diff options
authorTeemu Katajisto <>2012-08-13 11:47:32 +0300
committerThe Qt Project <>2012-11-22 22:56:00 +0100
commit69de6177615de3c4c31dea529172389e92f490b0 (patch)
parent127c30cbef6800184f4681158f7b3e17fca3cccd (diff)
QtPrintSupport: remove advanced tab from UNIX print properties dialog
The Advanced tab shows CUPS options and duplicates some of the settings in Page tab. These duplicate settings cannot be kept in synchronization and thus the Advanced tab causes confusion which settings are used. Remove the Advanced tab because the same settings are either available in Page tab or can be configured in system printer settings. Change-Id: I2dc2bf8b3b84dd19f24b2e6c1c9539c925d5d725 Reviewed-by: Eskil Abrahamsen Blomfeldt <> Reviewed-by: Lars Knoll <>
2 files changed, 15 insertions, 436 deletions
diff --git a/src/printsupport/dialogs/qprintdialog_unix.cpp b/src/printsupport/dialogs/qprintdialog_unix.cpp
index 95339ef982..71b8d6a780 100644
--- a/src/printsupport/dialogs/qprintdialog_unix.cpp
+++ b/src/printsupport/dialogs/qprintdialog_unix.cpp
@@ -99,11 +99,6 @@ Print dialog class declarations
allow editing of Page and Advanced tabs.
Layout in qprintpropertieswidget.ui
- QPPDOptionsModel: Holds the PPD Options for the printer.
- QPPDOptionsEditor: Edits the PPD Options for the printer.
@@ -120,7 +115,6 @@ public:
#if !defined(QT_NO_CUPS) && !defined(QT_NO_LIBRARY)
void setCups(QCUPSSupport *cups) { m_cups = cups; }
- void addItemToOptions(QOptionTreeItem *parent, QList<const ppd_option_t*>& options, QList<const char*>& markedOptions) const;
void selectPrinter();
@@ -138,7 +132,6 @@ private:
QDialogButtonBox *m_buttons;
#if !defined(QT_NO_CUPS) && !defined(QT_NO_LIBRARY)
QCUPSSupport *m_cups;
- QPPDOptionsModel *m_cupsOptionsModel;
@@ -234,77 +227,6 @@ public:
QPushButton *collapseButton;
-#if !defined(QT_NO_CUPS) && !defined(QT_NO_LIBRARY)
-class QOptionTreeItem
- enum ItemType { Root, Group, Option, Choice };
- QOptionTreeItem(ItemType t, int i, const void* p, const char* desc, QOptionTreeItem* pi)
- : type(t),
- index(i),
- ptr(p),
- description(desc),
- selected(-1),
- selDescription(0),
- parentItem(pi) {}
- ~QOptionTreeItem() {
- while (!childItems.isEmpty())
- delete childItems.takeFirst();
- }
- ItemType type;
- int index;
- const void* ptr;
- const char* description;
- int selected;
- const char* selDescription;
- QOptionTreeItem* parentItem;
- QList<QOptionTreeItem*> childItems;
-class QPPDOptionsModel : public QAbstractItemModel
- friend class QPPDOptionsEditor;
- QPPDOptionsModel(QCUPSSupport *cups, QObject *parent = 0);
- ~QPPDOptionsModel();
- int columnCount(const QModelIndex& parent = QModelIndex()) const;
- int rowCount(const QModelIndex& parent = QModelIndex()) const;
- QVariant data(const QModelIndex& index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const;
- QModelIndex index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex& parent = QModelIndex()) const;
- QModelIndex parent(const QModelIndex& index) const;
- Qt::ItemFlags flags(const QModelIndex& index) const;
- QVariant headerData ( int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role = Qt::DisplayRole ) const;
- QOptionTreeItem* rootItem;
- QCUPSSupport *cups;
- const ppd_file_t* ppd;
- void parseItems();
- void parseGroups(QOptionTreeItem* parent);
- void parseOptions(QOptionTreeItem* parent);
- void parseChoices(QOptionTreeItem* parent);
-class QPPDOptionsEditor : public QStyledItemDelegate
- QPPDOptionsEditor(QObject* parent = 0) : QStyledItemDelegate(parent) {}
- ~QPPDOptionsEditor() {}
- QWidget* createEditor(QWidget* parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const;
- void setEditorData(QWidget* editor, const QModelIndex& index) const;
- void setModelData( QWidget* editor, QAbstractItemModel* model, const QModelIndex& index) const;
-private slots:
- void cbChanged(int index);
@@ -321,7 +243,7 @@ private slots:
QPrintPropertiesDialog::QPrintPropertiesDialog(QAbstractPrintDialog *parent)
: QDialog(parent)
#if !defined(QT_NO_CUPS) && !defined(QT_NO_LIBRARY)
- , m_cups(0), m_cupsOptionsModel(0)
+ , m_cups(0)
QVBoxLayout *lay = new QVBoxLayout(this);
@@ -338,11 +260,6 @@ QPrintPropertiesDialog::QPrintPropertiesDialog(QAbstractPrintDialog *parent)
-#if !defined(QT_NO_CUPS) && !defined(QT_NO_LIBRARY)
- delete m_cupsOptionsModel;
- delete widget.cupsPropertiesPage;
void QPrintPropertiesDialog::applyPrinterProperties(QPrinter *p)
@@ -353,86 +270,30 @@ void QPrintPropertiesDialog::applyPrinterProperties(QPrinter *p)
void QPrintPropertiesDialog::setupPrinter() const
-#if !defined(QT_NO_CUPS) && !defined(QT_NO_LIBRARY)
- QPPDOptionsModel* model = static_cast<QPPDOptionsModel*>(widget.treeView->model());
- if (model) {
- QOptionTreeItem* rootItem = model->rootItem;
- QList<const ppd_option_t*> options;
- QList<const char*> markedOptions;
- addItemToOptions(rootItem, options, markedOptions);
- model->cups->saveOptions(options, markedOptions);
- }
void QPrintPropertiesDialog::selectPrinter()
#if !defined(QT_NO_CUPS) && !defined(QT_NO_LIBRARY)
- widget.pageSetup->selectPrinter(m_cups);
- widget.treeView->setModel(0);
if (m_cups && QCUPSSupport::isAvailable()) {
- if (m_cupsOptionsModel == 0) {
- m_cupsOptionsModel = new QPPDOptionsModel(m_cups);
- widget.treeView->setItemDelegate(new QPPDOptionsEditor(this));
- } else {
- // update the model
- m_cupsOptionsModel->parseItems();
- }
- if (m_cupsOptionsModel->rowCount() > 0) {
- widget.treeView->setModel(m_cupsOptionsModel);
- for (int i = 0; i < m_cupsOptionsModel->rowCount(); ++i)
- widget.treeView->expand(m_cupsOptionsModel->index(i,0));
- widget.tabs->setTabEnabled(1, true); // enable the advanced tab
- } else {
- widget.tabs->setTabEnabled(1, false);
- }
+ widget.pageSetup->selectPrinter(m_cups);
} else
- widget.cupsPropertiesPage->setEnabled(false);
void QPrintPropertiesDialog::selectPdfPsPrinter(const QPrinter *p)
- widget.treeView->setModel(0);
- widget.tabs->setTabEnabled(1, false); // disable the advanced tab
void QPrintPropertiesDialog::showEvent(QShowEvent* event)
- widget.treeView->resizeColumnToContents(0);
-#if !defined(QT_NO_CUPS) && !defined(QT_NO_LIBRARY)
-void QPrintPropertiesDialog::addItemToOptions(QOptionTreeItem *parent, QList<const ppd_option_t*>& options, QList<const char*>& markedOptions) const
- for (int i = 0; i < parent->childItems.count(); ++i) {
- QOptionTreeItem *itm = parent->;
- if (itm->type == QOptionTreeItem::Option) {
- const ppd_option_t* opt = reinterpret_cast<const ppd_option_t*>(itm->ptr);
- options << opt;
- if (qstrcmp(opt->defchoice, opt->choices[itm->selected].choice) != 0) {
- markedOptions << opt->keyword << opt->choices[itm->selected].choice;
- }
- } else {
- addItemToOptions(itm, options, markedOptions);
- }
- }
@@ -1085,267 +946,6 @@ void QUnixPrintWidget::updatePrinter()
- QPPDOptionsModel
- Holds the PPD Options for the printer.
-#if !defined(QT_NO_CUPS) && !defined(QT_NO_LIBRARY)
-QPPDOptionsModel::QPPDOptionsModel(QCUPSSupport *c, QObject *parent)
- : QAbstractItemModel(parent), rootItem(0), cups(c), ppd(c->currentPPD())
- parseItems();
-int QPPDOptionsModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex&) const
- return 2;
-int QPPDOptionsModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex& parent) const
- QOptionTreeItem* itm;
- if (!parent.isValid())
- itm = rootItem;
- else
- itm = reinterpret_cast<QOptionTreeItem*>(parent.internalPointer());
- if (itm->type == QOptionTreeItem::Option)
- return 0;
- return itm->childItems.count();
-QVariant QPPDOptionsModel::data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const
- switch(role) {
- case Qt::FontRole: {
- QOptionTreeItem* itm = reinterpret_cast<QOptionTreeItem*>(index.internalPointer());
- if (itm && itm->type == QOptionTreeItem::Group){
- QFont font = QApplication::font();
- font.setBold(true);
- return QVariant(font);
- }
- return QVariant();
- }
- break;
- case Qt::DisplayRole: {
- QOptionTreeItem* itm;
- if (!index.isValid())
- itm = rootItem;
- else
- itm = reinterpret_cast<QOptionTreeItem*>(index.internalPointer());
- if (index.column() == 0)
- return cups->unicodeString(itm->description);
- else if (itm->type == QOptionTreeItem::Option && itm->selected > -1)
- return cups->unicodeString(itm->selDescription);
- else
- return QVariant();
- }
- break;
- default:
- return QVariant();
- }
- if (role != Qt::DisplayRole)
- return QVariant();
-QModelIndex QPPDOptionsModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex& parent) const
- QOptionTreeItem* itm;
- if (!parent.isValid())
- itm = rootItem;
- else
- itm = reinterpret_cast<QOptionTreeItem*>(parent.internalPointer());
- return createIndex(row, column, itm->;
-QModelIndex QPPDOptionsModel::parent(const QModelIndex& index) const
- if (!index.isValid())
- return QModelIndex();
- QOptionTreeItem* itm = reinterpret_cast<QOptionTreeItem*>(index.internalPointer());
- if (itm->parentItem && itm->parentItem != rootItem)
- return createIndex(itm->parentItem->index, 0, itm->parentItem);
- else
- return QModelIndex();
-Qt::ItemFlags QPPDOptionsModel::flags(const QModelIndex& index) const
- if (!index.isValid() || reinterpret_cast<QOptionTreeItem*>(index.internalPointer())->type == QOptionTreeItem::Group)
- return Qt::ItemIsEnabled;
- if (index.column() == 1)
- return Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEditable;
- return Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable;
-void QPPDOptionsModel::parseItems()
- emit layoutAboutToBeChanged();
- ppd = cups->currentPPD();
- delete rootItem;
- rootItem = new QOptionTreeItem(QOptionTreeItem::Root, 0, ppd, "Root Item", 0);
- parseGroups(rootItem);
- emit layoutChanged();
-void QPPDOptionsModel::parseGroups(QOptionTreeItem* parent)
- if (parent->type == QOptionTreeItem::Root) {
- const ppd_file_t* ppdFile = reinterpret_cast<const ppd_file_t*>(parent->ptr);
- if (ppdFile) {
- for (int i = 0; i < ppdFile->num_groups; ++i) {
- QOptionTreeItem* group = new QOptionTreeItem(QOptionTreeItem::Group, i, &ppdFile->groups[i], ppdFile->groups[i].text, parent);
- parent->childItems.append(group);
- parseGroups(group); // parse possible subgroups
- parseOptions(group); // parse options
- }
- }
- } else if (parent->type == QOptionTreeItem::Group) {
- const ppd_group_t* group = reinterpret_cast<const ppd_group_t*>(parent->ptr);
- if (group) {
- for (int i = 0; i < group->num_subgroups; ++i) {
- QOptionTreeItem* subgroup = new QOptionTreeItem(QOptionTreeItem::Group, i, &group->subgroups[i], group->subgroups[i].text, parent);
- parent->childItems.append(subgroup);
- parseGroups(subgroup); // parse possible subgroups
- parseOptions(subgroup); // parse options
- }
- }
- }
-void QPPDOptionsModel::parseOptions(QOptionTreeItem* parent)
- const ppd_group_t* group = reinterpret_cast<const ppd_group_t*>(parent->ptr);
- for (int i = 0; i < group->num_options; ++i) {
- QOptionTreeItem* opt = new QOptionTreeItem(QOptionTreeItem::Option, i, &group->options[i], group->options[i].text, parent);
- parent->childItems.append(opt);
- parseChoices(opt);
- }
-void QPPDOptionsModel::parseChoices(QOptionTreeItem* parent)
- const ppd_option_t* option = reinterpret_cast<const ppd_option_t*>(parent->ptr);
- bool marked = false;
- for (int i = 0; i < option->num_choices; ++i) {
- QOptionTreeItem* choice = new QOptionTreeItem(QOptionTreeItem::Choice, i, &option->choices[i], option->choices[i].text, parent);
- if (static_cast<int>(option->choices[i].marked) == 1) {
- parent->selected = i;
- parent->selDescription = option->choices[i].text;
- marked = true;
- } else if (!marked && qstrcmp(option->choices[i].choice, option->defchoice) == 0) {
- parent->selected = i;
- parent->selDescription = option->choices[i].text;
- }
- parent->childItems.append(choice);
- }
-QVariant QPPDOptionsModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation, int role) const
- if (role != Qt::DisplayRole)
- return QVariant();
- switch(section){
- case 0:
- return QVariant(QApplication::translate("QPPDOptionsModel", "Name"));
- case 1:
- return QVariant(QApplication::translate("QPPDOptionsModel", "Value"));
- default:
- return QVariant();
- }
- QPPDOptionsEditor
- Edits the PPD Options for the printer.
-QWidget* QPPDOptionsEditor::createEditor(QWidget* parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem&, const QModelIndex& index) const
- if (index.column() == 1 && reinterpret_cast<QOptionTreeItem*>(index.internalPointer())->type == QOptionTreeItem::Option)
- return new QComboBox(parent);
- else
- return 0;
-void QPPDOptionsEditor::setEditorData(QWidget* editor, const QModelIndex& index) const
- if (index.column() != 1)
- return;
- QComboBox* cb = static_cast<QComboBox*>(editor);
- QOptionTreeItem* itm = reinterpret_cast<QOptionTreeItem*>(index.internalPointer());
- if (itm->selected == -1)
- cb->addItem(QString());
- for (int i = 0; i < itm->childItems.count(); ++i)
- cb->addItem(QString::fromLocal8Bit(itm->>description));
- if (itm->selected > -1)
- cb->setCurrentIndex(itm->selected);
- connect(cb, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(cbChanged(int)));
-void QPPDOptionsEditor::setModelData(QWidget* editor, QAbstractItemModel* model, const QModelIndex& index) const
- QComboBox* cb = static_cast<QComboBox*>(editor);
- QOptionTreeItem* itm = reinterpret_cast<QOptionTreeItem*>(index.internalPointer());
- if (itm->selected == cb->currentIndex())
- return;
- const ppd_option_t* opt = reinterpret_cast<const ppd_option_t*>(itm->ptr);
- QPPDOptionsModel* m = static_cast<QPPDOptionsModel*>(model);
- if (m->cups->markOption(opt->keyword, opt->choices[cb->currentIndex()].choice) == 0) {
- itm->selected = cb->currentIndex();
- itm->selDescription = reinterpret_cast<const ppd_option_t*>(itm->ptr)->choices[itm->selected].text;
- }
-void QPPDOptionsEditor::cbChanged(int)
- emit commitData(static_cast<QWidget*>(sender()));
-#endif // !defined(QT_NO_CUPS) && !defined(QT_NO_LIBRARY)
#endif // defined (Q_OS_UNIX)
diff --git a/src/printsupport/dialogs/qprintpropertieswidget.ui b/src/printsupport/dialogs/qprintpropertieswidget.ui
index 26fa09599e..66d7b80fcd 100644
--- a/src/printsupport/dialogs/qprintpropertieswidget.ui
+++ b/src/printsupport/dialogs/qprintpropertieswidget.ui
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
-<ui version="4.0" >
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<ui version="4.0">
- <widget class="QWidget" name="QPrintPropertiesWidget" >
- <property name="geometry" >
+ <widget class="QWidget" name="QPrintPropertiesWidget">
+ <property name="geometry">
@@ -9,47 +10,25 @@
- <property name="windowTitle" >
+ <property name="windowTitle">
- <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_4" >
- <property name="margin" >
+ <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_4">
+ <property name="margin">
- <widget class="QTabWidget" name="tabs" >
- <property name="currentIndex" >
+ <widget class="QTabWidget" name="tabs">
+ <property name="currentIndex">
- <widget class="QWidget" name="tabPage" >
- <property name="geometry" >
- <rect>
- <x>0</x>
- <y>0</y>
- <width>392</width>
- <height>261</height>
- </rect>
- </property>
- <attribute name="title" >
+ <widget class="QWidget" name="tabPage">
+ <attribute name="title">
- <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout" >
+ <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout">
- <widget class="QPageSetupWidget" native="1" name="pageSetup" />
- </item>
- </layout>
- </widget>
- <widget class="QWidget" name="cupsPropertiesPage" >
- <attribute name="title" >
- <string>Advanced</string>
- </attribute>
- <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout_2" >
- <item>
- <widget class="QTreeView" name="treeView" >
- <property name="alternatingRowColors" >
- <bool>true</bool>
- </property>
- </widget>
+ <widget class="QPageSetupWidget" name="pageSetup" native="true"/>