path: root/tests/auto/pdfquick/multipageview/tst_multipageview.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/auto/pdfquick/multipageview/tst_multipageview.cpp')
1 files changed, 446 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/pdfquick/multipageview/tst_multipageview.cpp b/tests/auto/pdfquick/multipageview/tst_multipageview.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..71c09077c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/pdfquick/multipageview/tst_multipageview.cpp
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+// Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only
+#include <QSignalSpy>
+#include <QTest>
+#include <QtCore/QLoggingCategory>
+#include <QtGui/QClipboard>
+#include <QtGui/QPointingDevice>
+#include <QtGui/QStyleHints>
+#include <QtQuick/QQuickView>
+#include <QtPdfQuick/private/qquickpdflinkmodel_p.h>
+#include <QtPdfQuick/private/qquickpdfsearchmodel_p.h>
+#include <QtPdfQuick/private/qquickpdfpageimage_p.h>
+#include "../shared/util.h"
+using namespace Qt::StringLiterals;
+Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcTests, "qt.pdf.tests")
+class tst_MultiPageView : public QQuickDataTest
+private Q_SLOTS:
+ void internalLink_data();
+ void internalLink();
+ void navigation_data();
+ void navigation();
+ void password();
+ void selectionAndClipboard();
+ void search();
+ void pinchDragPinch();
+ void jumpOnDocumentReady();
+ enum NavigationAction {
+ Back,
+ Forward,
+ GotoPage,
+ GotoLocation,
+ ClickLink
+ };
+ Q_ENUM(NavigationAction)
+ struct NavigationCommand {
+ NavigationAction action;
+ int index;
+ QPointF location;
+ qreal zoom;
+ QPointF expectedContentPos;
+ int expectedCurrentPage;
+ };
+ QScopedPointer<QPointingDevice> touchscreen = QScopedPointer<QPointingDevice>(QTest::createTouchDevice());
+void tst_MultiPageView::internalLink_data()
+ QTest::addColumn<int>("linkIndex");
+ QTest::addColumn<int>("expectedPage");
+ QTest::addColumn<qreal>("expectedZoom");
+ QTest::addColumn<QPoint>("expectedScroll");
+ QTest::newRow("first link") << 0 << 1 << qreal(1) << QPoint(134, 1286);
+ // TODO fails because it zooms out, and the view leaves gaps between pages currently
+// QTest::newRow("second link") << 1 << 2 << qreal(0.5) << QPoint(0, 717);
+void tst_MultiPageView::internalLink()
+ QFETCH(int, linkIndex);
+ QFETCH(int, expectedPage);
+ QFETCH(qreal, expectedZoom);
+ QFETCH(QPoint, expectedScroll);
+ QQuickView window;
+ QVERIFY(showView(window, testFileUrl("multiPageView.qml")));
+ QQuickItem *pdfView = window.rootObject();
+ QVERIFY(pdfView);
+ pdfView->setProperty("source", testFileUrl("bookmarksAndLinks.pdf"));
+ QTRY_COMPARE(pdfView->property("currentPageRenderingStatus").toInt(), QQuickPdfPageImage::Ready);
+ QQuickItem *table = static_cast<QQuickItem *>(findFirstChild(pdfView, "QQuickTableView"));
+ QVERIFY(table);
+ QQuickItem *firstPage = tableViewItemAtCell(table, 0, 0);
+ QVERIFY(firstPage);
+ QQuickPdfLinkModel *linkModel = firstPage->findChild<QQuickPdfLinkModel*>();
+ QVERIFY(linkModel);
+ QQuickItem *repeater = qobject_cast<QQuickItem *>(linkModel->parent());
+ QVERIFY(repeater);
+ QVERIFY(repeater->property("count").toInt() > linkIndex);
+ QCOMPARE(pdfView->property("backEnabled").toBool(), false);
+ QCOMPARE(pdfView->property("forwardEnabled").toBool(), false);
+ // get the PdfLinkDelegate instance, which has a TapHandler declared inside
+ QQuickItem *linkDelegate = repeaterItemAt(repeater, linkIndex);
+ QVERIFY(linkDelegate);
+ const auto modelIdx = linkModel->index(linkIndex);
+ const int linkPage = linkModel->data(modelIdx, int(QPdfLinkModel::Role::Page)).toInt();
+ QVERIFY(linkPage >= 0);
+ const QPointF linkLocation = linkModel->data(modelIdx, int(QPdfLinkModel::Role::Location)).toPointF();
+ const qreal linkZoom = linkModel->data(modelIdx, int(QPdfLinkModel::Role::Zoom)).toReal();
+ // click on it, and check whether it went to the right place
+ const auto point = linkDelegate->position().toPoint() + QPoint(15, 15);
+ QTest::mouseClick(&window, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::NoModifier, point);
+ QTRY_COMPARE(tableViewContentPos(table).y(), expectedScroll.y());
+ const auto linkScrollPos = tableViewContentPos(table);
+ qCDebug(lcTests, "clicked link @ %d, %d and expected scrolling to %d, %d; actually scrolled to %d, %d",
+ point.x(), point.y(), expectedScroll.x(), expectedScroll.y(), linkScrollPos.x(), linkScrollPos.y());
+ QVERIFY(qAbs(linkScrollPos.x() - expectedScroll.x()) < 15);
+ QTRY_COMPARE(pdfView->property("currentPageRenderingStatus").toInt(), QQuickPdfPageImage::Ready);
+ QCOMPARE(pdfView->property("currentPage").toInt(), linkPage);
+ QCOMPARE(linkPage, expectedPage);
+ QCOMPARE(pdfView->property("renderScale").toReal(), linkZoom);
+ QCOMPARE(linkZoom, expectedZoom);
+ qCDebug(lcTests, "link %d goes to page %d location {%lf,%lf} zoom %lf scroll to {%lf,%lf}",
+ linkIndex, linkPage, linkLocation.x(), linkLocation.y(), linkZoom,
+ table->property("contentX").toReal(), table->property("contentY").toReal());
+ // check that we can go back to where we came from
+ QCOMPARE(pdfView->property("backEnabled").toBool(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(pdfView->property("forwardEnabled").toBool(), false);
+ QVERIFY(QMetaObject::invokeMethod(pdfView, "back"));
+ QTRY_COMPARE(tableViewContentPos(table), QPoint(0, 0));
+ QCOMPARE(pdfView->property("currentPage").toInt(), 0);
+ QCOMPARE(pdfView->property("renderScale").toReal(), qreal(1));
+ // and then forward again
+ QCOMPARE(pdfView->property("backEnabled").toBool(), false);
+ QCOMPARE(pdfView->property("forwardEnabled").toBool(), true);
+ QVERIFY(QMetaObject::invokeMethod(pdfView, "forward"));
+ QTRY_COMPARE(tableViewContentPos(table), linkScrollPos);
+ QCOMPARE(pdfView->property("currentPage").toInt(), linkPage);
+ QCOMPARE(pdfView->property("renderScale").toReal(), linkZoom);
+void tst_MultiPageView::navigation_data()
+ QTest::addColumn<QList<NavigationCommand>>("actions");
+ const int totalPageSpacing = 832; // 826 points + 6 px (rowSpacing)
+ QList<NavigationCommand> actions;
+ actions << NavigationCommand {NavigationAction::GotoPage, 2, {}, 0, {0, 1664}, 2}
+ << NavigationCommand {NavigationAction::GotoPage, 3, {}, 0, {0, 2496}, 3}
+ << NavigationCommand {NavigationAction::Back, 0, {}, 0, {0, 1664}, 2}
+ << NavigationCommand {NavigationAction::Back, 0, {}, 0, {0, 0}, 0};
+ QTest::newRow("goto and back") << actions;
+ actions.clear();
+ actions // first link is "More..." going to page 0, location 8, 740
+ << NavigationCommand {NavigationAction::ClickLink, 0, {465, 65}, 0, {0, 740}, 0}
+ << NavigationCommand {NavigationAction::Back, 0, {}, 0, {0, 0}, 0}
+ // link "setPdfVersion()" going to page 3, location 8, 295
+ << NavigationCommand {NavigationAction::ClickLink, 0, {255, 455}, 0, {0, totalPageSpacing * 3 + 295}, 3}
+ << NavigationCommand {NavigationAction::Back, 0, {}, 0, {0, 0}, 0};
+ QTest::newRow("click links and go back, twice") << actions;
+ actions.clear();
+ actions // first link is "More..." going to page 0, location 8, 740
+ << NavigationCommand {NavigationAction::ClickLink, 0, {465, 65}, 0, {0, 740}, 0}
+ // link "newPage()" going to page 1, location 8, 290
+ << NavigationCommand {NavigationAction::ClickLink, 0, {480, 40}, 0, {0, totalPageSpacing + 290}, 1} // fails, goes back to page 0
+ << NavigationCommand {NavigationAction::Back, 0, {}, 0, {8, 740}, 0}
+ << NavigationCommand {NavigationAction::Back, 0, {}, 0, {0, 0}, 0};
+ QTest::newRow("click two links in series and then go back") << actions;
+void tst_MultiPageView::navigation()
+ QFETCH(QList<NavigationCommand>, actions);
+ QQuickView window;
+ window.setColor(Qt::gray);
+ window.setSource(testFileUrl("multiPageViewWithFeedback.qml"));
+ QTRY_COMPARE(window.status(), QQuickView::Ready);
+ QQuickItem *pdfView = window.rootObject();
+ QVERIFY(pdfView);
+ QObject *doc = pdfView->property("document").value<QObject *>();
+ QVERIFY(doc);
+ doc->setProperty("source", testFileUrl("qpdfwriter.pdf"));
+ QQuickItem *table = static_cast<QQuickItem *>(findFirstChild(pdfView, "QQuickTableView"));
+ QVERIFY(table);
+ // Expect that contentY == destination y after a jump, for ease of comparison.
+ // 0.01 is close enough to 0 that we can compare int positions accurately,
+ // but nonzero so that QRectF::isValid() is true in tableView.positionViewAtCell()
+ table->setProperty("jumpLocationMargin", QPointF(0.01, 0.01));
+ window.requestActivate();
+ QVERIFY(QTest::qWaitForWindowExposed(&window));
+ QTRY_COMPARE(table->property("contentHeight").toInt(), 3322);
+ QCOMPARE(table->property("contentY").toInt(), 0);
+ for (const NavigationCommand &nav : actions) {
+ switch (nav.action) {
+ case NavigationAction::Back:
+ QVERIFY(QMetaObject::invokeMethod(pdfView, "back"));
+ QCOMPARE(pdfView->property("forwardEnabled").toBool(), true);
+ break;
+ case NavigationAction::Forward:
+ QVERIFY(QMetaObject::invokeMethod(pdfView, "forward"));
+ QCOMPARE(pdfView->property("backEnabled").toBool(), true);
+ break;
+ case NavigationAction::GotoPage:
+ QVERIFY(QMetaObject::invokeMethod(pdfView, "goToPage",
+ Q_ARG(QVariant, QVariant(nav.index))));
+ QCOMPARE(pdfView->property("backEnabled").toBool(), true);
+ break;
+ case NavigationAction::GotoLocation:
+ QVERIFY(QMetaObject::invokeMethod(pdfView, "goToLocation",
+ Q_ARG(QVariant, QVariant(nav.index)),
+ Q_ARG(QVariant, QVariant(nav.location)),
+ Q_ARG(QVariant, QVariant(nav.zoom)) ));
+ break;
+ case NavigationAction::ClickLink:
+ // Link delegates don't exist until page rendering is done
+ QTRY_VERIFY(pdfView->property("currentPageRenderingStatus").toInt() == 1); // QQuickImage::Status::Ready
+ QTest::mouseClick(&window, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::NoModifier, nav.location.toPoint());
+ // Wait for the destination page to be rendered
+ QTRY_VERIFY(pdfView->property("currentPageRenderingStatus").toInt() == 1); // QQuickImage::Status::Ready
+ break;
+ }
+ qCDebug(lcTests) << "action" << nav.action << "index" << nav.index
+ << "contentX,Y" << table->property("contentX").toInt() << table->property("contentY").toInt()
+ << "expected" << nav.expectedContentPos;
+ QTRY_COMPARE(table->property("contentY").toInt(), nav.expectedContentPos.y());
+ // some minor side-to-side scrolling happens, in practice
+ QVERIFY(qAbs(table->property("contentX").toInt() - nav.expectedContentPos.x()) < 10);
+ QCOMPARE(pdfView->property("currentPage").toInt(), nav.expectedCurrentPage);
+ }
+ QCOMPARE(pdfView->property("backEnabled").toBool(), false);
+void tst_MultiPageView::password()
+ QQuickView window;
+ QVERIFY(showView(window, testFileUrl("multiPageView.qml")));
+ QQuickItem *pdfView = window.rootObject();
+ QVERIFY(pdfView);
+ QQuickPdfDocument *doc = pdfView->property("document").value<QQuickPdfDocument*>();
+ QVERIFY(doc);
+ QPdfDocument *cppDoc = static_cast<QPdfDocument *>(qmlExtendedObject(doc));
+ QVERIFY(cppDoc);
+ QSignalSpy passwordRequiredSpy(doc, SIGNAL(passwordRequired()));
+ // actually QPdfDocument::passwordRequired, but QML_EXTENDED gives us this signal virtually in QQuickPdfDocument
+ QVERIFY(passwordRequiredSpy.isValid());
+ QSignalSpy passwordChangedSpy(doc, SIGNAL(passwordChanged()));
+ // actually QPdfDocument::passwordChanged, but QML_EXTENDED gives us this signal virtually in QQuickPdfDocument
+ QVERIFY(passwordChangedSpy.isValid());
+ QSignalSpy statusChangedSpy(doc, SIGNAL(statusChanged(QPdfDocument::Status)));
+ // actually QPdfDocument::statusChanged, but QML_EXTENDED gives us this signal virtually in QQuickPdfDocument
+ QVERIFY(statusChangedSpy.isValid());
+ QSignalSpy pageCountChangedSpy(doc, SIGNAL(pageCountChanged(int)));
+ // QPdfDocument::pageCountChanged(int), but QML_EXTENDED gives us this signal virtually in QQuickPdfDocument
+ QVERIFY(pageCountChangedSpy.isValid());
+ QSignalSpy extPageCountChangedSpy(cppDoc, &QPdfDocument::pageCountChanged);
+ // actual QPdfDocument::pageCountChanged(int), for comparison with the illusory QQuickPdfDocument::pageCountChanged
+ QVERIFY(extPageCountChangedSpy.isValid());
+ QVERIFY(pdfView->setProperty("source", testFileUrl(u"pdf-sample.protected.pdf"_s)));
+ QTRY_COMPARE(passwordRequiredSpy.size(), 1);
+ qCDebug(lcTests) << "error while awaiting password" << doc->error()
+ << "passwordRequired count" << passwordRequiredSpy.size()
+ << "statusChanged count" << statusChangedSpy.size();
+ QCOMPARE(doc->property("status").toInt(), int(QPdfDocument::Status::Error));
+ QCOMPARE(pageCountChangedSpy.size(), 0);
+ QCOMPARE(extPageCountChangedSpy.size(), 0);
+ QCOMPARE(statusChangedSpy.size(), 2); // Loading and then Error
+ statusChangedSpy.clear();
+ QVERIFY(doc->setProperty("password", u"Qt"_s));
+ QCOMPARE(passwordChangedSpy.size(), 1);
+ QTRY_COMPARE(doc->property("status").toInt(), int(QPdfDocument::Status::Ready));
+ qCDebug(lcTests) << "after setPassword" << doc->error()
+ << "passwordChanged count" << passwordChangedSpy.size()
+ << "statusChanged count" << statusChangedSpy.size()
+ << "pageCountChanged count" << pageCountChangedSpy.size();
+ QCOMPARE(statusChangedSpy.size(), 2); // Loading and then Ready
+ QCOMPARE(pageCountChangedSpy.size(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(extPageCountChangedSpy.size(), pageCountChangedSpy.size());
+void tst_MultiPageView::selectionAndClipboard()
+ QQuickView window;
+ QVERIFY(showView(window, testFileUrl("multiPageView.qml")));
+ QQuickItem *pdfView = window.rootObject();
+ QVERIFY(pdfView);
+ QQuickPdfDocument *doc = pdfView->property("document").value<QQuickPdfDocument*>();
+ QVERIFY(doc);
+ QVERIFY(doc->setProperty("password", u"Qt"_s));
+ QVERIFY(pdfView->setProperty("source", testFileUrl((u"pdf-sample.protected.pdf"_s))));
+ QTRY_COMPARE(pdfView->property("currentPageRenderingStatus").toInt(), QQuickPdfPageImage::Ready);
+ QVERIFY(QMetaObject::invokeMethod(pdfView, "selectAll"));
+ QString sel = pdfView->property("selectedText").toString();
+ QCOMPARE(sel.size(), 1073);
+#if QT_CONFIG(clipboard)
+ QClipboard *clip = qApp->clipboard();
+ if (clip->supportsSelection())
+ QCOMPARE(clip->text(QClipboard::Selection), sel);
+ QVERIFY(QMetaObject::invokeMethod(pdfView, "copySelectionToClipboard"));
+ QCOMPARE(clip->text(QClipboard::Clipboard), sel);
+#endif // clipboard
+void tst_MultiPageView::search()
+ QQuickView window;
+ QVERIFY(showView(window, testFileUrl("multiPageView.qml")));
+ window.setResizeMode(QQuickView::SizeRootObjectToView);
+ window.resize(200, 200);
+ QQuickItem *pdfView = window.rootObject();
+ QVERIFY(pdfView);
+ QTRY_COMPARE(pdfView->width(), 200);
+ QQuickPdfDocument *doc = pdfView->property("document").value<QQuickPdfDocument*>();
+ QVERIFY(doc);
+ QVERIFY(doc->setProperty("password", u"Qt"_s));
+ QVERIFY(pdfView->setProperty("source", testFileUrl(u"pdf-sample.protected.pdf"_s)));
+ QTRY_COMPARE(pdfView->property("currentPageRenderingStatus").toInt(), QQuickPdfPageImage::Ready);
+ QPdfSearchModel *searchModel = pdfView->property("searchModel").value<QPdfSearchModel*>();
+ QVERIFY(searchModel);
+ QQuickItem *table = static_cast<QQuickItem *>(findFirstChild(pdfView, "QQuickTableView"));
+ QVERIFY(table);
+ QQuickItem *firstPage = tableViewItemAtCell(table, 0, 0);
+ QVERIFY(firstPage);
+ QObject *multiline = findFirstChild(firstPage, "QQuickPathMultiline");
+ QVERIFY(multiline);
+ pdfView->setProperty("searchString", u"PDF"_s);
+ QTRY_COMPARE(searchModel->rowCount(QModelIndex()), 7); // occurrences of the word "PDF" in this file
+ const int count = searchModel->rowCount(QModelIndex());
+ QList<QList<QPointF>> resultOutlines = multiline->property("paths").value<QList<QList<QPointF>>>();
+ QCOMPARE(resultOutlines.size(), 7);
+ QPoint contentPos = tableViewContentPos(table);
+ int movements = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ // only one page, so IndexOnPage data is the same as overall index
+ QCOMPARE(i, searchModel->data(searchModel->index(i), int(QPdfSearchModel::Role::IndexOnPage)).toInt());
+ QCOMPARE(, 5); // 5-point polygon is a rectangle (including drawing back to the start, to close it)
+ QCOMPARE(, searchModel->data(searchModel->index(i), int(QPdfSearchModel::Role::Location)).toPointF());
+ QVERIFY(QMetaObject::invokeMethod(pdfView, "searchForward"));
+ QTest::qWait(500); // animation time; but it doesn't always need to move
+ // TODO maybe: if movement starts, wait for it to stop somehow?
+ qCDebug(lcTests) << i << << "scrolled to" << tableViewContentPos(table);
+ if (tableViewContentPos(table) != contentPos)
+ ++movements;
+ contentPos = tableViewContentPos(table);
+ }
+ qCDebug(lcTests) << "total movements" << movements;
+ QVERIFY(movements > 4);
+void tst_MultiPageView::pinchDragPinch()
+ qputenv("QML_NO_TOUCH_COMPRESSION", "1");
+ QQuickView window;
+ QVERIFY(showView(window, testFileUrl("multiPageView.qml")));
+ QQuickItem *pdfView = window.rootObject();
+ QVERIFY(pdfView);
+ pdfView->setProperty("source", testFileUrl("bookmarksAndLinks.pdf"));
+ QTRY_COMPARE(pdfView->property("currentPageRenderingStatus").toInt(), QQuickPdfPageImage::Ready);
+ QQuickItem *table = static_cast<QQuickItem *>(findFirstChild(pdfView, "QQuickTableView"));
+ QVERIFY(table);
+ QQuickItem *firstPage = tableViewItemAtCell(table, 0, 0);
+ QVERIFY(firstPage);
+ QQuickItem *paper = firstPage->childAt(10, 10);
+ QVERIFY(paper);
+ QQuickPdfPageImage *image = firstPage->findChild<QQuickPdfPageImage *>();
+ QVERIFY(image);
+ auto pinch = [&window, paper, this]() {
+ const int threshold = QGuiApplication::styleHints()->startDragDistance();
+ const int movement = 100;
+ QCOMPARE_GT(movement, threshold);
+ const qreal initialScale = paper->scale();
+ QPoint p0(100, 200);
+ QPoint p1(200, 200);
+ QTest::QTouchEventSequence seq = QTest::touchEvent(&window, touchscreen.get());
+, p0, &window).commit();
+ seq.stationary(0).press(1, p1, &window).commit();
+ p1.setX(p1.x() + movement);
+ QSignalSpy frameSwappedSpy(&window, &QQuickWindow::frameSwapped);
+ seq.stationary(0).move(1, p1, &window).commit();
+ // after a frame is rendered, the PinchHandler ought to be active
+ // (but verifying it would require private API)
+ QTRY_VERIFY(frameSwappedSpy.size() > 0);
+ QTRY_COMPARE(paper->scale(), initialScale);
+ for (int i = 1; i <= 2; ++i) {
+ p1.setX(p1.x() + movement);
+ seq.stationary(0).move(1, p1, &window).commit();
+ QTRY_COMPARE(paper->scale(), initialScale + i * 0.5);
+ }
+ seq.release(0, p0, &window).release(1, p1, &window).commit();
+ };
+ auto drag = [&window, table, this]() {
+ const int movement = 100;
+ QPoint p0(200, 200);
+ QTest::QTouchEventSequence seq = QTest::touchEvent(&window, touchscreen.get());
+, p0, &window).commit();
+ p0.setY(p0.y() + movement);
+ seq.move(0, p0, &window).commit();
+ p0.setY(p0.y() + movement);
+ seq.move(0, p0, &window).commit();
+ seq.release(0, p0, &window).commit();
+ QTRY_COMPARE(table->property("moving"), false);
+ };
+ pinch();
+ qCDebug(lcTests) << "new scale" << pdfView->property("renderScale").toReal();
+ QTRY_COMPARE(pdfView->property("renderScale").toReal(), 2);
+ drag();
+ QCOMPARE(pdfView->property("renderScale").toReal(), 2);
+ pinch();
+ qCDebug(lcTests) << "new scale" << pdfView->property("renderScale").toReal();
+ QTRY_COMPARE(pdfView->property("renderScale").toReal(), 4);
+ // wait for rendering to be done before we exit: if we delete the document
+ // prematurely, QPdfIOHandler might access a dangling pointer
+ QTRY_COMPARE(image->status(), QQuickPdfPageImage::Ready);
+void tst_MultiPageView::jumpOnDocumentReady() // QTBUG-119416
+ QQuickView window;
+ QVERIFY(showView(window, testFileUrl("jumpOnDocumentReady.qml")));
+ QQuickItem *pdfView = window.rootObject();
+ QVERIFY(pdfView);
+ // QML calls view.goToPage(2): verify that it eventually happens
+ QTRY_COMPARE(pdfView->property("currentPage").toInt(), 2);
+#include "tst_multipageview.moc"