path: root/packaging-tools
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'packaging-tools')
-rwxr-xr-xpackaging-tools/tests/assets/runpath/testbin_empty_rpathbin0 -> 17400 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xpackaging-tools/tests/assets/runpath/testbin_exist_origin_rpathbin0 -> 20640 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xpackaging-tools/tests/assets/runpath/testbin_exist_rpathbin0 -> 17400 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xpackaging-tools/tests/assets/runpath/testbin_multiple_rpathbin0 -> 17400 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xpackaging-tools/tests/assets/runpath/testbin_no_rpathbin0 -> 15960 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xpackaging-tools/tests/assets/runpath/testbin_origin_rpathbin0 -> 17400 bytes
10 files changed, 235 insertions, 159 deletions
diff --git a/packaging-tools/bldinstallercommon.py b/packaging-tools/bldinstallercommon.py
index d194eda06..e23424ed3 100644
--- a/packaging-tools/bldinstallercommon.py
+++ b/packaging-tools/bldinstallercommon.py
@@ -375,146 +375,148 @@ def locate_paths(search_dir: Union[str, Path], patterns: List[str],
return [str(p) for p in paths if all(f(p) for f in filters)]
-# Function
-def requires_rpath(file_path: str) -> bool:
- if is_linux():
- if not os.access(file_path, os.X_OK):
- return False
- with suppress(CalledProcessError):
- output = run_cmd(cmd=["chrpath", "-l", file_path])
- if output:
- return re.search(r":*.R.*PATH=", output) is not None
- return False
+def calculate_relpath(target_path: Path, origin_path: Path) -> Path:
+ """
+ Figure out a path relative to origin, using pathlib
+ Args:
+ target_path: The target path to resolve
+ origin_path: The origin path to resolve against
-# Function
-def sanity_check_rpath_max_length(file_path: str, new_rpath: str) -> bool:
- if is_linux():
- if not os.access(file_path, os.X_OK):
- return False
- result = None
- with suppress(CalledProcessError):
- output = run_cmd(cmd=["chrpath", "-l", file_path])
- result = re.search(r":*.R.*PATH=.*", output)
- if result is None:
- log.info("No RPath found from given file: %s", file_path)
- else:
- rpath = result.group()
- index = rpath.index('=')
- rpath = rpath[index + 1:]
- space_for_new_rpath = len(rpath)
- if len(new_rpath) > space_for_new_rpath:
- log.warning("Warning - Not able to process RPath for file: %s", file_path)
- log.warning("New RPath [%s] length: %s", new_rpath, str(len(new_rpath)))
- log.warning("Space available inside the binary: %s", str(space_for_new_rpath))
- raise IOError()
- return True
+ Returns:
+ A relative path based on the given two paths
+ """
+ try:
+ return target_path.resolve().relative_to(origin_path.resolve())
+ except ValueError:
+ return Path("..") / calculate_relpath(target_path, origin_path.parent)
-# Function
-def pathsplit(path: str, rest: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> List[str]:
- rest = rest or []
- split_path = Path(path)
- head = str(split_path.parent)
- tail = split_path.name
- if len(head) < 1:
- return [tail] + rest
- if len(tail) < 1:
- return [head] + rest
- return pathsplit(head, [tail] + rest)
-def commonpath(list1: List[str], list2: List[str], common: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str], List[str]]:
- common = common or []
- if len(list1) < 1:
- return (common, list1, list2)
- if len(list2) < 1:
- return (common, list1, list2)
- if list1[0] != list2[0]:
- return (common, list1, list2)
- return commonpath(list1[1:], list2[1:], common + [list1[0]])
-def calculate_relpath(path1: str, path2: str) -> str:
- (_, list1, list2) = commonpath(pathsplit(path1), pathsplit(path2))
- path = []
- if len(list1) > 0:
- tmp = '..' + os.sep
- path = [tmp * len(list1)]
- path = path + list2
- return str(Path(*path))
-# Calculate the relative RPath for the given file
-def calculate_rpath(file_full_path: str, destination_lib_path: str) -> str:
- if not os.path.isfile(file_full_path):
- raise IOError(f"*** Not a valid file: {file_full_path}")
- bin_path = os.path.dirname(file_full_path)
- path_to_lib = os.path.abspath(destination_lib_path)
- full_rpath = ''
- if path_to_lib == bin_path:
- full_rpath = '$ORIGIN'
- else:
- rpath = calculate_relpath(bin_path, path_to_lib)
- full_rpath = '$ORIGIN' + os.sep + rpath
+def calculate_runpath(file_full_path: Path, destination_lib_path: Path) -> str:
+ """
+ Calculate and return the relative RUNPATH for for the given file
+ Args:
+ file_full_path: A path to binary
+ destination_lib_path: A path to destination lib
- log.debug("----------------------------------------")
+ Returns:
+ RPath for destination lib path relative to $ORIGIN (binary file directory)
+ Raises:
+ FileNotFoundError: When the binary or destination path doesn't exist
+ """
+ bin_path = Path(file_full_path).resolve(strict=True)
+ origin_path = bin_path.parent
+ path_to_lib = destination_lib_path.resolve(strict=True)
+ if path_to_lib == origin_path:
+ full_rpath = Path("$ORIGIN")
+ else:
+ rpath: Path = calculate_relpath(path_to_lib, origin_path)
+ full_rpath = Path("$ORIGIN") / rpath
log.debug(" RPath target folder: %s", path_to_lib)
log.debug(" Bin file: %s", file_full_path)
log.debug(" Calculated RPath: %s", full_rpath)
+ return str(full_rpath)
+def read_file_rpath(file_path: Path) -> Optional[str]:
+ """
+ Read a RPath value from the given binary with the 'chrpath' tool.
- return full_rpath
-# Handle the RPath in the given component files
-def handle_component_rpath(component_root_path: str, destination_lib_paths: str) -> None:
- log.info("@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@")
- log.info("Handle RPath")
- log.info("")
- log.info("Component root path: %s", component_root_path)
- log.info("Destination lib path: %s", destination_lib_paths)
- # loop on all files
- for root, _, files in os.walk(component_root_path):
- for name in files:
- file_full_path = os.path.join(root, name)
- if not os.path.isdir(file_full_path) and not os.path.islink(file_full_path):
- if not requires_rpath(file_full_path):
- continue
- rpaths = []
- for destination_lib_path in destination_lib_paths.split(':'):
- dst = os.path.normpath(component_root_path + os.sep + destination_lib_path)
- rpath = calculate_rpath(file_full_path, dst)
- rpaths.append(rpath)
- # look for existing $ORIGIN path in the binary
- origin_rpath = None
- with suppress(CalledProcessError):
- output = run_cmd(cmd=["chrpath", "-l", file_full_path])
- origin_rpath = re.search(r"\$ORIGIN[^:\n]*", output)
- if origin_rpath is not None:
- if origin_rpath.group() not in rpaths:
- rpaths.append(origin_rpath.group())
- rpath = ':'.join(rpaths)
- if sanity_check_rpath_max_length(file_full_path, rpath):
- log.debug("RPath value: [%s] for file: [%s]", rpath, file_full_path)
- cmd_args = ['chrpath', '-r', rpath, file_full_path]
- # force silent operation
- work_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
- run_cmd(cmd=cmd_args, cwd=work_dir)
+ Args:
+ file_path: A path to a binary file to read from
+ Returns:
+ The RPath from the binary if found, otherwise None
+ """
+ output = ""
+ with suppress(CalledProcessError):
+ output = run_cmd(cmd=["chrpath", "-l", str(file_path)])
+ result = re.search(r":*.R.*PATH=.*", output)
+ if result is None:
+ return None
+ rpath = result.group()
+ index = rpath.index('=')
+ rpath = rpath[index + 1:]
+ return rpath
+def update_file_rpath(file: Path, component_root: Path, destination_paths: str) -> None:
+ """
+ Change the RPATH/RUNPATH inside a binary file with the 'chrpath' tool.
+ Removes any existing paths not relative to $ORIGIN (binary path)
+ New RPATH/RUNPATH length must fit the space allocated inside the binary.
+ Args:
+ file: A path to a binary file that possibly contains a RPATH/RUNPATH
+ component_root: A root path for the component
+ destination_paths: A string containing the destination paths relative to root path
+ Raises:
+ PackagingError: When the RPATH/RUNPATH cannot be replaced (e.g. not enough space in binary)
+ """
+ # Read the existing rpath from the file. If not found, skip this file.
+ existing_rpath = read_file_rpath(file)
+ if existing_rpath is None:
+ log.debug("No RPATH/RUNPATH found in %s", file)
+ return
+ # Create a list of new rpaths from 'destination_paths'
+ rpaths = []
+ for dest_path in destination_paths.split(':'):
+ target_path = component_root / dest_path.lstrip("/") # make relative to component root
+ rpaths.append(calculate_runpath(file, target_path))
+ # Look for $ORIGIN paths in existing rpath and add those to the new rpath
+ origin_rpath = re.search(r"\$ORIGIN[^:\n]*", existing_rpath)
+ if origin_rpath is not None:
+ if origin_rpath.group() not in rpaths:
+ rpaths.append(origin_rpath.group())
+ # Join the final rpath tag value and update it inside the binary
+ new_rpath = ':'.join(rpaths)
+ try:
+ log.debug("Change RPATH/RUNPATH [%s] -> [%s] for [%s]", existing_rpath, new_rpath, file)
+ run_cmd(cmd=['chrpath', '-r', new_rpath, str(file)])
+ except CalledProcessError as err:
+ raise PackagingError(f"Unable to replace RPATH/RUNPATH in {file}") from err
+def is_elf_binary(path: Path) -> bool:
+ """
+ Determines whether a path contains an ELF binary.
+ Args:
+ path: A file system path pointing to a possible executable
+ Returns:
+ True if the path is a regular ELF file with the executable bit set, otherwise False.
+ """
+ if path.is_file() and not path.is_symlink() and bool(path.stat().st_mode & stat.S_IEXEC):
+ with path.open(mode="rb") as bin_file:
+ if bin_file.read(4) == b"\x7fELF":
+ return True
+ return False
+def handle_component_rpath(component_root_path: Path, destination_lib_paths: str) -> None:
+ """
+ Handle updating the RPath with 'destination_lib_paths' for all executable files in the given
+ 'component_root_path'.
+ Args:
+ component_root_path: Path to search executables from
+ destination_lib_paths: String containing the paths to add to RPath
+ Raises:
+ PackagingError: When the 'chrpath' tool is not found in PATH
+ """
+ log.info("Handle RPATH/RUNPATH for all files")
+ log.info("Component's root path: %s", component_root_path)
+ log.info("Destination lib paths: %s", destination_lib_paths)
+ if shutil.which("chrpath") is None:
+ raise PackagingError("The 'chrpath' tool was not found in PATH")
+ # loop on all binary files in component_root_path
+ for file in locate_paths(component_root_path, ["*"], [is_elf_binary]):
+ update_file_rpath(Path(file), component_root_path, destination_lib_paths)
@@ -751,6 +753,6 @@ def patch_qt(qt5_path: str) -> None:
qt_conf_file.write("Prefix=.." + os.linesep)
# fix rpaths
if is_linux():
- handle_component_rpath(qt5_path, 'lib')
+ handle_component_rpath(Path(qt5_path), 'lib')
log.info("##### patch Qt ##### ... done")
run_command(qmake_binary + " -query", qt5_path)
diff --git a/packaging-tools/create_installer.py b/packaging-tools/create_installer.py
index a5f27de3d..f1fcc9b67 100644
--- a/packaging-tools/create_installer.py
+++ b/packaging-tools/create_installer.py
@@ -549,7 +549,7 @@ def patch_component_data(
if archive.rpath_target and is_linux():
- handle_component_rpath(str(install_dir), archive.rpath_target)
+ handle_component_rpath(install_dir, archive.rpath_target)
def recompress_component(
diff --git a/packaging-tools/sdkcomponent.py b/packaging-tools/sdkcomponent.py
index 5562082d6..1f493a4ee 100644
--- a/packaging-tools/sdkcomponent.py
+++ b/packaging-tools/sdkcomponent.py
@@ -574,8 +574,6 @@ def parse_ifw_sdk_archives(
# 2) parent components 'target_install_base'. (1) takes priority
target_install_dir = config_subst.get("target_install_dir", "")
rpath_target = config_subst.get("rpath_target")
- if rpath_target and not rpath_target.startswith(os.sep):
- rpath_target = os.sep + rpath_target
component_sha1_file = config_subst.get("component_sha1_file")
archive_name = config_subst.get("archive_name")
payload = IfwPayloadItem(
diff --git a/packaging-tools/tests/assets/runpath/testbin_empty_rpath b/packaging-tools/tests/assets/runpath/testbin_empty_rpath
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ca989e785
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging-tools/tests/assets/runpath/testbin_empty_rpath
Binary files differ
diff --git a/packaging-tools/tests/assets/runpath/testbin_exist_origin_rpath b/packaging-tools/tests/assets/runpath/testbin_exist_origin_rpath
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..9cda0e3ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging-tools/tests/assets/runpath/testbin_exist_origin_rpath
Binary files differ
diff --git a/packaging-tools/tests/assets/runpath/testbin_exist_rpath b/packaging-tools/tests/assets/runpath/testbin_exist_rpath
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..88fad275a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging-tools/tests/assets/runpath/testbin_exist_rpath
Binary files differ
diff --git a/packaging-tools/tests/assets/runpath/testbin_multiple_rpath b/packaging-tools/tests/assets/runpath/testbin_multiple_rpath
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a5726551a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging-tools/tests/assets/runpath/testbin_multiple_rpath
Binary files differ
diff --git a/packaging-tools/tests/assets/runpath/testbin_no_rpath b/packaging-tools/tests/assets/runpath/testbin_no_rpath
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..8a7f7dde5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging-tools/tests/assets/runpath/testbin_no_rpath
Binary files differ
diff --git a/packaging-tools/tests/assets/runpath/testbin_origin_rpath b/packaging-tools/tests/assets/runpath/testbin_origin_rpath
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4ec371a26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging-tools/tests/assets/runpath/testbin_origin_rpath
Binary files differ
diff --git a/packaging-tools/tests/test_bldinstallercommon.py b/packaging-tools/tests/test_bldinstallercommon.py
index 08bf6085d..303e7fd13 100644
--- a/packaging-tools/tests/test_bldinstallercommon.py
+++ b/packaging-tools/tests/test_bldinstallercommon.py
@@ -30,28 +30,32 @@
import os
+import shutil
import unittest
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Tuple
-from ddt import data, ddt # type: ignore
+from ddt import data, ddt, unpack # type: ignore
from temppathlib import TemporaryDirectory
-from bld_utils import is_windows
+from bld_utils import is_linux, is_windows
from bldinstallercommon import (
+ calculate_runpath,
+ read_file_rpath,
+ update_file_rpath,
from installer_utils import PackagingError
-class TestCommon(unittest.TestCase):
+class TestCommon(unittest.TestCase): # pylint: disable=R0904
@data( # type: ignore
@@ -208,28 +212,100 @@ class TestCommon(unittest.TestCase):
str(tmp_base_dir.path / "test_file2"))
@data( # type: ignore
- ("/home/qt/bin/foo/bar", "/home/qt/lib", "../../../lib"),
- ("/home/qt/bin/foo/", "/home/qt/lib", "../../lib"),
- ("/home/qt/bin", "/home/qt/lib", "../lib"),
- ("/home/qt/bin", "lib", "../../../../lib"),
- ("/home/qt/bin", "/lib", "../../../lib"),
- ("/home/qt", "./lib", "../../../lib"),
- ("bin", "/home/qt/lib", "/home/qt/lib"),
- ("/home/qt/", "/home/qt", "."),
- ("/home/qt", "/home/qt/", "."),
- ("/home/qt", "/home/qt/", "."),
- ("/home/qt", "/home/qt", "."),
- ("/", "/home/qt", "home/qt"),
- ("/home/qt", "", "../../.."),
- ("", "/home/qt", "/home/qt"),
- ("lib", "lib", "."),
- ("/", "/", "."),
- ("", "", "."),
+ ("foo/bin", "", Path("../..")),
+ ("foo/bin", ".", Path("../..")),
+ ("foo/bin", "..", Path("../../..")),
+ ("foo/bin", "foo/lib", Path("../lib")),
+ ("foo/bin", "foo/bin", Path(".")),
+ ("foo/bin", "foo/bin/lib", Path("lib")),
+ ("foo/bin", "foo/bin/lib/foobar", Path("lib/foobar")),
+ ("..", "lib", Path("test/lib")),
- def test_calculate_relpath(self, test_data: Tuple[str, str, str]) -> None:
- path1, path2, expected = test_data
- result = calculate_relpath(path1, path2)
- self.assertEqual(result, expected)
+ @unpack # type: ignore
+ def test_calculate_relpath(self, test_bin: str, lib_dir: str, expected: str) -> None:
+ with TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
+ test_path = temp_dir.path / "test"
+ lib_path = test_path / lib_dir
+ lib_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ bin_path = test_path / test_bin
+ bin_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ bin_path.touch(exist_ok=True)
+ result = calculate_relpath(lib_path, bin_path)
+ self.assertEqual(result, expected)
+ @data( # type: ignore
+ ("foo/bin/bar.elf", "", "$ORIGIN/../.."),
+ ("foo/bin/bar.elf", ".", "$ORIGIN/../.."),
+ ("foo/bin/bar.elf", "..", "$ORIGIN/../../.."),
+ ("foo/bin/bar.elf", "foo/lib", "$ORIGIN/../lib"),
+ ("foo/bin/bar.elf", "foo/bin", "$ORIGIN"),
+ ("foo/bin/bar.elf", "foo/bin/lib", "$ORIGIN/lib"),
+ ("foo/bin/bar.elf", "foo/bin/lib/foobar", "$ORIGIN/lib/foobar"),
+ )
+ @unpack # type: ignore
+ @unittest.skipUnless(is_linux(), reason="Skip RPATH/RUNPATH tests on non-Linux")
+ def test_calculate_runpath(self, test_bin: str, lib_dir: str, expected: str) -> None:
+ with TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
+ lib_path = temp_dir.path / lib_dir
+ lib_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ bin_path = temp_dir.path / test_bin
+ bin_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ bin_path.touch(exist_ok=True)
+ result = calculate_runpath(bin_path, lib_path)
+ self.assertEqual(result, expected)
+ @data( # type: ignore
+ ("testbin_empty_rpath", ""),
+ ("testbin_no_rpath", None),
+ ("testbin_exist_origin_rpath", "$ORIGIN/bin"),
+ ("testbin_exist_rpath", "/home/qt/lib"),
+ ("testbin_multiple_rpath", "$ORIGIN/bin:/home/qt"),
+ ("testbin_origin_rpath", "$ORIGIN"),
+ )
+ @unpack # type: ignore
+ @unittest.skipUnless(is_linux(), reason="Skip RPATH/RUNPATH tests on non-Linux")
+ @unittest.skipIf(shutil.which("chrpath") is None, reason="Skip tests requiring 'chrpath' tool")
+ def test_read_file_rpath(self, test_file: str, expected: Optional[str]) -> None:
+ test_asset_path = Path(__file__).parent / "assets" / "runpath"
+ found_rpath = read_file_rpath(test_asset_path / test_file)
+ self.assertEqual(found_rpath, expected)
+ @data( # type: ignore
+ ("testbin_empty_rpath", "lib", "$ORIGIN/lib"),
+ ("testbin_exist_origin_rpath", "", "$ORIGIN:$ORIGIN/bin"),
+ ("testbin_exist_rpath", "lib", "$ORIGIN/lib"),
+ ("testbin_multiple_rpath", "lib", "$ORIGIN/lib:$ORIGIN/bin"),
+ ("testbin_origin_rpath", "lib", "$ORIGIN/lib:$ORIGIN"),
+ )
+ @unpack # type: ignore
+ @unittest.skipUnless(is_linux(), reason="Skip RPATH/RUNPATH tests on non-Linux")
+ @unittest.skipIf(shutil.which("chrpath") is None, reason="Skip tests requiring 'chrpath' tool")
+ def test_update_file_rpath(self, test_file: str, target_paths: str, expected: str) -> None:
+ test_asset_path = Path(__file__).parent / "assets" / "runpath"
+ with TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
+ temp_path = temp_dir.path
+ for path in target_paths.split(':'):
+ (temp_path / path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ shutil.copy(test_asset_path / test_file, temp_path)
+ update_file_rpath(temp_path / test_file, temp_path, target_paths)
+ result_rpath = read_file_rpath(temp_path / test_file)
+ self.assertEqual(result_rpath, expected)
+ @unittest.skipUnless(is_linux(), reason="Skip RPATH/RUNPATH tests on non-Linux")
+ @unittest.skipIf(shutil.which("chrpath") is None, reason="Skip tests requiring 'chrpath' tool")
+ def test_update_file_rpath_too_large(self) -> None:
+ test_asset_path = Path(__file__).parent / "assets" / "runpath"
+ with TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
+ temp_path = temp_dir.path
+ target_path = "too-long-path/foo-bar"
+ (temp_path / target_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ test_bin = "testbin_multiple_rpath"
+ shutil.copy(test_asset_path / test_bin, temp_path)
+ with self.assertLogs() as logs:
+ with self.assertRaises(PackagingError):
+ update_file_rpath(temp_path / test_bin, temp_path, target_path)
+ # Last line in info logging output should contain the error message from process
+ self.assertTrue("too large; maximum length" in logs.output.pop())
def test_strip_dirs(self) -> None:
with TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: