path: root/build/qmake
diff options
authorJocelyn Turcotte <>2013-11-19 17:55:49 +0100
committerThe Qt Project <>2013-11-28 16:15:59 +0100
commitfd61d752e313bf91a09c85020b3fb50067c610c8 (patch)
tree5aeff0a1039acc3e7bf7ced21870cac42d491f9e /build/qmake
parent84a400e80d7e40aba2853411fdfb22f244c3e728 (diff)
Moving sources to src part 1: Move files.
This only move files without adjusting any paths. This moves: - lib/quick -> src/webengine/api (API files) lib/quick -> src/webengine (other files) This contains the main QtWebEngine module library since <ec7b2ee70a8b2db7fb87f50671a001ddd54697b0>. - lib/widgets -> src/webenginewidgets Also rename this directory to match its module name and rename Api to api. - lib -> src/core - process -> src/process - resources -> src/core/resources - tools/* -> tools/scripts/ The build directory is spread as follow: - build/ -> src/core/ - build/qmake_extras/* -> src/core/ (for the host and target .pro files) - build/qmake -> tools/qmake - Build related scripts -> tools/buildscripts Change-Id: I0cded1de772c99c0c1da6536c9afea353236b4a1 Reviewed-by: Zeno Albisser <> Reviewed-by: Pierre Rossi <> Reviewed-by: Andras Becsi <>
Diffstat (limited to 'build/qmake')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 348 deletions
diff --git a/build/qmake/mkspecs/features/default_pre.prf b/build/qmake/mkspecs/features/default_pre.prf
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e751b740..000000000
--- a/build/qmake/mkspecs/features/default_pre.prf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-# Resolve root directories for sources
-QTWEBENGINE_ROOT = $$replace(PWD, /build/qmake/mkspecs/features$,)
-git_chromium_src_dir = $$system("git config qtwebengine.chromiumsrcdir")
-# Fall back to the snapshot path if git does not know about chromium sources (i.e. has not been used)
-isEmpty(git_chromium_src_dir): git_chromium_src_dir = "3rdparty/chromium"
-CHROMIUM_SRC_DIR = $$absolute_path("$$QTWEBENGINE_ROOT/$$git_chromium_src_dir")
-# Tweaks that shouldn't affect our examples
-!contains(_PRO_FILE_PWD_, $$QTWEBENGINE_ROOT/examples) {
- # Used for our export macros
- # We have to disable RTTI for now since that's how chromium builds on linux
- unix:QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -fno-rtti
-# Location of sync.profile
-# Call the original default_pre.
diff --git a/build/qmake/mkspecs/features/functions.prf b/build/qmake/mkspecs/features/functions.prf
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d90d67bd..000000000
--- a/build/qmake/mkspecs/features/functions.prf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-# Map to the correct target type for gyp
-defineReplace(toGypTargetType) {
- equals(TEMPLATE, "app"):return("executable")
- equals(TEMPLATE, "lib") {
- CONFIG(static): return("static_library")
- return("shared_library")
- }
- return("none")
-defineReplace(getOutDir) {
- # FIXME: rely on env variable in here and in the gyp_qtwebengine script, à la WEBKITOUTPUTDIR
- return("$$QTWEBENGINE_ROOT/out")
-defineReplace(getConfigDir) {
- CONFIG(release, debug|release):return("Release")
- return("Debug")
-defineReplace(extractCFlag) {
- OPTION = $$find(QMAKE_CFLAGS, $$1)
- OPTION = $$split(OPTION, =)
- return ($$member(OPTION, 1))
-defineReplace(findMocables) {
- input = $$1
- for (file, input): \
- infiles += $$absolute_path($$file, $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_)
- mocables = $$system("python $$QTWEBENGINE_ROOT/build/scripts/find-mocables $$infiles")
- mocables = $$replace(mocables, $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_$${QMAKE_DIR_SEP}, '')
- return($$mocables)
-defineReplace(findIncludedMocFiles) {
- input = $$1
- for (file, input): \
- infiles += $$absolute_path($$file, $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_)
- return($$system("python $$QTWEBENGINE_ROOT/build/scripts/find-included-moc-files $$infiles"))
-defineReplace(mocOutput) {
- out = $$1
- # The order is important, since the output of the second replace would end up accidentaly transformed by the first one
- out = $$replace(out, ^(.*)($$join(QMAKE_EXT_CPP,|)), $${QMAKE_CPP_MOD_MOC}\\1$${QMAKE_EXT_CPP_MOC})
- out = $$replace(out, ^(.*)($$join(QMAKE_EXT_H,|)), $${QMAKE_H_MOD_MOC}\\1$${first(QMAKE_EXT_CPP)})
- return($$out)
-defineReplace(rccOutput) {
- out = $$1
- out = $$replace(out, .qrc, .cpp)
- out = $$join(out, qrc_, qrc_)
- return($$out)
-defineReplace(rccExternFunc) {
- out = $$1
- out = $$replace(out, .qrc, )
- return($$out)
-defineReplace(which) {
- out = $$1
- win32 {
- command = $$split(out, " ")
- executable = $$first(command)
- # Return the first match only
- out = $$system("((for /f \"usebackq delims=\" %i in (`where $$executable 2^> NUL`) do @if not defined _endwhich (@echo %i & set _endwhich=true)) & set _endwhich=)")
- isEmpty(out) {
- message($$executable not found)
- out = $$executable
- }
- for(arg, command): !equals(arg, $$executable): out += $$arg
- } else:unix {
- command = $$split(out, " ")
- executable = $$first(command)
- out = $$system("which $$executable 2>/dev/null")
- isEmpty(out) {
- message($$executable not found)
- out = $$executable
- }
- for(arg, command): !equals(arg, $$executable): out += $$arg
- }
- return($$out)
-defineReplace(findOrBuildNinja) {
- out = $$which(ninja)
- # Try to be smart about it if we know where the chromium sources are located
- !exists($$out) {
- git_chromium_src_dir = $$system("git config qtwebengine.chromiumsrcdir")
- # Fall back to the snapshot path if git does not know about chromium sources (i.e. has not been used)
- isEmpty(git_chromium_src_dir): git_chromium_src_dir = "3rdparty/chromium"
- win32: out = $$system_path($$absolute_path("$$QTWEBENGINE_ROOT/$$git_chromium_src_dir/../ninja/ninja.exe"))
- else: out = $$absolute_path("$$QTWEBENGINE_ROOT/$$git_chromium_src_dir/../ninja/ninja")
- # If we still did not find ninja, then we bootstrap it.
- !exists($$out) {
- message("bootstrapping ninja...")
- ninjadir = $$dirname(out)
- system("python $$ninjadir/")
- }
- }
- message("using $$out")
- cache(CACHED_NINJA_EXECUTABLE, set, out)
- return($$out)
diff --git a/build/qmake/mkspecs/features/gyp_generator.prf b/build/qmake/mkspecs/features/gyp_generator.prf
deleted file mode 100644
index d15b864c9..000000000
--- a/build/qmake/mkspecs/features/gyp_generator.prf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-# This file is loaded after the dummy .pro and all the default_post ran.
-# This is the right point to extract the variables we're interested in and generate
-# the .gyp file that we'll use later on when running gyp
-defineReplace(mocAction) {
- INPUT_FILE = $$1
- OUTPUT_NAME = $$mocOutput($$INPUT_FILE)
- DEFINES_LIST = $$join(DEFINES, " -D", -D)
- INCPATH = $$join(INCLUDEPATH, " -I", -I)
- MOC_COMMAND = $$mocCmdBase()
- MOC_COMMAND = $$replace(MOC_COMMAND, $$re_escape("$(DEFINES)"), $$DEFINES_LIST)
- MOC_COMMAND = $$replace(MOC_COMMAND, $$re_escape("$(INCPATH)"), $$INCPATH)
- MOC_COMMAND = $$split(MOC_COMMAND, " ")
- contents = " {" \
- " 'action_name':'$$OUTPUT_NAME'," \
- " 'inputs': ['$$INPUT_FILE',]," \
- " 'outputs': ['$$OUTPUT_FILE',]," \
- " 'action': ["
- for(token, MOC_COMMAND): contents += " '$$token',"
- contents += " '$$INPUT_FILE'," \
- " '-o'," \
- " '$$OUTPUT_FILE'," \
- " ]," \
- " },"
- return($$contents)
-defineReplace(rccAction) {
- win32-*: QMAKE_RCC ~= s,\\\\,/,g
- INPUT_FILE = $$1
- OUTPUT_NAME = $$rccOutput($$INPUT_FILE)
- EXTERN_FUNC = $$rccExternFunc($$INPUT_FILE)
- contents = " {" \
- " 'action_name':'$$OUTPUT_NAME'," \
- " 'inputs': ['$$INPUT_FILE',]," \
- " 'outputs': ['$$OUTPUT_FILE',]," \
- " 'action': [" \
- " '$$QMAKE_RCC',"
- for(resource_flag, $$QMAKE_RESOURCE_FLAGS): contents += " '$$resource_flag',"
- contents += " '-name'," \
- " '$$EXTERN_FUNC'," \
- " '$$INPUT_FILE'," \
- " '-o'," \
- " '$$OUTPUT_FILE',"
- contents += " ]," \
- " },"
- return($$contents)
-GYPI_FILE = $$replace(_PRO_FILE_, .pro$, .gyp)
-TARGET_TYPE = $$toGypTargetType()
-MOCABLE_HEADERS = $$findMocables($$HEADERS)
-INCLUDED_MOC_FILES = $$findIncludedMocFiles($$SOURCES)
- " 'targets': [" \
- " {" \
- " 'target_name': '$$TARGET'," \
- " 'type': '$$TARGET_TYPE',"
-!isEmpty(GYPINCLUDES) {
-GYP_CONTENTS += " 'includes': ["
-for (incl, GYPINCLUDES): GYP_CONTENTS += " '$$incl',"
-GYP_CONTENTS += " ],"
-# Split LIBS into linker flags and actual libraries, and add them to the
-# appropriate section (ldflags vs link_settings: libraries) in the gyp file.
-LIBRARIES = $$find(LIBS, "-l")
-for (library, LIBRARIES): LIBS -= "$$library"
-GYP_CONTENTS += " 'ldflags': ["
-for (lib, LIBS): GYP_CONTENTS += " '$$lib',"
-for (rpath, QMAKE_RPATHDIR): GYP_CONTENTS += " '$$QMAKE_RPATH$$rpath',"
-GYP_CONTENTS += " ],"
-!isEmpty(QMAKE_CFLAGS) {
- GYP_CONTENTS += " 'cflags': ["
- for(flag, QMAKE_CFLAGS): GYP_CONTENTS += " '$$flag',"
- GYP_CONTENTS += " ],"
- GYP_CONTENTS += " 'cflags_cc': ["
- for(flag, QMAKE_CXXFLAGS): GYP_CONTENTS += " '$$flag',"
- GYP_CONTENTS += " ],"
-GYP_CONTENTS += " 'link_settings': {" \
- " 'libraries': ["
-for (library, LIBRARIES): GYP_CONTENTS += " '$$library',"
-macx {
- FRAMEWORKS = $$find(LIBS, "Q*")
- FRAMEWORKS ~= s/-.*/
- FRAMEWORKS -= "-framework"
- for (framework, FRAMEWORKS): {
- framework_name = $$join(framework, "", "", ".framework")
- GYP_CONTENTS += " '$$framework_name',"
- }
- FRAMEWORK_PATHS = $$find(LIBS, "-F*")
- FRAMEWORK_PATHS -= "-framework"
- for (framework_path, FRAMEWORK_PATHS): GYP_CONTENTS += " '$$framework_path',"
-GYP_CONTENTS += " ]," \
- " },"
- GYP_CONTENTS += " 'dependencies': ["
- for (dep, GYPDEPENDENCIES): GYP_CONTENTS += " '$$dep',"
- GYP_CONTENTS += " ],"
-!isEmpty(DEFINES) {
- GYP_CONTENTS += " 'defines': ["
- for (define, DEFINES): GYP_CONTENTS += " '$$define',"
- GYP_CONTENTS += " ],"
- GYP_CONTENTS += " 'configurations': {"\
- " 'Release': {" \
- " 'defines': ["
- for (define, PER_CONFIG_DEFINES): GYP_CONTENTS += " '$$replace(define,%config,Release)',"
- GYP_CONTENTS += " ]," \
- " }," \
- " 'Debug': {" \
- " 'defines': ["
- for (define, PER_CONFIG_DEFINES): GYP_CONTENTS += " '$$replace(define,%config,Debug)',"
- GYP_CONTENTS += " ]," \
- " }," \
- " },"
- GYP_CONTENTS += " 'xcode_settings': {" \
- " },"
-# Source files to compile
-GYP_CONTENTS += " 'sources': ["
-for (sourcefile, SOURCES): GYP_CONTENTS += " '$$sourcefile',"
-for (headerfile, HEADERS): GYP_CONTENTS += " '$$headerfile',"
-# Add Sources generated by rcc from qrc files.
-for (resourcefile, RESOURCES) {
- RCC_CPP = $$replace(resourcefile, .qrc, .cpp)
- RCC_CPP = $$join(RCC_CPP, "qrc_", qrc_)
- RCC_CPP = $$absolute_path($$RCC_DIR, $$OUT_PWD)$${QMAKE_DIR_SEP}$${RCC_CPP}
-# Add moc output files to compile that aren't included at the end of any other source
-MOC_OUT_PATH = $$absolute_path($$MOC_DIR, $$OUT_PWD)$${QMAKE_DIR_SEP}
-for (mocable_header, MOCABLE_HEADERS) {
- !contains(INCLUDED_MOC_FILES, $$mocOutput($$mocable_header)) {
- GYP_CONTENTS += " '$$MOC_OUT_PATH$$mocOutput($$mocable_header)',"
- }
-GYP_CONTENTS += " ],"
-!isEmpty(INCLUDEPATH) {
- GYP_CONTENTS += " 'include_dirs': ["
- for (path, INCLUDEPATH): GYP_CONTENTS += " '$$path',"
- GYP_CONTENTS += " ],"
-# Some needed files (like devtools_resources.pak) are both _generated_ as part of the build process and are _needed_ as part of the build process.
-!isEmpty(COPY_FILES) {
- GYP_CONTENTS += " 'copies': ["
- for (index, 0..$$size(COPY_FILES)) {
- copyFile = $$member(COPY_FILES, $$index)
- !isEmpty(copyFile) {
- copyDestination = $$member(COPY_DESTINATIONS, $$index)
- GYP_CONTENTS += " {'destination': '$$copyDestination', 'files': ['$$copyFile']},"
- }
- }
- GYP_CONTENTS += " ],"
-# Generate the actions for moc, copy
-GYP_CONTENTS += " 'actions': ["
-for(resourcefile, RESOURCES): GYP_CONTENTS += $$rccAction($$resourcefile)
-for(header, MOCABLE_HEADERS): GYP_CONTENTS += $$mocAction($$header)
-GYP_CONTENTS += " ]," \
- " },"
-GYP_CONTENTS += " ]," \
- "}"
-!build_pass: write_file($$GYPI_FILE, GYP_CONTENTS)
-# Overwriting the generated gyp file seems like a good reason to re-gyp
-unix: phony_variable_name_for_qmake_to_be_happy=$$system("touch $$QTWEBENGINE_ROOT/build/")
-# The generated Makefile shouldn't build anything by itself, just re-run qmake if necessary
diff --git a/build/qmake/mkspecs/features/mac/default_post.prf b/build/qmake/mkspecs/features/mac/default_post.prf
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b9fed81b..000000000
--- a/build/qmake/mkspecs/features/mac/default_post.prf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-CONFIG -= build_all