diff options
authorEskil Abrahamsen Blomfeldt <>2019-04-05 11:48:29 +0200
committerEskil Abrahamsen Blomfeldt <>2020-02-04 10:19:12 +0100
commit35262678c31a4aea0df1516c565cf9a2e808b369 (patch)
parenta13e8d6660913bec172d1374f78083498c539df0 (diff)
Experimental DirectWrite font database
Adds an opt-in experimental DirectWrite-based font database. This cannot be the 100% replacement for GDI unfortunately, since quite a few font formats used on Windows are still unsupported. But it would be good to have it as an opt-in experimental feature since it should make it easier to solve multiple font selection issues we have on Windows. In order to still share the DirectWrite-specific code between the old and new database, this introduces a common base class. Note that the feature depends on DirectWrite 3 support (Windows 10). Fixes: QTBUG-74917 Change-Id: Ida08ec7ef4fda9fc78622ca4297909a727390a64 Reviewed-by: Allan Sandfeld Jensen <>
12 files changed, 1656 insertions, 827 deletions
diff --git a/src/gui/configure.json b/src/gui/configure.json
index 9d9d312048..69912d3349 100644
--- a/src/gui/configure.json
+++ b/src/gui/configure.json
@@ -189,6 +189,20 @@
+ "dwrite_3": {
+ "label": "DirectWrite 3",
+ "test": {
+ "main": [
+ "IUnknown *factory = 0;",
+ "DWriteCreateFactory(DWRITE_FACTORY_TYPE_SHARED, __uuidof(IDWriteFactory3),",
+ " &factory);"
+ ]
+ },
+ "headers": "dwrite_3.h",
+ "sources": [
+ "-ldwrite"
+ ]
+ },
"drm": {
"label": "KMS",
"test": {
@@ -1145,6 +1159,12 @@
"condition": "libs.dwrite_1",
"output": [ "privateFeature" ]
+ "directwrite3": {
+ "label": "DirectWrite 3",
+ "emitIf": "config.win32",
+ "condition": "features.directwrite1 && libs.dwrite_3",
+ "output": [ "privateFeature" ]
+ },
"directwrite2": {
"label": "DirectWrite 2",
"emitIf": "config.win32",
diff --git a/src/gui/kernel/qguiapplication.cpp b/src/gui/kernel/qguiapplication.cpp
index a723ca6e7f..1f8d8d21e9 100644
--- a/src/gui/kernel/qguiapplication.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/kernel/qguiapplication.cpp
@@ -613,6 +613,13 @@ static QWindowGeometrySpecification windowGeometrySpecification = Q_WINDOW_GEOME
\li \c {dpiawareness=[0|1|2} Sets the DPI awareness of the process
(see \l{High DPI Displays}, since Qt 5.4).
\li \c {fontengine=freetype}, uses the FreeType font engine.
+ \li \c {fontengine=directwrite}, uses the experimental DirectWrite
+ font database and defaults to using the DirectWrite font
+ engine (which is otherwise only used for some font types
+ or font properties.) This affects font selection and aims
+ to provide font naming more consistent with other platforms,
+ but does not support all font formats, such as Postscript
+ Type-1 or Microsoft FNT fonts.
\li \c {menus=[native|none]}, controls the use of native menus.
Native menus are implemented using Win32 API and are simpler than
diff --git a/src/platformsupport/fontdatabases/windows/qwindowsdirectwritefontdatabase.cpp b/src/platformsupport/fontdatabases/windows/qwindowsdirectwritefontdatabase.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..037ae3944e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/platformsupport/fontdatabases/windows/qwindowsdirectwritefontdatabase.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the plugins of the Qt Toolkit.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
+** and conditions see For further
+** information use the contact form at
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
+** will be met:
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
+** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
+** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
+** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
+** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
+** be met: and
+#include "qwindowsdirectwritefontdatabase_p.h"
+#include "qwindowsfontenginedirectwrite_p.h"
+#include <QtCore/qstringbuilder.h>
+#include <QtCore/qvarlengtharray.h>
+#include <dwrite_3.h>
+#include <d2d1.h>
+ qCDebug(lcQpaFonts) << "Creating DirectWrite database";
+ for (auto it = m_populatedFonts.begin(); it != m_populatedFonts.end(); ++it)
+ it.value()->Release();
+QString QWindowsDirectWriteFontDatabase::localeString(IDWriteLocalizedStrings *names,
+ wchar_t localeName[])
+ uint index;
+ BOOL exists;
+ if (SUCCEEDED(names->FindLocaleName(localeName, &index, &exists)) && exists) {
+ uint length;
+ if (SUCCEEDED(names->GetStringLength(index, &length)) && length > 0) {
+ QVarLengthArray<wchar_t> buffer(int(length) + 1);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(names->GetString(index,, length + 1)))
+ return QString::fromWCharArray(;
+ }
+ }
+ return QString();
+static QFont::Stretch fromDirectWriteStretch(DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH stretch)
+ switch (stretch) {
+ case DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH_ULTRA_CONDENSED: return QFont::UltraCondensed;
+ case DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH_EXTRA_CONDENSED: return QFont::ExtraCondensed;
+ case DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH_CONDENSED: return QFont::Condensed;
+ case DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH_SEMI_CONDENSED: return QFont::SemiCondensed;
+ case DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH_NORMAL: return QFont::UltraCondensed;
+ case DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH_SEMI_EXPANDED: return QFont::SemiExpanded;
+ case DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH_EXPANDED: return QFont::Expanded;
+ case DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH_EXTRA_EXPANDED: return QFont::ExtraExpanded;
+ case DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH_ULTRA_EXPANDED: return QFont::UltraExpanded;
+ default: return QFont::AnyStretch;
+ }
+static QFont::Weight fromDirectWriteWeight(DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT weight)
+ return QPlatformFontDatabase::weightFromInteger(int(weight));
+static DWRITE_FONT_STYLE toDirectWriteStyle(QFont::Style style)
+ switch (style) {
+ case QFont::StyleNormal: return DWRITE_FONT_STYLE_NORMAL;
+ case QFont::StyleOblique: return DWRITE_FONT_STYLE_OBLIQUE;
+ case QFont::StyleItalic: return DWRITE_FONT_STYLE_ITALIC;
+ default: return DWRITE_FONT_STYLE_NORMAL;
+ }
+static QFont::Style fromDirectWriteStyle(DWRITE_FONT_STYLE style)
+ switch (style) {
+ case DWRITE_FONT_STYLE_NORMAL: return QFont::StyleNormal;
+ case DWRITE_FONT_STYLE_OBLIQUE: return QFont::StyleOblique;
+ case DWRITE_FONT_STYLE_ITALIC: return QFont::StyleItalic;
+ default: return QFont::StyleNormal;
+ }
+void QWindowsDirectWriteFontDatabase::populateFamily(const QString &familyName)
+ auto it = m_populatedFonts.find(familyName);
+ IDWriteFontFamily *fontFamily = it != m_populatedFonts.end() ? it.value() : nullptr;
+ if (fontFamily == nullptr) {
+ qCWarning(lcQpaFonts) << "Cannot find" << familyName << "in list of fonts";
+ return;
+ }
+ qCDebug(lcQpaFonts) << "Populate family:" << familyName;
+ wchar_t defaultLocale[LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH];
+ bool hasDefaultLocale = GetUserDefaultLocaleName(defaultLocale, LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH) != 0;
+ wchar_t englishLocale[] = L"en-us";
+ static const int SMOOTH_SCALABLE = 0xffff;
+ const QString foundryName; // No such concept.
+ const bool scalable = true;
+ const bool antialias = false;
+ const int size = SMOOTH_SCALABLE;
+ IDWriteFontList *matchingFonts;
+ if (SUCCEEDED(fontFamily->GetMatchingFonts(DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT_REGULAR,
+ &matchingFonts))) {
+ for (uint j = 0; j < matchingFonts->GetFontCount(); ++j) {
+ IDWriteFont *font;
+ if (SUCCEEDED(matchingFonts->GetFont(j, &font))) {
+ IDWriteFont1 *font1 = nullptr;
+ if (!SUCCEEDED(font->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IDWriteFont1),
+ reinterpret_cast<void **>(&font1)))) {
+ qCWarning(lcQpaFonts) << "COM object does not support IDWriteFont1";
+ continue;
+ }
+ QString defaultLocaleFamilyName;
+ QString englishLocaleFamilyName;
+ IDWriteFontFamily *fontFamily2;
+ if (SUCCEEDED(font1->GetFontFamily(&fontFamily2))) {
+ IDWriteLocalizedStrings *names;
+ if (SUCCEEDED(fontFamily2->GetFamilyNames(&names))) {
+ defaultLocaleFamilyName = hasDefaultLocale ? localeString(names, defaultLocale) : QString();
+ englishLocaleFamilyName = localeString(names, englishLocale);
+ names->Release();
+ }
+ fontFamily2->Release();
+ }
+ if (defaultLocaleFamilyName.isEmpty() && englishLocaleFamilyName.isEmpty())
+ englishLocaleFamilyName = familyName;
+ QVarLengthArray<DWRITE_UNICODE_RANGE, 64> ranges(QFontDatabase::WritingSystemsCount);
+ uint count = 0;
+ if (SUCCEEDED(font1->GetUnicodeRanges(QFontDatabase::WritingSystemsCount,, &count))) {
+ // ###
+ }
+ QSupportedWritingSystems writingSystems;
+ writingSystems.setSupported(QFontDatabase::Any);
+ writingSystems.setSupported(QFontDatabase::Latin);
+ {
+ IDWriteLocalizedStrings *names;
+ if (SUCCEEDED(font1->GetFaceNames(&names))) {
+ QString defaultLocaleStyleName = hasDefaultLocale ? localeString(names, defaultLocale) : QString();
+ QString englishLocaleStyleName = localeString(names, englishLocale);
+ QFont::Stretch stretch = fromDirectWriteStretch(font1->GetStretch());
+ QFont::Style style = fromDirectWriteStyle(font1->GetStyle());
+ QFont::Weight weight = fromDirectWriteWeight(font1->GetWeight());
+ bool fixed = font1->IsMonospacedFont();
+ qCDebug(lcQpaFonts) << "Family" << familyName << "has english variant" << englishLocaleStyleName << ", in default locale:" << defaultLocaleStyleName << stretch << style << weight << fixed;
+ IDWriteFontFace *face = nullptr;
+ if (SUCCEEDED(font->CreateFontFace(&face))) {
+ if (!englishLocaleStyleName.isEmpty() || defaultLocaleStyleName.isEmpty()) {
+ QPlatformFontDatabase::registerFont(englishLocaleFamilyName, englishLocaleStyleName, QString(), weight, style, stretch, antialias, scalable, size, fixed, writingSystems, face);
+ face->AddRef();
+ }
+ if (!defaultLocaleFamilyName.isEmpty() && defaultLocaleFamilyName != englishLocaleFamilyName) {
+ QPlatformFontDatabase::registerFont(defaultLocaleFamilyName, defaultLocaleStyleName, QString(), weight, style, stretch, antialias, scalable, size, fixed, writingSystems, face);
+ face->AddRef();
+ }
+ face->Release();
+ }
+ names->Release();
+ }
+ }
+ font1->Release();
+ font->Release();
+ }
+ }
+ matchingFonts->Release();
+ }
+QFontEngine *QWindowsDirectWriteFontDatabase::fontEngine(const QFontDef &fontDef, void *handle)
+ IDWriteFontFace *face = reinterpret_cast<IDWriteFontFace *>(handle);
+ Q_ASSERT(face != nullptr);
+ QWindowsFontEngineDirectWrite *fontEngine = new QWindowsFontEngineDirectWrite(face, fontDef.pixelSize, data());
+ fontEngine->initFontInfo(fontDef, defaultVerticalDPI());
+ return fontEngine;
+QStringList QWindowsDirectWriteFontDatabase::fallbacksForFamily(const QString &family, QFont::Style style, QFont::StyleHint styleHint, QChar::Script script) const
+ Q_UNUSED(styleHint);
+ Q_UNUSED(script);
+ wchar_t defaultLocale[LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH];
+ bool hasDefaultLocale = GetUserDefaultLocaleName(defaultLocale, LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH) != 0;
+ wchar_t englishLocale[] = L"en-us";
+ QStringList ret;
+ auto it = m_populatedFonts.find(family);
+ IDWriteFontFamily *fontFamily = it != m_populatedFonts.end() ? it.value() : nullptr;
+ if (fontFamily != nullptr) {
+ IDWriteFontList *matchingFonts = nullptr;
+ if (SUCCEEDED(fontFamily->GetMatchingFonts(DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT_REGULAR,
+ toDirectWriteStyle(style),
+ &matchingFonts))) {
+ for (uint j = 0; j < matchingFonts->GetFontCount(); ++j) {
+ IDWriteFont *font = nullptr;
+ if (SUCCEEDED(matchingFonts->GetFont(j, &font))) {
+ IDWriteFontFamily *fontFamily2;
+ if (SUCCEEDED(font->GetFontFamily(&fontFamily2))) {
+ IDWriteLocalizedStrings *names;
+ if (SUCCEEDED(fontFamily2->GetFamilyNames(&names))) {
+ QString name = localeString(names, englishLocale);
+ if (name.isEmpty() && hasDefaultLocale)
+ name = localeString(names, defaultLocale);
+ if (!name.isEmpty() && m_populatedFonts.contains(name))
+ ret.append(name);
+ names->Release();
+ }
+ fontFamily2->Release();
+ }
+ font->Release();
+ }
+ }
+ matchingFonts->Release();
+ }
+ }
+ qDebug(lcQpaFonts) << "fallbacks for" << family << "is" << ret;
+ return ret;
+QStringList QWindowsDirectWriteFontDatabase::addApplicationFont(const QByteArray &fontData, const QString &fileName)
+ qCDebug(lcQpaFonts) << "Adding application font" << fileName;
+ QByteArray loadedData = fontData;
+ if (loadedData.isEmpty()) {
+ QFile file(fileName);
+ if (! {
+ qCWarning(lcQpaFonts) << "Cannot open" << fileName << "for reading.";
+ return QStringList();
+ }
+ loadedData = file.readAll();
+ }
+ IDWriteFontFace *face = createDirectWriteFace(loadedData);
+ if (face == nullptr) {
+ qCWarning(lcQpaFonts) << "Failed to create DirectWrite face from font data. Font may be unsupported.";
+ return QStringList();
+ }
+ wchar_t defaultLocale[LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH];
+ bool hasDefaultLocale = GetUserDefaultLocaleName(defaultLocale, LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH) != 0;
+ wchar_t englishLocale[] = L"en-us";
+ static const int SMOOTH_SCALABLE = 0xffff;
+ const QString foundryName; // No such concept.
+ const bool scalable = true;
+ const bool antialias = false;
+ const int size = SMOOTH_SCALABLE;
+ QSupportedWritingSystems writingSystems;
+ writingSystems.setSupported(QFontDatabase::Any);
+ writingSystems.setSupported(QFontDatabase::Latin);
+ QStringList ret;
+ IDWriteFontFace3 *face3 = nullptr;
+ if (SUCCEEDED(face->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IDWriteFontFace3),
+ reinterpret_cast<void **>(&face3)))) {
+ QString defaultLocaleFamilyName;
+ QString englishLocaleFamilyName;
+ IDWriteLocalizedStrings *names;
+ if (SUCCEEDED(face3->GetFamilyNames(&names))) {
+ defaultLocaleFamilyName = hasDefaultLocale ? localeString(names, defaultLocale) : QString();
+ englishLocaleFamilyName = localeString(names, englishLocale);
+ names->Release();
+ }
+ QString defaultLocaleStyleName;
+ QString englishLocaleStyleName;
+ if (SUCCEEDED(face3->GetFaceNames(&names))) {
+ defaultLocaleStyleName = hasDefaultLocale ? localeString(names, defaultLocale) : QString();
+ englishLocaleStyleName = localeString(names, englishLocale);
+ names->Release();
+ }
+ QFont::Stretch stretch = fromDirectWriteStretch(face3->GetStretch());
+ QFont::Style style = fromDirectWriteStyle(face3->GetStyle());
+ QFont::Weight weight = fromDirectWriteWeight(face3->GetWeight());
+ bool fixed = face3->IsMonospacedFont();
+ qCDebug(lcQpaFonts) << "\tFont names:" << englishLocaleFamilyName << ", " << defaultLocaleFamilyName
+ << ", style names:" << englishLocaleStyleName << ", " << defaultLocaleStyleName
+ << ", stretch:" << stretch
+ << ", style:" << style
+ << ", weight:" << weight
+ << ", fixed:" << fixed;
+ if (!englishLocaleFamilyName.isEmpty()) {
+ ret.append(englishLocaleFamilyName);
+ QPlatformFontDatabase::registerFont(englishLocaleFamilyName, englishLocaleStyleName, QString(), weight, style, stretch, antialias, scalable, size, fixed, writingSystems, face);
+ face->AddRef();
+ }
+ if (!defaultLocaleFamilyName.isEmpty() && defaultLocaleFamilyName != englishLocaleFamilyName) {
+ ret.append(defaultLocaleFamilyName);
+ QPlatformFontDatabase::registerFont(defaultLocaleFamilyName, defaultLocaleStyleName, QString(), weight, style, stretch, antialias, scalable, size, fixed, writingSystems, face);
+ face->AddRef();
+ }
+ face3->Release();
+ } else {
+ qCWarning(lcQpaFonts) << "Unable to query IDWriteFontFace3 interface from font face.";
+ }
+ face->Release();
+ return ret;
+void QWindowsDirectWriteFontDatabase::releaseHandle(void *handle)
+ IDWriteFontFace *face = reinterpret_cast<IDWriteFontFace *>(handle);
+ face->Release();
+bool QWindowsDirectWriteFontDatabase::fontsAlwaysScalable() const
+ return true;
+bool QWindowsDirectWriteFontDatabase::isPrivateFontFamily(const QString &family) const
+ Q_UNUSED(family);
+ return false;
+void QWindowsDirectWriteFontDatabase::populateFontDatabase()
+ wchar_t defaultLocale[LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH];
+ bool hasDefaultLocale = GetUserDefaultLocaleName(defaultLocale, LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH) != 0;
+ wchar_t englishLocale[] = L"en-us";
+ QString defaultFontName = defaultFont().family();
+ QString systemDefaultFontName = systemDefaultFont().family();
+ IDWriteFontCollection *fontCollection;
+ if (SUCCEEDED(data()->directWriteFactory->GetSystemFontCollection(&fontCollection))) {
+ for (uint i = 0; i < fontCollection->GetFontFamilyCount(); ++i) {
+ IDWriteFontFamily *fontFamily;
+ if (SUCCEEDED(fontCollection->GetFontFamily(i, &fontFamily))) {
+ QString defaultLocaleName;
+ QString englishLocaleName;
+ IDWriteLocalizedStrings *names;
+ if (SUCCEEDED(fontFamily->GetFamilyNames(&names))) {
+ if (hasDefaultLocale)
+ defaultLocaleName = localeString(names, defaultLocale);
+ englishLocaleName = localeString(names, englishLocale);
+ }
+ qCDebug(lcQpaFonts) << "Registering font, english name = " << englishLocaleName << ", name in current locale = " << defaultLocaleName;
+ if (!defaultLocaleName.isEmpty()) {
+ registerFontFamily(defaultLocaleName);
+ m_populatedFonts.insert(defaultLocaleName, fontFamily);
+ fontFamily->AddRef();
+ if (defaultLocaleName == defaultFontName && defaultFontName != systemDefaultFontName) {
+ qDebug(lcQpaFonts) << "Adding default font" << systemDefaultFontName << "as alternative to" << defaultLocaleName;
+ m_populatedFonts.insert(systemDefaultFontName, fontFamily);
+ fontFamily->AddRef();
+ }
+ }
+ if (!englishLocaleName.isEmpty() && englishLocaleName != defaultLocaleName) {
+ registerFontFamily(englishLocaleName);
+ m_populatedFonts.insert(englishLocaleName, fontFamily);
+ fontFamily->AddRef();
+ if (englishLocaleName == defaultFontName && defaultFontName != systemDefaultFontName) {
+ qDebug(lcQpaFonts) << "Adding default font" << systemDefaultFontName << "as alternative to" << englishLocaleName;
+ m_populatedFonts.insert(systemDefaultFontName, fontFamily);
+ fontFamily->AddRef();
+ }
+ }
+ fontFamily->Release();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+QFont QWindowsDirectWriteFontDatabase::defaultFont() const
+ return QFont(QStringLiteral("Segoe UI"));
diff --git a/src/platformsupport/fontdatabases/windows/qwindowsdirectwritefontdatabase_p.h b/src/platformsupport/fontdatabases/windows/qwindowsdirectwritefontdatabase_p.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2110043df6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/platformsupport/fontdatabases/windows/qwindowsdirectwritefontdatabase_p.h
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the plugins of the Qt Toolkit.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
+** and conditions see For further
+** information use the contact form at
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
+** will be met:
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
+** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
+** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
+** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
+** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
+** be met: and
+// W A R N I N G
+// -------------
+// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
+// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
+// version without notice, or even be removed.
+// We mean it.
+#include "qwindowsfontdatabasebase_p.h"
+#include <qpa/qplatformfontdatabase.h>
+#include <QtCore/qloggingcategory.h>
+struct IDWriteFactory;
+struct IDWriteFont;
+struct IDWriteFontFamily;
+struct IDWriteLocalizedStrings;
+class QWindowsDirectWriteFontDatabase : public QWindowsFontDatabaseBase
+ Q_DISABLE_COPY_MOVE(QWindowsDirectWriteFontDatabase)
+ QWindowsDirectWriteFontDatabase();
+ ~QWindowsDirectWriteFontDatabase() override;
+ void populateFontDatabase() override;
+ void populateFamily(const QString &familyName) override;
+ QFontEngine *fontEngine(const QFontDef &fontDef, void *handle) override;
+ QStringList fallbacksForFamily(const QString &family, QFont::Style style, QFont::StyleHint styleHint, QChar::Script script) const override;
+ QStringList addApplicationFont(const QByteArray &fontData, const QString &fileName) override;
+ void releaseHandle(void *handle) override;
+ QFont defaultFont() const override;
+ bool fontsAlwaysScalable() const override;
+ bool isPrivateFontFamily(const QString &family) const override;
+ static QString localeString(IDWriteLocalizedStrings *names, wchar_t localeName[]);
+ QHash<QString, IDWriteFontFamily *> m_populatedFonts;
diff --git a/src/platformsupport/fontdatabases/windows/qwindowsfontdatabase.cpp b/src/platformsupport/fontdatabases/windows/qwindowsfontdatabase.cpp
index 36a94724c1..cf5763fdbe 100644
--- a/src/platformsupport/fontdatabases/windows/qwindowsfontdatabase.cpp
+++ b/src/platformsupport/fontdatabases/windows/qwindowsfontdatabase.cpp
@@ -51,7 +51,6 @@
#include <QtCore/QDebug>
#include <QtCore/QFile>
#include <QtCore/QtEndian>
-#include <QtCore/QThreadStorage>
#include <QtCore/private/qsystemlibrary_p.h>
#include <QtCore/private/qwinregistry_p.h>
@@ -64,6 +63,7 @@
# include <dwrite.h>
# endif
# include <d2d1.h>
+# include "qwindowsdirectwritefontdatabase_p.h"
@@ -75,40 +75,6 @@ Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcQpaFonts, "qt.qpa.fonts")
typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *DWriteCreateFactoryType)(DWRITE_FACTORY_TYPE, const IID &, IUnknown **);
-static inline DWriteCreateFactoryType resolveDWriteCreateFactory()
- QSystemLibrary library(QStringLiteral("dwrite"));
- QFunctionPointer result = library.resolve("DWriteCreateFactory");
- if (Q_UNLIKELY(!result)) {
- qWarning("Unable to load dwrite.dll");
- return nullptr;
- }
- return reinterpret_cast<DWriteCreateFactoryType>(result);
-static void createDirectWriteFactory(IDWriteFactory **factory)
- *factory = nullptr;
- static const DWriteCreateFactoryType dWriteCreateFactory = resolveDWriteCreateFactory();
- if (!dWriteCreateFactory)
- return;
- IUnknown *result = NULL;
-#if defined(QT_USE_DIRECTWRITE2)
- dWriteCreateFactory(DWRITE_FACTORY_TYPE_SHARED, __uuidof(IDWriteFactory2), &result);
- if (result == NULL) {
- if (FAILED(dWriteCreateFactory(DWRITE_FACTORY_TYPE_SHARED, __uuidof(IDWriteFactory), &result))) {
- qErrnoWarning("DWriteCreateFactory failed");
- return;
- }
- }
- *factory = static_cast<IDWriteFactory *>(result);
static inline bool useDirectWrite(QFont::HintingPreference hintingPreference,
const QString &familyName = QString(),
bool isColorFont = false)
@@ -131,459 +97,6 @@ static inline bool useDirectWrite(QFont::HintingPreference hintingPreference,
-// Helper classes for creating font engines directly from font data
-namespace {
-# pragma pack(1)
- // Common structure for all formats of the "name" table
- struct NameTable
- {
- quint16 format;
- quint16 count;
- quint16 stringOffset;
- };
- struct NameRecord
- {
- quint16 platformID;
- quint16 encodingID;
- quint16 languageID;
- quint16 nameID;
- quint16 length;
- quint16 offset;
- };
- struct OffsetSubTable
- {
- quint32 scalerType;
- quint16 numTables;
- quint16 searchRange;
- quint16 entrySelector;
- quint16 rangeShift;
- };
- struct TableDirectory
- {
- quint32 identifier;
- quint32 checkSum;
- quint32 offset;
- quint32 length;
- };
- struct OS2Table
- {
- quint16 version;
- qint16 avgCharWidth;
- quint16 weightClass;
- quint16 widthClass;
- quint16 type;
- qint16 subscriptXSize;
- qint16 subscriptYSize;
- qint16 subscriptXOffset;
- qint16 subscriptYOffset;
- qint16 superscriptXSize;
- qint16 superscriptYSize;
- qint16 superscriptXOffset;
- qint16 superscriptYOffset;
- qint16 strikeOutSize;
- qint16 strikeOutPosition;
- qint16 familyClass;
- quint8 panose[10];
- quint32 unicodeRanges[4];
- quint8 vendorID[4];
- quint16 selection;
- quint16 firstCharIndex;
- quint16 lastCharIndex;
- qint16 typoAscender;
- qint16 typoDescender;
- qint16 typoLineGap;
- quint16 winAscent;
- quint16 winDescent;
- quint32 codepageRanges[2];
- qint16 height;
- qint16 capHeight;
- quint16 defaultChar;
- quint16 breakChar;
- quint16 maxContext;
- };
-# pragma pack()
- class EmbeddedFont
- {
- public:
- EmbeddedFont(const QByteArray &fontData) : m_fontData(fontData) {}
- QString changeFamilyName(const QString &newFamilyName);
- QByteArray data() const { return m_fontData; }
- TableDirectory *tableDirectoryEntry(const QByteArray &tagName);
- QString familyName(TableDirectory *nameTableDirectory = 0);
- private:
- QByteArray m_fontData;
- };
- TableDirectory *EmbeddedFont::tableDirectoryEntry(const QByteArray &tagName)
- {
- Q_ASSERT(tagName.size() == 4);
- quint32 tagId = *(reinterpret_cast<const quint32 *>(tagName.constData()));
- const size_t fontDataSize = m_fontData.size();
- if (Q_UNLIKELY(fontDataSize < sizeof(OffsetSubTable)))
- return 0;
- OffsetSubTable *offsetSubTable = reinterpret_cast<OffsetSubTable *>(;
- TableDirectory *tableDirectory = reinterpret_cast<TableDirectory *>(offsetSubTable + 1);
- const size_t tableCount = qFromBigEndian<quint16>(offsetSubTable->numTables);
- if (Q_UNLIKELY(fontDataSize < sizeof(OffsetSubTable) + sizeof(TableDirectory) * tableCount))
- return 0;
- TableDirectory *tableDirectoryEnd = tableDirectory + tableCount;
- for (TableDirectory *entry = tableDirectory; entry < tableDirectoryEnd; ++entry) {
- if (entry->identifier == tagId)
- return entry;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- QString EmbeddedFont::familyName(TableDirectory *nameTableDirectoryEntry)
- {
- QString name;
- if (nameTableDirectoryEntry == 0)
- nameTableDirectoryEntry = tableDirectoryEntry("name");
- if (nameTableDirectoryEntry != 0) {
- quint32 offset = qFromBigEndian<quint32>(nameTableDirectoryEntry->offset);
- if (Q_UNLIKELY(quint32(m_fontData.size()) < offset + sizeof(NameTable)))
- return QString();
- NameTable *nameTable = reinterpret_cast<NameTable *>( + offset);
- NameRecord *nameRecord = reinterpret_cast<NameRecord *>(nameTable + 1);
- quint16 nameTableCount = qFromBigEndian<quint16>(nameTable->count);
- if (Q_UNLIKELY(quint32(m_fontData.size()) < offset + sizeof(NameRecord) * nameTableCount))
- return QString();
- for (int i = 0; i < nameTableCount; ++i, ++nameRecord) {
- if (qFromBigEndian<quint16>(nameRecord->nameID) == 1
- && qFromBigEndian<quint16>(nameRecord->platformID) == 3 // Windows
- && qFromBigEndian<quint16>(nameRecord->languageID) == 0x0409) { // US English
- quint16 stringOffset = qFromBigEndian<quint16>(nameTable->stringOffset);
- quint16 nameOffset = qFromBigEndian<quint16>(nameRecord->offset);
- quint16 nameLength = qFromBigEndian<quint16>(nameRecord->length);
- if (Q_UNLIKELY(quint32(m_fontData.size()) < offset + stringOffset + nameOffset + nameLength))
- return QString();
- const void *ptr = reinterpret_cast<const quint8 *>(nameTable)
- + stringOffset
- + nameOffset;
- const quint16 *s = reinterpret_cast<const quint16 *>(ptr);
- const quint16 *e = s + nameLength / sizeof(quint16);
- while (s != e)
- name += QChar( qFromBigEndian<quint16>(*s++));
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return name;
- }
- QString EmbeddedFont::changeFamilyName(const QString &newFamilyName)
- {
- TableDirectory *nameTableDirectoryEntry = tableDirectoryEntry("name");
- if (nameTableDirectoryEntry == 0)
- return QString();
- QString oldFamilyName = familyName(nameTableDirectoryEntry);
- // Reserve size for name table header, five required name records and string
- const int requiredRecordCount = 5;
- quint16 nameIds[requiredRecordCount] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 };
- int sizeOfHeader = sizeof(NameTable) + sizeof(NameRecord) * requiredRecordCount;
- int newFamilyNameSize = newFamilyName.size() * int(sizeof(quint16));
- const QString regularString = QString::fromLatin1("Regular");
- int regularStringSize = regularString.size() * int(sizeof(quint16));
- // Align table size of table to 32 bits (pad with 0)
- int fullSize = ((sizeOfHeader + newFamilyNameSize + regularStringSize) & ~3) + 4;
- QByteArray newNameTable(fullSize, char(0));
- {
- NameTable *nameTable = reinterpret_cast<NameTable *>(;
- nameTable->count = qbswap<quint16>(requiredRecordCount);
- nameTable->stringOffset = qbswap<quint16>(sizeOfHeader);
- NameRecord *nameRecord = reinterpret_cast<NameRecord *>(nameTable + 1);
- for (int i = 0; i < requiredRecordCount; ++i, nameRecord++) {
- nameRecord->nameID = qbswap<quint16>(nameIds[i]);
- nameRecord->encodingID = qbswap<quint16>(1);
- nameRecord->languageID = qbswap<quint16>(0x0409);
- nameRecord->platformID = qbswap<quint16>(3);
- nameRecord->length = qbswap<quint16>(newFamilyNameSize);
- // Special case for sub-family
- if (nameIds[i] == 4) {
- nameRecord->offset = qbswap<quint16>(newFamilyNameSize);
- nameRecord->length = qbswap<quint16>(regularStringSize);
- }
- }
- // nameRecord now points to string data
- quint16 *stringStorage = reinterpret_cast<quint16 *>(nameRecord);
- const quint16 *sourceString = newFamilyName.utf16();
- for (int i = 0; i < newFamilyName.size(); ++i)
- stringStorage[i] = qbswap<quint16>(sourceString[i]);
- stringStorage += newFamilyName.size();
- sourceString = regularString.utf16();
- for (int i = 0; i < regularString.size(); ++i)
- stringStorage[i] = qbswap<quint16>(sourceString[i]);
- }
- quint32 *p = reinterpret_cast<quint32 *>(;
- quint32 *tableEnd = reinterpret_cast<quint32 *>( + fullSize);
- quint32 checkSum = 0;
- while (p < tableEnd)
- checkSum += qFromBigEndian<quint32>(*(p++));
- nameTableDirectoryEntry->checkSum = qbswap<quint32>(checkSum);
- nameTableDirectoryEntry->offset = qbswap<quint32>(m_fontData.size());
- nameTableDirectoryEntry->length = qbswap<quint32>(fullSize);
- m_fontData.append(newNameTable);
- return oldFamilyName;
- }
-#if !defined(QT_NO_DIRECTWRITE)
- class DirectWriteFontFileStream: public IDWriteFontFileStream
- {
- Q_DISABLE_COPY(DirectWriteFontFileStream)
- public:
- DirectWriteFontFileStream(const QByteArray &fontData)
- : m_fontData(fontData)
- , m_referenceCount(0)
- {
- }
- virtual ~DirectWriteFontFileStream()
- {
- }
- HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void **object);
- HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ReadFileFragment(const void **fragmentStart, UINT64 fileOffset,
- UINT64 fragmentSize, OUT void **fragmentContext);
- void STDMETHODCALLTYPE ReleaseFileFragment(void *fragmentContext);
- private:
- QByteArray m_fontData;
- ULONG m_referenceCount;
- };
- HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE DirectWriteFontFileStream::QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void **object)
- {
- if (iid == IID_IUnknown || iid == __uuidof(IDWriteFontFileStream)) {
- *object = this;
- AddRef();
- return S_OK;
- } else {
- *object = NULL;
- }
- }
- ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE DirectWriteFontFileStream::AddRef()
- {
- return InterlockedIncrement(&m_referenceCount);
- }
- ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE DirectWriteFontFileStream::Release()
- {
- ULONG newCount = InterlockedDecrement(&m_referenceCount);
- if (newCount == 0)
- delete this;
- return newCount;
- }
- HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE DirectWriteFontFileStream::ReadFileFragment(
- const void **fragmentStart,
- UINT64 fileOffset,
- UINT64 fragmentSize,
- OUT void **fragmentContext)
- {
- *fragmentContext = NULL;
- if (fileOffset + fragmentSize <= quint64(m_fontData.size())) {
- *fragmentStart = + fileOffset;
- return S_OK;
- } else {
- *fragmentStart = NULL;
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- }
- void STDMETHODCALLTYPE DirectWriteFontFileStream::ReleaseFileFragment(void *)
- {
- }
- HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE DirectWriteFontFileStream::GetFileSize(UINT64 *fileSize)
- {
- *fileSize = m_fontData.size();
- return S_OK;
- }
- HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE DirectWriteFontFileStream::GetLastWriteTime(UINT64 *lastWriteTime)
- {
- *lastWriteTime = 0;
- return E_NOTIMPL;
- }
- class DirectWriteFontFileLoader: public IDWriteFontFileLoader
- {
- public:
- DirectWriteFontFileLoader() : m_referenceCount(0) {}
- virtual ~DirectWriteFontFileLoader()
- {
- }
- inline void addKey(const void *key, const QByteArray &fontData)
- {
- Q_ASSERT(!m_fontDatas.contains(key));
- m_fontDatas.insert(key, fontData);
- }
- inline void removeKey(const void *key)
- {
- m_fontDatas.remove(key);
- }
- HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void **object);
- HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CreateStreamFromKey(void const *fontFileReferenceKey,
- UINT32 fontFileReferenceKeySize,
- OUT IDWriteFontFileStream **fontFileStream);
- private:
- ULONG m_referenceCount;
- QHash<const void *, QByteArray> m_fontDatas;
- };
- HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE DirectWriteFontFileLoader::QueryInterface(const IID &iid,
- void **object)
- {
- if (iid == IID_IUnknown || iid == __uuidof(IDWriteFontFileLoader)) {
- *object = this;
- AddRef();
- return S_OK;
- } else {
- *object = NULL;
- }
- }
- ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE DirectWriteFontFileLoader::AddRef()
- {
- return InterlockedIncrement(&m_referenceCount);
- }
- ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE DirectWriteFontFileLoader::Release()
- {
- ULONG newCount = InterlockedDecrement(&m_referenceCount);
- if (newCount == 0)
- delete this;
- return newCount;
- }
- HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE DirectWriteFontFileLoader::CreateStreamFromKey(
- void const *fontFileReferenceKey,
- UINT32 fontFileReferenceKeySize,
- IDWriteFontFileStream **fontFileStream)
- {
- Q_UNUSED(fontFileReferenceKeySize);
- if (fontFileReferenceKeySize != sizeof(const void *)) {
- qWarning("%s: Wrong key size", __FUNCTION__);
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- const void *key = *reinterpret_cast<void * const *>(fontFileReferenceKey);
- *fontFileStream = NULL;
- auto it = m_fontDatas.constFind(key);
- if (it == m_fontDatas.constEnd())
- return E_FAIL;
- QByteArray fontData = it.value();
- DirectWriteFontFileStream *stream = new DirectWriteFontFileStream(fontData);
- stream->AddRef();
- *fontFileStream = stream;
- return S_OK;
- }
- class CustomFontFileLoader
- {
- public:
- CustomFontFileLoader() : m_directWriteFontFileLoader(nullptr)
- {
- createDirectWriteFactory(&m_directWriteFactory);
- if (m_directWriteFactory) {
- m_directWriteFontFileLoader = new DirectWriteFontFileLoader();
- m_directWriteFactory->RegisterFontFileLoader(m_directWriteFontFileLoader);
- }
- }
- ~CustomFontFileLoader()
- {
- if (m_directWriteFactory != 0 && m_directWriteFontFileLoader != 0)
- m_directWriteFactory->UnregisterFontFileLoader(m_directWriteFontFileLoader);
- if (m_directWriteFactory != 0)
- m_directWriteFactory->Release();
- }
- void addKey(const void *key, const QByteArray &fontData)
- {
- if (m_directWriteFontFileLoader != 0)
- m_directWriteFontFileLoader->addKey(key, fontData);
- }
- void removeKey(const void *key)
- {
- if (m_directWriteFontFileLoader != 0)
- m_directWriteFontFileLoader->removeKey(key);
- }
- IDWriteFontFileLoader *loader() const
- {
- return m_directWriteFontFileLoader;
- }
- private:
- IDWriteFactory *m_directWriteFactory;
- DirectWriteFontFileLoader *m_directWriteFontFileLoader;
- };
-} // Anonymous namespace
\struct QWindowsFontEngineData
\brief Static constant data shared by the font engines.
@@ -620,18 +133,6 @@ unsigned QWindowsFontDatabase::fontOptions()
return m_fontOptions;
- if (hdc)
- DeleteDC(hdc);
-#if !defined(QT_NO_DIRECTWRITE)
- if (directWriteGdiInterop)
- directWriteGdiInterop->Release();
- if (directWriteFactory)
- directWriteFactory->Release();
qreal QWindowsFontDatabase::fontSmoothingGamma()
int winSmooth;
@@ -645,26 +146,6 @@ qreal QWindowsFontDatabase::fontSmoothingGamma()
return result;
-#if !defined(QT_NO_DIRECTWRITE)
-static inline bool initDirectWrite(QWindowsFontEngineData *d)
- if (!d->directWriteFactory) {
- createDirectWriteFactory(&d->directWriteFactory);
- if (!d->directWriteFactory)
- return false;
- }
- if (!d->directWriteGdiInterop) {
- const HRESULT hr = d->directWriteFactory->GetGdiInterop(&d->directWriteGdiInterop);
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- qErrnoWarning("%s: GetGdiInterop failed", __FUNCTION__);
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-#endif // !defined(QT_NO_DIRECTWRITE)
\class QWindowsFontDatabase
\brief Font database for Windows
@@ -1239,20 +720,6 @@ void QWindowsFontDatabase::populateFontDatabase()
-typedef QSharedPointer<QWindowsFontEngineData> QWindowsFontEngineDataPtr;
-typedef QThreadStorage<QWindowsFontEngineDataPtr> FontEngineThreadLocalData;
-Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(FontEngineThreadLocalData, fontEngineThreadLocalData)
-QSharedPointer<QWindowsFontEngineData> sharedFontData()
- FontEngineThreadLocalData *data = fontEngineThreadLocalData();
- if (!data->hasLocalData())
- data->setLocalData(QSharedPointer<QWindowsFontEngineData>::create());
- return data->localData();
// Properties accessed by QWin32PrintEngine (Qt Print Support)
@@ -1262,9 +729,9 @@ QWindowsFontDatabase::QWindowsFontDatabase()
if (lcQpaFonts().isDebugEnabled()) {
- const QWindowsFontEngineDataPtr data = sharedFontData();
+ QSharedPointer<QWindowsFontEngineData> d = data();
qCDebug(lcQpaFonts) << __FUNCTION__ << "Clear type: "
- << data->clearTypeEnabled << "gamma: " << data->fontSmoothingGamma;
+ << d->clearTypeEnabled << "gamma: " << d->fontSmoothingGamma;
@@ -1278,7 +745,7 @@ QFontEngine * QWindowsFontDatabase::fontEngine(const QFontDef &fontDef, void *ha
const QString faceName(static_cast<const QChar*>(handle));
QFontEngine *fe = QWindowsFontDatabase::createEngine(fontDef, faceName,
- sharedFontData());
+ data());
qCDebug(lcQpaFonts) << __FUNCTION__ << "FONTDEF" << fontDef << fe << handle;
return fe;
@@ -1332,7 +799,7 @@ QT_WARNING_POP
fontEngine = QWindowsFontDatabase::createEngine(request, QString(),
- sharedFontData());
+ data());
if (fontEngine) {
if ( != fontEngine-> {
@@ -1371,87 +838,17 @@ QT_WARNING_POP
+ // Get style and weight info
+ if (fontEngine != nullptr)
+ font.updateFromOS2Table(fontEngine);
#if !defined(QT_NO_DIRECTWRITE)
else {
- CustomFontFileLoader fontFileLoader;
- fontFileLoader.addKey(this, fontData);
- QSharedPointer<QWindowsFontEngineData> fontEngineData = sharedFontData();
- if (!initDirectWrite(
- return 0;
- IDWriteFontFile *fontFile = 0;
- void *key = this;
- HRESULT hres = fontEngineData->directWriteFactory->CreateCustomFontFileReference(&key,
- sizeof(void *),
- fontFileLoader.loader(),
- &fontFile);
- if (FAILED(hres)) {
- qErrnoWarning(hres, "%s: CreateCustomFontFileReference failed", __FUNCTION__);
- return 0;
- }
- BOOL isSupportedFontType;
- UINT32 numberOfFaces;
- fontFile->Analyze(&isSupportedFontType, &fontFileType, &fontFaceType, &numberOfFaces);
- if (!isSupportedFontType) {
- fontFile->Release();
- return 0;
- }
- IDWriteFontFace *directWriteFontFace = 0;
- hres = fontEngineData->directWriteFactory->CreateFontFace(fontFaceType,
- 1,
- &fontFile,
- 0,
- &directWriteFontFace);
- if (FAILED(hres)) {
- qErrnoWarning(hres, "%s: CreateFontFace failed", __FUNCTION__);
- fontFile->Release();
- return 0;
- }
- fontFile->Release();
- fontEngine = new QWindowsFontEngineDirectWrite(directWriteFontFace,
- pixelSize,
- fontEngineData);
- // Get font family from font data
- fontEngine-> = font.familyName();
- fontEngine->fontDef.hintingPreference = hintingPreference;
- directWriteFontFace->Release();
+ fontEngine = QWindowsFontDatabaseBase::fontEngine(fontData, pixelSize, hintingPreference);
- // Get style and weight info
- if (fontEngine != 0) {
- TableDirectory *os2TableEntry = font.tableDirectoryEntry("OS/2");
- if (os2TableEntry != 0) {
- const OS2Table *os2Table =
- reinterpret_cast<const OS2Table *>(fontData.constData()
- + qFromBigEndian<quint32>(os2TableEntry->offset));
- bool italic = qFromBigEndian<quint16>(os2Table->selection) & (1 << 0);
- bool oblique = qFromBigEndian<quint16>(os2Table->selection) & (1 << 9);
- if (italic)
- fontEngine-> = QFont::StyleItalic;
- else if (oblique)
- fontEngine-> = QFont::StyleOblique;
- else
- fontEngine-> = QFont::StyleNormal;
- fontEngine->fontDef.weight = QPlatformFontDatabase::weightFromInteger(qFromBigEndian<quint16>(os2Table->weightClass));
- }
- }
qCDebug(lcQpaFonts) << __FUNCTION__ << "FONTDATA" << fontData << pixelSize << hintingPreference << fontEngine;
return fontEngine;
@@ -1683,14 +1080,6 @@ void QWindowsFontDatabase::refUniqueFont(const QString &uniqueFont)
-// ### fixme Qt 6 (QTBUG-58610): See comment at QWindowsFontDatabase::systemDefaultFont()
-HFONT QWindowsFontDatabase::systemFont()
- static const auto stock_sysfont =
- reinterpret_cast<HFONT>(GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT));
- return stock_sysfont;
// Creation functions
static const char *other_tryFonts[] = {
@@ -1745,101 +1134,6 @@ static const char *kr_tryFonts[] = {
static const char **tryFonts = 0;
-LOGFONT QWindowsFontDatabase::fontDefToLOGFONT(const QFontDef &request, const QString &faceName)
- memset(&lf, 0, sizeof(LOGFONT));
- lf.lfHeight = -qRound(request.pixelSize);
- lf.lfWidth = 0;
- lf.lfEscapement = 0;
- lf.lfOrientation = 0;
- if (request.weight == 50)
- lf.lfWeight = FW_DONTCARE;
- else
- lf.lfWeight = (request.weight*900)/99;
- lf.lfItalic = != QFont::StyleNormal;
- lf.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
- int strat = OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
- if (request.styleStrategy & QFont::PreferBitmap) {
- } else if (request.styleStrategy & QFont::PreferDevice) {
- } else if (request.styleStrategy & QFont::PreferOutline) {
- } else if (request.styleStrategy & QFont::ForceOutline) {
- }
- lf.lfOutPrecision = strat;
- int qual = DEFAULT_QUALITY;
- if (request.styleStrategy & QFont::PreferMatch)
- else if (request.styleStrategy & QFont::PreferQuality)
- if (request.styleStrategy & QFont::PreferAntialias) {
- qual = (request.styleStrategy & QFont::NoSubpixelAntialias) == 0
- } else if (request.styleStrategy & QFont::NoAntialias) {
- } else if ((request.styleStrategy & QFont::NoSubpixelAntialias) && sharedFontData()->clearTypeEnabled) {
- }
- lf.lfQuality = qual;
- lf.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
- int hint = FF_DONTCARE;
- switch (request.styleHint) {
- case QFont::Helvetica:
- hint = FF_SWISS;
- break;
- case QFont::Times:
- hint = FF_ROMAN;
- break;
- case QFont::Courier:
- hint = FF_MODERN;
- break;
- case QFont::OldEnglish:
- break;
- case QFont::System:
- hint = FF_MODERN;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- lf.lfPitchAndFamily = DEFAULT_PITCH | hint;
- QString fam = faceName;
- if (fam.isEmpty())
- fam = request.families.size() > 0 ? :;
- if (Q_UNLIKELY(fam.size() >= LF_FACESIZE)) {
- qCritical("%s: Family name '%s' is too long.", __FUNCTION__, qPrintable(fam));
- fam.truncate(LF_FACESIZE - 1);
- }
- if (fam.isEmpty())
- fam = QStringLiteral("MS Sans Serif");
- if (fam == QLatin1String("MS Sans Serif")
- && ( == QFont::StyleItalic || (-lf.lfHeight > 18 && -lf.lfHeight != 24))) {
- fam = QStringLiteral("Arial"); // MS Sans Serif has bearing problems in italic, and does not scale
- }
- if (fam == QLatin1String("Courier") && !(request.styleStrategy & QFont::PreferBitmap))
- fam = QStringLiteral("Courier New");
- memcpy(lf.lfFaceName, fam.utf16(), fam.size() * sizeof(wchar_t));
- return lf;
QStringList QWindowsFontDatabase::extraTryFontsForFamily(const QString &family)
QStringList result;
@@ -1947,7 +1241,7 @@ QFontEngine *QWindowsFontDatabase::createEngine(const QFontDef &request, const Q
#if !defined(QT_NO_DIRECTWRITE)
- if (initDirectWrite( {
+ if (data->directWriteFactory != nullptr) {
const QString fam = QString::fromWCharArray(lf.lfFaceName);
const QString nameSubstitute = QWindowsFontEngineDirectWrite::fontNameSubstitute(fam);
if (nameSubstitute != fam) {
@@ -2023,62 +1317,6 @@ QFontEngine *QWindowsFontDatabase::createEngine(const QFontDef &request, const Q
return fe;
-QFont QWindowsFontDatabase::systemDefaultFont()
-#if QT_VERSION >= 0x060000
- // Qt 6: Obtain default GUI font (typically "Segoe UI, 9pt", see QTBUG-58610)
- ncm.cbSize = FIELD_OFFSET(NONCLIENTMETRICS, lfMessageFont) + sizeof(LOGFONT);
- SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS, ncm.cbSize , &ncm, 0);
- const QFont systemFont = QWindowsFontDatabase::LOGFONT_to_QFont(ncm.lfMessageFont);
- GetObject(QWindowsFontDatabase::systemFont(), sizeof(lf), &lf);
- QFont systemFont = QWindowsFontDatabase::LOGFONT_to_QFont(lf);
- // "MS Shell Dlg 2" is the correct system font >= Win2k
- if ( == QLatin1String("MS Shell Dlg"))
- systemFont.setFamily(QStringLiteral("MS Shell Dlg 2"));
- // Qt 5 by (Qt 4) legacy uses GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT) to
- // obtain the default GUI font (typically "MS Shell Dlg 2, 8pt"). This has been
- // long deprecated; the message font of the NONCLIENTMETRICS structure obtained by
- // SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS) should be used instead (see
- // QWindowsTheme::refreshFonts(), typically "Segoe UI, 9pt"), which is larger.
-#endif // Qt 5
- qCDebug(lcQpaFonts) << __FUNCTION__ << systemFont;
- return systemFont;
-QFont QWindowsFontDatabase::LOGFONT_to_QFont(const LOGFONT& logFont, int verticalDPI_In)
- if (verticalDPI_In <= 0)
- verticalDPI_In = defaultVerticalDPI();
- QFont qFont(QString::fromWCharArray(logFont.lfFaceName));
- qFont.setItalic(logFont.lfItalic);
- if (logFont.lfWeight != FW_DONTCARE)
- qFont.setWeight(QPlatformFontDatabase::weightFromInteger(logFont.lfWeight));
- const qreal logFontHeight = qAbs(logFont.lfHeight);
- qFont.setPointSizeF(logFontHeight * 72.0 / qreal(verticalDPI_In));
- qFont.setUnderline(logFont.lfUnderline);
- qFont.setOverline(false);
- qFont.setStrikeOut(logFont.lfStrikeOut);
- return qFont;
-int QWindowsFontDatabase::defaultVerticalDPI()
- static int vDPI = -1;
- if (vDPI == -1) {
- if (HDC defaultDC = GetDC(0)) {
- vDPI = GetDeviceCaps(defaultDC, LOGPIXELSY);
- ReleaseDC(0, defaultDC);
- } else {
- // FIXME: Resolve now or return 96 and keep unresolved?
- vDPI = 96;
- }
- }
- return vDPI;
bool QWindowsFontDatabase::isPrivateFontFamily(const QString &family) const
return m_eudcFonts.contains(family) || QPlatformFontDatabase::isPrivateFontFamily(family);
diff --git a/src/platformsupport/fontdatabases/windows/qwindowsfontdatabase_p.h b/src/platformsupport/fontdatabases/windows/qwindowsfontdatabase_p.h
index f132e69d4d..a76fdc0810 100644
--- a/src/platformsupport/fontdatabases/windows/qwindowsfontdatabase_p.h
+++ b/src/platformsupport/fontdatabases/windows/qwindowsfontdatabase_p.h
@@ -51,39 +51,16 @@
// We mean it.
+#include "qwindowsfontdatabasebase_p.h"
#include <qpa/qplatformfontdatabase.h>
#include <QtCore/QSharedPointer>
#include <QtCore/QLoggingCategory>
#include <QtCore/qt_windows.h>
-#if !defined(QT_NO_DIRECTWRITE)
- struct IDWriteFactory;
- struct IDWriteGdiInterop;
-class QWindowsFontEngineData
- Q_DISABLE_COPY_MOVE(QWindowsFontEngineData)
- QWindowsFontEngineData();
- ~QWindowsFontEngineData();
- uint pow_gamma[256];
- bool clearTypeEnabled = false;
- qreal fontSmoothingGamma;
- HDC hdc = 0;
-#if !defined(QT_NO_DIRECTWRITE)
- IDWriteFactory *directWriteFactory = nullptr;
- IDWriteGdiInterop *directWriteGdiInterop = nullptr;
-class QWindowsFontDatabase : public QPlatformFontDatabase
+class QWindowsFontDatabase : public QWindowsFontDatabaseBase
@@ -113,23 +90,15 @@ public:
void refUniqueFont(const QString &uniqueFont);
bool isPrivateFontFamily(const QString &family) const override;
- static QFont systemDefaultFont();
static QFontEngine *createEngine(const QFontDef &request, const QString &faceName,
int dpi,
const QSharedPointer<QWindowsFontEngineData> &data);
- static HFONT systemFont();
- static QFont LOGFONT_to_QFont(const LOGFONT& lf, int verticalDPI = 0);
static qreal fontSmoothingGamma();
- static LOGFONT fontDefToLOGFONT(const QFontDef &fontDef, const QString &faceName);
static QStringList extraTryFontsForFamily(const QString &family);
static QString familyForStyleHint(QFont::StyleHint styleHint);
- static int defaultVerticalDPI();
static void setFontOptions(unsigned options);
static unsigned fontOptions();
diff --git a/src/platformsupport/fontdatabases/windows/qwindowsfontdatabasebase.cpp b/src/platformsupport/fontdatabases/windows/qwindowsfontdatabasebase.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ff46866cb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/platformsupport/fontdatabases/windows/qwindowsfontdatabasebase.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,861 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the plugins of the Qt Toolkit.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
+** and conditions see For further
+** information use the contact form at
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
+** will be met:
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
+** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
+** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
+** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
+** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
+** be met: and
+#include "qwindowsfontdatabasebase_p.h"
+#include "qwindowsfontdatabase_p.h"
+#include <QtCore/private/qsystemlibrary_p.h>
+#include <QtCore/QThreadStorage>
+#include <QtCore/QtEndian>
+#if !defined(QT_NO_DIRECTWRITE)
+# if defined(QT_USE_DIRECTWRITE3)
+# include <dwrite_3.h>
+# elif defined(QT_USE_DIRECTWRITE2)
+# include <dwrite_2.h>
+# else
+# include <dwrite.h>
+# endif
+# include <d2d1.h>
+# include "qwindowsfontenginedirectwrite_p.h"
+// Helper classes for creating font engines directly from font data
+namespace {
+# pragma pack(1)
+ // Common structure for all formats of the "name" table
+ struct NameTable
+ {
+ quint16 format;
+ quint16 count;
+ quint16 stringOffset;
+ };
+ struct NameRecord
+ {
+ quint16 platformID;
+ quint16 encodingID;
+ quint16 languageID;
+ quint16 nameID;
+ quint16 length;
+ quint16 offset;
+ };
+ struct OffsetSubTable
+ {
+ quint32 scalerType;
+ quint16 numTables;
+ quint16 searchRange;
+ quint16 entrySelector;
+ quint16 rangeShift;
+ };
+ struct TableDirectory : public QWindowsFontDatabaseBase::FontTable
+ {
+ quint32 identifier;
+ quint32 checkSum;
+ quint32 offset;
+ quint32 length;
+ };
+ struct OS2Table
+ {
+ quint16 version;
+ qint16 avgCharWidth;
+ quint16 weightClass;
+ quint16 widthClass;
+ quint16 type;
+ qint16 subscriptXSize;
+ qint16 subscriptYSize;
+ qint16 subscriptXOffset;
+ qint16 subscriptYOffset;
+ qint16 superscriptXSize;
+ qint16 superscriptYSize;
+ qint16 superscriptXOffset;
+ qint16 superscriptYOffset;
+ qint16 strikeOutSize;
+ qint16 strikeOutPosition;
+ qint16 familyClass;
+ quint8 panose[10];
+ quint32 unicodeRanges[4];
+ quint8 vendorID[4];
+ quint16 selection;
+ quint16 firstCharIndex;
+ quint16 lastCharIndex;
+ qint16 typoAscender;
+ qint16 typoDescender;
+ qint16 typoLineGap;
+ quint16 winAscent;
+ quint16 winDescent;
+ quint32 codepageRanges[2];
+ qint16 height;
+ qint16 capHeight;
+ quint16 defaultChar;
+ quint16 breakChar;
+ quint16 maxContext;
+ };
+# pragma pack()
+} // Anonymous namespace
+QWindowsFontDatabaseBase::FontTable *QWindowsFontDatabaseBase::EmbeddedFont::tableDirectoryEntry(const QByteArray &tagName)
+ Q_ASSERT(tagName.size() == 4);
+ quint32 tagId = *(reinterpret_cast<const quint32 *>(tagName.constData()));
+ const size_t fontDataSize = m_fontData.size();
+ if (Q_UNLIKELY(fontDataSize < sizeof(OffsetSubTable)))
+ return nullptr;
+ OffsetSubTable *offsetSubTable = reinterpret_cast<OffsetSubTable *>(;
+ TableDirectory *tableDirectory = reinterpret_cast<TableDirectory *>(offsetSubTable + 1);
+ const size_t tableCount = qFromBigEndian<quint16>(offsetSubTable->numTables);
+ if (Q_UNLIKELY(fontDataSize < sizeof(OffsetSubTable) + sizeof(TableDirectory) * tableCount))
+ return nullptr;
+ TableDirectory *tableDirectoryEnd = tableDirectory + tableCount;
+ for (TableDirectory *entry = tableDirectory; entry < tableDirectoryEnd; ++entry) {
+ if (entry->identifier == tagId)
+ return entry;
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+QString QWindowsFontDatabaseBase::EmbeddedFont::familyName(QWindowsFontDatabaseBase::FontTable *directoryEntry)
+ QString name;
+ TableDirectory *nameTableDirectoryEntry = static_cast<TableDirectory *>(directoryEntry);
+ if (nameTableDirectoryEntry == nullptr)
+ nameTableDirectoryEntry = static_cast<TableDirectory *>(tableDirectoryEntry("name"));
+ if (nameTableDirectoryEntry != nullptr) {
+ quint32 offset = qFromBigEndian<quint32>(nameTableDirectoryEntry->offset);
+ if (Q_UNLIKELY(quint32(m_fontData.size()) < offset + sizeof(NameTable)))
+ return QString();
+ NameTable *nameTable = reinterpret_cast<NameTable *>( + offset);
+ NameRecord *nameRecord = reinterpret_cast<NameRecord *>(nameTable + 1);
+ quint16 nameTableCount = qFromBigEndian<quint16>(nameTable->count);
+ if (Q_UNLIKELY(quint32(m_fontData.size()) < offset + sizeof(NameRecord) * nameTableCount))
+ return QString();
+ for (int i = 0; i < nameTableCount; ++i, ++nameRecord) {
+ if (qFromBigEndian<quint16>(nameRecord->nameID) == 1
+ && qFromBigEndian<quint16>(nameRecord->platformID) == 3 // Windows
+ && qFromBigEndian<quint16>(nameRecord->languageID) == 0x0409) { // US English
+ quint16 stringOffset = qFromBigEndian<quint16>(nameTable->stringOffset);
+ quint16 nameOffset = qFromBigEndian<quint16>(nameRecord->offset);
+ quint16 nameLength = qFromBigEndian<quint16>(nameRecord->length);
+ if (Q_UNLIKELY(quint32(m_fontData.size()) < offset + stringOffset + nameOffset + nameLength))
+ return QString();
+ const void *ptr = reinterpret_cast<const quint8 *>(nameTable)
+ + stringOffset
+ + nameOffset;
+ const quint16 *s = reinterpret_cast<const quint16 *>(ptr);
+ const quint16 *e = s + nameLength / sizeof(quint16);
+ while (s != e)
+ name += QChar( qFromBigEndian<quint16>(*s++));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return name;
+void QWindowsFontDatabaseBase::EmbeddedFont::updateFromOS2Table(QFontEngine *fontEngine)
+ TableDirectory *os2TableEntry = static_cast<TableDirectory *>(tableDirectoryEntry("OS/2"));
+ if (os2TableEntry != nullptr) {
+ const OS2Table *os2Table =
+ reinterpret_cast<const OS2Table *>(m_fontData.constData()
+ + qFromBigEndian<quint32>(os2TableEntry->offset));
+ bool italic = qFromBigEndian<quint16>(os2Table->selection) & (1 << 0);
+ bool oblique = qFromBigEndian<quint16>(os2Table->selection) & (1 << 9);
+ if (italic)
+ fontEngine-> = QFont::StyleItalic;
+ else if (oblique)
+ fontEngine-> = QFont::StyleOblique;
+ else
+ fontEngine-> = QFont::StyleNormal;
+ fontEngine->fontDef.weight = QPlatformFontDatabase::weightFromInteger(qFromBigEndian<quint16>(os2Table->weightClass));
+ }
+QString QWindowsFontDatabaseBase::EmbeddedFont::changeFamilyName(const QString &newFamilyName)
+ TableDirectory *nameTableDirectoryEntry = static_cast<TableDirectory *>(tableDirectoryEntry("name"));
+ if (nameTableDirectoryEntry == nullptr)
+ return QString();
+ QString oldFamilyName = familyName(nameTableDirectoryEntry);
+ // Reserve size for name table header, five required name records and string
+ const int requiredRecordCount = 5;
+ quint16 nameIds[requiredRecordCount] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 };
+ int sizeOfHeader = sizeof(NameTable) + sizeof(NameRecord) * requiredRecordCount;
+ int newFamilyNameSize = newFamilyName.size() * int(sizeof(quint16));
+ const QString regularString = QString::fromLatin1("Regular");
+ int regularStringSize = regularString.size() * int(sizeof(quint16));
+ // Align table size of table to 32 bits (pad with 0)
+ int fullSize = ((sizeOfHeader + newFamilyNameSize + regularStringSize) & ~3) + 4;
+ QByteArray newNameTable(fullSize, char(0));
+ {
+ NameTable *nameTable = reinterpret_cast<NameTable *>(;
+ nameTable->count = qbswap<quint16>(requiredRecordCount);
+ nameTable->stringOffset = qbswap<quint16>(sizeOfHeader);
+ NameRecord *nameRecord = reinterpret_cast<NameRecord *>(nameTable + 1);
+ for (int i = 0; i < requiredRecordCount; ++i, nameRecord++) {
+ nameRecord->nameID = qbswap<quint16>(nameIds[i]);
+ nameRecord->encodingID = qbswap<quint16>(1);
+ nameRecord->languageID = qbswap<quint16>(0x0409);
+ nameRecord->platformID = qbswap<quint16>(3);
+ nameRecord->length = qbswap<quint16>(newFamilyNameSize);
+ // Special case for sub-family
+ if (nameIds[i] == 4) {
+ nameRecord->offset = qbswap<quint16>(newFamilyNameSize);
+ nameRecord->length = qbswap<quint16>(regularStringSize);
+ }
+ }
+ // nameRecord now points to string data
+ quint16 *stringStorage = reinterpret_cast<quint16 *>(nameRecord);
+ const quint16 *sourceString = newFamilyName.utf16();
+ for (int i = 0; i < newFamilyName.size(); ++i)
+ stringStorage[i] = qbswap<quint16>(sourceString[i]);
+ stringStorage += newFamilyName.size();
+ sourceString = regularString.utf16();
+ for (int i = 0; i < regularString.size(); ++i)
+ stringStorage[i] = qbswap<quint16>(sourceString[i]);
+ }
+ quint32 *p = reinterpret_cast<quint32 *>(;
+ quint32 *tableEnd = reinterpret_cast<quint32 *>( + fullSize);
+ quint32 checkSum = 0;
+ while (p < tableEnd)
+ checkSum += qFromBigEndian<quint32>(*(p++));
+ nameTableDirectoryEntry->checkSum = qbswap<quint32>(checkSum);
+ nameTableDirectoryEntry->offset = qbswap<quint32>(m_fontData.size());
+ nameTableDirectoryEntry->length = qbswap<quint32>(fullSize);
+ m_fontData.append(newNameTable);
+ return oldFamilyName;
+#if !defined(QT_NO_DIRECTWRITE)
+namespace {
+ class DirectWriteFontFileStream: public IDWriteFontFileStream
+ {
+ Q_DISABLE_COPY(DirectWriteFontFileStream)
+ public:
+ DirectWriteFontFileStream(const QByteArray &fontData)
+ : m_fontData(fontData)
+ , m_referenceCount(0)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual ~DirectWriteFontFileStream()
+ {
+ }
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void **object);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ReadFileFragment(const void **fragmentStart, UINT64 fileOffset,
+ UINT64 fragmentSize, OUT void **fragmentContext);
+ void STDMETHODCALLTYPE ReleaseFileFragment(void *fragmentContext);
+ private:
+ QByteArray m_fontData;
+ ULONG m_referenceCount;
+ };
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE DirectWriteFontFileStream::QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void **object)
+ {
+ if (iid == IID_IUnknown || iid == __uuidof(IDWriteFontFileStream)) {
+ *object = this;
+ AddRef();
+ return S_OK;
+ } else {
+ *object = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE DirectWriteFontFileStream::AddRef()
+ {
+ return InterlockedIncrement(&m_referenceCount);
+ }
+ ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE DirectWriteFontFileStream::Release()
+ {
+ ULONG newCount = InterlockedDecrement(&m_referenceCount);
+ if (newCount == 0)
+ delete this;
+ return newCount;
+ }
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE DirectWriteFontFileStream::ReadFileFragment(
+ const void **fragmentStart,
+ UINT64 fileOffset,
+ UINT64 fragmentSize,
+ OUT void **fragmentContext)
+ {
+ *fragmentContext = NULL;
+ if (fileOffset + fragmentSize <= quint64(m_fontData.size())) {
+ *fragmentStart = + fileOffset;
+ return S_OK;
+ } else {
+ *fragmentStart = NULL;
+ return E_FAIL;
+ }
+ }
+ void STDMETHODCALLTYPE DirectWriteFontFileStream::ReleaseFileFragment(void *)
+ {
+ }
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE DirectWriteFontFileStream::GetFileSize(UINT64 *fileSize)
+ {
+ *fileSize = m_fontData.size();
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE DirectWriteFontFileStream::GetLastWriteTime(UINT64 *lastWriteTime)
+ {
+ *lastWriteTime = 0;
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+ }
+ class DirectWriteFontFileLoader: public IDWriteFontFileLoader
+ {
+ public:
+ DirectWriteFontFileLoader() : m_referenceCount(0) {}
+ virtual ~DirectWriteFontFileLoader()
+ {
+ }
+ inline void addKey(const void *key, const QByteArray &fontData)
+ {
+ Q_ASSERT(!m_fontDatas.contains(key));
+ m_fontDatas.insert(key, fontData);
+ }
+ inline void removeKey(const void *key)
+ {
+ m_fontDatas.remove(key);
+ }
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void **object);
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CreateStreamFromKey(void const *fontFileReferenceKey,
+ UINT32 fontFileReferenceKeySize,
+ OUT IDWriteFontFileStream **fontFileStream);
+ private:
+ ULONG m_referenceCount;
+ QHash<const void *, QByteArray> m_fontDatas;
+ };
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE DirectWriteFontFileLoader::QueryInterface(const IID &iid,
+ void **object)
+ {
+ if (iid == IID_IUnknown || iid == __uuidof(IDWriteFontFileLoader)) {
+ *object = this;
+ AddRef();
+ return S_OK;
+ } else {
+ *object = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE DirectWriteFontFileLoader::AddRef()
+ {
+ return InterlockedIncrement(&m_referenceCount);
+ }
+ ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE DirectWriteFontFileLoader::Release()
+ {
+ ULONG newCount = InterlockedDecrement(&m_referenceCount);
+ if (newCount == 0)
+ delete this;
+ return newCount;
+ }
+ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE DirectWriteFontFileLoader::CreateStreamFromKey(
+ void const *fontFileReferenceKey,
+ UINT32 fontFileReferenceKeySize,
+ IDWriteFontFileStream **fontFileStream)
+ {
+ Q_UNUSED(fontFileReferenceKeySize);
+ if (fontFileReferenceKeySize != sizeof(const void *)) {
+ qWarning("%s: Wrong key size", __FUNCTION__);
+ return E_FAIL;
+ }
+ const void *key = *reinterpret_cast<void * const *>(fontFileReferenceKey);
+ *fontFileStream = NULL;
+ auto it = m_fontDatas.constFind(key);
+ if (it == m_fontDatas.constEnd())
+ return E_FAIL;
+ QByteArray fontData = it.value();
+ DirectWriteFontFileStream *stream = new DirectWriteFontFileStream(fontData);
+ stream->AddRef();
+ *fontFileStream = stream;
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ class CustomFontFileLoader
+ {
+ public:
+ CustomFontFileLoader(IDWriteFactory *factory)
+ {
+ m_directWriteFactory = factory;
+ if (m_directWriteFactory) {
+ m_directWriteFactory->AddRef();
+ m_directWriteFontFileLoader = new DirectWriteFontFileLoader();
+ m_directWriteFactory->RegisterFontFileLoader(m_directWriteFontFileLoader);
+ }
+ }
+ ~CustomFontFileLoader()
+ {
+ if (m_directWriteFactory != nullptr && m_directWriteFontFileLoader != nullptr)
+ m_directWriteFactory->UnregisterFontFileLoader(m_directWriteFontFileLoader);
+ if (m_directWriteFactory != nullptr)
+ m_directWriteFactory->Release();
+ }
+ void addKey(const void *key, const QByteArray &fontData)
+ {
+ if (m_directWriteFontFileLoader != nullptr)
+ m_directWriteFontFileLoader->addKey(key, fontData);
+ }
+ void removeKey(const void *key)
+ {
+ if (m_directWriteFontFileLoader != nullptr)
+ m_directWriteFontFileLoader->removeKey(key);
+ }
+ IDWriteFontFileLoader *loader() const
+ {
+ return m_directWriteFontFileLoader;
+ }
+ private:
+ IDWriteFactory *m_directWriteFactory = nullptr;
+ DirectWriteFontFileLoader *m_directWriteFontFileLoader = nullptr;
+ };
+} // Anonymous namespace
+#endif // !defined(QT_NO_DIRECTWRITE)
+ if (hdc)
+ DeleteDC(hdc);
+#if !defined(QT_NO_DIRECTWRITE)
+ if (directWriteGdiInterop)
+ directWriteGdiInterop->Release();
+ if (directWriteFactory)
+ directWriteFactory->Release();
+typedef QSharedPointer<QWindowsFontEngineData> QWindowsFontEngineDataPtr;
+typedef QThreadStorage<QWindowsFontEngineDataPtr> FontEngineThreadLocalData;
+Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(FontEngineThreadLocalData, fontEngineThreadLocalData)
+QSharedPointer<QWindowsFontEngineData> QWindowsFontDatabaseBase::data()
+ FontEngineThreadLocalData *data = fontEngineThreadLocalData();
+ if (!data->hasLocalData())
+ data->setLocalData(QSharedPointer<QWindowsFontEngineData>::create());
+ if (!init(data->localData()))
+ qCWarning(lcQpaFonts) << "Cannot initialize common font database data";
+ return data->localData();
+bool QWindowsFontDatabaseBase::init(QSharedPointer<QWindowsFontEngineData> d)
+ if (!d->directWriteFactory) {
+ createDirectWriteFactory(&d->directWriteFactory);
+ if (!d->directWriteFactory)
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!d->directWriteGdiInterop) {
+ const HRESULT hr = d->directWriteFactory->GetGdiInterop(&d->directWriteGdiInterop);
+ if (FAILED(hr)) {
+ qErrnoWarning("%s: GetGdiInterop failed", __FUNCTION__);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+// ### Qt 6: Link directly to dwrite instead
+typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *DWriteCreateFactoryType)(DWRITE_FACTORY_TYPE, const IID &, IUnknown **);
+static inline DWriteCreateFactoryType resolveDWriteCreateFactory()
+ QSystemLibrary library(QStringLiteral("dwrite"));
+ QFunctionPointer result = library.resolve("DWriteCreateFactory");
+ if (Q_UNLIKELY(!result)) {
+ qWarning("Unable to load dwrite.dll");
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return reinterpret_cast<DWriteCreateFactoryType>(result);
+void QWindowsFontDatabaseBase::createDirectWriteFactory(IDWriteFactory **factory)
+ *factory = nullptr;
+ static const DWriteCreateFactoryType dWriteCreateFactory = resolveDWriteCreateFactory();
+ if (!dWriteCreateFactory)
+ return;
+ IUnknown *result = nullptr;
+#if defined(QT_USE_DIRECTWRITE3)
+ dWriteCreateFactory(DWRITE_FACTORY_TYPE_SHARED, __uuidof(IDWriteFactory3), &result);
+#if defined(QT_USE_DIRECTWRITE2)
+ if (result == nullptr)
+ dWriteCreateFactory(DWRITE_FACTORY_TYPE_SHARED, __uuidof(IDWriteFactory2), &result);
+ if (result == nullptr) {
+ if (FAILED(dWriteCreateFactory(DWRITE_FACTORY_TYPE_SHARED, __uuidof(IDWriteFactory), &result))) {
+ qErrnoWarning("DWriteCreateFactory failed");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ *factory = static_cast<IDWriteFactory *>(result);
+int QWindowsFontDatabaseBase::defaultVerticalDPI()
+ static int vDPI = -1;
+ if (vDPI == -1) {
+ if (HDC defaultDC = GetDC(0)) {
+ vDPI = GetDeviceCaps(defaultDC, LOGPIXELSY);
+ ReleaseDC(0, defaultDC);
+ } else {
+ // FIXME: Resolve now or return 96 and keep unresolved?
+ vDPI = 96;
+ }
+ }
+ return vDPI;
+LOGFONT QWindowsFontDatabaseBase::fontDefToLOGFONT(const QFontDef &request, const QString &faceName)
+ memset(&lf, 0, sizeof(LOGFONT));
+ lf.lfHeight = -qRound(request.pixelSize);
+ lf.lfWidth = 0;
+ lf.lfEscapement = 0;
+ lf.lfOrientation = 0;
+ if (request.weight == 50)
+ lf.lfWeight = FW_DONTCARE;
+ else
+ lf.lfWeight = (request.weight*900)/99;
+ lf.lfItalic = != QFont::StyleNormal;
+ lf.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
+ int strat = OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
+ if (request.styleStrategy & QFont::PreferBitmap) {
+ } else if (request.styleStrategy & QFont::PreferDevice) {
+ } else if (request.styleStrategy & QFont::PreferOutline) {
+ } else if (request.styleStrategy & QFont::ForceOutline) {
+ }
+ lf.lfOutPrecision = strat;
+ int qual = DEFAULT_QUALITY;
+ if (request.styleStrategy & QFont::PreferMatch)
+ else if (request.styleStrategy & QFont::PreferQuality)
+ if (request.styleStrategy & QFont::PreferAntialias) {
+ qual = (request.styleStrategy & QFont::NoSubpixelAntialias) == 0
+ } else if (request.styleStrategy & QFont::NoAntialias) {
+ } else if ((request.styleStrategy & QFont::NoSubpixelAntialias) && data()->clearTypeEnabled) {
+ }
+ lf.lfQuality = qual;
+ lf.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
+ int hint = FF_DONTCARE;
+ switch (request.styleHint) {
+ case QFont::Helvetica:
+ hint = FF_SWISS;
+ break;
+ case QFont::Times:
+ hint = FF_ROMAN;
+ break;
+ case QFont::Courier:
+ hint = FF_MODERN;
+ break;
+ case QFont::OldEnglish:
+ break;
+ case QFont::System:
+ hint = FF_MODERN;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ lf.lfPitchAndFamily = DEFAULT_PITCH | hint;
+ QString fam = faceName;
+ if (fam.isEmpty())
+ fam = request.families.size() > 0 ? :;
+ if (Q_UNLIKELY(fam.size() >= LF_FACESIZE)) {
+ qCritical("%s: Family name '%s' is too long.", __FUNCTION__, qPrintable(fam));
+ fam.truncate(LF_FACESIZE - 1);
+ }
+ if (fam.isEmpty())
+ fam = QStringLiteral("MS Sans Serif");
+ if (fam == QLatin1String("MS Sans Serif")
+ && ( == QFont::StyleItalic || (-lf.lfHeight > 18 && -lf.lfHeight != 24))) {
+ fam = QStringLiteral("Arial"); // MS Sans Serif has bearing problems in italic, and does not scale
+ }
+ if (fam == QLatin1String("Courier") && !(request.styleStrategy & QFont::PreferBitmap))
+ fam = QStringLiteral("Courier New");
+ memcpy(lf.lfFaceName, fam.utf16(), fam.size() * sizeof(wchar_t));
+ return lf;
+QFont QWindowsFontDatabaseBase::LOGFONT_to_QFont(const LOGFONT& logFont, int verticalDPI_In)
+ if (verticalDPI_In <= 0)
+ verticalDPI_In = defaultVerticalDPI();
+ QFont qFont(QString::fromWCharArray(logFont.lfFaceName));
+ qFont.setItalic(logFont.lfItalic);
+ if (logFont.lfWeight != FW_DONTCARE)
+ qFont.setWeight(QPlatformFontDatabase::weightFromInteger(logFont.lfWeight));
+ const qreal logFontHeight = qAbs(logFont.lfHeight);
+ qFont.setPointSizeF(logFontHeight * 72.0 / qreal(verticalDPI_In));
+ qFont.setUnderline(logFont.lfUnderline);
+ qFont.setOverline(false);
+ qFont.setStrikeOut(logFont.lfStrikeOut);
+ return qFont;
+// ### fixme Qt 6 (QTBUG-58610): See comment at QWindowsFontDatabase::systemDefaultFont()
+HFONT QWindowsFontDatabaseBase::systemFont()
+ static const auto stock_sysfont =
+ reinterpret_cast<HFONT>(GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT));
+ return stock_sysfont;
+QFont QWindowsFontDatabaseBase::systemDefaultFont()
+#if QT_VERSION >= 0x060000
+ // Qt 6: Obtain default GUI font (typically "Segoe UI, 9pt", see QTBUG-58610)
+ ncm.cbSize = FIELD_OFFSET(NONCLIENTMETRICS, lfMessageFont) + sizeof(LOGFONT);
+ SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS, ncm.cbSize , &ncm, 0);
+ const QFont systemFont = QWindowsFontDatabase::LOGFONT_to_QFont(ncm.lfMessageFont);
+ GetObject(systemFont(), sizeof(lf), &lf);
+ QFont systemFont = LOGFONT_to_QFont(lf);
+ // "MS Shell Dlg 2" is the correct system font >= Win2k
+ if ( == QLatin1String("MS Shell Dlg"))
+ systemFont.setFamily(QStringLiteral("MS Shell Dlg 2"));
+ // Qt 5 by (Qt 4) legacy uses GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT) to
+ // obtain the default GUI font (typically "MS Shell Dlg 2, 8pt"). This has been
+ // long deprecated; the message font of the NONCLIENTMETRICS structure obtained by
+ // SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS) should be used instead (see
+ // QWindowsTheme::refreshFonts(), typically "Segoe UI, 9pt"), which is larger.
+#endif // Qt 5
+ qCDebug(lcQpaFonts) << __FUNCTION__ << systemFont;
+ return systemFont;
+#if !defined(QT_NO_DIRECTWRITE)
+IDWriteFontFace *QWindowsFontDatabaseBase::createDirectWriteFace(const QByteArray &fontData) const
+ QSharedPointer<QWindowsFontEngineData> fontEngineData = data();
+ if (fontEngineData->directWriteFactory == nullptr) {
+ qCWarning(lcQpaFonts) << "DirectWrite factory not created in QWindowsFontDatabaseBase::createDirectWriteFace()";
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ CustomFontFileLoader fontFileLoader(fontEngineData->directWriteFactory);
+ fontFileLoader.addKey(this, fontData);
+ IDWriteFontFile *fontFile = nullptr;
+ const void *key = this;
+ HRESULT hres = fontEngineData->directWriteFactory->CreateCustomFontFileReference(&key,
+ sizeof(void *),
+ fontFileLoader.loader(),
+ &fontFile);
+ if (FAILED(hres)) {
+ qErrnoWarning(hres, "%s: CreateCustomFontFileReference failed", __FUNCTION__);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ BOOL isSupportedFontType;
+ UINT32 numberOfFaces;
+ fontFile->Analyze(&isSupportedFontType, &fontFileType, &fontFaceType, &numberOfFaces);
+ if (!isSupportedFontType) {
+ fontFile->Release();
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // ### Currently no support for .ttc, but we could easily return a list here.
+ IDWriteFontFace *directWriteFontFace = nullptr;
+ hres = fontEngineData->directWriteFactory->CreateFontFace(fontFaceType,
+ 1,
+ &fontFile,
+ 0,
+ &directWriteFontFace);
+ if (FAILED(hres)) {
+ qErrnoWarning(hres, "%s: CreateFontFace failed", __FUNCTION__);
+ fontFile->Release();
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ fontFile->Release();
+ return directWriteFontFace;
+#endif // !defined(QT_NO_DIRECTWRITE)
+QFontEngine *QWindowsFontDatabaseBase::fontEngine(const QByteArray &fontData, qreal pixelSize, QFont::HintingPreference hintingPreference)
+ QFontEngine *fontEngine = nullptr;
+#if !defined(QT_NO_DIRECTWRITE)
+ QSharedPointer<QWindowsFontEngineData> fontEngineData = data();
+ if (fontEngineData->directWriteFactory == nullptr)
+ return nullptr;
+ IDWriteFontFace *directWriteFontFace = createDirectWriteFace(fontData);
+ fontEngine = new QWindowsFontEngineDirectWrite(directWriteFontFace,
+ pixelSize,
+ fontEngineData);
+ // Get font family from font data
+ EmbeddedFont font(fontData);
+ font.updateFromOS2Table(fontEngine);
+ fontEngine-> = font.familyName();
+ fontEngine->fontDef.hintingPreference = hintingPreference;
+ directWriteFontFace->Release();
+#endif // !defined(QT_NO_DIRECTWRITE)
+ return fontEngine;
diff --git a/src/platformsupport/fontdatabases/windows/qwindowsfontdatabasebase_p.h b/src/platformsupport/fontdatabases/windows/qwindowsfontdatabasebase_p.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..004889ab86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/platformsupport/fontdatabases/windows/qwindowsfontdatabasebase_p.h
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the plugins of the Qt Toolkit.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
+** and conditions see For further
+** information use the contact form at
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
+** will be met:
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
+** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
+** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
+** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
+** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
+** be met: and
+// W A R N I N G
+// -------------
+// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
+// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
+// version without notice, or even be removed.
+// We mean it.
+#include <qpa/qplatformfontdatabase.h>
+#include <QtCore/QSharedPointer>
+#include <QtCore/QLoggingCategory>
+#include <QtCore/qt_windows.h>
+#if !defined(QT_NO_DIRECTWRITE)
+ struct IDWriteFactory;
+ struct IDWriteGdiInterop;
+ struct IDWriteFontFace;
+class QWindowsFontEngineData
+ Q_DISABLE_COPY_MOVE(QWindowsFontEngineData)
+ QWindowsFontEngineData();
+ ~QWindowsFontEngineData();
+ uint pow_gamma[256];
+ bool clearTypeEnabled = false;
+ qreal fontSmoothingGamma;
+ HDC hdc = 0;
+#if !defined(QT_NO_DIRECTWRITE)
+ IDWriteFactory *directWriteFactory = nullptr;
+ IDWriteGdiInterop *directWriteGdiInterop = nullptr;
+class QWindowsFontDatabaseBase : public QPlatformFontDatabase
+ QWindowsFontDatabaseBase();
+ ~QWindowsFontDatabaseBase() override;
+ QFontEngine *fontEngine(const QByteArray &fontData, qreal pixelSize, QFont::HintingPreference hintingPreference) override;
+ static int defaultVerticalDPI();
+ static QSharedPointer<QWindowsFontEngineData> data();
+ static void createDirectWriteFactory(IDWriteFactory **factory);
+ static QFont systemDefaultFont();
+ static HFONT systemFont();
+ static LOGFONT fontDefToLOGFONT(const QFontDef &fontDef, const QString &faceName);
+ static QFont LOGFONT_to_QFont(const LOGFONT& lf, int verticalDPI = 0);
+ class FontTable{};
+ class EmbeddedFont
+ {
+ public:
+ EmbeddedFont(const QByteArray &fontData) : m_fontData(fontData) {}
+ QString changeFamilyName(const QString &newFamilyName);
+ QByteArray data() const { return m_fontData; }
+ void updateFromOS2Table(QFontEngine *fontEngine);
+ FontTable *tableDirectoryEntry(const QByteArray &tagName);
+ QString familyName(FontTable *nameTableDirectory = nullptr);
+ private:
+ QByteArray m_fontData;
+ };
+#if !defined(QT_NO_DIRECTWRITE)
+ IDWriteFontFace *createDirectWriteFace(const QByteArray &fontData) const;
+ static bool init(QSharedPointer<QWindowsFontEngineData> data);
diff --git a/src/platformsupport/fontdatabases/windows/qwindowsfontenginedirectwrite.cpp b/src/platformsupport/fontdatabases/windows/qwindowsfontenginedirectwrite.cpp
index 5c999f455e..45ce396d5e 100644
--- a/src/platformsupport/fontdatabases/windows/qwindowsfontenginedirectwrite.cpp
+++ b/src/platformsupport/fontdatabases/windows/qwindowsfontenginedirectwrite.cpp
@@ -187,6 +187,18 @@ namespace {
+static DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE renderModeToMeasureMode(DWRITE_RENDERING_MODE renderMode)
+ switch (renderMode) {
+ default:
+ }
static DWRITE_RENDERING_MODE hintingPreferenceToRenderingMode(QFont::HintingPreference hintingPreference)
if (QHighDpiScaling::isActive() && hintingPreference == QFont::PreferDefaultHinting)
@@ -209,13 +221,10 @@ static DWRITE_RENDERING_MODE hintingPreferenceToRenderingMode(QFont::HintingPref
\ingroup qt-lighthouse-win
Font engine for subpixel positioned text on Windows Vista
- (with platform update) and Windows 7. If selected during
+ (with platform update) and later. If selected during
configuration, the engine will be selected only when the hinting
- preference of a font is set to None or Vertical hinting. The font
- database uses most of the same logic but creates a direct write
- font based on the LOGFONT rather than a GDI handle.
- Will probably be superseded by a common Free Type font engine in Qt 5.X.
+ preference of a font is set to None or Vertical hinting, or
+ when fontengine=directwrite is selected as platform option.
QWindowsFontEngineDirectWrite::QWindowsFontEngineDirectWrite(IDWriteFontFace *directWriteFontFace,
@@ -480,9 +489,22 @@ void QWindowsFontEngineDirectWrite::recalcAdvances(QGlyphLayout *glyphs, QFontEn
glyphIndices[i] = UINT16(glyphs->glyphs[i]);
QVarLengthArray<DWRITE_GLYPH_METRICS> glyphMetrics(glyphIndices.size());
- HRESULT hr = m_directWriteFontFace->GetDesignGlyphMetrics(,
- glyphIndices.size(),
+ DWRITE_RENDERING_MODE renderMode = hintingPreferenceToRenderingMode(QFont::HintingPreference(fontDef.hintingPreference));
+ hr = m_directWriteFontFace->GetGdiCompatibleGlyphMetrics(float(fontDef.pixelSize),
+ 1.0f,
+ glyphIndices.size(),
+ } else {
+ hr = m_directWriteFontFace->GetDesignGlyphMetrics(,
+ glyphIndices.size(),
+ }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
qreal stretch = fontDef.stretch != QFont::AnyStretch ? fontDef.stretch / 100.0 : 1.0;
for (int i = 0; i < glyphs->numGlyphs; ++i)
@@ -688,6 +710,8 @@ QImage QWindowsFontEngineDirectWrite::imageForGlyph(glyph_t t,
+ renderModeToMeasureMode(renderMode);
IDWriteGlyphRunAnalysis *glyphAnalysis = NULL;
HRESULT hr = m_fontEngineData->directWriteFactory->CreateGlyphRunAnalysis(
@@ -695,7 +719,7 @@ QImage QWindowsFontEngineDirectWrite::imageForGlyph(glyph_t t,
+ measureMode,
0.0, 0.0,
@@ -725,7 +749,7 @@ QImage QWindowsFontEngineDirectWrite::imageForGlyph(glyph_t t,
+ measureMode,
@@ -756,7 +780,7 @@ QImage QWindowsFontEngineDirectWrite::imageForGlyph(glyph_t t,
+ measureMode,
0.0, 0.0,
@@ -996,6 +1020,7 @@ glyph_metrics_t QWindowsFontEngineDirectWrite::alphaMapBoundingBox(glyph_t glyph
+ DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE measureMode = renderModeToMeasureMode(renderMode);
IDWriteGlyphRunAnalysis *glyphAnalysis = NULL;
HRESULT hr = m_fontEngineData->directWriteFactory->CreateGlyphRunAnalysis(
@@ -1003,7 +1028,7 @@ glyph_metrics_t QWindowsFontEngineDirectWrite::alphaMapBoundingBox(glyph_t glyph
+ measureMode,
0.0, 0.0,
diff --git a/src/platformsupport/fontdatabases/windows/windows.pri b/src/platformsupport/fontdatabases/windows/windows.pri
index 7ddfb2c281..fbe6d490f9 100644
--- a/src/platformsupport/fontdatabases/windows/windows.pri
+++ b/src/platformsupport/fontdatabases/windows/windows.pri
@@ -2,11 +2,13 @@ QT *= gui-private
$$PWD/qwindowsfontdatabase.cpp \
+ $$PWD/qwindowsfontdatabasebase.cpp \
$$PWD/qwindowsfontengine.cpp \
$$PWD/qwindowsfontdatabase_p.h \
+ $$PWD/qwindowsfontdatabasebase_p.h \
$$PWD/qwindowsfontengine_p.h \
@@ -16,7 +18,13 @@ qtConfig(freetype) {
qtConfig(directwrite):qtConfig(direct2d) {
- qtConfig(directwrite2) {
+ qtConfig(directwrite3) {
+ QMAKE_USE_PRIVATE += dwrite_3
+ SOURCES += $$PWD/qwindowsdirectwritefontdatabase.cpp
+ HEADERS += $$PWD/qwindowsdirectwritefontdatabase_p.h
+ } else: qtConfig(directwrite2) {
} else {
diff --git a/src/plugins/platforms/windows/qwindowsintegration.cpp b/src/plugins/platforms/windows/qwindowsintegration.cpp
index 4b4047ac0c..77340387d8 100644
--- a/src/plugins/platforms/windows/qwindowsintegration.cpp
+++ b/src/plugins/platforms/windows/qwindowsintegration.cpp
@@ -48,6 +48,9 @@
#include "qwindowsscreen.h"
#include "qwindowstheme.h"
#include "qwindowsservices.h"
+#include <QtFontDatabaseSupport/private/qwindowsdirectwritefontdatabase_p.h>
# include <QtFontDatabaseSupport/private/qwindowsfontdatabase_ft_p.h>
@@ -187,7 +190,9 @@ static inline unsigned parseOptions(const QStringList &paramList,
unsigned options = 0;
for (const QString &param : paramList) {
if (param.startsWith(u"fontengine=")) {
- if (param.endsWith(u"freetype")) {
+ if (param.endsWith(u"directwrite")) {
+ options |= QWindowsIntegration::FontDatabaseDirectWrite;
+ } else if (param.endsWith(u"freetype")) {
options |= QWindowsIntegration::FontDatabaseFreeType;
} else if (param.endsWith(u"native")) {
options |= QWindowsIntegration::FontDatabaseNative;
@@ -504,14 +509,17 @@ QWindowsStaticOpenGLContext *QWindowsIntegration::staticOpenGLContext()
QPlatformFontDatabase *QWindowsIntegration::fontDatabase() const
if (!d->m_fontDatabase) {
- d->m_fontDatabase = new QWindowsFontDatabase();
-#else // QT_NO_FREETYPE
+ if (d->m_options & QWindowsIntegration::FontDatabaseDirectWrite)
+ d->m_fontDatabase = new QWindowsDirectWriteFontDatabase;
+ else
if (d->m_options & QWindowsIntegration::FontDatabaseFreeType)
d->m_fontDatabase = new QWindowsFontDatabaseFT;
- d->m_fontDatabase = new QWindowsFontDatabase;
#endif // QT_NO_FREETYPE
+ d->m_fontDatabase = new QWindowsFontDatabase();
return d->m_fontDatabase;
diff --git a/src/plugins/platforms/windows/qwindowsintegration.h b/src/plugins/platforms/windows/qwindowsintegration.h
index 1f16d13769..165472ad40 100644
--- a/src/plugins/platforms/windows/qwindowsintegration.h
+++ b/src/plugins/platforms/windows/qwindowsintegration.h
@@ -72,7 +72,8 @@ public:
DetectAltGrModifier = 0x800,
RtlEnabled = 0x1000,
DarkModeWindowFrames = 0x2000,
- DarkModeStyle = 0x4000
+ DarkModeStyle = 0x4000,
+ FontDatabaseDirectWrite = 0x8000
explicit QWindowsIntegration(const QStringList &paramList);