path: root/src/pdf/quick
diff options
authorShawn Rutledge <>2020-02-21 11:38:27 +0100
committerShawn Rutledge <>2020-02-21 11:40:49 +0100
commitd9349a299f66fb154ad24f410451872a7ca253fb (patch)
tree2e8258ef3679707a2a9245c85bc8490251b3e256 /src/pdf/quick
parent50bc8b124705c33c5e27f035b1eab756e14247ba (diff)
parentc0aa9d794378846e4cc0b6fe94f2765bc31cefdd (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/wip/qtpdf' into 5.15v5.15.0-beta1
The feature set is mostly in place (except for some known shortcomings) and we need the merge to build it on iOS. Task-number: QTBUG-69519 Change-Id: Ib1ac82a9a7e0830d98d1c4327a1b15d4d7f4d4c1
Diffstat (limited to 'src/pdf/quick')
16 files changed, 2070 insertions, 109 deletions
diff --git a/src/pdf/quick/plugin.cpp b/src/pdf/quick/plugin.cpp
index 664ba51ab..bb68a817e 100644
--- a/src/pdf/quick/plugin.cpp
+++ b/src/pdf/quick/plugin.cpp
@@ -39,7 +39,10 @@
#include <QtQml/qqmlengine.h>
#include <QtQml/qqmlextensionplugin.h>
#include "qquickpdfdocument_p.h"
+#include "qquickpdflinkmodel_p.h"
+#include "qquickpdfnavigationstack_p.h"
#include "qquickpdfsearchmodel_p.h"
+#include "qquickpdfselection_p.h"
@@ -80,9 +83,14 @@ public:
qmlRegisterModule(uri, 2, QT_VERSION_MINOR);
qmlRegisterType<QQuickPdfDocument>(uri, 5, 15, "PdfDocument");
+ qmlRegisterType<QQuickPdfLinkModel>(uri, 5, 15, "PdfLinkModel");
+ qmlRegisterType<QQuickPdfNavigationStack>(uri, 5, 15, "PdfNavigationStack");
qmlRegisterType<QQuickPdfSearchModel>(uri, 5, 15, "PdfSearchModel");
+ qmlRegisterType<QQuickPdfSelection>(uri, 5, 15, "PdfSelection");
qmlRegisterType(QUrl("qrc:/"), uri, 5, 15, "PdfPageView");
+ qmlRegisterType(QUrl("qrc:/"), uri, 5, 15, "PdfMultiPageView");
+ qmlRegisterType(QUrl("qrc:/"), uri, 5, 15, "PdfScrollablePageView");
diff --git a/src/pdf/quick/qml/PdfMultiPageView.qml b/src/pdf/quick/qml/PdfMultiPageView.qml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e8eccaf3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pdf/quick/qml/PdfMultiPageView.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the examples of the Qt Toolkit.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
+** and conditions see For further
+** information use the contact form at
+** BSD License Usage
+** Alternatively, you may use this file under the terms of the BSD license
+** as follows:
+** "Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+** met:
+** * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+** * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
+** the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+** distribution.
+** * Neither the name of The Qt Company Ltd nor the names of its
+** contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+** from this software without specific prior written permission.
+import QtQuick 2.14
+import QtQuick.Controls 2.14
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.14
+import QtQuick.Pdf 5.15
+import QtQuick.Shapes 1.14
+import QtQuick.Window 2.14
+Item {
+ // public API
+ // TODO 5.15: required property
+ property var document: undefined
+ property bool debug: false
+ property string selectedText
+ function copySelectionToClipboard() {
+ var currentItem = tableView.itemAtPos(0, tableView.contentY + root.height / 2)
+ if (debug)
+ console.log("currentItem", currentItem, "sel", currentItem.selection.text)
+ if (currentItem !== null)
+ currentItem.selection.copyToClipboard()
+ }
+ // page navigation
+ property alias currentPage: navigationStack.currentPage
+ property alias backEnabled: navigationStack.backAvailable
+ property alias forwardEnabled: navigationStack.forwardAvailable
+ function back() { navigationStack.back() }
+ function forward() { navigationStack.forward() }
+ function goToPage(page) {
+ if (page === navigationStack.currentPage)
+ return
+ goToLocation(page, Qt.point(0, 0), 0)
+ }
+ function goToLocation(page, location, zoom) {
+ if (zoom > 0)
+ root.renderScale = zoom
+ navigationStack.push(page, location, zoom)
+ }
+ // page scaling
+ property real renderScale: 1
+ property real pageRotation: 0
+ function resetScale() { root.renderScale = 1 }
+ function scaleToWidth(width, height) {
+ root.renderScale = width / (tableView.rot90 ? tableView.firstPagePointSize.height : tableView.firstPagePointSize.width)
+ }
+ function scaleToPage(width, height) {
+ var windowAspect = width / height
+ var pageAspect = tableView.firstPagePointSize.width / tableView.firstPagePointSize.height
+ if (tableView.rot90) {
+ if (windowAspect > pageAspect) {
+ root.renderScale = height / tableView.firstPagePointSize.width
+ } else {
+ root.renderScale = width / tableView.firstPagePointSize.height
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (windowAspect > pageAspect) {
+ root.renderScale = height / tableView.firstPagePointSize.height
+ } else {
+ root.renderScale = width / tableView.firstPagePointSize.width
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // text search
+ property alias searchModel: searchModel
+ property alias searchString: searchModel.searchString
+ function searchBack() { --searchModel.currentResult }
+ function searchForward() { ++searchModel.currentResult }
+ id: root
+ TableView {
+ id: tableView
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ model: root.document === undefined ? 0 : root.document.pageCount
+ rowSpacing: 6
+ property real rotationModulus: Math.abs(root.pageRotation % 180)
+ property bool rot90: rotationModulus > 45 && rotationModulus < 135
+ onRot90Changed: forceLayout()
+ property size firstPagePointSize: document === undefined ? Qt.size(0, 0) : document.pagePointSize(0)
+ contentWidth: document === undefined ? 0 : document.maxPageWidth * root.renderScale
+ // workaround for missing function (see
+ function itemAtPos(x, y, includeSpacing) {
+ // we don't care about x (assume col 0), and assume includeSpacing is true
+ var ret = null
+ for (var i = 0; i < contentItem.children.length; ++i) {
+ var child = contentItem.children[i];
+ if (root.debug)
+ console.log(child, "@y", child.y)
+ if (child.y < y && (!ret || child.y > ret.y))
+ ret = child
+ }
+ if (root.debug)
+ console.log("given y", y, "found", ret, "@", ret.y)
+ return ret // the delegate with the largest y that is less than the given y
+ }
+ rowHeightProvider: function(row) { return (rot90 ? document.pagePointSize(row).width : document.pagePointSize(row).height) * root.renderScale }
+ delegate: Rectangle {
+ id: pageHolder
+ color: root.debug ? "beige" : "transparent"
+ Text {
+ visible: root.debug
+ anchors { right: parent.right; verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter }
+ rotation: -90; text: pageHolder.width.toFixed(1) + "x" + pageHolder.height.toFixed(1) + "\n" +
+ image.width.toFixed(1) + "x" + image.height.toFixed(1)
+ }
+ implicitWidth: Math.max(root.width, (tableView.rot90 ? document.maxPageHeight : document.maxPageWidth) * root.renderScale)
+ implicitHeight: tableView.rot90 ? image.width : image.height
+ onImplicitWidthChanged: tableView.forceLayout()
+ objectName: "page " + index
+ property int delegateIndex: row // expose the context property for JS outside of the delegate
+ property alias selection: selection
+ Rectangle {
+ id: paper
+ width: image.width
+ height: image.height
+ rotation: root.pageRotation
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ property size pagePointSize: document.pagePointSize(index)
+ property real pageScale: image.paintedWidth / pagePointSize.width
+ Image {
+ id: image
+ source: document.source
+ currentFrame: index
+ asynchronous: true
+ fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
+ width: paper.pagePointSize.width * root.renderScale
+ height: paper.pagePointSize.height * root.renderScale
+ property real renderScale: root.renderScale
+ property real oldRenderScale: 1
+ onRenderScaleChanged: {
+ image.sourceSize.width = paper.pagePointSize.width * renderScale
+ image.sourceSize.height = 0
+ paper.scale = 1
+ }
+ }
+ Shape {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ opacity: 0.25
+ visible: image.status === Image.Ready
+ ShapePath {
+ strokeWidth: 1
+ strokeColor: "cyan"
+ fillColor: "steelblue"
+ scale: Qt.size(paper.pageScale, paper.pageScale)
+ PathMultiline {
+ paths: searchModel.boundingPolygonsOnPage(index)
+ }
+ }
+ ShapePath {
+ fillColor: "orange"
+ scale: Qt.size(paper.pageScale, paper.pageScale)
+ PathMultiline {
+ id: selectionBoundaries
+ paths: selection.geometry
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Shape {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ opacity: 0.5
+ visible: image.status === Image.Ready && searchModel.currentPage === index
+ ShapePath {
+ strokeWidth: 1
+ strokeColor: "blue"
+ fillColor: "cyan"
+ scale: Qt.size(paper.pageScale, paper.pageScale)
+ PathMultiline {
+ paths: searchModel.currentResultBoundingPolygons
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ PinchHandler {
+ id: pinch
+ minimumScale: 0.1
+ maximumScale: root.renderScale < 4 ? 2 : 1
+ minimumRotation: 0
+ maximumRotation: 0
+ enabled: image.sourceSize.width < 5000
+ onActiveChanged:
+ if (active) {
+ paper.z = 10
+ } else {
+ paper.z = 0
+ var newSourceWidth = image.sourceSize.width * paper.scale
+ var ratio = newSourceWidth / image.sourceSize.width
+ if (ratio > 1.1 || ratio < 0.9) {
+ paper.scale = 1
+ root.renderScale *= ratio
+ }
+ }
+ grabPermissions: PointerHandler.CanTakeOverFromAnything
+ }
+ DragHandler {
+ id: textSelectionDrag
+ acceptedDevices: PointerDevice.Mouse | PointerDevice.Stylus
+ target: null
+ }
+ TapHandler {
+ id: tapHandler
+ acceptedDevices: PointerDevice.Mouse | PointerDevice.Stylus
+ }
+ Repeater {
+ model: PdfLinkModel {
+ id: linkModel
+ document: root.document
+ page: image.currentFrame
+ }
+ delegate: Rectangle {
+ color: "transparent"
+ border.color: "lightgrey"
+ x: rect.x * paper.pageScale
+ y: rect.y * paper.pageScale
+ width: rect.width * paper.pageScale
+ height: rect.height * paper.pageScale
+ MouseArea { // TODO switch to TapHandler / HoverHandler in 5.15
+ id: linkMA
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor
+ hoverEnabled: true
+ onClicked: {
+ if (page >= 0)
+ root.goToLocation(page, location, zoom)
+ else
+ Qt.openUrlExternally(url)
+ }
+ }
+ ToolTip {
+ visible: linkMA.containsMouse
+ delay: 1000
+ text: page >= 0 ?
+ ("page " + (page + 1) +
+ " location " + location.x.toFixed(1) + ", " + location.y.toFixed(1) +
+ " zoom " + zoom) : url
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ PdfSelection {
+ id: selection
+ document: root.document
+ page: image.currentFrame
+ fromPoint: Qt.point(textSelectionDrag.centroid.pressPosition.x / paper.pageScale,
+ textSelectionDrag.centroid.pressPosition.y / paper.pageScale)
+ toPoint: Qt.point(textSelectionDrag.centroid.position.x / paper.pageScale,
+ textSelectionDrag.centroid.position.y / paper.pageScale)
+ hold: ! && !tapHandler.pressed
+ onTextChanged: root.selectedText = text
+ }
+ }
+ ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar {
+ property bool moved: false
+ onPositionChanged: moved = true
+ onActiveChanged: {
+ var currentItem = tableView.itemAtPos(0, tableView.contentY + root.height / 2)
+ var currentPage = currentItem.delegateIndex
+ var currentLocation = Qt.point((tableView.contentX - currentItem.x + root.width / 2) / root.renderScale,
+ (tableView.contentY - currentItem.y + root.height / 2) / root.renderScale)
+ if (active) {
+ moved = false
+ navigationStack.push(currentPage, currentLocation, root.renderScale)
+ } else if (moved) {
+ navigationStack.update(currentPage, currentLocation, root.renderScale)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ScrollBar.horizontal: ScrollBar { }
+ }
+ onRenderScaleChanged: {
+ tableView.forceLayout()
+ var currentItem = tableView.itemAtPos(tableView.contentX + root.width / 2, tableView.contentY + root.height / 2)
+ if (currentItem !== undefined)
+ navigationStack.update(currentItem.delegateIndex, Qt.point(currentItem.x / renderScale, currentItem.y / renderScale), renderScale)
+ }
+ PdfNavigationStack {
+ id: navigationStack
+ onJumped: {
+ root.renderScale = zoom
+ tableView.contentX = Math.max(0, location.x - root.width / 2) * root.renderScale
+ tableView.contentY = tableView.originY + root.document.heightSumBeforePage(page, tableView.rowSpacing / root.renderScale) * root.renderScale
+ if (root.debug) {
+ console.log("going to page", page,
+ "@y", root.document.heightSumBeforePage(page, tableView.rowSpacing / root.renderScale) * root.renderScale,
+ "ended up @", tableView.contentY, "originY is", tableView.originY)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ PdfSearchModel {
+ id: searchModel
+ document: root.document === undefined ? null : root.document
+ onCurrentPageChanged: root.goToPage(currentPage)
+ }
diff --git a/src/pdf/quick/qml/PdfPageView.qml b/src/pdf/quick/qml/PdfPageView.qml
index b7f75f4c2..dfd00a1a8 100644
--- a/src/pdf/quick/qml/PdfPageView.qml
+++ b/src/pdf/quick/qml/PdfPageView.qml
@@ -33,53 +33,147 @@
-import QtQuick 2.15
-import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
+import QtQuick 2.14
+import QtQuick.Controls 2.14
import QtQuick.Pdf 5.15
-import QtQuick.Shapes 1.15
+import QtQuick.Shapes 1.14
+import Qt.labs.animation 1.0
Rectangle {
- id: paper
- width: image.width
- height: image.height
// public API
// TODO 5.15: required property
- property var document: null
+ property var document: undefined
+ property alias status: image.status
+ property alias selectedText: selection.text
+ function copySelectionToClipboard() {
+ selection.copyToClipboard()
+ }
+ // page navigation
+ property alias currentPage: navigationStack.currentPage
+ property alias backEnabled: navigationStack.backAvailable
+ property alias forwardEnabled: navigationStack.forwardAvailable
+ function back() { navigationStack.back() }
+ function forward() { navigationStack.forward() }
+ function goToPage(page) { goToLocation(page, Qt.point(0, 0), 0) }
+ function goToLocation(page, location, zoom) {
+ if (zoom > 0)
+ root.renderScale = zoom
+ navigationStack.push(page, location, zoom)
+ }
+ // page scaling
property real renderScale: 1
property alias sourceSize: image.sourceSize
- property alias currentPage: image.currentFrame
- property alias pageCount: image.frameCount
+ function resetScale() {
+ image.sourceSize.width = 0
+ image.sourceSize.height = 0
+ root.x = 0
+ root.y = 0
+ root.scale = 1
+ }
+ function scaleToWidth(width, height) {
+ var halfRotation = Math.abs(root.rotation % 180)
+ image.sourceSize = Qt.size((halfRotation > 45 && halfRotation < 135) ? height : width, 0)
+ root.x = 0
+ root.y = 0
+ image.centerInSize = Qt.size(width, height)
+ image.centerOnLoad = true
+ image.vCenterOnLoad = (halfRotation > 45 && halfRotation < 135)
+ root.scale = 1
+ }
+ function scaleToPage(width, height) {
+ var windowAspect = width / height
+ var halfRotation = Math.abs(root.rotation % 180)
+ var pagePointSize = document.pagePointSize(navigationStack.currentPage)
+ if (halfRotation > 45 && halfRotation < 135) {
+ // rotated 90 or 270ยบ
+ var pageAspect = pagePointSize.height / pagePointSize.width
+ if (windowAspect > pageAspect) {
+ image.sourceSize = Qt.size(height, 0)
+ } else {
+ image.sourceSize = Qt.size(0, width)
+ }
+ } else {
+ var pageAspect = pagePointSize.width / pagePointSize.height
+ if (windowAspect > pageAspect) {
+ image.sourceSize = Qt.size(0, height)
+ } else {
+ image.sourceSize = Qt.size(width, 0)
+ }
+ }
+ image.centerInSize = Qt.size(width, height)
+ image.centerOnLoad = true
+ image.vCenterOnLoad = true
+ root.scale = 1
+ }
+ // text search
+ property alias searchModel: searchModel
property alias searchString: searchModel.searchString
- property alias status: image.status
+ function searchBack() { --searchModel.currentResult }
+ function searchForward() { ++searchModel.currentResult }
+ // implementation
+ id: root
+ width: image.width
+ height: image.height
- property real __pageScale: image.paintedWidth / document.pagePointSize(image.currentFrame).width
+ PdfSelection {
+ id: selection
+ document: root.document
+ page: navigationStack.currentPage
+ fromPoint: Qt.point(textSelectionDrag.centroid.pressPosition.x / image.pageScale, textSelectionDrag.centroid.pressPosition.y / image.pageScale)
+ toPoint: Qt.point(textSelectionDrag.centroid.position.x / image.pageScale, textSelectionDrag.centroid.position.y / image.pageScale)
+ hold: ! && !tapHandler.pressed
+ }
PdfSearchModel {
id: searchModel
- document: paper.document
- page: image.currentFrame
+ document: root.document === undefined ? null : root.document
+ onCurrentPageChanged: root.goToPage(currentPage)
+ }
+ PdfNavigationStack {
+ id: navigationStack
+ onCurrentPageChanged: searchModel.currentPage = currentPage
+ // TODO onCurrentLocationChanged: position currentLocation.x and .y in middle // currentPageChanged() MUST occur first!
+ onCurrentZoomChanged: root.renderScale = currentZoom
+ // TODO deal with horizontal location (need WheelHandler or Flickable probably)
Image {
id: image
+ currentFrame: navigationStack.currentPage
source: document.status === PdfDocument.Ready ? document.source : ""
asynchronous: true
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
- }
- function reRenderIfNecessary() {
- var newSourceWidth = image.sourceSize.width * paper.scale
- var ratio = newSourceWidth / image.sourceSize.width
- if (ratio > 1.1 || ratio < 0.9) {
- image.sourceSize.width = newSourceWidth
- image.sourceSize.height = 1
- paper.scale = 1
+ property bool centerOnLoad: false
+ property bool vCenterOnLoad: false
+ property size centerInSize
+ property real pageScale: image.paintedWidth / document.pagePointSize(navigationStack.currentPage).width
+ function reRenderIfNecessary() {
+ var newSourceWidth = image.sourceSize.width * root.scale
+ var ratio = newSourceWidth / image.sourceSize.width
+ if (ratio > 1.1 || ratio < 0.9) {
+ image.sourceSize.width = newSourceWidth
+ image.sourceSize.height = 0
+ root.scale = 1
+ }
+ onStatusChanged:
+ if (status == Image.Ready && centerOnLoad) {
+ root.x = (centerInSize.width - image.implicitWidth) / 2
+ root.y = vCenterOnLoad ? (centerInSize.height - image.implicitHeight) / 2 : 0
+ centerOnLoad = false
+ vCenterOnLoad = false
+ }
onRenderScaleChanged: {
- image.sourceSize.width = document.pagePointSize(image.currentFrame).width * renderScale
+ image.sourceSize.width = document.pagePointSize(navigationStack.currentPage).width * renderScale
image.sourceSize.height = 0
- paper.scale = 1
+ root.scale = 1
Shape {
@@ -88,22 +182,64 @@ Rectangle {
visible: image.status === Image.Ready
ShapePath {
strokeWidth: 1
- strokeColor: "blue"
+ strokeColor: "cyan"
+ fillColor: "steelblue"
+ scale: Qt.size(image.pageScale, image.pageScale)
+ PathMultiline {
+ paths: searchModel.currentPageBoundingPolygons
+ }
+ }
+ ShapePath {
+ strokeWidth: 1
+ strokeColor: "orange"
fillColor: "cyan"
- scale: Qt.size(paper.__pageScale, paper.__pageScale)
+ scale: Qt.size(image.pageScale, image.pageScale)
+ PathMultiline {
+ paths: searchModel.currentResultBoundingPolygons
+ }
+ }
+ ShapePath {
+ fillColor: "orange"
+ scale: Qt.size(image.pageScale, image.pageScale)
PathMultiline {
- id: searchResultBoundaries
- paths: searchModel.matchGeometry
+ paths: selection.geometry
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Repeater {
+ model: PdfLinkModel {
+ id: linkModel
+ document: root.document
+ page: navigationStack.currentPage
+ }
+ delegate: Rectangle {
+ color: "transparent"
+ border.color: "lightgrey"
+ x: rect.x * image.pageScale
+ y: rect.y * image.pageScale
+ width: rect.width * image.pageScale
+ height: rect.height * image.pageScale
+ MouseArea { // TODO switch to TapHandler / HoverHandler in 5.15
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor
+ onClicked: {
+ if (page >= 0)
+ navigationStack.push(page, Qt.point(0, 0), root.renderScale)
+ else
+ Qt.openUrlExternally(url)
+ }
PinchHandler {
id: pinch
minimumScale: 0.1
maximumScale: 10
minimumRotation: 0
maximumRotation: 0
- onActiveChanged: if (!active) paper.reRenderIfNecessary()
+ onActiveChanged: if (!active) image.reRenderIfNecessary()
grabPermissions: PinchHandler.TakeOverForbidden // don't allow takeover if pinch has started
DragHandler {
@@ -116,4 +252,22 @@ Rectangle {
acceptedButtons: Qt.MiddleButton
snapMode: DragHandler.NoSnap
+ DragHandler {
+ id: textSelectionDrag
+ acceptedDevices: PointerDevice.Mouse | PointerDevice.Stylus
+ target: null
+ }
+ TapHandler {
+ id: tapHandler
+ acceptedDevices: PointerDevice.Mouse | PointerDevice.Stylus
+ }
+ // prevent it from being scrolled out of view
+ BoundaryRule on x {
+ minimum: 100 - root.width
+ maximum: root.parent.width - 100
+ }
+ BoundaryRule on y {
+ minimum: 100 - root.height
+ maximum: root.parent.height - 100
+ }
diff --git a/src/pdf/quick/qml/PdfScrollablePageView.qml b/src/pdf/quick/qml/PdfScrollablePageView.qml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..55aa44bbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pdf/quick/qml/PdfScrollablePageView.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the QtPDF module of the Qt Toolkit.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
+** and conditions see For further
+** information use the contact form at
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
+** will be met:
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+** General Public License version 2.0 or later as published by the Free
+** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in
+** the packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU General Public License version 2.0 requirements will be
+** met:
+import QtQuick 2.14
+import QtQuick.Controls 2.14
+import QtQuick.Pdf 5.15
+import QtQuick.Shapes 1.14
+import Qt.labs.animation 1.0
+Flickable {
+ // public API
+ // TODO 5.15: required property
+ property var document: undefined
+ property bool debug: false
+ property alias status: image.status
+ property alias selectedText: selection.text
+ function copySelectionToClipboard() {
+ selection.copyToClipboard()
+ }
+ // page navigation
+ property alias currentPage: navigationStack.currentPage
+ property alias backEnabled: navigationStack.backAvailable
+ property alias forwardEnabled: navigationStack.forwardAvailable
+ function back() { navigationStack.back() }
+ function forward() { navigationStack.forward() }
+ function goToPage(page) {
+ if (page === navigationStack.currentPage)
+ return
+ goToLocation(page, Qt.point(0, 0), 0)
+ }
+ function goToLocation(page, location, zoom) {
+ if (zoom > 0)
+ root.renderScale = zoom
+ navigationStack.push(page, location, zoom)
+ }
+ // page scaling
+ property real renderScale: 1
+ property real pageRotation: 0
+ property alias sourceSize: image.sourceSize
+ function resetScale() {
+ paper.scale = 1
+ root.renderScale = 1
+ }
+ function scaleToWidth(width, height) {
+ var pagePointSize = document.pagePointSize(navigationStack.currentPage)
+ root.renderScale = root.width / (paper.rot90 ? pagePointSize.height : pagePointSize.width)
+ if (debug)
+ console.log("scaling", pagePointSize, "to fit", root.width, "rotated?", paper.rot90, "scale", root.renderScale)
+ root.contentX = 0
+ root.contentY = 0
+ }
+ function scaleToPage(width, height) {
+ var pagePointSize = document.pagePointSize(navigationStack.currentPage)
+ root.renderScale = Math.min(
+ root.width / (paper.rot90 ? pagePointSize.height : pagePointSize.width),
+ root.height / (paper.rot90 ? pagePointSize.width : pagePointSize.height) )
+ root.contentX = 0
+ root.contentY = 0
+ }
+ // text search
+ property alias searchModel: searchModel
+ property alias searchString: searchModel.searchString
+ function searchBack() { --searchModel.currentResult }
+ function searchForward() { ++searchModel.currentResult }
+ // implementation
+ id: root
+ contentWidth: paper.width
+ contentHeight: paper.height
+ ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar {
+ onActiveChanged:
+ if (!active ) {
+ var currentLocation = Qt.point((root.contentX + root.width / 2) / root.renderScale,
+ (root.contentY + root.height / 2) / root.renderScale)
+ navigationStack.update(navigationStack.currentPage, currentLocation, root.renderScale)
+ }
+ }
+ ScrollBar.horizontal: ScrollBar {
+ onActiveChanged:
+ if (!active ) {
+ var currentLocation = Qt.point((root.contentX + root.width / 2) / root.renderScale,
+ (root.contentY + root.height / 2) / root.renderScale)
+ navigationStack.update(navigationStack.currentPage, currentLocation, root.renderScale)
+ }
+ }
+ onRenderScaleChanged: {
+ image.sourceSize.width = document.pagePointSize(navigationStack.currentPage).width * renderScale
+ image.sourceSize.height = 0
+ paper.scale = 1
+ var currentLocation = Qt.point((root.contentX + root.width / 2) / root.renderScale,
+ (root.contentY + root.height / 2) / root.renderScale)
+ navigationStack.update(navigationStack.currentPage, currentLocation, root.renderScale)
+ }
+ PdfSelection {
+ id: selection
+ document: root.document
+ page: navigationStack.currentPage
+ fromPoint: Qt.point(textSelectionDrag.centroid.pressPosition.x / image.pageScale,
+ textSelectionDrag.centroid.pressPosition.y / image.pageScale)
+ toPoint: Qt.point(textSelectionDrag.centroid.position.x / image.pageScale,
+ textSelectionDrag.centroid.position.y / image.pageScale)
+ hold: ! && !tapHandler.pressed
+ }
+ PdfSearchModel {
+ id: searchModel
+ document: root.document === undefined ? null : root.document
+ onCurrentPageChanged: root.goToPage(currentPage)
+ }
+ PdfNavigationStack {
+ id: navigationStack
+ onJumped: {
+ root.renderScale = zoom
+ root.contentX = Math.max(0, location.x * root.renderScale - root.width / 2)
+ root.contentY = Math.max(0, location.y * root.renderScale - root.height / 2)
+ if (root.debug)
+ console.log("going to zoom", zoom, "loc", location,
+ "on page", page, "ended up @", root.contentX + ", " + root.contentY)
+ }
+ onCurrentPageChanged: searchModel.currentPage = currentPage
+ }
+ Rectangle {
+ id: paper
+ width: rot90 ? image.height : image.width
+ height: rot90 ? image.width : image.height
+ property real rotationModulus: Math.abs(root.pageRotation % 180)
+ property bool rot90: rotationModulus > 45 && rotationModulus < 135
+ Image {
+ id: image
+ currentFrame: navigationStack.currentPage
+ source: document.status === PdfDocument.Ready ? document.source : ""
+ asynchronous: true
+ fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
+ rotation: root.pageRotation
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ property real pageScale: image.paintedWidth / document.pagePointSize(navigationStack.currentPage).width
+ }
+ Shape {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ opacity: 0.25
+ visible: image.status === Image.Ready
+ ShapePath {
+ strokeWidth: 1
+ strokeColor: "cyan"
+ fillColor: "steelblue"
+ scale: Qt.size(image.pageScale, image.pageScale)
+ PathMultiline {
+ paths: searchModel.currentPageBoundingPolygons
+ }
+ }
+ ShapePath {
+ strokeWidth: 1
+ strokeColor: "orange"
+ fillColor: "cyan"
+ scale: Qt.size(image.pageScale, image.pageScale)
+ PathMultiline {
+ paths: searchModel.currentResultBoundingPolygons
+ }
+ }
+ ShapePath {
+ fillColor: "orange"
+ scale: Qt.size(image.pageScale, image.pageScale)
+ PathMultiline {
+ paths: selection.geometry
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Repeater {
+ model: PdfLinkModel {
+ id: linkModel
+ document: root.document
+ page: navigationStack.currentPage
+ }
+ delegate: Rectangle {
+ color: "transparent"
+ border.color: "lightgrey"
+ x: rect.x * image.pageScale
+ y: rect.y * image.pageScale
+ width: rect.width * image.pageScale
+ height: rect.height * image.pageScale
+ MouseArea { // TODO switch to TapHandler / HoverHandler in 5.15
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor
+ onClicked: {
+ if (page >= 0)
+ navigationStack.push(page, Qt.point(0, 0), root.renderScale)
+ else
+ Qt.openUrlExternally(url)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ PinchHandler {
+ id: pinch
+ minimumScale: 0.1
+ maximumScale: root.renderScale < 4 ? 2 : 1
+ minimumRotation: 0
+ maximumRotation: 0
+ enabled: image.sourceSize.width < 5000
+ onActiveChanged:
+ if (!active) {
+ var newSourceWidth = image.sourceSize.width * paper.scale
+ var ratio = newSourceWidth / image.sourceSize.width
+ if (ratio > 1.1 || ratio < 0.9) {
+ paper.scale = 1
+ root.renderScale *= ratio
+ }
+ // TODO adjust contentX/Y to position the page so the same region is visible
+ paper.x = 0
+ paper.y = 0
+ }
+ grabPermissions: PointerHandler.CanTakeOverFromAnything
+ }
+ DragHandler {
+ id: pageMovingMiddleMouseDrag
+ acceptedDevices: PointerDevice.Mouse | PointerDevice.Stylus
+ acceptedButtons: Qt.MiddleButton
+ snapMode: DragHandler.NoSnap
+ }
+ DragHandler {
+ id: textSelectionDrag
+ acceptedDevices: PointerDevice.Mouse | PointerDevice.Stylus
+ target: null
+ }
+ TapHandler {
+ id: tapHandler
+ acceptedDevices: PointerDevice.Mouse | PointerDevice.Stylus
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/pdf/quick/qquickpdfdocument.cpp b/src/pdf/quick/qquickpdfdocument.cpp
index 73b3d4537..3d5f0fa10 100644
--- a/src/pdf/quick/qquickpdfdocument.cpp
+++ b/src/pdf/quick/qquickpdfdocument.cpp
@@ -43,14 +43,14 @@
- \qmltype Document
+ \qmltype PdfDocument
\instantiates QQuickPdfDocument
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Pdf
\ingroup pdf
\brief A representation of a PDF document.
\since 5.15
- A Document provides access to PDF document meta-information.
+ PdfDocument provides access to PDF document meta-information.
It is not necessary for rendering, as it is enough to use an
\l Image with source set to the URL of the PDF.
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ void QQuickPdfDocument::componentComplete()
- \qmlproperty url Document::source
+ \qmlproperty url PdfDocument::source
This property holds a URL pointing to the PDF file to be loaded.
@@ -90,12 +90,16 @@ void QQuickPdfDocument::setSource(QUrl source)
m_source = source;
+ m_maxPageWidthHeight = QSizeF();
emit sourceChanged();
- m_doc.load(source.path());
+ if (source.scheme() == QLatin1String("qrc"))
+ m_doc.load(QLatin1Char(':') + source.path());
+ else
+ m_doc.load(source.path());
- \qmlproperty string Document::error
+ \qmlproperty string PdfDocument::error
This property holds a translated string representation of the current
error, if any.
@@ -130,7 +134,7 @@ QString QQuickPdfDocument::error() const
- \qmlproperty bool Document::password
+ \qmlproperty bool PdfDocument::password
This property holds the document password. If the passwordRequired()
signal is emitted, the UI should prompt the user and then set this
@@ -146,13 +150,13 @@ void QQuickPdfDocument::setPassword(const QString &password)
- \qmlproperty int Document::pageCount
+ \qmlproperty int PdfDocument::pageCount
This property holds the number of pages the PDF contains.
- \qmlsignal Document::passwordRequired()
+ \qmlsignal PdfDocument::passwordRequired()
This signal is emitted when the PDF requires a password in order to open.
The UI in a typical PDF viewer should prompt the user for the password
@@ -160,7 +164,7 @@ void QQuickPdfDocument::setPassword(const QString &password)
- \qmlmethod size Document::pagePointSize(int page)
+ \qmlmethod size PdfDocument::pagePointSize(int page)
Returns the size of the given \a page in points.
@@ -169,60 +173,125 @@ QSizeF QQuickPdfDocument::pagePointSize(int page) const
return m_doc.pageSize(page);
+qreal QQuickPdfDocument::maxPageWidth() const
+ const_cast<QQuickPdfDocument *>(this)->updateMaxPageSize();
+ return m_maxPageWidthHeight.width();
+qreal QQuickPdfDocument::maxPageHeight() const
+ const_cast<QQuickPdfDocument *>(this)->updateMaxPageSize();
+ return m_maxPageWidthHeight.height();
+ \internal
+ \qmlmethod size PdfDocument::heightSumBeforePage(int page)
+ Returns the sum of the heights, in points, of all sets of \a facingPages
+ pages from 0 to the given \a page, exclusive.
+ That is, if the pages were laid out end-to-end in adjacent sets of
+ \a facingPages, what would be the distance in points from the top of the
+ first page to the top of the given page.
+// Workaround for lack of something analogous to ListView.positionViewAtIndex() in TableView
+qreal QQuickPdfDocument::heightSumBeforePage(int page, qreal spacing, int facingPages) const
+ qreal ret = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < page; i+= facingPages) {
+ if (i + facingPages > page)
+ break;
+ qreal facingPagesHeight = 0;
+ for (int j = i; j < i + facingPages; ++j)
+ facingPagesHeight = qMax(facingPagesHeight, pagePointSize(j).height());
+ ret += facingPagesHeight + spacing;
+ }
+ return ret;
+void QQuickPdfDocument::updateMaxPageSize()
+ if (m_maxPageWidthHeight.isValid())
+ return;
+ qreal w = 0;
+ qreal h = 0;
+ const int count = pageCount();
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ auto size = pagePointSize(i);
+ w = qMax(w, size.width());
+ h = qMax(w, size.height());
+ }
+ m_maxPageWidthHeight = QSizeF(w, h);
+ \qmlproperty real PdfDocument::maxPageWidth
+ This property holds the width of the widest page in the document, in points.
+ \qmlproperty real PdfDocument::maxPageHeight
+ This property holds the height of the tallest page in the document, in points.
- \qmlproperty string Document::title
+ \qmlproperty string PdfDocument::title
This property holds the document's title. A typical viewer UI can bind this
to the \c Window.title property.
- \qmlproperty string Document::author
+ \qmlproperty string PdfDocument::author
This property holds the name of the person who created the document.
- \qmlproperty string Document::subject
+ \qmlproperty string PdfDocument::subject
This property holds the subject of the document.
- \qmlproperty string Document::keywords
+ \qmlproperty string PdfDocument::keywords
This property holds the keywords associated with the document.
- \qmlproperty string Document::creator
+ \qmlproperty string PdfDocument::creator
If the document was converted to PDF from another format, this property
holds the name of the software that created the original document.
- \qmlproperty string Document::producer
+ \qmlproperty string PdfDocument::producer
If the document was converted to PDF from another format, this property
holds the name of the software that converted it to PDF.
- \qmlproperty string Document::creationDate
+ \qmlproperty string PdfDocument::creationDate
This property holds the date and time the document was created.
- \qmlproperty string Document::modificationDate
+ \qmlproperty string PdfDocument::modificationDate
This property holds the date and time the document was most recently
- \qmlproperty enum Document::status
+ \qmlproperty enum PdfDocument::status
This property tells the current status of the document. The possible values are:
diff --git a/src/pdf/quick/qquickpdfdocument_p.h b/src/pdf/quick/qquickpdfdocument_p.h
index 1ec7edb1a..cefa4f756 100644
--- a/src/pdf/quick/qquickpdfdocument_p.h
+++ b/src/pdf/quick/qquickpdfdocument_p.h
@@ -62,6 +62,8 @@ class QQuickPdfDocument : public QObject, public QQmlParserStatus
Q_PROPERTY(QUrl source READ source WRITE setSource NOTIFY sourceChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int pageCount READ pageCount NOTIFY pageCountChanged FINAL)
+ Q_PROPERTY(qreal maxPageWidth READ maxPageWidth NOTIFY metaDataChanged)
+ Q_PROPERTY(qreal maxPageHeight READ maxPageHeight NOTIFY metaDataChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString password READ password WRITE setPassword NOTIFY passwordChanged FINAL)
Q_PROPERTY(QPdfDocument::Status status READ status NOTIFY statusChanged FINAL)
Q_PROPERTY(QString error READ error NOTIFY statusChanged FINAL)
@@ -102,6 +104,9 @@ public:
QDateTime modificationDate() { return m_doc.metaData(QPdfDocument::ModificationDate).toDateTime(); }
Q_INVOKABLE QSizeF pagePointSize(int page) const;
+ qreal maxPageWidth() const;
+ qreal maxPageHeight() const;
+ Q_INVOKABLE qreal heightSumBeforePage(int page, qreal spacing = 0, int facingPages = 1) const;
void sourceChanged();
@@ -113,11 +118,14 @@ Q_SIGNALS:
QPdfDocument &document() { return m_doc; }
+ void updateMaxPageSize();
QUrl m_source;
QPdfDocument m_doc;
+ QSizeF m_maxPageWidthHeight;
+ friend class QQuickPdfLinkModel;
friend class QQuickPdfSearchModel;
friend class QQuickPdfSelection;
diff --git a/src/pdf/quick/qquickpdflinkmodel.cpp b/src/pdf/quick/qquickpdflinkmodel.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f2ff3fd22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pdf/quick/qquickpdflinkmodel.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the QtPDF module of the Qt Toolkit.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
+** and conditions see For further
+** information use the contact form at
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
+** will be met:
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+** General Public License version 2.0 or later as published by the Free
+** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in
+** the packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU General Public License version 2.0 requirements will be
+** met:
+#include "qquickpdflinkmodel_p.h"
+#include <QQuickItem>
+#include <QQmlEngine>
+#include <QStandardPaths>
+#include <private/qguiapplication_p.h>
+ \qmltype PdfLinkModel
+ \instantiates QQuickPdfLinkModel
+ \inqmlmodule QtQuick.Pdf
+ \ingroup pdf
+ \brief A representation of links within a PDF document.
+ \since 5.15
+ PdfLinkModel provides the geometry and the destination for each link
+ that the specified \l page contains.
+ The available model roles are:
+ \value rect
+ Bounding rectangle around the link.
+ \value url
+ If the link is a web link, the URL for that; otherwise an empty URL.
+ \value page
+ If the link is an internal link, the page number to which the link should jump; otherwise \c {-1}.
+ \value location
+ If the link is an internal link, the location on the page to which the link should jump.
+ \value zoom
+ If the link is an internal link, the intended zoom level on the destination page.
+ Normally it will be used with \l {QtQuick::Repeater}{Repeater} to visualize
+ the links and provide the ability to click them:
+ \qml
+ Repeater {
+ model: PdfLinkModel {
+ document: root.document
+ page: image.currentFrame
+ }
+ delegate: Rectangle {
+ color: "transparent"
+ border.color: "lightgrey"
+ x: rect.x
+ y: rect.y
+ width: rect.width
+ height: rect.height
+ HoverHandler { cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor }
+ TapHandler {
+ onTapped: {
+ if (page >= 0)
+ image.currentFrame = page
+ else
+ Qt.openUrlExternally(url)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ \endqml
+ \note General-purpose PDF viewing capabilities are provided by
+ \l PdfScrollablePageView and \l PdfMultiPageView. PdfLinkModel is only needed
+ when building PDF view components from scratch.
+QQuickPdfLinkModel::QQuickPdfLinkModel(QObject *parent)
+ : QPdfLinkModel(parent)
+ \qmlproperty PdfDocument PdfLinkModel::document
+ This property holds the PDF document in which links are to be found.
+QQuickPdfDocument *QQuickPdfLinkModel::document() const
+ return m_quickDocument;
+void QQuickPdfLinkModel::setDocument(QQuickPdfDocument *document)
+ if (document == m_quickDocument)
+ return;
+ m_quickDocument = document;
+ QPdfLinkModel::setDocument(&document->m_doc);
+ \qmlproperty int PdfLinkModel::page
+ This property holds the page number on which links are to be found.
diff --git a/src/pdf/quick/qquickpdflinkmodel_p.h b/src/pdf/quick/qquickpdflinkmodel_p.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..23ad6c8c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pdf/quick/qquickpdflinkmodel_p.h
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the QtPDF module of the Qt Toolkit.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
+** and conditions see For further
+** information use the contact form at
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
+** will be met:
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+** General Public License version 2.0 or later as published by the Free
+** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in
+** the packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU General Public License version 2.0 requirements will be
+** met:
+// W A R N I N G
+// -------------
+// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
+// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
+// version without notice, or even be removed.
+// We mean it.
+#include "qquickpdfdocument_p.h"
+#include "../api/qpdflinkmodel_p.h"
+#include <QVariant>
+#include <QtQml/qqml.h>
+class QQuickPdfLinkModel : public QPdfLinkModel
+ Q_PROPERTY(QQuickPdfDocument *document READ document WRITE setDocument NOTIFY documentChanged)
+ explicit QQuickPdfLinkModel(QObject *parent = nullptr);
+ QQuickPdfDocument *document() const;
+ void setDocument(QQuickPdfDocument *document);
+ void documentChanged();
+ void updateResults();
+ QQuickPdfDocument *m_quickDocument;
+ QVector<QPolygonF> m_linksGeometry;
+ Q_DISABLE_COPY(QQuickPdfLinkModel)
diff --git a/src/pdf/quick/qquickpdfnavigationstack.cpp b/src/pdf/quick/qquickpdfnavigationstack.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7ba317557
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pdf/quick/qquickpdfnavigationstack.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the QtPDF module of the Qt Toolkit.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
+** and conditions see For further
+** information use the contact form at
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
+** will be met:
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+** General Public License version 2.0 or later as published by the Free
+** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in
+** the packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU General Public License version 2.0 requirements will be
+** met:
+#include "qquickpdfnavigationstack_p.h"
+#include <QLoggingCategory>
+Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(qLcNav, "qt.pdf.navigationstack")
+ \qmltype PdfNavigationStack
+ \instantiates QQuickPdfNavigationStack
+ \inqmlmodule QtQuick.Pdf
+ \ingroup pdf
+ \brief History of the destinations visited within a PDF Document.
+ \since 5.15
+ PdfNavigationStack remembers which destinations the user has visited in a PDF
+ document, and provides the ability to traverse backward and forward.
+QQuickPdfNavigationStack::QQuickPdfNavigationStack(QObject *parent)
+ : QObject(parent)
+ push(0, QPointF(), 1);
+ \qmlmethod void PdfNavigationStack::forward()
+ Goes back to the page, location and zoom level that was being viewed before
+ back() was called, and then emits the \l jumped() signal.
+ If a new destination was pushed since the last time \l back() was called,
+ the forward() function does nothing, because there is a branch in the
+ timeline which causes the "future" to be lost.
+void QQuickPdfNavigationStack::forward()
+ if (m_currentHistoryIndex >= m_pageHistory.count() - 1)
+ return;
+ bool backAvailableWas = backAvailable();
+ bool forwardAvailableWas = forwardAvailable();
+ QPointF currentLocationWas = currentLocation();
+ qreal currentZoomWas = currentZoom();
+ ++m_currentHistoryIndex;
+ m_changing = true;
+ emit jumped(currentPage(), currentLocation(), currentZoom());
+ if (currentZoomWas != currentZoom())
+ emit currentZoomChanged();
+ emit currentPageChanged();
+ if (currentLocationWas != currentLocation())
+ emit currentLocationChanged();
+ if (!backAvailableWas)
+ emit backAvailableChanged();
+ if (forwardAvailableWas != forwardAvailable())
+ emit forwardAvailableChanged();
+ m_changing = false;
+ \qmlmethod void PdfNavigationStack::back()
+ Pops the stack, updates the \l currentPage, \l currentLocation and
+ \l currentZoom properties to the most-recently-viewed destination, and then
+ emits the \l jumped() signal.
+void QQuickPdfNavigationStack::back()
+ if (m_currentHistoryIndex <= 0)
+ return;
+ bool backAvailableWas = backAvailable();
+ bool forwardAvailableWas = forwardAvailable();
+ QPointF currentLocationWas = currentLocation();
+ qreal currentZoomWas = currentZoom();
+ --m_currentHistoryIndex;
+ m_changing = true;
+ emit jumped(currentPage(), currentLocation(), currentZoom());
+ if (currentZoomWas != currentZoom())
+ emit currentZoomChanged();
+ emit currentPageChanged();
+ if (currentLocationWas != currentLocation())
+ emit currentLocationChanged();
+ if (backAvailableWas != backAvailable())
+ emit backAvailableChanged();
+ if (!forwardAvailableWas)
+ emit forwardAvailableChanged();
+ m_changing = false;
+ \qmlproperty int PdfNavigationStack::currentPage
+ This property holds the current page that is being viewed.
+ If there is no current page, it holds \c -1.
+int QQuickPdfNavigationStack::currentPage() const
+ if (m_currentHistoryIndex < 0 || m_currentHistoryIndex >= m_pageHistory.count())
+ return -1;
+ return>page;
+ \qmlproperty point PdfNavigationStack::currentLocation
+ This property holds the current location on the page that is being viewed.
+QPointF QQuickPdfNavigationStack::currentLocation() const
+ if (m_currentHistoryIndex < 0 || m_currentHistoryIndex >= m_pageHistory.count())
+ return QPointF();
+ return>location;
+ \qmlproperty real PdfNavigationStack::currentZoom
+ This property holds the magnification scale on the page that is being viewed.
+qreal QQuickPdfNavigationStack::currentZoom() const
+ if (m_currentHistoryIndex < 0 || m_currentHistoryIndex >= m_pageHistory.count())
+ return 1;
+ return>zoom;
+ \qmlmethod void PdfNavigationStack::push(int page, point location, qreal zoom)
+ Adds the given destination, consisting of \a page, \a location and \a zoom,
+ to the history of visited locations.
+ If forwardAvailable is \c true, calling this function represents a branch
+ in the timeline which causes the "future" to be lost, and therefore
+ forwardAvailable will change to \c false.
+void QQuickPdfNavigationStack::push(int page, QPointF location, qreal zoom)
+ if (page == currentPage() && location == currentLocation() && zoom == currentZoom())
+ return;
+ if (qFuzzyIsNull(zoom))
+ zoom = currentZoom();
+ bool backAvailableWas = backAvailable();
+ bool forwardAvailableWas = forwardAvailable();
+ if (!m_changing) {
+ if (m_currentHistoryIndex >= 0 && forwardAvailableWas)
+ m_pageHistory.remove(m_currentHistoryIndex + 1, m_pageHistory.count() - m_currentHistoryIndex - 1);
+ m_pageHistory.append(QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QPdfDestinationPrivate>(new QPdfDestinationPrivate(page, location, zoom)));
+ m_currentHistoryIndex = m_pageHistory.count() - 1;
+ }
+ emit currentZoomChanged();
+ emit currentPageChanged();
+ emit currentLocationChanged();
+ if (m_changing)
+ return;
+ if (!backAvailableWas)
+ emit backAvailableChanged();
+ if (forwardAvailableWas)
+ emit forwardAvailableChanged();
+ emit jumped(page, location, zoom);
+ qCDebug(qLcNav) << "push: index" << m_currentHistoryIndex << "page" << page
+ << "@" << location << "zoom" << zoom << "-> history" <<
+ [this]() {
+ QStringList ret;
+ for (auto d : m_pageHistory)
+ ret << QString::number(d->page);
+ return ret.join(',');
+ }();
+ \qmlmethod void PdfNavigationStack::update(int page, point location, qreal zoom)
+ Modifies the current destination, consisting of \a page, \a location and \a zoom.
+ This can be called periodically while the user is manually moving around
+ the document, so that after back() is called, forward() will jump back to
+ the most-recently-viewed destination rather than the destination that was
+ last specified by push().
+ The \c currentZoomChanged, \c currentPageChanged and \c currentLocationChanged
+ signals will be emitted if the respective properties are actually changed.
+ The \l jumped signal is not emitted, because this operation
+ represents smooth movement rather than a navigational jump.
+void QQuickPdfNavigationStack::update(int page, QPointF location, qreal zoom)
+ if (m_currentHistoryIndex < 0 || m_currentHistoryIndex >= m_pageHistory.count())
+ return;
+ int currentPageWas = currentPage();
+ QPointF currentLocationWas = currentLocation();
+ qreal currentZoomWas = currentZoom();
+ if (page == currentPageWas && location == currentLocationWas && zoom == currentZoomWas)
+ return;
+ m_pageHistory[m_currentHistoryIndex]->page = page;
+ m_pageHistory[m_currentHistoryIndex]->location = location;
+ m_pageHistory[m_currentHistoryIndex]->zoom = zoom;
+ if (currentZoomWas != zoom)
+ emit currentZoomChanged();
+ if (currentPageWas != page)
+ emit currentPageChanged();
+ if (currentLocationWas != location)
+ emit currentLocationChanged();
+ qCDebug(qLcNav) << "update: index" << m_currentHistoryIndex << "page" << page
+ << "@" << location << "zoom" << zoom << "-> history" <<
+ [this]() {
+ QStringList ret;
+ for (auto d : m_pageHistory)
+ ret << QString::number(d->page);
+ return ret.join(',');
+ }();
+bool QQuickPdfNavigationStack::backAvailable() const
+ return m_currentHistoryIndex > 0;
+bool QQuickPdfNavigationStack::forwardAvailable() const
+ return m_currentHistoryIndex < m_pageHistory.count() - 1;
+ \qmlsignal PdfNavigationStack::jumped(int page, point location, qreal zoom)
+ This signal is emitted when forward(), back() or push() is called, but not
+ when update() is called.
diff --git a/src/pdf/quick/qquickpdfnavigationstack_p.h b/src/pdf/quick/qquickpdfnavigationstack_p.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8d7102fb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pdf/quick/qquickpdfnavigationstack_p.h
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the QtPDF module of the Qt Toolkit.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
+** and conditions see For further
+** information use the contact form at
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
+** will be met:
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+** General Public License version 2.0 or later as published by the Free
+** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in
+** the packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU General Public License version 2.0 requirements will be
+** met:
+// W A R N I N G
+// -------------
+// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
+// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
+// version without notice, or even be removed.
+// We mean it.
+#include "qquickpdfdocument_p.h"
+#include "../api/qpdfdestination_p.h"
+#include <QtQml/qqml.h>
+class QQuickPdfNavigationStack : public QObject
+ Q_PROPERTY(int currentPage READ currentPage NOTIFY currentPageChanged)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QPointF currentLocation READ currentLocation NOTIFY currentLocationChanged)
+ Q_PROPERTY(qreal currentZoom READ currentZoom NOTIFY currentZoomChanged)
+ Q_PROPERTY(bool backAvailable READ backAvailable NOTIFY backAvailableChanged)
+ Q_PROPERTY(bool forwardAvailable READ forwardAvailable NOTIFY forwardAvailableChanged)
+ explicit QQuickPdfNavigationStack(QObject *parent = nullptr);
+ Q_INVOKABLE void push(int page, QPointF location, qreal zoom);
+ Q_INVOKABLE void update(int page, QPointF location, qreal zoom);
+ Q_INVOKABLE void forward();
+ Q_INVOKABLE void back();
+ int currentPage() const;
+ QPointF currentLocation() const;
+ qreal currentZoom() const;
+ bool backAvailable() const;
+ bool forwardAvailable() const;
+ void currentPageChanged();
+ void currentLocationChanged();
+ void currentZoomChanged();
+ void backAvailableChanged();
+ void forwardAvailableChanged();
+ void jumped(int page, QPointF location, qreal zoom);
+ QVector<QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QPdfDestinationPrivate>> m_pageHistory;
+ int m_currentHistoryIndex = 0;
+ bool m_changing = false;
+ Q_DISABLE_COPY(QQuickPdfNavigationStack)
diff --git a/src/pdf/quick/qquickpdfsearchmodel.cpp b/src/pdf/quick/qquickpdfsearchmodel.cpp
index 8b0e88673..a4b457841 100644
--- a/src/pdf/quick/qquickpdfsearchmodel.cpp
+++ b/src/pdf/quick/qquickpdfsearchmodel.cpp
@@ -35,13 +35,12 @@
#include "qquickpdfsearchmodel_p.h"
-#include <QQuickItem>
-#include <QQmlEngine>
-#include <QStandardPaths>
-#include <private/qguiapplication_p.h>
+#include <QtCore/qloggingcategory.h>
\qmltype PdfSearchModel
\instantiates QQuickPdfSearchModel
@@ -57,6 +56,8 @@ QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
QQuickPdfSearchModel::QQuickPdfSearchModel(QObject *parent)
: QPdfSearchModel(parent)
+ connect(this, &QPdfSearchModel::searchStringChanged,
+ this, &QQuickPdfSearchModel::onResultsChanged);
QQuickPdfDocument *QQuickPdfSearchModel::document() const
@@ -66,18 +67,21 @@ QQuickPdfDocument *QQuickPdfSearchModel::document() const
void QQuickPdfSearchModel::setDocument(QQuickPdfDocument *document)
- if (document == m_quickDocument)
+ if (document == m_quickDocument || !document)
m_quickDocument = document;
- \qmlproperty list<list<point>> PdfSearchModel::matchGeometry
+ \qmlproperty list<list<point>> PdfSearchModel::currentResultBoundingPolygons
A set of paths in a form that can be bound to the \c paths property of a
\l {QtQuick::PathMultiline}{PathMultiline} instance to render a batch of
- rectangles around all the locations where search results are found:
+ rectangles around the regions comprising the search result \l currentResult
+ on \l currentPage. This is normally used to highlight one search result
+ at a time, in a UI that allows stepping through the results:
PdfDocument {
@@ -86,12 +90,13 @@ void QQuickPdfSearchModel::setDocument(QQuickPdfDocument *document)
PdfSearchModel {
id: searchModel
document: doc
- page: doc.currentPage
+ currentPage: view.currentPage
+ currentResult: ...
Shape {
ShapePath {
PathMultiline {
- paths: searchModel.matchGeometry
+ paths: searchModel.currentResultBoundingPolygons
@@ -99,67 +104,174 @@ void QQuickPdfSearchModel::setDocument(QQuickPdfDocument *document)
\sa PathMultiline
-QVector<QPolygonF> QQuickPdfSearchModel::matchGeometry() const
+QVector<QPolygonF> QQuickPdfSearchModel::currentResultBoundingPolygons() const
- return m_matchGeometry;
+ QVector<QPolygonF> ret;
+ const auto &results = const_cast<QQuickPdfSearchModel *>(this)->resultsOnPage(m_currentPage);
+ if (m_currentResult < 0 || m_currentResult >= results.count())
+ return ret;
+ const auto result = results[m_currentResult];
+ for (auto rect : result.rectangles())
+ ret << QPolygonF(rect);
+ return ret;
- \qmlproperty string PdfSearchModel::searchString
- The string to search for.
-QString QQuickPdfSearchModel::searchString() const
+void QQuickPdfSearchModel::onResultsChanged()
- return m_searchString;
+ emit currentPageBoundingPolygonsChanged();
+ emit currentResultBoundingPolygonsChanged();
-void QQuickPdfSearchModel::setSearchString(QString searchString)
- if (m_searchString == searchString)
- return;
+ \qmlproperty list<list<point>> PdfSearchModel::currentPageBoundingPolygons
+ A set of paths in a form that can be bound to the \c paths property of a
+ \l {QtQuick::PathMultiline}{PathMultiline} instance to render a batch of
+ rectangles around all the regions where search results are found on
+ \l currentPage:
+ \qml
+ PdfDocument {
+ id: doc
+ }
+ PdfSearchModel {
+ id: searchModel
+ document: doc
+ }
+ Shape {
+ ShapePath {
+ PathMultiline {
+ paths: searchModel.matchGeometry(view.currentPage)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ \endqml
- m_searchString = searchString;
- emit searchStringChanged();
- updateResults();
+ \sa PathMultiline
+QVector<QPolygonF> QQuickPdfSearchModel::currentPageBoundingPolygons() const
+ return const_cast<QQuickPdfSearchModel *>(this)->boundingPolygonsOnPage(m_currentPage);
- \qmlproperty int PdfSearchModel::page
+ \qmlfunction list<list<point>> PdfSearchModel::boundingPolygonsOnPage(int page)
- The page number on which to search.
+ Returns a set of paths in a form that can be bound to the \c paths property of a
+ \l {QtQuick::PathMultiline}{PathMultiline} instance to render a batch of
+ rectangles around all the locations where search results are found:
- \sa QtQuick::Image::currentFrame
+ \qml
+ PdfDocument {
+ id: doc
+ }
+ PdfSearchModel {
+ id: searchModel
+ document: doc
+ }
+ Shape {
+ ShapePath {
+ PathMultiline {
+ paths: searchModel.matchGeometry(view.currentPage)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ \endqml
+ \sa PathMultiline
-int QQuickPdfSearchModel::page() const
+QVector<QPolygonF> QQuickPdfSearchModel::boundingPolygonsOnPage(int page)
- return m_page;
+ if (!document() || searchString().isEmpty() || page < 0 || page > document()->pageCount())
+ return {};
+ updatePage(page);
+ QVector<QPolygonF> ret;
+ auto m = QPdfSearchModel::resultsOnPage(page);
+ for (auto result : m) {
+ for (auto rect : result.rectangles())
+ ret << QPolygonF(rect);
+ }
+ return ret;
-void QQuickPdfSearchModel::setPage(int page)
+ \qmlproperty int PdfSearchModel::currentPage
+ The page on which \l currentMatchGeometry should provide filtered search results.
+void QQuickPdfSearchModel::setCurrentPage(int currentPage)
- if (m_page == page)
+ if (m_currentPage == currentPage)
- m_page = page;
- emit pageChanged();
- updateResults();
+ if (currentPage < 0)
+ currentPage = document()->pageCount() - 1;
+ else if (currentPage >= document()->pageCount())
+ currentPage = 0;
+ m_currentPage = currentPage;
+ if (!m_suspendSignals) {
+ emit currentPageChanged();
+ onResultsChanged();
+ }
-void QQuickPdfSearchModel::updateResults()
+ \qmlproperty int PdfSearchModel::currentResult
+ The result index on \l currentPage for which \l currentResultBoundingPolygons
+ should provide the regions to highlight.
+void QQuickPdfSearchModel::setCurrentResult(int currentResult)
- if (!document() || (m_searchString.isEmpty() && !m_matchGeometry.isEmpty()) || m_page < 0 || m_page > document()->pageCount()) {
- m_matchGeometry.clear();
- emit matchGeometryChanged();
- }
- QVector<QRectF> m = QPdfSearchModel::matches(m_page, m_searchString);
- QVector<QPolygonF> matches;
- for (QRectF r : m)
- matches << QPolygonF(r);
- if (matches != m_matchGeometry) {
- m_matchGeometry = matches;
- emit matchGeometryChanged();
+ if (m_currentResult == currentResult)
+ return;
+ int currentResultWas = currentResult;
+ int currentPageWas = m_currentPage;
+ if (currentResult < 0) {
+ setCurrentPage(m_currentPage - 1);
+ while (resultsOnPage(m_currentPage).count() == 0 && m_currentPage != currentPageWas) {
+ m_suspendSignals = true;
+ setCurrentPage(m_currentPage - 1);
+ }
+ if (m_suspendSignals) {
+ emit currentPageChanged();
+ m_suspendSignals = false;
+ }
+ const auto results = resultsOnPage(m_currentPage);
+ currentResult = results.count() - 1;
+ } else {
+ const auto results = resultsOnPage(m_currentPage);
+ if (currentResult >= results.count()) {
+ setCurrentPage(m_currentPage + 1);
+ while (resultsOnPage(m_currentPage).count() == 0 && m_currentPage != currentPageWas) {
+ m_suspendSignals = true;
+ setCurrentPage(m_currentPage + 1);
+ }
+ if (m_suspendSignals) {
+ emit currentPageChanged();
+ m_suspendSignals = false;
+ }
+ currentResult = 0;
+ }
+ qCDebug(qLcS) << "currentResult was" << m_currentResult
+ << "requested" << currentResultWas << "on page" << currentPageWas
+ << "->" << currentResult << "on page" << m_currentPage;
+ m_currentResult = currentResult;
+ emit currentResultChanged();
+ emit currentResultBoundingPolygonsChanged();
+ \qmlproperty string PdfSearchModel::searchString
+ The string to search for.
diff --git a/src/pdf/quick/qquickpdfsearchmodel_p.h b/src/pdf/quick/qquickpdfsearchmodel_p.h
index 799ef825f..3e05f80e3 100644
--- a/src/pdf/quick/qquickpdfsearchmodel_p.h
+++ b/src/pdf/quick/qquickpdfsearchmodel_p.h
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
#include "qquickpdfdocument_p.h"
#include "../api/qpdfsearchmodel.h"
-#include <QVariant>
+#include <QtCore/qvariant.h>
#include <QtQml/qqml.h>
@@ -60,9 +60,10 @@ class QQuickPdfSearchModel : public QPdfSearchModel
Q_PROPERTY(QQuickPdfDocument *document READ document WRITE setDocument NOTIFY documentChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(int page READ page WRITE setPage NOTIFY pageChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(QString searchString READ searchString WRITE setSearchString NOTIFY searchStringChanged)
- Q_PROPERTY(QVector<QPolygonF> matchGeometry READ matchGeometry NOTIFY matchGeometryChanged)
+ Q_PROPERTY(int currentPage READ currentPage WRITE setCurrentPage NOTIFY currentPageChanged)
+ Q_PROPERTY(int currentResult READ currentResult WRITE setCurrentResult NOTIFY currentResultChanged)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QVector<QPolygonF> currentPageBoundingPolygons READ currentPageBoundingPolygons NOTIFY currentPageBoundingPolygonsChanged)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QVector<QPolygonF> currentResultBoundingPolygons READ currentResultBoundingPolygons NOTIFY currentResultBoundingPolygonsChanged)
explicit QQuickPdfSearchModel(QObject *parent = nullptr);
@@ -70,28 +71,33 @@ public:
QQuickPdfDocument *document() const;
void setDocument(QQuickPdfDocument * document);
- int page() const;
- void setPage(int page);
+ Q_INVOKABLE QVector<QPolygonF> boundingPolygonsOnPage(int page);
- QString searchString() const;
- void setSearchString(QString searchString);
+ int currentPage() const { return m_currentPage; }
+ void setCurrentPage(int currentPage);
- QVector<QPolygonF> matchGeometry() const;
+ int currentResult() const { return m_currentResult; }
+ void setCurrentResult(int currentResult);
+ QVector<QPolygonF> currentPageBoundingPolygons() const;
+ QVector<QPolygonF> currentResultBoundingPolygons() const;
void documentChanged();
- void pageChanged();
- void searchStringChanged();
- void matchGeometryChanged();
+ void currentPageChanged();
+ void currentResultChanged();
+ void currentPageBoundingPolygonsChanged();
+ void currentResultBoundingPolygonsChanged();
void updateResults();
+ void onResultsChanged();
QQuickPdfDocument *m_quickDocument = nullptr;
- QString m_searchString;
- QVector<QPolygonF> m_matchGeometry;
- int m_page;
+ int m_currentPage = 0;
+ int m_currentResult = 0;
+ bool m_suspendSignals = false;
@@ -99,5 +105,6 @@ private:
diff --git a/src/pdf/quick/qquickpdfselection.cpp b/src/pdf/quick/qquickpdfselection.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d313820ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pdf/quick/qquickpdfselection.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the QtPDF module of the Qt Toolkit.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
+** and conditions see For further
+** information use the contact form at
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
+** will be met:
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+** General Public License version 2.0 or later as published by the Free
+** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in
+** the packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU General Public License version 2.0 requirements will be
+** met:
+#include "qquickpdfselection_p.h"
+#include "qquickpdfdocument_p.h"
+#include <QClipboard>
+#include <QQuickItem>
+#include <QQmlEngine>
+#include <QStandardPaths>
+#include <private/qguiapplication_p.h>
+ \qmltype PdfSelection
+ \instantiates QQuickPdfSelection
+ \inqmlmodule QtQuick.Pdf
+ \ingroup pdf
+ \brief A representation of a text selection within a PDF Document.
+ \since 5.15
+ PdfSelection provides the text string and its geometry within a bounding box
+ from one point to another.
+ Constructs a SearchModel.
+QQuickPdfSelection::QQuickPdfSelection(QObject *parent)
+ : QObject(parent)
+QQuickPdfDocument *QQuickPdfSelection::document() const
+ return m_document;
+void QQuickPdfSelection::setDocument(QQuickPdfDocument *document)
+ if (m_document == document)
+ return;
+ if (m_document) {
+ disconnect(m_document, &QQuickPdfDocument::sourceChanged,
+ this, &QQuickPdfSelection::resetPoints);
+ }
+ m_document = document;
+ emit documentChanged();
+ resetPoints();
+ connect(m_document, &QQuickPdfDocument::sourceChanged,
+ this, &QQuickPdfSelection::resetPoints);
+ \qmlproperty list<list<point>> PdfSelection::geometry
+ A set of paths in a form that can be bound to the \c paths property of a
+ \l {QtQuick::PathMultiline}{PathMultiline} instance to render a batch of
+ rectangles around the text regions that are included in the selection:
+ \qml
+ PdfDocument {
+ id: doc
+ }
+ PdfSelection {
+ id: selection
+ document: doc
+ fromPoint: textSelectionDrag.centroid.pressPosition
+ toPoint: textSelectionDrag.centroid.position
+ hold: !
+ }
+ Shape {
+ ShapePath {
+ PathMultiline {
+ paths: selection.geometry
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ DragHandler {
+ id: textSelectionDrag
+ acceptedDevices: PointerDevice.Mouse | PointerDevice.Stylus
+ target: null
+ }
+ \endqml
+ \sa PathMultiline
+QVector<QPolygonF> QQuickPdfSelection::geometry() const
+ return m_geometry;
+void QQuickPdfSelection::resetPoints()
+ bool wasHolding = m_hold;
+ m_hold = false;
+ setFromPoint(QPointF());
+ setToPoint(QPointF());
+ m_hold = wasHolding;
+ \qmlproperty int PdfSelection::page
+ The page number on which to search.
+ \sa QtQuick::Image::currentFrame
+int QQuickPdfSelection::page() const
+ return m_page;
+void QQuickPdfSelection::setPage(int page)
+ if (m_page == page)
+ return;
+ m_page = page;
+ emit pageChanged();
+ resetPoints();
+ \qmlproperty point PdfSelection::fromPoint
+ The beginning location, in \l {}{points}
+ from the upper-left corner of the page, from which to find selected text.
+ This can be bound to a scaled version of the \c centroid.pressPosition
+ of a \l DragHandler to begin selecting text from the position where the user
+ presses the mouse button and begins dragging, for example.
+QPointF QQuickPdfSelection::fromPoint() const
+ return m_fromPoint;
+void QQuickPdfSelection::setFromPoint(QPointF fromPoint)
+ if (m_hold || m_fromPoint == fromPoint)
+ return;
+ m_fromPoint = fromPoint;
+ emit fromPointChanged();
+ updateResults();
+ \qmlproperty point PdfSelection::toPoint
+ The ending location, in \l {}{points}
+ from the upper-left corner of the page, from which to find selected text.
+ This can be bound to a scaled version of the \c centroid.position
+ of a \l DragHandler to end selection of text at the position where the user
+ is currently dragging the mouse, for example.
+QPointF QQuickPdfSelection::toPoint() const
+ return m_toPoint;
+void QQuickPdfSelection::setToPoint(QPointF toPoint)
+ if (m_hold || m_toPoint == toPoint)
+ return;
+ m_toPoint = toPoint;
+ emit toPointChanged();
+ updateResults();
+ \qmlproperty bool PdfSelection::hold
+ Controls whether to hold the existing selection regardless of changes to
+ \l fromPoint and \l toPoint. This property can be set to \c true when the mouse
+ or touchpoint is released, so that the selection is not lost due to the
+ point bindings changing.
+bool QQuickPdfSelection::hold() const
+ return m_hold;
+void QQuickPdfSelection::setHold(bool hold)
+ if (m_hold == hold)
+ return;
+ m_hold = hold;
+ emit holdChanged();
+ \qmlproperty string PdfSelection::string
+ The string found.
+QString QQuickPdfSelection::text() const
+ return m_text;
+#if QT_CONFIG(clipboard)
+ \qmlmethod void PdfSelection::copyToClipboard()
+ Copies plain text from the \l string property to the system clipboard.
+void QQuickPdfSelection::copyToClipboard() const
+ QGuiApplication::clipboard()->setText(m_text);
+void QQuickPdfSelection::updateResults()
+ if (!m_document)
+ return;
+ QPdfSelection sel = m_document->document().getSelection(m_page, m_fromPoint, m_toPoint);
+ if (sel.text() != m_text) {
+ m_text = sel.text();
+ if (QGuiApplication::clipboard()->supportsSelection())
+ sel.copyToClipboard(QClipboard::Selection);
+ emit textChanged();
+ }
+ if (sel.bounds() != m_geometry) {
+ m_geometry = sel.bounds();
+ emit geometryChanged();
+ }
diff --git a/src/pdf/quick/qquickpdfselection_p.h b/src/pdf/quick/qquickpdfselection_p.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a0e6d1a8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pdf/quick/qquickpdfselection_p.h
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the QtPDF module of the Qt Toolkit.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
+** and conditions see For further
+** information use the contact form at
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
+** will be met:
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+** General Public License version 2.0 or later as published by the Free
+** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in
+** the packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU General Public License version 2.0 requirements will be
+** met:
+// W A R N I N G
+// -------------
+// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
+// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
+// version without notice, or even be removed.
+// We mean it.
+#include <QPointF>
+#include <QPolygonF>
+#include <QVariant>
+#include <QtQml/qqml.h>
+class QQuickPdfDocument;
+class QQuickPdfSelection : public QObject
+ Q_PROPERTY(QQuickPdfDocument *document READ document WRITE setDocument NOTIFY documentChanged)
+ Q_PROPERTY(int page READ page WRITE setPage NOTIFY pageChanged)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QPointF fromPoint READ fromPoint WRITE setFromPoint NOTIFY fromPointChanged)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QPointF toPoint READ toPoint WRITE setToPoint NOTIFY toPointChanged)
+ Q_PROPERTY(bool hold READ hold WRITE setHold NOTIFY holdChanged)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QString text READ text NOTIFY textChanged)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QVector<QPolygonF> geometry READ geometry NOTIFY geometryChanged)
+ explicit QQuickPdfSelection(QObject *parent = nullptr);
+ QQuickPdfDocument *document() const;
+ void setDocument(QQuickPdfDocument * document);
+ int page() const;
+ void setPage(int page);
+ QPointF fromPoint() const;
+ void setFromPoint(QPointF fromPoint);
+ QPointF toPoint() const;
+ void setToPoint(QPointF toPoint);
+ bool hold() const;
+ void setHold(bool hold);
+ QString text() const;
+ QVector<QPolygonF> geometry() const;
+#if QT_CONFIG(clipboard)
+ Q_INVOKABLE void copyToClipboard() const;
+ void documentChanged();
+ void pageChanged();
+ void fromPointChanged();
+ void toPointChanged();
+ void holdChanged();
+ void textChanged();
+ void geometryChanged();
+ void resetPoints();
+ void updateResults();
+ QQuickPdfDocument *m_document = nullptr;
+ QPointF m_fromPoint;
+ QPointF m_toPoint;
+ QString m_text;
+ QVector<QPolygonF> m_geometry;
+ int m_page = 0;
+ bool m_hold = false;
+ Q_DISABLE_COPY(QQuickPdfSelection)
diff --git a/src/pdf/quick/ b/src/pdf/quick/
index cda768369..b62b80346 100644
--- a/src/pdf/quick/
+++ b/src/pdf/quick/
@@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ IMPORT_VERSION = 1.0
#QMAKE_DOCS = $$PWD/doc/qtquickpdf.qdocconf
+ qml/PdfMultiPageView.qml \
qml/PdfPageView.qml \
+ qml/PdfScrollablePageView.qml \
@@ -15,11 +17,17 @@ RESOURCES += resources.qrc
plugin.cpp \
qquickpdfdocument.cpp \
+ qquickpdflinkmodel.cpp \
+ qquickpdfnavigationstack.cpp \
qquickpdfsearchmodel.cpp \
+ qquickpdfselection.cpp \
qquickpdfdocument_p.h \
+ qquickpdflinkmodel_p.h \
+ qquickpdfnavigationstack_p.h \
qquickpdfsearchmodel_p.h \
+ qquickpdfselection_p.h \
QT += pdf quick-private gui gui-private core core-private qml qml-private
diff --git a/src/pdf/quick/resources.qrc b/src/pdf/quick/resources.qrc
index a3f34189c..20cac4827 100644
--- a/src/pdf/quick/resources.qrc
+++ b/src/pdf/quick/resources.qrc
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
<qresource prefix="/">
+ <file>qml/PdfMultiPageView.qml</file>
+ <file>qml/PdfScrollablePageView.qml</file>