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2 files changed, 53 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/src/corelib/Qt6CoreMacros.cmake b/src/corelib/Qt6CoreMacros.cmake
index 2a178de16c..fc8ae6a74f 100644
--- a/src/corelib/Qt6CoreMacros.cmake
+++ b/src/corelib/Qt6CoreMacros.cmake
@@ -477,6 +477,47 @@ endfunction()
# This function is currently in Technical Preview.
# It's signature and behavior might change.
function(qt6_finalize_executable target)
+ # We can't evaluate generator expressions at configure time, so we can't
+ # ask for any transitive properties or even the full library dependency
+ # chain. We can still look at the immediate dependencies though and query
+ # any that are not expressed as generator expressions. For any we can
+ # identify as a CMake target known to the current scope, we can check if
+ # that target has a finalizer to be called. This is expected to cover the
+ # vast majority of use cases, since projects will typically link directly
+ # to Qt::* targets. For the cases where this isn't so, the project will be
+ # responsible for calling any relevant functions themselves instead of
+ # relying on these automatic finalization calls.
+ set(finalizers)
+ get_target_property(immediate_deps ${target} LINK_LIBRARIES)
+ if(immediate_deps)
+ foreach(dep IN LISTS immediate_deps)
+ if(NOT TARGET ${dep})
+ continue()
+ endif()
+ get_target_property(dep_finalizers ${dep}
+ )
+ if(dep_finalizers)
+ list(APPEND finalizers ${dep_finalizers})
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+ list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES finalizers)
+ endif()
+ if(finalizers)
+ # cmake_language() not available
+ message(WARNING
+ "Skipping module-specific finalizers for target ${target} "
+ "(requires CMake 3.18 or later)"
+ )
+ else()
+ foreach(finalizer_func IN LISTS finalizers)
+ cmake_language(CALL ${finalizer_func} ${target})
+ endforeach()
+ endif()
+ endif()
diff --git a/src/corelib/doc/src/cmake-macros.qdoc b/src/corelib/doc/src/cmake-macros.qdoc
index 46a81a690f..d14fc5badb 100644
--- a/src/corelib/doc/src/cmake-macros.qdoc
+++ b/src/corelib/doc/src/cmake-macros.qdoc
@@ -369,12 +369,12 @@ properties of the target. The finalization processing is implemented by the
\l{qt6_finalize_executable}{qt_finalize_executable()} command.
Finalization can occur either as part of this call or be deferred to sometime
-after this command returns. When using CMake 3.19 or later, finalization is
-automatically deferred to the end of the current directory scope. This gives the
-caller an opportunity to modify properties of the created target before it is
-finalized. When using CMake versions earlier than 3.19, automatic deferral isn't
-supported. In that case, finalization is performed immediately before this
-command returns.
+after this command returns (but it should still be in the same directory scope).
+When using CMake 3.19 or later, finalization is automatically deferred to the
+end of the current directory scope. This gives the caller an opportunity to
+modify properties of the created target before it is finalized. When using
+CMake versions earlier than 3.19, automatic deferral isn't supported. In that
+case, finalization is performed immediately before this command returns.
Regardless of the CMake version, the \c{MANUAL_FINALIZATION} keyword can be given to
indicate that you will explicitly call \l{qt6_finalize_executable}{qt_finalize_executable()}
@@ -424,8 +424,12 @@ qt6_finalize_executable(target)
After a target is created, further processing or \e{finalization} steps are
commonly needed. The steps to perform depend on the platform and on various
-properties of the target. This command implements the following, as appropriate
-for the platform and target provided:
+properties of the target. These steps are expected to be performed within the
+same directory scope as the one in which the \c{target} was created, so this
+command should also be called from that same directory scope.
+This command implements the following, as appropriate for the platform and
+target provided:
\li When targeting Android, generate a deployment settings file for the target.