path: root/src/core/api/qwebenginepage.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/core/api/qwebenginepage.cpp')
1 files changed, 2521 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/core/api/qwebenginepage.cpp b/src/core/api/qwebenginepage.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..686cee391
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/api/qwebenginepage.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2521 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
+#include "qwebenginepage.h"
+#include "authenticator_request_dialog_controller.h"
+#include "qwebenginepage_p.h"
+#include "qwebenginecertificateerror.h"
+#include "qwebenginedesktopmediarequest.h"
+#include "qwebenginefilesystemaccessrequest.h"
+#include "qwebenginefindtextresult.h"
+#include "qwebenginefullscreenrequest.h"
+#include "qwebenginehistory.h"
+#include "qwebenginehistory_p.h"
+#include "qwebenginehttprequest.h"
+#include "qwebengineloadinginfo.h"
+#include "qwebenginenavigationrequest.h"
+#include "qwebenginenewwindowrequest.h"
+#include "qwebenginenewwindowrequest_p.h"
+#include "qwebengineprofile.h"
+#include "qwebengineprofile_p.h"
+#include "qwebengineregisterprotocolhandlerrequest.h"
+#include "qwebenginescript.h"
+#include "qwebenginescriptcollection_p.h"
+#include "qwebenginesettings.h"
+#include "qwebenginewebauthuxrequest.h"
+#include "authentication_dialog_controller.h"
+#include "autofill_popup_controller.h"
+#include "color_chooser_controller.h"
+#include "find_text_helper.h"
+#include "file_picker_controller.h"
+#include "javascript_dialog_controller.h"
+#include "profile_adapter.h"
+#include "render_view_context_menu_qt.h"
+#include "render_widget_host_view_qt_delegate.h"
+#include "render_widget_host_view_qt_delegate_client.h"
+#include "render_widget_host_view_qt_delegate_item.h"
+#include "touch_selection_menu_controller.h"
+#include "web_contents_adapter.h"
+#include <QAction>
+#include <QGuiApplication>
+#include <QAuthenticator>
+#include <QClipboard>
+#include <QKeyEvent>
+#include <QIcon>
+#include <QLoggingCategory>
+#include <QMimeData>
+#include <QtCore/QPointer>
+#include <QRect>
+#include <QTimer>
+#include <QUrl>
+#include <QVariant>
+using namespace QtWebEngineCore;
+static QWebEnginePage::WebWindowType toWindowType(WebContentsAdapterClient::WindowOpenDisposition disposition)
+ switch (disposition) {
+ case WebContentsAdapterClient::NewForegroundTabDisposition:
+ return QWebEnginePage::WebBrowserTab;
+ case WebContentsAdapterClient::NewBackgroundTabDisposition:
+ return QWebEnginePage::WebBrowserBackgroundTab;
+ case WebContentsAdapterClient::NewPopupDisposition:
+ return QWebEnginePage::WebDialog;
+ case WebContentsAdapterClient::NewWindowDisposition:
+ return QWebEnginePage::WebBrowserWindow;
+ default:
+ }
+static QWebEngineNewWindowRequest::DestinationType toDestinationType(WebContentsAdapterClient::WindowOpenDisposition disposition)
+ switch (disposition) {
+ case WebContentsAdapterClient::NewForegroundTabDisposition:
+ return QWebEngineNewWindowRequest::InNewTab;
+ case WebContentsAdapterClient::NewBackgroundTabDisposition:
+ return QWebEngineNewWindowRequest::InNewBackgroundTab;
+ case WebContentsAdapterClient::NewPopupDisposition:
+ return QWebEngineNewWindowRequest::InNewDialog;
+ case WebContentsAdapterClient::NewWindowDisposition:
+ return QWebEngineNewWindowRequest::InNewWindow;
+ default:
+ }
+QWebEnginePagePrivate::QWebEnginePagePrivate(QWebEngineProfile *_profile)
+ : adapter(QSharedPointer<WebContentsAdapter>::create())
+ , history(new QWebEngineHistory(new QWebEngineHistoryPrivate(this)))
+ , profile(_profile ? _profile : QWebEngineProfile::defaultProfile())
+ , settings(new QWebEngineSettings(profile->settings()))
+ , view(nullptr)
+ , isLoading(false)
+ , scriptCollection(new QWebEngineScriptCollectionPrivate(profileAdapter()->userResourceController(), adapter))
+ , m_isBeingAdopted(false)
+ , m_backgroundColor(Qt::white)
+ , fullscreenMode(false)
+ , webChannel(nullptr)
+ , webChannelWorldId(QWebEngineScript::MainWorld)
+ , defaultAudioMuted(false)
+ , defaultZoomFactor(1.0)
+ memset(actions, 0, sizeof(actions));
+ qRegisterMetaType<QWebEngineQuotaRequest>();
+ qRegisterMetaType<QWebEngineRegisterProtocolHandlerRequest>();
+ qRegisterMetaType<QWebEngineFileSystemAccessRequest>();
+ qRegisterMetaType<QWebEngineFindTextResult>();
+ // See setVisible().
+ wasShownTimer.setSingleShot(true);
+ QObject::connect(&wasShownTimer, &QTimer::timeout, [this](){
+ ensureInitialized();
+ });
+ profile->d_ptr->addWebContentsAdapterClient(this);
+ delete history;
+ delete settings;
+ profile->d_ptr->removeWebContentsAdapterClient(this);
+RenderWidgetHostViewQtDelegate *QWebEnginePagePrivate::CreateRenderWidgetHostViewQtDelegate(RenderWidgetHostViewQtDelegateClient *client)
+ if (view)
+ return view->CreateRenderWidgetHostViewQtDelegate(client);
+ delegateItem = new QtWebEngineCore::RenderWidgetHostViewQtDelegateItem(client, false);
+ return delegateItem;
+RenderWidgetHostViewQtDelegate *QWebEnginePagePrivate::CreateRenderWidgetHostViewQtDelegateForPopup(RenderWidgetHostViewQtDelegateClient *client)
+ // Set the QWebEngineView as the parent for a popup delegate, so that the new popup window
+ // responds properly to clicks in case the QWebEngineView is inside a modal QDialog. Setting the
+ // parent essentially notifies the OS that the popup window is part of the modal session, and
+ // should allow interaction.
+ // The new delegate will not be deleted by the parent view though, because we unset the parent
+ // when the parent is destroyed. The delegate will be destroyed by Chromium when the popup is
+ // dismissed.
+ return view
+ ? view->CreateRenderWidgetHostViewQtDelegateForPopup(client)
+ : new QtWebEngineCore::RenderWidgetHostViewQtDelegateItem(client, true);
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::initializationFinished()
+ if (m_backgroundColor != Qt::white)
+ adapter->setBackgroundColor(m_backgroundColor);
+#if QT_CONFIG(webengine_webchannel)
+ if (webChannel)
+ adapter->setWebChannel(webChannel, webChannelWorldId);
+ if (defaultAudioMuted != adapter->isAudioMuted())
+ adapter->setAudioMuted(defaultAudioMuted);
+ if (!qFuzzyCompare(adapter->currentZoomFactor(), defaultZoomFactor))
+ adapter->setZoomFactor(defaultZoomFactor);
+ if (view)
+ adapter->setVisible(view->isVisible());
+ scriptCollection.d->initializationFinished(adapter);
+ m_isBeingAdopted = false;
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::titleChanged(const QString &title)
+ Q_Q(QWebEnginePage);
+ Q_EMIT q->titleChanged(title);
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::urlChanged()
+ Q_Q(QWebEnginePage);
+ QUrl qurl = adapter->activeUrl();
+ if (url != qurl) {
+ url = qurl;
+ Q_EMIT q->urlChanged(qurl);
+ }
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::iconChanged(const QUrl &url)
+ Q_Q(QWebEnginePage);
+ if (iconUrl == url)
+ return;
+ iconUrl = url;
+ Q_EMIT q->iconUrlChanged(iconUrl);
+ Q_EMIT q->iconChanged(iconUrl.isEmpty() ? QIcon() : adapter->icon());
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::loadProgressChanged(int progress)
+ Q_Q(QWebEnginePage);
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, q, [q, progress] () { Q_EMIT q->loadProgress(progress); });
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::didUpdateTargetURL(const QUrl &hoveredUrl)
+ Q_Q(QWebEnginePage);
+ Q_EMIT q->linkHovered(hoveredUrl.toString());
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::selectionChanged()
+ Q_Q(QWebEnginePage);
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, q, [this, q]() {
+ updateEditActions();
+ Q_EMIT q->selectionChanged();
+ });
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::zoomUpdateIsNeeded()
+ Q_Q(QWebEnginePage);
+ q->setZoomFactor(defaultZoomFactor);
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::recentlyAudibleChanged(bool recentlyAudible)
+ Q_Q(QWebEnginePage);
+ Q_EMIT q->recentlyAudibleChanged(recentlyAudible);
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::renderProcessPidChanged(qint64 pid)
+ Q_Q(QWebEnginePage);
+ Q_EMIT q->renderProcessPidChanged(pid);
+QRectF QWebEnginePagePrivate::viewportRect() const
+ return view ? view->viewportRect() : QRectF();
+QColor QWebEnginePagePrivate::backgroundColor() const
+ return m_backgroundColor;
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::loadStarted(QWebEngineLoadingInfo info)
+ Q_Q(QWebEnginePage);
+ isLoading = true;
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, q, [q, info = std::move(info)] () {
+ Q_EMIT q->loadStarted();
+ Q_EMIT q->loadingChanged(info);
+ });
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::loadFinished(QWebEngineLoadingInfo info)
+ Q_Q(QWebEnginePage);
+ isLoading = false;
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, q, [q, info = std::move(info)] () {
+ Q_EMIT q->loadFinished(info.status() == QWebEngineLoadingInfo::LoadSucceededStatus);
+ Q_EMIT q->loadingChanged(info);
+ });
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::didPrintPageToPdf(const QString &filePath, bool success)
+ Q_Q(QWebEnginePage);
+ Q_EMIT q->pdfPrintingFinished(filePath, success);
+ if (view)
+ view->didPrintPageToPdf(filePath, success);
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::focusContainer()
+ if (view) {
+ view->focusContainer();
+ }
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::unhandledKeyEvent(QKeyEvent *event)
+ if (view) {
+ view->unhandledKeyEvent(event);
+ }
+QWebEnginePagePrivate::adoptNewWindow(QSharedPointer<WebContentsAdapter> newWebContents,
+ WindowOpenDisposition disposition, bool userGesture,
+ const QRect &initialGeometry, const QUrl &targetUrl)
+ Q_Q(QWebEnginePage);
+ Q_ASSERT(newWebContents);
+ QWebEnginePage *newPage = q->createWindow(toWindowType(disposition));
+ if (newPage) {
+ if (!newWebContents->webContents())
+ return newPage->d_func()->adapter; // Reuse existing adapter
+ if (!newPage->d_func()->adoptWebContents(newWebContents.get()))
+ return nullptr;
+ if (!initialGeometry.isEmpty())
+ emit newPage->geometryChangeRequested(initialGeometry);
+ return newWebContents;
+ }
+ QWebEngineNewWindowRequest request(toDestinationType(disposition), initialGeometry,
+ targetUrl, userGesture, newWebContents);
+ Q_EMIT q->newWindowRequested(request);
+ if (request.d_ptr->isRequestHandled)
+ return newWebContents;
+ return nullptr;
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::createNewWindow(WindowOpenDisposition disposition, bool userGesture, const QUrl &targetUrl)
+ Q_Q(QWebEnginePage);
+ QWebEnginePage *newPage = q->createWindow(toWindowType(disposition));
+ if (newPage) {
+ newPage->setUrl(targetUrl);
+ return;
+ }
+ QWebEngineNewWindowRequest request(toDestinationType(disposition), QRect(),
+ targetUrl, userGesture, nullptr);
+ Q_EMIT q->newWindowRequested(request);
+QString QWebEnginePagePrivate::actionText(int action)
+ switch (action) {
+ case QWebEnginePage::Back:
+ return RenderViewContextMenuQt::getMenuItemName(RenderViewContextMenuQt::ContextMenuItem::Back);
+ case QWebEnginePage::Forward:
+ return RenderViewContextMenuQt::getMenuItemName(RenderViewContextMenuQt::ContextMenuItem::Forward);
+ case QWebEnginePage::Stop:
+ return QWebEnginePage::tr("Stop");
+ case QWebEnginePage::Reload:
+ return RenderViewContextMenuQt::getMenuItemName(RenderViewContextMenuQt::ContextMenuItem::Reload);
+ case QWebEnginePage::ReloadAndBypassCache:
+ return QWebEnginePage::tr("Reload and Bypass Cache");
+ case QWebEnginePage::Cut:
+ return RenderViewContextMenuQt::getMenuItemName(RenderViewContextMenuQt::ContextMenuItem::Cut);
+ case QWebEnginePage::Copy:
+ return RenderViewContextMenuQt::getMenuItemName(RenderViewContextMenuQt::ContextMenuItem::Copy);
+ case QWebEnginePage::Paste:
+ return RenderViewContextMenuQt::getMenuItemName(RenderViewContextMenuQt::ContextMenuItem::Paste);
+ case QWebEnginePage::Undo:
+ return RenderViewContextMenuQt::getMenuItemName(RenderViewContextMenuQt::ContextMenuItem::Undo);
+ case QWebEnginePage::Redo:
+ return RenderViewContextMenuQt::getMenuItemName(RenderViewContextMenuQt::ContextMenuItem::Redo);
+ case QWebEnginePage::SelectAll:
+ return RenderViewContextMenuQt::getMenuItemName(RenderViewContextMenuQt::ContextMenuItem::SelectAll);
+ case QWebEnginePage::PasteAndMatchStyle:
+ return RenderViewContextMenuQt::getMenuItemName(RenderViewContextMenuQt::ContextMenuItem::PasteAndMatchStyle);
+ case QWebEnginePage::OpenLinkInThisWindow:
+ return QWebEnginePage::tr("Open link in this window");
+ case QWebEnginePage::OpenLinkInNewWindow:
+ return RenderViewContextMenuQt::getMenuItemName(RenderViewContextMenuQt::ContextMenuItem::OpenLinkInNewWindow);
+ case QWebEnginePage::OpenLinkInNewTab:
+ return RenderViewContextMenuQt::getMenuItemName(RenderViewContextMenuQt::ContextMenuItem::OpenLinkInNewTab);
+ case QWebEnginePage::OpenLinkInNewBackgroundTab:
+ return QWebEnginePage::tr("Open link in new background tab");
+ case QWebEnginePage::CopyLinkToClipboard:
+ return RenderViewContextMenuQt::getMenuItemName(RenderViewContextMenuQt::ContextMenuItem::CopyLinkToClipboard);
+ case QWebEnginePage::DownloadLinkToDisk:
+ return RenderViewContextMenuQt::getMenuItemName(RenderViewContextMenuQt::ContextMenuItem::DownloadLinkToDisk);
+ case QWebEnginePage::CopyImageToClipboard:
+ return RenderViewContextMenuQt::getMenuItemName(RenderViewContextMenuQt::ContextMenuItem::CopyImageToClipboard);
+ case QWebEnginePage::CopyImageUrlToClipboard:
+ return RenderViewContextMenuQt::getMenuItemName(RenderViewContextMenuQt::ContextMenuItem::CopyImageUrlToClipboard);
+ case QWebEnginePage::DownloadImageToDisk:
+ return RenderViewContextMenuQt::getMenuItemName(RenderViewContextMenuQt::ContextMenuItem::DownloadImageToDisk);
+ case QWebEnginePage::CopyMediaUrlToClipboard:
+ return RenderViewContextMenuQt::getMenuItemName(RenderViewContextMenuQt::ContextMenuItem::CopyMediaUrlToClipboard);
+ case QWebEnginePage::ToggleMediaControls:
+ return RenderViewContextMenuQt::getMenuItemName(RenderViewContextMenuQt::ContextMenuItem::ToggleMediaControls);
+ case QWebEnginePage::ToggleMediaLoop:
+ return RenderViewContextMenuQt::getMenuItemName(RenderViewContextMenuQt::ContextMenuItem::ToggleMediaLoop);
+ case QWebEnginePage::ToggleMediaPlayPause:
+ return QWebEnginePage::tr("Toggle Play/Pause");
+ case QWebEnginePage::ToggleMediaMute:
+ return QWebEnginePage::tr("Toggle Mute");
+ case QWebEnginePage::DownloadMediaToDisk:
+ return RenderViewContextMenuQt::getMenuItemName(RenderViewContextMenuQt::ContextMenuItem::DownloadMediaToDisk);
+ case QWebEnginePage::InspectElement:
+ return RenderViewContextMenuQt::getMenuItemName(RenderViewContextMenuQt::ContextMenuItem::InspectElement);
+ case QWebEnginePage::ExitFullScreen:
+ return RenderViewContextMenuQt::getMenuItemName(RenderViewContextMenuQt::ContextMenuItem::ExitFullScreen);
+ case QWebEnginePage::RequestClose:
+ return QWebEnginePage::tr("Close Page");
+ case QWebEnginePage::Unselect:
+ return QWebEnginePage::tr("Unselect");
+ case QWebEnginePage::SavePage:
+ return RenderViewContextMenuQt::getMenuItemName(RenderViewContextMenuQt::ContextMenuItem::SavePage);
+ case QWebEnginePage::ViewSource:
+ return RenderViewContextMenuQt::getMenuItemName(RenderViewContextMenuQt::ContextMenuItem::ViewSource);
+ case QWebEnginePage::ToggleBold:
+ return QWebEnginePage::tr("&Bold");
+ case QWebEnginePage::ToggleItalic:
+ return QWebEnginePage::tr("&Italic");
+ case QWebEnginePage::ToggleUnderline:
+ return QWebEnginePage::tr("&Underline");
+ case QWebEnginePage::ToggleStrikethrough:
+ return QWebEnginePage::tr("&Strikethrough");
+ case QWebEnginePage::AlignLeft:
+ return QWebEnginePage::tr("Align &Left");
+ case QWebEnginePage::AlignCenter:
+ return QWebEnginePage::tr("Align &Center");
+ case QWebEnginePage::AlignRight:
+ return QWebEnginePage::tr("Align &Right");
+ case QWebEnginePage::AlignJustified:
+ return QWebEnginePage::tr("Align &Justified");
+ case QWebEnginePage::Indent:
+ return QWebEnginePage::tr("&Indent");
+ case QWebEnginePage::Outdent:
+ return QWebEnginePage::tr("&Outdent");
+ case QWebEnginePage::InsertOrderedList:
+ return QWebEnginePage::tr("Insert &Ordered List");
+ case QWebEnginePage::InsertUnorderedList:
+ return QWebEnginePage::tr("Insert &Unordered List");
+ case QWebEnginePage::ChangeTextDirectionLTR:
+ return QWebEnginePage::tr("Change text direction left to right");
+ case QWebEnginePage::ChangeTextDirectionRTL:
+ return QWebEnginePage::tr("Change text direction right to left");
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return {};
+class WebContentsAdapterOwner : public QObject
+ typedef QSharedPointer<QtWebEngineCore::WebContentsAdapter> AdapterPtr;
+ WebContentsAdapterOwner(const AdapterPtr &ptr)
+ : adapter(ptr)
+ {}
+ AdapterPtr adapter;
+bool QWebEnginePagePrivate::adoptWebContents(WebContentsAdapter *webContents)
+ Q_ASSERT(webContents);
+ if (webContents->profileAdapter() && profileAdapter() != webContents->profileAdapter()) {
+ qWarning("Can not adopt content from a different WebEngineProfile.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ m_isBeingAdopted = true;
+ webContents->setRequestInterceptor(adapter->requestInterceptor());
+ // This throws away the WebContentsAdapter that has been used until now.
+ // All its states, particularly the loading URL, are replaced by the adopted WebContentsAdapter.
+ WebContentsAdapterOwner *adapterOwner = new WebContentsAdapterOwner(adapter->sharedFromThis());
+ adapterOwner->deleteLater();
+ adapter = webContents->sharedFromThis();
+ adapter->setClient(this);
+ return true;
+bool QWebEnginePagePrivate::isBeingAdopted()
+ return m_isBeingAdopted;
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::close()
+ Q_Q(QWebEnginePage);
+ Q_EMIT q->windowCloseRequested();
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::windowCloseRejected()
+ // Do nothing for now.
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::didRunJavaScript(quint64 requestId, const QVariant& result)
+ if (auto callback = m_variantCallbacks.take(requestId))
+ callback(result);
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::didFetchDocumentMarkup(quint64 requestId, const QString& result)
+ if (auto callback = m_stringCallbacks.take(requestId))
+ callback(result);
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::didFetchDocumentInnerText(quint64 requestId, const QString& result)
+ if (auto callback = m_stringCallbacks.take(requestId))
+ callback(result);
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::didPrintPage(quint64 requestId, QSharedPointer<QByteArray> result)
+#if QT_CONFIG(webengine_printing_and_pdf)
+ // If no currentPrinter is set that means that were printing to PDF only.
+ if (!currentPrinter) {
+ if (!
+ return;
+ if (auto callback = m_pdfResultCallbacks.take(requestId))
+ callback(*(;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (view)
+ view->didPrintPage(currentPrinter, result);
+ else
+ currentPrinter = nullptr;
+ // we should never enter this branch, but just for safe-keeping...
+ Q_UNUSED(result);
+ if (auto callback = m_pdfResultCallbacks.take(requestId))
+ callback(QByteArray());
+bool QWebEnginePagePrivate::passOnFocus(bool reverse)
+ return view ? view->passOnFocus(reverse) : false;
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::authenticationRequired(QSharedPointer<AuthenticationDialogController> controller)
+ Q_Q(QWebEnginePage);
+ QAuthenticator networkAuth;
+ networkAuth.setRealm(controller->realm());
+ if (controller->isProxy())
+ Q_EMIT q->proxyAuthenticationRequired(controller->url(), &networkAuth, controller->host());
+ else
+ Q_EMIT q->authenticationRequired(controller->url(), &networkAuth);
+ // Authentication has been cancelled
+ if (networkAuth.isNull()) {
+ controller->reject();
+ return;
+ }
+ controller->accept(networkAuth.user(), networkAuth.password());
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::releaseProfile()
+ qWarning("Release of profile requested but WebEnginePage still not deleted. Expect troubles !");
+ // this is not the way to go, but might avoid the crash if user code does not make any calls to page.
+ q_ptr->d_ptr.reset();
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::showColorDialog(QSharedPointer<ColorChooserController> controller)
+ if (view)
+ view->showColorDialog(controller);
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::runMediaAccessPermissionRequest(const QUrl &securityOrigin, WebContentsAdapterClient::MediaRequestFlags requestFlags)
+ Q_Q(QWebEnginePage);
+ QWebEnginePage::Feature feature;
+ if (requestFlags.testFlag(WebContentsAdapterClient::MediaAudioCapture) &&
+ requestFlags.testFlag(WebContentsAdapterClient::MediaVideoCapture))
+ feature = QWebEnginePage::MediaAudioVideoCapture;
+ else if (requestFlags.testFlag(WebContentsAdapterClient::MediaAudioCapture))
+ feature = QWebEnginePage::MediaAudioCapture;
+ else if (requestFlags.testFlag(WebContentsAdapterClient::MediaVideoCapture))
+ feature = QWebEnginePage::MediaVideoCapture;
+ else if (requestFlags.testFlag(WebContentsAdapterClient::MediaDesktopAudioCapture) &&
+ requestFlags.testFlag(WebContentsAdapterClient::MediaDesktopVideoCapture))
+ feature = QWebEnginePage::DesktopAudioVideoCapture;
+ else // if (requestFlags.testFlag(WebContentsAdapterClient::MediaDesktopVideoCapture))
+ feature = QWebEnginePage::DesktopVideoCapture;
+ Q_EMIT q->featurePermissionRequested(securityOrigin, feature);
+static QWebEnginePage::Feature toFeature(QtWebEngineCore::ProfileAdapter::PermissionType type)
+ switch (type) {
+ case QtWebEngineCore::ProfileAdapter::NotificationPermission:
+ return QWebEnginePage::Notifications;
+ case QtWebEngineCore::ProfileAdapter::GeolocationPermission:
+ return QWebEnginePage::Geolocation;
+ case QtWebEngineCore::ProfileAdapter::ClipboardReadWrite:
+ return QWebEnginePage::ClipboardReadWrite;
+ case QtWebEngineCore::ProfileAdapter::LocalFontsPermission:
+ return QWebEnginePage::LocalFontsAccess;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return QWebEnginePage::Feature(-1);
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::runFeaturePermissionRequest(QtWebEngineCore::ProfileAdapter::PermissionType permission, const QUrl &securityOrigin)
+ Q_Q(QWebEnginePage);
+ Q_EMIT q->featurePermissionRequested(securityOrigin, toFeature(permission));
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::runMouseLockPermissionRequest(const QUrl &securityOrigin)
+ Q_Q(QWebEnginePage);
+ Q_EMIT q->featurePermissionRequested(securityOrigin, QWebEnginePage::MouseLock);
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::runRegisterProtocolHandlerRequest(QWebEngineRegisterProtocolHandlerRequest request)
+ Q_Q(QWebEnginePage);
+ Q_EMIT q->registerProtocolHandlerRequested(request);
+ \fn void QWebEnginePage::fileSystemAccessRequested(QWebEngineFileSystemAccessRequest request)
+ \since 6.4
+ This signal is emitted when the web page requests access to local files or directories.
+ The request object \a request can be used to accept or reject the request.
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::runFileSystemAccessRequest(QWebEngineFileSystemAccessRequest request)
+ Q_Q(QWebEnginePage);
+ Q_EMIT q->fileSystemAccessRequested(request);
+QObject *QWebEnginePagePrivate::accessibilityParentObject()
+ return view ? view->accessibilityParentObject() : nullptr;
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::updateAction(QWebEnginePage::WebAction action) const
+#if !QT_CONFIG(action)
+ Q_UNUSED(action);
+ QAction *a = actions[action];
+ if (!a)
+ return;
+ bool enabled = true;
+ switch (action) {
+ case QWebEnginePage::Back:
+ enabled = adapter->canGoToOffset(-1);
+ break;
+ case QWebEnginePage::Forward:
+ enabled = adapter->canGoToOffset(1);
+ break;
+ case QWebEnginePage::Stop:
+ enabled = isLoading;
+ break;
+ case QWebEnginePage::Reload:
+ case QWebEnginePage::ReloadAndBypassCache:
+ enabled = !isLoading;
+ break;
+ case QWebEnginePage::ViewSource:
+ enabled = adapter->canViewSource();
+ break;
+ case QWebEnginePage::Cut:
+ case QWebEnginePage::Copy:
+ case QWebEnginePage::Unselect:
+ enabled = adapter->hasFocusedFrame() && !adapter->selectedText().isEmpty();
+ break;
+ case QWebEnginePage::Paste:
+ case QWebEnginePage::Undo:
+ case QWebEnginePage::Redo:
+ case QWebEnginePage::SelectAll:
+ case QWebEnginePage::PasteAndMatchStyle:
+ enabled = adapter->hasFocusedFrame();
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ a->setEnabled(enabled);
+#endif // QT_CONFIG(action)
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::updateNavigationActions()
+ updateAction(QWebEnginePage::Back);
+ updateAction(QWebEnginePage::Forward);
+ updateAction(QWebEnginePage::Stop);
+ updateAction(QWebEnginePage::Reload);
+ updateAction(QWebEnginePage::ReloadAndBypassCache);
+ updateAction(QWebEnginePage::ViewSource);
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::updateEditActions()
+ updateAction(QWebEnginePage::Cut);
+ updateAction(QWebEnginePage::Copy);
+ updateAction(QWebEnginePage::Paste);
+ updateAction(QWebEnginePage::Undo);
+ updateAction(QWebEnginePage::Redo);
+ updateAction(QWebEnginePage::SelectAll);
+ updateAction(QWebEnginePage::PasteAndMatchStyle);
+ updateAction(QWebEnginePage::Unselect);
+#if QT_CONFIG(action)
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::_q_webActionTriggered(bool checked)
+ Q_Q(QWebEnginePage);
+ QAction *a = qobject_cast<QAction *>(q->sender());
+ if (!a)
+ return;
+ QWebEnginePage::WebAction action = static_cast<QWebEnginePage::WebAction>(a->data().toInt());
+ q->triggerAction(action, checked);
+#endif // QT_CONFIG(action)
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::recreateFromSerializedHistory(QDataStream &input)
+ QSharedPointer<WebContentsAdapter> newWebContents = WebContentsAdapter::createFromSerializedNavigationHistory(input, this);
+ if (newWebContents) {
+ adapter = std::move(newWebContents);
+ adapter->setClient(this);
+ adapter->loadDefault();
+ }
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::updateScrollPosition(const QPointF &position)
+ Q_Q(QWebEnginePage);
+ Q_EMIT q->scrollPositionChanged(position);
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::updateContentsSize(const QSizeF &size)
+ Q_Q(QWebEnginePage);
+ Q_EMIT q->contentsSizeChanged(size);
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::setFullScreenMode(bool fullscreen)
+ if (fullscreenMode != fullscreen) {
+ fullscreenMode = fullscreen;
+ adapter->changedFullScreen();
+ }
+ProfileAdapter* QWebEnginePagePrivate::profileAdapter()
+ return profile->d_ptr->profileAdapter();
+WebContentsAdapter *QWebEnginePagePrivate::webContentsAdapter()
+ ensureInitialized();
+ return;
+const QObject *QWebEnginePagePrivate::holdingQObject() const
+ Q_Q(const QWebEnginePage);
+ return q;
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::findTextFinished(const QWebEngineFindTextResult &result)
+ Q_Q(QWebEnginePage);
+ Q_EMIT q->findTextFinished(result);
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::showAutofillPopup(QtWebEngineCore::AutofillPopupController *controller,
+ const QRect &bounds, bool autoselectFirstSuggestion)
+ if (view)
+ view->showAutofillPopup(controller, bounds, autoselectFirstSuggestion);
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::hideAutofillPopup()
+ if (view)
+ view->hideAutofillPopup();
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::ensureInitialized() const
+ if (!adapter->isInitialized())
+ adapter->loadDefault();
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::showWebAuthDialog(QWebEngineWebAuthUxRequest *request)
+ Q_Q(QWebEnginePage);
+ Q_EMIT q->webAuthUxRequested(request);
+QWebEnginePage::QWebEnginePage(QObject* parent)
+ : QObject(parent)
+ , d_ptr(new QWebEnginePagePrivate())
+ Q_D(QWebEnginePage);
+ d->q_ptr = this;
+ d->adapter->setClient(d);
+ \fn void QWebEnginePage::findTextFinished(const QWebEngineFindTextResult &result)
+ \since 5.14
+ This signal is emitted when a search string search on a page is completed. \a result is
+ the result of the string search.
+ \sa findText()
+ \enum QWebEnginePage::RenderProcessTerminationStatus
+ \since 5.6
+ This enum describes the status with which the render process terminated:
+ \value NormalTerminationStatus
+ The render process terminated normally.
+ \value AbnormalTerminationStatus
+ The render process terminated with with a non-zero exit status.
+ \value CrashedTerminationStatus
+ The render process crashed, for example because of a segmentation fault.
+ \value KilledTerminationStatus
+ The render process was killed, for example by \c SIGKILL or task manager kill.
+ \fn QWebEnginePage::renderProcessTerminated(RenderProcessTerminationStatus terminationStatus, int exitCode)
+ \since 5.6
+ This signal is emitted when the render process is terminated with a non-zero exit status.
+ \a terminationStatus is the termination status of the process and \a exitCode is the status code
+ with which the process terminated.
+ \fn QWebEnginePage::fullScreenRequested(QWebEngineFullScreenRequest fullScreenRequest)
+ This signal is emitted when the web page issues the request to enter fullscreen mode for
+ a web-element, usually a video element.
+ The request object \a fullScreenRequest can be used to accept or reject the request.
+ If the request is accepted the element requesting fullscreen will fill the viewport,
+ but it is up to the application to make the view fullscreen or move the page to a view
+ that is fullscreen.
+ \sa QWebEngineSettings::FullScreenSupportEnabled
+ \fn QWebEnginePage::quotaRequested(QWebEngineQuotaRequest quotaRequest)
+ \since 5.11
+ \deprecated [6.5] This signal is no longer emitted.
+ Requesting host quota is no longer supported by Chromium.
+ The behavior of navigator.webkitPersistentStorage
+ is identical to navigator.webkitTemporaryStorage.
+ For further details, see
+ \fn QWebEnginePage::registerProtocolHandlerRequested(QWebEngineRegisterProtocolHandlerRequest request)
+ \since 5.11
+ This signal is emitted when the web page tries to register a custom protocol
+ using the \l registerProtocolHandler API.
+ The request object \a request can be used to accept or reject the request:
+ \snippet webenginewidgets/simplebrowser/webview.cpp registerProtocolHandlerRequested
+ \property QWebEnginePage::scrollPosition
+ \since 5.7
+ \brief The scroll position of the page contents.
+ \property QWebEnginePage::contentsSize
+ \since 5.7
+ \brief The size of the page contents.
+ \fn void QWebEnginePage::audioMutedChanged(bool muted)
+ \since 5.7
+ This signal is emitted when the page's \a muted state changes.
+ \note Not to be confused with a specific HTML5 audio or video element being muted.
+ \fn void QWebEnginePage::recentlyAudibleChanged(bool recentlyAudible);
+ \since 5.7
+ This signal is emitted when the page's audible state, \a recentlyAudible, changes, because
+ the audio is played or stopped.
+ \note The signal is also emitted when calling the setAudioMuted() method.
+ \fn void QWebEnginePage::renderProcessPidChanged(qint64 pid);
+ \since 5.15
+ This signal is emitted when the underlying render process PID, \a pid, changes.
+ \fn void QWebEnginePage::iconUrlChanged(const QUrl &url)
+ This signal is emitted when the URL of the icon ("favicon") associated with the
+ page is changed. The new URL is specified by \a url.
+ \sa iconUrl(), icon(), iconChanged()
+ \fn void QWebEnginePage::iconChanged(const QIcon &icon)
+ \since 5.7
+ This signal is emitted when the icon ("favicon") associated with the
+ page is changed. The new icon is specified by \a icon.
+ \sa icon(), iconUrl(), iconUrlChanged()
+ Constructs an empty web engine page in the web engine profile \a profile with the parent
+ \a parent.
+ If the profile is not the default profile, the caller must ensure that the profile stays alive
+ for as long as the page does.
+ \since 5.5
+QWebEnginePage::QWebEnginePage(QWebEngineProfile *profile, QObject* parent)
+ : QObject(parent)
+ , d_ptr(new QWebEnginePagePrivate(profile))
+ Q_D(QWebEnginePage);
+ d->q_ptr = this;
+ d->adapter->setClient(d);
+ if (d_ptr) {
+ // d_ptr might be exceptionally null if profile adapter got deleted first
+ setDevToolsPage(nullptr);
+ emit _q_aboutToDelete();
+ for (auto varFun : std::as_const(d_ptr->m_variantCallbacks))
+ varFun(QVariant());
+ for (auto strFun : std::as_const(d_ptr->m_stringCallbacks))
+ strFun(QString());
+ d_ptr->m_variantCallbacks.clear();
+ d_ptr->m_stringCallbacks.clear();
+ }
+QWebEngineHistory *QWebEnginePage::history() const
+ Q_D(const QWebEnginePage);
+ return d->history;
+QWebEngineSettings *QWebEnginePage::settings() const
+ Q_D(const QWebEnginePage);
+ return d->settings;
+ * Returns a pointer to the web channel instance used by this page or a null pointer if none was set.
+ * This channel automatically uses the internal web engine transport mechanism over Chromium IPC
+ * that is exposed in the JavaScript context of this page as \c qt.webChannelTransport.
+ *
+ * \since 5.5
+ * \sa setWebChannel()
+ */
+QWebChannel *QWebEnginePage::webChannel() const
+#if QT_CONFIG(webengine_webchannel)
+ Q_D(const QWebEnginePage);
+ return d->webChannel;
+ qWarning("WebEngine compiled without webchannel support");
+ return nullptr;
+ * Sets the web channel instance to be used by this page to \a channel and connects it to
+ * web engine's transport using Chromium IPC messages. The transport is exposed in the JavaScript
+ * world \a worldId as
+ * \c qt.webChannelTransport, which should be used when using the \l{Qt WebChannel JavaScript API}.
+ *
+ * \note The page does not take ownership of the channel object.
+ * \note Only one web channel can be installed per page, setting one even in another JavaScript
+ * world uninstalls any already installed web channel.
+ *
+ * \since 5.7
+ * \sa QWebEngineScript::ScriptWorldId
+ */
+void QWebEnginePage::setWebChannel(QWebChannel *channel, quint32 worldId)
+#if QT_CONFIG(webengine_webchannel)
+ Q_D(QWebEnginePage);
+ if (d->webChannel != channel || d->webChannelWorldId != worldId) {
+ d->webChannel = channel;
+ d->webChannelWorldId = worldId;
+ d->adapter->setWebChannel(channel, worldId);
+ }
+ Q_UNUSED(channel);
+ Q_UNUSED(worldId);
+ qWarning("WebEngine compiled without webchannel support");
+ \property QWebEnginePage::backgroundColor
+ \brief The page's background color behind the document's body.
+ \since 5.6
+ You can set the background color to Qt::transparent or to a translucent
+ color to see through the document, or you can set it to match your
+ web content in a hybrid application to prevent the white flashes that may appear
+ during loading.
+ The default value is white.
+QColor QWebEnginePage::backgroundColor() const
+ Q_D(const QWebEnginePage);
+ return d->m_backgroundColor;
+void QWebEnginePage::setBackgroundColor(const QColor &color)
+ Q_D(QWebEnginePage);
+ if (d->m_backgroundColor == color)
+ return;
+ d->m_backgroundColor = color;
+ d->adapter->setBackgroundColor(color);
+ * Save the currently loaded web page to disk.
+ *
+ * The web page is saved to \a filePath in the specified \a{format}.
+ *
+ * This is a short cut for the following actions:
+ * \list
+ * \li Trigger the Save web action.
+ * \li Accept the next download item and set the specified file path and save format.
+ * \endlist
+ *
+ * This function issues an asynchronous download request for the web page and returns immediately.
+ *
+ * \sa QWebEngineDownloadRequest::SavePageFormat
+ * \since 5.8
+ */
+void QWebEnginePage::save(const QString &filePath,
+ QWebEngineDownloadRequest::SavePageFormat format) const
+ Q_D(const QWebEnginePage);
+ d->ensureInitialized();
+ d->adapter->save(filePath, format);
+ \property QWebEnginePage::audioMuted
+ \brief Whether the current page audio is muted.
+ \since 5.7
+ The default value is \c false.
+ \sa recentlyAudible
+bool QWebEnginePage::isAudioMuted() const {
+ Q_D(const QWebEnginePage);
+ if (d->adapter->isInitialized())
+ return d->adapter->isAudioMuted();
+ return d->defaultAudioMuted;
+void QWebEnginePage::setAudioMuted(bool muted) {
+ Q_D(QWebEnginePage);
+ bool wasAudioMuted = isAudioMuted();
+ d->defaultAudioMuted = muted;
+ d->adapter->setAudioMuted(muted);
+ if (wasAudioMuted != isAudioMuted())
+ Q_EMIT audioMutedChanged(muted);
+ \property QWebEnginePage::recentlyAudible
+ \brief The current page's \e {audible state}, that is, whether audio was recently played
+ or not.
+ \since 5.7
+ The default value is \c false.
+ \sa audioMuted
+bool QWebEnginePage::recentlyAudible() const
+ Q_D(const QWebEnginePage);
+ return d->adapter->isInitialized() && d->adapter->recentlyAudible();
+ \property QWebEnginePage::renderProcessPid
+ \brief The process ID (PID) of the render process assigned to the current
+ page's main frame.
+ \since 5.15
+ If no render process is available yet, \c 0 is returned.
+qint64 QWebEnginePage::renderProcessPid() const
+ Q_D(const QWebEnginePage);
+ return d->adapter->renderProcessPid();
+ Returns the web engine profile the page belongs to.
+ \since 5.5
+QWebEngineProfile *QWebEnginePage::profile() const
+ Q_D(const QWebEnginePage);
+ return d->profile;
+bool QWebEnginePage::hasSelection() const
+ return !selectedText().isEmpty();
+QString QWebEnginePage::selectedText() const
+ Q_D(const QWebEnginePage);
+ return d->adapter->selectedText();
+#if QT_CONFIG(action)
+QAction *QWebEnginePage::action(WebAction action) const
+ Q_D(const QWebEnginePage);
+ if (action == QWebEnginePage::NoWebAction)
+ return nullptr;
+ if (d->actions[action])
+ return d->actions[action];
+ const QString text = QWebEnginePagePrivate::actionText(action);
+ QAction *a = new QAction(const_cast<QWebEnginePage*>(this));
+ a->setText(text);
+ a->setData(action);
+ connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(_q_webActionTriggered(bool)));
+ d->actions[action] = a;
+ d->updateAction(action);
+ return a;
+#endif // QT_CONFIG(action)
+void QWebEnginePage::triggerAction(WebAction action, bool)
+ Q_D(QWebEnginePage);
+ d->ensureInitialized();
+ switch (action) {
+ case Back:
+ d->adapter->navigateBack();
+ break;
+ case Forward:
+ d->adapter->navigateForward();
+ break;
+ case Stop:
+ d->adapter->stop();
+ break;
+ case Reload:
+ d->adapter->reload();
+ break;
+ case ReloadAndBypassCache:
+ d->adapter->reloadAndBypassCache();
+ break;
+ case Cut:
+ d->adapter->cut();
+ break;
+ case Copy:
+ d->adapter->copy();
+ break;
+ case Paste:
+ d->adapter->paste();
+ break;
+ case Undo:
+ d->adapter->undo();
+ break;
+ case Redo:
+ d->adapter->redo();
+ break;
+ case SelectAll:
+ d->adapter->selectAll();
+ break;
+ case PasteAndMatchStyle:
+ d->adapter->pasteAndMatchStyle();
+ break;
+ case Unselect:
+ d->adapter->unselect();
+ break;
+ case OpenLinkInThisWindow:
+ if (d->view && d->view->lastContextMenuRequest() && d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->filteredLinkUrl().isValid())
+ setUrl(d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->filteredLinkUrl());
+ break;
+ case OpenLinkInNewWindow:
+ if (d->view && d->view->lastContextMenuRequest() && d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->filteredLinkUrl().isValid())
+ d->createNewWindow(WebContentsAdapterClient::NewWindowDisposition, true,
+ d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->filteredLinkUrl());
+ break;
+ case OpenLinkInNewTab:
+ if (d->view && d->view->lastContextMenuRequest() && d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->filteredLinkUrl().isValid())
+ d->createNewWindow(WebContentsAdapterClient::NewForegroundTabDisposition, true,
+ d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->filteredLinkUrl());
+ break;
+ case OpenLinkInNewBackgroundTab:
+ if (d->view && d->view->lastContextMenuRequest() && d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->filteredLinkUrl().isValid())
+ d->createNewWindow(WebContentsAdapterClient::NewBackgroundTabDisposition, true,
+ d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->filteredLinkUrl());
+ break;
+ case CopyLinkToClipboard:
+ if (d->view && d->view->lastContextMenuRequest() && !d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->linkUrl().isEmpty()) {
+ QString urlString = d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->linkUrl().toString(
+ QUrl::FullyEncoded);
+ QString linkText = d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->linkText().toHtmlEscaped();
+ QString title = d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->titleText();
+ if (!title.isEmpty())
+ title = QStringLiteral(" title=\"%1\"").arg(title.toHtmlEscaped());
+ QMimeData *data = new QMimeData();
+ data->setText(urlString);
+ QString html = QStringLiteral("<a href=\"") + urlString + QStringLiteral("\"") + title + QStringLiteral(">")
+ + linkText + QStringLiteral("</a>");
+ data->setHtml(html);
+ data->setUrls(QList<QUrl>() << d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->linkUrl());
+ QGuiApplication::clipboard()->setMimeData(data);
+ }
+ break;
+ case DownloadLinkToDisk:
+ if (d->view && d->view->lastContextMenuRequest() && d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->filteredLinkUrl().isValid())
+ d->adapter->download(d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->filteredLinkUrl(),
+ d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->suggestedFileName(),
+ d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->referrerUrl(),
+ d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->referrerPolicy());
+ break;
+ case CopyImageToClipboard:
+ if (d->view && d->view->lastContextMenuRequest() && d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->hasImageContent()
+ && (d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->mediaType()
+ == QWebEngineContextMenuRequest::MediaTypeImage
+ || d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->mediaType()
+ == QWebEngineContextMenuRequest::MediaTypeCanvas)) {
+ d->adapter->copyImageAt(d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->position());
+ }
+ break;
+ case CopyImageUrlToClipboard:
+ if (d->view && d->view->lastContextMenuRequest() && d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->mediaUrl().isValid()
+ && d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->mediaType()
+ == QWebEngineContextMenuRequest::MediaTypeImage) {
+ QString urlString =
+ d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->mediaUrl().toString(QUrl::FullyEncoded);
+ QString alt = d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->altText();
+ if (!alt.isEmpty())
+ alt = QStringLiteral(" alt=\"%1\"").arg(alt.toHtmlEscaped());
+ QString title = d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->titleText();
+ if (!title.isEmpty())
+ title = QStringLiteral(" title=\"%1\"").arg(title.toHtmlEscaped());
+ QMimeData *data = new QMimeData();
+ data->setText(urlString);
+ QString html = QStringLiteral("<img src=\"") + urlString + QStringLiteral("\"") + title + alt + QStringLiteral("></img>");
+ data->setHtml(html);
+ data->setUrls(QList<QUrl>() << d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->mediaUrl());
+ QGuiApplication::clipboard()->setMimeData(data);
+ }
+ break;
+ case DownloadImageToDisk:
+ case DownloadMediaToDisk:
+ if (d->view && d->view->lastContextMenuRequest() && d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->mediaUrl().isValid())
+ d->adapter->download(d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->mediaUrl(),
+ d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->suggestedFileName(),
+ d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->referrerUrl(),
+ d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->referrerPolicy());
+ break;
+ case CopyMediaUrlToClipboard:
+ if (d->view && d->view->lastContextMenuRequest() && d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->mediaUrl().isValid()
+ && (d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->mediaType()
+ == QWebEngineContextMenuRequest::MediaTypeAudio
+ || d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->mediaType()
+ == QWebEngineContextMenuRequest::MediaTypeVideo)) {
+ QString urlString =
+ d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->mediaUrl().toString(QUrl::FullyEncoded);
+ QString title = d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->titleText();
+ if (!title.isEmpty())
+ title = QStringLiteral(" title=\"%1\"").arg(title.toHtmlEscaped());
+ QMimeData *data = new QMimeData();
+ data->setText(urlString);
+ if (d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->mediaType()
+ == QWebEngineContextMenuRequest::MediaTypeAudio)
+ data->setHtml(QStringLiteral("<audio src=\"") + urlString + QStringLiteral("\"") + title +
+ QStringLiteral("></audio>"));
+ else
+ data->setHtml(QStringLiteral("<video src=\"") + urlString + QStringLiteral("\"") + title +
+ QStringLiteral("></video>"));
+ data->setUrls(QList<QUrl>() << d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->mediaUrl());
+ QGuiApplication::clipboard()->setMimeData(data);
+ }
+ break;
+ case ToggleMediaControls:
+ if (d->view && d->view->lastContextMenuRequest() && d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->mediaUrl().isValid()
+ && d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->mediaFlags()
+ & QWebEngineContextMenuRequest::MediaCanToggleControls) {
+ bool enable = !(d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->mediaFlags()
+ & QWebEngineContextMenuRequest::MediaControls);
+ d->adapter->executeMediaPlayerActionAt(d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->position(),
+ WebContentsAdapter::MediaPlayerControls, enable);
+ }
+ break;
+ case ToggleMediaLoop:
+ if (d->view && d->view->lastContextMenuRequest() && d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->mediaUrl().isValid()
+ && (d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->mediaType()
+ == QWebEngineContextMenuRequest::MediaTypeAudio
+ || d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->mediaType()
+ == QWebEngineContextMenuRequest::MediaTypeVideo)) {
+ bool enable = !(d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->mediaFlags()
+ & QWebEngineContextMenuRequest::MediaLoop);
+ d->adapter->executeMediaPlayerActionAt(d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->position(),
+ WebContentsAdapter::MediaPlayerLoop, enable);
+ }
+ break;
+ case ToggleMediaPlayPause:
+ if (d->view && d->view->lastContextMenuRequest() && d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->mediaUrl().isValid()
+ && (d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->mediaType()
+ == QWebEngineContextMenuRequest::MediaTypeAudio
+ || d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->mediaType()
+ == QWebEngineContextMenuRequest::MediaTypeVideo)) {
+ bool enable = (d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->mediaFlags()
+ & QWebEngineContextMenuRequest::MediaPaused);
+ d->adapter->executeMediaPlayerActionAt(d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->position(),
+ WebContentsAdapter::MediaPlayerPlay, enable);
+ }
+ break;
+ case ToggleMediaMute:
+ if (d->view && d->view->lastContextMenuRequest() && d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->mediaUrl().isValid()
+ && d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->mediaFlags()
+ & QWebEngineContextMenuRequest::MediaHasAudio) {
+ // Make sure to negate the value, so that toggling actually works.
+ bool enable = !(d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->mediaFlags()
+ & QWebEngineContextMenuRequest::MediaMuted);
+ d->adapter->executeMediaPlayerActionAt(d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->position(),
+ WebContentsAdapter::MediaPlayerMute, enable);
+ }
+ break;
+ case InspectElement:
+ if (d->view && d->view->lastContextMenuRequest())
+ d->adapter->inspectElementAt(d->view->lastContextMenuRequest()->position());
+ break;
+ case ExitFullScreen:
+ // See under ViewSource, anything that can trigger a delete of the current view is dangerous to call directly here.
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, this, [d](){ d->adapter->exitFullScreen(); });
+ break;
+ case RequestClose:
+ d->adapter->requestClose();
+ break;
+ case SavePage:
+ d->adapter->save();
+ break;
+ case ViewSource:
+ // This is a workaround to make the ViewSource action working in a context menu.
+ // The WebContentsAdapter::viewSource() method deletes a
+ // RenderWidgetHostViewQtDelegateWidget instance which passes the control to the event
+ // loop. If the QMenu::aboutToHide() signal is connected to the QObject::deleteLater()
+ // slot the QMenu is deleted by the event handler while the ViewSource action is still not
+ // completed. This may lead to a crash. To avoid this the WebContentsAdapter::viewSource()
+ // method is called indirectly via the QTimer::singleShot() function which schedules the
+ // the viewSource() call after the QMenu's destruction.
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, this, [d](){ d->adapter->viewSource(); });
+ break;
+ case ToggleBold:
+ runJavaScript(QStringLiteral("document.execCommand('bold');"), QWebEngineScript::ApplicationWorld);
+ break;
+ case ToggleItalic:
+ runJavaScript(QStringLiteral("document.execCommand('italic');"), QWebEngineScript::ApplicationWorld);
+ break;
+ case ToggleUnderline:
+ runJavaScript(QStringLiteral("document.execCommand('underline');"), QWebEngineScript::ApplicationWorld);
+ break;
+ case ToggleStrikethrough:
+ runJavaScript(QStringLiteral("document.execCommand('strikethrough');"), QWebEngineScript::ApplicationWorld);
+ break;
+ case AlignLeft:
+ runJavaScript(QStringLiteral("document.execCommand('justifyLeft');"), QWebEngineScript::ApplicationWorld);
+ break;
+ case AlignCenter:
+ runJavaScript(QStringLiteral("document.execCommand('justifyCenter');"), QWebEngineScript::ApplicationWorld);
+ break;
+ case AlignRight:
+ runJavaScript(QStringLiteral("document.execCommand('justifyRight');"), QWebEngineScript::ApplicationWorld);
+ break;
+ case AlignJustified:
+ runJavaScript(QStringLiteral("document.execCommand('justifyFull');"), QWebEngineScript::ApplicationWorld);
+ break;
+ case Indent:
+ runJavaScript(QStringLiteral("document.execCommand('indent');"), QWebEngineScript::ApplicationWorld);
+ break;
+ case Outdent:
+ runJavaScript(QStringLiteral("document.execCommand('outdent');"), QWebEngineScript::ApplicationWorld);
+ break;
+ case InsertOrderedList:
+ runJavaScript(QStringLiteral("document.execCommand('insertOrderedList');"), QWebEngineScript::ApplicationWorld);
+ break;
+ case InsertUnorderedList:
+ runJavaScript(QStringLiteral("document.execCommand('insertUnorderedList');"), QWebEngineScript::ApplicationWorld);
+ break;
+ case ChangeTextDirectionLTR:
+ d->adapter->changeTextDirection(true /*left to right*/);
+ break;
+ case ChangeTextDirectionRTL:
+ d->adapter->changeTextDirection(false /*left to right*/);
+ break;
+ case NoWebAction:
+ break;
+ case WebActionCount:
+ break;
+ }
+ * \since 5.8
+ * Replace the current misspelled word with \a replacement.
+ *
+ * The current misspelled word can be found in QWebEngineContextMenuRequest::misspelledWord(),
+ * and suggested replacements in QWebEngineContextMenuRequest::spellCheckerSuggestions().
+ *
+ */
+void QWebEnginePage::replaceMisspelledWord(const QString &replacement)
+ Q_D(QWebEnginePage);
+ d->adapter->replaceMisspelling(replacement);
+void QWebEnginePage::findText(const QString &subString, FindFlags options, const std::function<void(const QWebEngineFindTextResult &)> &resultCallback)
+ Q_D(QWebEnginePage);
+ if (!d->adapter->isInitialized()) {
+ if (resultCallback)
+ resultCallback(QWebEngineFindTextResult());
+ return;
+ }
+ d->adapter->findTextHelper()->startFinding(subString, options & FindCaseSensitively, options & FindBackward, resultCallback);
+ * \reimp
+ */
+bool QWebEnginePage::event(QEvent *e)
+ return QObject::event(e);
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::desktopMediaRequested(
+ QtWebEngineCore::DesktopMediaController *controller)
+ Q_Q(QWebEnginePage);
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, q, [q, controller]() {
+ Q_EMIT q->desktopMediaRequested(QWebEngineDesktopMediaRequest(controller));
+ });
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::contextMenuRequested(QWebEngineContextMenuRequest *data)
+ if (view)
+ view->contextMenuRequested(data);
+ \fn void QWebEnginePage::navigationRequested(QWebEngineNavigationRequest &request)
+ \since 6.2
+ This signal is emitted on navigation together with the call the acceptNavigationRequest().
+ It can be used to accept or ignore the \a request. The default is to accept.
+ \sa acceptNavigationRequest()
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::navigationRequested(int navigationType, const QUrl &url, bool &accepted, bool isMainFrame, bool hasFormData)
+ Q_Q(QWebEnginePage);
+ accepted = q->acceptNavigationRequest(url, static_cast<QWebEnginePage::NavigationType>(navigationType), isMainFrame);
+ if (accepted) {
+ QWebEngineNavigationRequest navigationRequest(url, static_cast<QWebEngineNavigationRequest::NavigationType>(navigationType), isMainFrame, hasFormData);
+ Q_EMIT q->navigationRequested(navigationRequest);
+ accepted = navigationRequest.isAccepted();
+ }
+ if (accepted && adapter->findTextHelper()->isFindTextInProgress())
+ adapter->findTextHelper()->stopFinding();
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::requestFullScreenMode(const QUrl &origin, bool fullscreen)
+ Q_Q(QWebEnginePage);
+ QWebEngineFullScreenRequest request(origin, fullscreen, [q = QPointer(q)] (bool toggleOn) { if (q) q->d_ptr->setFullScreenMode(toggleOn); });
+ Q_EMIT q->fullScreenRequested(std::move(request));
+bool QWebEnginePagePrivate::isFullScreenMode() const
+ return fullscreenMode;
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::javascriptDialog(QSharedPointer<JavaScriptDialogController> controller)
+ Q_Q(QWebEnginePage);
+ bool accepted = false;
+ QString promptResult;
+ switch (controller->type()) {
+ case AlertDialog:
+ q->javaScriptAlert(controller->securityOrigin(), controller->message());
+ accepted = true;
+ break;
+ case ConfirmDialog:
+ accepted = q->javaScriptConfirm(controller->securityOrigin(), controller->message());
+ break;
+ case PromptDialog:
+ accepted = q->javaScriptPrompt(controller->securityOrigin(), controller->message(), controller->defaultPrompt(), &promptResult);
+ if (accepted)
+ controller->textProvided(promptResult);
+ break;
+ case UnloadDialog:
+ accepted = q->javaScriptConfirm(controller->securityOrigin(), QCoreApplication::translate("QWebEnginePage", "Are you sure you want to leave this page? Changes that you made may not be saved."));
+ break;
+ case InternalAuthorizationDialog:
+ accepted = view ? view->showAuthorizationDialog(controller->title(), controller->message())
+ : false;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (accepted)
+ controller->accept();
+ else
+ controller->reject();
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::allowCertificateError(const QWebEngineCertificateError &error)
+ Q_Q(QWebEnginePage);
+ Q_EMIT q->certificateError(error);
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::selectClientCert(const QSharedPointer<ClientCertSelectController> &controller)
+ Q_Q(QWebEnginePage);
+ QWebEngineClientCertificateSelection certSelection(controller);
+ Q_EMIT q->selectClientCertificate(certSelection);
+ \fn void QWebEnginePage::selectClientCertificate(QWebEngineClientCertificateSelection clientCertificateSelection)
+ \since 5.12
+ This signal is emitted when a web site requests an SSL client certificate, and one or more were
+ found in system's client certificate store.
+ Handling the signal is asynchronous, and loading will be waiting until a certificate is selected,
+ or the last copy of \a clientCertificateSelection is destroyed.
+ If the signal is not handled, \a clientCertificateSelection is automatically destroyed, and loading
+ will continue without a client certificate.
+ \sa QWebEngineClientCertificateSelection
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::javaScriptConsoleMessage(JavaScriptConsoleMessageLevel level, const QString &message, int lineNumber, const QString &sourceID)
+ Q_Q(QWebEnginePage);
+ q->javaScriptConsoleMessage(static_cast<QWebEnginePage::JavaScriptConsoleMessageLevel>(level), message, lineNumber, sourceID);
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::renderProcessTerminated(RenderProcessTerminationStatus terminationStatus,
+ int exitCode)
+ Q_Q(QWebEnginePage);
+ Q_EMIT q->renderProcessTerminated(static_cast<QWebEnginePage::RenderProcessTerminationStatus>(
+ terminationStatus), exitCode);
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::requestGeometryChange(const QRect &geometry, const QRect &frameGeometry)
+ Q_UNUSED(geometry);
+ Q_Q(QWebEnginePage);
+ Q_EMIT q->geometryChangeRequested(frameGeometry);
+QObject *QWebEnginePagePrivate::dragSource() const
+#if QT_CONFIG(draganddrop)
+ return view->accessibilityParentObject();
+ return nullptr;
+#endif // QT_CONFIG(draganddrop)
+bool QWebEnginePagePrivate::isEnabled() const
+ if (view)
+ return view->isEnabled();
+ return true;
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::setToolTip(const QString &toolTipText)
+ if (view)
+ view->setToolTip(toolTipText);
+ \fn void QWebEnginePage::printRequested()
+ \since 5.12
+ This signal is emitted when the JavaScript \c{window.print()} method is called or the user pressed the print
+ button of PDF viewer plugin.
+ Typically, the signal handler can simply call printToPdf().
+ \sa printToPdf()
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::printRequested()
+ Q_Q(QWebEnginePage);
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, q, [q]() {
+ Q_EMIT q->printRequested();
+ });
+ if (view)
+ view->printRequested();
+QtWebEngineCore::TouchHandleDrawableDelegate *
+QWebEnginePagePrivate::createTouchHandleDelegate(const QMap<int, QImage> &images)
+ return view->createTouchHandleDelegate(images);
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::showTouchSelectionMenu(
+ QtWebEngineCore::TouchSelectionMenuController *controller, const QRect &selectionBounds,
+ const QSize &handleSize)
+ Q_UNUSED(handleSize);
+ if (controller->buttonCount() == 1) {
+ controller->runContextMenu();
+ return;
+ }
+ view->showTouchSelectionMenu(controller, selectionBounds);
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::hideTouchSelectionMenu()
+ view->hideTouchSelectionMenu();
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::lifecycleStateChanged(LifecycleState state)
+ Q_Q(QWebEnginePage);
+ Q_EMIT q->lifecycleStateChanged(static_cast<QWebEnginePage::LifecycleState>(state));
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::recommendedStateChanged(LifecycleState state)
+ Q_Q(QWebEnginePage);
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, q, [q, state]() {
+ Q_EMIT q->recommendedStateChanged(static_cast<QWebEnginePage::LifecycleState>(state));
+ });
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::visibleChanged(bool visible)
+ Q_Q(QWebEnginePage);
+ Q_EMIT q->visibleChanged(visible);
+ \since 5.13
+ Registers the request interceptor \a interceptor to intercept URL requests.
+ The page does not take ownership of the pointer. This interceptor is called
+ after any interceptors on the profile, and unlike profile interceptors, only
+ URL requests from this page are intercepted. If the original request was
+ already blocked or redirected by the profile interceptor, it will not be
+ intercepted by this.
+ To unset the request interceptor, set a \c nullptr.
+ \sa QWebEngineUrlRequestInfo, QWebEngineProfile::setUrlRequestInterceptor()
+void QWebEnginePage::setUrlRequestInterceptor(QWebEngineUrlRequestInterceptor *interceptor)
+ Q_D(QWebEnginePage);
+ d->adapter->setRequestInterceptor(interceptor);
+void QWebEnginePage::setFeaturePermission(const QUrl &securityOrigin, QWebEnginePage::Feature feature, QWebEnginePage::PermissionPolicy policy)
+ Q_D(QWebEnginePage);
+ if (policy == PermissionUnknown) {
+ switch (feature) {
+ case MediaAudioVideoCapture:
+ case MediaAudioCapture:
+ case MediaVideoCapture:
+ case DesktopAudioVideoCapture:
+ case DesktopVideoCapture:
+ case MouseLock:
+ break;
+ case Geolocation:
+ d->adapter->grantFeaturePermission(securityOrigin, ProfileAdapter::GeolocationPermission, ProfileAdapter::AskPermission);
+ break;
+ case Notifications:
+ d->adapter->grantFeaturePermission(securityOrigin, ProfileAdapter::NotificationPermission, ProfileAdapter::AskPermission);
+ break;
+ case ClipboardReadWrite:
+ d->adapter->grantFeaturePermission(securityOrigin, ProfileAdapter::ClipboardReadWrite,
+ ProfileAdapter::AskPermission);
+ break;
+ case LocalFontsAccess:
+ d->adapter->grantFeaturePermission(securityOrigin, ProfileAdapter::LocalFontsPermission, ProfileAdapter::AskPermission);
+ break;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ const WebContentsAdapterClient::MediaRequestFlags audioVideoCaptureFlags(
+ WebContentsAdapterClient::MediaVideoCapture |
+ WebContentsAdapterClient::MediaAudioCapture);
+ const WebContentsAdapterClient::MediaRequestFlags desktopAudioVideoCaptureFlags(
+ WebContentsAdapterClient::MediaDesktopVideoCapture |
+ WebContentsAdapterClient::MediaDesktopAudioCapture);
+ if (policy == PermissionGrantedByUser) {
+ switch (feature) {
+ case MediaAudioVideoCapture:
+ d->adapter->grantMediaAccessPermission(securityOrigin, audioVideoCaptureFlags);
+ break;
+ case MediaAudioCapture:
+ d->adapter->grantMediaAccessPermission(securityOrigin, WebContentsAdapterClient::MediaAudioCapture);
+ break;
+ case MediaVideoCapture:
+ d->adapter->grantMediaAccessPermission(securityOrigin, WebContentsAdapterClient::MediaVideoCapture);
+ break;
+ case DesktopAudioVideoCapture:
+ d->adapter->grantMediaAccessPermission(securityOrigin, desktopAudioVideoCaptureFlags);
+ break;
+ case DesktopVideoCapture:
+ d->adapter->grantMediaAccessPermission(securityOrigin, WebContentsAdapterClient::MediaDesktopVideoCapture);
+ break;
+ case MouseLock:
+ d->adapter->grantMouseLockPermission(securityOrigin, true);
+ break;
+ case Geolocation:
+ d->adapter->grantFeaturePermission(securityOrigin, ProfileAdapter::GeolocationPermission, ProfileAdapter::AllowedPermission);
+ break;
+ case Notifications:
+ d->adapter->grantFeaturePermission(securityOrigin, ProfileAdapter::NotificationPermission, ProfileAdapter::AllowedPermission);
+ break;
+ case ClipboardReadWrite:
+ d->adapter->grantFeaturePermission(securityOrigin, ProfileAdapter::ClipboardReadWrite,
+ ProfileAdapter::AllowedPermission);
+ break;
+ case LocalFontsAccess:
+ d->adapter->grantFeaturePermission(securityOrigin, ProfileAdapter::LocalFontsPermission, ProfileAdapter::AllowedPermission);
+ break;
+ }
+ } else { // if (policy == PermissionDeniedByUser)
+ switch (feature) {
+ case MediaAudioVideoCapture:
+ case MediaAudioCapture:
+ case MediaVideoCapture:
+ case DesktopAudioVideoCapture:
+ case DesktopVideoCapture:
+ d->adapter->grantMediaAccessPermission(securityOrigin, WebContentsAdapterClient::MediaNone);
+ break;
+ case Geolocation:
+ d->adapter->grantFeaturePermission(securityOrigin, ProfileAdapter::GeolocationPermission, ProfileAdapter::DeniedPermission);
+ break;
+ case MouseLock:
+ d->adapter->grantMouseLockPermission(securityOrigin, false);
+ break;
+ case Notifications:
+ d->adapter->grantFeaturePermission(securityOrigin, ProfileAdapter::NotificationPermission, ProfileAdapter::DeniedPermission);
+ break;
+ case ClipboardReadWrite:
+ d->adapter->grantFeaturePermission(securityOrigin, ProfileAdapter::ClipboardReadWrite,
+ ProfileAdapter::DeniedPermission);
+ break;
+ case LocalFontsAccess:
+ d->adapter->grantFeaturePermission(securityOrigin, ProfileAdapter::LocalFontsPermission, ProfileAdapter::DeniedPermission);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+static inline QWebEnginePage::FileSelectionMode toPublic(FilePickerController::FileChooserMode mode)
+ // Should the underlying values change, we'll need a switch here.
+ return static_cast<QWebEnginePage::FileSelectionMode>(mode);
+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::runFileChooser(QSharedPointer<FilePickerController> controller)
+ Q_Q(QWebEnginePage);
+ QStringList selectedFileNames = q->chooseFiles(toPublic(controller->mode()), (QStringList() << controller->defaultFileName()), controller->acceptedMimeTypes());
+ if (!selectedFileNames.empty())
+ controller->accepted(selectedFileNames);
+ else
+ controller->rejected();
+QWebEngineSettings *QWebEnginePagePrivate::webEngineSettings() const
+ return settings;
+ \since 5.10
+ Downloads the resource from the location given by \a url to a local file.
+ If \a filename is given, it is used as the suggested file name.
+ If it is relative, the file is saved in the standard download location with
+ the given name.
+ If it is a null or empty QString, the default file name is used.
+ This will emit QWebEngineProfile::downloadRequested() after the download
+ has started.
+void QWebEnginePage::download(const QUrl& url, const QString& filename)
+ Q_D(QWebEnginePage);
+ d->ensureInitialized();
+ d->adapter->download(url, filename);
+ \fn void QWebEnginePage::loadingChanged(const QWebEngineLoadingInfo &loadingInfo)
+ \since 6.2
+ This signal is emitted when loading the page specified by \a loadingInfo begins,
+ ends, or fails.
+ \property QWebEnginePage::loading
+ \since 6.2
+ \brief Whether the page is currently loading.
+ \sa QWebEngineLoadingInfo, loadStarted, loadFinished
+bool QWebEnginePage::isLoading() const
+ return d_ptr->isLoading;
+void QWebEnginePage::load(const QUrl& url)
+ Q_D(QWebEnginePage);
+ d->adapter->load(url);
+ \since 5.9
+ Issues the specified \a request and loads the response.
+ \sa load(), setUrl(), url(), urlChanged(), QUrl::fromUserInput()
+void QWebEnginePage::load(const QWebEngineHttpRequest& request)
+ Q_D(QWebEnginePage);
+ d->adapter->load(request);
+void QWebEnginePage::toHtml(const std::function<void(const QString &)> &resultCallback) const
+ Q_D(const QWebEnginePage);
+ d->ensureInitialized();
+ quint64 requestId = d->adapter->fetchDocumentMarkup();
+ d->m_stringCallbacks.insert(requestId, resultCallback);
+void QWebEnginePage::toPlainText(const std::function<void(const QString &)> &resultCallback) const
+ Q_D(const QWebEnginePage);
+ d->ensureInitialized();
+ quint64 requestId = d->adapter->fetchDocumentInnerText();
+ d->m_stringCallbacks.insert(requestId, resultCallback);
+void QWebEnginePage::setHtml(const QString &html, const QUrl &baseUrl)
+ setContent(html.toUtf8(), QStringLiteral("text/html;charset=UTF-8"), baseUrl);
+void QWebEnginePage::setContent(const QByteArray &data, const QString &mimeType, const QUrl &baseUrl)
+ Q_D(QWebEnginePage);
+ d->adapter->setContent(data, mimeType, baseUrl);
+QString QWebEnginePage::title() const
+ Q_D(const QWebEnginePage);
+ return d->adapter->pageTitle();
+void QWebEnginePage::setUrl(const QUrl &url)
+ Q_D(QWebEnginePage);
+ if (d->url != url) {
+ d->url = url;
+ emit urlChanged(url);
+ }
+ load(url);
+QUrl QWebEnginePage::url() const
+ Q_D(const QWebEnginePage);
+ return d->url;
+QUrl QWebEnginePage::requestedUrl() const
+ Q_D(const QWebEnginePage);
+ return d->adapter->requestedUrl();
+ \property QWebEnginePage::iconUrl
+ \brief The URL of the icon associated with the page currently viewed.
+ By default, this property contains an empty URL.
+ \sa iconUrlChanged(), icon(), iconChanged()
+QUrl QWebEnginePage::iconUrl() const
+ Q_D(const QWebEnginePage);
+ return d->iconUrl;
+ \property QWebEnginePage::icon
+ \brief The icon associated with the page currently viewed.
+ \since 5.7
+ By default, this property contains a null icon. If touch icons are disabled
+ (see \c QWebEngineSettings::TouchIconsEnabled), the favicon is provided in two sizes
+ (16x16 and 32x32 pixels) encapsulated in \c{QIcon}. Otherwise, single icon is provided
+ with the largest available size.
+ \sa iconChanged(), iconUrl(), iconUrlChanged(), QWebEngineSettings::TouchIconsEnabled
+QIcon QWebEnginePage::icon() const
+ Q_D(const QWebEnginePage);
+ if (d->iconUrl.isEmpty() || !d->adapter->isInitialized())
+ return QIcon();
+ return d->adapter->icon();
+qreal QWebEnginePage::zoomFactor() const
+ Q_D(const QWebEnginePage);
+ if (d->adapter->isInitialized())
+ return d->adapter->currentZoomFactor();
+ return d->defaultZoomFactor;
+void QWebEnginePage::setZoomFactor(qreal factor)
+ Q_D(QWebEnginePage);
+ d->defaultZoomFactor = factor;
+ if (d->adapter->isInitialized()) {
+ d->adapter->setZoomFactor(factor);
+ // MEMO: should reset if factor was not applied due to being invalid
+ d->defaultZoomFactor = zoomFactor();
+ }
+void QWebEnginePage::runJavaScript(const QString& scriptSource, const std::function<void(const QVariant &)> &resultCallback)
+ Q_D(QWebEnginePage);
+ d->ensureInitialized();
+ if (d->adapter->lifecycleState() == WebContentsAdapter::LifecycleState::Discarded) {
+ qWarning("runJavaScript: disabled in Discarded state");
+ if (resultCallback)
+ resultCallback(QVariant());
+ return;
+ }
+ quint64 requestId = d->adapter->runJavaScriptCallbackResult(scriptSource, QWebEngineScript::MainWorld);
+ if (requestId)
+ d->m_variantCallbacks.insert(requestId, resultCallback);
+ else if (resultCallback)
+ resultCallback(QVariant());
+void QWebEnginePage::runJavaScript(const QString& scriptSource, quint32 worldId, const std::function<void(const QVariant &)> &resultCallback)
+ Q_D(QWebEnginePage);
+ d->ensureInitialized();
+ if (d->adapter->lifecycleState() == WebContentsAdapter::LifecycleState::Discarded) {
+ qWarning("runJavaScript: disabled in Discarded state");
+ if (resultCallback)
+ resultCallback(QVariant());
+ return;
+ }
+ if (resultCallback) {
+ quint64 requestId = d->adapter->runJavaScriptCallbackResult(scriptSource, worldId);
+ if (requestId)
+ d->m_variantCallbacks.insert(requestId, resultCallback);
+ else
+ resultCallback(QVariant());
+ } else {
+ d->adapter->runJavaScript(scriptSource, worldId);
+ }
+ Returns the collection of scripts that are injected into the page.
+ In addition, a page might also execute scripts
+ added through QWebEngineProfile::scripts().
+ \sa QWebEngineScriptCollection, QWebEngineScript, {Script Injection}
+QWebEngineScriptCollection &QWebEnginePage::scripts()
+ Q_D(QWebEnginePage);
+ return d->scriptCollection;
+QWebEnginePage *QWebEnginePage::createWindow(WebWindowType type)
+ Q_D(QWebEnginePage);
+ return d->view ? d->view->createPageForWindow(type) : nullptr;
+ \since 5.11
+ Returns the page this page is inspecting, if any.
+ Returns \c nullptr if this page is not a developer tools page.
+ \sa setInspectedPage(), devToolsPage()
+QWebEnginePage *QWebEnginePage::inspectedPage() const
+ Q_D(const QWebEnginePage);
+ return d->inspectedPage;
+ \since 5.11
+ Navigates this page to an internal URL that is the developer
+ tools of \a page.
+ This is the same as calling setDevToolsPage() on \a page
+ with \c this as argument.
+ \sa inspectedPage(), setDevToolsPage()
+void QWebEnginePage::setInspectedPage(QWebEnginePage *page)
+ Q_D(QWebEnginePage);
+ if (d->inspectedPage == page)
+ return;
+ QWebEnginePage *oldPage = d->inspectedPage;
+ d->inspectedPage = nullptr;
+ if (oldPage)
+ oldPage->setDevToolsPage(nullptr);
+ d->inspectedPage = page;
+ if (page)
+ page->setDevToolsPage(this);
+ \since 5.11
+ Returns the page that is hosting the developer tools
+ of this page, if any.
+ Returns \c nullptr if no developer tools page is set.
+ \sa setDevToolsPage(), inspectedPage()
+QWebEnginePage *QWebEnginePage::devToolsPage() const
+ Q_D(const QWebEnginePage);
+ return d->devToolsPage;
+ \since 5.11
+ Binds \a devToolsPage to be the developer tools of this page.
+ Triggers \a devToolsPage to navigate to an internal URL
+ with the developer tools.
+ This is the same as calling setInspectedPage() on \a devToolsPage
+ with \c this as argument.
+ \sa devToolsPage(), setInspectedPage()
+void QWebEnginePage::setDevToolsPage(QWebEnginePage *devToolsPage)
+ Q_D(QWebEnginePage);
+ if (d->devToolsPage == devToolsPage)
+ return;
+ d->ensureInitialized();
+ QWebEnginePage *oldDevTools = d->devToolsPage;
+ d->devToolsPage = nullptr;
+ if (oldDevTools)
+ oldDevTools->setInspectedPage(nullptr);
+ d->devToolsPage = devToolsPage;
+ if (devToolsPage)
+ devToolsPage->setInspectedPage(this);
+ if (d->adapter) {
+ if (devToolsPage)
+ d->adapter->openDevToolsFrontend(devToolsPage->d_ptr->adapter);
+ else
+ d->adapter->closeDevToolsFrontend();
+ }
+ \since 6.6
+ Returns the id of the developer tools host associated with this page.
+ If remote debugging is enabled (see \l{Qt WebEngine Developer Tools}), the id can be used to
+ build the URL to connect to the developer tool websocket:
+ \c{ws://localhost:<debugggin-port>/devtools/page/<id>)}. The websocket can be used to to interact
+ with the page using the \l{}{DevTools
+ Protocol}.
+QString QWebEnginePage::devToolsId() const
+ Q_D(const QWebEnginePage);
+ d->ensureInitialized();
+ return d->adapter->devToolsId();
+ASSERT_ENUMS_MATCH(FilePickerController::Open, QWebEnginePage::FileSelectOpen)
+ASSERT_ENUMS_MATCH(FilePickerController::OpenMultiple, QWebEnginePage::FileSelectOpenMultiple)
+ASSERT_ENUMS_MATCH(FilePickerController::UploadFolder, QWebEnginePage::FileSelectUploadFolder)
+ASSERT_ENUMS_MATCH(FilePickerController::Save, QWebEnginePage::FileSelectSave)
+// TODO: remove virtuals
+QStringList QWebEnginePage::chooseFiles(FileSelectionMode mode, const QStringList &oldFiles, const QStringList &acceptedMimeTypes)
+ Q_D(const QWebEnginePage);
+ return d->view ? d->view->chooseFiles(mode, oldFiles, acceptedMimeTypes) : QStringList();
+void QWebEnginePage::javaScriptAlert(const QUrl &securityOrigin, const QString &msg)
+ Q_UNUSED(securityOrigin);
+ Q_D(const QWebEnginePage);
+ if (d->view)
+ d->view->javaScriptAlert(url(), msg);
+bool QWebEnginePage::javaScriptConfirm(const QUrl &securityOrigin, const QString &msg)
+ Q_UNUSED(securityOrigin);
+ Q_D(const QWebEnginePage);
+ return d->view ? d->view->javaScriptConfirm(url(), msg) : false;
+bool QWebEnginePage::javaScriptPrompt(const QUrl &securityOrigin, const QString &msg, const QString &defaultValue, QString *result)
+ Q_UNUSED(securityOrigin);
+ Q_D(const QWebEnginePage);
+ return d->view ? d->view->javaScriptPrompt(url(), msg, defaultValue, result) : false;
+void QWebEnginePage::javaScriptConsoleMessage(JavaScriptConsoleMessageLevel level, const QString &message, int lineNumber, const QString &sourceID)
+ static QLoggingCategory loggingCategory("js", QtWarningMsg);
+ static QByteArray file = sourceID.toUtf8();
+ QMessageLogger logger(file.constData(), lineNumber, nullptr, loggingCategory.categoryName());
+ switch (level) {
+ case JavaScriptConsoleMessageLevel::InfoMessageLevel:
+ if (loggingCategory.isInfoEnabled())
+ << message;
+ break;
+ case JavaScriptConsoleMessageLevel::WarningMessageLevel:
+ if (loggingCategory.isWarningEnabled())
+ logger.warning().noquote() << message;
+ break;
+ case JavaScriptConsoleMessageLevel::ErrorMessageLevel:
+ if (loggingCategory.isCriticalEnabled())
+ logger.critical().noquote() << message;
+ break;
+ }
+bool QWebEnginePage::acceptNavigationRequest(const QUrl &url, NavigationType type, bool isMainFrame)
+ Q_UNUSED(url);
+ Q_UNUSED(type);
+ Q_UNUSED(isMainFrame);
+ return true;
+QPointF QWebEnginePage::scrollPosition() const
+ Q_D(const QWebEnginePage);
+ return d->adapter->lastScrollOffset();
+QSizeF QWebEnginePage::contentsSize() const
+ Q_D(const QWebEnginePage);
+ return d->adapter->lastContentsSize();
+ \fn void QWebEnginePage::newWindowRequested(QWebEngineNewWindowRequest &request)
+ \since 6.2
+ This signal is emitted when \a request is issued to load a page in a separate
+ web engine window. This can either be because the current page requested it explicitly
+ through a JavaScript call to \c, or because the user clicked on a link
+ while holding Shift, Ctrl, or a built-in combination that triggers the page to open
+ in a new window.
+ The signal is handled by calling openIn() with the new page on the request.
+ If this signal is not handled, the requested load will fail.
+ \note This signal is not emitted if \l createWindow() handled the request first.
+ \sa createWindow(), QWebEngineNewWindowRequest::openIn()
+ \fn void QWebEnginePage::pdfPrintingFinished(const QString &filePath, bool success)
+ This signal is emitted when printing the web page into a PDF file has
+ finished.
+ \a filePath will contain the path the file was requested to be created
+ at, and \a success will be \c true if the file was successfully created and
+ \c false otherwise.
+ \sa printToPdf()
+ Renders the current content of the page into a PDF document and saves it
+ in the location specified in \a filePath.
+ The page size and orientation of the produced PDF document are taken from
+ the values specified in \a layout, while the range of pages printed is
+ taken from \a ranges with the default being printing all pages.
+ This method issues an asynchronous request for printing the web page into
+ a PDF and returns immediately.
+ To be informed about the result of the request, connect to the signal
+ pdfPrintingFinished().
+ \note The \l QWebEnginePage::Stop web action can be used to interrupt
+ this asynchronous operation.
+ If a file already exists at the provided file path, it will be overwritten.
+ \sa pdfPrintingFinished()
+void QWebEnginePage::printToPdf(const QString &filePath, const QPageLayout &layout, const QPageRanges &ranges)
+#if QT_CONFIG(webengine_printing_and_pdf)
+ Q_D(QWebEnginePage);
+ d->ensureInitialized();
+ d->adapter->printToPDF(layout, ranges, filePath);
+ Q_UNUSED(filePath);
+ Q_UNUSED(layout);
+ Q_UNUSED(ranges);
+ Renders the current content of the page into a PDF document and returns a byte array containing the PDF data
+ as parameter to \a resultCallback.
+ The page size and orientation of the produced PDF document are taken from the values specified in \a layout,
+ while the range of pages printed is taken from \a ranges with the default being printing all pages.
+ The \a resultCallback must take a const reference to a QByteArray as parameter. If printing was successful, this byte array
+ will contain the PDF data, otherwise, the byte array will be empty.
+ \note The \l QWebEnginePage::Stop web action can be used to interrupt this operation.
+ \warning We guarantee that the callback (\a resultCallback) is always called, but it might be done
+ during page destruction. When QWebEnginePage is deleted, the callback is triggered with an invalid
+ value and it is not safe to use the corresponding QWebEnginePage or QWebEngineView instance inside it.
+void QWebEnginePage::printToPdf(const std::function<void(const QByteArray&)> &resultCallback, const QPageLayout &layout, const QPageRanges &ranges)
+ Q_D(QWebEnginePage);
+#if QT_CONFIG(webengine_printing_and_pdf)
+ d->ensureInitialized();
+ quint64 requestId = d->adapter->printToPDFCallbackResult(layout, ranges);
+ d->m_pdfResultCallbacks.insert(requestId, resultCallback);
+ Q_UNUSED(layout);
+ Q_UNUSED(ranges);
+ if (resultCallback)
+ resultCallback(QByteArray());
+ \internal
+void QWebEnginePage::acceptAsNewWindow(QWebEngineNewWindowRequest &request)
+ Q_D(QWebEnginePage);
+ auto adapter = request.d_ptr->adapter;
+ QUrl url = request.requestedUrl();
+ if ((!adapter && !url.isValid()) || request.d_ptr->isRequestHandled) {
+ qWarning("Trying to open an empty request, it was either already used or was invalidated."
+ "\nYou must complete the request synchronously within the newWindowRequested signal handler."
+ " If a view hasn't been adopted before returning, the request will be invalidated.");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!adapter)
+ setUrl(url);
+ else if (!d->adoptWebContents(
+ return;
+ QRect geometry = request.requestedGeometry();
+ if (!geometry.isEmpty())
+ emit geometryChangeRequested(geometry);
+ request.d_ptr->setHandled();
+ \enum QWebEnginePage::LifecycleState
+ \since 5.14
+ This enum describes the lifecycle state of the page:
+ \value Active
+ Normal state.
+ \value Frozen
+ Low CPU usage state where most HTML task sources are suspended.
+ \value Discarded
+ Very low resource usage state where the entire browsing context is discarded.
+ \sa lifecycleState, {Page Lifecycle API}, {WebEngine Lifecycle Example}
+ \property QWebEnginePage::lifecycleState
+ \since 5.14
+ \brief The current lifecycle state of the page.
+ The following restrictions are enforced by the setter:
+ \list
+ \li A \l{visible} page must remain in the \c{Active} state.
+ \li If the page is being inspected by a \l{devToolsPage} then both pages must
+ remain in the \c{Active} states.
+ \li A page in the \c{Discarded} state can only transition to the \c{Active}
+ state. This will cause a reload of the page.
+ \endlist
+ These are the only hard limits on the lifecycle state, but see also
+ \l{recommendedState} for the recommended soft limits.
+ \sa recommendedState, {Page Lifecycle API}, {WebEngine Lifecycle Example}
+QWebEnginePage::LifecycleState QWebEnginePage::lifecycleState() const
+ Q_D(const QWebEnginePage);
+ return static_cast<LifecycleState>(d->adapter->lifecycleState());
+void QWebEnginePage::setLifecycleState(LifecycleState state)
+ Q_D(QWebEnginePage);
+ d->adapter->setLifecycleState(static_cast<WebContentsAdapterClient::LifecycleState>(state));
+ \property QWebEnginePage::recommendedState
+ \since 5.14
+ \brief The recommended limit for the lifecycle state of the page.
+ Setting the lifecycle state to a lower resource usage state than the
+ recommended state may cause side-effects such as stopping background audio
+ playback or loss of HTML form input. Setting the lifecycle state to a higher
+ resource state is however completely safe.
+ \sa lifecycleState, {Page Lifecycle API}, {WebEngine Lifecycle Example}
+QWebEnginePage::LifecycleState QWebEnginePage::recommendedState() const
+ Q_D(const QWebEnginePage);
+ return static_cast<LifecycleState>(d->adapter->recommendedState());
+ \property QWebEnginePage::visible
+ \since 5.14
+ \brief Whether the page is considered visible in the Page Visibility API.
+ Setting this property changes the \c{Document.hidden} and the
+ \c{Document.visibilityState} properties in JavaScript which web sites can use
+ to voluntarily reduce their resource usage if they are not visible to the
+ user.
+ If the page is connected to a \e {view} then this property will be managed
+ automatically by the view according to it's own visibility.
+ \sa lifecycleState
+bool QWebEnginePage::isVisible() const
+ Q_D(const QWebEnginePage);
+ return d->adapter->isVisible();
+void QWebEnginePage::setVisible(bool visible)
+ Q_D(QWebEnginePage);
+ if (!d->adapter->isInitialized()) {
+ // On the one hand, it is too early to initialize here. The application
+ // may call show() before load(), or it may call show() from
+ // createWindow(), and then we would create an unnecessary blank
+ // WebContents here. On the other hand, if the application calls show()
+ // then it expects something to be shown, so we have to initialize.
+ // Therefore we have to delay the initialization via the event loop.
+ if (visible)
+ d->wasShownTimer.start();
+ else
+ d->wasShownTimer.stop();
+ return;
+ }
+ d->adapter->setVisible(visible);
+QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &stream, const QWebEngineHistory &history)
+ auto adapter = history.d_func()->adapter();
+ if (!adapter->isInitialized())
+ adapter->loadDefault();
+ adapter->serializeNavigationHistory(stream);
+ return stream;
+QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &stream, QWebEngineHistory &history)
+ static_cast<QWebEnginePagePrivate *>(history.d_func()->client)->recreateFromSerializedHistory(stream);
+ return stream;
+#include "moc_qwebenginepage.cpp"