path: root/mkspecs/features/configure.prf
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Diffstat (limited to 'mkspecs/features/configure.prf')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 103 deletions
diff --git a/mkspecs/features/configure.prf b/mkspecs/features/configure.prf
deleted file mode 100644
index cc84182b7..000000000
--- a/mkspecs/features/configure.prf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-# Load configure.prf from qtbase first
-defineTest(runConfigure) {
- !qtHaveModule(gui) {
- skipBuild("QtWebEngine requires QtGui.")
- return(false)
- }
- !exists(src/3rdparty/chromium) {
- skipBuild("Submodule qtwebengine-chromium does not exist. Run 'git submodule update --init'.")
- return(false)
- }
- WSPC = $$find(OUT_PWD, \\s)
- !isEmpty(WSPC) {
- skipBuild("QtWebEngine cannot be built in a path that contains whitespace characters.")
- return(false)
- }
- !isPlatformSupported() {
- # make sure we have skipBuildReason
- isEmpty(skipBuildReason): skipBuild("Unknow error. Platform unspported")
- return(false)
- }
- linux:contains(QT_CONFIG,no-pkg-config) {
- skipBuild("pkg-config is required")
- return(false)
- }
- include($$QTWEBENGINE_OUT_ROOT/src/core/qtwebenginecore-config.pri)
- QT_FOR_CONFIG += webenginecore-private
- !qtConfig(webengine-v8-snapshot-support):qtConfig(webengine-v8-snapshot) {
- skipBuild("V8 snapshot cannot be built. Most likely, the 32-bit host compiler does not work."\
- "Please make sure you have 32-bit devel environment installed, or "\
- "configure webengine with '-no-webengine-v8-snapshot'")
- return(false)
- }
- win32:!qtConfig(webengine-win-compiler64) {
- skipBuild("Required 64-bit cross-building or native toolchain could not be found.")
- return(false)
- }
- !qtConfig(webengine-gperf) {
- skipBuild("Required gperf could not be found.")
- return(false)
- }
- !qtConfig(webengine-bison) {
- skipBuild("Required bison could not be found.")
- return(false)
- }
- !qtConfig(webengine-flex) {
- skipBuild("Required flex could not be found.")
- return(false)
- }
- !qtConfig(webengine-python2) {
- skipBuild("A suitable version of python2 could not be found.")
- return(false)
- }
- sanitizer: !qtConfig(webengine-sanitizer) {
- skipBuild("Chosen sanitizer configuration is not supported. Check config.log for details or use -feature-webengine-sanitizer to force build with the chosen sanitizer configuration.")
- return(false);
- }
- linux {
- !qtConfig(webengine-host-pkg-config) {
- skipBuild("Host pkg-config is required")
- return(false)
- }
- !qtConfig(webengine-system-glibc) {
- skipBuild("A suitable version >= 2.27 of libc could not be found.")
- return(false)
- }
- QT_FOR_CONFIG += gui-private
- !qtConfig(webengine-system-khr) {
- skipBuild("khronos development headers appear to be missing (mesa/libegl1-mesa-dev)")
- return(false)
- }
- for(package, $$list("nss dbus fontconfig")) {
- !qtConfig(webengine-system-$$package) {
- skipBuild("A suitable version of $$package could not be found.")
- return(false)
- }
- }
- !qtConfig(webengine-embedded-build): qtConfig(xcb) : !qtConfig(webengine-ozone-x11) {
- skipBuild("Could not find all necessary libraries for qpa-xcb support")
- return(false)
- }
- }