path: root/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86
diff options
authorJan-Arve Saether <>2011-10-06 09:41:34 +0200
committerQt by Nokia <>2012-03-13 21:11:55 +0100
commit02d75eaaf9f2e4984f39b1e081e841966d1dde0c (patch)
treedd3a1d30eedb0e9a134b98bec367a6117cc520d6 /src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86
parent26c3bec09bccf9006f5ef4945a428d9ef56c1d12 (diff)
Add support for IAccessible2 on Windows
Change-Id: Ia955ab46dc5037ed1c74e0acc525e98b02552c97 Reviewed-by: Frederik Gladhorn <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86')
-rw-r--r--src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/IA2TypeLibrary.tlbbin0 -> 1236 bytes
50 files changed, 17241 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/Accessible2.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/Accessible2.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dcf13c0d32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/Accessible2.h
@@ -0,0 +1,585 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:51 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for Accessible2.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "ole2.h"
+#endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
+#ifndef __Accessible2_h__
+#define __Accessible2_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifndef __IAccessible2_FWD_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessible2_FWD_DEFINED__
+typedef interface IAccessible2 IAccessible2;
+#endif /* __IAccessible2_FWD_DEFINED__ */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#include "oaidl.h"
+#include "oleacc.h"
+#include "AccessibleRelation.h"
+#include "AccessibleStates.h"
+#include "IA2CommonTypes.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+/* interface __MIDL_itf_Accessible2_0000_0000 */
+/* [local] */
+typedef struct IA2Locale
+ {
+ BSTR language;
+ BSTR country;
+ BSTR variant;
+ } IA2Locale;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_Accessible2_0000_0000_v0_0_c_ifspec;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_Accessible2_0000_0000_v0_0_s_ifspec;
+#ifndef __IAccessible2_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessible2_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+/* interface IAccessible2 */
+/* [uuid][object] */
+EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccessible2;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ MIDL_INTERFACE("E89F726E-C4F4-4c19-BB19-B647D7FA8478")
+ IAccessible2 : public IAccessible
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nRelations(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nRelations) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_relation(
+ /* [in] */ long relationIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IAccessibleRelation **relation) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_relations(
+ /* [in] */ long maxRelations,
+ /* [length_is][size_is][out] */ IAccessibleRelation **relations,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nRelations) = 0;
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *role) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2ScrollType scrollType) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2CoordinateType coordinateType,
+ /* [in] */ long x,
+ /* [in] */ long y) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_groupPosition(
+ /* [out] */ long *groupLevel,
+ /* [out] */ long *similarItemsInGroup,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *positionInGroup) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_states(
+ /* [retval][out] */ AccessibleStates *states) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_extendedRole(
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *extendedRole) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_localizedExtendedRole(
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *localizedExtendedRole) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nExtendedStates(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nExtendedStates) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_extendedStates(
+ /* [in] */ long maxExtendedStates,
+ /* [length_is][length_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ BSTR **extendedStates,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nExtendedStates) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_localizedExtendedStates(
+ /* [in] */ long maxLocalizedExtendedStates,
+ /* [length_is][length_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ BSTR **localizedExtendedStates,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nLocalizedExtendedStates) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_uniqueID(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *uniqueID) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_windowHandle(
+ /* [retval][out] */ HWND *windowHandle) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_indexInParent(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *indexInParent) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_locale(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2Locale *locale) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_attributes(
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *attributes) = 0;
+ };
+#else /* C style interface */
+ typedef struct IAccessible2Vtbl
+ {
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */
+ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject);
+ IAccessible2 * This);
+ IAccessible2 * This);
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [out] */ UINT *pctinfo);
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ UINT iTInfo,
+ /* [in] */ LCID lcid,
+ /* [out] */ ITypeInfo **ppTInfo);
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [size_is][in] */ LPOLESTR *rgszNames,
+ /* [range][in] */ UINT cNames,
+ /* [in] */ LCID lcid,
+ /* [size_is][out] */ DISPID *rgDispId);
+ /* [local] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Invoke )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ DISPID dispIdMember,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [in] */ LCID lcid,
+ /* [in] */ WORD wFlags,
+ /* [out][in] */ DISPPARAMS *pDispParams,
+ /* [out] */ VARIANT *pVarResult,
+ /* [out] */ EXCEPINFO *pExcepInfo,
+ /* [out] */ UINT *puArgErr);
+ /* [id][propget][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accParent )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IDispatch **ppdispParent);
+ /* [id][propget][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accChildCount )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *pcountChildren);
+ /* [id][propget][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accChild )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ VARIANT varChild,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IDispatch **ppdispChild);
+ /* [id][propget][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accName )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varChild,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *pszName);
+ /* [id][propget][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accValue )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varChild,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *pszValue);
+ /* [id][propget][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accDescription )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varChild,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *pszDescription);
+ /* [id][propget][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accRole )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varChild,
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *pvarRole);
+ /* [id][propget][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accState )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varChild,
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *pvarState);
+ /* [id][propget][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accHelp )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varChild,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *pszHelp);
+ /* [id][propget][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accHelpTopic )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [out] */ BSTR *pszHelpFile,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varChild,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *pidTopic);
+ /* [id][propget][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accKeyboardShortcut )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varChild,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *pszKeyboardShortcut);
+ /* [id][propget][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accFocus )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *pvarChild);
+ /* [id][propget][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accSelection )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *pvarChildren);
+ /* [id][propget][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accDefaultAction )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varChild,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *pszDefaultAction);
+ /* [id][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *accSelect )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long flagsSelect,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varChild);
+ /* [id][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *accLocation )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [out] */ long *pxLeft,
+ /* [out] */ long *pyTop,
+ /* [out] */ long *pcxWidth,
+ /* [out] */ long *pcyHeight,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varChild);
+ /* [id][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *accNavigate )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long navDir,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varStart,
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *pvarEndUpAt);
+ /* [id][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *accHitTest )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long xLeft,
+ /* [in] */ long yTop,
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *pvarChild);
+ /* [id][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *accDoDefaultAction )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varChild);
+ /* [id][propput][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *put_accName )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varChild,
+ /* [in] */ BSTR szName);
+ /* [id][propput][hidden] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *put_accValue )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [optional][in] */ VARIANT varChild,
+ /* [in] */ BSTR szValue);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nRelations )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nRelations);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_relation )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long relationIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IAccessibleRelation **relation);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_relations )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long maxRelations,
+ /* [length_is][size_is][out] */ IAccessibleRelation **relations,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nRelations);
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *role);
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2ScrollType scrollType);
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2CoordinateType coordinateType,
+ /* [in] */ long x,
+ /* [in] */ long y);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_groupPosition )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [out] */ long *groupLevel,
+ /* [out] */ long *similarItemsInGroup,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *positionInGroup);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_states )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ AccessibleStates *states);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_extendedRole )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *extendedRole);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_localizedExtendedRole )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *localizedExtendedRole);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nExtendedStates )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nExtendedStates);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_extendedStates )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long maxExtendedStates,
+ /* [length_is][length_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ BSTR **extendedStates,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nExtendedStates);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_localizedExtendedStates )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long maxLocalizedExtendedStates,
+ /* [length_is][length_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ BSTR **localizedExtendedStates,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nLocalizedExtendedStates);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_uniqueID )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *uniqueID);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_windowHandle )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ HWND *windowHandle);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_indexInParent )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *indexInParent);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_locale )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2Locale *locale);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_attributes )(
+ IAccessible2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *attributes);
+ } IAccessible2Vtbl;
+ interface IAccessible2
+ {
+ CONST_VTBL struct IAccessible2Vtbl *lpVtbl;
+ };
+#define IAccessible2_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) )
+#define IAccessible2_AddRef(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) )
+#define IAccessible2_Release(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) )
+#define IAccessible2_GetTypeInfoCount(This,pctinfo) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> GetTypeInfoCount(This,pctinfo) )
+#define IAccessible2_GetTypeInfo(This,iTInfo,lcid,ppTInfo) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> GetTypeInfo(This,iTInfo,lcid,ppTInfo) )
+#define IAccessible2_GetIDsOfNames(This,riid,rgszNames,cNames,lcid,rgDispId) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> GetIDsOfNames(This,riid,rgszNames,cNames,lcid,rgDispId) )
+#define IAccessible2_Invoke(This,dispIdMember,riid,lcid,wFlags,pDispParams,pVarResult,pExcepInfo,puArgErr) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Invoke(This,dispIdMember,riid,lcid,wFlags,pDispParams,pVarResult,pExcepInfo,puArgErr) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_accParent(This,ppdispParent) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accParent(This,ppdispParent) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_accChildCount(This,pcountChildren) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accChildCount(This,pcountChildren) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_accChild(This,varChild,ppdispChild) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accChild(This,varChild,ppdispChild) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_accName(This,varChild,pszName) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accName(This,varChild,pszName) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_accValue(This,varChild,pszValue) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accValue(This,varChild,pszValue) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_accDescription(This,varChild,pszDescription) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accDescription(This,varChild,pszDescription) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_accRole(This,varChild,pvarRole) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accRole(This,varChild,pvarRole) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_accState(This,varChild,pvarState) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accState(This,varChild,pvarState) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_accHelp(This,varChild,pszHelp) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accHelp(This,varChild,pszHelp) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_accHelpTopic(This,pszHelpFile,varChild,pidTopic) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accHelpTopic(This,pszHelpFile,varChild,pidTopic) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_accKeyboardShortcut(This,varChild,pszKeyboardShortcut) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accKeyboardShortcut(This,varChild,pszKeyboardShortcut) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_accFocus(This,pvarChild) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accFocus(This,pvarChild) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_accSelection(This,pvarChildren) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accSelection(This,pvarChildren) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_accDefaultAction(This,varChild,pszDefaultAction) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accDefaultAction(This,varChild,pszDefaultAction) )
+#define IAccessible2_accSelect(This,flagsSelect,varChild) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> accSelect(This,flagsSelect,varChild) )
+#define IAccessible2_accLocation(This,pxLeft,pyTop,pcxWidth,pcyHeight,varChild) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> accLocation(This,pxLeft,pyTop,pcxWidth,pcyHeight,varChild) )
+#define IAccessible2_accNavigate(This,navDir,varStart,pvarEndUpAt) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> accNavigate(This,navDir,varStart,pvarEndUpAt) )
+#define IAccessible2_accHitTest(This,xLeft,yTop,pvarChild) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> accHitTest(This,xLeft,yTop,pvarChild) )
+#define IAccessible2_accDoDefaultAction(This,varChild) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> accDoDefaultAction(This,varChild) )
+#define IAccessible2_put_accName(This,varChild,szName) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> put_accName(This,varChild,szName) )
+#define IAccessible2_put_accValue(This,varChild,szValue) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> put_accValue(This,varChild,szValue) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_nRelations(This,nRelations) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nRelations(This,nRelations) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_relation(This,relationIndex,relation) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_relation(This,relationIndex,relation) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_relations(This,maxRelations,relations,nRelations) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_relations(This,maxRelations,relations,nRelations) )
+#define IAccessible2_role(This,role) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> role(This,role) )
+#define IAccessible2_scrollTo(This,scrollType) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> scrollTo(This,scrollType) )
+#define IAccessible2_scrollToPoint(This,coordinateType,x,y) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> scrollToPoint(This,coordinateType,x,y) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_groupPosition(This,groupLevel,similarItemsInGroup,positionInGroup) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_groupPosition(This,groupLevel,similarItemsInGroup,positionInGroup) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_states(This,states) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_states(This,states) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_extendedRole(This,extendedRole) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_extendedRole(This,extendedRole) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_localizedExtendedRole(This,localizedExtendedRole) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_localizedExtendedRole(This,localizedExtendedRole) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_nExtendedStates(This,nExtendedStates) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nExtendedStates(This,nExtendedStates) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_extendedStates(This,maxExtendedStates,extendedStates,nExtendedStates) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_extendedStates(This,maxExtendedStates,extendedStates,nExtendedStates) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_localizedExtendedStates(This,maxLocalizedExtendedStates,localizedExtendedStates,nLocalizedExtendedStates) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_localizedExtendedStates(This,maxLocalizedExtendedStates,localizedExtendedStates,nLocalizedExtendedStates) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_uniqueID(This,uniqueID) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_uniqueID(This,uniqueID) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_windowHandle(This,windowHandle) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_windowHandle(This,windowHandle) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_indexInParent(This,indexInParent) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_indexInParent(This,indexInParent) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_locale(This,locale) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_locale(This,locale) )
+#define IAccessible2_get_attributes(This,attributes) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_attributes(This,attributes) )
+#endif /* COBJMACROS */
+#endif /* C style interface */
+#endif /* __IAccessible2_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+unsigned long __RPC_USER BSTR_UserSize( unsigned long *, unsigned long , BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserMarshal( unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserUnmarshal(unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+void __RPC_USER BSTR_UserFree( unsigned long *, BSTR * );
+unsigned long __RPC_USER HWND_UserSize( unsigned long *, unsigned long , HWND * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER HWND_UserMarshal( unsigned long *, unsigned char *, HWND * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER HWND_UserUnmarshal(unsigned long *, unsigned char *, HWND * );
+void __RPC_USER HWND_UserFree( unsigned long *, HWND * );
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/Accessible2_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/Accessible2_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..df0f94063e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/Accessible2_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:51 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for Accessible2.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_IAccessible2,0xE89F726E,0xC4F4,0x4c19,0xBB,0x19,0xB6,0x47,0xD7,0xFA,0x84,0x78);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/Accessible2_p.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/Accessible2_p.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..abb5883868
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/Accessible2_p.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1190 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:51 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for Accessible2.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#if !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4211 ) /* redefine extern to static */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4232 ) /* dllimport identity*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4024 ) /* array to pointer mapping*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4152 ) /* function/data pointer conversion in expression */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4100 ) /* unreferenced arguments in x86 call */
+#pragma optimize("", off )
+/* verify that the <rpcproxy.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpcproxy.h"
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcproxy.h>
+#endif /* __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ */
+#include "Accessible2.h"
+typedef struct _Accessible2_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+typedef struct _Accessible2_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+typedef struct _Accessible2_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ long Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ EXPR_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+static const RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER _RpcTransferSyntax =
+extern const Accessible2_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING Accessible2__MIDL_TypeFormatString;
+extern const Accessible2_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING Accessible2__MIDL_ProcFormatString;
+extern const Accessible2_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING Accessible2__MIDL_ExprFormatString;
+extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc;
+extern const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessible2_ServerInfo;
+extern const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessible2_ProxyInfo;
+#if !defined(__RPC_WIN32__)
+#error Invalid build platform for this stub.
+#error You need Windows 2000 or later to run this stub because it uses these features:
+#error /robust command line switch.
+#error However, your C/C++ compilation flags indicate you intend to run this app on earlier systems.
+#error This app will fail with the RPC_X_WRONG_STUB_VERSION error.
+static const Accessible2_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING Accessible2__MIDL_ProcFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ /* Procedure get_nRelations */
+ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 2 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 6 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* 28 */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 14 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 16 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter nRelations */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 28 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 32 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 34 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_relation */
+/* 36 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 42 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1d ), /* 29 */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 50 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 52 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 54 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 58 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter relationIndex */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 64 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter relation */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 70 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Type Offset=6 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 72 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 74 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 76 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_relations */
+/* 78 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 80 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1e ), /* 30 */
+/* 86 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 88 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 92 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 94 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 98 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 100 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter maxRelations */
+/* 102 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 106 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter relations */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcShort( 0x113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 112 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* Type Offset=32 */
+ /* Parameter nRelations */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 116 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 118 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 120 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 122 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 124 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure role */
+/* 126 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 128 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 132 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1f ), /* 31 */
+/* 134 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 136 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 138 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 140 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 142 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 144 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 146 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 148 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter role */
+/* 150 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 152 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 154 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 156 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 158 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 160 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure scrollTo */
+/* 162 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 164 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 168 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* 32 */
+/* 170 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 172 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* 6 */
+/* 174 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 176 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 178 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 180 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 182 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 184 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter scrollType */
+/* 186 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 188 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 190 */ 0xd, /* FC_ENUM16 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 192 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 194 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 196 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure scrollToPoint */
+/* 198 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 200 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 204 */ NdrFcShort( 0x21 ), /* 33 */
+/* 206 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 208 */ NdrFcShort( 0x16 ), /* 22 */
+/* 210 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 212 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 214 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 216 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 218 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 220 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter coordinateType */
+/* 222 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 224 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 226 */ 0xd, /* FC_ENUM16 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter x */
+/* 228 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 230 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 232 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter y */
+/* 234 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 236 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 238 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 240 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 242 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 244 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_groupPosition */
+/* 246 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 248 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 252 */ NdrFcShort( 0x22 ), /* 34 */
+/* 254 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 256 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 258 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5c ), /* 92 */
+/* 260 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 262 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 264 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 266 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 268 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter groupLevel */
+/* 270 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 272 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 274 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter similarItemsInGroup */
+/* 276 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 278 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 280 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter positionInGroup */
+/* 282 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 284 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 286 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 288 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 290 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 292 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_states */
+/* 294 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 296 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 300 */ NdrFcShort( 0x23 ), /* 35 */
+/* 302 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 304 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 306 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 308 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 310 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 312 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 314 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 316 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter states */
+/* 318 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 320 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 322 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 324 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 326 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 328 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_extendedRole */
+/* 330 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 332 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 336 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 338 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 340 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 342 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 344 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 346 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 348 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 350 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 352 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter extendedRole */
+/* 354 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 356 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 358 */ NdrFcShort( 0x54 ), /* Type Offset=84 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 360 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 362 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 364 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_localizedExtendedRole */
+/* 366 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 368 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 372 */ NdrFcShort( 0x25 ), /* 37 */
+/* 374 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 376 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 378 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 380 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 382 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 384 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 386 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 388 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter localizedExtendedRole */
+/* 390 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 392 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 394 */ NdrFcShort( 0x54 ), /* Type Offset=84 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 396 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 398 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 400 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_nExtendedStates */
+/* 402 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 404 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 408 */ NdrFcShort( 0x26 ), /* 38 */
+/* 410 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 412 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 414 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 416 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 418 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 420 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 422 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 424 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter nExtendedStates */
+/* 426 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 428 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 430 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 432 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 434 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 436 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_extendedStates */
+/* 438 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 440 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 444 */ NdrFcShort( 0x27 ), /* 39 */
+/* 446 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 448 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 450 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 452 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 454 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 456 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 458 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 460 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter maxExtendedStates */
+/* 462 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 464 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 466 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter extendedStates */
+/* 468 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2013 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 470 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 472 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5e ), /* Type Offset=94 */
+ /* Parameter nExtendedStates */
+/* 474 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 476 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 478 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 480 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 482 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 484 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_localizedExtendedStates */
+/* 486 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 488 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 492 */ NdrFcShort( 0x28 ), /* 40 */
+/* 494 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 496 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 498 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 500 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 502 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 504 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 506 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 508 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter maxLocalizedExtendedStates */
+/* 510 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 512 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 514 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter localizedExtendedStates */
+/* 516 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2013 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 518 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 520 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5e ), /* Type Offset=94 */
+ /* Parameter nLocalizedExtendedStates */
+/* 522 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 524 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 526 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 528 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 530 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 532 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_uniqueID */
+/* 534 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 536 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 540 */ NdrFcShort( 0x29 ), /* 41 */
+/* 542 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 544 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 546 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 548 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 550 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 552 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 554 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 556 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter uniqueID */
+/* 558 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 560 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 562 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 564 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 566 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 568 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_windowHandle */
+/* 570 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 572 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 576 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2a ), /* 42 */
+/* 578 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 580 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 582 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 584 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 586 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 588 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 590 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 592 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter windowHandle */
+/* 594 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 596 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 598 */ NdrFcShort( 0x98 ), /* Type Offset=152 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 600 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 602 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 604 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_indexInParent */
+/* 606 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 608 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 612 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2b ), /* 43 */
+/* 614 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 616 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 618 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 620 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 622 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 624 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 626 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 628 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter indexInParent */
+/* 630 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 632 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 634 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 636 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 638 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 640 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_locale */
+/* 642 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 644 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 648 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2c ), /* 44 */
+/* 650 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 652 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 654 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 656 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 658 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 660 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 662 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 664 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter locale */
+/* 666 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=16 */
+/* 668 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 670 */ NdrFcShort( 0xa6 ), /* Type Offset=166 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 672 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 674 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 676 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_attributes */
+/* 678 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 680 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 684 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2d ), /* 45 */
+/* 686 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 688 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 690 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 692 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 694 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 696 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 698 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 700 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter attributes */
+/* 702 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 704 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 706 */ NdrFcShort( 0x54 ), /* Type Offset=84 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 708 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 710 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 712 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+static const Accessible2_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING Accessible2__MIDL_TypeFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 2 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 4 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 6 */
+ 0x11, 0x10, /* FC_RP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (10) */
+/* 10 */
+ 0x2f, /* FC_IP */
+ 0x5a, /* FC_CONSTANT_IID */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcLong( 0x7cdf86ee ), /* 2095023854 */
+/* 16 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc3da ), /* -15398 */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x496a ), /* 18794 */
+/* 20 */ 0xbd, /* 189 */
+ 0xa4, /* 164 */
+/* 22 */ 0x28, /* 40 */
+ 0x1b, /* 27 */
+/* 24 */ 0x33, /* 51 */
+ 0x6e, /* 110 */
+/* 26 */ 0x1f, /* 31 */
+ 0xdc, /* 220 */
+/* 28 */
+ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (32) */
+/* 32 */
+ 0x21, /* FC_BOGUS_ARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 36 */ 0x28, /* Corr desc: parameter, FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 42 */ 0x28, /* Corr desc: parameter, FC_LONG */
+ 0x54, /* FC_DEREFERENCE */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 48 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 50 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffd8 ), /* Offset= -40 (10) */
+/* 52 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 54 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* Offset= 28 (84) */
+/* 58 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* Offset= 14 (74) */
+/* 62 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x1, /* 1 */
+/* 64 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 66 */ 0x9, /* Corr desc: FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfffc ), /* -4 */
+/* 70 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 72 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 74 */
+ 0x17, /* FC_CSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 76 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff0 ), /* Offset= -16 (62) */
+/* 80 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 82 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 84 */ 0xb4, /* FC_USER_MARSHAL */
+ 0x83, /* 131 */
+/* 86 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 88 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 92 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffde ), /* Offset= -34 (58) */
+/* 94 */
+ 0x11, 0x14, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [pointer_deref] */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (98) */
+/* 98 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 100 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (102) */
+/* 102 */
+ 0x21, /* FC_BOGUS_ARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 106 */ 0x28, /* Corr desc: parameter, FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 112 */ 0x28, /* Corr desc: parameter, FC_LONG */
+ 0x54, /* FC_DEREFERENCE */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 116 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 118 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 120 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffdc ), /* Offset= -36 (84) */
+/* 122 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 124 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 126 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1a ), /* Offset= 26 (152) */
+/* 128 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 130 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (132) */
+/* 132 */
+ 0x48, /* 72 */
+/* 134 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 136 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 138 */ NdrFcLong( 0x48746457 ), /* 1215587415 */
+/* 142 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8008 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_LONG */
+/* 144 */ NdrFcLong( 0x52746457 ), /* 1383359575 */
+/* 148 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8008 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_LONG */
+/* 150 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffff ), /* Offset= -1 (149) */
+/* 152 */ 0xb4, /* FC_USER_MARSHAL */
+ 0x83, /* 131 */
+/* 154 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 156 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 158 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 160 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffe0 ), /* Offset= -32 (128) */
+/* 162 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 164 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (166) */
+/* 166 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 168 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* 12 */
+/* 170 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 172 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Offset= 0 (172) */
+/* 174 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 176 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffa4 ), /* Offset= -92 (84) */
+/* 178 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 180 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffa0 ), /* Offset= -96 (84) */
+/* 182 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 184 */ NdrFcShort( 0xff9c ), /* Offset= -100 (84) */
+/* 186 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+ {
+ {
+ BSTR_UserSize
+ ,BSTR_UserMarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserUnmarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserFree
+ },
+ {
+ HWND_UserSize
+ ,HWND_UserMarshal
+ ,HWND_UserUnmarshal
+ ,HWND_UserFree
+ }
+ };
+/* Standard interface: __MIDL_itf_Accessible2_0000_0000, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00}} */
+/* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IDispatch, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00020400,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessible, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x618736e0,0x3c3d,0x11cf,{0x81,0x0c,0x00,0xaa,0x00,0x38,0x9b,0x71}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessible2, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0xE89F726E,0xC4F4,0x4c19,{0xBB,0x19,0xB6,0x47,0xD7,0xFA,0x84,0x78}} */
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+static const unsigned short IAccessible2_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =
+ {
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ 0,
+ 36,
+ 78,
+ 126,
+ 162,
+ 198,
+ 246,
+ 294,
+ 330,
+ 366,
+ 402,
+ 438,
+ 486,
+ 534,
+ 570,
+ 606,
+ 642,
+ 678
+ };
+static const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessible2_ProxyInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ Accessible2__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessible2_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ };
+static const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessible2_ServerInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ 0,
+ Accessible2__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessible2_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0};
+CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(46) _IAccessible2ProxyVtbl =
+ &IAccessible2_ProxyInfo,
+ &IID_IAccessible2,
+ IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_Release_Proxy ,
+ 0 /* IDispatch::GetTypeInfoCount */ ,
+ 0 /* IDispatch::GetTypeInfo */ ,
+ 0 /* IDispatch::GetIDsOfNames */ ,
+ 0 /* IDispatch_Invoke_Proxy */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::get_accParent */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::get_accChildCount */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::get_accChild */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::get_accName */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::get_accValue */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::get_accDescription */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::get_accRole */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::get_accState */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::get_accHelp */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::get_accHelpTopic */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::get_accKeyboardShortcut */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::get_accFocus */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::get_accSelection */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::get_accDefaultAction */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::accSelect */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::accLocation */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::accNavigate */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::accHitTest */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::accDoDefaultAction */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::put_accName */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessible::put_accValue */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_nRelations */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_relation */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_relations */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::role */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::scrollTo */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::scrollToPoint */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_groupPosition */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_states */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_extendedRole */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_localizedExtendedRole */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_nExtendedStates */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_extendedStates */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_localizedExtendedStates */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_uniqueID */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_windowHandle */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_indexInParent */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_locale */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessible2::get_attributes */
+static const PRPC_STUB_FUNCTION IAccessible2_table[] =
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2
+CInterfaceStubVtbl _IAccessible2StubVtbl =
+ &IID_IAccessible2,
+ &IAccessible2_ServerInfo,
+ 46,
+ &IAccessible2_table[-3],
+static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc =
+ {
+ 0,
+ NdrOleAllocate,
+ NdrOleFree,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ Accessible2__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,
+ 1, /* -error bounds_check flag */
+ 0x50002, /* Ndr library version */
+ 0,
+ 0x700022b, /* MIDL Version 7.0.555 */
+ 0,
+ UserMarshalRoutines,
+ 0, /* notify & notify_flag routine table */
+ 0x1, /* MIDL flag */
+ 0, /* cs routines */
+ 0, /* proxy/server info */
+ 0
+ };
+const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * const _Accessible2_ProxyVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IAccessible2ProxyVtbl,
+ 0
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl * const _Accessible2_StubVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IAccessible2StubVtbl,
+ 0
+PCInterfaceName const _Accessible2_InterfaceNamesList[] =
+ "IAccessible2",
+ 0
+const IID * const _Accessible2_BaseIIDList[] =
+ &IID_IAccessible,
+ 0
+#define _Accessible2_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _Accessible2, pIID, n)
+int __stdcall _Accessible2_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex )
+ if(!_Accessible2_CHECK_IID(0))
+ {
+ *pIndex = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const ExtendedProxyFileInfo Accessible2_ProxyFileInfo =
+ (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _Accessible2_ProxyVtblList,
+ (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _Accessible2_StubVtblList,
+ (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _Accessible2_InterfaceNamesList,
+ (const IID ** ) & _Accessible2_BaseIIDList,
+ & _Accessible2_IID_Lookup,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 0, /* table of [async_uuid] interfaces */
+ 0, /* Filler1 */
+ 0, /* Filler2 */
+ 0 /* Filler3 */
+#pragma optimize("", on )
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif /* !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)*/
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleAction.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleAction.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c1ebabb899
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleAction.h
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:51 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleAction.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "ole2.h"
+#endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
+#ifndef __AccessibleAction_h__
+#define __AccessibleAction_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifndef __IAccessibleAction_FWD_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleAction_FWD_DEFINED__
+typedef interface IAccessibleAction IAccessibleAction;
+#endif /* __IAccessibleAction_FWD_DEFINED__ */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#include "oaidl.h"
+#include "oleacc.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#ifndef __IAccessibleAction_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleAction_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+/* interface IAccessibleAction */
+/* [uuid][object] */
+EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccessibleAction;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ MIDL_INTERFACE("B70D9F59-3B5A-4dba-AB9E-22012F607DF5")
+ IAccessibleAction : public IUnknown
+ {
+ public:
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nActions) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_description(
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *description) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_keyBinding(
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex,
+ /* [in] */ long nMaxBindings,
+ /* [length_is][length_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ BSTR **keyBindings,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nBindings) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_name(
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *name) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_localizedName(
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *localizedName) = 0;
+ };
+#else /* C style interface */
+ typedef struct IAccessibleActionVtbl
+ {
+ IAccessibleAction * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */
+ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject);
+ IAccessibleAction * This);
+ IAccessibleAction * This);
+ IAccessibleAction * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nActions);
+ IAccessibleAction * This,
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_description )(
+ IAccessibleAction * This,
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *description);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_keyBinding )(
+ IAccessibleAction * This,
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex,
+ /* [in] */ long nMaxBindings,
+ /* [length_is][length_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ BSTR **keyBindings,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nBindings);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_name )(
+ IAccessibleAction * This,
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *name);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_localizedName )(
+ IAccessibleAction * This,
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *localizedName);
+ } IAccessibleActionVtbl;
+ interface IAccessibleAction
+ {
+ CONST_VTBL struct IAccessibleActionVtbl *lpVtbl;
+ };
+#define IAccessibleAction_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) )
+#define IAccessibleAction_AddRef(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) )
+#define IAccessibleAction_Release(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) )
+#define IAccessibleAction_nActions(This,nActions) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> nActions(This,nActions) )
+#define IAccessibleAction_doAction(This,actionIndex) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> doAction(This,actionIndex) )
+#define IAccessibleAction_get_description(This,actionIndex,description) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_description(This,actionIndex,description) )
+#define IAccessibleAction_get_keyBinding(This,actionIndex,nMaxBindings,keyBindings,nBindings) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_keyBinding(This,actionIndex,nMaxBindings,keyBindings,nBindings) )
+#define IAccessibleAction_get_name(This,actionIndex,name) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_name(This,actionIndex,name) )
+#define IAccessibleAction_get_localizedName(This,actionIndex,localizedName) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_localizedName(This,actionIndex,localizedName) )
+#endif /* COBJMACROS */
+#endif /* C style interface */
+#endif /* __IAccessibleAction_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+unsigned long __RPC_USER BSTR_UserSize( unsigned long *, unsigned long , BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserMarshal( unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserUnmarshal(unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+void __RPC_USER BSTR_UserFree( unsigned long *, BSTR * );
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleAction_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleAction_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ea097ef5d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleAction_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:51 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleAction.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_IAccessibleAction,0xB70D9F59,0x3B5A,0x4dba,0xAB,0x9E,0x22,0x01,0x2F,0x60,0x7D,0xF5);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleAction_p.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleAction_p.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..41854575bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleAction_p.c
@@ -0,0 +1,563 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:51 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleAction.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#if !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4211 ) /* redefine extern to static */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4232 ) /* dllimport identity*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4024 ) /* array to pointer mapping*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4152 ) /* function/data pointer conversion in expression */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4100 ) /* unreferenced arguments in x86 call */
+#pragma optimize("", off )
+/* verify that the <rpcproxy.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpcproxy.h"
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcproxy.h>
+#endif /* __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ */
+#include "AccessibleAction.h"
+typedef struct _AccessibleAction_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleAction_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleAction_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleAction_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleAction_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ long Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ EXPR_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleAction_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING;
+static const RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER _RpcTransferSyntax =
+extern const AccessibleAction_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleAction__MIDL_TypeFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleAction_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleAction__MIDL_ProcFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleAction_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleAction__MIDL_ExprFormatString;
+extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc;
+extern const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleAction_ServerInfo;
+extern const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleAction_ProxyInfo;
+#if !defined(__RPC_WIN32__)
+#error Invalid build platform for this stub.
+#error You need Windows 2000 or later to run this stub because it uses these features:
+#error /robust command line switch.
+#error However, your C/C++ compilation flags indicate you intend to run this app on earlier systems.
+#error This app will fail with the RPC_X_WRONG_STUB_VERSION error.
+static const AccessibleAction_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleAction__MIDL_ProcFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ /* Procedure nActions */
+ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 2 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 6 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 14 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 16 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter nActions */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 28 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 32 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 34 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure doAction */
+/* 36 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 42 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 50 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 52 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 54 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 58 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter actionIndex */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 64 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 70 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_description */
+/* 72 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 74 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5 ), /* 5 */
+/* 80 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 82 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 86 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 88 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 92 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 94 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter actionIndex */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 98 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 100 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter description */
+/* 102 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 106 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* Type Offset=36 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 112 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_keyBinding */
+/* 114 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 116 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 120 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* 6 */
+/* 122 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 124 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 126 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 128 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x5, /* 5 */
+/* 130 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 132 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 134 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 136 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter actionIndex */
+/* 138 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 140 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 142 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter nMaxBindings */
+/* 144 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 146 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 148 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter keyBindings */
+/* 150 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2013 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 152 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 154 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2e ), /* Type Offset=46 */
+ /* Parameter nBindings */
+/* 156 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 158 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 160 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 162 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 164 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 166 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_name */
+/* 168 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 170 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 174 */ NdrFcShort( 0x7 ), /* 7 */
+/* 176 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 178 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 180 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 182 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 184 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 186 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 188 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 190 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter actionIndex */
+/* 192 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 194 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 196 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter name */
+/* 198 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 200 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 202 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* Type Offset=36 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 204 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 206 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 208 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_localizedName */
+/* 210 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 212 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 216 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 218 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 220 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 222 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 224 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 226 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 228 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 230 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 232 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter actionIndex */
+/* 234 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 236 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 238 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter localizedName */
+/* 240 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 242 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 244 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* Type Offset=36 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 246 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 248 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 250 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+static const AccessibleAction_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleAction__MIDL_TypeFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 2 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 4 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 6 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* Offset= 28 (36) */
+/* 10 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* Offset= 14 (26) */
+/* 14 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x1, /* 1 */
+/* 16 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 18 */ 0x9, /* Corr desc: FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfffc ), /* -4 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 24 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 26 */
+ 0x17, /* FC_CSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 28 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff0 ), /* Offset= -16 (14) */
+/* 32 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 34 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 36 */ 0xb4, /* FC_USER_MARSHAL */
+ 0x83, /* 131 */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 42 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffde ), /* Offset= -34 (10) */
+/* 46 */
+ 0x11, 0x14, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [pointer_deref] */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (50) */
+/* 50 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 52 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (54) */
+/* 54 */
+ 0x21, /* FC_BOGUS_ARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 58 */ 0x28, /* Corr desc: parameter, FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 64 */ 0x28, /* Corr desc: parameter, FC_LONG */
+ 0x54, /* FC_DEREFERENCE */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 70 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 72 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffdc ), /* Offset= -36 (36) */
+/* 74 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+ {
+ {
+ BSTR_UserSize
+ ,BSTR_UserMarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserUnmarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserFree
+ }
+ };
+/* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleAction, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0xB70D9F59,0x3B5A,0x4dba,{0xAB,0x9E,0x22,0x01,0x2F,0x60,0x7D,0xF5}} */
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+static const unsigned short IAccessibleAction_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =
+ {
+ 0,
+ 36,
+ 72,
+ 114,
+ 168,
+ 210
+ };
+static const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleAction_ProxyInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ AccessibleAction__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleAction_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ };
+static const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleAction_ServerInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleAction__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleAction_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0};
+CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(9) _IAccessibleActionProxyVtbl =
+ &IAccessibleAction_ProxyInfo,
+ &IID_IAccessibleAction,
+ IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_Release_Proxy ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleAction::nActions */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleAction::doAction */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleAction::get_description */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleAction::get_keyBinding */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleAction::get_name */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleAction::get_localizedName */
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl _IAccessibleActionStubVtbl =
+ &IID_IAccessibleAction,
+ &IAccessibleAction_ServerInfo,
+ 9,
+ 0, /* pure interpreted */
+ CStdStubBuffer_METHODS
+static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc =
+ {
+ 0,
+ NdrOleAllocate,
+ NdrOleFree,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleAction__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,
+ 1, /* -error bounds_check flag */
+ 0x50002, /* Ndr library version */
+ 0,
+ 0x700022b, /* MIDL Version 7.0.555 */
+ 0,
+ UserMarshalRoutines,
+ 0, /* notify & notify_flag routine table */
+ 0x1, /* MIDL flag */
+ 0, /* cs routines */
+ 0, /* proxy/server info */
+ 0
+ };
+const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * const _AccessibleAction_ProxyVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IAccessibleActionProxyVtbl,
+ 0
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl * const _AccessibleAction_StubVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IAccessibleActionStubVtbl,
+ 0
+PCInterfaceName const _AccessibleAction_InterfaceNamesList[] =
+ "IAccessibleAction",
+ 0
+#define _AccessibleAction_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _AccessibleAction, pIID, n)
+int __stdcall _AccessibleAction_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex )
+ if(!_AccessibleAction_CHECK_IID(0))
+ {
+ *pIndex = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const ExtendedProxyFileInfo AccessibleAction_ProxyFileInfo =
+ (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _AccessibleAction_ProxyVtblList,
+ (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _AccessibleAction_StubVtblList,
+ (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _AccessibleAction_InterfaceNamesList,
+ 0, /* no delegation */
+ & _AccessibleAction_IID_Lookup,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 0, /* table of [async_uuid] interfaces */
+ 0, /* Filler1 */
+ 0, /* Filler2 */
+ 0 /* Filler3 */
+#pragma optimize("", on )
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif /* !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)*/
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleApplication.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleApplication.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e14096869c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleApplication.h
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:52 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleApplication.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "ole2.h"
+#endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
+#ifndef __AccessibleApplication_h__
+#define __AccessibleApplication_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifndef __IAccessibleApplication_FWD_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleApplication_FWD_DEFINED__
+typedef interface IAccessibleApplication IAccessibleApplication;
+#endif /* __IAccessibleApplication_FWD_DEFINED__ */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#include "oaidl.h"
+#include "oleacc.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#ifndef __IAccessibleApplication_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleApplication_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+/* interface IAccessibleApplication */
+/* [uuid][object] */
+EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccessibleApplication;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ MIDL_INTERFACE("D49DED83-5B25-43F4-9B95-93B44595979E")
+ IAccessibleApplication : public IUnknown
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_appName(
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *name) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_appVersion(
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *version) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_toolkitName(
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *name) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_toolkitVersion(
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *version) = 0;
+ };
+#else /* C style interface */
+ typedef struct IAccessibleApplicationVtbl
+ {
+ IAccessibleApplication * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */
+ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject);
+ IAccessibleApplication * This);
+ IAccessibleApplication * This);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_appName )(
+ IAccessibleApplication * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *name);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_appVersion )(
+ IAccessibleApplication * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *version);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_toolkitName )(
+ IAccessibleApplication * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *name);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_toolkitVersion )(
+ IAccessibleApplication * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *version);
+ } IAccessibleApplicationVtbl;
+ interface IAccessibleApplication
+ {
+ CONST_VTBL struct IAccessibleApplicationVtbl *lpVtbl;
+ };
+#define IAccessibleApplication_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) )
+#define IAccessibleApplication_AddRef(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) )
+#define IAccessibleApplication_Release(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) )
+#define IAccessibleApplication_get_appName(This,name) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_appName(This,name) )
+#define IAccessibleApplication_get_appVersion(This,version) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_appVersion(This,version) )
+#define IAccessibleApplication_get_toolkitName(This,name) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_toolkitName(This,name) )
+#define IAccessibleApplication_get_toolkitVersion(This,version) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_toolkitVersion(This,version) )
+#endif /* COBJMACROS */
+#endif /* C style interface */
+#endif /* __IAccessibleApplication_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+unsigned long __RPC_USER BSTR_UserSize( unsigned long *, unsigned long , BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserMarshal( unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserUnmarshal(unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+void __RPC_USER BSTR_UserFree( unsigned long *, BSTR * );
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleApplication_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleApplication_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..daa0c1f7d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleApplication_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:52 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleApplication.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_IAccessibleApplication,0xD49DED83,0x5B25,0x43F4,0x9B,0x95,0x93,0xB4,0x45,0x95,0x97,0x9E);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleApplication_p.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleApplication_p.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e51a63fff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleApplication_p.c
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:52 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleApplication.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#if !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4211 ) /* redefine extern to static */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4232 ) /* dllimport identity*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4024 ) /* array to pointer mapping*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4152 ) /* function/data pointer conversion in expression */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4100 ) /* unreferenced arguments in x86 call */
+#pragma optimize("", off )
+/* verify that the <rpcproxy.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpcproxy.h"
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcproxy.h>
+#endif /* __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ */
+#include "AccessibleApplication.h"
+typedef struct _AccessibleApplication_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleApplication_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleApplication_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleApplication_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleApplication_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ long Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ EXPR_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleApplication_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING;
+static const RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER _RpcTransferSyntax =
+extern const AccessibleApplication_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleApplication__MIDL_TypeFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleApplication_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleApplication__MIDL_ProcFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleApplication_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleApplication__MIDL_ExprFormatString;
+extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc;
+extern const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleApplication_ServerInfo;
+extern const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleApplication_ProxyInfo;
+#if !defined(__RPC_WIN32__)
+#error Invalid build platform for this stub.
+#error You need Windows 2000 or later to run this stub because it uses these features:
+#error /robust command line switch.
+#error However, your C/C++ compilation flags indicate you intend to run this app on earlier systems.
+#error This app will fail with the RPC_X_WRONG_STUB_VERSION error.
+static const AccessibleApplication_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleApplication__MIDL_ProcFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ /* Procedure get_appName */
+ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 2 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 6 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 14 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 16 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter name */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 28 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* Type Offset=32 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 32 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 34 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_appVersion */
+/* 36 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 42 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 50 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 52 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 54 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 58 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter version */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 64 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* Type Offset=32 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 70 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_toolkitName */
+/* 72 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 74 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5 ), /* 5 */
+/* 80 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 82 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 86 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 88 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 92 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 94 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter name */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 98 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 100 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* Type Offset=32 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 102 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 106 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_toolkitVersion */
+/* 108 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* 6 */
+/* 116 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 118 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 120 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 122 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 124 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 126 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 128 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 130 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter version */
+/* 132 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 134 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 136 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* Type Offset=32 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 138 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 140 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 142 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+static const AccessibleApplication_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleApplication__MIDL_TypeFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 2 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 4 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* Offset= 28 (32) */
+/* 6 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* Offset= 14 (22) */
+/* 10 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x1, /* 1 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 14 */ 0x9, /* Corr desc: FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 16 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfffc ), /* -4 */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 20 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 22 */
+ 0x17, /* FC_CSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff0 ), /* Offset= -16 (10) */
+/* 28 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 30 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 32 */ 0xb4, /* FC_USER_MARSHAL */
+ 0x83, /* 131 */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 36 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffde ), /* Offset= -34 (6) */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+ {
+ {
+ BSTR_UserSize
+ ,BSTR_UserMarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserUnmarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserFree
+ }
+ };
+/* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleApplication, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0xD49DED83,0x5B25,0x43F4,{0x9B,0x95,0x93,0xB4,0x45,0x95,0x97,0x9E}} */
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+static const unsigned short IAccessibleApplication_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =
+ {
+ 0,
+ 36,
+ 72,
+ 108
+ };
+static const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleApplication_ProxyInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ AccessibleApplication__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleApplication_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ };
+static const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleApplication_ServerInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleApplication__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleApplication_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0};
+CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(7) _IAccessibleApplicationProxyVtbl =
+ &IAccessibleApplication_ProxyInfo,
+ &IID_IAccessibleApplication,
+ IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_Release_Proxy ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleApplication::get_appName */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleApplication::get_appVersion */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleApplication::get_toolkitName */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleApplication::get_toolkitVersion */
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl _IAccessibleApplicationStubVtbl =
+ &IID_IAccessibleApplication,
+ &IAccessibleApplication_ServerInfo,
+ 7,
+ 0, /* pure interpreted */
+ CStdStubBuffer_METHODS
+static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc =
+ {
+ 0,
+ NdrOleAllocate,
+ NdrOleFree,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleApplication__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,
+ 1, /* -error bounds_check flag */
+ 0x50002, /* Ndr library version */
+ 0,
+ 0x700022b, /* MIDL Version 7.0.555 */
+ 0,
+ UserMarshalRoutines,
+ 0, /* notify & notify_flag routine table */
+ 0x1, /* MIDL flag */
+ 0, /* cs routines */
+ 0, /* proxy/server info */
+ 0
+ };
+const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * const _AccessibleApplication_ProxyVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IAccessibleApplicationProxyVtbl,
+ 0
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl * const _AccessibleApplication_StubVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IAccessibleApplicationStubVtbl,
+ 0
+PCInterfaceName const _AccessibleApplication_InterfaceNamesList[] =
+ "IAccessibleApplication",
+ 0
+#define _AccessibleApplication_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _AccessibleApplication, pIID, n)
+int __stdcall _AccessibleApplication_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex )
+ if(!_AccessibleApplication_CHECK_IID(0))
+ {
+ *pIndex = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const ExtendedProxyFileInfo AccessibleApplication_ProxyFileInfo =
+ (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _AccessibleApplication_ProxyVtblList,
+ (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _AccessibleApplication_StubVtblList,
+ (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _AccessibleApplication_InterfaceNamesList,
+ 0, /* no delegation */
+ & _AccessibleApplication_IID_Lookup,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 0, /* table of [async_uuid] interfaces */
+ 0, /* Filler1 */
+ 0, /* Filler2 */
+ 0 /* Filler3 */
+#pragma optimize("", on )
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif /* !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)*/
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleComponent.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleComponent.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a5d6fa625b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleComponent.h
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:52 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleComponent.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "ole2.h"
+#endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
+#ifndef __AccessibleComponent_h__
+#define __AccessibleComponent_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifndef __IAccessibleComponent_FWD_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleComponent_FWD_DEFINED__
+typedef interface IAccessibleComponent IAccessibleComponent;
+#endif /* __IAccessibleComponent_FWD_DEFINED__ */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#include "oaidl.h"
+#include "oleacc.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+/* interface __MIDL_itf_AccessibleComponent_0000_0000 */
+/* [local] */
+typedef long IA2Color;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_AccessibleComponent_0000_0000_v0_0_c_ifspec;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_AccessibleComponent_0000_0000_v0_0_s_ifspec;
+#ifndef __IAccessibleComponent_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleComponent_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+/* interface IAccessibleComponent */
+/* [uuid][object] */
+EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccessibleComponent;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ MIDL_INTERFACE("1546D4B0-4C98-4bda-89AE-9A64748BDDE4")
+ IAccessibleComponent : public IUnknown
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_locationInParent(
+ /* [out] */ long *x,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *y) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_foreground(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2Color *foreground) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_background(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2Color *background) = 0;
+ };
+#else /* C style interface */
+ typedef struct IAccessibleComponentVtbl
+ {
+ IAccessibleComponent * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */
+ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject);
+ IAccessibleComponent * This);
+ IAccessibleComponent * This);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_locationInParent )(
+ IAccessibleComponent * This,
+ /* [out] */ long *x,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *y);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_foreground )(
+ IAccessibleComponent * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2Color *foreground);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_background )(
+ IAccessibleComponent * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2Color *background);
+ } IAccessibleComponentVtbl;
+ interface IAccessibleComponent
+ {
+ CONST_VTBL struct IAccessibleComponentVtbl *lpVtbl;
+ };
+#define IAccessibleComponent_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) )
+#define IAccessibleComponent_AddRef(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) )
+#define IAccessibleComponent_Release(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) )
+#define IAccessibleComponent_get_locationInParent(This,x,y) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_locationInParent(This,x,y) )
+#define IAccessibleComponent_get_foreground(This,foreground) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_foreground(This,foreground) )
+#define IAccessibleComponent_get_background(This,background) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_background(This,background) )
+#endif /* COBJMACROS */
+#endif /* C style interface */
+#endif /* __IAccessibleComponent_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleComponent_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleComponent_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b48fee274b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleComponent_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:52 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleComponent.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_IAccessibleComponent,0x1546D4B0,0x4C98,0x4bda,0x89,0xAE,0x9A,0x64,0x74,0x8B,0xDD,0xE4);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleComponent_p.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleComponent_p.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..23230ff0ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleComponent_p.c
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:52 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleComponent.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#if !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4211 ) /* redefine extern to static */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4232 ) /* dllimport identity*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4024 ) /* array to pointer mapping*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4152 ) /* function/data pointer conversion in expression */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4100 ) /* unreferenced arguments in x86 call */
+#pragma optimize("", off )
+/* verify that the <rpcproxy.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpcproxy.h"
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcproxy.h>
+#endif /* __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ */
+#include "AccessibleComponent.h"
+typedef struct _AccessibleComponent_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleComponent_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleComponent_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleComponent_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleComponent_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ long Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ EXPR_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleComponent_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING;
+static const RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER _RpcTransferSyntax =
+extern const AccessibleComponent_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleComponent__MIDL_TypeFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleComponent_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleComponent__MIDL_ProcFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleComponent_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleComponent__MIDL_ExprFormatString;
+extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc;
+extern const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleComponent_ServerInfo;
+extern const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleComponent_ProxyInfo;
+#if !defined(__RPC_WIN32__)
+#error Invalid build platform for this stub.
+#error You need Windows 2000 or later to run this stub because it uses these features:
+#error /robust command line switch.
+#error However, your C/C++ compilation flags indicate you intend to run this app on earlier systems.
+#error This app will fail with the RPC_X_WRONG_STUB_VERSION error.
+static const AccessibleComponent_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleComponent__MIDL_ProcFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ /* Procedure get_locationInParent */
+ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 2 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 6 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x40 ), /* 64 */
+/* 14 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 16 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter x */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 28 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter y */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 32 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 34 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 36 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 40 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_foreground */
+/* 42 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 50 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 52 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 54 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 56 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 58 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 64 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter foreground */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 70 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 72 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 74 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 76 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_background */
+/* 78 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 80 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5 ), /* 5 */
+/* 86 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 88 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 92 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 94 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 98 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 100 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter background */
+/* 102 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 106 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 112 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+static const AccessibleComponent_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleComponent__MIDL_TypeFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 2 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 4 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+/* Standard interface: __MIDL_itf_AccessibleComponent_0000_0000, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00}} */
+/* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleComponent, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x1546D4B0,0x4C98,0x4bda,{0x89,0xAE,0x9A,0x64,0x74,0x8B,0xDD,0xE4}} */
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+static const unsigned short IAccessibleComponent_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =
+ {
+ 0,
+ 42,
+ 78
+ };
+static const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleComponent_ProxyInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ AccessibleComponent__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleComponent_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ };
+static const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleComponent_ServerInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleComponent__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleComponent_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0};
+CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(6) _IAccessibleComponentProxyVtbl =
+ &IAccessibleComponent_ProxyInfo,
+ &IID_IAccessibleComponent,
+ IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_Release_Proxy ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleComponent::get_locationInParent */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleComponent::get_foreground */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleComponent::get_background */
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl _IAccessibleComponentStubVtbl =
+ &IID_IAccessibleComponent,
+ &IAccessibleComponent_ServerInfo,
+ 6,
+ 0, /* pure interpreted */
+ CStdStubBuffer_METHODS
+static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc =
+ {
+ 0,
+ NdrOleAllocate,
+ NdrOleFree,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleComponent__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,
+ 1, /* -error bounds_check flag */
+ 0x50002, /* Ndr library version */
+ 0,
+ 0x700022b, /* MIDL Version 7.0.555 */
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0, /* notify & notify_flag routine table */
+ 0x1, /* MIDL flag */
+ 0, /* cs routines */
+ 0, /* proxy/server info */
+ 0
+ };
+const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * const _AccessibleComponent_ProxyVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IAccessibleComponentProxyVtbl,
+ 0
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl * const _AccessibleComponent_StubVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IAccessibleComponentStubVtbl,
+ 0
+PCInterfaceName const _AccessibleComponent_InterfaceNamesList[] =
+ "IAccessibleComponent",
+ 0
+#define _AccessibleComponent_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _AccessibleComponent, pIID, n)
+int __stdcall _AccessibleComponent_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex )
+ if(!_AccessibleComponent_CHECK_IID(0))
+ {
+ *pIndex = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const ExtendedProxyFileInfo AccessibleComponent_ProxyFileInfo =
+ (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _AccessibleComponent_ProxyVtblList,
+ (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _AccessibleComponent_StubVtblList,
+ (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _AccessibleComponent_InterfaceNamesList,
+ 0, /* no delegation */
+ & _AccessibleComponent_IID_Lookup,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 0, /* table of [async_uuid] interfaces */
+ 0, /* Filler1 */
+ 0, /* Filler2 */
+ 0 /* Filler3 */
+#pragma optimize("", on )
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif /* !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)*/
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleEditableText.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleEditableText.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3afeefbac0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleEditableText.h
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:53 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleEditableText.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "ole2.h"
+#endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
+#ifndef __AccessibleEditableText_h__
+#define __AccessibleEditableText_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifndef __IAccessibleEditableText_FWD_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleEditableText_FWD_DEFINED__
+typedef interface IAccessibleEditableText IAccessibleEditableText;
+#endif /* __IAccessibleEditableText_FWD_DEFINED__ */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#include "oaidl.h"
+#include "oleacc.h"
+#include "IA2CommonTypes.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#ifndef __IAccessibleEditableText_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleEditableText_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+/* interface IAccessibleEditableText */
+/* [uuid][object] */
+EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccessibleEditableText;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ MIDL_INTERFACE("A59AA09A-7011-4b65-939D-32B1FB5547E3")
+ IAccessibleEditableText : public IUnknown
+ {
+ public:
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [in] */ BSTR *text) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ long offset) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset,
+ /* [in] */ BSTR *text) = 0;
+ virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE setAttributes(
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset,
+ /* [in] */ BSTR *attributes) = 0;
+ };
+#else /* C style interface */
+ typedef struct IAccessibleEditableTextVtbl
+ {
+ IAccessibleEditableText * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */
+ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject);
+ IAccessibleEditableText * This);
+ IAccessibleEditableText * This);
+ IAccessibleEditableText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset);
+ IAccessibleEditableText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset);
+ IAccessibleEditableText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [in] */ BSTR *text);
+ IAccessibleEditableText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset);
+ IAccessibleEditableText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long offset);
+ IAccessibleEditableText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset,
+ /* [in] */ BSTR *text);
+ IAccessibleEditableText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset,
+ /* [in] */ BSTR *attributes);
+ } IAccessibleEditableTextVtbl;
+ interface IAccessibleEditableText
+ {
+ CONST_VTBL struct IAccessibleEditableTextVtbl *lpVtbl;
+ };
+#define IAccessibleEditableText_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) )
+#define IAccessibleEditableText_AddRef(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) )
+#define IAccessibleEditableText_Release(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) )
+#define IAccessibleEditableText_copyText(This,startOffset,endOffset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> copyText(This,startOffset,endOffset) )
+#define IAccessibleEditableText_deleteText(This,startOffset,endOffset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> deleteText(This,startOffset,endOffset) )
+#define IAccessibleEditableText_insertText(This,offset,text) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> insertText(This,offset,text) )
+#define IAccessibleEditableText_cutText(This,startOffset,endOffset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> cutText(This,startOffset,endOffset) )
+#define IAccessibleEditableText_pasteText(This,offset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> pasteText(This,offset) )
+#define IAccessibleEditableText_replaceText(This,startOffset,endOffset,text) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> replaceText(This,startOffset,endOffset,text) )
+#define IAccessibleEditableText_setAttributes(This,startOffset,endOffset,attributes) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> setAttributes(This,startOffset,endOffset,attributes) )
+#endif /* COBJMACROS */
+#endif /* C style interface */
+#endif /* __IAccessibleEditableText_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+unsigned long __RPC_USER BSTR_UserSize( unsigned long *, unsigned long , BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserMarshal( unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserUnmarshal(unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+void __RPC_USER BSTR_UserFree( unsigned long *, BSTR * );
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleEditableText_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleEditableText_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c578bf5078
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleEditableText_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:53 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleEditableText.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_IAccessibleEditableText,0xA59AA09A,0x7011,0x4b65,0x93,0x9D,0x32,0xB1,0xFB,0x55,0x47,0xE3);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleEditableText_p.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleEditableText_p.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..28d1e4b333
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleEditableText_p.c
@@ -0,0 +1,584 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:53 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleEditableText.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#if !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4211 ) /* redefine extern to static */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4232 ) /* dllimport identity*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4024 ) /* array to pointer mapping*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4152 ) /* function/data pointer conversion in expression */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4100 ) /* unreferenced arguments in x86 call */
+#pragma optimize("", off )
+/* verify that the <rpcproxy.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpcproxy.h"
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcproxy.h>
+#endif /* __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ */
+#include "AccessibleEditableText.h"
+typedef struct _AccessibleEditableText_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleEditableText_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleEditableText_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleEditableText_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleEditableText_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ long Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ EXPR_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleEditableText_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING;
+static const RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER _RpcTransferSyntax =
+extern const AccessibleEditableText_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleEditableText__MIDL_TypeFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleEditableText_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleEditableText__MIDL_ProcFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleEditableText_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleEditableText__MIDL_ExprFormatString;
+extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc;
+extern const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleEditableText_ServerInfo;
+extern const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleEditableText_ProxyInfo;
+#if !defined(__RPC_WIN32__)
+#error Invalid build platform for this stub.
+#error You need Windows 2000 or later to run this stub because it uses these features:
+#error /robust command line switch.
+#error However, your C/C++ compilation flags indicate you intend to run this app on earlier systems.
+#error This app will fail with the RPC_X_WRONG_STUB_VERSION error.
+static const AccessibleEditableText_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleEditableText__MIDL_ProcFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ /* Procedure copyText */
+ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 2 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 6 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 14 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 16 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startOffset */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 28 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endOffset */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 32 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 34 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 36 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 40 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure deleteText */
+/* 42 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 50 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 52 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 54 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 56 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 58 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 64 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startOffset */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 70 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endOffset */
+/* 72 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 74 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 76 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 80 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 82 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure insertText */
+/* 84 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 86 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5 ), /* 5 */
+/* 92 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 94 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 98 */ 0x46, /* Oi2 Flags: clt must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 100 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x5, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, srv corr check, */
+/* 102 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 106 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter offset */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 112 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter text */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10b ), /* Flags: must size, must free, in, simple ref, */
+/* 116 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 118 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* Type Offset=32 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 120 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 122 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 124 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure cutText */
+/* 126 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 128 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 132 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* 6 */
+/* 134 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 136 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 138 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 140 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 142 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 144 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 146 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 148 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startOffset */
+/* 150 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 152 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 154 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endOffset */
+/* 156 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 158 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 160 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 162 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 164 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 166 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure pasteText */
+/* 168 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 170 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 174 */ NdrFcShort( 0x7 ), /* 7 */
+/* 176 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 178 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 180 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 182 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 184 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 186 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 188 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 190 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter offset */
+/* 192 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 194 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 196 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 198 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 200 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 202 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure replaceText */
+/* 204 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 206 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 210 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 212 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 214 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 216 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 218 */ 0x46, /* Oi2 Flags: clt must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 220 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x5, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, srv corr check, */
+/* 222 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 224 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 226 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startOffset */
+/* 228 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 230 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 232 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endOffset */
+/* 234 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 236 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 238 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter text */
+/* 240 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10b ), /* Flags: must size, must free, in, simple ref, */
+/* 242 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 244 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* Type Offset=32 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 246 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 248 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 250 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure setAttributes */
+/* 252 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 254 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 258 */ NdrFcShort( 0x9 ), /* 9 */
+/* 260 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 262 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 264 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 266 */ 0x46, /* Oi2 Flags: clt must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 268 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x5, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, srv corr check, */
+/* 270 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 272 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 274 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startOffset */
+/* 276 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 278 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 280 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endOffset */
+/* 282 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 284 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 286 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter attributes */
+/* 288 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10b ), /* Flags: must size, must free, in, simple ref, */
+/* 290 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 292 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* Type Offset=32 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 294 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 296 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 298 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+static const AccessibleEditableText_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleEditableText__MIDL_TypeFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 2 */
+ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 4 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* Offset= 28 (32) */
+/* 6 */
+ 0x12, 0x0, /* FC_UP */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* Offset= 14 (22) */
+/* 10 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x1, /* 1 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 14 */ 0x9, /* Corr desc: FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 16 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfffc ), /* -4 */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 20 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 22 */
+ 0x17, /* FC_CSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff0 ), /* Offset= -16 (10) */
+/* 28 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 30 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 32 */ 0xb4, /* FC_USER_MARSHAL */
+ 0x83, /* 131 */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 36 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffde ), /* Offset= -34 (6) */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+ {
+ {
+ BSTR_UserSize
+ ,BSTR_UserMarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserUnmarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserFree
+ }
+ };
+/* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleEditableText, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0xA59AA09A,0x7011,0x4b65,{0x93,0x9D,0x32,0xB1,0xFB,0x55,0x47,0xE3}} */
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+static const unsigned short IAccessibleEditableText_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =
+ {
+ 0,
+ 42,
+ 84,
+ 126,
+ 168,
+ 204,
+ 252
+ };
+static const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleEditableText_ProxyInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ AccessibleEditableText__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleEditableText_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ };
+static const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleEditableText_ServerInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleEditableText__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleEditableText_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0};
+CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(10) _IAccessibleEditableTextProxyVtbl =
+ &IAccessibleEditableText_ProxyInfo,
+ &IID_IAccessibleEditableText,
+ IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_Release_Proxy ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleEditableText::copyText */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleEditableText::deleteText */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleEditableText::insertText */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleEditableText::cutText */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleEditableText::pasteText */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleEditableText::replaceText */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleEditableText::setAttributes */
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl _IAccessibleEditableTextStubVtbl =
+ &IID_IAccessibleEditableText,
+ &IAccessibleEditableText_ServerInfo,
+ 10,
+ 0, /* pure interpreted */
+ CStdStubBuffer_METHODS
+static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc =
+ {
+ 0,
+ NdrOleAllocate,
+ NdrOleFree,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleEditableText__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,
+ 1, /* -error bounds_check flag */
+ 0x50002, /* Ndr library version */
+ 0,
+ 0x700022b, /* MIDL Version 7.0.555 */
+ 0,
+ UserMarshalRoutines,
+ 0, /* notify & notify_flag routine table */
+ 0x1, /* MIDL flag */
+ 0, /* cs routines */
+ 0, /* proxy/server info */
+ 0
+ };
+const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * const _AccessibleEditableText_ProxyVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IAccessibleEditableTextProxyVtbl,
+ 0
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl * const _AccessibleEditableText_StubVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IAccessibleEditableTextStubVtbl,
+ 0
+PCInterfaceName const _AccessibleEditableText_InterfaceNamesList[] =
+ "IAccessibleEditableText",
+ 0
+#define _AccessibleEditableText_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _AccessibleEditableText, pIID, n)
+int __stdcall _AccessibleEditableText_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex )
+ if(!_AccessibleEditableText_CHECK_IID(0))
+ {
+ *pIndex = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const ExtendedProxyFileInfo AccessibleEditableText_ProxyFileInfo =
+ (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _AccessibleEditableText_ProxyVtblList,
+ (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _AccessibleEditableText_StubVtblList,
+ (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _AccessibleEditableText_InterfaceNamesList,
+ 0, /* no delegation */
+ & _AccessibleEditableText_IID_Lookup,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 0, /* table of [async_uuid] interfaces */
+ 0, /* Filler1 */
+ 0, /* Filler2 */
+ 0 /* Filler3 */
+#pragma optimize("", on )
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif /* !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)*/
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleEventID.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleEventID.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..252375d0c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleEventID.h
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:53 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleEventID.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#ifndef __AccessibleEventID_h__
+#define __AccessibleEventID_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+/* interface __MIDL_itf_AccessibleEventID_0000_0000 */
+/* [local] */
+enum IA2EventID
+ } ;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_AccessibleEventID_0000_0000_v0_0_c_ifspec;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_AccessibleEventID_0000_0000_v0_0_s_ifspec;
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleHyperlink.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleHyperlink.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..858e6bbd9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleHyperlink.h
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:53 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleHyperlink.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "ole2.h"
+#endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
+#ifndef __AccessibleHyperlink_h__
+#define __AccessibleHyperlink_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifndef __IAccessibleHyperlink_FWD_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleHyperlink_FWD_DEFINED__
+typedef interface IAccessibleHyperlink IAccessibleHyperlink;
+#endif /* __IAccessibleHyperlink_FWD_DEFINED__ */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#include "oaidl.h"
+#include "oleacc.h"
+#include "AccessibleAction.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#ifndef __IAccessibleHyperlink_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleHyperlink_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+/* interface IAccessibleHyperlink */
+/* [uuid][object] */
+EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccessibleHyperlink;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ MIDL_INTERFACE("01C20F2B-3DD2-400f-949F-AD00BDAB1D41")
+ IAccessibleHyperlink : public IAccessibleAction
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_anchor(
+ /* [in] */ long index,
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *anchor) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_anchorTarget(
+ /* [in] */ long index,
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *anchorTarget) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_startIndex(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *index) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_endIndex(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *index) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_valid(
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *valid) = 0;
+ };
+#else /* C style interface */
+ typedef struct IAccessibleHyperlinkVtbl
+ {
+ IAccessibleHyperlink * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */
+ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject);
+ IAccessibleHyperlink * This);
+ IAccessibleHyperlink * This);
+ IAccessibleHyperlink * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nActions);
+ IAccessibleHyperlink * This,
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_description )(
+ IAccessibleHyperlink * This,
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *description);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_keyBinding )(
+ IAccessibleHyperlink * This,
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex,
+ /* [in] */ long nMaxBindings,
+ /* [length_is][length_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ BSTR **keyBindings,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nBindings);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_name )(
+ IAccessibleHyperlink * This,
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *name);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_localizedName )(
+ IAccessibleHyperlink * This,
+ /* [in] */ long actionIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *localizedName);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_anchor )(
+ IAccessibleHyperlink * This,
+ /* [in] */ long index,
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *anchor);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_anchorTarget )(
+ IAccessibleHyperlink * This,
+ /* [in] */ long index,
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *anchorTarget);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_startIndex )(
+ IAccessibleHyperlink * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *index);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_endIndex )(
+ IAccessibleHyperlink * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *index);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_valid )(
+ IAccessibleHyperlink * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *valid);
+ } IAccessibleHyperlinkVtbl;
+ interface IAccessibleHyperlink
+ {
+ CONST_VTBL struct IAccessibleHyperlinkVtbl *lpVtbl;
+ };
+#define IAccessibleHyperlink_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) )
+#define IAccessibleHyperlink_AddRef(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) )
+#define IAccessibleHyperlink_Release(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) )
+#define IAccessibleHyperlink_nActions(This,nActions) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> nActions(This,nActions) )
+#define IAccessibleHyperlink_doAction(This,actionIndex) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> doAction(This,actionIndex) )
+#define IAccessibleHyperlink_get_description(This,actionIndex,description) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_description(This,actionIndex,description) )
+#define IAccessibleHyperlink_get_keyBinding(This,actionIndex,nMaxBindings,keyBindings,nBindings) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_keyBinding(This,actionIndex,nMaxBindings,keyBindings,nBindings) )
+#define IAccessibleHyperlink_get_name(This,actionIndex,name) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_name(This,actionIndex,name) )
+#define IAccessibleHyperlink_get_localizedName(This,actionIndex,localizedName) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_localizedName(This,actionIndex,localizedName) )
+#define IAccessibleHyperlink_get_anchor(This,index,anchor) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_anchor(This,index,anchor) )
+#define IAccessibleHyperlink_get_anchorTarget(This,index,anchorTarget) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_anchorTarget(This,index,anchorTarget) )
+#define IAccessibleHyperlink_get_startIndex(This,index) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_startIndex(This,index) )
+#define IAccessibleHyperlink_get_endIndex(This,index) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_endIndex(This,index) )
+#define IAccessibleHyperlink_get_valid(This,valid) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_valid(This,valid) )
+#endif /* COBJMACROS */
+#endif /* C style interface */
+#endif /* __IAccessibleHyperlink_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+unsigned long __RPC_USER VARIANT_UserSize( unsigned long *, unsigned long , VARIANT * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER VARIANT_UserMarshal( unsigned long *, unsigned char *, VARIANT * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER VARIANT_UserUnmarshal(unsigned long *, unsigned char *, VARIANT * );
+void __RPC_USER VARIANT_UserFree( unsigned long *, VARIANT * );
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleHyperlink_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleHyperlink_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ef0921fe4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleHyperlink_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:53 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleHyperlink.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_IAccessibleHyperlink,0x01C20F2B,0x3DD2,0x400f,0x94,0x9F,0xAD,0x00,0xBD,0xAB,0x1D,0x41);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleHyperlink_p.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleHyperlink_p.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c608123261
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleHyperlink_p.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1191 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:53 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleHyperlink.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#if !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4211 ) /* redefine extern to static */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4232 ) /* dllimport identity*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4024 ) /* array to pointer mapping*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4152 ) /* function/data pointer conversion in expression */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4100 ) /* unreferenced arguments in x86 call */
+#pragma optimize("", off )
+/* verify that the <rpcproxy.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpcproxy.h"
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcproxy.h>
+#endif /* __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ */
+#include "AccessibleHyperlink.h"
+typedef struct _AccessibleHyperlink_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleHyperlink_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleHyperlink_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleHyperlink_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleHyperlink_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ long Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ EXPR_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleHyperlink_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING;
+static const RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER _RpcTransferSyntax =
+extern const AccessibleHyperlink_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleHyperlink__MIDL_TypeFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleHyperlink_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleHyperlink__MIDL_ProcFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleHyperlink_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleHyperlink__MIDL_ExprFormatString;
+extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc;
+extern const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleHyperlink_ServerInfo;
+extern const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleHyperlink_ProxyInfo;
+#if !defined(__RPC_WIN32__)
+#error Invalid build platform for this stub.
+#error You need Windows 2000 or later to run this stub because it uses these features:
+#error /robust command line switch.
+#error However, your C/C++ compilation flags indicate you intend to run this app on earlier systems.
+#error This app will fail with the RPC_X_WRONG_STUB_VERSION error.
+static const AccessibleHyperlink_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleHyperlink__MIDL_ProcFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ /* Procedure get_anchor */
+ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 2 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 6 */ NdrFcShort( 0x9 ), /* 9 */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 14 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 16 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter index */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 28 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter anchor */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=16 */
+/* 32 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x404 ), /* Type Offset=1028 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 36 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 40 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_anchorTarget */
+/* 42 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0xa ), /* 10 */
+/* 50 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 52 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 54 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 56 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 58 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 64 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter index */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 70 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter anchorTarget */
+/* 72 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=16 */
+/* 74 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 76 */ NdrFcShort( 0x404 ), /* Type Offset=1028 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 80 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 82 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_startIndex */
+/* 84 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 86 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcShort( 0xb ), /* 11 */
+/* 92 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 94 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 98 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 100 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 102 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 106 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter index */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 112 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 116 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 118 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_endIndex */
+/* 120 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 122 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 126 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* 12 */
+/* 128 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 130 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 132 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 134 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 136 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 138 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 140 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 142 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter index */
+/* 144 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 146 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 148 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 150 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 152 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 154 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_valid */
+/* 156 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 158 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 162 */ NdrFcShort( 0xd ), /* 13 */
+/* 164 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 166 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 168 */ NdrFcShort( 0x21 ), /* 33 */
+/* 170 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 172 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 174 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 176 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 178 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter valid */
+/* 180 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 182 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 184 */ 0x3, /* FC_SMALL */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 186 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 188 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 190 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+static const AccessibleHyperlink_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleHyperlink__MIDL_TypeFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 2 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 4 */ NdrFcShort( 0x400 ), /* Offset= 1024 (1028) */
+/* 6 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3e8 ), /* Offset= 1000 (1008) */
+/* 10 */
+ 0x9, /* FC_ULONG */
+/* 12 */ 0x7, /* Corr desc: FC_USHORT */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 14 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff8 ), /* -8 */
+/* 16 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (20) */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2f ), /* 47 */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcLong( 0x14 ), /* 20 */
+/* 28 */ NdrFcShort( 0x800b ), /* Simple arm type: FC_HYPER */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcLong( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8008 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_LONG */
+/* 36 */ NdrFcLong( 0x11 ), /* 17 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8001 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_BYTE */
+/* 42 */ NdrFcLong( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8006 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_SHORT */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 52 */ NdrFcShort( 0x800a ), /* Simple arm type: FC_FLOAT */
+/* 54 */ NdrFcLong( 0x5 ), /* 5 */
+/* 58 */ NdrFcShort( 0x800c ), /* Simple arm type: FC_DOUBLE */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcLong( 0xb ), /* 11 */
+/* 64 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8006 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_SHORT */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcLong( 0xa ), /* 10 */
+/* 70 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8008 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_LONG */
+/* 72 */ NdrFcLong( 0x6 ), /* 6 */
+/* 76 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe8 ), /* Offset= 232 (308) */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcLong( 0x7 ), /* 7 */
+/* 82 */ NdrFcShort( 0x800c ), /* Simple arm type: FC_DOUBLE */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcLong( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 88 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe2 ), /* Offset= 226 (314) */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcLong( 0xd ), /* 13 */
+/* 94 */ NdrFcShort( 0xf6 ), /* Offset= 246 (340) */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcLong( 0x9 ), /* 9 */
+/* 100 */ NdrFcShort( 0x102 ), /* Offset= 258 (358) */
+/* 102 */ NdrFcLong( 0x2000 ), /* 8192 */
+/* 106 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10e ), /* Offset= 270 (376) */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcLong( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 112 */ NdrFcShort( 0x336 ), /* Offset= 822 (934) */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4024 ), /* 16420 */
+/* 118 */ NdrFcShort( 0x330 ), /* Offset= 816 (934) */
+/* 120 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4011 ), /* 16401 */
+/* 124 */ NdrFcShort( 0x32e ), /* Offset= 814 (938) */
+/* 126 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4002 ), /* 16386 */
+/* 130 */ NdrFcShort( 0x32c ), /* Offset= 812 (942) */
+/* 132 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4003 ), /* 16387 */
+/* 136 */ NdrFcShort( 0x32a ), /* Offset= 810 (946) */
+/* 138 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4014 ), /* 16404 */
+/* 142 */ NdrFcShort( 0x328 ), /* Offset= 808 (950) */
+/* 144 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4004 ), /* 16388 */
+/* 148 */ NdrFcShort( 0x326 ), /* Offset= 806 (954) */
+/* 150 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4005 ), /* 16389 */
+/* 154 */ NdrFcShort( 0x324 ), /* Offset= 804 (958) */
+/* 156 */ NdrFcLong( 0x400b ), /* 16395 */
+/* 160 */ NdrFcShort( 0x30e ), /* Offset= 782 (942) */
+/* 162 */ NdrFcLong( 0x400a ), /* 16394 */
+/* 166 */ NdrFcShort( 0x30c ), /* Offset= 780 (946) */
+/* 168 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4006 ), /* 16390 */
+/* 172 */ NdrFcShort( 0x316 ), /* Offset= 790 (962) */
+/* 174 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4007 ), /* 16391 */
+/* 178 */ NdrFcShort( 0x30c ), /* Offset= 780 (958) */
+/* 180 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4008 ), /* 16392 */
+/* 184 */ NdrFcShort( 0x30e ), /* Offset= 782 (966) */
+/* 186 */ NdrFcLong( 0x400d ), /* 16397 */
+/* 190 */ NdrFcShort( 0x30c ), /* Offset= 780 (970) */
+/* 192 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4009 ), /* 16393 */
+/* 196 */ NdrFcShort( 0x30a ), /* Offset= 778 (974) */
+/* 198 */ NdrFcLong( 0x6000 ), /* 24576 */
+/* 202 */ NdrFcShort( 0x308 ), /* Offset= 776 (978) */
+/* 204 */ NdrFcLong( 0x400c ), /* 16396 */
+/* 208 */ NdrFcShort( 0x306 ), /* Offset= 774 (982) */
+/* 210 */ NdrFcLong( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 214 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8002 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_CHAR */
+/* 216 */ NdrFcLong( 0x12 ), /* 18 */
+/* 220 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8006 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_SHORT */
+/* 222 */ NdrFcLong( 0x13 ), /* 19 */
+/* 226 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8008 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_LONG */
+/* 228 */ NdrFcLong( 0x15 ), /* 21 */
+/* 232 */ NdrFcShort( 0x800b ), /* Simple arm type: FC_HYPER */
+/* 234 */ NdrFcLong( 0x16 ), /* 22 */
+/* 238 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8008 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_LONG */
+/* 240 */ NdrFcLong( 0x17 ), /* 23 */
+/* 244 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8008 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_LONG */
+/* 246 */ NdrFcLong( 0xe ), /* 14 */
+/* 250 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2e4 ), /* Offset= 740 (990) */
+/* 252 */ NdrFcLong( 0x400e ), /* 16398 */
+/* 256 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2e8 ), /* Offset= 744 (1000) */
+/* 258 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4010 ), /* 16400 */
+/* 262 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2e6 ), /* Offset= 742 (1004) */
+/* 264 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4012 ), /* 16402 */
+/* 268 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2a2 ), /* Offset= 674 (942) */
+/* 270 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4013 ), /* 16403 */
+/* 274 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2a0 ), /* Offset= 672 (946) */
+/* 276 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4015 ), /* 16405 */
+/* 280 */ NdrFcShort( 0x29e ), /* Offset= 670 (950) */
+/* 282 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4016 ), /* 16406 */
+/* 286 */ NdrFcShort( 0x294 ), /* Offset= 660 (946) */
+/* 288 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4017 ), /* 16407 */
+/* 292 */ NdrFcShort( 0x28e ), /* Offset= 654 (946) */
+/* 294 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 298 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Offset= 0 (298) */
+/* 300 */ NdrFcLong( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 304 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Offset= 0 (304) */
+/* 306 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffff ), /* Offset= -1 (305) */
+/* 308 */
+ 0x15, /* FC_STRUCT */
+ 0x7, /* 7 */
+/* 310 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 312 */ 0xb, /* FC_HYPER */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 314 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 316 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* Offset= 14 (330) */
+/* 318 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x1, /* 1 */
+/* 320 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 322 */ 0x9, /* Corr desc: FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 324 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfffc ), /* -4 */
+/* 326 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 328 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 330 */
+ 0x17, /* FC_CSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 332 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 334 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff0 ), /* Offset= -16 (318) */
+/* 336 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 338 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 340 */
+ 0x2f, /* FC_IP */
+ 0x5a, /* FC_CONSTANT_IID */
+/* 342 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 346 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 348 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 350 */ 0xc0, /* 192 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 352 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 354 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 356 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x46, /* 70 */
+/* 358 */
+ 0x2f, /* FC_IP */
+ 0x5a, /* FC_CONSTANT_IID */
+/* 360 */ NdrFcLong( 0x20400 ), /* 132096 */
+/* 364 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 366 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 368 */ 0xc0, /* 192 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 370 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 372 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 374 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x46, /* 70 */
+/* 376 */
+ 0x13, 0x10, /* FC_OP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 378 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (380) */
+/* 380 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 382 */ NdrFcShort( 0x216 ), /* Offset= 534 (916) */
+/* 384 */
+ 0x49, /* 73 */
+/* 386 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* 24 */
+/* 388 */ NdrFcShort( 0xa ), /* 10 */
+/* 390 */ NdrFcLong( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 394 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5a ), /* Offset= 90 (484) */
+/* 396 */ NdrFcLong( 0xd ), /* 13 */
+/* 400 */ NdrFcShort( 0x7e ), /* Offset= 126 (526) */
+/* 402 */ NdrFcLong( 0x9 ), /* 9 */
+/* 406 */ NdrFcShort( 0x9e ), /* Offset= 158 (564) */
+/* 408 */ NdrFcLong( 0xc ), /* 12 */
+/* 412 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc8 ), /* Offset= 200 (612) */
+/* 414 */ NdrFcLong( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 418 */ NdrFcShort( 0x124 ), /* Offset= 292 (710) */
+/* 420 */ NdrFcLong( 0x800d ), /* 32781 */
+/* 424 */ NdrFcShort( 0x140 ), /* Offset= 320 (744) */
+/* 426 */ NdrFcLong( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 430 */ NdrFcShort( 0x15a ), /* Offset= 346 (776) */
+/* 432 */ NdrFcLong( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 436 */ NdrFcShort( 0x174 ), /* Offset= 372 (808) */
+/* 438 */ NdrFcLong( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 442 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18e ), /* Offset= 398 (840) */
+/* 444 */ NdrFcLong( 0x14 ), /* 20 */
+/* 448 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1a8 ), /* Offset= 424 (872) */
+/* 450 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffff ), /* Offset= -1 (449) */
+/* 452 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 454 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 456 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 458 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 460 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 462 */
+ 0x4b, /* FC_PP */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 464 */
+ 0x48, /* FC_VARIABLE_REPEAT */
+ 0x49, /* FC_FIXED_OFFSET */
+/* 466 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 468 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 470 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 472 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 474 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 476 */ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 478 */ NdrFcShort( 0xff6c ), /* Offset= -148 (330) */
+/* 480 */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 482 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 484 */
+ 0x16, /* FC_PSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 486 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 488 */
+ 0x4b, /* FC_PP */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 490 */
+ 0x46, /* FC_NO_REPEAT */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 492 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 494 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 496 */ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 498 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffd2 ), /* Offset= -46 (452) */
+/* 500 */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 502 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 504 */
+ 0x21, /* FC_BOGUS_ARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 506 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 508 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 510 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 512 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 514 */ NdrFcLong( 0xffffffff ), /* -1 */
+/* 518 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 520 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 522 */ NdrFcShort( 0xff4a ), /* Offset= -182 (340) */
+/* 524 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 526 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 528 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 530 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 532 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Offset= 6 (538) */
+/* 534 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+/* 536 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 538 */
+ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 540 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffdc ), /* Offset= -36 (504) */
+/* 542 */
+ 0x21, /* FC_BOGUS_ARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 544 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 546 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 548 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 550 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 552 */ NdrFcLong( 0xffffffff ), /* -1 */
+/* 556 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 558 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 560 */ NdrFcShort( 0xff36 ), /* Offset= -202 (358) */
+/* 562 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 564 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 566 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 568 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 570 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Offset= 6 (576) */
+/* 572 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+/* 574 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 576 */
+ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 578 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffdc ), /* Offset= -36 (542) */
+/* 580 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 582 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 584 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 586 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 588 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 590 */
+ 0x4b, /* FC_PP */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 592 */
+ 0x48, /* FC_VARIABLE_REPEAT */
+ 0x49, /* FC_FIXED_OFFSET */
+/* 594 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 596 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 598 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 600 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 602 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 604 */ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 606 */ NdrFcShort( 0x192 ), /* Offset= 402 (1008) */
+/* 608 */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 610 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 612 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 614 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 616 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 618 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Offset= 6 (624) */
+/* 620 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+/* 622 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 624 */
+ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 626 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffd2 ), /* Offset= -46 (580) */
+/* 628 */
+ 0x2f, /* FC_IP */
+ 0x5a, /* FC_CONSTANT_IID */
+/* 630 */ NdrFcLong( 0x2f ), /* 47 */
+/* 634 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 636 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 638 */ 0xc0, /* 192 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 640 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 642 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 644 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x46, /* 70 */
+/* 646 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 648 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 650 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 652 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 654 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 656 */ 0x1, /* FC_BYTE */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 658 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 660 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 662 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 664 */ NdrFcShort( 0xa ), /* Offset= 10 (674) */
+/* 666 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 668 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 670 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffd6 ), /* Offset= -42 (628) */
+/* 672 */ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 674 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 676 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffe2 ), /* Offset= -30 (646) */
+/* 678 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 680 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 682 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 684 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 686 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 688 */
+ 0x4b, /* FC_PP */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 690 */
+ 0x48, /* FC_VARIABLE_REPEAT */
+ 0x49, /* FC_FIXED_OFFSET */
+/* 692 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 694 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 696 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 698 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 700 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 702 */ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 704 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffd2 ), /* Offset= -46 (658) */
+/* 706 */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 708 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 710 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 712 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 714 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 716 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Offset= 6 (722) */
+/* 718 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+/* 720 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 722 */
+ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 724 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffd2 ), /* Offset= -46 (678) */
+/* 726 */
+ 0x1d, /* FC_SMFARRAY */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 728 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 730 */ 0x1, /* FC_BYTE */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 732 */
+ 0x15, /* FC_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 734 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 736 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+/* 738 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+/* 740 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ NdrFcShort( 0xfff1 ), /* Offset= -15 (726) */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 744 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 746 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* 24 */
+/* 748 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 750 */ NdrFcShort( 0xa ), /* Offset= 10 (760) */
+/* 752 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+/* 754 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 756 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffe8 ), /* Offset= -24 (732) */
+/* 758 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 760 */
+ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 762 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfefe ), /* Offset= -258 (504) */
+/* 764 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 766 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 768 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 770 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 772 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 774 */ 0x1, /* FC_BYTE */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 776 */
+ 0x16, /* FC_PSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 778 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 780 */
+ 0x4b, /* FC_PP */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 782 */
+ 0x46, /* FC_NO_REPEAT */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 784 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 786 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 788 */ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 790 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffe6 ), /* Offset= -26 (764) */
+/* 792 */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 794 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 796 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x1, /* 1 */
+/* 798 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 800 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 802 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 804 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 806 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 808 */
+ 0x16, /* FC_PSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 810 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 812 */
+ 0x4b, /* FC_PP */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 814 */
+ 0x46, /* FC_NO_REPEAT */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 816 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 818 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 820 */ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 822 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffe6 ), /* Offset= -26 (796) */
+/* 824 */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 826 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 828 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 830 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 832 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 834 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 836 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 838 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 840 */
+ 0x16, /* FC_PSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 842 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 844 */
+ 0x4b, /* FC_PP */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 846 */
+ 0x46, /* FC_NO_REPEAT */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 848 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 850 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 852 */ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 854 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffe6 ), /* Offset= -26 (828) */
+/* 856 */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 858 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 860 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x7, /* 7 */
+/* 862 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 864 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 866 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 868 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 870 */ 0xb, /* FC_HYPER */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 872 */
+ 0x16, /* FC_PSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 874 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 876 */
+ 0x4b, /* FC_PP */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 878 */
+ 0x46, /* FC_NO_REPEAT */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 880 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 882 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 884 */ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 886 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffe6 ), /* Offset= -26 (860) */
+/* 888 */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 890 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 892 */
+ 0x15, /* FC_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 894 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 896 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 898 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 900 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 902 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 904 */ 0x7, /* Corr desc: FC_USHORT */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 906 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffd8 ), /* -40 */
+/* 908 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 910 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 912 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffec ), /* Offset= -20 (892) */
+/* 914 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 916 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 918 */ NdrFcShort( 0x28 ), /* 40 */
+/* 920 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffec ), /* Offset= -20 (900) */
+/* 922 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Offset= 0 (922) */
+/* 924 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+/* 926 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 928 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 930 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfdde ), /* Offset= -546 (384) */
+/* 932 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 934 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 936 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfeea ), /* Offset= -278 (658) */
+/* 938 */
+ 0x13, 0x8, /* FC_OP [simple_pointer] */
+/* 940 */ 0x1, /* FC_BYTE */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 942 */
+ 0x13, 0x8, /* FC_OP [simple_pointer] */
+/* 944 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 946 */
+ 0x13, 0x8, /* FC_OP [simple_pointer] */
+/* 948 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 950 */
+ 0x13, 0x8, /* FC_OP [simple_pointer] */
+/* 952 */ 0xb, /* FC_HYPER */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 954 */
+ 0x13, 0x8, /* FC_OP [simple_pointer] */
+/* 956 */ 0xa, /* FC_FLOAT */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 958 */
+ 0x13, 0x8, /* FC_OP [simple_pointer] */
+/* 960 */ 0xc, /* FC_DOUBLE */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 962 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 964 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfd70 ), /* Offset= -656 (308) */
+/* 966 */
+ 0x13, 0x10, /* FC_OP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 968 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfd72 ), /* Offset= -654 (314) */
+/* 970 */
+ 0x13, 0x10, /* FC_OP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 972 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfd88 ), /* Offset= -632 (340) */
+/* 974 */
+ 0x13, 0x10, /* FC_OP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 976 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfd96 ), /* Offset= -618 (358) */
+/* 978 */
+ 0x13, 0x10, /* FC_OP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 980 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfda4 ), /* Offset= -604 (376) */
+/* 982 */
+ 0x13, 0x10, /* FC_OP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 984 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (986) */
+/* 986 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 988 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* Offset= 20 (1008) */
+/* 990 */
+ 0x15, /* FC_STRUCT */
+ 0x7, /* 7 */
+/* 992 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 994 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x1, /* FC_BYTE */
+/* 996 */ 0x1, /* FC_BYTE */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 998 */ 0xb, /* FC_HYPER */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 1000 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 1002 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff4 ), /* Offset= -12 (990) */
+/* 1004 */
+ 0x13, 0x8, /* FC_OP [simple_pointer] */
+/* 1006 */ 0x2, /* FC_CHAR */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 1008 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x7, /* 7 */
+/* 1010 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* 32 */
+/* 1012 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1014 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Offset= 0 (1014) */
+/* 1016 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 1018 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+/* 1020 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+/* 1022 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 1024 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfc0a ), /* Offset= -1014 (10) */
+/* 1026 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 1028 */ 0xb4, /* FC_USER_MARSHAL */
+ 0x83, /* 131 */
+/* 1030 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1032 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 1034 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1036 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfbfa ), /* Offset= -1030 (6) */
+/* 1038 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 1040 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 1042 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 1044 */ 0x3, /* FC_SMALL */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+ {
+ {
+ VARIANT_UserSize
+ ,VARIANT_UserMarshal
+ ,VARIANT_UserUnmarshal
+ ,VARIANT_UserFree
+ }
+ };
+/* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleAction, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0xB70D9F59,0x3B5A,0x4dba,{0xAB,0x9E,0x22,0x01,0x2F,0x60,0x7D,0xF5}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleHyperlink, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x01C20F2B,0x3DD2,0x400f,{0x94,0x9F,0xAD,0x00,0xBD,0xAB,0x1D,0x41}} */
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+static const unsigned short IAccessibleHyperlink_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =
+ {
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ 0,
+ 42,
+ 84,
+ 120,
+ 156
+ };
+static const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleHyperlink_ProxyInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ AccessibleHyperlink__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleHyperlink_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ };
+static const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleHyperlink_ServerInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleHyperlink__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleHyperlink_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0};
+CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(14) _IAccessibleHyperlinkProxyVtbl =
+ &IAccessibleHyperlink_ProxyInfo,
+ &IID_IAccessibleHyperlink,
+ IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_Release_Proxy ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleAction::nActions */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleAction::doAction */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleAction::get_description */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleAction::get_keyBinding */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleAction::get_name */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleAction::get_localizedName */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleHyperlink::get_anchor */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleHyperlink::get_anchorTarget */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleHyperlink::get_startIndex */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleHyperlink::get_endIndex */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleHyperlink::get_valid */
+static const PRPC_STUB_FUNCTION IAccessibleHyperlink_table[] =
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2
+CInterfaceStubVtbl _IAccessibleHyperlinkStubVtbl =
+ &IID_IAccessibleHyperlink,
+ &IAccessibleHyperlink_ServerInfo,
+ 14,
+ &IAccessibleHyperlink_table[-3],
+static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc =
+ {
+ 0,
+ NdrOleAllocate,
+ NdrOleFree,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleHyperlink__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,
+ 1, /* -error bounds_check flag */
+ 0x50002, /* Ndr library version */
+ 0,
+ 0x700022b, /* MIDL Version 7.0.555 */
+ 0,
+ UserMarshalRoutines,
+ 0, /* notify & notify_flag routine table */
+ 0x1, /* MIDL flag */
+ 0, /* cs routines */
+ 0, /* proxy/server info */
+ 0
+ };
+const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * const _AccessibleHyperlink_ProxyVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IAccessibleHyperlinkProxyVtbl,
+ 0
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl * const _AccessibleHyperlink_StubVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IAccessibleHyperlinkStubVtbl,
+ 0
+PCInterfaceName const _AccessibleHyperlink_InterfaceNamesList[] =
+ "IAccessibleHyperlink",
+ 0
+const IID * const _AccessibleHyperlink_BaseIIDList[] =
+ &IID_IAccessibleAction,
+ 0
+#define _AccessibleHyperlink_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _AccessibleHyperlink, pIID, n)
+int __stdcall _AccessibleHyperlink_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex )
+ if(!_AccessibleHyperlink_CHECK_IID(0))
+ {
+ *pIndex = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const ExtendedProxyFileInfo AccessibleHyperlink_ProxyFileInfo =
+ (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _AccessibleHyperlink_ProxyVtblList,
+ (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _AccessibleHyperlink_StubVtblList,
+ (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _AccessibleHyperlink_InterfaceNamesList,
+ (const IID ** ) & _AccessibleHyperlink_BaseIIDList,
+ & _AccessibleHyperlink_IID_Lookup,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 0, /* table of [async_uuid] interfaces */
+ 0, /* Filler1 */
+ 0, /* Filler2 */
+ 0 /* Filler3 */
+#pragma optimize("", on )
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif /* !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)*/
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleHypertext.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleHypertext.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..180fb394b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleHypertext.h
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:53 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleHypertext.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "ole2.h"
+#endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
+#ifndef __AccessibleHypertext_h__
+#define __AccessibleHypertext_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifndef __IAccessibleHypertext_FWD_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleHypertext_FWD_DEFINED__
+typedef interface IAccessibleHypertext IAccessibleHypertext;
+#endif /* __IAccessibleHypertext_FWD_DEFINED__ */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#include "oaidl.h"
+#include "oleacc.h"
+#include "AccessibleText.h"
+#include "AccessibleHyperlink.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#ifndef __IAccessibleHypertext_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleHypertext_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+/* interface IAccessibleHypertext */
+/* [uuid][object] */
+EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccessibleHypertext;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ MIDL_INTERFACE("6B4F8BBF-F1F2-418a-B35E-A195BC4103B9")
+ IAccessibleHypertext : public IAccessibleText
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nHyperlinks(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *hyperlinkCount) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_hyperlink(
+ /* [in] */ long index,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IAccessibleHyperlink **hyperlink) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_hyperlinkIndex(
+ /* [in] */ long charIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *hyperlinkIndex) = 0;
+ };
+#else /* C style interface */
+ typedef struct IAccessibleHypertextVtbl
+ {
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */
+ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject);
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This);
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This);
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_attributes )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [out] */ long *endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *textAttributes);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_caretOffset )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *offset);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_characterExtents )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2CoordinateType coordType,
+ /* [out] */ long *x,
+ /* [out] */ long *y,
+ /* [out] */ long *width,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *height);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nSelections )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nSelections);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_offsetAtPoint )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long x,
+ /* [in] */ long y,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2CoordinateType coordType,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *offset);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_selection )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long selectionIndex,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *endOffset);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_text )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *text);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_textBeforeOffset )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2TextBoundaryType boundaryType,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [out] */ long *endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *text);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_textAfterOffset )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2TextBoundaryType boundaryType,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [out] */ long *endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *text);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_textAtOffset )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2TextBoundaryType boundaryType,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [out] */ long *endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *text);
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long selectionIndex);
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long offset);
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long selectionIndex,
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nCharacters )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nCharacters);
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long startIndex,
+ /* [in] */ long endIndex,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2ScrollType scrollType);
+ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *scrollSubstringToPoint )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long startIndex,
+ /* [in] */ long endIndex,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2CoordinateType coordinateType,
+ /* [in] */ long x,
+ /* [in] */ long y);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_newText )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2TextSegment *newText);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_oldText )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2TextSegment *oldText);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nHyperlinks )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *hyperlinkCount);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_hyperlink )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long index,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IAccessibleHyperlink **hyperlink);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_hyperlinkIndex )(
+ IAccessibleHypertext * This,
+ /* [in] */ long charIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *hyperlinkIndex);
+ } IAccessibleHypertextVtbl;
+ interface IAccessibleHypertext
+ {
+ CONST_VTBL struct IAccessibleHypertextVtbl *lpVtbl;
+ };
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_AddRef(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_Release(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_addSelection(This,startOffset,endOffset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> addSelection(This,startOffset,endOffset) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_attributes(This,offset,startOffset,endOffset,textAttributes) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_attributes(This,offset,startOffset,endOffset,textAttributes) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_caretOffset(This,offset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_caretOffset(This,offset) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_characterExtents(This,offset,coordType,x,y,width,height) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_characterExtents(This,offset,coordType,x,y,width,height) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_nSelections(This,nSelections) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nSelections(This,nSelections) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_offsetAtPoint(This,x,y,coordType,offset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_offsetAtPoint(This,x,y,coordType,offset) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_selection(This,selectionIndex,startOffset,endOffset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_selection(This,selectionIndex,startOffset,endOffset) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_text(This,startOffset,endOffset,text) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_text(This,startOffset,endOffset,text) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_textBeforeOffset(This,offset,boundaryType,startOffset,endOffset,text) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_textBeforeOffset(This,offset,boundaryType,startOffset,endOffset,text) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_textAfterOffset(This,offset,boundaryType,startOffset,endOffset,text) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_textAfterOffset(This,offset,boundaryType,startOffset,endOffset,text) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_textAtOffset(This,offset,boundaryType,startOffset,endOffset,text) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_textAtOffset(This,offset,boundaryType,startOffset,endOffset,text) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_removeSelection(This,selectionIndex) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> removeSelection(This,selectionIndex) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_setCaretOffset(This,offset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> setCaretOffset(This,offset) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_setSelection(This,selectionIndex,startOffset,endOffset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> setSelection(This,selectionIndex,startOffset,endOffset) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_nCharacters(This,nCharacters) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nCharacters(This,nCharacters) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_scrollSubstringTo(This,startIndex,endIndex,scrollType) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> scrollSubstringTo(This,startIndex,endIndex,scrollType) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_scrollSubstringToPoint(This,startIndex,endIndex,coordinateType,x,y) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> scrollSubstringToPoint(This,startIndex,endIndex,coordinateType,x,y) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_newText(This,newText) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_newText(This,newText) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_oldText(This,oldText) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_oldText(This,oldText) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_nHyperlinks(This,hyperlinkCount) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nHyperlinks(This,hyperlinkCount) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_hyperlink(This,index,hyperlink) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_hyperlink(This,index,hyperlink) )
+#define IAccessibleHypertext_get_hyperlinkIndex(This,charIndex,hyperlinkIndex) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_hyperlinkIndex(This,charIndex,hyperlinkIndex) )
+#endif /* COBJMACROS */
+#endif /* C style interface */
+#endif /* __IAccessibleHypertext_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleHypertext_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleHypertext_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e6edec9fe7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleHypertext_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:53 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleHypertext.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_IAccessibleHypertext,0x6B4F8BBF,0xF1F2,0x418a,0xB3,0x5E,0xA1,0x95,0xBC,0x41,0x03,0xB9);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleHypertext_p.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleHypertext_p.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..40eddde608
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleHypertext_p.c
@@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:53 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleHypertext.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#if !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4211 ) /* redefine extern to static */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4232 ) /* dllimport identity*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4024 ) /* array to pointer mapping*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4152 ) /* function/data pointer conversion in expression */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4100 ) /* unreferenced arguments in x86 call */
+#pragma optimize("", off )
+/* verify that the <rpcproxy.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpcproxy.h"
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcproxy.h>
+#endif /* __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ */
+#include "AccessibleHypertext.h"
+typedef struct _AccessibleHypertext_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleHypertext_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleHypertext_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleHypertext_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleHypertext_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ long Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ EXPR_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleHypertext_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING;
+static const RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER _RpcTransferSyntax =
+extern const AccessibleHypertext_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleHypertext__MIDL_TypeFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleHypertext_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleHypertext__MIDL_ProcFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleHypertext_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleHypertext__MIDL_ExprFormatString;
+extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc;
+extern const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleHypertext_ServerInfo;
+extern const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleHypertext_ProxyInfo;
+#if !defined(__RPC_WIN32__)
+#error Invalid build platform for this stub.
+#error You need Windows 2000 or later to run this stub because it uses these features:
+#error /robust command line switch.
+#error However, your C/C++ compilation flags indicate you intend to run this app on earlier systems.
+#error This app will fail with the RPC_X_WRONG_STUB_VERSION error.
+static const AccessibleHypertext_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleHypertext__MIDL_ProcFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ /* Procedure get_nHyperlinks */
+ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 2 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 6 */ NdrFcShort( 0x16 ), /* 22 */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 14 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 16 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter hyperlinkCount */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 28 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 32 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 34 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_hyperlink */
+/* 36 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 42 */ NdrFcShort( 0x17 ), /* 23 */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 50 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 52 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 54 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 58 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter index */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 64 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter hyperlink */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 70 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Type Offset=6 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 72 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 74 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 76 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_hyperlinkIndex */
+/* 78 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 80 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* 24 */
+/* 86 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 88 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 92 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 94 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 98 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 100 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter charIndex */
+/* 102 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 106 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter hyperlinkIndex */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 112 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 116 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 118 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+static const AccessibleHypertext_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleHypertext__MIDL_TypeFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 2 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 4 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 6 */
+ 0x11, 0x10, /* FC_RP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (10) */
+/* 10 */
+ 0x2f, /* FC_IP */
+ 0x5a, /* FC_CONSTANT_IID */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcLong( 0x1c20f2b ), /* 29495083 */
+/* 16 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3dd2 ), /* 15826 */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x400f ), /* 16399 */
+/* 20 */ 0x94, /* 148 */
+ 0x9f, /* 159 */
+/* 22 */ 0xad, /* 173 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 24 */ 0xbd, /* 189 */
+ 0xab, /* 171 */
+/* 26 */ 0x1d, /* 29 */
+ 0x41, /* 65 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+/* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleText, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x24FD2FFB,0x3AAD,0x4a08,{0x83,0x35,0xA3,0xAD,0x89,0xC0,0xFB,0x4B}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleHypertext, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x6B4F8BBF,0xF1F2,0x418a,{0xB3,0x5E,0xA1,0x95,0xBC,0x41,0x03,0xB9}} */
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+static const unsigned short IAccessibleHypertext_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =
+ {
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ (unsigned short) -1,
+ 0,
+ 36,
+ 78
+ };
+static const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleHypertext_ProxyInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ AccessibleHypertext__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleHypertext_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ };
+static const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleHypertext_ServerInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleHypertext__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleHypertext_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0};
+CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(25) _IAccessibleHypertextProxyVtbl =
+ &IAccessibleHypertext_ProxyInfo,
+ &IID_IAccessibleHypertext,
+ IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_Release_Proxy ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::addSelection */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::get_attributes */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::get_caretOffset */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::get_characterExtents */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::get_nSelections */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::get_offsetAtPoint */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::get_selection */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::get_text */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::get_textBeforeOffset */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::get_textAfterOffset */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::get_textAtOffset */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::removeSelection */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::setCaretOffset */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::setSelection */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::get_nCharacters */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::scrollSubstringTo */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::scrollSubstringToPoint */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::get_newText */ ,
+ 0 /* IAccessibleText::get_oldText */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleHypertext::get_nHyperlinks */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleHypertext::get_hyperlink */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleHypertext::get_hyperlinkIndex */
+static const PRPC_STUB_FUNCTION IAccessibleHypertext_table[] =
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2,
+ NdrStubCall2
+CInterfaceStubVtbl _IAccessibleHypertextStubVtbl =
+ &IID_IAccessibleHypertext,
+ &IAccessibleHypertext_ServerInfo,
+ 25,
+ &IAccessibleHypertext_table[-3],
+static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc =
+ {
+ 0,
+ NdrOleAllocate,
+ NdrOleFree,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleHypertext__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,
+ 1, /* -error bounds_check flag */
+ 0x50002, /* Ndr library version */
+ 0,
+ 0x700022b, /* MIDL Version 7.0.555 */
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0, /* notify & notify_flag routine table */
+ 0x1, /* MIDL flag */
+ 0, /* cs routines */
+ 0, /* proxy/server info */
+ 0
+ };
+const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * const _AccessibleHypertext_ProxyVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IAccessibleHypertextProxyVtbl,
+ 0
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl * const _AccessibleHypertext_StubVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IAccessibleHypertextStubVtbl,
+ 0
+PCInterfaceName const _AccessibleHypertext_InterfaceNamesList[] =
+ "IAccessibleHypertext",
+ 0
+const IID * const _AccessibleHypertext_BaseIIDList[] =
+ &IID_IAccessibleText,
+ 0
+#define _AccessibleHypertext_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _AccessibleHypertext, pIID, n)
+int __stdcall _AccessibleHypertext_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex )
+ if(!_AccessibleHypertext_CHECK_IID(0))
+ {
+ *pIndex = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const ExtendedProxyFileInfo AccessibleHypertext_ProxyFileInfo =
+ (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _AccessibleHypertext_ProxyVtblList,
+ (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _AccessibleHypertext_StubVtblList,
+ (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _AccessibleHypertext_InterfaceNamesList,
+ (const IID ** ) & _AccessibleHypertext_BaseIIDList,
+ & _AccessibleHypertext_IID_Lookup,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 0, /* table of [async_uuid] interfaces */
+ 0, /* Filler1 */
+ 0, /* Filler2 */
+ 0 /* Filler3 */
+#pragma optimize("", on )
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif /* !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)*/
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleImage.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleImage.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d240bb6156
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleImage.h
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:53 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleImage.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "ole2.h"
+#endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
+#ifndef __AccessibleImage_h__
+#define __AccessibleImage_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifndef __IAccessibleImage_FWD_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleImage_FWD_DEFINED__
+typedef interface IAccessibleImage IAccessibleImage;
+#endif /* __IAccessibleImage_FWD_DEFINED__ */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#include "oaidl.h"
+#include "oleacc.h"
+#include "IA2CommonTypes.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#ifndef __IAccessibleImage_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleImage_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+/* interface IAccessibleImage */
+/* [uuid][object] */
+EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccessibleImage;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ IAccessibleImage : public IUnknown
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_description(
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *description) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_imagePosition(
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2CoordinateType coordinateType,
+ /* [out] */ long *x,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *y) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_imageSize(
+ /* [out] */ long *height,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *width) = 0;
+ };
+#else /* C style interface */
+ typedef struct IAccessibleImageVtbl
+ {
+ IAccessibleImage * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */
+ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject);
+ IAccessibleImage * This);
+ IAccessibleImage * This);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_description )(
+ IAccessibleImage * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *description);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_imagePosition )(
+ IAccessibleImage * This,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2CoordinateType coordinateType,
+ /* [out] */ long *x,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *y);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_imageSize )(
+ IAccessibleImage * This,
+ /* [out] */ long *height,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *width);
+ } IAccessibleImageVtbl;
+ interface IAccessibleImage
+ {
+ CONST_VTBL struct IAccessibleImageVtbl *lpVtbl;
+ };
+#define IAccessibleImage_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) )
+#define IAccessibleImage_AddRef(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) )
+#define IAccessibleImage_Release(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) )
+#define IAccessibleImage_get_description(This,description) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_description(This,description) )
+#define IAccessibleImage_get_imagePosition(This,coordinateType,x,y) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_imagePosition(This,coordinateType,x,y) )
+#define IAccessibleImage_get_imageSize(This,height,width) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_imageSize(This,height,width) )
+#endif /* COBJMACROS */
+#endif /* C style interface */
+#endif /* __IAccessibleImage_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+unsigned long __RPC_USER BSTR_UserSize( unsigned long *, unsigned long , BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserMarshal( unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserUnmarshal(unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+void __RPC_USER BSTR_UserFree( unsigned long *, BSTR * );
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleImage_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleImage_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..37fa8696d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleImage_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:53 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleImage.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_IAccessibleImage,0xFE5ABB3D,0x615E,0x4f7b,0x90,0x9F,0x5F,0x0E,0xDA,0x9E,0x8D,0xDE);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleImage_p.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleImage_p.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..daa8af2e29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleImage_p.c
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:53 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleImage.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#if !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4211 ) /* redefine extern to static */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4232 ) /* dllimport identity*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4024 ) /* array to pointer mapping*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4152 ) /* function/data pointer conversion in expression */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4100 ) /* unreferenced arguments in x86 call */
+#pragma optimize("", off )
+/* verify that the <rpcproxy.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpcproxy.h"
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcproxy.h>
+#endif /* __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ */
+#include "AccessibleImage.h"
+typedef struct _AccessibleImage_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleImage_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleImage_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleImage_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleImage_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ long Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ EXPR_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleImage_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING;
+static const RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER _RpcTransferSyntax =
+extern const AccessibleImage_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleImage__MIDL_TypeFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleImage_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleImage__MIDL_ProcFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleImage_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleImage__MIDL_ExprFormatString;
+extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc;
+extern const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleImage_ServerInfo;
+extern const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleImage_ProxyInfo;
+#if !defined(__RPC_WIN32__)
+#error Invalid build platform for this stub.
+#error You need Windows 2000 or later to run this stub because it uses these features:
+#error /robust command line switch.
+#error However, your C/C++ compilation flags indicate you intend to run this app on earlier systems.
+#error This app will fail with the RPC_X_WRONG_STUB_VERSION error.
+static const AccessibleImage_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleImage__MIDL_ProcFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ /* Procedure get_description */
+ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 2 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 6 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 14 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 16 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter description */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 28 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* Type Offset=32 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 32 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 34 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_imagePosition */
+/* 36 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 42 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* 6 */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0x40 ), /* 64 */
+/* 50 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 52 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 54 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 58 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter coordinateType */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 64 */ 0xd, /* FC_ENUM16 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter x */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 70 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter y */
+/* 72 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 74 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 76 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 80 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 82 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_imageSize */
+/* 84 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 86 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5 ), /* 5 */
+/* 92 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 94 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcShort( 0x40 ), /* 64 */
+/* 98 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 100 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 102 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 106 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter height */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 112 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter width */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 116 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 118 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 120 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 122 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 124 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+static const AccessibleImage_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleImage__MIDL_TypeFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 2 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 4 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* Offset= 28 (32) */
+/* 6 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* Offset= 14 (22) */
+/* 10 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x1, /* 1 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 14 */ 0x9, /* Corr desc: FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 16 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfffc ), /* -4 */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 20 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 22 */
+ 0x17, /* FC_CSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff0 ), /* Offset= -16 (10) */
+/* 28 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 30 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 32 */ 0xb4, /* FC_USER_MARSHAL */
+ 0x83, /* 131 */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 36 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffde ), /* Offset= -34 (6) */
+/* 42 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 44 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+ {
+ {
+ BSTR_UserSize
+ ,BSTR_UserMarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserUnmarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserFree
+ }
+ };
+/* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleImage, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0xFE5ABB3D,0x615E,0x4f7b,{0x90,0x9F,0x5F,0x0E,0xDA,0x9E,0x8D,0xDE}} */
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+static const unsigned short IAccessibleImage_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =
+ {
+ 0,
+ 36,
+ 84
+ };
+static const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleImage_ProxyInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ AccessibleImage__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleImage_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ };
+static const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleImage_ServerInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleImage__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleImage_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0};
+CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(6) _IAccessibleImageProxyVtbl =
+ &IAccessibleImage_ProxyInfo,
+ &IID_IAccessibleImage,
+ IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_Release_Proxy ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleImage::get_description */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleImage::get_imagePosition */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleImage::get_imageSize */
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl _IAccessibleImageStubVtbl =
+ &IID_IAccessibleImage,
+ &IAccessibleImage_ServerInfo,
+ 6,
+ 0, /* pure interpreted */
+ CStdStubBuffer_METHODS
+static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc =
+ {
+ 0,
+ NdrOleAllocate,
+ NdrOleFree,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleImage__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,
+ 1, /* -error bounds_check flag */
+ 0x50002, /* Ndr library version */
+ 0,
+ 0x700022b, /* MIDL Version 7.0.555 */
+ 0,
+ UserMarshalRoutines,
+ 0, /* notify & notify_flag routine table */
+ 0x1, /* MIDL flag */
+ 0, /* cs routines */
+ 0, /* proxy/server info */
+ 0
+ };
+const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * const _AccessibleImage_ProxyVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IAccessibleImageProxyVtbl,
+ 0
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl * const _AccessibleImage_StubVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IAccessibleImageStubVtbl,
+ 0
+PCInterfaceName const _AccessibleImage_InterfaceNamesList[] =
+ "IAccessibleImage",
+ 0
+#define _AccessibleImage_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _AccessibleImage, pIID, n)
+int __stdcall _AccessibleImage_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex )
+ if(!_AccessibleImage_CHECK_IID(0))
+ {
+ *pIndex = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const ExtendedProxyFileInfo AccessibleImage_ProxyFileInfo =
+ (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _AccessibleImage_ProxyVtblList,
+ (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _AccessibleImage_StubVtblList,
+ (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _AccessibleImage_InterfaceNamesList,
+ 0, /* no delegation */
+ & _AccessibleImage_IID_Lookup,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 0, /* table of [async_uuid] interfaces */
+ 0, /* Filler1 */
+ 0, /* Filler2 */
+ 0 /* Filler3 */
+#pragma optimize("", on )
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif /* !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)*/
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleRelation.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleRelation.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b24908a421
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleRelation.h
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:54 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleRelation.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "ole2.h"
+#endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
+#ifndef __AccessibleRelation_h__
+#define __AccessibleRelation_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifndef __IAccessibleRelation_FWD_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleRelation_FWD_DEFINED__
+typedef interface IAccessibleRelation IAccessibleRelation;
+#endif /* __IAccessibleRelation_FWD_DEFINED__ */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#include "oaidl.h"
+#include "oleacc.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+/* interface __MIDL_itf_AccessibleRelation_0000_0000 */
+/* [local] */
+#define IA2_RELATION_CONTROLLED_BY ( L"controlledBy" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_CONTROLLER_FOR ( L"controllerFor" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_DESCRIBED_BY ( L"describedBy" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_DESCRIPTION_FOR ( L"descriptionFor" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_EMBEDDED_BY ( L"embeddedBy" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_EMBEDS ( L"embeds" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_FLOWS_FROM ( L"flowsFrom" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_FLOWS_TO ( L"flowsTo" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_LABEL_FOR ( L"labelFor" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_LABELED_BY ( L"labelledBy" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_LABELLED_BY ( L"labelledBy" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_MEMBER_OF ( L"memberOf" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_NODE_CHILD_OF ( L"nodeChildOf" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_PARENT_WINDOW_OF ( L"parentWindowOf" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_POPUP_FOR ( L"popupFor" )
+#define IA2_RELATION_SUBWINDOW_OF ( L"subwindowOf" )
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_AccessibleRelation_0000_0000_v0_0_c_ifspec;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_AccessibleRelation_0000_0000_v0_0_s_ifspec;
+#ifndef __IAccessibleRelation_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleRelation_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+/* interface IAccessibleRelation */
+/* [uuid][object] */
+EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccessibleRelation;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ IAccessibleRelation : public IUnknown
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_relationType(
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *relationType) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_localizedRelationType(
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *localizedRelationType) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nTargets(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nTargets) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_target(
+ /* [in] */ long targetIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **target) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_targets(
+ /* [in] */ long maxTargets,
+ /* [length_is][size_is][out] */ IUnknown **targets,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nTargets) = 0;
+ };
+#else /* C style interface */
+ typedef struct IAccessibleRelationVtbl
+ {
+ IAccessibleRelation * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */
+ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject);
+ IAccessibleRelation * This);
+ IAccessibleRelation * This);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_relationType )(
+ IAccessibleRelation * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *relationType);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_localizedRelationType )(
+ IAccessibleRelation * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *localizedRelationType);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nTargets )(
+ IAccessibleRelation * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nTargets);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_target )(
+ IAccessibleRelation * This,
+ /* [in] */ long targetIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **target);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_targets )(
+ IAccessibleRelation * This,
+ /* [in] */ long maxTargets,
+ /* [length_is][size_is][out] */ IUnknown **targets,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nTargets);
+ } IAccessibleRelationVtbl;
+ interface IAccessibleRelation
+ {
+ CONST_VTBL struct IAccessibleRelationVtbl *lpVtbl;
+ };
+#define IAccessibleRelation_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) )
+#define IAccessibleRelation_AddRef(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) )
+#define IAccessibleRelation_Release(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) )
+#define IAccessibleRelation_get_relationType(This,relationType) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_relationType(This,relationType) )
+#define IAccessibleRelation_get_localizedRelationType(This,localizedRelationType) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_localizedRelationType(This,localizedRelationType) )
+#define IAccessibleRelation_get_nTargets(This,nTargets) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nTargets(This,nTargets) )
+#define IAccessibleRelation_get_target(This,targetIndex,target) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_target(This,targetIndex,target) )
+#define IAccessibleRelation_get_targets(This,maxTargets,targets,nTargets) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_targets(This,maxTargets,targets,nTargets) )
+#endif /* COBJMACROS */
+#endif /* C style interface */
+#endif /* __IAccessibleRelation_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+unsigned long __RPC_USER BSTR_UserSize( unsigned long *, unsigned long , BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserMarshal( unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserUnmarshal(unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+void __RPC_USER BSTR_UserFree( unsigned long *, BSTR * );
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleRelation_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleRelation_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..58c8b78be7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleRelation_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:54 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleRelation.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_IAccessibleRelation,0x7CDF86EE,0xC3DA,0x496a,0xBD,0xA4,0x28,0x1B,0x33,0x6E,0x1F,0xDC);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleRelation_p.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleRelation_p.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a3a6cbd632
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleRelation_p.c
@@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:54 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleRelation.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#if !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4211 ) /* redefine extern to static */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4232 ) /* dllimport identity*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4024 ) /* array to pointer mapping*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4152 ) /* function/data pointer conversion in expression */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4100 ) /* unreferenced arguments in x86 call */
+#pragma optimize("", off )
+/* verify that the <rpcproxy.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpcproxy.h"
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcproxy.h>
+#endif /* __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ */
+#include "AccessibleRelation.h"
+typedef struct _AccessibleRelation_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleRelation_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleRelation_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleRelation_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleRelation_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ long Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ EXPR_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleRelation_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING;
+static const RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER _RpcTransferSyntax =
+extern const AccessibleRelation_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleRelation__MIDL_TypeFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleRelation_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleRelation__MIDL_ProcFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleRelation_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleRelation__MIDL_ExprFormatString;
+extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc;
+extern const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleRelation_ServerInfo;
+extern const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleRelation_ProxyInfo;
+#if !defined(__RPC_WIN32__)
+#error Invalid build platform for this stub.
+#error You need Windows 2000 or later to run this stub because it uses these features:
+#error /robust command line switch.
+#error However, your C/C++ compilation flags indicate you intend to run this app on earlier systems.
+#error This app will fail with the RPC_X_WRONG_STUB_VERSION error.
+static const AccessibleRelation_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleRelation__MIDL_ProcFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ /* Procedure get_relationType */
+ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 2 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 6 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 14 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 16 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter relationType */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 28 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* Type Offset=32 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 32 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 34 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_localizedRelationType */
+/* 36 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 42 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 50 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 52 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 54 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 58 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter localizedRelationType */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 64 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* Type Offset=32 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 70 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_nTargets */
+/* 72 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 74 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5 ), /* 5 */
+/* 80 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 82 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 86 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 88 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 92 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 94 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter nTargets */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 98 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 100 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 102 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 106 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_target */
+/* 108 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* 6 */
+/* 116 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 118 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 120 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 122 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 124 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 126 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 128 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 130 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter targetIndex */
+/* 132 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 134 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 136 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter target */
+/* 138 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, */
+/* 140 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 142 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2e ), /* Type Offset=46 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 144 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 146 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 148 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_targets */
+/* 150 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 152 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 156 */ NdrFcShort( 0x7 ), /* 7 */
+/* 158 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 160 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 162 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 164 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 166 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 168 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 170 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 172 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter maxTargets */
+/* 174 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 176 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 178 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter targets */
+/* 180 */ NdrFcShort( 0x113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, */
+/* 182 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 184 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Type Offset=72 */
+ /* Parameter nTargets */
+/* 186 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 188 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 190 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 192 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 194 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 196 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+static const AccessibleRelation_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleRelation__MIDL_TypeFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 2 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 4 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* Offset= 28 (32) */
+/* 6 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* Offset= 14 (22) */
+/* 10 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x1, /* 1 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 14 */ 0x9, /* Corr desc: FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 16 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfffc ), /* -4 */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 20 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 22 */
+ 0x17, /* FC_CSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff0 ), /* Offset= -16 (10) */
+/* 28 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 30 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 32 */ 0xb4, /* FC_USER_MARSHAL */
+ 0x83, /* 131 */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 36 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffde ), /* Offset= -34 (6) */
+/* 42 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 44 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 46 */
+ 0x11, 0x10, /* FC_RP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (50) */
+/* 50 */
+ 0x2f, /* FC_IP */
+ 0x5a, /* FC_CONSTANT_IID */
+/* 52 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 58 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 60 */ 0xc0, /* 192 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 62 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 64 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 66 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x46, /* 70 */
+/* 68 */
+ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 70 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (72) */
+/* 72 */
+ 0x21, /* FC_BOGUS_ARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 74 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 76 */ 0x28, /* Corr desc: parameter, FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 80 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 82 */ 0x28, /* Corr desc: parameter, FC_LONG */
+ 0x54, /* FC_DEREFERENCE */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 86 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 88 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffd8 ), /* Offset= -40 (50) */
+/* 92 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+ {
+ {
+ BSTR_UserSize
+ ,BSTR_UserMarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserUnmarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserFree
+ }
+ };
+/* Standard interface: __MIDL_itf_AccessibleRelation_0000_0000, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00}} */
+/* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleRelation, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x7CDF86EE,0xC3DA,0x496a,{0xBD,0xA4,0x28,0x1B,0x33,0x6E,0x1F,0xDC}} */
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+static const unsigned short IAccessibleRelation_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =
+ {
+ 0,
+ 36,
+ 72,
+ 108,
+ 150
+ };
+static const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleRelation_ProxyInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ AccessibleRelation__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleRelation_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ };
+static const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleRelation_ServerInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleRelation__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleRelation_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0};
+CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(8) _IAccessibleRelationProxyVtbl =
+ &IAccessibleRelation_ProxyInfo,
+ &IID_IAccessibleRelation,
+ IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_Release_Proxy ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleRelation::get_relationType */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleRelation::get_localizedRelationType */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleRelation::get_nTargets */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleRelation::get_target */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleRelation::get_targets */
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl _IAccessibleRelationStubVtbl =
+ &IID_IAccessibleRelation,
+ &IAccessibleRelation_ServerInfo,
+ 8,
+ 0, /* pure interpreted */
+ CStdStubBuffer_METHODS
+static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc =
+ {
+ 0,
+ NdrOleAllocate,
+ NdrOleFree,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleRelation__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,
+ 1, /* -error bounds_check flag */
+ 0x50002, /* Ndr library version */
+ 0,
+ 0x700022b, /* MIDL Version 7.0.555 */
+ 0,
+ UserMarshalRoutines,
+ 0, /* notify & notify_flag routine table */
+ 0x1, /* MIDL flag */
+ 0, /* cs routines */
+ 0, /* proxy/server info */
+ 0
+ };
+const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * const _AccessibleRelation_ProxyVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IAccessibleRelationProxyVtbl,
+ 0
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl * const _AccessibleRelation_StubVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IAccessibleRelationStubVtbl,
+ 0
+PCInterfaceName const _AccessibleRelation_InterfaceNamesList[] =
+ "IAccessibleRelation",
+ 0
+#define _AccessibleRelation_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _AccessibleRelation, pIID, n)
+int __stdcall _AccessibleRelation_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex )
+ if(!_AccessibleRelation_CHECK_IID(0))
+ {
+ *pIndex = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const ExtendedProxyFileInfo AccessibleRelation_ProxyFileInfo =
+ (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _AccessibleRelation_ProxyVtblList,
+ (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _AccessibleRelation_StubVtblList,
+ (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _AccessibleRelation_InterfaceNamesList,
+ 0, /* no delegation */
+ & _AccessibleRelation_IID_Lookup,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 0, /* table of [async_uuid] interfaces */
+ 0, /* Filler1 */
+ 0, /* Filler2 */
+ 0 /* Filler3 */
+#pragma optimize("", on )
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif /* !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)*/
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleRole.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleRole.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..221d1d00f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleRole.h
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:54 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleRole.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#ifndef __AccessibleRole_h__
+#define __AccessibleRole_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+/* interface __MIDL_itf_AccessibleRole_0000_0000 */
+/* [local] */
+enum IA2Role
+ IA2_ROLE_CANVAS = 0x401,
+ IA2_ROLE_FRAME = ( IA2_ROLE_FORM + 1 ) ,
+ } ;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_AccessibleRole_0000_0000_v0_0_c_ifspec;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_AccessibleRole_0000_0000_v0_0_s_ifspec;
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleStates.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleStates.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..058d2e548e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleStates.h
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:54 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleStates.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#ifndef __AccessibleStates_h__
+#define __AccessibleStates_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+/* interface __MIDL_itf_AccessibleStates_0000_0000 */
+/* [local] */
+typedef long AccessibleStates;
+enum IA2States
+ { IA2_STATE_ACTIVE = 0x1,
+ IA2_STATE_ARMED = 0x2,
+ IA2_STATE_MODAL = 0x100,
+ IA2_STATE_OPAQUE = 0x400,
+ IA2_STATE_STALE = 0x4000,
+ IA2_STATE_TRANSIENT = 0x10000,
+ IA2_STATE_VERTICAL = 0x20000,
+ IA2_STATE_CHECKABLE = 0x40000,
+ IA2_STATE_PINNED = 0x80000
+ } ;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_AccessibleStates_0000_0000_v0_0_c_ifspec;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_AccessibleStates_0000_0000_v0_0_s_ifspec;
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTable.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTable.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0f7dd49efc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTable.h
@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:54 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleTable.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "ole2.h"
+#endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
+#ifndef __AccessibleTable_h__
+#define __AccessibleTable_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifndef __IAccessibleTable_FWD_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleTable_FWD_DEFINED__
+typedef interface IAccessibleTable IAccessibleTable;
+#endif /* __IAccessibleTable_FWD_DEFINED__ */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#include "oaidl.h"
+#include "oleacc.h"
+#include "Accessible2.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#ifndef __IAccessibleTable_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleTable_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+/* interface IAccessibleTable */
+/* [uuid][object] */
+EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccessibleTable;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ MIDL_INTERFACE("35AD8070-C20C-4fb4-B094-F4F7275DD469")
+ IAccessibleTable : public IUnknown
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_accessibleAt(
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **accessible) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_caption(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **accessible) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_childIndex(
+ /* [in] */ long rowIndex,
+ /* [in] */ long columnIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *cellIndex) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_columnDescription(
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *description) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_columnExtentAt(
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nColumnsSpanned) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_columnHeader(
+ /* [out] */ IAccessibleTable **accessibleTable,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *startingRowIndex) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_columnIndex(
+ /* [in] */ long cellIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *columnIndex) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nColumns(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *columnCount) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nRows(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *rowCount) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nSelectedChildren(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *cellCount) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nSelectedColumns(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *columnCount) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nSelectedRows(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *rowCount) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_rowDescription(
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *description) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_rowExtentAt(
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nRowsSpanned) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_rowHeader(
+ /* [out] */ IAccessibleTable **accessibleTable,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *startingColumnIndex) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_rowIndex(
+ /* [in] */ long cellIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *rowIndex) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_selectedChildren(
+ /* [in] */ long maxChildren,
+ /* [length_is][length_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ long **children,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nChildren) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_selectedColumns(
+ /* [in] */ long maxColumns,
+ /* [length_is][length_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ long **columns,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nColumns) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_selectedRows(
+ /* [in] */ long maxRows,
+ /* [length_is][length_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ long **rows,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nRows) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_summary(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **accessible) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_isColumnSelected(
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_isRowSelected(
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_isSelected(
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ long row) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ long column) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ long row) = 0;
+ virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE unselectColumn(
+ /* [in] */ long column) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_rowColumnExtentsAtIndex(
+ /* [in] */ long index,
+ /* [out] */ long *row,
+ /* [out] */ long *column,
+ /* [out] */ long *rowExtents,
+ /* [out] */ long *columnExtents,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_modelChange(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2TableModelChange *modelChange) = 0;
+ };
+#else /* C style interface */
+ typedef struct IAccessibleTableVtbl
+ {
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */
+ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject);
+ IAccessibleTable * This);
+ IAccessibleTable * This);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_accessibleAt )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **accessible);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_caption )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **accessible);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_childIndex )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long rowIndex,
+ /* [in] */ long columnIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *cellIndex);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_columnDescription )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *description);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_columnExtentAt )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nColumnsSpanned);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_columnHeader )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [out] */ IAccessibleTable **accessibleTable,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *startingRowIndex);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_columnIndex )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long cellIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *columnIndex);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nColumns )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *columnCount);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nRows )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *rowCount);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nSelectedChildren )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *cellCount);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nSelectedColumns )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *columnCount);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nSelectedRows )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *rowCount);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_rowDescription )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *description);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_rowExtentAt )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nRowsSpanned);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_rowHeader )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [out] */ IAccessibleTable **accessibleTable,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *startingColumnIndex);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_rowIndex )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long cellIndex,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *rowIndex);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_selectedChildren )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long maxChildren,
+ /* [length_is][length_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ long **children,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nChildren);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_selectedColumns )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long maxColumns,
+ /* [length_is][length_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ long **columns,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nColumns);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_selectedRows )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long maxRows,
+ /* [length_is][length_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ long **rows,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nRows);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_summary )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **accessible);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_isColumnSelected )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_isRowSelected )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_isSelected )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected);
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long row);
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long column);
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long row);
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long column);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_rowColumnExtentsAtIndex )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [in] */ long index,
+ /* [out] */ long *row,
+ /* [out] */ long *column,
+ /* [out] */ long *rowExtents,
+ /* [out] */ long *columnExtents,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_modelChange )(
+ IAccessibleTable * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2TableModelChange *modelChange);
+ } IAccessibleTableVtbl;
+ interface IAccessibleTable
+ {
+ CONST_VTBL struct IAccessibleTableVtbl *lpVtbl;
+ };
+#define IAccessibleTable_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_AddRef(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_Release(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_accessibleAt(This,row,column,accessible) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_accessibleAt(This,row,column,accessible) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_caption(This,accessible) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_caption(This,accessible) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_childIndex(This,rowIndex,columnIndex,cellIndex) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_childIndex(This,rowIndex,columnIndex,cellIndex) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_columnDescription(This,column,description) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_columnDescription(This,column,description) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_columnExtentAt(This,row,column,nColumnsSpanned) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_columnExtentAt(This,row,column,nColumnsSpanned) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_columnHeader(This,accessibleTable,startingRowIndex) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_columnHeader(This,accessibleTable,startingRowIndex) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_columnIndex(This,cellIndex,columnIndex) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_columnIndex(This,cellIndex,columnIndex) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_nColumns(This,columnCount) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nColumns(This,columnCount) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_nRows(This,rowCount) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nRows(This,rowCount) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_nSelectedChildren(This,cellCount) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nSelectedChildren(This,cellCount) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_nSelectedColumns(This,columnCount) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nSelectedColumns(This,columnCount) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_nSelectedRows(This,rowCount) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nSelectedRows(This,rowCount) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_rowDescription(This,row,description) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_rowDescription(This,row,description) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_rowExtentAt(This,row,column,nRowsSpanned) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_rowExtentAt(This,row,column,nRowsSpanned) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_rowHeader(This,accessibleTable,startingColumnIndex) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_rowHeader(This,accessibleTable,startingColumnIndex) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_rowIndex(This,cellIndex,rowIndex) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_rowIndex(This,cellIndex,rowIndex) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_selectedChildren(This,maxChildren,children,nChildren) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_selectedChildren(This,maxChildren,children,nChildren) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_selectedColumns(This,maxColumns,columns,nColumns) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_selectedColumns(This,maxColumns,columns,nColumns) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_selectedRows(This,maxRows,rows,nRows) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_selectedRows(This,maxRows,rows,nRows) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_summary(This,accessible) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_summary(This,accessible) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_isColumnSelected(This,column,isSelected) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_isColumnSelected(This,column,isSelected) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_isRowSelected(This,row,isSelected) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_isRowSelected(This,row,isSelected) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_isSelected(This,row,column,isSelected) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_isSelected(This,row,column,isSelected) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_selectRow(This,row) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> selectRow(This,row) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_selectColumn(This,column) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> selectColumn(This,column) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_unselectRow(This,row) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> unselectRow(This,row) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_unselectColumn(This,column) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> unselectColumn(This,column) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_rowColumnExtentsAtIndex(This,index,row,column,rowExtents,columnExtents,isSelected) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_rowColumnExtentsAtIndex(This,index,row,column,rowExtents,columnExtents,isSelected) )
+#define IAccessibleTable_get_modelChange(This,modelChange) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_modelChange(This,modelChange) )
+#endif /* COBJMACROS */
+#endif /* C style interface */
+#endif /* __IAccessibleTable_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+unsigned long __RPC_USER BSTR_UserSize( unsigned long *, unsigned long , BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserMarshal( unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserUnmarshal(unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+void __RPC_USER BSTR_UserFree( unsigned long *, BSTR * );
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTable2.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTable2.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d511869de4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTable2.h
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:55 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleTable2.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "ole2.h"
+#endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
+#ifndef __AccessibleTable2_h__
+#define __AccessibleTable2_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifndef __IAccessibleTable2_FWD_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleTable2_FWD_DEFINED__
+typedef interface IAccessibleTable2 IAccessibleTable2;
+#endif /* __IAccessibleTable2_FWD_DEFINED__ */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#include "oaidl.h"
+#include "oleacc.h"
+#include "Accessible2.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#ifndef __IAccessibleTable2_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleTable2_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+/* interface IAccessibleTable2 */
+/* [uuid][object] */
+EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccessibleTable2;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ MIDL_INTERFACE("6167f295-06f0-4cdd-a1fa-02e25153d869")
+ IAccessibleTable2 : public IUnknown
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_cellAt(
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **cell) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_caption(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **accessible) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_columnDescription(
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *description) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nColumns(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *columnCount) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nRows(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *rowCount) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nSelectedCells(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *cellCount) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nSelectedColumns(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *columnCount) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nSelectedRows(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *rowCount) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_rowDescription(
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *description) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_selectedCells(
+ /* [size_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ IUnknown ***cells,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nSelectedCells) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_selectedColumns(
+ /* [size_is][size_is][out] */ long **selectedColumns,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nColumns) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_selectedRows(
+ /* [size_is][size_is][out] */ long **selectedRows,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nRows) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_summary(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **accessible) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_isColumnSelected(
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_isRowSelected(
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ long row) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ long column) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ long row) = 0;
+ virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE unselectColumn(
+ /* [in] */ long column) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_modelChange(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2TableModelChange *modelChange) = 0;
+ };
+#else /* C style interface */
+ typedef struct IAccessibleTable2Vtbl
+ {
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */
+ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject);
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This);
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_cellAt )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **cell);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_caption )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **accessible);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_columnDescription )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *description);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nColumns )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *columnCount);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nRows )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *rowCount);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nSelectedCells )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *cellCount);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nSelectedColumns )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *columnCount);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nSelectedRows )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *rowCount);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_rowDescription )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *description);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_selectedCells )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [size_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ IUnknown ***cells,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nSelectedCells);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_selectedColumns )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [size_is][size_is][out] */ long **selectedColumns,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nColumns);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_selectedRows )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [size_is][size_is][out] */ long **selectedRows,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nRows);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_summary )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **accessible);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_isColumnSelected )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long column,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_isRowSelected )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long row,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected);
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long row);
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long column);
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long row);
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [in] */ long column);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_modelChange )(
+ IAccessibleTable2 * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2TableModelChange *modelChange);
+ } IAccessibleTable2Vtbl;
+ interface IAccessibleTable2
+ {
+ CONST_VTBL struct IAccessibleTable2Vtbl *lpVtbl;
+ };
+#define IAccessibleTable2_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_AddRef(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_Release(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_cellAt(This,row,column,cell) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_cellAt(This,row,column,cell) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_caption(This,accessible) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_caption(This,accessible) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_columnDescription(This,column,description) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_columnDescription(This,column,description) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_nColumns(This,columnCount) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nColumns(This,columnCount) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_nRows(This,rowCount) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nRows(This,rowCount) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_nSelectedCells(This,cellCount) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nSelectedCells(This,cellCount) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_nSelectedColumns(This,columnCount) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nSelectedColumns(This,columnCount) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_nSelectedRows(This,rowCount) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nSelectedRows(This,rowCount) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_rowDescription(This,row,description) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_rowDescription(This,row,description) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_selectedCells(This,cells,nSelectedCells) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_selectedCells(This,cells,nSelectedCells) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_selectedColumns(This,selectedColumns,nColumns) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_selectedColumns(This,selectedColumns,nColumns) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_selectedRows(This,selectedRows,nRows) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_selectedRows(This,selectedRows,nRows) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_summary(This,accessible) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_summary(This,accessible) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_isColumnSelected(This,column,isSelected) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_isColumnSelected(This,column,isSelected) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_isRowSelected(This,row,isSelected) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_isRowSelected(This,row,isSelected) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_selectRow(This,row) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> selectRow(This,row) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_selectColumn(This,column) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> selectColumn(This,column) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_unselectRow(This,row) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> unselectRow(This,row) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_unselectColumn(This,column) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> unselectColumn(This,column) )
+#define IAccessibleTable2_get_modelChange(This,modelChange) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_modelChange(This,modelChange) )
+#endif /* COBJMACROS */
+#endif /* C style interface */
+#endif /* __IAccessibleTable2_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+unsigned long __RPC_USER BSTR_UserSize( unsigned long *, unsigned long , BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserMarshal( unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserUnmarshal(unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+void __RPC_USER BSTR_UserFree( unsigned long *, BSTR * );
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTable2_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTable2_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f5444155ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTable2_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:55 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleTable2.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_IAccessibleTable2,0x6167f295,0x06f0,0x4cdd,0xa1,0xfa,0x02,0xe2,0x51,0x53,0xd8,0x69);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTable2_p.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTable2_p.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f4b782f9dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTable2_p.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1091 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:55 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleTable2.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#if !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4211 ) /* redefine extern to static */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4232 ) /* dllimport identity*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4024 ) /* array to pointer mapping*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4152 ) /* function/data pointer conversion in expression */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4100 ) /* unreferenced arguments in x86 call */
+#pragma optimize("", off )
+/* verify that the <rpcproxy.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpcproxy.h"
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcproxy.h>
+#endif /* __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ */
+#include "AccessibleTable2.h"
+typedef struct _AccessibleTable2_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleTable2_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleTable2_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleTable2_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleTable2_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ long Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ EXPR_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleTable2_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING;
+static const RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER _RpcTransferSyntax =
+extern const AccessibleTable2_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTable2__MIDL_TypeFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleTable2_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTable2__MIDL_ProcFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleTable2_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTable2__MIDL_ExprFormatString;
+extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc;
+extern const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleTable2_ServerInfo;
+extern const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleTable2_ProxyInfo;
+#if !defined(__RPC_WIN32__)
+#error Invalid build platform for this stub.
+#error You need Windows 2000 or later to run this stub because it uses these features:
+#error /robust command line switch.
+#error However, your C/C++ compilation flags indicate you intend to run this app on earlier systems.
+#error This app will fail with the RPC_X_WRONG_STUB_VERSION error.
+static const AccessibleTable2_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTable2__MIDL_ProcFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ /* Procedure get_cellAt */
+ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 2 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 6 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 14 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 16 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 28 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 32 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 34 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter cell */
+/* 36 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Type Offset=2 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 42 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 46 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_caption */
+/* 48 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 50 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 54 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 58 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 62 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 64 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 70 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter accessible */
+/* 72 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, */
+/* 74 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 76 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Type Offset=2 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 80 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 82 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_columnDescription */
+/* 84 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 86 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5 ), /* 5 */
+/* 92 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 94 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 98 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 100 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 102 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 106 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 112 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter description */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 116 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 118 */ NdrFcShort( 0x36 ), /* Type Offset=54 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 120 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 122 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 124 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_nColumns */
+/* 126 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 128 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 132 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* 6 */
+/* 134 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 136 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 138 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 140 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 142 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 144 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 146 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 148 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter columnCount */
+/* 150 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 152 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 154 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 156 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 158 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 160 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_nRows */
+/* 162 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 164 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 168 */ NdrFcShort( 0x7 ), /* 7 */
+/* 170 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 172 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 174 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 176 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 178 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 180 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 182 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 184 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter rowCount */
+/* 186 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 188 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 190 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 192 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 194 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 196 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_nSelectedCells */
+/* 198 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 200 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 204 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 206 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 208 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 210 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 212 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 214 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 216 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 218 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 220 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter cellCount */
+/* 222 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 224 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 226 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 228 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 230 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 232 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_nSelectedColumns */
+/* 234 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 236 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 240 */ NdrFcShort( 0x9 ), /* 9 */
+/* 242 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 244 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 246 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 248 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 250 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 252 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 254 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 256 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter columnCount */
+/* 258 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 260 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 262 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 264 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 266 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 268 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_nSelectedRows */
+/* 270 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 272 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 276 */ NdrFcShort( 0xa ), /* 10 */
+/* 278 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 280 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 282 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 284 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 286 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 288 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 290 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 292 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter rowCount */
+/* 294 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 296 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 298 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 300 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 302 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 304 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_rowDescription */
+/* 306 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 308 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 312 */ NdrFcShort( 0xb ), /* 11 */
+/* 314 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 316 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 318 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 320 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 322 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 324 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 326 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 328 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 330 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 332 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 334 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter description */
+/* 336 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 338 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 340 */ NdrFcShort( 0x36 ), /* Type Offset=54 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 342 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 344 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 346 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_selectedCells */
+/* 348 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 350 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 354 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* 12 */
+/* 356 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 358 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 360 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 362 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 364 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 366 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 368 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 370 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter cells */
+/* 372 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2013 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 374 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 376 */ NdrFcShort( 0x44 ), /* Type Offset=68 */
+ /* Parameter nSelectedCells */
+/* 378 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 380 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 382 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 384 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 386 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 388 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_selectedColumns */
+/* 390 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 392 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 396 */ NdrFcShort( 0xd ), /* 13 */
+/* 398 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 400 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 402 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 404 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 406 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 408 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 410 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 412 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter selectedColumns */
+/* 414 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2013 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 416 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 418 */ NdrFcShort( 0x62 ), /* Type Offset=98 */
+ /* Parameter nColumns */
+/* 420 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 422 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 424 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 426 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 428 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 430 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_selectedRows */
+/* 432 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 434 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 438 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* 14 */
+/* 440 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 442 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 444 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 446 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 448 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 450 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 452 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 454 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter selectedRows */
+/* 456 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2013 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 458 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 460 */ NdrFcShort( 0x62 ), /* Type Offset=98 */
+ /* Parameter nRows */
+/* 462 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 464 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 466 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 468 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 470 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 472 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_summary */
+/* 474 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 476 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 480 */ NdrFcShort( 0xf ), /* 15 */
+/* 482 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 484 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 486 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 488 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 490 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 492 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 494 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 496 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter accessible */
+/* 498 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, */
+/* 500 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 502 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Type Offset=2 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 504 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 506 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 508 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_isColumnSelected */
+/* 510 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 512 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 516 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 518 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 520 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 522 */ NdrFcShort( 0x21 ), /* 33 */
+/* 524 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 526 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 528 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 530 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 532 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 534 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 536 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 538 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter isSelected */
+/* 540 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 542 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 544 */ 0x3, /* FC_SMALL */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 546 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 548 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 550 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_isRowSelected */
+/* 552 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 554 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 558 */ NdrFcShort( 0x11 ), /* 17 */
+/* 560 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 562 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 564 */ NdrFcShort( 0x21 ), /* 33 */
+/* 566 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 568 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 570 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 572 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 574 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 576 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 578 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 580 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter isSelected */
+/* 582 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 584 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 586 */ 0x3, /* FC_SMALL */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 588 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 590 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 592 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure selectRow */
+/* 594 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 596 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 600 */ NdrFcShort( 0x12 ), /* 18 */
+/* 602 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 604 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 606 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 608 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 610 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 612 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 614 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 616 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 618 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 620 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 622 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 624 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 626 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 628 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure selectColumn */
+/* 630 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 632 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 636 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* 19 */
+/* 638 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 640 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 642 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 644 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 646 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 648 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 650 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 652 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 654 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 656 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 658 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 660 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 662 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 664 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure unselectRow */
+/* 666 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 668 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 672 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* 20 */
+/* 674 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 676 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 678 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 680 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 682 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 684 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 686 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 688 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 690 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 692 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 694 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 696 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 698 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 700 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure unselectColumn */
+/* 702 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 704 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 708 */ NdrFcShort( 0x15 ), /* 21 */
+/* 710 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 712 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 714 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 716 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 718 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 720 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 722 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 724 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 726 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 728 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 730 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 732 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 734 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 736 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_modelChange */
+/* 738 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 740 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 744 */ NdrFcShort( 0x16 ), /* 22 */
+/* 746 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 748 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 750 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 752 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 754 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 756 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 758 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 760 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter modelChange */
+/* 762 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=24 */
+/* 764 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 766 */ NdrFcShort( 0x7e ), /* Type Offset=126 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 768 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 770 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 772 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+static const AccessibleTable2_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTable2__MIDL_TypeFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 2 */
+ 0x11, 0x10, /* FC_RP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 4 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (6) */
+/* 6 */
+ 0x2f, /* FC_IP */
+ 0x5a, /* FC_CONSTANT_IID */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 14 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 16 */ 0xc0, /* 192 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 18 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 20 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x46, /* 70 */
+/* 24 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* Offset= 28 (54) */
+/* 28 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* Offset= 14 (44) */
+/* 32 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x1, /* 1 */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 36 */ 0x9, /* Corr desc: FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfffc ), /* -4 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 42 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 44 */
+ 0x17, /* FC_CSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff0 ), /* Offset= -16 (32) */
+/* 50 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 52 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 54 */ 0xb4, /* FC_USER_MARSHAL */
+ 0x83, /* 131 */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 58 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffde ), /* Offset= -34 (28) */
+/* 64 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 66 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 68 */
+ 0x11, 0x14, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [pointer_deref] */
+/* 70 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (72) */
+/* 72 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 74 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (76) */
+/* 76 */
+ 0x21, /* FC_BOGUS_ARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 80 */ 0x28, /* Corr desc: parameter, FC_LONG */
+ 0x54, /* FC_DEREFERENCE */
+/* 82 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 86 */ NdrFcLong( 0xffffffff ), /* -1 */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 92 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 94 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffa8 ), /* Offset= -88 (6) */
+/* 96 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 98 */
+ 0x11, 0x14, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [pointer_deref] */
+/* 100 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (102) */
+/* 102 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (106) */
+/* 106 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 110 */ 0x28, /* Corr desc: parameter, FC_LONG */
+ 0x54, /* FC_DEREFERENCE */
+/* 112 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 116 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 118 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 120 */ 0x3, /* FC_SMALL */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 122 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 124 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (126) */
+/* 126 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 128 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* 20 */
+/* 130 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 132 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Offset= 0 (132) */
+/* 134 */ 0xd, /* FC_ENUM16 */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 136 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 138 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+ {
+ {
+ BSTR_UserSize
+ ,BSTR_UserMarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserUnmarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserFree
+ }
+ };
+/* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleTable2, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x6167f295,0x06f0,0x4cdd,{0xa1,0xfa,0x02,0xe2,0x51,0x53,0xd8,0x69}} */
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+static const unsigned short IAccessibleTable2_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =
+ {
+ 0,
+ 48,
+ 84,
+ 126,
+ 162,
+ 198,
+ 234,
+ 270,
+ 306,
+ 348,
+ 390,
+ 432,
+ 474,
+ 510,
+ 552,
+ 594,
+ 630,
+ 666,
+ 702,
+ 738
+ };
+static const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleTable2_ProxyInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ AccessibleTable2__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleTable2_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ };
+static const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleTable2_ServerInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleTable2__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleTable2_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0};
+CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(23) _IAccessibleTable2ProxyVtbl =
+ &IAccessibleTable2_ProxyInfo,
+ &IID_IAccessibleTable2,
+ IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_Release_Proxy ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_cellAt */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_caption */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_columnDescription */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_nColumns */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_nRows */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_nSelectedCells */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_nSelectedColumns */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_nSelectedRows */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_rowDescription */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_selectedCells */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_selectedColumns */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_selectedRows */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_summary */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_isColumnSelected */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_isRowSelected */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::selectRow */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::selectColumn */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::unselectRow */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::unselectColumn */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable2::get_modelChange */
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl _IAccessibleTable2StubVtbl =
+ &IID_IAccessibleTable2,
+ &IAccessibleTable2_ServerInfo,
+ 23,
+ 0, /* pure interpreted */
+ CStdStubBuffer_METHODS
+static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc =
+ {
+ 0,
+ NdrOleAllocate,
+ NdrOleFree,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleTable2__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,
+ 1, /* -error bounds_check flag */
+ 0x50002, /* Ndr library version */
+ 0,
+ 0x700022b, /* MIDL Version 7.0.555 */
+ 0,
+ UserMarshalRoutines,
+ 0, /* notify & notify_flag routine table */
+ 0x1, /* MIDL flag */
+ 0, /* cs routines */
+ 0, /* proxy/server info */
+ 0
+ };
+const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * const _AccessibleTable2_ProxyVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IAccessibleTable2ProxyVtbl,
+ 0
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl * const _AccessibleTable2_StubVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IAccessibleTable2StubVtbl,
+ 0
+PCInterfaceName const _AccessibleTable2_InterfaceNamesList[] =
+ "IAccessibleTable2",
+ 0
+#define _AccessibleTable2_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _AccessibleTable2, pIID, n)
+int __stdcall _AccessibleTable2_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex )
+ if(!_AccessibleTable2_CHECK_IID(0))
+ {
+ *pIndex = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const ExtendedProxyFileInfo AccessibleTable2_ProxyFileInfo =
+ (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _AccessibleTable2_ProxyVtblList,
+ (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _AccessibleTable2_StubVtblList,
+ (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _AccessibleTable2_InterfaceNamesList,
+ 0, /* no delegation */
+ & _AccessibleTable2_IID_Lookup,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 0, /* table of [async_uuid] interfaces */
+ 0, /* Filler1 */
+ 0, /* Filler2 */
+ 0 /* Filler3 */
+#pragma optimize("", on )
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif /* !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)*/
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTableCell.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTableCell.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..621768e149
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTableCell.h
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:55 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleTableCell.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "ole2.h"
+#endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
+#ifndef __AccessibleTableCell_h__
+#define __AccessibleTableCell_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifndef __IAccessibleTableCell_FWD_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleTableCell_FWD_DEFINED__
+typedef interface IAccessibleTableCell IAccessibleTableCell;
+#endif /* __IAccessibleTableCell_FWD_DEFINED__ */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#include "oaidl.h"
+#include "oleacc.h"
+#include "Accessible2.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#ifndef __IAccessibleTableCell_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleTableCell_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+/* interface IAccessibleTableCell */
+/* [uuid][object] */
+EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccessibleTableCell;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ MIDL_INTERFACE("594116B1-C99F-4847-AD06-0A7A86ECE645")
+ IAccessibleTableCell : public IUnknown
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_columnExtent(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nColumnsSpanned) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_columnHeaderCells(
+ /* [size_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ IUnknown ***cellAccessibles,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nColumnHeaderCells) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_columnIndex(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *columnIndex) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_rowExtent(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nRowsSpanned) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_rowHeaderCells(
+ /* [size_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ IUnknown ***cellAccessibles,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nRowHeaderCells) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_rowIndex(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *rowIndex) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_isSelected(
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_rowColumnExtents(
+ /* [out] */ long *row,
+ /* [out] */ long *column,
+ /* [out] */ long *rowExtents,
+ /* [out] */ long *columnExtents,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_table(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **table) = 0;
+ };
+#else /* C style interface */
+ typedef struct IAccessibleTableCellVtbl
+ {
+ IAccessibleTableCell * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */
+ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject);
+ IAccessibleTableCell * This);
+ IAccessibleTableCell * This);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_columnExtent )(
+ IAccessibleTableCell * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nColumnsSpanned);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_columnHeaderCells )(
+ IAccessibleTableCell * This,
+ /* [size_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ IUnknown ***cellAccessibles,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nColumnHeaderCells);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_columnIndex )(
+ IAccessibleTableCell * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *columnIndex);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_rowExtent )(
+ IAccessibleTableCell * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nRowsSpanned);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_rowHeaderCells )(
+ IAccessibleTableCell * This,
+ /* [size_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ IUnknown ***cellAccessibles,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nRowHeaderCells);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_rowIndex )(
+ IAccessibleTableCell * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *rowIndex);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_isSelected )(
+ IAccessibleTableCell * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_rowColumnExtents )(
+ IAccessibleTableCell * This,
+ /* [out] */ long *row,
+ /* [out] */ long *column,
+ /* [out] */ long *rowExtents,
+ /* [out] */ long *columnExtents,
+ /* [retval][out] */ boolean *isSelected);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_table )(
+ IAccessibleTableCell * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **table);
+ } IAccessibleTableCellVtbl;
+ interface IAccessibleTableCell
+ {
+ CONST_VTBL struct IAccessibleTableCellVtbl *lpVtbl;
+ };
+#define IAccessibleTableCell_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) )
+#define IAccessibleTableCell_AddRef(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) )
+#define IAccessibleTableCell_Release(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) )
+#define IAccessibleTableCell_get_columnExtent(This,nColumnsSpanned) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_columnExtent(This,nColumnsSpanned) )
+#define IAccessibleTableCell_get_columnHeaderCells(This,cellAccessibles,nColumnHeaderCells) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_columnHeaderCells(This,cellAccessibles,nColumnHeaderCells) )
+#define IAccessibleTableCell_get_columnIndex(This,columnIndex) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_columnIndex(This,columnIndex) )
+#define IAccessibleTableCell_get_rowExtent(This,nRowsSpanned) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_rowExtent(This,nRowsSpanned) )
+#define IAccessibleTableCell_get_rowHeaderCells(This,cellAccessibles,nRowHeaderCells) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_rowHeaderCells(This,cellAccessibles,nRowHeaderCells) )
+#define IAccessibleTableCell_get_rowIndex(This,rowIndex) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_rowIndex(This,rowIndex) )
+#define IAccessibleTableCell_get_isSelected(This,isSelected) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_isSelected(This,isSelected) )
+#define IAccessibleTableCell_get_rowColumnExtents(This,row,column,rowExtents,columnExtents,isSelected) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_rowColumnExtents(This,row,column,rowExtents,columnExtents,isSelected) )
+#define IAccessibleTableCell_get_table(This,table) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_table(This,table) )
+#endif /* COBJMACROS */
+#endif /* C style interface */
+#endif /* __IAccessibleTableCell_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTableCell_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTableCell_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4ea10e057d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTableCell_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:55 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleTableCell.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_IAccessibleTableCell,0x594116B1,0xC99F,0x4847,0xAD,0x06,0x0A,0x7A,0x86,0xEC,0xE6,0x45);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTableCell_p.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTableCell_p.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2627caaef9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTableCell_p.c
@@ -0,0 +1,637 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:55 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleTableCell.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#if !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4211 ) /* redefine extern to static */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4232 ) /* dllimport identity*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4024 ) /* array to pointer mapping*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4152 ) /* function/data pointer conversion in expression */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4100 ) /* unreferenced arguments in x86 call */
+#pragma optimize("", off )
+/* verify that the <rpcproxy.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpcproxy.h"
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcproxy.h>
+#endif /* __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ */
+#include "AccessibleTableCell.h"
+typedef struct _AccessibleTableCell_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleTableCell_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleTableCell_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleTableCell_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleTableCell_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ long Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ EXPR_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleTableCell_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING;
+static const RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER _RpcTransferSyntax =
+extern const AccessibleTableCell_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTableCell__MIDL_TypeFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleTableCell_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTableCell__MIDL_ProcFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleTableCell_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTableCell__MIDL_ExprFormatString;
+extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc;
+extern const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleTableCell_ServerInfo;
+extern const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleTableCell_ProxyInfo;
+#if !defined(__RPC_WIN32__)
+#error Invalid build platform for this stub.
+#error You need Windows 2000 or later to run this stub because it uses these features:
+#error /robust command line switch.
+#error However, your C/C++ compilation flags indicate you intend to run this app on earlier systems.
+#error This app will fail with the RPC_X_WRONG_STUB_VERSION error.
+static const AccessibleTableCell_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTableCell__MIDL_ProcFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ /* Procedure get_columnExtent */
+ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 2 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 6 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 14 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 16 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter nColumnsSpanned */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 28 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 32 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 34 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_columnHeaderCells */
+/* 36 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 42 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 50 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 52 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 54 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 58 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter cellAccessibles */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2013 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 64 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Type Offset=6 */
+ /* Parameter nColumnHeaderCells */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 70 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 72 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 74 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 76 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_columnIndex */
+/* 78 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 80 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5 ), /* 5 */
+/* 86 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 88 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 92 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 94 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 98 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 100 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter columnIndex */
+/* 102 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 106 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 112 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_rowExtent */
+/* 114 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 116 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 120 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* 6 */
+/* 122 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 124 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 126 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 128 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 130 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 132 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 134 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 136 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter nRowsSpanned */
+/* 138 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 140 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 142 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 144 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 146 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 148 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_rowHeaderCells */
+/* 150 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 152 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 156 */ NdrFcShort( 0x7 ), /* 7 */
+/* 158 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 160 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 162 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 164 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 166 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 168 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 170 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 172 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter cellAccessibles */
+/* 174 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2013 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 176 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 178 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Type Offset=6 */
+ /* Parameter nRowHeaderCells */
+/* 180 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 182 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 184 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 186 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 188 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 190 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_rowIndex */
+/* 192 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 194 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 198 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 200 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 202 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 204 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 206 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 208 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 210 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 212 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 214 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter rowIndex */
+/* 216 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 218 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 220 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 222 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 224 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 226 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_isSelected */
+/* 228 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 230 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 234 */ NdrFcShort( 0x9 ), /* 9 */
+/* 236 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 238 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 240 */ NdrFcShort( 0x21 ), /* 33 */
+/* 242 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 244 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 246 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 248 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 250 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter isSelected */
+/* 252 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 254 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 256 */ 0x3, /* FC_SMALL */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 258 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 260 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 262 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_rowColumnExtents */
+/* 264 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 266 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 270 */ NdrFcShort( 0xa ), /* 10 */
+/* 272 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 28 */
+/* 274 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 276 */ NdrFcShort( 0x91 ), /* 145 */
+/* 278 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x6, /* 6 */
+/* 280 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 282 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 284 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 286 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 288 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 290 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 292 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 294 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 296 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 298 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter rowExtents */
+/* 300 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 302 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 304 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter columnExtents */
+/* 306 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 308 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 310 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter isSelected */
+/* 312 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 314 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 316 */ 0x3, /* FC_SMALL */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 318 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 320 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 322 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_table */
+/* 324 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 326 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 330 */ NdrFcShort( 0xb ), /* 11 */
+/* 332 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 334 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 336 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 338 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 340 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 342 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 344 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 346 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter table */
+/* 348 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, */
+/* 350 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 352 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3a ), /* Type Offset=58 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 354 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 356 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 358 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+static const AccessibleTableCell_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTableCell__MIDL_TypeFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 2 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 4 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 6 */
+ 0x11, 0x14, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [pointer_deref] */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (10) */
+/* 10 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* Offset= 20 (32) */
+/* 14 */
+ 0x2f, /* FC_IP */
+ 0x5a, /* FC_CONSTANT_IID */
+/* 16 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 24 */ 0xc0, /* 192 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 26 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 28 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 30 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x46, /* 70 */
+/* 32 */
+ 0x21, /* FC_BOGUS_ARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 36 */ 0x28, /* Corr desc: parameter, FC_LONG */
+ 0x54, /* FC_DEREFERENCE */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 42 */ NdrFcLong( 0xffffffff ), /* -1 */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 48 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 50 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffdc ), /* Offset= -36 (14) */
+/* 52 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 54 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 56 */ 0x3, /* FC_SMALL */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 58 */
+ 0x11, 0x10, /* FC_RP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffd2 ), /* Offset= -46 (14) */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+/* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleTableCell, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x594116B1,0xC99F,0x4847,{0xAD,0x06,0x0A,0x7A,0x86,0xEC,0xE6,0x45}} */
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+static const unsigned short IAccessibleTableCell_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =
+ {
+ 0,
+ 36,
+ 78,
+ 114,
+ 150,
+ 192,
+ 228,
+ 264,
+ 324
+ };
+static const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleTableCell_ProxyInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ AccessibleTableCell__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleTableCell_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ };
+static const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleTableCell_ServerInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleTableCell__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleTableCell_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0};
+CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(12) _IAccessibleTableCellProxyVtbl =
+ &IAccessibleTableCell_ProxyInfo,
+ &IID_IAccessibleTableCell,
+ IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_Release_Proxy ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTableCell::get_columnExtent */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTableCell::get_columnHeaderCells */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTableCell::get_columnIndex */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTableCell::get_rowExtent */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTableCell::get_rowHeaderCells */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTableCell::get_rowIndex */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTableCell::get_isSelected */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTableCell::get_rowColumnExtents */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTableCell::get_table */
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl _IAccessibleTableCellStubVtbl =
+ &IID_IAccessibleTableCell,
+ &IAccessibleTableCell_ServerInfo,
+ 12,
+ 0, /* pure interpreted */
+ CStdStubBuffer_METHODS
+static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc =
+ {
+ 0,
+ NdrOleAllocate,
+ NdrOleFree,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleTableCell__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,
+ 1, /* -error bounds_check flag */
+ 0x50002, /* Ndr library version */
+ 0,
+ 0x700022b, /* MIDL Version 7.0.555 */
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0, /* notify & notify_flag routine table */
+ 0x1, /* MIDL flag */
+ 0, /* cs routines */
+ 0, /* proxy/server info */
+ 0
+ };
+const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * const _AccessibleTableCell_ProxyVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IAccessibleTableCellProxyVtbl,
+ 0
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl * const _AccessibleTableCell_StubVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IAccessibleTableCellStubVtbl,
+ 0
+PCInterfaceName const _AccessibleTableCell_InterfaceNamesList[] =
+ "IAccessibleTableCell",
+ 0
+#define _AccessibleTableCell_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _AccessibleTableCell, pIID, n)
+int __stdcall _AccessibleTableCell_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex )
+ if(!_AccessibleTableCell_CHECK_IID(0))
+ {
+ *pIndex = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const ExtendedProxyFileInfo AccessibleTableCell_ProxyFileInfo =
+ (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _AccessibleTableCell_ProxyVtblList,
+ (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _AccessibleTableCell_StubVtblList,
+ (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _AccessibleTableCell_InterfaceNamesList,
+ 0, /* no delegation */
+ & _AccessibleTableCell_IID_Lookup,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 0, /* table of [async_uuid] interfaces */
+ 0, /* Filler1 */
+ 0, /* Filler2 */
+ 0 /* Filler3 */
+#pragma optimize("", on )
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif /* !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)*/
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTable_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTable_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0fa33967ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTable_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:54 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleTable.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_IAccessibleTable,0x35AD8070,0xC20C,0x4fb4,0xB0,0x94,0xF4,0xF7,0x27,0x5D,0xD4,0x69);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTable_p.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTable_p.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9ec9ffdb46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleTable_p.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1526 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:54 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleTable.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#if !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4211 ) /* redefine extern to static */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4232 ) /* dllimport identity*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4024 ) /* array to pointer mapping*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4152 ) /* function/data pointer conversion in expression */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4100 ) /* unreferenced arguments in x86 call */
+#pragma optimize("", off )
+/* verify that the <rpcproxy.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpcproxy.h"
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcproxy.h>
+#endif /* __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ */
+#include "AccessibleTable.h"
+typedef struct _AccessibleTable_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleTable_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleTable_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleTable_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleTable_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ long Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ EXPR_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleTable_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING;
+static const RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER _RpcTransferSyntax =
+extern const AccessibleTable_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTable__MIDL_TypeFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleTable_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTable__MIDL_ProcFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleTable_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTable__MIDL_ExprFormatString;
+extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc;
+extern const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleTable_ServerInfo;
+extern const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleTable_ProxyInfo;
+#if !defined(__RPC_WIN32__)
+#error Invalid build platform for this stub.
+#error You need Windows 2000 or later to run this stub because it uses these features:
+#error /robust command line switch.
+#error However, your C/C++ compilation flags indicate you intend to run this app on earlier systems.
+#error This app will fail with the RPC_X_WRONG_STUB_VERSION error.
+static const AccessibleTable_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTable__MIDL_ProcFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ /* Procedure get_accessibleAt */
+ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 2 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 6 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 14 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 16 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 28 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 32 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 34 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter accessible */
+/* 36 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Type Offset=2 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 42 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 46 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_caption */
+/* 48 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 50 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 54 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 58 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 62 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 64 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 70 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter accessible */
+/* 72 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, */
+/* 74 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 76 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Type Offset=2 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 80 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 82 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_childIndex */
+/* 84 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 86 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5 ), /* 5 */
+/* 92 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 94 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 98 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 100 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 102 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 106 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter rowIndex */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 112 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter columnIndex */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 116 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 118 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter cellIndex */
+/* 120 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 122 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 124 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 126 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 128 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 130 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_columnDescription */
+/* 132 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 134 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 138 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* 6 */
+/* 140 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 142 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 144 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 146 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 148 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 150 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 152 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 154 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 156 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 158 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 160 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter description */
+/* 162 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 164 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 166 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3a ), /* Type Offset=58 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 168 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 170 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 172 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_columnExtentAt */
+/* 174 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 176 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 180 */ NdrFcShort( 0x7 ), /* 7 */
+/* 182 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 184 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 186 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 188 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 190 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 192 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 194 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 196 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 198 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 200 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 202 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 204 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 206 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 208 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter nColumnsSpanned */
+/* 210 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 212 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 214 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 216 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 218 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 220 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_columnHeader */
+/* 222 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 224 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 228 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 230 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 232 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 234 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 236 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 238 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 240 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 242 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 244 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter accessibleTable */
+/* 246 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, */
+/* 248 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 250 */ NdrFcShort( 0x44 ), /* Type Offset=68 */
+ /* Parameter startingRowIndex */
+/* 252 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 254 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 256 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 258 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 260 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 262 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_columnIndex */
+/* 264 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 266 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 270 */ NdrFcShort( 0x9 ), /* 9 */
+/* 272 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 274 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 276 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 278 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 280 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 282 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 284 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 286 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter cellIndex */
+/* 288 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 290 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 292 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter columnIndex */
+/* 294 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 296 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 298 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 300 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 302 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 304 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_nColumns */
+/* 306 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 308 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 312 */ NdrFcShort( 0xa ), /* 10 */
+/* 314 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 316 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 318 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 320 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 322 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 324 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 326 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 328 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter columnCount */
+/* 330 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 332 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 334 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 336 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 338 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 340 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_nRows */
+/* 342 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 344 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 348 */ NdrFcShort( 0xb ), /* 11 */
+/* 350 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 352 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 354 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 356 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 358 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 360 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 362 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 364 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter rowCount */
+/* 366 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 368 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 370 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 372 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 374 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 376 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_nSelectedChildren */
+/* 378 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 380 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 384 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* 12 */
+/* 386 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 388 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 390 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 392 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 394 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 396 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 398 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 400 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter cellCount */
+/* 402 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 404 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 406 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 408 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 410 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 412 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_nSelectedColumns */
+/* 414 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 416 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 420 */ NdrFcShort( 0xd ), /* 13 */
+/* 422 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 424 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 426 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 428 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 430 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 432 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 434 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 436 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter columnCount */
+/* 438 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 440 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 442 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 444 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 446 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 448 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_nSelectedRows */
+/* 450 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 452 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 456 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* 14 */
+/* 458 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 460 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 462 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 464 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 466 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 468 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 470 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 472 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter rowCount */
+/* 474 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 476 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 478 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 480 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 482 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 484 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_rowDescription */
+/* 486 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 488 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 492 */ NdrFcShort( 0xf ), /* 15 */
+/* 494 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 496 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 498 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 500 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 502 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 504 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 506 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 508 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 510 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 512 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 514 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter description */
+/* 516 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 518 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 520 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3a ), /* Type Offset=58 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 522 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 524 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 526 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_rowExtentAt */
+/* 528 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 530 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 534 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 536 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 538 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 540 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 542 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 544 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 546 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 548 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 550 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 552 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 554 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 556 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 558 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 560 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 562 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter nRowsSpanned */
+/* 564 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 566 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 568 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 570 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 572 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 574 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_rowHeader */
+/* 576 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 578 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 582 */ NdrFcShort( 0x11 ), /* 17 */
+/* 584 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 586 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 588 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 590 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 592 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 594 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 596 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 598 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter accessibleTable */
+/* 600 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, */
+/* 602 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 604 */ NdrFcShort( 0x44 ), /* Type Offset=68 */
+ /* Parameter startingColumnIndex */
+/* 606 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 608 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 610 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 612 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 614 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 616 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_rowIndex */
+/* 618 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 620 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 624 */ NdrFcShort( 0x12 ), /* 18 */
+/* 626 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 628 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 630 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 632 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 634 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 636 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 638 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 640 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter cellIndex */
+/* 642 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 644 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 646 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter rowIndex */
+/* 648 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 650 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 652 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 654 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 656 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 658 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_selectedChildren */
+/* 660 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 662 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 666 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* 19 */
+/* 668 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 670 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 672 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 674 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 676 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 678 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 680 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 682 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter maxChildren */
+/* 684 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 686 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 688 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter children */
+/* 690 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2013 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 692 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 694 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5a ), /* Type Offset=90 */
+ /* Parameter nChildren */
+/* 696 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 698 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 700 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 702 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 704 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 706 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_selectedColumns */
+/* 708 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 710 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 714 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* 20 */
+/* 716 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 718 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 720 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 722 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 724 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 726 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 728 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 730 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter maxColumns */
+/* 732 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 734 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 736 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter columns */
+/* 738 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2013 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 740 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 742 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5a ), /* Type Offset=90 */
+ /* Parameter nColumns */
+/* 744 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 746 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 748 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 750 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 752 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 754 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_selectedRows */
+/* 756 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 758 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 762 */ NdrFcShort( 0x15 ), /* 21 */
+/* 764 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 766 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 768 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 770 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 772 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 774 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 776 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 778 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter maxRows */
+/* 780 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 782 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 784 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter rows */
+/* 786 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2013 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 788 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 790 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5a ), /* Type Offset=90 */
+ /* Parameter nRows */
+/* 792 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 794 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 796 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 798 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 800 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 802 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_summary */
+/* 804 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 806 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 810 */ NdrFcShort( 0x16 ), /* 22 */
+/* 812 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 814 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 816 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 818 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 820 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 822 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 824 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 826 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter accessible */
+/* 828 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, */
+/* 830 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 832 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Type Offset=2 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 834 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 836 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 838 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_isColumnSelected */
+/* 840 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 842 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 846 */ NdrFcShort( 0x17 ), /* 23 */
+/* 848 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 850 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 852 */ NdrFcShort( 0x21 ), /* 33 */
+/* 854 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 856 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 858 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 860 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 862 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 864 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 866 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 868 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter isSelected */
+/* 870 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 872 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 874 */ 0x3, /* FC_SMALL */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 876 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 878 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 880 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_isRowSelected */
+/* 882 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 884 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 888 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* 24 */
+/* 890 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 892 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 894 */ NdrFcShort( 0x21 ), /* 33 */
+/* 896 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 898 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 900 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 902 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 904 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 906 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 908 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 910 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter isSelected */
+/* 912 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 914 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 916 */ 0x3, /* FC_SMALL */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 918 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 920 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 922 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_isSelected */
+/* 924 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 926 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 930 */ NdrFcShort( 0x19 ), /* 25 */
+/* 932 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 934 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 936 */ NdrFcShort( 0x21 ), /* 33 */
+/* 938 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 940 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 942 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 944 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 946 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 948 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 950 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 952 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 954 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 956 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 958 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter isSelected */
+/* 960 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 962 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 964 */ 0x3, /* FC_SMALL */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 966 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 968 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 970 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure selectRow */
+/* 972 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 974 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 978 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1a ), /* 26 */
+/* 980 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 982 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 984 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 986 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 988 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 990 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 992 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 994 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 996 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 998 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 1000 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 1002 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 1004 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 1006 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure selectColumn */
+/* 1008 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 1010 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1014 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1b ), /* 27 */
+/* 1016 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 1018 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 1020 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 1022 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 1024 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 1026 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1028 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1030 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 1032 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 1034 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 1036 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 1038 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 1040 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 1042 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure unselectRow */
+/* 1044 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 1046 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1050 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* 28 */
+/* 1052 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 1054 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 1056 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 1058 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 1060 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 1062 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1064 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1066 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 1068 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 1070 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 1072 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 1074 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 1076 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 1078 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure unselectColumn */
+/* 1080 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 1082 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1086 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1d ), /* 29 */
+/* 1088 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 1090 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 1092 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 1094 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 1096 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 1098 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1100 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1102 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 1104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 1106 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 1108 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 1110 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 1112 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 1114 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_rowColumnExtentsAtIndex */
+/* 1116 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 1118 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1122 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1e ), /* 30 */
+/* 1124 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 1126 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 1128 */ NdrFcShort( 0x91 ), /* 145 */
+/* 1130 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x7, /* 7 */
+/* 1132 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 1134 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1136 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1138 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter index */
+/* 1140 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 1142 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 1144 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter row */
+/* 1146 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 1148 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 1150 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter column */
+/* 1152 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 1154 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 1156 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter rowExtents */
+/* 1158 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 1160 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 1162 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter columnExtents */
+/* 1164 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 1166 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 1168 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter isSelected */
+/* 1170 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 1172 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 1174 */ 0x3, /* FC_SMALL */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 1176 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 1178 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 28 */
+/* 1180 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_modelChange */
+/* 1182 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 1184 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1188 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1f ), /* 31 */
+/* 1190 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 1192 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1194 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 1196 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 1198 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 1200 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1202 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1204 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter modelChange */
+/* 1206 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=24 */
+/* 1208 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 1210 */ NdrFcShort( 0x7c ), /* Type Offset=124 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 1212 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 1214 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 1216 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+static const AccessibleTable_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleTable__MIDL_TypeFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 2 */
+ 0x11, 0x10, /* FC_RP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 4 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (6) */
+/* 6 */
+ 0x2f, /* FC_IP */
+ 0x5a, /* FC_CONSTANT_IID */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 14 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 16 */ 0xc0, /* 192 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 18 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 20 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x46, /* 70 */
+/* 24 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 26 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 28 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* Offset= 28 (58) */
+/* 32 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* Offset= 14 (48) */
+/* 36 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x1, /* 1 */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 40 */ 0x9, /* Corr desc: FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 42 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfffc ), /* -4 */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 46 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 48 */
+ 0x17, /* FC_CSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 50 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 52 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff0 ), /* Offset= -16 (36) */
+/* 54 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 56 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 58 */ 0xb4, /* FC_USER_MARSHAL */
+ 0x83, /* 131 */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 64 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffde ), /* Offset= -34 (32) */
+/* 68 */
+ 0x11, 0x10, /* FC_RP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 70 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (72) */
+/* 72 */
+ 0x2f, /* FC_IP */
+ 0x5a, /* FC_CONSTANT_IID */
+/* 74 */ NdrFcLong( 0x35ad8070 ), /* 900563056 */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc20c ), /* -15860 */
+/* 80 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4fb4 ), /* 20404 */
+/* 82 */ 0xb0, /* 176 */
+ 0x94, /* 148 */
+/* 84 */ 0xf4, /* 244 */
+ 0xf7, /* 247 */
+/* 86 */ 0x27, /* 39 */
+ 0x5d, /* 93 */
+/* 88 */ 0xd4, /* 212 */
+ 0x69, /* 105 */
+/* 90 */
+ 0x11, 0x14, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [pointer_deref] */
+/* 92 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (94) */
+/* 94 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (98) */
+/* 98 */
+ 0x1c, /* FC_CVARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 100 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 102 */ 0x28, /* Corr desc: parameter, FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 106 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 108 */ 0x28, /* Corr desc: parameter, FC_LONG */
+ 0x54, /* FC_DEREFERENCE */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 112 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 114 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 116 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 118 */ 0x3, /* FC_SMALL */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 120 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 122 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (124) */
+/* 124 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 126 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* 20 */
+/* 128 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 130 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Offset= 0 (130) */
+/* 132 */ 0xd, /* FC_ENUM16 */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 134 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 136 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+ {
+ {
+ BSTR_UserSize
+ ,BSTR_UserMarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserUnmarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserFree
+ }
+ };
+/* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleTable, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x35AD8070,0xC20C,0x4fb4,{0xB0,0x94,0xF4,0xF7,0x27,0x5D,0xD4,0x69}} */
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+static const unsigned short IAccessibleTable_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =
+ {
+ 0,
+ 48,
+ 84,
+ 132,
+ 174,
+ 222,
+ 264,
+ 306,
+ 342,
+ 378,
+ 414,
+ 450,
+ 486,
+ 528,
+ 576,
+ 618,
+ 660,
+ 708,
+ 756,
+ 804,
+ 840,
+ 882,
+ 924,
+ 972,
+ 1008,
+ 1044,
+ 1080,
+ 1116,
+ 1182
+ };
+static const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleTable_ProxyInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ AccessibleTable__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleTable_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ };
+static const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleTable_ServerInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleTable__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleTable_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0};
+CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(32) _IAccessibleTableProxyVtbl =
+ &IAccessibleTable_ProxyInfo,
+ &IID_IAccessibleTable,
+ IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_Release_Proxy ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_accessibleAt */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_caption */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_childIndex */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_columnDescription */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_columnExtentAt */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_columnHeader */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_columnIndex */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_nColumns */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_nRows */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_nSelectedChildren */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_nSelectedColumns */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_nSelectedRows */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_rowDescription */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_rowExtentAt */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_rowHeader */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_rowIndex */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_selectedChildren */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_selectedColumns */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_selectedRows */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_summary */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_isColumnSelected */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_isRowSelected */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_isSelected */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::selectRow */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::selectColumn */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::unselectRow */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::unselectColumn */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_rowColumnExtentsAtIndex */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleTable::get_modelChange */
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl _IAccessibleTableStubVtbl =
+ &IID_IAccessibleTable,
+ &IAccessibleTable_ServerInfo,
+ 32,
+ 0, /* pure interpreted */
+ CStdStubBuffer_METHODS
+static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc =
+ {
+ 0,
+ NdrOleAllocate,
+ NdrOleFree,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleTable__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,
+ 1, /* -error bounds_check flag */
+ 0x50002, /* Ndr library version */
+ 0,
+ 0x700022b, /* MIDL Version 7.0.555 */
+ 0,
+ UserMarshalRoutines,
+ 0, /* notify & notify_flag routine table */
+ 0x1, /* MIDL flag */
+ 0, /* cs routines */
+ 0, /* proxy/server info */
+ 0
+ };
+const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * const _AccessibleTable_ProxyVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IAccessibleTableProxyVtbl,
+ 0
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl * const _AccessibleTable_StubVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IAccessibleTableStubVtbl,
+ 0
+PCInterfaceName const _AccessibleTable_InterfaceNamesList[] =
+ "IAccessibleTable",
+ 0
+#define _AccessibleTable_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _AccessibleTable, pIID, n)
+int __stdcall _AccessibleTable_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex )
+ if(!_AccessibleTable_CHECK_IID(0))
+ {
+ *pIndex = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const ExtendedProxyFileInfo AccessibleTable_ProxyFileInfo =
+ (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _AccessibleTable_ProxyVtblList,
+ (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _AccessibleTable_StubVtblList,
+ (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _AccessibleTable_InterfaceNamesList,
+ 0, /* no delegation */
+ & _AccessibleTable_IID_Lookup,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 0, /* table of [async_uuid] interfaces */
+ 0, /* Filler1 */
+ 0, /* Filler2 */
+ 0 /* Filler3 */
+#pragma optimize("", on )
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif /* !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)*/
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleText.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleText.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4ad53cfa7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleText.h
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:55 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleText.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "ole2.h"
+#endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
+#ifndef __AccessibleText_h__
+#define __AccessibleText_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifndef __IAccessibleText_FWD_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleText_FWD_DEFINED__
+typedef interface IAccessibleText IAccessibleText;
+#endif /* __IAccessibleText_FWD_DEFINED__ */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#include "oaidl.h"
+#include "oleacc.h"
+#include "IA2CommonTypes.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+/* interface __MIDL_itf_AccessibleText_0000_0000 */
+/* [local] */
+typedef struct IA2TextSegment
+ {
+ BSTR text;
+ long start;
+ long end;
+ } IA2TextSegment;
+enum IA2TextBoundaryType
+ } ;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_AccessibleText_0000_0000_v0_0_c_ifspec;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_AccessibleText_0000_0000_v0_0_s_ifspec;
+#ifndef __IAccessibleText_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleText_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+/* interface IAccessibleText */
+/* [uuid][object] */
+EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccessibleText;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ MIDL_INTERFACE("24FD2FFB-3AAD-4a08-8335-A3AD89C0FB4B")
+ IAccessibleText : public IUnknown
+ {
+ public:
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_attributes(
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [out] */ long *endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *textAttributes) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_caretOffset(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *offset) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_characterExtents(
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2CoordinateType coordType,
+ /* [out] */ long *x,
+ /* [out] */ long *y,
+ /* [out] */ long *width,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *height) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nSelections(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nSelections) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_offsetAtPoint(
+ /* [in] */ long x,
+ /* [in] */ long y,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2CoordinateType coordType,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *offset) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_selection(
+ /* [in] */ long selectionIndex,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *endOffset) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_text(
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *text) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_textBeforeOffset(
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2TextBoundaryType boundaryType,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [out] */ long *endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *text) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_textAfterOffset(
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2TextBoundaryType boundaryType,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [out] */ long *endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *text) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_textAtOffset(
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2TextBoundaryType boundaryType,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [out] */ long *endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *text) = 0;
+ virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE removeSelection(
+ /* [in] */ long selectionIndex) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ long offset) = 0;
+ /* [in] */ long selectionIndex,
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_nCharacters(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nCharacters) = 0;
+ virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE scrollSubstringTo(
+ /* [in] */ long startIndex,
+ /* [in] */ long endIndex,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2ScrollType scrollType) = 0;
+ virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE scrollSubstringToPoint(
+ /* [in] */ long startIndex,
+ /* [in] */ long endIndex,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2CoordinateType coordinateType,
+ /* [in] */ long x,
+ /* [in] */ long y) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_newText(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2TextSegment *newText) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_oldText(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2TextSegment *oldText) = 0;
+ };
+#else /* C style interface */
+ typedef struct IAccessibleTextVtbl
+ {
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */
+ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject);
+ IAccessibleText * This);
+ IAccessibleText * This);
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_attributes )(
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [out] */ long *endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *textAttributes);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_caretOffset )(
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *offset);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_characterExtents )(
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2CoordinateType coordType,
+ /* [out] */ long *x,
+ /* [out] */ long *y,
+ /* [out] */ long *width,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *height);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nSelections )(
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nSelections);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_offsetAtPoint )(
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long x,
+ /* [in] */ long y,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2CoordinateType coordType,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *offset);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_selection )(
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long selectionIndex,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *endOffset);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_text )(
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *text);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_textBeforeOffset )(
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2TextBoundaryType boundaryType,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [out] */ long *endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *text);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_textAfterOffset )(
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2TextBoundaryType boundaryType,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [out] */ long *endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *text);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_textAtOffset )(
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long offset,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2TextBoundaryType boundaryType,
+ /* [out] */ long *startOffset,
+ /* [out] */ long *endOffset,
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *text);
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long selectionIndex);
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long offset);
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long selectionIndex,
+ /* [in] */ long startOffset,
+ /* [in] */ long endOffset);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_nCharacters )(
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ long *nCharacters);
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long startIndex,
+ /* [in] */ long endIndex,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2ScrollType scrollType);
+ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *scrollSubstringToPoint )(
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [in] */ long startIndex,
+ /* [in] */ long endIndex,
+ /* [in] */ enum IA2CoordinateType coordinateType,
+ /* [in] */ long x,
+ /* [in] */ long y);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_newText )(
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2TextSegment *newText);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_oldText )(
+ IAccessibleText * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ IA2TextSegment *oldText);
+ } IAccessibleTextVtbl;
+ interface IAccessibleText
+ {
+ CONST_VTBL struct IAccessibleTextVtbl *lpVtbl;
+ };
+#define IAccessibleText_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) )
+#define IAccessibleText_AddRef(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) )
+#define IAccessibleText_Release(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) )
+#define IAccessibleText_addSelection(This,startOffset,endOffset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> addSelection(This,startOffset,endOffset) )
+#define IAccessibleText_get_attributes(This,offset,startOffset,endOffset,textAttributes) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_attributes(This,offset,startOffset,endOffset,textAttributes) )
+#define IAccessibleText_get_caretOffset(This,offset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_caretOffset(This,offset) )
+#define IAccessibleText_get_characterExtents(This,offset,coordType,x,y,width,height) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_characterExtents(This,offset,coordType,x,y,width,height) )
+#define IAccessibleText_get_nSelections(This,nSelections) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nSelections(This,nSelections) )
+#define IAccessibleText_get_offsetAtPoint(This,x,y,coordType,offset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_offsetAtPoint(This,x,y,coordType,offset) )
+#define IAccessibleText_get_selection(This,selectionIndex,startOffset,endOffset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_selection(This,selectionIndex,startOffset,endOffset) )
+#define IAccessibleText_get_text(This,startOffset,endOffset,text) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_text(This,startOffset,endOffset,text) )
+#define IAccessibleText_get_textBeforeOffset(This,offset,boundaryType,startOffset,endOffset,text) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_textBeforeOffset(This,offset,boundaryType,startOffset,endOffset,text) )
+#define IAccessibleText_get_textAfterOffset(This,offset,boundaryType,startOffset,endOffset,text) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_textAfterOffset(This,offset,boundaryType,startOffset,endOffset,text) )
+#define IAccessibleText_get_textAtOffset(This,offset,boundaryType,startOffset,endOffset,text) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_textAtOffset(This,offset,boundaryType,startOffset,endOffset,text) )
+#define IAccessibleText_removeSelection(This,selectionIndex) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> removeSelection(This,selectionIndex) )
+#define IAccessibleText_setCaretOffset(This,offset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> setCaretOffset(This,offset) )
+#define IAccessibleText_setSelection(This,selectionIndex,startOffset,endOffset) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> setSelection(This,selectionIndex,startOffset,endOffset) )
+#define IAccessibleText_get_nCharacters(This,nCharacters) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_nCharacters(This,nCharacters) )
+#define IAccessibleText_scrollSubstringTo(This,startIndex,endIndex,scrollType) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> scrollSubstringTo(This,startIndex,endIndex,scrollType) )
+#define IAccessibleText_scrollSubstringToPoint(This,startIndex,endIndex,coordinateType,x,y) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> scrollSubstringToPoint(This,startIndex,endIndex,coordinateType,x,y) )
+#define IAccessibleText_get_newText(This,newText) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_newText(This,newText) )
+#define IAccessibleText_get_oldText(This,oldText) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_oldText(This,oldText) )
+#endif /* COBJMACROS */
+#endif /* C style interface */
+#endif /* __IAccessibleText_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+unsigned long __RPC_USER BSTR_UserSize( unsigned long *, unsigned long , BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserMarshal( unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserUnmarshal(unsigned long *, unsigned char *, BSTR * );
+void __RPC_USER BSTR_UserFree( unsigned long *, BSTR * );
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleText_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleText_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bfa9e763c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleText_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:55 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleText.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_IAccessibleText,0x24FD2FFB,0x3AAD,0x4a08,0x83,0x35,0xA3,0xAD,0x89,0xC0,0xFB,0x4B);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleText_p.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleText_p.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ea56621c62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleText_p.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1196 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:55 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleText.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#if !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4211 ) /* redefine extern to static */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4232 ) /* dllimport identity*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4024 ) /* array to pointer mapping*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4152 ) /* function/data pointer conversion in expression */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4100 ) /* unreferenced arguments in x86 call */
+#pragma optimize("", off )
+/* verify that the <rpcproxy.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpcproxy.h"
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcproxy.h>
+#endif /* __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ */
+#include "AccessibleText.h"
+typedef struct _AccessibleText_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+typedef struct _AccessibleText_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+typedef struct _AccessibleText_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ long Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ EXPR_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+static const RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER _RpcTransferSyntax =
+extern const AccessibleText_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleText__MIDL_TypeFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleText_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleText__MIDL_ProcFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleText_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleText__MIDL_ExprFormatString;
+extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc;
+extern const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleText_ServerInfo;
+extern const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleText_ProxyInfo;
+#if !defined(__RPC_WIN32__)
+#error Invalid build platform for this stub.
+#error You need Windows 2000 or later to run this stub because it uses these features:
+#error /robust command line switch.
+#error However, your C/C++ compilation flags indicate you intend to run this app on earlier systems.
+#error This app will fail with the RPC_X_WRONG_STUB_VERSION error.
+static const AccessibleText_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleText__MIDL_ProcFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ /* Procedure addSelection */
+ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 2 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 6 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 14 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 16 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startOffset */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 28 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endOffset */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 32 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 34 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 36 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 40 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_attributes */
+/* 42 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 50 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 52 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 54 */ NdrFcShort( 0x40 ), /* 64 */
+/* 56 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x5, /* 5 */
+/* 58 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 64 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter offset */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 70 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startOffset */
+/* 72 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 74 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 76 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endOffset */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 80 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 82 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter textAttributes */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 86 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 88 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* Type Offset=36 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 92 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 94 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_caretOffset */
+/* 96 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 98 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 102 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5 ), /* 5 */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 106 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 110 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 112 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 116 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 118 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter offset */
+/* 120 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 122 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 124 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 126 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 128 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 130 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_characterExtents */
+/* 132 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 134 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 138 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* 6 */
+/* 140 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 32 */
+/* 142 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* 14 */
+/* 144 */ NdrFcShort( 0x78 ), /* 120 */
+/* 146 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x7, /* 7 */
+/* 148 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 150 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 152 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 154 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter offset */
+/* 156 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 158 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 160 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter coordType */
+/* 162 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 164 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 166 */ 0xd, /* FC_ENUM16 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter x */
+/* 168 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 170 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 172 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter y */
+/* 174 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 176 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 178 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter width */
+/* 180 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 182 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 184 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter height */
+/* 186 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 188 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 190 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 192 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 194 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 28 */
+/* 196 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_nSelections */
+/* 198 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 200 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 204 */ NdrFcShort( 0x7 ), /* 7 */
+/* 206 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 208 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 210 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 212 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 214 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 216 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 218 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 220 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter nSelections */
+/* 222 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 224 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 226 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 228 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 230 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 232 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_offsetAtPoint */
+/* 234 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 236 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 240 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 242 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 244 */ NdrFcShort( 0x16 ), /* 22 */
+/* 246 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 248 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x5, /* 5 */
+/* 250 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 252 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 254 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 256 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter x */
+/* 258 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 260 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 262 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter y */
+/* 264 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 266 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 268 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter coordType */
+/* 270 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 272 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 274 */ 0xd, /* FC_ENUM16 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter offset */
+/* 276 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 278 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 280 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 282 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 284 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 286 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_selection */
+/* 288 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 290 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 294 */ NdrFcShort( 0x9 ), /* 9 */
+/* 296 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 298 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 300 */ NdrFcShort( 0x40 ), /* 64 */
+/* 302 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 304 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 306 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 308 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 310 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter selectionIndex */
+/* 312 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 314 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 316 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startOffset */
+/* 318 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 320 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 322 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endOffset */
+/* 324 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 326 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 328 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 330 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 332 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 334 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_text */
+/* 336 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 338 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 342 */ NdrFcShort( 0xa ), /* 10 */
+/* 344 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 346 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 348 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 350 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 352 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 354 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 356 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 358 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startOffset */
+/* 360 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 362 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 364 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endOffset */
+/* 366 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 368 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 370 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter text */
+/* 372 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 374 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 376 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* Type Offset=36 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 378 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 380 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 382 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_textBeforeOffset */
+/* 384 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 386 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 390 */ NdrFcShort( 0xb ), /* 11 */
+/* 392 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 28 */
+/* 394 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* 14 */
+/* 396 */ NdrFcShort( 0x40 ), /* 64 */
+/* 398 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x6, /* 6 */
+/* 400 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 402 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 404 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 406 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter offset */
+/* 408 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 410 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 412 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter boundaryType */
+/* 414 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 416 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 418 */ 0xd, /* FC_ENUM16 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startOffset */
+/* 420 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 422 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 424 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endOffset */
+/* 426 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 428 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 430 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter text */
+/* 432 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 434 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 436 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* Type Offset=36 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 438 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 440 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 442 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_textAfterOffset */
+/* 444 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 446 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 450 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* 12 */
+/* 452 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 28 */
+/* 454 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* 14 */
+/* 456 */ NdrFcShort( 0x40 ), /* 64 */
+/* 458 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x6, /* 6 */
+/* 460 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 462 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 464 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 466 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter offset */
+/* 468 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 470 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 472 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter boundaryType */
+/* 474 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 476 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 478 */ 0xd, /* FC_ENUM16 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startOffset */
+/* 480 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 482 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 484 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endOffset */
+/* 486 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 488 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 490 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter text */
+/* 492 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 494 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 496 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* Type Offset=36 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 498 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 500 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 502 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_textAtOffset */
+/* 504 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 506 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 510 */ NdrFcShort( 0xd ), /* 13 */
+/* 512 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 28 */
+/* 514 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* 14 */
+/* 516 */ NdrFcShort( 0x40 ), /* 64 */
+/* 518 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x6, /* 6 */
+/* 520 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 522 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 524 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 526 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter offset */
+/* 528 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 530 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 532 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter boundaryType */
+/* 534 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 536 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 538 */ 0xd, /* FC_ENUM16 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startOffset */
+/* 540 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 542 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 544 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endOffset */
+/* 546 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 548 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 550 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter text */
+/* 552 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 554 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 556 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* Type Offset=36 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 558 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 560 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 562 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure removeSelection */
+/* 564 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 566 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 570 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* 14 */
+/* 572 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 574 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 576 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 578 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 580 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 582 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 584 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 586 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter selectionIndex */
+/* 588 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 590 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 592 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 594 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 596 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 598 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure setCaretOffset */
+/* 600 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 602 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 606 */ NdrFcShort( 0xf ), /* 15 */
+/* 608 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 610 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 612 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 614 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 616 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 618 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 620 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 622 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter offset */
+/* 624 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 626 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 628 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 630 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 632 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 634 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure setSelection */
+/* 636 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 638 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 642 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 644 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 646 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* 24 */
+/* 648 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 650 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 652 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 654 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 656 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 658 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter selectionIndex */
+/* 660 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 662 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 664 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startOffset */
+/* 666 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 668 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 670 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endOffset */
+/* 672 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 674 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 676 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 678 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 680 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 682 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_nCharacters */
+/* 684 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 686 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 690 */ NdrFcShort( 0x11 ), /* 17 */
+/* 692 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 694 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 696 */ NdrFcShort( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 698 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 700 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 702 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 704 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 706 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter nCharacters */
+/* 708 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2150 ), /* Flags: out, base type, simple ref, srv alloc size=8 */
+/* 710 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 712 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 714 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 716 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 718 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure scrollSubstringTo */
+/* 720 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 722 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 726 */ NdrFcShort( 0x12 ), /* 18 */
+/* 728 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 730 */ NdrFcShort( 0x16 ), /* 22 */
+/* 732 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 734 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x4, /* 4 */
+/* 736 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 738 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 740 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 742 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startIndex */
+/* 744 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 746 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 748 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endIndex */
+/* 750 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 752 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 754 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter scrollType */
+/* 756 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 758 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 760 */ 0xd, /* FC_ENUM16 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 762 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 764 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 766 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure scrollSubstringToPoint */
+/* 768 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 770 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 774 */ NdrFcShort( 0x13 ), /* 19 */
+/* 776 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 28 */
+/* 778 */ NdrFcShort( 0x26 ), /* 38 */
+/* 780 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 782 */ 0x44, /* Oi2 Flags: has return, has ext, */
+ 0x6, /* 6 */
+/* 784 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x1, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, */
+/* 786 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 788 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 790 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter startIndex */
+/* 792 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 794 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 796 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter endIndex */
+/* 798 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 800 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 802 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter coordinateType */
+/* 804 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 806 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 808 */ 0xd, /* FC_ENUM16 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter x */
+/* 810 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 812 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 16 */
+/* 814 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter y */
+/* 816 */ NdrFcShort( 0x48 ), /* Flags: in, base type, */
+/* 818 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 820 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 822 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 824 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 826 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_newText */
+/* 828 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 830 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 834 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* 20 */
+/* 836 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 838 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 840 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 842 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 844 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 846 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 848 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 850 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter newText */
+/* 852 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=16 */
+/* 854 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 856 */ NdrFcShort( 0x32 ), /* Type Offset=50 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 858 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 860 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 862 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_oldText */
+/* 864 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 866 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 870 */ NdrFcShort( 0x15 ), /* 21 */
+/* 872 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 874 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 876 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 878 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 880 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 882 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 884 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 886 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter oldText */
+/* 888 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=16 */
+/* 890 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 892 */ NdrFcShort( 0x32 ), /* Type Offset=50 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 894 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 896 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 898 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+static const AccessibleText_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleText__MIDL_TypeFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 2 */
+ 0x11, 0xc, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] [simple_pointer] */
+/* 4 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 6 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1c ), /* Offset= 28 (36) */
+/* 10 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* Offset= 14 (26) */
+/* 14 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x1, /* 1 */
+/* 16 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 18 */ 0x9, /* Corr desc: FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfffc ), /* -4 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 24 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 26 */
+ 0x17, /* FC_CSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 28 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff0 ), /* Offset= -16 (14) */
+/* 32 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 34 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 36 */ 0xb4, /* FC_USER_MARSHAL */
+ 0x83, /* 131 */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 42 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffde ), /* Offset= -34 (10) */
+/* 46 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (50) */
+/* 50 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 52 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* 12 */
+/* 54 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Offset= 0 (56) */
+/* 58 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffe8 ), /* Offset= -24 (36) */
+/* 62 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 64 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+ {
+ {
+ BSTR_UserSize
+ ,BSTR_UserMarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserUnmarshal
+ ,BSTR_UserFree
+ }
+ };
+/* Standard interface: __MIDL_itf_AccessibleText_0000_0000, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00}} */
+/* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleText, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x24FD2FFB,0x3AAD,0x4a08,{0x83,0x35,0xA3,0xAD,0x89,0xC0,0xFB,0x4B}} */
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+static const unsigned short IAccessibleText_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =
+ {
+ 0,
+ 42,
+ 96,
+ 132,
+ 198,
+ 234,
+ 288,
+ 336,
+ 384,
+ 444,
+ 504,
+ 564,
+ 600,
+ 636,
+ 684,
+ 720,
+ 768,
+ 828,
+ 864
+ };
+static const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleText_ProxyInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ AccessibleText__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleText_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ };
+static const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleText_ServerInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleText__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleText_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0};
+CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(22) _IAccessibleTextProxyVtbl =
+ &IAccessibleText_ProxyInfo,
+ &IID_IAccessibleText,
+ IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_Release_Proxy ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::addSelection */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::get_attributes */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::get_caretOffset */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::get_characterExtents */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::get_nSelections */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::get_offsetAtPoint */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::get_selection */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::get_text */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::get_textBeforeOffset */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::get_textAfterOffset */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::get_textAtOffset */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::removeSelection */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::setCaretOffset */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::setSelection */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::get_nCharacters */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::scrollSubstringTo */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::scrollSubstringToPoint */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::get_newText */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleText::get_oldText */
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl _IAccessibleTextStubVtbl =
+ &IID_IAccessibleText,
+ &IAccessibleText_ServerInfo,
+ 22,
+ 0, /* pure interpreted */
+ CStdStubBuffer_METHODS
+static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc =
+ {
+ 0,
+ NdrOleAllocate,
+ NdrOleFree,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleText__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,
+ 1, /* -error bounds_check flag */
+ 0x50002, /* Ndr library version */
+ 0,
+ 0x700022b, /* MIDL Version 7.0.555 */
+ 0,
+ UserMarshalRoutines,
+ 0, /* notify & notify_flag routine table */
+ 0x1, /* MIDL flag */
+ 0, /* cs routines */
+ 0, /* proxy/server info */
+ 0
+ };
+const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * const _AccessibleText_ProxyVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IAccessibleTextProxyVtbl,
+ 0
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl * const _AccessibleText_StubVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IAccessibleTextStubVtbl,
+ 0
+PCInterfaceName const _AccessibleText_InterfaceNamesList[] =
+ "IAccessibleText",
+ 0
+#define _AccessibleText_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _AccessibleText, pIID, n)
+int __stdcall _AccessibleText_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex )
+ if(!_AccessibleText_CHECK_IID(0))
+ {
+ *pIndex = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const ExtendedProxyFileInfo AccessibleText_ProxyFileInfo =
+ (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _AccessibleText_ProxyVtblList,
+ (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _AccessibleText_StubVtblList,
+ (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _AccessibleText_InterfaceNamesList,
+ 0, /* no delegation */
+ & _AccessibleText_IID_Lookup,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 0, /* table of [async_uuid] interfaces */
+ 0, /* Filler1 */
+ 0, /* Filler2 */
+ 0 /* Filler3 */
+#pragma optimize("", on )
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif /* !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)*/
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleValue.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleValue.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6ef70c261f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleValue.h
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:55 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleValue.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "ole2.h"
+#endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
+#ifndef __AccessibleValue_h__
+#define __AccessibleValue_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifndef __IAccessibleValue_FWD_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleValue_FWD_DEFINED__
+typedef interface IAccessibleValue IAccessibleValue;
+#endif /* __IAccessibleValue_FWD_DEFINED__ */
+/* header files for imported files */
+#include "objidl.h"
+#include "oaidl.h"
+#include "oleacc.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#ifndef __IAccessibleValue_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessibleValue_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
+/* interface IAccessibleValue */
+/* [uuid][object] */
+EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccessibleValue;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
+ MIDL_INTERFACE("35855B5B-C566-4fd0-A7B1-E65465600394")
+ IAccessibleValue : public IUnknown
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_currentValue(
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *currentValue) = 0;
+ virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE setCurrentValue(
+ /* [in] */ VARIANT value) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_maximumValue(
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *maximumValue) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_minimumValue(
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *minimumValue) = 0;
+ };
+#else /* C style interface */
+ typedef struct IAccessibleValueVtbl
+ {
+ IAccessibleValue * This,
+ /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
+ /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */
+ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject);
+ IAccessibleValue * This);
+ IAccessibleValue * This);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_currentValue )(
+ IAccessibleValue * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *currentValue);
+ IAccessibleValue * This,
+ /* [in] */ VARIANT value);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_maximumValue )(
+ IAccessibleValue * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *maximumValue);
+ /* [propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_minimumValue )(
+ IAccessibleValue * This,
+ /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *minimumValue);
+ } IAccessibleValueVtbl;
+ interface IAccessibleValue
+ {
+ CONST_VTBL struct IAccessibleValueVtbl *lpVtbl;
+ };
+#define IAccessibleValue_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) )
+#define IAccessibleValue_AddRef(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) )
+#define IAccessibleValue_Release(This) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) )
+#define IAccessibleValue_get_currentValue(This,currentValue) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_currentValue(This,currentValue) )
+#define IAccessibleValue_setCurrentValue(This,value) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> setCurrentValue(This,value) )
+#define IAccessibleValue_get_maximumValue(This,maximumValue) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_maximumValue(This,maximumValue) )
+#define IAccessibleValue_get_minimumValue(This,minimumValue) \
+ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> get_minimumValue(This,minimumValue) )
+#endif /* COBJMACROS */
+#endif /* C style interface */
+#endif /* __IAccessibleValue_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+unsigned long __RPC_USER VARIANT_UserSize( unsigned long *, unsigned long , VARIANT * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER VARIANT_UserMarshal( unsigned long *, unsigned char *, VARIANT * );
+unsigned char * __RPC_USER VARIANT_UserUnmarshal(unsigned long *, unsigned char *, VARIANT * );
+void __RPC_USER VARIANT_UserFree( unsigned long *, VARIANT * );
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleValue_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleValue_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dffdb123af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleValue_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:55 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleValue.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, IID_IAccessibleValue,0x35855B5B,0xC566,0x4fd0,0xA7,0xB1,0xE6,0x54,0x65,0x60,0x03,0x94);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleValue_p.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleValue_p.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..166e2149b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/AccessibleValue_p.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1105 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:55 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for AccessibleValue.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#if !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4211 ) /* redefine extern to static */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4232 ) /* dllimport identity*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4024 ) /* array to pointer mapping*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4152 ) /* function/data pointer conversion in expression */
+#pragma warning( disable: 4100 ) /* unreferenced arguments in x86 call */
+#pragma optimize("", off )
+/* verify that the <rpcproxy.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpcproxy.h"
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcproxy.h>
+#endif /* __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ */
+#include "AccessibleValue.h"
+typedef struct _AccessibleValue_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleValue_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleValue_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ short Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleValue_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING;
+typedef struct _AccessibleValue_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING
+ {
+ long Pad;
+ unsigned char Format[ EXPR_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ];
+ } AccessibleValue_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING;
+static const RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER _RpcTransferSyntax =
+extern const AccessibleValue_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleValue__MIDL_TypeFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleValue_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleValue__MIDL_ProcFormatString;
+extern const AccessibleValue_MIDL_EXPR_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleValue__MIDL_ExprFormatString;
+extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc;
+extern const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleValue_ServerInfo;
+extern const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleValue_ProxyInfo;
+#if !defined(__RPC_WIN32__)
+#error Invalid build platform for this stub.
+#error You need Windows 2000 or later to run this stub because it uses these features:
+#error /robust command line switch.
+#error However, your C/C++ compilation flags indicate you intend to run this app on earlier systems.
+#error This app will fail with the RPC_X_WRONG_STUB_VERSION error.
+static const AccessibleValue_MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleValue__MIDL_ProcFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ /* Procedure get_currentValue */
+ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 2 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 6 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 12 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 14 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 16 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter currentValue */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=16 */
+/* 26 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 28 */ NdrFcShort( 0x404 ), /* Type Offset=1028 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 32 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 34 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure setCurrentValue */
+/* 36 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 38 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 42 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 44 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 24 */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 50 */ 0x46, /* Oi2 Flags: clt must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 52 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x5, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, srv corr check, */
+/* 54 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 56 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 58 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter value */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8b ), /* Flags: must size, must free, in, by val, */
+/* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 64 */ NdrFcShort( 0x412 ), /* Type Offset=1042 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 20 */
+/* 70 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_maximumValue */
+/* 72 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 74 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5 ), /* 5 */
+/* 80 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 82 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 86 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 88 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 92 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 94 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter maximumValue */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=16 */
+/* 98 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 100 */ NdrFcShort( 0x404 ), /* Type Offset=1028 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 102 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 104 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 106 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ /* Procedure get_minimumValue */
+/* 108 */ 0x33, /* FC_AUTO_HANDLE */
+ 0x6c, /* Old Flags: object, Oi2 */
+/* 110 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* 6 */
+/* 116 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 12 */
+/* 118 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 120 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 122 */ 0x45, /* Oi2 Flags: srv must size, has return, has ext, */
+ 0x2, /* 2 */
+/* 124 */ 0x8, /* 8 */
+ 0x3, /* Ext Flags: new corr desc, clt corr check, */
+/* 126 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 128 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 130 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+ /* Parameter minimumValue */
+/* 132 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4113 ), /* Flags: must size, must free, out, simple ref, srv alloc size=16 */
+/* 134 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 4 */
+/* 136 */ NdrFcShort( 0x404 ), /* Type Offset=1028 */
+ /* Return value */
+/* 138 */ NdrFcShort( 0x70 ), /* Flags: out, return, base type, */
+/* 140 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* x86 Stack size/offset = 8 */
+/* 142 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+static const AccessibleValue_MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING AccessibleValue__MIDL_TypeFormatString =
+ {
+ 0,
+ {
+ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 2 */
+ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */
+/* 4 */ NdrFcShort( 0x400 ), /* Offset= 1024 (1028) */
+/* 6 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 8 */ NdrFcShort( 0x3e8 ), /* Offset= 1000 (1008) */
+/* 10 */
+ 0x9, /* FC_ULONG */
+/* 12 */ 0x7, /* Corr desc: FC_USHORT */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 14 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff8 ), /* -8 */
+/* 16 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 18 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (20) */
+/* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2f ), /* 47 */
+/* 24 */ NdrFcLong( 0x14 ), /* 20 */
+/* 28 */ NdrFcShort( 0x800b ), /* Simple arm type: FC_HYPER */
+/* 30 */ NdrFcLong( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8008 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_LONG */
+/* 36 */ NdrFcLong( 0x11 ), /* 17 */
+/* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8001 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_BYTE */
+/* 42 */ NdrFcLong( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 46 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8006 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_SHORT */
+/* 48 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 52 */ NdrFcShort( 0x800a ), /* Simple arm type: FC_FLOAT */
+/* 54 */ NdrFcLong( 0x5 ), /* 5 */
+/* 58 */ NdrFcShort( 0x800c ), /* Simple arm type: FC_DOUBLE */
+/* 60 */ NdrFcLong( 0xb ), /* 11 */
+/* 64 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8006 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_SHORT */
+/* 66 */ NdrFcLong( 0xa ), /* 10 */
+/* 70 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8008 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_LONG */
+/* 72 */ NdrFcLong( 0x6 ), /* 6 */
+/* 76 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe8 ), /* Offset= 232 (308) */
+/* 78 */ NdrFcLong( 0x7 ), /* 7 */
+/* 82 */ NdrFcShort( 0x800c ), /* Simple arm type: FC_DOUBLE */
+/* 84 */ NdrFcLong( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 88 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe2 ), /* Offset= 226 (314) */
+/* 90 */ NdrFcLong( 0xd ), /* 13 */
+/* 94 */ NdrFcShort( 0xf6 ), /* Offset= 246 (340) */
+/* 96 */ NdrFcLong( 0x9 ), /* 9 */
+/* 100 */ NdrFcShort( 0x102 ), /* Offset= 258 (358) */
+/* 102 */ NdrFcLong( 0x2000 ), /* 8192 */
+/* 106 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10e ), /* Offset= 270 (376) */
+/* 108 */ NdrFcLong( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 112 */ NdrFcShort( 0x336 ), /* Offset= 822 (934) */
+/* 114 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4024 ), /* 16420 */
+/* 118 */ NdrFcShort( 0x330 ), /* Offset= 816 (934) */
+/* 120 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4011 ), /* 16401 */
+/* 124 */ NdrFcShort( 0x32e ), /* Offset= 814 (938) */
+/* 126 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4002 ), /* 16386 */
+/* 130 */ NdrFcShort( 0x32c ), /* Offset= 812 (942) */
+/* 132 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4003 ), /* 16387 */
+/* 136 */ NdrFcShort( 0x32a ), /* Offset= 810 (946) */
+/* 138 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4014 ), /* 16404 */
+/* 142 */ NdrFcShort( 0x328 ), /* Offset= 808 (950) */
+/* 144 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4004 ), /* 16388 */
+/* 148 */ NdrFcShort( 0x326 ), /* Offset= 806 (954) */
+/* 150 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4005 ), /* 16389 */
+/* 154 */ NdrFcShort( 0x324 ), /* Offset= 804 (958) */
+/* 156 */ NdrFcLong( 0x400b ), /* 16395 */
+/* 160 */ NdrFcShort( 0x30e ), /* Offset= 782 (942) */
+/* 162 */ NdrFcLong( 0x400a ), /* 16394 */
+/* 166 */ NdrFcShort( 0x30c ), /* Offset= 780 (946) */
+/* 168 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4006 ), /* 16390 */
+/* 172 */ NdrFcShort( 0x316 ), /* Offset= 790 (962) */
+/* 174 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4007 ), /* 16391 */
+/* 178 */ NdrFcShort( 0x30c ), /* Offset= 780 (958) */
+/* 180 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4008 ), /* 16392 */
+/* 184 */ NdrFcShort( 0x30e ), /* Offset= 782 (966) */
+/* 186 */ NdrFcLong( 0x400d ), /* 16397 */
+/* 190 */ NdrFcShort( 0x30c ), /* Offset= 780 (970) */
+/* 192 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4009 ), /* 16393 */
+/* 196 */ NdrFcShort( 0x30a ), /* Offset= 778 (974) */
+/* 198 */ NdrFcLong( 0x6000 ), /* 24576 */
+/* 202 */ NdrFcShort( 0x308 ), /* Offset= 776 (978) */
+/* 204 */ NdrFcLong( 0x400c ), /* 16396 */
+/* 208 */ NdrFcShort( 0x306 ), /* Offset= 774 (982) */
+/* 210 */ NdrFcLong( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 214 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8002 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_CHAR */
+/* 216 */ NdrFcLong( 0x12 ), /* 18 */
+/* 220 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8006 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_SHORT */
+/* 222 */ NdrFcLong( 0x13 ), /* 19 */
+/* 226 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8008 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_LONG */
+/* 228 */ NdrFcLong( 0x15 ), /* 21 */
+/* 232 */ NdrFcShort( 0x800b ), /* Simple arm type: FC_HYPER */
+/* 234 */ NdrFcLong( 0x16 ), /* 22 */
+/* 238 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8008 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_LONG */
+/* 240 */ NdrFcLong( 0x17 ), /* 23 */
+/* 244 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8008 ), /* Simple arm type: FC_LONG */
+/* 246 */ NdrFcLong( 0xe ), /* 14 */
+/* 250 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2e4 ), /* Offset= 740 (990) */
+/* 252 */ NdrFcLong( 0x400e ), /* 16398 */
+/* 256 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2e8 ), /* Offset= 744 (1000) */
+/* 258 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4010 ), /* 16400 */
+/* 262 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2e6 ), /* Offset= 742 (1004) */
+/* 264 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4012 ), /* 16402 */
+/* 268 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2a2 ), /* Offset= 674 (942) */
+/* 270 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4013 ), /* 16403 */
+/* 274 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2a0 ), /* Offset= 672 (946) */
+/* 276 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4015 ), /* 16405 */
+/* 280 */ NdrFcShort( 0x29e ), /* Offset= 670 (950) */
+/* 282 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4016 ), /* 16406 */
+/* 286 */ NdrFcShort( 0x294 ), /* Offset= 660 (946) */
+/* 288 */ NdrFcLong( 0x4017 ), /* 16407 */
+/* 292 */ NdrFcShort( 0x28e ), /* Offset= 654 (946) */
+/* 294 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 298 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Offset= 0 (298) */
+/* 300 */ NdrFcLong( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 304 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Offset= 0 (304) */
+/* 306 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffff ), /* Offset= -1 (305) */
+/* 308 */
+ 0x15, /* FC_STRUCT */
+ 0x7, /* 7 */
+/* 310 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 312 */ 0xb, /* FC_HYPER */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 314 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 316 */ NdrFcShort( 0xe ), /* Offset= 14 (330) */
+/* 318 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x1, /* 1 */
+/* 320 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 322 */ 0x9, /* Corr desc: FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 324 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfffc ), /* -4 */
+/* 326 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 328 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 330 */
+ 0x17, /* FC_CSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 332 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 334 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff0 ), /* Offset= -16 (318) */
+/* 336 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 338 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 340 */
+ 0x2f, /* FC_IP */
+ 0x5a, /* FC_CONSTANT_IID */
+/* 342 */ NdrFcLong( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 346 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 348 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 350 */ 0xc0, /* 192 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 352 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 354 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 356 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x46, /* 70 */
+/* 358 */
+ 0x2f, /* FC_IP */
+ 0x5a, /* FC_CONSTANT_IID */
+/* 360 */ NdrFcLong( 0x20400 ), /* 132096 */
+/* 364 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 366 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 368 */ 0xc0, /* 192 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 370 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 372 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 374 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x46, /* 70 */
+/* 376 */
+ 0x13, 0x10, /* FC_OP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 378 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (380) */
+/* 380 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 382 */ NdrFcShort( 0x216 ), /* Offset= 534 (916) */
+/* 384 */
+ 0x49, /* 73 */
+/* 386 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* 24 */
+/* 388 */ NdrFcShort( 0xa ), /* 10 */
+/* 390 */ NdrFcLong( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 394 */ NdrFcShort( 0x5a ), /* Offset= 90 (484) */
+/* 396 */ NdrFcLong( 0xd ), /* 13 */
+/* 400 */ NdrFcShort( 0x7e ), /* Offset= 126 (526) */
+/* 402 */ NdrFcLong( 0x9 ), /* 9 */
+/* 406 */ NdrFcShort( 0x9e ), /* Offset= 158 (564) */
+/* 408 */ NdrFcLong( 0xc ), /* 12 */
+/* 412 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc8 ), /* Offset= 200 (612) */
+/* 414 */ NdrFcLong( 0x24 ), /* 36 */
+/* 418 */ NdrFcShort( 0x124 ), /* Offset= 292 (710) */
+/* 420 */ NdrFcLong( 0x800d ), /* 32781 */
+/* 424 */ NdrFcShort( 0x140 ), /* Offset= 320 (744) */
+/* 426 */ NdrFcLong( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 430 */ NdrFcShort( 0x15a ), /* Offset= 346 (776) */
+/* 432 */ NdrFcLong( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 436 */ NdrFcShort( 0x174 ), /* Offset= 372 (808) */
+/* 438 */ NdrFcLong( 0x3 ), /* 3 */
+/* 442 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18e ), /* Offset= 398 (840) */
+/* 444 */ NdrFcLong( 0x14 ), /* 20 */
+/* 448 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1a8 ), /* Offset= 424 (872) */
+/* 450 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffff ), /* Offset= -1 (449) */
+/* 452 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 454 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 456 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 458 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 460 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 462 */
+ 0x4b, /* FC_PP */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 464 */
+ 0x48, /* FC_VARIABLE_REPEAT */
+ 0x49, /* FC_FIXED_OFFSET */
+/* 466 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 468 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 470 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 472 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 474 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 476 */ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 478 */ NdrFcShort( 0xff6c ), /* Offset= -148 (330) */
+/* 480 */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 482 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 484 */
+ 0x16, /* FC_PSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 486 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 488 */
+ 0x4b, /* FC_PP */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 490 */
+ 0x46, /* FC_NO_REPEAT */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 492 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 494 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 496 */ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 498 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffd2 ), /* Offset= -46 (452) */
+/* 500 */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 502 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 504 */
+ 0x21, /* FC_BOGUS_ARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 506 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 508 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 510 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 512 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 514 */ NdrFcLong( 0xffffffff ), /* -1 */
+/* 518 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 520 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 522 */ NdrFcShort( 0xff4a ), /* Offset= -182 (340) */
+/* 524 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 526 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 528 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 530 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 532 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Offset= 6 (538) */
+/* 534 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+/* 536 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 538 */
+ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 540 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffdc ), /* Offset= -36 (504) */
+/* 542 */
+ 0x21, /* FC_BOGUS_ARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 544 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 546 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 548 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 550 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 552 */ NdrFcLong( 0xffffffff ), /* -1 */
+/* 556 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Corr flags: */
+/* 558 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 560 */ NdrFcShort( 0xff36 ), /* Offset= -202 (358) */
+/* 562 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 564 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 566 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 568 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 570 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Offset= 6 (576) */
+/* 572 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+/* 574 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 576 */
+ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 578 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffdc ), /* Offset= -36 (542) */
+/* 580 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 582 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 584 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 586 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 588 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 590 */
+ 0x4b, /* FC_PP */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 592 */
+ 0x48, /* FC_VARIABLE_REPEAT */
+ 0x49, /* FC_FIXED_OFFSET */
+/* 594 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 596 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 598 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 600 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 602 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 604 */ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 606 */ NdrFcShort( 0x192 ), /* Offset= 402 (1008) */
+/* 608 */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 610 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 612 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 614 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 616 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 618 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Offset= 6 (624) */
+/* 620 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+/* 622 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 624 */
+ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 626 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffd2 ), /* Offset= -46 (580) */
+/* 628 */
+ 0x2f, /* FC_IP */
+ 0x5a, /* FC_CONSTANT_IID */
+/* 630 */ NdrFcLong( 0x2f ), /* 47 */
+/* 634 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 636 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 638 */ 0xc0, /* 192 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 640 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 642 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 644 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ 0x46, /* 70 */
+/* 646 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 648 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 650 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 652 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 654 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 656 */ 0x1, /* FC_BYTE */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 658 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 660 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 662 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 664 */ NdrFcShort( 0xa ), /* Offset= 10 (674) */
+/* 666 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 668 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 670 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffd6 ), /* Offset= -42 (628) */
+/* 672 */ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 674 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 676 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffe2 ), /* Offset= -30 (646) */
+/* 678 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 680 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 682 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 684 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 686 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 688 */
+ 0x4b, /* FC_PP */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 690 */
+ 0x48, /* FC_VARIABLE_REPEAT */
+ 0x49, /* FC_FIXED_OFFSET */
+/* 692 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 694 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 696 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 698 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 700 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 702 */ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 704 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffd2 ), /* Offset= -46 (658) */
+/* 706 */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 708 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 710 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 712 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 714 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 716 */ NdrFcShort( 0x6 ), /* Offset= 6 (722) */
+/* 718 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+/* 720 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 722 */
+ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 724 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffd2 ), /* Offset= -46 (678) */
+/* 726 */
+ 0x1d, /* FC_SMFARRAY */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 728 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 730 */ 0x1, /* FC_BYTE */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 732 */
+ 0x15, /* FC_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 734 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 736 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+/* 738 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+/* 740 */ 0x0, /* 0 */
+ NdrFcShort( 0xfff1 ), /* Offset= -15 (726) */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 744 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 746 */ NdrFcShort( 0x18 ), /* 24 */
+/* 748 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 750 */ NdrFcShort( 0xa ), /* Offset= 10 (760) */
+/* 752 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x36, /* FC_POINTER */
+/* 754 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 756 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffe8 ), /* Offset= -24 (732) */
+/* 758 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 760 */
+ 0x11, 0x0, /* FC_RP */
+/* 762 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfefe ), /* Offset= -258 (504) */
+/* 764 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 766 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* 1 */
+/* 768 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 770 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 772 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 774 */ 0x1, /* FC_BYTE */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 776 */
+ 0x16, /* FC_PSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 778 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 780 */
+ 0x4b, /* FC_PP */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 782 */
+ 0x46, /* FC_NO_REPEAT */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 784 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 786 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 788 */ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 790 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffe6 ), /* Offset= -26 (764) */
+/* 792 */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 794 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 796 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x1, /* 1 */
+/* 798 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* 2 */
+/* 800 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 802 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 804 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 806 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 808 */
+ 0x16, /* FC_PSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 810 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 812 */
+ 0x4b, /* FC_PP */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 814 */
+ 0x46, /* FC_NO_REPEAT */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 816 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 818 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 820 */ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 822 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffe6 ), /* Offset= -26 (796) */
+/* 824 */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 826 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 828 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 830 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 832 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 834 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 836 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 838 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 840 */
+ 0x16, /* FC_PSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 842 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 844 */
+ 0x4b, /* FC_PP */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 846 */
+ 0x46, /* FC_NO_REPEAT */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 848 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 850 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 852 */ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 854 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffe6 ), /* Offset= -26 (828) */
+/* 856 */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 858 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 860 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x7, /* 7 */
+/* 862 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 864 */ 0x19, /* Corr desc: field pointer, FC_ULONG */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 866 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 868 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 870 */ 0xb, /* FC_HYPER */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 872 */
+ 0x16, /* FC_PSTRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 874 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 876 */
+ 0x4b, /* FC_PP */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 878 */
+ 0x46, /* FC_NO_REPEAT */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 880 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 882 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */
+/* 884 */ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 886 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffe6 ), /* Offset= -26 (860) */
+/* 888 */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 890 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 892 */
+ 0x15, /* FC_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 894 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 896 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 898 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 900 */
+ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 902 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */
+/* 904 */ 0x7, /* Corr desc: FC_USHORT */
+ 0x0, /* */
+/* 906 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffd8 ), /* -40 */
+/* 908 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1 ), /* Corr flags: early, */
+/* 910 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 912 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffec ), /* Offset= -20 (892) */
+/* 914 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 916 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x3, /* 3 */
+/* 918 */ NdrFcShort( 0x28 ), /* 40 */
+/* 920 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffec ), /* Offset= -20 (900) */
+/* 922 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Offset= 0 (922) */
+/* 924 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+/* 926 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 928 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 930 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfdde ), /* Offset= -546 (384) */
+/* 932 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 934 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 936 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfeea ), /* Offset= -278 (658) */
+/* 938 */
+ 0x13, 0x8, /* FC_OP [simple_pointer] */
+/* 940 */ 0x1, /* FC_BYTE */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 942 */
+ 0x13, 0x8, /* FC_OP [simple_pointer] */
+/* 944 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 946 */
+ 0x13, 0x8, /* FC_OP [simple_pointer] */
+/* 948 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 950 */
+ 0x13, 0x8, /* FC_OP [simple_pointer] */
+/* 952 */ 0xb, /* FC_HYPER */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 954 */
+ 0x13, 0x8, /* FC_OP [simple_pointer] */
+/* 956 */ 0xa, /* FC_FLOAT */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 958 */
+ 0x13, 0x8, /* FC_OP [simple_pointer] */
+/* 960 */ 0xc, /* FC_DOUBLE */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 962 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 964 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfd70 ), /* Offset= -656 (308) */
+/* 966 */
+ 0x13, 0x10, /* FC_OP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 968 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfd72 ), /* Offset= -654 (314) */
+/* 970 */
+ 0x13, 0x10, /* FC_OP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 972 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfd88 ), /* Offset= -632 (340) */
+/* 974 */
+ 0x13, 0x10, /* FC_OP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 976 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfd96 ), /* Offset= -618 (358) */
+/* 978 */
+ 0x13, 0x10, /* FC_OP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 980 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfda4 ), /* Offset= -604 (376) */
+/* 982 */
+ 0x13, 0x10, /* FC_OP [pointer_deref] */
+/* 984 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (986) */
+/* 986 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 988 */ NdrFcShort( 0x14 ), /* Offset= 20 (1008) */
+/* 990 */
+ 0x15, /* FC_STRUCT */
+ 0x7, /* 7 */
+/* 992 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 994 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x1, /* FC_BYTE */
+/* 996 */ 0x1, /* FC_BYTE */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 998 */ 0xb, /* FC_HYPER */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 1000 */
+ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */
+/* 1002 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff4 ), /* Offset= -12 (990) */
+/* 1004 */
+ 0x13, 0x8, /* FC_OP [simple_pointer] */
+/* 1006 */ 0x2, /* FC_CHAR */
+ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+/* 1008 */
+ 0x1a, /* FC_BOGUS_STRUCT */
+ 0x7, /* 7 */
+/* 1010 */ NdrFcShort( 0x20 ), /* 32 */
+/* 1012 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1014 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Offset= 0 (1014) */
+/* 1016 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */
+/* 1018 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+/* 1020 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */
+/* 1022 */ 0x4c, /* FC_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX */
+ 0x0, /* 0 */
+/* 1024 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfc0a ), /* Offset= -1014 (10) */
+/* 1026 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */
+ 0x5b, /* FC_END */
+/* 1028 */ 0xb4, /* FC_USER_MARSHAL */
+ 0x83, /* 131 */
+/* 1030 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1032 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 1034 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1036 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfbfa ), /* Offset= -1030 (6) */
+/* 1038 */
+ 0x12, 0x0, /* FC_UP */
+/* 1040 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffe0 ), /* Offset= -32 (1008) */
+/* 1042 */ 0xb4, /* FC_USER_MARSHAL */
+ 0x83, /* 131 */
+/* 1044 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1046 */ NdrFcShort( 0x10 ), /* 16 */
+/* 1048 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */
+/* 1050 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfff4 ), /* Offset= -12 (1038) */
+ 0x0
+ }
+ };
+ {
+ {
+ VARIANT_UserSize
+ ,VARIANT_UserMarshal
+ ,VARIANT_UserUnmarshal
+ ,VARIANT_UserFree
+ }
+ };
+/* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */
+/* Object interface: IAccessibleValue, ver. 0.0,
+ GUID={0x35855B5B,0xC566,0x4fd0,{0xA7,0xB1,0xE6,0x54,0x65,0x60,0x03,0x94}} */
+#pragma code_seg(".orpc")
+static const unsigned short IAccessibleValue_FormatStringOffsetTable[] =
+ {
+ 0,
+ 36,
+ 72,
+ 108
+ };
+static const MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO IAccessibleValue_ProxyInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ AccessibleValue__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleValue_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ };
+static const MIDL_SERVER_INFO IAccessibleValue_ServerInfo =
+ {
+ &Object_StubDesc,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleValue__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format,
+ &IAccessibleValue_FormatStringOffsetTable[-3],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0};
+CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(7) _IAccessibleValueProxyVtbl =
+ &IAccessibleValue_ProxyInfo,
+ &IID_IAccessibleValue,
+ IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy,
+ IUnknown_Release_Proxy ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleValue::get_currentValue */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleValue::setCurrentValue */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleValue::get_maximumValue */ ,
+ (void *) (INT_PTR) -1 /* IAccessibleValue::get_minimumValue */
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl _IAccessibleValueStubVtbl =
+ &IID_IAccessibleValue,
+ &IAccessibleValue_ServerInfo,
+ 7,
+ 0, /* pure interpreted */
+ CStdStubBuffer_METHODS
+static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc =
+ {
+ 0,
+ NdrOleAllocate,
+ NdrOleFree,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ AccessibleValue__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,
+ 1, /* -error bounds_check flag */
+ 0x50002, /* Ndr library version */
+ 0,
+ 0x700022b, /* MIDL Version 7.0.555 */
+ 0,
+ UserMarshalRoutines,
+ 0, /* notify & notify_flag routine table */
+ 0x1, /* MIDL flag */
+ 0, /* cs routines */
+ 0, /* proxy/server info */
+ 0
+ };
+const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * const _AccessibleValue_ProxyVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IAccessibleValueProxyVtbl,
+ 0
+const CInterfaceStubVtbl * const _AccessibleValue_StubVtblList[] =
+ ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IAccessibleValueStubVtbl,
+ 0
+PCInterfaceName const _AccessibleValue_InterfaceNamesList[] =
+ "IAccessibleValue",
+ 0
+#define _AccessibleValue_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _AccessibleValue, pIID, n)
+int __stdcall _AccessibleValue_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex )
+ if(!_AccessibleValue_CHECK_IID(0))
+ {
+ *pIndex = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const ExtendedProxyFileInfo AccessibleValue_ProxyFileInfo =
+ (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _AccessibleValue_ProxyVtblList,
+ (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _AccessibleValue_StubVtblList,
+ (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _AccessibleValue_InterfaceNamesList,
+ 0, /* no delegation */
+ & _AccessibleValue_IID_Lookup,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 0, /* table of [async_uuid] interfaces */
+ 0, /* Filler1 */
+ 0, /* Filler2 */
+ 0 /* Filler3 */
+#pragma optimize("", on )
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif /* !defined(_M_IA64) && !defined(_M_AMD64)*/
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/IA2CommonTypes.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/IA2CommonTypes.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7d1df601e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/IA2CommonTypes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:56 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for IA2CommonTypes.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#ifndef __IA2CommonTypes_h__
+#define __IA2CommonTypes_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+/* interface __MIDL_itf_IA2CommonTypes_0000_0000 */
+/* [local] */
+enum IA2ScrollType
+ } ;
+enum IA2CoordinateType
+ } ;
+enum IA2TextSpecialOffsets
+ } ;
+enum IA2TableModelChangeType
+ } ;
+typedef struct IA2TableModelChange
+ {
+ enum IA2TableModelChangeType type;
+ long firstRow;
+ long lastRow;
+ long firstColumn;
+ long lastColumn;
+ } IA2TableModelChange;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_IA2CommonTypes_0000_0000_v0_0_c_ifspec;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_IA2CommonTypes_0000_0000_v0_0_s_ifspec;
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/IA2TypeLibrary.h b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/IA2TypeLibrary.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e80b2722f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/IA2TypeLibrary.h
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:56 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for IA2TypeLibrary.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/
+#include "rpc.h"
+#include "rpcndr.h"
+#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
+#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
+#ifndef __IA2TypeLibrary_h__
+#define __IA2TypeLibrary_h__
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+#pragma once
+/* Forward Declarations */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+/* interface __MIDL_itf_IA2TypeLibrary_0000_0000 */
+/* [local] */
+// Type Library Definitions
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_IA2TypeLibrary_0000_0000_v0_0_c_ifspec;
+extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_IA2TypeLibrary_0000_0000_v0_0_s_ifspec;
+#ifndef __IAccessible2Lib_LIBRARY_DEFINED__
+#define __IAccessible2Lib_LIBRARY_DEFINED__
+/* library IAccessible2Lib */
+/* [hidden][version][helpstring][uuid] */
+EXTERN_C const IID LIBID_IAccessible2Lib;
+#endif /* __IAccessible2Lib_LIBRARY_DEFINED__ */
+/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
+/* end of Additional Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/IA2TypeLibrary.tlb b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/IA2TypeLibrary.tlb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b4c56c7aaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/IA2TypeLibrary.tlb
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/IA2TypeLibrary_i.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/IA2TypeLibrary_i.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1bf9d5159d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/IA2TypeLibrary_i.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the IIDs and CLSIDs */
+/* link this file in with the server and any clients */
+ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */
+/* at Thu Mar 08 14:53:56 2012
+ */
+/* Compiler settings for IA2TypeLibrary.idl:
+ Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555
+ protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust
+ error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data
+ VC __declspec() decoration level:
+ __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable)
+#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+#include <rpc.h>
+#include <rpcndr.h>
+#ifndef INITGUID
+#define INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#undef INITGUID
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ DEFINE_GUID(name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8)
+#else // !_MIDL_USE_GUIDDEF_
+#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
+#define __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef struct _IID
+ unsigned long x;
+ unsigned short s1;
+ unsigned short s2;
+ unsigned char c[8];
+} IID;
+#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+#define MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(type,name,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) \
+ const type name = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
+MIDL_DEFINE_GUID(IID, LIBID_IAccessible2Lib,0xc974e070,0x3787,0x490a,0x87,0xb0,0xe3,0x33,0xb0,0x6c,0xa1,0xe2);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/dlldata.c b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/dlldata.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e1e15a1fc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/iaccessible2/generated/x86/dlldata.c
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ DllData file -- generated by MIDL compiler
+ This file is regenerated by MIDL on every IDL file compile.
+ To completely reconstruct this file, delete it and rerun MIDL
+ on all the IDL files in this DLL, specifying this file for the
+ /dlldata command line option
+#include <rpcproxy.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+EXTERN_PROXY_FILE( Accessible2 )
+EXTERN_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleAction )
+EXTERN_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleApplication )
+EXTERN_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleComponent )
+EXTERN_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleEditableText )
+EXTERN_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleHyperlink )
+EXTERN_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleHypertext )
+EXTERN_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleImage )
+EXTERN_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleRelation )
+EXTERN_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleTable )
+EXTERN_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleTable2 )
+EXTERN_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleTableCell )
+EXTERN_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleText )
+EXTERN_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleValue )
+/* Start of list */
+ REFERENCE_PROXY_FILE( Accessible2 ),
+ REFERENCE_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleAction ),
+ REFERENCE_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleApplication ),
+ REFERENCE_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleComponent ),
+ REFERENCE_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleEditableText ),
+ REFERENCE_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleHyperlink ),
+ REFERENCE_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleHypertext ),
+ REFERENCE_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleImage ),
+ REFERENCE_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleRelation ),
+ REFERENCE_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleTable ),
+ REFERENCE_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleTable2 ),
+ REFERENCE_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleTableCell ),
+ REFERENCE_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleText ),
+ REFERENCE_PROXY_FILE( AccessibleValue ),
+/* End of list */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+} /*extern "C" */
+/* end of generated dlldata file */