path: root/tests/auto/quick/qmltests/data/tst_save.qml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/auto/quick/qmltests/data/tst_save.qml')
1 files changed, 185 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/quick/qmltests/data/tst_save.qml b/tests/auto/quick/qmltests/data/tst_save.qml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3289dbd8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quick/qmltests/data/tst_save.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtWebEngine
+import Test.util
+TestWebEngineView {
+ id: webEngineView
+ width: 200
+ height: 200
+ profile: testSaveProfile
+ property url downloadUrl: ""
+ property int totalBytes: 0
+ property int receivedBytes: 0
+ property string downloadDir: ""
+ property string downloadFileName: ""
+ property bool isSavePageDownload: false
+ property var downloadState: []
+ property int savePageFormat: WebEngineDownloadRequest.MimeHtmlSaveFormat;
+ property bool autoCancel: false
+ TempDir {
+ id: tempDir
+ }
+ SignalSpy {
+ id: downLoadRequestedSpy
+ target: testSaveProfile
+ signalName: "downloadRequested"
+ }
+ SignalSpy {
+ id: downloadFinishedSpy
+ target: testSaveProfile
+ signalName: "downloadFinished"
+ }
+ WebEngineProfile {
+ id: testSaveProfile
+ onDownloadRequested: function(download) {
+ downloadState.push(download.state)
+ downloadUrl = download.url
+ savePageFormat = download.savePageFormat
+ downloadDir = download.downloadDirectory;
+ downloadFileName = download.downloadFileName
+ isSavePageDownload = download.isSavePageDownload
+ if (autoCancel)
+ download.cancel()
+ }
+ onDownloadFinished: function(download) {
+ receivedBytes = download.receivedBytes
+ totalBytes = download.totalBytes
+ downloadState.push(download.state)
+ }
+ }
+ TestCase {
+ name: "WebEngineViewSave"
+ function verifyData() {
+ var isDataValid = false
+ webEngineView.runJavaScript("(function() {" +
+ "var title = document.title.toString();" +
+ "var body = document.body.innerText;" +
+ " return title === \"Test page 1\" && body.includes(\"Hello.\")" +
+ "})();", function(result) {
+ isDataValid = result;
+ });
+ tryVerify(function() { return isDataValid });
+ return isDataValid;
+ }
+ function init() {
+ downLoadRequestedSpy.clear()
+ downloadFinishedSpy.clear()
+ totalBytes = 0
+ receivedBytes = 0
+ downloadDir = ""
+ downloadFileName = ""
+ isSavePageDownload = false
+ downloadState = []
+ downloadUrl = ""
+ autoCancel = false
+ }
+ function test_savePage_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "SingleHtmlSaveFormat", savePageFormat: WebEngineDownloadRequest.SingleHtmlSaveFormat },
+ { tag: "CompleteHtmlSaveFormat", savePageFormat: WebEngineDownloadRequest.CompleteHtmlSaveFormat },
+ { tag: "MimeHtmlSaveFormat", savePageFormat: WebEngineDownloadRequest.MimeHtmlSaveFormat },
+ ];
+ }
+ function test_savePage(row) {
+ var saveFormat = row.savePageFormat
+ var fileDir = tempDir.path()
+ var fileName = "saved_page.html"
+ var filePath = fileDir + "/"+ fileName
+ // load data to view
+ webEngineView.url = Qt.resolvedUrl("test1.html")
+ verify(webEngineView.waitForLoadSucceeded())
+ verify(verifyData())
+, saveFormat)
+ downLoadRequestedSpy.wait()
+ compare(downLoadRequestedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(downloadUrl, webEngineView.url)
+ compare(savePageFormat, saveFormat)
+ compare(downloadDir, fileDir)
+ compare(downloadFileName, fileName)
+ compare(isSavePageDownload, true)
+ compare(downloadState[0], WebEngineDownloadRequest.DownloadInProgress)
+ downloadFinishedSpy.wait()
+ compare(downloadFinishedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(totalBytes, receivedBytes)
+ compare(downloadState[1], WebEngineDownloadRequest.DownloadCompleted)
+ // load some other data
+ webEngineView.url = Qt.resolvedUrl("about:blank")
+ verify(webEngineView.waitForLoadSucceeded())
+ // load save file to view
+ webEngineView.url = Qt.resolvedUrl(filePath)
+ verify(webEngineView.waitForLoadSucceeded())
+ verify(verifyData())
+ }
+ function test_saveImage_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "Auto accept", autoCancel: false },
+ { tag: "Cancel", autoCancel: true },
+ ];
+ }
+ function test_saveImage(row) {
+ autoCancel = row.autoCancel
+ var fileDir = tempDir.path()
+ var fileName = "favicon.png"
+ var filePath = fileDir + "/"+ fileName
+ // Load an image
+ webEngineView.url = Qt.resolvedUrl("icons/favicon.png")
+ verify(webEngineView.waitForLoadSucceeded())
+ downLoadRequestedSpy.wait()
+ compare(downLoadRequestedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(downloadUrl, webEngineView.url)
+ compare(downloadDir, fileDir)
+ compare(downloadFileName, fileName)
+ compare(isSavePageDownload, true)
+ compare(downloadState[0], WebEngineDownloadRequest.DownloadInProgress)
+ downloadFinishedSpy.wait()
+ compare(downloadFinishedSpy.count, 1)
+ if (autoCancel) {
+ compare(receivedBytes, 0)
+ compare(downloadState[1], WebEngineDownloadRequest.DownloadCancelled)
+ } else {
+ compare(totalBytes, receivedBytes)
+ compare(downloadState[1], WebEngineDownloadRequest.DownloadCompleted)
+ }
+ }
+ function test_saveWebAction() {
+ // Load an image
+ webEngineView.url = Qt.resolvedUrl("icons/favicon.png")
+ verify(webEngineView.waitForLoadSucceeded())
+ // Saving without specifying path shouldn't be auto accepted
+ webEngineView.triggerWebAction(WebEngineView.SavePage)
+ downLoadRequestedSpy.wait()
+ compare(downLoadRequestedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(downloadUrl, webEngineView.url)
+ compare(isSavePageDownload, true)
+ // The initial download request starts from DownloadRequested state,
+ // which means it wasn't automatically accepted.
+ compare(downloadState[0], WebEngineDownloadRequest.DownloadRequested)
+ }
+ }