path: root/tests/auto/quick/qmltests2/data/tst_filePicker.qml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/auto/quick/qmltests2/data/tst_filePicker.qml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 310 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/quick/qmltests2/data/tst_filePicker.qml b/tests/auto/quick/qmltests2/data/tst_filePicker.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index ab30d9e82..000000000
--- a/tests/auto/quick/qmltests2/data/tst_filePicker.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the QtWebEngine module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met:
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import QtTest 1.0
-import QtWebEngine 1.2
-import "../../qmltests/data" 1.0
-import "../mock-delegates/TestParams" 1.0
-TestWebEngineView {
- id: webEngineView
- width: 400
- height: 300
- property var titleChanges: []
- function driveLetter() {
- if (Qt.platform.os !== "windows")
- return "";
- return "C:/";
- }
- SignalSpy {
- id: titleSpy
- target: webEngineView
- signalName: "titleChanged"
- }
- SignalSpy {
- id: terminationSpy
- target: webEngineView
- signalName: "renderProcessTerminated"
- }
- onTitleChanged: { titleChanges.push(webEngineView.title) }
- TestCase {
- name: "WebEngineViewSingleFileUpload"
- when: windowShown
- function init() {
- FilePickerParams.filePickerOpened = false
- FilePickerParams.selectFiles = false
- FilePickerParams.selectedFilesUrl = []
- FilePickerParams.nameFilters = []
- titleSpy.clear()
- terminationSpy.clear()
- titleChanges = []
- }
- function cleanup() {
- // Test that the render process doesn't crash, and make sure if it does it does so now.
- wait(100)
- verify(terminationSpy.count == 0, "Render process didn't self terminate")
- // FIXME: Almost every second url loading progress does get stuck at about 90 percent, so the loadFinished signal won't arrive.
- // This cleanup function is a workaround for this problem.
- webEngineView.url = Qt.resolvedUrl("about:blank")
- webEngineView.waitForLoadSucceeded()
- }
- function test_acceptSingleFileSelection_data() {
- return [
- { tag: "test.txt", input: "test.txt", expected: "Failed to Upload" },
- { tag: driveLetter() + "/test.txt", input: driveLetter() + "/test.txt", expected: "test.txt" },
- { tag: driveLetter() + "/tést.txt", input: driveLetter() + "/tést.txt", expected: "tést.txt" },
- { tag: driveLetter() + "/t%65st.txt", input: driveLetter() + "/t%65st.txt", expected: "t%65st.txt" },
- { tag: "file:///" + driveLetter() + "test.txt", input: "file:///" + driveLetter() + "test.txt", expected: "test.txt" },
- { tag: "file:///" + driveLetter() + "tést.txt", input: "file:///" + driveLetter() + "tést.txt", expected: "tést.txt" },
- { tag: "file:///" + driveLetter() + "t%65st.txt", input: "file:///" + driveLetter() + "t%65st.txt", expected: "t%65st.txt" },
- { tag: "file://" + driveLetter() + "test.txt", input: "file://" + driveLetter() + "test.txt", expected: "Failed to Upload" },
- { tag: "file:/" + driveLetter() + "test.txt", input: "file:/" + driveLetter() + "test.txt", expected: "test.txt"},
- { tag: "file:test//test.txt", input: "file:test//test.txt", expected: "Failed to Upload" },
- { tag: "http://test.txt", input: "http://test.txt", expected: "Failed to Upload" },
- { tag: "qrc:/test.txt", input: "qrc:/test.txt", expected: "Failed to Upload" },
- ];
- }
- function test_acceptSingleFileSelection(row) {
- var expectedFileName;
- // Default dialog
- webEngineView.url = Qt.resolvedUrl("singlefileupload.html");
- verify(webEngineView.waitForLoadSucceeded());
- FilePickerParams.selectFiles = true;
- FilePickerParams.selectedFilesUrl.push(row.input);
- keyClick(Qt.Key_Enter); // Focus is on the button. Open FileDialog.
- tryCompare(FilePickerParams, "filePickerOpened", true);
- webEngineView.url = Qt.resolvedUrl("about:blank");
- verify(webEngineView.waitForLoadSucceeded());
- tryCompare(webEngineView, "title", "about:blank");
- compare(titleChanges[titleChanges.length-2], row.expected);
- // Custom dialog
- var finished = false;
- function acceptedFileHandler(request) {
- request.accepted = true;
- request.dialogAccept(row.input);
- finished = true;
- }
- webEngineView.fileDialogRequested.connect(acceptedFileHandler);
- webEngineView.url = Qt.resolvedUrl("singlefileupload.html");
- verify(webEngineView.waitForLoadSucceeded());
- keyClick(Qt.Key_Enter); // Focus is on the button. Open FileDialog.
- tryVerify(function() { return finished; });
- webEngineView.url = Qt.resolvedUrl("about:blank");
- verify(webEngineView.waitForLoadSucceeded());
- tryCompare(webEngineView, "title", "about:blank");
- compare(titleChanges[titleChanges.length-2], row.expected);
- webEngineView.fileDialogRequested.disconnect(acceptedFileHandler);
- }
- function test_acceptMultipleFilesSelection() {
- webEngineView.url = Qt.resolvedUrl("multifileupload.html")
- verify(webEngineView.waitForLoadSucceeded())
- FilePickerParams.selectFiles = true
- FilePickerParams.selectedFilesUrl.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("test1.html"))
- FilePickerParams.selectedFilesUrl.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("test2.html"))
- keyPress(Qt.Key_Enter) // Focus is on the button. Open FileDialog.
- tryCompare(FilePickerParams, "filePickerOpened", true)
- tryCompare(webEngineView, "title", "test1.html,test2.html")
- }
- function test_acceptDirectory() {
- webEngineView.url = Qt.resolvedUrl("directoryupload.html")
- verify(webEngineView.waitForLoadSucceeded())
- FilePickerParams.selectFiles = true
- FilePickerParams.selectedFilesUrl.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("../data"))
- keyClick(Qt.Key_Enter) // Focus is on the button. Open FileDialog.
- tryCompare(FilePickerParams, "filePickerOpened", true)
- // Check that the title is a file list (eg. "test1.html,test2.html")
- tryVerify(function() { return webEngineView.title.match("^([^,]+,)+[^,]+$"); })
- }
- function test_reject() {
- webEngineView.url = Qt.resolvedUrl("singlefileupload.html")
- verify(webEngineView.waitForLoadSucceeded())
- titleSpy.clear()
- keyPress(Qt.Key_Enter) // Focus is on the button. Open FileDialog.
- wait(100)
- compare(titleSpy.count, 0)
- }
- function test_acceptMultipleFilesWithCustomDialog_data() {
- return [
- { tag: "path", input: [driveLetter() + "/test1.txt", driveLetter() + "/test2.txt"], expectedValue: "test1.txt,test2.txt" },
- { tag: "file", input: ["file:///" + driveLetter() + "test1.txt", "file:/" + driveLetter() + "test2.txt"], expectedValue: "test1.txt,test2.txt" },
- { tag: "mixed", input: ["file:///" + driveLetter() + "test1.txt", driveLetter() + "/test2.txt"], expectedValue: "test1.txt,test2.txt" },
- ];
- }
- function test_acceptMultipleFilesWithCustomDialog(row) {
- // Default dialog
- webEngineView.url = Qt.resolvedUrl("multifileupload.html");
- verify(webEngineView.waitForLoadSucceeded());
- FilePickerParams.selectFiles = true;
- FilePickerParams.selectedFilesUrl = row.input;
- keyClick(Qt.Key_Enter); // Focus is on the button. Open FileDialog.
- tryCompare(FilePickerParams, "filePickerOpened", true);
- tryCompare(webEngineView, "title", row.expectedValue);
- // Custom dialog
- var finished = false;
- function acceptedFileHandler(request) {
- request.accepted = true;
- request.dialogAccept(row.input);
- finished = true;
- }
- webEngineView.fileDialogRequested.connect(acceptedFileHandler);
- webEngineView.url = Qt.resolvedUrl("multifileupload.html");
- verify(webEngineView.waitForLoadSucceeded());
- keyClick(Qt.Key_Enter); // Focus is on the button. Open FileDialog.
- tryVerify(function() { return finished; });
- tryCompare(webEngineView, "title", row.expectedValue);
- webEngineView.fileDialogRequested.disconnect(acceptedFileHandler);
- }
- function test_acceptFileOnWindows_data() {
- return [
- { tag: "C:test.txt", input: "C:test.txt", expected: "Failed to Upload"},
- { tag: "C:test:txt", input: "C:test:txt", expected: "Failed to Upload"},
- { tag: "C:/test.txt", input: "C:/test.txt", expected: "test.txt"},
- { tag: "C:\\test.txt", input: "C:\\test.txt", expected: "test.txt"},
- { tag: "C:\\Documents and Settings\\test\\test.txt", input: "C:\\Documents and Settings\\test\\test.txt", expected: "test.txt"},
- { tag: "\\\\applib\\products\\a%2Db\\ abc%5F9\\t.est\\test.txt", input: "\\\\applib\\products\\a%2Db\\ abc%5F9\\t.est\\test.txt", expected: "test.txt"},
- { tag: "file://applib/products/a%2Db/ abc%5F9/4148.920a/media/test.txt", input: "file://applib/products/a%2Db/ abc%5F9/4148.920a/media/test.txt", expected: "test.txt"},
- { tag: "file://applib/products/a-b/abc_1/t.est/test.txt", input: "file://applib/products/a-b/abc_1/t.est/test.txt", expected: "test.txt"},
- { tag: "file:\\\\applib\\products\\a-b\\abc_1\\t:est\\test.txt", input: "file:\\\\applib\\products\\a-b\\abc_1\\t:est\\test.txt", expected: "test.txt"},
- { tag: "file:C:/test.txt", input: "file:C:/test.txt", expected: "test.tx"},
- { tag: "file:/C:/test.txt", input: "file:/C:/test.txt", expected: "test.tx"},
- { tag: "file://C:/test.txt", input: "file://C:/test.txt", expected: "Failed to Upload"},
- { tag: "file:///C:test.txt", input: "file:///C:test.txt", expected: "Failed to Upload"},
- { tag: "file:///C:/test.txt", input: "file:///C:/test.txt", expected: "test.txt"},
- { tag: "file:///C:\\test.txt", input: "file:///C:\\test.txt", expected: "test.txt"},
- { tag: "file:\\//C:/test.txt", input: "file:\\//C:/test.txt", expected: "test.txt"},
- { tag: "file:\\\\/C:\\test.txt", input: "file:\\\\/C:\\test.txt", expected: "test.txt"},
- { tag: "\\\\?\\C:/test.txt", input: "\\\\?\\C:/test.txt", expected: "test.tx"},
- ];
- }
- function test_acceptFileOnWindows(row) {
- if (Qt.platform.os !== "windows")
- skip("Windows-only test");
- // Default dialog
- webEngineView.url = Qt.resolvedUrl("singlefileupload.html");
- verify(webEngineView.waitForLoadSucceeded());
- FilePickerParams.selectFiles = true;
- FilePickerParams.selectedFilesUrl.push(row.input);
- keyClick(Qt.Key_Enter); // Focus is on the button. Open FileDialog.
- tryCompare(FilePickerParams, "filePickerOpened", true);
- webEngineView.url = Qt.resolvedUrl("about:blank");
- verify(webEngineView.waitForLoadSucceeded());
- tryCompare(webEngineView, "title", "about:blank");
- compare(titleChanges[titleChanges.length-2], row.expected);
- // Custom dialog
- var finished = false;
- function acceptedFileHandler(request) {
- request.accepted = true;
- request.dialogAccept(row.input);
- finished = true;
- }
- webEngineView.fileDialogRequested.connect(acceptedFileHandler);
- webEngineView.url = Qt.resolvedUrl("singlefileupload.html");
- verify(webEngineView.waitForLoadSucceeded());
- keyClick(Qt.Key_Enter); // Focus is on the button. Open FileDialog.
- tryVerify(function() { return finished; });
- webEngineView.url = Qt.resolvedUrl("about:blank");
- verify(webEngineView.waitForLoadSucceeded());
- tryCompare(webEngineView, "title", "about:blank");
- compare(titleChanges[titleChanges.length-2], row.expected);
- webEngineView.fileDialogRequested.disconnect(acceptedFileHandler);
- }
- function test_acceptFileTypes_data() {
- return [
- { tag: "CustomSuffix", input: ".pug", expected: ".pug", exactMatch: false},
- { tag: "CustomMime", input: "dog/pug", expected: "Accepted types ()", exactMatch: true},
- { tag: "CustomGlob", input: "dog/*", expected: "Accepted types ()", exactMatch: true},
- { tag: "Invalid", input: "---", expected: undefined, exactMatch: true},
- { tag: "Jpeg", input: "image/jpeg", expected: ".jpeg", exactMatch: false}
- ];
- }
- function test_acceptFileTypes(row) {
- var expectedFileName;
- webEngineView.url = Qt.resolvedUrl("accepttypes.html");
- verify(webEngineView.waitForLoadSucceeded());
- webEngineView.runJavaScript("setAcceptType('" + row.input + "');");
- tryCompare(webEngineView, "title", row.input);
- keyClick(Qt.Key_Enter); // Focus is on the button. Open FileDialog.
- tryCompare(FilePickerParams, "filePickerOpened", true);
- if (row.exactMatch)
- compare(FilePickerParams.nameFilters[0], row.expected);
- else
- verify(FilePickerParams.nameFilters[0].includes(row.expected));
- }
- }