path: root/src/core/api/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/core/api/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 108 deletions
diff --git a/src/core/api/ b/src/core/api/
deleted file mode 100644
index e68d4bd8b..000000000
--- a/src/core/api/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-TARGET = qtwebenginecoreapi$$qtPlatformTargetSuffix()
-DESTDIR = $$OUT_PWD/$$getConfigDir()
-CONFIG += staticlib
-QT += network core-private webenginecoreheaders-private quick printsupport qml #fixme
-# Don't create .prl file for this intermediate library because
-# their contents get used when linking against them, breaking
-# "-Wl,-whole-archive -lqtwebenginecoreapi --Wl,-no-whole-archive"
-CONFIG -= create_prl
-# Copy this logic from qt_module.prf so that the intermediate library can be
-# created to the same rules as the final module linking in
-!host_build:if(win32|mac):!macx-xcode {
- qtConfig(debug_and_release): CONFIG += debug_and_release
- qtConfig(build_all): CONFIG += build_all
-CHROMIUM_GEN_DIR = $$OUT_PWD/../$$getConfigDir()/gen
-gcc: QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_WARN_ON = -Wno-unused-parameter
- qwebenginecallback.h \
- qwebenginecallback_p.h \
- qwebengineclientcertificatestore.h \
- qtwebenginecoreglobal.h \
- qtwebenginecoreglobal_p.h \
- qwebenginecertificateerror.h \
- qwebenginecookiestore.h \
- qwebenginecookiestore_p.h \
- qwebenginefindtextresult.h \
- qwebenginefullscreenrequest.h \
- qwebenginehttprequest.h \
- qwebenginemessagepumpscheduler_p.h \
- qwebenginenotification.h \
- qwebenginequotarequest.h \
- qwebengineregisterprotocolhandlerrequest.h \
- qwebengineurlrequestinterceptor.h \
- qwebengineurlrequestinfo.h \
- qwebengineurlrequestinfo_p.h \
- qwebengineurlrequestjob.h \
- qwebengineurlscheme.h \
- qwebengineurlschemehandler.h \
- qwebenginecontextmenurequest.h \
- qwebenginecontextmenurequest_p.h \
- qwebenginedownloadrequest.h \
- qwebenginedownloadrequest_p.h \
- qwebenginesettings.h \
- qwebenginescript.h \
- qwebenginescriptcollection.h \
- qwebenginescriptcollection_p.h \
- qwebengineprofile.h \
- qwebengineprofile_p.h \
- qwebengineclientcertificateselection.h \
- qwebenginehistory.h \
- qwebenginehistory_p.h \
- qwebenginepage.h \
- qwebenginepage_p.h
- qtwebenginecoreglobal.cpp \
- qwebenginecertificateerror.cpp \
- qwebengineclientcertificatestore.cpp \
- qwebenginecookiestore.cpp \
- qwebenginefindtextresult.cpp \
- qwebenginefullscreenrequest.cpp \
- qwebenginehttprequest.cpp \
- qwebenginemessagepumpscheduler.cpp \
- qwebenginenotification.cpp \
- qwebenginequotarequest.cpp \
- qwebengineregisterprotocolhandlerrequest.cpp \
- qwebengineurlrequestinfo.cpp \
- qwebengineurlrequestjob.cpp \
- qwebengineurlscheme.cpp \
- qwebengineurlschemehandler.cpp \
- qwebenginecontextmenurequest.cpp \
- qwebenginedownloadrequest.cpp \
- qwebenginesettings.cpp \
- qwebenginescript.cpp \
- qwebenginescriptcollection.cpp \
- qwebengineprofile.cpp \
- qwebengineclientcertificateselection.cpp \
- qwebenginehistory.cpp \
- qwebenginepage.cpp
-# Chromium headers included are not remotely clean
-CONFIG -= warning_clean
-msvc {
- # Create a list of object files that can be used as response file for the linker.
- # This is done to simulate -whole-archive on MSVC.
- "if exist $(DESTDIR_TARGET).objects del $(DESTDIR_TARGET).objects$$escape_expand(\\n\\t)" \
- "for %%a in ($(OBJECTS)) do echo $$shell_quote($$shell_path($$OUT_PWD))\\%%a >> $(DESTDIR_TARGET).objects"