path: root/examples/quick/animation/behaviors
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Diffstat (limited to 'examples/quick/animation/behaviors')
2 files changed, 64 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/examples/quick/animation/behaviors/tvtennis.qml b/examples/quick/animation/behaviors/tvtennis.qml
index 0b8ba15ad7..4a55448ad7 100644
--- a/examples/quick/animation/behaviors/tvtennis.qml
+++ b/examples/quick/animation/behaviors/tvtennis.qml
@@ -8,30 +8,67 @@ Rectangle {
width: 320; height: 480;
color: "#1e1b18"
+ state: "right"
+ states: [
+ State {
+ name: "left"
+ PropertyChanges {
+ leftBat {
+ y: (ball.y + ball.height / 2) - leftBat.height / 2
+ }
+ rightBat {
+ y: page.height / 2 - rightBat.height / 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ State {
+ name: "right"
+ PropertyChanges {
+ rightBat {
+ y: (ball.y + ball.height / 2) - rightBat.height / 2
+ }
+ leftBat {
+ y: page.height / 2 - leftBat.height / 2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ transitions: [
+ Transition {
+ from: "left"; to: "right"
+ NumberAnimation { property: "y"; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad; duration: 200}
+ },
+ Transition {
+ from: "right"; to: "left"
+ NumberAnimation { property: "y"; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad; duration: 200}
+ }
+ ]
// Make a ball to bounce
Rectangle {
id: ball
- // Add a property for the target y coordinate
- property variant direction : "right"
- x: 20; width: 20; height: 20; z: 1
+ width: 20
+ height: 20
+ z: 1
color: "#80c342"
// Move the ball to the right and back to the left repeatedly
SequentialAnimation on x {
loops: Animation.Infinite
NumberAnimation { to: page.width - 40; duration: 2000 }
- PropertyAction { target: ball; property: "direction"; value: "left" }
+ PropertyAction { target: page; property: "state"; value: "left" }
NumberAnimation { to: 20; duration: 2000 }
- PropertyAction { target: ball; property: "direction"; value: "right" }
+ PropertyAction { target: page; property: "state"; value: "right" }
// Make y move with a velocity of 200
- Behavior on y { SpringAnimation{ velocity: 200; }
+ Behavior on y {
+ SpringAnimation { velocity: 200; }
- Component.onCompleted: y = page.height-10; // start the ball motion
+ Component.onCompleted: y = page.height - 10; // start the ball motion
// Detect the ball hitting the top or bottom of the view and bounce it
onYChanged: {
@@ -48,31 +85,27 @@ Rectangle {
Rectangle {
id: leftBat
color: "#328930"
- x: 2; width: 20; height: 90
- // ![0]
- y: ball.direction == 'left' ? ball.y - 45 : page.height/2 -45;
- Behavior on y { SpringAnimation{ velocity: 300 } }
- // ![0]
+ width: 20; height: 90
+ x: 2;
Rectangle {
id: rightBat
color: "#328930"
- x: page.width - 22; width: 20; height: 90
- y: ball.direction == 'right' ? ball.y - 45 : page.height/2 -45;
- Behavior on y { SpringAnimation{ velocity: 300 } }
+ width: 20; height: 90
+ x: page.width - width - 2
// The rest, to make it look realistic, if neither ever scores...
- Rectangle { color: "#328930"; x: page.width/2-80; y: 0; width: 40; height: 60 }
- Rectangle { color: "#1e1b18"; x: page.width/2-70; y: 10; width: 20; height: 40 }
- Rectangle { color: "#328930"; x: page.width/2+40; y: 0; width: 40; height: 60 }
- Rectangle { color: "#1e1b18"; x: page.width/2+50; y: 10; width: 20; height: 40 }
+ Rectangle { color: "#328930"; x: page.width / 2 - 80; y: 0; width: 40; height: 60 }
+ Rectangle { color: "#1e1b18"; x: page.width / 2 - 70; y: 10; width: 20; height: 40 }
+ Rectangle { color: "#328930"; x: page.width / 2 + 40; y: 0; width: 40; height: 60 }
+ Rectangle { color: "#1e1b18"; x: page.width / 2 + 50; y: 10; width: 20; height: 40 }
Repeater {
model: page.height / 20
- Rectangle {
+ delegate: Rectangle {
required property int index
color: "#328930"
- x: page.width / 2 - 5
+ x: parent.width / 2 - 5
y: index * 20
width: 10
height: 10
diff --git a/examples/quick/animation/behaviors/wigglytext.qml b/examples/quick/animation/behaviors/wigglytext.qml
index 712078866d..1b987f6391 100644
--- a/examples/quick/animation/behaviors/wigglytext.qml
+++ b/examples/quick/animation/behaviors/wigglytext.qml
@@ -4,26 +4,28 @@
import QtQml
import QtQuick
+pragma ComponentBehavior: Bound
Rectangle {
id: container
- property string text: "Drag me!"
+ property string text: qsTr("Drag me!")
property bool animated: true
width: 320; height: 480; color: "#474747"; focus: true
Keys.onPressed: (event) => {
- if (event.key == Qt.Key_Delete || event.key == Qt.Key_Backspace)
+ if (event.key === Qt.Key_Delete || event.key === Qt.Key_Backspace)
- else if (event.text != "") {
+ else if (event.text !== "") {
function append(text) {
container.animated = false
- var lastLetter = container.children[container.children.length - 1]
- var newLetter = letterComponent.createObject(container)
+ const lastLetter = container.children[container.children.length - 1]
+ let newLetter = letterComponent.createObject(container)
newLetter.text = text
newLetter.follow = lastLetter
container.animated = true
@@ -36,8 +38,8 @@ Rectangle {
function doLayout() {
var follow = null
- for (var i = 0; i < container.text.length; ++i) {
- var newLetter = letterComponent.createObject(container)
+ for (let i = 0; i < container.text.length; ++i) {
+ let newLetter = letterComponent.createObject(container)
newLetter.text = container.text[i]
newLetter.follow = follow
follow = newLetter