path: root/tests/widgets/qwebengineframe/tst_qwebengineframe.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/widgets/qwebengineframe/tst_qwebengineframe.cpp')
1 files changed, 1569 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/widgets/qwebengineframe/tst_qwebengineframe.cpp b/tests/widgets/qwebengineframe/tst_qwebengineframe.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..59f620b1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/widgets/qwebengineframe/tst_qwebengineframe.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1569 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2008,2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies)
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include <QtTest/QtTest>
+#include <qwebpage.h>
+#include <qwebelement.h>
+#include <qwebview.h>
+#include <qwebframe.h>
+#include <qwebhistory.h>
+#include <QAbstractItemView>
+#include <QApplication>
+#include <QComboBox>
+#include <QPaintEngine>
+#include <QPicture>
+#include <QRegExp>
+#include <QNetworkRequest>
+#include <QNetworkReply>
+#include <QTextCodec>
+#ifndef QT_NO_OPENSSL
+#include <qsslerror.h>
+#include "../util.h"
+class tst_QWebFrame : public QObject
+ bool eventFilter(QObject* watched, QEvent* event);
+public Q_SLOTS:
+ void init();
+ void cleanup();
+private Q_SLOTS:
+ void horizontalScrollAfterBack();
+ void symmetricUrl();
+ void progressSignal();
+ void urlChange();
+ void requestedUrl();
+ void requestedUrlAfterSetAndLoadFailures();
+ void javaScriptWindowObjectCleared_data();
+ void javaScriptWindowObjectCleared();
+ void javaScriptWindowObjectClearedOnEvaluate();
+ void setHtml();
+ void setHtmlWithImageResource();
+ void setHtmlWithStylesheetResource();
+ void setHtmlWithBaseURL();
+ void setHtmlWithJSAlert();
+ void ipv6HostEncoding();
+ void metaData();
+#if !defined(QT_NO_COMBOBOX)
+ void popupFocus();
+ void inputFieldFocus();
+ void hitTestContent();
+ void baseUrl_data();
+ void baseUrl();
+ void hasSetFocus();
+ void renderGeometry();
+ void renderHints();
+ void scrollPosition();
+ void scrollToAnchor();
+ void scrollbarsOff();
+ void evaluateWillCauseRepaint();
+ void setContent_data();
+ void setContent();
+ void setCacheLoadControlAttribute();
+ void setUrlWithPendingLoads();
+ void setUrlWithFragment_data();
+ void setUrlWithFragment();
+ void setUrlToEmpty();
+ void setUrlToInvalid();
+ void setUrlHistory();
+ void setUrlUsingStateObject();
+ void setUrlSameUrl();
+ void setUrlThenLoads_data();
+ void setUrlThenLoads();
+ void loadFinishedAfterNotFoundError();
+ void loadInSignalHandlers_data();
+ void loadInSignalHandlers();
+ QWebView* m_view;
+ QWebPage* m_page;
+ QWebView* m_inputFieldsTestView;
+ int m_inputFieldTestPaintCount;
+bool tst_QWebFrame::eventFilter(QObject* watched, QEvent* event)
+ // used on the inputFieldFocus test
+ if (watched == m_inputFieldsTestView) {
+ if (event->type() == QEvent::Paint)
+ m_inputFieldTestPaintCount++;
+ }
+ return QObject::eventFilter(watched, event);
+void tst_QWebFrame::init()
+ m_view = new QWebView();
+ m_page = m_view->page();
+void tst_QWebFrame::cleanup()
+ delete m_view;
+void tst_QWebFrame::symmetricUrl()
+ QVERIFY(m_view->url().isEmpty());
+ QCOMPARE(m_view->history()->count(), 0);
+ QUrl dataUrl("data:text/html,<h1>Test");
+ m_view->setUrl(dataUrl);
+ QCOMPARE(m_view->url(), dataUrl);
+ QCOMPARE(m_view->history()->count(), 0);
+ // loading is _not_ immediate, so the text isn't set just yet.
+ QVERIFY(m_view->page()->mainFrame()->toPlainText().isEmpty());
+ ::waitForSignal(m_view, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)));
+ QCOMPARE(m_view->history()->count(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(m_view->page()->mainFrame()->toPlainText(), QString("Test"));
+ QUrl dataUrl2("data:text/html,<h1>Test2");
+ QUrl dataUrl3("data:text/html,<h1>Test3");
+ m_view->setUrl(dataUrl2);
+ m_view->setUrl(dataUrl3);
+ QCOMPARE(m_view->url(), dataUrl3);
+ ::waitForSignal(m_view, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)));
+ QCOMPARE(m_view->history()->count(), 2);
+ QCOMPARE(m_view->page()->mainFrame()->toPlainText(), QString("Test3"));
+void tst_QWebFrame::progressSignal()
+ QSignalSpy progressSpy(m_view, SIGNAL(loadProgress(int)));
+ QUrl dataUrl("data:text/html,<h1>Test");
+ m_view->setUrl(dataUrl);
+ ::waitForSignal(m_view, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)));
+ QVERIFY(progressSpy.size() >= 2);
+ // WebKit defines initialProgressValue as 10%, not 0%
+ QCOMPARE(progressSpy.first().first().toInt(), 10);
+ // But we always end at 100%
+ QCOMPARE(progressSpy.last().first().toInt(), 100);
+void tst_QWebFrame::urlChange()
+ QSignalSpy urlSpy(m_page->mainFrame(), SIGNAL(urlChanged(QUrl)));
+ QUrl dataUrl("data:text/html,<h1>Test");
+ m_view->setUrl(dataUrl);
+ ::waitForSignal(m_page->mainFrame(), SIGNAL(urlChanged(QUrl)));
+ QCOMPARE(urlSpy.size(), 1);
+ QUrl dataUrl2("data:text/html,<html><head><title>title</title></head><body><h1>Test</body></html>");
+ m_view->setUrl(dataUrl2);
+ ::waitForSignal(m_page->mainFrame(), SIGNAL(urlChanged(QUrl)));
+ QCOMPARE(urlSpy.size(), 2);
+class FakeReply : public QNetworkReply {
+ static const QUrl urlFor404ErrorWithoutContents;
+ FakeReply(const QNetworkRequest& request, QObject* parent = 0)
+ : QNetworkReply(parent)
+ {
+ setOperation(QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation);
+ setRequest(request);
+ setUrl(request.url());
+ if (request.url() == QUrl("qrc:/test1.html")) {
+ setHeader(QNetworkRequest::LocationHeader, QString("qrc:/test2.html"));
+ setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::RedirectionTargetAttribute, QUrl("qrc:/test2.html"));
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(continueRedirect()));
+ }
+#ifndef QT_NO_OPENSSL
+ else if (request.url() == QUrl("qrc:/fake-ssl-error.html")) {
+ setError(QNetworkReply::SslHandshakeFailedError, tr("Fake error!"));
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(continueError()));
+ }
+ else if (request.url().host() == QLatin1String("abcdef.abcdef")) {
+ setError(QNetworkReply::HostNotFoundError, tr("Invalid URL"));
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(continueError()));
+ } else if (request.url() == FakeReply::urlFor404ErrorWithoutContents) {
+ setError(QNetworkReply::ContentNotFoundError, "Not found");
+ setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute, 404);
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(continueError()));
+ }
+ open(QIODevice::ReadOnly);
+ }
+ ~FakeReply()
+ {
+ close();
+ }
+ virtual void abort() {}
+ virtual void close() {}
+ qint64 readData(char*, qint64)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+private Q_SLOTS:
+ void continueRedirect()
+ {
+ emit metaDataChanged();
+ emit finished();
+ }
+ void continueError()
+ {
+ emit error(this->error());
+ emit finished();
+ }
+const QUrl FakeReply::urlFor404ErrorWithoutContents = QUrl("http://this.will/return-http-404-error-without-contents.html");
+class FakeNetworkManager : public QNetworkAccessManager {
+ FakeNetworkManager(QObject* parent) : QNetworkAccessManager(parent) { }
+ virtual QNetworkReply* createRequest(Operation op, const QNetworkRequest& request, QIODevice* outgoingData)
+ {
+ QString url = request.url().toString();
+ if (op == QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation) {
+#ifndef QT_NO_OPENSSL
+ if (url == "qrc:/fake-ssl-error.html") {
+ FakeReply* reply = new FakeReply(request, this);
+ QList<QSslError> errors;
+ emit sslErrors(reply, errors << QSslError(QSslError::UnspecifiedError));
+ return reply;
+ }
+ if (url == "qrc:/test1.html" || url == "http://abcdef.abcdef/" || request.url() == FakeReply::urlFor404ErrorWithoutContents)
+ return new FakeReply(request, this);
+ }
+ return QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest(op, request, outgoingData);
+ }
+void tst_QWebFrame::requestedUrl()
+ QWebPage page;
+ QWebFrame* frame = page.mainFrame();
+ // in few seconds, the image should be completely loaded
+ QSignalSpy spy(&page, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)));
+ FakeNetworkManager* networkManager = new FakeNetworkManager(&page);
+ page.setNetworkAccessManager(networkManager);
+ frame->setUrl(QUrl("qrc:/test1.html"));
+ waitForSignal(frame, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), 200);
+ QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->requestedUrl(), QUrl("qrc:/test1.html"));
+ QCOMPARE(frame->url(), QUrl("qrc:/test2.html"));
+ frame->setUrl(QUrl("qrc:/non-existent.html"));
+ waitForSignal(frame, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), 200);
+ QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 2);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->requestedUrl(), QUrl("qrc:/non-existent.html"));
+ QCOMPARE(frame->url(), QUrl("qrc:/non-existent.html"));
+ frame->setUrl(QUrl("http://abcdef.abcdef"));
+ waitForSignal(frame, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), 200);
+ QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 3);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->requestedUrl(), QUrl("http://abcdef.abcdef/"));
+ QCOMPARE(frame->url(), QUrl("http://abcdef.abcdef/"));
+#ifndef QT_NO_OPENSSL
+ qRegisterMetaType<QList<QSslError> >("QList<QSslError>");
+ qRegisterMetaType<QNetworkReply* >("QNetworkReply*");
+ QSignalSpy spy2(page.networkAccessManager(), SIGNAL(sslErrors(QNetworkReply*,QList<QSslError>)));
+ frame->setUrl(QUrl("qrc:/fake-ssl-error.html"));
+ waitForSignal(frame, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), 200);
+ QCOMPARE(spy2.count(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->requestedUrl(), QUrl("qrc:/fake-ssl-error.html"));
+ QCOMPARE(frame->url(), QUrl("qrc:/fake-ssl-error.html"));
+void tst_QWebFrame::requestedUrlAfterSetAndLoadFailures()
+ QWebPage page;
+ QWebFrame* frame = page.mainFrame();
+ QSignalSpy spy(frame, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)));
+ const QUrl first("http://abcdef.abcdef/");
+ frame->setUrl(first);
+ ::waitForSignal(frame, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)));
+ QCOMPARE(frame->url(), first);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->requestedUrl(), first);
+ const QUrl second("http://abcdef.abcdef/another_page.html");
+ QVERIFY(first != second);
+ frame->load(second);
+ ::waitForSignal(frame, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)));
+ QCOMPARE(frame->url(), first);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->requestedUrl(), second);
+void tst_QWebFrame::javaScriptWindowObjectCleared_data()
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("html");
+ QTest::addColumn<int>("signalCount");
+ QTest::newRow("with <script>") << "<html><body><script>i=0</script><p>hello world</p></body></html>" << 1;
+ // NOTE: Empty scripts no longer cause this signal to be emitted.
+ QTest::newRow("with empty <script>") << "<html><body><script></script><p>hello world</p></body></html>" << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("without <script>") << "<html><body><p>hello world</p></body></html>" << 0;
+void tst_QWebFrame::javaScriptWindowObjectCleared()
+ QWebPage page;
+ QWebFrame* frame = page.mainFrame();
+ QSignalSpy spy(frame, SIGNAL(javaScriptWindowObjectCleared()));
+ QFETCH(QString, html);
+ frame->setHtml(html);
+ QFETCH(int, signalCount);
+ QCOMPARE(spy.count(), signalCount);
+void tst_QWebFrame::javaScriptWindowObjectClearedOnEvaluate()
+ QWebPage page;
+ QWebFrame* frame = page.mainFrame();
+ QSignalSpy spy(frame, SIGNAL(javaScriptWindowObjectCleared()));
+ frame->setHtml("<html></html>");
+ QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 0);
+ frame->evaluateJavaScript("var a = 'a';");
+ QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1);
+ // no new clear for a new script:
+ frame->evaluateJavaScript("var a = 1;");
+ QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1);
+void tst_QWebFrame::setHtml()
+ QString html("<html><head></head><body><p>hello world</p></body></html>");
+ QSignalSpy spy(m_view->page(), SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)));
+ m_view->page()->mainFrame()->setHtml(html);
+ QCOMPARE(m_view->page()->mainFrame()->toHtml(), html);
+ QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1);
+void tst_QWebFrame::setHtmlWithImageResource()
+ // By default, only security origins of local files can load local resources.
+ // So we should specify baseUrl to be a local file in order to get a proper origin and load the local image.
+ QLatin1String html("<html><body><p>hello world</p><img src='qrc:/image.png'/></body></html>");
+ QWebPage page;
+ QWebFrame* frame = page.mainFrame();
+ frame->setHtml(html, QUrl(QLatin1String("file:///path/to/file")));
+ waitForSignal(frame, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), 200);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->evaluateJavaScript("document.images.length").toInt(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->evaluateJavaScript("document.images[0].width").toInt(), 128);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->evaluateJavaScript("document.images[0].height").toInt(), 128);
+ // Now we test the opposite: without a baseUrl as a local file, we cannot request local resources.
+ frame->setHtml(html);
+ waitForSignal(frame, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), 200);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->evaluateJavaScript("document.images.length").toInt(), 1);
+ QEXPECT_FAIL("", "", Continue);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->evaluateJavaScript("document.images[0].width").toInt(), 0);
+ QEXPECT_FAIL("", "", Continue);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->evaluateJavaScript("document.images[0].height").toInt(), 0);
+void tst_QWebFrame::setHtmlWithStylesheetResource()
+ // By default, only security origins of local files can load local resources.
+ // So we should specify baseUrl to be a local file in order to be able to download the local stylesheet.
+ const char* htmlData =
+ "<html>"
+ "<head>"
+ "<link rel='stylesheet' href='qrc:/style.css' type='text/css' />"
+ "</head>"
+ "<body>"
+ "<p id='idP'>some text</p>"
+ "</body>"
+ "</html>";
+ QLatin1String html(htmlData);
+ QWebPage page;
+ QWebFrame* frame = page.mainFrame();
+ QWebElement webElement;
+ frame->setHtml(html, QUrl(QLatin1String("qrc:///file")));
+ waitForSignal(frame, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), 200);
+ webElement = frame->documentElement().findFirst("p");
+ QCOMPARE(webElement.styleProperty("color", QWebElement::CascadedStyle), QLatin1String("red"));
+ // Now we test the opposite: without a baseUrl as a local file, we cannot request local resources.
+ frame->setHtml(html, QUrl(QLatin1String("")));
+ waitForSignal(frame, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), 200);
+ webElement = frame->documentElement().findFirst("p");
+ QEXPECT_FAIL("", "", Continue);
+ QCOMPARE(webElement.styleProperty("color", QWebElement::CascadedStyle), QString());
+void tst_QWebFrame::setHtmlWithBaseURL()
+ // This tests if baseUrl is indeed affecting the relative paths from resources.
+ // As we are using a local file as baseUrl, its security origin should be able to load local resources.
+ if (!QDir(TESTS_SOURCE_DIR).exists())
+ W_QSKIP(QString("This test requires access to resources found in '%1'").arg(TESTS_SOURCE_DIR).toLatin1().constData(), SkipAll);
+ QDir::setCurrent(TESTS_SOURCE_DIR);
+ QString html("<html><body><p>hello world</p><img src='resources/image2.png'/></body></html>");
+ QWebPage page;
+ QWebFrame* frame = page.mainFrame();
+ // in few seconds, the image should be completey loaded
+ QSignalSpy spy(&page, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)));
+ frame->setHtml(html, QUrl::fromLocalFile(TESTS_SOURCE_DIR));
+ waitForSignal(frame, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), 200);
+ QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->evaluateJavaScript("document.images.length").toInt(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->evaluateJavaScript("document.images[0].width").toInt(), 128);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->evaluateJavaScript("document.images[0].height").toInt(), 128);
+ // no history item has to be added.
+ QCOMPARE(m_view->page()->history()->count(), 0);
+class MyPage : public QWebPage
+ MyPage() : QWebPage(), alerts(0) {}
+ int alerts;
+ virtual void javaScriptAlert(QWebFrame*, const QString& msg)
+ {
+ alerts++;
+ QCOMPARE(msg, QString("foo"));
+ // Should not be enough to trigger deferred loading, since we've upped the HTML
+ // tokenizer delay in the Qt frameloader. See HTMLTokenizer::continueProcessing()
+ QTest::qWait(1000);
+ }
+void tst_QWebFrame::setHtmlWithJSAlert()
+ QString html("<html><head></head><body><script>alert('foo');</script><p>hello world</p></body></html>");
+ MyPage page;
+ m_view->setPage(&page);
+ page.mainFrame()->setHtml(html);
+ QCOMPARE(page.alerts, 1);
+ QEXPECT_FAIL("", "", Continue);
+ QCOMPARE(m_view->page()->mainFrame()->toHtml(), html);
+class TestNetworkManager : public QNetworkAccessManager
+ TestNetworkManager(QObject* parent) : QNetworkAccessManager(parent) {}
+ QList<QUrl> requestedUrls;
+ virtual QNetworkReply* createRequest(Operation op, const QNetworkRequest &request, QIODevice* outgoingData) {
+ requestedUrls.append(request.url());
+ QNetworkRequest redirectedRequest = request;
+ redirectedRequest.setUrl(QUrl("data:text/html,<p>hello"));
+ return QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest(op, redirectedRequest, outgoingData);
+ }
+void tst_QWebFrame::ipv6HostEncoding()
+ TestNetworkManager* networkManager = new TestNetworkManager(m_page);
+ m_page->setNetworkAccessManager(networkManager);
+ networkManager->requestedUrls.clear();
+ QUrl baseUrl = QUrl::fromEncoded("http://[::1]/index.html");
+ m_view->setHtml("<p>Hi", baseUrl);
+ m_view->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("var r = new XMLHttpRequest();"
+ "'GET', 'http://[::1]/test.xml', false);"
+ "r.send(null);"
+ );
+ QCOMPARE(networkManager->requestedUrls.count(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(networkManager->, QUrl::fromEncoded("http://[::1]/test.xml"));
+void tst_QWebFrame::metaData()
+ m_view->setHtml("<html>"
+ " <head>"
+ " <meta name=\"description\" content=\"Test description\">"
+ " <meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"HTML, JavaScript, Css\">"
+ " </head>"
+ "</html>");
+ QMultiMap<QString, QString> metaData = m_view->page()->mainFrame()->metaData();
+ QCOMPARE(metaData.count(), 2);
+ QCOMPARE(metaData.value("description"), QString("Test description"));
+ QCOMPARE(metaData.value("keywords"), QString("HTML, JavaScript, Css"));
+ QCOMPARE(metaData.value("nonexistent"), QString());
+ m_view->setHtml("<html>"
+ " <head>"
+ " <meta name=\"samekey\" content=\"FirstValue\">"
+ " <meta name=\"samekey\" content=\"SecondValue\">"
+ " </head>"
+ "</html>");
+ metaData = m_view->page()->mainFrame()->metaData();
+ QCOMPARE(metaData.count(), 2);
+ QStringList values = metaData.values("samekey");
+ QCOMPARE(values.count(), 2);
+ QVERIFY(values.contains("FirstValue"));
+ QVERIFY(values.contains("SecondValue"));
+ QCOMPARE(metaData.value("nonexistent"), QString());
+#if !defined(QT_NO_COMBOBOX)
+void tst_QWebFrame::popupFocus()
+ QWebView view;
+ view.setHtml("<html>"
+ " <body>"
+ " <select name=\"select\">"
+ " <option>1</option>"
+ " <option>2</option>"
+ " </select>"
+ " <input type=\"text\"> </input>"
+ " <textarea name=\"text_area\" rows=\"3\" cols=\"40\">"
+ "This test checks whether showing and hiding a popup"
+ "takes the focus away from the webpage."
+ " </textarea>"
+ " </body>"
+ "</html>");
+ view.resize(400, 100);
+ // Call setFocus before show to work around
+ view.setFocus();
+ QTest::qWaitForWindowExposed(&view);
+ view.activateWindow();
+ QTRY_VERIFY(view.hasFocus());
+ // open the popup by clicking. check if focus is on the popup
+ const QWebElement webCombo =>mainFrame()->documentElement().findFirst(QLatin1String("select[name=select]"));
+ QTest::mouseClick(&view, Qt::LeftButton, 0, webCombo.geometry().center());
+ QComboBox* combo = view.findChild<QComboBox*>();
+ QVERIFY(combo != 0);
+ QTRY_VERIFY(!view.hasFocus() && combo->view()->hasFocus()); // Focus should be on the popup
+ // hide the popup and check if focus is on the page
+ combo->hidePopup();
+ QTRY_VERIFY(view.hasFocus()); // Focus should be back on the WebView
+void tst_QWebFrame::inputFieldFocus()
+ QWebView view;
+ view.setHtml("<html><body><input type=\"text\"></input></body></html>");
+ view.resize(400, 100);
+ QTest::qWaitForWindowExposed(&view);
+ view.activateWindow();
+ view.setFocus();
+ QTRY_VERIFY(view.hasFocus());
+ // double the flashing time, should at least blink once already
+ int delay = qApp->cursorFlashTime() * 2;
+ // focus the lineedit and check if it blinks
+ bool autoSipEnabled = qApp->autoSipEnabled();
+ qApp->setAutoSipEnabled(false);
+ const QWebElement inputElement =>mainFrame()->documentElement().findFirst(QLatin1String("input[type=text]"));
+ QTest::mouseClick(&view, Qt::LeftButton, 0, inputElement.geometry().center());
+ m_inputFieldsTestView = &view;
+ view.installEventFilter( this );
+ QTest::qWait(delay);
+ QVERIFY2(m_inputFieldTestPaintCount >= 3,
+ "The input field should have a blinking caret");
+ qApp->setAutoSipEnabled(autoSipEnabled);
+void tst_QWebFrame::hitTestContent()
+ QString html("<html><body><p>A paragraph</p><br/><br/><br/><a href=\"about:blank\" target=\"_foo\" id=\"link\">link text</a></body></html>");
+ QWebPage page;
+ QWebFrame* frame = page.mainFrame();
+ frame->setHtml(html);
+ page.setViewportSize(QSize(200, 0)); //no height so link is not visible
+ const QWebElement linkElement = frame->documentElement().findFirst(QLatin1String("a#link"));
+ QWebHitTestResult result = frame->hitTestContent(linkElement.geometry().center());
+ QCOMPARE(result.linkText(), QString("link text"));
+ QWebElement link = result.linkElement();
+ QCOMPARE(link.attribute("target"), QString("_foo"));
+void tst_QWebFrame::baseUrl_data()
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("html");
+ QTest::addColumn<QUrl>("loadUrl");
+ QTest::addColumn<QUrl>("url");
+ QTest::addColumn<QUrl>("baseUrl");
+ QTest::newRow("null") << QString() << QUrl()
+ << QUrl("about:blank") << QUrl("about:blank");
+ QTest::newRow("foo") << QString() << QUrl("http://foobar.baz/")
+ << QUrl("http://foobar.baz/") << QUrl("http://foobar.baz/");
+ QString html = "<html>"
+ "<head>"
+ "<base href=\"\" />"
+ "</head>"
+ "</html>";
+ QTest::newRow("customBaseUrl") << html << QUrl("http://foobar.baz/")
+ << QUrl("http://foobar.baz/") << QUrl("");
+void tst_QWebFrame::baseUrl()
+ QFETCH(QString, html);
+ QFETCH(QUrl, loadUrl);
+ QFETCH(QUrl, url);
+ QFETCH(QUrl, baseUrl);
+ m_page->mainFrame()->setHtml(html, loadUrl);
+ QCOMPARE(m_page->mainFrame()->url(), url);
+ QCOMPARE(m_page->mainFrame()->baseUrl(), baseUrl);
+void tst_QWebFrame::hasSetFocus()
+ QString html("<html><body><p>top</p>" \
+ "<iframe width='80%' height='30%'/>" \
+ "</body></html>");
+ QSignalSpy loadSpy(m_page, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)));
+ m_page->mainFrame()->setHtml(html);
+ waitForSignal(m_page->mainFrame(), SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), 200);
+ QCOMPARE(loadSpy.size(), 1);
+ QList<QWebFrame*> children = m_page->mainFrame()->childFrames();
+ QWebFrame* frame =;
+ QString innerHtml("<html><body><p>another iframe</p>" \
+ "<iframe width='80%' height='30%'/>" \
+ "</body></html>");
+ frame->setHtml(innerHtml);
+ waitForSignal(frame, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), 200);
+ QCOMPARE(loadSpy.size(), 2);
+ m_page->mainFrame()->setFocus();
+ QTRY_VERIFY(m_page->mainFrame()->hasFocus());
+ for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i) {
+ QTRY_VERIFY(>hasFocus());
+ QVERIFY(!m_page->mainFrame()->hasFocus());
+ }
+ m_page->mainFrame()->setFocus();
+ QTRY_VERIFY(m_page->mainFrame()->hasFocus());
+void tst_QWebFrame::renderGeometry()
+ QString html("<html>" \
+ "<head><style>" \
+ "body, iframe { margin: 0px; border: none; }" \
+ "</style></head>" \
+ "<body><iframe width='100px' height='100px'/></body>" \
+ "</html>");
+ QWebPage page;
+ page.mainFrame()->setHtml(html);
+ QList<QWebFrame*> frames = page.mainFrame()->childFrames();
+ QWebFrame *frame =;
+ QString innerHtml("<body style='margin: 0px;'><img src='qrc:/image.png'/></body>");
+ // By default, only security origins of local files can load local resources.
+ // So we should specify baseUrl to be a local file in order to get a proper origin.
+ frame->setHtml(innerHtml, QUrl("file:///path/to/file"));
+ waitForSignal(frame, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), 200);
+ QPicture picture;
+ QSize size = page.mainFrame()->contentsSize();
+ page.setViewportSize(size);
+ // render contents layer only (the iframe is smaller than the image, so it will have scrollbars)
+ QPainter painter1(&picture);
+ frame->render(&painter1, QWebFrame::ContentsLayer);
+ painter1.end();
+ QCOMPARE(size.width(), picture.boundingRect().width() + frame->scrollBarGeometry(Qt::Vertical).width());
+ QCOMPARE(size.height(), picture.boundingRect().height() + frame->scrollBarGeometry(Qt::Horizontal).height());
+ // render everything, should be the size of the iframe
+ QPainter painter2(&picture);
+ frame->render(&painter2, QWebFrame::AllLayers);
+ painter2.end();
+ QCOMPARE(size.width(), picture.boundingRect().width()); // width: 100px
+ QCOMPARE(size.height(), picture.boundingRect().height()); // height: 100px
+class DummyPaintEngine: public QPaintEngine {
+ DummyPaintEngine()
+ : QPaintEngine(QPaintEngine::AllFeatures)
+ , renderHints(0)
+ {
+ }
+ bool begin(QPaintDevice*)
+ {
+ setActive(true);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool end()
+ {
+ setActive(false);
+ return false;
+ }
+ void updateState(const QPaintEngineState& state)
+ {
+ renderHints = state.renderHints();
+ }
+ void drawPath(const QPainterPath&) { }
+ void drawPixmap(const QRectF&, const QPixmap&, const QRectF&) { }
+ QPaintEngine::Type type() const
+ {
+ return static_cast<QPaintEngine::Type>(QPaintEngine::User + 2);
+ }
+ QPainter::RenderHints renderHints;
+class DummyPaintDevice: public QPaintDevice {
+ DummyPaintDevice()
+ : QPaintDevice()
+ , m_engine(new DummyPaintEngine)
+ {
+ }
+ ~DummyPaintDevice()
+ {
+ delete m_engine;
+ }
+ QPaintEngine* paintEngine() const
+ {
+ return m_engine;
+ }
+ QPainter::RenderHints renderHints() const
+ {
+ return m_engine->renderHints;
+ }
+ int metric(PaintDeviceMetric metric) const;
+ DummyPaintEngine* m_engine;
+ friend class DummyPaintEngine;
+int DummyPaintDevice::metric(PaintDeviceMetric metric) const
+ switch (metric) {
+ case PdmWidth:
+ return 400;
+ break;
+ case PdmHeight:
+ return 200;
+ break;
+ case PdmNumColors:
+ return INT_MAX;
+ break;
+ case PdmDepth:
+ return 32;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+void tst_QWebFrame::renderHints()
+ QString html("<html><body><p>Hello, world!</p></body></html>");
+ QWebPage page;
+ page.mainFrame()->setHtml(html);
+ page.setViewportSize(page.mainFrame()->contentsSize());
+ // We will call frame->render and trap the paint engine state changes
+ // to ensure that GraphicsContext does not clobber the render hints.
+ DummyPaintDevice buffer;
+ QPainter painter(&buffer);
+ painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::TextAntialiasing, false);
+ page.mainFrame()->render(&painter);
+ QVERIFY(!(buffer.renderHints() & QPainter::TextAntialiasing));
+ QVERIFY(!(buffer.renderHints() & QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform));
+ QVERIFY(!(buffer.renderHints() & QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing));
+ painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::TextAntialiasing, true);
+ page.mainFrame()->render(&painter);
+ QVERIFY(buffer.renderHints() & QPainter::TextAntialiasing);
+ QVERIFY(!(buffer.renderHints() & QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform));
+ QVERIFY(!(buffer.renderHints() & QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing));
+ painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform, true);
+ page.mainFrame()->render(&painter);
+ QVERIFY(buffer.renderHints() & QPainter::TextAntialiasing);
+ QVERIFY(buffer.renderHints() & QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform);
+ QVERIFY(!(buffer.renderHints() & QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing));
+ painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing, true);
+ page.mainFrame()->render(&painter);
+ QVERIFY(buffer.renderHints() & QPainter::TextAntialiasing);
+ QVERIFY(buffer.renderHints() & QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform);
+ QVERIFY(buffer.renderHints() & QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing);
+void tst_QWebFrame::scrollPosition()
+ // enlarged image in a small viewport, to provoke the scrollbars to appear
+ QString html("<html><body><img src='qrc:/image.png' height=500 width=500/></body></html>");
+ QWebPage page;
+ page.setViewportSize(QSize(200, 200));
+ QWebFrame* frame = page.mainFrame();
+ frame->setHtml(html);
+ frame->setScrollBarPolicy(Qt::Vertical, Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
+ frame->setScrollBarPolicy(Qt::Horizontal, Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
+ // try to set the scroll offset programmatically
+ frame->setScrollPosition(QPoint(23, 29));
+ QCOMPARE(frame->scrollPosition().x(), 23);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->scrollPosition().y(), 29);
+ int x = frame->evaluateJavaScript("window.scrollX").toInt();
+ int y = frame->evaluateJavaScript("window.scrollY").toInt();
+ QCOMPARE(x, 23);
+ QCOMPARE(y, 29);
+void tst_QWebFrame::scrollToAnchor()
+ QWebPage page;
+ page.setViewportSize(QSize(480, 800));
+ QWebFrame* frame = page.mainFrame();
+ QString html("<html><body><p style=\"margin-bottom: 1500px;\">Hello.</p>"
+ "<p><a id=\"foo\">This</a> is an anchor</p>"
+ "<p style=\"margin-bottom: 1500px;\"><a id=\"bar\">This</a> is another anchor</p>"
+ "</body></html>");
+ frame->setHtml(html);
+ frame->setScrollPosition(QPoint(0, 0));
+ QCOMPARE(frame->scrollPosition().x(), 0);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->scrollPosition().y(), 0);
+ QWebElement fooAnchor = frame->findFirstElement("a[id=foo]");
+ frame->scrollToAnchor("foo");
+ QCOMPARE(frame->scrollPosition().y(), fooAnchor.geometry().top());
+ frame->scrollToAnchor("bar");
+ frame->scrollToAnchor("foo");
+ QCOMPARE(frame->scrollPosition().y(), fooAnchor.geometry().top());
+ frame->scrollToAnchor("top");
+ QCOMPARE(frame->scrollPosition().y(), 0);
+ frame->scrollToAnchor("bar");
+ frame->scrollToAnchor("notexist");
+ QVERIFY(frame->scrollPosition().y() != 0);
+void tst_QWebFrame::scrollbarsOff()
+ QWebView view;
+ QWebFrame* mainFrame =>mainFrame();
+ mainFrame->setScrollBarPolicy(Qt::Vertical, Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
+ mainFrame->setScrollBarPolicy(Qt::Horizontal, Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
+ QString html("<script>" \
+ " function checkScrollbar() {" \
+ " if (innerWidth === document.documentElement.offsetWidth)" \
+ " document.getElementById('span1').innerText = 'SUCCESS';" \
+ " else" \
+ " document.getElementById('span1').innerText = 'FAIL';" \
+ " }" \
+ "</script>" \
+ "<body>" \
+ " <div style='margin-top:1000px ; margin-left:1000px'>" \
+ " <a id='offscreen' href='a'>End</a>" \
+ " </div>" \
+ "<span id='span1'></span>" \
+ "</body>");
+ QSignalSpy loadSpy(&view, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)));
+ view.setHtml(html);
+ ::waitForSignal(&view, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), 200);
+ QCOMPARE(loadSpy.count(), 1);
+ mainFrame->evaluateJavaScript("checkScrollbar();");
+ QCOMPARE(mainFrame->documentElement().findAll("span").at(0).toPlainText(), QString("SUCCESS"));
+void tst_QWebFrame::horizontalScrollAfterBack()
+ QWebView view;
+ QWebFrame* frame =>mainFrame();
+ QSignalSpy loadSpy(, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)));
+ frame->setScrollBarPolicy(Qt::Vertical, Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded);
+ frame->setScrollBarPolicy(Qt::Horizontal, Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded);
+ view.load(QUrl("qrc:/testiframe2.html"));
+ view.resize(200, 200);
+ QTRY_COMPARE(loadSpy.count(), 1);
+ QTRY_VERIFY((frame->scrollBarGeometry(Qt::Horizontal)).height());
+ view.load(QUrl("qrc:/testiframe.html"));
+ QTRY_COMPARE(loadSpy.count(), 2);
+ QTRY_COMPARE(loadSpy.count(), 3);
+ QTRY_VERIFY((frame->scrollBarGeometry(Qt::Horizontal)).height());
+void tst_QWebFrame::evaluateWillCauseRepaint()
+ QWebView view;
+ QString html("<html><body>top<div id=\"junk\" style=\"display: block;\">"
+ "junk</div>bottom</body></html>");
+ view.setHtml(html);
+ QTest::qWaitForWindowExposed(&view);
+ "document.getElementById('junk').style.display = 'none';");
+ ::waitForSignal(, SIGNAL(repaintRequested(QRect)));
+void tst_QWebFrame::setContent_data()
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("mimeType");
+ QTest::addColumn<QByteArray>("testContents");
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("expected");
+ QString str = QString::fromUtf8("ὕαλον ϕαγεῖν δύναμαι· τοῦτο οὔ με βλάπτει");
+ QTest::newRow("UTF-8 plain text") << "text/plain; charset=utf-8" << str.toUtf8() << str;
+ QTextCodec *utf16 = QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-16");
+ if (utf16)
+ QTest::newRow("UTF-16 plain text") << "text/plain; charset=utf-16" << utf16->fromUnicode(str) << str;
+ str = QString::fromUtf8("Une chaîne de caractères à sa façon.");
+ QTest::newRow("latin-1 plain text") << "text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1" << str.toLatin1() << str;
+void tst_QWebFrame::setContent()
+ QFETCH(QString, mimeType);
+ QFETCH(QByteArray, testContents);
+ QFETCH(QString, expected);
+ m_view->setContent(testContents, mimeType);
+ QWebFrame* mainFrame = m_view->page()->mainFrame();
+ QCOMPARE(expected , mainFrame->toPlainText());
+class CacheNetworkAccessManager : public QNetworkAccessManager {
+ CacheNetworkAccessManager(QObject* parent = 0)
+ : QNetworkAccessManager(parent)
+ , m_lastCacheLoad(QNetworkRequest::PreferNetwork)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual QNetworkReply* createRequest(Operation, const QNetworkRequest& request, QIODevice*)
+ {
+ QVariant cacheLoad = request.attribute(QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControlAttribute);
+ if (cacheLoad.isValid())
+ m_lastCacheLoad = static_cast<QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControl>(cacheLoad.toUInt());
+ else
+ m_lastCacheLoad = QNetworkRequest::PreferNetwork; // default value
+ return new FakeReply(request, this);
+ }
+ QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControl lastCacheLoad() const
+ {
+ return m_lastCacheLoad;
+ }
+ QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControl m_lastCacheLoad;
+void tst_QWebFrame::setCacheLoadControlAttribute()
+ QWebPage page;
+ CacheNetworkAccessManager* manager = new CacheNetworkAccessManager(&page);
+ page.setNetworkAccessManager(manager);
+ QWebFrame* frame = page.mainFrame();
+ QNetworkRequest request(QUrl("http://abcdef.abcdef/"));
+ request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControlAttribute, QNetworkRequest::AlwaysCache);
+ frame->load(request);
+ QCOMPARE(manager->lastCacheLoad(), QNetworkRequest::AlwaysCache);
+ request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControlAttribute, QNetworkRequest::PreferCache);
+ frame->load(request);
+ QCOMPARE(manager->lastCacheLoad(), QNetworkRequest::PreferCache);
+ request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControlAttribute, QNetworkRequest::AlwaysNetwork);
+ frame->load(request);
+ QCOMPARE(manager->lastCacheLoad(), QNetworkRequest::AlwaysNetwork);
+ request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControlAttribute, QNetworkRequest::PreferNetwork);
+ frame->load(request);
+ QCOMPARE(manager->lastCacheLoad(), QNetworkRequest::PreferNetwork);
+void tst_QWebFrame::setUrlWithPendingLoads()
+ QWebPage page;
+ page.mainFrame()->setHtml("<img src='dummy:'/>");
+ page.mainFrame()->setUrl(QUrl("about:blank"));
+void tst_QWebFrame::setUrlWithFragment_data()
+ QTest::addColumn<QUrl>("previousUrl");
+ QTest::newRow("empty") << QUrl();
+ QTest::newRow("same URL no fragment") << QUrl("qrc:/test1.html");
+ // See comments in setUrlSameUrl about using setUrl() with the same url().
+ QTest::newRow("same URL with same fragment") << QUrl("qrc:/test1.html#");
+ QTest::newRow("same URL with different fragment") << QUrl("qrc:/test1.html#anotherFragment");
+ QTest::newRow("another URL") << QUrl("qrc:/test2.html");
+// Based on bug report
+void tst_QWebFrame::setUrlWithFragment()
+ QFETCH(QUrl, previousUrl);
+ QWebPage page;
+ QWebFrame* frame = page.mainFrame();
+ if (!previousUrl.isEmpty()) {
+ frame->load(previousUrl);
+ ::waitForSignal(frame, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)));
+ QCOMPARE(frame->url(), previousUrl);
+ }
+ QSignalSpy spy(frame, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)));
+ const QUrl url("qrc:/test1.html#");
+ QVERIFY(!url.fragment().isNull());
+ frame->setUrl(url);
+ ::waitForSignal(frame, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)));
+ QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1);
+ QVERIFY(!frame->toPlainText().isEmpty());
+ QCOMPARE(frame->requestedUrl(), url);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->url(), url);
+void tst_QWebFrame::setUrlToEmpty()
+ int expectedLoadFinishedCount = 0;
+ const QUrl aboutBlank("about:blank");
+ const QUrl url("qrc:/test2.html");
+ QWebPage page;
+ QWebFrame* frame = page.mainFrame();
+ QCOMPARE(frame->url(), QUrl());
+ QCOMPARE(frame->requestedUrl(), QUrl());
+ QCOMPARE(frame->baseUrl(), QUrl());
+ QSignalSpy spy(frame, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)));
+ // Set existing url
+ frame->setUrl(url);
+ expectedLoadFinishedCount++;
+ ::waitForSignal(frame, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)));
+ QCOMPARE(spy.count(), expectedLoadFinishedCount);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->url(), url);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->requestedUrl(), url);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->baseUrl(), url);
+ // Set empty url
+ frame->setUrl(QUrl());
+ expectedLoadFinishedCount++;
+ QCOMPARE(spy.count(), expectedLoadFinishedCount);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->url(), aboutBlank);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->requestedUrl(), QUrl());
+ QCOMPARE(frame->baseUrl(), aboutBlank);
+ // Set existing url
+ frame->setUrl(url);
+ expectedLoadFinishedCount++;
+ ::waitForSignal(frame, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)));
+ QCOMPARE(spy.count(), expectedLoadFinishedCount);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->url(), url);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->requestedUrl(), url);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->baseUrl(), url);
+ // Load empty url
+ frame->load(QUrl());
+ expectedLoadFinishedCount++;
+ QCOMPARE(spy.count(), expectedLoadFinishedCount);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->url(), aboutBlank);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->requestedUrl(), QUrl());
+ QCOMPARE(frame->baseUrl(), aboutBlank);
+void tst_QWebFrame::setUrlToInvalid()
+ QWebPage page;
+ QWebFrame* frame = page.mainFrame();
+ const QUrl invalidUrl("http:/");
+ QVERIFY(!invalidUrl.isEmpty());
+ QVERIFY(invalidUrl != QUrl());
+ // QWebFrame will do its best to accept the URL, possible converting it to a valid equivalent URL.
+ const QUrl validUrl("");
+ frame->setUrl(invalidUrl);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->url(), validUrl);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->requestedUrl(), validUrl);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->baseUrl(), validUrl);
+ // QUrls equivalent to QUrl() will be treated as such.
+ const QUrl aboutBlank("about:blank");
+ const QUrl anotherInvalidUrl("1");
+ QVERIFY(!anotherInvalidUrl.isEmpty()); // and they are not necessarily empty.
+ QVERIFY(!anotherInvalidUrl.isValid());
+ QCOMPARE(anotherInvalidUrl.toEncoded(), QUrl().toEncoded());
+ frame->setUrl(anotherInvalidUrl);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->url(), aboutBlank);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->requestedUrl().toEncoded(), anotherInvalidUrl.toEncoded());
+ QCOMPARE(frame->baseUrl(), aboutBlank);
+void tst_QWebFrame::setUrlHistory()
+ const QUrl aboutBlank("about:blank");
+ QUrl url;
+ int expectedLoadFinishedCount = 0;
+ QWebFrame* frame = m_page->mainFrame();
+ QSignalSpy spy(frame, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)));
+ QCOMPARE(m_page->history()->count(), 0);
+ frame->setUrl(QUrl());
+ expectedLoadFinishedCount++;
+ QCOMPARE(spy.count(), expectedLoadFinishedCount);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->url(), aboutBlank);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->requestedUrl(), QUrl());
+ QCOMPARE(m_page->history()->count(), 0);
+ url = QUrl("http://non.existent/");
+ frame->setUrl(url);
+ ::waitForSignal(m_page, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)));
+ expectedLoadFinishedCount++;
+ QCOMPARE(spy.count(), expectedLoadFinishedCount);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->url(), url);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->requestedUrl(), url);
+ QCOMPARE(m_page->history()->count(), 0);
+ url = QUrl("qrc:/test1.html");
+ frame->setUrl(url);
+ ::waitForSignal(m_page, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)));
+ expectedLoadFinishedCount++;
+ QCOMPARE(spy.count(), expectedLoadFinishedCount);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->url(), url);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->requestedUrl(), url);
+ QCOMPARE(m_page->history()->count(), 1);
+ frame->setUrl(QUrl());
+ expectedLoadFinishedCount++;
+ QCOMPARE(spy.count(), expectedLoadFinishedCount);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->url(), aboutBlank);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->requestedUrl(), QUrl());
+ QCOMPARE(m_page->history()->count(), 1);
+ // Loading same page as current in history, so history count doesn't change.
+ url = QUrl("qrc:/test1.html");
+ frame->setUrl(url);
+ ::waitForSignal(m_page, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)));
+ expectedLoadFinishedCount++;
+ QCOMPARE(spy.count(), expectedLoadFinishedCount);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->url(), url);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->requestedUrl(), url);
+ QCOMPARE(m_page->history()->count(), 1);
+ url = QUrl("qrc:/test2.html");
+ frame->setUrl(url);
+ ::waitForSignal(m_page, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)));
+ expectedLoadFinishedCount++;
+ QCOMPARE(spy.count(), expectedLoadFinishedCount);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->url(), url);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->requestedUrl(), url);
+ QCOMPARE(m_page->history()->count(), 2);
+void tst_QWebFrame::setUrlUsingStateObject()
+ const QUrl aboutBlank("about:blank");
+ QUrl url;
+ QWebFrame* frame = m_page->mainFrame();
+ QSignalSpy urlChangedSpy(frame, SIGNAL(urlChanged(QUrl)));
+ int expectedUrlChangeCount = 0;
+ QCOMPARE(m_page->history()->count(), 0);
+ url = QUrl("qrc:/test1.html");
+ frame->setUrl(url);
+ waitForSignal(m_page, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)));
+ expectedUrlChangeCount++;
+ QCOMPARE(urlChangedSpy.count(), expectedUrlChangeCount);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->url(), url);
+ QCOMPARE(m_page->history()->count(), 1);
+ frame->evaluateJavaScript("window.history.pushState(null,'push', 'navigate/to/here')");
+ expectedUrlChangeCount++;
+ QCOMPARE(urlChangedSpy.count(), expectedUrlChangeCount);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->url(), QUrl("qrc:/navigate/to/here"));
+ QCOMPARE(m_page->history()->count(), 2);
+ QVERIFY(m_page->history()->canGoBack());
+ frame->evaluateJavaScript("window.history.replaceState(null,'replace', 'another/location')");
+ expectedUrlChangeCount++;
+ QCOMPARE(urlChangedSpy.count(), expectedUrlChangeCount);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->url(), QUrl("qrc:/navigate/to/another/location"));
+ QCOMPARE(m_page->history()->count(), 2);
+ QVERIFY(!m_page->history()->canGoForward());
+ QVERIFY(m_page->history()->canGoBack());
+ frame->evaluateJavaScript("window.history.back()");
+ QTest::qWait(100);
+ expectedUrlChangeCount++;
+ QCOMPARE(urlChangedSpy.count(), expectedUrlChangeCount);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->url(), QUrl("qrc:/test1.html"));
+ QVERIFY(m_page->history()->canGoForward());
+ QVERIFY(!m_page->history()->canGoBack());
+void tst_QWebFrame::setUrlSameUrl()
+ const QUrl url1("qrc:/test1.html");
+ const QUrl url2("qrc:/test2.html");
+ QWebPage page;
+ QWebFrame* frame = page.mainFrame();
+ FakeNetworkManager* networkManager = new FakeNetworkManager(&page);
+ page.setNetworkAccessManager(networkManager);
+ QSignalSpy spy(frame, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)));
+ frame->setUrl(url1);
+ waitForSignal(frame, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)));
+ QVERIFY(frame->url() != url1); // Nota bene: our QNAM redirects url1 to url2
+ QCOMPARE(frame->url(), url2);
+ QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1);
+ frame->setUrl(url1);
+ waitForSignal(frame, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)));
+ QVERIFY(frame->url() != url1);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->url(), url2);
+ QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 2);
+ // Now a case without redirect. The existing behavior we have for setUrl()
+ // is more like a "clear(); load()", so the page will be loaded again, even
+ // if urlToBeLoaded == url(). This test should be changed if we want to
+ // make setUrl() early return in this case.
+ frame->setUrl(url2);
+ waitForSignal(frame, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)));
+ QCOMPARE(frame->url(), url2);
+ QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 3);
+ frame->setUrl(url1);
+ waitForSignal(frame, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)));
+ QCOMPARE(frame->url(), url2);
+ QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 4);
+static inline QUrl extractBaseUrl(const QUrl& url)
+ return url.resolved(QUrl());
+void tst_QWebFrame::setUrlThenLoads_data()
+ QTest::addColumn<QUrl>("url");
+ QTest::addColumn<QUrl>("baseUrl");
+ QTest::newRow("resource file") << QUrl("qrc:/test1.html") << extractBaseUrl(QUrl("qrc:/test1.html"));
+ QTest::newRow("base specified in HTML") << QUrl("data:text/html,<head><base href=\"http://different.base/\"></head>") << QUrl("http://different.base/");
+void tst_QWebFrame::setUrlThenLoads()
+ QFETCH(QUrl, url);
+ QFETCH(QUrl, baseUrl);
+ QWebFrame* frame = m_page->mainFrame();
+ QSignalSpy urlChangedSpy(frame, SIGNAL(urlChanged(QUrl)));
+ QSignalSpy startedSpy(frame, SIGNAL(loadStarted()));
+ QSignalSpy finishedSpy(frame, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)));
+ frame->setUrl(url);
+ QCOMPARE(startedSpy.count(), 1);
+ ::waitForSignal(frame, SIGNAL(urlChanged(QUrl)));
+ QCOMPARE(urlChangedSpy.count(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->url(), url);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->requestedUrl(), url);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->baseUrl(), baseUrl);
+ const QUrl urlToLoad1("qrc:/test2.html");
+ const QUrl urlToLoad2("qrc:/test1.html");
+ // Just after first load. URL didn't changed yet.
+ frame->load(urlToLoad1);
+ QCOMPARE(startedSpy.count(), 2);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->url(), url);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->requestedUrl(), urlToLoad1);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->baseUrl(), baseUrl);
+ // After first URL changed.
+ ::waitForSignal(frame, SIGNAL(urlChanged(QUrl)));
+ QCOMPARE(urlChangedSpy.count(), 2);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->url(), urlToLoad1);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->requestedUrl(), urlToLoad1);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->baseUrl(), extractBaseUrl(urlToLoad1));
+ // Just after second load. URL didn't changed yet.
+ frame->load(urlToLoad2);
+ QCOMPARE(startedSpy.count(), 3);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->url(), urlToLoad1);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->requestedUrl(), urlToLoad2);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->baseUrl(), extractBaseUrl(urlToLoad1));
+ // After second URL changed.
+ ::waitForSignal(frame, SIGNAL(urlChanged(QUrl)));
+ QCOMPARE(urlChangedSpy.count(), 3);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->url(), urlToLoad2);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->requestedUrl(), urlToLoad2);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->baseUrl(), extractBaseUrl(urlToLoad2));
+void tst_QWebFrame::loadFinishedAfterNotFoundError()
+ QWebPage page;
+ QWebFrame* frame = page.mainFrame();
+ QSignalSpy spy(&page, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)));
+ FakeNetworkManager* networkManager = new FakeNetworkManager(&page);
+ page.setNetworkAccessManager(networkManager);
+ frame->setUrl(FakeReply::urlFor404ErrorWithoutContents);
+ QTRY_COMPARE(spy.count(), 1);
+ const bool wasLoadOk =;
+ QVERIFY(!wasLoadOk);
+class URLSetter : public QObject {
+ enum Signal {
+ LoadStarted,
+ LoadFinished,
+ ProvisionalLoad
+ };
+ enum Type {
+ UseLoad,
+ UseSetUrl
+ };
+ URLSetter(QWebFrame*, Signal, Type, const QUrl&);
+public Q_SLOTS:
+ void execute();
+ void finished();
+ QWebFrame* m_frame;
+ QUrl m_url;
+ Type m_type;
+URLSetter::URLSetter(QWebFrame* frame, Signal signal, URLSetter::Type type, const QUrl& url)
+ : m_frame(frame), m_url(url), m_type(type)
+ if (signal == LoadStarted)
+ connect(m_frame, SIGNAL(loadStarted()), SLOT(execute()));
+ else if (signal == LoadFinished)
+ connect(m_frame, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), SLOT(execute()));
+ else
+ connect(m_frame, SIGNAL(provisionalLoad()), SLOT(execute()));
+void URLSetter::execute()
+ // We track only the first emission.
+ m_frame->disconnect(this);
+ if (m_type == URLSetter::UseLoad)
+ m_frame->load(m_url);
+ else
+ m_frame->setUrl(m_url);
+ connect(m_frame, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), SIGNAL(finished()));
+void tst_QWebFrame::loadInSignalHandlers_data()
+ QTest::addColumn<URLSetter::Type>("type");
+ QTest::addColumn<URLSetter::Signal>("signal");
+ QTest::addColumn<QUrl>("url");
+ const QUrl validUrl("qrc:/test2.html");
+ const QUrl invalidUrl("qrc:/invalid");
+ QTest::newRow("call load() in loadStarted() after valid url") << URLSetter::UseLoad << URLSetter::LoadStarted << validUrl;
+ QTest::newRow("call load() in loadStarted() after invalid url") << URLSetter::UseLoad << URLSetter::LoadStarted << invalidUrl;
+ QTest::newRow("call load() in loadFinished() after valid url") << URLSetter::UseLoad << URLSetter::LoadFinished << validUrl;
+ QTest::newRow("call load() in loadFinished() after invalid url") << URLSetter::UseLoad << URLSetter::LoadFinished << invalidUrl;
+ QTest::newRow("call load() in provisionalLoad() after valid url") << URLSetter::UseLoad << URLSetter::ProvisionalLoad << validUrl;
+ QTest::newRow("call load() in provisionalLoad() after invalid url") << URLSetter::UseLoad << URLSetter::ProvisionalLoad << invalidUrl;
+ QTest::newRow("call setUrl() in loadStarted() after valid url") << URLSetter::UseSetUrl << URLSetter::LoadStarted << validUrl;
+ QTest::newRow("call setUrl() in loadStarted() after invalid url") << URLSetter::UseSetUrl << URLSetter::LoadStarted << invalidUrl;
+ QTest::newRow("call setUrl() in loadFinished() after valid url") << URLSetter::UseSetUrl << URLSetter::LoadFinished << validUrl;
+ QTest::newRow("call setUrl() in loadFinished() after invalid url") << URLSetter::UseSetUrl << URLSetter::LoadFinished << invalidUrl;
+ QTest::newRow("call setUrl() in provisionalLoad() after valid url") << URLSetter::UseSetUrl << URLSetter::ProvisionalLoad << validUrl;
+ QTest::newRow("call setUrl() in provisionalLoad() after invalid url") << URLSetter::UseSetUrl << URLSetter::ProvisionalLoad << invalidUrl;
+void tst_QWebFrame::loadInSignalHandlers()
+ QFETCH(URLSetter::Type, type);
+ QFETCH(URLSetter::Signal, signal);
+ QFETCH(QUrl, url);
+ QWebFrame* frame = m_page->mainFrame();
+ const QUrl urlForSetter("qrc:/test1.html");
+ URLSetter setter(frame, signal, type, urlForSetter);
+ frame->load(url);
+ waitForSignal(&setter, SIGNAL(finished()), 200);
+ QCOMPARE(frame->url(), urlForSetter);
+#include "tst_qwebframe.moc"