diff options
8 files changed, 407 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/dist/changes-5.6.2 b/dist/changes-5.6.2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7b62a018f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/changes-5.6.2
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+Qt 5.6.2 is a bug-fix release. It maintains both forward and backward
+compatibility (source and binary) with Qt 5.6.0.
+For more details, refer to the online documentation included in this
+distribution. The documentation is also available online:
+The Qt version 5.6 series is binary compatible with the 5.5.x series.
+Applications compiled for 5.5 will continue to run with 5.6.
+Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numbers
+corresponding to tasks in the Qt Bug Tracker:
+Each of these identifiers can be entered in the bug tracker to obtain more
+information about a particular change.
+* Important Behavior Changes *
+ - [QTBUG-45031] The NSURLConnection backend of QNetworkAccessManager has
+ been removed, since SecureTransport is the default SSL backend on iOS
+ and is enabled by default. This means that building with -no-openssl
+ -no-securetransport will no longer provide SSL capabilities on iOS.
+ - QUrl::resolved() no longer treats a URL with a scheme as a relative URL
+ if it matches this URL's scheme. For now it still treats "file:name.txt"
+ as relative for compatibility, but be warned that in Qt 5.8 it will no
+ longer consider those to be relative. Both isRelative() and RFC 3986 say
+ that such URLs are not relative, so starting from Qt 5.8, resolved() will
+ return them as is.
+ - [QTBUG-47815] QDateTime now uses QLocale to get the "AM" and "PM" strings
+ when parsing times, instead of strings obtained from the loaded
+ translations.
+* Library *
+ - Optimized toLatin1()/toUtf8() called on a QStringBuilder expression.
+ - [QTBUG-18729][QTBUG-32457] Fixed a bug that caused Windows to show
+ dialogs prompting the user to insert media when certain operations were
+ made with Qt I/O classes, particularly QStorageInfo::mountedVolumes().
+ - QCommandLineParser:
+ * The methods that exit() the application will now call cleanup routines
+ registered with qAddPostRoutine.
+ - QDataStream:
+ * Fixed compatibility of QTime serialization with Qt 3.
+ - QDebug:
+ * Fixed streaming of QChars.
+ - QJsonObject:
+ * Optimized equality operator.
+ - QJsonValue:
+ * Fixed use-after-free in assignment operator.
+ - QLockFile:
+ * Fixed permissions on lock files on Unix to allow for adjustments via
+ umask.
+ * [QTBUG-53392] Improved the robustness of detecting stale lock files on
+ Windows.
+ - QMutex:
+ * [QTBUG-54831] Fixed a bug that caused some applications to crash on
+ exit, depending on the order of creation of certain statics inside Qt.
+ - QObject:
+ * Fixed a crash when connecting a signal to a lambda or functor while
+ using Qt::UniqueConnection (note: the connection is still not unique).
+ - QStringListModel:
+ * Fixed dataChanged()'s 'roles' parameter to always contain both
+ Qt::EditRole and Qt::DisplayRole.
+ - QTemporaryFile:
+ * [QTBUG-54810] Fixed a bug that caused QTemporaryFile to fail when the
+ file name contained non-ASCII characters, on Windows.
+ - QTimeZone:
+ * [QTBUG-53071] Fixed a bug that caused QTimeZone to mis-parse time zones
+ whose names were not simple letter and digit combinations.
+ - QUrl:
+ * Made QUrl stricter in what it accepts for schemes, to comply with the
+ relevant standards. QUrl will no longer accept schemes starting with a
+ plus (+), a dash (-) or a dot (.).
+ - QVariant:
+ * [QTBUG-53384] Fixed QVariant::canConvert and conversion from integer
+ types to enumeration types.
+ * [QTBUG-54893] Fixed a bug that caused QVariants not to compare properly
+ if they contained QStringLists.
+ - QVector:
+ * [QTBUG-51758] Fixed a bug that would cause QVector to crash if one
+ called reserve(0).
+ - QXmlStreamReader:
+ * Fixed a bug in the XML parser that prevented to load XML that
+ contained invalid characters for XML 1.0.
+ - QXmlStreamWriter:
+ * Fixed a bug that prevented the generation of valid XML files when
+ using encoding with 8 bit per character but not ASCII compatible.
+ QXMLStreamWriter generated XML markup using always ASCII in this case.
+ - Fixed UBSan errors in
+ * QColor
+ * QGrayRaster
+ * QRasterizer
+ - Removed a total of 1610 relocations from the library.
+ - QGuiApplication:
+ * [QTBUG-51703] Fixed a bug that would cause QGuiApplication::sync() to
+ be left undefined for Qt builds without session management support.
+ - QIconLoaderEngine:
+ * Fixed theme lookup for scalable entries.
+ - Text:
+ * [QTBUG-42033] Fixed bug where a QTextLayout with
+ ShowLineAndParagraphSeparators would modify the layout's input string.
+ * [QTBUG-49452] Fixed a performance regression in Freetype engine that
+ was introduced in Qt 5.5.
+ * [QTBUG-54180] Fixed performance regression when rapidly switching
+ between a large set of fonts.
+ - Windows:
+ * [QTBUG-54494] Fixed stretch when combined with either no or vertical
+ hinting preference or a device pixel ratio different from 1.
+ * [QTBUG-51024] Fixed height of text bounding box when using no or
+ vertical hinting preference, or when the device pixel ratio is
+ different from 1.
+ - QAuthenticator:
+ * [QTBUG-53338] Fixed crash when comparing an initialized QAuthenticator
+ with an uninitialized QAuthenticator.
+ - [QTBUG-53969][QTBUG-53237] Fixed QSqlQuery::prepare value truncation
+ error when using UNSIGNED values in a MySQL database.
+ - Fixed UBSan/Coverity errors in:
+ * QAbstractItemView
+ * QDataWidgetMapper
+ * QTreeWidget
+ * QWidgetLineControl
+ - Removed a total of 167 relocations from the library.
+ - QAbstractItemDelegate:
+ * [QTBUG-16469] Show localized detailed tooltips and "What's this?"
+ texts.
+- QAbstractItemView:
+ * [QTBUG-53541] Fixed a bug involving drawing the drop indicator
+ where it shouldn't be drawn.
+ * Fixed a bug in setSelectionModel() which could lead to model indexes
+ from a different model be reused on a new model.
+ - QAbstractSpinBox:
+ * [QTBUG-55249] Fixed a bug related to first key press.
+ - QColorDialog:
+ * Fixed ignored alpha channel in getRgb().
+ - QComboBox:
+ * [QTBUG-54191] Fixed a crash on setEditable(false) called from
+ editTextChanged().
+ - QCompleter:
+ * [QTBUG-54642] Fixed wrong completion role after a QFileSystemModel
+ has been used.
+ - QDesktopWidget:
+ * [QTBUG-52101] Fixed tracking of QScreens.
+ * [QTBUG-52606] Fixed a bug related to DPI-scaling in screenNumber().
+ - QDialog:
+ * [QTBUG-52735] Fixed a bug involving moves between screens with
+ different DPI-scaling factors.
+ - QDockWidget:
+ * [QTBUG-52107][QTBUG-53754] Fixed bugs related to floating group tab
+ window title.
+ * [QTBUG-52108] A QDockWidgetGroupWindow can now be dragged into one of
+ its QDockWidgets.
+ * [QTBUG-53808] Fixed a bug that caused an undocked dock widget to lose
+ its decoration.
+ * [QTBUG-54185] Unbroke drag-and-drop.
+ - QGraphicsProxyWidget:
+ * [QTBUG-55112] Fixed a bug that caused the widget to receive events
+ during construction.
+ - QLineEdit:
+ * [QTBUG-49374] Fixed icons being too small on a High DPI screen
+ without scaling.
+ * [QTBUG-52796] Fixed QKeySequence::MoveToStartOfLine shortcut
+ being ignored.
+ * [QTBUG-54425] Fixed missing clear button on macOS.
+ - QMainWindow:
+ * [QTBUG-50491] Fixed a bug related to restoring dock widgets with
+ GroupedDragging.
+ * [QTBUG-52108] Fixed a bug related to context menus in the presence of
+ floating tabs.
+ - QMenu:
+ * [QTBUG-53054] Submenus can now be opened on left mouse button
+ press, too.
+ - QMenuBar:
+ * [QTBUG-53205] Fixed bugs (incl. crashes) involving reparented
+ menu bars.
+ - QOpenGLWidget:
+ * [QTBUG-50818][QTBUG-51815][QTBUG-54241][QTBUG-52419] Fixed several
+ repainting bugs and other drawing artifacts.
+ - QSideBar:
+ * Fixed a nullptr dereference on platforms that do not support
+ QFileSystemWatcher.
+ - QSystemTrayIcon:
+ * [QTBUG-53591] Use large icon for balloon message on Windows systems.
+ - QTabBar:
+ * Fixed a performance problem involving font metrics.
+ - QTreeView:
+ * [QTBUG-52793] Fixed a key navigation bug when the columns were
+ reordered.
+- QTreeWidget:
+ * [QTBUG-50207] Now handles device pixel ratio in animations correctly.
+- QWidget:
+ * [QTBUG-39887] Restored documented behavior for the
+ WA_X11NetWmWindowType* attributes.
+ * [QTBUG-41135][QTBUG-50030][QTBUG-50136][QTBUG-52507] Fixed
+ mapTo/FromGlobal() in case of widget hierarchies embedded into
+ QGraphicsView with transformations.
+ * [QTBUG-45484] Fixed setWindowRole().
+ * [QTBUG-50796] Reduced paint-events when resizing native widgets.
+ * [QTBUG-52123] Fixed a bug by which opaque texture-based widgets
+ were not always shown.
+ * [QTBUG-53515] Added a workaround for render-to-texture widgets in
+ fullscreen windows.
+ * [QTBUG-54734] Worked around an issue with translucent GL windows
+ on Windows.
+ * [QTBUG-54906] Fixed a bug relaed to fullscreen handling on Windows.
+ - Styles:
+ * Fixed several cases of QStyleOptions being created with null
+ version.
+ * [QTBUG-51266] Fixed painting of small progress bars on Vista+.
+ * [QTBUG-54630] Fixed a crash in QMacStyle::styleHint().
+ * [QTBUG-49374] The Windows style now takes the monitor's differing
+ logical DPI into account when calculating native metrics.
+* Platform-specific Changes *
+ - [QTBUG-50724] Added support for clang compiler.
+ - [QTBUG-53511] Fixed CJK font resolution on Android 7.
+ - The freebsd-g++ mkspec was moved back and no longer requires the
+ "unsupported/" prefix, matching the FreeBSD ports tree, as FreeBSD 9.3
+ still defaults to using GCC. Users of GCC that did not previously use
+ the ports patch will need to adapt their build scripts and drop the
+ "unsupported/" prefix.
+ - Fixed a number of compilation issues on FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD. Qt
+ should now build out-of-the-box (no patches needed) on those systems.
+ - [QTBUG-54733] It is now possible to opt out from installing signal
+ handlers when running with eglfs and linuxfb by setting the
+ QT_QPA_NO_SIGNAL_HANDLER environment variable to a non-zero value.
+ - Fixed the value of the 'defined' field in ATSPI GetAttributeValue
+ results.
+ - [QTBUG-48953] Pasting text from Qt applications to Apple Mail now works.
+ - [QTBUG-48953] “text/vcard” is now required as the mime type when
+ placing vCards on the clipboard.
+ - OS X => macOS rename in Q_OS_ macros/docs, qmake scopes,
+ file selectors, etc.
+ - Add new QSysInfo values and MAC_OS_X / __MAC_ / __IPHONE_ values for
+ macOS 10.12 and iOS 9.1 through 10.0.
+ - Update prettyProductName with new macOS "Sierra" codename.
+ - Fixed a new[]/delete mismatch in Windows tablet support.
+* Tools *
+ - [QTBUG-53441] Fixed crash on file ending with a backslash followed by
+ carriage return
diff --git a/examples/widgets/dialogs/findfiles/window.cpp b/examples/widgets/dialogs/findfiles/window.cpp
index ce53dd8c83..1c59054524 100644
--- a/examples/widgets/dialogs/findfiles/window.cpp
+++ b/examples/widgets/dialogs/findfiles/window.cpp
@@ -294,15 +294,19 @@ void Window::contextMenu(const QPoint &pos)
if (!item)
QMenu menu;
QAction *copyAction = menu.addAction("Copy Name");
QAction *openAction = menu.addAction("Open");
QAction *action = menu.exec(filesTable->mapToGlobal(pos));
if (!action)
const QString fileName = fileNameOfItem(item);
- if (action == copyAction)
- QGuiApplication::clipboard()->setText(QDir::toNativeSeparators(fileName));
- else if (action == openAction)
+ if (action == openAction)
+ else if (action == copyAction)
+ QGuiApplication::clipboard()->setText(QDir::toNativeSeparators(fileName));
//! [16]
diff --git a/qmake/generators/mac/pbuilder_pbx.cpp b/qmake/generators/mac/pbuilder_pbx.cpp
index 75abc4378f..5e37cd65d8 100644
--- a/qmake/generators/mac/pbuilder_pbx.cpp
+++ b/qmake/generators/mac/pbuilder_pbx.cpp
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
#include <qregexp.h>
#include <qcryptographichash.h>
#include <qdebug.h>
+#include <qsettings.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
@@ -1405,6 +1406,28 @@ ProjectBuilderMakefileGenerator::writeMakeParts(QTextStream &t)
QString configName = (as_release ? "Release" : "Debug");
QMap<QString, QString> settings;
+ if (!project->isActiveConfig("no_xcode_development_team")) {
+ const QSettings xcodeSettings(
+ QDir::homePath() + QLatin1String("/Library/Preferences/"),
+ QSettings::NativeFormat);
+ const QVariantMap teams = xcodeSettings.value(QLatin1String("IDEProvisioningTeams")).toMap();
+ if (!teams.isEmpty()) {
+ for (QVariantMap::const_iterator it = teams.begin(), end = teams.end(); it != end; ++it) {
+ const QVariantMap team = it.value().toMap();
+ const QString teamType = team.value(QLatin1String("teamType")).toString();
+ // Skip Company teams because signing permissions may not be available under all
+ // circumstances for users who are not the Team Agent
+ if (teamType != QLatin1String("Company")) {
+ const QString teamId = team.value(QLatin1String("teamID")).toString();
+ settings.insert("DEVELOPMENT_TEAM", teamId);
+ // first suitable team we found is the one we'll use by default
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
settings.insert("COPY_PHASE_STRIP", (as_release ? "YES" : "NO"));
// Bitcode is only supported with a deployment target >= iOS 6.0.
// Disable it for now, and consider switching it on when later
diff --git a/src/plugins/platforms/android/qandroidplatformwindow.cpp b/src/plugins/platforms/android/qandroidplatformwindow.cpp
index b39695b0ef..7e46e5f09e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/platforms/android/qandroidplatformwindow.cpp
+++ b/src/plugins/platforms/android/qandroidplatformwindow.cpp
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ void QAndroidPlatformWindow::updateStatusBarVisibility()
if (!isNonRegularWindow) {
if (m_windowState & Qt::WindowFullScreen)
- else if (m_windowState & Qt::WindowMaximized)
+ else
diff --git a/src/plugins/platforms/winrt/qwinrtscreen.cpp b/src/plugins/platforms/winrt/qwinrtscreen.cpp
index dd2ebee3d5..3be17b0180 100644
--- a/src/plugins/platforms/winrt/qwinrtscreen.cpp
+++ b/src/plugins/platforms/winrt/qwinrtscreen.cpp
@@ -767,7 +767,7 @@ void QWinRTScreen::addWindow(QWindow *window)
QWindowSystemInterface::handleWindowActivated(window, Qt::OtherFocusReason);
- QWindowSystemInterface::flushWindowSystemEvents();
+ QWindowSystemInterface::flushWindowSystemEvents(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents);
#if _MSC_VER >= 1900 && !defined(QT_NO_DRAGANDDROP)
@@ -785,7 +785,7 @@ void QWinRTScreen::removeWindow(QWindow *window)
if (wasTopWindow)
QWindowSystemInterface::handleWindowActivated(Q_NULLPTR, Qt::OtherFocusReason);
- QWindowSystemInterface::flushWindowSystemEvents();
+ QWindowSystemInterface::flushWindowSystemEvents(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents);
#if _MSC_VER >= 1900 && !defined(QT_NO_DRAGANDDROP)
if (wasTopWindow)
diff --git a/tools/configure/configureapp.cpp b/tools/configure/configureapp.cpp
index f2b54f57f2..88dcd8170b 100644
--- a/tools/configure/configureapp.cpp
+++ b/tools/configure/configureapp.cpp
@@ -314,6 +314,12 @@ Configure::Configure(int& argc, char** argv) : verbose(0)
dictionary["QT_GCC_MAJOR_VERSION"] = parts.value(0, zero);
dictionary["QT_GCC_MINOR_VERSION"] = parts.value(1, zero);
dictionary["QT_GCC_PATCH_VERSION"] = parts.value(2, zero);
+ } else if (dictionary["QMAKESPEC"].contains(QString("msvc"))) {
+ const QString zero = QStringLiteral("0");
+ const QStringList parts = Environment::msvcVersion().split(QLatin1Char('.'));
+ dictionary["QT_CL_MAJOR_VERSION"] = parts.value(0, zero);
+ dictionary["QT_CL_MINOR_VERSION"] = parts.value(1, zero);
+ dictionary["QT_CL_PATCH_VERSION"] = parts.value(2, zero);
@@ -3629,6 +3635,10 @@ void Configure::generateQConfigPri()
configStream << "QT_GCC_MAJOR_VERSION = " << dictionary["QT_GCC_MAJOR_VERSION"] << endl
<< "QT_GCC_MINOR_VERSION = " << dictionary["QT_GCC_MINOR_VERSION"] << endl
<< "QT_GCC_PATCH_VERSION = " << dictionary["QT_GCC_PATCH_VERSION"] << endl;
+ } else if (!dictionary["QT_CL_MAJOR_VERSION"].isEmpty()) {
+ configStream << "QT_CL_MAJOR_VERSION = " << dictionary["QT_CL_MAJOR_VERSION"] << endl
+ << "QT_CL_MINOR_VERSION = " << dictionary["QT_CL_MINOR_VERSION"] << endl
+ << "QT_CL_PATCH_VERSION = " << dictionary["QT_CL_PATCH_VERSION"] << endl;
if (dictionary.value("XQMAKESPEC").startsWith("wince")) {
diff --git a/tools/configure/environment.cpp b/tools/configure/environment.cpp
index 5e28fda11d..10cf5ace2a 100644
--- a/tools/configure/environment.cpp
+++ b/tools/configure/environment.cpp
@@ -169,6 +169,30 @@ QString Environment::gccVersion()
return version;
+QString Environment::msvcVersion()
+ int returnValue = 0;
+ // Extract version from standard error output of "cl /?"
+ const QString command = QFile::decodeName(qgetenv("ComSpec"))
+ + QLatin1String(" /c ") + QLatin1String(compilerInfo(CC_MSVC2015)->executable)
+ + QLatin1String(" /? 2>&1");
+ QString version = execute(command, &returnValue);
+ if (returnValue != 0) {
+ cout << "Could not get cl version" << returnValue << qPrintable(version) << '\n';;
+ version.clear();
+ } else {
+ QRegExp versionRegexp(QStringLiteral("^.*Compiler Version ([0-9.]+) for.*$"));
+ Q_ASSERT(versionRegexp.isValid());
+ if (versionRegexp.exactMatch(version)) {
+ version = versionRegexp.cap(1);
+ } else {
+ cout << "Unable to determine cl version from the output of \""
+ << qPrintable(command) << "\"\n";
+ }
+ }
+ return version;
Returns the enum of the compiler which was detected on the system.
The compilers are detected in the order as entered into the
diff --git a/tools/configure/environment.h b/tools/configure/environment.h
index 927c3e294f..d096782e70 100644
--- a/tools/configure/environment.h
+++ b/tools/configure/environment.h
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ public:
static QString detectQMakeSpec();
static Compiler compilerFromQMakeSpec(const QString &qmakeSpec);
static QString gccVersion();
+ static QString msvcVersion();
static int execute(QStringList arguments, const QStringList &additionalEnv, const QStringList &removeEnv);
static QString execute(const QString &command, int *returnCode = 0);