path: root/examples/webenginequick/lifecycle/doc/src
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1 files changed, 84 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/webenginequick/lifecycle/doc/src/lifecycle.qdoc b/examples/webenginequick/lifecycle/doc/src/lifecycle.qdoc
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+// Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only
+ \example webenginequick/lifecycle
+ \title WebEngine Lifecycle Example
+ \ingroup webengine-examples
+ \brief Freezes and discards background tabs to reduce CPU and memory usage.
+ \examplecategory {Web Technologies}
+ \image lifecycle.png
+ \e {WebEngine Lifecycle Example} demonstrates how the \l
+ {WebEngineView::}{lifecycleState} and \l {WebEngineView::}{recommendedState}
+ properties of the \l {WebEngineView} can be used to reduce the CPU and
+ memory usage of background tabs in a tabbed browser.
+ For an overview of the lifecycle feature, see \l {Page Lifecycle API}.
+ \include examples-run.qdocinc
+ \section1 UI Elements of the Example
+ The example uses \l {Qt Quick Controls 2} to implement a traditional tabbed
+ browser in the \l {Material Style} (dark variant). The main application
+ window (\c {WebBrowser.qml}) is divided into a header bar at the top and a
+ main viewing area filling the rest of the window. The header contains the
+ tab bar (\c {WebTabBar.qml}) with one button per tab (\c
+ {WebTabButton.qml}). The main area consists of a stack of tabs (\c
+ {WebTabStack.qml} and \c {WebTab.qml}). Each tab in turn has a tool bar at
+ the top and a \l {WebEngineView} for displaying web pages. Finally, the main
+ window also has a \l {Drawer} for changing settings. The drawer can be
+ opened by clicking the "⋮" button on the tool bar.
+ \note Note that \c {WebTab.qml} uses \l {QUrl::}
+ {fromUserInput} to handle incomplete URLs.
+ \section1 Lifecycle States in the Example
+ The example implements two ways of changing the lifecycle state: manual and
+ automatic. The manual way uses the \l {WebEngineView::}{lifecycleState}
+ property directly to change the web view lifecycle state, while the
+ automatic way is timer-based and also takes into account the \l
+ {WebEngineView::}{recommendedState}.
+ The tab titles in the tab bar are color coded with frozen tabs shown in blue
+ and discarded in red.
+ \section2 Manual Lifecycle Control
+ \image lifecycle-manual.png
+ Manual control is provided by context menus on the tab bar buttons (\c
+ {WebTabButton.qml}). The menu has three radio buttons, one for each
+ lifecycle state, with the current state checked. Some buttons may be
+ disabled, either because they represent illegal state transitions (for
+ example, a \c {Discarded} view cannot directly transition to the \c {Frozen}
+ state), or because other preconditions are not fulfilled (for example, a
+ visible view can only be in the \c {Active} state).
+ \section2 Automatic Lifecycle Control
+ \image lifecycle-automatic.png
+ Automatic control is implemented with a \l {Timer} in the \c {WebTab}
+ component (\c {WebTab.qml}). The timer is started whenever the \l
+ {WebEngineView::}{lifecycleState} of the web view does not match it's \l
+ {WebEngineView::}{recommendedState}. Once the timer fires, the view's
+ lifecycle state is set to the recommended state.
+ The time delay is used to avoid changing the lifecycle state too quickly
+ when the user is switching between tabs. The freezing and discarding delays
+ can be changed in the settings drawer accessed through the "⋮" button on the
+ tool bar.
+ This is a rather simple algorithm for automatic lifecycle control, however
+ more sophisticated algorithms could also be conceived and implemented on the
+ basis of the \l {WebEngineView::}{lifecycleState} property. For example, the
+ Chromium browser experimentally uses a pretrained deep neural network to
+ predict the next tab activation time by the user, essentially ranking tabs
+ based on how interesting they are to the user. Implementing such an
+ algorithm is left as an exercise to the reader for now.