not declared"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::AbstractAudioOutput' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.phonon.Phonon' for enum 'DiscType' is not declared"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::AudioOutput' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.phonon.VideoWidget' for enum 'AspectRatio' is not declared"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::Effect' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.phonon.MediaSource' for enum 'Type' is not declared"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::VolumeSlider' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::BackendInterface' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::EffectParameter' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::VideoWidget' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::StreamInterface' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.phonon.Phonon' for enum 'ErrorType' is not declared"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.phonon.VideoWidget' for enum 'ScaleMode' is not declared"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.phonon.AbstractAddon' for enum 'Interface' is not declared"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::MediaObjectInterface' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.phonon.Phonon' for enum 'MetaData' is not declared"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::Path' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.phonon.EffectParameter' for enum 'Hint' is not declared"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.phonon.MediaController' for enum 'Feature' is not declared"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::VideoPlayer' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::MediaObject' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.phonon.AbstractBackend' for enum 'Class' is not declared"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.phonon.AbstractAddon' for enum 'AngleCommand' is not declared"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.phonon.AbstractAddon' for enum 'TitleCommand' is not declared"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::VolumeFaderEffect' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::AudioOutputDevice' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::ObjectDescription' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::EffectDescription' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::VideoWidgetInterface' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::EffectInterface' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.phonon.Phonon' for enum 'State' is not declared"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::SeekSlider' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.phonon.AbstractAddon' for enum 'NavigationCommand' is not declared"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::MediaNode' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.phonon.Phonon' for enum 'Category' is not declared"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'JObjectWrapper' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::AbstractMediaStream' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::PlatformPlugin' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::AddonInterface' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.phonon.Phonon' for enum 'ObjectDescriptionType' is not declared"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.phonon.AbstractAddon' for enum 'ChapterCommand' is not declared"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::AbstractVideoOutput' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::EffectWidget' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'Phonon::VolumeFaderInterface' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
diff --git a/generator/typesystem_sql-common.xml b/generator/typesystem_sql-common.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b88e123
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/typesystem_sql-common.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+ <rejection class="QSqlDriverCreator" />
+ <rejection class="QSqlDriverPlugin" />
+ <rejection class="QSqlDriverFactoryInterface" />
+ <namespace-type name="QSql">
+ <include file-name="qsql.h" location="global" />
+ </namespace-type>
+ <value-type name="QSqlDatabase">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QSqlQuery" location="global" />
+ <include file-name="QSqlError" location="global" />
+ <include file-name="QSqlIndex" location="global" />
+ <include file-name="QSqlRecord" location="global" />
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global" />
+ <include file-name="QSize" location="global" />
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QSqlDatabase)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QSqlQuery">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QSqlError" location="global" />
+ <include file-name="QSqlRecord" location="global" />
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global" />
+ <include file-name="QSize" location="global" />
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QSqlQuery)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QSqlRecord">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QSqlField" location="global" />
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="append(QSqlField)" access="non-final"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QSqlRecord)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QSqlError">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QSqlError)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QSqlIndex">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QSqlIndex)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QSqlRelation" />
+ <value-type name="QSqlField">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QSqlField)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <object-type name="QSqlDriver">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QSqlQuery" location="global" />
+ <include file-name="QSqlError" location="global" />
+ <include file-name="QSqlIndex" location="global" />
+ <include file-name="QSqlRecord" location="global" />
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global" />
+ <include file-name="QSize" location="global" />
+ </extra-includes>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QSqlQueryModel">
+ <modify-function signature="indexInQuery(QModelIndex)const" access="non-final"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setQuery(QSqlQuery)" access="non-final"/>
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QSqlError" location="global" />
+ <include file-name="QSqlQuery" location="global" />
+ <include file-name="QSqlRecord" location="global" />
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global" />
+ <include file-name="QSize" location="global" />
+ </extra-includes>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QSqlRelationalTableModel">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global" />
+ <include file-name="QSize" location="global" />
+ </extra-includes>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QSqlResult">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QSqlError" location="global" />
+ <include file-name="QSqlQuery" location="global" />
+ <include file-name="QSqlRecord" location="global" />
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global" />
+ <include file-name="QSize" location="global" />
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="virtual_hook(int,void*)">
+ <remove />
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QSqlTableModel">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QSqlIndex" location="global" />
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global" />
+ <include file-name="QSize" location="global" />
+ </extra-includes>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QSqlDriverCreatorBase">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QSqlDriver" location="global" />
+ </extra-includes>
+ </object-type>
+ <enum-type name="QSql::Location" />
+ <enum-type name="QSql::ParamTypeFlag" flags="QSql::ParamType" />
+ <enum-type name="QSql::TableType" />
+ <enum-type name="QSql::NumericalPrecisionPolicy" />
+ <enum-type name="QSqlDriver::DriverFeature" />
+ <enum-type name="QSqlDriver::IdentifierType" />
+ <enum-type name="QSqlDriver::StatementType" />
+ <enum-type name="QSqlError::ErrorType" />
+ <enum-type name="QSqlField::RequiredStatus" />
+ <enum-type name="QSqlQuery::BatchExecutionMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSqlResult::BindingSyntax" />
+ <enum-type name="QSqlResult::VirtualHookOperation" />
+ <enum-type name="QSqlTableModel::EditStrategy" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(CppImplGenerator) :: protected function '*' in final class '*'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: visibility of function '*' modified in class '*'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: hiding of function '*' in class '*'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QSqlField' has equals operators but no qHash() function" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QSqlRecord' has equals operators but no qHash() function" />
diff --git a/generator/typesystem_sql-qtscript.xml b/generator/typesystem_sql-qtscript.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20109ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/typesystem_sql-qtscript.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<typesystem package="com.trolltech.qt.sql">
diff --git a/generator/typesystem_sql.xml b/generator/typesystem_sql.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a54cbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/typesystem_sql.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<typesystem package="com.trolltech.qt.sql">
+ <rejection class="QSqlDriverCreator"/>
+ <rejection class="QSqlDriverPlugin"/>
+ <rejection class="QSqlDriverFactoryInterface"/>
+ <namespace-type name="QSql">
+ <include file-name="qsql.h" location="global"/>
+ </namespace-type>
+ <value-type name="QSqlDatabase">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QSqlQuery" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QSqlError" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QSqlIndex" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QSqlRecord" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QSize" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QSqlDatabase)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QSqlQuery">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QSqlError" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QSqlRecord" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QSize" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QSqlQuery)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QSqlRecord">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QSqlField" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="append(QSqlField)" access="non-final"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QSqlRecord)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QSqlError">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QSqlError)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QSqlIndex">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QSqlIndex)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QSqlRelation"/>
+ <value-type name="QSqlField">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QSqlField)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <object-type name="QSqlDriver">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QSqlQuery" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QSqlError" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QSqlIndex" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QSqlRecord" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QSize" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QSqlQueryModel">
+ <modify-function signature="indexInQuery(QModelIndex)const" access="non-final"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setQuery(QSqlQuery)" access="non-final"/>
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QSqlError" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QSqlQuery" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QSqlRecord" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QSize" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QSqlRelationalTableModel">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QSize" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QSqlResult">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QSqlError" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QSqlQuery" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QSqlRecord" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QSize" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="virtual_hook(int,void*)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QSqlTableModel">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QSqlIndex" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QStringList" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QSize" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QSqlDriverCreatorBase">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QSqlDriver" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </object-type>
+ <enum-type name="QSql::Location"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSql::ParamTypeFlag" flags="QSql::ParamType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSql::TableType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSql::NumericalPrecisionPolicy"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSqlDriver::DriverFeature"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSqlDriver::IdentifierType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSqlDriver::StatementType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSqlError::ErrorType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSqlField::RequiredStatus"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSqlQuery::BatchExecutionMode"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSqlResult::BindingSyntax"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSqlResult::VirtualHookOperation"/>
+ <enum-type name="QSqlTableModel::EditStrategy"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(CppImplGenerator) :: protected function '*' in final class '*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: visibility of function '*' modified in class '*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: hiding of function '*' in class '*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QSqlField' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: Class 'QSqlRecord' has equals operators but no qHash() function"/>
diff --git a/generator/typesystem_svg-common.xml b/generator/typesystem_svg-common.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98383e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/typesystem_svg-common.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ <namespace-type name="QSvg" />
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsSvgItem::enum_1"/>
+ <object-type name="QSvgRenderer">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QRectF" location="global" />
+ <include file-name="QMatrix" location="global" />
+ <include file-name="QSize" location="global" />
+ <include file-name="QByteArray" location="global" />
+ </extra-includes>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QSvgWidget">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QByteArray" location="global" />
+ <include file-name="QSvgRenderer" location="global" />
+ <include file-name="QSize" location="global" />
+ </extra-includes>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QSvgGenerator">
+ <modify-function signature="setOutputDevice(QIODevice*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcOutputDevice" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsSvgItem">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QGraphicsItem" location="global" />
+ <include file-name="QSvgRenderer" location="global" />
+ <include file-name="QSize" location="global" />
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="matrix()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="resetMatrix()" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="sceneMatrix()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setMatrix(QMatrix, bool)" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
diff --git a/generator/typesystem_svg-qtscript.xml b/generator/typesystem_svg-qtscript.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa09f9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/typesystem_svg-qtscript.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<typesystem package="com.trolltech.qt.svg">
+ <rejection class="QGraphicsSvgItem"/>
diff --git a/generator/typesystem_svg.xml b/generator/typesystem_svg.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea36362
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/typesystem_svg.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<typesystem package="com.trolltech.qt.svg"><rejection class="QGraphicsSvgItem"/>
+ <namespace-type name="QSvg"/>
+ <enum-type name="QGraphicsSvgItem::enum_1"/>
+ <object-type name="QSvgRenderer">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QRectF" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QMatrix" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QSize" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QByteArray" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QSvgWidget">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QByteArray" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QSvgRenderer" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QSize" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QSvgGenerator">
+ <modify-function signature="setOutputDevice(QIODevice*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcOutputDevice"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QGraphicsSvgItem">
+ <extra-includes>
+ <include file-name="QGraphicsItem" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QSvgRenderer" location="global"/>
+ <include file-name="QSize" location="global"/>
+ </extra-includes>
+ <modify-function signature="matrix()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="resetMatrix()" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="sceneMatrix()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setMatrix(QMatrix, bool)" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
diff --git a/generator/typesystem_uitools.xml b/generator/typesystem_uitools.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b2c2ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/typesystem_uitools.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<typesystem package="com.trolltech.qt.uitools">
+ <object-type name="QUiLoader"/>
diff --git a/generator/typesystem_webkit-common.xml b/generator/typesystem_webkit-common.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4308597
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/typesystem_webkit-common.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <namespace-type name="WebCore"/>
+ <enum-type name="QWebSettings::FontFamily"/>
+ <enum-type name="QWebSettings::FontSize"/>
+ <enum-type name="QWebSettings::WebGraphic"/>
+ <enum-type name="QWebSettings::WebAttribute"/>
+ <enum-type name="QWebPage::NavigationType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QWebPage::WebAction"/>
+ <enum-type name="QWebPage::WebWindowType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QWebPage::FindFlag" flags="QWebPage::FindFlags" />
+ <enum-type name="QWebPage::LinkDelegationPolicy" />
+ <object-type name="QWebView">
+ <modify-function signature="setPage(QWebPage*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QWebFrame">
+ <modify-function signature="addToJavaScriptWindowObject(QString,QObject*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QWebHistory"/>
+ <object-type name="QWebSettings"/>
+ <object-type name="QWebPage"/>
+ <value-type name="QWebHitTestResult">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QWebHitTestResult)" remove="all" />
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QWebHistoryItem">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QWebHistoryItem)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <object-type name="QWebHistoryInterface">
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QWebPluginFactory">
+ </object-type>
+ <value-type name="QWebPluginFactory::Plugin" generate="no">
+ </value-type>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QWebFrame::QWebFrame', unmatched parameter type 'QWebFrameData*'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QWebSettings::QWebSettings', unmatched parameter type 'WebCore::Settings*'" />
+ <!-- Needed to avoid warnings on compilers that don't support webkit -->
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.webkit.QWebPage' for enum 'NavigationRequestResponse' is not declared" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.webkit.QWebSettings' for enum 'WebAttribute' is not declared" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QWebSettings' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors." />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QWebHistoryItem' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors." />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QWebHistoryInterface' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors." />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.webkit.QWebPage' for enum 'WebAction' is not declared" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.webkit.QWebSettings' for enum 'FontSize' is not declared" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.webkit.QWebSettings' for enum 'WebGraphic' is not declared" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.webkit.QWebPage' for enum 'NavigationType' is not declared" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.webkit.QWebSettings' for enum 'FontType' is not declared" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QWebFrame' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors." />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QWebHistory' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors." />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QWebView' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors." />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QWebPage' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors." />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QWebHitTestResult' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors." />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.webkit.QWebPage' for enum 'FindFlag' is not declared" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.webkit.QWebPage' for enum 'LinkDelegationPolicy' is not declared" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.webkit.QWebSettings' for enum 'FontFamily' is not declared" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.webkit.QWebPage' for enum 'WebWindowType' is not declared" />
diff --git a/generator/typesystem_webkit-qtscript.xml b/generator/typesystem_webkit-qtscript.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8550136
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/typesystem_webkit-qtscript.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<typesystem package="com.trolltech.qt.webkit">
+ <!-- ### need to work around the fact that QWebHistoryItem doesn't have a default constructor -->
+ <rejection class="QWebHistory"/>
+ <rejection class="QWebHistoryItem"/>
+ <rejection class="WebCore"/>
diff --git a/generator/typesystem_webkit.xml b/generator/typesystem_webkit.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd4b0a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/typesystem_webkit.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<typesystem package="com.trolltech.qt.webkit"><rejection class="QWebHistory"/><rejection class="QWebHistoryItem"/><rejection class="WebCore"/>
+ <namespace-type name="WebCore"/>
+ <enum-type name="QWebSettings::FontFamily"/>
+ <enum-type name="QWebSettings::FontSize"/>
+ <enum-type name="QWebSettings::WebGraphic"/>
+ <enum-type name="QWebSettings::WebAttribute"/>
+ <enum-type name="QWebPage::NavigationType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QWebPage::WebAction"/>
+ <enum-type name="QWebPage::WebWindowType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QWebPage::FindFlag" flags="QWebPage::FindFlags"/>
+ <enum-type name="QWebPage::LinkDelegationPolicy"/>
+ <object-type name="QWebView">
+ <modify-function signature="setPage(QWebPage*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="java" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QWebFrame">
+ <modify-function signature="addToJavaScriptWindowObject(QString,QObject*)">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QWebHistory"/>
+ <object-type name="QWebSettings"/>
+ <object-type name="QWebPage"/>
+ <value-type name="QWebHitTestResult">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QWebHitTestResult)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QWebHistoryItem">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QWebHistoryItem)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <object-type name="QWebHistoryInterface">
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QWebPluginFactory">
+ </object-type>
+ <value-type name="QWebPluginFactory::Plugin" generate="no">
+ </value-type>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QWebFrame::QWebFrame', unmatched parameter type 'QWebFrameData*'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QWebSettings::QWebSettings', unmatched parameter type 'WebCore::Settings*'"/>
+ <!-- Needed to avoid warnings on compilers that don't support webkit -->
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.webkit.QWebPage' for enum 'NavigationRequestResponse' is not declared"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.webkit.QWebSettings' for enum 'WebAttribute' is not declared"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QWebSettings' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QWebHistoryItem' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QWebHistoryInterface' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.webkit.QWebPage' for enum 'WebAction' is not declared"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.webkit.QWebSettings' for enum 'FontSize' is not declared"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.webkit.QWebSettings' for enum 'WebGraphic' is not declared"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.webkit.QWebPage' for enum 'NavigationType' is not declared"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.webkit.QWebSettings' for enum 'FontType' is not declared"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QWebFrame' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QWebHistory' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QWebView' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QWebPage' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QWebHitTestResult' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.webkit.QWebPage' for enum 'FindFlag' is not declared"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.webkit.QWebPage' for enum 'LinkDelegationPolicy' is not declared"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.webkit.QWebSettings' for enum 'FontFamily' is not declared"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.webkit.QWebPage' for enum 'WebWindowType' is not declared"/>
diff --git a/generator/typesystem_xml-common.xml b/generator/typesystem_xml-common.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7fd33e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/typesystem_xml-common.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="merge.xsl"?>
+ <rejection class="QXmlAttributes::Attribute" />
+ <rejection class="QDomNode" field-name="impl" />
+ <enum-type name="QDomNode::NodeType" />
+ <enum-type name="QDomNode::EncodingPolicy" />
+ <enum-type name="QDomImplementation::InvalidDataPolicy" />
+ <enum-type name="QXmlStreamReader::Error" />
+ <enum-type name="QXmlStreamReader::TokenType" />
+ <value-type name="QDomAttr">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QDomAttr)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="nodeType()const" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QDomCDATASection">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QDomCDATASection)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="nodeType()const" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QDomCharacterData">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QDomCharacterData)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="nodeType()const" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QDomComment">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QDomComment)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="nodeType()const" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QDomDocument">
+ <modify-function signature="nodeType()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QDomDocument)" remove="all"/>
+ <!--bool setContent(QIODevice* dev, bool namespaceProcessing, QString *errorMsg=0, int *errorLine=0, int *errorColumn=0 ); -->
+ <modify-function signature="setContent(QIODevice*, bool, QString*, int*, int*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcContent" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setContent(QXmlInputSource*,QXmlReader*,QString*,int*,int*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcContent" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setContent(QIODevice*,QString*,int*,int*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcContent" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QDomDocumentFragment">
+ <modify-function signature="nodeType()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QDomDocumentFragment)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QDomDocumentType" >
+ <modify-function signature="nodeType()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QDomDocumentType)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QDomEntity">
+ <modify-function signature="nodeType()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QDomEntity)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QDomEntityReference">
+ <modify-function signature="nodeType()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QDomEntityReference)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QDomImplementation">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QDomImplementation)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QDomNamedNodeMap">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QDomNamedNodeMap)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QDomNode">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QDomNode)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="attributes()const" remove="all" />
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QDomNodeList">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(const QDomNodeList &amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QDomNotation">
+ <modify-function signature="nodeType()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QDomNotation)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QDomProcessingInstruction">
+ <modify-function signature="nodeType()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QDomProcessingInstruction)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QDomText">
+ <modify-function signature="nodeType()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(const QDomText &amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QXmlParseException" />
+ <value-type name="QXmlStreamAttribute">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QXmlStreamAttribute)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QXmlStreamAttributes">
+ <modify-function signature="operator+(QVector&lt;QXmlStreamAttribute>)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(QVector&lt;QXmlStreamAttribute>)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(QXmlStreamAttribute)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="push_back(QXmlStreamAttribute)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="pop_back()" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="push_front(QXmlStreamAttribute)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="pop_front()" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="value(const QString &amp;, const QLatin1String &amp;)const">
+ <remove />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="value(const QLatin1String &amp;, const QLatin1String &amp;)const">
+ <remove />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="value(const QLatin1String &amp;)const">
+ <remove />
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QXmlAttributes">
+ <modify-function signature="index(const QLatin1String&amp;) const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="value(const QLatin1String&amp;) const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QXmlNamespaceSupport">
+ <custom-constructor>
+ QXmlNamespaceSupport *clone = new QXmlNamespaceSupport;
+ clone->setPrefix("", copy->uri(""));
+ QStringList prefixes = copy->prefixes();
+ for (int i=0; i&lt;prefixes.size(); ++i)
+ clone->setPrefix(, copy->uri(;
+ return clone;
+ </custom-constructor>
+ <custom-destructor>
+ delete (QXmlNamespaceSupport *)copy;
+ </custom-destructor>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QDomElement">
+ <modify-function signature="nodeType()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QDomElement)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setAttribute(const QString &amp;, unsigned int)">
+ <remove />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setAttribute(const QString &amp;, unsigned long long)">
+ <remove />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setAttributeNS(const QString, const QString &amp;, unsigned int)">
+ <remove />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setAttributeNS(const QString, const QString &amp;, unsigned long long)">
+ <remove />
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <interface-type name="QXmlContentHandler">
+ <modify-function signature="setDocumentLocator(QXmlLocator*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="shell" owner="c++" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </interface-type>
+ <interface-type name="QXmlDTDHandler" />
+ <interface-type name="QXmlDeclHandler" />
+ <interface-type name="QXmlEntityResolver" />
+ <interface-type name="QXmlErrorHandler" />
+ <interface-type name="QXmlLexicalHandler" />
+ <object-type name="QXmlDefaultHandler">
+ <modify-function signature="setDocumentLocator(QXmlLocator*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="shell" owner="c++" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QXmlInputSource" />
+ <object-type name="QXmlLocator" />
+ <object-type name="QXmlSimpleReader">
+ <modify-function signature="parse(const QXmlInputSource*,bool)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setContentHandler(QXmlContentHandler*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcContentHandler" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setDTDHandler(QXmlDTDHandler*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcDTDHandler" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setDeclHandler(QXmlDeclHandler*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcDeclHandler" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setEntityResolver(QXmlEntityResolver*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcEntityResolver" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setErrorHandler(QXmlErrorHandler*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcErrorHandler" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setLexicalHandler(QXmlLexicalHandler*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcLexicalHandler" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QXmlStreamReader">
+ <modify-function signature="QXmlStreamReader(const char*)" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="addData(const char*)" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="setEntityResolver(QXmlStreamEntityResolver*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcEntityResolver" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QXmlStreamWriter">
+ <modify-function signature="QXmlStreamWriter(QString *)">
+ <remove />
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QXmlReader">
+ <modify-function signature="parse(const QXmlInputSource*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes" />
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
diff --git a/generator/typesystem_xml-qtscript.xml b/generator/typesystem_xml-qtscript.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..103f4d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/typesystem_xml-qtscript.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<typesystem package="com.trolltech.qt.xml">
+ <!-- ### value type without copy constructor -->
+ <rejection class="QXmlNamespaceSupport"/>
+ <value-type name="QDomNode">
+ <modify-function signature="save(QTextStream&amp;,int)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QTextStream*"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ QTextStream &amp; %out% = *qscriptvalue_cast&lt;QTextStream*&gt;(%in%);
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="save(QTextStream&amp;,int,QDomNode::EncodingPolicy)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QTextStream*"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ QTextStream &amp; %out% = *qscriptvalue_cast&lt;QTextStream*&gt;(%in%);
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <object-type name="QXmlReader">
+ <modify-function signature="feature(QString,bool*)const">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="property(QString,bool*)const">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
diff --git a/generator/typesystem_xml.xml b/generator/typesystem_xml.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c30f46e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/typesystem_xml.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<typesystem package="com.trolltech.qt.xml"><rejection class="QXmlNamespaceSupport"/>
+ <rejection class="QXmlAttributes::Attribute"/>
+ <rejection class="QDomNode" field-name="impl"/>
+ <enum-type name="QDomNode::NodeType"/>
+ <enum-type name="QDomNode::EncodingPolicy"/>
+ <enum-type name="QDomImplementation::InvalidDataPolicy"/>
+ <enum-type name="QXmlStreamReader::Error" />
+ <enum-type name="QXmlStreamReader::TokenType" />
+ <value-type name="QDomAttr">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QDomAttr)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="nodeType()const" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QDomCDATASection">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QDomCDATASection)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="nodeType()const" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QDomCharacterData">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QDomCharacterData)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="nodeType()const" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QDomComment">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QDomComment)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="nodeType()const" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QDomDocument">
+ <modify-function signature="nodeType()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QDomDocument)" remove="all"/>
+ <!--bool setContent(QIODevice* dev, bool namespaceProcessing, QString *errorMsg=0, int *errorLine=0, int *errorColumn=0 ); -->
+ <modify-function signature="setContent(QIODevice*, bool, QString*, int*, int*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcContent"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setContent(QXmlInputSource*,QXmlReader*,QString*,int*,int*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcContent"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setContent(QIODevice*,QString*,int*,int*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcContent"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QDomDocumentFragment">
+ <modify-function signature="nodeType()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QDomDocumentFragment)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QDomDocumentType">
+ <modify-function signature="nodeType()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QDomDocumentType)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QDomEntity">
+ <modify-function signature="nodeType()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QDomEntity)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QDomEntityReference">
+ <modify-function signature="nodeType()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QDomEntityReference)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QDomImplementation">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QDomImplementation)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QDomNamedNodeMap">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QDomNamedNodeMap)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QDomNode">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QDomNode)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="attributes()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="save(QTextStream&amp;,int)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QTextStream*"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ QTextStream &amp; %out% = *qscriptvalue_cast&lt;QTextStream*&gt;(%in%);
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="save(QTextStream&amp;,int,QDomNode::EncodingPolicy)const">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <replace-type modified-type="QTextStream*"/>
+ <conversion-rule class="native">
+ QTextStream &amp; %out% = *qscriptvalue_cast&lt;QTextStream*&gt;(%in%);
+ </conversion-rule>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QDomNodeList">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(const QDomNodeList &amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QDomNotation">
+ <modify-function signature="nodeType()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QDomNotation)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QDomProcessingInstruction">
+ <modify-function signature="nodeType()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QDomProcessingInstruction)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QDomText">
+ <modify-function signature="nodeType()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(const QDomText &amp;)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QXmlParseException"/>
+ <value-type name="QXmlStreamAttribute">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QXmlStreamAttribute)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QXmlStreamAttributes">
+ <modify-function signature="operator+(QVector&lt;QXmlStreamAttribute>)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(QVector&lt;QXmlStreamAttribute>)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator&lt;&lt;(QXmlStreamAttribute)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="push_back(QXmlStreamAttribute)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="pop_back()" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="push_front(QXmlStreamAttribute)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="pop_front()" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="value(const QString &amp;, const QLatin1String &amp;)const">
+ <remove />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="value(const QLatin1String &amp;, const QLatin1String &amp;)const">
+ <remove />
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="value(const QLatin1String &amp;)const">
+ <remove />
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QXmlAttributes">
+ <modify-function signature="index(const QLatin1String&amp;) const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="value(const QLatin1String&amp;) const">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QXmlNamespaceSupport">
+ <custom-constructor>
+ QXmlNamespaceSupport *clone = new QXmlNamespaceSupport;
+ clone-&gt;setPrefix("", copy-&gt;uri(""));
+ QStringList prefixes = copy-&gt;prefixes();
+ for (int i=0; i&lt;prefixes.size(); ++i)
+ clone-&gt;setPrefix(, copy-&gt;uri(;
+ return clone;
+ </custom-constructor>
+ <custom-destructor>
+ delete (QXmlNamespaceSupport *)copy;
+ </custom-destructor>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QDomElement">
+ <modify-function signature="nodeType()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QDomElement)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setAttribute(const QString &amp;, unsigned int)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setAttribute(const QString &amp;, unsigned long long)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setAttributeNS(const QString, const QString &amp;, unsigned int)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setAttributeNS(const QString, const QString &amp;, unsigned long long)">
+ <remove/>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <interface-type name="QXmlContentHandler">
+ <modify-function signature="setDocumentLocator(QXmlLocator*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="shell" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </interface-type>
+ <interface-type name="QXmlDTDHandler"/>
+ <interface-type name="QXmlDeclHandler"/>
+ <interface-type name="QXmlEntityResolver"/>
+ <interface-type name="QXmlErrorHandler"/>
+ <interface-type name="QXmlLexicalHandler"/>
+ <object-type name="QXmlDefaultHandler">
+ <modify-function signature="setDocumentLocator(QXmlLocator*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <define-ownership class="shell" owner="c++"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QXmlInputSource"/>
+ <object-type name="QXmlLocator"/>
+ <object-type name="QXmlSimpleReader">
+ <modify-function signature="parse(const QXmlInputSource*,bool)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setContentHandler(QXmlContentHandler*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcContentHandler"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setDTDHandler(QXmlDTDHandler*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcDTDHandler"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setDeclHandler(QXmlDeclHandler*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcDeclHandler"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setEntityResolver(QXmlEntityResolver*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcEntityResolver"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setErrorHandler(QXmlErrorHandler*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcErrorHandler"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setLexicalHandler(QXmlLexicalHandler*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcLexicalHandler"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QXmlStreamReader">
+ <modify-function signature="QXmlStreamReader(const char*)" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="addData(const char*)" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="setEntityResolver(QXmlStreamEntityResolver*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcEntityResolver" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QXmlStreamWriter">
+ <modify-function signature="QXmlStreamWriter(QString *)">
+ <remove />
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QXmlReader">
+ <modify-function signature="parse(const QXmlInputSource*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1" invalidate-after-use="yes"/>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="feature(QString,bool*)const">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="property(QString,bool*)const">
+ <modify-argument index="2">
+ <remove-argument/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </object-type>
diff --git a/generator/typesystem_xmlpatterns-common.xml b/generator/typesystem_xmlpatterns-common.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20ccc57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/typesystem_xmlpatterns-common.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <enum-type name="QXmlNodeModelIndex::NodeKind"/>
+ <enum-type name="QXmlNodeModelIndex::DocumentOrder"/>
+ <enum-type name="QXmlNodeModelIndex::Axis"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractXmlNodeModel::SimpleAxis"/>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractMessageHandler">
+ <modify-function signature="QAbstractMessageHandler(QObject*)" remove="all" />
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractUriResolver"/>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractXmlForwardIterator"/>
+ <rejection class="QPatternist::NodeIndexStorage" />
+ <rejection class="QAbstractXmlNodeModel" enum-name="NodeCopySetting"/>
+ <rejection class="QAbstractXmlNodeModel" function-name="mapToSequence" />
+ <rejection class="QAbstractXmlNodeModel" function-name="sequencedTypedValue" />
+ <rejection class="QAbstractXmlNodeModel" function-name="sendNamespaces" />
+ <rejection class="QAbstractXmlNodeModel" function-name="iterate" />
+ <rejection class="QAbstractXmlNodeModel" function-name="copyNodeTo" />
+ <rejection class="QAbstractXmlNodeModel" function-name="type" />
+ <rejection class="QAbstractXmlNodeModel" function-name="isDeepEqual" />
+ <rejection class="QAbstractXmlNodeModel" function-name="namespaceForPrefix" />
+ <object-type name="QAbstractXmlNodeModel">
+ </object-type>
+ <rejection class="QAbstractXmlReceiver" function-name="item" />
+ <rejection class="QAbstractXmlReceiver" function-name="sendAsNode" />
+ <object-type name="QAbstractXmlReceiver">
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QSimpleXmlNodeModel" />
+ <value-type name="QSourceLocation">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QSourceLocation)" remove="all" />
+ </value-type>
+ <rejection class="QXmlFormatter" function-name="item" />
+ <object-type name="QXmlFormatter">
+ <modify-function signature="startFormattingContent()" remove="all" />
+ </object-type>
+ <value-type name="QXmlItem">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QXmlItem)" remove="all" />
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QXmlName">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QXmlName)" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="QXmlName(short,short,short)" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="localName()const" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="prefix()const" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="hasPrefix()const" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="hasNamespace()const" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="namespaceURI()const" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="isLexicallyEqual(const QXmlName)const" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="setPrefix(const short)" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="setNamespaceURI(const short)" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="setLocalName(const short)" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="code()const" remove="all" />
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QXmlNamePool">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QXmlNamePool)" remove="all" />
+ </value-type>
+ <rejection class="QXmlNodeModelIndex" function-name="sequencedTypedValue" />
+ <rejection class="QXmlNodeModelIndex" function-name="sendNamespaces" />
+ <rejection class="QXmlNodeModelIndex" function-name="iterate" />
+ <rejection class="QXmlNodeModelIndex" function-name="type" />
+ <value-type name="QXmlNodeModelIndex">
+ <modify-function signature="name() const" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="root() const" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="documentUri() const" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="baseUri() const" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="kind() const" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="isDeepEqual(QXmlNodeModelIndex) const" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="compareOrder(QXmlNodeModelIndex) const" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="namespaceBindings() const" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="namespaceForPrefix(short) const" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="stringValue() const" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="is(QXmlNodeModelIndex) const" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="reset()" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="internalPointer()const" remove="all" />
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QXmlQuery">
+ <modify-function signature="evaluateTo(QStringList&lt;QString&gt;*)const" remove="all" />
+ <modify-function signature="setMessageHandler(QAbstractMessageHandler*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcMessageHandler" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setQuery(QIODevice*, QUrl)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore" /> <!-- Data from IODevice is readAll()'d immediately and the pointer is not stored -->
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setUriResolver(const QAbstractUriResolver*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcUriResolver" />
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <object-type name="QXmlResultItems"/>
+ <rejection class="QXmlSerializer" function-name="item" />
+ <object-type name="QXmlSerializer">
+ </object-type>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: horribly broken type ''"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QXmlItem::QXmlItem', unmatched parameter type 'QPatternist::Item const&amp;'" />
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QXmlNodeModelIndex::sequencedTypedValue', unmatched return type 'QExplicitlySharedDataPointer&lt;QAbstractXmlForwardIterator&lt;QPatternist::Item&gt;&gt;"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QXmlNodeModelIndex::QXmlNodeModelIndex', unmatched parameter type 'QPatternist::NodeIndexStorage const&amp;'" />
+ <!-- To avoid warnings when running the generator on systems without XML patterns -->
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSimpleXmlNodeModel' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSourceLocation' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QXmlFormatter' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAbstractUriResolver' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAbstractXmlReceiver' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.xmlpatterns.QXmlNodeModelIndex' for enum 'DocumentOrder' is not declared"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QXmlQuery' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QXmlName' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.xmlpatterns.QAbstractXmlNodeModel' for enum 'NodeCopySetting' is not declared"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QXmlSerializer' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAbstractXmlNodeModel' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QXmlItem' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QXmlNodeModelIndex' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QXmlResultItems' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAbstractMessageHandler' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.xmlpatterns.QXmlNodeModelIndex' for enum 'NodeKind' is not declared"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.xmlpatterns.QAbstractXmlNodeModel' for enum 'SimpleAxis' is not declared"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QXmlNamePool' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
diff --git a/generator/typesystem_xmlpatterns-qtscript.xml b/generator/typesystem_xmlpatterns-qtscript.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa7a289
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/typesystem_xmlpatterns-qtscript.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<typesystem package="com.trolltech.qt.xmlpatterns">
diff --git a/generator/typesystem_xmlpatterns.xml b/generator/typesystem_xmlpatterns.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfb1d45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/typesystem_xmlpatterns.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<typesystem package="com.trolltech.qt.xmlpatterns">
+ <enum-type name="QXmlNodeModelIndex::NodeKind"/>
+ <enum-type name="QXmlNodeModelIndex::DocumentOrder"/>
+ <enum-type name="QXmlNodeModelIndex::Axis"/>
+ <enum-type name="QAbstractXmlNodeModel::SimpleAxis"/>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractMessageHandler">
+ <modify-function signature="QAbstractMessageHandler(QObject*)" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractUriResolver"/>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractXmlForwardIterator"/>
+ <rejection class="QPatternist::NodeIndexStorage"/>
+ <rejection class="QAbstractXmlNodeModel" enum-name="NodeCopySetting"/>
+ <rejection class="QAbstractXmlNodeModel" function-name="mapToSequence"/>
+ <rejection class="QAbstractXmlNodeModel" function-name="sequencedTypedValue"/>
+ <rejection class="QAbstractXmlNodeModel" function-name="sendNamespaces"/>
+ <rejection class="QAbstractXmlNodeModel" function-name="iterate"/>
+ <rejection class="QAbstractXmlNodeModel" function-name="copyNodeTo"/>
+ <rejection class="QAbstractXmlNodeModel" function-name="type"/>
+ <rejection class="QAbstractXmlNodeModel" function-name="isDeepEqual"/>
+ <rejection class="QAbstractXmlNodeModel" function-name="namespaceForPrefix"/>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractXmlNodeModel">
+ </object-type>
+ <rejection class="QAbstractXmlReceiver" function-name="item"/>
+ <rejection class="QAbstractXmlReceiver" function-name="sendAsNode"/>
+ <object-type name="QAbstractXmlReceiver">
+ </object-type>
+ <object-type name="QSimpleXmlNodeModel"/>
+ <value-type name="QSourceLocation">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QSourceLocation)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <rejection class="QXmlFormatter" function-name="item"/>
+ <object-type name="QXmlFormatter">
+ <modify-function signature="startFormattingContent()" remove="all"/>
+ </object-type>
+ <value-type name="QXmlItem">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QXmlItem)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QXmlName">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QXmlName)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="QXmlName(short,short,short)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="localName()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="prefix()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="hasPrefix()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="hasNamespace()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="namespaceURI()const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="isLexicallyEqual(const QXmlName)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setPrefix(const short)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setNamespaceURI(const short)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setLocalName(const short)" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="code()const" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QXmlNamePool">
+ <modify-function signature="operator=(QXmlNamePool)" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <rejection class="QXmlNodeModelIndex" function-name="sequencedTypedValue"/>
+ <rejection class="QXmlNodeModelIndex" function-name="sendNamespaces"/>
+ <rejection class="QXmlNodeModelIndex" function-name="iterate"/>
+ <rejection class="QXmlNodeModelIndex" function-name="type"/>
+ <value-type name="QXmlNodeModelIndex">
+ <modify-function signature="name() const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="root() const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="documentUri() const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="baseUri() const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="kind() const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="isDeepEqual(QXmlNodeModelIndex) const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="compareOrder(QXmlNodeModelIndex) const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="namespaceBindings() const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="namespaceForPrefix(short) const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="stringValue() const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="is(QXmlNodeModelIndex) const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="reset()" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="internalPointer()const" remove="all"/>
+ </value-type>
+ <value-type name="QXmlQuery">
+ <modify-function signature="evaluateTo(QStringList&lt;QString&gt;*)const" remove="all"/>
+ <modify-function signature="setMessageHandler(QAbstractMessageHandler*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcMessageHandler"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setQuery(QIODevice*, QUrl)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="ignore"/> <!-- Data from IODevice is readAll()'d immediately and the pointer is not stored -->
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ <modify-function signature="setUriResolver(const QAbstractUriResolver*)">
+ <modify-argument index="1">
+ <reference-count action="set" variable-name="__rcUriResolver"/>
+ </modify-argument>
+ </modify-function>
+ </value-type>
+ <object-type name="QXmlResultItems"/>
+ <rejection class="QXmlSerializer" function-name="item"/>
+ <object-type name="QXmlSerializer">
+ </object-type>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: horribly broken type ''"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QXmlItem::QXmlItem', unmatched parameter type 'QPatternist::Item const&amp;'"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QXmlNodeModelIndex::sequencedTypedValue', unmatched return type 'QExplicitlySharedDataPointer&lt;QAbstractXmlForwardIterator&lt;QPatternist::Item&gt;&gt;"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: skipping function 'QXmlNodeModelIndex::QXmlNodeModelIndex', unmatched parameter type 'QPatternist::NodeIndexStorage const&amp;'"/>
+ <!-- To avoid warnings when running the generator on systems without XML patterns -->
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSimpleXmlNodeModel' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSourceLocation' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QXmlFormatter' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAbstractUriResolver' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAbstractXmlReceiver' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.xmlpatterns.QXmlNodeModelIndex' for enum 'DocumentOrder' is not declared"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QXmlQuery' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QXmlName' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.xmlpatterns.QAbstractXmlNodeModel' for enum 'NodeCopySetting' is not declared"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QXmlSerializer' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAbstractXmlNodeModel' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QXmlItem' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QXmlNodeModelIndex' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QXmlResultItems' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAbstractMessageHandler' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.xmlpatterns.QXmlNodeModelIndex' for enum 'NodeKind' is not declared"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.xmlpatterns.QAbstractXmlNodeModel' for enum 'SimpleAxis' is not declared"/>
+ <suppress-warning text="WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QXmlNamePool' is specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors."/>
diff --git a/qtbindings/qs_eval/main.cpp b/qtbindings/qs_eval/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6837d9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qtbindings/qs_eval/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the <your project> project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include <QtScript>
+#include <QtCore/QFile>
+#include <QtCore/QTextStream>
+#include <QtCore/QStringList>
+#include <QtGui/QApplication>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+static bool wantsToQuit;
+static QScriptValue qtscript_quit(QScriptContext *ctx, QScriptEngine *eng)
+ Q_UNUSED(ctx);
+ wantsToQuit = true;
+ return eng->undefinedValue();
+static QScriptValue qtscript_describe(QScriptContext *ctx, QScriptEngine *eng)
+ QStringList result;
+ QScriptValue obj = ctx->argument(0);
+ while (obj.isObject()) {
+ QScriptValueIterator it(obj);
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ result.append(;
+ }
+ obj = obj.prototype();
+ }
+ return eng->toScriptValue(result);
+static void interactive(QScriptEngine *eng)
+ QScriptValue global = eng->globalObject();
+ QScriptValue quitFunction = eng->newFunction(qtscript_quit);
+ if (!"exit")).isValid())
+ global.setProperty(QLatin1String("exit"), quitFunction);
+ if (!"quit")).isValid())
+ global.setProperty(QLatin1String("quit"), quitFunction);
+ wantsToQuit = false;
+ global.setProperty(QLatin1String("describe"),
+ eng->newFunction(qtscript_describe));
+ QTextStream qin(stdin, QFile::ReadOnly);
+ const char *qscript_prompt = "qs> ";
+ const char *dot_prompt = ".... ";
+ const char *prompt = qscript_prompt;
+ QString code;
+ forever {
+ QString line;
+ printf("%s", prompt);
+ fflush(stdout);
+ line = qin.readLine();
+ if (line.isNull())
+ break;
+ code += line;
+ code += QLatin1Char('\n');
+ if (line.trimmed().isEmpty()) {
+ continue;
+ } else if (! eng->canEvaluate(code)) {
+ prompt = dot_prompt;
+ } else {
+ QScriptValue result = eng->evaluate(code, QLatin1String("typein"));
+ code.clear();
+ prompt = qscript_prompt;
+ if (! result.isUndefined())
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", qPrintable(result.toString()));
+ if (wantsToQuit)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+static QScriptValue importExtension(QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *engine)
+ return engine->importExtension(context->argument(0).toString());
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ QApplication *app;
+ if (argc >= 2 && !qstrcmp(argv[1], "-tty"))
+ app = new QApplication(argc, argv, QApplication::Tty);
+ else
+ app = new QApplication(argc, argv);
+ QDir dir(QApplication::applicationDirPath());
+ if (dir.dirName() == QLatin1String("debug") || dir.dirName() == QLatin1String("release"))
+ dir.cdUp();
+ dir.cdUp();
+ dir.cdUp();
+ if (!"plugins")) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "plugins folder does not exist -- did you build the bindings?\n");
+ return(-1);
+ }
+ QStringList paths = app->libraryPaths();
+ paths << dir.absolutePath();
+ app->setLibraryPaths(paths);
+ QScriptEngine *eng = new QScriptEngine();
+ eng->importExtension("qt.core");
+ eng->importExtension("qt.gui");
+ eng->importExtension("qt.xml");
+ eng->importExtension("qt.svg");
+ eng->importExtension("");
+ eng->importExtension("qt.sql");
+ eng->importExtension("qt.opengl");
+ eng->importExtension("qt.webkit");
+ eng->importExtension("qt.xmlpatterns");
+ eng->importExtension("qt.uitools");
+ QScriptValue globalObject = eng->globalObject();
+ globalObject.setProperty("qApp", eng->newQObject(app));
+ {
+ QScriptValue qscript = eng->newObject();
+ qscript.setProperty("importExtension", eng->newFunction(importExtension));
+"qt").setProperty("script", qscript);
+ }
+ if (! *++argv) {
+ interactive(eng);
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ while (const char *arg = *argv++) {
+ QString fn = QString::fromLocal8Bit(arg);
+ if (fn == QLatin1String("-i")) {
+ interactive(eng);
+ break;
+ }
+ QString contents;
+ int lineNumber = 1;
+ if (fn == QLatin1String("-")) {
+ QTextStream stream(stdin, QFile::ReadOnly);
+ contents = stream.readAll();
+ }
+ else {
+ QFile file(fn);
+ if ( {
+ QTextStream stream(&file);
+ contents = stream.readAll();
+ file.close();
+ // strip off #!/usr/bin/env qscript line
+ if (contents.startsWith("#!")) {
+ contents.remove(0, contents.indexOf("\n"));
+ ++lineNumber;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (contents.isEmpty())
+ continue;
+ QScriptValue r = eng->evaluate(contents, fn, lineNumber);
+ if (eng->hasUncaughtException()) {
+ QStringList backtrace = eng->uncaughtExceptionBacktrace();
+ fprintf (stderr, " %s\n%s\n\n", qPrintable(r.toString()),
+ qPrintable(backtrace.join("\n")));
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ }
+ delete eng;
+ delete app;
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/qtbindings/qs_eval/ b/qtbindings/qs_eval/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0e016a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qtbindings/qs_eval/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+QT = core gui script
+win32: CONFIG += console
+mac:CONFIG -= app_bundle
+SOURCES += main.cpp
diff --git a/qtbindings/ b/qtbindings/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8535ed0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qtbindings/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+TEMPLATE = subdirs
+SUBDIRS = qtscript_core \
+ qtscript_gui \
+ qtscript_network \
+ qtscript_opengl \
+ qtscript_sql \
+ qtscript_svg \
+ qtscript_xml \
+ qtscript_phonon \
+ qtscript_webkit \
+ qtscript_xmlpatterns \
+ qtscript_uitools \
+ qs_eval
diff --git a/qtbindings/qtbindingsbase.pri b/qtbindings/qtbindingsbase.pri
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d5e4f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qtbindings/qtbindingsbase.pri
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+DESTDIR = $$PWD/../plugins/script
+QT += script
+CONFIG += debug_and_release
+GENERATEDCPP = $$PWD/../generated_cpp
diff --git a/qtbindings/qtscript_core/ b/qtbindings/qtscript_core/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ed8e3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qtbindings/qtscript_core/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+TARGET = qtscript_core
+SOURCES += $$GENERATEDCPP/com_trolltech_qt_core/main.cpp
diff --git a/qtbindings/qtscript_core/qtscriptconcurrent.h b/qtbindings/qtscript_core/qtscriptconcurrent.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af452da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qtbindings/qtscript_core/qtscriptconcurrent.h
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include <QtScript/qscriptvalue.h>
+#include <QtCore/qfuture.h>
+#include <QtCore/qfuturewatcher.h>
+#include <QtCore/qfuturesynchronizer.h>
+typedef QFutureWatcher<void> QtScriptVoidFutureWatcher;
+typedef QFuture<void> QtScriptVoidFuture;
+typedef QFutureSynchronizer<void> QtScriptVoidFutureSynchronizer;
+typedef QFuture<QScriptValue> QtScriptFuture;
+typedef QFutureWatcher<QScriptValue> QtScriptFutureWatcher;
+typedef QFutureSynchronizer<QScriptValue> QtScriptFutureSynchronizer;
+typedef QFutureIterator<QScriptValue> QtScriptFutureIterator;
diff --git a/qtbindings/qtscript_gui/ b/qtbindings/qtscript_gui/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5936046
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qtbindings/qtscript_gui/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+TARGET = qtscript_gui
+SOURCES += $$GENERATEDCPP/com_trolltech_qt_gui/main.cpp
diff --git a/qtbindings/qtscript_network/ b/qtbindings/qtscript_network/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38d4908
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qtbindings/qtscript_network/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+TARGET = qtscript_network
+QT -= gui
+QT += network
+SOURCES += $$GENERATEDCPP/com_trolltech_qt_network/main.cpp
diff --git a/qtbindings/qtscript_opengl/ b/qtbindings/qtscript_opengl/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ad5a11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qtbindings/qtscript_opengl/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+TARGET = qtscript_opengl
+QT += opengl
+SOURCES += $$GENERATEDCPP/com_trolltech_qt_opengl/main.cpp
diff --git a/qtbindings/qtscript_phonon/ b/qtbindings/qtscript_phonon/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72015a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qtbindings/qtscript_phonon/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+TARGET = qtscript_phonon
+QT += phonon
+SOURCES += $$GENERATEDCPP/com_trolltech_qt_phonon/main.cpp
diff --git a/qtbindings/qtscript_sql/ b/qtbindings/qtscript_sql/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c0782c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qtbindings/qtscript_sql/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+TARGET = qtscript_sql
+QT -= gui
+QT += sql
+SOURCES += $$GENERATEDCPP/com_trolltech_qt_sql/main.cpp
diff --git a/qtbindings/qtscript_svg/ b/qtbindings/qtscript_svg/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4367f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qtbindings/qtscript_svg/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+TARGET = qtscript_svg
+QT += svg
+SOURCES += $$GENERATEDCPP/com_trolltech_qt_svg/main.cpp
diff --git a/qtbindings/qtscript_uitools/ b/qtbindings/qtscript_uitools/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f09d223
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qtbindings/qtscript_uitools/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+TARGET = qtscript_uitools
+CONFIG += uitools
+SOURCES += $$GENERATEDCPP/com_trolltech_qt_uitools/main.cpp
diff --git a/qtbindings/qtscript_webkit/ b/qtbindings/qtscript_webkit/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b3f3b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qtbindings/qtscript_webkit/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+TARGET = qtscript_webkit
+QT += network webkit
+SOURCES += $$GENERATEDCPP/com_trolltech_qt_webkit/main.cpp
diff --git a/qtbindings/qtscript_xml/ b/qtbindings/qtscript_xml/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af99772
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qtbindings/qtscript_xml/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+TARGET = qtscript_xml
+QT -= gui
+QT += xml
+SOURCES += $$GENERATEDCPP/com_trolltech_qt_xml/main.cpp
diff --git a/qtbindings/qtscript_xmlpatterns/ b/qtbindings/qtscript_xmlpatterns/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed98f5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qtbindings/qtscript_xmlpatterns/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+TARGET = qtscript_xmlpatterns
+QT -= gui
+QT += xmlpatterns network
+SOURCES += $$GENERATEDCPP/com_trolltech_qt_xmlpatterns/main.cpp
diff --git a/tools/qsexec/README.TXT b/tools/qsexec/README.TXT
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39e325d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/qsexec/README.TXT
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+Runs QtScript code from the command line.
+ Runs QtScript in interactive mode, i.e. presents a prompt and executes
+ commands as given.
+qsexec FILE [ARGS ...]
+ Runs the script in FILE with the given command line arguments
+ (see SCRIPT EXTENSIONS below).
+qsexec -f FILE1 [FILE2 ...]
+ Runs all the scripts FILE1 FILE2 ... consecutively sharing the same engine.
+The qsexec tool adds some useful functionality to the global object:
+- qs.system.os
+ A string that specifies the operating system the script is run on
+ (e.g. "linux", "windows", "mac").
+- qs.script.args
+ Array containing the strings given as [args ...] on the command line
+ (single file mode only).
+- qs.script.absoluteFilePath
+ File system path (including the file name) of the script that is processed
+ at the moment as a string.
+- qs.script.absolutePath
+ File system path (excluding the file name) of the script that is processed
+ at the moment as a string.
+- qs.script.importExtension(name)
+ Lets the script resolve and load the script extension with the given name.
+- qs.script.include(fileName)
+ Dynamically loads and executes the script in the given file (relative to the
+ currently processed file or absolute). Multiple includes of the same file
+ result in only one execution of the file (only the first include triggers
+ the execution).
+The qsexec tool doesn't import any script extensions (like qt.core) itself.
+A script that needs a script extension has to load it via
diff --git a/tools/qsexec/src/main.cpp b/tools/qsexec/src/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..912a531
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/qsexec/src/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the QtScript project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include <QtScript>
+#include <QtCore/QFile>
+#include <QtCore/QTextStream>
+#include <QtCore/QStringList>
+#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
+#include <QtCore/QSet>
+#include <QtDebug>
+namespace {
+void printUsage()
+ QFile info(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath()+"/README.TXT");
+ if (!info.exists() || ! {
+ qDebug() << "Can't read README.TXT";
+ } else {
+ QTextStream stream(&info);
+ qDebug() << stream.readAll();
+ info.close();
+ }
+bool loadFile(QString fileName, QScriptEngine *engine)
+ // avoid loading files more than once
+ static QSet<QString> loadedFiles;
+ QFileInfo fileInfo(fileName);
+ QString absoluteFileName = fileInfo.absoluteFilePath();
+ QString absolutePath = fileInfo.absolutePath();
+ QString canonicalFileName = fileInfo.canonicalFilePath();
+ if (loadedFiles.contains(canonicalFileName)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ loadedFiles.insert(canonicalFileName);
+ QString path = fileInfo.path();
+ // load the file
+ QFile file(fileName);
+ if ( {
+ QTextStream stream(&file);
+ QString contents = stream.readAll();
+ file.close();
+ int endlineIndex = contents.indexOf('\n');
+ QString line = contents.left(endlineIndex);
+ int lineNumber = 1;
+ // strip off #!/usr/bin/env qscript line
+ if (line.startsWith("#!")) {
+ contents.remove(0, endlineIndex+1);
+ ++lineNumber;
+ }
+ // set qt.script.absoluteFilePath
+ QScriptValue script = engine->globalObject().property("qs").property("script");
+ QScriptValue oldFilePathValue ="absoluteFilePath");
+ QScriptValue oldPathValue ="absolutePath");
+ script.setProperty("absoluteFilePath", engine->toScriptValue(absoluteFileName));
+ script.setProperty("absolutePath", engine->toScriptValue(absolutePath));
+ QScriptValue r = engine->evaluate(contents, fileName, lineNumber);
+ if (engine->hasUncaughtException()) {
+ QStringList backtrace = engine->uncaughtExceptionBacktrace();
+ qDebug() << QString(" %1\n%2\n\n").arg(r.toString()).arg(backtrace.join("\n"));
+ return true;
+ }
+ script.setProperty("absoluteFilePath", oldFilePathValue); // if we come from includeScript(), or whereever
+ script.setProperty("absolutePath", oldPathValue); // if we come from includeScript(), or whereever
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+QScriptValue includeScript(QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *engine)
+ QString currentFileName = engine->globalObject().property("qs").property("script").property("absoluteFilePath").toString();
+ QFileInfo currentFileInfo(currentFileName);
+ QString path = currentFileInfo.path();
+ QString importFile = context->argument(0).toString();
+ QFileInfo importInfo(importFile);
+ if (importInfo.isRelative()) {
+ importFile = path + "/" + importInfo.filePath();
+ }
+ if (!loadFile(importFile, engine)) {
+ return context->throwError(QString("Failed to resolve include: %1").arg(importFile));
+ }
+ return engine->toScriptValue(true);
+QScriptValue importExtension(QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *engine)
+ return engine->importExtension(context->argument(0).toString());
+bool stopInteractiveMode;
+QScriptValue exitInteractiveMode(QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *engine)
+ Q_UNUSED(context);
+ stopInteractiveMode = true;
+ return engine->undefinedValue();
+void interactiveMode(QScriptEngine *engine)
+ engine->globalObject().setProperty("quit", engine->newFunction(exitInteractiveMode));
+ qDebug() << "Running in interactive mode. Press Ctrl+C or call quit() to stop.";
+ QTextStream input(stdin, QFile::ReadOnly);
+ const char *qtScriptPrompt = "qs> ";
+ const char *dotPrompt = ".... ";
+ const char *prompt = qtScriptPrompt;
+ QString code;
+ stopInteractiveMode = false;
+ while (!stopInteractiveMode) {
+ QString line;
+ printf("%s", prompt);
+ fflush(stdout);
+ line = input.readLine();
+ if (line.isNull())
+ break;
+ code += line;
+ code += QLatin1Char('\n');
+ if (line.trimmed().isEmpty()) {
+ continue;
+ } else if (!engine->canEvaluate(code)) {
+ prompt = dotPrompt;
+ } else {
+ QScriptValue result = engine->evaluate(code, QLatin1String("stdin"));
+ code.clear();
+ prompt = qtScriptPrompt;
+ if (!result.isUndefined())
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", qPrintable(result.toString()));
+ }
+ }
+} // namespace
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
+ QStringList paths = QStringList() << QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/../../plugins";
+ app.setLibraryPaths(paths);
+ QScriptEngine *engine = new QScriptEngine();
+ QScriptValue global = engine->globalObject();
+ // add the qt object
+ global.setProperty("qs", engine->newObject());
+ // add a 'script' object
+ QScriptValue script = engine->newObject();
+"qs").setProperty("script", script);
+ // add a 'system' object
+ QScriptValue system = engine->newObject();
+"qs").setProperty("system", system);
+ // add os information to qt.system.os
+#ifdef Q_OS_WIN32
+ QScriptValue osName = engine->toScriptValue(QString("windows"));
+#elif defined(Q_OS_LINUX)
+ QScriptValue osName = engine->toScriptValue(QString("linux"));
+#elif defined(Q_OS_MAC)
+ QScriptValue osName = engine->toScriptValue(QString("mac"));
+#elif defined(Q_OS_UNIX)
+ QScriptValue osName = engine->toScriptValue(QString("unix"));
+ system.setProperty("os", osName);
+ // add environment variables to qt.system.env
+ QMap<QString,QVariant> envMap;
+ QStringList envList = QProcess::systemEnvironment();
+ foreach (const QString &entry, envList) {
+ QStringList keyVal = entry.split('=');
+ if (keyVal.size() == 1)
+ envMap.insert(, QString());
+ else
+ envMap.insert(,;
+ }
+ system.setProperty("env", engine->toScriptValue(envMap));
+ // add the include functionality to qt.script.include
+ script.setProperty("include", engine->newFunction(includeScript));
+ // add the importExtension functionality to qt.script.importExtension
+ script.setProperty("importExtension", engine->newFunction(importExtension));
+ QStringList args = QCoreApplication::arguments();
+ args.takeFirst();
+ if (args.isEmpty()) {
+ interactiveMode(engine);
+ } else if (args.size() == 1 &&
+ ( == "-help" || == "--help" || == "-h" || == "/h")) {
+ printUsage();
+ } else { // read script file and execute
+ QStringList files;
+ bool singlefile = ( != "-f");
+ if (singlefile) {
+ files << args.takeFirst();
+ // add arguments to qt.script.arguments
+ script.setProperty("args", engine->toScriptValue(args));
+ } else {
+ args.takeFirst();
+ files += args;
+ }
+ foreach (const QString &fileName, files) {
+ if (!loadFile(fileName, engine)) {
+ qDebug() << "Failed:" << fileName;
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ delete engine;
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/tools/qsexec/src/ b/tools/qsexec/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5997c67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/qsexec/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+TARGET = qsexec
+DESTDIR = ../
+QT = core script
+SOURCES += main.cpp