path: root/examples/StreamBookmarks.qs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/StreamBookmarks.qs')
1 files changed, 361 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/StreamBookmarks.qs b/examples/StreamBookmarks.qs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f23552
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/StreamBookmarks.qs
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the
+** sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+function tr(s) { return s; }
+function XbelWriter(treeWidget)
+ this.treeWidget = treeWidget;
+ this.setAutoFormatting(true);
+XbelWriter.prototype = new QXmlStreamWriter();
+XbelWriter.prototype.writeFile = function(device)
+ this.setDevice(device);
+ this.writeStartDocument();
+ this.writeDTD("<!DOCTYPE xbel>");
+ this.writeStartElement("xbel");
+ this.writeAttribute("version", "1.0");
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.treeWidget.topLevelItemCount; ++i)
+ this.writeItem(this.treeWidget.topLevelItem(i));
+ this.writeEndDocument();
+ return true;
+XbelWriter.prototype.writeItem = function(item)
+ var tagName =, Qt.UserRole);
+ if (tagName == "folder") {
+ var folded = !item.isExpanded();
+ this.writeStartElement(tagName);
+ this.writeAttribute("folded", folded ? "yes" : "no");
+ this.writeTextElement("title", item.text(0));
+ for (var i = 0; i < item.childCount(); ++i)
+ this.writeItem(item.child(i));
+ this.writeEndElement();
+ } else if (tagName == "bookmark") {
+ this.writeStartElement(tagName);
+ if (item.text(1) != "")
+ this.writeAttribute("href", item.text(1));
+ this.writeTextElement("title", item.text(0));
+ this.writeEndElement();
+ } else if (tagName == "separator") {
+ this.writeEmptyElement(tagName);
+ }
+function XbelReader(treeWidget)
+ this.treeWidget = treeWidget;
+ var style =;
+ this.folderIcon = new QIcon();
+ this.folderIcon.addPixmap(style.standardPixmap(QStyle.SP_DirClosedIcon),
+ QIcon.Normal, QIcon.Off);
+ this.folderIcon.addPixmap(style.standardPixmap(QStyle.SP_DirOpenIcon),
+ QIcon.Normal, QIcon.On);
+ this.bookmarkIcon = new QIcon();
+ this.bookmarkIcon.addPixmap(style.standardPixmap(QStyle.SP_FileIcon));
+XbelReader.prototype = new QXmlStreamReader();
+ = function(device)
+ this.setDevice(device);
+ while (!this.atEnd()) {
+ this.readNext();
+ if (this.isStartElement()) {
+ if ( == "xbel" && this.attributes().value("version") == "1.0")
+ this.readXBEL();
+ else
+ this.raiseError(tr("The file is not an XBEL version 1.0 file."));
+ }
+ }
+ return this.error() == QXmlStreamReader.NoError;
+XbelReader.prototype.readUnknownElement = function()
+ while (!this.atEnd()) {
+ this.readNext();
+ if (this.isEndElement())
+ break;
+ if (this.isStartElement())
+ this.readUnknownElement();
+ }
+XbelReader.prototype.readXBEL = function()
+// Q_ASSERT(isStartElement() && name() == "xbel");
+ while (!this.atEnd()) {
+ this.readNext();
+ if (this.isEndElement())
+ break;
+ if (this.isStartElement()) {
+ if ( == "folder")
+ this.readFolder(null);
+ else if (name() == "bookmark")
+ this.readBookmark(null);
+ else if (name() == "separator")
+ this.readSeparator(null);
+ else
+ this.readUnknownElement();
+ }
+ }
+XbelReader.prototype.readTitle = function(item)
+// Q_ASSERT(isStartElement() && name() == "title");
+ var title = this.readElementText();
+ item.setText(0, title);
+XbelReader.prototype.readSeparator = function(item)
+ var separator = this.createChildItem(item);
+ separator.setFlags(Qt.ItemFlags(item.flags() & ~Qt.ItemIsSelectable));
+ separator.setText(0, "---" /*QString(30, 0xB7)*/);
+ this.readElementText();
+XbelReader.prototype.readFolder = function(item)
+// Q_ASSERT(isStartElement() && name() == "folder");
+ var folder = this.createChildItem(item);
+ var folded = (this.attributes().value("folded") != "no");
+ folder.setExpanded(!folded);
+ while (!this.atEnd()) {
+ this.readNext();
+ if (this.isEndElement())
+ break;
+ if (this.isStartElement()) {
+ if ( == "title")
+ this.readTitle(folder);
+ else if ( == "folder")
+ this.readFolder(folder);
+ else if ( == "bookmark")
+ this.readBookmark(folder);
+ else if ( == "separator")
+ this.readSeparator(folder);
+ else
+ this.readUnknownElement();
+ }
+ }
+XbelReader.prototype.readBookmark = function(item)
+// Q_ASSERT(isStartElement() && name() == "bookmark");
+ var bookmark = this.createChildItem(item);
+ bookmark.setFlags(Qt.ItemFlags(bookmark.flags() | Qt.ItemIsEditable));
+ bookmark.setIcon(0, this.bookmarkIcon);
+ bookmark.setText(0, tr("Unknown title"));
+ bookmark.setText(1, this.attributes().value("href"));
+ while (!this.atEnd()) {
+ this.readNext();
+ if (this.isEndElement())
+ break;
+ if (this.isStartElement()) {
+ if ( == "title")
+ this.readTitle(bookmark);
+ else
+ this.readUnknownElement();
+ }
+ }
+XbelReader.prototype.createChildItem = function(item)
+ var childItem;
+ if (item) {
+ childItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(item);
+ } else {
+// ### childItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(this.treeWidget);
+ childItem = new QTreeWidgetItem();
+ this.treeWidget.addTopLevelItem(childItem);
+ }
+ childItem.setData(0, Qt.UserRole,;
+ return childItem;
+function MainWindow()
+ var labels = new Array();
+ labels.push(tr("Title"));
+ labels.push(tr("Location"));
+ this.treeWidget = new QTreeWidget();
+ this.treeWidget.header().setResizeMode(QHeaderView.Stretch);
+ this.treeWidget.setHeaderLabels(labels);
+ this.setCentralWidget(this.treeWidget);
+ this.createActions();
+ this.createMenus();
+ this.statusBar().showMessage(tr("Ready"));
+ this.windowTitle = tr("QXmlStream Bookmarks");
+ this.resize(480, 320);
+MainWindow.prototype = new QMainWindow();
+ = function()
+ var fileName =
+ QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open Bookmark File"),
+ QDir.currentPath(),
+ tr("XBEL Files (*.xbel *.xml)"));
+ if (fileName == "")
+ return;
+ this.treeWidget.clear();
+ var file = new QFile(fileName);
+ if (!, QIODevice.Text))) {
+ QMessageBox.warning(this, tr("QXmlStream Bookmarks"),
+ tr("Cannot read file %1:\n%2.")
+ .arg(fileName)
+ .arg(file.errorString()));
+ return;
+ }
+ var reader = new XbelReader(this.treeWidget);
+ if (! {
+ QMessageBox.warning(this, tr("QXmlStream Bookmarks"),
+ tr("Parse error in file " + fileName + " at line " + reader.lineNumber()
+ + ", column " + reader.columnNumber() + ":\n" + reader.errorString()));
+ } else {
+ this.statusBar().showMessage(tr("File loaded"), 2000);
+ }
+MainWindow.prototype.saveAs = function()
+ var fileName =
+ QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save Bookmark File"),
+ QDir.currentPath(),
+ tr("XBEL Files (*.xbel *.xml)"));
+ if (fileName == "")
+ return;
+ var file = new QFile(fileName);
+ if (!, QIODevice.Text))) {
+ QMessageBox.warning(this, tr("QXmlStream Bookmarks"),
+ tr("Cannot write file %1:\n%2.")
+ .arg(fileName)
+ .arg(file.errorString()));
+ return;
+ }
+ var writer = new XbelWriter(this.treeWidget);
+ if (writer.writeFile(file))
+ this.statusBar().showMessage(tr("File saved"), 2000);
+MainWindow.prototype.about = function()
+ QMessageBox.about(this, tr("About QXmlStream Bookmarks"),
+ tr("The <b>QXmlStream Bookmarks</b> example demonstrates how to use Qt's QXmlStream classes to read and write XML documents."));
+MainWindow.prototype.createActions = function()
+ this.openAct = new QAction(tr("&Open..."), this);
+ this.openAct.shortcut = tr("Ctrl+O");
+ this.openAct.triggered.connect(this,;
+ this.saveAsAct = new QAction(tr("&Save As..."), this);
+ this.saveAsAct.shortcut = tr("Ctrl+S");
+ this.saveAsAct.triggered.connect(this, this.saveAs);
+ this.exitAct = new QAction(tr("E&xit"), this);
+ this.exitAct.shortcut = tr("Ctrl+Q");
+ this.exitAct.triggered.connect(this, this.close);
+ this.aboutAct = new QAction(tr("&About"), this);
+ this.aboutAct.triggered.connect(this, this.about);
+ this.aboutQtAct = new QAction(tr("About &Qt"), this);
+// ### this.aboutQtAct.triggered.connect(QApplication.aboutQt);
+ this.aboutQtAct.triggered.connect(qApp.aboutQt);
+MainWindow.prototype.createMenus = function()
+ this.fileMenu = this.menuBar().addMenu(tr("&File"));
+// ### working around bug in QMenu.prototype.addAction
+ QMenu.prototype.addAction = QWidget.prototype.addAction;
+ this.fileMenu.addAction(this.openAct);
+ this.fileMenu.addAction(this.saveAsAct);
+ this.fileMenu.addAction(this.exitAct);
+ this.menuBar().addSeparator();
+ this.helpMenu = this.menuBar().addMenu(tr("&Help"));
+ this.helpMenu.addAction(this.aboutAct);
+ this.helpMenu.addAction(this.aboutQtAct);
+var mainWin = new MainWindow();;;