diff options
2 files changed, 152 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/src/corelib/text/qstring.cpp b/src/corelib/text/qstring.cpp
index 305d6e9a67..daa8f8d98b 100644
--- a/src/corelib/text/qstring.cpp
+++ b/src/corelib/text/qstring.cpp
@@ -2951,6 +2951,23 @@ static void insert_helper(QString &str, qsizetype i, T toInsert)
const qsizetype insert_size = toInsert.size();
const qsizetype newSize = str_d.size + difference + insert_size;
const auto side = i == 0 ? QArrayData::GrowsAtBeginning : QArrayData::GrowsAtEnd;
+ if (str_d.needsDetach() || needsReallocate(str, newSize)) {
+ const auto cbegin = str.cbegin();
+ const auto cend = str.cend();
+ const auto insert_start = difference == 0 ? std::next(cbegin, i) : cend;
+ QString other;
+ // Using detachAndGrow() so that prepend optimization works and QStringBuilder
+ // unittests pass
+ other.data_ptr().detachAndGrow(side, newSize, nullptr, nullptr);
+ other.append(QStringView(cbegin, insert_start));
+ other.resize(i, u' ');
+ other.append(toInsert);
+ other.append(QStringView(insert_start, cend));
+ str.swap(other);
+ return;
+ }
str_d.detachAndGrow(side, difference + insert_size, nullptr, nullptr);
diff --git a/tests/auto/corelib/text/qstring/tst_qstring.cpp b/tests/auto/corelib/text/qstring/tst_qstring.cpp
index 2dfa9e34df..ac3d4d0f85 100644
--- a/tests/auto/corelib/text/qstring/tst_qstring.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/corelib/text/qstring/tst_qstring.cpp
@@ -282,11 +282,22 @@ static void do_apply1(MemFun mf)
QFETCH(A1, a1);
QFETCH(QString, expected);
- Arg<ArgType>(arg).apply1(s, mf, a1);
+ // Test when the string is shared
+ QString str = s;
+ Arg<ArgType>(arg).apply1(str, mf, a1);
- QCOMPARE(s, expected);
- QCOMPARE(s.isEmpty(), expected.isEmpty());
- QCOMPARE(s.isNull(), expected.isNull());
+ QCOMPARE(str, expected);
+ QCOMPARE(str.isEmpty(), expected.isEmpty());
+ QCOMPARE(str.isNull(), expected.isNull());
+ // Test when the string is not shared
+ str = s;
+ str.detach();
+ Arg<ArgType>(arg).apply1(str, mf, a1);
+ QCOMPARE(str, expected);
+ QCOMPARE(str.isEmpty(), expected.isEmpty());
+ // A detached string is not null
+ // QCOMPARE(str.isNull(), expected.isNull());
class tst_QString : public QObject
@@ -2870,43 +2881,127 @@ void tst_QString::insert_data(DataOptions options)
void tst_QString::insert_special_cases()
QString a;
+ QString dummy_share;
- a = "Ys";
- QCOMPARE(a.insert(1,'e'), QString("Yes"));
- QCOMPARE(a.insert(3,'!'), QString("Yes!"));
- QCOMPARE(a.insert(5,'?'), QString("Yes! ?"));
- QCOMPARE(a.insert(-1,'a'), QString("Yes! a?"));
+ {
+ // Test when string is not shared
+ a = "Ys";
+ QCOMPARE(a.insert(1,'e'), QString("Yes"));
+ QCOMPARE(a.insert(3,'!'), QString("Yes!"));
+ QCOMPARE(a.insert(5,'?'), QString("Yes! ?"));
+ QCOMPARE(a.insert(-1,'a'), QString("Yes! a?"));
+ }
+ {
+ // Test when string is shared
+ a = "Ys";
+ dummy_share = a;
+ QCOMPARE(a.insert(1,'e'), QString("Yes"));
+ dummy_share = a;
+ QCOMPARE(a.insert(3,'!'), QString("Yes!"));
+ dummy_share = a;
+ QCOMPARE(a.insert(5,'?'), QString("Yes! ?"));
+ dummy_share = a;
+ QCOMPARE(a.insert(-1,'a'), QString("Yes! a?"));
+ }
a = "ABC";
- QCOMPARE(a.insert(5,"DEF"), QString("ABC DEF"));
+ dummy_share = a;
+ QCOMPARE(dummy_share.insert(5,"DEF"), QString("ABC DEF")); // Shared
+ QCOMPARE(a.insert(5,"DEF"), QString("ABC DEF")); // Not shared after dummy_shared.insert()
- a = "ABC";
- QCOMPARE(a.insert(2, QString()), QString("ABC"));
- QCOMPARE(a.insert(0,"ABC"), QString("ABCABC"));
- QCOMPARE(a, QString("ABCABC"));
- QCOMPARE(a.insert(0,a), QString("ABCABCABCABC"));
+ {
+ // Test when string is not shared
+ a = "ABC";
+ QCOMPARE(a.insert(2, QString()), QString("ABC"));
+ QCOMPARE(a.insert(0,"ABC"), QString("ABCABC"));
+ QCOMPARE(a, QString("ABCABC"));
+ QCOMPARE(a.insert(0,a), QString("ABCABCABCABC"));
- QCOMPARE(a.insert(0,'<'), QString("<ABCABCABCABC"));
- QCOMPARE(a.insert(1,'>'), QString("<>ABCABCABCABC"));
+ QCOMPARE(a.insert(0,'<'), QString("<ABCABCABCABC"));
+ QCOMPARE(a.insert(1,'>'), QString("<>ABCABCABCABC"));
+ }
+ {
+ // Test when string is shared
+ a = "ABC";
+ dummy_share = a;
+ QCOMPARE(a.insert(2, QString()), QString("ABC"));
+ dummy_share = a;
+ QCOMPARE(a.insert(0,"ABC"), QString("ABCABC"));
+ dummy_share = a;
+ QCOMPARE(a, QString("ABCABC"));
+ dummy_share = a;
+ QCOMPARE(a.insert(0,a), QString("ABCABCABCABC"));
+ dummy_share = a;
+ QCOMPARE(a.insert(0,'<'), QString("<ABCABCABCABC"));
+ dummy_share = a;
+ QCOMPARE(a.insert(1,'>'), QString("<>ABCABCABCABC"));
+ }
- a = "Meal";
const QString montreal = QStringLiteral("Montreal");
- QCOMPARE(a.insert(1, QLatin1String("ontr")), montreal);
- QCOMPARE(a.insert(4, ""), montreal);
- QCOMPARE(a.insert(3, QLatin1String("")), montreal);
- QCOMPARE(a.insert(3, QLatin1String(nullptr)), montreal);
- QCOMPARE(a.insert(3, static_cast<const char *>(0)), montreal);
- QCOMPARE(a.insert(0, QLatin1String("a")), QLatin1String("aMontreal"));
- a = "Mont";
- QCOMPARE(a.insert(a.size(), QLatin1String("real")), montreal);
- QCOMPARE(a.insert(a.size() + 1, QLatin1String("ABC")), QString("Montreal ABC"));
- a = "AEF";
- QCOMPARE(a.insert(1, QLatin1String("BCD")), QString("ABCDEF"));
- QCOMPARE(a.insert(3, QLatin1String("-")), QString("ABC-DEF"));
- QCOMPARE(a.insert(a.size() + 1, QLatin1String("XYZ")), QString("ABC-DEF XYZ"));
+ {
+ // Test when string is not shared
+ a = "Meal";
+ QCOMPARE(a.insert(1, QLatin1String("ontr")), montreal);
+ QCOMPARE(a.insert(4, ""), montreal);
+ QCOMPARE(a.insert(3, QLatin1String("")), montreal);
+ QCOMPARE(a.insert(3, QLatin1String(nullptr)), montreal);
+ QCOMPARE(a.insert(3, static_cast<const char *>(0)), montreal);
+ QCOMPARE(a.insert(0, QLatin1String("a")), QLatin1String("aMontreal"));
+ }
+ {
+ // Test when string is shared
+ a = "Meal";
+ dummy_share = a;
+ QCOMPARE(a.insert(1, QLatin1String("ontr")), montreal);
+ dummy_share = a;
+ QCOMPARE(a.insert(4, ""), montreal);
+ dummy_share = a;
+ QCOMPARE(a.insert(3, QLatin1String("")), montreal);
+ dummy_share = a;
+ QCOMPARE(a.insert(3, QLatin1String(nullptr)), montreal);
+ dummy_share = a;
+ QCOMPARE(a.insert(3, static_cast<const char *>(0)), montreal);
+ dummy_share = a;
+ QCOMPARE(a.insert(0, QLatin1String("a")), QLatin1String("aMontreal"));
+ }
+ {
+ // Test when string is not shared
+ a = "Mont";
+ QCOMPARE(a.insert(a.size(), QLatin1String("real")), montreal);
+ QCOMPARE(a.insert(a.size() + 1, QLatin1String("ABC")), QString("Montreal ABC"));
+ }
+ {
+ // Test when string is shared
+ a = "Mont";
+ dummy_share = a;
+ QCOMPARE(a.insert(a.size(), QLatin1String("real")), montreal);
+ dummy_share = a;
+ QCOMPARE(a.insert(a.size() + 1, QLatin1String("ABC")), QString("Montreal ABC"));
+ }
+ {
+ // Test when string is not shared
+ a = "AEF";
+ QCOMPARE(a.insert(1, QLatin1String("BCD")), QString("ABCDEF"));
+ QCOMPARE(a.insert(3, QLatin1String("-")), QString("ABC-DEF"));
+ QCOMPARE(a.insert(a.size() + 1, QLatin1String("XYZ")), QString("ABC-DEF XYZ"));
+ }
+ {
+ // Test when string is shared
+ a = "AEF";
+ dummy_share = a ;
+ QCOMPARE(a.insert(1, QLatin1String("BCD")), QString("ABCDEF"));
+ dummy_share = a ;
+ QCOMPARE(a.insert(3, QLatin1String("-")), QString("ABC-DEF"));
+ dummy_share = a ;
+ QCOMPARE(a.insert(a.size() + 1, QLatin1String("XYZ")), QString("ABC-DEF XYZ"));
+ }
a = "one";
@@ -2914,6 +3009,12 @@ void tst_QString::insert_special_cases()
QString b(a.data_ptr()->freeSpaceAtEnd(), u'b');
QCOMPARE(a.insert(a.size() + 1, QLatin1String(b.toLatin1())), QString("aone ") + b);
+ {
+ a = "one";
+ a.prepend(u'a');
+ QString b(a.data_ptr()->freeSpaceAtEnd(), u'b');
+ QCOMPARE(a.insert(a.size() + 1, b), QString("aone ") + b);
+ }
a = "onetwothree";
@@ -2922,14 +3023,6 @@ void tst_QString::insert_special_cases()
QString b(a.data_ptr()->freeSpaceAtEnd() + 1, u'b');
QCOMPARE(a.insert(a.size() + 1, QLatin1String(b.toLatin1())), QString("e ") + b);
- {
- a = "one";
- a.prepend(u'a');
- QString b(a.data_ptr()->freeSpaceAtEnd(), u'b');
- QCOMPARE(a.insert(a.size() + 1, b), QString("aone ") + b);
- }
a = "onetwothree";
while (a.size() - 1)